Whitby Chronicle, 3 Aug 1876, p. 3

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Co' ttE. .1.50 1naime4 Berfin Wool work, 2 diat dé - 2 Graiotedwork. S. Gtlipure '1WOJ.... ...... 2 (jheiUe lWork ........... 8 Mexicîn Needle Work .... 2 Ornamental '6- .... 1.50 ý6pecimens of Brsadng.... 1.50 :4' Qultmng..... 1.50 di Bead worko 1,50 di Lace work.. 1.50 'Vorked Slippers ......1.0 Sofa PiIlow......... Cotton Tidy.. .... WooleIl Tidy... ... Bralded Tidy. ..........i1 *Worked Camp Chair.... 2 Ciamp Stool .... ......1.50, Ottoman.......2 .Wax Fruit......... Wax Flowero. .......... 8 Wax Sel.....2 Watx Lillies... 0.......2 -Paper Flowrs,.,......... 2 hair Flowers......2 Zeyphr. Flowers. ....... 2 Fanoy Basket ..... . 1.50 WaflBskt...... Groitn Lamp.1......... 75o Lamp mat ...... 750 Fanciy table mt I Fancy ILeather Work... 2 Bustia Work..... - ..... 2 Cone Work ...........1.5 Cantilian Sr ..H.t75o Fatriner'. .Wreath..... 8 Hair Jewelery.. ......... 2 Work Bx.....1.50 Ol Is 111-Fine Arts. Cil Paintinug, for p6te. siunais, lbndicape. 2 1 do. animas.,..2 do. auy--iubject.. 2- Oil Painting, for amatuers, laudacepo.... 2 animaie, .2 any sùLbjet.... 2 Wýýter colored, 1andscape.. 2 66 animais5... 2 J fi any subjoot.. 2 J Velvet Pitng...1.50 1 Pouahl, figure aubject ..1.50 1 Porteil drawing, any 1mb.- ject .... ... ....... 15 Crayon drawiug;, animale. 1.50 1 46 any subjeot.. 1.50 1 Colored Crayon, animais. 1 50 1 1 i any subjeot.. 1.0i Peari Painting.....1.50 1 Oru tinentéi Penrnanship. 1.50 1 0,01lection of Ambrotypes audPhotographs.... 2 1 Pholographie Portrait fin. iuhediu oil......... 1. 2 2 i i i i 1~ I i 50e SOc 50e 75e i i I ZOo 2 i i Clanta XLV --Leather & Leath- er Work. Pair Me's Finde Boot., sw 0 2,61 Pair Mfen'a Fine Boo, pegged. 2 1 P4ir Nee.# e ip Boots .......2 1 liu.Aesortmt tof Boot sud Slinmakerp' Work..... 2 1 SOt of Farm Hemnees.Si..... 2 1 Carrlage fi .....8., 2 1 " Sinigle i...S.. 2 1 Sadloei.e .. ..... 8 2 i sida ai)le...;................ 8 2 1 Pair Hesvy Horst Cllers ...8 2 1 Travellingh Trunk ............. 1.50 1 ocl Lahr..............2 i Ujpoer Lestiser, Cowilîde ...2 1 do Grain.d,....., . 2 1 16 Caîf-à........ 2 1 'llarneassg ...............2 1 linid i ............... 2 1 clase XV-ineeilanlecus Piano. .........4 00 ' Cabne Wrk..........8 O0 Sculpture le Marblo........S 'Â 10 Ibo JLneY-lu Comb........150 Becsa' Wax..................... 1 50 1 1Ibm HQu)ey, itraitied ... 0.. 0.." # 1 50 -Twa boaves cf Bread.,..* 15 Cillolon ni Coufec .o......... 2 bouqeot Of Flowe',.g, table... 2 <Xl 1 band... 2 001 lieîîer Prprir, Prlnting .... 1 Ob 1 Pane~l Doon..........1 NVlndr~,w Sasir.................1 5 Wtfltw Blinde................ 1 Io i là.riing laWooJ.. ........... 10M Boce Hive .................... rsu i Tallora' Work................ 0i Uplulsterer's Work ............0 i 'Siernu f lnmleh% Work.. 50 1 001lecioîî Coopers Wo#ky 50 1 Buse StwIrg Machins ..... 2 00 1 Floral Desige .............12 00 1 1K.*'Speclîl prize by Mr. James Ptgle, proprlor of tlbo R al isotl) of 86 for lhe beit 10 Ibo ofîlonsy, lu, eowb,-tbe bousy le beonU lb. pro. perty:cf the donos'.i ~WSIC,-There wiil b a baud uuSie engàged during the oxhibi. FaelNo .OMoulpo f lfty acie more or loes, hslug the e nàh.qnlartem msld let number one, This lot contain about 10 acres of wood land. TERriS OF 1ALE'. Ton per cent to ho paiS Sownas h bluc sae, AnS suffielent ho: make therewil th e ov.,nber next. The blancil sixe( equsi snual lustalments with Inter At 7 par cent per snuru, 'o bho ecursd I Mqortgge. Possession ef parcel numrio e ,euâTImal sTy of October nèxt, ýsud 0eth, b'hr amels eck-liru day o f aru us- a wibh gt thopleugh ise tifan of tisneuo And :tal'llng for 2 herses. t3» Tille lndidputshls.. For tunther 'particuleanud coudtions ', Sale SPPly ho James Shauid, Esquirs, Col usîbus, tise VonSors' Solibor, aud -te W. il. BILLItOS, Vendor's Soliciter; Withy. .Whlthy, 4ugust Sud. 1878. . h. s ERVANT GIRL WANTED 1 Goed Wages wlll ho given. MRS. L. FÂIRI3An1< Whlthy, Auguit Sud, 1878. fyran S SASH.1SLE. Admninistrato r'sa Sa 0 y COW5, MORIE, BUGGY. WA GONS, HOUSEHOL D FUR. Ni rURE, &C, &C. s, reet. 82 il è Tise undemiglied ha. recel ved instructions froua MR. L. W1BIGHT, Adlulstratôo et tise offets of tise late MR~S. MAR~Y WRtIGIT,. To seil by Pubic %taion, athber lise e. sidence, Lot No. 10, in tise Ut concession i.I 1Pickeing, 'ou Wednesday, Aligu8t 9th, 18676, asillewa: 1 Mia 1 Buggy, t two.borns Waggo, light Vieggen, l Cutter, I est ni Doullu Bierues. 1 set elizglo Hiaruesm. 0 Cows, 1 Pig, 10 Feather Bd.sud lu Bedtae Ir14 quautity et Sheets, PliiowH Pils f.~eeeQuitsttc IParler sot oà Purua.- turo-histr clatis 6 -bed.room Leokitig1 Masnses, 4 niîtTableo,.Extension Iillngl Tal,9 e tock Damaek Table Clutijs Lf.n 1 heetO,, Mardielles Quits, 8aîr4 cases bIsets. i àBue-humer Co-al Steve, i CookiugStove, 6 Wood steveo, 12 corCis et Steve Wootis 8 Basaof china, carpots, Chairs, Tables, Bursatus, Wardm,,he, Outie. ry, Pluted 'Waro, Croekery, Gla.ewre, BIook canes sud books, ti'uriositles tend Min' eals, tour caese0etStutfed Birds aud Aul. maet, 1 Mangîs. Pour sud a hall acres eitsi twe sud a hall gares ai l'es ; i searefciPotatoeà - quàrter acre o! Ceorn. SPaulfrl4r&« scythes, ;&o., &ô. 5s10 aks rk0 Lri Terris Cash. Sale te commence se 12 . 'clock, champ. 1FIBNS PiclkeriAuctieneer. pie.nig, Auguist I it, 1876. td.82 O1USES5 TO , LET. Tae >,Vell'.ng Hfouses, on Party Street, cootAlnn roams eah ; isard and soit wetor. Q .abei acre et land APPlEPH A. BANDIILL, - Whtby Bouée. W/ji c' August lot, 1876. 0 /JpIC NIC GROUNDS, riCORBETT'S POINT." These Grounds cen euly l'e occupied by pleamure partlds upol tise folewlng coad. Two persans or a emali fausily 0 0 Six pnsono or largo tamily - - $1 0t> Partiesf012 teî5 . . -. 2 00 Parties of 16ho 80 . . . 2 i0 Parties of to60 - 9.00 Parties aif60 sud upwsrd . .4 Qou Tise shove ameunta must ise palS belons admission, sud an y one fddtrespaaeiug will l'e pmsecuted. Pires muet not ho started nur trous or grass, or ilapes wis-,eo lblia llly te .tpread. Porions lanS. In. freon bats muet Psaitise abovo suris Immodiately cm tisey wil?'uot ha pemmaittea bo romain on ehore. J. T. STIRDEVANT. Whltby, July 8tis, 1870. 82 A CINSALE. Under aud by virtue nf e Power of Sale contained lu a luertgege (whsuh will ho pro. duced ounliseday dtâsele,> tmore will ho sold hy PUBLIC AUC.TIuz4, se SKINNER'S HOTEL, la tise Village of Manilla, Saturdayr. 2nd September, '76 tl..., ýty ta10uCOMMIZZO 411au 00 at tiehe ur of Twelvs a1cluck, taon, tise arrangements of that departinent in tellowmtîg propenty, vi: Village L.t n jumn- ohsrge.ber îiiry sersu in thse -Village o a iîilIs, chagelu tise LUoiuty et Ontario, le inaoutbpeaed ftapartutf the santi hait o! lut n.tnheî- IEÊ-F1oital hall- wil be open tut tise T wseytour lu îthe sigisei cutcession outhie pullio, on Wedbooslâiy aud TisnrsdtLy 'ownship of SBrook, as survoed sud laid antis>' Y. C. MeCallons, Frivincial Lanîd evtuinlgs, at 7 0'eîoek, P. M. Surveyor, accomding ta a plan filif inithe liegistry Office of the Couunty tif Ontario There lat ou te preml»es a gouil, corn!,rt- ('OANCERY NOTICE. ellte Frame Roncie, Colitainî,îl five moins, a.,' -i; auto uedshed atiS stable Tihe property Cisancery Notice to tise Çeditors oft0 inalhe fer î"y persan deainiug a fini't tIsas village residence. JACKSON HOLLIDAY, dec eas- TERI4S.-One-isalf dow uahtdite of sale eiadSX H JANà HOLLI. anS baancesInJo aequal snnaliinelal- od, an SARAmeute wth lutemeeit ou tise violo amîlunt DAY, dscsased. unpeid utet ight par cent, or cashs te suit pureisaser aetlime eo! sais Puroat e Dera ! is Cur c Fiorfluithes' î,artict&Ias aappytth w Putuntina OOOOfth Cur c ooucs-et the undsrsigued, pyetho î 'Ciseuier>' made- lit a cause et icillday BELL & BELL, ,%aigeut Gliroy, teeCrodiiors et JacksonVeorSoitrs .lltlty,> 1 -te oi tise Township îtof suh ihluVnosSoiio tise cautcy aiOntario, Yeoman Wh isî uio or ta P. TURLEY, Enq., iu or &bout tise 'coutl i n Sy 6Lé74d, aci .rankford. Setrait -Aue Holîtîla>'. bisllsugister, ~a pns- Belleville, Jnly 271, 1876. td-512 ter. ah,, dipS thoreeitftsr, are, on or betere - ______ bise eigisbeouis'day ai Soptember 1876 te ,~RS ILFRSL senti l1y pet, pro pali, ta John Ï*skl, otISTML FRSL teCl 1y afTorntà, fil tise Count>' ci York,G thsol eviter for tise defenanst, Jamnsa Gil-l'y Public Auctian, et tise ray, the udBllnlsînaton ol thé kîsalokon OROWN INN, COLUMi3ÙS, HoôlllelaY, dusassul, thelr thlari suad sur- amas, addrssusand description, 1mIl part i v. mlles nortis et Oshaiwa, Cunnly of ou. culglitoltheln tlaiu,i slatesasolf theirie.taio ocutats, anS tisenature of tise seunleles« taieio uny) bit!i by them crinu detauît tisereejt tey Thureday, i 7th of August Ube poftmPtonlly exluded tram the hau. of iselS decres. Every coeSitem holding eext, vit 1 o'eloek, tise propert af Mr. John y ceau 1mbf t ýproduco the #&me belons Bilei, A G-rieland lFleun II l, eout4in. me I Chabers, utahtie Town et Wbîe. ng Two BRofciBnmnStoes, wvhsan tise l'y, i . saiS Oouauty oi Ontario. on îit" necmsaryMacilury fordolngà e rcisnt lOth Day of Sept.emb'r, 1878,> Fi tlcg uain e ais. Cps- Pr E AttcW'thMt ar SXACRES 0F at Tas 'leck le th. foranooin, hiu*, the LA? iéTo wHigRotstablîes ine spMlut.S teur ja"detimon0,oà tise etc e otc. Sîbuated lu oneocf the boet heet elalms&1 sh$ta, c. f Ontario, s% milesImtra he D4als4 Ibis twenty.Souil day ofJUly, G=raTmnk and Ivo mies f rom.th. part Wiiby and Port PennyRalway., . I)ITNt Tsu-peub iMe ione manth bal. 0iî~~s 39Mstror ep in eàt eqises annu l tlit a £ 8 oo o A5 Iq Alec, fîrtv emmsf ue ne? al dj.ining tt,î 2 8 0 - - ecOl 1rî)pçrty. 81,51X) cash demi ;tise bal J viipur titra a *CIa>'bttent Farta, 100 a"ite in.sevun ysarc. Auras o et tuî.casq4lity, olsetlaiLEVI FAIRBANKS, L eifii e O nsi rievset vllo,î n M49,n Clunlîns, Juiy 22, 1876. Id-.Si ýîoie1h4hdr, neteurly MI newiy 0o0Lua -.-e -- R't,j iyru rped Iw tereii, Beantitul AMTURN Ml0Lo, s. iost'exceilentlanîl. ii. 4 OLIN Ra Bnolng race for men, heutp £40Wi1 S5w ' Jump for i.... 250 1 80e es maes fur boys. l'estd. 1.60 75o 2N*c three-ieg race, boys .0a 5 ir . Jump forby...160 75e8e5Lt< fi anitg . ha$y....1.60 75e 15e. 11.lupstep-anid juimp for boys. 1.50 75o 25é For Boat races sund Qeoit matches asu su- of trance fes 'of fifty cents wiU ho chargeS, ýt For Mondé ruuuiug race aud rnnulng jumup qn an entrants ee of 25c. Boys oompetlug lus muet lbe oder 16 3Vears of age--entrance Mt for boys 166. In ail cases, four or more te by enter tiste exception of thse b6at race. ne AdmIission te the ound, iraes. No in'. h, toxic4tins iiquors 9wed on the grqcnd1 Teabove wlfl lbe on usrely pc.n tye » the Oddtollown' Braus sudCalvorlYs Quadrille Bauds'wli b. lu attendancesdur. lng the day and eveniug 'f The Steamer lil makedauxu thse miter- l. ceeu short trip.eut mb totise là eý There wiU ho a ioonulgisîexcursion lu- th.e 0ven.. CXriCou 07 oruXANo85sUr..Charq0g Ring, M. O'Denevsn Thomas toms, John stan. r n NY . jmi Bsrnes, J. Wel- U GOD SAVE THE QUEEN 1 THOS. TOMS, W. J. G IBSON, Captain. secretary. Wiiy, Juiy 27th, 1876. 81 4 0R OF TEIANKS. Per-clt me te thank thse Officers cf the Canada Live Steck Association fer 'tlseir eey.pou amn f ciaim 6et 8100. fer lnslurauce scumbent on thse deatis of my herse, which .ccnurred in Mey, Iset. j eau Mately ecomSdénd thse abnvs (dempany t ail Stock rainera wimhisng te lueurs, e, a -therooghiyr;;fiable eue, sud that they wltl bc desîtwltblu a straaight forward maisuer tismough "tise very attentive anS efficient agent, Mr. MàADDEX, of Oshawa, .JOHN BURNS. July 22, 1870u. ln*-a OntarioCenteunli Comiusioner as thse shoztesti sud mont direct ho tle CENTENNIAL EXHIBITION, AT PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK CEN rRAL, NORtTHiER.NCENTRAL, snd PENNSYLVANIA Rsilroads No dust as thse rond is thoreujghiy atone bal. ls.ted. Vive Feot Trainm diiy witb cle. ,ýâut" Puinan Pallace Sleepliig or Day Lur.ches on, sach train. VlA NEW YORKI CENTUtL R, . ami a ins i. .eeaVe 7fX4ara Falls .. .4.00 17.80 . 458 - Su.rde.... 4.20 7,85 2.00 7.41 Butffalo...:...4J151 7.46 1.50 8.80 Chariettu. ., 4.09 7.3j, Rtochester..7.30 .25p.m 65.3012.2Oam VIA NOUTHEX EOJNTB&L IOAILWAY. a. . a.m ani Leave onannagua ... a046 4. 4 0 0J151.45.. Penn Yen..... 1.02 6.68 748 2,42. ............? & 7 7.00 &37 .38 8.00 A.'eRavalia......12.27 7.09- 848 .... 8.06 Elmira..._...1.30 8.10 .80 4.9o 0.00 Troy ... .... ,88... 10.2) .4 10.00 lnnequa ..... 4. .... 1.0 8.0y2 10.38 eus p n Willianspoî.t..10 .....12.3W 7.40 12.25 Northtumb'laud,12.40 ......9.25, 2.05 Bunbury ....12 ......2.00 .8.6 2.16 rt*Emrligz.. ..2.45 . 6,511.40 4.10t Itlioe ......... .. 7834.26 7.85 Wahington.... .... ....9.02 9.07 907 Phiiladelpia....7.00 ... 7.8.3980 7.20 New Berr...k...0 .Io._.10.25 0.45 10.20 Pemieugers have the privilie fe toppitig off eit eny point, eand of Visiving Washington City en-route ta thse Centennial. Excurinujats should visit the fer famed- "WATKIN'S. GLEN"J lu their.rouate. Tise Glen le located on the 0 lins of thse Nortisern Central orily, aud itsp picturesque sud ronsentie censry le neta surpassed lu tise world. a An elegaugtly lllustratedl pamphlet, de. t scriptiveofet he Exhibition, wicîtsilt et lsotls lu Philadelplsia, their preuanusd e greet d el of other valueblu informatIon, ean be obtairsed tram the Western Peseen.. ger Agent. . Canadiens meiding on tise Nol-thsore nt Laite Onterio, ean talce tise ateamer B "'NoerenseIl lenvnsg Coîborne et 5.30 a.m.; V Cobourg, 7.80 arn.; Port Hope, 9 40 ans.; ci makizsg direct connections with Northemcn % Centrai trains levitig Rochester, N. Y, ar rlving in Piltdelphia next rncrniug et 7 o'c1ovk. Steensera f reiu Torento va 1 aise tuake direct connections et Niagara or Lew. leton. Be sure atnd purultaîc ansd purchsee ur tickets via New York Central, l'art erun Central, snd PenusylvaelaB. R., wblch eau ho obtaîned at ail Ticket Offices et re- JL duoed rates, or at the office efthtie Nortiseru CenralRitlwa Company, 42 Exchange a D. M. BOYD, JR. ou S. L. SEYMOUR, Gen. Pans. Agt. ai western Penn. Agent, Rdl 42 Exchange St., B3uffalo, N. Y. ce July 22ud, 1876, S1 se FAMILY EXCURSION S, TO "N ORkSEMA N." SPECIAI..INDUCEMENTS. As e aSiieciel Itluact-inent tu Famsilles ta vidit, theeiscautigul Cîîv out iclseâter, tdur- iiîg tise warnscuî,ner montis Tickets gond for twQ daye (iucludîng date oft lesume) will ho e ied by Steainer "Noisemau," until The 15M Dwy (Y* Sepembeî-, ea-c, lat tise underrcuuitioned lluîsrceu-atc rates frein F>ort Hî.kpe or Cehonrg, namsiy : Foar twa ilsemlscrg cf l7amiiy ta Charlotte sud ruturu - - - - sa 0() Eecis additional tnernler - I-t1tm Cis(lren uider 15 yeare oftage leach) 50 Ticets must, buprocureS tram tisendur. rneutiuined Agevt o!tise Steamer, on foul tare wiU le chargeS. E'. STEPHENSON, Demn. Tei. Ceo Ageut et Whitby. CENTENNIAL EXCURSION TICKETS 1 Ceîîtennial 1Excursion Tickets tram Wbit- by, et getiy redurzed rates. _Pritestram 0140 taý 18.10, accorclîeg ta route; ise for Witby. Jl>'24th, 1878. ta-si j ItUGEAM CARItIAGE WORES. Repefzl> nom hlm Patrons snd tise Pbi iahoha purcisased tisé igis for Coriboy' Patent Seat BUGGIES8, CUTTERS &. AIl piurti;.i will dowell tua ses Oui -Buggies nilCulure beotegiving tiseir ardt eso l3rotgh0tn, Jul>' ISth, 1876. Iyr.80 G-. YOUNG SMITH, Mayor'& OMO@c, Whltby, Juiy 24th, 1876. 8î ALECTURE TO YOUNG MEN. i tP bllshed, s sealed En veuat . ýPries siix ents. wALeeuMron 2i h. Nature ;Treat. ment, sudradical cure ef Somnli Weak stes or Spermatorhoee, Induéd l'y Self- Abuse, Iiavoluluntsry £misesions, Impoten. cyNervouo Pebility anS Impedlsuents to Mrr g eneraly; âèousumpetono, llpiep- sy. aud Fits; Mental and Physical Incaao t2 &.-By RIOBERT .7. cJLvIIR EL ilD., suthor of the. 'GrsonBook.'ý &o. The world.renowuecl author, inu hum ad- mirable Lecture clearly, prove, from hlm own experience Ilia the swfui cionsequences Of Self Abuse masy be effectuaily removed withont, mediolue, and Withont dangern)us surgicai operations houes, instruffinte, rings, or cordials ; poiutlng out a mode of cure at'hoce certain and effectuai, by whiei, every sufeérer, ne matter what hlm condition mey l'e, msy curs bimsell chsply, prive. ly and radicaijy. -4r The Lecture. wlUprove a boon to thoumandsa ,nd thousands. Sent under cealinlua plain envelope, ho auy sddness, on receipt of six cents, or two postage camps. Fi. BRUGMAN & SON, 41 Ann-St., N~ew York. 1876, lts ni, bithy. oftes F OR SALE, A valuable well.hred Young Breea Sew for sale. Enquire et CEIRONICLE 011111 ADMINISTRATION NOTICE. ling [CE. 27 To tho Crc*torH of ISAlAC REESOR, deceaed, antd all others having clctim8açjgainai hisE8eau. -Tise CÈediton ci Isase Reeser. late cf tise Touesip ef Pickerinig, in tise Couutr tif 0otaria, nîller, dccased, who was drowu. cd et ses on or about tise firet day ut lune, 10375, and aIl others heviug auy deitn agaiuet hisestate, are, ou or butors tise first dî&y of August. A. D>., 1876, te coud tetue, AIiIAHÏA0etRBESUR, tise uudersigued .îi ini!niatrator duly appointeid. sddmense,, lltoia, Ontario, tise full particulare of thuir cleî,ne, a statement o! tlîeir aicunts, aud tise nature o! tise sen.ity (if enyl hetd toy thens, together witii their chisitian sud eurnimea, eddreanes and cdescription or in defnît tiereol :hev will be peremptorily ercluded frons suy1,beneflt under the dis- tri huti.n oi tise aiets after caid lest rien. tined date, ta ise made amengat tise par-. ties entitled tiiereto. This Notice ine gsvenunder Statuts o! Canada, 294 Vie., Chaep. 28, Sec 27. ABRAHIAM BEESOR, Adosinictrater ot IcaiResor, Sccased. Toronto, l2tis June, 1876. 25 JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETG. 'Thse largest and moat commodieus hc in the tôwn, han large sample roorne1 commercial travellera. Table welsupIl witth sebest inseason. Be«tbrandsiiqu ani cigars. Encled yard and ehedroor atteuitîvu ise.tlers.- uharges to suit t N._.-Livery altached. c OTTAGE FOR SALE 1 Thet Brick Cottage, juet tnrth of t] Brown & Petteraon Manutacturi Co Worke, with thse land adioining.Thre on thse promises a tblHadadS %Veter, &o. s.a.e adad For furtiser perticulare apply to J.EB. FARSEWELL, Vhltby, May lird, 1876. Britr meet, Notes hande AÀNNýUAL 'CLEAING SAL 00008D, CLOTHINO, D-RY now going on., Ca.11 and examine some ofthe bargains 10W. offèring.- JAMES SHEA. Oshawa, August 2nd. 1876. PlWces Feoeth edrsotheCI,. NICLE the following NEW STYLE FELTIlHATAS The Black Economay Hat. The Black Challenger Hat. The Blue Challenger Hlat. Th e BlaCk P ri epuat. aý Thheao Rleuat.h E. a FR lOwSTa Whitby, Auguet 8rd:1576. Odd Feliows' Hall. GIBB )B. tel for led crs m ; the~ Lie re 19i THE COUN-T1Y ELE CTE.D 18 &4FE ! C:0- CAN'T TUIN OUT McI{ENZIE! F OR SALE 1 TisaI eligible Family Reeldene wits Si ires ef baud, comprimlng Gardon sud Or- liard, al et excellent quality, formorly ce. mpied hy tise late John Hamer, Enq., situ. te about one mlle eset o! Whithy, on tise lingstonRoiS. Tise ilîsuq coubains Ton .eems beisides kitoisen iun ean, wlgtt, good illar. liard sud Soit water on tise preml. s; aia haro anS stable. For turtiser particeslara ecq.ilreoaf JOHN TAYLOR, Enq., On tise premises. J OTICE TO CREDITORS OF TULE LÂTS. Notice is hereisy givu n lupnsuance ci IStatuts 2"th Vit:, Cap. 2R, Sec. 2g, biset ail Icrefltnra sund ociser persoas iaviug elaims %n nOr affeetirtg tise octate of Eiacd Kester U C hpmrin, laai tiste Township a! Picker. ing, in tise Conry of Ontario, fYeoan, Wiso <lied ou thes 1«isrd dey o!i-lune, 1876, ane heiely requiredoun or butore thse 1th day o! -Iugumt, 1876,' ta Bond iîy poait ta Richardl Colline ,li>qWi bliY P. t). theaduitietra tor ci t4me pereeonet estae l euS ffecte cf lise eaid dereasud, thelr niseadilmeecesanac 9,leeCriptiolle lu fuli, tise osemtbulam»eontisueir dlaimns atemonts of tiseir ducaunta, sud tise nature oattse ecuritien (Jiail) issîSb>' thei, andl tist at tise expiration o0f tis aS linsu the self erluinlsitrat;ir yul proqeed ta dietrihute tise msets 01 tise se.iddeeeae amocg lise persona entitled tisereto, isaving rega ta thse debita anSd aims only af hcstise saiS elminiâtneton csell tI.en have isai notice, and the saiS adriuistrator utîder tise pravisieus af tise saiS Statut. viii tiot hl'e hable for ýtise-asots or any part themeaf se dlesbri&,utod, tean>' persan ai wiose Scisi or claimn ho shell net ibsve heu notice aithe tire oi aneh distrihution. RICHARD COLLINS, Administrahor. Pickerng, Otis July, 1,876., 28 TEX STEAUER [NOR SEMA NY' (I m hr, riuAWPD, n.ATE fsr,) l"Mon croum m tiom u at W 20141a esteru. an tise arrivaI of G. T. R. hriune Baet & WeaIt, et nnfe4tlcg lb rcwýili tho e w York Centrai. Nertisnu t'entrai and '-t9rie R - l yà, sitd teksOutrloithîe Dvieice to lme. pair ts Esuat, Wet ansd fSentish . . RKTRvaote: WililoIaVe Charlotte (port o! Itauhester) aîily et.9 p. n, except flatur- .dsvt. vison ehe wil bave et38p ,ul,-fer Pont 17Hioe irect. ..y - HARVEST. IS COM ING ! And if you want Forkis, Scythes, Cra-, dl les, and ail kinds of Harvest Tools, Cheap. HATOH'S.1 For Harvest Gloves, well made, and Guaranteed to fit. Go to11 HAT0 H'S . fl- Food for Potato Bugs, Hatch's 'AIS GREEN. T O P A R T IE -B UI L DIN G p. If you want First-class Locks, Butts, Glass, Putty, Cut and other Nails, Paints, Ouas, and al Building Materials usually kopt in a riirst-class Hardware Store, Cheap. Go to ILALFCI~ Wh: mitby, Ju.iy l9th, 1876. No. 4, Brook Street, Whitbv.1 8 ILK, FEL TA ND STRA W HÂTS.1 GOOD QUA L1TY FEL T IIATS FROM 50ct Straw HIats at 10'te., or three for -25 oents, whi h ther Thenewst tyls i Enliansd Amejoa COMMERCIAL ENVELOPES, From 90 cents per thou.sand. FANS! FANS. Stylish. The Largest,,Stock in Town. CROQIJ't, be beat ini kinds or price.', Quiokness, promptnes and pnnotuallity gua- îItnil ranteed. a-. c j;i ALL GOODS SOLD AT C[TY PICES. 'lealti J. S.ROBE RTSON,. Booksiler aud Stationer, ~whitby. tril JUST RECEIVED AT mdl DOMINION, WAREROOM S A 0CHOiCE LOT 0Fth r threMt GRENADINES, e are fra BATTISIS, ad.n MUS LINScnio WORSTED COATINGS bM SUMMER TWEEDS, &o. l. AlIso a su'perior lot of striped and plain t-tilx" EJOSIERY. c huudre I F r Hlat. 1 MILLINER Y, DRiE83SMA K/NG AND T'A ILOIING IJONE TO "OIDER. ODD FELLOWS B-VIJLDJNGS 1 PETER SMJTN SUGRAS NOW STOCK, CUMARRLURED HAMS, CUMBERNDBACON, NEW OHEEEE ALSO, MALTBYS COCOA NUT, KEILLER'S- MARMALADE, And a general supply of la" CASH PAID FOR BUTTER PETER SMITH. Whilby, June 141h, 1876. Just to baud a lot of Thos. Rus"seli &Son's celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases, at ipecial prices. Waltham and Elgin- Watches i Gold and Silver caties, Jewelry, &o., at depression prices. AND EGGS. et Perambulators, 3 and, 4 wheels, 'ClAn L udmecANDmkrbstvle towM N.T JAANDEAMN. JAS JO .ctON, achak Practial1W87h.ak2r J Whitby, Ma3r 22nd, 1876. .1- 22 LAING & 'STE, to tir, store to compare priées with any offered Town. .. They ha-ve no imtýentkn 'of retirine frn the-retnil May lOth, 1876. ýWARIT DR. BRIGHT.S PHOSPHODYNE 13 SOLD ONLY In CASES at zos. 6d hy all Chemniats and Paient Medicine Vendor, 'throngisout tise Globe, Pnll Sirecibonaî fortIrlnluthse Egliai. Frnch, Germen, Itîtliin, Dsteh,Rpanq Poetsigaso, Daulis. luesian Turina ersan ino staiu, Madragae, lengalee, Chinse end laI, aueee Lange as. accompauyig o"eh Ces rHATON- Tielarge sud ncreaicg de- scand for Dr Bnlght'a Pisepbodyce lsag>lod te sever.i mitations under cimJiair name,; pur- clsers o! tis e ecimoabeuid therefore l'e. carefel .ho obseerve that eseis cam eaoireh Englisis Govemuxueut Rtamp, witisbie words Dr. Briahtes Phaspisodyco sugnavod thoroon, (wite lettons on rad eround.) sud Iliat Îh. Rmre -word, are 9.1on hievu on thbe tle. 'Iver cae earmtise Trade Mark andI Signa- ture ôf patentee. Tise publie ae moparieu- janIv cautianed agaluet purchas*îg apurions imitations bnsported frein tise United States, and axe reque8tedl ta note thet the directon for ue are- linuted lu ait the languaos as obove, aitisnewiescne eacu posalbly l'e EXPORT AGENTS. Norton, W tue d. Ce., 107 Sonthiwark Strast, Evans, LeeisÏer & Évans. 0-Batholomnan - Cloge. Ceudon. E. CI, Uec oyue,.Benbridgo & Co., la Coeamuan street. Maw, %on c& Thomson. 12 AllIhnegate Stres, London.'E. C. Barclay &Sans, 86 arrlugdon Street. Londoan, Newbery & Sons, 17 !cswgte Rt. London, E. C. J7. Sauger & Roue, 1500 peS Mt. Louden, W. G. larice & Ca. 80 Rt. Miary Axe, LcadônEI. Stucs .t ro. se George Striet 3fMsnoHonso, 1,oudon, EL Causpien k& Co., 168 Leadenheil Street, Lon- -don. EL. Bonneville-& Co., 2 Braisant Ct. Philpo Lane, Landai-t. EL <'allev & Ce le Ot, Winchester St. London, El B. Brook, & Ce., -St. Peter. Chambnsbr, Corchil Street, Londou, EL May 102h, 1870. Smn-2i 125- ACRES, Situited ou tise -Kingshon Road, 2 miles tram tbeBuriahiu Town of Wl'ltby, l'oixi3 compdse.d ofthe Souh.*eat 75 and tisa Norths 60 acresoLt No. R, conession 2Sut tise Tenhpc ickering. Titis Sra»t.- SOn thsofront là ocréges tis , argeýTwo. eterey Frae, Banse, well painted, wiLh Sioe Celm; 2 Cimberua, 8 noesr-.afing Wollo; Frime Barn, WxG0, with Stone Cnw Stables sud Cellar iudeirneath ; Hersa Stable 42z80 with Collar under th.e etx. - Cardiage Hanse 26x241- Prame Ccw-shej sud Statble at2ePsghen 24u18; Gandi n witis Pear, Plum.sud Cherry broos lenahian- Sauce, togethur wlth 03 acre, of firat claou Orchard. Tise abnve tarin ltwelhile drain- - eS. Thismis oceof 2h.el'est fermesinOntz. rio. Ouitise rear le s good Frame Ram 60x80, sud oce 40:24, geed Plank Houme, 26%24, - w-Id kben sud siage cd, i; A wells, a uéeor-iliug Spring. and 4j acres of Orchard. Tise abovo farri willble sold-on rsaaon*b terms, cpply te the preprietor on th. pro- ÉPckering, Juns 202h, 1876.- blÂNT INFEBIOl I ,LOOK NLý' The(C ~Fine Regati Shirts for 90ets.; Furnishings lemL z 1 1 - 1 l,ý PRT E R S M I-T H C; 0, Ê' D ilS M 1 T U'S HALL. - 1 Whitby,. May 1 Ili 1 -- 1 ý 1 -1 1 1 i 1-- 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 , -jý Whitby, August,8ra,-1876. l' 1 1 1 1 eut oi Co New ý--OF- - JAMS SIREA. 1 1 Oshawa, August 2nd, 1876. ]MID WA lzvln r-V . 2 LOWES- &-, POWELL.' %Vhitby, June l4fli, 1876. Il IT B Y, STOCKY 0:0- Go to 1 WhitbY, JUDO 14tb, 1876. PEU STE&XER -00 1 hitbY, July l9th, 1876. May loth-; 1876. S. WEBB T

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