Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1876, p. 1

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rie rie gtreu posure a r-iire utlcatt a, l- thtaNo. VMaii»i. td frin y ou a Scw tisys Out,, Ju,îî, lili, 18761. us NMediuuMalbusbek Pr atiîtel Cburcin cava, lun ui.rti, 1M7. tave fOUn4thÙe Mtin- utted til-a irste lae titm baLvu e id i;it. I pectl. y - MeliS, Dý MITOIIL, thigsilek Plame I pur. giveci entire &atlefa- n UIIjI)e-lr usniiuts înàcrerenimeuti al yteititon t -th y r celvet(i ti avr of tI-uhelt Plnepur.i iti>'. I ami wel sais- rsel su ad conetin. ve; it le atciurpaasud lave >'et sean.- 4 C. HîILLIER, M. D. 7.QiE FIOM for tic. Dommilosi et CE'1 QlitANS. , yary City', Townr andi ýSOI'ER, Eael, Torono, SOLE AGEINTS. RX HAMPTON. iWilhuty anti Crl. 7 tR D. d(ýii g -fruuntu bis ars et iliuatubou(l, - aili Mi - are yen, FRIEE sk fruqa;t remcly %V[as tlr"y la seti Amer. oua-l e-lo Je tutîle s5 i 'ltonu1), ible 'i. - t27 ýN) ILACKSMIT11 I aaývnaltljî of Wlîllby riitîhaDaelilng t pliu"'I, &v., ailli hatI uaii oufruit lies, uuoU tlii, /oit-tOXl tofulm, lotres Poier, luadii îuuitiltons p-e-efer iîuuklng o 1,A1 Culler.- u 3t (i sres cisareti), lu c)ertioelan Mit mlhi os A pciolce 11tr. tt. iluii, aIuitini rolertx, ltuil e»tri )rt-spa 13 oubtittuti for r iui Asiburu> P. O. fumgi ofe autheetre Wanited il Oigi lrio fttnn]thenr t ril -chenu tOrgeci C. uta Cot.'s Pijo2s, vii l ulil be given thtt'i clubs et tht,.. eiathuîcunlinItu ii taVel r-ane via u a oih- rivpn uo i te the Tou SVAV UORRNoG $1,ma 60, o;ii ADI> Ii, Mafi nstaion. i ôu&Wad cherarteo iw ofoent t aerlino) auts t ;nsI l rli OttTAIII0 DANE, WHI-TBY BRINOI THOMAS DOWi DOMWINI-ON BANK, WHIýTBY- ÂGENOY, il. 1. TAYLOB, ( ameron, Q.0., anti Dr. MoMIobse, Q. j ýÂ18TZRS, ATTORirRYB, SOLI. eorNotarles Public, mdtiConvey. OffIce fridoor seuils of ithe 3oy notel, *hitby. JAMES RUTLEDOE, B. A. J. E. PABEWELL, L. L. B., C oity-Jrown Attorney. 48 j'I% YC lEITII OCCUDEIN, % .M1tSI'ZR & ATTORNET.AT.L#AW, 'roîarl nblic,&a fi O lt A lito' «tore, Brook Street, Whltby, Oni. cRAiRLrEs C. KULLER,- V~TORNRY.AT.LÂW. flOLI0TO tIN tnn,*rck, C.&o;aslg 3 ARRISTER AT LAWSOIITOR IN Chancery, Uonveyancrk, &.,. Sin. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY. AT. LAW, B Sôlcltor ln Cha pryandti nslvency, Notary Public &c.0& ffie-MMillanýs llock,'*3rock étreei Whllby, Ontario. <Lite Greenwooti & MoMifla.) ARITR ATTORNEY, SOLIO. Btr oayPublic, oenveyràneer. rCi. dc-BrnSreet, South cf Post office, WVhtby, Ontario. DUGGAN & ROBINSON, BAIsISTERS, ATTORNEY -AT.LAW, SOLICITOuZ?8 W CHANCERY, ,ÇONVEYANCERS, tee., OIFFICE-Provincial Asituancé Bidis CIJUST STREETi, Toscoxve, .3. DucoAuc, Q. c., J. G. Ronîceox, m. A. THJOMAS IIU1TON', T OWN OLERE AND, TREÂBURER, TWhitby. Office-Town HeMl. Honù, trom 9 te 1 o'clock. * .J. GITNN, D o tURGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, >.Byron Street, Whulby. Dr. W. J. BURNS. Oprucc-Nait door te IOIxcLE Office. ISM Eceidence, at Mr. Lewis Hooks. Wnc. i~DtVN 11. ... GUY'S HIOSPITAL LONDON, I5NG., G the sys R. O. H. L., Oshtawa, Ontaioe. D fENTIST, (SUCCES. sûar te W. H. Card.) Dental Roome-DucidsStreet, ýVlflby, over Mr. Jsmesou'-l Store. Nitrons OztdoGan atimintetredrt er lspanisse ex- traction et teeti. Ç,N. V 4RB, L. D.S0. ir~I TEEI~Hineertet on ahi lic h7Çfl- atecl principles oethlieaut,. .»s cheîp as the cheapeel, anti s gooti as ths lesl TeelÏ i flu iet liGolti anti Siivet. Teeth extruictei withocit paIn, b>' prodnciing total ausehhsia. Dsnts, Itoome--cu Ccv- anca neav block, over«?Aklson's Ding Store,'- Kirig Street, Oshawa. 86 13UILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DINDAS ST., avITN!. LU' AU eiders prcumptly--exsauited - J'IN RIIIO g fAIR DRESSING AND, SMIAVING - Slon, Brook SI., Whltby. J(MVN WOL ENDCBN, AGENT FOR TEE CEIIEBRATED Scattsh Granite. At 1.rble Worke- ni fJenîuthan Welteuieu, Ducidîa St., Wcihb>'. <.EblkfiE <<tOR5MAE , LUMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER Lt.end Joiner, Grson Strict, Whilb>'. A large quantit>'- of ail kintis oS lumber con.. etaciti> on hîcit. -H eB. O'DELLt, ATHERLY, CIerk Division Court, Tp. Olerk, Coumiesiioner lu B3. B., Landt Agent. &o., -iii. Atiori>', Count>'Ontino. Atberiv S-uit. 2nd, 172. 886 À ABD. PR. BNOGART, VOL. . TY 0F N. Tf'RUB5ZLL' Kl15ru> NJN *~ T!WPE Corer Maoleh àIêMsiea ssSo.EANR.E P 0 R' GEILLIA, '.OX<'I. siNQiRNAD BImeiNS CLASSES TAusHT i 0F THE R. W. GRASND REPRI This man~fioen brick o e ocf titi bosscois-o aat. hla l. MR.-GEORGE C. WIGGINS B13A., . z er MJlnGboto t 'A FIRBT- 0LA8 Ho TEL i Deg»="te aneIat he viii untu 'is Lodge ofiMe Ukited -States, asceecommôt ant eocusui ZC~a S"E S'S 1 O N O -F for-=« lw.ffining ma lnongfO>sases. vwtorlL«hM ~aud c itua.p 4,Dacv'IAreaîPn tuo Tpsnst l.miau o -R eill ud iJ -F 7 5 boat sWA5v55, miBi5« d dortlserfl E. R. 0 euas ce&411Uî~ ta~o- . - --*- , stations. con b. mgeefor CnetBie. n ~ O sammndiors ond .autisi<Musicles.lsai ou reaoualeteris N. B.tz .rts for - Wbtby,.July 151h. 1874. 29 OFFIOEBS, RBEPRESIENTÂ.TIVS AND Ë4ÂsWÈOHs. gram promptly ateteta. -O SLYour epresntatWve~e, theRight Worthy Granaj1ý of the United 01ncharge t sdATeu b eTRIrfre ttés". . O.O..- F. reiipectfnlly. report: ets charge. FtAT TE th«eaDuualegeiouofthe R. W.. rad 0d fuIted Orilili, Ian. 7,187t. ~GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1S ësatelly ofluIntima,8 fre hauthlb.t BUT.ropiS8ELL, Idtae Idina fo OHSNHOUSE, On tbe merniug cf Soptesuber 2Olb,the Grand Ledge m ýe. è QO'clok, J 600000 teestPins Lumber, well easonet.i.nluthb Odd Fellowms Temple, M.' W. Grand Sire M4. J. Dr ug.ýti EA5T NAREET SURTORONTO. InhiBoards, Al l the ffiCùr4awere proeut. Aise, PasI Grand Sir h; k, ElUacun, SQUAE, Poorlug, Nicholson, Bandersa sd Stewart. W. . OHSON -- IIPRITO. i4 SinllOcie hundred, sud foryiy. nembera,,repressnting forty-oeti'Gràna ýUc3ges sud' j £-nch Pisuit, hirty.eighî .Grand Edes seî,qer rmuai b ~~olcnasbeiug"re- Tanua, #1.00 par Ir«. stabling M, co.a Fen8nBouai, presenteti. epi tsao, Britisi Goumis-anti Switzerlana. 100,000 t ofe Oak, ý--Thô receptiosi .et b Grand Lotige ivis heib alhe Aoademy-of Music, whAire necie. *42Maple for exies, ust quality, addrsse ef welcoeswsre delivered- by Hlm Excelleucy Goveruer IHeudricol, Basevocti, Senaler MorIod, Mayor Cavan, sud Paut Grandl Rf p. Bre. Solînyler Celfax, au d HEAMERICAN HOTEL. 16 t. Square Ti-bar, wbich wers respendati ta by Grand Sire M. J. Durliatn ant Grand Seàretarvy J. T Alo ilh bMcis e L. Ridgley. Icithie evening, Geoverner anti Mis. Hendrioks beld a veception il CORNER OF TONIAND » NX5M. Alo w hwill b ol hspO cs. their reSidence, largel>' altendet by Reprosentaîive tate Grand Letige, witb GEORE BOWNPRORIETR H weud ase h teOas> th$ 1h G~latmembers et tisir familles, sud many ofethle leading andi mosn inifinetial citizeus Tu x- Î4 ila runnganllm iied g Oret-cîseswcrk.ofthe Cityof.Idianspolis. hou, bs ben svl ~.Chbo oniu dne6 diys lu the week, for ever On Wednesday. 22nd, tb. public procession, ici houer et thi Grand Lodge, Thid Up nt renoyaate buberonge t . 1thuelel. 0tooli place; sud lu lh. eveuing, a grand banquet was given eathlb.Occidental -e pad eoaad hog tAds. E. MAJOR, Hall. Sertie supertor accemiedsioilore rsomp. Proprieter. Tih epr, decisieus, sud proceedinge, more especlaîlly inlerestiug te- tii lion of guesta.- The proseni pp rlmir aDm 1 1h. 1878. 51fO rdri ualsd1.EnausetBac c aricur .nwbg1 spareti.ne pains or uîpsuse utedii uclug Od__iadhe______t rnc i ________w nw eg everylîmprovement Ihàt weuid tend tote . ---emit. cesufort anti convenlence et bis patrons. ()OOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. REPORT OF T13E GRADSIR2>Exa. Torno. 4. 1044. 101974 Q TARIO HOTEL. (LAT£ i>AWe5ls) WH3ITBT, ONTÂRJO. PETER WAKEM, PROPRiETOR. Superlor icccmodatlwî. Table, supplied -wlth bti Cialusaen enine liquors. qipbarstbmoBlllrtreom. Ecomy BRBITISE AMERICÂN HOTEL, (LAàTE "sece n.) WHITBY, -ONTARIO. thrchoutsdptl lm.ls ie o ro. rception o,9 O A mnbustoai rom altrains.! Isi-las siple roemme GRAND >TRUNE RAIW AY HOTEL, AT W131IBY STATION. WM. O'NEILL --PROPRIETOR. Parties taking the train and lesving herses wii bave them well taken carsof ilUi thefr returu. TEHE QUEEN'S HOTEL, JAZCOMMIOEAL,> BEOCK',STEZT, WRITRY, TAYLOR & MoCANN, PROPRIETORS. The underslgned desire te lnform their friends and the public that thsy have tiken the aboya well knewn hetel, whlch they have newly fltted np sud renovalti, and put le the beat of eider for the accommoda- tion of guests. Tlie Bar, which la the band- someel Ii the Couniy, in' weli enpplied with the Ouhest brande of wlnea, lUquers, andi ci- gare.' Ample enclosait ehed rolm anti goça~ stabliug, box etles, &p. Detachearoome for commercisl traveller. J. P. TAYLOB, PHILI? MCÂNN. tâteetfToronte. S 1AKESPEARE HOTEL, MOINERI 0F7KRIG. ANDYORK MT., TORONTO. JAMES POWELL, . PRePRIaTea. Firet-claoae accommodation ;,bath-reomse, &o. B3oard, QI 50 per day. 10 TE A NEWIREVELATION INTE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. COENWALL'S SELF-ItITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresses fitteti Srem memeuremeul alene wlthout change oS a stiteli. .For sale, with fres instructions, at MISS McIXTYRE'S D5E55.ISAKINO IROOMB, WHITBY. j 1ht¶ wateti. Liberai intincements te IWhltby, Aug. 1,17.8 IJ OTTOM PRICES FOR COAL AND WOOD! -Ahl kinde et Hart anti SofI Ceai, cecist-' iug of lie ceebrateti Laekawacia, Scraci- ton, Brion HMl, Btoseburg and other coals CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For quactities te Blaciiemitha anti allers SPECIAL BATES ! Wod, euira len g ti, 25 centbs par corti abatemecil off menai prices. Sent.in lu or orders le A. ALEXANDER'S Whltby & Osawa, Ceai anti wood doas WVhiIby, anguet 8it, 1875. t-H6 L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS OFTUEE COUN TY 0F ONTARIO, V(MU TER YEAR 1878. Witby..831 21 1 111 8î1 ij1 Broughsamu 2 114 1 2 412 2 PortPir>'126 182025 26 ô14 1427 Uxbridge. 27 14$26 271 I6113 15122 Cnigt'ci128 115 27 28 712 10 21 Iavrte -I a3 29 lii20 Attîeriy... Il1 i1 1 1 to GEO. H. DA1ITNELL, .Junior Jutige Wbltby, Dec. 111h, 1875. 51 G. YOUNG S-MITH, ISSUER 0F TORON TO. MADA' Tic meut Elegant, CoetI>' anti Perfect tTi1ItALi±E L ICEA NSE1SL~J Hetel in the Dominion. Thie Hotel ackuewledges noa rival, atir ici ita maniagement, ippointments. or loca- tion. In the latter respect it affects île gueste a chsrming and uciobtructive vi ew of Lake. Ontario. te The finet Waterscape view i Canada. It hie 250 roome furnisheti with al 1he modern improvements. MUGAW & WINNETT, 49ti Prc.prletors. ARMSTRÛNO HIOUSE, (L;ATE ALS5oNJ, WHITBY, ONTABIO. WHITBY, ONTARuIO. KIFIG BROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Deaters anti Manufacturera of al LEA THER Lutte oS AND FINDINGS, Cash pai Sor Mites, Bai, anti Leiller. Leather stretcheti. Le» BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Nimv, 1&72. 22 E. ARMSTRONG - PROPRIETOR. F LÙRIBANI AND SHORTS III WITBY HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHIITBY. (WEST 0F POBT 05110.) JOSEPH-A. BANDEL, PROPRETOR. This bouse hie been recentîy buil, le luarge andi room >, anti fitteti up ilu ftroelace stye. BoatWîdnes, Liquors anti Cigare; fresi Loger Beer. Goti stibliug ani en-. cioseti yard; attsentive osilers. de u0"OMMERCIAL HOTEL,- Physiici, Suigeon, -Accoucher, &., &C. JMSDWR RPITR Wtlby, Sept. 80ti, 1874. deJAE WRT-POITR ___ Gooti accommodtaion tf-12 R OBT. RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. tlradmabe (aiti hoe)of alhe Unilversity' oS Q oenc o lleg e, Caatia; Piilatielbts Unlv. oS MediacieanSur ie ; Amenican Univ. ai Peninsylvanie.; 13221cole ee0o Pecinsylvailanti Llcenliale oS Micrefia>' of lia Unlv. of Eclicibarg, Scollauti. Cor- omor 'or tic Coant>'of etaiio. Ofimce- Coldlaater St., Orilihe. Acignet "2-th, 1875. lyr.3ô J OHN S. M.,WILLCOX, OS tié Toavu et Whilby, bas been appintâ OFFICIAL -AS8IGNEE, (UNDER THE NEW ACT,) F or the Cousit>' tci tarto. Ail business enlicitet e stargo aveili bs carefuil>' aI- tendit t. Witb>', Jani. 141h, 1874. 8> T IE BEST HORSE MEDICIN, ES. AU descrptions efthlie boatetoeedîti. otuesep e cin8tly ounliant anti trsai. aI the Whftby Livny tbi N. RAT. C.JOHJIN.SO0N, D:'Çr4uE IN LUUMIt,. lis on bandi a spieatil stock citufie ean, SaIael eaii iLumber. k411 hindi-- oi ertandbuline pusoi horwr an »re,sedLnmîî.î ahavayuson hauaudGrnanleplaulng 'U io ntn - Wllteau y, ois, .- TRIA PAPER 19 ON FILE WITIL WbewoAdiertelng Contracté cam b. inada L 1V EFR i. 11Egete lforsu hie friends andi the,, public .that he carnies on th. Llvery -busineussat RAàY'S5 OLD STAND'. Parties r eqnirlug conveyanoe--.ceveredl and ,open -ean be acommodated at a momenl's Wb.iby, Sept. 21, 1878. 89 PRESCR~IPTION FREE FOR lthesc2MtCura ofi SomaidWalak. Fceci, Losi M ducoi o4&Uildisorders Druwsi bas . he ingredients. Aticrese ,DAVM8OIq &CO.; Box 9296, Njw York. .,S.ptomber, 1575, .1&rvà y<6UNG'1t OTEL, MIONCK I1OAD, DAITON, ROBT. K. YOUNG, PBOPRIETOB. Reliable information .'fgsrdiug thé ceuci- Iry, etc., turoiehiti te parties rsquircngilu ample accommuodation for Hniers and Sprtsmen Thé bar anti, larder- supplieti 2 th eees ci f liquorsand viande toe b inund Wl h.e oixtry. Noe btobuln andi attentive servante kepi. commcdioum atshllng anud prâompt ciler awa on NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. ta"OPPOSITE IiAY'e MOTEL. .M GIVE A CALL. WZe. JOHNSTON. TO THE FARMERSI Piongle anti Plough Castinigs, Si-aav- Cutters, Fanming Mille, Reapers anti Mow- ors, &kc., &o. WM. JOMNSTON. M ONEY TO LEND I A lange quacitit>'o nS ocia't lent at loav intere&t, prIvate tante. Fo esl, sevaral Townc lots, lwo Fraein Blouses, anti a large Bicok Hanse. For termes, appt>' te G. YOUNG SMITH. Whltby, Fait. 9th, 1874. -7 To the Icibabitante et Duffins' Creeli anti Vieinit>': I bave now opeietiaa Bulcher'a Shop i Mr.W. Cubert's, avhere sus> bc seec onie cf the bcst discila, ofn BerS,ý Pera,anti Foavieven offersi tei Publia. V.' Ressemible Puices i Come oe, come ail, anti get somsthlug te do yen RICHARD WESTLAKE. Whltb>', December 22cit, 1875. 62 A LLAN LINE i LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, -GLASGOW, OH EAP FAR ESI1 cabin, frosu whilby - - $8m. $81,.jt91, accertlng le accmmodtion. -intermaat - - - -sa Èfleg - - - - on1. Prepalid passage certitioates izoee til loaveel rates te pornons" wiiug te brng out trient'. -Fe' or lkets*ntifnrthh.cincpatiun appi>' GE0.T.L, Exp. anti Tel. Office, Whttbv. bihMarch 27t1, 1876. 15-14 ciAR BD 1t T. H. M cM1L LA Nt Agent for,- lie ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, 'oppIop-OiiitiO L andtisavingi (bemu&,e,., butlldng, cerner KingantiSisu. -To fte R. W. Grand Lo<Zge'ef thte United States:a BhîacîsENTAIves-One year mgo we mcl lu legisiative councîlinicithb sunci> Soulh, ici ber Empire Stahe ; te-tis> we mesi in the great Mississippi valle>', in eue ot ite meel populens anti powortnh States.- There we were weucomeh le liaI- beepiable region, b>' tIs autierities et eue et ber Most bmntitni cilles, b>' an bonoreti anti respecheti juriediction, sud b>' a devoee anti zealons brotltenbooti. Here lie aulloritlea oft hic greal anti prosperoits State aut cf lii boanttul cîy, tie representatives t o hile hcioreti anti enligitencti juriadiahion, anti cf titis- intelligent tratéruit>', wahcomo us; 10 thuir sidet, te themiuome, asdti heir hosp ilalilies. Tbesc evitetices et becior anti respect sieulti improse ne wit the ie posilieu altaineti b>' Iis boul>'ici public esteesu, and ti shltate us 10 min- tain ici tie future its pagl reputuhioci sud standing. * * -* e * I am -glati le ho aile te announice le you lie centicnet increase anti prosppril3- of our Ortier aItisosuc anti abroîtl, andt t a kint Providence we seoulti renter ietemh thanke for ail hie meraies te ns individumîlly anti coîheclivel>'.- WARRANTS ISt5tlD.-GRAND ENCAIPb5RNTS. OtlîcoN.-Warracil isenti Jauir>' 14, 1875. Inalitaitet, Maîcli 29, 1875. NEVADA. -WarnuL-issed Februar>' 17, 1885. Icisitutei, Marci 2, 1875. . BUBORDINATE ENCAMPMENTS. MONTREAL, NO. 1, et Monîreal, Canada. Iciatilutet, November 6,.-1874. ALPHA, No. 1, Olympia, Washington Tarritor>'. Inehlînîsti, April 14, 1875. YANEToN, No. 2, il Yaukton, Dakels Territory. Inetiluteti, Ma>' 4. 1875. HEsPERiAN, Ne. 3, st EIk Piont, Dakota Teiter>'. Inelituteti, IcI>' , 1875. Kav WET, No. 5, utlKe>' Wesh, Fiorias. Icielituleti, Jul>' 5, 1875. - ~COmiIsioNs. on the application et aigu brothers lu Oymupis, Washingten Territer>'. I isseat a co]mmission Le A. NOLTNRBte conter tic Encampmnenî Dagroas îpeci the inoperl>' qualifieti bretiere there. Anti on a simlai application oftleci broîhere ule>' West, Fierida, I cemmiecienetiCitas. A. Fntweed te contai lie saiti degrees upoci lie brtele hier., avîlcitcommissions avere dm1>' axeanteti. GREAT BRITAIN ANDi IRELAND. -Hearncigtirat lier. waaaa godprosapect te establisi tis Ordi n iitle United Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelcund," anti knowing titît P. G. Bep., lire. B. H. Mcorison, ef Micigaci, wae &bout to sali for liat country., anti lie ha- ing wiling te untiertake so important anti telicate a trus;t, I, on tie lti et August let, gave him a commission as spialal tisput>' le ergaciize anti establistu Lociges anti Encasupsents et OuidFcluowe aiticitle limite et sait kinulen, sait cemmis4sieciwu torin ton esyar. I aiao comuciesioneti iim D. D. Grant Sire ton sait hingdom, wiîi lIte sauce pewere, duties, &a., as similai- effiers. I have man>' retteocs te believe Ihat oui distinguiciati brehiier wii ba successful ici bis efforîs, lins opecn up asotier fielti fer tihe preafttie inetitutioni. 8Zý' Since the meetingeof lteB.W.G.L., et U. S., Brother Monrisen bics rc- turueti tinn Englanti, anti reporte baving eucceedeul lu institmting a Letige, anti ici Encampuetec ii tle Cil>' et London, aili lte meel aleering prospects ef permanentih uccese. VISITATIONS. Tii. Grand Sire aihuties te hie riait le Ontario, onslte occasion efthle tetica. tien et Eastern Star, Nu. 72, Lolge Boom, Whith>', May' 24ti, 1875, luthie foi- lowingavrts : Flbave net maude min>' visitations, becanse I liii cie regard il ai important, as tic Grand Letiges everya.iure seu-med te be uloing weil. I dit, hosoaver, vis;it lte Grand Letige anti Eccaucp ment et Pecinsylvania, ici session, in Ms>' 1maI. Haviug beau inviteti b>'tic bretiren ef Whitty, ici Ontario, ho participate lunlte dedicatien et a new aithlera on the 24th oetNMay, I accepteu t he isnvitation and 'vas preseut ut tiose 'iming anti intcrntiig ceremuies. I aise attentat ia callet cession et tic B.W Grand Lotige et Ontario on tic sauce ta>. I was pleasu-wht hevii icgcneral look anti appeuranceo e icmu-sbers tuf tuis bodt;le>' seemedti tb-men et reapectaili>' anti character, andtihoogîuiy imbuet iavlt the spirit fOtit elîeavahip. I sieniti have be ngreati>' tihgihedtotebave sien them ici regeulai seseien. Tiese exorcises avere participatei iib>' P. G. Bu-p. Coltax, Ri.p. Whîite, et N. Y., Grand Mfaster Stebinst, et N. Y., Grant i'ri-aeiircr Morrisoci, et Michigan, and min>' trtiche om Rocieter, N. Y., as aveu se na large cnîtiber et bieubers trou ail parteet Onthario. 1 beleve titi-rcu tftio gaîtering aili bc wentertul fer goecî te te Order in tuat jurieuliution ; anti oui b'otiera thera duserve infinite creulit for tite beautitnl bahi erecteti ; fer tic erderi>' anti superi manuer lu wiiclî lie exercices wtre conducctid, andtihIe princai>' bospilalit>' aiendedti tetevieiting broîieriooi. I mise visiteti Toronto, Hamiton, anti a Lotige ut lie Suspensien Bridge, andti viiBie. Coltîx atidres- e thie Leulges ut i-ici place. Ici hocior etftii. American visihere lie bretiers oi Torento gave ni tic îespitalilicu' etttcit>', anti aise gava on.etfLthe fineat banquets I bave ever seau ; indeeti il avas a coutinueti ovation trom tie lime ave ecibere ti îiuî aveftIOntario. I1tiesire le mention one fach remarkable in ilseit, andt wiiicb mate a deep impressien everywhvere, anti tuhi>' ilucsratedtihie tact luit ave know ne State or Natilonal linos, but nil mmv hie brettera et a commoci brotherbooti. I nover matie a speech, visiteti n Letge, sut down aI n banquet, -4-ut watt I alenti or sat benesth lie fiag of su>' ewncounutry, as walî as lie fiag ôt the. Briîtshtmpir. DECISIONS. Tic Grand Sire reportedth Olt owing tieciaiecis, whiite isti matie turing lie recas,ftonthie approval or nejectiou oethle Grant Lige: - First. A memben Ici gooti stantiing ic isieLodge le entiliedtiatepecuniar>' bhnefits avilie ick snti unable te attend teaItiae rcinai>' avocaîlon, althougi ite ms>' bave an income acificiecil for bic asupport. Approvet. Second. Il islawafni for a Suberdiciate Lotige teationate ils tuntis fer an>' purpese withici lie ojeat anti scope efthte Order. Approveti. F ourt/o.h Tht s Grand Lelge et a State muet grînt mau appeal from t is uleaisioci le lie Grand Lotige efthlie U. S. ; anti thul inu-vacation lie Grati Mister canriet grnsintauuuppeal. The 4th aas modifiedtiat resu! tins: 4ti. Thte Grandt Master canet grant au appeal trecu the action oethis Grand Loîlge. .Fiff h. Tuat a Snhertiinmte Encasupsent shouiti not use ite tuetis ta, pro- cure etreet uniform. Approveti.- SirtJu. Tial a ucamben et a Schor-linatc Lotige ticsiîlng te join an Buaimp- ment, ebouiti jein the nesîccl Encampmeî ini lts' jurisdiction, la me-tilfed le resdut lii: 6th. It js eftaIth local Statle hgîiatioci te ragulate wiellîcr a muimbor et s Lotige ehljeici lis ncsrcct Encampucent te lia nesitence. Digest 1718.- Seveni/u. TuaI a breller ici gooti standing cannot lie kepI eut et hie Grant or Sciberdicimle Lotige avile lie minutea efthle pîecediug meetîig are being reati, if lie deairee le enter anti ca work uis %ay inote Leulge. Approvet. Nintfh. ThaL thc inw sclberizing tie N. G. of a Leu1ge ta counicate the sepmi-annuai ptsseaord le s brother et abotiter Lotige, allihe isquest oethlie N. G. eft lu-Lotige teaiuiciteoMs>'beiong, unter lie goal oethLe Letige. ipplies tethie N. G.'e ii ho sama juriadichion, andtin c diffeencljnriediatione. Approveti.- Tcrith. Tuatavion a membar et an Ecicampceuit lac beau treppeti for the cen-paymenl et ducs, ih is net louperative upon lie Encsmpment te reluclate bum, alhiougit boucs>' ffer ta psy cip ail his duos ; but if he>' refuse ta reinstalo -in isisu lie> sonîti grant hlm a Dismiesal Certificahe. Approveti. .Eleveafh. Tuat wien a pereon lias beau electedtial receive alI tic Encsmp. ment Dcgreee, anti a diepenemiion bas beau gnantedtal conter them all at te sme meeting, it isleavfui for another Ecicampucet in the sanie juristlictien te conter ssidt dogmees allihe requeel t lte Encimpuenî inciavilcii. wss elecleti. Motilfiedt lins: litit. Thal aieci a persan bas beae d tat recieve ail tic -Encaspsueu doegmes, anti las receivedthlicpatriarchai degrea, antiaa disppi-nuation lus been grantedtat conter tie olier dogmees aI lie sauce meetinig, il i5 hawttcl fer suolier Ecapmut in tie came juristictien te conter these tegrees at th. requecl et tic Ecicam1pmectih luwioho waBelaecheti anti idmithedta te eInitiahor>' or Paînimîcial tiegre.. 2'hirieenth. That avilIe Subordinate Encampucents ire in session, trans- ating theu eordinar>' business, Ilie memberesbmonlti col wear their clreet cuiton. Approveti. 1Foicrteenili. Thtsaucesuhen ot an Encasupuecit, alolîtiuetroot unitorsu, pîeaentiug bimsesf for admission avile lhe Eccmpmenî is lrnacing ite ordin- an>' businss, sua>'be admitteti; hut sieulti b. compellei tea loîbe himelfin c proper negals avilie:he-temaicieii inte Ecicampsuenî. The decision avas modifieci teritd-lins: 141h. Tiat s membeî et an Encasupsenl, clothet inl streel uîùifori,. pro. aentlng iimseîf for admission avilielte Encasupsuecti la ransacling-las oedntlar>' business, sial be treatedth le came as if ho prosantt'à himsecif aithout suc i .FifïeMif/. Thal wa is ameant b>' a ballet, la avien lie N. G. deélirea lie balIlqloloteti, anti anuioUnoolie resuit. léodifiedta 0retid 151h. À Aballet l le estiwieu ilt se d eclared bb>'the preaiding oEoer. Sigt-.entIl. Thaat g rEcspun.aiii~ofaeu uahtY, viiiactlhe Lotge r Ecamps~i cotitiet ls nnlhiioienwil Olcardé or lte à. T >. 'W.' bfedifidthutns 101h. ThaI a Lndgze or Encasupmecct, ailbieilsoffiere, cau, ini a body>, vieil anotliter LoIge 4or Eocanipmeut ontait, 0f ilsjuriîcioieavithoicaes.us, or ths A. T. P. W., buL 1h la necessai>'tuat on.etf heir fir.tl lav ofrîcers Ii charge of sncb viiing bod>' mu-I b. in t- etieon efthlIe A. T. P. W., anti bave ig card. .Eighieeec f/. Tiat te swo e i lst sesstion, pr--scriling.-tsîneel unit-insu. le emipiemus, a dvirnally altrogales an>' iaa et a Stale Juuidiotion in'-cent liéi wiîhit i. App%l et. Niuteeeitl. Tial a P. G. e thle B. P. Dogmoe cand musa>' ear a jew.el et yellow nistai. <Se e st155 Aperoved.- Twtee. -Thilt a record et a trial ln îles ourlis ipon'a ûa ege of lb. vie.- istiosuofetrite 1a enfthlnSd, la primuzfacfe proot etbuie faclus app,ýurug tîiseiuc i ai aviiJere cbîrg,'.s art. piaelei6 giteaboié r avoh I'u flé ieof iiwdeepiy- our UOser ilaitmpiei idhwf.rventIf the7 limi-the roi And now, Bléreeenýtatives and Of the econillln uet tlinslitulon1 mBore insportaautyi devolves' up ehape the future decltiny sud, enoe ep te magmîficentproportions by o Ieîllatonbauded dmmwn b>' tis, thero, having laid bofore yen ibis j otfy offlajgi sote fer the psahyeii rW yproper and ýprudpnt leffléb~iiî 'this grand enterprime, ranizrf ansd aIliers. Ginerd welIlb.good asud preeerve lce sanie intaci. 'Yeurs frats.rnally, M. 3.DURRA19 Grand Sire. REPORT 0F GRAVI) SEORETAR! J. L. £IDOELT. -- The corretponidèuce of thi ear at b en as ýOluminOnS as luany e t le-re,_ deesdsors. 'T'". frgn as thl e li ime Grand BOdies, tirougi uder G&Pî~ secretale suit Gtand' gcibe,have geniîrally pri)mptly advised etf tie condition, anti: progrès& of thé, Order in %làîirsvr aljurisdictionfe,and Itilwill -b.e seau <ibat- hie laborers bave ibeen'éoea't;anti active ; thougli iii sois ielances uciauccese fol.în reëtiuing thhp uemberahip hala, a year mgo. The fàlewini a.usn ary, pressnting a view etfIlh. condition of lbe Ordor, lu the severai jur* l, tiens, more clesel>' connected witlî Ontari, le subsuittd BRITISH COs.osBA.-The report cf tie Grand Lolge oft tiis. Province- was re. ceiveti on tie 131h of April, rtnum Bro. Jatwcs D. Ringîiion, Bi. W. Grrnd Sacreû tri, sud ehhibits!, a amaîl irîcr-een10 oumbership elice the -institution eft he G a Lotige, April 2llth,,1874. Vancouver Eu n"mpment, No. 1, cdcqtindes subortlicate te lhe Grand Encemp. ment et Califernis , Id reportedti t that beody a mecribership of fiftty-eix on lie 82s1 et Decconier, 1874. -1 - Lewza PRO EvoS, Bpi'risa NonTs AmEuICA.-Uncier diteoef lune 28d, Bro. 'WVl. Kfiby .iuook~ théeeciergehie Grand Secretar>', furaisies and iuiteltesting snd cheering latter amdempanying tbe report et lb. GrantiLotige. An increase et 318 -wakiug the agi regate snembership 1,169-entitles Ibis juriadictien te anethier Bepresentative.! OUNTAtio.-Thei report eft1h. Grand Letige eft Iis highly prosperous juriadie. diction wae receiretio en b131h et April, frecuthie eleaemeti andi able Gracia Secretar>'. Bro. J.i!B. King, aut preesa noble. exhubit ofthie werk et the year, 1,71)0 having boeiiladded to the membersbiip. The. efficient andi wortiy Grand Scribe, Bre. M. B. Dason, accompaniedth ie repert oethé e Grand Eneasuprùunt withithe lellewiug ltter, doat MiraIt Set.- "Ibeg te* ulose yen tie annual roture for the patyear ; amnsor>' liAI I coulai net-hlave seul il seener, but lie -delay wss ocoasioetib>' twe efthle Sub- erdinates tailing tp report, aut uew I have to senti off witiout them. We are, bowever, ici a hlghly prosperons cenditien u, a ine thelat session of our Grand Encampmouit, hbavs atcet two new tentte o ur toit. New halls are aise being erecteti ii tis .urfstictieu, lu varlene places, slrengtheciiug lie bond thàl bintis our brotherfieoiftatgether."' QuraÈc.-Bre. G. Vare>', tie unniring anti talenteti District Deput>' Grand Sire for tues Province, institutt.d Monîreal Encamiment, No. 1, on the dl ot Noveniber, 1874. The comunicationsa et Iis aihtul efficet, ave issu trequtînl andi ictere8hing, sud we are advised, Irosu lime te lime, et the conidition oiflte Subordinalce under bis charge. A moveuceci towsrds eetablishing a Lotige ici the city et Qcieieo bas beeon matie, audthie indicahione are favorable for ils accompliehucent. CONCLUSION. I rejoice witli you, my brethren, hhat, b>' lie taver ef s kind Providence, wc are assemsbleitinl oui fitty-first Annual Cimmunication,, as lhe supreme council et a brotherieoti, unilet inl a cause whicb binds ne by lb. cords of love, sud which wo cherisli as amocig thie nblesl lu wiicb men coula be engageai. ODD FELLOWSHIP. OtitiFollewshil>-ils promotion, diffusion, aud preeervition clone, assemsbles tuis body of citizons frem ever>' Shate, District, sud Teiter>' of aur contaîler- acy, andi fîom tbe neigbbouring natieualihy et Canada. Like ail other iu.týtu' tiens îteviseti for the benefit et macikinîl, là la lhe fruit et progressive civiization. B>' hie pow;er bas been wenderfnlly ativancedi anti tevelopet ii thc expansion ef ils capabilities, andtiheb enlargemeul et ils field et liber. Atter mors Ihan fifty yeara et unremitting effort in 11<. proper epiere, il bas become a fizeti institution et societ>' as a reliable cecular aid against tie praissure et suffering iumansity. Whio catu calculte lie uvalue et sucli institutions, ciel only te titeir immedials utambership, but as substantiel publie supporta ? Tbcsir witiduawal would be seriously toit, -net only as thie bas ni au immense moral power lu sociel>', but ai. sofîom thc tacttuat heur absence would necesearil>' rauatr thc icirdon which tbey bear te tic public. Amocig tie msny tributaries te tie general weltarset tbis cliaracter wbicb are diffuainig bleseinge upou men, fîom year l eyarT, noise. lessly, yeh- mest effectivel>', O Id Ielluwslîip b>' its widely exieciticu resources bias don. a cellossal work. A briet statement trout oui records, withouh lie aid et comment, will abucidînti>' vetit>' Ibis tact: Fromn 1830 te December 81, 1874- Initatiens ............................................... 924,428 M..mbera relieveti.......................................685,963 Witiewpd familles relieved .............................. 91,095 Merniera deceased ...................................... 60,776 Total receiple......................................... $~55,889,108.82 Total relief .............................................. 20,543,186.71 - At lise present ime, as reporteti Decemier 31, 1874, te-i are- Granit Luîges................................................... 46 Grand Eciapinecis .........................................38 Snhoîlirita Litiges ........................... .............5,987 Suborîlisate Eucasupmnuts.................................. 1.684 L,îlii e mbuere ............................................. 438.701' Eucuimpunerit. membera ...................................... 83,692 The Lotiges in Australin sau Geimisny are not incitiu in lhe abuve slate- menh. Tbcaec figures are piesenteil, ciot ne a vinlicatios ifu oui Orlar againal asper- clone wbici are sometircies cail agaist il, ese a selisii conuiîty, i-u te shaow tlite praclical value ef sncb agendaes te societ>' il large, in ahrengtuliing.< lte ui of goerrnmeut. itlding, as thb.y do, immense power le it, by the moral supporte wiici tlie>' uppi>'. Net liaI we woul(l toast or be vaini-gierione etof ui garn *oikc, but thutt necescaril>', ilu eeciibing oui mispion îiuîing haIt a cenitury and more, ie truite mnuet appear. anti illustrate as.nnatural outgrewvti, tbe divine principlea upen wlîiali Oddt Fellnwship reste. * * * In anot li ait cen- tury it will ici ah pîobability huave giriled lie esrth. witb ils golden ciaici, sud difflumeti ils ileseicige upon millionsa. Can il bu a malter et woudcr, tuàt inuonc s cause, we sieulti be lier. le coucisel together fer ils weltarc, to ranow ocir vews ot fidelil>' anti clivotion te 1h, andti teesci etier, anul tesupplicate witb uphitteti hearta for the coctinued taver et Him, wio bas ever beeitli firun friandl anti sup- port. anti for thi. promotion et wliose original intecidmecint offîahernily amoug men, itlibas uciremitticigi> toilcul for se mauy years ?. Oh i ne. the wontier wonlîl be liaI we coulti liesncb uuwoîtîy -descendlantsaet the noble sirest whe bave be qucatliedti use tiW legacy, as le fait le realize its value anti eut dut>' te preserve anti perptuuatoit. Bespecltuully aubmitted, JAMES L. RIDGELY, Office Cor. & Bec. Secietar>', Cor. cf Bec. Secrcf ar-y. Baltimere, Sephember, 1875. AMENItRENTS Te TE CONsTiIUTIoN 0F G. L., U. S. Tic tollowing ameudmeut was artepteti: Ameci tilei 1V. efthîe Constitutiosn, b>' etiiking out lie wbole et Section 8, anti icicrting in lieu lierceof.lie- folewicig, te wit ; SECTION 8, Ici thc case et deashi, resignatien, o:rrueoval fiest office efthlIe M. W. Grand Sire, or incacie he alcoulît absent Itimat-If for six mendie or upwajrc, bcyond thle limitsetflie Unitedi States sui thle British Nerth American Pesses. s;iens,, or ici case et bis inability, trou physical causesa, lediechîrge lhe dtles et hie office, lie R. W. Deput>' Grand Sire Pliaitloutlic isi place, anti shahlfave andi e>' yail tic pnwers sait privileges anti exercîse ticdtles oet sait officeun tl the next communication eft tIis Grand Lodge. Inciaeef tic deati, resi gu tien, removal, absencce, ar inabilit>' ol hoti ltse M. W. Grand Sire andtie B.R W. Dept>' Granit Sire, ail sait duties anti poer s ehlb. exercletib>'lt.e Junior PîsI Grand Sire competecit te fiIl sait office, sud ilt t iret communication liereaftc, tie Grand Lotige siail proeed te elect anti inahail a M. W. Grand Sire for ltse unexpireti terni, sud 10 611 un>' vacano>' Ihat mi> be eccasionet ubersi>';, previieti, hewever, liat a mer. lemporar>' or trîusint vieil ievond PROPOSE» AtIENDMENT TO CONSTITUTION. Notice et lic follewing amecidmecil was given, to be consideret sud dispomet of allihe Annual Sesýion, Sephembe-r, 1876: Amecit Article . II. efthle Constitution oft1h. B. W. G. Lodge b>' sîriking oui, th. word 1"lird"' lu lie firet lin#-, anti isertiug th. word Iû"h,' 0 lat tie article siii! reati oft-ollows:,t Tuas Grand Lotige sitai meel annuahi>' on te iret Mouds>'tSeptemitur, I niie o'olok, A. i% o~ uok place "s lie Graànd Lo-tge sial (resu liie.te' tue do. termine. It nia>' aIýomeel ou ils o'vii ljonrnnienla. Il na'Saise met bpeiiaî. 1>' on lb. cmli cf lie1 GrandSire, eof wiichtahe Grand Sir-e shall aauc.e lie mentis' notice tl e b. 'ven le Ihe RépremesllsIiv c f the meveral slalDiil1,icl, gr Terrtorial- Grand Letiges antiGmd nap etm'muciietioc te hem lte purpece for iioh tlie peoll ceetiug la oslet ; anti ici ne ces. ah - allan> 'bmi-' usas be trsa dctedas sceam in 1.au ticdlbreofb mn:vi- aboi;e itateti. -N DOLE, of NeýW- or'k, E. GOVER. COX. et Marvlanti, B . B. KROGMÂN, ýof Maseseobusetta, WILLIAM S'IEDMAN, of PeDinsyivanis, J.-G. bMoAULEY, of Alabama. cOîS-r1riTUTN GRAND ItROAtSPIENT OF eNTAille. The tolîewiug asueunmcus, te tic Cobititut'ion cf lbe Grand .Encampnient et Onlarloy, were cons;îllred, sud couifluîiied 1> tht G. L. U. S., -riz: Sxaqlo1872, Wý.x>aoxa, ge 77.-Doftuiug qaUoiatious ot Eloctive Granrd full, report shahl flqent ât th*cemmpuucealiîioi h tie SecretI wer JAxENCAMPSIE.,T EUS? PAY EiEIXTO 1TS SEBERS - . OLeAiîILITY. Tic toliowitug was autopteul: Titeormnitiei. te whîuîm wa sn-f-rredthle comnmunication trom flieIl. W. Grandl Encamîîmenî etf Misouri, on lte aciujcet t icpaymeciî et benefits by the Encampuccit BÊrandi e t lieOrulai, hig lt-ave ta report: Thùal the sugg-ushîeumale us aI variance vilihie wh.oe i stem under wbiali we have beau workingfroin tir.beginiîiig. Tiongît tti-fiiancesoetSubordiciates are uciter 'lb- ir contiol, >'et u.cuci onîrel is lisuitetib>' cpremne iaw. On.etflie abcient lanuim'arks, neyer yah uleparîcul frein, réquurosp p.ayment of dues, sud as ceative t? sncb payienutfltIieubeitS critauhl h. paid ;t; temare enlcitas toiture optionsi is eimpl>' iavoltouary. Ne reson bas.ý been offoest for Ibis cliaige, sud lie committeca o celconcaiva ot an>' wortity et couaiderahion. TRE COLOIt QUESTION. Thc tollewlug reolution wss atoptc.ti Resolved, Tht admission'td%-our ortier bas shway, beei restricteti talb. white race ; Ibat titis law bas bi-en1 sand is now, well estaitisheti anti understoeul wieréer Amnerican O01d Fellowahtp le kciown, andti laI anyz attemplt ta-chance the sumti ebeclti net be ceuilenancati iy titis R. W. Grand Letige.- RENUECIATION. - The foilowing wae adopleti Reaviveti, Thal if an Otit Fallow.shahl recieunce tie Order, ho thu'reb> for- fole .11bonefite le which b>' iaw li. -mu>' hoentitiet, fron thlb. ime ef hie renunciatieci, EISTORY OF TRE ORDEIL * The Grand Lotige ofthle Unitoed States expreseiils gratification at'tb, labore of the Hietoriogripher, J. L. Bitigle>', sud lie prospect et lie complelioci efthie wenk. Tiseaurm of 01,000 was velet ta hi s al par"a compensation. Au* aseistant wsauthorizaiut a Conipeusatien et #500 * A sp-sciai cosumitlee et lire, on lte.subject was appelctilti: eps. Gare>', Given, sud Latitau. lIt was ortioreti, whton completeti,' liaI propositis be inviteti èthle publication efthIe ame. Tie- cemmittea Iigil> intirsedth le plansuntisyIlabns suimilleti byi4h DRILL OF UNIFORtIED PATttIAIICtS. Resolveut, Tuat a cenmitlee eft tIrée buc appointeti, wioet it ill ie te report ta lte nextl annual session efthis Grand Letige, a uSyslem et Tiatics ani Dill for Uitormed Patriarche;" - AtTHIESTS-Report ef Jauliciau-y Commitfce, ado1d cd. - Thé Juticiar>' Committee. le wiem wae reterredthlb.iciquir>' trou tie (Grand Encampuceul et Iowa suimithéti b-yRep. EHartmnau,eoftat juisdilioi, -Whblet a member et tic -Order wie tees crut believe ici lie existence et s Supreme Being, tieciaricig bimsel. tatehb un AttelIg, is a preper-applicant te petitien for moucher. slip ici su Encamnect," resapectlullyreportl: B>' cousîllutionsi requirement, bellot ii a Supreme Iente Creator anti Preséèrver efthlie Unîverse, la matie a qualification for inembership. (Digeal, 1095.) Suait a behief la essential teatIh. preper receplien anti appreciatien etf thie principlos, teichinge, ant i ntual et Odîl Fellowsiip. Andiftif 1e an establieheti funtianienhaî qualification for admission ta a -Subordinate Letige, muai more lail necessar>' for admission tleflita bigier branof ethle Order. To cemmendtia lte avowýed Aliteist tic man et taithi wie ruslet iniii d, te int roduce bint ameng9 tiose wio aaknowletige andi ravarence, Hlm as flics Falierbt mii men, ta ask 13111 ta parhiaipale lu prayer anti praiso lu the Creator anti Presorver wliom liodociles, weuid ha a ieiîow imockeiy. SYour cemmittaare et opinion liat the Athilal ledisqualitifor election anti adision tu an Encampucecil. - PASSINO IBALLOT uOXES-ANeD ROBESi 0F C. P.. AND 8. W. The telhewina report was adepteti The Commiltea on tha Stataeofthti Ortier, te wiem wîs reterredth le inter- rogatonies preacciteti b> Rap. Ste-rn, et Neya-la, as tollowE..- First.-Is if nu-cessai>' teapethe ballet-box to-tic Senior Warten, altier before or atter balloting 2 Second-le h nobliguttory u on thie Giiet PMnriarch anti- Senior Wardeu, te wcsr itue robes (prtcciib db' h. I. W -Grand Lotlgel turing tic coutering et tiegîu-u-a2 1 lip--etftihly report. as t liec-first, t-hit lte- w]olc malter I le lct te local leIsI-tîon. This Granu 1 Ln.Ige tiei-liul lasu yeuir tuatIl State Giand -Iîris-hiclîons maigliiîautiierize tluihSuberdinates ft) eatci 3'Lutws îurovidiig tite tcV. G.. or ailier officre, miglit'auîtisitue&N. 6S. l intîýexacîuiaion e tof cbllobt. m'ài utule knewn.tua rasait ef Bis oxaiufiation, tic N. G. itin aig'o prorogative et deucidiuig witetieî lia canudidaite i-i iuiucted er rejecteJ" (Sec 127h, Digest), 1,a.d tuia ruie au-piles equtil>' to Etoarupuente. 'r it-ec.n. un-t iiitin auisumu-s tfulin isic rrobes praeteribeul byTLo Gitan- LoJ.lg-s oet tiiU-11t---t StarP -rthr i- Cul-ef Puutriuureiand e-ISnier \Varden, witicl i.. nuuî lite c tue.'The r-'vi-; 1E i c uip n-utriiîliniiwlnsail lte prmucriheti mît., wviicuu are 0titî.- ot ilu-- Ugh Prieeu. Gu rte., an-I wlen tii-shauul b awurn; andî it iuwltere mielu et uoiies fuirlthe C.iiýf 'alriuurcito eîiaSu-nior WVuuie, amud. as a canat-i în-uce, tiltent el-u-rs art- nul réuiredta t weuir reoues during ii lOx. TALý .'t.iruFNitLa, L-L. 1D., &Nr P. G. B.-On o et li uost p1pas- iuug inceieto thet Session %wuu-thle piru.euuueaut lion. Tii. -P. Sliaff!u-i,l pa4t GranRutBup.etftthe Ste t ofKeuntncky. an i wio pri-Eauîetl te acdi Grandl Officer anti Lejresnativie a tsjdendud vailue, tuuugniüc4ti-uty biunz1, hunjllitetb>' tisu- -tait. ecitittid1FetllowslipilnulutaleuL. hla lte purpeof t tiis distiuguistui-uI brotitet te preu.ent a cepy oft ul- ibook te oaci ofthle crnwned beais-oethe varions Enroeu anti eliier foreigu Goveriment-q. - - The Grand Loulge efthle Unitedi States adopteti the fellewicig b>' a nanitu- ans Veti '-'rie laudaithe efforts muade b>'indivitinala te lissominata the pinciplesofeOur belovaît instiîutiiiî, siouid net eni>' bc anconraget, but bigil>' commendeti.; -sud te haheel exampl ie lilaylu> tu tic noble, uni-eifihcin exiiltetib>' Pass Grand. - Beprasentativas Tai. P.: Shuffuar, ic i bi desirà tea preati a knewlotige efthlie Orclar Ibrougieultte civilizeti woriuî b>'tic issue ot an expënsive anti elabonate- ly.gotlen up werk on tie enijeat, antid fit;ribuhet b>' bim fre.et charge, merts il tie bande efthle Grand]Letige an e>'prestdeionefthIanke ; tieretore, hei Rctsolved, TuaI tic tiacikgoethlie Grand L--tige eft lb Uited Slales, I. O. O. F., he andti te> are icreby tendereci ta PasI Grand Represeutalive TsI.P Siaif- cicr, L.L.D., ' for lie generone giftet a copy et hiec publication on Otd-Fellewahip le esci efthte oficers aud mcmbcrs i allenulance ut Ibis annuel. session. Iu rep>ly ae crasolutiocis, Brother Sliaffnier salul: IlMoar WOETRY GRAND SIRE, PAsr GRAND SIREs. AND'mRgi-misEiiTàTIvEsi-. Il is tiful tatl al thte emotions et my beëau, or iti>' acknowletige lte obligatiou 1 tée st titis greal compliment et beieg permitteta1 speik a fsw tratercisi words ho titis distinguisheti becy-îbia national seuil. et American O0ddtelowhp- wlîicihieasgrewn le suai magnilficecil roportions &inca Ifirmlti l te hecor anti priÏilege te take my' eeak il ils coundi., nearl>'as hird et a ceuiur aga. I hal ils progrees, sud ltaI Qed sus>'speet yenis lte desire et my hliant. For min>' >'aars since thoen I bave been ici toreigu lande, imidth le pomp, prit. sud magni- ficence of empires, monsrchies, andti ironos1 with emperore, luinge anti qucens hctrnolwilielmuding a-tis, 1 ave nover for a moment torgqlleu su>' iret love, Otit ýFellewsiip, my niative lind, or "ni>' ohd Kenlncky homo." 1wlitelc a> ragions surrendeti me, or equatorial suno burneti above me-Ihodugi oticer sconse anti olier beauties have cresseet un> pali, lte briglîl slaretofOtt Fellow- sitp u aen eec s>' eiun igi; ntiifI hve aletiludoing su>'dut>'ta persnul cqusnlaauubelivin lia il lIl amianiz Ibeu 'thcur prisicipleas, anti~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~t epnn i oi o u nadmri ewibIdsr eappend lie ganlanug yn or îe Cour tîe priv'loge affortictime-agatared.- secratar>'was uýdepted: ;lh oaise 1' Gan - RttOLVED, Tial iafter no appeawileoiee. l îhii. B>d a Y u>seion. hhëeot, unülese. lie papers in snoh an appeat be pha"d luin haude et Grand' Searelaàr>' on or befere tie final day et lis session. -ýïj e nez Ti tsession-ùet B.. W. G. L., U. .,wilh b. held tci ciO f Phil- adipi oïmenoig Monda>', 18tb Septesu! er. 1876. Prom the leugtlI otour "oi etf inlureel-tite Orter ah lutni but ounthe aontistenlt4t Àmsrit este inicidetails, avil i fud lie jourualsie iu under tue dines0 anti Beceruing Secreasi>, J. L. -b Tiunderiguad higbIlyv ment of-flOntnion lte Supreit lu lte G r, ojtlt

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