Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1876, p. 2

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"Uwma,4j. »rge. rcently pu-lbligid usapu, ouc wblelsa 'Wsn (t.D.w. rssiway iA iarmei, lmpréms onsea fftn o bi tlm Jn.Be, abl Vviths ellce isean ; piuious. - ' eor-fo 44 or ut-Iauel ?4'u. Thé rei utîcroist or Wtje l its1, np portionof it' thés sat part or tlls* audw V~5~MUteeh-Pléisulus if risr Rmal suît their lntiifforeu.L ho, &M ê 3. Bjslsck. . iccapity for aH i lprovenieüh, rs coni. Alin lni . , l. cliuwessl fes a gcot ds'êw bak o he Pàil a 1 let-W.H. Clonsteucsati. advercencrs,î of the wuscleipllty. Matswc.&Thoir laucla ie waste and itsh1, Willt i Btu& anue.-W. D. M lewi- thé.baudsacof ochers, 'andsi utuatcdas Clio& *s'-.ao ule. besy t i Isehe Mot déslirable locations' f o-at ilPjsaints' Suscd&Y Scsuol, 'woulîlbecome thé -must7 valuable auï lwotdLtv. Stock- Profitable part' cftIse township. Ad Buoi fi ilt.iis-4cs, Stone, icittlug týhé lisdlans to tkeý. sigltg ,c fp4mbmlhaZList- *iS011001 Book Depsi-J. H, itid7ortsscu. cltizoessip, wltb Power ho thisuuil. Wutte P.spec'& Foolicap-J. 8. Ussbertisou. pal corporation ta aseensi tlem luncon. mniswith- fcéhrsfor tbe geicéral iii. pnisvernunt, wouil, -il le beievd, bave ~ ~ iith a beustisifal fet .Itioîbti.iî wossld, filsi iîrniug tisé sais ud bidgea f Si - thé neîlibonîhsoosi, towards wiih tifs ,ON.LY S 50 PER ANNUM. Inidiaus uow conîribute uotbing, til. WIdîy, h~risIy, ug.17,187.landis beiuig éxeit ipicom haxatiz4. Miliy, Tiihdy, ug. 7,-176.But for-tliséludisuts tileinselves thé oe. suit wonlsl ce trruïlaei' Edîtortal Correspoudeuce. onét off thé reservation, by saléeaf 1IDIAYENG IX TUE NORILL, tiu Is afor taxes oi oîhérwiaé, 1sýd lIséré i. un atîéscmpt ta conecal thé tactt isai.u ,thatt1h. won-hibs tiecaes, but on the, 1 IVhsl grel hsung. to~ tse ettr eontsary theé self Patiged assertion that1 Issu taken plusesilitis ué tstehait of lt-oîIh Iehst(s'alpris tIsé ceunty, ,lu m courheu of a colupara. A uiîîu hop'ges~hc oiluy ftuv< >'ere? ienltesi imis arms lise masle, I sua>' rémisi thé ,) ititu-aa itl. wîmeftisevonst to alh réifileis Of tIse Ccéaacsîrsr.that, Wisn Qmtu i likilig oft hile fan hanac towwsc e t suf frotu Mna, ix yéars ago, tiser.i k;ilsp-as'é fin longer 9a sfiesltée oitiide, wero altes4ttlis.r Luî t 05ratellalés'itau huiê sre astSstItllnl heiug f1liesi up about iloulil sinée, mniil sere are now l %witI l abicuy pispulîcioni, anid -1 populoos 170 unîsmes nu tIsé liel of nora. The' ait 1 aps),rr; uilcuiip.lity la tikissg aaqecseîîvaile liaî'ssreasèiîluinau *l liéPlace of liat Wcs flot long ago thé faIilliat of tIsé bear andth Ie noîf, rsud equsal ratio sihhiu thec sauce peniod, nliera tIse rA l sault-f tlisa frest Iiait] francm 5.2 %9b152-650. uiililîsalesh eway. TIse N'crtitoniî Rail. I s ul hoi(] thatBafins biftebeauna arsge wîsy sow rusais tbliguh Ie towsahip of gaiiner Iv oaustion fions lier more Ç?ra%'cnlIis"ut, ilss'ailté being markcd Wealtlsy ansi prosperana néoiiisur tIsé -by Settlesnents asud ilugithsé spring. extesîs4ives tosvussp of Mas-a, suitthat 1 lnu nua.y' NVasytIhé townasip lias atîsci- iusg U n i t ie ullem , r'it m-ill, shiigle frensirse, itushstnsqcscu'ring se t;i ýlintcruvc. -ianée oitaiuingexclusive <'slts'ÇstttsiCs, ifirciser:Jic~. ...vui~coutrol tcf ilsa wn amstim ga~hre lieftnt icc sivitc'-tisn list îA's'rl 'e a lircimisi tavéru ius tisé bngh sud !-, u o'-,iuntlis o crosio 'n y fl'raIvisiitc t hmesIiisaf tIsa tonship-sudtss hîat Àtccc, I rttc'ociflima lsaeîiitshlte rouf- wiît s-isort tb thé Dunkiu A-t. tï&ý llnuIsis'whîîeîs 1 pori tîsuafines- riorly iyue wer,- lîreusesi, cidun- Cecarecitcîucc sî Ms'la. MPîsenéonl,liîccsselgnaggerie weitu sonrenursemoue Ut) s crcsieso iltf letiwlislip,-ass ,antlaa ecîs au scarce. 'J'.e iftis lcsillu,çu'fIialsttWhite hver hécsisîccof au agrieuiîs'aî country. à tl. r tîsciu10 nth cf tise sinUs>'y. Plié soufi ton o aky, timuande of 5sree h'ue"édr sîs" ettscLiflý o' iltf exPoRéd rock runtifirougîsils centre, I 'iboîi, cti ui sî r4 !îci.htlé'é oeil btbut sulivea lucre i.si average tilpti of 'lflf iLc <'alot si ict' o î eticmsauigc'l butsoif] sCif;vés-r'lertile. TIse iiucotccne p-"ri clip ls!ihicim;niisncoin-st ockriscee, lsowèvisr, of viry supriarP 'ý ici oice i i t ticlfris ou a !4111tc isti ccc.11îseni e entiielenut of T 1 I cit -fÀ4. i tic liiciy taivui tIe prer"i. Iages, rend C biiJ sIl trio ritida on theée ,u c' 0l' uW"tis. e Nouittiris Iiailicay, imrpetT ,,]i inj4-ýi fl)-hèr itandeve Mi'.i . Mr- cPe[liereon'é landis exîcud (rosai ix ll'is'cin ci 1 otéstIse toissspeît i le t.> icko. lIc hoils ire husîdredl ofcu u'tIse (IrancI j1unctious 'culsthé fierin ' th(,lItecl ]liumêseî.candîl iit b jt'îeCeîtleiPatifi&Il si'cy. i, îscîoîî13recîî in tise tosvnSl1i. Ile s i. lis 51 - sii lsjcîyiuig rayant' for tisé, c icgit 5sii'iusit luoprieton intIse plac, " h cicyi"tithte],'c-iii 'icaice' c jOessss tis acexleurcivs qusar-te I."ce XueisiinîiuganI wlsuti ho. sc si" si t"r e'îrtce,'vsa'i' f - cs cisi ur tO Ichsîc, ssi iics.&c-, foi' shiipimcet. W iVé1sd lai gond îc':0î~ ssi-ititu suîsisisva ast ~riliti t'mu'îtîsses fanriinuer yeslsria>', îuwtli-at il hv-Uot %wthlit ru. IIcsêi 1 utie fin, *îortu>rsTh arle>' ércîhuis ailù 'si.Ciisccc " n it ;.lortii oiicc. oachen lu jîlare isfit t'on the 'Ilsi MillcusI ieiuvc~-tiic î'ctii u setcî. 'clwisefet ctiiug isatibegnu. pu Wý'luii cc-ist Iilcriic trili'o oi cs.ohis aboliuleaet.a fairaverage; Tc go ýilly iiea'sy'-lcît 'atllis'tocs unis ti'cucilix iejcssr-ri i'c csrit ln-c caftîly lu cîccnîstiseflicfst ooistis is tise ccsutjee' of ti- i s ic rcisctey cît-mouccii. 'l'lci's ri'lil- Il"t'nicccl, wmotM;-. MnICLIîen-gcseiiciîflct. ýSittUsdax' Wil atIali o.ccitd tes t)illis C, ofth o 1 l' or't lic ccc a.ci'oric l. TIsélatter tit iwiily wi-'omi oar, illl te %il(,.ollrl W're hsclly iscatesl'y 88 nicus,.. O illia uo i.iccctullcry.tli' l i-iu ti f tIse isiost h se gtowni sitn sl.Lîké usscst allier il, Ipt'checttctl irissircur jus. t'f-prescrithundtIec u'iiif euSeaus ' tcf s s e t cd ii' ut ci rcuil stili, ai. cycitce:g ~ tl;:re tliotu-li I ci ctî-ci seccciî,r-sy its.- luîld- f tleriil pcftlntîi'.'îî>!u-inithseiItsstauîd- îsim,'. I sort isss.ciit IIIctth esuis o hcîc iig d ityiii4l, Ilu c ciir cîltf1; i7aiN s 1,isi t in iii l is L -it' t'isiîc'cc. e wlcc4io l iîc h i lct sme-.i tri- 3'c's5'-and, tc as ilicc'n ta - 'ccitii u ent t hi cetucuhef ' 'ie ii skg u iitî c "y ]aiicc-e i Ny nId c licrert lcss--ssc"tijsc'.I iîi f'rl u'Cv> treic, '1 '.K-iccy su-I eIIc 1Wficui bcué-cetîlu- clice. csguse . isitiéli sistiis clu le, a- ans.a leiu IXcllenltfon htais lbe,'['Ilut tisst [Iull uulîs r ti ofleut' ni,. fa su' tc Jluucoli tsV itetdslc tsu i ,,eis"u hy putu- uei tlit uigtli hii s ascIi tssl, I. l" l Uétlm.iiP55éiiîccîusnuîî sehi> fs o lusii Ii tIuilélu t lm CISisput sîn uim mreiblity -of sJIU nstanéeois iiimu-hicis ej - ýv VIIIon uitusnlie ls~iuoohies pseu-t lta l 'verîilsook....atUaiiluhas,, ansi îs1'"1 cromsc mhat b1sscsu, 1 beiiau-é tCirre . iq ntling iesnioaath nlushué sbatoetéiît orI ebfute saut' isis NOm cuiututi or voaconsasysnllssc' Alas I1ilSvit,; li sw Mille$0W om ntfing t-btaouoration. ansi théeinnésslo ut'pop. Iulsuhhîo arooind tic laké, tlté plendid fishhsîig on St. Jean mdll, I fleu', sonu hé n stOriOt tliépast. , lifr, Johne Thomson bas aI preseut iu -opértlios ou LaIe $t. Jean, tmo lange WéaM mii, eofgréet espaci> tmuugot leledlp eleusg terailma>' trairlan umltélsés i'unulng te tis. tmillO ilu qusîn. Lties fairhy surpislug, sud ihippesi (sous trne tte itusaby thic Noeén Itlia>'i4, but for whish, ahtplelmIjt, agose0muy ILDOW t ho lumIis, Ibèreli. uo imniedi- R -te nmarket. Mn, JAlu MéPierscn, tbm rtsavo'es elalultsou, là". alcbuilt a fine Sew Mil, and calriés on a large trasi i lme, turanési tc làikilos, lu lie "anc.looalty. Buauntahcoplir. âol*d eUtutive quarie. la ver>' dm11 in GtLibard lin.ues, astd mat Offiéoe , %%'hlh I w emtOfar0 e tiverés b>' )tt shbon iaoungthéelaIes ib ow - - ésiidby the Noîtiéru htalls>', wilié t u sjhel, wblcbbe<out, thé Noiro wa* ph.uedelons go profitable a bsn ssCow lie @oopraivly idie. n I $ t4 wt~* 1h the couaîrscc. Xials. Sfiniaâ ;nctith u c 4%c viand ' w- hIlt'iu--i'PA COrccS.OLD Sucfci E' Accie tlsuiscuuisc 5uus- c.Anhusi-Jolhnu- tisa, te'decstni i.uc tiss,Birl& Jsuhfisiaoii, liu srotunsus-sI luoncéhale iasud liuat>'11ccii'inlus oalsphitsm-ae melI hé Insy-Cuus islés iog tIse siaces aI lits tnip oercuéis.lise foîs i.the- i clusint'Ieon ('uiicieoli i l sep au-I Ileniecîslrs pige. 'Jn. uisastun hmbabout fili Ctbmalils, ecsis tic Se isqîscul ta an>' lot aven ilupart- ccl la tld, sauntu'>. Thé loI incîncles L7s acu sud ée elacbd, eeqandsolacs. Wcý wisliîMn. Jolstuelonuumus uns- louns-ne s g0odif easouju tieséhobwnya, lie'. Jolisunt hait sienuniier hie shauge, a lot ut' vénIy. fille i-so latabe, t'on Mr. 'iWu. luIlguon, ut' Myrîle. Llr'nreîUses' PieIC.-Thsé ufhtelsnc' ai lise lamu Of WhlîbY-, sud tlîélnfrie-nds inteussi hoding a grand pic.nic ah Cor- bttsPoint, ans Wedueaila> Ang. 28, 18761. Thsé pnlic are icivitésl ta atteýnd. V'am musîat uve sats léarn ill i o une of 1i-hé0 neat lsil is t eson; ansi uothing uuihi hé leht undone nu tîséir puen tSe ioule il s cuccems. f Sut adrt.) -TatE CssscoAsILILuf&TaAtàrD Nawts- TIse damage O cmasiosue& lu thé presses ai tic BUisLA,"icuDmcÀAsaTS Cocur.eyn. b>' tise due cf astRfunda>', being gresclér thasi 'vas lit lfast suppose-s, tise peninsi. ical publications ot' tisaI Companyeau.. enul lue issue-dhsi i weel. Suseeihens tobi th c4U5)LCN Ii.LU5TSATEI> NEa-u' wlU, llseréfors, oct xot tua Iséit numbur ili tise antI of next a-ruek, But Il l issîôped ttisIthse interruptions viii net hastlisynuil liaI tiueé, evér>' pos- sible effort Ising macleé ta conpeetc Is nceeesy relîsîh.ra CuItisIne us-a nysailI ual Us uliétyécî, thé euniuu-luig aund job prnning déparîmenté beicginglul wonking oniln,. BSesONeTÀsîO Sooar.Booc DEcror -W. draw a'ttentlionc toi - flbentso's néw asivrtîsement unucer ti.iéutd lu olosoattention to the ablool vantt 0£ 5555l lic Mu-C Mc in pro - menttilat *ver lived. -'ois pokeii cf muc srathe leader of ou«of 1 Thé Ch*rges on Co«L Thie statement. made, yte Gazeftt fi il. lest issus, wlth Srespeces t chargés o& Ccii at the. harbor, as con pared vtltb Tornato, wes'e errouecus, il ualto#ot eveir partidular. TIshe rboi Cocucl'y, we are Informed, liam, nevei '0ileeteil the flrst cent, frora an one for storage, au stateci by Our c0i tem.por ary-tse ouly charges made bc Ing Uhc toill,,se prescribed by law. Tht mado.lasd, adjoining the pier, is privait property andi dose not bolong ho tii Blarbor Comepany, though 'il hasalwayl been ' sised -for piiiug coai, sandi, &a. frice of ezpcnsc tuaikrneoi. -The 1,w resîîîires, that ai property, lanided; " dockg, Un remnoved %withn fortyelght boUre, and if parties deaiinin u oal, deir. tO estabuigh yards for stocing It at the hiarbor, te bc weighed ont by the waggon or carl load, lB la bat reasonabie sud fair that they ahould pay for. mue] priviloges, the same s is donc in 'Tor- olto or elsowhere. INTEsM SESeSONSe.-ýaMUel JohnîtùnM srraigned on 111h of Augnat for steal. inw-a mare andi colt froin E. KeisiR. pieaded guilty, and wax sentenced by Jusige Dartheill t tweive monthein Central Prison, with.-bard labour. Tus PîusEaceco HAueoit CompAi'Âr6 now. ready te coulmonce ti seasos busineses, ample storago ronm is pro. vi'éed in their wareliouses. [See advt.] TULE ALL, StlnTS' SUNDAY SCHooi Pic mxc wili 'D. V.) take plane on Tues- ,lay iséxt, the 22nd mest., at Corbett's Point. TuVi scîsolars, for whom vselsîcles %vill hé provided, wili assemble nIt th Scîsool ticuse at 12 o'clock. .W. & J. SPIcws, of S pink's Mill, Dullio'r Crcck, are now icn the market, and wili psy theé isigliat cas.h prise fur hsrley deliveresl at the Liverpool Mar- ket.i LAcaos.-A lacrosématch . was plsiyed at the msrkot grounds e e, on Nfosîday ladt, botwesn Oshsawa and Toronto. Thé actmés were ail hntly costesteid Oshawa wiuinîg thse ticird; Toronto the first, second, fourti, sud DaowNiNG oACCIDENsT AT OSSfAWA.-A. boy about eigîst years of age, living ,vith bis griafîther, Mr. Mayuer Oshawa, was slrowned whiié bathing in tho sili pdnd there. MLNJOYACCIcNTc.-Mr. John Conlson, u'ns of the oliéit settiers of the Coauty of Simcoc, ws drowned while fshing in thé miii pond of Mr. James ]ouieon. T'ria urscirprise for barley will hé Pa'( by W. D. Malthcwes & Go., çf 'oronito, at the Liverpool Market. Ciieket. A cricket imatch svas played on thé .l.tucricet gronds, Toronto, last andy, betweeu Whitby aud Carleton ut).. Tié match wap a lino one, sud âough lsi atred a draw, (through there lot bcing tinco te finlish), was deciuleilly n tîseor of the Wlithyýteam, as will hé «Un1 hie fullowing score Wcss'nss. lut 14iicgk>. ts-i1, yi.. ..i.: Lingoc. 1)iMtciartier.. 1 nu. 4NIaltinssiss, li Nlitgeler - -i .. guisai. i Iteptgisu . 5 '-ciuictd, c isie IBOYC-é...-c "'buiiiot. . .. ..., i tiay, b lisîcri. .-.ici 'tccint Utsut..i cc'u-ctîg 'eciel,. dc tuyît fi Lingicit t.ussseî.. 7 --,nnout. .... ... sEctias -.... 7 Tstrcis- 77 CA5LS vtirun ouit ic'adi1)nblaticmuui.. l0 ectcr, b tititewu-e 2 tscée, 1) Matse-u-,n.2 oen, b C.ttg . .... . 1 yul, db MAlheilwen 1 selii, b Mstbesssoii.. i Ttsis......... 4 ;cIsusi uingga. L, Sitarkb i5syd.. a I)Ca'en ........ f- ceuuib iuoyd-...'2 c Ceu. b Baycd.. t. Bayd -.. .... s Benens, '0 Ccisi s) set out . ....... hi iîsytI- - -C...... b ocyd ............ 9 Exn.' 10 ci mnd tiugccs. 11)Wt) at -l Mi 1S. eu sthcesui l bc J. Latig ci Buard ni Education. Hligli Scisoal Buildisug WVhithy, Ang. Qth, 18761 A sîséciu] sieetiug of lie Board ut' (Iication m-'as hielsi tîsie evéuiug, Jolis un l>cmry, Esq,, iin tIeséhr.siTha uc-er im>s ueprésent mu-re, Jusigé -rîruehi, Dr. Gnn, Messns. Pomell, I'lisnuBlake, Posanusel asienon. nulci of hait meeting reassnsd Sp. COM5IU>5tC.TuIOMS. Tise Gliailnsisu easi coiajnicationeg ii'oiiiTlese. A. UlIsgai', Manchsester, Sp. l3iug fus' tieséituation ai teachér. Incîni Mn. ller'idge, late imîsîlsesuati' rush Master in tise Higlu Uchool, tender. imsg lis neigustion, <un tise grounsiof Dr. Gun, ici thé absence outhie chais-mats,'jIn. Onsiston, brongit lu thie report outhuee umcltéé on sciooi masnagemenst, rmamniuhg the ac- ceps anseote a lérsilguallea utMr. Hers-lugé, sud aI thé sarne lime mxprès- sing tisir stîscero regret ah Chie çqsue, vii., 111 Isalti. Tisé Committée alan résommendéd that Mrt. Davidsn bch advned sita Che place of Mn. Bsrridgo, ah siesiar>" out'6509 sud tuaI Mn. iVillis, of thse He.sr>- srcel echool, také thé place oai-lii. Davisisus, sud, het ase- u'enisecuauta liciuîsurteilunthé Globe ant il oforlicessi téaclieni fer mIls Dunds a n.]Hery>' treet scboo».-Rc- punI adopled. Mn. MePheraso hsogit in thé repart ufto tiFinancé 'iLacitt.s-comcnend hag payct ut fthe Iailuming accoanits: R. Hoss, $10.50; Jas. ItcGratic, $5 50; J. S. lRobertson, $10.-29 . G. Y. Smith, 8,56; Mm. Culue, $10.50; J. Post $15.03; R. L. Hniggmuid, $12-Béport adodted and thse ateos-suts ordéred to hé -Mr. Blakce bronghl icn tise i'port of lice Camnaittee on Sclcool Propec- éhating ta e hlard liaI thé>' hadold thé nati lot et' thé propert>' pnrchssed b>' tIséboard neatthlie Ducadas st.ahool, ta Mn. Taîker, for #I0,S.tand thé house arlishi avasoni-ilfor $10 : hé to pa.>'fer the îame eut et bis ilar>' ast caretm.ker. mill u tereott at 6 pet coul. untIl pale.- Repsort sdopted. Jsîfige Dartneih secoudmel b>' Mm, Blaké, nuat--ea liaI Ibis Board, ilu se- ceptuug thé résignation et Mn. EHei-idge, wviss te expe-ses tlheir sincère soi row aud regret for hie WIi ih h e cau-e et' hiei rsiguntion.-Ca--eej. Mn- Blake nekéd if it "vas tise iiicf thé board Ibat thé groAiug ah Dnndas - tretch oib ne on mithuttfah or qdOertn nxl speling. Afer émrne iscucsion, lu whclch hIC. embare al1apoke iutavof Ro ns onuvitb ihin the> til, -At î*mu-,Unsl *tood'-tilsthem Concnalthea on schooipràpewty .w=M brIU Is n t - dtiL 4-aà& Ia - uâa 6, L'u. he principte allier speake rs bêsLles the Meu~rs. Gibbs, were DIr Ortéas (chafrinan on the occaion>, Hon, WV.MDualO . i . Làwdar, M;P. P., sud lrjohn ÂA.; mac' doald. -Both gentlemen spoke ahm mci s, [Igreater langlis than thé>'se reportad-, thé speeches belng briefi>'sumumar- ied : or fr. W. IL Giblii,, M. P., wlmc, on or comiug t'orward, was receivéd wil -y lontI applatue. Hé .expressé bis ticanhes a. te tisé people for bis having biens iovited) l.as s guést, saud h -liaukd thésassocia- thon for mentiouing tin thé aditresté le Sir Johu Macdonald tbe récent viclonies te lu Norandu South Ontario aa evideucesi ep ef thé Censérvative réaction. Campît- ,, nenlsry allusions wéné. macle ta thé addroe.ofi Hou W. Macdoaigal, siftler -,wtic lie (Mn. Gibbs) ssid hée feit ubal v ýthené na. itile for ic ta a>. Hé a cosals tell by thé large crowd of people t pr- sent that thé peuple wcré indignant sudl surprised ut thc fsinre oh thé itnéient' Govsmnsment tCe penforsu tile tpromises madIe Whounthé>' a-r n uop-, ie position. Thé présent Opposition, hé le puintes oui, was conunctos ina a ver>" differént muun franc Ihat in whiéh thé' -- até Opposition sas cauclucted,no factions opposititon nas offe-reil, sud il- dleés, ru muscS as thé Goveroncesit alenéfut ta, that Mn. Mackenzies hail 1,basi Bu okuomiésige it ina lis piace lu I. tIsé Houssé. Refèenceil made te hie P (MnIrGibbs') èdéfoat lu thé gênerai élée Iltien in North Ontario, a-hicS hlie attrib- y' ui lut bis uuswenviug attachaient tha n Sir John Macdionaldi aud bis coléeagnes, ta folow lincilinrongh euil s;wéil as good report. Thé preîeut Gncernsnént s camé intopané,r at, a flime muet pro. lo pitlîsus for tlisémséîve, andI it was tionglitishat thé>' noulsh goveru lIsé country propet>'. Iu tîsat tlise>'bai beesa feunsd wanstng. As an évidence ut' théiepropniét>'etohesélégielatisa of tIse LGovernué of air John Macdonald hé- il poisatesi to thé faut tIsse not a single Art pasel b>' thé Goieruiment iornhls ai îwt.nto yesns hall belen repeuîsi b>' thein qescessons. Tiser. -was onue point miti e regard ltinshetrade question sviiiei hs' tsonglît imai besu ovenloakecl, ant ita was whiie Auccnicanse coulsi sasue iutcc unr counnt-y witiî thisê 'cereais dut>' free, ne coul.] nul taiseounr cs'neals iutc tîséir cosantry'at aIl. This mas un 'su' fair taté oi tiniandi hé kuew tIssï- tlcogh insuané reamansof liai, man>' wîso aleîtthecoselv-e Ruformns for -thé salie oh part>' mouilsi vote fhranaiss mIse was lun(su-or of tIse cotinnancé ai fituailmstfaithmnné lu thiciraccu tocs. aind Be thé las. of the country,. HP thuugit that Céssada bail becus wsitiug long enougîs fan recipnociuy, aSId lié eli tIsat aintil rsci;.roitly mas Xiveli hé monisi impose sitlnitasxesc on Ancéican grain as tIsé>' impd upon ours, aintI hus givé tîsétalaIRowlaundift'onan Oliver. Hé sidsinourre wîsstier it anuoyesi ourneightcors ornonu. Reféns'iog ta Du. Orson, héie sithfieIt that in agitaling t Chie quetion hé lîssi doue a great deai of gzoissifor thécounnery, sud lue naule woîuld go dumu to postent>' in cause- qué-néle. Iran. T. N.Gibbsý, MP., was h)se next speaker. Ailu.iin-, to tht' hle nube- ai pensons présent lie atibuhédl théis' présence té a growiug clesirca 10 iîèan the elate ut' thé affaire ut' tiec c'unhny ds-s oussési. As a ropncieotatiu'e of ljautS Ontarioalhé had fof it l e obis suit>' ta is>' asîde al sxcusess ud héepréset u thé ileisnuslnaion. Dr. Orlon liechauet'-- acebéizeu ais tise apithofoi protectiosn,P snd lheuet that that geutlt-îssan'e halions wvotiid nat bu fuugosteu. Itliascilthset nt thé ues-hgéuseraî élection liit*tie t wousiild nl>' insi Dr. Orton retuiiec to Panhauséent, tbnt tisaI tise mîolé uofte Cousat> tf Welington. liké tue 'Iîils of CIme Cunnty ut'Ontario, cvill bhéiré- professioseouf'Mn. Nttoi-:izic sad hie Paty, lié poiuat.iIta tisé docclopsueuts ao' bue law cosunts ansinth e ilout'thse ection trialinluwLihinont by onué tise Rt lo'c-s ss stmittsd Su tisa nuiine cI tiss jnsdg, anti the oîly eceusei-li1ud %vras bliat tIséIl Cous'sru-ati-ec asîdcîuîe it, ti." 'l'Thépublic vticé,w55s vin-,, Wtsilie prîeenl Alsniitu'atiau tîslîlwiy~ %vere sumawrti>'ofut eliesupt-lanof tse c peopîV, antI that thsey lis-t î[lot ecunie up, îo ths' standlard Cisc>' lai!rvîsteli. Hlicrn wes resns'ntcsd tIsaICime pni-sesut Uinze cd rî' Couinions dii issu c's-flert thse us-disge ut' tise peuýp léii l iue .ew liiiif tîcait ilc menbreousîI litfu-e His ý'xceéhe;cty Il tIcs Gucenosu-Gesnnral lunsacsiitiisi'i Il mannen lié wtsuid l il lisinîs I' l,,ai disseie ue h se. 1n18p70ims-. Mac- ks'nzio tioneiut i lb a sesryisloe tblin ton a IMinieter ho Icave hies depanst - osent anti attend t etiuusc'iuld'l nuî'ee, tînt lP ied ch5 in tIse Soutsh nio cli-rîiou aof 1876, antIlié mas s Itel lu>y Mci ira. Cartwrighut sud hlocuugîous. Tîseun sucés-s e sasnaît, bweu-er, ansi lie (?,lr Gtl ba)is~l utDo ilil Ilsat tIie'j 0 uuoutl Meel witls a like esîrees lu fIse huicuné. Pstten aliu-liri tl lu mgîls ta th( DEcA Sn,- While iooî-ing aven teî c.-mus of yton vauialile jpnnl s oticfési s repas-t oftise pruceedlingc t'tiiO the i- feluowesud th i sucofut'Ti-tupu rance. sulileis1I is-no donlit is courecS, sus far. se it gue; but mti respect mo hcs Broughame DiviFtru Sens of Temps-r anis hîsere are sécu-asi urlisiousin lutisé repsorn. Tise principal oineur lus lhe 1Devisioiî. sciOsckiol>' t wUs, susi su-ho ddh, isial Io offices on tue occasion alludensi[l, is neotase muetsas cî-utioned, u-tz. c W. J. Bodéil, D. G. W. P. Wsith ret'-r- etste ta tisé se csperity uft'hie Orden Mn., B3axten, theé hrieent W. P., ha neindenesi salusable aid la liseululer cemabens b> lis co-opersltiou ini Iryiiuet uec-mu' out lise gréaI prinriples ai 'I'mperancé. . Your correspndent duos ul glu-eau>' neason tar lie napisi incrs'ase outhie lunuben f ut' ccises, parul>'bhrougis codeen>', I supposé, thinikcog lie anti a 1cm ai hie haclular iniencîs (Iliraugl tissir gréat love t'ontise Tempenancé prnineiples) mené thé grént centre ûfuta- inaction. But, Mn. Elihoï, I thua tise>' are ver>' conci uialtakFn, t'on a large proportion of thé méchbers hélung e-o thé faim séx, ansi hein influence bas been éntirèly ovonluoked. Onr tienti, Mn. Baxtér, basa etaurd' froc thé CeutpInulal, tuncls icpu-roti. B>'tise bye, thé humwer ganden bas nul, suffensiseo ctinluappésmsancc ascsas anticipated, b>' tîo wantusm plrsikiug of Soul lawene by a fem af ilse Ihoughli- léss boys, ansi I trust theé aufferitng caussi b>' Ciase n knnhns iiil lié ce f Suels magnitude fiat '.ie shall require the services ut' Mn. McDnnssihthosuive thé great cy-itén>'mentiocisb>' yotor corespondent. AN OssEtiTaut Brugham, Aog. 6tis, 18711. E vEau 3Isx m4AIC>WOczcz, tise youu7, the Miidise-agec, aussieu-eu thé mare, adv-anced in lire, nia>'dérive unbohd- hécits frein a pemuseal et' thé monki publusbèd b>'tisé "Peabeul>'Médical. lustituste," Boston, via- :-"The Science et Lite,'" (atoeatiae upon thé gene-rativé nnas usi théeuerveus siicégssit u 1 delit>'casei b>' th(ss crs-une01 ut' 'uîi sud abuse of Ille systeta) "Soxnl Phsioiugy ut' Womaiaud S r Di- ea,,e," su d iD'sasassofth Ie Ns-mes sud -Nérvosas' Muia'iies," ail tirs. nf iith'. froua lie able peu of' tIse ésaie anliun. Tise tmuis me>' te heaitisandcu lappluése bas beau poinhed ont CO Cioùstsusle tir thèse lboial. A uer>' elahorateansd ces-ti>'Modal sof' goid aasd dismonds ici juet bson pnèséunt-d tea anscf h works b>' thé National MéduclAssca lion. Wé reor .outrendera to hic ad.; vestien aotîyoiun ..1 eht 7u li 'Cèes» Mieal. aru~blelw~dfan ao Ivaniteaz withauî figbting. No «hhslug bava beeu recetved cf'thé bstlga which pusbad fcsrivam i, oBnita Ivanitia ýwaa thé original base of Gen. Zach'd suppliés. Tire is a--goog nillitary rosed thence hto Kuruovaco wiîich i at lie :dispusal cf the Türksif Ivanitza is aiseï abandoued." The Tisss.s Belgrade déspabch aays "Col. Autich'i retreat ta Ivanitza neans a wUci further retreat. Ivanitza is surroundéd ny big i lls, affordiug the Turks excellent offenusive position. The fact fi, thé Si-rwiau war is about t< résolve itl ilto a guérilla affatr."' A Vienae deapaheh gays ib is boéieé that thé différent colncus cf thé Tuikisi army wiii adrence simnltaneously on Beiradée, drawiug togethér as tlsé3 proach, 80 ate cnuspletely iurronnd SCoustautinopio ipéciai gays 'the Sultan lbas, te a great extént, been ré' liévosi cf bi s >ysical suffering, but sinki delpér aud dooper iuto a settle] cnclausbesly sustoness. lHé asks 1teI takcon out of bis cruel position, as; lie cannaI bear it. Hie abdication woulil boeéffested, sud ho wouid gladly retire, tint tcat hia iniuiedhate heir and yinges brother are dsiuciied te taIse cipon tîémelves tIse burdeui of thé Impérial diguity. Thé Servisu-Prime Minister opposée pisace, and ýcmisS te wait thé resuit .of thé forthéomng iattié in Barya Pasit, whero Général Tch-rniyéff'î forcés are cnceîstrateil. .A Belgrade spécial to the DseilsjNeiva reports that théesoilitary situatini. unlcliaugeéd. Gani. Horvatoviehlibas; ls-esc réinforceed aud rémnains at Barji, ou thé soutîseru rondilluto thé Morava sssliey, opposing thé Turkish adiaucé frons Gurgucoinaz. Col. flouker ile eutreucsed ol)poqito Luenvo n th.i noîrtlsern rosad frocu Sailîsliar mb tlîth Mtirava valley, aud resiste tIsé approach of Ostau Passa fran WiVdin. Thcis vosîlion of thé Sers'iau forces, lcnwever, iii coneiderési sefectivé. Thé twa cons m4cipîlra are ton for aFlirItat support t-schothsr, anth ie faîl ofone, extrénsily sursîrce thé abanîloumeut of thé otîcer. Londion, Aug. 15.-A steapatch froin Bt.lg'rside stys it i. r,-portt»d tîsat tisé Turks liavealvncei heyous tIse Banja, andi tisat thé Serviane havé ovacusited tise importaînt pass withaut tiring a eilsot. TIse constant racucrs; of Tnrkiîh isîvauces satnd vimiretreals are ex, aargeraci ; b-et it cansut t h deutesi that tfsc prospect Of thé SerViana isi be- ésssniîg more gloniv. Tise rumnor of> sissir cnîccnatioc of tIsé défiles leadiig frous Gurgosovatz to Délitzrasi, ansi tron Saiteciar ta Paralsin, thongh nu. ccsutlrinediis-hsichly probable. Landau, Aie. 1.5.-A deesîch la Renter tronc Zars, tise capital cf Dal. mnatis, anununces that an engagement lank pitce yestiirdcy between thé Mon- tcuegrinsanrîd Tusrks neas' Kuci, lasting Sie entire- day. Tise Turks weré c'e punil suad Épueisl froco Auzehina ho h-odgovitzs. TIsé Monts-segrins captur- t.] s qnsutity tf arius, war imateriel, aul] several flags. .Tht. Turkd les; mnuy killetI sud %wonded. Thé Indian Campaigs. Hlelenas. Msutsssc, Aug. 1:j. -lie fsiîc1p'sde,0'îitc limau, Moutana, sipécial of At'g. 12tls eavs :-A Sioux îquisw raime jinoCs-ov Casnip vith a seport ni s te'rrible Lettle is.twtrn G1n 2s'ooic ssli Ille Iuitiiasau. Sfi1 st.t tliai Genes-at Crussfk bis sleinst aunihi. sîtesi tiseSiîucs, ausdi las thé e rinie n a sîscir sa omitien a:p ta orc0h1 nurîctre 'ThicPa ss' that.brnsg lis i'ctvs lions tile Ciom' .Veucy u'ay have greaîily cxîîggeratcî tise stcnv, if it i not esstirsly talie. Ctro.Aug. l.-1.Williains. As- sistitutAlIjut.stit Geséral lat Onssela, st ts-jsnspiss ta gsusra1ýi fEirillaiss1hi ne lit tise foilawt.ng îâp2le sctlliîaijubi. Wysiiî, 5îg. 14-Tie réliast csf Geii. Tpris 's iitui ittirng huit is, iuto tise $pVottei'rail Ageoucy. They 17pIsrt 1a1sseaî'y engalesitéi ci allala '1,ftat .il(tics intîss alt il i;si Bucll v,înclîi c"igesi "'ownseud. It is pruc;er tl a au' She ceunse>'oa lié iunformatsiou coineainéts ints isdîes- es.cli, ncuussng as it escfrow u nc éshai- abue sceurres, talsene-;cu itùd - St. Pii'uul, Minci., Aiij --.-liw t' icns-ci c 'as4 shus-sial tu-oc tue Siccix expgcelition 'ays c-PI'eparationue nt ni mt coin- <secp sud me sardi aht dsybreal ta- baornaw, tIsé route h-ing np thé Re- bu . ad the obîjective points hséing tha lusicns wmiénuvsi'anti mienecen founul. \Ve c'cpu'et ta eusi-et se junettonmiCte Uhec. Ci-sii, uno usdcevcition irons CIme sîimi abject ii hénmade ton Chat pan. ,osa- St. t'scil, Aug. 15.-A IPioiei'-Pregs snFuicr-k iipecil ofet'to-lIa>' sys c-" We jaé ucs npme ut' Tomnv'e hast figlut uvillu sem Itndiasus éxepI 5>' hie aleanrne tehés, mîini ssiu-c(,d thies cmuiu 'as Binu. Wlseu ah hFortlPus-lt bisé pîtaisi of tIse Wsstem' mas toi.] Chat eu-ny liîla h s afiglch mith thé Sioux se ils>' i-foré, sud Shah Tenny's hilléci suibeneut 000, Sitting Bulle lues being W0. Tise steamer Jousephsins had,-n uebh Govcrnmsist d reilie ud e roops, au-s F'ontbL'uiord to-mona. A BOa-eIiPs-esA usaiOMt ets Loccecc Dy A Mcci>aýr NE-WuîuARiEm-On Weil ns-scIa> ' a It wueel ais orpîsats boy nasîsech MeDotiHll, 'rci-i's-î- mith li gucendil îut ls-u-, wa.1 amrigse'heforeMn Ni-Icen Gorbilssu, J. 1)., foi.c ti'iinaI (in re-turnfors am nééineeiçdi a nm-su s luéxt siaur néiglucoun, but Iîavissg ici Itcr uts-sasg a chue! whirît unhamnusutel>' r--ecu s-eut tilte blas-. Tise l'ail mues t'suscd -uisît>'antIl tutrucesi la flttesn saya iu nhe "10'scup. Sevénsi 0ut isé reideute 111(1iIcracintg sueciébnts roate j willî Mn. Gombiasu with s viem uoft' iiosithé 1OuY' etnésc comsauti, on fsiliug bh, lhsat lhé qhenil hé seul te Turnnb gaul, as lié>' cusicered thé iockuîî mas îlot a plupen piaco Inn an>' ieraonte hé confineci froc a ssitar>' paint af eiew. Ahi appéaha mieics fiu-nilèc, seaqfceou'ding taeisur, Mn. Gunisam coolti nut infringe upun ils deisiou. TIsa sympathy ton tise ho>'berame se intense franc hi. mohbings asl nd eiioe iglit and day, Sisal fomsholiugs et' trouble easieti s seutmy to ho placet] ii change outhti Iockup. On 5Szturda>' lie éxcitémcust cl.] nul abatesan>', but gnem dConiger, ants about teunp.iic., s c rowd of' about une hîtnudresi and if t>' cougnégatesi ah lise front ai the loèkucp, a-vinhissési ut Gonstabhe Boczr ansd thé séntn>'. TIsé ahficeérs diqappeares ii qnick arder, mièci almoce inaciedialy aller tise enuwmcachéslse nf a large cédar pas s a bittte.ing ram tea linnethéesionr upen, whioh mas tiers ii a lea minute,e sudl ont camc thé prise uer ami lt ltisée hunsras ut tuec rosu-s. No areels. THE StiIIcOL QnUESTIOIN teTHE STATES. -A Seuiste Committén ha. ré-portéd s neîoiutian as ansaeutîmeunt 1te f Constitution cocismnîiug religion agd uoramon echools. It proui-IéetIsaI ro State Sîsalf cake a lac, respecttng tlse eslahliOhmecit of religion or prohibiticig thé èeec'$e tIluécéot',sud tisai nopublic maucéysehsalu lie apprapniscîccierforcé Iscliso scîsoal. Ancuublahup Purcell, on Cincnnat, soa stisé Caîbulilîs d1 fot mant toeiihtenfér n iu e eclînol aystemr or demausi a ahianeni public mose>' for spartiesesbools. "TIse Qssénans Speechi entertains Lise 110Oé huaI a uéw Extradsitionu Trpat>' miii oci hé niade -belmeen the Ucnited Stsa ant Gaî e1 sn ain. h th fniémcsse cf ptovssletcs aad approaced "tj lahani, which wuaiarge and - tIbid pcpniatod, teobtainsuappie:- We hcÂtlW Lt tha"disicý cf twe Yardafrom.shore, and Iobaervéd th the ivildbehavicc, cf the natives èhmff if as they a ached nea-,rr o iO andfii eas.W.e xehsngc4 tj n4oua ieïndIgreetings, 'and were i viedto comeajchre isuch toués 0 parently friendly natives rushed- in ý body sud seize tihe boâansd draggg al'ifrhcigh and dry oniland, witb ail. bboaril. Thé réader may imagine s. number of natives reqnired to pérfo: this feat when I atate tliat the boa jbaggage sud cew, ,weighed neai 4.W00pouuds. 'TNice 1 raifadmyr evolver to kil sud hé kiiledl, but thé cre .restrainéd me. saying ib waa prematui t1t figlit, Ra thèse people were.fland 1and ail wonld hé right. Accordingly 0sat down imftlce sterm sheéti-sud waiti patioutly for thé décisive moment. TI savagoes fa>t incrcased iun nberî, as the hubbub grèw greater. Violéi riluguagé sud more violent actionm 3récéived withont comment or word i 1Our part. Spears were heid in ths liands au if on thé launci, arrowî wei de awn te thé head sand pinteda I e &c of us with frenzied looks and éyes c mostt bur4.iicg ont ci théir sookéte. Thé apparently fnendly savagi uow seémed to be persouified furie Thronghont ail thé scènes of civilize and savagé lifé whisiî I havé wituèsse i never saw mad rage or wild fur painted se truiy before ou huma features. Il led them tothe vergei absturdity even. They strnck thé gron and the boat, stampccd, foacned aItit1 moutis, gnashtsd their téeth, îlashed Il air with ticeir spears, but they shed c blood. Théelihief Shekka preveute liais, rcserving that pléasure, 1 presumf for a more oppsortune limé, when a ne, excitement would bé reqnired. Ou interpréters. in thé meantimé, woré b no moans idle; they emplayed to il utmost whatever gifts of pt-rsUasic nature had endowed them witl aud 1fée created lu them, without, however, ew hib ting any servilii'y rmeanucas. Ir tieed, h was struck ho admiration by th msnly way lu which they stated ou objýecte aud purposes in traveling on t Niyauza, aud by thé composure of lhi lsesring. Théo savages themselves cl i;ervod tîs. aud comméunted on il wit sutprisse. This calim beisyjour of th crew suad intérproters acted as a sédi tive ou the turbulancé antd rantin violence of the savagea, tiiongii brok ont now and then, sputteriug fltfscl witi tihe wildest of g' stures and moi mnurderous demonotrations. For three hours I sat lu thé steni sheets of tisebhast olîaerving ail thés prèliminaries of a tragedy which I fel sure was about te hé enact ed, silent'çf cept uow and tien communicatiugsiigg-estion to thé interprétera, ani secsxsiugly u uncouceroéd spectator But Iwasnualidle. I wishéd to imposi ou tihe savages by my.behscviour. 1 was 1 usily planning a resistance sud a: escape. As wve woro in thoir power i offly reiiuaiicedl for us to keep quiet unti tlsey 1roeeeded toacats of violence, su( usi the méssutiucciendeavor ta purrîssét iseace, or' at léasai te prsîpace thé stiffs Conforussliy witi Ibis ides thé iuter pretera werè iustrueted ta offér clotI aud iseads ta LIhé Shekka, wlîo appearet tô havo despotie au thoncity ovér ail jsîdging franc thé revoreutial andI réae:1 cebrdience paid to lii coinands Shekki, ueiuausiesifour rîsîtha anti tels écktscet Uf l arge beadsasaisi priré for p4rcnittin, ls ta depart lu peuce. Tbcy were paie la hisi. liss'sng secured tlien, lie: osree.d is poble to seize' osîr oars wvltieh wass douie befonu wî. kssew vlis tlie-y were about. This nas tiseRsecoi line."iliat SlissLkks isasi actei esssn aind tresricrously, sund a loud jeprîuu, Laugli frosn lus Ipeopie slscwed ihesa lins isure l lîey sspreiated 'hic %vit. Afle: sceizing tIse oars Sîscekks anti hic pî'e .lowvy weîît to tlîs'ir village lu cal tlseà scoon mnes], ani dte discuss what otie: mneasss isî, suld bho adapteid toward tht strangeré. A wonssn rain nar us and toi.] ti to est hosîcy witis Sliekka, as it wvss th. only cocaus of eavingounr liv,,"' fc'r Slîekka aud Isis people hiad deti'r mnend te iltl us sud take everythiuig we lirai. Thé coxswaiu of tihebhast wa.s -.'t ti proffer ternris of hrotlserhooîl te S lg-'kks. Thée oéwaiswas tbld ta hi ai cse, no hsnin was intended us, and~ an the ucît day Shekka iroucised ie sud Isia people sîsouidti alhsauey antd miaké hagting sud sure brothcerisood iitii ua c The coxswe'in reluniei uned a u itî ctrhuumpisanl cries, andI iespedil>' cari- m unicsted his a-n a-auranc'e tiste mcm. But I cluénkesi lîseovén conifisi sucé aud truihfitIhuéssnlu scb cunuinc antusréaciénuus people. andsstoid hem ta trust lu uothing écu-c Qun ownmil. -ansi is>'nowcans teasvc lie neighîbor- hoosiofaihe 'a t, for their néxh acu musîlilic ta seize tise guns in tlie sac'- mnassuer as tiuey hîiadseized thé oas. tminnclsath ie mcw dan' tîso irull af Ibis qe.iggestinu. sud I1lias1 no réeau nta eouuplaiu limaI tIcs' sddnul psy hee ta usu' n'nda. At ubrep. mc useussivPs hegan Ici asgeecti'f auonthé nisge of s ham hilI shOUnt1001 yards f-oc bisé foat sud prmeiti>' druos mené Iseard uesîing the calila mar. usd11. mithin liaIt' aulieour. .500 n'sniiors iîad gaîlîcresi rousucl Sisikka, nîsa uass iîtiug doa aulis siuv litepeople. Wlicn lieéhad doué, about 50 nustiei down ant ouk ounduns ansi kisîdI>' taidsti s gel aur gune s'aîiy for flghh, as tuey n-re cmniog pneèntty ta el our tlîs-osts. As suoas1e saw bIse sagés 1usd arrived lu thé presencé ut' Sîekka misîs our dram, 1 simautei tu nu>' musita puaslime boat imb théemuater With ose depenuete effort crs>'crém ut' eitisen cen suizéd thé buaI t acif sehIat iseen a mène loy sud shot ber fsur ino thé mater. T1hé eimpetus thé>' issigiven lier esuséd hem ta drag thiiec al l to clepp watcn. Ia thé mésutime thé savages, ultening s foian oni ai ofdis. appuisilmeuit aussibaffied nage, cre rushiiog like s niinvinsi toward the wateu"i esige. 1 ilciargéd sas>' léphant rifle, mitîs ils tmo large couical halls, fine heir mitîst; andtI ten, assisting on.eofthie créw n mbticbhast, tld bim ta Selp luis fellome lu mile I coulinsiesi tufigit. My dauhle-barrelîildsisugun, luateui is bueksot, mas néxt diseliargésl mith terrible effeet; fer, mithout dram- iug a single hum on lsncing s singlé spéan, lie>' setréatési np the élupe of lié hiii liauing ns ta exert aur mse tagét tIsé hoast ontet'thé cové hélons lice enemy shound decide le man theim cannés. Thé cnem mas composes] et' picked mnu, sud lu lii. dira emergens> tise>' thit ample juelice to my ciseice Thougi me meeé iChent eau-s thé mon wm-eéat n losa fer a sciebsité. Ags fl0ira tise>'bound tisémilves lusthé beat- thé>' lare, up tihe osas andi foot boarssand lisisisuta puddlé tise boat outs tiouRi it mère a canoa-. miilé I.wmas left le' single out mitis my rifllé thé mnst pro uineul anti litéuBofethle ecemy. Twioé, lu aceMon- -1- ete"ledfppi sg men, sletermiscèd.,obn iaunciàig ,hein c'assoee, antI sééing thée uh.Cit 'aimg, isd commncadeel thé panstistaItaul kthse sim, 1 toek delibéraîe aim wihlimv elpisuat rifle aI hlm. .Tlîsl hulaIt, se 1 have alose bean tld, killodeul tiseté ansi lii 'vile ansiinfanOt;,miso happenési to hé stantiiug a few pacte béhind hlm. aeui th-e ssz nsltaryý'résuit hati isire effect upon Lice mupëu-stitionu miciscf thé natives han sIl pre',loussor euho. qucaàt shofs. - Ou - gsttini ont of thé Cove vé s., two Danbes liWsidiViti -msAM16kotincnit*omuanothbr aisall cotée -- 1 vsrM1ted bmmtoadomo the lty at 'éd e r ho lie n )n .e. uýn -me la, Le un ré ah se 3s it es *utsrBoisnfr arl;does, witha full carg go f shcooks in tbhloid sud a beavy cieck'lead of mules sud slceep, put.'into thé E"ut Uiver, after hcevicg expereno- éd. a st perilons voyage. The harqné' started froua Boisomo July 10, and for thrée, doyos mIe made gcod headwey, 7withont experiencing su>' difficultiés. Thce animals on bcard were pie,,kesi ,tu. gether in. an enciosed peu. ithsUfâ. cientomom cI covasiout, antI bebween Bis pei> anthie poop wéré slaned thé biles et lian suetraw, sud wattar bar ýrets. OP thé third day, wlcéu thé Vosuet wap 'unuir fuill sal, eue oh thé sailers in paàriug the place whéré the ha>' was sitaremi droppéd a apark troua ispipé. It ignied Vie ha', tbut, as ho thonglil, the fine wse ah oncesextiniguioehed, sud -cite h adlbeén vioiattng thé nolès, lié lisi netmention t-hé circumauce: -for féar cf puishuceul. Unfesntiuatoly thé tire had net beén éntinél>' extiuguishied, but sucouldéred dnning thée flérnooti sud Ciii tise folhowiug nigil, wheu thé iusslé gavé thé alamin Ilsat thé vesse] wam ounfine. 17lié watsh was sel sud évery.presns.- tion takieu, whuic most vtgorous étiort-s %vere mades Wt iscover thé source ut' the amoke. Sévèrsi bundiés uof smonldernug lis> were tinonu - overbourd. Thé wind ns higi sud fiuinéd thé smoking cia>' inofiances, aussillmtl thé air withà zpitrks. T'elia ctle ou board hcCaie ccanîlcalhy exciteti snd for a timé thé -nen nere alimait psuic-sitnickén. 'l'h. iînhena et' thé caIlle peu wéré tise nexi tan catch fine, sud tîuis madîléned tIse stuIes suit shseép. Thé minglésl noise -'f brayinic munles anit bieatiug uehepp, le, crackiug of bnruing timb, r1'sa- lue shouîtiig of exciîed meci as tue>' iîatlsh bravél>' niti tisé fimeo, lades- iribési as bciug t'nightfulin thé extrême. .9ac> of thé mules bmoke loose ansi rau franticeilly about the déck, crt-ating - nigbltfîch contusion, Ruti ul'.imately leap. ng into thé sea. Man>' of thé slîsep rêe r asie auéaî,sud béfone Che James weru got untiercustrot thé vessèl îaîl suehainesi serions, stausagé. A sailor cs-smned ibus waa sénlnulel'bund, suit 'md'and asotlser of the nuen are now in 1ielieviiiè Haszpital. Ou thé manx.iug af thé îSth tisef(sli extesit of lbedmuagé u,) the vesei ws dissovenési, andh ltws cet, once résolusi4d t1rua for New York. Rler subséquent asivenînres illustrate tié aid ssying that miefornes saivun Conce singly. Wliéu off Fine Islandi, luI>' 20tIm, ihie unfortunate barque waî rnnt bl>'a steamer. Thé baweîîniî stud jib-boomn wero scuassesi, ans iersu lions stave in. Théessîilurs en>' thé -teamer nas crowdèd niti peuplé, aud no athémpe euas made lu reodér ny> ssistance lu thé unfortnsaate men ou board the banqué. It was wilh great tifficult>' that shé managési tu reachi ffie Est River.- -Thé Mary Bass about 800 loue; Inurden. Si. hiad Ièt her tnpmast, sud ÃŽisé nopes asue ail burnel aud thé sanvasa sises.. The yards are badh>' hurued, ansi a largeé li.wae Isarnod ini lié bow. Thé chséddissg structunea bétween tIsé foré aud main Mas, ln whicb thé' animais were coufluési, are bones ai' most le a cluden b er timnbens are sconchèsi sud thé howrprih la reducesi tu a mené stump ot wood. A A Rittec TO FÂaitmeats.-Ia'arncers ai sel aéitseoicni rannat lhé ton careful lu iutradueiug lis-d mess, or wmsen y eilhiér, foi- liaI nalter, iulo tlseiu houss a m'éyiug on tiséir houet>'. A fom mèeek ýs iga Mn. Divis oft'hie Centre Roa.h, Ïabsout tme -r *!ca sîp from o hre, lire'! a man sud s yaug mman in Toronto. î lhe man nernairsétl littie mous- tian a mccl, mien hé0 héfI, lakiug ass's>'Mn. Lt avs-i5 atliu,aiiý tlisé girl about a su-els suer Iér lft ho vie-ilBramspton, snd neyer S vsu-seceu h>' fls-m again.MNr.George aCoaltsu, ai Torontho lownsls)ip, ilaialec Oc [lui ictusu of suis1sîsed rou6téec. Ou nSabbatS hlait, wmule héansi Mmi..Conîter s-tré atte'ucitug servics aI Garduen'a r curci, is iriî'îman, mIsa hach hésîs r it fusilmucsaumeélese, look théeulpan.- etîsoit>' ut'bAing lit iiu chargé oul ts tueucse, Cc. pack op es'erytiiug l ins >' 'u i.( Coutir's clotîstng, nutlieaving iter ithé dint>' shirt mîici lie lias! eset oth, tank all théenions>'lihé muil ta>' lis fiassu da uupau, otdt ws-dstiiig rnug whiet sha.] holongesl ta hs'. Coulter's methen, sud mhuates'rels' i lie faunsecl. Tii e Jiomuelielisaruessed a sp-anut'oficisiés .u-tssch hé atisélseîl ta a luglit wsggioli, sandti lkiîg a bufisclo âin sud tise pack ist- lItt. On .î.ouclay tIse seani, scsigasi ctu baI iofaîaekiu me n asis lisseét'é L, mni Tornoe, Ibut oh thé mnansd tbue j oîiserg7oo.ia mothingis kuum.-Brasip. toit Baeusms. THE BEscHtuRitMATTsn.-Tlie sauni-I -fuir Mr'. iseieli as sérveci an aissen Ici the complaint of Frncies D. Meu' t00nli tisé cuit brouiglit b>'flint suitu B.-ecumnfot'o nalirions. prost notion Tise 1îhet'eîdaut ilésîlés alacuet eu-en>' slgaticu lu tise couaplainîéxceépe liaI t'fisavilug itjpcaréd bétons lié grand jury so501 - etil>iug ta certain crimiusai libels; a-hileS mwenéfalsé. ThéeStiswer furChuen ulétîes tlisa thé déti niaint neqiiesied' tise interîng of a nolle rosequi lu tis' ricsdichmsuît agîinst Miculiosce snd averis 1Ilsat' Beeelîer'î testtmnîs>' héforé Chié izrarcd jury mal Inné. Thé rasé miliieh tnicclinlathé fulh.- AN EXTR.ADITIONuAsr.s.-Jtii.siWai- tnn, ut' Nes' us5, misa mas Summénîherc iy France unde thue Extnsctitioss TreahJ' éewerttuhuat countîry'sud Great limitait>, on a charge af t'esugery, mas braugit befan thie Cuncron Séngearit, an tisa question prévianel>' rciseîl béforé a Mlagiebrate at Guildusal, that ie could nt héc tiéd exeeptf(sr tise oticcs fo'r mîuiclu héewaa surréndénei nuien the Trn at>'. Thé counisél for the de. féne again naisesi thé saune objection, muicdsmas field guosi, sud lise pnisostn - mas discliargesi. FRIGUTFUL IMUnuinis ON BoAs» eA Scao.1E.-Hlifax, N. S.. Ausg. 12.-- A mumulen uccummeti aI St. Jufins, Nfld., un thé Brs), on huard thé schooner Zéniith. A saihamnancé siJceph Warrena, a native ai Dublin, complaluési ut thé quaile>' ai tisé tOutsfunishéts b>'the t coul, Atjaudrn Majéntes, antI ment to th' ae'ho' cool li1101 te méat himsef, -bon Majentès thrust a kuite imb wanren'i abdiomen. Hé dietI smhile un the ma>' tu tisé aspitai. Majentés i8a i cust-osi>. A YOUNG MAN-' ]IttNEis Tro DEATi.- The dwelliug ai Bryan MeCloan, Té- eucFel, tool fine aI lImée o'chacl oui Mouds>' combeu, mile théié lsates méée sleep. HardI>' anythinit was savési. A Young man, soun ot'Mn. Ne GînanI, mas su séverel>' bluned i tht lié bas since dietI.% Thse Dnké f aimbrhidge lias issui tt entIers to tisé Bnitisis amîsu>' at soidiere' may, ou réquisition of cicilianassis# in hairvestiugopes'atious, ttpnou-iued Ijla tise employaienu tIsé hèpopulation i.nuot 'théméby intenfeme'h with." Thé permis- sien mill aisé l i thhéltl miceré sIiks on disputes betmeen farmen. and i tîsir a taborers ixiet. -"OT Wxxnuéést ie -Eu-réLÂ>D -H0f méathén eséceta maké cousin Jalci nas* r'xtrsragsnt iluis rérs-inatsusitBrother Jonathsan is sai.] ta hé. Tise Londones "","gr"sh oaithie 181hi et'Jniy, iu a humg aî aamnst the méahlss-n, décla res tisma "tîh ~ nulant Sas because ,,a a-cst 'tuidinon, mieS Ibint>' tilîhon-St. Lawc ménceus broing ou tisé bar-i,"d Muansa INuOwscN Soussu.-Tlîe hodv ofta Younugman usmesl James Moplec, sou ýwaefinud nsluthse river there. -It la Oanussmmuis ho -.... .,..,.d ..il th i.. - LIVERPOOL MARKEW the Ê>c kering Harý'or Corn- pany are now rpared to receive and storein their wàrehouses, at Frenchman's Bay, any quaxitty of-al kinds of Grain. The Company trust that by strict and upriglit deal- ing, and courteous attention, they will 'receive a large share of patronage from the general publie, and more es- pecially- from the farmers of the Townslcips of Pickering, Scarborough; Markham and Uxbridge. J.R. McOLELLAN, Pros. Pickering Harbor Go. LIVEJi'POOL MARiKET, 500,000 Bushels of Barley Wanted! The subseribe-s will be at the Liverpool mnarket about the first week in Septeniber, and wvil1 be prepared to pay 4he highest price, in cash, for any qîîantity of good Barley, deli vered at Frenchman's W. D. IMATTIIEWES, & GO, Tonon. LIVERPOOL MARKET, 500,000 Bushýels'of Barley Wanted! The subscaribers will be at the Liverpool Market about the first week iin bepteI4ber, and 1plbe prepareà' to pay he 7'ghest prico, -înî, cash, for. .ny quantity of good Barley, leivered -at Fre{3-hm - 's Bay. - contcainéni76-gosuI asues -uu--atWssuéle; 100 bdy'iigold rings, cost priée 08 each; a diamond ring vatucédas. $150 ; isdy's locket8 snd. pendants, and-'ohher arti- ce. TIasu resipt et' - th' ,-parcasi was tnuecési leMn. IRobinson, wlio p aid 84 charg*o - on il. Mr. Bro'. ha-1ud bis ssttr anncsnset, but raLlier titan biave an expogeé' hé-let ber off. Sié moon aft--r camtne-Montrés), miieis Robinson bas 1usd lier 'living lu lod-ginge. -Brao n2om seeka ho fSud sumé of Lie- 1st jeweilery. A Bnff4Io Waman Poics ned ini Ncn "York. Mre. Amelis a Lrn, t' Buffalo, whô' léft ticere, four weks u go fur New York, miti a-view of pnoeecutiug a ilivordu -sot aaine br hsbasdliedanger- outil>' II lu a boaruhing.lautsse. No. 12 Chanton -place, -aundéclare aise ias béén Isoisusnail 5>'a- momane naréd S. IL Dniggs;, Imiîi acting as. nurse-. Site gaI acquainteil ciii Mme. Drigge suethe train, anîl maa b>' hér indncéd la visin thé hanse4-, nitoeéAlesé hamé danger- ousl>' sicî, Mrs. Driggai voiuuténg ta unraé her. Sic debérminéd I titélé- grusph ho ber braîher, G. F. Waltenmsn. mien lhe nurse, heaninglier intention.s matIe usé af bireats. andi éudsavoureii ta tissil emerdoiig sPô. Butthie message mas sent. -Mn.. Lana Ucilievia Ihat uh'è"Icas been polsueai, snd lier jewélléry, not'fwhicîs she isd 610,000i worîh, la misaing. Hem brotheïr franc Buffalo arstu-es Satunîls>, sud aI onace uati&du, thé poliice, who isabjectéti Mns. Dnigr ga ta a guveré queetiening, whs-n asée confesséd that, béliiviug thé mam2an mas; gaing tu die, shé hasi iiepoaité.i thé jémeller>' lu ber own namo miti .the Stusyvessaut Safé Déposiiar.; shé tien' saudési aven thé,shpeksét'on -thé esîsie. TPhe jemeller>' cousimts ofcf olimipièces, mijichu include hwo diamonsi rings aud a goid watrîs sud cain. A son-i-l anut' -lime Dniggs bas alen beén anrested sin aü accosaplce. Mrs. Larn i-t in a very, Tus". PosOS cvMc' Sw'uNaS se- Thé nususber u'of o ffice ccicil"s hauks lu Cuida- vnscne luJné. 1868, pighit-ouue, aud lu Jnue, 1876, Ina tînolt!rescil s nd -nsué. De pclute Irn 18169 me-ne mîui bu'16,6531 ps-rés, and iitus 1876 hi'88.1647. Tishens nutmrbtrn usin lu 874, uninév 4.,329 'Th tisé arouint eýs iii în18r,91 c< $9t27,8,85 ausd la 18146 $1.626,204 Thé natal dep-îîuiîs ftis1869 lu 1876,-ihul- clusive, wmýes 493t5.Tiaýre'lIris he-ei vs 'y litué S aIing olP on séc-sîlt csf ulce ieprèsia;n. Ail slepoicite sasu- elc'at 4 t'enrcesut., sueietbs'c casuial sic spécusi!. 'Tuh slaseedue iic-sitome nttthiceunc ut' Juns, 1876,%vsu-ue82,740,952-29. EsaLLcu aY A FALL..-Ou Tnesiayladt lImée men osuresi Jas:. Penny, Jcas. Ant#iierom, and ThsomsJoîînu.ru tl l fmain tlIse casht'fthie 1cloaner -Haiu:. t Qosen. lu-lue se thé TornooFacil -A- ,cocsatiu'*s isanrf. Penn>' uns1 Ausierbes un meeébucdly iinjunei, buI Jolinsusu escp. éd almosbunhuce. slthiugli lié fall mai_ a distiacof almunt sixI>' (cet. PscT'TaasFOU RERsEVEat.-CaUlf clii1 the Oshsawa naimwhso lisspésî fis-e years ot' a ie terni lu pénitentian>' fon tIsé mut'sler oa ig wcuifé b>' dromniung lu tIse mdli racé, usay 'coru-éah lsrge again. A pétition is béiugr cincuistési askiu.g (fon hisre îae, 'éebplievd witi coueiderslîésisreCEs.-RCfOrMCr. MnI. Disraeli rbas beaun aiseul bu thé Miose ut' Lou'.is as Eau-I Beaeoufeflll. Hé la num aboeîut seeuenty-one y'anis of- asie. SinrcSIaflonsl N'isnhbte, Chuancellor of thue Exchmequer, succeeiîs Mr. Disu-suli as leadier-of tise Coentans. £18ic is ow A luox of privaIs papsîs ansi 610,100 in AliberI Gunt>' IRùi1%va>' onîls, be- Ion_niug bMr. Domuille, hsaue bei--s stolén' front bise MaiiiiBisaIout'St. Johin, huit te limblet m'ii ind ui uy iss- aul. Provision is ta-bs umadeo b>- Counres fo(u an ssese cfth Ie (onces iu casé ut an>' costingeur>' in lhi nuian constry. Shesridan urges theaisrneae oaf the cavair>' la 100 meulan èaeiîcompan>'. paris is diieCussin.pagain the prachics- hulit>' tf' uîkiug a seaporî ai ber."IL. Tué eshimaiesi eu-r-usa ai dresiginet sud straighteng tisé Salué is 30,OO00,000 frncs. Extensive bush fines arc prevailîag in NewBirunswick, ai unusclutinubens la bcbig desitroyesi. e ý1io discussiin-tuhc Britishs Panlia-7 mnent ncspectiuîg tlimqueéiaa tOf ct siton lha. eeia poitpjossed hili cext Snsbçe ipîions ans sîkéifot'on ciParie la stock iu a ncw Caille COnspasi>'tala>' a miré frac France hothe Unitesi Monuy ilu emal sunis le beitguuafon on tisé sîoreo aithé S.-'Lts oful ansa r wtîisi mas Inumu ttc Sa one ofhthué lsatieissof ohle racé of' t'tecntoaters miso evrsuedaLI ai thîr wtters ut' tisé Noït!2 Allatié' uc u-us iselleaiofftIsé SPsuich, main. Ve-r>' aid ,iles -cruws, -haiére matie tumir appéar ans-éin; Mentitrié cilie, ait hje 'uslun eàlt a pot ut cue 'isbeeu brogu ta i 5 sosusé qusarles.- A couvrutionofat peu-tans inltieed in, ePe-litug refore cr1 'ie Ilein lu N4 W Yoi-k on tuetif 1sdir. Tise>' mont ta 14heIl socle, goctgi uf asi5 osn- STisé Tai'osito Teleqrans in ils ciclil- lin if Frinisa. putuhie;lmes su11t11 lii -faic sinsihoofut'htc big Pu.]> lelser, asis everynîé icah s;ecs it ah onm'- rc0esizcs il as thé lssndtlmng oh Hôon. Gs'srge -Broiwn.- - - Il 515 pubiulme- a lesaghjy -biograpnit' héauticor. __ - Dr in erceeaUGoiden ME andtI li a;è woritéc lier case. Swcnffl!o ADvssrnec' ton- 1 imns stelle oft'hi- miug stIlventurée :-',Tl - ronsui heEstbend exei ocu-s pereous lest evén font of hac'ing nu pi bsibslu théciiy. Tis, selves la thé font (.f 'V to lianea ettissi wcm, i h nreein a anall watt n'a édité- ut tàits mere esjssyuscg tisms4* Ina nloggi Who belongi luati aiea bében talelug i tirrg tin-em i rai thé>' rés boitteCcTréelantI dry t] couacs qaience waas fehat un lrying tîofiod lié-r p eed tbem in a -puai neaeb tie doge sud a ,mire t'ram tie canines, part>' ai Isast' sould lié limplua home baret'ooti pauts bail>' spolted a bittoné,lte couses1 ti uudercloliîing, mlaicb - buudisaI luis aidé. -,' " vomi thé usîttiue t thé>' ill. bave n dog-e Atuuss THE AI'aÂs's Thé don>' "Ceotenniai" lie, Pembrokteesiré, l'd frpovisions;, an. for: Lic'erpohl. Jahltua thé "Centenuisi" suas durnug the voyage but riglitîia hey- iid Dceaih krged 5( -c r" PRINGLE.-&t Wh 'dArgust, thé nife ut'] e ayai hetel, et a daugi CLEARWATER.- -on thé 20Lh- Jul>', thé a Clésrwstsr, uf a son. - SLI1GHITIÃ"LM.- 'ithé luth lusl., thie .ýu-l SIéighliolm, oh a dang- WHITBY M2 SSpring -Wbeat.... Ï 'Clover .............. Timothy............ B liack Eye Peas... Bye................ Oatu................ Hey ..... e........... Putatues -....... Eggq ............. Buller............... Goal, pet ton .... Wood .............. . -Pon, petrwt .. Chickens........... Dsacka petr n....... Tscrksys, pet lb .... Apple, pen bombi .. choéee....... ... Woil ............... 'B JeI, ind iqucuaen ... --~Beéf, lors. quarter.., SShepekios...... -"owias ......... Ttrinnpa ....... .........st.... 'lonola ..... c iitars...... Merchacuta,.... Consuusemcé ...... . . Stsiniet. lImpérial ........ County 6 per cent. Débet Townhip1 . & August 6th, 18W>l. TaauxNTo, As.î v PU Wiseat .. j~ SpÏng %ieat ... .ccec ...è..... Oste....... -rI Park .......... - Butcter ....... .- C Apples ........ of the ilainrel iawes ý openatians of digeihlas and iv a carefai ssspli o rpnhé f wèal-eemèet ~ as providéd oor'hréak délicatel>' lavcmèd bevi 3ave uni many!ieevY stuc -g b>' thé jrssitione use ofis -v hah a constitution -May - np usatil sCrong érfsugh t4 - déucy to diséasé. Huud dies are lansaround wienever Ibère s a mek escape n &ai MWs fela sevsmei l ortified milhu lirprly -uousrleled franx - Gezzetf s. Sojadlus PIcS. ansd lb.,iabeaed,-,hal 'HouSoa usîbjuChèinuste Streut, asudi170, Pimeaiu 'IIBRIGHT'S Pl J.3MULTITUDES 0F I - lesaiy siafenisse irons Del r Livè5' Complaints, Dép. litofclmaudiai, Tiuuitli tuci ut aniegf, Sigit aj c~ Oe, Wsuni ohenure'cl -aas ue ailays Il Imit cnenl, imparte neu eues enféeblesi coa-ssituoSl even>' stage ut thèse blîli tIer-signalelilés. Se -anid Drugitcsts thimonchou bhase ;of ch cssrefui ta ,hta Gaver Dr. Bright's creous ud e-i v'a or. thé b radi Mark AGETNS.- îith9ark St Tas B'ACE tFOR TH U Qu-Su aCUP.- Thse first outtie racsif(tr tise Qnesu's Cup. w gailsstIy won hy thé AmLenésa, has resultëd inluthe defoat ai lié Cens. uian rspnmssntatice. thé Cusaissofn Duflenin, b>' il mintes ai 59 seconds. Tisugi beatés absc is b>' numi-ans cils- gracéd, sind liast, in f(sut, made- a mnnb b-tten figlit of iltîshan mies antieipahéd. For a nè houtaIsu a sîrange une, to hé onsly Iséaten b>'ashunt 12-minutes b>' tIse crack yacht of onéofuth e laigest clubs, oc'ér a course pérfecth>' familiar ta ber crpws, aud ulCeni>' strangé ta thé C'outess'e, is no bad tiéating. Thé Madeleine, ton, bil ia meil-traiuesi cm, wmule thé Connîtes dues not Sp' pean ta havé béen "en>' welIl iansihed. Thé Madelc-ine aleo m-on tisé second race osa Satuncta>', heating thé Caunlesg lv airant tweuty.eigbt eminutée, iluus siunnlg Chu rup. 1GRAND PRtoaRYOr CANAD.-At lIse firet mcetingut tue body> undthe ts marrant issuéti b>' H.R. H. tié Prince ot' walius, hélsinluthé Cil>' ouiMlatrcai on Thursisa-', thse 10h inst.Cnt. IV. J. MrcLeoeh Maure presisjiiug, thé folîumlug uthéaers wené slertech -Cou. W. J. MC- Leood Manne, 33e, Toronta, Grand Pniiir; _S. B. Harman, 1le.n Grand Sub- Prior ; Daiiiel Spn>'. 820, Toronîto, Grand Chancellor-; F. J. Menet, 820,, Toronto, Grand Conctatcle ;-J. Grtsi-a. it-Id. Kincistan. Grand Mieneciai ;Ed-un Kensp, Monti-àési, Granl its_-gisuan ; J. K. Kerr, 3dus, Tornîmto, 'Granu Suli. Prier, Centre Ontario; JmsSymaeîn, St. Calhsarnue, Grand Snb-Pniar, Wes- -- 4-*ý -

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