Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1876, p. 1

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Tu lu W., enat»e, rlins,el Bu8ine888 Direotory., Oe4TARIOfBANK, WHITýBY BRANOS, THOXAS DOW,' WIITBY KGEN"-Y# H. B. TAYLOR, i.J. 1IACDONEBLL, rangements f0? ipeeills rZoT<f on.'Mr. c &ineroln, Q.0., and Dr. MOMIebsel, Q.- 0. FAREWELL & RUTLE0DOR, I~ RUSTRBATTOnNRYO, 90LI. etoe oalsPublic, sud Conv.ye 'fiefinI dean soutl i fthe Royal JAMIES RUTLEDGE, B. A. .1., B. FAREWELL, L. L. B., Ccunty Crown Attorney. d8 -AUBs KETrri GORDON, l3 ARRISTER ,& ATTORNEY-AT.LAW, Solic iorn <nChancer>', Convy ancer, 'wts7Publie &o. OfÀ1ce-OvinMn. Ad- .410A 0stoe, ockStreet, Whitby, Ont. CHARLES C. KULLER, ATORNBT.AT.LAW,,SOICITOR IN 'Tchancer' ovyicr aOnlg Ion, Bcelqkl O.Y ' LYMAN lENGLIS5I, L L. 13,, BABRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN BChancery, Conveyancer, &o., &o. Sm G. YO>UNG, SMITH, LL. B., BARRISTBR, ATTORNEY. AT.LAW, S Soliciof tn aChance and Inîo1voncg, Notary Public ,c,&C. fo-ycfsn Block, Brook itreet Wbffby, Ontario. A. G. oIUcLLAX, (L&ie Glieeu woodl & MoMiUsan.) B ARRlISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLIO. f for, Natary Public,-Convayancer. (f- ficen-Byron Street, Southi cf Fat OMfce, Whltby, Ontasilo. D UGGÂ.N & ROBINSON, iiAnRISTElli, ATlTOEIINS-AT-LIW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, CON VIiYANOERS, cde., OFFIOS 1-Provz'ncial Amuarnco Building# COURTv STREET, TOONTOw, 89 THOMAS-IUT , OWN CLEUX AND TREASURER, TWiby. Oflc-Town Hall. Houri, from 0.S 'locopk. CltRGEON TO TEE COUNTY GAOL, S Byron Street, Whftby. Dr. W. J. BJURNS. OIuîCZ-Nexf doo0r ta CIcRONICLE Office. car Raieldence, at Mr. Lpwie IIouclcî. Wm, MeDRIEN, .1DM.R.cs., CIUY'8 HOSPITAL LONDON, EEG., ci th oye B. O. E. t., Oshawa, Ontario. %V, ADAMIN4 "nENTIST, (SUCCES. eàF or le W. H. Card.) Dni Roami-Dundlas Street, Wbftby oer Mr. Jameson'A Store. Nitrons Ozidg das adnîlnisterod for lthi pnfnless ex. traction aifeefuli, C, N. VARSO, L. D. 8. ET EE iniertcd ou ail the. Tlatest pinciplee of the art, a:îcheap enthe cheapeqt, and sai gond ai the b nt, Tîfeth filled with Gai) and Silver. Teeth extcactedl without pain, b>' prcdcfng local anstheif a. Dental Roam-in Oow- a'i uew hlock, avec Atkiau's Drug Store, Kfng Street, Oehîwa. 85 TitisiAs 5)EVERILL, BUILDER AND CONTRÂCTOR, DUNDAS ST., WIIITBY. 93rAU orders prempti>' executcd JOHN ,ROBINIeON'S llAIR DRESSING AND SHAVINO Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. JOFhN OLFENDEN, GENT IFOh THE OELEBRATED A Scottf eh Granite. At Marble ok of JoahnWlçnoDnu tWhitby. G 'EORG.E CORIMACK-, TUMBER MEIICHANT, CARPENTER L.JadlJiner, Green Street, Wliithy. A large quantily af ail kindi af lumber cou- etanti>' au hand. -A.T H R R L Y, Cl-ark Division Court, Tp. Clark, tilumlsonur lu B. B., Lau) AgonI, &c, Io., AlunI>', Count>' Ontario. Athlorlv 8-vt ul.di, 1872. 86 ÇC ABD.- MaR. BOGART, lPhyiiclsu, Surgeon, Accoucher, &o., &'o. Wbitby, Sept. 801h, 1874. du RPOBT. RAMSAY, M. D., IL. M. EDIN. Grauae (il honore) of lie Universifty ai Qeîen!e Cllîge, Canada; Piladelphia, 2nv. cf medielue an) Sarger>';'1 Amencan Uîîiv. of Peunsylvsnla; BectleîoCollege of *Penusylvanta au) Licentlsîs of Miccoficy of thieUnhv, af Ediancg, Sotiani). -Con-. cuirer hie Coant> of Ouftaria, Office- cldvater St., Grillsa. Augnil 141h, 1875. lyr-Os JOHN 5S. M. WILLCOX, Pl< ienoTownaoai liiLby, ha%, bien appointe) OFiFICIAL .ASSIGNEE, (UDRTill?ÇNEW ACT,) Fo e tiCeuni> ' o Ontario. Al business eîîtrcoed te hiescharge viii houcutuli>' aie tende) te. Wbllby, Jau. 141h, 1874. - 81> HORSE MEDICINES, Ali desonlptlons cf lie beet Herse Midi. talnez-kept eiaustlulIn han sud 1crsle st lhé Whltby Lîvur>' Stables. ttE'No charge focrsi)vice. N. RAT. DEA.LER IN LUMI3ERe W H I T B Y , >liai On bah) a splendid itoolr oi fine char &nc cl iii usi ns)mbin. Al indi for capente ndu)buliling uroîe hisud.- Gncisa piantiumillidonnr i VOL$,-XXO JORNBON Hovel, N5TRTIjN C MR. GEORGE C. Tâsxi, 01.00 per Day. 'Stabling mn con- Es<.&Ouceth n-ectian. 42 the. instruction ci pupi ____________________________ladeon, sud orgn,c R& AMBICAN HOTEL. -s iBOngfngs ad T . < ýProi.f. W1g 0. l as Iil cous CI Y T1 NI> rcX T ___rlH Lu ar *the tal GEORGE BROWN, PROPBIETOR, Mifs Whitbv,. Jnly 15h, 18 HEAD OFICEB, Cmrts, Sofreesi ioablé terme. This firt-else. hanse bai bien newl t. tedl np and ceuovsléd thraughont sdif OR SALE, fords suueior accommodstion foc li ecep: lion aifgcote. Tiprosent proprietor ha. AT TEE paDon aisor expn i in fnlruofng vaImprave en aat tend ta lhe GLEN MAJOR MILLB Torouto, Jici> 10th 1874. 29 800,000 fuct Pin. Lumber, well eeaeoued. 0NTARIQ HOTEL. Inch Boards, 0 efloorlug, CL'ATZ DA&Wzeg~.> 2z -Santling, WHITBT, ONTAXIO. Fulg ens PETER WAKEM1, PROPRiETOR. 1Ã"O0fe iOk Suporlor socoorodatlon. Table, supplie) Maple for aies, lait qosilI>' wllh boet Iu tesson. Gennine liguer.. Bssswood, Cigare, b est brande. Billrd rmcm. Boom v &tableiendehed m. 8841______ Al iwll 15,000 f t. Square Tlmber, AUc- wihwlll beici) echeap for cah. BITISE AMERICAN HOTEL, evoiscbetei>thlt.Grt R A Y 8,Mi i8nufgau edoing fcat.cloïis wock. Cboppfng doue 6ddt>' lu 1he week, -for evecy CLTI BSDON 1ouie.) lti bushel. WHITBY, ONTARIJO. Rfouie nevi>' enovale) sud fumieie tiraugiont, aud put lindret-chasu caer 1r he réception of guesseAunuîibu e lanau rom ai trains. -Firstlclses saniple roanis. & ND R1K RA1LWAY HOTEL, AT vaIRITnv siT IoiN, WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. Failes faklng thie train snd loavlng iorgs vill have ilium volf aken care cf fil their TEE QUEEN'S HOTEL, (LAITS CecMBlltILL,) BReOC-STET-zi, vITBY, TAYLOR A'McCANN, PROPRIETORS. vTTc undoelgue)d eeiru te lnform thuir friende sud lie publie h teh bave tukon thie abcve vl novu lictel, wiioi lie>' have nov)>' dIte) up su) reovale), au) put hta thi e hut af order for lie acomcrmoda- tionoaigueite. Tie Bar,wvilcisfi ie and- somesfInathie Count>', Io vil îuppl<od vith fie fineoit b sudse cf vine., liqucre, snd ci- gars. A le e ose) sie) room and gocd slahlfn g box stalle, &o. Delsoeie) oome for co erclabl, rsvelbere. J. TAYLOR, PHILIF MoCANN. bite oi Toronto. S H1AKESPEARE HOTEL, CORNcER FsuN ANDe TcUiXiUe$., T OR ONTO. JAMES POWELL, - PaoPHI-ToR. Firit-clase sccommo)laticui; bafh-toorni, &c. Board, $1 50 puer day. 10 TH TORON TO.- Thie mcnt Blegani, Couti>' sud Perfect Hotel in tic Dominion. Thie Hotel aeknowledges ne rivai, eltier ia ite nîsoageuent, appointmnents or loca- tion. Iu the hatfenr repeh wlafiorde ite gue sachacncing an)unobetrccivi vicw ai Lako Ontaria. te' Tie finih Watercesviev lu Canada. Il ha, 250 roomi fuinislie) viti ail tii tntuderît iupravceulstt. McGAW & WINNETT, 481f Prcuprietori. ARMSTRONG HOUJSE WHIITI3Y, ONTAIRIO. E . ARMSTRONG - PROPRlETOR. w HITBY HOUE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (vESTi-O Osi FFICE;.) JOSEr'PH A. -.-4ND.EL, PlOPRIE TOR. Thtislianse lias hein rccut>'miii, le lange anud roomyiand fitte) ap ia firet-clase style. Bee uîlWiee, Liquocesu)ndC'gare; freîli LagernBer. Good etabîing sud en- close) yard; attentive oatlere. 46 u --OMMERICIAL IHOTEL, oMTan~ ONT. JAME.S DE WART - PROPRIETOI. Goad accommodiation tf-il TITIS i'APEn I-S ON F ILE NVITI 1 Whcre Advomtlelug Ccnt.'accs canc ià,,id 1\ ONEY TO LEND. Tii undereigne) ise su>'amoun f cfMont- e>'t le Ln) upon Parm on Tcvn Pnopurty, et unusuail>' Loy Rates cf Infencîf. Leane osu bec epai su mm 0suit bar- revwers, Sîvetel Improvo) Parmi sud Wl) Lande for sali ciesp. Invouimente mode in Municipal Dehen- tures, Banuk, an) cther marketatabie Stocke. For furier parliculls à ppl>' te JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Atuigtume, Broker, &o. OFFICE-Ovin lihe Dominion Bank, Mc- Mllan's Brook St., WbiIby. Bpril Oti, 1872. 15 L I v RET, llege te înfecrm inonde an) thi public liaI lie caTrnes ou tii Livur>' buinoîs et R AY'S 0LD ,èT ANîD. Parties nsqu1irlug ccnveyancee-cover'ed an) oen-can bci sceomo)stud ah a mamentes notice. RIICII. PIERDON. Wbitby, Sepf. 21, 1875. 89 P-RESCIRIPTION FREE OR fie spe)> Curecof Seminal Weak- Fnes, LbutMahool an) ail disordeni brougil onhy indiecnetlonm or xceîo. An>' DkuggîsI s e l gredionts. Ad)es DAVIDSON A' 00., Box 2206, Njw Yack Sepfemier, 1875. l>-1î y OUEG'S HOTEL, MaOCXaoan, DTn&ia, ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. Roliable information rogar)ing lie coun- Ir>', etd.,.fariiee)to Potce reqnlnlng t ample accommodation for Hutin und Sportemen. Tii bsn an) bander supplie) witb fie beit cf liqu6ainan)nisdé te hi odicn) l e 0onnaîr>.'*Noue but cbllging- an) ittenlivP servants kepî. Commodbos 'stablug and prompt hoitleeahvays on ha)' 'OBERT L YOUNG, Dec. lSfi, 1878. ' 8p,11fr GQDNEWS FOR THE LADIES. A NEW REVE LATION IN THE SCIENCE 0For, EsB-mAKING. L. PAMPA2iKS, Je., J. B. BIOKELL, Ese fIneurane go Iow liaI 25 conte 8llmer 100 for twalve uonthe. BMi HAIMMOICN CA PITAL, *0400,000.- Tue isud weaafWOUetsblishod-oipauy are prépsred te soee reketubeHlSUues of suréd for threeyeer.or lmeee* Jmielw rates. L. AIBANES la Office,Brock St.,*hlty. p HRNIX PIRE ISRNE00. Lombard St. sud Charing Cross, London. £aTAPLISERD ix -1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & 00., Agento forCanauda JAMES DAVIDSON,- Manager. Insurauce againet loie b>' Pire ar e îLot- edonuthe ms reamoushie termeo, and losses CORNWALL'S 8ELF-ltITTING April 121h, 1876. WAIBT & SHOULDER CHART. Dreses fitte) frem meseurîrnul abe witbout change ai a titch. For sae, viti trie instructions, ah M1ISS McINTYRFE'S DRRSs-MÀSING Onoais, vuIrn-. Agonts vanhci). Liboral luducernte ho th. trade. Wifb>, Ang. 18, 1874. 84 130TO PRICES FOR COLAND WOOD!1 All klîîdî of Esc) su) Soft Caal, conolst- iag cf the clébrale) Lsckavana, Seran- Iom, BrionRuH, Blosabarg and other coale CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For qoanfilfie toa Oîmitiean)d ote SPECIAL RATES 1 Wood, ouf ra len g t, 25 oeufs par ccci) abalemuni off usuel price. San) lu yonr ondin ta A. ALEXANDER'S Whlîby & Oshawa, Coatiand Wood dupaIs Whtby, Augnel 81e1, 1875. ff-86 .LXST 0F.TEHE DIVISION COURTS NCQtTY 0F ONTARIO, -FOR TETEAR 1876. wiitby.'8 1 211 1 8 1 2 11 iirongim]l 4 2 4 S 2' Par air 2 115 20 15 16 ô 14 14127 Uxbridg.1 11 1617IIOîi51 Cuani'gcn ,28 15 27 28 7 12 101 'cavu'ctn 161 29 11 20 A]cl..- 17) soi , loi 10 GRO. H. DARLTNELL, Junior Judgî Wliilby, Dec. llti, 1875. si G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND oFarni an) Town Froper>', at LOW RATES ai itencot. For furtlcer panticohare Apply ho- Agent, 'V#itby. 16-1>' T R 11TADCON" PRE& LIFE HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financial Result etfxz4 Mentis Busi- nes to 3i51 Dec., 1875. Auliocizer) Capital .............65,000,000 Subecibe) Capital............. 9,800,000 Pal) up Capfial ................. 200,095 Govucumeut Depesil. (Ff ru).... 80,000 Govecumeut -Depeeit, (Lite> .... 80,000 Total Revenue, Fire Premiarne, an) Intereel .............. 8229,775 Total Lcsiî ................. 8,528 Investi) Fumadi-------------..$194,718 Cash inubah ansd Depomi t..... 49,193 Othîr Asses................859,888 Total Asuets--------------..$293,794 Tis Comnpany bau no* establisbed ihielf, sud liai 21 Branchesud 207 Ageucies lu lie Domiion. *GEO. J. PYXE, Manager, 10-1>' C. NOURSE, Agent, Whilby. 1INSURANE 'à Depasit viti Dominion Goverunuent $50,. 000. Hapeieuci) Agents lirougicultiih Dominion. .Fire Risks ounitten at Adequta Rates. C. NOURSE, Wib>., Marci 71h, 1870. Agent, Wihitb ri QUE E N INSURAN CE COMPANY (PIRE sAND LIPS>) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, « . $10,000,00011 MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. Head) Office-for Canada. J91 A& 198 -St. JameStreet, Montreal. FORBES & MUDGE, Chief Agente. R. H. DAWDE1I, Agent, Wiby. Anguil lOti, 1875. ly.88 N ORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE' F/IRE INSUIANCE COMPANY 1 Ssii, an) celialule, charge modocate, prompt, eettlement ai claime. JOHN 'FAIQUHARSON, Wiitby, Jane 2, 1875. 28 Whitby. 1 - ------ ___ 1Augaît 15ti, 1876. K NG DROTHERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, W STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY HEAD OFFlICE, TOIONtO. CAPITAL STOCK, - $400,000- 1 c-ÂG e a OBSOUi-EcOcTABIe, Importcrs, Dealers sud Manufactnueraifail JOSE.PH HOLIW4N, BROOKLIN, ONT. Kinde af LEATHEU' AND FINDINGS, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY,: Cash pal) for Hile, Brlandsu Leather. Leather tretche). Hlea) Office, HÂînTliacon) fllTIZENiS' TNSURTTANCE CRO'cuo- te*BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHOR NOTCE.Meutreal, Pire, Lite an) Guarane Msay, 1871.SONTC. 221 Depanlment, ELOURI1 BRAN!1 AND SHORTS i111 1OATMEAL, &c. 02,000,000. 12rn49 NEW STORE, 'JUST OPENEID. 1 C' I C1 aE LW' OPPOSITE IIAi'i OTLaS.. -M GIVE A CALL. WM. JOHESTOS. TO THE FARMERS I Plonghs sud Floug casetings, Stcav. Cattons, Fsuuing Mlii, Reapene an) Mev- ire, &o., &o. APPLE TREES, ABO U T 40,000, WM. JOHNSTON. 1 H O M E 1Wiitby Oct. 181h, 1875. M ONEY TO LEND 1 A large qusîîtity of moue>' 10 lend a alow interest, pcfvate.fnindi. Foc sale, ievccal Towu loti, lwa Frame lIauîe, sud a large Brick Honse. For termi, spply te Ga. YOUNG SMITH. Whutby, Peb.-9th, 1874. 7 To the Inhabitante of Dufflus' Creeý snd Vfcinity : I have now-eped aa Butcher'e Shop ln Mro.W.Cuthb6rt's where mnay be seen eue cf &. iboit dip avîof Bief, Peck, sud Fowi ever offeced to 1h. Publie. la- Resanable Pricese 1Corne ane, corne ail, and gît îornething te do yen gaad, -RICHARD W]LSTLTAXE. Whîtby, Ducejuber 22nd, 1875. 52 C ARTD - T. iL M aM1LL A.N, Agent' -for the OALINSUTAEÂO O PAi<Y, NURSE RY, the heet Variefies. SETII C. WILSON, Lot N o. 8, 2u) Con. Pickering, on Efugoton Roa, utl office, Whitby. F ARM FOR SALE. A Ons-hundre) Acro Fan for saleinl Est Whitb>'. App>' la- D Oshawa. June 241h, 1676. S*2 10Oo ACRE FAEM IN NARA FOR SALE 1 Wiit-bsii of Lot 14in the Sfxti concis- élan o! Mmi. Onie-hali chitéen)d uanden euitivatien. Logeniue, Biru,&Ae. Wili. in tvo mues cf Briohin. Raîivi>'station. H. B. TAYLOR, z . DominIon Ponik, VWltby. p ATENT5, FOR INvENTIONS -Dove. V' 94'So--ois-qniet-a pîcture or Agent for Imsnuu ansd Couî£]CUnc . c-tvo-an arcadle cm se-s lesning toer ceN Pire Insurauce Compaules. -Rossini somevbore lu the tovu- RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 quiet-rnoca,mathem. Boycn stayleug?' Il'No, must bu off le-rnorrow,' said Aiea Agent for lie Leucuoco anaCAvÂDIA Dcve,,'muet hurry home-I gelt tiodPf Loue ANDO AasîcCCcMPAiNY. Mouey lan-thie insine.' o) cn ruaI ostato payable tram 'Tvo t10si'Ten've beau long lu EuropeI Tvelve yearî, an) luinîte suil parties aslced. 1 Mr Inteceel loy snd ne commissi on fi'Tes, six veeké, bullI hsveu't sBeeu charge). Mortgages bougil. baîf yet. l'y.euh>'y beau te Engisu)d, office ai, Imelan), Boollani), France, an s paut, GIBBON A& BPÂBVELL, of Spalu au) Itl>. I've gel Bvltzor- China rea 51cr., lau) sud Genman y to de yet, an) I Mec siDmîdasSt., WhiIby. muet b. boen lu v. eeke!l' Whilby, ac 1t,1870. , 'Yen hlave in 1he moruing 2'I add), 'Tee, I muet b.'off. I ahoull4 11k. NTJU~~LEte sta>' louger, but î's impose.'Bis, VA PRP BT /ESALE. hon, -long 9' "'TYee;,severei menthe,'ý I ansare), Tii. subscier aoffre ion sale lie flov- ' In fiel I amn mking the tour ef Europe ing valnable propemt>', lu lié,Tawn of -Wht, aI ni>' leir-as eseil>'as if1 wevre by c-An excellent Brick Cottage vitiac~sre upon a spenting tour. 1 have midi of iand,'silusto au lb.ecorner cf Girion an) uoverah <moendi bore, cbarming porsona.. St. ofteland, <n li e Sonfi We7rd. Abe", * Tweeor tiee areooniuing temi-ern sosa Invi eue),onadin &shigielate t.ihsd hhb er'gsi e cf olivatloncruér Welllngtou u) ,oif. - igt.ad Isl bYeyg. fyo for) ils., Norhli Ward., * sron uCentre st. I vubd >3cm nus.' elOuth Of lie résidence cf C. Draper,. nj"Tuky,' plde, d on't the MOtliWar',Al»si20lami o,..Af imâ- If'WT A f h i~ Dé i gel caréful attention te b8Uzi5m'fo5giffl -' twitesuitug stisation te ae h via >'avor4,ue wf ii wiî tuuinwylne mug1- m thir Sles or Colléotin-9< Bille draughted an)d Auk Notes furniui: W*bénal hezi nbds are iappy icunde, e)l fui of-,chargé,.- Andilghlis bleet lu *eefng; Alto Bill Stampi liton a. Wiexope" oanr ego pléaéant rounds, Arrangeément-eauosn mde forisales &Io.. A nd i efiblestinlubing- M heCiowzcaz, ofEeWbutby,; Oberver Offce Prince Abe*tj adt thée Stcin4er'fTien lot nue valk thé happyking Offio, Port Penny, w>i.of happy *coees ana vo ces, WM.WILLCOX. An) heave my hesutint l os eng Prince Albert, Sept. 94th 1872. 89 Ils joy,,whenuell roi, es, 0OHN L- w AKI ~Lot Those Làugb.11t pWin.' AuCTIlONEER, &CI, &ou (Coelu4ed from &aut OOee.) BAMIT Bai>DIVIBIOS COURT, '" u) ys4 t'oadhw n And General Commision Agent, Port i!The marnent aftsrwayi), -Glnseppo, Ferry. oeeof My clii friendoete whom I havi heeinefen indîbled for tii uéws of the XTITBY MACHINE PlORKS 1 arrivai cfas'Pigo- ismancf a yauug Tv gentleman of fortune <pigeon is a (LATE CLÂYTOY's) leehuical tern for.thuse lu the poile BROCK STREET, 1WHITBY. Encepean iolos hal I frîqueul), iu thé e u viere we chance) te meet. Gluseppe vas whal v ou ropublicans Teundorelguea bege to luform i e isrrn'. ire oi lhe surcoungcountry, liaIhh aîu a e"arl."- He used te make in stock s large aseortineut cf littln 90 per cent. upon ail moue>' liaI passe) Boxes, Chucue, TurniDcilp, Horse Rsken, lhrongh bis bande. W&ggne, si * h. Carte, FAuning Mlle, 6"Giuepp e'î eyesud mine e«Chang- Neck Tokes, W% O.eTceeu, Welbarrowai ed greetingi viien lie entere), but vo Repairiug cf iii hindi exoecule) iti sai) uhd . nealunesa aud deupalci. "Waî M. Ginseppeli he diplomatioe THOMAS McCANN. career," inquiced I cf Don Bobtail. Brock-SI. "No, net precisel>'," ual) ýhi, "hovas Wilby, April 41h, 1870, hy-15 a caurlr. "Ah Il sai) 1. '~OMINON FLOUR &' FEED STORE. "e, ii o D, -Thon hio ontiuued: CHARLES PENNYLEGION "My Young Ameniesu rien), vbo vas, lu fact, tne ether tIbm lhe amiable Bege to noiE>' hs ie n ndesd cuetaincre Mc. Dove, who lias juet pause), erdene) titchinlenov pcepared te uupî,ly Giuseppe ila sver>' audible toue taSeo Fleur and Feed of thc Baît Qualit>', t) tthe cacriage waspr'perly shelterei), et th lows lvingprios. sud tfiat al four cf th. émal Irunke ai to loeel ivic priie. ece takîn ho hie reom-as for the rost Flanc. Cocu, Chop-Feed, Bran, Shorts, Oai. it vas ne matter. Then hoe ske) maCrache) Whîat, lPose, Oase Pa- .wr rbl'a> toeas&o, a 51 esl adR' al. Gîieppe if tiere e poalan tato, &c, Whles!e sd etil. gooui epecimene efthte Boleguese Sohool Cheaper thai the Clbea2esf for Cash, te be obtained et a hmm price, for hie At lie Dominion Flecur a:id Eo)d Store, wai fond et the Behogueee Soheel, sud Crcîby's Block, 'Eset dccc, Dundas Street, veni) muaih ike te evu a fine speci. Wbhtby. metu. CHAS. PENNYLEGION. "Ginseppe sal) thathe ha) hear) hast Wiitb>', Apl 24th, 1870. 18 violer cf a fiue Caracci iu the privaI. - -- galier>' of Iii CountCassacola. fowhiob thei hereditar>' Duke cf Mnm-Frappe VTALISES AND) TRUNKS. ha) affine) ten thousand francs ; but V hi.e family of utCseo, aithougi ne- i)nced, vould not le& il go uncbor elevez LEATH[ER VALISES thensan). Tii papene vire perfect, su) it was oueetflie boit auntiiali) ANDpiatures lunlthi Cassaola Galber>'. "Mr. Boy. listened te thé sIen>'as if ho vire eorcy the p*lo hâcimot bean a SARATOGA TRUNKB, hundre) thouand francls. "'WVel,' sai) lie, Wbin Ginseppe ha) &C&., 5î finiéie), Ivil! see in lie rnig.' "This litle passage, I knev, ha)l WILLIAM TEOMPSON'S, hein playei) off upeurnP, sudI vas more grateful ho my amiable Young Sadhr a) Hrneu Mker friand Mr. Dev, th-an leho bai) su>' ue Sadle andHarnss Mker, picion, fer the iiight mb h is peaunian>' ë ceecuroos, with wvicho b ai) favence) BROCK-ST., WIIITBT. me. l!Vhen hie empeusaive bothie cf vine June 24, 1874. soti cuae np, and hi wue tain>' emharked upon it, au) vas gottlng etrauad upon -- -- ____________the advomtiseentestthle hottorn of STAGE BETWEEN- Galiguani, I anose caceeusl>, an) vas s elovi>' eaunneringdovn tie ceom, quiti overhoekiug Dove, sud filliping the W H IT 6 & OS H AWA. crumbu fremm ry hrewéers, vien seAiug TWICE A DAY i him )aying dovu Galiguani, Isalid ta hlm inmpure Englisi, and *ltb vol.- LeaveOshawa -at 8.30 s, m., sud 1, p. ra. brei) ,onchalanc- Leavos Wiitby at 10.30, a. rm., sud .4.80, 'Wili yen permit me ho look aItîchat p. M. paper.' Face 25 ceatseoaci way. Il'Ohli1 ceriaini>', sir,' replie) i. Will caîl aI al lie habele, an) ah privite "I took it an) 1mev rny eyî up an) reeldences (vien ondin arc loit ah an>' ai dovu ieecomue." thi ictels.) Connecte with Oshawa sud 6 Bovmanvilie etage; aise viii lie Wbitby Di) yen hurt il, Don Bobtail?2" au) Part Ferry Railvav, an) with Brough- asked I aI Ilîls mornent- arn mail i Witby. I"Hurt vial 2" said hi. TEOS. HOPPE. "Tour oye, Don Bah," said I. Wiitb>', Marcci th, 1875. 1 i Tii Spauieh Emibaseador heekasunff heamingi>', îlîeu resurne) T E A. MERB "A Ilaid itdown, 1sid %o the good s Dcvi,Ihere ennuie te hi notiug e Il'No, nethiug.' Are yen au English- man ?' Il'Ne, I arn net,' aseere) I. " CJTY 0F TORONTO,~" di6Y liseaktelauguage seu yul,' (CapI Dicci), lcave dail>' foot af Tango-St., Il'Indifferenly. Yen are ver>' km). Toronto, aI 7 a. m., arrives at Ni agara ahteao, I pnesumo, are a Russian gentle- 9.80Oa*m an) Lewfetonan s0lOs m. Con- a. nectionsi fTnrhie Falls, Buffalo, Rocheiher isu Albany', Cleveland, Ncw Yark, Philadelia .'I . havi obeervu)thah Yenu young &c. Tickts an)dslinfurmtin a Front ,Amnericans are net sorry te bi mîstaken Streeh, fer tie neblemen etfsu>' nation, an) I 15D. MILLOY, Agent. fait quito sure liaI Dove voul) uat ho il- Noa amid.an Arnerloan,' replie) ho %69 smihing. Bege ho anunuce liaI ho bai cemove) ta "l'Antd s fortunate man, sir, lu being King Sh.. s few douce roi' I respneud. 'When I vs lu yonr EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE,-CeIr>Hve' beti Aoia? se opoieLnke'e eiow.roams, wbece vil be Beve. fndifine-tokMi ill, su-tot le for.e.N#__ etricti>' epeaking, Il)nul th. CeunI: "'A4 naturel ion ofthe pope.' I, *aw 1the Bepublican eyes cf 5117 <rien) dilate witijoy aI tlhe intui "'A man of greal fuhln, irepandib every*iere,' continue) 1 I-the sii): >6' CeunI Botta Mezzo, Myparicniar frleud, Mr. Dcvi, freni Ameruca. "'I Ah!1harmne 1" crie) the ,Gount, ,bcwing ardont', fan)dpeieng the viii. k4AAeA 1,h&eA .of Thve j,. 1,f î of .0 appointe) elght o'clock as 1he hour .f rennion- ut my roome, su d loft My yeuag friand. Dace for a. sthah ,under- lthi Arcades, \tn wlifch I did net invite bixu te joiw; 4>0, ssiI wlehed te psy a vieil or 80îoia py frieéni),. Repalicing te the Crocs.0,Oro (yen have been in Bologua 2), e- was charmedl te find oe of My "parficnlar intirnates" standing at the door cf hie hotel. " Bon era 1' crie h., what lnck P' III emiled l sguifleant>', snd steppod iu la sup ooffoî nsudîîoke a friend>' cigar. 66'Âne yen aI leisure Ibis îvenicig, M Roîhîchild ?' sai) I gravel>' to my friend.'li Il'Quite eu-aller vespers,' îaid' i eeriouily. Il'I arn glad te hear it, contiuued I, 'for a yenng frlend cf mine from Ameria bai arrive) thie eveinuein Bologne, sud leaviealuinhe mrnnng, iu ii ewn carriccgc; sud I theuglil te make bis ita>' agricable, b>' a 11111e ce- union ait my eorne.' "I Iehail be meel bhappy te make yonr friend's acquaintance,' replie) my eompauion ; je b. young 2' '9 Quito yonug-. Iu filet, I ehauld s>' deoided>'yuuung,' auuwei-ed I quiet>'. "l'If tien e anythinq which eîpecially pleases me,' sai) M. Bot ieohild, 'lt e the Society' cf ingennous atlî.' 461Y fnien), M. Betheobhil), I May observe, ba) beeu mucb lu Eiîglaud, sud îpoke thie lauiguage von> fliently. Ro eaid thât ho e s a youger brother of the famené hbaukiug bouée cf that narne, asesIlia) aureseon le i)oubt th. word of a gentleman I valued 50 highly,fit Wan rMy eUitOU2m t ncdUCe My friand ais1M. Rothschild. Il save) em barrasig explanslione. Il'swe rnay waultet amuse ur- Selves, yen may paseib>' have a «pack' of cardé among your offictIe'isai) lutenregativoly. "la le ibarely posible,' lho hjulned. II will look; sud if I sbuujd nul chance ho find any, I arn quila ouflîenl cun geai) friend Sella, Mezzo' bai a packc- if-' h.e aide&, 'yen have intended hlm le ne ou f the party-' Il'I thiuk hi would lie a weicorne addition,' ssidIl ,nd if yeîî weulcde d me the faver te bring him, I arn quite sure Mr. Dove's outertalunment wouid be seuned.' "'At what heur ?' inuiced Mu. Rothîschild. "'At cîghl a'clock,' I auewerecl. 'Goo)-eveuing, Signor Cavaliere.' 'Gedeveing, M. Rothschildý'. "'Au) I paîîcd plesaut>' aioug .nu- dec the arcades, humiuig au air from La Straniera. Do yen kuow the Opera, Mc. Srnytthe 2 Ite uone of rny favor- ites. ýBolegna le al.oooeeof my favor- ite cies. It is quiet, aud suffioieutly cemoved from the great routes of travel. One makie <diende thece, nul witheut sdvantage. "'Howevec, I amn prosing. "Eight e'clock came, sud with il my friannd, Mn. Deve. Hie ws en grande tenue. Fine black thceugheut, with smazigpearis for ehirt-studs. A ver>' d esao otha) D ove, brilianl>' bout-- ici. Small bauds, nîcel>' ki)ded. In tcuth, Mr. Smyttbe, the youug Dcvi wa eîemaly tte .laîl deurie. I baerae> met a moe gentlemaul>' perecu than Deve. My reorn was nul ver>' mucli illumi- uated. Liglît is a littie vulgar, I tbink. WeIl shsded ceorne, a demi-jour, as ur amiable Frenchi frienda Say-and ual wiltient eeaçon-are muci prîferable. (bas le gaudy-fectuuately there lenue lu Belogua. A wax candle or lwe butter suite the comnplexion. "Pruseut>' M. Rothscbild arrived-a grave gentleman, in white cravat sud leooe black olothue. Ho displaycd ne dliamonde. Kingi de ual alwaye wuar their crowue;; and I have observe) liat hankere' buttons are nul elways Fric)- rich.i)'ece uer Napeleous. M. Roths- child) had, aliso, roomy boots, au) s bat whioh'did nul i)azzle the eye with thut painful polisx cf uewness, observable in the bahs of-well, if yen choose-of yourself, my dear Smyltbo. lHe was etaid sud cather tacituru. Yet, upon Mci. Dove's sugagesting a leading ques. tien about the Turkiuh lbau Ihun puni). iug, M. Rothschild inuiged lu a ver>' lumineus exposition efthe truc finauds)l poila>' of Europe. "' Yen see, my dean sir,' ual) ho, ai)- dressing Mr. Duvo, whe hooke) as if ho weru expecling le be iud)enly summun- cd home ta bc place) stte huai) cf the Tresur>' Duparhmuul. 'Yen sse Eng. land eau net posàibly- show Russis lu est up Tunke>', nerceau France permit England, le take tee firt rn cccliluEgypl. tiens, slee _Packs nus pra nder faveral ester. fndà b insu 'pure air. 'leailtnfl oxerc, blesse) source o: iver the cause, est I vas le) réj illogical the bar ten)cinculatio bookseoet rAnah oatiug cf a miss an) subeeq-uenlt My> belief Lai grenade) cn fac " 6Net man>' 3 excellent boardi about fifleen on ai utf vhornalis) lhing othobru kindlueissList i noble caling, an even-timpéedi ilieaneeoil the,') 'Oh ne,' sai)d)e, 1iden't lot me be a bngbear. I )cn'î erneke.,.It voul) hardI>' becomarne s in lu >'situaticon, but I amn ver>' fend cf il, I pra>' yen net ta mini) nme.' "digars vere liglile). '"ld vo 054 cunversing %round)'Lie table. The grave M. Roethschild endeavtàuime)ccn- eltanhtl taonhrap Mr. Duv's mli a learu- o) convorsatien upon the preesentfinan- cial condition cf the 'vend, an) h' W the iisaovpiis lu Austrahisansd Calternia van!) ,affect-' lite Bus siasueeouïdties. Dove's great respect focrad Prinue aîacug esnhhby ruilurs made hlm von>' attentive, but sav ltaliedvas bored. Iu tact, yen voni) have thought, ni>'deïn Sm>'ttbe, Ilat M. Rothchili) ha) îioma inten~tion of vear>'lng hiecornpanhen se pertinhaciens vas lho. *1- IlAt longtli , vie sav bew Yoyung Dove longe) te amuse birnelf ilu mre pleaýanter.v&y tien diecussiug finance, IlWhah as pihy ve have net a pack cf carde, vi migit vile a>y' an heur* pleasanîl>' oepgh.", 1 "T'he moment Dave beard the pro- posiien, i ebiouhe) 'sure endug',sif au> ' ~ iloetrelief vire deiightfni. ilBet 'esaid I, unfertunate)>' I pbà> go liiîle liatI Ihave no carde lu 'm>' meený, aud Itea bo ale te bu>' any -ibo shape are shut.' Il1Haw ver>' focînnate I arn 'inter- rnptei) the CeunI, *'I vai goiug tu mel a fîw oehir frieude afir I leeve 'yenr chasrming apanrmnuh, au) I hba) cdu littl. pack ýwith me. I bcnght il sI Cera ýlong.' "Se sying lbe Ilalian nebbernpro- duel-d a fresh pack,at tice iget whiob lb. yeoul;oyesor t i'y-Irieai Bave eparkled. I rang alliehesie lime for a l~>ret,-eebmenh. - Yerb~ape M. Bo hbsobild )ci&à't play~ sc) tii-Canut. 44 It is ual my babil, aintaini>',' mai) that~ gentleman. "Non mine 1"l continue)t I. " Allons donc,' aboute)l the enthu- uafie Italian vbilc-is eyee fassieds brlg4tyasehis rings au) ahains. Mie- utun 'Bve, yon sund me egainsl lie oh) ones, iey' 1" I, Coclaîn)>',' answeco) Bove, pour- 'n ont âeme Cognac, Toung Amarica an) young Itl)>, for aven!l' IlAn) Dcve sud Bitta Mezzo clauped bande anti draine) a giewiug beaer. Il"M. Rothschbld proposed whisit as tie garni emeut adapte) le bis position, au) quiet)>' put dovu a ill for a tioneani) francs. Dove opened hie eye enclîsut- id ta pîs>' outhe great ecale villi uo )istnguiehei) a man. Yen Young min rnnrisei lite, yen kuov, Smyttie. It'e a pieasant thing te se>', 'vwien I vou a fev thousude ufthticQueon et Spaln,oc et Lafitte, or et Rothscildi.' Ten nn- decetani) abi liaI, von ycnng blase min efthfe yord i I 'uevycu. .,- il"Wel v.uBal dovu te whist. ,Mr,. Dora von tbe thonsan). francs. The Cou»ct vinko) athihm. M. Rothschild) ual)' gravol>' ' Sir,>yon are su accemplisie) playec, I complimnent yen upon yaun "Dcvi blucbe), au) tasse) hie lies) carelessi>'.' Tbe pbay vont cu-'and tiue irinkiug sud tii niglit. I ondie) moeubran)>' au) cigars. Mn. Bave van again. TiieCut. tlrev up hie hande villi deliglît. Il' Vive le jeune Ancerique!l' crie-i hoe. "Mn Beve umilu) in retunu. Ho amibed-a gneat deal. lu tact heseeme) te have difficuhl>' iu éleppiug. IHie cyes wore ver>' radianh snd ver>' mii. Hie chek vas finîhe hoou, an) 'bhis han) net ue sica)>' as a etahne's. In Iruthhi seeme) a gea) deal excite), sud ýýlic tuw eisecvations Whicb lie von- turu) vere rahber trsgmentary-in fact I fisc liaI Mn. Deve h-ca-) as i haiki')l. "lAbout twro o'clock lu the morning vo vare s goo) deal intereste) lu' lii game. Tii. luck ha) unfoctunat.el>' turne) agaluet yeur counulcyran an) lic vas soine five tîioussu) francs cn the vconig aide et Cr. About lire. 0eloec, et a ver>' lutereeiing passage et tie game, Mr. Dove's oes cloue) lun a reihing manner, and lie sank quite powerleee undir the fable. We ]inme- diatel>' cajued hum, and, as il va s ched-r liaI[ lie vouhi) be nable ta pis>' longer liaIý evoning-as I hope) hoe wcnld bave dlonc, le rocover viet ho ha) lest -wo reseive) le carry hlm quiehi>' te hie room, l in piah openation Ginseppe assieted, ton vhich M. Ecliiohil) gave hlmi onu hundre) francs, ou accoont, vbici ili ai)just, tenluho purée et Mn. BDovo, lahieCeunI ha) nreve) frern bie pokel, fiarlung' liaI il miglit mltes i egilteeuamuci, as vo csn'l teke ' My d îy andi Carl. ýlenre.i>. ML'as; llice CAPITAL, - Brookliu,JJec. 2, 1872. 1 1 Also Azent for the CANADA FAI:L'%rP,'Rq' 1 su tee>' .souseeu tue Provieions wita a guate liaI vas appalling le tb. hand. lady. 111 vai <cranuate for thein liat ubhew'as areUileus vean; sieprevided biborail>', but she alwayg veut te prayer meeting on lie day Ihithle butchem'e -i vasesnt in. At. last lieme came frarn îcmê far off Island enlthe Sonthera ses, a cil fer-a misiionar>' au) eue cf our yonng mouvione serninar>' days ver, ovin bravel>' bunkla) on bis aare fer lb. enok. Tioughts et appreohing depurture for s far aud distant haud migit dieu bis eyes but nul his appilito. At tiaI lasI dinuor lie ste lie ill et tare frem 'A te Z, vcihonî a break spve for )uplicates of, hie favorite diahes, aud Ilion ho pscked a carpet bag viti pro- visions te carry sari tie ship. »F'rem lie lime et bis acival in.- the heatlien cuntn>' vorîceive) frein him monthi>' ltens liat vere tie admiraution oet te bcari)ing hanse. Bnddenhy bis nnsive coase).* Week astec veek rellie)b>', au) -'meti atter rncnlb, an) etlllno lelten;; sud je>' ever bis zealous labeur: ing lu au, arducus foel) gave va>' te -grief sud dispondene>'; even tbe land- lady, vho, nov Ibat lie au) bis fellavu - viré gene, was growing rdcl, siuncd lu tii genenal depression, sud Wï5ie) he vas ste)>' back uan) ahinldebt again; se)d the vboie bcari)ing-ionse sotle) gleemil>' te lie conviction fitho ie .d been devonred b>' ITie savaRes. Ilv ae ai Ibis .menuaful junaturo Iliat the -enecgelio sud philosophie Mag- ruder carne te lie front viihie su- gestion liat ve vnite te lie agent in thc Sandwich Islandesud gel hlm toe sn) liÈe missieuary sblp-ho sie vat lia) le- tallîn oui mies'siug tnien). The appial vask net in vain. Plliag ou sai lb skipper laid his course fer lie equator. Ai hq nearo) the lelani)oetIris destina-,- tien he deecrie) Ibhrongi bis telescepe e lean sud agile savage bouudiug fnsntic- al>' dovu tic meuntein aide, ani) close behinin luliaIpureuit vas a pertl>' wilte man. Il 'vas uip sud tuck nuli lie>' rendu) ie beach, an)' thereonoutle bevel gretnu) lie leader made the betor, lime, sud upninging inte a505110s padi)Ied a s if for dear lite, leaviug lie white man gnasiing bis heeti on the-shore. Plylng bie-paddhe withhtheeunergyeftdeeperatieu tii savage made a bei lino foc lie ehlp, au) clamhoning-up, ber aides fel ou tlic dock gaeping, 'Misulouar>' estue aile. np buh me- e il "6Taking lun the situation aI a glance,-- t'he skipper pmomptlv imoke lie cargo au) look ashone a hoaut loas)et provi- sions; an) wihen lie missienan>' la) osten bis fil], the ster>' et the i)epp- lato) ishand vas quickly toi) : Tii. store et pnovisions loft,-I "vthelie niseleary vas thiagit inificient fer hie vanta uintil thé ship sienli)cerne again ; but lie. ozone or semelhiug ese inftho atmosphîne ha) se extraerinaily de-' veope) hie appetite liaI ho aie up everylhiug viliu lie aleotte) lime, au) hoi vascompelle) te deolde viiether he eheul) 1.1tiih savagie est hlm -or est lie savages birseolf ; bis , -eoision, let ne hope, reenlte) in the- survivai of the "H. vae lried'aftervard by (bcixls- ienar>' Beard. Thie avag. vhom lie ha) once endeavore) Itoi t evere peint hhank tlithe rnissiouà-ry ha) in evii-y instance couverte) bie viuabefoce eafiug hlm, and on tlis tetimen> the- uiisie'usry -vas acquitte),' but ever afteiwai-d the board) teck caré thal lhe ebeul) hibeassigui) he sorne stationu mol fac swa>' <nom Ithe geneisi deot of EXTENSIVE FmAk-On saiday niglit tv-euty-eigbt stoese and fourfein dvel-y linge voe e esroyed by ffliénluthe vil- lage. et Brsels, en lie seuthein exten-

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