Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1876, p. 1

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rerm owgéVE1 agogm5 tut dveum Busie88 Dire-otoi ONTARIIO MANif,' WHIITBY BRANCU j- THOMAS DOW, EWHIr.By AGEN0Y m B. TAYLOR, H. J. MAC'DOIELL, J lice, South Wfug Court Hous. i gemmu kafor speois1 reliner of Mon Osîuero, Q.C., sud Dr. Mcohsal, Q. FARRWcL& &k1UYTLFDG t.>oltors, Notsrles Publie, sud (lot abeurs. affioe filet doar sonth 'of thea . E.PÂ1MMWLL, L. L. B., Oounty Crown Attorney, NXotary Public, &tlr ffc--Over1iMr. ,iaan's store, flrock Street, Whltby, Or Cr-FAJLON C. KPLidrri, i\TýTO RNEY.AT.LAW,. SOLIOTTOR Chn onvayancer, &a.,Cana «',lrock, C. LYMAN E LNGLIIqI, g iL. 0, I3 AURXITEfl AT LAW, ROLIOTTO] 4rom q, t, Onbawa. I ARRTSTER, ATTOM~EY. AT.L, 3,Solinitnr in 0hsnaer_#suni Tuolvei Natury Publie a . ra. e.-.MaM£II Dlocls, Drocklo éet Whitby, Ontario. A. G. cIILN (lsteO reenwood--& KMillan.) DARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOI IIItor, NotsrY Public, Convoya,.cor. f1ce-Byron Street, South ci post 0ff WVhltby, Ontario, DUOG(lAN & ROBINSON, SOLIOrTORS IN CIANCERl CON VÈYANOERS, -<t., OFFICE-Provincial Amarlzuce Buildjr CuuaR STREET, TaoxxT, J. Dtiu c, J. G. flomaxsora ba, THOM AS EIU,TOÃŽN, R.J. Gitriri, M. ni, .U TXEbEON TO THE COUNTY GAG ~JByron Street Whltby.' Dr. W. J. BURNS. 'Oarct-Nezt door to Cimb;OICLE omc 9-4PRosidence-, st 1r. Lewis Hcucl's. Wm. NCDRIEN, 5,1)., 5.0.0,0. G 'S HOSPITAL LONDON, 'N U the oye B. 0. iH. L, Ohawa, outelr fENTIST, (SUOCEE D orto W. H. Card Whltby ovar Mr Jsmesou's Store. Nitraz .Oxde Ose adinilsrod for thea pailelsae r tractlo of teotis. C, N. VA RB, L. D.s8. ETH inserted ou a il th usco stheateRt principles of the ail sicep a hohspest, and us good ue th bort. Teeth fllod wlth Gold snd 811ve. Teeth oxtructod wthout pain, by produal, local aunsthéels. Dental Boomns-lu Cow an', new block, ovor Atkinuua Drug Stort Ring Street, Oshawa. 3 13UILDEB AND CONTRÂCTOR DUND.4 T., WHITUY. Li*' AlPôrdore proînptly exuutud JMIIN kOWlNSON's T-I M tDIRESSING ANDI) RAVw -mts . Ar. Royal d8 nu. ire ingy 'Ti ti lta lot, )s at, W- T 91l .1 L JICfIIN VotrENI)EN, A n-ENT FOR TUE CELEBRATE) *iSeotîlah Granite. At Marbis Wonli ol Jonathan Woleuden, Duudam St., Whiihj etantly an hanS. . ~O'DELL, A T HER LY, Clark DIV/B/On Court, Tp. Clark, Oomrnioier lu B. R., Land Agent, &o., .ka., Atheriy, Qoaty Ontario. - ttlmnlr ~pt. Sd, 1872. C&RD. 0DRe 000 %RT, 81 L-nYssaasu, Surgeon, Accoucher, d&c., &.. WlatbY, Sept. llth, 1874. 4q R:)OT. RÂMBAT, M. D., L. M. EDIX. Graulate (with honore) o! the University of QstOt's College, Canada ',Philadelphiea Univ. of Medic no and Surger; Amerieau tunlv. of Penusylvauls; Bc ea a Collage o! penneylvauls sud Liountiste cf Mlcro8acy o! the Unlv. c! Zdlnburgsecotlandi Cor- oner for the County of ôntarlo. Ã"ffie- Coldwator St, Orilila August Mth, 1875. lyr.85 1Thb= '~ilIot brik boW l te ci thel IgO#bou e abOul !Teulto. t<hfl<- .8, fmufhoMsd cuctu 0 . .4 F.eTR8I CL4881uoTELi vlsilmait sud euIr. edeluluiose toUztu e« Conamodloud lait," of, N. B.-ODr"ofr o ina mby lbiter or <oie. Oîubsss< udieiom <ho ste mee RCPET. RUSSELL, Orilia, Jan. 7,1874. - Proprité,r. JOHNSON HOUSE, E55BT MARKET -SQUAE, TOILOXTO. W. G. JOHNSON,- PROPRICToR. >eua *.Ppr Day. Stablliug la cou. noction.41 AMRCA OTEL. C055E5 or TONG£ âAD nou' sIre. GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOR Tis lirot.lues-hçusa as been uemly fit. ted up sud renovatod throreghout sud ai- fards suparlon sacommodation for ths recep. tlon cf guets. Tise preseut' propnietor bas spaneri no pains or axpena. la Introduclng .rsry lmplovemeaat tiai monîri tend ta thei -cuafori aud convenlonco of bis patrons. foronto, Ju ly lOtis 1874. . 29 0 NTAIIO MOTEL.- (LATE OAWE5's.) WHITBy, ONTARId., PETER WAHEM, -.PýROPRJETOR.j .Supenor socomod&tlon. Table, suppliodi ~lgae, hbst srauds.' Billà&rd recru. Roomy tables sud shiers. 85.t - CaTE Bouton lieusE.) W-9'ITBY, 0ON-T AR 0. aouaenewlMy .renovateri sud !urnished trongiout, and put lu dret-olsase crder for oô rocoption cf gusette An omnibus to andi rem aKU trains. Flrut.claas @ample oocus. 1RA"D TRUNK RAHMWAY MOTEL, AT WHITBY STATION. FM. 0'NEILL . POPRIETOR. PartIes takng tise train sud lesvlng herses Vil] have thean veli taken ocreof t<5])<ei [lE QUEEN'S MOTEL, (LATE COMurEncuL,) BReeK.STRETi, vuraaY, MILOR & McCANN, PROPRIETORS, Tisaudersigiio d dsiro te inforua tisir lenris sud the public tist tisy ay ve taken o ho8 Ïbvo]eilown hoiel, wich thoy <vo nowiy flttedl up sud renovated, and put ite hoat o! order for <ho accommoda. [on ~of sto. TiseBar, ihicala is e hanS. pmest in h oeuty, ls Weil mppfl iedmu 4efduesi Lrsaies o! mines liquons, sud ci. au. Ample encloseS sisd room sua g04 4bllng, bon stails, &ia. Detuched raoms )r commercial travollors. P. TAYLOR, PIIP McCANN. laie o! Toronto. 'IARESPEARE MOTEL, COassa ou RING ANn vouissv. T OR10NTO0. AMES POWELL, -. Ppanoz.' Firet-claas accommodation ; bath.roenis, Doard, #1 50 par day. 10 T O.RON TO. oe most Elegant, Ccsthy sud Perfect Hotel lu tise Dominion. <hia Motel aokuowloelges ne rirai, ailLer ta ifisnsgcuent, appolntments or loca- M Iu tise lutter respect it sifords ils ets a alhartning and noobetructire view Laka Ontario. !I-"î Tise fiaet Watenscape nin lu [hae 250 morne furuiehed vils ail tise hea ianproremeuuis. - McGAW & rW[N'NETT, -Proprieio. RMSTBCNG lIeUSE, (LATE AL111ON,) WfIIT13T, ON'AItIo. ARMSTRONG -PROPRIETOR THITBY BOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHI1TBY., SINOINO AND 81NINGSCLASSES TAUGHT 1 MR. GEORGE C,. 1GIg~. E eg. oSUnonucO t.bst lho wfluudotise the instruction of pls ou thi"=~lu, me.. lodoou, sud Organ, On rsublta=. Ce Ali s bglngAnd Slung CBs.os- ce Prigt lae, PiaulaMdsud Vocallg, sud * Prf a.L ho teunte-solo vloLilsî Wlaftby, Jl ia 87.29 FR SALE, AT TULE GLEN,, MAJOR MILLSL 1I Ustes of Inaurauce se loy <hat 5cenüt. $i e r 1,00 fo r t-w lv e non tis. - 3 TIH AMRIOÀI stallon ... mare ana P 8-year obd 2-year oldr 1.ycar 0obd OOOOd3fo lue eLumben, well j flOU.fIUU umpa-ny-Ffiy" â;-, 4 mois Burda,$4OO~0o. - SADDLE O$ >HLEc Ploonlng, 1CAPIl,1jStallion ..... .'S 2 n 4 Scantllng, Maeaa-a Fni= n 'Tise dri sdwvo) ats1 eàis ed Cmsy8-yeat- obd antire- -Colt. 4 FemingBoards -Compny di4 100,000 ifoot of Oak, pra to aet sk as au,.c uy e])f ül Maple for azle., lit quaity, 0osi le ompanylun Candi. -eroSetr'o< Bassvood, Isolated sud non. zas ouaroperty la. Frol n ilt. 4 15.000 ft. Square Timber, «Uured for tins. yean or eu etipoda i y 1yea d etr ot raies. e Filly 4 AU) of wmmch wlll ho sold cheap for cauh. L AIRBANKS, Ta. Herse Cl (J 87 .. - avoii Iseb~gt sythttieGiii ____ Ofaie,Brock St., hitby oh o 86.. blie wle runisga e la iu t.at te vrkFilly ......4 Mili rnigandsdon iotcu o<. Ri Borx PIRE INSURANCE 00. Pain cf Carniage Honses 10 phoan~ doue 6 lu intise week, fer everyp Single Herse in haumes. 6 tôthbustl.E. MAJOR, Lombard Si. sud Charlug Cress, Lendon. SaSSIe Hoîse ......... 6 Proprietor. EsTABLISHIED IN 1782. GENERAL PtXEPOSEES. D"c. lOtI. 1878. eli -------- ---. ..GLESPIE, MOFFAT & GO0., Stalbion............... 6 G O0D NEWS FOR TEE LADIES. Agentg for Canada Mare anS Foal . 4 JAEDAVID8ON, - Manager. 8.year old entire Colt. 4 Ineuraucosualnst lous by Pire are effeat. 96 Filly'4 A NEW REVELATION IN THE Da a the mnost neasoiahle tanne, , i lase, 2 yean old entire Colt. 4 SCIENCE 0F DRE SS.MAING. gomid wichout reforence bc the Buard in Lon. "Ffiy 4 -- L. PÂIRtpi&KS i1.yean eld entire Colt. 4 CONWLLS EF-oITIGAgent, Whltby. di Fiily 4 CONWLLs EL.aTTNG IApril 121h, 1876. 16.îy Herse Colt of 1876.4 WAIST & SHOULDER CH,&RT. -- Puy " "..4 Drosses fittedl from measuromont as T ME 'STADAC0NA", FIRE& LIPE Pdkir Goneral Purposa wltisont change e! a stitobh T1INSURANCE COMPANY. H .rse...... ......... 6 For sale, wlth fris instructions, atI MHAP OFFICE,« - QUEBEC. DIlAUGHT IOtiiSES. JI I S S M c I Y T y R E, S Finanalal Resul t f 14Months Duel- St illion............O. DR1E-MAlacINU ReM, WIaîvny. i5C55 te 3îst Dec., 1875- Mtre aud Foal . 4 iiuet Viert, ce mosne jBull anS 5 Lomales.... Best Bull and 5 of lais Calves . ............ flepuiit iritlaDominion lîuen 5' 6 do rd o. 1)0. Lexper-iéneed Aganta tirougisent tise b d. ... Dominion. Best pair Steers, anuy «go Firc Risks iu'îict et dcquale Raies. or breed......... ... C. NeURSE, AÏvusiainE. WiîtyliichTa, 87.Agent, Wliitby. BUll. ..... ......... - -- -- - . 2-year old Bull. U E E N Yearhiîîg ull Buill <Jif .......... INSURANCE COMPANY Mileh Coin, giving inil<- (J r A Da as L ir) o r in < J uf. . . . . . . . 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. 2-year (,Id Heifea'.... Yearling Ileifen .... CAPITAL, . - .inrnn. jbierCf. ... equi -$4 -y 4 It. 4j Agentswsuted. Libers)luducoments ta Autuarired Capital ........ .... ,00o,000 tetaug usrbi aitl........2,00,ee Whitby, A.18, 1874. -PiS up Capital ...............fMf,095 84Government Doposit, <ire).....50000 84Governaent Doposit (Fine).....50,000 -iTO PRICES pOR. Total Revenue, Fire Pi-embuas, anS Iut-reat..............822,775 .0TMTotal Laa:a S Depo.t...... 6,2 COAIL AN D W OOD ! Iveeted Puude.............. 894,718 AUl kiuds a! MarS and Soft Coul, conistiOe. Aseeî.................... 59,M8 tng O! the eelebrsteri Lucka<wana, Scran- . Total Assets.........29,794 ton, Brier Hill, Blossburg sud othar coula This Company has ua'w eeist&blished itaself, CHEAP FOR CASH 1 and ha 21 Branchas and 207 Agencies an Fan quantities ta Blabmiltis ansd ethera h oiin GEO. J. PYKE, SPECIAL RATES 1 Manager, Wood, tora ie nptk, 25 cents per cord i6.ly C. NOURSE, Agent, Witby.1 ubate ment off umal prices. SanS in yeur ---_ ____ ordanie te A. ALEXANDER'S Col-sud Wood deoas Wiitby, August 318t, 1875. t-6Y L 0S F TEE DIVISION COURTS , COUNTY 0F ONTARIOY NUACI GEd. E. DARTNELL, Junior Judge Wiiby, DOC. 111h, 187U. G. YOUNG SMIT1H, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO., K ~ IN BOTHERS, WHIT13y, ONTARIO, IniojJou-u-, De.alers and lManufacturers e!fsa - inds o!' LEA THER AND FINDINGS Cash paid for HiSe,, Bark. and Leatiser. Leuther etretoised. - 1-:e"ELTIico MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. Mi, 1872. 22 pLOUIlI BRANI AND SEORYS1!! NEW STORE, JUST OPENED t4"OPPOSITE RAY'$ aovna. M_ (WEST OrP PSv eFPIae.) GIVIS A .CALL. WM. JOHENSTeN JOSE-PH A. BANDEL, PBOPRIETOR. - O T E PA M R I This hanse ha been recently buill, is Pltiaghilam s-iPIntigh Catinga, Straw lange und roomy, Sud fitted op lu firet-iss Cuiters, l'aiuîu Mii,, Reapere sud Mow style. Bent *inoes, tiquars and CIgae ra, &C., &C,. froali Luger Boeer. GeeS slabiing sud en. cloeS ,ysrd;, attentire astlers. do WM. JOHNSTON CO MECIL OTLWhitl<y Oct. 111h, 1875. f4 CÂRTvneuv, OT. NIO EY TO LEmD! A large quantityo! monay to IonS ai last JAMES DEWART - PIIOPRIETOR. intereat, prlvutelvfondis. CeaS acconmmodatinn tf.12 Fer sale, several Town lots, tire Tram,- Renses, and a large BikHue o termes, upply <o Bikfue o MIS8 PAPItIt19a<ONrFILE ýWiî aàs Ca oW' Tia Oe Advasis eagCntru eaucsu as, .e.5 G. YOUNG SMITII. Whly, Fois. Ott, 1874. 7 Te the Inhsbiîsnîs cf Duffins' Croc -and Vicinity : I have nom epeneri a liutoiser's Shap inu Mr.W. Culisbart's, mIer. May La seen oeeco!tise boat diselsys ôi Ji N ,L. ILCu, ne cerne ail, sud gel sometilg te do you 0f.tise Town o! Whmtby, bhtuea le.ppointea Uai R-good. -RCAD~tTAE OFFCIA ASIGEIE Eto nform hie friendi <d ho publie Whitby, Deomber 22nd, 1875. 52- OFFCIL SSGNE, ha h crresou tise Ltvery b ui (UNERTENWAC,) R &Y'S OLD STAND. JALLAN LINEI1 ler tise Oounty ot. Ostarie. d11l business Parties r3quirlng aonveysucos....varaSasd LIEPOON NDR , eutd10t hi% charge will b. cerefully at. open-can be uceamniodaled ai a moment's LIEPLON NDR , tended <o.-ntcGAOW Witby, Jea. 14tL, 1874, a1ly otoo RICIL. PIERDON. LSGW -. ______ ~Witby, Sept. 21, 1875.- CH A F RES TIEE1 DB 6T PRESCRIPTION FREE cab1, from whity 881, 881, 491, HORS E MEDIOFNES. FOR <hLostregniood and l isordore ntr;dite- -- 8 -brought onby ldserstlons or Oneali. .5my Sterage #si 58 Ail doacrlptlons 0! tise boiaras ouo& Drugglat ibas thiigredents. Admetsi Prepairi passage cerlificates iasud ut 1h. Wl byLvor tales. u adfo ale st DAVIDSON k&(CO., Bex 2296, Lv York. lowest raies o porions mtshlng <o brin@ théptembon, veîstables.eut insd. tW'No chasrte for sdvlee. ]y-12 For ticket. anS famthr information apply N. R A Y- YUNG's4 MOTEL, GRO. YULE. Exp. anS Tel Office J ouN Ë0N ,MOXCE 110/J>, IJÂLTON Wiity. COUOBT. K. tOUNG, PROPRIETOU Witb, Maraic7is 86 DEZALE R IN LUM]3ER, <4alefàomjio rglrin t oun. ABRD1 WH1TBYample gwocoumodationi for Montera sa T. H. M oM IL LA N, WHITBY, ..Tisa bar and larder sup led 11oo adt h otcfi lquors a vand a boAgent for tihe su I vael] scavamne41aslln. 'A i alds for foum n l hé counmry. Noue but Oblcigg L NUANE'GmAY çamfntr %n'SqltnrpqMdMto #amnanskearnG=odioun OALISsACOMIY the pr bnxog wh -'or Aag i sa$qU extant2 »tY 5RTLqb parJj j 8-year cli anire Colt. 4 46F illy 4 2-year odl nima Colt. 4 Filly 4 i-year olS entire Colt. 4 Herse Colt cf 1876 ...4 Fuly id" 9 ....4 Pair Draught Herses .... 6 Glasis II-Cattle. THOR OUG M-B R E Bull ....................e6 Yearling Bull......4 Bull Cal!...............4 Mileh Gow, giving milIr cr in Cal......4, 3-year olS ow . j 2-year old Heifer.... 4 Yearling Heifer..... 4 Heifer Calf............4 Milel, Coiv, Canadia» bred ................4 E3year elS Gew,doSe... 4 2-yean olSIliier, do4 MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAVNES, ESQ., M.. »cadUl Ofice for Can'ca i.-ios. Juioca Street, Moitreui. FORBES & MUDGE, Chie! Agents. R. El. LAWDEI, ,agent, Witily. August 1Uth, 1875. ly-18 NOBTE BRIITISH & MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYI1 iafa,. as roliable, charges moerua,'promjiî -ettiGEO. TULEf Agent. -Vhlitby, June 2, 1875.,'28 HEAD OFFICEr, TeORNTO. ;APITAL STOCK,' - S4oe,ooo. AGENT ?B onsUTII ONIABIer, <O EHOLMAN, BBOOKLIN, ONT. lIeaetforlise CANADA FARBrERS' MUTUAL INSIURANCE COMPANy, HeaS Office, HRAXaON;ouansd Montreai, Tire, Mie sud Guarante Department, t C rPITAL, a .S2,000,000. Brooklin, Dec. 2, i72. 12m49 APPLE 'TREES, -AT TBE- HOME NURSERY, Praru ho ta foun'year a! ago,ombrating i the beat Vuielles.- SETH C. WILSON, Lot Na. 8, 2n4 Con, Piokong, on Klngaan Roa, st Office, Whltmy. $100 P »A auT01-0 lun% th é p as lfe wu m o th s un r r ur ia . his roduced to no nal.sumsosUrï incnoasod. Bock containiiuln U ui e "ut on applicatlou. ra r u E -E &CO .,E aull re &E rok r , <9.17 2WaU St. Nov York., FAIM FOU SALE. A Ouo.isundred Acre Pan» for saie iu Saut Wiitby. r Apply <o- - D. MINRSON, Jun o 24th 1876. Os aw.2 100 ACRE FAUMX1IN MARA FOR' SALE 1 20 10 GRADE. MHlehi COn-, givia<g înilk or in Cl......- 3-vYear old Coin.... YearhngiD, leifer .4...i Heifer Caîf... .... FAT CATTLE. Fat Ox or Steer .4... Fat Coin or Houfer. 4..4 Class I1I-Sheep. Raîn.... .............. Twe Emes ........... Two Ewe Laanbs...... - O.T.......... ...... Shcanliîag Ram.......-6* Ram Laab..... ..8 Tino Evear......e....., Two Ewe Lamhs . 8.... Cûtswelrl-C,înadj'n hreed 1-Searling Ram .. TwoEes.....8 Two Sheuirliog Eves,. One agad Rani,,anS five, Ewes haviug nuiseS Lambs in 1876....10 Ram ............. Shcarling Rm.... Tvo Evas .............. Tvo Shaning Eves. Two Eva Laubc.. 8.. SMALa BREED, SUtInFr., HaRn' -uunxIsman AND ESEEX. Boar.........8 $2 8ev ........ .......... .8 2- BoaPigof 1870.8..,8 2 60v Pig of 1876 .......8 2 LABrGE SWINE, ANy OTRI EINDI Bear Pig.cf.18...... ...8 2 sow .....8 2 8ev Pigof 1876.S...8 2 rat -Hog............$. 2 Cia. -Urajn and Ueedi 2 huahels Fan Wbat ....p $4 3 2 bwees 6pimg Wheat. d 8 2 uhl anley(2 ov) 4 8 2 busbels Barîc 6 o) 4 8 2 bushels Peas, large.. 4 8 2 bushels Pans, suxai. 4 8 2 buabels O)atsî, blaçkl. . 4 8 2 bushels Oas, white.... 4 8 50 cars stnîang Cern' (8 .rom) ................. 2 1 50 euss of Corn, 12) do. 2 1. 2 Ê'hos zmtîe84.-2 1- 2 bushels Cls.ve6 ýod... 2' ables, a sweepstake.4 W ax F8wr . .. . . .8 2 Wa57 Glas XHoricî±uaî e-Wax Sheus...........2 1i mue X-Ifotiultra 10-Wax Liha ....... 2 1 br" partment, Paper)Flowers............2 1 i1 12 table Applas, sumnmr, Hair Fiowers...........2 Il muý1 named............ ---* »*$1 50e Feather Flowers ... .2 1 1 eo in pl e u m r Zeyphr Flow rs ......... 2 1 W l~ ~~OVED~~~ ane........i 0eFaney Basket.......... 1.5 12 table Aplols, f'all, named. 1 500- Wall Basket...ý...........1 50e h -$1 12 cooking Apples, fail, Grecian Iaamp............ie 50e bylah 1 12amed ....... ........... 1 50e Lamp mt......5e 500 b kUl 12 table Apples, Wintcr, Faney table mat ........1 75o tIe ~ n m ed . . . . . . . . . ..1 0e F an cy L eath er W o rk . 2...d2 1cooking Apples, Winter, ilustie Work ............. i 1 ~ aed.........1 5eGeeWok........5 aieis fApls nx~Cantidian Straw Rat.. .., Il OcTd 1 d six cf each. ......... 4 2 rianmar's Wrenth.......8 2 thet 1 etdisplay cf Appbes, Ilair Jcwelery.......2 1 t i grDwth of Exhlibitor, dis. Work Bo1.... .i1.0111 tinet from thoatbovo.., 5 8 2 cames 12 table Pearo, faU, naied. 1 500 C asa 1II--pine A ts. telb 12 table P eare, Witr, 011 Puinting, for profes-! 1 m4.soc 2 .1~ $2 12 Plumei;, dessert ...... 75e 50e do. 21 1Ï Peach.................. 2,1 0Painting,.flor -aai.ms - tao 2 12 Quincas............. 1iland9capeïý.2... i 2 1 ehroýc 2 12 Crab Apples, lrg .5e 60c " aunia ...s.. 2 1 n 2 12 Crab, Appbes, smal.... 75a 50e " any subjet... 2 'l ni~ 2 12 Tomates........... 6c 500 Water cobored, andsep. 2 1 <hem 2 75cTatc.......7e 50o " animale.... 2 1 pi lg 12 roots, Beetà..........75e50o " any subjeet.. 2 1 swep cleusters Grapes, white, Vebvot Paintiug»....' 1.50 i oyantf -g~nundér glas..2 1 Poncil, figure ubecots .... 1.50 1 Ey rO 2 clusters GraPes, -black, Poei drawing, aliy eub- gr"tdo 8-14s,.lue,1-2 M ýL0"c5 jbyt, IM ...... Z 1 J neds abbgfwiuter... 76. g143 Barreof Flour from 8 Shoaàd Ld age ... 760 5001 ed for al Fan h at, ,..,,. 4 2 2 Squaohes . ..... ...7.5. . ---- 7 5 5 I r1 1Barrel of Flour from 12 Pump'ins,... .........76. 0e0 4, -$ $2 Spring Wheat......4 2 112 table Carrots,... .....7656ô(J 1 8 2 Barrel of Oatmeal...8 -2 12 table Turnips.....75&5Q9c 1 2 farrel of Cormeal .. .. 8 2 peo en of Dried Frait.... 1 600 1 8 2 lase V I- R oots. _Cn e F u t . . .....i oc L 8 2 1*+bûshelsPotatoasiearly 2 - , 6c-SP en~XOf of -Fruit preserr. 11 2 libushelw P tatee,late. 2 I 1 d 50ug0. .. ......i 6 5 c 1 8 2-12 roots of Turnips ...,8 2 1............ 1 0 1 8 2112 roots Mangôl& Wurt Ao icls...S.... i 8~ ~ 2 zllogrd...28Cucîuubers ............. 75o 50o~ 2 M lllon, ed .... 2 1i50 2Pickle 18 2 .'16 1.~PB, ..... . 75ce5oe ens.lo.. 2_16c6heads Cclery..........75c 56C, 98ES. angold yello Peckwhite Oujons ... 75e 50eý 64 2 loe . . 2 1. 500 Peck yellow Oniona,...75e SOc1 18 2 " Carrotslbingred 2 1 60 Peck red ,Onious.......75C. 50e 0-"(2 Garots, iwhite..- 2 i1506 Pieklig Onus....75c 50e 8 2 " arrots, orange.: 2 1_650c Potato Onon s.. ........ 7 5 c 50 8 2 lasetI1-Dafry Produce, - 5lbo's ' 8 2 . .. . . . . .7e-i - 8 ]est 20 lbs Butter, W. H. Clcoy.. ........ 75o 50e 8 figgins's prize, butter Best collection of Garden 8 2 taki.g priz o te hcome Vegetableis .............S 8 2 hie property...$1000 Catsup ......... ..75oe c 8 2 4u........ 00 Maple 'Molasbes......... 75o 50e. 4 2 8d........ o R"pberry Vinga....75o 50c 4 2 4th..................28 0 Grape Win e......150 4 th ............. 200.... .....u.ohr aieyf ie1.500e1. Best 25 Ille Cheese, home Claus XI-Domestic Manufac-ÃŽ 4 2 m.Lde, N. W. Browu's tureêa.I 8 2 prize, Cheese taking 10 yards Full Cloth, lfme- 8 2 prize to become his made, spuu aud wove by 8 2 property......... 10 00 hand ......... ......2. 8 2 2n.......4 00 10 yards Full Cloth. fatory 8 2 r..... 8 00 macle...........2 1 8 2 4h......2 00 10 yards S *int hme* 8 2 th.......... 1 00 madle, ripun and wove by 8 2 Best Faetory Cheese, net haud............ ... 2 1 8 less than 80 Ibbc......4 00 10 yards Satinet, fatory.8 2n.........8 00 anade........2 1 4 2 Brd............... 200do10yardswiinter Tweed..2 1 i Be8t flrkin of butter, not 10 yards summer Tweed .2 1 4 2 less than 40 Ibs, but. 10 yards FI.innel, home. p 8 21 tr to becoma his pro. made, spun ad wovc by 0 8 2 perty,-speial prze, hand, al wool......... 2 1i 8 2 Levi Fairbanks'.... 20 00 10 yards Flaunel,hoe 8 21 0hm. P 2 2n.... .... .... 00 made, hy au, Cotte» 8 2 Bd . . . . . . 8 00 warp............... ... 2 8 2 Class VIII-Poultry. 10 yards Flannel, fater o 8 2 . made, aulwool......2 1I 8 2 Pair Black Saili $ 60e 10 yards Flannel, factery f 8 2 f"Brahams, ligt.... 1 0e made, Cotte» warp ...2 1 4 2 dark........ 1 60C 10 yards plaid Fanuel ... 2 1 Gaine Fowl.......1 50ec 10 yards Wloolen <arpet 2 1 "Dorking, white.......1 50e 10 yards Rag Carpet, cot- D." colored ....... 1 50e- ton wn.rp........ ".Habur.........1 50e 10 yards Bag Carpet, wool. $4 e PolanS..........1 50e ......... .... 2 "Cechin China .........1 5oc Pair W ee ln es 8 2 "ea Fowl ............. 1 60o home madeo........... 2 1 8» 2 "Any other variet.y. ...1 OC Pair Woolen Blankets, face- 8 2 " Turkcys, colored ... 1 Soc toy made......2 1 ' w e S2 "Wd ..it ... 50e- Pair Herse Blankets. 2 1 8 idTurkeys ...._..._ 50c Coverlet, ev.....2 1 8 2 Gees aUebreed.. 1 50e Coverlet, lgt....2 1 ha 8 2 " email.ree.... .1 S0c Shephierd'.s Plaid....2 i Be 8 Duk........1 50 Pair Woolen Stoekiugs.75e 50cec '9 2 "Cauary Birds..... .1 50e .6 "6 Seeks ..75o 50c » 2 'Pigeons, hast collection. 1 50e0 ote»dtchng.7 e V0ec1 8 Guinea F w. . . .1 50e 4 i Soeks . ..75e 50ec . 8 2 Best lot f Poultry î i oneW oooien Mite.q ...75e 60eCl 3 2 pei. owued by exhibitor, Plain Woolen Yarn. ----75e 50o ha 8 2 distijiet frein ail other Plain double and twistc.d Sml e:re....... Yarn ........ ....... 75e 50e Y" lass JX-Farm Implements. lag Bug,. ..... ........ 1.50e 1 fo liaper, any kind ... 6 $4 $2 Wooleuug.... ...1.50C 1 fl, Mowing Mahn....6 4 2Claus XI-Ladies' Depart- eha Tlreshing Machine,.... 4 4 Ment.pa W a g g( o n , ( t w o h eo r s e t e a i ) . . 6 4 I n.' L î s . . . . .$ 1 1 Waggoar, (two herse spring etlmis li Sithai nmlrketî .............. 6 'l hand nmade........2 1.50 so wo Tw hrs Crae 8 i 1 Gentleman's Plain Shirt oVý 8 One hrse Buggy. 8 2 1 machine made ....1.50 1ina% - ihtop. 384_)1 Lady's ont....2 1 obi ollc horse I'hoeton ....8 2 1 Picce work quit......... a 2 co 1 e d with top. 3 2 1 Log Cabin Quit ........ 0 2 Two orne Sleighi ....... 8 2 1 Frindship) Qut... . . >~ One heorbe Sleigh........ 8 2 1 Tuft Quilt........ Coli » Ir Po ugi. . .. .. . 2 1 K it Bed Cover ........ 9 2 desi 8 Plogli, any other kind..8 2 1 Crotehlet worli Cuter. stil Double nouldboardl ough. 3 2 1 pane.. . . .. . 2 i he T urni ru . . . . . 8 2 1 S k Q ult. . . . . . 2 1 Etoc Set of Httrrow , w od.... 8 2 1 Fany Nctting.......1. 0T .i2 ire»..... 0, 2 1 Lady's Press.......... .2... 2l 2 wo îlot-se Cultivater.8 2 1 Best collection ef Ld Tru 2Two Hrse houler.. ..8 2 1 Une ohn0 . o 3 2 Gang Plow ................s 2 1 Best display of Milfinery. 10 the 3 2 Grain Dril.. . .. . . ......8 2 1 Faney Kxitting........ 1.50 1 froc Broad cast Seeder and Cul- Crotehlet Wurk.......1.50 1 louar 3 2 fù vat r, c .m bined .......8 2 1 Tatti g... .. . . . .1.5 0 1 of ai 8 2 Straw Cutter, for herse Applique Work........... 1.50 1 T Power............ 8 2 1 Embroidery on Muslin .... 1.50 1 suc] Corn Shle. . . . . 2 1 Lace. 1.50 1 aiîô: hazy vapor. Masses cf heavy t ecunSworo rifbiuong fron m wiudward. The shap's elp an was ig ssii to bca taken in.' itber sud <bithor about tho docks b<ha active sailors, -pulling, anSd nog ou brases, shecta and clewlinass. ti 2uphe riggiug ibey dartod to funl t ;c, gallantiaail, the fore anS mizzen s.J 0, sudté alose reef tho main. 04 &laHI hais e an.alohefi alejo lion boq.rail sSc &tera, ber &brou&$ Binthas coimîd not ing ro froua the wl Lia eyes hnight vit] caved.Ri Ha vason the veRsel's aide. ing far over froa ship, tu vbioh ho 1 coulal almost reacb "fThank GoS I ho Mnu Ëoasely, as hi MerLints bain. He baS juseize, thoaa bnigb t hoaks- te obtain a, frmor1 Unappinu oise vas purted I Theoman wl<h <he foUl Short, dashed ai frotuHerbert, s f. ui. With a gongR the Young Mau dri! But net h. gaone cM aors' WorM.....2 Set of Il ITHarnees .8 Single ".....8 2 Saie. ...................~ Side 8acdle .................8 2 Pair HeauvY orse Collurs.13 Travellig ......u.......... ,5 or,1 Leta.... .".......2 UlipeLeaLtghon, cowide..... 2 Greaned.i .. 2 . ...............2 1 ClassXV-Miscelaneous Piano. ***..;................. $4 W'6 Cabinet Wora .............. 3 eo S1culpture in Marble.......... s oo la île Houey lu Combý,.... i r5 Ilees' Waux.............i...150 10 Ibs Houey, eirined ........1 ( 10 Ibo% Maple Suger ........... 1 'w rwio louves of Breutil...... 1 54 JColieti'eno! Coanfoctiouary.h ., l00 Bouquet of Flowers, table,2 , ad2 00 Latter...... Prs nuig50 'Pnel Door.. ..............1 50 ýWindow Sagb..... ..i &- ýWindow Blinda............i ô'* raaig in Wood.,..........i. 10 3e Hiuive ..................... 16 'ailors' Woîýk................1 50 Jplaolaterar's Work.......... 50 <pAciflu cf Tiupmith*s Work., 1 50 'lest 1 colciin )pers Wàrk, 1 50 e t S w i o...a c . ..e . . 2 K oIraI De....gu . 2 00- juS;pecial prize by Mr. ïame Pringle, prepniieno of the Royal bote] of $5 for thee Liai 10 lbe cof bonoye comb,-the houey te becomo tise pro PeLY cf the douer. <MUSIC-Thferc will ho a bani )f music eng-agleS Suringtbe exhibi. àon, hy the eomanittee havi»g tht irraugements of that department lin -harge. tIý,>Florai bull wiIll heoepse t t ublie, ou Weinesday and iurdey veniingo, ai 7 o'cbock,p.. - A Woman's Herouan. liouSd homo te New York from theé indVics Islande, the abip -Hampton las bowling ublog through the Pacifie ca», under a Cloud of eanaîs. Tie enfanta» raye of the niongsua ad tinted tisa LIno,-nolling wavau wben urtha Winthrep, onaeofithe passengens, anc en deck. She iras a loveiy- girl et eighiteen, ith i bard oyes, light.brown hair, a. sur, white sltin, sud pensect fatures. kýhiug conîS hava heen more eharin. b9 thoLte conteur of lier woell-fernied çad, balanceS ou a nckuas round and aeeoth as is sculptureS frein mnhrle, et fil]i ot liLe sud expression. The supplo grace of lber wihole Lorn, exible wais-, down te tho Saal, wehl. lped feat, wau remanliable, parhaps irially due o e r habits of eercise the open air net unly iu walking I riding, but aIse l in mn.Slae i hou nte Honolulu. on a vieiltet nme -relatives;uundart hoeosceni cf her ver, Herbert Wclden, a bandeowo val Olllcer of twbnty.thnec, wbo baS tained louve of absence froan tLs omandor of his esIe ying oI Matai, tdwich landu. - Bertha waiu net at ail demonotrative : annan. Soeapeople suidsuhe mas l. fier catin oelL-peuisueeeover serteul bAr. She would look* with 1, Cdean eyes lîpoeufber lover, when î poke te hon she seldeon Lluufed or id wiih dropping lashes baefine him. This at time woundied Herbart'u uity. Ho wonderedif il wae possiblii 9, dîd net Care for bina, after ail. uf, ber veliue Lad Laitered, lie lîud nri the baating cf ber heurt anS foit treuihliiig cf ber band, wlhou ha won nv ber, muny menthe before, the cou- sita Lt ie loved. But thesa signe- affection soon passeSl away, uudsho zned scalan au avor. Pliane aiae sene mou who Canoet like iwoec, tisera are- etens will ne thean. Berlia was uot- long en dock whon yeung -offleer sooght hon aide. rhtwo converseS. Finally Herbent aIof we iavegood waathen, we wiil hNew- York in ilinue montha. Sndar gel, I will nauko you- my 'Yes, Herbcrt," uhe answerad inaa voice. Itsink we àa vvAwil mutcel,ast up <ho reinging~ ruomI VOL. ETEL.. 876. hi D. <leroaiu inioni at w» ani I Cant- lely maso ;h Amer- Ple to tlh 1 à "'sosd Bne and isEarug araveiy in tne aiF vavea, us tsa <urus cf <ho rope which ashe had ibrovu off <ho pin slaci- anaSe, she-famitapproaciod hon lever. ,Raaching hlm, vhan lho mas about ti tvtyyards astern, ah. ilareir her Uite arme; about hlm, sndd hihm fi1mly. vhile the men on the deek Muow ahauied ou <ha Tope. Ai'ltbioogh baLfsoffocated by tha nsg- ing waters-although honr beautiful 8. aist vas coaupressad by tha stria of th îLe opa upon it, sae t s he could isandly breathe-yet, vili ber vwiite teoili rmly set, lher large vilS eyes gIesmlug like Sars ibrong <ha fouam, isqt long wet bain svaeping the o yeug anns face, ber varua bosoin bating aguinet bisown, the brave-girl SOIiheld -flmly te. hanrlover, Satermined ta sav-e hie lifa! 1 At last tLe tlwo more dram te <las uhipe aidea nd heipod aboard, amid tho ringziug cheers cf sailers sud offleere. -Hjernant thon tome ito t hacahin the-- noble girl, wbo, exbanated by bier axer- licou,bail nearly fainteJ irben slip moucheS the Seck. A ýs hie ang over, applying resterra- tiras and kissing lhem agaiu sud oain, ehe amiled anS aiS genthy : - >'Rave I net doua Semiohing ai haut ta prove hein much I loe you 2" "Yen are- a noble girl!" Le answonod; .,anS I now understund you. Anotber maman. mighat have heen wont ta ex- presis ber feelings te me in pasionale la guoge anS iiihnunge,,heeku ; but Shàu ireîd have stab eipeiy by sud seen me perisli. -Yen ave euS cof t<busc gloriona croatures who am. demoustra- tive la action matiser thdn in speteh " AnS se ho SillfaounS hon, whaai, a few reonths haler, ho ama&A lher hie An Untimely Wlak. (l'rom thacDeireQ iFrec Pres.j A- Woodward avaona.drug store hiresi a nent soda fountain bey tise other day, and afier %hoe boy biaS beau in5tnuoteti hein te wenk <heaupnaa'nulsthe pnopnie ton acIdeS :- - .Noinyou sors tiifaueet up boere 2 Wsli, thome iu brandy bebind <Lai, und wlseu a Mau comas in and! vinas snd says be'lh .takea a ittie ho hum inu bis yen wýill kuow t aat ho menue; brandy." Evei'yîlaing norhred nil nlght uùlhti about noon yea8terduy.- Severai meu dropped fax, saiS "ho buma," got <heir brandIy sud soda, anS <ha boy sairu clouS lunlais horizon. At noon tha brandy bottle iras ompty, théecirug store man ai Lis dinnor, sud lt- didn'î Se suy- geond to "Lhnm" aronnd <hât feuntain. Aiong cama a man, aud as ho stoeilbe- fora tbe fonutaîn, vaiting bis tuneha iuked ut the Loy. Ho baS à habit of viuking hie loft aye. sud bo vmnkod 51< .the fountuiu as annelaàaiho did aut<he boy.. - Tho lad, howeror, calhed cuti: t"-4Huvon't sny brandy left-havo <o aule etynup l'" Thé man vas, a good manx. Heo 'ink- oSd again in bis amazement, sud the boy replieS: "Didu't* I toil yqu vs hadn't any- brandy ieft. D'ye suepose I'S lie s0ut i 2" 44My en-yeo -loEifheldn't -yeni ehouaueia"-etammeroa <ha gooSmau as all lookod ut him, and I 1uinbis ambsrasimant ha viukcd agaiu. "On I mako brandy ont ofsausan- panlha anS pineapple syrup ?" yeliod tise b -oy. 1"I <o])ycn. yeu'y. goLto <akae plain.soid& tili the bossacoes back 1"~ ',I-I -didn't waut sny brandy," gappeil the- man.- 1 IWali, vo on't kecp anything srnug. or, lu tho fountain,nS I conbdn't <oll rlmlskey froin afrnii 11wu5ete look on tho choirs," grovied tho boy. <'Yon'Il fiuS wLat yen vaut lu tishesaloon round hae cerner." . The vinker iLked aleround ibn cmo1wd, <nieS <o explain bis poition, anS <heu. buBtha eout sud boiasa da Street car.,' Mev naturalhy ena t<ornaway,- et tbis iuterval,, froua <ho vorks of hrds. igas, and philosophiers, frou ieiionsaof stutc.craft sud the phenonnaof poli. ical solence, sud aigas for-the matohlees berty of t<lu iovliza<leaa mhalh PMrasit aman tosit aroand Ail dyin bD ght "'Pa1t ecaimcd ElmahimuDorbina, Ir., te hie rcspcctcd Sire, u"Fa, *bt'e 1i0 différence <vecu a OlopJiSi$and à Wee ?" Mn. Doublas sandla aathhss, 1 1 FOR TRE YEAR 1876. à à Ji AU OU Y 40,000, 1 j 1

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