Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1876, p. 1

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W Tepma $1 50, 'pop Annam. meni insh sb in eentrl, frud ofl te »4 of 8 cntVrlio u ~caeotra2 ets, per wlU.4eM Ùler ~~ sd?ersmat ýBu8Ifl888Direotory; ONTARIO ýIÇK, Il1T~B Y B3RAX ÇHE THOMÂS DOW, H. B, TÂTLOR, al. J.".MACDONELL, -cameron, Q.C., sud Dr. Mchael,Q.0 FARIWELIL & RVTLEDO, D ARRISTEUS, ATTORRTS, SOLI- 1A>cftors, NoteezPublic, sudCocvey- mo.ere, 00;@ficet aidoor souils cf thé, Ryal Hfotul, *hÏtby. JAMéES RUTLBDGB, B. A. J.B. PÂRRWELLi>,L. L. B,, County Crown Attorziey. 49 JAMES KEITIE GORDO>N, B T ABBIOTER di ATTORNEY.A.T.LAW, J>SolclOr luChaucary, Conveyaucsr, * NoCar7 Public d&o. Ofilcc-Ove r. Ad. dison e Stest,'Wbitby, Ont. HCIIARLEU C. KELLER1, B RTTER £YATLAW, SOLICITOR IN G- YOUNG SITHI, LL. B., B ARRISTER, ATTORNET. AT. LAW, Eolielior ln Chaucoay sud Insolvenoy, 14otary Publiec dcc.c fceMMlas Blook, Brook treet Whitby, Ontarlo., (Laie Greenwood &i McMilau.) B ARISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLIO. Uiear, Notary Public, Coeveyancer. ('i- ÃœreeByrçn Stroet, South of PouOffice, Wbitby, Onitarlo. *& GA kROBINSON, BÂRRITIR, ATTOliMIiYSAT.LAW, SOLICITORS IN CILNCÈRY, CONVEYANCERS, fc., OFFICE-Provincial Assurance Buildings COURT ST.U]BB, TORONTO, J.- Duoo*icî, q. c., J.- G. RosuseesrM , . a TIHOMAS IlUNTON, rOWN CLE-RX MMNDTREASURER, TWhiby. OLlce-Ton Hal. Houri, from 09to 1 o'clock. tYRGEON TO THE COUNTY GAOL, s Byron Street, Whltby. Dr. W. J. IJURNs. OwrîIC-N.Xt door to CURONICLE Office. lârRetleuce, at Mr. Lewis Houck',. (UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., JtheoeYe R. 0. H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. W1. AI>AMs, J)fENTIST, (SUCOES- B'-- or toW. H. Card.) * ~ ~~ "-.L7DentalRnooms-Dundag Street- Whitby over, Mr. Jamesons Sstore. Nitrous1 GOilde Gas adnslnistervd for the painlese ex- traction ef teetlli. C. N. VARS. L. D. s. * oei'~ ETH inserted on ail the TE.Llaiest principles of the -ar, £shap asathe chaapest, and as good se th Teeth extracied without pain, by producing local anesiheoia. Dental Rooms-ia3 Cow- an'. uew block, cver Atklnsen's Drag store, Kng Street, Osbswa. 85 "he msat Elegant, Cestly anS Perfect BUILDER ANDý CONTRACTOR, I>UNDÂ8 ar., wnîrnvY. I&* All erdere premptly cietuted Jc>IIN _ ROBINSOMPS H AIRl DRESSING AND SHAVING- iLSaloon, Brock St., Wbltby. J(>IIN WOLFEI4DEN, A GENT FOR THIE CELEBUATID, Scotim Granite. At Marbie Works et Jonathan Wolienden, Dundas St., Wbltby.1 IrlEoai(.E conINtICCK, TUMBER MElICH1ANT, CARPENTER L ' sud Jouner, Green Street, Whitay.- A large quantity et aIl kinda of lumber con- stsntly au isand. Bf . 0'DLPLL, A T H B R L Y, - Clerk Division1 Court, Tp. Clesk, (lesmisloneor lu B. R., Land Agent. &-c., &C., Aiherly, Cousty Ontario. Aths.rlv Stvt. 2ud, 1872. 8 CAR D. - DR. JBOGART, t'hyeicman, Surgeon, Accoucher, dc., cc. Wbttby, Sept. 801h, 1874. do ROBT. RiMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Graduata (wiCh honore) et the University of Qieeu'a College, Casadas; 1hlavls,i Unir. of Medicine aud 5urpery'; Amenscan Unir. of Pesnnsylv-ane; Belectie ýCollegc of Pensylvanla auS Liceuttate e! Mtcrofiey nt thse UlisoetEiuburg, Sctiland.. Cor- cner ton the t.ounty etfOOstaro. Offce- Cellwater st., Orlit '. Asigasi 24ti, 1e75. lv-58 JOUN il. M. WILLCOX, 0f the Town ei Wlsicby, lhaq besu appointeS -OFFICIAL ASSIÃ"-NEE, (UNDER THE NEIW ACT,) -For the Cunaty ef OntaLrto. Ail business entrusied te )sl charge wil ho varetfUly aI- iauded to. WhibY, Jean. itt, 1874. lLUy TUBBS HORSE MEDJIUN ES. l iesonptious of thi. bat Iors Xai. * otues kept couslauily on hand sud foralsta -toWibyLlvery Slablas. 5.3"No charge for âdylce. N. RAT. jÇ DEALER LN LUMBER, WM 1IT BY, en S Ou l da sPI*nSFi steak céffinuelir sc weil seaiud-Lauber. 411 ktuds lot osantbn &a Sbullpp>rg 5p . VoLkxx. Corner UMat h aMulsu sa a, 6-RILLIA, ONT. Sd on c o Z àhbtt ed, furntsead;d onuc a a A FIRST. CLAS8 IH-OtELI Oombllg edegmue, confort sud cconouy. XI bas ample accommodatIo for sunsusr vlor1seUhfly aud, ceutrally lu sa beügp4u clmi -ty ho t um. Q wileMMdlant Iorthom R. B. Cominoioccasassp rooms and auies ci dkparisents for amnic1. N. B.-Orders for rooms by letter or tel. pauprsptly attanded té. Omuibuses te snd fros tic ricamers fras of charge. 14R. GEORGE, C., WtGIA~, la the. intruction of pPtiyiwMu he plan'e,-ue woour sud tg«." ~Ozsoâl ce AUlf s ln an ssigigng Clamse.-. Pf.Wl aPlânist i abSVocolutm ai4 Prf H. thse halohed Solo Vols au be enÏageA for Concertis, ofrees, Whitby. J4ynIyiti ,1874. F RSATE U (BT. BUSSEL. GLEN MAJOR MIL ~ AWAUL Orills, :an. 7,1874, Porlhl. iL s EAST MARKET SQUARE, TOBONTO. W. G. JOHNSON,- PROPRIRTOR. Tzaxs, $1.00 per Day. Siabling ini cen- nection. 42 T HU AMERICAN MOTEL. CORNEZ 0F TONGE AND FRONT BTS. GEORGE BROWN, PROPRIETOB, This flrot-claas house bas been uewly fit. ted up ud renovatid throughout sud if. ford. supirior acqommodatlon ferthie recepé Û)NTARIO HOTEL. (LATE OAWZBVS.) WHITBY, CItTARIO. PETER WAKE14 ï >OPR1ET0R. 00,000 test Pin. Lumber, wdil seasned. Inch Bourda, Fboorlug, 2 x 4 Scanhllng, £4inci Plank, Fencing Bourds, 100,000 feet of Oak, Maple for ailes, lit quslly, Bawood, 15,000 fi. Square Tlir, *AUl of whlcb wlll be solS cheap for cash. Re would alie beg to aay that the Grist MM iserannng,snd ln dolng firut.olase wotk. Oiop in§ doue El dsys lu ee lb. eeg il i busel. wec o VT MIITLIifLwSlN8RAýNfYE COY.ý (lont~ aen as ,ow -ý",hZoof any JUST LOiSSESPffITLY -PAMD. atu ! Tsuue so low that 25'cnt wlll lc.r 10for ivelveýinonthu.cet Asuance Company. CAPITA&L, -#400,000. This old sud waIlU'odeabllsihie ompa are prepared te acçetkoin l ui sesof =rprit rae seso asco t sy weon IsolateS sud, non-hasaons property lu. surid for ibie. years or legs.at peétaily low rates. L ARAKJ. Office, Brock St.,Whiitby. plHtENIZ FIRE INSURANCE Go. E. MAJoR, Lombard St. sud Charlug Cross, London. Dao.p16tet1878. £TABLISIMD INs1782. Dec.lEli. 178.UitGILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO., G00D NEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW ]REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MAKING. CORNWALLIS SELF-k ITTING Superlor acaomodlatlos. Tablo, supplieS WAIST & SHOIJLDER CHART. Wall beat lu seaicu. (onulue lquori. Dresses fliteS frein sessurement alone Clgars beii brande. Blllardroom, Roosuy ithout change et a stitch. stables and sheds. 88-t!, Frslwt roisrcine BRitTilSH AMERICAN OrL R A Y' S, CLAàTI RORSON Roue.) WHITBY, ONTA RIO. Houa.uwyrnoae n .unse te receplc o gestA oniustesu yRAND TRUNE RAILWAY HOTEL, AT WHITIIT STATION. WM. «'NEILL - - PROPRIETOR. Parties isklng the train sud leavIig herses wll-have tienswell taken care ot tili -their returu. T E QuEN'8 HOTEL, (LIT]: COM=ERCIALà BROCE-STREET, WHITBY, TAYLOR & McCANN, PBOPRIETORS. The nnderslgned desire te intrs their friende and the public ihai they bave taken the aboveweIl knoVu >hetel, whlch they have newýly flted up sud renovaed, apd put into the boat et order for the accommoda- tion of peste. TIhe Bar, which is thiehand- somestin thie Couuty, is weil supplied withý th. Suesi brande eo) wines liquors, and c1k».ý gara. îmi.le4ue~~q-R~I stabling, box stalls, &o. Detachéd rplms- for commercial iravellers. J. P. TAYLOR, PHLIP McCANN. late -ci Toronto. S HAKESPEARE HOT EL, CORNER OP ETNO AND YOUlî<sTS., TOROINTO. JAME S POWELL, - PROPRIETOU. Fias-tIass acconcxodaton; bath-rooms, &oc. Doard, $1 50 per day. 10 T I TORON TO. Hotel lu tie Dominion, Thie Motel acknùowledgesno rivai, atier lu ie ssaagemesnt, appointments or loas tion. Iu ch. latter respect iallords its gliaste a ciarmning ansd unobecructive view of Lakte Ontario: ta' Tise inesi Waterscape view in Canada. Ithbas 250) roocus furnishe l tb ailthie modern improvenieue. McGAW dc WINNETT, 49 Cf'Prop rie t rs. ARMSTRONG HOUSE, (LAT£ ALSION,) WHITBY, ONTAILIO. E. AIIMSTRONG - PROPRIIITOR. W ITIY 1HOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST 0F POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BiINDEL, PROPRIE'O1l. Tus ieihuse has beau recenitiy builtil large asudons , and fited un ufiri-clase stl.Beei 'Winet,, Liquorsansd Cigara; fresi Lager Beer.-GoS stsblng sud n closeSl yard ;-attenstive ostlera. 46 U 0OMMERCIAL MOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. MISS MeINTYRE'S DRESa-SIAKINO ROOSa, WÈITBY. Aents :wauted, Liharal. luducesents te IWitby, Ang. 18, 1874. 84 13 TO, PRICES FOR ;COAL AND WOOD! Ail kinda et Hard aSdSoit Goal, cousllsi-" lag efthte celebrated Lackawana, .Scran- ton, Brier Hill, Blosaburg- sud ouher coale CHEAP FOR CASH For quantilies te Blacksmihs and * others SPECIAL RATES1 Wood, czi-a lengt/s, 25 cente per cerd abaiement off sanai prices. Send in your orders ta A. ALEXALNDER'S Whiiby d& Oshawa, Ceai sud wood Sapais Whitby, Augnsi 3iai, 1875. f8 L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS 'Y-FONTARIO, FOR THE YEAII 1876. 1hl2-1 1 1 8 1 2 1i1 Po t per y l 26 1 1 20 2,5 26, 15 14 14 27 Ubridge. 127 1141 126 271I 611815122 Cani'g'n 8 151127 281 I7 121161el C.avert-u 116 291 111 120 Atherly... :, 117 30 loi101 19 GEO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Judge Whitby, Dec. liii, 1875. 51 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WIIITIIY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND on learu anS Town Properîy, ai JJOW RATES of Interest. F<or furtiser psriicubas Apply ho- JOHN FAIIQU.HARSON, Wiiy. Assgut§î 15th, 1870. 84 K IG IBROTHERS, W14ITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Dealers and Manufsacturers of ail Agents fer Canada J4MÈ8 DA VIDRON, - Manager. Insuranees againsi loue ly Pire are effet. cd on lie msat reauonsile iermo1 aud loises c id wiihoui refereme to'the Board lu Lon. 1April 121h, 1878. Aoi 16-IY T HE "STADACONA" FIE kLWPE INSURANCE COMPANT. HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financiali Result Of î4 Montis Busi- negss 1 3181 Dcc,, r875. Âuthorized Capital........... 50,0WO Subscrlbed Capital............9,300,000 Pald up Capital ............... 200,0915 Goverumeni Deposit. (r-e).50,000 Government Deposit, ....e.. 50,000 Total Revenue, Fire J'remisuus, and Interest ...... ......... $223,775 Total Losses........... 688,628 Inveateà Funde . .. ?ý. ..4......0194,713 Cashn lu aud and Depost. 49,193 Other Assois......... ......... 59,M8 Total îAaee ...... 298,704 This Comupany ba no! siablished isolf, and lis 21 Branches aiid207 Agencies in the Dominion. G4. . angr ltl-ly C. N0UItËE, Agent, Whiby. Deposit wiil, Dominion Governmeuzt &50,- 000. ExKperienced Agents throughont the Dominion. Fire Riécks zWr-tlciz ai Adequate Rate3. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whiby. Whitby, March 7th, 1876. i Q tu E E N INS URANVC E'CO0MP A 1NTY (PMEc ANDLIPE) OF LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - . $10,000,000. BÂlcIEti: MEDIC&L ÂDVi5ER: MOLSONS BANK Gl. A. BAYNE8, ESQ., M.D. lIcad Ofrice for Canada: 191 &' 193 Si. James Street, Montreal. FORBES & MUDGE, Chef Agents. R. Il. LAWDER, Agent, Whitby. Augusi lOch, 1875. Iy-88 NORTH BRITISH &c MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANYI1 Safe, aud reliable, charges moderate, prompt settlement Of!chuas. GEO. YULE, Agent. Whutby, Juno 2, 1875. 23 W STERN ASSURANCE COMPANy HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,000, . AGENT FOR SOUTU ORIÂRIo,. JTOSEPHI HOLMA4N, BIIOOXLIX, ONT. Kiada et AIse Agant for the CANADA FARMERS' LEA THE/i AND FINDINOS, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Cseh paid for Aides, ilsrk. and Leatier. Letiar atreicbed. tes- I3PLTING MADE TO ORDER ON May, 1872. SORNOTICrE. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIEITOR. - GooS accommodation- TRiS PAPER 19 01>1 FILE v"-s, B@ e lainform hia friendgsuanSthei.publie Chas6 ho earriez ou Che Livrsy business siC R&Y'S OU) STAND.[ Parties rs)quirlag eouvoyiLucecevea-ed anS opeln-can h. accosaoadahed ah a soents notice. Witily, Sept. 21, 1875. 89 PRESCRIPTION FREE, FJOR thespedycm ofetseminal W,,ac. j - n , L s l s b e d s d a l d i s o r d e r e DAVIDSON dc 0., Box 2296, N.éw Tork. et-er 87.ly.12 y OUNG'S, MOTEL, MONCKEIRcAD, DALTON, J ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIE TOR.J Rellable information regsrdlug tise counu- try, etc., furnished te parties -requiaiug ' -I amsipe accomaoauien for Huniers.n Stertsmen. The bar sud larder supplieS wti thie bhast o!iliquOr&and visad.te feundn li e nty, Noeebut olal~ siabllni u"pop Ioimr iayM u IYsaon tf-12 JL0UR 1 DRAN!1 AND SHORTS 111 -I' OATMEAL, dcc. NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. It-OPOiurRA'i ROTEL.. M_ GIVE" A CALL. *M. JOIÇTON. TO THE FARMERS! Ploughse and Plongli Caattuge, Straw. Cutters, Fanlng Mille, Reapers sud Mow- are, &cc., dcc. WM. JOHNSTON Wbutity Oct.l, 1875. 111,11,1 MONET TO LEND 1 À Alargeaquantity o! moncsy te lonuaAtle-w inhari, privato unds. For sale. several Town lats, two Frame torse, apply ho G. YOUNG SMITH. Wh1tby, Feb. 9h, 187d. 7 To tic Inhabitante of Duffinz' Cree sud'Vsclnity: I have now opcued a Bnicber'e SIsop lu Mr.W. Cihbart'e ,whore May m u one of theb at, d1spaja Be!,Pors sud Fewl evar efferh u Public. iV easonable Priee 1Gos. ene, cons. ail, sud get sometiig ho do you RICHARD WESTLAKE. Witby, Decemnber 22ud, 1875. 52 TH. McMILLAN, 4Aint for the. Il1 adS Offc, HÂsdIToc; anS CITIZEIYS' INSURANCE COMP'Y, Menireal, Fire, Life sud Guarantea. - Department, CAPITAb, . . S2,000,000. Brooklit, Dec. 2, 1872. 12ma49 APP.LE TREES, A Il10 V T 40,000, -AT =_S HOME NURSERY, Fros lwo ta leur years e! age, embrscing ail the besi Variaiti. SETH 0. WILSON. Loi No. 8, 2ud Cou. Pickernon Kingston Bo Igt Office, Wbitby. $10 IVEA RelTp 1 700 during teiiI. atfW ImOuthauder our is- .= a sysies c-a oepengn usTOCK&. reduced t1DonOmai suad prfiis- unCreSed. Booh cota4ngfu ldug isif. ion sent ou, appliaon, iUMBRLIDGE dGo., Bankara Brokena, A One.buudroad Acre Fans for sale lu East Whitby. Apply to- i Oshawa. June 21h, 18768.*2 10Oo ACRE PýlARK N ÂMA FOR- El lo. .i - jiroutgrev. wwaDe m mrculoac 1 Blood Horsèes.] .....io . .. .......$4 $8 Mare and Fol.. ..4 -8 B.year old oxttibeColt. 4 8 2.yen ar old Golt. 4 8 Filly4 8 l-cro14d 5ire Colt. 4 8 Horse Coltof-lm ..4. 8 8-yée, o ald entird-C olt. 4, 8 gýý Filly 4 8 2-year old, entire Colt. 4 8 dé Filly 4 8 1-ycar old ontire Colt. 4 8 46, Filly 4 8 Horse Colt of 1878 .... 4 8, FiIy 4& 1... 4 8 Pair of Carrnage Horses Hon. T. N. Gibbs' piize set of Single Harnesa valucd at ............. 80 5 Single Hors. in harues. 6 4 Saddlo Horse ......... 6 4 GENEISAL PURPOSES. Stallion... ,........ .. 6 4 Mare aud Foal ...4 8 8-ycar old entire Colt 4 8 id Filly 4 8 2 year old entire Colt. 4 8 dé Filly 4 8 i.year old entire Col. 4 8 dé 1 F iily 4 8 Horse, Colt of 1876 ...4 8 piuy 6 " 4.... 4 8 Pair Gcneral Purpose Horses............... 6 4 DISAUGHT HOitEES. Stallion ............ .G.6 4 Mare and Fol 4 8 8-year oI.d entire Colt. 4 8 dé Filly 4 8 2.year old entiro Colt. 4 8 64 Fily 4 1 1-year old, entire Colt. 4 8 .9 Fily 4 8 Horse Colt of 1876.4 8 Fil 14 4. ...483 Pair* Draught Herses .... 63 4 ,%_lase IIl-Cattle. TH O ROUG H-BRE D. DURHcAM. Bull ................... $6 2.year olS Bull . 4 Yearling Bull......4 Bull Cal!;............... 4 Milch Cow, giviug, milk, or in Cal! ........ .. 4 8-year old C ....4 2-year olS Heifer....4' Yeaarling Haifer..... 4 Heifar Cal! ............ 4 Milch Cow, Canadian 8-yeaa old Cow. do.... 4 '2-year old Hei!er, do-..4 Yearling Hcifcr, do. 4 hlest herd, to juclude Bull and 5 femaloe.... 20 l3est Bull anS 5 o! bis Calv ................10 o!f:suy age or breed ......10 Best pair Steens, auy age or breed ............. 6 Bill. ........... 2-year old- Bull ..........4 Yearling Bll..... Bull Calf .............. 4 Milclî Cow, giving mslk ors Cl!.....4' 2-year old Heifer.... 4 Yearling Heifer ....4 Hieifer Cal!....... 1 GItADE. Milch Cow, giving usilk or in Ca!....4 8-ycar old Cow........-i 2-year old Heifer.... 4 Yearling Helifer. ... 4 Heifer Cal!.......4 FAT CATTLE. Fat Ox or Steer. ... 4 Fat Cow or Heitor.. 4 Class III-Sheep. LEICESTER. Ranim... . .. . ...$6 Sheacliug Bamn.......6 Rani Laumb............8 Two Ewes.........8 Two Shcarliug Ewes-.. 8 Two Ewe Lambs.... 8 COTSWOLD. Rami................ £3( Slîearling Ram..... . . . Ram Lamb .... ........83 Two E s.. ..... 8 Two Shearling Ewes.... 8 Two Ewe tjambs .... 8 Cotswold-Canadi'n breed -Sheanliug Ram.. 8 Two Ewcs ............ 8 Two Shearling Ews ...8 One aged Ram, anSdfivo Ewes baviusg raisedl Lambs in 1876......10 5OUTHDOWN. Bamn................ ô Sheaî-llng Ram.....6 Ram Lm......8 Two Ewés ............ 8 Two Shoenling Ewe ... 9 Two EwdLambs ....... lase..,IV-Swine. $2'Barrel of -Flour from 2,,Barrel'oOatmeal ...8 24 flarrel of Crumoal .... 8 2f las VI-Rootsj. 2' bhePot"toe,late. 2, 212 roots Mangold Wurt- zel, long r2d . 66ýI longlyeJ.ow... 21 2 il IlMangold, yellpw 2 , globe ............ 2 2 si Canmots, longxed-2 2 dsiCarrots, white,. 2 2 dé C6 Qrrots, orange. 2 n 2 2 2 21 .3 . 82 8 2- 13 '2 8 2 SMALL sIREED, SUFF'OLK, IMPRoVED B5ERKSHIRE AND EOEEIS. Boar ... .......... . ... $8 $2 $1 Sow.... .. 8 13 2 i Boar Pig or 1876...8 2 1 Sow Pig of 1876 ....8 2 1 LABIE 5WINE, ANY OTIIER 11MD. Boar ......... " ......... 8 2 1 Sow .................... 8 2 1 Boar Pig of 1876.... 8- 2 1 B0w Pig o! 187#3....8 2 1 FAT SIFIN. .....Hog ..... ...... 8 2 Clas V"-Urain and Seeds. 2-bàùdels Éàli Wheat .... $4 $8 $2 2. lbhele Sprng Wheat. 4 8 21 2 bushels Barley (2 now). 4 8 2 2 buohels Barley (6 row). 4 8 2! 2 bushels Peap, large. .. 4 .9 21 2'bushele Peau, smaJl.,,. 4- 8 2, 2 bushels Oahs, black.... 4 8 2 2> ushels as, whÃŽte..., 4.- 8. 2 50 cars Shrung Cern (8 ro0w)...............2 50Oeausof Corn(12) o2 1 I-B Il 1 50e, 1 500 --l 51k Best 20 lbs Butter. W. H. Higgins's prize, butter tahin ,g prize to becomo b is property ....$10 00 2nd........4 003 8nd 8 00 4th ..........200 5th....1 00 J3est 25 lbsCes, home made, N. W. Brown's prize, Cheose taking prize ho become bis -propcnhy.... ....10 (0 2ssd... --............ 4 0 Srd.-... . .. .. .....8 00 4th........2 00 rîth ...........1 0<3 Best Fsictory Cheose, not less than 80 lbs. ...4 00 2nd.... ....... 8 <0 Brd................ 200 I3est fickin o! butter, not lcss than 40 Ibs, but. hec to becoa bis pro- perty,-special pnize, Levi Fairbanks'..20 <OÃ" 2)nd.............. «**»"4 003 ;ld.......... ..... 8 0 Class VIII-Poultry. Pair Black Spanish.....$1 5Oc "IBrahans, light ..... 1 500 tg " dark.........150e Gacue Fw..... 50e "Dorking, white..... 15o 46 1&coloreS ....... 1 50e Hasnburg......1 50c Poland.......1 5Oc "Cochin China......... 1 50e "len Fowl ............. 1 50e "Auy other variety.. 1 5Oc "Tureys, colored ....1 50e -d white .i.... Oc0 "Wild Turkeys.......i1 50o Geese, largo breed. i SOc 50 d É&small breed .... 1iSo Dncks.......... . .1 50e "Canary Birds ........i1So Pigeons, best collection. 1 50e "Guinea 50e....i O Best lot o! Poultry in one pen ownedl by exhibitor, distinct from aial other entries .... ......... Class IX-Farm Implements- Beaper, any kind,... 6 $4 $2 Mowiug Machsine......... 6 4 2 Threslsiugi Machine......6 4 4 Wamron, (two horse team).. 6 4 \Vag on, (two horse spring mnarket)................ 0 4 Two loimo Carrnage......8 2 1 One hsorse Bgy....8 2 i with top.83 2 i Onc horst PLeton.....83 2 i 4& &1 witb top. 8 2 i Two horst Sîcigîsl ........ 8 2 1 Oue hocseo Sîcigil.......8 2 1 Iron Pog.... ..8 2 1 Plosîghfl, auy otîter kiud ...8 '2 i 'D)otblcsuouldb&dartIPlough. 8 2 i Tcu-nip Drl.....8 2 1 -Set o! iarrows, wvood .... 8 2 1 i de iron. 8 2 1 Two Horst, Cultivahor. 8 2 1 Two Heorse RoUler.... .. .8 2 1 Gang Plow ............... 8 2 1 Grain Drill........ 8 2 1 Broad cash Sceder and Cul. tivahor, combined......8 2 1 Straw Cutter, for horse Power. ............"* **'8 2 1 Cocu Shellor......2 1 Oue heorse Cultilator.2 1 Straw Cutter, worked by baud........2 1 Hocco Ile.........8 2 1- Pea Harvoster............ 2 1 Fanning Mill........8 2 1 Ciler 'Mill and Press..,.. 2 1 Clîcesiess.....2 i Washing Machine..... 2 1 Turnila lie......2 1 Churu.........2 i Grain Crusher........... 2 1 Hal! dozen Hay Porcs ...2 1 Haîf dozen Manure Porks., 2 1 H aîf dozen Steel Hoes.. .. 2 1 Haîf dozen Scythses......2 1 FarmnGt......1.60 i Specimen Horse Shoos with caulks ........... 1.531 Spocimcu Horse Shoes without canika ....1.501i Specimen o! Punxp maker's wor...........5 2 Bcst collection o! Molle- ables, a sweepstake..4 Claes X-Hortioultural De- partment. 12 hablé' Appjs, ditmmer' naineS ................. $1 50e 12 eooking Apple.i, sumamer, n ed ................. 50c 12 hable Apples, fail, namcd. 1 50e 12 cooking Appjs, fail, namd...... ....i 500 12 hable Apples, Winher, named............ ...i1 5oc 12 cooking Apples, Wintcn, naad.......... 1 5001 12 vanioties of A.pples, nam- ed. six of each. .......... 4 2 Best display -'ef Apples,'ý growhh of Exhibitor, dis- tinct fromthe.above.... 5 >8 C 12 table Ecramea, a~., i 50e 12 hable Peans, Winter, - nmamcd. ..... i-;O 12 Pluma, dessert .... 76o Oc 'Bestcollection of Plums .... 75e 60o ÀiTiTm.< Zeyphr Flowers ..... 2 ,_1 Fanoy Basket..... 1.50 1 WallÏa BsEt..... SO areci .. .a......... 75 ' 0eo Lamp mt.....75e 500 Faney table miat ......1 750 FancyLteatherWork .... 2:1 iBustic Work... -2 i CI"e Wôrk.........1.1 gi.aw Ma. .p..15e SO do.-,ewelory........2 1 011 Pinting, orpots landcsp -2 1 _eysb.. 2 1 .2 i .5 2 IareayHorge Cofl'as..8 2 1 Travelling Trunit. ........... 1.50 1 Sole Lestber.,............2...i. UPPer Leiher, Çowhide. ..2 1 ran . 2 1 ...Cal ... 21 Uaruese "......... 2 1 BrdI.... .......... 2 i Clan -XV-MicellaneOus. Piano ................. ......*4 <0 e9 cabinet Work ...............8 0on 2 sculpture in Marble .......... 8 00 2, 10OIbo Honey in Cob . i ....150> 1 Becs' Wax... ............... o50i 10 liii Houey, etralued..... .-i 50 1 10,b lbMaple Sugar ..........1»l50- i Two oavies of Bread .........150 "i Collection of.Confebtiouary, .8 00 2 Bouquet of Flowere, table...2 0031 baud...2 00 1 Letter Press Printing ........150 1 Panel»1?oot ....»..............i1 50 1 .Wiudow Saab.........i60 1 Wiudow Blinds . ..........i1 50 1 Grainiug in ..ood. .......i1 50 i flOu Rive....................i15G 1 Talors' Work ................i1 50 1i -Upholsterer's Work ....... . 5 0 i Specimeu of Tinernjîhés Work,. 1 60 1 Desi collection Coopers Work. 1 50 1 Best Sewing Machine .....2 <01 Floral Design.....,............ 2 M - 1 t:ý Special prize by Mr-. James Pri ngle, proprietor of the Rtoyal liotel, of $5 for the besi 10 lbs o! ioney, in comb,-the bouey ho bacons. the pro- periy of the donor., MU8IC.-There w-%ill hbc a baud of musie engagea- during the exlhi' lionl, by the coinmittee having the arrangements of that department in charge. Èe'Floral hall will i. opeu ho thé. publie, on Wedneselay and Thnrsday eveuings, ai 7 o'cloek, p. m.- la uDdenstod an snucb greater gui alitit day it is aj ilu the sesoa; al salons power o!f The conclusion ft ming.shotsld bhat scieutific art. M their childrcn tro the danger attend b. far more isenoi teaching tissu I armaiog tien wi power. To keep aveu on nygienia pricipces, ;ad wawa teo health may b. added a conmidration o! plesure, che prachice ought to be encouraged rathen than checked. Wha.t la neurd,thberefore, is au arrangemecat for D heciu wimnsing, and au Impera.ý hivc requlnoseut chah aU young pIeoplo sbould learu the art. Thora i. no difflcnlty about it. 1h is roaily one of thse easiest thinita imaginable. A very few lassons will suffce . h teeh sny moderahely sharp boy or girL For thi. purpose tIser. shold be provided-iu every large towu proper swinnnlng hacha,, wharc under due restrictions anS by competeut heachens, lessons may bur given. There -isun doubt tbey- onld ha largely patronlzed. Iu Londonthe exprmnt,,lias beau maSe. Tice P ls l elïg followýed in Glaagow, aud výery'auyother* places propose' the adoption o! tIse saine plan; sud tiua lu a sýhort time ample provision may be made for teacblig au art wbii; will ai ocecouSuée ho bealtb aud reureation>. With more abllitin l wlw- ming hier. will b. !ewer accidente lu iathiug, sud a boer aat o! »ic health.-SciUeÂbmeric&n 5ourtal. S-ëÀe rFruit presen, 4 ed insuar....... .11Y75a ?dOf Jar of Pickl ..........2 1 6 C ..ue...........750e, 12 Parsmp........ . .75c, 6 £1 heade <éry ............7 Peck yellow Onions ......75e 50<k Peck red Onions......750 50e Pieleling Onious......75e bée Potato Onions......75o 50a 5 lbs Hops.......75e ,50o Chiekoi'y.........75a 60e Best collecio*nofGardon Vegetables,............. 8: CatsuP............76e 50e MaPle Molasses.....75e 90c' Baspberry Vinegar . ......76e 50e Grapo Wine .........i.. 1.50ej-, Any other vaiiety o!Winc.. 1.50e U Clasa XI-Domiestic Manufac- tures. 10 yards Full Cloth, home. made, spun and wove by lhand .................... 2 1 10 yards Full Cloth, factory made........ ... . 2 1 10 yards Satinet, home- made, spun and wovo by band ................ 2 1 10 yards Satinet, factory. made........2 1ý 10 yardls winter Tweed... 2 1 10 yards summer Tweed.. 2 i 10 yards'Flannel, home., made, spun ana wove by hand, nil wool......... 2 1 10 yards Flannel, home. mado, by baud, cotton warp.................. 2 1 10 yards Flannol, factory mnade, aul Wool ........ 2 1 10 yards Flicnnel, factory made, cotton warp ...2 1 10 yards plaid Flanuel... 2 i 10 yards Woolen Carpet ... 2 1 10 yards Rag Carpet, cot- ton warp.........2 1 10 yards Rag Carpet, wool. en warp ....... ...... ...2 2 Pair 'Woolen Blankets, homemd......2 i Pair Wooleu Blankets, fac- tory made ........... 2 i Pair Horse Blankets.. 2 1 Coverlet, heavy.......... 2 1 Coverlet, liglit......... ..2 i Shephend's Plaid .......*»'2 1 Pair Woolen Stoekings..75e 50c, f di Socks ...75e5oc 44Cotton Stoekings..75e 50o i Id Socks. ...75e 50e IlWooolen Mits......75o 50e Plain Woolen Yaî-n . 75c 50e Plain double and twisted Yarn ..............75e- 50c Rag Rug................ 1.500 1 Woolen Rng.........5e1 Clase XII-Ladies' Depart- ment. Cbild's Dress. ......$2 $1 Gentleman's Plain Shirt - i baunde.....2- 1.50 Gentleman's Plain Shù-t machine made .....1.50 1 Lady' i Bonnet........2 i Piece work qnilt......... 8 2 Log Cabin Quiît ...8 2 Friendlship.Qnilt.......2 1 Tuft Quilt............. 2 1 Knit Bcd Cover......... 3 2 Crotchet work Conher- pane........2 l Silk -nl......2 1 Faney Netting....... ... 1. 50 1 Lady's Dress .........:.. 5 2 Best collection of Lady's .Underclothig ........l Best display o!fIlillinerï. 10 Fancy Kitig5 1.50 1 Crotchet Work ......... 1.50 1 Tatting.........1.50 1 Applique Work.....1.50 1 Embroidcry on Muslin .... 1.50 1 id Lace..1.50 1 Si1k ...1.50 i Worstcd.. 1.50 1 Cotton. ... 1.50 1, ]Raised Berlin Wool work. 2 1 Flat di" "9 4 2 1 German raised work..2 i se Prîce o! Food n.luOd 1!lsca. id lb. nover ending cosnceuis on gh prie ofprovisionsait las ifficuli te realize thse' fact chat s tise lui Britaln'ahistory w whea 'h-t, )d for one bundred for a wholc vas worth ouly s shilling, and thse ga pricesof a'aieep fouir-pence, lu que!Hnry I,he price. cf wiue aised to sixpence s quart for raSl igsipecice for white, in. ordar that aller migit hc able to lve hy 1h. Swheat was ah sixpance s qudrier, rthingg oal was to b. equal lu tto twenty-fonr ounces if madie of [16e. grain anS tei sixtean çponcer if ,ingao-slely'ofwbeat, And wben was eue shilling Eýnd slxýsence salter, as it sosetimeawas, the ag white loaf was. to wcigb slxty. suces, anS the whole grain ninety Tbiais of purohasing s six-pound good whesten bread for a fanth- Iu th~e nineteenth year cf tise o! ,ESward .1. the pria. o! pro- sin tse ciiy of London was fi xeS >Comson Gouncil ah sa tariff by two pisilets were sol for hree unce, a partridger or hwo wood- for tise saine, ;Wblle a fat lainb Ise aixpence fromr Christmnas te etide, sud th.rozt o! thse yessr ec. Ea thse fonnteeutb century, nent fixeS the price of . fat ox ý-eight shillings, a sioru sheep ah ilinge, hwo dozan o! aggs ahree- ,anS the bush wine ah twcnty igs par tua- An Ad o! Parliamani lui 1588 seihied thevane o! b..t )rk ai a hnlf-penny per pound, ca at tiree fartiug. A PrinterR Dreas. inter sat in hie office cbair, _uiB rare patche'l asudbis cont ibread. whule his face iaoceS weary sud wihcare. . Wbila adly hsnkiug sea and etoS ophusn'l 1dm cropt, anabefore lhc hnew souudly s1epi ; *and,> sleeping hie sd that ha wu, dead, from trouble )ilh haafleS, and -tIsai not even -bell telleS, fornthe peaceful resi sowblde sole. <As ne wandered gtse sbades,- tiai smoke sud in lower HaSes, haesahortly ob. s u irou door, ibat creakingly Pon hingea ajan, but thse entrauce oseS wlh sred-hot bar, sud] isisseIf atood pocpiug oui, andi ung for travellere tbe;eabouh, sud otho pasaiug printer spoke, aud ;rwliug volceticoelsoca woke : ainumy dear, 1h shah ceai you ig anS, neyer tes, ; lisa1 is te vIser. I eook tIse eues who neyer ci a.upscriptieu aums, for hougls they may escape, they will. fLua leadlt in too laie;, I will show s place where I malt tIsenitisin. éd-bot chasinaandS acrpa of tin, W0 wlicre I cosub, huisasde, Soken glass sud mae lepsd, sud refreshmneatà thcy only thiilc s oiliug-waicr for -tIses ho drink; tie resi-bot grindritose te pind ose, and, red-hot rings . tq war dr ho.., anai if ihey -mention Ibey [kafire,I'Ulseiv p thefr mniels ,e.hoi wre; and then, dear esr, w tbemsquirm whileI1roU tem idà cook ho à hum,, Wihhec. 'orS lIse printer swoli,--a4 i 1ht all a practioal joke; but suill 'is o real dia41 susem, tisai ho ýTic Amiè thebhi5 for us 'TON. id Cart. ai 015 Si's Batlle witi Hoppergrasses. existed - as food TIhe Atlanta constaitution silys: 015 day, w Si came rushing mintowu yeattrday average £uornng as fast as bis ltmping gaiuterj wonîl allow bis. was na "Hello, Unele Si, I bIszent aead yer and ait lu town sinca Clsuesday 1" saiS Pote. Cite se:] "Aun' yer wbu't se. me hynar again Whcnv til ne' hnedayuu~Ia, ceptîn dare's iIsè far' a flood or a fine out dan on my place wreightj 'twiît diasanSdale ,1tIse wl "HIow eun dat 1,' cousisti "Rase I's. got two acres of.tIse live- wbeai liesi bizineseuh Sar senco the war V" per qui "Telse 'bout it, oli an.'t fartinu "&E! yer jeas wanis toc siglits, nigger, fouir oui as eus ont dar sud sec dem grass'- six. TI oppera i GooS fatiers, dere's millions loaf o! oh Sem! An' yer nabr sead sncb îing ! forrigu' an' instrucahun ci lruck luncde reiga fields aine de days whon the Linknm visions arsy cusu 'long hyar l' -iy iba "*Is tIsat so ?*" woudered thea interest- whicb aS Pete. .haîf-per -Yas, salis; day suns'hb migratad cockse hyar front a p'o neigiiorhood, too, for wus ho1 dyo'sI de mos' iungry hoppergrassea dat Sirovet you aber did sec. Day jasa ligua s own four-pct into your placeoik a niggcr inco a waier- Parliam uilon, an' danex' ting yer kuows Sare ai forty aVut nufinl lefi Soe but a pasai o! ire ail stubs anS nobulu esie.. pence, "'Jeas lissen ai dat, willyer 1" ex- silling, claimed Paie to anothier gaping Sarkey. passeS "Day coma onto my place yiatlday aud po: so'niss' jesa dz I waa gittin Se 00w up andS ven for Se silkiu'. I waz down Soe in Sa rode anS I sec de revance gyard oh tIsi long leg seampa settin' on de tance inspeektil' 'round onto sc pateh. Dan A Ii I climea ober inter' de feld asn' 1 cnt boots w se down s purty atout hresh. au' I lay bare, wl down smyule shraw bat ýan' lit inter 'cmn worn v! wid Se beah. De fuat llck I bit 'cm- ofhbn day jase hops up like dey wuz akeared, ronuàIl but brasa de good Maroier, day ouly il loiE jcsmp cher my oie head inter de faeld. dreame, Dat made me maS, au' I lit inter 'as. aud tel îirongar Sun aber. An' wiat yen huis, a eow-1 niggar ? Whou I tcirn 'round ter sec of bis t4 whsr day. aIl gwin. , I sece e wole among armycossu in troo tia fonce, eliin' acorchi np da ce n ataîksansd chomplu' àay, serveSl jas fit le kil, an' 'fore thi.angels!1 Sey' Sçawng done chawed up dtSu hto bicintlnal waa:CI( Sar wnsn'i nuf cbi 1h er shsows whst Satan:l kind o! airaw i hadl been muade outen." wsthbin "Oom.-noob 1 a'nt dey bad 1", tins to "-Dey's rekilar swvgiuized, wid ole aiedwîh gp ceai ginruleah tde hes oh SaelEne, su, '.Cose kernela wid yellowa tripes down Se legs' noibing an' captings wid-colore aUl lahed np placo wý an' So*É Sa body, au' ch. gooà Master Psy theé oaly'kszôoshow msny oh 'de privits rI !.: dSi iW-îSsy jea daxby Se acra 1' *wban di "Wbah you gwiua her do 'bout il 2" you the "&I'm 'Swineup,,hylàr, ton git sus - ih r Pabisgrensteput on'dem, sudcf dat andi aI Sôis't iyoiëe de MohobI1rjrignye n -dtwih br apcck me aeohurch ntndaykieie théee' if 'o! zr Isapa o! hinga dat a, 'ligieus unigger i herc's1 f hanS ,wi'Soti -iack.slitiz', buti Se.thora,$ furrin grsas'opper& ain't -'inongit 'em." ithe i n -~o Sonthelz tri'pped hbrougli tie marletunhil mIse ' hs reachesi a ,shah -where «a handasOù ýyen se butscher stood.- "Have .ou ahounh 2", over âas oie saiS, blaiing ui ."ap l at WC heai-t, Mise ?I" rosponde tIse butchar. chougbt "Doyen hhnk tual I, ean Wath oyn aurusm dayOafieor ay sud sesyour eeu drep, osnuoh as they rueet mtue--hst: I eau feel your ý6te velvet brealh upon lIy Olleehi aLtcop grill, o1 over ho arye your-and, net-h ave a tnsu. beant 2 Aih, aideni, I as al heurt, aud yo I' 'ak miiyIhaeonf2" ',;.ÀA.dit slseý 'algueS. faiutly "itbis t lauliulbath ii tlla t ivGie, *ý but,1h slu't tise -kind Ï tUeS - iç wsnt ii "Mo'nmg,.so givaýes ueabul-' thej. loc'. oheare, quiol,.sud tis itefr atiff-sa7e go mng, or lcv od'rua'll b. ratslug Calnifa t!oee bis ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h dinssni ole. MM. 'all aÉIý&fl 1iaf. 1 1 TtIrOMA» DEVEaULL, 1 11 [t il

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