Whitby Chronicle, 10 Aug 1876, p. 2

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Attempted Batik Robbery hy Threc Burglars,--Exciting Chase and Capture of theTrio. Windc:nr, iug. 7--This mornihri be. tween oevfn and eight O'clock iiobert Wobt), John -Morgan, and William liw.itzer drove up in a liugzy, hirAd at a livery âta4lê, te, the - bankine office of NIr. J. W. Eloitou, near the Posi Office; X r. Ilol ton'a !son waq alone in the ôtuceâ Webb and one of bis compani ons enter- cil the batik, and the other remititteil in the bug-gy. %Vebb went behind the coutiter, drew a revolver on yoting Hol ton, and ordored him :_ to l'show up., Holton refused to do so and threw: Ur his artu and' nockod the revolver up. At the gaine moment Webb fired,- the hall striking the wall abovo Holt lipal. Holten shouted ilmiirder," au a7crowd rushed in the direction of th office. The men thon jumped inta the bngg and starteil off, but thé crowd was so ureat that the horse rëfused te, move after they lind goue about a block--from the office. The roliht-rs Lhen juepp.d front t'he buggy, Webb nt the sýme time firing at iMr. David McGreger who had hojd of the horse. They theu ran dowm Pitt streei and took to the strept raillivay. towarils Seuelvi,&h, but liail OI)IY -One à few blocks when th-Y jiitupptl into, NIr. T. C. Sutton's garden and souglit te, hide tlietnqelves in the gratis. Svri'tzer did not remain long iliere, botvc4ver, but went on ddvtl tlie stré-At railwav, purgned by '.Mr Joseph Mclinaiitl aUd Mr. Edwin Benuett, Switzýr firitig nt. the Fitter eve.-y titue thvy closwd ici upon Min, and MeReand et the same tiine firing several siiotq rit the fu£rativÀ. Af«t.pt. tlley-lia(i gone half a luilo far. ther, Mr. inoutitEýýI a .1- - - - Il roile past thf ii iliginnu:iteii au-1 attouptp(,. to clo'.ze in 011 Switzpr, Ivilo aLmin fireil. L',emiett in get- tjug 110141 of t.lic- follow, iuil sonn Over- pawerc'l Iiiin. 111 tho meantiwe Mr. JI'flilltg, Cliief of Police, aud 1). -tiumber of vitim-tis, had arrested Webb and iNlor--,an in Mr Slittoti's gardon, OUA throlvit away his revolver and the other à. slin-c"qIjot. Wé-I)b is about twf-ntv.tbrç, ypart; of agv, and watt horn un 1 ýaiîç3d in Lion. don. Ont., whicli lw hall left a mliert time aý,ro, w3 the police lkanteil liiin for Imriziariv. Cliii-f Wigmoi-A Vins liert. laý:t tlitlit in pur-uir of Iiiin Morgart iq Froin Brookivii, N. Y., but for a ypar -itroit. Ue it; fi pliitiiii- er, und Iiiiil to leim? Dc-troit 'to aviod ett-rr-qt r,.evt-tly. titis rAqiýte(I in Wiod-or, mmil the mifflinritiés of De- 11 imt his serviceF at-Ilie Ilou-se of Grn etion. The prigoliers Imel a 11111 set 01 hur- 21,t rs' toolr., of the tiloqt, ttiL),Iirii in the Their trial i8 tiown for Friday I)Fxt. TAIT-AM.SB'URY.-AtOcbawa, hy the Rev. Walter RosFi, on July 26th, NIr. Sittnupl Taitio M-iss Emma Eliza-, heth Amqbury, danghter of Mr. John- Amsbury. McKENZIE-ROGERS.-,Ktr Pick- eriug*,. by -the Reve Walter, R6Fs,' on JUIV,29rh' Mr John àjexýnziP"-> 01! Goilerich, to Mics Julia D.. Bbgf-n'. dau.-hter of -Mr. David- Bogers, ef;Pjck-- erin* HARRISON-STE-VENSON.--'Lt ý the Manie, PickerinR, 'Wy 19ib, by the Rov. Walter BoEis, Mr. Lovel E t%»;z- riHon to -Mis@ Anielia Stevenson, botfi- of pickeaing. D E A'T H S. FLINT.-A . bis residencej lot No. 21 in the Urd con. of Whitby, on Sat. urday, Aug. 5ith, 1870, Mr.- William- Flint, aged 81 yèars anii 8 monthe. BLOW.-At Whitby, on Monday, AuguEt 7th, 1876, Misa Mary BI", youngest daugliter of Mr. N.,Blow, aged 81 yeais and 7 months. and Death8 charged 50 centH eaek. 14rHITBY MARKETS. UMIONICL "5PFICE, AUgt. '9th, 1876. Fall Wlieat ....... , ..... eý 00 4 &1 üû Spring %Vbeat. ............ e0 96 @ 61 00 Dirley, Nio., 1, 50c; No. 2, 50 40 30 45' Clov er ................... . r-,S 25 59 00 Tiniathy ................ 63 75 9-64 00 Peas 70e -- Black Eyc- PeaFý ........... 90C g, G5C 65c (32 70c Oat.-i .... ...... . ....... .................... 57 _ýe -aý potawes ........ .: ..... 5tk î4 75ic Eggs ....... . ........... 15e - B.t'ter ............. ........ 1 1-k. Ct)&[, lýL-r ý(jn ............ S7 .............. .... É4 Pork, per ewt ............. $7 00 ;_4 S7 W Chicken:; ................ W ýa 40(' PLC Pâir DjicLs p---r pr . ............ 150C (È G(k Turkeys, per lb ... e ..... 100 Apples, per bushel. ..... si w Clieefie .................. w obl ........ : ........... 25a 27c. L'eef, hind (111al-tur ........ t5 50 e. eG 5r), flenf, fore quiirter ........ e5 50,Z« Sb 50 Sheepskiaq.. . ............. Si 25-Cii: $1 7-5 $4 00 @ $0- 01lions ......... ............ . $11 'Piiruips .................. .. loc g 12je Carrots ..... ; .............. IU @'?Oc STOCKS. "Z- TORONTO MARKETS. TORONTO, Atgust 9th, 1876. Full Whaat ................ $0 98 @ $104 sprilig wheat .............. . $0 94 C& siol Peas ............ ........... 70e @ 78c 85e @ 37o Hav. ...... 58 Ca $10 .............. ........ 'Butter ..................... 18C 2ec Fggo ................. 15r-(. 17c ............... .. .. tond COM- thorough- kno 1 of the nattiral lairs which UoYezemle operations ai cii,,.stion ana. nutrition, and be a éarefal auplication 01 the fine properties of m'ell-sclected cocos, Mr- EPPO hkis provided our breakfast tables witIL-a delicately flavo'rccl-- beverage, which MiÀY save us many heavy doctoï-8' bills." It iti by the judicious use of such articles of diet that a constitution may be gràdunUy built top mitil otrong enoiigh ta refflt everY tOn- dencytodis'f'-ase. Hundreds ofsubtle Mal- dies are floating arcund us réaay te attack wkerever there la a wenk - -, IL 'ýra May escape many a fatal shaft y keeping Our- selves weil fortified with pure bluoa ma a properly nouriehod frame.'ý-Citi1 Service Gazzotte. Sold in Packets and Tius, j1b, and lit., E k, Co. HornSopathio Chemikts 48 Ter'e'vtlnee(Ile Streot, and 170, Plçcaàilly 'London. OX YGE N IS LIFE. ) Ti. 'BUIGlîrii PRGSPIîODTNLI.- MULTITUDES OF PEC)PLE zre hope- lealîly,,Bufl--ring frola Debility, Nervous and Liver Complaints, Depiesmioti of Spiriti4, Ilypocliondrïii, Tiraidity, Indigestion, Fad- ure 01 11-aring, Sight sud Memory, Las5i- tÃœae, Wànt of, Power, &o., irlicw caser, ad- by tho new remP4 Oxygon), wbiZ. at Ouen allovs A irritatinns noirl ex(»jtï%- Mmt, impilits energ-Y alA lif- to the enfetebletl riinqtitiý.tînn, rapidIv enres overy incuribleand diqtri-ssing malatiiAs. Snid L.Y all Cheinista stna Drugr;qtR thrnu,ýhout thi. Giobt,. CAUTlCN.--ýThe l.Rrac- rind iiiereaii- it)g d,-mard'for Dr. Brisrht',4 Pti()Fph(ýrl-%n'e hetti lett to imvrâral imltntionn undpr simil r n-tinui, ; pureliager- nf thiR niccli(-i;tlë sheuld the.rfforo bt3 ciu-i-fal ta nhstrviý that eacà Nal) by the- bolly, talion @!MF as a cej ligli oüy 0'im BIIL, Unfiel., t1ic circumotaur as they appeu, to us, titL; w:ij,)rity j6 n large. It ia a good doal 1 -otis than 1 CXI)OUttid, legs thau- %va 01ink Nfr. M Nab bail tante to, ex'poob,,ý and it in le SÙ41oient tu affoi.-I ovideùci of i croading-popularity bit- the paýt, 0, f M Hart, for L'eter Fle ()£ 1 ýýÉçjuti ta on wotion et Lmrl blow. expert werie aven FLpprýdiiimately cor. 13réc"Bol ýThWhoù"in Whîôli the ýýt à te t TWA iè au lionont.1bamimsion, and 0 -patition- Cr" Benjamin W-arfalký rect,,.- the inévitable ý resuit. wortid, Ille Barber els,4,vo 8tands npon a littlp r and Mr. G. Urlag of and otheril asking thikt the ciuneil have IOW,-r prions en the continent thad have knell betwéen the ri4r a-nd'ÃŽhO Il, &' Or' - - - h' --î- a up, cantild as could, be expouted frain a Ilin. Vnt gowi î1ilia . ý ý fit plan pf the Town made and filed in liane roling since the f,%Il of lffl , I N. W. B. truck,, and im just, On thé Out auother paity.-,ý'The latterhad made tho reglit-ry office of'tllo connty of Où. woulil respect, submit a few fac 4 > fùlly tg skirts of the village; It presented âuyý- the portage and got intô the river below tarin. [troierréà t'O committes on wWüý au'i il whieb, in my opinion, thinic but au invitiniz appelarane 1 el lonk- both talle, and polied op etream outil The Piremenlo'Plenic.,, proprirty on motion ôf Mi. Blow, i effectually refàte the estimateR froin fil morp li-ke au out4ouse tlianaI dwell - they resolied the Il of the Long Fall. ComSunicationt; were resd from, the which you iia%-oqtloted, infil place for humin b8Iu«4ýi Hore, Mr. Corbobld proposed te explore The animal picuic of thé whitby -tewa that the jute AccroîI dingý,to the 011[loint report 9 the Barber. thotlierlof the el@', S'tâllt d 1 f aer ýk a sma 1 stream in seul of dock before 76. Firemen, lield ut Corbettlo peint, on amgestqebr Wall iloteutitie'l te any extra U. S. Agrièaltural Départaient;' the unýropossessiixgý wômân of 45ýyearâ of quitting the plue for Black river, And for attenlîn" the court of whole product or bitrl the State of aze, answered the riporter'ti knock ut was psddling leiguraly acrosa towards Priday tarit, Wall in -ov M harvest or 1874 the doter, who asked'it Mise Barber was its moutii California from tbésy ïn when loud crise attracWd hie worit gratifying tiuccess. licho weather '. Frow liabella Lim'ennabe notîfying Ill buqijtle ý 11,081,000, The èrop, of in. attention, and, lookingup, ho bobeld a was pxtremilly fine. and crowda upon tige coujicit net te pay the costa in the 1875 illiowed a lkbrgtr acrFuge, but a "Wljioh eue, of lem do you Wall ?Il, pont coûtaini ng a lady and gentleman. crowils wore attracteil te the beautifal guit of %%fhitby tel Liscoultbe te anyý smaller average yield, and le estiwated alcked Mil Barber, and on being told Roil:19 Over the Fall. Quickly as pôa. greva by bà.,tt and carriage, Taken I'L'ril 1111L ljfllI'4ilf. gagne ait lit 1874. thut it was on important business al gible ho turned hiscaucte, op 8treçàmý and 1 Pt oiti J. 3'. 1-Zl stc'y of P. W. & P. lu order te slioçv the immense pro. thaï; either of thom wouti do, elle went shontea te 'Ilr.'%Valkerý *ho, from his altogotlier thora wore perliaps two thou Il. Iý,. Wy cotni)ltily, notifyiug trio portion tel ttie . bagl crop of Cali. iota, the next rooui and'raturned follow, position, could net j3ee-wlhai hwi coeur- seuil pooplil on Clio grouail duTîng thé, ý0lvIîIl of film appoiliitwelit of Mr. foriiiii, boggira te flic out crop, I woolil ail bv Susan B&rWêÏ. 7 Sugan was Jamil Ail. m en about half way clown th* day. Not-LiugcoulJbeworiâanimatett trustoit te re. notice, tlîat %viiiie the ont oreille of Lits Williarac paramour, -and James pont struck 'the plece ýýof rock Whieh than fige appourauio 1 on ulicire from theil, lecivu DL-beIifnrùý ýr1râfAeII unifier bouilli' wIll of the Ullititil States à 7ýUmes William': tatito-"for býàutV coulil net stands nectir the contre otthe catarl larmm' thau the barloy crop, the re. have been aultitritôd. , She was drestieil and weut end' over end, putting the On- water, of Clio groupa of holiday pienick: gar COM111TEL. verse is thil cage in Galifornia, wliert. in a simple white ment and 3 br0wu terrified Occupants intl river, Tlitý.vi lu' em 61)JOYIýug thefu5elves in the hugillilleil Mr. ElannItm broliglit up the report the, barley croit, in 1874 was 5 finies Petticoat Or fikirt, and as she wslkcà wore carriêd on down the Fall, whieh tut, waye of aluuo-%ùiuout, prtivided fur tilt' of t144I relipf ei)'Iïllnittme, wilioli r;Icotu. Inr4týr than the out crop, and seveti acrosit the rol she aupported ît te lier ai tilough net deép, is.terribly swift,. andq' tita'mf3 larer tijnii the corn crop. Titi- icil with lier finuel as there was tic the immense otousion. On tige %vater tlie F-ceue was tn(.n.limd of file folloçvitif" Ac. ýolutno:ot',water ï2akes Till &.Iojjnf;totl, $10; St. Jollii's will prpparc your routiers to under. huttfin on it. After.a brie-f iutýoiluctor.V as dangeroqq te play vil as Niagara 6qually, lively an&1 Ilicittire-.1que-40atý 01,1111til staud that in Lliat State barloy is, tilt, conversation, thé -reporter said ho liail it*iielf. At the of ail shupes alitl, liept, Cliu!,cli, $4; C. Ppunyllegioli, 57,22 6ottom they, d!,Oap earpil Wm Jolinatou. «to.l 'The report was clitýape.-tt femiling crov raitic-il there. reine to put theïr veriiiinc of the affair in the whirlihg, Ree ?Walter id coltzing und going, fini about, r, 'l'lie following Iltiotations in SRI, b9fore the pitblic, suit forthermore te hifil witil spray and iciam, and thé- M eLaivédi And %olopttýil, fil the treitwilrer Il re. in the cuve and ovèr a. large exiligum o1ý turiil te pliy the accouats theroin r rI1oelýèo, on 27ai J Lity, 187t;, wili çzet 1 heïr ficelinge in ri-gnird te the Yourigl watchful eye bolow failed.to catoli sny 1, il:ulitrate this "01, 1 %voile" said the girl coldlY, il further glimpse of thom; outil, fully a Aly (lie lalie. Dtttilt,-j,'ii the Thù co.nuiitieý, 1.69 Pro liane." Landred and thirty yards down tilt- )Ut Niftgcl".(Z, bitllIglIt lier Il of living 1 - ii-0il oi* XcLoiinuu, a Barley, brawiug 6. 1 15 IlYofl sai(l file wotlifir, "lot justice rapid, the gentieniâtu calme te the sur ith froiglit threu Liwl dtiriw, flic day te 4. talie iti; eouril ; if they are gaing te lie face 1'like a pince of cork," as Mr. Cor 1 iblizid ià_Iýil for Ail fil..ýld 95 100 gigt tige wharf, unit thi. large barge -%VaF; by ]litrp(,i-, seci-mdeil hy 0ats liuii,,, IeL'eLu be bang; if thay are goine bl describes it. Vint gentierneil 1.10 .)p tg) lie lent in Penitentiary, let'em be put was rently with bis canon te go te the. 00avil ilito a caliveslient aud roi.)MY Mr. Lovi, ti)iLt t1ié repl of the rc-liý1I Corn - in peniteeitiary ; and if tituY are gointz renctie. The eurrent ciel verv strone -t-Illeut mw4ic iv the Maiter of Robt. Me- In file veur 1875 7,5, wheil tlin Pro. tO lot 'Fm go, leY let them uni] the little craît, was net caýiIy man daucilig platforni. Thé exe L-nnaii lia i-éef(li-red bacli ta the said duction ofýthe wijole Statu ýl 11,000 Willy don't ti of file OddiciloýYB, fil (',Iilverley's 'IN witti rilstructions te lpuqitire 000 busli 18 , the whole of the rcetýîlit go. tliat's wiiat I say. I don't affiler. agelit, but althollgh it interfored wîLl, bandr -aaçioil te the etilivc-ii ment of the litand this business any how ; it's ail lir. Corbould, it Ail in keepin!Z thi- ýct of the sald Rl ut Suu Francisco for saine year, were But in this conntry I g1t) .1rowning man On the surface. It was 0ceâtel aild contributl their fair «Il -.tliotli-v bc is entitled 2,6ýloOUt) bnsliels, an;l the exports te lu'xod uP 80 te haro to the gencral nierryiiial.int,,. fi) ai 1 froLil tho elirporntion and Ali ait pointil South Ain,-rieu, Anstralia. iiiiuk Oint justice gainer; law, but laitte, is rat long before bfr. Corboulti Rot te Ili. j'itatice." side, anl,,saizincy bien with une iiill Il riIliffiýI':i in 1-nPRrtl Vi s;iýl &Ppli- States East of Siprra, Nova(la and on lifting brou" lit back te file subject lie mariaveil tol The firciuvii, l',,,ay ari1 fil in tlteir , make the shore witii lu haudroule iluiforiii, werc iiiii4y f-Vil eailt iwl La Iliq cast, unit Grea' Brititin, about 1,460,000 bail of tlie Yonugs, S'igan said tliat fheY ditl the other.7 Fle.re ho lit4ivereil Ièitn over 5S to ett t1i-ý nieùfif?ý- c,ý tt)iýl or about -àtii of the entire crop. The net intend te kill NIKODOnCLI41. wilore, ilitid kift iiotiiiiig undoigi) iipIin cmucil. Carr;czi. l for tilt) yeni-1874-75, are tlie -Wliat do you kilow about it," enap. te the caro of the ladiiiii, and iiumil tlieir finit to proillote 1,110 ()I)ji)ylueljt-ot L. ý. W. ever réiported, itrid unarlv 2( inbly ttirnAfi to- manne. the othFr, il lill'il hirîzl tliiin il, tarit vpar. 187 . 5.76, pi7.d lifre. B-Prhec, 1-It çvas a oowarl possible. Meautimo Nfr. Wm[W r lin.: the occaltion. Vimitois fl Osliaill b i % 'et 1itýl the W leu tiley wPri. about 5D" o bulll iliing, anyhow, ta striko an old iliau not WIen Hie. The lady ilid [lot, rise te, ill Other directions wegcc iluligtýrutis__ ,A- i i -all and Lýf;jyor te il.rrow !t ig cilicar that trio gréai; bulk -of the like that, and tifs hie wag; just as sweet the surfuel, as lier compaujou diti, bu, Liie l'l in nipet the town lis filaire Wall; let ingtiuetalici itp congrâlite, %Ir, Walkêr cauizl)t siglit of lier tlreiiý. ainconglit thoin %verle lion T.-N. ÙilibR, barley crop et Cdifornia il catieunadil aud Ifit their ni-ýkq be-jerked if they and et once pulled in that direction 'x. il., atiti üther leigl in thé, State, unit consigits mainly of the. are goinu tu bc jArked." Ha did net allow sufficiently for the.* M . 11:Al 411:, f,141. AND (Viil etilloi barPy. of italien n1tozather the pieute %V'la a The girl Sugati dienieil liavingbroufplit current. however, and was carriýci page Mr- broiielir. in the repnrt of' iiialfing, brirley there are two qllalitiof4, t-he Ynuiiý-s uny food whilt4t they wort- [le &gain turuegi, but the objpct liail , grand rilecogg-0110 of the begt uni; the coiniiiiiloit off iiri, ait 11 %vtttQr, re- téritieil 11)ay bre-winc" ail 1 c'chevalier " liill'ugo and on heingr presqetl ai; te tell d ' eared. Suddeuly the arins rat- attenjed, aile,. alto (if t'Lie 11,1ý,lui-lit of ifil itel et twi the ùxporté; to Enstern Statep aýII "Illpp Qlie went te men thoin Fille burrit irito ablv. the surface, and then sailli: agaiti. ruest cilloyable ever Illilil at corbutt'm -foi). Iitil.tilixting to S18-13. l'tif, G runý Britaiti are eçolu.,ively macle ul) Il aul said elle loved Jaines Willia in, Mr. Walker patifoi to the épot, utile L'l-port Il rectiitl ali'l adopted auil of thi-se two queilities. Nfaking cevert, ille said thât shortly after the Yonnzèl l'oint. Olir citizouti are Io reacliing clown into the water t'lie fur tr file trf:aý;arer autijorizel te pay tilt, te-ilowancii for an utiiisually large croP, ogcaped lier Ristier receiveil a note from' lengl of big arm, lie cauglit lier by tiii. the iirowen for se great a treat, ntiel for arnl iiientionieri therein. Fitill 1)'>Ilritig in minci tliat the two crop, Ji din, infortilitigher of bis whereabouts. hair and raiseil hier te the surface. By the tliouj,,Iitlultiüéis in affl the op. Cuniieil adjourtied. of 1874 nud 1875 liverit, bel calleil gooll The two men w Il then Ilidiug lu the thifil rime Mr. Corbould hail nome tO his portunity of tg day'q pleasuriug lit uropm. it appeail iucreiliblé that this; lodian Woods, in rear of tire bouge of assistance, uni] betvoeu theui they put hume itlh;toýtti of Illakilig foi expeill- crickp-*. vear's crap gliotilit enable Catif(irnîn te au Indiau named Andrew Skin." They led lier ashorgi. Il were Miss Neili export durin, 1875 76, the 10 million tirera afraid, bowevt--r, that some of the und Mr. Nont-goincry. Both were 3 ivutrip te a distance arc liall been sui;- I)MIOIv will lie fourid il score of il I)IISItiýls chliÃŽleil in the aireulars ing-au Indians woulil lieur of their whol ly exliaustlsà as weIl as bewildereil, 3 gieted. The followin.- are Llio unifies iiiIiteli playell, on Tuesilay, front whieh yen have quoieil. hereabouts. Tlity hall bc-en thrl Iinil it was sorne rime t)tiforci thçy te. of the competitiers in. the Atigtist lst, bet;til ýViiitby aul Co- l'lit, wost flint is elaitue-1 in any of the Iays il, (J,ýgle 3 !il 1 have menu, id ail expert el ý,[onia afLerthoir oèIcapp, covereil sil Wici- il t con 8cibu,;nori; te under- t r Amusements bourg. l Co,,oug-lý, elulb walie tý,,3 about 2 million b!lsll(ýls Ulalting barley, and lived witti il friand on tFe river stand ail that hall takeii place. Belli c Doigt rall .1 swith And Jor. winner of tht) tuateli by elle %viclcet. 0,1 t).ink. Durizig the surniller meeting of gilso hall beeii injared iu going o>,er th- F 1 3 ýlc.Ml:ttil lst ; \l Thompson and R. 111, 0001 fifth (if the iiiiatitity mention Duriug the euwmer Lneeting of the Pille ll Neill efipel recoivin- a f ýs1IoV, 211,1. - W[IITIIY YS. Ct)B()UIIO. Il tiliotation. Tiie diffmrpnee bp. lIatiiiiton Ri.ling anil Driv'ng Pari( savil blow on the siele of the hîd. 1 Boat Ruent 2 lqt, S. Ist IIIiLjJJgý. 2ild leil 1 il quantitips tnfbke a wide Siiiith, 211d, C. Perry, Dril, j. zimitti, iiiii mit 0 a woucis u ý,1oorü .. 1 in the prot)affle effect of oit ýi- Àsaticiation they liad ail sut on the torg 'l'lie ladies of M.r. Walker'i; part:ý rend f of tire mOutitain and watchod, the races ered gond service, and Avery expoilient a iiiiii, c Hill Il 1 1) Oslç-r . ............ 1 1 fornia sIipp1iiýf, uroti prices liere, and in Silo finally aIttuitt-ed havitia circuinectances waw P ýl 1, Nl ......... ý 12 car ilaeksoli, c Flill, L..etc-rr% States. ried food toti-geng. After thoireacilpe, resorted te. They clveresortn sufriciently t LI if 1, )j W(Il ....... 7 Aq tho eltiltlitv of barley týl)erù, of unit in the- prertenele of tlif,- 13tirber ý1ù1--, rpeovervil. to be retnovptl to livatifiage. t or men - il'i' 1) M ore. wliieli 1 liave rveeiveil a F;Itlnpl#3, iR Un- If appoars the whole party haci been c _Mi. 11(rr, <,I'Itil.11%,ý,'"). rui) l 4 c- Vorh L 0.1er ..... -i the Youn.ýr hua -.0çired FýoleTllriI. t.) elle ,'l.. 11*I't1ill,, f) c yallil b ý i 1 Ill tilp-t. tige J. Gll il oitil 1 iý ofiler le Yoi-lç(j ..... i l of ri,,. ýzIIl plus, or n(ýitriv ail of' il, another never te be tFil alill l te diu in t1w litintanil liait landed dangerous s 2wl (con. flay, \Vhifuy. 4*liýil 1 1' . 1; . ...... ..... a galue and fi.,,Ijt te, the Ilist. She ruf':l'il 1 ý%, iipar the Ileail of the fall ; the del f Mathewsoti, \Vjiitt,ýv, -ftil ; A> ....... 'Viii ti.iIl Il iliarkI t iu Great trItitgn, mail ta Il arg -)t ittur. howl fl,)wed smoothly enougli r Y ititortu.L,ýiýon thity ;, (itIrntt, t, ýI-leIýIý ie"s %VlàiiI)Y, t5th. Le le depressiug tl, 117 ...... . .... ..... ..... c tt. hidu file treactiery illi-lerneath. M isq ý3 11tuuning Racce for boys Undi)r IL; 9 1 -là id a pitifili eue. Site c,;ftyý; lie ---ill and 'Xontgoml determined v Ritig, osilitwit, ... ... .. l the w4at croit of Californill. III Often "tookoll;" that 1118 to crossto t1icotlier batik; tho lady t Quit ; - Bronti, lir-f; C. flig, lýt(1 bo-gost appil toble would overcoiue hini. and that he %% oui(l bad talieulier place intliebont, and A gitiN, wilitby, Geo. 1-t wittiiitll by ait. Thp ýtirpltiq for ex. be fait of grief and remorse l'or wilut lie lipr companion slioved off. Before lie fi Ill 5th 1. Il. W. 1'. A'. oart will Il frein '-)0 'è, -)à million I)iiqli. Lil;ug - .... ..... . il c Vý.y b )j mil Dit. 0 iiad Ione. Ili Close fils hu woult] pas- could get command of hie ours the boat t. elit, a -(J tili4 Ollt;l*i3 WJIl ntely bl hi', unele fur lezl lind driftea se fur into the as ri) n Iiijuiiin,_, tt'itec for lil s iitill 1-2 il rl*ýD(II1l 0 Pt.Ofili(:LioIl l the W11010 Dotuinil of ilcif, ],ait ILit, ... ti fi 2la(llet huit ...... ;i hini astra ' v. fle. il littîe Rnl, Flept tuali-o ail escape impossible, and un f whitt'y. Ist- Ji. i-1; il, ý, .1 Lý- Il 1) ...... 1 la. l_,firg,ý lis t1w Fl capaciry lerý:, lieilig cousttttiti,-,- ut, dit- alert. Ile event fcAll the lilce of %vigil they c e4)v,.r tije yl croli Let Gront I3ritaIII, uld tifien repent that tliL, * y uoiiid veili nt-ver experience inore thazi oneil Il lie 1, ...... . tiever flang boit or taLe liiiia -live. >31ie rgt_,IiIii; for, siDc!e the daythe Severn o ;,*"i'î;iiý: -iiii#,r an fltel*:z-;tl CrOp. 1, L'l saym liothing but flic tit;Illf'll ntid. began ta fll tliicy arc) cionill the il I)Iý,C 1- JN r LI,ý 1) %lni --1,wý;l *21 ti-lilv, al 1 mitil attalr-k of the pl ti-rtl ;-rilv lillIgian lipillezzl; Il vver went over 1-'i II, b Mil i te il iI,,ý l . .... ... I thetu. 11)1);) fil(-* Lonf,, Ill aria livvti ýto Gay sa.- fi nu'l Sir [lýIiii'y ElMot, .%an- Il art t ill ilf Ezratl hiiiLiclur. l thr Orillia Tielleg. rý;:, 3ravo Po;son Caýie. baqýý1l DI-v titilit-il te lý I', ...... el uf;eil Lo play ï,il tolyether. Siv;au au;l 1 cl ag'; ist Linilv and gli A -rl between two Bruisers- P d taIll, .... . .... ii;*IA;ýýIVý 1 m'A 1 lZ A D t el 1.1, l'I.«l,ý* 'il %vp.n'tfýti ta trriltiu I-ýi1L i Il thù liul': ý(i7ili ýviili;tm ri lent Il %,,culc jt o* tlie rotilà:l,.v L:iýL -, fil Mael tho ehatilicil te liud iflu'i and Taylor, ft New York a gel repovt:iiý,. Ilit, ;1I(ý "!ill- Z 1111 Il io roi) litili p! ri 1:11 ýilist u!* grqmt repute atiiiiiig his fpi. A w i :Ji 1;, 'Irin, r I- 'ýi , - le) ('l' tile (en til IL f i Il Pll ('il au tile ill a [Il el l J! i;à,. tainl Aniat tir w e in rt à. j, 'f-le ,.i a litýtlr*v '1:1215, -e il, ewr-'o, awi sevie.-ral who Ventlired fil I, r 1 r 1.7rin Io(,! 1 pl D r. le 'LI ud te, ont t1et, g1l on bath with le b.f'l ll..«illL,-,)T),ýýl ti- c,.,tirýtry. -Tel 1 it.ii,11 Taylor, ree-ived a kind and cil fr Prente 1.1,0 %ý(-r lave it-it. :;Iý, colirdry L'lit fi. --wa,110pilig', wliieil thl l ilp- ÃŽ., lIi,ý iivl,.I(,IjiIi lit il vi,ý;1 \Vil! - ù iie -ti)i!iks nri-ciatcl 'flict profc-sAic)nalE; fitruel l'y rit(- l wli 1 ai 'JOi.11 î-11 sceille in tha iit-ii thiet lie 0I.ltI 1 out et utly, ava everybol ct;peeiali.N elit Io t.) ali. t;ar,ý to arrest hiol. Sliv Fýai-l th,- %vas %vpli p1pased with day, II:l.lIýr flirt (If lit %.Li. M'I.. l'; trotting pl Iiiiii, iiiil De lIýiý vý111trn,11C 01v. it : t[1U.ý J 1111 with lit,. vxliihitione. On Fritlay niglit, lit ci 1 t'pý-It ['t, tl]iLt nevûr 1,,ýat liw isrlf Ov(,r ; ý,ig(l 0ViýI- wzaiu. 11) s(it" ri. * tODËZ;.,S iu Hamilton whIb 1 Lever, 'I'ftylor was gilet hy a cils- Iloîtr.4 ILI lult. tIl ai, bol il Lile, croi"tè cil toicier itione "Cliartie" 'Iaedonadn Mr. Ll ro- lhe parl of file de Li, ciel i1ri;- 1i(-u a inan-abont-totil 1 ut Ili 'tru. ill nov; briii-hii; eviderici, to 1 in HtLiu'i;t("Il :a1ti L!,,! filib" , -III) ail that the phrase illiplies, wlio il _ ......... 1't't,,ret oi let, iiii,14 Lit;[ ph't-x tll,-t 1 iiillv 1>ansts (ai* rather wlio was in the habit 'r, 1", li'-IILt'î ab arid I)IIIII-1pr l of' the Ci,. Shtn ;ji ý i c il tel. AIl -!!y -1 o, 'tililL10,1Y el. VIII .1), lw., lt:tl nul -r l.Jti-Ii1.ytiýý Lt -1 4 4 lie . 'JaIlle-l w itijalil was ilorrii oit lâtit, and of 1)(ialiIiuI,, prrviûris tire thrée o clock ()il ri t4rirelie, ri-0111 ili', eli'l of wii;ull 114, i, tý) aýl grricil t.lipv 1- Il 1 Il %Vlý1 be thuir st(.F) Il) eontinet 01- j ail c:ct!irjaitii,(l .-nouuli Sntur !av illornini-h filet lit) could -liek 1-1 1 à1r. Citllll)l)t-il, latirer 01 Bravo, in in-- ailvic(, rlritt him at ilayt)rettk. fore the public. They are very able illg t,ýeutjejjjj)jj %%,c 1-Ã" to-tbiv etý'CLe(l a illil';iol) 3 y gratitude tu you ft)r vent il e eLî,,. %Vlle,ý -if, and assistance in my case. . Tlipre ir Shortiv afier thrt-u o'clock, tlicrpforp, Tildeu's letter is1wei. Grawl 0lficerd for 'the etié;iiititz yeur . Aiietrzilia, (.1-i'fly On his le party, with one or two iiit ýr liot otte Who lins uswl yoiir ineilicines the whol t- ally go-Filid will lie likelv te croate Et il l1aw Perry, Grand Unster ; CI. T. return to EnIghind te sottle 4ri- Il.- Mince the ljaveý bc brouglit bcrp, but roperg Who l'ad got wind of the affair. FL port inijorclssion in tlip;rfttvor. Cntnl)bill, A.G.M. ; Dc. Fowlpr, Grau,[ ib-triic vin Son Franei4ca. He stayv6l that cati Bay %vith me tkev have lipen ProcPeded towarlié; the QU('èl,1'8 Park pri Wardt-ti ; J. B Kitig, Grand Secretary ; soins tiinp iii àlontreal ; thi, Gliards grt-atly tpenerited. Since 'l have been and Taylor unit Mac louaid were soori Ui UL W' Grand Tren.iiii-,-r ; Jus. wl re t1wre lit the time, of th, le se bulped ijy itb iise, six or seven arotind at work. la two minutes or less the ini 0J lfellovi Btiilliii,,, iiiibliý;llrr, nii. W , ooglytttt, Graud CLtl)tFLiii Ricarlo bocajue enainoreil of uje loft, off ail doctors and other medi latter cried "ellouili." tint Taylor in. filo find visitiojy, li-icýnJM alici inarripil Miirs Cairiphell-rrow 'Vlra. n0uncement Of rccêillt Of in t1iis were ttiuiier(-,d il niootiliý,,I.,t tsetirioii Bravo. 'riiey livee'. tiffliappily tovether. ciues, and now uee it in tiroir faniiiies, sisted that lie GliZd cry lou'ier, and after Wng cured-of the RittS diseuse ap PulnmelletlhituaccOritinglY. Macdouald col extraordinary iuannor. Take a look lit ou Lake 0tafirii) liiiii Niagara ltiv.,r, Captaiti Lù -ti (Io was iutotuprirate, and raine. Yeu do not kaow wlia, a wond- was terrîbly bruiseil bout the face, and boi bill faucy piprs. titis by tita St. Cathwiries wtint wiih Iiii; wité to a kyirnt ti i pa 1 a re or it created in our city, by its ilestoring will carry the êigD aa and tokens of hi& Wh bi-otlirEui. à large urov(l 1lvai'cýtl thmin. sort ai Malvern, lieit lry Dr. Gully. my sister*1 wrote yon about, for she tintagonit;t's visi THL Cuopbi iN NovA ý;coij.-ý tire not L;el%'ct; of the pleaban, Lri-at oilored. t tu Toronto as long as wo tiv- liert un his set;owl visit tris wit,'s col'- liai] boue under the carp of threc of our bc lives.-Ivail. Sel go proinisiug àï Wu wore led t) UlDtil itj:, of tilo Çirltni (tact led te a grc.at scaliffitt. Dr. GlIlly best iloctors, but could net sit up for a ail ldgc a of thurilis wati anauiiunu..f- sold up lii.- pIaciý, anirl, bas ilà1lowed jà ils. few minutes ut one tillac. 1 beRgeil of Tire Indian War. err [,y oarlier reports. ly 10 tilie bt. Catharines Pire Bravo about ever since, 41wuys takinc ber te try your medicineR, and before It 1 Brigaile, fol. tileir beautikil dispLay of a boutif- close * to lier rosi(letice. The let; she could The lateqi, from Crook's expedifion. is ina TiiLr OýiT&nio TFAcimiis art iv)ýv il, Illt,,t elle bad Deuil half the bott doctor is 76 years of!tý,,ci nove. Captaîu go ail arOU12d the yard. and lias . Dow te the effect thut fieuvral blerritt wai; a d session in Torouto. Ricanlo died ri few njoiî)tljs aftPr th , e 1 juet coine home from a visit five miles joined 011 the 7LIi. hy the Fifth, Cavairv, ilic Gran'U Encampment-oi Offlellows, Univeru szawýal of doliriun& li.C?7&cna a %Ç f,.Y. âlItS. THOS. MCFARLAND. and the Olltire culnui-0-rid, stripped of ail tr@ý 1111E MA,-101tiTY 1N - at Cologne. In DFoctuber of last Vear Dr. Pierce's Favorite Pres iption if; impodimente, with a supply of rations m B, official cotrut gives Mr. McNabb oilly e 1-:LLICITION 01" OfliýICLIr.li. Mrs. r.icar,!o marrif-d the able 'and bold by dealers in medicines er majority of 171. gencrally. and amuaunition on pack M111011, starts Ne - prouiising youti,% 1)nrvister on whose to-morrow on a fifieen days' raiti. w.. ané St. Catliariutib:l Aug'. 2-Tlie Graud mysterious cletali the prerent eecoild CILICAG SUOOTING AFFR.tY.-- ulove down the TOngue River. The beL MUXEY Te advt. 1 2Ir. Encatuplueut of odiffi4lows ulot in inquîry il; b.ýi;ig leliiï lu April lie -Last overjing Alex. -l' ý A 0 Sioux have proeeeded east-ward down wol Otigitellews Elail or) Tuesimy died. Tiie tz.-iii-rai apitiios, is ho wgs -Chicago, Aug. 8. tils- Little Horn in se leisurel Patriarch liarticil \Vils(jit iti t1lý- chair Pisoca.1. alla the 01J et of the investi. en'lor Sullivan, late Seer,-tary of thri y a muu. tio, ONTAitin RipLm. Aiso 'Pliure ivéré) ûvf.r lifty 9-stion ri' Cours$, ib- to filid out wlin, ait. Board of Edcfcatiou, shot Francis Ilail. lipir tljl&t t'IflY 6eOn to jUVItO battis. ME) lord %vho died two heure afterward. It When you Il-ear from us again it will eîglàtll anlinal of the A tl4-.:iiiicr Luin:ý;tPrcj(1 the antiznony. Dr. Moore, appenri; Ranford had Written te th bit about, a great battle or a great race," 1 aille Agsot-intiou is aulluunce(L Io t'il, the couttiifltioti of thé tiiiboroiriates surtitc-r1y of Toronto, but iir)w 0 p gottleil 'ri Board of Education cll;tl.jzing NIrs. RePOrts recisivild à Llin War Depart. for Place atToroutc, où Augugt 2001. Fir- Wollo adapted'. Folinwing iM Fi list of pracil ice ut 13albitw, wms tho fil-Mt inotor zsUllivau with u4ng ituproptr iijtlnenec, ruillat froni Gencral Slivri*n state tbat the IUR te côtumenco P't one o'cloek-. 'rile officers-eleot of the Grand EncaLup c0leil in, and lie is firmly ai' opinion a LUPUt :--Grand Pittriareh, Wtu. il from ail the cireuqýsWncýs that have te seulire the appointinent of' Duane iuany of the lildians uow coming ilitû plu PvOgr tnrub Whtoh -ha:1ý baen propareil îP -£Ole, Ni. P. P., of 13l"Dolevillp ; Grand Crime tO bis. knOWletIge that the 1 Doty, of Detroit, a8 Superintent 01 the reservatiotie oarry artus captured mho ruutô liberal. tàan that ý,of jamt VZ)Srl ca"e "' Sulitoiti hore. fri-elu tha sévènth Cavairy in the late tha autaber of prizes Rigil Priest, Johii Yousty. of Chatham ; one of mnrilor. It réimains to bc sten Sultivau, with- hi-ki wije and f a friend Custer figlit. il. 1 Oraud Uuior Wardeu. E. ri. Robin. if thn crime cati ho brouglit home Io the went te llantorii'ti lionée te secure a re cou bon, of London ; Grand Scribe an(t guilCi liaýtim To thst cud no titue or FLU'URY'r» WgUS 'DESTICOY>eD.-Tho Treasiir",ý'4U. D; 11tiWson, of Lomlon ;ii 8zP6uo*-Wiil btt'-sparéd-ýby the-crown mi- tractiQu whicil - 0911141 bu publiulied along 1fter spenking witi& -faint praise of tile wItil the charge. Haufor.1 refnged and the yacht counieu.- 01 Duâtiù. , tho St. mu, agrietilttival nnit,ýi2ewlng rnRcijîtr(ý %vorks G1,W)j JaLlior Wàrilvti, Tlloinali ýçrû0,J couillictiîlFr titis iriqtiirv , rtvýry moit'ioàl John-, N. B., TelegrSph sýQys ; NO'One fil. )f Josépli Flon-t', Ailrorri, wf,.re iicR, yatt, of Bi',intiora w4jieimil; will Il(- sto4o Pfl au cuuitýt-d altercation endusul, duriB., troy whictrit i-j aslîtrtcu that Ranford struck ilere lié,'Oil tO disuplo;nteil, Ilowevet., ly a ýd liv firo kebturklay. Lois, m,ýj,. 01A (Jrilliil U-ýitcd 1pijtc.jý ntiturni.-I il) the effort to throw liglit no iligurance.. , Pftt-t, Ciiief Moriarrii, il 11. Pý lxv, rit, apon thla durit lïmi niyRterious death of 31-Irs. Sullivan, WI)ereupoLi Sullivan idiot whould the Couliteos of Dun1criu fait te -of tl of After thil of il young ruiiii, li#la1tll.ý. t iiim. Buth parties are Witleil 'B cup, ivlà.ell elle Will c(lec Btlsu r firAs and reFpected. liautly 41111,8.-Sainn hoavy bn-*'h tliý, 0fficý.' tha Gra-n', Pa"Fiarrh eloct, aria prOýPerAus, befoile Suliivau lias bec, àZa contend fur. Perliape thi. log, arit raging to tho n(,)rtlimqt of OltawIl. %villivm il. Cole, afilicint-tued the fol. whorn theve geonitqil te liA a carter rit kliowu as a tatented Youug man. 'VaritiwO Provinces mby turu ont 9, cool At Uliglit ttii) air le filletf %vitil plocus of yacht tiolus Of tiresf. daYA wilich will borct, leaveàc 1(>Win&l appoir.jed Vilité-irii - GlAu j tau bar or uul.rokeLl succose. TuE; TFi CEtop.-Meent infortnaticu llarbhaj", jolin -8. Moore, rif Be(lt«,%-lle bettFrýthaei- the pregent Cacadian etaii from China Rose po silow tbat the crop represtutativo à PA'r'L FILL.-Oa iiiiiay at1ernnýn Gre-uli ' loritie seütinel, UJWY ýN0al, 'Paz EXT irelvi; CutL' bxDa or'Novii, of tua for ýbi9 etims likejý te do. i Thero 14M y4e is Very paor. UP te - * 4 $-- a ccaffold withrin tbe netv--Eit, Poier'm ni' Sarnia. 8C0T1Aý- -aýid to ba 18*,OW Jun@ 12th'last, Rarkow hâAl' exported MONTIRÀL PIRICURN's Picnie.-Tlie 4cathédral, Mentreal, give'r way, and nare lictilleit, of, cour! in the. Province of fintailn of MoUtreal are Ulaking pro. T', dires mon wari inâtantjy killgd. The nnmbpr -of vossalit, on tb; -vuva scétis,' or a bOut ônè-third more bad Rhipped 175.0S obestil pri'nolpally limîtliiiry "MnRewelltg for agrand pic- clergymen &R Along - them littés an terg iit the fifflisir EÉùpizl; in' 1 15'w" thanin Grpat-gritain, whieh contains tO ED91auli and Ruggiti. - It appean the 1 ilic ý to hibii 87,187,ffl 7,741;*IMI iôwýand .ý;dirkod 11.W0 square milfér- Iphe jjýpojtjtjè lie hëliion thu 20th inst., to bow -i., Pr)- àmglrioac 4.0m«& ig awoâv- tùP j mgL, si 50 PER ANNUM by$ 'fhur,ýdày, tjug -z T'he B'arley Crop, Lawdèr fientil; np a jettt.r il, 0 st of Rtgtolnuiltu inaile last ef .- pfcrcijciý to tho californifé B 01). There gre f#iw botter auth, Oisit Mr. Lawdüron thosubji ývltioli lie ivrittep, aud wêj flot 1WAUCI Ltej'2tnt, Jn to the j Amotiont) antijorîtiosi qijot The TL-rkishýWar, troin tile veil't d war Daili, t-bô Rowing Club, the Boat Clubs and,- the commercial Club, and a local crew from-the 8haurron Rowing Club, ail start4d together. à fine race end- A in thoý'-Vàctory Of the Dublin University Rowing Club, the Boat Club coming second, et a distance of three lengths and a half. To day, the second day of, the Glen- brouk regatte,- the conteW was OUW more exciting, no less thau sik' four-: oàrol boati (all %vith.:éoxt;wàiuo) being letatted together. The University Row- iug Club carne first, wintring orteil y'by tliree lengths ; The Dolphin (Publinj carne gocond, the Limorick ý men third, the Boat Club only foartb, the - Rings- town (near Dublin) ûftWud Gleubrook» club lan. Both Victoriep'- which were more derisive thau the-'or]& achieved on the mptropolitan courge, are universally attributed to Hlcksoà'g powerful, steady stroke. Next Tute- lay lie will have to take bis crew over Oie Onstlecoritiel course (or, the Sijan. non), and this will close the recùrtl of his pt-rfortnances unt-il ho anpears ar, stroke of the Irish Ceritt-unial crow on -Aar. rican waters. SA Gu-ht, indeecl, during the past weak- to Ãœavé been qnietly praeficing for the centeunial contest. But the ar- rttnaernents for this qniet training, !rail Lo be givoin up for two rjM8o13sýfirst, ttie Rowing Club could not, iti8pent;ý wit1i flir-kwon'a Bervieps as lbçtroke" iii boir catupilign against tire Boat Club, vhicli now, for Vie first Mure, was vis- teil with succeag undpr his captaincy -menu.1, a near relative of the M librririgton dieil within tire week. In 4toail of' practioing at linine, tliey weré .08ligeil to cotnA te Dublin te take par, in the fuueral cereinotiieg. By t1jo of nnit Wé-ek, hnweýer, théy vill lie liarI nt work. IL is now set ried that Alec Petitland is to be thi, ,Ihow" of tho centeunial cré%v. Titev ývill certaitily net leave Ireland befoir Sunday, August 6. Playing with the. Feelings. leel tue prespare a &Deir prices are sa walon Enow great wal high that the oustomer can resort with- part of the prison autf ont trouble toi'a obeaper shop, to return Tz,; PýRsoNî Los'r i diagusteil wàýij the pres8ure has passed de'y afternoon ten Pen away. Alter ýthe6 battere come, we be- ed in Putnam's Pond lieve, the distebutine bookeellers, whoge N. y.ý Thirteen wen buemess fa 0fýù oubýto pièces by a sea row boat when a squ son of pressure upoi the classes who, the boat was iminel usually, have ýmoniy, to, opare.. It i'5 " drowning ten ont ni curions fae, %Fhen the cultiv', tion of the age is ,remelý2b.red, that, tte - Engligh namelî of those drow Johnson and wife', 0 are nor a bqck buýyîng people. They ind wife, John 13urt are supposed to rend, but they ý de "not pmter Oliier, Adolpb 1 huy books. Ã"uteide a siaalf illuil, ît is son, ý Mr. Holden, and very rare toi find ë family with five Th' il boilies of all but litindred bocks in the hougo,:Wllile men IIýinaking thotiiiande a year would think it a grosa st agance to- spend a SERVIAN 13liAVERY.- guinaa a 'vBBýý. I,,, pop.Bibi,, saitselar a -Servien 101elarienced lebrari«s tell us, te keep a ýFMsBanoVitC'îI' distinf 4 ary fâlly àbrdut of Buglish litéra. eolitly. Hé took Ilis a tare for £3001 a"ýear, but the numbàr of and, revolver in liand, in0ividuals Who attempt tà do so is in. a Turkiah dptui-battal conceivelily amall. 'Book.buyl*ng jo colora. and carriéd the c,)nsidé-re(Vaýlnury, lit is one of the deýd or waandeil'Tni-1 lazuries firrt-eotrAnched. and a vear of et;ëry, harrel of Iîs wen dkpreasion mpans to all firat-elus firma 0NýTA=0 COLLEGF a year without a profit. There are, of The regniar semi-aunui eoàraeï tium4ons other irades-for in. ýCan-liqIateà fur registra stance, wateilvaakers, sellers offanev and Druggigts, comme 900dg, and frD"tsrers Of the ipiPODFlv@ Toronto. Thirty.nitiè kind, Who algio suffer seýé.-rply in somp sented tlieznpýelves for degree, and the aggragate of their com- subiécts of *hich -are, plainto, which are q nite roal and tru,' macy, materia medù tuake up a cry not unimpressîve in it', criptious and practicaï tlopth and volume. The enuntrv. as a whole, is p.otlýt;uff-iring dangéIroý,fv, or W13AT IT ý0ST3 TO SE even anverelv ; but the côrnfoiýabl-e 1-11 HALIFAX.-While clasgela are winrrie-1, and all those whose wag Va rail ingtbrOui!l) 1 liviniz déàpeuils on the expeýntlituië of the clerks ot the Ban .1lurpigs income are grnwing wretolieilly locked- the building ani le..çpnnilp.tit. 1 Anotlipr year of iusecur 1)"Oc-gt;iPn. During th it'v. fliRtr(iqt'ý sild low (Iîvidliý,niii will 817.500 wu i4oleti, j pro tht, Proçiueial ýTrtast , Juca lis tnucis inisery in Enziand as a briti Iiarveqý %li 1 iii the citlpu timp, eniereig'ard $992 takei it will no-t - pr) hice lleptlig by starvation orýriotings inithe streets. IL9 A Y Tiie j -In tbe battie at 3 OfEcer, Captain nguislied< bicnfieif sabre in his toi-M4 1 Warged through .iiou. 0 aptured the hem off, [Baving a 1-k bellied Ilit'n'fur mal examination of ratiou as Obemist neilcled Tuestàay at candidatez,_prew ýr examination, the phar- ica, hotany, pres- SEP THE ELEPBANT Bartium'a c!rýcrà8 1 Halifàx yei;tf.TdýV, - Luk of Nova ScÃ"tia, ,ngl.,went to Bee 411Q ffieir à4bort absence At-the same tîmd surWs office'was On. ir very cniiilletitig, ()UII filecoulit ropre NtlntFi the Witt sCrvisrCa4Iý to SUU flil, inake ou t1l"'t tIJO inilutueutès ý iwe wriqLiing %viti Tiie iutci:vention of the Greni powUN im jaily erpeuteil. Canaag Cattle for England. Carlada cattle for tho E114lisit rmarket Lk trivIn (ilat ý IURY yet g'row up inta TII(i sr took Ovf'r 102 llêad, juld brotigght lu Loiiiail tuaricet jtn average- of $168 Iphol nllenlal$ arrivoll in '-ind attl %vora Ibutellý&lt)q %vitil Wo aro tolil t1iat lt la tlle nf lhu Allans Ï0 bave at1pptu(l to tiliki & gty"(,f 9 f Uit)ogfl ' c ýO jý(,r l )Y 014) Anicripaiw wotilit, to (Infra 'expoiIRO Canalicti tt) Eng. [LUI a4 Vie prico realized in EuglÃŽllh markot woulti bc iliglier fAptu in the àtjt(3rÃŽottu thore vioubl bc a fý4ir "ftiÉgILI for Profit, Theru iq at pru- Ff',"t 011Iil il",Iwb,,Ielç to Ganadian 111ppets, 'fille ektttlo 1tru ouly permit to litud lit oie (IOOIC",Unil tiley are ici the (ici Oiiq (liRFt(Ivalitae,(j the 1),tve, Ur. Blako",*now ]Ott liait Pl-otiiif;nd to use 0 wqýIl tlle Diikn of Bieli. IlWi Gorilnil in have Canadian IlLu'i (.,Il tilo fitull, footing 0JOtL ' lid iviýili exvicirtere. Tlinre iviiy tItel-0 mhoill.1 l'y 'avorO41 by beft(il. 1-Agilla. rell-si;,11111 Apicially for Cil, iýj ty yot 111,i var't, propor. (Jt!IVU aVtIj,ý, jIý)sSil)I-c ici - tho Ar of ili', IliprN )IItîý lacil alid tlit-l'O of %vithir in L; 4).Vlediýiti to IIII iII vondiii , jýs-4 hy tile of Li ill-at tilo #']il Mr. hIvi iii oforedtion a liaildonine titiv eti th qit(, of tiiii ô1ýi,1 [I lin Pq building Ail oflIci roc fi lyratiI,4 of tll(' III ý4!jnII i la 1, ici lengtli to ll;(ýet tL'C) i-vilitirciii4ýtits of titi# larc,(j whioli, lie iIitetitli ull, fillil il-) ullet the :'Viiiii 1ýIIy- ors, Mr, iIî. titi arrivû týt-,in mau àwl wam (iiiitiý it t*ttvoi-iti) whilti in tilti (Il' Liii, Doinillioci Dililk ftt Wliitl)ý, ïold 0-hawil. wo wimll, Illui Ilivery ýIlCrC!ifl ill fli'i liew illidertaking, a lid, rit; wv lainve, li-0 will tio lilq Wili N w Tlie- Tb,., st, t pe No prâil. comé p Let ti ,WItkt 31,urd Pl -No- Pasto Lor F21el Conc-1 Ne. Intoo Bashil Chans Mie G moonl h N o. 32 SpÃŽnnj Defile-, MOOZIL -Sam ceiptp paid, e -TOM NOT ed fron townsb and a c F ted leedi2ei, Pich-erii 4 (0 . P'. TIIE Orý MORE T Gold- IV by, thi 41É Juet 11, LI;.;,ÃŽlTl" %vu rk e73ti ýLÃ"ud, hüý n,ý ted - en 17311,0ýènc pneboudr once. i-Du Iumure; arisllg 1 tiolus or e It tells tive Pbvw, -of n'odlne True Moi maririage. sel physi Reiations Expangiol fi The pries ThIs IX «,i ti disegses, e of the tmý The Inst OLOGY ""e p ' 1 HOW PýtSSE;GWRS OKA RAILROAD TILUY N IRELAND WERE EMPOSED UPON. The Loudon Globe gays -"Ais a train was paRmingy through the open conntry near, Kellawatelr saine of the passplagers saw a man rurininti ïieross il field by the ë:ide oîa liûe. Prelsently lie halted, presented bis piAce, and fired, when down fell another mau standing at a few yards distance. Nn soomer was this poor creature prone on the gratins] than the misereant witl) the Run procae-led to belabor his viatitn over the hejid and shouldera witli itg' stock, by way, it was supposed, of ûnishina his murderous work. The passongers in the train %vere, of coiirse, fyreatlv pnined nt being compelled to wittiess buch a colii-bloo(led ossusqina. tion witlinut the poRsibility of interfer. Ance. As soon as thêy reaehed the riext station a boýIy Of tllfnl rushed ta Mis Lélegraph wire,;, and in a few min. ntes the police authoritips were set on the trach- of ttic supposed murderer. Great was tlie alarni ttirouý.riieut the eu tire.d istri et, and especially at Belfast, om.ing ta the fatal ocetirr.-nee having' happýned 0" il'e eve of the moinentous 120à of July. For all the people could f.-Il, the trauedy luight prave the bé- ý.,inniug of %vlioleqttlj Alaualiter. The palice, therefare, last nat a moment in .ýplýtitig iniliiiil' on foft, aud a whole re2ituent of m1pectors RUA sub inspec- tors litirried ta Kellsvater, intent on approliéniling the suppo.ýed miurdorer. Ah in vnin this cnnitnendable display of energy. 1-la iitývpr woulil lie appre. heuded in thim- %vorlil for oiio very gooit rvaý,oii. Thf, whole affair %vas a hoax frotil Utoginiiiii- to enil, the assassin and )jis victifri lx-in, leagued toget-lier ta Cri--,Ii*en the ptiblic. Are, there any, hor-se p( u 1,F;, wtý warAer, in the vicinity ll,,%vater A Wrangle over Huckleberries A Farrner Shot Dead on the Highway Belleville, Aug. 7.-À niostuiifortun. .ttp case of si;otitiD;z took pInce on Sat. irilay ninht about njidnight, in the roiv nship of Thurlow, 011 the liighway -ix'ar spvt-ti liiilk-L; froili tnvn. G eo rg IL-Limplir. vs, a rosidont ai tue towyl, ýiwi been out gatlipring huckleberries Il the back country, ali'l wat; 110;tle. ward bolind witil eotitaining L box of iFt-rri(,q. Ile FLopiett-I ta rprt iis 6or4e and f--il -isl"p, dnriug wilici) ,iiiiim il. nontaining Jolin 1, 'ord, Jos,,pli Parliq, mid Jolin Diiffli, StoPped tlieir î und Difflin lifted t1iý> [)oz fî, i jerries fiolu Flli:ui>lij-t-y'f; un ransifer it ýP Ilis offli. llutni)lll..,Yg voka aud sittv him carryii.g the Imviiieli l: told Duffiii te replavc, but t;le, i littt-t- Put il, into Ilis Wtttlý"011 and drovP 1 df. Elasupliravs ordered tlif-in ta Ptop i lie- wolild fire at theut. Thëy paij w attontion and lie firA41 aile shot froul ý "iff--, MA bali st-rikin-ý1, l,%telil*orýl in lie heart, killing Iiiin alwOst iiii.itiseltlv. Hninphreys at once gave llirn#;plf * le statOm that Ilis iliteiltiOn vas ta fir.- ver the lleildil of the parties and ri,_,fitýýn thi-in. and lic4 if; tutieli il at the ratai resuit of the shooting Ln inqilest ig now bping ht..Iil ou til, ody ai' Lateliford at 'rliramlier's Our- ers. Diceased was about thirty four Yearg ,H aud 1VaVfýs a wi.lov aud faruily. 1 le was a mari of good charactor and a C roluilleilt OrangéLann, being District C laster of District No. 2, South Hast ii igs. ýplljlO A ve iieýtý'I'niir iu ilie ýlqt a for of tho Sclectioli of' Er. Pozer to fin tbe mout iu the 8etiuto vacatûil by the r(ý',4igu.ttiou of 1joil. N4Ir. DeLcry, The foui. minbitiulis ýimfflo[uun are 'Nir. Déilery, soi) of' tho lib-tIti ký14nCOr, aud Mr- Boldiiv, Ituevu of the v-ouutyý Lil)or.tl ; Nir. j. 'r'IKC*ýeau aud Mr- J. blanchet, a Quoiboo lû%vyor, 11,110 lutt(4r gôntlernau opposmi Nfr. Pozer In 1872, and Wns, nyfil-Mielmiligly defCat. (A. At thq kluce(je(litig clectioli m 1874 ilo caudidatu velltured to woltsiii-o flig- witlà Mr .1)ozoj., Who wam UlOutmi by acclailiatiou. Beauce Ilfti; ("elititillioli or tlin II(MIZO Ottipa L;inon tho (1paffi (if Mr. DtiUI)ftr lZoRA in $58. At tlle lust local MIOOJiou, however, a gloci(lerl Qmperva. tiva n"tm au(j it ja"Ilot ituprob- a1>10 tllu$, if Vlo contofit îis loft -between 0110 citudidato frow cacli Party sîde-Rb t 'w lihkýlY to bA tlào cabc-therc will be a hard mtruggle for Che viotory. 13 éliscove rod in tile . liousc of Mr. L'V. Ilain on Sattiriley ulglit, but fleci tipon thil alarm beinqýqjvqn. NIr. HRrl J13 at enâput awn'y from honte, but that will liot Prevent Mrii. Iltètu sud the utlier inluatex mivitig tho niulit prùmlers a wOrin rout)Ptiou 11101ild tiley bc tAmpted SELLERS. Nlotitreal 190 -Tiirotito. 189 Oufario .......... ..... 105 îmerchantà .... ....... . 9.2 CouBý)lidtit-(l ......... 102 Commerce .......... 125 1;tendard ............ 87 Ferlerai ............... 1012) Imperial ........ .... 106 County 6 per ceut. Debentures, Township Il Il - Au!ýmst 9th, 1876. -- 181l 104j ý lei 127- loui io:ij , 96 dospitteli to the Lonlon Nciv8 frvm ravs advie.q liav.- hepu j.ec,.iv- ild froin Tt-;ttnsvitýti, South Att-iea.,tli:it Iloillibi %vas attftekà-cl by 1,00 ývià,-s and 409 I)Iztciký. on the 7LIi Jilly- The Air-iný-,I)oid %vas enri-ie.el I)y qtoi-in atll a coluplPti. vietory won ov-1. Ww Kaffirs, but Kitthr raids ar" re- porwd au(i the eituatjon witq R(ýrlouq. t u ti .11 fE Iii Mr. Berwird Mul Wn, of Cotenu-re, ni] his ýI1vj)ointtjwnt tu the rcspousible offlee of Aecouijtant and Burgar of Ili, uotv Lunatic Aqylutu at Oriltisi, the Worldsetys "Ti.c- Ontario Goveý-nmerit huv&tnttýle gooil solection in Mr. Nltillýil, havinl- qp.cureil Lin Offi cial fjIlly tipi-upectint to discharge. the - The feelaridie coiony on the shol-(- rr Lake Simcoý received qnite au a(idition last week, 'isome 450 havin.- arriveà there frotn Éurape. They are said to have tuad. ' 'ood appearance, au thoir way tiloree 1boing ali well dréfised, uni] appeareil tô have sumo capital among thetn. They' arc, evideLtly a people of a practical sort, as they transacteil their business while passing throngh with wisiloin andidiscretion. TRISH WL$LEYt'; Irioli %Veýsleyan Conference bas foriually adopted lay'ýreVresent&tion with great unanimity. iThe plan wae approved a year ngo, huý final action was suspend. cd in order te obtain legal opinion on ;Oiur- il-lipoiýt.ant points. 'At tho nçxt 'Atision, in 1877-, the minihters, after the 'ralisaction 01 1 stiictly ministerial husi- 'im, will adjourn, whon the miseil con- 'èreuce. will be liold. OuR RF-ER8 will finit in another ulumn tire arivertimement of the - pta. ady Nle(lical Inptýtu!e," of Boston, ýhiCIj ptibliBlief; the itut * etigely popular ork entitied "The Science of Lifv, or iýlf-Proservýitiou," wliieb treats upoil Il the disorilprs that réftlt frow tile ,rorg of youth in a masterly raanner. ý should be in tlieliandsoi evêryyonn- ian and every person suffeiing fratn" Isfitute alsa publishes thoire invaluable. decline of the Physical Potvers. . The eatiseR, IISFxual Physiolony of Wo- au," and *Diroues thE, Iýerves and ervous M-ilailies. ', very elaborate id CoRtlY Gold Medal has recontly )Lu prosonteil té the author of these orks by thn National Meilical Associa. )n. Don't fail to read the advertise. ont. Tun AuGusr seasou r celestial ûreworlis bas arrived, and e earth lias cowmenced its periodioal unge into the mpt'porie stréalu or grêat Ooting star 6110%ver, nu coeurrenot- at will be repeuted with groater effec, Novemtier next. Tho August opuch atinues from five tu seven days, froin ü 6th tu the 18th, the period of maxi am diliplay, genarally occuiriuR On 10, The Augupt moteor3 very rare inist; their appointnient on fhH nighr- tir- 10th of tiratmouth in ouch tinc ?(Iiug p-ar, and niay- be scen of nll grecs 01 lirilliancy, f;ow the ma_,,pifi- :it globe of light, indvinu acroiiethi. marnant iu statfly grandeur. and Litting a tiery train, tu thts IllArtily-'ý, rceptible thireud of silver light of tire ýallest shooting atar. r'UEFT,1,aOU TUM GI&NT.-Wilils) er. Ming- 4inweep , Kip p aud 00. j - _;éý U tho large unmbor of ajuramr. aulte dailY roporteà in the preiis, 10 latili 14 rf>QOMIUOIlded Ril a àf lu Enalauj Whou rotting maula broke 6utolrg)ggiug Ica to be Éê $Poo dy end GiTrative , for, ý the rivil. - Tho oooÜùflrol rgd little for 16 YOU or twola udu. It fn*thù Ildtoue jukil, &na wbo, )Mllltltitig lllaitorm -of imprison. AtuenfIýI to Aud improyed lipon cotli'Red, ivas invariably broliglit 'Ou hy i)itrwlaotinu to the le-post. similar Étystom in . intry WOUI-11 we 40401,6, bave a PRI'à Dy Etolç. X. a'ihhà.-ým_ p The re(; tri for a veur'ti licens;u f-es from gé=iýirs in - Vligiuia ý City m'Oro $20,000. . 'l'ho moncy is collected tnouthly, un 1 gambling îs ju no way restricted. TIIE' Ou.%NiL CRop.-Ajoug the 8t. John's river,- [a Florida, . the ý egfiwatu of the Orunizé crup have tee-on reductid onc--halr, mi-1 tiiii yot'ing trecs are sain to bc, (lyfi Ig ii V scorem 011 acruuut 44 the dry sett6oti. Amietucàýi State of Niý.mrYurk d9ne L-ag nearly 1,000 chefige tnauufùetories, makinu 8(J,000.0t)o -.pounda of eh 0 li-sn. Tue Unite:l Stittes Pt oducelq 250,030.-000 Puuuds, of whie'h 98.OUO,üùo aro exported. , MURDNE WD Xlinu. 1

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