Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1876, p. 3

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ToEwxo,?0.AugUUesOmo, ces s Pau whst .......... 8losetloo 8pringWheal,...........00 @ 0108 IL&Y..:..... ........... Io 18 Pori.... ........ ... ... .;,00 Blutter...... ............O£0 60 liggs................ 180 (017C Appe......."s. 198 fortssig-~ horog~hknowledfge oraou 1dig.uion sa 4nutrition, sud ibv as eulOp plca lbnofth fne ULoppro44ad uibreakfast t4es wtz dolicstély dsyored beverigi, whlch n gave.ue as sy heavy doctors ifa"It ýjth udicloos quseet ci article ofi diet tutsconsttution Ms b aully bult- Up o=ti strong enc'Lhrez every ton- dé*cyt0 uliuese.acHundreds ofoble mua- ilSil â»Lis tinglu SF8114us idy 4v atiaclu wlierevar iber. la a W.S1 -point. W. msy escape misny à fattl %aat Iby lceepiug or.- selves Wel fortifie4 wItb purs blood and a pîopsrly noorish.d lf rame."-Citil Serice Gassaeti. Solin bPickets andi Tins, jb aud Ib., lblld-Jîs ppea 4 o. Remoeopatbic Ohomigta. 4à Threadnedle aStet, and 170, piqgsMly Londion- OXYGEN 18 LIFE. D r-. BRTGUT'S 1PHOSPHO)DYN.- ,MULTITUDES 0F FPEOPLE are hope. lessiy suileriux iror Deblity, Nervous-iaud Liver Coospiti, .Depresston ci Spirits, Hypocnodri&, Timidity, Inhigestion all1. tilde, Wsnt oh'4er, &., whose cales ad muit oi a permanent cure by lb. new rameit PJIOSPHODYNE (Oxosie Oxygen>, whicb st once slsays - 11 irritations sud excite- mentiImporte now enýrgy aud liitéa the enfeehied constitution, snd rapily cures ever- otage of theite hitherto Incurable and dlstreslng maladies. SolS by &Il Chemiata and Dm iojta trouchout lb. Globe.,' l4.pClýTCI4.Thelarge sud increas- ing demand for Dr. Brigbt'& Phosphodppu hait led to several imitations under simillar camnes; purcliasec of thla medicine should therefore b. careful to observe that eacb case bearp tb. Goverament Stausp, witb tb. words Dr. Drigbt's Phosphodyne, en- eigraveS thereon and ibat lb. sanie words are aIs', bown on the bottie, EverY case boirs the Trade -Mark anS Signature of patentee. EXPORT AGETNS-Nýýorton, Wttrsy il; o., 107 Boutbwark St., Loudon, . B. À New Hair Tordie Worth Hiwviug-It is the Best. Wood's Improved Haîr Reato6rative i. unlike auy ot er, and bail no ég~al. Tfile Impr<vved bas niew vegetsbte ton o proper. tinse; restores gay hairto a glossy, natural voe;reatorps fadeS dry. iîrsb and fali. ing liar; reanrt, dresses, gives vigor to the Ilsir; restores baur topstematurely bald beias; removes dandrui, bumors, acaly iruptdons; reinovea irritation, itching sud noaI vldryneau. No article prodoces snob wouderful 1115dms. Try it, call fur Woo's Improved Hair Rtetorative, sud don'i be ysul of -ay ftraticle, SolS by £11 druggists lu Ibis place and dealers aery- wbere. Tradte supplieS ai manufacturera' prîtes by11. A. COOK k CO., Chicago, sol@ Agen-te or the UniteS Stated aud Canada, anSdliy LYMAN, CLARK A& CO.. NEW--ADVERTXSBYIENTE. EXECUTORS' SALE. The. Exec-utor anS Exceutrlx-of th Wiil ni thse lite Robert Smith will oiter for sale by P'ublie Auctian, nt B I.A C KS HOTE'L, IN TIL VILLAGE 0F OSIIAWA, 0ON Thursday, the Twenty-Eighth Day of Septeîpber next, uit Two 'elock ln tise aiternoon, tise Snutis Ifalves af Lots Numbers Ten aid Blevomu Is th isiEgisti Concession of tise Townsilip of iEt Wiitby. Tise above propsirly ie lbe aid isesead ci tise Smnih Ftmily lin1110County a01lOn. tario ; contai,,. 208 Acrese, cf whtch about 28 oscies are gond Hardwaod Tisber-is undordralned and lu an excellent siaoai cultivatiun anS tisorougisly tanceS. Tise Dwelling Houses is Brick. Tiscre are two arns-osc witis stono fouidation, ,wilh cattle housse for twý%enty-eignt cattie, dljîd ront bouse undlerusatis; a Cowsised, two Stables, anS oue Iruplemeut flouse, ail ln a gonad tate ai repair. Tisere le aliso a lieorlug t ircîsard of finIt class fruit tracs, vontsiniig about 1v aree.. The landm are wll watered lsy two ninver- failing creks-a gond well anS sofit water vistern. This lanlise mot desiribl.3 tarsn lu tht Coonly of Otario ; la situated Seven miles- tram 1Frt 1'erry, anS about thîe saine i.. tassves frotu Osawa-both good imarkets. AnS tîsre art. good rmads to botLi places. It sitrented for S1,000 pet yea;,and taxes,- Pv îseceelon givin Novembir, L877. 'TERMS OF PAYMENT: On-teuli of the purelsase nioney at ime of saie ; %rthiu one month sncb furtiser muni as witise on-trutis will nuIe $7,000; the balansce ta bie securad by mortgage, t'eannsî seven lier cent interest, paiyable lu six equi P untîse particulars sad conditions ai sals cati be liaS from Johu Smith, Esq , Raglan P. 0. ; James Stocks. Esq., an tise premi- os, who will-.isow tbs sanie;,lise Auction. O¶î, sud Venauors Solicitor. LYMAN ENGLISH, Vendoa' Solicitor, Oshawa. LEVI FAflIBANKS, ÀAuctioneer, Whtby. ta 30 1 U ~Ic I 1 s s LAW) 1(Pupil of Mr. Torrîngten) iili resumne ber Music Claie on Final Sep- tombier. Foere, &o., apply aI iset rosi- dsin-e, Byron Street. WIitby, Augul 20tf1, 1876. T Ln-86 Tlisa ilg ht t enet Boalisa ton the male of Itelneimeiatu on tise Grounda ai tise Sontis AGRICULTURÂL SOCIETY, iilI b. solS t "RAYS' BibtihAsueican hIolel," Wilisy, on Thursday, 7th Sept., 1876, ut 7:80 o'eiatlt, p. s. -C. NOURsE. WishitlaY, Auguit 81ti, 1876. Secrctaîl~ N OTICE 1i iroby givan tisai a speclal .L~Ocuenal Meeoting i tise Ssaeioldens aiflise hlby and pont Pce hailiiu, .Campiny wili ihoaield uaI leCospany s Office, lu tise Town afi tlty, on 8aturday, the 9th of 8ept'mb'r neltA aI 10 'lok a.M, tor tise urpseefi consiaeriug, md. k-deemed advÉaslie, AiU. thoisngLIgolis sue sud disposai ai Mort- gige Bonde, including Bxtension Mortguge ionasPurchî,e ails. Rolling Stock anS Vasais u nSdi ailiter praperty nain renteSl bý tise Company irori Messre, Austin et al.,' * cul fer paymenî siseefen i tise amuui 9-109 gotoa susucash, er manigage Bouda 01 tise Cumpnsy on susîs othen soeurtios as the Compatiumay-bo able ta issue or gin. FanrotsianltNail matIens .connected with tis eaxtension of tne ilailway frein Ve)rt 1'ery lu Liud4,y. To AUtanS mate sutis andmaetla tise Byluvs aiflise couspany sas may b deolSed on u d gne- asl Y çagcosisiter anS dispose of&Ili saisma- tý UIens au y- iay û centhelisciliru et he Co>MPny, sud =&ay'b. brougit betore thc the0 85 ain ise sFlin, MesVIMIU w CMÇ14.y __Toronto, on or baeatise Firt' q qi of v.mber, A. D., 1876. An l ako uot4ge tisaI alter lies mid laut ment4omed date 4olissld ExeSutor wW IPrm. ccd b dictaut h. ascata ol th. saiS testabor smong se arties elte leeo eislienlcubave notice, sud the sailS ex- oeutor wilfl ualb. fi ble ior tliaoe simta SistribubeS, or sny part tisereai te Loy PeT. son ci whose daimn sucis exector Ïhall uat have bad notice t lise lime oi such Tis anoticela lve lauM '27.ce ai thse tatuts 29 Vis., Csp 28Se'f Diteûs t Whltby, the 2'lrii Âug., 1876. GEORGE FLINT, Sole Exicutor li6e William PFlnt. FARIEWELL & RUTLBDGE, salcitors for Executor. 86 F AlUTO 111 A finIdasen ai 00 MAcres-LMO acres cleared au concession 10, Loi 10, Brock. Tv Iet for a trai ',ysirs. MICHAEL MALONE, Caunnton, P. 0 Angust 28th, 1876,. -21-80 FABU TO BENT A Canaisting ci 14 0 ACRES, bigLINo. l8, lu theîto itsconcession csf Pcelgadjocng lIhe Vilfge- ai Brough- am. For prtîculirs apply ta tise owner on tisepremuses. J01 L. STEVENSON. Picker ing, Aug. 60th, 1878, 2in-36 Notc OI ereby ven lisaI a Court willl be iseld pnuint Ihe Votea' Liat Act ai 1876, by Mia Houer tise Judge i the Coun. ty Court ci the Cenuly af Ontario, aI tise TOWNSHIP HALL, BROORLIN, ON TiUE 1117t day of Siptember, 1876, et Ton o'olack, a. ni , to bear anS Selermine the stiversi complainte ai errer.su"d omis. niosln the Voter' Listoe <f the Municipah.- t>' of tbbcTownship et Wiitty for 1670, Ail peanse having business ut lie Court are requtred ta attend aI ties aiS tue and plce. DateS at Brookliu, Âug. 29, 1876. - R. T. HARRIlSON, 2in.36 Cheik oftIem saiS Mulclpality. w A N T 3 D i TENDERS9 FOR RAILWAY TI ES1 Requined 50,000 Tien dolivenea on tlibne ai tise Whitby' Bort' Barry and Lindsay Ext. Railway, Betiveen Port PennyaadLlndsay. Diman. sisins - 8 test long, 7inchs face, 6 mInc thicIs. Offera iili b. necielnutil >OCTOBE h FIltS'l, 1871, addreamed Iv tise under. signaS, GIBBON An DIXCsN, Contractons, Port Penny. N. 1.-Partices tndering iill hoain l uslind tise ebove dimnensions ans tise least tisaI vihI b. accepteS. Pont Pera'y. Auguat 22ud, 1871. Z4 WA NT ED 1 DOUBLE TEAMS! n'O(RSES AND CAUTS, Tu iorc lie laExtension aiflihe 'WrnTBli, PORT PEItIY .~D LiNDsAit RAIL WAY. THtE I-IGHEST WAGES PAID TO G00» A XEME1,V N AN!) CHTOPPER.S. .tquplyltyos, lise 'a-k GIBSON An DIXON, SPort Penny, August 18, 1871). CONTIsÂCTonS. 2in-31) ONTARIO LADIES' COLLEGE. T 11F, AUTUMN TRI W5.L COMMENCE ON Thursday, Septemb'r Tth, 1876. THE GOVERNOR GENERAL aSfers lina Module fer nexl yeîn. Olhier moedaloind prizs axare oSecd by fioinda ai tise College. Tisaea-filisaimportuanî addiiobns te tIse isf, sud sveny possible advantags oScered ton a comploe educetion. ai a REASONABLE RATE. Fan Clendîn îapply ta Ilxv. J. Le. SXXNDERSON, M. A., Wisitisv. Augut 24tis, 187. 8 FABU FOR SALE, Comprl slng part. ai Lots No. 219 an&l 80, 6tIa Concessîion, WlLuy. 4pply la- WU.t G. DOW, EsQ. Auguel, lOtbi,76 'lm8 G RAND EXCURSION TO STURGEON POINT! TWO -VAYS, THURSDAY AND PRIDàyl A11g- 8lst and Sept. lst, '761 Leavlng Whltis>' t 8, a. in , by WVistby and Port Penny taiaav ; part Penny et 9, a, ni., by Steamner 'VICTORIA ; Lindsay et 1,-p. ni., Ly Steamer VANDERtBILT, an- rsvlrsg ai Ulurgcou point at 2.10, p. Mi. *RETUIINING,-Wir1hhIsve Sturgeon Po)int il 2.110 p. in., on l'nlday, arnlving in Wiitby et 9'P'ni. Tse tanSchîî?eîl Excursion ai th'o sasuo yadayas isiisgsud rani- bic ltu ewaadon; Ampleniti Newa- Hali bajuil beu coni- pitat lise nto., TICKET8.4L50, Eseis; BaU T'he bot Chorus Book i. "Pétlers opers chgroes,'" Vole. I andI1.............euh#200 Tise besé GI.. Book il "éTue Ne Plu$s Ditra," for MIxed ' Voes e......... ..........91.50 The best Gie Book -for Male Volics lIo ."dThe Saugenfeli ........... .5 Tise beol Gutar Iualructor is "Hollands CasupreiseuliVe Mtisat"080 Tise boat Collcttu cnf Vocal unS In- sînuimentai Gultar UMa is I Tise beet Accordion Inetrus-tor lu "éSedgwick's FPrefeMtioS for lis. Accordionl'. ..... ........ #0.75 Tise baut Cornet Instractor la ESSdgfwlk'sPerfect Me$bod ferrlis. .ont ...... .....$0.751 Tisa boat Zitiser Sehjoal la "lIlamilton's perfect Mailiod ton tise 1Zither",........ ............ 80.75 Tise beat Miuical Mgaines are " Er ousobèld Melodisa," O o ffou. .............90.25 "Ptns acre SoSlections, aor 4 *Antbesu............... ...90.25 "P5et Octaao Cisoruses," 8 or 4 Cisorusea ....... ......... 10.25 "Petera' laanar MuIt," 1 0or 6 easy piano Plecea ......-....... .2 ,111a Crome de la Cremsa," a3 or 4 1Diflcuit Plaes ..............080.25 "Peter& Orgen Selectiens," 4 ta ô Choies Pieces................ N25 M' Auy work malleS, jesî paiS, on te- ceipt ai tise manteS ire.. Addreas, 85 J. L. PETERS, 848 BroadwaY, N,ý Y. ACTION SALE or Grist Mili, Saw Mili, Farmn, &o. NVIll be mld on lise promise, on Thursday, Sept. 7th, .1876. il On. ocîls,. pmo., tise Scouth Quarter of Lot No. 14, inaIsceis,. Township of Wlstbr cooiLy o! Ontario, TVie. rieL Milliirirun ooceaScep air, bas tisree run of atones diven ty Le el's Turbins wheels uuder 25 feet issuS. Tise Sawinill is likawiae iu 9oaS ne- pain. Tisere le aima a Dwelling lieuse, Barn, Dnivissg fouse, Sîes he sd, &c. Tise.abovo l operty i;-ituateâ nine miles _i oTarm 1tpayment made Tory easy, tb ouly a sibaliportian Sown. Fer fur- tr prticulns ply t.J. IH. SMITH, LEVI FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer. Auguat 281is, 1870. d8 S. R- WICKETýT, 19rter, Manufacturer and Whalesale Leat hors, Shoe-findinga, Etc. Sole AgenI for Ontario ai J. IL. Mooney'e telebrited <2slomS d a aicy Leatisens. No. 52 COLEORNE STREET, TouasvoNT, OXT. P. O. Box, 222. WANTED. wTE want rliable, energetie canvasing VIagents lu every towu linlise Doinisi- ion ion tise uew ",Illuatrated History ai tise Dominion of Canada." Tisis warlu le trnly maguificent, cantaining over 2,0)00 double cotumnnquarta pages, asdaven 800 sure b ttl)~ag enegnavlugs. Tise won'ei. Apubliah. eS lu -parts, on a ilan whicis insures its wlcoms (o every Englias reading lamily. To eungetic yaung men or ladies. visa are willung'o wark, vs vil gùaante. a per- mnanent position for tino ypire, anSdclOan PnY. Don't fail ta write for aur privaIs terme.s smple piges, etc. This is a grandl opportunity fan scisool teacitre to asoks uscors tissu double their salaries iitisout lu. Ierfering initis thelr prafeesinal dluties. Tise work l is eing manufacturesl et a coat ai ever $20,000 for the literary, rtistic anS methanicisl iork ai produeinig tise plates, by tise aid wel.knawn, relisIs LovelI Priitiug and Puislisiug Ca., of Mantreal. Ai letters fmcm Agents muet be addreeeed ta' -tise Pubislisers geneîial agente as fol- lowlne H ýZ E N B. BTGNEY An C0., 28 ande 80 Si .Francis Xavier Street, MONSTREAL, QUE. Moitraa, Ang. 19, 1871). I S TRAYED OR STOLEN! FrouastIse pîemiý;es of the culucriber, LoI 15, Stis'Couceccinu, Tav'nsluip aifF.iet Wiit- isv, on on about tise 24tis JLLY, s blasck bars. clt, two yeers aiS, iwhite mark an forsiseailanS one- litaSfoot a-hile. Any lerson giving informaetion leadiu la hus recovery.nuil tee euitahly newn'ude Parties retaiiusg hi,', aller Ibis notice, wiii lue pror'-lited etcordiuîg lu lw. JOHIN OLDVISbLD, SRaglan P. O. Ragleisi Aug. 1501î, 1876. 84 CAUTION! Ahl perlons are lîereluy calloueS ageinel segaiating or purrisasitug e certain note ai issue, for tise sî aif $40, ruaSs by me bu fsvcr i ESwerd Hart, anS payable in Fcb- ruary nexî, insucis as I have received no coneideratioxa of tise basss. DONALD BRIUCE, Beavarteni, Anguel 15, 1871). in*-84 Case itiste prisises of tise asseriser on or about tise Firet af Janie, 1 Blacks Siseep anal two Lamb.. Tise owner is ne- quested to preve p roperty lpropu'rîy, pey cburgeseassl luxe tlie neyor tbey mil be briacordueg tru iw. JONG . Augusutt iIa.lXX.84 4I 1flflINVEST5ED IAS 7flf 91 0PAID A PROFIT 0Felpl70 Suring lhe past fcw months, unider our in. U roved systens oi oprating in STocKs. is1k; redluced tb nomninal sume anSdprodîs incroaeed. B3ook contaiîing f11 informa. ion~ sent on application. TUMJ3RIDGIi & C0., liankere & ]rokers, V2 B d roadway, Now York. A LLAN LINE 1 LIVERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, C-H EAP FARES! Cabin, fromWhitby - - $59,8$79,8$89, acording ta accommodation. Iritoriediat o -$6 Steorage-as low as any other lino.. Propaid pssage certificates issueS aI lawest rates la persoas iahing te bring oui friends. Ier tickets and farther informaticu-apply te- Exp. anc,Tpl. Office, ,Wiitby. Wýhitby, August 15h, 1876. 1-84 FOIR SALE OR TO RENT. Tsat valaablo Improved Fîrm, knowu as the f!Hometaed ai tb. late Daniel Me. Evcrs," cosnprsing 160Acres, more or lois, and eîngcompsecf tise South Hait of Lot No. zz, and the South Quarter ofi'Lot No. F3, in the ui concession of tbe Township of Hamilton, adjoiuinon the corporation limita af the TOWN 0F COBOURG. Wlitby, ÂuCust 24tis, 1870. 8n8 Aise at'thse sanie tie aud'place, a quanliiy of Housebold Funniture. ba- longing tg Mis. I3oSge. IHOUSES TO ZET. Twoj>walling Keules ~oun enrl Street, cautaluing 7 zooms at; iard sud soit inater qurtaacre of land App Ot EPH A.DAN DLL, Wiitby Hanse, 0OTTÂGE FOR, SALE 1 TisaI Brick Coîligejuot niortis of lie Brown & Fat onÏizauring0'.. olawltis lb. lud adjoling. Tiseaare onts miseosalei, xH ad soit Wate r nc vor ioniser parliculars appîy ta J. E. PARE WELL, Iharrister, An. Wiitby, May linS, 1876. 19 F IRST-CLASS F.ARM FOR SALE, Coutaining 100 Acres, situaIs One Mils anS tisrs quarters inest ai tisc Townu oi Wiitisy,-zp lise Kingston Ft, ieing composeda o arts oi lots Nos. os anS 84. lu tisa lit concessian ai tise Town. sisip ai Wisitiy. 'lermsiaipaymnen veny easy. Fer furtis. or particularoaiaply ta the Proprietar on tise promises, or ta Levi Fairbanks, Wisitsy. EDWARD HART, Witby, Ont., Proprieter. Wiitisy, Augusi Olla, 1876. 2M-18 T lIWITb3YIII HSIOoOL. Thie Sciseol winl re-apein Angusl 2lrd, when il tseHead Master wiII b. prepaied ta receive loto hIe bouise a limiteS nuumier ai pupila asissardere. lFer particulenrs apply ta, G. H. 1ROBINSON, M. A., IlesîS Master. Wlsitby, Augnet 7Lth, 1876). 4t-83 RACE11Y NOTICE., Chancery Notice ta tise Creditara ai JACKSON HOLLIDAY, deceas- cd, snd SARAH JANE HOLLI- DAY, deccascd. ]'orsauit ta a e Dcee aitise Court ci Chancesy isado ûin as caluse1ofollis±y, agaist tilruy, tise Creditors of Jacksan Holliday, 1-te ai tise Townshsip of IBeach,, lu tise Coussty ai Onstario, Yeoman, wiso Sied ln an about tisamouISe oif May 1874, anS ai Sarais -line oloy, bis diughter, a opina. ter, inho SdIcAtiseresiter, are, on or befane tise Eigistesutis day ai Septemiser, 1876, ta< enS by paît, pro paid, ta John Hom:kin,ai tise City' ai Tor-nto, lunlths Counity ai York, tise solicitor for tIse defendant, James Gîl. roy,, tise adminiatrator ci tise saiS Jackson lliliday, Seceesed, thiu clristian anS sur- names. addressevanS description,il parti cilxai oftiir clais,a statement of tiseir se- count«, and tise nature ai tiesecurities (if ansy)hissldiy tiem, orilu Scaît tisereof tlsey- wiii ise peremptorily exclnded iran thes boss. eSit ai saiS Secrea. Every creditor lsolding assy secuizy im ta producestise saine befons me eit my chemiserai, lt tisa Tawnu ai Wiit. by, in tise saiS Couaty ai Ontario. an tise l9thDay of Septeinb'r, 1876, at Tcn 'loek in tise faressoon, being tise tisýe appointaSt for ajudication on tise dlaims. -î DateS tisetwenty-fourlis day of July, GEO. T-1.DARTNELL, Gis-32 Master. XALUABLE IIOUSE FOR SALE. -A large Tivo.etory B3rick Dwelling Honse, wiltistree 1a nrtere ofai !asecre ai land et- tacised, a-cil stockeS a-iis cisoice liruit Tes, anS situated on the cornser of Green sud Glbert stiecîs, Whiîiy, and uean lise busciness parItaifaise towsa. Tersae asy-for furtler particuliers spply te D. OIIMISTON, Soliior, Wiiby, or T. H McMILLAN, Oshawia. %%"Ilitley, Aîsgust Sais, 1876. ua For- Gilt --Curnices, ig uevery Style, do tot forget the paete~g of the "B&ROCKIN& OH4AIR,'-'Brook 8,treet, Whitby. IJNDERTAIKING. ]PARTMENT. Rosewood and Wajnut, Coffins, Walnut and Rosewood Caskets; ail Idnds of Ladies' and' Gents' Robes. Aiso a &ist-elass Hearse. TILL &'JOHNSON.~ Wftbe, Augiut 29th, 1876. -8617 A IT A AIs LA/NO d- STEWART Rave found out the place to get goods'suitable, for this Hard Season and have been, -and gone, and done it. And 10W, ofier GREAT INDIJCEMENTS. Particulars next weak. LAIINCz &STEWART. Whitby. August 29th, 1876. 86 J- ST RE CEI-VE D AT TIIE FOR FALL WEAR. 1 Casa Paris Manties of the latast styla, Black «Yak Lace, Valanciennes Edgings, Naw.Ribbons, Black Spot Net, Dreus Buttons, Marinoas, Black Alpgcas, Black Lustres, bettar value than aver bafora shown, Grey Flannels, Scarlat Flannals.- New Fail Goods arriving every day at ODDFELLOWS' HALL. E. FROST, Wlhitby, August 29th, 1870. S-OUTH ONTARIO Ris. accounts are being: ielivtery on the above datE meet, he respeotfully requE Notes and Accounnts past~ hands for collection without, tFire ~ut anad-C notice. 'JOHN SA EIARDWTARE, HAY FÃ"RK-S,' HAY; RARES,' SCYTHIES & SNAITHS, GRAIN CRADLES, BARLEY. FORKSý, T1IRNIP IIQES. 4:3 GENUINE PARIS GREE-NI.4* GROSS & MACNACHTAN, BROCK STiIEET,ý WHITBY. JUST RECEIVED AT' DOMINION WARER6O'MS, A. CHOICE LOT 0F' GRENADI NES, BATTISTS, MUSLINS, WORSTED 00ATINGS, SUMMER TWEEDS, &o. Also a superior lot of striped and plain #j Millinery suitable for the season. MILLINERY, DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING DONE TO ORDEIR. LOWE S & POWET4LL. SCIIOOL BO-OK D EPoT .1whbYJune 4s176.' ooa0 . SCIIOOL On JVednesday, August- 23rd, 1876. The uudersigned bous to tender bis haarty thanks to the Parents, Guardians, 'eacliers and Trustees, of South On- tario, for the vary liberal patronage they hava heratofora extendeci to hin, and takes thisop rtny of informing theun, that titis seasrnz bis facilities for the szupply of School Books, A dvanced Text Books, Fuolscaps. Drawving Papers, Siates, [nkJs, Pens, Pencils, and otharSchool Paraphe/-ina- lia are most thorou gh and compvlete. Spaeslelisgàr' English Lieratcre, 'by IV. Houotii, M. A. 1?eid'a E-nglish Dicliaitary. PoII Emelid Booka, 1, 11, IIr, with appcudi.r, ly Kio-klacl. No. 4 BULFINOH St., BOSTON, Tise, and s full stack of aIl othsar asw copyrightf editiooasi asthari:ccl Tort 1Baoks, inili b. aiwaya kopt on lbanS. THE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Or, 5ELF-PRESERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. GaiS Medal Awarded tu tise Autisor isy isc "National Medical Associa- tion," March l1ai, 1876. Jutpbihdby tise PEABODY MEDIC4L INSITUTE, ainowedition af tise meStual work entitle lies 'SCIENCE 0F LIFE; or, SlLF-PIIESEItVATION<" it tresîs upen fMan. boaS, boa- lest, boa- regained and baio prpt- nated ; ceuse end surs ai itxlsausled Vitlzty. Impetency, Premature Declile lu man, Sper. usatorrhoea, or Seminal Lqgees nacturuel anSd diurnal), Servons and Phybteal Debility. My- poehondria, Glaamy Forsisadinge, Mental De- pressiaon, Loss aof lir%,,acgard ýounten. suces,Conusueon ai MnanS (cas aifMenory, Impure ofathei b.Blood, sud all aseases anlsing ranierrons on Yautisan tise indiscre- liane or excasses ai mature yeasir. Il tels van an about tise Morale ai Genere. tîve Pssyslalogy, tise Plsiolagy tf Mariage, ai Wedock anS Offsprtng. Pisysical Contrasta, Tlruc Monlty, Empînlelani, Perversion ai Mariage, Conjugs.[ Pnacept anS iiendly coun- isi, Physical nfixni5t3y.te sauses ad surs. RBelations, isetieen tise Sexes, Proofe ai tise Expuansion of Vices, tl iselserles ai Impru- doue, es.Aent ,W garances anS Errons, Meaus of Cure.,Cure o ody and Mnd. 'u rus Frin- ciples ai Tîsatmoul, Adlress eel Patients anS Invaiid IReadere. TThs Autisra ,Prlncîpies. Thise reof tis aboois laonly 6 00 Tes book aise eotalus mors tisia Fufty Prescriptions for lt.eaisave named anS otîser Sîseases, sacis nsone ontismare tisan tise prie oftIe books. - Tise lustitute a1so publisises I"THE PHYSIOLOGY OF WOMAN AND HER DISEASES." Pice, Sz. Tise bemi book af the kind extant. Alma anotisen valuable, medîcal a-nIslntr*t- ing sxclu.lvsly 'Mental and Neryane Dteeaees; more t5an 200 r octavo paw8s, lwsnty .1.- e ant engravnseunS in saubstauttal musllus. rie l $ Ïarsiy enoogis ta pay ion print. "Thse Bock for youug sud Middle . uged mn te a iljusi nawin latiseScience ai Lif., on Ssii Preservatlon. 2ýÉe enlIser bai retÃœrneS S-oui Eurapeiluexcellent sealish, and lanacat tise Chi.ecOusulllng Phicieofanaihb. eabody. Meducal Instituts, No. d Eliacis Street, Bos- tan, Meg'-saxcu ouait au "*Theiseceo«cLlae iseyond ail compati- sou lise mont extraordinary a-ork on Pisysiele- gy even publiseod."1B-Deome Esun. "Hope nosilef la tisa botto ai Pudorale box, anS hep. pinmos hon a-loge anan, ines lise lasuluso ai tissusvaluabi. wiorka, poblitaed by tise Faabody Madicil Institut. sîchis are teacising tiosansdu baina id tise maladies tisaI Sap lise citadel Oai le.-Pau.enitepmaà Eltanouldbe readbelise Yong, lise Middle a&go& and aven lise o0d"-Nxa- Toa Tmsanr. Tise firt anS ouiy modal aven conferred upou au yMdic aMn l intids country, as a racog nitlfo sl ansd profosons servies, aus presentedt téa ulor ai Ihaus vache, Marcis 1ot, 1876. Tise presentatios n as noua- ed tise lite of il. accurance hi tise Boston Press, anS hleiSng J ournale ibrougisoo lise sonr.Tsamaguiiicenî hMsdal la of .0115 gelS, sot iitis more tissu ise isundred India Slemonds of rare isnilluincy. "AiUta)felhisn uit. executian nS lb.the lcis. neo emilerials., and aie, lis iludocbded.. leythe Most naticeable modal ener tnuck in lte cnnlnry fer -înyz rpo vhalem-er. ilt. a-au a-antei se n lus uNmimatistL .Il was a irly won ae .otisfly bootowed-Xàas- uAouaxTu Prýuomoaxx, iune $rd, 1W76. - rCatologtic mnt c o ecip ofiace0tfor J. S. ROBERTSON, Bookseller and Stationer, Whitby. Globe Train Arrived at the Oddfellow8' Buildings with'the following Goods for PETEPR SMITH: NEW-COIRN COB PIPES, NEW BRIAR ROOT1 P-IPES, NEW FANCY PIPES very chaap, TOBAC- GO BOUCHES (something. new,) MYRTLE NAYY TOBACCO, CABLE COIL TO-- BACCO, LORD ]YtFFERIN TOBAC- GO, PRINCE'0F WALES CHâEW- ING TOBACCO (hast in town.) Ail of -which, aiong with my other stock of Grocaries, wiIl be sold cheap for Cash. Do not fail to see the new Corn Cob Pipas at the Oddlfeilows' ýBlildliBgs. PETER SMITH', Next Soor ta E. Frost. Wlîitby, August 9th, 1876. 8IIEmiA .7s ANNIJAL 'CLEAR.ING SALE -OF- DRY GO-ODS, 0CLO0THING0, B0OOT'S AN D S H OES now going on11. Ci %1.1 and GOLD SM ITR'S HALL.1 Just to hand a lot of Thos. Russel &Son's celebrated Watches, Gold and Silver cases, at special prices. Waltham and Elg n Wthsi Gold and Silver cases, Jewelry, , at dapression pricas. SPEC TA CL E- TO SUIT ALL 6IGHTS Perambulators, 3 an d 4 wheels, Can.- adian and American makers, best value in town. CALL AND EXAMINEI Practical Watchmaker. Whitby, May 22nd, 1876. 2 0&1BB-S ELECTE-D THE COUNTRY L E CAN'T TIJRN OUT~ McIKENZIE HARVEST 1S[ COMI' N'G1 And if you want Foýks, Scythes, Cra- dies, and ail kinds of Har-vast Tcsols, Cheap.. Go to HAKT0-HS.. For Harvest GIovi Guaranted toW ÈLt.Go to 0:7» Food for Pota PARIS, GREEÈN. 0% J -M M If you w G~la, Punt muf ,es, well made, and- HATOH'S. ýto B3ugs, lHatch's - e 5 5 5 - 5 L5 CO-UNr tise fl 'ouginý watereti facei nana or sud tise parce1 No >. ComposeS ilfi .nore or-lesi, belng the suarth-. qaid laInumuber oua. Thtis lo tbaul 10 acres ai wood laud, STEEMS 0F SALE. iren per cent la b. paid-dowu ale su mumeel ta omaRe -hirly per cent of thse purcisee h. loi November next. Tise1 îix equai aunul lntalments wif et? peuc yn unutab lie --orgagte. prusla-n pcon onal appreta ams.la ycfOiobr l,Esq imbse ,uthe la on' liraItrayui a lor plytaJmes. Sisit, E Whitisy, Auguil 2u4, 1876. 14.52 TisIeligible Family BR&enece wvitiSî =ceoiland, compriaing Gardon and Or- c aralai excellent quàlity, formerly c- --uPie&by tise lite Zohn Humer, Eusq., .ltu- *tIe about cone mile tst cf Whitby, «ou the, Kingston Raid.Thse Houete culaini Tonu Btooms beidea kitchen iu reer, witb gôoà, a ellar. Bard sud Sait inate n uhlb prenni- es; alecbaraanS l able. Por lurther partieularu enqaire of JOHN TAYLOR, Esq., On lhe premises. *Wiiby, April 121h, 1870. 16 FARM FOR7 SALE. '-1 25 AC R ES', Sîluatea ounlise Kingalon Raid, 9 mil". irbostiseflourisising Toinuef Wiitby, b.iug composeS ef'tise Scuth-wemî 75 sud lise Nortis 50 acres of LoI No. 8, concession 2 iu tise Townasiîp oai Pckering. Tille finIt- euess. Ou tise iront 75 acres Ihero ina slargesTwsr- storsy Frime flouse, -a-IL painled, uritlx Stone Celr; 2 Cisterus, 5 uever.f&liIug Welle; Frame Baru, 60x5, witi Stone Coin Stables and Collerunuderusatis; Hors. Stable 42x80 iitis Coller under th. centre ; Carnisge Heune 26x24; Prame, vin-seSd sud Stable 60xc24,, Fig-han.. 2Wx8, Gadeu wils Peu, Plum sud Cherry tises lu abus- dance, tageliser vils 6 acresai lirai clm Orchard. The above taros sine1edrain- eS. Tisileoua ai tisa beatl anm unOna-a rio. On lise rear la & good P rame Paai 6h1xM1, and ou. 40%U2, good PinRouas-, 26x4, iItia kilcisen aud stone cellar; 2 -ells, a nevsr-fiihug Spriug, and 4à acres ai Orcisard.* Tisa aboya farnm'will bha aold ureaseouble [terns, apply ta tise proprietar on lise pre- miss, U. S. WILSON, Wisitby P. O., Oiat. Pickering, June 2tis, 1870. 26 D[RY 000DB ANDV, GROOBBY STO.RE-AT-AUDLEY. lu order ta mcc tishe grawiug vents ai tise localiiy tiSsse icriber h"c beau indus.5 ta open business lu lèe4bove fUe. A Largeý and well Selected Stock equal in pnice anS quality ta any thstcan ab. pureisased iunlavis or city. Gave us a fcal) ,judge fan yaupehi,- anS if you eau b. as wéeU suiteS as elzeeviere patraire hoe 'Inadis. -D. MOBRADY, Auclay, Nov, 24tis, 1876. AudIuy. 48-tf CueTac Dp R Tx . Ottawa, April 22, 1876. lice, il per cent. J. JOHNSON, 29-tf Corassonaer ci Customs, ! OYAL HOTEL, JA.PR'INGE, PBopBI Ths ergetan sdnmait cmn dl= in lise tous; bas large amplu rm comercal ravllea.Table a-eUo vils h. besils amn. Pestbrand andui*gar ncloseS y-arenduse aletvebilera. Charges le timon. N. B.-Livary attached& F ÂMIY EXCURSIONS, TO ROCHESTER, N. -SPE A I J lu lýAR.T l EtiJ1LULI N4ui ýé 1 1 dr 1 a 1 -

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