Whitby Chronicle, 31 Aug 1876, p. 4

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&M ia dSTm BlYLMAI.M -Dni ,0(10 À -1;, .-10,cat100 4«0 1,4 M 5106e US 11.024.10 IlalteseNo.. -7,900M l67W5 r ' lilàlllbi ... - ... ..M . 7.53 .80, 720 .lt>il)..... . 1010 10.050.45,10,901 Icasseerà 1hve thse priellege cf toppleg 011 ft au> pot, asud et Yvisiting W"slungton City ]d.s atlelts alîillviittise fer famod "WATKIN' S GLEN"J intlisei:ronate.Tise Glei a lectited enlise EllnsetitILîeNertîseru Centraàleoly,&sud its plJctereBilLiL, ad Irffitie-lury ià nOt rpsseqd Iluntisle world. Aselegàigtiy iiutrated pamphlset, de'- optfs thtiselxibitlonewth liaI of halaiil i'i iflielphia, tath prîtes, sud s grut dosî (If otiser vauiablo information, uit Lbu e tabsed fro the Wesotern Passion- j4pr Agent. Cunadiaiise roo;dlssg ontise Nor-lisSisore g*elt Lake Onaerie, cati take tiai teamer Y "Noeuian," lsaîiug Coîborueat 5.80 ss.; Cebourg, M.0 ata.; Port Hope, QA .45mn.; n -nuiuin dirct colunectlons iritis Nunihoru Central train lcaviug Rocester, N. Y,"r rlvlug ilu PilaslPhia next nsrning ai 7 oMaeel. ituainere freinToroute wiil aise ir ake direct connectlins at Niagara or Lew- 130esera Iilidpurcîsaît snd udîrhissyôtir tickets visa Nec-v Yorkîenstral, l'arts cru i:l tela îbui t a li l iteulOffcsliat re- dusilu ssii-, sicut tise allies o tise Nortiseru LrtilliLiIl7 gt uîîtiîlaiîy, .12 Exeisîuge JIc-til, Jliiiî), X.Y. 1)l. Mu. lBO) ',D'Jiî. ýIlf. s 8' t) ) 11, (ist. Pati-,]. Agt. Wi'ste'is Agec- t,ss. - N - T ix-ilrîîgc-St., Bufîfaloî,N.Y. I)011V WleilT ANI) PORîT PIIBIY * 1 Il ýTENHN 1 SIALWAY. 'M'l i ABLEiiNoî. l.- '1'saiuu î'iis i' 1Toriîntii iiiiîs, wli la l-n- ty-wi d îit'irthl lti G.lt. .tie. 1 1. t Ss -, Lo. 1I Xli.. IVisî Iuîs .--dopI.I5.11airs. I. 071 Jîts 'Iili-------12L),--l 7.1 ro .... ......-------9.40 7.35 ;myrlie-----------.58 752 - S iI I lit . . 10,lt0 8105 M.sseliist-r 10,22 iH 17 fuliîîiîst-i . 6.20 i 145 d .......it-------6.30 1,57" My'lel c ,t 1'.'2 et 2.101i .......7.00 " 2.27 teliliLs --7.l0 isAt.s.2.47 Wlîitîy ""~ n** 17.30 tit. i2.65 - isttiîii siaies.TrAhlis stop 0ais dg.- t>iîscî-iimst WîtitlîyFJîintiots 'aiatise Jris., cgi4t andidit ; ntah14)rtl'es-y with sîefus- ilabtiilge, anîd steamer' *Ma>le) oft-uit utleaiisy, tErsvo.îcnctîîas,'witli Ïtis T Ilîslitiialissîtis-l itis stîsaîner for 13cesîîIî,I. lilîtygneon, fsud Stsigeun 'iiit I lai::, fisbaiitIlple:tassîremreut. S JAMES ITOLDEN, - - .. 10-c--- -- - ~ MANSION H O US-E3, i'15151115>51 NI)i 'ruu< e-f., l f:oi~ro, - ONTARIIO. 'sVM. KELLY, PROiSIET-OR. s.,Sllîrlsuuu.sis isu pllîiiiiI , iis usl lfat- tfs-uliIsu>uuiuiu'i'luI i s.iellIrs iiinil lut iuililih siîîstu The'lî i ime iire li leurus is- uu -ls 1 uluu i luy se eui uu u-, uso 1 t-c-uvté d fi . th d as of-Il--i ,lI l l ,q.-.-v n 13 fris- tsedelt---iuuuui:si -511 luuf tu r r u o uSIu ulCIcte rssiuuusC-su'kr I ctu-u uust- -u i a luti uiut-oî & FUJRNITrURE. WHTOLESALE &RETAILI. Waror)Oî11s-Alberb Hall BLildînigs, 18 9 Yolîgo st. Il ave IuL vyâ ou hansi ul-lStock of evsry-. ti iîn,-,thias îeas slsb>'strictatetionau cusuLlWaanCe et tiheIparonage histerto- ex- - tendos ta tissus. .9ileiston pcid la tise msiing f N E E D LE WO0R K VIRE SCREENS, OTTOIUNS, - - FÂNCY CHAIRS, CORNICES, &C., &co. gIt dossu lu tlise bot style. -JAS. H. 5AMsO e Co. îSl CARIL1GE WýORKS. .ýWEBB Ifieuins hiePeats-eus asdtdie ua~rbadtheIJgbtf er SPatent Seat May bemy cre iiuncelt~i py, priïa iy asd xulcaly. :O'r~he Lecture Wl Provo a been te thortssuds sud thousaiids. - sentunader oal lun splain inrelce) >ta sny addreee, on reclpt et six conto, Ur two pontage statuep. F.BRUOMAN à SON PeutOffis IAR-5t,, New Y'ork., REAL E8 TA TE COLtJMN. Tise uuidert3igned hag, instruetions te offer for sale tise following Pro- perties 1, Brick lioee tc.--ht, ou Dunlop asd Centra si rees, wlth qua#or sera cf laund. Destrable famtlyreiec 2. Brick Hunse, Two StreY--hird alld 'sot wter-qusrter srcre-:Isicely laid et-fruit and ernainentai troc». Centre a. preane DwltUng-.stsbla sud woed- gisa, roarly two acresaet land, fruit sud, oruasfn-taltcsDiiiSret. Al tIseeheo p-opcrtied are deeirtbly aituated, sudsales eau be effect-lsd-u Very low terins by a sma11 psy meut a1 cash, asd on tins tu suit roltëiViit' fltli i rchatier. GEO. T. HIALL, - Lands, Cainnisisiozn'isd gecral Agent. OFFICE-Dundýas St., Wlitby. T AIZTFJP 01P FEES T 0 1E TLiKEN DY CONSTABLES. (Under Oriier in Couricif, sitedl 241h day cf Juiy, 1871.) 2. Arrest sf eci, ludisias uposu a warrant-------------------.... 1 60 2. Ssrvirs umoîis or sulipoeiaa-O. 25 a. Mileage ta servce ssualmosîts, esi- p gnus or warrant------------...O010. -SM uage wlsrn servles caannot be i su lrot1etdise dilligeuce ... O010 5. Milca1)1go tslaîz ing drisoliers tii gel, exclusive of dis'uuree-rneuec- e8ssriiy expoidrd in tisir coit- 6. Atts-uîiig issetirces un cuninary tinsus, or on examinsation of pri- sois chassrgedacvitsscrime, for eacI daly îsecesearily cmployed in5 one or usait- i'us, wlss-n ist engagc-u mori' tuit four houri.. 1 (0 7. Doa. ia. st-is-n îîngagesi mors tissu four Isouns------------------...1-W0 M. Atloiîdiisg Aoc-lace or Sessions, racla day-------------------... 150 9. Militage traçoliiiîg ta attend As- izes, sebione, or before Justices (Mienispublic cosveyaniee(tan Le taken, auly reusorial le distinres- iinsttabc ilas-e-d.) ... O... 10 10. Stimmiîîiiig Jry for Cor-oners§' Is(ioet, inescicUig &tteidîiug at iset, andsiXsii eriviuece u rem- lic-rt Iiehe-f, if held ou sanie day sis Juiry ,îîrtaiisuîneil-----------..2 0 Il. A1011 (sîiisg cari s * ajornunt tisercof, if nt engaged usure four heur------------------i....1 0 12. Doi. (lo.-if engaed moîre tissu -foursioIuri;------------------...i1 0 i3. Serving sîomosse or r.ublmisa lu -sc-Ltrsd liefore Corosscr .îuîject No. ..:....-------------0 25 14. Mlcage 8s.rvang saine----------..O010 l ù: Exhasus__gt.dy usîder Corouer'a warrant .......... 1.. ......... 2 dO In. Re.'bsîryiog sanme-------------...2 0O 17. Serving ditress warrant, sud re. t 'ruuss5 canie---------------i.. 150 18. Atlvertlinsg unler distrees wi)r- rants....-. .- ........ .......... 1 50 19. 'r4yelcii g te sosie dsutru-,,, or ta oearci f or uoei;trimie dis- tsevs, wlsetis io goods are tond. - O 10 20. Appiîrisrmnts, %vrieitliicr y nue ni more, 2 cr-nmn tulise dollatr, 01lt ts, Velsutn oruî1s 21. Catalogue -c-I- i sdolUîIiisc-ioi. aisîl si elive ry ut goocis, 5 ris.]ni lise S, onnet sUduIls-.of goî. 2. svissg îî-ilrs o în conutahit-u, ovlsc-ss porF;osaIIY c-rlît-si -.... 50 l'uiyiielîesl by a-ti, IL. J. )MACDONELL, chic-k (uttise rPce, C. 0. 22 T HE OR EA T ENGL1SH REMEDY! Dr. Before Takiug. ~~ YAtr 'J1jnè ,SPJECIFIC ME DICINE Cssr-m ils li:îiv:s:s, c-st . u- :rs:c. Dsn- M ARA LANDS FOR SALE 1 Lot 12 in 121h concession, 200 acres. South.iai.f et lot 18, lu 12th cencesasla, 10 acres. Aout six miles tram Atisasly Rail. way station. JH.PERRY, 1 WitSby. I\IDLIND RAILWAY 0F CANADJA. T I1M E i- T À. BLE. Gin g Nortis frout Port tope tolisadas>. Beaves-on asdOsilaisi. Leava Prt IHope- Ml -... 10 W a. M. 1Mixed .... 8.25P.as Going Nos-lb lu l5iterboro' Ar LakedelS., mail...... p.m. I MixeSI........... Caming Couith rous Oinllis to Llndaay, PoIes-bora'asPlos-t Ilolui. Leava OslUi- - oneta oistise Nipfsesii Rallway te sund tromToronto andlintorm;Iclate stations et Ui.Ulbrook fuor Peluera1 uduriita.sui O0 CÂRRIÂAG.E FÀÇ, 3ROCK-.ST., Wl ~L SEE THIE: Important to the Afft'letd BRVNTON'S RHELJMATIO ABSORBENT, RELIE VE8 THE 'PATIEI#T FROM PAIN' IN A ,FEW HOUR8,i AND NEVER'FAIL8.- JThemnatiem je a -poisoningobf the blood fromaçids, acting- on aid c<ntraîting the., musçlu, .d iirgutenie'sufeIng 1 rues in the tomach from Iipaîredl Dig'estidn. The active prinoiple of thi dis eo eito -Absorb the Poieonoua ÂAcri4.Aidby.,Oztwaird pplication. - It ia coniposçd entirely, cof vegetîtblý ýubistaues , and lmasneyer been mail beforo th' pqeet propriatorappllsd t. Prom the ntu= of the diaeasq of Rheumatism, and the Peculiar Pro. pes eof tufs Uem.dy, it su suimpoieibility that it eau fail lu Beiîeving the Paient tr&pin n fbourg when applied am directed. There -inaadiiotefaue in it as cosnpared with other Patent Medieines. Almost ail others profeu. to cure a vari4ty of daeaaas. The proprietor -oniy dlaia thàt hiisr.rkedy will relieve the Patient fromn Pain from Bbeumatism, and that iLt is eonly remedy (by outward application) known to Scienice tisat will do go. This preparation fa guasranteed to remove Blisumatie Paine ini s few hourg or the pionoy refauded. D Prie sOda tper Bottie. Sold wholesale aud Betail by -.1_ Wlitby, Jue Gli,,1870. s. w B s mITH .[ Corner Brook andi Dundlas Sta., WliLby.1 PRO BONO PUBLICO T GIRANDBONA FIDE SALE. ------0-- Co's. ANNUAL CASH SALE. We offer our large and- choice stock 1 0F SEASONABLE DRY GOODS, - MILLINERY, AND CLOTHING, AT THE VERY LOWEST LIVING PRICES. -0000 GROCERIES AND LIQUORS, - TO SUIT THE TIMt-ES. Wliitby, Alîril 26tli, 1870. MER CHAN-T TAILORING. J UST RECEIVED Ail kinds cf Spîing Goods, including Englishi, eotlli, and Canadian Tweeds, Worstcd Goods, Fancy Vestings, Broad-cloths, DoeSks, &C., & C. GO01OD .TWEED SUI3 SAT* $1 A. & J. B. PRINGLE, il-13ocieStreet, NWliithy, bMay 1aI, 187(5. Mercisaut Taioîs. 19 LEWIS ALILJN'S 1300K AIND MUSIC STORE, A large ancd well assorted -stock of 1Roon Paper and Win- dow Blinds, which leie l prepared to soul at the lowest rates. A splendid assortient .of stationery,l NeLw Misceflaneous Bookss bcautifnily bound, ail kîinus of Scisool Books. Violins and Coneertinas. Sewing Malins-best makers. Large and new assortment of best Gold and Silver Watclies aud Chains on haud. \Voul and Ftuncy department complete. Ail orders foir Euglish land American Periodicals and Newspapers prosnptiy filled. V/o are 110w in a position to supply Prize Boolis for ~S"loos et iîaif price, and we feei tiiet ive enugive good satisfaction. Soiciting orders, &. Whitby, April 5tis, 187G.LE IS15IN GENT'S CLOTH J NG AND FURNISHING GOODS For Superior .Clothing suitable for Summer wear try the Clothing Store and Merchant Tail- oring establisumenf-of. - crOEi 2sW mi m i::, o--U s Q1TW, DUNDAS STRIEET, WvHITBY. A GOOD FIT AND'STYLISEF CUT WARRANTED! Gent's Furnishing Gxoodls cf alkidnds, inoluding Shirts, Hats sud Caps, Umbrdilas, &o., Whitby. Juiy,27th, 1875. *-* tf-Si CHOlCE WINES &-PURE LIQUORS- at WHOLESALE and-1tETA IL te suit the HIOLIl--D.AY DEMAND -00-- UNUSUALLY LOW, PRICES. TIPI FRE'DE'RICK NEALE'S, f3M0OE ,STREET, OSHAWA. Aq 1NT FOR ]IAvIES & BeO,'S Celebrated- XXX CramAIe & YVhby,, 3 8th, 1878. 24 'NTHE l 0FO-RQANS.# Organe and Melodeon Organe at greatly reduéed-prices, for Cash or Note payable ini Octobor nsxt. Call-\gt the "OiRGAN FACTORY" and eximinle Our stock. Aiso Second-hand Organs and Melodeons at very low prices. * TIHE MUDGE & YAiRWOOD M'F'G. CO. Whitby, May lSth, 1876. ELGIN ! ELGIN!!ELGIN .! ! o H The finest, best, and cheapest -Watches made, foï the mo- ney, are the ELGIN WATCHED3, which cau be had at Taylor & Bar. nard's, in overy grade, botis in Goid îusd Silver, Ladies' and-Gents Mies. Also a large stock of Englisis and Swiss W'atches aiways ounliand. Cl1ocks. Jewellery, Silverware, and Fancy Goodes to suit evcry taste and pocket. liemember thse place-next door to Gross & MacNachtan's, Hardware Merchants, Brock Street, Wlsitby. FUJINITUIE! FURNITURE! Now is the tirne to buy good and cheap Furuiture. llaing boughit oughit thse bnsin"ies ateiy carsied 011 by James H. Sania, Mwc taise tisis opportunity of'iuvýitiug "his imauy frîcuuis ta give u a eali, and we ù-an assure ail thatt ce are preparcid to do as well by them iu t1is futuire, as Mr-. Saiîno lias d1oncýin thù past, TILL & JOHNSTON. Orders by mail proiptly atteiided to. U.NDEIRTAKING.- The only hfrst-_ clauýs Estabîlishsment iii the Colnuty whcrc fiîmerals are fuiiy supîslied. TILL & JOHNSTON. WVistby, OcLober lst, 1878. LIST 0F AIJCTJONEEIRS 40-ly Licensed for Southî Riding of Ontario, North Riding of Ontario, and sepai-ate Municipalities in the latter. E. H. Camnes-ou. ... C. Mens-c-..** John McG-<i11 & C.. T. H. Walshs... Win. Gos-dou. : .Tanec- Digluy Jr. - James Dlghy, Jr... JoLhn L.. atkis .... J. C. iiiey ... W. M. Willco-r. . C. Wilaon .... Tisomse Tucits- . . Dan. SViaic... Thosmas l'anches-,.. J. M. Pattes-sonl.. L. Fats-Sanie ... H. L. OliDli... DonaldRus Ruias Booe... Johustos isown.. .. ltE IsE CE. Oshawa . .. Thorais...... Beaverton.. Thoa-b Canuingo n. Clarcusont ... Ciareusonut... Portl'es-sy .. Saint-lleld. l'ast Pers-y.. Leaskdale.. lloningtu.... 'sVlitLy ... Beaveston ... Village Uxbridge Soutis Riding.. Muaa........... Tisorais....... do ............. Sauth ltiding. do ....... ...... Brsos-k ............ Souths Ridt-sg ... Uxbs'idge .... Nos-c-bRiding. North ltiding. ie1 h...... Sat-----------.,*.*:: Nantis IliSng. Souli th iIg South Ridin8g.. SentlIsOntario. . Tualas-..... ...... Bs-au ........... . l3roci ............ Uxisilge .... Lirîses Expinre. Jue 28, 1876. Sepit. 20. 1876. id22, 1876l. dé21, 1876l. Oct. let, 1876). . 18, 187d6. di19, 1876. hdO1, 18761. Oct. 201h, 1876. Oct. 201hi, 1876. Oct-. iCinI, 1876. Oct. 28ris, 1876, Nov. 111h, 1876. Nov. 22ud, 1876. Dc.c. 2uil, 18716. Dec. 151h, 1870. Jant. 24t1s, 1877. Jeu.- 26t1u, 1877. Frls'y 2ul, 1677. M'a-ch 8ti, 1877. Mar-. Otis, 1S77. Mer. 1OtIs, .1877. Mer. 2c-t, 1877. LIST OF PEDLERS FOR THE C0. ONTARIO. John Cars-...- James Bsiggs .. A.LT. Huaiansi. James BlackweiL.. - FalillaMeGaves-n... John Gilligan.. Duffett Bs-os . Duffrît Bras. Gee.But . Osisaa. .. -Brooklitu... Nion-Rcsideut .... do.- do. Oshsawa. Non-Resdent... Ou font....... 1 bo-se....... 1herse, Cont>'.... 2 huee, Counîy.. . 1 herse, Connty.... 1 horse, Count>... 2 harsCo.n........ 2iet Aprîl, 1876. 815 May', 1876. 9t5 Dec. 1876. 141h Dec. 1876. 151h Dec. 1876. 16tls Dec. 1876. 20tis Jan. 1877. 21e1 Mas-. 1877. lat April, 1877. WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer.1 -Wiitby, April 4h, 107ti. -FASHIONABLE 7AILORINGI (-o where you can get a Well.fitting G*airent :-To the Tailoring Establieliment 'of GEORGE GURLEY, OSH -AWA. SUPERJOIR CUTTING SEFAPES THE :WORK I1 A Large Stock of Fine Clothe'; beet En-lish Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. 0:'j- Excellent Overcoatings anai' -Tdi; est Pâtters. A good fit Guarauteed. 51 Xing Street, Oshawa. JUST THE P LA CE1 BOOT AND BSHOEMÂKEIIBROCI-T, HTY flS 5noweu04isn4 sa erge, ausie istock cf 1 luakes to order avery description cf Ladies' ,Ger -t- e??Ileuü* - dope cua se sa notice, sud is and Shos epmeun-!nd Ch GIBS9N &SA H ejuet received the largeet, beet aseoit %*stock iof Crockery and Glaeeware ever of F VEJjL., Pe, and cheapest rred iii Whiltby. Iu China, Stone aud Fauey Tes Sets. In uChina asud fsucy Dinner Sets. es Iu China,- Stone sud Faucy Tol1 Iu Parleur, Table aud Bedrocàm Lampe. - L ass-Fruit, Cake..ad Trige Dishes. In Gobiets, .,Tumblert sud Wine Glasses. In Table St- i ýNew-Patterus;. FA NCY GOODS FOR RESENTS,- In Cupe, Saucera, Muge, Vases, Toys, &c., &c. GIBBoON & Sutuvzrsx.-have ail kina of Cisoice F P mily Groceries, Beat Teas, Tobsoco, sud1a1i kinde of Fancy Pipes, Hams, Bacon, Lard. Oysters of tise hast brandes always Ou hand. Tise higist markcet prie paid in -cash for auy qu itity ofGood Dressed Hogs, Oas, Small Peaise, Marrowfuat Passe, &o. At c- GIBSON SPARVELL'S. Whitby, Deci. iSthi1874. 51 WILLIAM T IL L'8 CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITLJRE WAREROOMS- THE OLO STAND, BROOK STREET, WHITBYI Go where you cannot fail to be pleased in making selections of good furniture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing iRoom and Bedroom Sets, New Desigus wcil worthy of inspection. at astonishing low prices. Din- ing-roona Extension Tables-at very superior article. Gilt Cornices, Picture Framing in; every style. Some fine Chromos and Engravings for sale. _U N'- ID Mi FJ WT_Ê.El<il l -, In ail its branches ; funerals fuJly supplied, À stock of elegaut caskets. Coffine always on baud, trimmed to sait CUstonieri',and a weil appoý'0inted Hearse constantly i readinese.p WM. TILL. Whitby, November 241h, 1975. ,DOMINION OR G AN Cqo1S[ JMPIROYED AND 1REMOD4LLED CABINET AND COMINA T/ON z w. M . >1 Thsis Company lias recently been re-organized b y thse addition of three of the met practical men from thse Factory cf Cloughi & Warren's Orgzan Ce., Detroit, Midi., escli takiug an active part in his own psaticular department, sud are now mauufaetnringf an Organ EQUAL. and in many 'points SUPEESOR, to auy msnufactured in th-cý United States or Canada. We take pleaqure in anuouucing to our customers ýnd the trade generaliy that we have secured the right to manufacture sud use, inutise Dominion of Can- ada, the celebrateti SCIRIBNER PATENT QUALIFYJNG TUBES, sacured by Lettere Pa»uet in the Unitedi States, England aud Canada. ]3y means of this invention an organ containing two or thi es sets of reeds becomes equal in volume sud power, andi far Superior in Qnaiity sud Brilliancy of Toue to an ordinary reed organ of six or eight recuis. I~Oui cecebratr 1 "Vox Celeste," ",Vox Humana," Wileox Patent "Octave Coupler," "Cielo" or "Clarinot" stops, "F1ug-le forrt," "Dnléet," "A.Moline," '"Cremona," aud Grand Organ Stop, snd ALL THE LATE IMPROVEMENTS, tau be obtsined oniy lu tiie, orgaus. Twenty-flve Pifferent Styles for tise-Pane asand flic Churcis, of tise best material and worknansisip ! l~QUA&LITY AND VOLUME 0o7 TONE UNEQUALLED. PRICES-$à0 TO .51,000, Factory aud Wareroorns, Cor. Temperauco sud W'elington Sts., Bowmanvilie. Agents Wanted in Every County. 1I 'Sedc for Price List. Aduirees, DOMINION ORGA'I CO., Bomnanville, Ont. Generai Agents for Canada for the IlCeIcbrated"i Bradbury Piano. Bowmanville, Mardi 28th, 1876.. 14 Cheap Harniess, Trunks, W h/ps and Lashes, Whitbyý l5th instant, 1876. 1 deefre to caîl tIhe attention of tise public to the facb tliat at no time duriug tise p iet five yeare bave I been able te offer Harnees of ý1l descriptions at as iow a price as 1 cen tisis Spriug. My expeuses being liglit]11 eau do it. No more-, etylisis or better Harnetas made inu Ibis Connty. Cash purchasers wili finti spe*il inducements,-this je w 1ia m afici. Calsud inspeçt. Reepectfully yours, j. R. -PHILP. ZIý Repairing donc reasonably. Please notice-=Second Harnese Shop Souths, next to, Groee'e Hardware Store, Brook Street.' Rstablishedl Twessfy Years ago. 12 John 8ton '8 Self - Iaking Rea por. AWARDED THE FIRST PRIZE. At the Provincial Exhibition, Toronîto, iu 1870 We chfer te our customers for the ccming Htarvcet, two dis-. tincit Machines, which ïn style and construction, enibrace the latest and most ilseful luiprovemenits ut the day. The un iversal-gecess. of this Machine, both1iii olosely contest- asi trials snd lu the hande of tise farmera, warrant us lun sying thât, as- a Self.Rnk- ing Reapin; iae-hine,-it bais more gnod points suad-le0s'defect . ,ndl bas met witb mnors succais anti less feilîre, ttissu heretofore ofiere4 t th public. CAYUQA JUNIOR MG&WER We were awarded the Finit rize and Dipl$ma, at the Prcvin niiExhibitionh. iUn Torono 87nntt RTl r .tin..;é,.. ..:.s .n a i -Sinca oisek ha Nea monsy wenU tatnht me te bauis iL- tram my home. D. 8C'HITYIR, Buffalo. Matbnshek supertorte all etisrs. . 11H. MOLLENHAJE, New York. Matisusiek issu-iu reality takan a stap in advarca et ail malera cf Piauos' lu--set- - l Musical Critileraastoga. 1 have beprd notblng to eqoal lb iu awest- nous et toue. Its imutes are more iile tisee et our sweeteat singing birdu, or bisoset tise fineut Jauman voies, tissu any inatru- mental notes I, ever2ieard. W. aa sei hlt- ast vitleour inurumuont.IMay yc e _b es. edsi wth great ansi desarved .aenceae Pester Secolud Pris. CErmlc-Pzfeeton,l4.J. Tise.Mahslek Orchestra, I ý&oGrand melodieus in 4tons1 ÂljFiILH.PEASE, Rochster- I wss fuliy*ceuvinced tisatishe Mstiuaik. was-tisa crown cof ail. H. BELLÂOK. MyoDIA tumer, Whso bas taken cari cf1usy- pifano for tisa past tén years says -tisaIthie N'O. 10 Orchestral juIl receivasi frosnryon la. thse best masde aud finestinstrumnt lu tiss dity. -Yeurs, &o., D.- M. SOMERVILLE, Clevelmnd, O.. Ein Street W. M. Scisoal, Tor".t . Wehbave gre at pisseurs lu statiug that as; an instrument te.laid tise singing in a'Sun- day Sciseel, uetising eau excel lb. Tise tons tf; soit ansd fuit Tise basesia grand, and wisen 600 voices ara singing toletber, tise piÎano eau be distinctly beard.- Every note,- rings eut as clear su a bail. S. J. HUNT.UR. Pastor. WARRING KENNEDYSupt. -SAMTEL FRISBY, MsclCn'r lb liés givea my tausil 3,tise very i½lest satifaitien. BEy. J. BRLEIIN, Blarrie. Hampton, Jan. Blet, 1876. MRt. J. iIEESE, Il siferds me, great pleasEye is scknowledging tise entire satisfactien, sud higis appreciation -cf tise No. Mathu- sisek-Pi>ano purciseaitram yen s tew days -sinca. Very reauctiip > Enniskillsn, Ont., Jeu. 131h, 1876. PROF. J. P.EESE. DaaSte, c- Tise Medium Mathusbek we gelt fom yen gives subira satisfaction lu every respect. 1 issu nisitatiugly raison- menaiilte01 Pester ot Presby rau t>hurch- Oasawa, Jeu. 5rd,-ill76c PROF.BIEESE, Dr.sa Su&, c-~ Ihave fond tisa Mathu- sisek as s you represerteailt-a firsi-claus- plane. BMaur mussisuas -have triesi lb, sud. pronounced. if excellent. ]Respectfully, -MES. B. MITC15EL.- Hamapton, Feb. lat, 1870. Tise Mathushek, Piano 1 pur. chased fions yen bas given *extire satlsfac- lion -as rvpsei uenioriustrmnnsut in e_.er repct. I luidreen "àd tesstise Matisuehck befre uc bslug elsewbcre. Tours, &o., H 'RT. PEILLIIPS. Enniekillen. Jans. 25th, 1876. PROF. J. BRSE, !i1mpt pic-aure l dinintstncy ets nsany y-eu bs-e ilreedy jreeeivedin laver chf tise weil mes-ited 'Matisushels Piano. pur- chieA ram you rAccctly. I an. weii ssii.- lied witb il lu lu every respect, ansi cousiS. er, for beant>' aud tone, il is unsilpase n y ssny instrumisent I bave yet seen. S. 0. HlLLIEl, XI. FULIL AGRAFFE, 7-OCTAVE PROM $800 PIANOS tram otiser raliable maliers at; baoteprices. Wholesale agents for tise Domlicra- of Canada for tise PRINCE ORGANS. Agents wanted in evsry. City, Townusua. Couuty lu tise Dominion.- NORRIS & -SOPEIR, 8 Adelaide-St. Easst, Toronto, SOLE AGENTS..- JOSEPE-BEESE, HMPTON. agent la Dsrlington, Wbiîby sna Cart.- wrighst. 7 A C'A R. - -To ail wso -are euffesing troustise errera ans i ndscrctiofetyeutis, nerveus wealg- urss, early dccey, bau etfmanhoosi, 1wlIl- asei a sredut Chat 'ails cure yen, FREE 0F CHARGE, Thsis greet rensedy ores discoveresi hy a mislonery lu SouCth Amer- ica. Sensia e ecf-asidtrsed ' nvelope ta tise Rzv JeszscH T. ISOlAN, Statin D, Bible Hasece, Newc-'Yonk City. 127 OUSE. LOT AND -ÉLACKSMITH ilSHOP FOR SALE. - At Asistrinr utise Townshsip et WhitLy, Count>' Ouario.-Comtortabie Dwelliglif etonlea, atone cclier, pnmp, &o., oritis hait an acre well piantcd ois gond fruit trecs. Alan lasitis Shop on tise lot, 36ra80, 8 Forges, and Bl ste of-Tools, forePower, Turnlssg 7athe, Vertical sad Galadatene Andi t-bs-esdIfSe--ut peses fer nektng monla-boýrds,aUdnsinu oitCutter. Aise 100 acres > etfIland, (6 acres clesa), Souts-isatf lot 2, 111h concession Mars; withir jflue of scisool bouse A_-choico, lot, -settiesi al arounsi it. TERMS et sais very liberai. Part efthtie pus-ebase meuey efthtie Asisiuru proparty- wil be allowed te remn ou enmortgsge. - A gond bas-gain eau Se obtainesi for ready cash. Apply te JAMES WALZBER, - -Ashburn, P. 0. Jue Stis, 1876. tf-25 Two Patent Righte for tise manufacture -of two of the leading plougsofethtie country for sale. Agent-s Wautcd - in every Township in Ontario to-eil tis& famous Frire Medai Organ Manufaclur- ed by the Smiths American Girgan Co. aidd George Steck sud Co.'s Pianos." 'special induccuments will ba given ta firsl-clage agents sud clubs of tbree o r four wiEthing 10 mpurebase. Auy nusher of testimoniale il] favor of lisose first-class organe ecau Se fUs-uisb- ed ' but as they are so widely kâoW- grea;t uumbers bavlugbaen aold througis' eut tisa DominionarLd havlnigglven sal-is-. faction in evrylinstance- Notestimn.ssi- al isooever flattering eau add to tiseir réputation. Tise Stock Piano o., received tise only gold medel asorads to auy exhiis- itor et tise Vienua Exposition iin 1878. Churcison requiriug, organes Wi» b8 liberally Seut wIs. Style 82, SýotSh Aieiawa -would cail attention to as Seing1 espccialy adapled for churchas; and halls, its proportions ar= gracefl sud ,its musical quglities are . insurlp58a eal." Tis erraUsiorgan £top ,gives tis SsowîV sueresue1 a ohiepaer or su bise power cf the cf biarmony. Pianos aspa0O DO wHIL Hamilton& rauigeiseui IJainron, PAIRE Kem J.3. E JAIK Notary ]Pi &Buo'%etc ATTOýE toni, Brel LY1YI) eh& coe Street Block, Bru (La Whliby. 4 ci Z. DueGÂs OmvBrc- W Iu. m WbTitby, o, omia. Gso traction ai aeebaeap a Lest: Tes -'Teets axIs -local aussi Kinà Stre TE BUTIDI Ssali J' AG]X ci ., athsr --Ionli OFFIC Pethe C Witiîy,-ja HORI% - Aidesor

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