Terme - ONTARIO ,DANÇK, 1 WHIT]3CEY BRÂNBTNCG DOUIN UON mOuK WHITBY AGNOLI. J..Il-.FAEWELLDL. . LB. fÂW oHnOEtyC0n Aton,~ BARRISTRUS.ATTONYS, SL!. N NotyPulc es Public, ana or ve>A. tilte , rtooGréésonuli ,ont AJTIYTAAE S oiiUTeDGBB.IA Chnc ÇônvIIB eLyancoL.,a, Cnig to, r ok, t> 0 o%. .tre>, 8 ]3ARRIMRATTW OICI.T.ÂIN' dieSntore, Bo oks tee, biby Ot 9MALE IT. KLL.,R, ARRTR, ATTLWORNY TTTORT Blon, Brook reltWlÃŽy gn o LYIAs G- EN(Lt8rI, B,, (LaIe Grpenwood & MeMilan.) -DARISERATTORNEY, SOLIC- 1c itrNotryPublie, Couve y ucer. r t. fice-Byran Street, SouthlietP est Office, Wilb>, Ontario. DUGGAN J& ROBINSON, sîsneReaMSe, ITroeesEYS.îT.LAW, SOLIOITORSINS W HANOERy, CONVE YANCERS, &ci., ir retiable usakrs for tbe Dominioun CEs BOiîeSî . s & S'OPEII, le-St. EastTenanto, SOLE AGBEITâ El E SE, IfAMPTON, lgteeî, ýViitb> sud cas ,NIO0D: HOW IRESTOIED Ibis &du . front a OFFICE-Prevcical Assurance Bui1dings COUBTJIT îRCI, Teoiaîe, J.DUeMAN, Q. C., J. G. ReBisose, m. À _________________ 89 THJOMWASRU'STON, 19. J. GlTNN, M.. D., Sl UROBON TO TEE COUNTY GAOL, KByrou Street, Whltby. Dr. W. J. BJURNS. (>rwc-Next door te CguosscL OfIROe. tg» Residence.,at Mr. Lewis Ranckes. Win. eIoDOtýiE, ft.D. M IReC 8. the $ . . L.,sawa, Ontario. ] TENTIST, (SUCCES. 1-'or to W. H. Card.) DeptaI Room-Dundas Street, Whltby ovor MII Jameoeus Store Nitros Oxidegi admnlisetered for the paiulose ex. traction of teoth. C4 N. v 06 s* L.D. S. LT" ETH isertedl on althse Tlatest principles of thse art, os chcp as the. cheapeet, sudsas geod as tihe hast. Teeth illeud wth, Goid sud Biver. Teeth extraated without pain, by producing local 'ansthosus. Dental Roos-lu Cew. an's uew bleck, over Âtklssson's Drug Store, King Iliroot, Oshswa. 85 BUILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDAS-bT., WIITBY. Lv AUl orders prosuptly exocutfi JOUXINROBINSONtS tAIII DRESSING AND SIIAVIÉG J..Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. JOIEN WOLFET<DEN, A GENT POU TUE CELEBRATED .tScottieh Granite. At Mrblu Works of Jeuetian Woifeudeu, Dundau St., Wlstby, GEFORtGE CUI(ItACK, ]L UMER MERCHANT, CAIlPENTEB. and Jotuer, Oreon Street, W'hitby. A large qsatity of ail kissde of lamber cou.- stautiy ou hau-d. H.E. O'DELL, * ATHERL, Clork Divi8ion Court, Tp. Clark,1 tlanimissloner lu B. R., Land Agent. ire., Aihorl>', County Ontario. Athhrlv S'-!vt. 2nd, 1872. »RII . -A r .UUE ONT. A FIITCL488 HOTEL ComnblLug elegano., comfcet and eooioa' i u &=Pe ROmModaon for >m~ e% molngs s1i uiml romthae atea~ apartmenls for fammles. 0= n uts6 N. B-.O~ersorramsby latteýror tli~. gram pronsptl' atu«tedd . ai tuse charge.m-thesteamers Orilia Ia. 3BT. RUSSEL], Ja.71874. proprlata,ý RAIl MARMK~T SQUARE, TORONTO. W. G.JOHX8ON;, --PROPRIETOR. TaIXBP, .opar Day. Stabufng in con.j nection. 4 .L 19F. SINGINCB READ bis,deendaa OSo gnonlreucse tmau à b miseUnlsud iging.QIem"- Prof. Wggris, Plansiansdvocealls , a rof. M. Lobarl the t6leatel solo VqiBa Cà beau$a ïJfor oi«t Wbltby, l>' Ttis, 1874.299 flkRNESS, SADDLERYr. -LIC0EN I1B.Township- a I D G au taeb o el of 55 L.JUST LOSOBBPBO)PTLT PAIE. wili fissre $100 for twslve months.. Tie subsoriber dosires toe t that ho l!IH AEUA isab opened a A HARNEB8 -&HOP, AsrneCmav lu the premises oppolte Rays BritisisAn- enican Rotei, De a.t. llby hr lie ul kep n had asuyerlar stock of evorything lunlits lin. of busfiness, sud wull ssII at heo wsst prices. IHe bugs ta soliclt a aliare of public patronage.. Iý' ,1 e RANX TYLEIL Wlitby, Feb. 24, 1874. Obi, T IE AMERICAN -ROTEL. AT TUEE cRNor FNG058"AI»MIONT I515, GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOR, Tue Tstciaa lcore he beu nwîy m. 000fect Pins Lumben, well seasonesi. ted UP sud rsuovatod bbs'euglioet as Inclh Boardi, fords suparior aoMmodâtion for the ree« Ploariisg, tien ofi gues. Tise presout pnoprfator bas 2 z 4 Seenhulig, sp@ dn an ep eu inlu ntrcducig 2-iucisPane coatrt sud oouleuno cf hie patrons. Fenchsg Boardls, Toronto, Jul>' 101h 1874. 2 100,000 foot 0f Oak, - ---Maple fer arias, lot ctulilty, fNTARIO MOTEL. ased 0 15.000 f t. Square Timber, (LITE 5AE'>AUl of wtcicks wiii ho sold cieap for cash. WHITBY ONTATO. Re w6oId aiso ebg'teas>'y that thse Grist PETER WAKEM, PROPRiETOR. Mill la runing,asid is doing fdrat-cias werk. Supero accomadivhloi Table, supplieS Chrop ingdone 6 dasoilutise woek, for ever>' wlth lest ilu ason. Genuiue- iquors. Ln? Cigars, lest braIndei. Billard roem. 'Reaus>'B. MAJOR, 4talcs ceidasheds. tiPrepriotor. 3-fDec. lotis, 1878. oti BITISR AMERICAN HOTEL, GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES,- R A Y , W lAI B sasseN A Rr.) A NEW REVELÂTION IN THE ifouses newli ronovated sud furnished SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MAKING. tbroogiont, sud put lu fint-class ordor fer hicrecopiion ,est esAn omnibuistoansd- rem altrains. Fint.class simple roims. CORNWALLIS SELF-kITTInG OT,'WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. GR > TUE ALWY jDresses fittod f reu measoronont alone AT WliITBT STATION. vitisout change of a stitcli. WM. O'NEILL .. PROPRIETOR. j For sale, with free instructions, ah - MISS McINTYRE'S Parties taklug tise train ana leaving herses wtt have bisou wefl takon careocf tillt tieïr DREsSSMANXNG ROOMS, WRITBY. return.Agonis wauled. Liberal suducenonts ho TEBQuEENS HOTEL; - - Wbtby, ug. 18, 1874. -. 84 I5ROCE.5TBEET, WMIT, OT0 TAYLOR & McsCANN, PROPRIETORS, Theerndesiugned dosiro ta luforsu their frieds ad th pubio ho>' eyhave taken theaboe wll now hoelwhich tise>' have newly flîteS ep anS renovatod, sud put futo the lest of orden ton tise accommoda. tien et gueula, The Dan, whici is the issuS. sousesh lintise Couehy, fa WOU sopi)lfoS witis lhs Sîsest brande of wfues, liquors, and ct. for cusmerclaltr&velera. - J. P. TAYLOÉ, PHLIf.P McCANN, late of Torontos. S IARESPEAICE MOTEL, - CORNEn v I NGS' AND0 110vssEBTS., ToRiNT 0. JAMES POWELL, - PRaPRIuxOII. First-eltassacmmsodation; bath-neamu, dxc losrd, $1 50 por day. 10 THRE TORONTO. Tise meut Ehegaut. Casti>' sud Panfeci Holel ln tise Dominion.- This Ho 1 scknowledges ne ival, either le'l maug0eet, appolulmente an loca- tion- Iu tise latonrrespect it sifordu ils goueetsacisanulng sud unebstrucliva view etf Lake Ontario. la" Tise incat Wselencsepe view lun Canada. It isse 230 roans tîîrnisised wvus al ho inademu iusprevemetc. MuGAW J& WI4%NETT, 491f Propietors. A RMSTRONG f]OUSE, WHITBY, ONTARIIO. Eý. A1MýSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. w ~HITB3Y IIOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WESTrOF POST OFFICE.) JOSrPLI A. BANDEL, PROPRI.ETOR. Tis baisse lites een nccsutiy ut, fa largoetand re-e an sd ttted up in tlrst.clss tyls. naese wuin0s i'quers sud Ci5fars ; fresi Lager Beur. GoÃ"dstabcing asuai. s-I-osa yard; attentive oehiens. 46 0OMMERCIAL HOTEL, 5J5Jt5aSB5B * CATW RIHT, ONT. l'teyslclan, Surgeon, Accoucher, &xC., &-C. %Wbltb>', Bopha 50h, 1574. JAMLtSDEWART .- PIOPHIEIIToR. 'OMIAN & SON,- 4l Min-St., Now Tot Wanted lu Ontanes (o Peiî t) i origan Manuiots srss.ricnn Ongan Ci nROBT., RAMSAY, M. D., L M. EDIN. tlnaullate t vh i snsrs) ai tise Universit>' ai Qv sceoflea ., Canatia; Philideipii Uni. a Meioiueare Sug.y; Amenlese Ucslv, et Peesyivaeia; Eu actie College a1 'cm lbtr the ony gfOntario. Offie- Alugaui 21h, 1&75. lyr-sce JOlIN 18. M. NWILLCOX, 0f tise Towns ai Wiitlq, bs e (enappointeS OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) Fer the CeunI>' ef Ontario. At business tentrutd ta WhuIby, Jais 1411, 1874. 81Yi> HOYRSE MEDICINES, At Sesonhphbons uft1h. best 1Herse Msdl. oinea kepI oossulastyon issuS suS onueaI lise Whftby LivoryLiales, XwNo charge for advfce. N. RAT. 3,0JIlN SON, DEALER IN LUMBER,- W H i T 1B Y, lias an hanS a splendid setick of fine dlear Aud well seasoned Lumber. Ais kinde for carYpeter sud building pooe. Floorlnt ansl DresseS Lnnher slv&s aou baisd. Groe's pianlug Miii &joling, on thle prames 1 hae arders are pnemPtl>' exeouted for cors, sises, bid, &o. COAL AND WOOD!1 AU kInde utflIard snd Bof t CeaI, censist- fng of tise cetobrated Lackawsus 'Scran- ton, liier EUl, Btoaeburg tend oisr oncaie CHEAP FOR CASH C SFor quontities ho Busksitisanssd oahana Wiè' , iralngl, 5cents par curd - 'me teo,,ff sa'prices. SenSdlen>'oun A. ALEXANDER'S -Whtly J& Oshauwa, Cjoul sud Wood dapots Whtiby, Augisut Siet, 1675, tf-cea L IST OF THE DIVISION COURTS OP ' M COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FTOR THE YEAR 1876t. Wiiby.. 31211 Ilil8 1 2 i1 i liroutnitaisi' 2 4 2 4 22 Pot .2G 20 25 26' 14 14'27 Uxîn.iige, 1 27 4j 26 e t C a .ni'gu'nl2 7 627 151 2 li a t r t n a j 1 i ci 1 2 9 I i 2 0 Atiscni>'. ', (17 801SO 1110lO1 i19 GEO. Hl. DARTNELL, Wittî3, Doc, 111h, 185. Junior Judge G. YOUNG SMITHJ, ISSUEIR 0P MARRIAGE -LICENSES, WHITiIY, ONTARIO. K INBOTRERS, WHITSY, ONTARIO, Ilipos-lrs, Dealers sud Manufacturons of ail LEA THER AND FINDINOS, Caîli paid for Idls ar, anted Loathiar. Lesîher tretched. L-1» BELTINCI MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTrICE. lvliy, 1872. 22 arei fr parete yacoqlorikmaetu ai c lasas rates. L. FAIRBANKS,Tsi Office, Brock'St, Wity, p HoNIX PIRE INSURANCE Co. Lombard St. aend Charing Croiss, London. E9.TABLISDRED IN 1782. GILLESPIE,, MOFFAT & CO.y Agonts for Canada JAMES DAVIDSON. MeXnager.ý Iusuranceesia itab>' Fire are effeet. cd on the meuh *aana,,be torms, sud uouses palS withont nefereuce ho tise Board inluLon. don. L. FAIRB &NK8, Agent, Witly. April 12tis, 1876. 16-1>' T RE"T.ACN"FR & LIFE HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financiai Resuut cf 14 Montis Busi- ness ta 351 Dec., 1875.- Antherized Capital...........5,00,000 Subscnubed Capital............ 2,800,000 PetS up Capitalt...........200,095 Goverument Depesit. (Fire).... eOOtt Governont Deposit, (Lite) ...50,000 Total Rovenueo, Fiee Pramusn anti IntFrest............. 822,775 Totl s ses................. Ç428 Invested Fuda ............. 8194,718 Cash in baud sud Deposit.....49,198 Othir Asecîs .................9,8 Total A.set ..............298,794 Tisis Couspan>' bas now ostablisised itsecf, andistes 21iBrancise sud 207 Agoecesail the Dominion. GEO. J. PYRE, Managor, 16.1>' C. NOURSE, Agent, Whltby. Depîîsih with Dominion Governusent $50,. 000,. Experionced Agents througisaut tise Dominion. Firc Risks irien ai tAdeqieale Bates, C. NOURSE, Agent, Wîitty, Wisitby, Marcis 7is, i1876. i Q U E E N INSURANCE COMPA NY .l(FM£AND ÂEtan) 0F LIVERPOOL, & LONDON. CAPITAL, - . $ 10,000,000, 13NSSEitS: SXEDICtIL DIvSERa MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., MD. lIeaeSOffice fer Canada:iJUI &- 193 .St. James Street, Monireai. FORDES & MUDOB, Ciief Agents. H. E. LAWDER, agent, Wisitby. ,Angusl lOtis, 1875.lyi NROITH IiRITISU Je MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY l Stefe, andi nelable, cbangos moderato, prompt 8ettlesteit iclaire. GEO. YULE, Agent. WiibY, Jusse 2, 1875. - 2 e vte 1o oarge. Aise Bill Stsmpsalays at the uaosçzcnofaice. Odl1ce Prince Albert, anl OfiRce, Port Porr. Prince Albert, sept, S4tis,1 AUCT«IO'NEEFè ailngtliepstfr TloAeghe Custrm fiset dying out in ii JJ tsnails, comonly aied by ns 61j 'h-pt Au thifluenceof iWCà eat cruiemple 1in- nails;" thonsa steel file -'ig uel ti.~buinsscf ~ croases, raié e heski upasud push it back P hà buiu0sOflucvllzed contrf o le n se asowsthe0I y tf-moon" an lb. reO, ta devote maYtAf ofaifriendsin lthse hi uieoeji gles st uawlb h saiOf lner Ail busily picking some nelglbor tapfeces. Whieh 18 considereid a part of ita best thon a lqii was poured over il r, Ibyejronana ud nfi bs oft i t lis at tise neighbour lu bath. il ; lier dried, asud a poai sylavorrnwftis nAsinlands brbariec, a persan deceased spodtiubdf ihifn Rà s çhlies bubeau <baked ilune caidren o; iow powder, whicls Caused thoný ak Notes tiuis. 0 Sjilue. Ilt tok eiout liaif a'iIor puhand. teven trouble te serve hlm un hot, coat tise munificent sum nif60Coec a puhaza Fertheviotlm etili lives lu thse mist O Thoreaaru womeu in Pasis who b fhtbo &.. :uefas <. as,,ighRI as ton fraxuqs a viil ; 9tI Latthe, ià nardSee god- I.-aplxap, =y -kewbhaRve contracta by tise mi et ~ ~ ~ 'i tie fassadSn ware myiaeThey generally roceivo tram 812 ta 1!. WILLCO X, 0f tise nature of thoe huugr 1y monsters' pr nantis. Thoy do a flouri 182. 8 m spleynont uiésaogtedm-odo 187i Q da thougl in repi>' ho may stoutly declaro-uieamn is sc~,ne That suais vivisection wen't hut ma harc obotter paid 1> thora thun by" -~. Yet ho writiies, ut tihe thouguat of, theirnoblerse of thlb'eaur monde. Sc fiestlleenjos~seetof'thýero are pretexperte init] ON) COURT, And (Oeuai .. ommisuion Aieut, Port Ferry,. M ONET TO LEND. Tise undprsigued bas an y anount of Mon- ey ho Lend upon Parus or Town Property, ah uuususiiy Low Rates cf Iistoest. Loans eau b. repsid finsuamo te sut ber. Sevoral Inproved F&arna u Wild Lands fer sale ohoap, Investusents nade lu Municipal Deben. turcs, Bank, sud otisor u-srtatsl Stocke. For furtiior particulare apply ta JAMES IHOLDEN, Officiel Aseigns, Broker, &c. OFFICE-Over tise Dominion Banke, Ma. MiUlan's Breck St., Wisitby. Bpril 9th, 1872. 15 ilIHYIMPORTANT TO THE IMUSICAL PROFESSION 1 Great Succes ! tise Hanà Guide fan tise Piano. Tise Huud Guida etis e recuit tfttiaisy >'surs' oxperience tend eluS', tendi warrant- cd ho Bave, ut loes, six monf~tif ltae fedi- eus erercise practicseof tise Piano. It, with stise band a pure csflauinq et-. fiaissud iselngerseaii-caeepesai-re tend afroagli. It wil tesai tise fing3rs to sti-ike upon tîse code. It will teacistise aud quietude- wiile tise fingors arce ousieyed on single passages. It wfil toucli wrist or octave mnotio, ndý ini tins-compeliing quiet on tise part ofthtie function net emtplayod, tend to intensif>' tisé exreteatnd icrease greutl>' tise cevel- opuseut for wich tise exorcISe la lutanded. Tite Guide le warrantaS te Bt au>' square pi,an, sud atahoece simpis undSetreng. neeSlt le taken trou tise piaice, laing swung below wisen net requsred. Sent bta au>'addrese upon rocoipi uf tise nankeS price, wlti tstruecuioms. Plain Castinîgs, Walnut Rodu ..... -i00 Eleg ast pisted Castings, Rasewood N. B.-Teaisars are recpeetfnlly tevited ta give tien a test as te iheir que*lfeatian. Appt>' te Professer G. C. WIGGINS, Wisitlty, or Professer C. MOTLEY, Bowmaoviiis, Sole Agents. p TENTS FUR INVENTIONS ada, tise Unitedi Statetstend Europe. Pts- tente guaranteed or noacisargo. $endi for printed instrucetionis. Ageno>' in eperatian heu yeare. HENRY GRIST, Ottawa, Canada. Miecisasicail ngineer, Solicitor cf Puient sud DeLraugitsman. M- To Cisc Inisaiitsents cfDunifies' Creels tend Vicinit>': I lbtec now ctpemed a lichter'e Sisep su MrW. Ctib.ris, wttera usa>' le esnon ue ortha beeh dis tays ut li-.Prk, tnd l'ow, avnu"erdtatise Publc L Reacaube i-euICamae une, cane ail, tend get sometising ho do yen goad- RICHARD WESTLAKE. Wisitby, December 22nd, 1875.' 52 v ALUABLE PROPERTY POR SALIt. Tic subeeribar effare for. sale tisa follow. lug valuahie Proerty, in tise Towno of Wisit.- by:-An excellent Brick Ctottage with1 acre of land, situated on the canner et Grensud St. Pater Sha., ia the Souths WarS. Alao, j oicre of land, wet fenceS, anS lna siligi stste of esitivatian, corner Walingtou snd Gif. tard as., Nantis Ward. 1 acre on Centre St. sauih ai the residenca tio C. Draper, Esq.,.i the South Ward. Albo 20 acres Of 00eà land, hein gcomposeS et part et lot 18, hOu con. of 'l'Insisip et Murray, Ca. Nortihuber- ,andt. A dlean tend indigptihablo tille wilbc given to aU the above property, For furtisar par- ticulars apply ta tisa awnar, ElTJhuJ-iN ASRNECMATFRANCIS CLARK. VVUINE OPN Wiitby, JuIy 1871. -21 KEA» O(FFICE, TOReONTO. -. - '- -- CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,00a 100 ACRE FARMl IN M ARA £GoENTr PoteSaiUlT N OSîts, JOSEPH HOLMAN, 13ROOKLIN, ONT. Aiea Agent ton tiso CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURAN-CE COMPANy, FLOUR! BRIAN! ANDI SHORTS 1I1I1I1 i 9 He&uSOffice, HÂsMîLoN; sudMp FOATMEAL, &c. CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPY NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. tei' i-'onr nnsSitî al., FOR SALE! West-isll f u Lot 14 in tise Sixti cancre- clan et Mante. One-baif clasred aud under cultivation. Log Housa, Baun, dc. With- ici tva miles ut Brechi. Raiiway Station. E. B. TAYLOR, Dominion Banuk, Wisitb>'. Montreal, Fine, Lite sud Guarantea Departmont, -X7EOMAN GIBSON, GIVE A CALL. WM. JOUNSTON. , PTA 1,0000 TO THE FARMERS! TaIis PAPER IN ON FILE W1TII P1'tes suted Pîsungi Castinge, Shraw. - Culters, Fauuing Miiie, Reapers and Mow. ers, d&C., &xc. - WM. JOUNSTON. WhtyOct. I3tis, 1875. tt-42i Whoro AdveuctUalng Contrasta estebua itIBtt, MONEY TO LEND 1 _______A largo uatt fmoue>' to en ust loy I v E R y intereat, uat tvo Ls For sale, sevarat Tovn lots, tva Frane Hlouasa ana a large Brick Houe, For .1hmiE il:terme, appiyta Dogeo ta luferm hie triendusud tise publie WhMtbý, iseî. 9tis, G. YOUNG SMITH.7 tisaIlie carnies ou tise Liver>' business ut i 1874. R&'VS OLD STAND. ALLAN- LINE 1 Parties ns3quiiing ceuvoeyaues-covered anS opencnl eoseae sna montîs LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, nete. c -cmmo IJ LASGOWY, Whty et 1 85 FAR ES! PRESCRIPTION FREE Cabsélfn'Wicgtotby;mo&I#Slo #1Dl' F0OB the spoody Cure ai Seminal Wfsk.i Interniedlate - #£1- . rogieLob>'anhood sud al disodr efl88 nsu, louidisoretieusor excees e nors v&MS pssagecer- - - - $8Ld S Drssggist h55 tise ngredleuta. AS5res >' Psrad sage erna eabite i a DAVIDSON &CO., Bol 2296, Nev YarkeI otven ata a eno matsio t nlng September, 1875. î>'2 taFor tickets asuS fnrthlnlralo p GEO. YULE. yOUNG'S HOTEL, B xp. sud Toi. Office MONCK neOD, BAllON, Whtby, March 271hî, 1876. 11-14 BT. Z. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. ___________ Reifablo information nexarding -thecocun .ABILD i tn>', etc., funislssd te parutea reqnîilng ih ci ..'-. ample accommodation for Enesters saudi T. H. MOeM IL LA N, Sportsmen. Tise ban sud lardon supiustedi gn erto %vt th libeeststi liquors sud viandeobe Agntforth fonnd in lii. ceuntry. Noue but obliing B »YAL TNSI7RANCE CO A!Y and attenîlve servants kept. Commedions CALnsRxcf d0. slalliug sud promptho% ualways pion (>IPRO L15 lio3lsrsOF FIC),-Otaro L asa - - ROBElE K. TOUE sampnyebuilding, corn-er Ring sud Shu- Poiet <od h isisava.0" egtuu,8tIApe -1875. 'B6 ;Broaklin, Dec. 2, 1872. 12M49 1 S TAGE ]3ETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A IDAY! Leaves Osawa at 8 a, mu., sud 2, p. ms. Leaves Whitb>' at 1V,se. n., sud 4# P. ln. Fare 25 cents escis w&y. Willi et a ahithe lieteis, andstahpnivete residences (visen orSers are left ah su>' of bise hoteis.) Connecas itis Oshsawa sud Bevmà n-ie-itage -also viti lise Whfiby sud Port PerrLWRa ansd with Brough- am marcis W -b.TOS. IHOPPER. Whitlsy, Ma iiiOt, 1875. il-tf cH OE APPLE TREES,' -ABOU VT 40,000, -A&r TE- HOME NURSERY, Prom tva ta four yeaza af âge, embraoinigaU bis. boat Vuristes., SÈEH0. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2isd Cou. Plakerlng, ou Kingaton -BosS, - est Office, Wwtiby. Bege to announcets taIise saremoved ta Ring st.. a fev Soors EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, opposite Luks siow-rocis, wvire. vil li onid %:dise stock cf silk aneS fait lats for ades aSgenllgmen, of iss ovisanu- facture. __- Straw bat. coloteLaiu"aultered lu sissyto General Coinnilssion Merchant and Produ1,e Dealer, Agent fornIbIPîsIAeas.tnd Comessiuciît. UN. tas; Fine Insurance Causpaufea. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 Aise Agent tor tise Losuos tend CAnADIAS, Loîs AND AosiscY COiiPîv. Moue Jban. cd ou rosi cetate, payable rtra Tvo ho Tvelve yeters, sud lu aune to suit parii te Intereet iov sud no commission chargeS. Monagages banght.- GIBSON J& SPARVELL, China res Store, Dundas St., Whiby, Wisitby, Mas-ch isthis176. 12 S100 PAiD à PEOiIT OF 15700 Sunlnthle paut fev montho, uneoour lus. proved system Of' Op6srtng lu STOCKS. increased. Book containi s>srnaj clan sent on application. TUMBRIDGE & Co., Bankers d& Brekera, 19-1y, 2Wall SI. 1New Yorktj DOMINON FLOE & PERD STORE. CHARLES PENNYLEGION Begs 10 neuif>'bis floua sudnacustosuens that lie le DowpropareS ta suppi>' Flaur aud Faed ai tisa Best Qnais"ty, ahttise lovout living picleu. Fleur, Cern, Chsop.Pod, Bran, Shorts, Ost- meol, CrackeS Whoal, Posu, Osîs, Pe. tatas, &., at WisoloiudlcBeeà is Choaper tisat thse, CAisesef a Stili oee oofort remaine.In . the Isies ofý Nu possible vengeauce luilet for the vio- tum; Ile s ookd snil defunct. But witli us hoe To seek satisfaction; ana seusetimos we ose That ho wonnds iu .xchauge for the wvouudes which have priôk'd hlim. M'ien S oar, Mrs. Smith ; bowarc, lovel>' Younsg Joues, whiseu uotlsiug tliat jent quite troc ; De ae littho more carcjo f otehcre' roowu, F~or Thompson lu -yondêr reco3shue sat dewn ' Wîthi Misea(Green, sud is quietly cuhtisig up you 1 How ta lie Mare Beautiful. MA111110 TU5E OL> YOUNG AGILN, AND 1TUE YOUNG PAIsEte-THE SECRET 0F 5IEÂUTEOU5 111115). Hiuman decorrnian uart liiasel yeh a sufil>'abuseS one, becanso it la axaggeratecl ta a great exteut. One o1 tise most nenankablaspecimnuaof thù 1 ever saw wathe Duko de Bruns, wick. Now, wano ht Ducisesa iustcad of Duke, 1 would pes h b>',-but 1h la so soldonsiutalise rmale sex rasant, aveu lu ticair aid age, ta artificial useaus lu replace tiseir fuded coiaras, tisai I cannol refrain fron ciiing his s-are example. TIse Duke tend lis suite wûe utaiVonice in 180,tend acenpie upaituienin luhie eamie loel uil ne, in iteet tise>' eee viîa-a-vis. Theo Duke, wiscn lie lied decoratefi hie fratre, wsa a lait, stout, nosy-cieeieed isurnette, with isoavy moustache anSdnis black favounileR, tend ai n distance appoaras ta lie a insu -about tirt>' yaara cf age, aend wonld bc doeemfuied hndsone iy Most people. Ho %Vas sixt>' tlin ; bc isaf ne mairn uis lecad thon, net as eyebrow non a bih of board. Il toal hlm tirreeours te preparo hie face. HIe bafi un antiit who a ~s, lu every souse ai tuse word, au excallent pupil anti peniacti>' skilied in tis aronaifigeor. ating tise iumau frame. A portrait wbicl tise Doke bisu]luntis yongenflays was tuie madel ton limin lubis advauced yoara, and ôvery urt was wrauglit te sîîak lbnirsscasla this pictore. In itief it was a successfüi attompl. I huve met few smon wisa have ueed urt in tiecin "naka up ;" perhaps tise>' had an averetoc i fnhlu tisir mental coin. position. Blut tise fair uez.---wlit -ould tise druggist and perfumers of tihe present ds>' do 'withonh tison Nevartbclasa I stan.d artiset te sehItht IIEIUTIFeUL YOUNG OIULS. wltose youthin luitsef la a "hinaatsdec orsîlon,' plasten uisein senootis bnewt wiuli powder, paint, tend ailier casmel. les, unti tise>' resemnble tise wax dolil lu a toy tttop. lu s a litras truth, yot a fiel, thaI Amniican yauh use more conetici tianan> other womnnluntise wosld. And thie is strikingly true in certain cities. I give Louisville tte palm, for the respeciaim ladies ai tit City>, weîlî icw exceptions, yanng sud olfi, palot, pewder, tend dye. 1Iose ôever>' day tise wife of a moat respect- aile mes-chant, a-leader cf fasision, wisc cclebrated bter golden wveddin.- a long hime Eluce, wufldling aloug witb golden enrus, nos>' cieeka, sud oyes, C1eapatra- lie, penriiled anti daubed with cisar. cote!, tpiug youtis, and olinging te tise tiiapiduaief relies ai lier fermer beaut>' witipainful henacit>'. Tisaiihabit- ing tise lipqisalnaostasisadu tiat cf tise nuits, because fi rendors ibeen calaniese, rougisens tlicen, aend fill> causes pre. 'ceptibla wriukles, tend injures h oie sisaîs. A large month s l ii> beauti- fl wlien the hacti are flue. Tisa heeti, ecrange taesu>', ane uow ofteu neglected b>' womcon whoso meuns tend tino per. mit , uhlem tta (aeexcelant cane o (hem. 1 icuow young ladies-belles- juat ontftir heous, wvha, froin grase curalesanose, negloott hir teehi, until pain antd docte> force then ta visit ai dentisi. Tisere fse ot a feature lu. na womans face that requires more cane tisan tisa moutis unS seetis; tise>'une as néeaful as tise e'ee, tend equail> orna. mental. Ladies, take cure af tisea. lsa abeasut>' biat ofienitandsa aloet,lie. cause a tirat>' iand is au unusual siglet. Tisa loveligsl bands I even ssw vere ulsose ai tise "Duaiseas ci tlouevsq, iu 1867. I su-cvaa marbie casi ase liaS taken oai hee, Wýiiie ivwagmuais udmir. 4- lu erhlie iccinclesat aitiue. Tlîe Italiten voman aeover>' canalcasaofitleir lande, and I hava, vihl great surprise, .eeu ladiies af ranie ungflovo their hanSe lu a cannitsge, chuncs. tend ut a promen- ade, n-ian tise nulls e eoliterait>' closeS lu flirt, aend usnal>', seoing tii. amuoug ladies ai vealtis tnd genîle brceding, I waenXci surpriseS ta sec tise hanseai tise dle chues quie as buet, if net wos-se. Iu EgypItiseé eniddle clas ulain thei nuiseteand banda Oo muai tiat it le hrerS t ell wsen lie>' are choan, but tise lever ciasaR have the mccl perfect sisapefi iands I oen er aw. Iu Franco, parliculani>' bu ail tise lange cihias, tise vonen in neanI->'aIl classas haie puniaular painè' witis hein hauda -80 m'If"'a ltI- tise>'go regularly tb wliat l tiIt-a îîticduic,-tsah su, a persan svl iî thle cane oai helandu 3 apeaiaiiîy. leslPas-s tisis profession is incel lucrative, aend lIsera are ah leaut 600 mon tend vemen engaged un, il. Fan tIse banef t cf tliose who sua>' b aunions enougi te kstow aoneliiugoa tItis navet yet net nov caaling, 1 givo a - briof description aifisow the>' manage tiseir aflairs. . Tan yeare ago I wa ata lise .Frouais Institution ai Madame Michel, at sohoci, tend wbile liera quile siocied my teachon b>' asiig bon ana Sa>' la trima n>' il. ie"WS', Madein- cisete ,"! saiS siso, «you abocula have a maniamsre." T vus s50 abasisedaI tiseh nistake I maSo lb aaking lien - ta Sa .sncb s thing tisa II naivel>' snswened, "Will ual my kuife do as weil 2?1' «"Oh, na," saiS Sa h il ave s Manicaere liens in thiismruings;.yaur iis oreü sbaplng.I upposéS IRE ISANICUic ws asteel instrument useS for Paremg the usils; ua rohired vilS ungrtifled onnasl> tlTlie orrow, wbe AtaIns eanly isour lise steward lufornsied-mse' tise nanieure e ig en.s.uppoeing Ilta' ho,- accordlnu te tise French dictioun, mascuibie ,gen. I saiS z "Bnnfril bsn" sale of, paOWder, eOap, --panade1, tand other COSMEIOSFisn 111 3Lt15D5, as tse>' do at thse operatinD". I heur tisat ansdenterpristig wornanlu New York is set iseracif up iu elegant style, and chargeasaise dollar a Sitting lu lier office, and two at ladies' residoucea. I hale ta acknowl. edga it, hut I amn forced ta stateO liat American ladies are very careloas about (soir fluger' uails-tsey haroly keep theen dean ; and bbc>' have, su mais>'instances, tb. vicions habit, cf bitiug thon. Wlsen tbey pare -then tho>' ont thein se deep astoa sow tho flash ta grow over atnd giNvo their fing. ers tise, fors cf a pad. Prett>', white, well aisaped lisenlaare ploutifal lu Amorica, but a pretty naüit e seidon soen. Thea cleaulineas tend carsocf tise nails je aIsecfthe most indispensable canes of tise toiet, tend diri>' nails oni a preit>'isand are as ugl>' sud offensive as decayed bts lu ina prett> nanti.* 1118 et ldifficuit ta attalu peIrect ile A littie attention wiII suffice. Aid ria hure. ValUe tout. Anothon tbing ladies sbonil avoid le wearing short boots ta maka thseir feot look saui. Tise> do thomeelves a positivo injun>'. .Hlf the imperfections cf the feoL are caused b>' short s eleo,.After the 1tgyptisen snd thie Chines. tihe Amrarcan wotieonhava tise sisallest foot, tise Franch tiesaet perfecti>' fonned tend tisa daugliterà of Albsion lhe largest. A Victor>' aven Pirates. d TesA COISPLsTE DESTRUCTION ov- TUEs ?,11OBUnER STAT1E SULU. PAN-41E51 EEi'IDITTON MAIIC5i E vx k PIRiTTE-5ESPPEnITE 55GHITNo AND ISEAVY LassES, On tise ovening ci Fabroar>' lst tise -Spaniel aquafrirencommandeS in per. son b>' tho Govennor General of lise Piihippinas, Dion Jase Maîctampo>' d Menge, Marquis ai Ban Raiuei, asîchsor- efi off the Island- cf Suin. On tle noxh t eorning tisa disembarkation a'as offet. Ed ailnder tise proection aitise. sbips 't býtà ;onies, whsicls kept up an-teeimatad Ifine. Tisa tnaops wlin tuanicised elong >the shocre wne atiacked b>'ei-Moosaz, ?Aiter tis eslounter, iu wisicli - the 8 Spaniards lait founteen killeS and, weundod, tise>' eneamnpod t Palicala.- -Tise moors left fiteen deud an lie 8grounfi. Tisa diffieultiee attendant upon tle cane ai tise troopa ou tise marcl delayed bisir furthso advance int tise intonlor util tise ilOtiewian GoueasiMaleampa mancised away.lu *the direction aifIthe capital- Cil>', Bulu, weulithese out ai the four Siali brigades ofa wisich the expedision cansiatefi. Tise rost oai tie anas> corps wseondened -te mardi slong thie coast as fan as Sulu, 3se as taeieeep lu connection witl tise ma~tin bao>'ai tise Ircope. Tise iollow- eng cextract in frea tise Generai'e te- pot:- "Theevmas-eS lrougili e hiekot tand, aven fiat plains wiicis wene sunronuded *b>' najostica tnd lbit>'trees waa ex- trenci>' srduana, suSchiaS>' ountee- cauntocitlise ackeof wtee. Noue couid be icund as tise guides liaSlesi the noteS, whsiai, like cii tisa roadle on the isiand, waa oui>' a ioet-path. Same of tise enen>'- fclcwei tise colmme an ils -mercis sud fred upon it franthIe unden. bmusis tnd iran tise tops 'aitise trocs. We ecialained noms- lasses, but, ou tise oisr ond].saine Maces aveno lit b>' tisebiuiheta aioun mon. Whe tise bal -a ba ulinod its oxtremne point T doter. mindd ta give the troaps a reat on a cleanefi spuce whicl was auitad ion on- campasent.", Tisese details are froua au affiaeir'u tetter : "Wo baS ta icw tend isteelea noad tirouigi(tue thîick bush à nS fonasl gnawti seisiclicever tisis giowing land. Fron -al aides an active fine was di- nacted' Uponn, whicis killedtend wauuered a nunhen. Man>'ai tise wounded were bit h>ing lu he nouS ho. cauaa thase who woro csrr>'ing thora did ual have etrenglis ta carry -Ihern an>' furtben. I do ne ualosw lsw we weno able te iallow aur battalion, tend ciseen aur mnuau it cnpt aeolevy asig. A TERRDIBLE NIORT1. At secquarte s pasiin exthîe euhiiug we roseise1. an open spaceonau he Bide cf a monlain, wiere tise genersel ordened a baht. Hoesspected liaI the guides were leading us usIna>'. TIse -uets deaimated aur rauku, tend the ueiendun. aile thiret thnoatenced a catastrophe. During tiese puinfimuosuentsthue Gaceal lianded ove thie obmnaesd oi a tise brigade ta Cci. Rate, who aIse liaS he guard tho ambulances sud thoenS. i- quartons. lie formnof hie regimnn, the i Second, in an ezlended paraîhelagran r tend piaaeed tise sicie anS wonnded un- E der a group ai Iroeain lise centre ai thue i parullelegran. Col. Vitlalon, -wibh tise t Foonth Regiment sud tise Europeun s tertiller>' cevened lbe vasuguard, but atl1 ic could not 1mevent the balle fron t] neaciig tise mîSSie ai tise square, tend h sama ai tIse wounded wore bit a secand si lime. -The connanding afficer rode cj monm one place ta anotiser iuspiring thi.t] saldiors wltS courage sud fortitude sud m hurrying la tise front tis, marine artil. ei ion>', wbiais disolianged grapesisoteand b caniuter luto thie thiaiest ovon>'ten min- je sites. Tise nigisî, wiia seemoed as h: liough il wonid neyer end, ah lenghns passeS, tend with tisa irat gray' shneak rc aif dawn wa broie. away foi tise ses- ir cat, Sjreahing aur manci b>' the con- it page. During this retroizrade nove- E meut we were pursued b>' lie, Sqsýee T witis an incessantfInÃe; 9wtbthlie aid,fit luawevon, ai tise marine artilier>', we ler wor. sblo ta keop then ah a ýdistance- ft sud ta noseli a-brook wbere wwe onîd ui eneamp sud ,refresis aursees., AI w Sighsl-of tise wster ever>' ans brulc ont fi lutoaluanüt aijoy-. Itis impossible ta a Sescnzibe tise-je>' wliai rau Ibraugltise fr wbolc caolumu 11ke an olootric park. a. cl un euffoningusud hardsisips wereofo forgattaon. luIntise eveuissg'tho marais w was continuoa until tise cohunu reacli-, eS tho shore of bise ses aI Tandu. Dur-, lng tise Whobe naris ise roope woVAre water" and anodhing oaok, gIto apinti Eor tise Est, Inidin Campas>. Tise baIlle il,1 ni> maneai prevoutlug rein or suow Put a tah. [rom ontering Ibis .sundtisa oIson halls lu glass >f hie majee:y'e ýpalaeê e is e Isasging cool4nghi >f large cottan shoots, esovoning lis ides 'biais are open eatise weatliir. Twa ya, troa ata "l'y. gtIanothor, mv ear " mid Mr. iagui wýhtcli ias &-ouu f-tèr-wud, wlit h th b aeerranndiug ,,tainlutise isande aiour love, if trac p s, Who lsl'eSclmbened np -!te caxttsas etoeieade' part>' th~ ie aidaci lad. plus, hi Sers. , Then tise Oller troaipasdà vsuced raised bold>' cgainst tise centre oai Soloutnd onsih tse other forts wthbont beinglieid biace Malie by tise nahunal obstacles, tie swamnpa no dero aend, streams. Ail tise'forts, aveu lite lean' Sultanso, wcro alarmed, sud the wisele. sillful-iL of Sulu *as taken. StilIa iconsidar. servant, teble number cf pirates, Who ailaSà (ken -sarY eV refuge eitber ilu.tise honeei an lu tise virtuont bush, kept np an obstinate. resiutance font aof until tse>' woe ovencone by.Col.meýr.. for the quai w.iti a part ai iea ragiuscu end n'be?5 two marin. annon. Tise Spaseiss flagrosuit7 wave -*tison aven tise forts cf Sitin. lhon'hale Tisat cf tise Sultan tand aillie Kettas recipier anS cannonare lu aur bands. apwate 1151 LO55ts.servedl Tiaviaton>' indeed hu 'E; beausi r.she a cased net 'eithsut a hsavy has.- I solitaie ssev five mon of Mn> afaiftnd two of agincs su> servante faîl at my aide. Yester, Tiers i day (à fardsi 1) dnning tise wisohe day ubout1 stra>' awarms e~ tpirates whici were ta ion-, conocaled lu tsa huas wannied aut, ont- first oih posau. Even wbiheIlhaveblicou dntew wliicle î ing up un>'report a fart ou thec eteet ciaw e leaSing to tuse iplerier lias been takon, îow, ai ut dinco (bhunttse flrlng sceins ta hava wiîi aj] ceuseS.' Tisa las i ofthea Spaulards..accord i wcss estinsated ut about 80f). Thce post- fos-getla script cf a privula lettonrcsys : 'Tvo îisam..s sueafoisahavea]beau capturad, ilu ù awel] whliîs ere sonte Mabaasmcdau wev- lan mon, 'evisa wre tnesatpçdwiti _respect. ncaa Sulu la stillinuflancs.. tsa " Tic Streit Timers gayse; "Tî s ens- cludeti sibla purpase oi tis eoxpeflit-lou wtes tbo aveu ta punliment ai tise piratas, butlits neal -bliaawa anae, was tise anuoxaion oi tsa Sulu tise fat. Islandis 5>'vinieai (li te tratios ai 1886 flounS unS 1851. 11te a tter i111e expeesl>' wa', decluned : -"'FisIslands aof Sues tnd approci (soir tuependancisshah bu suceeptrai- weany eci wlti the Spaniss cnown.'-Tise Iowsa 31aors haea slweya opposeS tise cn-ry- aise lac ing out ai (hie clausse, tend tus lias, wd lgrave ta tisa praseni wst,. According ta las- wi partial reparla tise Spunlurds lest averissu 500 men, aund Gon. Isai7campos ruash ci hie afivasice le sevenol>' consciraf. TIse ci nobber Blute, Stinu, criassiM lougar, cepth- tend hie victime cof ttseAui.riiiscorvette eeii Friedrich bave beau actual-v, as lise bisélove Spaulurds pi-omisocl, aveugoci iv thesu." dMe flt&~EsihLTsaa1?.Rease-In thé= ei ui( "Shlahs popalaïe ai fTisran the gnandost entii- iai aund moat ùno table apuntinent lu that ina set wiihie receives, 1anubise occasion ofîateaeI Salnesne ar, Lanc, the dipleomatie bodl o.n tfic aend ailierpersans oa idshiuciiu, tend tise tlirona in wicihoh site, upaxe raaes occasions, lun ohianheass ajoat>', expos- eS ta tise homage ai tise people. OuaIPOT meunts ttahie impalpreeuce is>' six i-sr painesi,iigb stops, anS thon entera lise S'IL bell b>' au open daorway, close tTifie, west endi tnd juai benesti a van>' large ap pictura, whicli, eemewbene about tisa of Mapn centre centaine ae ll-lengts psttrait aifa ilun- tise Enpenon cf Austnia. l3exkeath tua T-rust-we biangs a landecapo tend a sea-piece neie avideut>' purcised inen e Frenchi amous' galleny ; tise senaillhie-piste bearnugcempan tise exhsibition nuhbenaioseS stili ne- ou M1onl mains lu tise corner. îî is ah tise ap- . ba poèite end ofitsancam tah tisc"Sliadow nnd5 of GaV i"ssoau iis henels, or stands ta i hiscia receive tise envoya of, Europe. Tisane, crac>' Il lu ltce centre, sua>'lie seau anaciftise 1pobli, i dliaractoriatic fets-probabliste greah.- soldiens -est ari-wonhc-of bis Majoaty's long telnhuehi reigut. Il la a twýa-feet globe, coveredte"a P('B5 wieis jewels iron tise nants pcle tatise escape-i extremitios of thc tnipod lu which tise "'y fx gemmeS sphocisaolpacod. TsacIr> emp goes tisaI lis Majest>' iought-nore a te probabl.y tccepted, ut aill venia,. was i lu a possesesis ai-a hetp oi jewals -fanr farts wislciilibe ceintSfind1no insmeehiate pur- n s poea Noihiug could'add ta the lusteciai>'op ai hie crewn aI diamouds,. whicis a un.ceht mnnied by'tise hurgeai nus>' 'havek 10 ir ever seu, incîuding tioso cf lie on lons li1 Majasi>' aùd the Emparons ci Gernan> Thbig- uand nsia. Rli aS-he BofaiLigisl," ti a elitemnd lu sire but littie infes'lor ta stand b3 tce Biish 'Woutain cf Liglst.'* He Tise pat isad ceats onibroidened witi dinaioude, wrc csas wth enenafis, with nles, witl paens, beasanei tend witb ganneha ; lie hai jeweiled hotuki swos aandi flggerswçihont numPeer- wounee ga, isossiblhommieaeie isad hie -royal isowever mind turneS Ioward bravel, lie andered'tltei (lhis globe te bc constnncted, caveraS I1011>'Pt witi gaes,the oversosreteSing sua-to ho pernitte ai emenalde;, atheisakngdams oi bie necoguir wonld distiugulied b>' joels ai duffer. if not hi> eut colon. Tise Englishmnan nates witiainal pnida tisat England flashes lu disinouds; eîpetod tend hi Frencisman ma>' siare tise t- Cav.alierl for PFrance glittors blinstrÃŽous as the ,lisa ,Britishs Isleu, being sel cul witih ie iela i asm imerll gns.Ts doninidu co>e be lIs Shh's et reiibo 1is raud1 wisito gl oew Epse a Idiaries narea itis an>' Emeysa;sa siledA la isar e agithmuel ha 9crhasa Zliunedfans t ndsteassc At ise 1 tf-12 s, as if th>'woro bath neces- ils $he coiiocta receipts witli aà s senstaof providsug for lIse coul- a homo, tend pisys ah coolelug [lousant assurance tisat sho will seS .for tise effort, if uat for tise wisici cocs uet alwaye'-fol6tv er abartive athesupt. Bshe l is e nt of uumerous cotegralulear>' teand goldon wisiscs., Tho- Ob-, of ail tis egsan happy observert, als anong, tse clouds, wbieli 0 naina boquets tend bonbons sud ce diamouds,'asd gaie fauidly im. tisI il nay bc o uwayablini. is ani air cf supriee satisfaction sonr. Somstbing lias happenod the lomlancehlas oponed at tse haptar, sud frona the heigist ta tie has been elevated she baies ltln lu atiet lelpleane-, int> iiavore bytise diadain we la ail nuucsfibeinga, quita ni titt yesterdtay aise wue ana of and to-îiorrow sitaeina> rotunu - Itieir niumbers;. ut, penisps. mare ta penetnitio Lthie secret es of lier iseart, %v6 niaisI fini o0 lot I)GIOW feolan-i wole clu> a-cure," -tisait tre ig a reversa >this golden modial. Site sia>' re tînt sais le ual.aeptable tis oui>' of lier lover, or tIsat ber ithiuk ashe is- ttsoeting Jicrof or; bcing a persan cf iaui relf- iation, ashe faaicics th isa ilhayc of lier, sica>'fatsan lier sisal- oSd regret hie cisoice. Perbaps oka forward ta tse future wiith doula of lier owa eapaL.itie. are lier nusources ho keep hlit! id always n lover ? Could au>' mried fnienda fornis -tsene- Will ail! thleeattenionsap, bpetls.cf a rase aller-tisesisas- fcoui*hshp is iended ? Tisough-' er fluds tise veningrs ilike liuk- Itness long druwn o t n t inief eis ta coiuauniatq ecuy .vesU f-his heurt, evar>' aspiration cf )i, mu>' ua tise liusbaud fait over tisa avOncsg paper, tand lei îvifu La commnue vitl: lier Higis-Toned Brigsands r-À_FIGHr WiIri TUE POLICE. tâhles frouaSicil>' bring news of ertant capturae ai brigandsa tnd auteugoli Of tseiigisorcls. anrthis> nformation iaving beu ab>' tse authanities tisat tise Schief BbSî eand two oai lisi lions mighîlt-betheaxerofai t noon idla iat t a fanu hanse Sltualý et Ilirea miles- from, Girgenti, ste steps wora taken ta effeî ,pture. With aIl possible se- à ïý nvssilable force of guts of cacnrity, enutei police, tend i vae ga dlsposed us ta form u suâ cordas, a Ec lta cut off as far ible aillsasie of tise brigands' sn case tse>' scceedof inugotti ng armn' iprt>' sent dirent>' tus t ilefr caphture. ytiùýhig lu arcer, a patnoi- saur indicaled advanced upon n hanse, tend iJisteed of tisrcc, ýx mon sîtting: at a'table sumpt. ýreS. Tise manenttise'briganlc sight cdtse military tisey seizei ons, lhred a volley ut-tliaur-andt fligist. Fionhunatel> tse prepar. tedlicou sufficlentl>' campiete. gandc wera brongisht ta a direct y-nueocf tIse parties in ambues..- toi waa behileS thornanudho>' umpellei ta filbt.-After a brief ce, one of tse brigandis ;lavir g. ted ana Sajeva aud anouiser Id the>' aurnended.-When, , (lie soldierns wereable ta look priecuers more qulet>' than 15ej She adIvaisttna haî! untif tsai ed, wisat wait tieïr surpre ia ing wel.knawn persans cf goad ~ig social position l i thelire. boaudtise moniers tise>' l Lta line]. Tiey %ý-ero tise bwe riTrà îeniti,, braiSerLansuctbhe aI Ceauro. is tisa firetcapture whlihlias 1muade cf-an>' cf the Mafiosi su b e s, r cg rd ug w b a n s a class. '-On extensive oporations, . sa s been ssîspected tend affirmed me siae tanda aniciw"blridieie liher." Tiseieffeir lui as used an éexciienent un tise islaud, and es(lic matter became known ut' c rowlaB wentb off ta see thse ua tend look at h tisable spread ixlii. vianda stili npauib n- ,-and a profiusion af fine winee XE. 1- iiiiion Flour Ata