Whitby Chronicle, 17 Aug 1876, p. 4

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[L atts azva 4oos, te celpt of six - Centut ortfVo IUTGMAN & oý eeetatarons. Pil 8 teîend ,zde fPa cent4,= eedor no charge e, o iasnrnotf on. Âbencyita opration asa e-*.- KN1IY G1LST, Mechanical Englieer, Otitavao Piada. ,an4 Daranghteman. olirPae5 L L' SIjjNS£EIj ALICTIONEER ES TA TE COLUMN, ' The eiuudersigued bas lanstructions to offer fur sale tlao following pro. L lirIck 1101ie0, ito'sy.n d.a.haion Da7allaiai Contre "srast, tilaquarte 2. rý1 BrlitHa.iua Tire Starcr.-isara anl af t wîarqaars acre-n eeiy lali mat,'- iL ud.ornaMonatîRtare, (JC'ntre i.Fritais Dwollng-stedl oand v,,ood-' ,,Ilid, io:ily to aoem o lad, f<nantL Al l isa ilas e Opeetias are desia'abiy éltaatud, astd sales casai buaetctation ver)' loir terme i y s aaaaaali payanent et catli and 011 liane to lsuit vnveaia»ou cf purcRiaser. M 1TUB, COOIITY CO! 0NTAM50 AND orwnk tMarlposa & Cantwrigbt, B IGS to tlsaik hie Massy frena anl tise IJ uble meraly or he bi rptron. «e bntgoý M duingtihe pat four, 13 lag owgWbum up tisa buseIness ci, asiliff, IiutenU,.in la lature, te .4svote my whlols liane te tihe ça'staeeet .f sAiLouesr, aasfiatteettiaSa te bu aness, ga-ve <nu îAtliaug.tio eMIl Who mqrav~or me ivith 'haitsales or cbleéstmg.. BiUs dranghisean sd eln ots« furnlah- ed rasetf caapg. M ise Bil taaepm alwAyseposn3h Arranjementis co eaubt qfXe sase &c st thie naaca.ffcW1iI ; Oboarser OlUce Prince Aert, anMethe tie analrud Prb.te Abert, &.-pt. 24t1a, 187. n5 JOHIN t. WÂTKIS, 4UC-TIONER, &oi., &o.I Laudia, Cottmntaois,aa ad gaa0's A1n, La.uaîvRùSar I rI~.îîO OUUT, OF'1ICfE-Dundas St., Whitby. P ORT WJll»TBY AND POlRT P1BUU IMENSUILENN 5 Tma.s alect un Maima, la,ay 8t01, 1876. TIriita» rasai ly T'aaaîoto iitau, wiili isue- tytvbiiii te i tiualfi .T. .tl a Nu ko. No,. an. WIatb.a ac. ,, alap . ttàaa.. i, .107paie. Myfa............ 7liS2 l'- .'aa' , ... . 8o 1a 7 60t . a........ >.0 ' l P!ttya'ttta..... ........'tl .1' Wht'aatlha.........i..'7.00 tIt a,5 Whiths . xii. 7.J5 aIlA.0o'..4 lJsuaîagatWlatby J notia» ititise ILaaat t la iaa, k l au>'» t.-aa at.'aa>C 'aj it bi itig1u tt U >braaaaal Q111 ttcasaasra lu> 1'ia t 1.salieta>.iaat'fal >oiaaur>s ecsort. JAMB110 ICLDEN, ý,'NS1ON j4QJ>. S E, COR)nNER INd i>uAXas TOUS tY i., TOIlNiO ~ - . NiAIO. W M., KELLY, l>RORIETOR. 'tuas lit,l b iiaitiata<lin tlhescenral ipar. f i»> atf tisa>ci".caaalmaieut te tue vtioeit>aa oîaslsi>liselisr,>'aalaublie blinljge, sisltfar mttt i;astatiuus. Ticle uaase has e a ',aiat"tt.a alv ailataaauaalaaatyla', qai iaai -' aaay itaiI au> laaîae lau lice l.saaitcioat. Tics i>,lraosanas u aa>ailisit,'r i i l t'. arge' and> tait', andtailihait, mitary roi"î'latioatitars thoIa'g.a AcatIlaaat'a.,atataaa. a» lt la>' tiii, ; .aat >talnu itatt .f aci> raît 'las factita>i O >>ttaetiauao f trata ri rving b>' * tIalI tue ttLa atai i taîîaand alst ai asete t'aatun.ay wthiat.a a aathe a1(tadl oharves an_ leasyl PE DA. 'l'ît&als.iî iVil la> j»iatasetll.îch (Isit. titi 'ý411til lt, a - hoJli srt a> fttentY. N \ZîSJ --L--Alb0R Xal O3ilinT, IM )Yogo St I vilvaytt aî C Ht A M .'a Si Isv and Ptt doyn la tise bat, style. jAs. a. SAMO0 C. .G BZTWEi<1 'rtgADAY i F»Oshawat 8 -, maip.a ID a a.,aad1, .,i e Cr i' 'OC thei i. asud st pr'a as ler Artf a laille ms w.gsiti b. Wlsitby rt 1erry-a, a'>v, ua sIthiongis. tff ai'VWlity -TIIOS. ROPPUR. Y, MAtch ts17. ' 1.1 lsnene isa e lias romevs4 te King t. a etioru Ferry'. WH IT13Y MACHINE WOIlKa9l (L.'aTE caxx'rON'sl- 13RIOCHI STREET, WIIIT13I. TIsa aualrsigmed lacgs ta>intairatu stafrai. &rd ofth tliasiarraaaamaing country', tiha ieliais 'at atack a lreacrtneet et Cutting Iliases, Cleannat, Tiarnjarill Hu0. Iaks W'aaaguaa, seigle, C arts. "aiiaag !Milso, NeclaYalacs, WliitUl.Trac:,, > WlitltaarouB. hîîpat.riaag of al lalidait axac'at.e.d witis aaaintacnial doatcis. .. TROMIAS MeCANN. lirook.st. Wlitly, XAprii 4tta, 1570. 5y.15 1)OMUXION ILOUJi &-> FED STORE. CHIARLESI PE NNYLEGION 13tga tu luii!y li., faai4ni aaRd cuastucru tuit liea ti uowîrcpared ta> aapîly E'aaal aatirdFat't.t4i'dieta l3ot Qiîtuity, - a£t tàc lutait living îaa>1cu. luiŽ, Potza, ClopFcsd, Brana, Slicarto, tlst. icacas, Craaclad SVIcat, l'cas,>Uats, lPo. .intou.'. &c., etWliaolcaasaeaadiietaall. CTacca.,aar l die <lc'C/araajal fais'Ceush. AÙth lita)uzaSaa",a lfaUrca>] Fusai Store, :raaaaylavta31ckj, l'.ta,.DundacaStraeet, C IUAII SENNYLItGION. Wl 2lyAaI iil, 111711. 18 VAISE s AND'TIIUNES. LEATHEII VALISES S.MR4TOGA TRUNKS, t WIL L IMT Il NXl'S0N'S, Jura» 14. 5 4l t THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY' D)r Befora TaknGjî' afe .lti0 SPJiCFIC EDICNJI1 tites ta 70ua"'ataa aiua ' D1caac 13m ii. aiYc R. 'a> t'ta t'. , actWIrit >0»»in l Oi "iJ,! aa'a arlioi 't 1vovrctilulgat-tc Ilit>' t' lkl tiacacu oaa>] aluuihuie cî.litta liS thia l»polt'c ýtiaaitiIaailit cia»>, cuî(latla' rt'cnautaantcad tas auantt'ma aa <.'a.r iMat. 'Ctt'ju;. tr"a'caaaax. aiit'Tla'>tt'abtaiti i>disa selt lacat faiaaaw asts ~a licquaî ea1ofSl A17a'4an.as Lü.05, car SI>saîaa, 'svtaS'.s 1 î'acr lA';es' a'. aA>Csa-to. l'ataass oia 'Fi'uua, 'iit- sudanitac A» sol aaay UUtIÏIîaI' LEHC'at thait ileta aistt;Aaa>TY r t'a' tSaUst'raOs' ltait l>iabftvtat' Itasea', al ailictsîcta. t u raio tir lra salata>]ta divltaaa ruitait, a îtit t naatur' e, an mc tsiotos1u.-,. 'rata ttpoci li Malicinte leOtie raasuat of a lits saucy le aî-IU&tiy esars ti oc'>psrsma c lut1210'. biag ahosa ni >naalt,. 1- c ruslaxiIrttO.aliii 0111, aas.,saîaitlct. .tyk;-ltsteiî tirc'lat>la rce l'y aali ea' as, Uic,. 'litatt>a',laa tiicta,, 1'> >od iy P-a1Pat- Miaaaa>i. .5 ;M 'or a o.tut.tr at'.a.saamoOtfor ;.5 or vii tet.aaucla> waîil an rect of illtae iauiuy. >iy a','5ia G>r.a.s RAY' &CO., Wtalur, tOnt. Lc- ittaat Wil', àSy as. w ta.i5mi». ,Jusi, DI-11ace aeÉLUta arusciý,sta.'clati &- AnLynitan. Ttresato, saisloaaluagienats. 7 M"AA LARDS FOR SALE 1 .Lot t2 la ilah comeastion, 200 acres. South-hall ot lot 13, lu lIts ceecessie, lm1 acese.Aout six nsils. rons Aliserl>' Etil. way station. i Whcltby. MDAND RAILWÂY OP' C4IIADA. T-I M-E - T àADL E G'lm'g North ÉtrousPort Hope to'idâaY- Beavttem'andQl.a ffail .... 10 10a.nus»Mixeai ,3.25 P. os. Go-gNri ,Peteeluoro' & Lakefleld. 'al,..1255] p.m. 1 Mîxed .. .... meterbore' sud Port Hope. d'oluuss, Sentisrom LslaafigIti. Mixd ....4:45 a. x.IMall... '0pm. Oonneats witJ tbe N EslUry. to Important, to the BRUNTON'S RHEUMATIC ABSOSEBTr RELIEVES THE PATIENT FROM PAIN ýIN 'A FEW HOUR8, AND NEYER FAILS. Rheîiglaatiom.is a poisoning of the blood froiri acids acti>ng onand cuntsracting tise musceos, and -giving intense sufférinsg. It bftigs li tise tonach froin lImpaîred1 Digestion. -Tise aêti-Ve prièiple of -this discovOry is to Absorb the Poisonous Acrid Aoid by Outward Application. It'is -omposed ntiely of, vegetable subs tances, and has, nover been usedl béfe>. tie prés>ent p'opmpiétor appliid'it.. Proass ùtise ntn 61 o>thé disease oet Rheuaxatisns, and'tise PecuHlar Pro- pt'e éf tbis Beanedy, it i. an impoesibiity iliat il oan failinl Beliving tise Paî1ç'nt fiocs pnlas in a few houes whmn applied s direeteti. Tihor. is a dîstinctive feature Ilu R as conspared withs iler Patent bledicines. Almosi ail ailiers profes .ta cure a variety cf cieaspe. Thse peoprietor only' claimse tiat lis remedy willjr'elieve-the Patient froua Pain from- bheuaatisas, anud tisat it i. thc oniy remecl> (by ontward application) known to Science tisai wili do se. This preparatien is guaraaateed te remette Rheasnsatlc -Pains in a few heursoci thse mnoy refutadeal. fýý Prices 5Oepar Boutle. Solti wiolesaie andl Retaill 1'Wbitby, June 6tb, 1876. F-1RO0'BONOà GRAND BONA S. W- B- SMITH. Corner Brock aild Duaidas Ste., Whitby- PUBLICO FIDE SALE. H-amilton& We Co's. ANN JAL CASHf SALE. offer our large and choice stock OF SEASONÀBLE DRY GOOi)S, MILLJNERY, AND'CLOTIHIJNG, AT THE VERY LQWEST LIVING PRICES. GROCERIES A ND LIQUORS, To SUIT THE TIMES. Whitby, Aîsril 2Uti; 1870. 18 .3IEB-CHANT 'A ILORBINTG. J UST RECEIVED Ail kinds of Spriiag GooIIS, inchuding English, Scotch, and Camadian Tweeds, Worsted Goods, FaucY' 'Vestingsp 3pCeh, Doeskins, &c., &c. Y GOOD TWEED SUITS AT $15 Brea;k Steeat, W%ýhitby, May ist, 1876. A. & J. R. PRINGLE, Mercisast Tailor(s. 19 OEJIVBJ D L EWIS rMr, AL L, 1N" ' BOOK AND) MUSIC STORE, large and weIl asserteed stock of Room Paper and Win- dew Jlincis, ivhich hie is prepared te seli at the loeet rates. 1 A. spleildid assortment of stationery, New lqiacllaneous 13ooks beaaa:.tifiily bouud, aU kinâd of Seblool Books. Violius ts>nd Concertinas~. Sivillg achusss-best inakers. Large and Isew aaast'rtmgnt of bc4st CcaId and Silver \Vatcises and OChbains 0o band. 'Wool and 1acy dellartaneat complete. Ail oiIeiTa for E lglish asind Aiericat Periodifls and Newspape)rîisqLtl ild Wc are now iii a position to supply Prize Books for Sclaools at haif p mni.ad we feel tlaat-ive ean give good satisfaction. 'Soliciting ordresr, & LEWIS ALLUN. W'itby, April Mb,1, 1876. 1 G E NT'S CLOTHING AND ' F 1 JRNJSIIING GO.OD-S Foi' Superior Clothing..sqe4ýa1e for Sunaîner wvear try. the Clothing* Store and M éréhant Tail- ering establisument of 1 OE-I IS FlM EZRC3-TX8Oý 1 1, DUNDAS -STREET, WJ5ITBY. A GOOD ýFIT AND STYLISH OUT WAlilANTED!1 Gent's Furnishirig G'oods of ail kincls, incluiding Shiirts, Rats illsd caps,4 nUmrBa, &., 'Whiitby, July 27th, 1875. tf-6i CH O/CLE WINL8 &,,PUJRE L!QUQII6 at WH OLE SALE ad I1iTMIL to suit ltho UNUSUÀLLY LOW PHICES. PR EDJE R K-NEALE'LS BIMOfl SrXREET, OS'HA.WA. AGÉNTIFR j&v ,BRO.~ PRICE 0F .RGANSoi O)rgane anÙd Melodeon- Organe a.'t greatly réeduç,e dýpi e s,ý for Cash Or Note Payable ins October aext. Call at the "ORGA.N FACTORY', and examine our stock. Also Second.hand Organs and Melodeoasat very low piices. TuIE 1MtUIYGE &YARWOO1CNY'G. Co. Whitby, May 15th, 1876. ELGIN ! ELGIN!! EGI1N ! ! ! PC- Thse ffinest, best, and cheapest Watches made, for the mo- ney, are thc ELGIN WATCHES, whichi can bc bad at Taylor & 'Bar. nard's, ini every grade, botb lin Gold miol Silver, Ladies' anad Genits sizes. Al.so a large stock of Easghish and Swis.4 WXtcbes always on biaud. Clocks. Jdwellery, SilverWare, and Fancy Goodasti suit- cvery taste ud pooket. RIlaeusbcr thse pl'cce-aaxt door ta> Gross MaeNaeltan's, Hardware Mercliants, l3rock Street, Wbitby. FURNITUIRE t rFURNITURE! Now is the time to buy good and eheap Furniture. I{avting bought ought the busiie.s ately carried on by James H. Saint, Nwe tache tiais opportunity of la'>itiig bis maaay frieuds to give us a ccqfl, aaad ne c:aa assure all that we are prepared to (Io as -well h)y tbam is-the future, as Mr. Satane bas doinc in the pa!st.: TILL & JOHNSTON. Oi'ders by miail proniptly attended to. UNDEBRTAKING.- The only first-. class ]EFtablashmneat in ithe Couunty 'vbere fu nerals* are fuily aspplieit. TILL & JOHNSTON. SWbil.by, Octeber lît, 1878. 40- ly LIST 0F 4 AIJCTIONEERS Licenscd for Soiitli Riding of Ontaria, North Itiding of Ontario, and, separate Municipalities in tise latter. Nesas. Donad Ia fls ... E. I. CaamTon.... C. Majore .. 'Donaald eat T. Hi. islsis... Wm. Qorahin .. James Digby>' Jr. James IBila>', Jr..: Joint1i.L Watli.... J. C. Pilke>'... W. Mt. willCe...... C. Wilaao.......... Thsomas Tuiker ... Dan.Witli... -t. M. Pattersan.. L. Ftairbak....... Donald Ios Rlai Boit-ou... Jelcna>.n Povu. ôGacwa. .. Tiserais...... lisiaveaton.. Asihbuana... Thairala. Ssn>dlatud. C'aaremoint ... l'ortPea'ry.. l'art hnu'y .. Port ParaI'... Leasakdalte.. Troanto ... markisiaio. . Bltaensîngtua .... Atistri>'. Village Uxialge MUaaICaaý'.aar Somtls.Bidmg .. Mir'a........... à....... 'Sentis Rlding.. Tisorui....... do...... ...... llroank............. South lIiiig ....... Uxbriaîgse .......... Northu îîiaiimg. NaoraisRideg .. Scotti............ Nordh Ritlistg. Sentlishidin,,. Sentis Otaine:.... ilrock .......... ltrock ..........:« Uxbidage ... .: 1LIST- 0F PEDLFJRS 1FORTH-E CO0 Jolu Car . .. James Ilriggis.. A. C. IHo band] lainas Blachirll.... Foite MeQovr.. . JeionOiligais .. Duffet lras Duffett 'rn Gev. Burtai... 00ll%%... .. .. du, .. Osswa ........ Nen.howail't an foot....... 1 houe..... 1 liorse, Coant>'... le hores, Coenty... 2 isareca, Count>... I iatsa, Cent>'.. Jacue 28, 1876. i3apI. 20, 11176. 22, S87fi. <t29, 1876. ()et. lad, 1876. is, 187c>. s1, tP76. Il9, 1170. Out. astis, t876. Oct. 'Jalai, 1876. Oral. îth, 1878. Oct. 281tli, i8761, Nov. Iltis, 1876. Nov. 2lnd, 1876. Dcc. otnai oc. Dac. 155h, 1876. Jaila. 2ulth, 1877. Jais. 205hi, 1877. Feb',2 2nd, 18177. r Mral 11, 177. Mur. 10111, 1877. Mar. lc, 1877. Mar. liai, 1877. * O,,NTAIJO. -21.1. April, 1876. 8di' Ms>, 1878, 15bDec. 1,8761. 141h Dec. 18716. l5th Dec. 18171. * 13h Dec. 1876. 20t4 - an. 18177. 2lst>'M r1877. i tAps'55, t877. WM. LAINOX, Co. Treasurer. Wisitlsy, Aprii 4th, 18761. FASI-JONABLE TPAIP-LORIN Go where you eau get a Well-fitting Garment :-To the GEORGE _GURLEY,1 OSHAW .A. SUPERJOIR CUTITING SHAPES ÉE OR A Large i3tock of "inu Clothas; bs :L1hsJothisý usda Tweeds. p- Excellent Overcoatiugsaiia ple.4id'e*tX&tSS good fit earanted. King Street, Oshawa. JIT~T ~ PLACE 1' BOTec OÂE.B1Qx>TWnt IT'BY CIJIN Have jut recei'ved the'largeet, best assorted, and cheapest st6 o ro kry and- GlasswËare e'ver offered in Whiliby. JasChina, Stone and Faascy Tes Sets. In China -ana, Fsascy Pliner ;'Sets. Li China, 'Stoie aasd Fauey Toilet. Sets. In, Par1ouir, Table -and'Bedaroom Lampe-. In Gls-Fruite Cakee aud-Trle Dishes. Ln Goblets,1 Tumblers, and Wino- Glasses. Ins Table Sets-AUinl New Patterns.* F ANOY GOQO-D F O'R' PRAE.SE NTS, In Caps, 6'auèels6, Mugs, Vases, Toys, &c. c Graso Ný & SpAnuiLL have ail kindas of Cisoice Faissly Groceries, Dest Tean, Tobacco, sud ail kinds of Faucy Pipes, Hams, Bacon, Lard. 'Dysters of tise buate brands alwayseon hanal. Thse -Iigist maýket price paid lu cash for any cjuautity of Good Dressed Regs, Oato, Small Pcaiie, Mlarrowfat Pense, &c. At GIBSOIN&SPYELS Whiitby, Dec. 15tis, 1874. 51 WL LIA M TIL'L Y's CABINET FAOTORY AND, -FUFRNITURE WAREROOMS. I THE OLO STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBY, Go where you cannot fail to -be pleased in making selections of goed fuirniture. Splendid Parleur, Drawving Room and Bedroom. Sets, New Des gus 'iveil wertisy of inspection. at astcuisbing lew prices. Pin- iug.rooeu Extension01 Tathîes-a very superior article. Gilt cormices, Picture Framitcg in overy style. Sossse finle chromsos sud Eu1,geavags for gale. Ins aIl ils -branches funiarals fully smjplied, A stock ef elegeut cashets. Colhlns.always on band, trimed*tc suit Caetomers, and a well appointedl Hearse constantly in readineais. 1Whitl>y, Nevemiser 241hi, 1875. WM. TILL. DOMINION OIRGAN CQ'S IMPýItOV7E1ANI) IEMODELLED CA B/NET A ND COMB/NA T/ON mP Ths Company bas recentlv beera re-oriy-anized byi the addition of tlire of the mort practical mna frona the Factory of Cloaagh & Warren', Orgaai Co., Detroit, Micia.. ùcri tak-iug a ative part ins lis owas patticular departraseut, and aire nasw maaasfactarinq aaa Orai-ain aQUAI. and iaa many points su5'nEao, teanay ianaufactureil in tlae Unit&.i States oar Canrada. We takle pliaarp ila anouaiciaae to-ilur custornprs and tka triade generally liaat we have Fecasaca the riglat te manuafacture anad use, in the Domiinion of eau- aLda, tise celebratoal SCRIBNER PATENT QUJALIFYING TUBES, secuacal by Lettrs Patent jasthae United Stajip, Euglan4 andl Canada. By a-neans of this -invention ean orgean contaiasiag two or thice sets of reeda becomes ,qal1in voalame andi powera, andl far Saîperior in Quality and Brilliançy of Toue te an orainary recal argan salix or riffaat reecis. L Oaur ceiehratal "Vox Calisto," "Vox Huma," Wilccax Patent "Octave Coupler," "*Clelo" or "Cai-e" oipai, "Jîugic r,""Dticet," "IAbîmie," ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMEI4TS, eau lie obtaineai only tn these orzaas. Twouty-tlve Differcsst Style> fer the Parlit'anad tihe CGisanha, cf tbe beïst saiaterial anad wocrlt11alflhip I! 1zQUALITY AND VOLUME OF? TONE UNEQUA.LLED. . PRJCES-$50 TO 381,000J. Faetory and Wara'roane, Cor. 'tempera'» su d Wellington Staa, Bowuanvihle. Agcents wauted lu Every (2oluotyv. Scnd for Pr-ice List. Adairess, DOMINION OIGAN CO., Boruanvile, Ont. Gencral Agents for Canada fWrthe I«Celtbratçd" Bradbury Piano. Bowtnanvilke, March '2Stla, 1876.' 14 Cheap Harness,. Trunks, W h/ps and Lashes, WVsitby, 1515 iliastani, 1876. I desise ta eauli e attention of the publie to the fait tisat atot olime dtaring lias p*snt tira ycarés iia.zaa I beau able tae ffer Marnes. of ail descriptions ait as loir a puice as 1 eau liais Spriaîg. Miy expencesi beiiag lîght 1Ijeau do il. Ne moe styliali or licIter Hiarnegs made in titi Count>'. Cash purcisasers i ii final special indieamuîs-.sati5 V'naia 1 ama afîgi. Cail anal inépet.l hlespectfnuly -yenrs, 1l' ' lepaiiig>.doue 'reacouaably. llea.a isotie-Seceucd Harnese Slaop Sonths, next le Gross's Hardware Store, Brock Street. Established Tiocittaî leicr8 ega>. 12 John ston's 8e/f - Raking BReaper. AWARDED. THE. FIRýST PRIZE. At thec Provincial E xn 1iliition, To'ror-to,,in 1870. Wef oôf er -te oui- eustoerers or lise comning HItArvc;st, two dis- tincLt Machines, whiclsia yenisd cessructios, ensbrae the latest andý most, useful iniprovemeints ol the day., Th .unhverrni success of this Machinie, Lothin ri losely coiitest-. ed triilà tcd ïin the iianois of lise furîie's, wairraians %,:,. asi'g lisait. aea îtSali-RaiL- mrieRàfl s nc nn ei lfits mors. gnon!poienna anti legs tiefeetai. anti las met 1à1 iüor idcies! Ad 188iai]aiir, 0liînlîcretofore .offered etoi té ibu blic.ý -CAYUGA -JUNIOR' MGWER'I ç.ewere awvarded the First Prize and !)anloa. at the Previn I hm Piano l iIs Uant, of wonaarful powre, ai' melodieus.li toue, A LFRED H. PEÂSE, Rocheaster. 1 iras fally ceuvinceal tisait the Mathusbuk iras tisa érown'ot aILH. BELLkOK. .Myoidtuear who lws taken cars of =y> pmuoote put fen. yeais saysa ta thé io.10 Oecsetrsljis teeived <rom yonis tise taet made and i txet instrument i tht, City. lore &C., D. M. 56MErtVILB Clevelandi, o. Elan Street W. M. Seiseol, Toronto. Wýe bave great pleaunes ln atating tisatjas au instrument te iead tise singiun SuSan. day Seisooi, netising eau excel it. Tise tons is soit ana flali. Tise-bus le grand, and wiscu 8M0voiceare singissg tcgetise, the piano eau lie distinctly lasard. Evar>'noe rings ovu sclear as, s bell. S. J. HUNTER, Pastor, WARRING XENNE DY, Sept., SAMTEL FRISBT, Musialel Cnd'cr. satisfaction. REV. J.'BE-EDfl, ari. Hampton, Jeu. aSt, 1876. ME.,J. IIEESE, It adforaisome gr'aat plamre Sm acirkoowlcalginsg tise entire stisfactioan, assd biçi appreciation coftise Ne. 9 Matissa. shek Piano purchasacaifeus yon e.tew <lays since. Very respeeulfla * EuuiBkillcu, Ont., Jan. 151h, 1878. PROF. J. IIEESE, Dr,&Yt Sua . Thse Mediumn Mallinsler.- ire gelheom you givea entiresastisation ia aver>'repectt. 'I cai taadesitatingly récem. menaililt tu l ildciîuga goot Mue 'PtrD STEWA CiurT s Pset ofPrcabyteian urh Oshawa; Jan. 2Sral, 1876. PROF. hERSE, DsAa Sua, I bave leund tise Matsa- shek as a yen representea it-a first'c5ai piano. Maiay musiriaus bava leleai il,-ana pronoun'ea it lexcellent. Recapectfull>', -MES.;1B. MITCHEL. MR .REEHampton, Fais. let, 1876. - Tise Mathnesek Piano I pair. -chuai dfree yeu lbas given sotire atlaa- tien aud provep itsil a sureor intrunat lu cveryrsect. 1 would recemmendaU 1 te ses tisa Mattaashph- befor re lauin eusavisera. Tonre, &o,, H T. PRILLIPS. Emnislien. Jani. 2itb, 18,16. PROF. J. BEE SE, Eaaiapton, . Dat Sig, I bave nanci picatauro in addiog My testiusooy te tise mny 'ynu bave alrcsdy -received in a ar et tise we55 aneriteai Msth-sek Piano pur- chassai<rom yen rt'cently.- I amrn ir aIttis.. fied 'ailis it iin u ver>' respect,, anti eonnid- er, for beauty aimidainue, SEin usurpsasai b>' ais> instrunment I lsa:îe yet scen., S. C. HILLTEII, M. D. FULL AGÈAFFE, 7-OCTAVE FROM $300 PIAN OS <rom other reiable makairs at. boctta,,, paicea. W'ioicsala agents for tise Dominion af Canneasafor tise PRINCE QIIGANS. Agents wanted in. ever>' City, Teira anal Count>' Sutisa-Dominion. NOIUIIS & SOPEIR, 8 Aalelaide-St. East, Toronto, -SOLE AGENTS-. JOSEPH BEESE, HAMPTON. agent in Ilsrlington, Wisitisy.auna Cart- wrigit.' .7 A CARD. Te al wise-are safering frin tise errera anal iaadiseretions of youuis, marrons iral- ocam, cari>' dccay, lores et manisoa1 i,'wli Remai a raiceipatAast ii cure yon, FREB CaF CHARGE. Tiss grent rainai>' ias diecovcrea b>' a minsiener>' in Sentis Amer.- tes. Semdai sself-acdaessed envelopq te tise hav JosErsa T. IzcsANs, Statione D, lblc HýOUas, Non YOrk Ji . 27. I{OUSE. LOT, ANDI BLACKSMITH At Asisbarri, ln 'tise Ttownsiup of Wisitby,- Cant>' Onrio.-Cxasfortable Dwelllng li storie, atone celitur, -pump, &c., -a'thbablf an acre woIt patanteal vicia good fruil trais. Aise Biacnsiti sShop on .dia lot, S8±80, 8 Fre.anal3 s tet oTools, Herse Power, Tur=.s Lactisi, Vertical anal Grindatona, Anal tisce tîifferent pressesftee maling moulal-boarale, aui»]ome BoIt Cutter. Aie itti acres oet lan iacr es eièerd,. Soutis.lalt lot 2, Ilts coneesieu Merus; withir jmilsetofscisoi isonse A c-baie lot, setileal ail tîrounalSt. TERMS of sale vair>' libers]. Part efthtie purcitase mona>'fethtie Aibmor prepeet>' viii bo. alowtdalte réemain on mortgage.A good bargain eau -b.e btaineifortee aai>' cah pl oýJAMES -WALKEE, Asisbais, P. 0. JUDOe 131h, 1671. 1- Two Patent.Rigists ftatesamanufactuare eftw tirfe thescafliog plongise'et the ceunir>' for sale. Agents Waute an eae>' Townslaip lu Ontario to ellalIe famons Prize Medal01rgan Mansufactur- cd by tlias Ssitb Arnericon Organ Ce. andi George. Steek andl Co.'a Pianos. Special -indueceneuf s viii be giveai te firat-cleais agents aue clubs of tlarsa ce four ý.'Gising te purcîitse. Any nuai-ber cf testimonial$ in favor cf tl'oee firsi-ciage organe con ba' furuiîia. si], but as lie>'aire sée widely lanow- great nunba.rs iavingbaen seldtsrig5- eut tiaeDeoiuion analeisavinggv'sa satis- faction in every itance- Ne11 testianolai- ai isowever flattaaring can ada te ithu& repnitatfti. The Steck Piano Co,, ra'ceived thse enly go]ll medal aiardeait l3l 'y eXl lb. Chairceereqnirtsg- organe wiillie libershiy deult ailli. Style b2, S'niti Asserian, ira- wculd eail attention to s being eapeeis]iy adaptealfor <chsreha5 *jd smusial qualities a- =nusrPuB5- ad. Tse 91781d 'Organ stoWp iq's ,player facilities fer sériou na4spl4tlid rirtthiFs tcp ean u n» o aa de 810IV l'çinresse the volume of toise frùi - aisliper oaie udd'iny iieing fort il l ltse jIffirr ft tiseinstrnuentinlu 'biaret_ cf iseruony. Pianos anti Organe fueniabd wal ilbi- 1. E. PAE, 3 AERRST I'golicitd Notary 'Pul dlison'. lite, ton, BrOck, LY M 414 ARISI rn1 Sretlai1 1)ARBIISI Wh iter. Sea Ti TN c 'sU -yron OFFex-1 M'm. Mtr] W'itby,eve 'ide Gas's- traction oft, Lodal aumst5 an's néw taic RigStet AGENT >of Jonathan L audJ large quant: -i staniiy.on Sa H.E - Clerk Di 4thesrlv çI Witl, Sej ROBT. B 0 IRv Gý -A- IIT S - ý Z.L

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