Whitby Chronicle, 7 Sep 1876, p. 1

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W.4 Torme Il pp ,Atnum. A VERTISRE(EZTS. - AU Advertimé. £jemti m*âounlain opui, q4 =& ets e nes,peuh na, uhi bytbyartewu O rl laotnsd.riet vOLn X Bus/ 688Diretory I ENm SQUÀRU, TeONTO., ONTABIO flÂNR, THOMÂS DOW, DOMINION fBANK, WHITBY AGENOY', -B. B. TAYLOR, L H. J. Sut WnACouO useL Ar rangements for special eaeroItn3û Caneron, Q.C., and Dr. Mobilobail, Q. C. FAIIIWELL & BUTLEDGE, DABRISTEBS, ATTORNETS, SOLI. Lcltors, Notaries Publio, and Convey- anoers. 01649flres mIdoor south o01th. Royal Hlote, *blitby. lAMES BUTLUDGE, B. A. J. E. ABBW1LL, L. L. B., County Crown Attorney. 48 JAMES iKiril GoRtDO;, B ARRISTER & ATTORNEY.ÂT.LAW, Solloflor in haneiry, Convy aneere NoayPublia, &o. Offi-Over 1r. Ad- dison's store, Brook Street, Wbltby, Ont. 2CIJARLES C. KELLP.R, A TTORNB'Y-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR flq - ÇanoeryConveyancer,&c., Canning. ton, Brook, C. W. LVI,!AN ENGLI81I, L L.B.1,, B ARRISTER AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN Chauaery, Couveyanoer, &a., &o. Sm. coi Street, Oshava, G. -YOUNG 8MITH, .LL. B., B ARRISTER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, .1)Soicitor lu Chanoery and Inaolvenoy, Notary Public &0, d &0 ffloe-MaMilan'o Bloak, Brook teOt Wltby, Ontarl. A. G. MoILL;AN, <LaIe Greinwood & MoMiflan.) 'Whitby, Ontario. DUGGAN & ROBIINSON, BAaRaIITERs, ATTORNETS.AT-LAW, SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY,. CONVRYANCgRS, de., OFFIOB-ProeindiaZ ..4aurance Buildiags COcUBR STUr, Tosovro, -'X. Duooâ.z, Q. o., -J. G. Ronnosox, M. A. THIIOAS HUSTON, T WNCLERit AND TREASURER, I QWbitby. Offce-Town HalL Hour, framt 9te i1o'clock. a3. J. GUTN, l-M. D., SUROB0N TO TE COUNTY GAOIL, Blyron Street, Wbltby. Dr. W. J. I3uRnU. Ouyxo-NexI door b COBONICLE OM08c. reL-Residînce, et Mr. Lewis Honoka. Wn. KaNRIEi, iK.O., 25..C.a., n U' HOSPITAL 'LONDON, ENG., 1-- the eyî B. O. H. L., Oshawa, 'Ontario. W. AI>AMN, ~D RNTIST, (SUCCES. Bor to-W. H. card.> D4ntal Romen-Dnndaa Street, Whitby over Mr. Jamconso Store. Nitrons Oxide dan adaintirid for the painioe e x. traction af tseth. C, M-V. ARS,.La . D8S TÉ, ETH insorted on ail the ateet principles of the-art, as CbaP as the abeapet, and as good as the best. Tîchilflied with Gold and Sir. Teeth extracted wthout pain, by produalng local ensithesia. Dental Booms-in Cov- an's nsw block, over Aikinson's Drug Store, King Stret, Oshswa. 8 TIJUMANe DEVERILL, ]3UILDER AND CONTRACTOR, DUNDAS ST., WIIITiY. MW, A.iordýera premptiy exccutid JONIN ROOINÇOýN'M W, G..JOHNSON, --PRO PRIETOR. Tiu, $1.00 per Day. Btabling in con- TmHE A imEEO HOTEL. GEORGE B3ROWN, PRopRXETOR. Tbls firit.olaas hoÙ uaibbin newly fet- te up and renovated t4roughout andif fordis supurlor accommodation for tii, recep: Toronto, 3ul 11h 874 O NTAZIO 1HOTEL. LATI As') WRITE?, OSTABIO. PETER WAKEM, PBOPRZETO. Bupro accomodatlon. Table, supplWe witha bt n uison. Geuine liquors. CIgars , but brande. Biflard room., Roqmy Dstablsnd sheds. 85-it BRITISH AMBRIOJÂN HOTEL, R Ay'-s, (LA£TE 501501 Houai.) WHITBy, ONTAIEO. Rouse new1y renUsted and furnishcd throughout, sud put in first-clasa order for hi reoiption of eets An omnibus ta and rom a&U trains. Firast-claes saniple rooms. nGRM TUNK RBAILWAY HOTEL, AT WHITBT eTATION. WM. O'NEILL - PROPRIETOR. 'Parties lalclng tle train and leaving bouses vii havi them vl taLcu uicn o!l ilithein reour. lE STÉIUCTIONý FORTE AMD LANQ 1 SINGINO AND SINCINO CUASSES TAIJGHT i Begate announcethat las viii otak thelnatrutionofpupilsonthe plano, i-ý lodeon, and Ogan, on reason ahe-teris. « Alo Singfng and Silng l lae- P'rot.Wlg no, Planiat and Voclan d - Ethe tainted Solo Viouiia emba engadfrConcerts, Bohrees, anâ Muia etvlon rmasnable tourna. WWatby, July lth, 184. 9> FOR SAiLE, A rGLEN MAJOR MJLLS -1 600,000 feet Pine Lumber, vil seasoned. Inch Boards, Flooring, 2 x 4 Scantling, I-ina Plank, Penoing Boards, 100000feel of Oaka, Mapli for axIea, lot quaity, i Banswood, 151000 ftL Square Tu=ber, Ailof ai bch vil hi sold cheap for cash. Hi vwonid alea bîg te siy that thi Griot Mill la runnning,and in doingflrst-clasa w ork.l Chopp*gdoue6Odays in thevida, forwcrery E. MAJOR, Dec. 181h, 1878. roueti G CD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. O NTAMRI AB)lS' MWUTIJAL I8U RANCE CO' EAD OPPIO, BRgeOX ST., wmE Tlils Company finsues Farm Rolllnp' Country Ohuréhàs Spool Rouie",and thkt Contints,.1rtsa o ato.o n wsiltllsed ýcompany i nada.c ZUST LOSSES PROKPTLY P.AflD. L. FAIRANKS, Ja, 1 .BOEL Rates of Insurauce 50 10w that 25 conte wilil maue l 0161r, twelve nionths. B ITISHI AMEXCÂN .A 88uPrfloGCompany.. CAPITAL, 8400,000. 8TÀAELIUKED 1a3Z.- Tbls oldanud vel] establisliedCopn are prepared k."OAccptriaka In au ] olasueso propetarates as bwas hose of any WiU ,,tabrIuCom1pan7 la Canada. Isolsted and non-hMuardous property in- eured for tbree yeara or liua a apecialli low rateo. L. FAIRBANkS, l.,1 Office, Brook st.,.wbtby. P HRNIX PIRE INSUBANCE Co. Lombard St. and Charing Cross, London. EaTABLISHED IN 1782. GILLESPIE, MOFFAT & CO.,l Agents fou Canada JAMI1S DAT'IDSON, - Manager. j Insaruces aglusi l i r ie areefe. ANEW RE VELATION IN THE' i nt hi n".at nesanel h urne , md eries, luaifi cithout reference ho the BoiafinluLon- SCIENCE - 0F DRESS-MAKING. 1aon.1 CCRLNWALL'S SELF-a ITTING WAIST & SHOULDER CHART. Dresses fittdfi ran meisurenent ahane culanut change cf a stitel. For sae, viii fre instructions, et TUEQnBNI .T., MISS MIcINTYRE'S (LATZ ceIiiRaIL,) DRESa-MAZING ROOMs, varnvB. BROCK-3TREET, WEITBY, Agînte vanief. Libinal inducementa la I5YORdkOCANN, PRCPRIETCRS. titae The andereiguefi desiri te infoun îsieir Whitby, Aag. 18, 1874. 8M fieis andi the pblie limai Ihiy bave takin Il ýabovel known hotel, vilcI hey ha ' newly fittefi up and ninovited, and put BCOTTOM PRICES FOR lutoe ibout cf ondin fourlime accommoda. someât in the Cz!ti, is'well spl 1ebd.; hCOAL -AN D WOO D the tes brai ý0 wieoliquors, sud ci- gar e km ilosed sheidrnonm d goofi elablincg, 5gx stalle, dcc. Delacheadn roons Ail kindi of Herd and Soit Cah, conuist- for commercial Iravîlhers. ig ai tle celebratefi Leekavana, Scuan. J. P. TAYLCR, PHILIP McCANN. a0, Brier BIh, Blessbnng mnd ather ca= "olate o Toonto. CHEAF FOR CASH 1i ]ROYAL. HOTEL, vsil T BaY, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The lsrgest andi =cst commodlions hotel in time lava; has lange sample noomis ion commercil ravellers. Table cell suppliefi citI the beut la suason. Beut braufis liquers eîxf cigara.Enclosefiyasud mmd ahedréoon attentive bothers. Charges te suit the tiuaes. SN. B.-Lvery mttac led. 27 SHAKERsPEAREHOEL caIncan OP raseOsa- r OUX irS., TCRONTO. JAMES POWELL, PBPsnzzOe. Fpirst.casss ecconraa0dtion; bath-uooee, &cc. Bloard, $1 501 pen dc>'. 10 ARMSTRONG BOUSE, (LATI ALIiION,) WIIITBY, ONTAIIIO. E.ý ARIMSTRONG -- PROPRIETOR. WEHITBY IHOUSE. DUNDAS-BU., WHITBY. (cESr OP POîr OuCc.> JOSEPHI A. BANDEL, PROPRIE TOR. Tii bouse lias beun necen!l>'baill, le lange and roon>d, ced ffilefi p in firit-easi sityhue. Beat Wines, Liquareaendi Cigas; fruui Legen Beer. Goofi tabling ennd eu- closefi yard; attentive astlers. 46' & IR DRESING AND SIIAVING Sahian, Blrook St., Wbitby. 0-OMbtERCIAL IIOTEL, JOIIN WOLFENDENq, A GNT FOR aTUB ELBAD ai Jînatien Waliiiiden,Dunui St., Whitby. L TUMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER a. nd inler, Greeni Street, Whitby. A lange quaratit>'ofai a kinfis of lumber con- tanîl>' an hanfi. A T H E R L Y, Clerk Division Court, Tp. Clerk, Cemniseionar lat B. S., Landi Agent. dcc.. &o., Allen>', Caunty Cntario. Athielv @tut. 2nfi, 1872. 86 DR, IOG ART, Pharileian, Surgeon, Accouxcher, &c.,, do. Wilitby, Sept. 84)11, 1874. 4 ROBT. RAMSAY, M.- D., L. M. EDIN. Graduais (euh houore) ai 1h Uutvînstty af Qnesci'sCellege, Cen ada; Philadelpb le Uivof Medicine sud Sunry, ;Anenamun Unir, ai i'enusylvanla; Hac t 0 Cuge ai Peunsylvanie audfi Lceuiate ai Micnodicy ai the-hUniv. of ldinbang, Sectauf. Cor- anen for mie Conty of Ontario. Oilice- Colileater St., Oiia. JTOHN-B. M. WILLCOX, Cf tIls wn 01 Wai tby,lia% ben eppointefi OFFICI0AL A$OSIGNEE, (IINDER TTuE NEW ACT,) lereuCnity>'.4oItario. .AIbusiness entusefitu scarewlb. -caretail>' a- Wlby, J41u, 141h, 1874,.S81Y THE BEST HORSE MEDICINES. il descriptifons o! the lest Hous Md glues kp osato adado ls ta-No change ion afivice. - N. RAT, CARiTWRIGHT, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR1. Goofi sccinnofiatian ti-12 T1118 PAPE IF;5 OX FILE WITII Wlairo Aalvrtislag Contracta cabu smsl M CNET TC LEND. Theundersiguefi heu an y arnount of Mou- e>' le Lînfi upon Pari or Towni Propert>', et unuanally Lac Rates ai Inteneit. Loanis can bi repai lan suma te suit Ion. revers, Sinunel ImprovedFi armi sud Wild Lands dlesmeiaamde in Muncicripal Dîlen- turcs, Bank, andi aiher narketatabhe Stocka.. For fuulIer pauticulas a pply to JAMES HOLDEN, O fficiai Assignes, Braker, &ac. OFFICE-OventhIe DaominionBank, Ma- Milaa's Dnoak St., Wiitby. Bpril 911, 1@72. 15, IL Iv E R y - legs ta fuforn lis fiendi and the public lIhat hi ceuies on the Livun>' busineusset R&Y'8 OLD STANlD.'1 Parties rnsqafnlng aouLveYaucegs-overed andi opsu--cen le eecamnadahed et a moment,,§ notice, -- - RIC. PIEEDON. WibSept. 21, -1875r-> PRESCRIPTION FRXEE FOR the peedCreof8ennal Wek. F "" Loi llnhooîjý il&Hdisorders ýugimt on -b>'indiscretics or xcsi. Amy Drugglstlu h ilgnedients, Afidrisi DAVISON dc CO., Bix 2296, Lv Teck. eptember, 1875. i I>'2 y OUNG'S HOTEL, C . t> IlN-C N , ONCE ROA», mATeN, C. - ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR. D14ALE R IN LUMfBER Blihableiutnforation ne.aniogth 5 lu>, eta cý'frolabefi te Parties nequiin g i w M 1H T EY, atple asccenndaîuou ion Hantons and BSriaauîia. The ban sud larder suppluefi t'la% ou baud sleu P.0dld stock of flue chor irvthxtIi lest cf liqaîrsauvinath mi uhseacud Lulu.Ait ius fo fesainluthiecountry'.nuvne l t oilb, iner Lafibuliing rmnposes, nd attentive servante kept. Coîniodions -Fionlinq auj Drossefia eumulayost anf i. - prompt boîtiers lomson Ixandl Groais plaelsag mull sdjainlng, en ada*Y$o $hpemies "viens er4ers are- promptli OBTX oN> tquidfrbrsauhos, b"lal, <&u, -1RBRETK. oUNG, c »* , *8 O.fTsi~ 4. - Piti Par qnantitiiî la Bleeksmith an sd otimers SPECIAL RATES I Wood, eztaa ngtli, 25 cents peu coud ordteentoff ulpricee. Bond in yonr A. ALEXÀNDER'S .Whitby dc Oshawa, Coal sud voaf fepets Whitby, Auguit Bot, 1875. tf-86 L IBT CF TEE DIVSION COURTS COûUiNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THE TERi 87. Brauglia,a 2 4 I24[2 Pontpenny ý21 13 20 51 26 I5114 14127 GRO. R. DA11TNELL, - Junior Jufige Whithiy, Dma. ltb, 1875. s1 G. YOUNG SMITH, ISSUES O-F MARRIAGE -LICENSES, WIIITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND on Faa-n and Tow-ciPa-opîrty, et LOW RATES ai Inicnoat. For inrther-perliculers Apply ho-- JOHN FARQU-HARSON, Augnel 1811, 18713. Wliiby. m81 K INO IBROTHIERS, WHITBY, ONTARIO, 1Apnil 12th, 1876. h. FAIRBANKS, Agent, Wbitby. T R"STADACONA" IRE dc LIFE, ITINSURANCE COMPANY. 1 HEAD OFFICE, . -QUEBEO. Financial Resuit et 14 Montha Busi- ness ce 3xst Dec., 1875. Anthonizefi capital .............. 05,000,000 Subsanibefi Capital............. 2,800,000 Peifi ap Capital ................. 20,095 Gaerumeul Deposit. (Fie l .... 50,000 Govirumint Depasit, (Lie) .. 50,000 Total Revenue, Fine Pnemiunis, and Interest ..............223775 Total Losies................ 63528 Investefi Funde ................ 194,718 Cash in hanfi andi Depasi .....49,198 Cher Assets.......... .......... 59,M8 Total Asels ............... 2931,794 This Company bas nov establishea ithelû, andi has 21 Branches and 207 Agencies in tle Dominion. GEC. J. PYKE, 1- Manager, 1 8-1>' C. NOURSE, Agent, Wbitby.1 - - - r- r - - -, ~ 'a- La Diposil ciii Dominion Goverema-e 50, 000. Expeineef Agents thiouglout the Doniniôe. Fia-e 1?i8kau ritten. ai Adequate Rates. C. NOURSE, Whitby, Mari 7mb, 186. Agent, Whiitby. Q U E E N INSURANCE COMPANY (FIILE AND LIrE) 0F LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, $10,000,000. nAER! IAcz eaL onvîsî r MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ-. D. Headi Office ion Canada : 391 d& 193 St. James Street, Montreal. FORBES &c MUDGE, Chiii Agents. R. H. LAWDER, Agent, Whiby. Augnat 101h, 1875. ly-35 N ORTE BRITISH dc MERCANTILE FIIE INSU/lANCE COMPANY 1. Baie, sud neliabie, changes nodenete, prompt eetilemnt af cîsimi. GEO. =UE, Agent. Whiitby, June 2, 1878. 28 w ESTERN ASSURANgCECO)MpANy HEIAD OFFICE, TORONTO. $400,000-1 y A GENTPanFOcRrTHONTÂIO, Importers, Dealers sud Manufactureriaifal JOSEPH HOLMdAN, I3ROUELIN, ONVT. ExedsO0f, Alo Agent for lthi CANADA FARME.RS' LEATHE!? AND FINDINOS, MUTUAL INSURANCE COMpANy, Cash paifi for Ride, Blin, andi Leether. Lialliex stnetchefi. tBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May', 1872. 22 FLOUR I BEAN! AND SHORTS III FOATMEAL, dcc. NEW STORE, JUST OPENED. t~a' PPSITE ncv's narL. GIVE A CALL. WM. JOHNSTON. TO THE FARMERSI Plonghs acudiPlougli Castings, Brse- Cutters, Fnneiag Mlle, Reaers aund Mac. chu, dc-c.c WM. JOHNBTON. Whiîby Oct. 1811, 1875. 1142 3l4 ONEY TO LRND I A large queutit>'0ofmoue>' la leuf aI hec luteneit, private facifs. ioou sale, sevenal Town lats, Ive Fuarni lorse, sud e lange Briak Hanse. Fan ici-ms, appi>' ta G. YOUNG SMITH. Whitly, Fil. 911, 1874. .7' Ta the Ihlabltants ci Duffins' Cueek and Vicinity : r I havi nec epenefi a Buteîer's Slop ilirM.W. CuUilert's, chene nu a>' h iBmoee of the ledsl lpisys pl Bief, Perklasd Yod even dlifeifito the Publie. Mr Ressonable Priais I Come uir, cois cli, " enfigeonethlng hado yen RCHaRD WRSTLAKE. Whxitby, December 22nd, 1875. 52 c A -l T. H. MeMILLAN, Agiar ion the ROYAL INSURANCE CCOMPANqyt OPFicB-Ontufo Loan anil Sainas Iloafi Offilc, HAMILTON; and CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMp'y, Montreal, Fins, Liii .and Gnarante SDepartment, CAPITAL, - - $2,000,000. Broohîlu, Dec. 2,1872. 12m49 AlTO0 U T 40,000, ~-AT TE- HOME NURSERY, Prom Iwo to four yeers af âge, enbnscing al the lest Vareeis.A SETH C. WILSON, aLotNo.- 8, 2ud Cou. Pickeilng, on Kingston Reefi, oit Office, fliilby. FARM FOR BALE. F Tu.udu cePr o mel Àas Wn-imiy. AcePmfrsaei Ill t- . HIERSON, Osihaca. Jue 241h, 1876. 8mC.27 10Oo ACRE FABM IN MARA 'M .FOR SAÂLE West-hlf of Lot 1m lu tle xh1ponces- sion oi Mare. One-balf i ceurana unden cultivatien. Log -Bouse, Bam, do. Wlîh. la tco nleo of Brechin. Raulia>' Station. H. B. TAYLOR, i - Domainion Reni,; Whiîby. p ATENTS FOR INVENTIONS zxpidltiouslymad properly secured la Cen Ada, the ruated Stateosand Exirojie. j tentaJ iasdor no Ch"rg. Sialfor P IuinsInuofaos, Agine>' ia eperablon HÈNETGRImT lent upon My couca te. iiVs lugubrious mmliil BMe, 1 intene, n in uira, to e dvoei=yM chol ie c te ebusiness tif mt onotonoual>'oscilates ebove ni>'heafi. Colsct, &Ka. Thon tbrougl my plrenologfeal devcbop. It icsClbe ievouu, b>' prompt amd ment t.careful attetion te-business te give fn - heatricsliy pasîed *« a weird, strango *e satisfaction te sU cyoma ny kavau me vith dneani, thein Sales orCo à change bi pachoiogiaal derclopembut; Biladraugictel *NoIes iurnlsh- :lun lacl, eà<empycmc.'tvolaisea, s irai af change. - Aiso Bml Stirups alwayo on band. Prlnanily a Leviatmaa yolt1 rolefi Arusujemeuto cana nimade fou sales,&a. The-XÂdemteocem's veatabyss' ' at tle aoac~o .Wbitlby, bserver B::'askomtavxly cth earssrle pOffice Prince Albert,-.audst'the B' ureaupbienat hua -Office, Port Peur>'. 1 Cyclhes inimense.paîssd of lime vorld'a cee- - 'W. M. WILLCGYX, mogouy Prince Albert, Sept. 14mil, IsMe. 89 And buoyaut ou tle cireumnsnbisul air, 1,eling. gaÉed ou naturele physiognony Phlouopbizing ou lime rhyîhulo busut>' JHN L. Uicni, tr.. y Phylivorone fiecli'netb branches coryn.- IAUCTIONEER. ,&C.t &C.- inifrous 1 Inîle exulierauci of confort lay; à=n. rsIi ovizoxe COURT, iesonndas ephouiaal, scenta odouhfer- oua, *Andi Geacral Commission Agent, Port Bieudefi beneail Sol's meridional rmy. Pency. Pragnessing shill, tle coi inuils gyratiani 3 sloft pre-histanie perioda far behinfi, W RJITBY MCIIEWORKS Adlg1ltcuîratiocinations MACHINE va dvelopedi lie mightye, paver oi CLATI CLÂYTONf'i) Physiciens nov ai ipecacuanhe, BROOK STREET, WHITBY. Ici Latin phraaeaiogy prescribe Fan colai or pîthîsis-but tle enajînt man- The undersiguefi bigi ce iniaun ugfam er cru i lme srnandig aauîn, lî~Dhi~s Whal'ar diseese yen happenfi ta descnibe, in steak e large assarlrnuof ainttlug Peapfhrei s ealysis, or cancer- 1 BxsChuun, urî1 T ilsHerse Baltes, Fi lc Jrtî, MliiAS paramoant la an>' aller plan, air, Neles, Whiffle-Trees, 'Wbeel arreva. Save hydrophebia, wciel they'd cacher- Repsluing cf aillkinda excatefi vitI h utcnîd;Ia itn yrcp-~ netestansd despatal. Imstalua m - tighyrceh THIOMAS McC.ARN. Andi rather hyperbolical I tienr; Brada-SI. I uxey bicorne aeeticand cadaverons c Whitby, Ipril 4th, 1876. ly-15 Aund cacodanan'a cechinuation hear. 1 Ir a aplain man sud eau speaa lu lauguagi I D[OMIION FLOUS d& FRED STORE. arsempleuot5 0 CHARLES PENNYLEGION But 'natpimla Çic oe ok cl Begu ce noiify bis finfs sud customers Ail nigit l alltir's diclianar> ha>'. that he ih nov prepaeefi la uppl>'_______ ____ Fleur sud Feed efthe Besi Quality, Mn2nly' il et the laceut living priccu.v Flaur, Can, Chop-Feefi, Bran, -Shorts, Cal- C < TR 1i~~ .v neai, Crecmef Wheai, Peau, Qets, Po- '1Tlhere la tîat ehd pain egain, aboutb tatous, dcc., et Wloi4aIe eandi Itlil. wcîiBremley îlxakeî lhis heai se Cmeaer tliai tihe Cieapest for Couih, muail. Why doesalae shako lis liead? At the Dominrion Floun and Pied Store, Ho is au idiot I Everybody las sorne Cresby'î lock, 'rait édoar, Dufids Strect, ailmeut ou othon, sud I amrnot exempt. Y Whilby. I lave bldtîsI pain sicice I cas a- I CHAS. pENNyLEGION. chilfi. 1f>' eet me>' net le -exeaciy9 Whxitby, Apnul 241h, 1876. 18 - bMeucy aU Me, tlI aR a espmsmI A tic mari ilke tlat, sud-" 1 Oid Mu. Arkiîy set 1>'binself, wilI V1ALISES AND TRUNKS. lxii toit ou the tender, ai a cap pt tee V byhIs sida. I vas cvcuiug ici vinter, and the pitteriug rein sud bling Ji LEATHIER VALISES ci sondefi dismally enougl. Pin- Il laps hhey gave au extra gloon -to Mn. çq Ankley'i Ilougils, ton la nesuned:- I AND 'TIen fîsjusîtltisconidenatlen: ofcoaiio e I nuit dia semae day, mai Bromiey, I IPATOGA TRUNRS, aboulai le ochlic'e me (chiai is hard>' g likoly, ton tic 8mdeli is ocu plysieas &c., &c., et and thiepaugseofrenerse munst kili hlm c'aîtly crise, sud se>' le sac tIat death it WILLIAM THOMP SON'S, cas inavitaeandîblat sage remaraJi cil hi accepted, doabltemî, in heitimony 1( Sadlen andi Harnesu Malter, et lis ukili. Hocever, there is oeeoa Ihilng I ney as wmli do, sud cly nol et ta naeCidS.u, csRnvB. onceP I ought te make a viii. I'm fi net abiaken-bîarled ici suai a nelter. il Jite 4. 87. 211Wlîere's sernie papier ?" il Jifte 2,184, 6tf Ha ueoa preohical>' auscerei lis owu -question, sud lied cnltiug mdtals beh- il fore 1cim, Tixn lie leanai baak. ai s TAGE BETWrEN Oral>' a pensen et ver>' pîdagmatia w tempermeni eau makea s iii cwitheul WITBV' & OSHAWA. cnotion- It is yeun laut communiez- u lien. Thora is uetiig beyond it.1h TWICE A DAY Wlicu tii>' have put yectiin your grave, henni Oshawa et 8.30 c, n., ana1, p. ai. yeti vecue lxac te sesak le thon (the tl Leavai Whitby ai 10.80, a. n., sud 4.30, nournri r) juil for a tac mirntes, areaia p. lui tue> scrpacaie ini ail direction@, sud Fane 25 cents mach wey. gatiior agaicine moe on yeur eccunt. ut wii ceci et aUli te hotels, aufi et privule Yen eau lear nu cemuments, andenu pi reidences (crie raries are lîfitet au>' ai give ne explaustioni., Weil may an mi i the hoeo.).Connecta vith Oshawa sud makirag a ciii pausaetoten aud ucileet. tu Bwacnille stage; aboc wth the Whitby M uke% bao sud Part Fer a-v Sav, anfid i Brough- M.Ake ea i5 cNill citi mac an mail ai whiLtby. ase ; but clen le bail vnitten a tee ei THIOS. HOPPER. hiciet, hhIeaitatefi, nubbeci is torelieaci, gi Whitby, March Dii, 1875. il-If laid down lis peu, sud nising fron lis hi - - - ------ clair, peced tlehe on. Pi T E AM E R"What a thousani pi liii," ho mutter- s efi, 1"tie George shoali tîcant me iu te - ~ ~ t ne miainable particcilerlI Ishoufi i ciet hava île slighteai deuIl aricept on hi blet score. As for Fnadonick Teesdale, h(i ~ CTY 0F OR NTO ,,I knoc the differenai betchen hlm and fi( CITY F TOR NTO, George Arale>', liugli ollans do net. Iii CpIDica), heaves dati>' foot ai yonge-SI., lie my nepiacu, as île wvend Ilinks, ju Taantte, et 7 e. n., arrives et Niagara et lave "expecatiene" fuon ne; but nliiea 9.30 a. n., sud -LacisIon et 10 a. n. Cou- et my noune>' ges Master -Fred., if I ve nections ion the Falls, Buffalo, Rochester, eau blup 1h. The otier youîh uhouli M Albeny', Clevelandf, Newr York, Philaei hi', lave all-every penny; lut- Thel's p( &c. Tichrîs and aIl information et 8 rrouilskac ttedortal esalu 18D. MILLOY, Agent. cernesici, I'il telil inmMy occupation. M Hae muet, lie sl give ce>'." er "",eli, rancle," sali aluni>'y a man ce Eg ( o 3L about aiglxt-aud-bcenty, autering the cvi non" lYen didu't expeat mi ulahxse Kegs ta t.nnuc la hwanlia envf anigîl-, dia yen?2 But I met Du. Bren. ai KingSI. a ev aonle>' this atrnoon, an"- tea EAST O>' THE POST OFFICE, "Boýnlier rnlIe>' oog- &_nnen - layiugl LÙ(urnd on IrisnoPe le'ieul- ta] der, 111cwali tetufinish any occupation. tIi Agent fan Iixnnaiu andiCoîuncrrUN- Just a ar ri m o en(th isengî vend, j ION Fine Insurauce Companies. George, mini yen), sud île 11111e malter Te LATS 0 INURACE OW behcuging to me (ual more tsa ive. Th RATS O INSBANE LW 1ani.twenly tîcumanil altogeller, I an No Also Agent for tle LoxDox sud (JANADIAN afraifi) la ieft, a foc logacies ieductei, ti LOAN AID.Aazscv Coucu'oc. Moue>' ban. la-wlcm, George V2"-vs ido au niiestete, payable iran ota a Uncle, I cannaI, et courue, mimîako fie] cwelva yegrs, ad u is Mtasuit parties. yaur meaning-yen mua ,to e me I lu ta- Intereat hec sud no commission cannot deiy eppreocito your extrema cor cargafi. Montages beughi. kinines sud libeîelity althougb, if Th Office aI, you'l f.)ngive ne, I woald uumfudyaa 11dmi GIBBON dc BPARVErL lIaI one se nal>' relatefi ta you as -peî China les Store, myseif daime cenideretien e youn tIc VhitbyMar Dandas t87 . , Whllby. d'Geoge, I saahido chat I ke thGe Mah st1287.My ocu. Bat stsy ; I want lIaI cI- UABLFOR - "lighFltvend" fron yen. Byil c'uI au TTLUBL PCRRT SALE nov, and glaiden my oulieurt egahu. ceau e- It msyeooagse te boayukol Thme subsariber offers for sae lima olloc. Geonile." esperko, oe ivaluable puopety, in lime Town cf Whit. "My> dean unche," aeid George Arkhey, hue - r-An excellent Brada Cottage viii j acre i liavoici tuembliug, 1"1 lave àda id-ce et c 1 aund, sifmnated ou the donner cf Green And sue coming to a tepi ha- asmr l tPiton St, la îhe SentI Wand."oa, f lIa once caueafiI:hi sch s m5 dishe o f land, vil fince andin a Lbegh ' 'ofuls u jeratuit tcuitivation corerllington " GU.bicause it z, juil the -oee l ë otgl Sd ts., No ard. a o Cint» satanc vîlelch e seen oolwy is dtb of lthe nisidenoo afC. Draper, BE a luagreef." bpisiyds-df le SenlI Wsud. Aise Le amri of goàdnd fi, "ure!>',.-my boy, pal 'hopehessly.2 pro, lcôIýyossa ca1 part of lt e l, 10nh c ou e n ots assuee ih sgilfr 1ýO=' f3ura>', Ce, Ne'rtlu=ir. ~ a efiuIdclIi ilfn nd. asto beblini ba ler izuan>'defeuts sud ing, A ka ndidizpntable title mnijl glvi 1 vaba". ,You are -noê prepared le whi &U te abOT PropertY, F'or, furîlmi gay de~¶flitilv 1"T weî.'s lh thé; fana f. tk. I -1-ug me uniea.aemoanie. "Pshav I'" exolaimed the olagentl man-.'"Yonlra net a chlild, Gêog Men et nesuly thirly soldom dia et broken bizut, Seniouly, nov, givo il Uic plisi;anteit eornent 1 have hsoi fou yoeus, by SaYing en v, iii break tbis intînglîment or engagemnt.,, ;George plucknd up courage. He ff net exubly a vewrrior lu ucopoot.i nierai firmuis; lhe baad net Sstai, sud trýinrnphcd ndir msoy ihaup te~ but hi vas equal 10 11hisoecascon- *"lIIt-eally canuot hi, unee", j Mu. A.ukley'e mauner changed. ",T4a bleue la anoîber bhf#g vhfobreaniob niphev, XListen 1 And- iiaw trornbling-voice vhat hi had, vrittez v4as bietsud simple. As le -h sto 'ta e ye ro a tev legacii , a thon allte' residue, personai sud roil wmî be.qUesbhed te-tIera vas.only th nne ta be fillcd lu. UMu.Akloyresnimed iepeu. B~Gorge, 'once agaici, reflicl." "I eau .meke ne othe anîvor, uncle. Mu. Arklay aapplied l e blauk-"llh Oouiy oapital." Ho buned te i nephev. "I arn aorry, but I bhina yo îad bi 'tter net remein willi me thb aveung Thilai ihaken me." Il bold out hie hand, vhleli George Ank ley toak sud pressa. The naît mitt tho unele vas elone. Do you ever veke up iu tle mlddl if thi night, reader, wian, in drcadfu array, there îeem 10 cerne before yoi iii tbings in your paît sud, preseut if whiel cen reproachi yen sud makis yc îuhappy sud uncofrtrlble 2 Mo peeple sue nov sud thon lins assailor and ou the niglit fvhli we speea Mr briy id s fit oetil knd. il L anlilsd geîped auder il; h le ai theugli bis lest .noment drew near, aui 'et il conld net ha tececi. Wilhh ii as cr111 mos t ons, lIera vire minj resous wliy, alas!1 but vil hlhm thexi was an especiel reeson: lia lied doue very arbitrery, unkind aul ouly a fei Leurs age. TheanIaven, it ceuld i undone ; IaIt errer, eit aillavents, vsi net irrotnieveble. He rose, lighted hi lmp, brernhliugiy drew forth the dift. wil wbich lealied plaaed iu a duaver ir .i5 bedroom,, aud in mnotlir minute0 greet blelakbine weî daîbed tiuougl "County Hloîpilal," îandl"George Ank [y" sabstituted. CHAPTER IL Another evening, a vida on, Mfr. Ank sy again selt lu bis diuiug-room.HE aei baay tair-copying te dreft Wnl. Ha dialiked seuding Il le hù svwyer viti the doubla eroasure; se, à aformel, simost echbobanduc, hi ead copioc it on toolacap papper, with11 reat margin, andi vas loekiing placidiy it lis work. 1 "Il Sanilstand,:, ho Bsid te himeoit mut George sill kanouthiug aboet Itill I arn dead.i. t'l nova hlma ittla, I thina, lien te find hlîw machI [îvcd bim2,tfit net ail lis obatiuac -ould occasion more lIeu passing irri- iltion, far lais makis me niterly laur 'on hiuà.-Wheit i Fnederiok-you aere ? WIy, I difi net kaov yoa rr i thie liesV A hall youg man, ratiier good-leok- ug, but wilh Muclu et couceit inis air, aud plenly oet he dandy lunliis dresi, as oxtcndinig lie band. "Didu't yen, tuncle ? Well, I don't naki muaI ucise lu thie vend, I knov. liard yenwcre iii. Are you bitter?' "Thatwcas a week ego," alxswered ha aid gentlemen rath-ar tostily. 191 nm viry crell nov." "liard ai work mo laie, ncles 2" re. umed tle nephcw, lookiug wcul ap. crent cerelcaîneas, but. reely iy c11 ianp c.uiosily, et the papers on the hile. "I an elmoat as tend et vonk as yeî re et play," waî Ilie somewhat. nu- naiena reply otf1Mr. Arklay, as ho, îstily foief up the documents, and daced tIen asida. Hov Mu. Frederick Taedile lougic oîeize tIein 1 Net tint ho lad muai Lpe et henefilt ron heoin coutents ; ho [d caught tii nature et tIi vritiug, iover, end hloewaî cager tebh astis- ied. ii uncle cleeriy -did net van dm te romain, bal he vas net going ait yol. Withoul invitation, lie tolk ,chair, sud toncefil hie uncle into cou. nration apen aillsorti eft opici antil Ir. Arkley vaes quute exbausted. Snp. r vas ouderai and partaken hy bell: icle and nepîev. Ilu spîle et himsilf, Ir. Arkiey, grev more gouil. Fred rick Teesdale wes net citt killin unversation, and he pliefi lis relative [tI ail he couli Ihink oet chi veul ,muse sud 'exhilarae im. Mu. Arllo apiayed Itha partial suacîss et lis et- Drs in feély disaassing Baverait malters, Dhlim, s#d lu joiuiug, more raii au~ ~ ~ ~~0 p.d cac.eueiinsbtteo lAI bIhilatter document, Fuederick cîsdalo staned inruiful, amazimeul. las vas far verse Ilan le, expecteci. ot s fflrihing I-al, save a lundrel or rt, Mis deteeteci cousin I Yeu, bleui se no getllag aveu the tact, sud Tees- de looed aI 1theaooh lgentleman tle chair, sud îfut half iùcliried ta aplelte he wra thefit lad begun. ire vere veuy cogeut rossons, wby as wil sbenldnel ho madi, if il woee ille te p revaut it. Hov abeut eeo dreadful debîs 2 Hec about mmeline Waverly, vlon blt idiot, ?orgoArkley, vaeinulove vitl, bal ioieved him (Mastr Fuederick) vila lihe slnccuhty (anhalus It vas) il. nid nineter?2 She bai ne fancy fou lin ua cottage, unleu i il as a very ltty sud liu onee-lIaI ho vill »W. Borne stop uaI l e akon, sud onos;but vktt 2 ldthi distroy draft sud thà lutter 9 If l is unciî Id intestats, Whmt vwnuldhi île'te- [? Toeudalè vai ne lawyer,ad le 1a huaknw.: Andl thon lis puale, ho. Aanhtssiwovesld. s'alw, fram;:Mhs, 1 ube4ninlly appeau), and tliey ould fle-, fit'in, drnirab1y vit l the - design hioast lg once jfornmed. The w-ill muist c lte tr-, t _&'e, bà tot hi iw.alest 'possible extent hee as èdtho vorde, ,thugh very un- WM ortantly as regardedà lh. substance. off- 1 agai scrutiuîr,9d the draft. The 1,1hnd witing, as vo have laid, vie large ma agndi scho=byilike ; aud there was a .oý *Tatio argu t ho top of the papir. ida. 'Good I Nothing couldahocessieu lhon mi-, vhathe9proposed tobimseif. Hi 1mev 4 fT t awlwhtM r. Arkl ey was o ul ; tatlons of bis uncli'e *ulting on a cghpeeeof pperangveuisicapital- >.*1,s1 owfo à., Riph 1 The itts, il. an-pphrof doubt, lthe uaIlÏ is-' Ad- fieeble contingencies, surrouundiug nd th. tratisec tin, stergered him fore ti immsî; but, nouse the plungi fie muet bt-ýal-a nd. sueo it »was. A fcw> vprci et rai -comnecement quickly Canged, 8 moat tasuvillous'altiration ini the affect of the',wlLi Thoý document lad býguu, as bîfore sîa;ted, vit sua- lie dry sineli hiquesta, and lad terrnaed las with leýaving ail the residue te George oui Arkfey. Nov, the vill led off ap fol- lisa r le:; 'I give te my naphev, Frederick le Taesdale, tweuty Ibousaud pounde.' ý k This ingenions féel eccomplished, Mr. 1e Tiesilale rang the bell. Mr. Arkiey vas carriîd tbebd, and, Dr. Broaulsy vl as sont for. hl"As ;you corne bacla, James, you'*may nu as Wall put your master~s letters in thec fe poil anaid the eervant took the ltera, nu and poîted thon acoordingly. 8L Dr. Bronxiey arrived, stid cnrveyed l1 bispatient. Raving heard al i h de- r. tale of the scizure, îhe doctor pondarpd le briefly, sud theusalil vcry efowly: I"We as havielied a fit.", id "Of thc old i kfd, doctor?' inqnlred in Tecîdale. ]y 'II slould say soi Mr. Tecidale," vas ethe rcply. l'Ioe there danger 2 lw "My dear air," euiwcredl Dr. Bron- ce ley im preisively lun a caietofcmpli- hcated disorder like yaur uncios, there isl alwayî dangcr. There is danger >t- from thc disceîe, sud tlucre je danger in fron-ýfrom-to".- a 'TÊi Irealmeut, dootor'?' ,h 'Welf, ei-vell, yîî. I Mnay admit- f' rain the treairnent ; but I tJhink if you viii promise I sall have the case cutireyr Io rnyiclf,- you neeud nol fear the remîlt.' k_ 'Oh,! I eppreh.iud no oui wiil inter- Es ferc, though, pouhepi, my cousin rnay w. ish Dr. Javers le confer villi you.' 'i Ah, thcrc la the avili1Mr. Tecadala,' insaidt 1hdoctor vivecioucly. 'Nov, just9 10 hlen !about a case Ilied villi Dr. . a Javers'. Ve oniultcd, and vo sgreedý [the patient ied. diBeascd heert audt l ugi. Dr. Javers tlîouga± the beart needed -the Mosteattention; I, ti, Ings. LAfler ýmuch controveriy, we decided I a eeci bpursne lis own ,enrsee; sae c I cloctor prescribcd for thec heart, aud IC for thc ugs.' door' ,1 And the rosait, dco -n 'The platientdied. Couldyonwonidcr? "î o 'No; I ioarceiy coula,' replied Tees-s ae , smiuùing.cae'on 'Well, tIb, I lied andtierCaecn tiuued, Dr. Bromlcy, 'alsawilh Dr.V Javdrs ; aud warned by tihe reicilt of thxeprçvious one, Iwas deterai ned .8 ,tplication,not te giveway. WVell, I don'tL mini eoutcesîing b yen, ticat, beyond1'1 givin alitho e oothing medicine, wval a liteally did uothuxjg.r We met day0 1aftor day for well nigh is fortuiglîl we9 argnuui and discnssed the case in evouy *point of viw, ýbut no sort of treelmeut w as adepted. I must owu I amn ashen- cds tt 1111yen the atory. Think oft Iii' spoor patient being left te limîcal l 'Vîry dietrecsing. Ha died of course V a - Wall, no, hoe recovcrcd. But tIaI vasut 1îte endl of the cas, for ho lied ajast gel wcll, when we at lait îottlîd on a mode of fortifying hlm for the future a ageinat al anal attacka, sud vo made Ilup for lest tfmc.' 0 "Tînt vas iomelliug. Bitter late t tIen ne%,er."1 "Yc; but tle poor man'e constitu. ttien vas goened ceuid net be rester- cd. H4 vas thoroughly %vol whcn wve commececd, but, lie diefi vcry soon efterwards." II wtll acquaint Mr. George Arkiey, t docter," seid Tecsdele, vho wes gcetting ýtired ; "sud plearie do net beave myt a, nale to-ulght. 1 viU coeecarly in 1 the moruiug." 1 aFrcderick Tocîdale did not go straigit 81 bt lis lodginga. Ho vas alittle fiushed IL i andl excited, owiug partly te the port- Il wîuî, aud more te sornethiug iaols. Ha * vnt veilvard, sudellcd et aLeuse ofr moerato dimensions nereeet1he r suares. Here lived Miss Emmeline C 1 a 1b .undr.lecaoPoa aut erlck, as much astoniàhed as enuaged. "Do you Ihînla Ishall quiitly put upr vitI Ibis? Are you prepsueil fou thbcth ,stouyotour inlirnacy being yublisbed th balt4hevworld over by to-1norrovnlght 2" 0 Mise Einrneline's cyes glistenied. i "YOben thetn me, îl aid. Il is i meuly of yen ; il la Consistent vitb tIb N characteu yenher 1" 1go 'II knov iýoa eue vho las lbcou aI J vork agaluet me to-,uigbt 1"' cxolamnd fi heu puzaleddi d mituier. 'I have b it~ 1" ho cuied, flushing te 11hé eyosviihdr pdssion. l'Yeu have- hen diniug et di, Stanley's, sud you bave bien* vith Y4 George Ârkley."Mn i sha net'aneweu yen. WVulU yen el be sufMiinbly a gentleman te hanve the tl bouse?" 'tue' bouse.t "Ceutainly, Iviii bëave bug.of But Oee Word betore 1 go';" sud hi do stole te heu sie, sud wbispered fa heu Li eau. The shot tbld, vhaleveu il va, TI fou -Mien: Emmreline b.d aebhiug in o. reburn to delivîr, sud her face vhilined "8 la ghasly fashion. :Co OnltuodeFrederick Teesdale. "Anil co it vas Manlv toueecuue this a*1 V Umat I m suait J. îerghe a eur rof ua, nie- meut. My huai remted agaluat the elai-baca, so thora was ne rotreaingj trom my position. The sligbtest, for- cari movamoent, sud my noue venud bhave beau gene 'for aveu. I darid net speak ou sorean fou morcy, lest sny lips, alcali have bien ent off. t ain speccîlosi sillness, nol dariug ovin te -tremble. But in two inutes the ou- deel vas pas.ed, sud I vas slaved and scathleas. "IBy George 1" saif i y brothcr Toby, "ltlat'îvliat eue cilla a choie ibave. t tlula I vill keop my briltles till 'te- mrnorov, sud, net ulala my noie." Se ve depsulci fan îlhe sbap. But Teby sud i lad mny discussions milieu- candi hev it vas possibly fou mn>' larbin -te hem nte slave, sud as *'vbat kini et mortel, culfile mmd euougkbot trust lis -ùiose suddchbobnesîl the rezer et au emhryo barber making hii finIt cmsay. Som -e six voilaisatterwarda, I vas il, tIe qaien et West et Englani vater- ing-places, sitting underbihe-laudi sud sotasora et.1Mr. Clipobose, tle empier- kiti, et bair-cubers. Nov, Mu. Cli - close clippedl my ambromiell oclag Mc I cas yet a loy ; andi se, vien t go Ite Ius exbop, and esk speciaIIy for him, ha deigna te, lave lis higIli i <e that is, the draving.room a ar tle shop). ana lu tio that whlle, vlth prend hu. mility, terres "wait" upon me ; -a chIle he clips rny bain, he enteutailus me ciii svait converge. ,,Mu. Olipclose,I venturei Le uic ou thus occasion, «"difi yoentolAfidil diffionit, iunlthe fint deys et your ap- preutoeihip, 1t0 discover people wlo ceu'del yen. cal Ihein bain? How did yen manage 2".- l'Wall, ain," said Mfr. Clipclose, "1mauiy porions do fiud it difficait ; but I vas au ingenions boy. <-I lad ta open my maîter's Qep at olgît o'cook, but ne eue came till uine; se,.fou lIaI heur, L used to stand eit Uic shop-door, sudi keep a slauplookont for boysvwitb great cropa et hein, and whcu I sec eue, I usei te loek icee-like, sud beekon bim oc'eu sud say : 1"1 ay,-roy Inca. litne cul yeur hein, ri utul hquito fashîon- eble, sud give yen s penny-lu." But sitar e lit, tley'd taae a half.peuuy ; sud biere I lad bien et the business six mdontllsthey cera glafi te htvi'tin biain cul for netxiag."- _ -"Anc is hilat the vay," I escedin h vhidli yont eppreutices leeru V" "No, sir," said M. CiLpelese, vila sBe lithieindignation ; 1"liaI wihicl I vas spalaiug et as a Ihird-rale estal- huslment. We go on si hotter systîem ixere. Ail lie wlael-cbairmnnî-are lu iny employ. Escliofethe orn es lare once a mentI, Anud oeeoe my yong gentleman culs him,sund then ho baves e plut et beau."' "And dii yen ovaer leaun te slave 2" "'Yes, air," gald Mx. Clipcloacl: "a. gaines extra vas pali, sudit vae put special in My articles." "'Aundupon vlan diai yo e au 2"11 askefi wiih deepeat luteemi, fer te ibis all-ïy«qustiens.hlad bien teuding. "Ah, sir." seid, Mu. Clipolose. beavicrg, ta my astonisîrnant, a .heavy. sigI, "itlat'g'ic. nlanaloly -subjecl. Idnt iika te think et il. My- master cou. tracleitaleut anud siave the County Lunelia Asybuni, sud va usefi te praca.. tice upon tle lunetica. Poor Ibingi I they veuldu'tait stiui, sodI lmeet aup- paoey ycouldn't ; sud vi hackofi tiena about qlite awtml. Awtul, actufl t" lie murmureaf i terveasfor .thi neit tîrep minutes, yul >fad elakings ef bis vi-anlehai. '"I navaricave lad, the liant te slave siaca I lave hein a master." lie preîently rcsuned, "Ilnlue- [y -owiug teý that. - I laeap a regular sisvei, sud le is a real arliat, -irn, I do aa-ae -Yen. Yen coma to-maurov ruerniug, sir, sud-le shah abav o ii"- On île raonuow, 1 teck My ceuragà in lotI bauds,' sud-vent. The s"ver was au antial. And though, frozu chu- cnmtsaes aveu vîiel hi no control. (for exemple. the lather sud- iiaviýng- buhy, I coula net open my nantI te qne8iennm mci, yet t kepl my oyes open, aud I lbannai aorne hcluli ovînis rxy future simving operatieus. Lit me set thxein docu feu tle bînefit. et nia. inle lt1h sbiranoh. et self-omltani. &synstuep yo r rezer, itrap tle tva aidai altcunately, sud* heep 1heback of your razor slceys ou thc atrep, as yen tar. il from sida le side. Yen lIns ivoici cutting your atrap mud buuning thaefa e-ofthe razen. As yen slave, reep yomr razon abueit, parallil vila the skia, sud scoi a great angle with iL iva ou razor alsisesaligît laIeraI notion, iu fact, ta bere the sinile if thi enlisI, "tle more' yen eau make yeac¶shoving Mie rnovnggrass vith a -y1.1-île'.atterT"De-nol m1iree--ce LICEN8ED AUCTIONEEI? FOR THEE oouici-OP ONTABTO, A"D Townshlp of Mdm&fartwilght BDEGS tethnk i i rlpsasn fUl bliabcneaaf or ie lbera patron. upne=ars. tepu fü CAPITAL STOCK, 1

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