eýrwéÈB iii ,80U S -- *Uusassg,. a Whitbyby LEVI PÀaOAÂNs8. AuctionLSNs.erNGD s i.GLOBEI fOTEL in thons",Sheliffra Office, Seii V IL LAGaE 0F BROOKLIN, Whltby, Sept 4th, 1876. in the. Co nty af Ontario, onfl ('IPELýOWS, ExCUIISIONX ateurday, tIge $Oih Dajj of 8epïeulber, ' atu noon, thie foflowlng landestsnd prosmiass TO TUE FA LNo .T eSo t tre qurters OEN TFJIAL EXHI B 77 oLo ub.ter ssmi te jt oncession - ntIr h aspcsof h aces, -i h iemrs or leuosa ail U ertéa loifth 100gacres atre cleareal. andi the. rening 20 ïM. W. the Grand Masuter,-J acrs rewoded-ohlett wlub Beech -and PRR ,E ,aniradOlcr Uaple There Is rectj on this parce) a P RYzq n in fies freihrc, wlth 00w-table, antd raot. Will leaeb emr"anerhe ~OUPe ternesî. . AseaLe goodami i, SetrameTra"nt ou ell Stabe; tiiere lm alaa «a fraedtwelling .: ro Trntn banse. The prorry I. situe te about ison SATUIRDAY, 16TH INST, nu1le9 froin the. Twn oai Whtby,ýon the Part WhVitby andi Part'Perry Gravel %adjet 8 'clock,pZ m, tiane bv Canada Sont, If is ladistant iabout one melle andi a bal ,EnasLh vly front WTtloe tatin, on thie Pr hty~aeRiways. andPat ery Ellay -Fare 'Y $7 7 PtARcux No 2.-The Sosth.west part aiofy 7 La* "Numbepr 212,11 be tIi S Concessioan af TORONTO TO PHILADELPI Wluthy Township. In the said Conoty ai Ontaria. eaning 81 lt/100 acres b. the AND RETURY. inanti mare aries, and <earibeti ai iolloiws, RÉTURN VIA NEW FORE txý0 %bat ile ta .ay:-Comncing et tii ,South- W .FAE e&t angle a the. saia Lot Number -2, thenw W . iiE1 North la deeresa WWest 80 chaînes, more- ar87Aa jus, to the Soutb.east angla ai land oawneti -_____ liy Alexandier Ktceon; thence Stouth 74 I'ENTEAL E XIIB IT I ON-I87 degree& Wsst 10 chaîne, more or loues, ta the ( 'centre ut tho. s"id-lot; thence North sxtetc degrees West 20t)e ins,- more or lasta h. $8,GOO Offered in Premiums centre oi ihe Bai concession;, thênce Southi 74 ilegreesi West 10 chitine, mare or loue, tae 1., I ~L T the Weterly limit ai the salai lot; thence Soutl.ixteen tiegrees Peet 50 chales, onr. THE ¶i>WN OF UIMLP or les., ta the South-Wegt angle ai the. sali lot; thence North 74 degrees Etsat 20 chaîne. ON TUE mo rleos. to the. pla<'adl!begnning, il r t cos of a'hialî la ceared 'rhere are ereeti nu 3id, 4th. 5hai t eoe tlie7ýpareel a gond frame tiwelllng bouse, a _7 trene barn, cnw titable, lboi-e stable, antid ~ O &.L 'otasheia. Tt in etuate a'bnut ans nis Fa-ie Liste andi Entay Papers eau bh ai inuh ni the Village ai Brnonkli, anti about et the Secretary's Office Guelph, sanîlsi ,lour milles frin the Tow~n ai Whitby. imoin the Secretaries ai otier Soriettei ËÂnreL No. Il -villsaeLot Numbea' 11, thuughout the Province. ln the Village aifl'art Perry tiorniêrly Bore-- Parties flot receiving thoir entry titea lia),sahewnna la nieamadie by Jointî anar ta the Show wil l inS thein et tht fShier, E#sqaire, P. L. B., nipart ci lot Num. !bcrcuary 's Office. ber Rvne-,lia the ixth eCne.sian at Tbe several Rlalways will cari-y reigi the msai Townshlip of lipiac'h, wlîich sait anti paesseger; ta antifirn the Exhibition plan le iilil.Inl thm Reritry office for the et single fire. Couinv oni(Oitaio, nave aie ritept that G. MURTON, C. SHAUPE part ni the. util Vi1 llage lot Naamher l lvsi, Secretary, Preeiâelit. convoesysu 1 one Amy P Johnson ta oneG lpSt Charles T. Young. ho* deed hearng date th' Geph ebei- 2, lIa; 4îî-37 BighteentR, day of July, li the ypar oi aur Lo-ai One Thousacd FAbiht Huudted asudaFrePr5 hat onlil hin. thlirtv-eighit fart i lu irontivlu 141n SainStree-t, in the said vil- lage-, anti exteiiintr Westrly the. wioîe D AIL V & W EE K LY. leflnio asitiLot Nutraber lelteîî. Tie esial Lot cannith one quairter ni an aére, be Dl>- 1Iy Kbi 11l'ri maileal Free ai Po-tage, the. name more or lees, nu whiî'h there are tealai parts ai the. Dominion. 58 pera eimmr 'erecteti egotnd freine dwellilîg boises an bkyE'e>.Eih aa~ it iraie tel)lo. Thbrs i ljia aanaooc Weill0 te-' dfdi-ih ig"Sxy ,watqr anti a numiier at irait t-ea. a orclmus clogeiy prated inatter. #2 CONDIIONS 6.~. per aunuin. Postage ires. As ta Parcel othber "hree'oevluencea TME OiOLY FIltSCLRSs JOURlNAL PUB- 01 titIs will he giveu o t e n aiaSeed f Li aiTTh APTL an aapre iluitet ana Serai E bAItLIhSIT POLITICAL MINELLIGENCE. Jae alîuY William ltataubury, dat. LATENT TELF.OHAPUIC NF.WS. .5 -thes Foumeenth day ni Nlovsnaber, One SPICY READABLE ARTICLES. Thauskêid Bigit Honde-ad tiSavent y >rfsds Four, anal the Regiatrar'e abstrnto i acttai& dn« a ua8 nwapapen main the ani haVeta-ehti maibelnuaita1, a Capital antd a Lis'ely, Spaa-titng Hauscholal Scanrfurtheor o iler o eter.1cftitîe J lawilll take U eDAILY PFiez PRS. "or- ta iurnish sny othea- tisaIs ar copies ai A llaautiiil Oîj Clarno, mailaai ta o-rery Haci ai-a IIb teta tljc a suiscribeofathce M JFKLY Pair Piars. resgerveil birî fieaS a,,,tht Master; andl par. eC. W. MITCHELL, col Nniher Two wfIi habaS a uh)jpct ta aOtSpena r ,17. P roap riet or. Lesefor ane y - ausale pb-r thalaieOt.awaiiin-87 4 176 Jacnkson >Raliadoy ta William Kroir suldJohn Korr. 4dae.'e'î!tqeeitli ai Otolaer, OneE E USA . Tbc'.san,î Elgil lundi-etiand Seveiit y-Omae. X TORS'SA E theicyle i-nt liile la Thraa Huai-ad ,iut Tittdllars ($8.10) annumlly. Vie 'pa-ticilarm f ni ab lé,ts a ai hpa sean etaI atthe offi-e tilateVaîalaa'as oalilatr. The Executo nd ut lxaiut-i oftaibhe Will ni Thtpîmiciscersthalit ii.fliaisof salaelthe lacs Robai-t Saith will i fter msalaeiay pa&y ilcwa a dorpmit 01nitrceint ta the. Public Auctfou, at ~'enratori- i-is Slieiior andtihea.riniiier jina Court, witiu n nrcat, withîin ane BLACI<'S EIOTEr mnnbh irom the day nt itsal. a>r nt thTEe. optionoaithie pur lisser twa-llii-'ia o ie lsTH para-hase maaaey of li-ela lit ea uaI îwo rau NTa tromain nlaorigagre pasyable iu sayven equal LL G C'flr'x, atnal si iitalia,.ntg w-alh intenret at sos-tn V L A E OF JJÂJtoy5i îaer ceciat pybl earv.lu iler mepeîta tht eond tiaieof salIe will ho the standing -ON a'ondtliionm.pf 1sale cf lite Conu-i frfChsnvery. >For furi-tie peitiiarw apîly taJonTug-,v the Te7t-'ht lTaîptin, Venéinr'a Solicitor, ant ei Mera haasay weî-igu Mowat, McLennen A- Dowiey, Solicitors, teali]:e O.DA TNLL. et ofk Septembe: next, (Sinfi) G0, . DARNFI. lale-sa ai Late Numbera Ten sud Eleven, JCîT{%4 HOSEiN, M aster nai iiîy. ln 1h.eigjli Concession ai tia Township Ventior'o Soliclor. tai-87 oaitlasi Whuîby. Tiie aboya properîy l is aIS hoanestetti ofaithae SmiithFemtly in tie County ai Oit- B A R L E 'y- taa; centaine 21» Acres, oiwichabout B A R L E Y28 acres ara goidl Iaa-woaul Timbr-s underîlitet ati in an exoaelleut state ai The linueraigiiea will ns>- lia, Hiczliest culti',aîion andt horoughly fenceti, aïil'ts Sicam Illvattor, t' Pari C. DRAPER. Wlaitlay, Sapteauher 11h, 187C. Oin-87 N 0OT IC1 l Tiei. uatrigneal experts 'to-he la the Griai Markmst thiis sèasan, et %Vhiulay, ta Ositeii, hgiasi puce lin- gond Cealiaua pIes' Whiby spt th 17&JOHN BLOW. 3 WlîtAy S p T uii - D 3 i A TTUEi J'AI1MSTROMU HOUSE." -Apîly ta-. MES. ARINSTRONG, Wllithy, Sept. 4,1876. 87 F'Ol îF-AIARGIAIN 1 100 ACRES!i -cIB CONVEIINIErNT Il GOOD til I -TERMS REASONABLE. Sdeptemlacr 4, 1670. JC. CAMLIII1LL, Da-averfaail. WILL KNIT 20000o STITCHFp IN A MINUTE 1 AIJTOMATC 2 A PRACTICAL rAmiLY Kaî,ITTING MACHINE 1 - Rubis s811suce aiofawrk, nari-awa s"11tjwideor il ; siapes ail su iaintacruleae., Itites-i-a lu I afiteit g-'riiieits, i',lS' teaia Nlittis, L",ggiitaaWr1aîlteîs, lI"s's, Cia- Ic kliite Ove,'y- 'aaeii nt'iay Oflaaaîi ÎOsCîy stitch. 75 îai ceitt, prioinL uanu faîurîng kit iit XXS. Ftiar rau trahI,- Ilti lasachi r vool, b>- eanverting Ji iua utgootia. WotUUnciats 1$100 pI-r dty itih it, Acratra WA % TEo. - Seaîafor 9#typles, Prfcaa- Liat taîl C principai-a tua Lia-a No. 889 Btaaastwcy, Nt-a' rk tI "2f a-aprtà i, Sa 1.i im. 8 The Dwelling liotse la Brick. Thorna arc two Bain-anaewiîi atone inundaticai, with caIlle hausea for tweaiy-eignî rattle, analmat homme undrusati ; a Caw-sille(l, lwa Stables, snd nue Imilement Hanse, al tasag ate t elii-ap air, Tiere s fasena ha-ig'reharti ao liaitintcasfruit ti-ocs, eniangabout is-. acres. The landea are well watered hy lwa ne-rer. iailing craks-a «ant iwl] anti sait wca'i- cistaru. This is the mtutdesirabtl, iciniin ltae CoanîycfOntaria; lan itnatetiSevaýn tilas la-ia Part Perr y, anabou lît the sarea-Iii- lana-e frein t)slawat--haîýi gaIn aI orke.ts. Andt'hero ariagrand roi-aas ta hoth places ut is ranteai for 2100pir year and txc,- Posession gis-an Navsauber, 1877.' TERMS OF PAYME'NT: One-iantla ai tIi.puachas. anpney a fit aio Bale ', st-u-tunae mannti surf ci-lteprBain, as iti the, une-teuithi -ilI miae$7,000; the halants to ho securaî hy mort g tige .a'rfmig s-ronMapCiernti inhareiat, pauiatal in six equal annuel instahinenta. Furtîter particolara anti ennaitiona ni ache can beha uataniJalan Srnith, Eaq , ilaiglan P. 0. ; Jarmes stai-ka, Esq., an lie pitnt- saa, wh ialîl show thc sanies; tie Auctlon. ati-, sud VanSas Solicitor. DaceS 8301h Anguit, 1870, LYMAN F.NGLISH, Vantiora' Slicitor, Oshawoa. LE vi FAIRB ANKS, Atartionner, Wlitay, Id 36 MISS LAW, (1>aalpii of Mr. Toriagoa) ili-aieurmuait Chas. Ian Fi-ai St-p. ten. Fo' ainia, &c , appaly at lie-r resi- doace,;. f-rA Street. salihy ugo ti0, 18716. 2l rh 13 at oec Bm lafr dte ît tri 1itirs tilie>til0an the Groucabai ai tiac Soth Qnîario AGR;IICULTUBAà ýL SOCI:ETY, wll le soîd et "iA B ritish Amnea-can Itutet," Wlîîtiy,oIn Tbursday, 7th Sept., 18'6, nt 7:80 a'clouk, p. il,. C. NO-usE, -Whîitby, Au&'uat Sfth, 1876. 86rtay NOT-rICE. N TOTICE iq hersby giran that a apecial Ganea-al Meetinîg oftaieiaShareholtias ai tha Whbhy sud Part Par-y Rafle-sy LCompsnýy e-ill e hi.t thce Coao -u rainestap uitiltaar10 cxigitlg h,. raes, iautho n ofwu it-huîby taee,,l aii'pR BIIl7TIN sa, Millees8tr cn heOhofS b -'ro itl Taadors, m le MIis, DufIn' -e"..rayi t a CrecIt, buis tIbis e-rbeau issaîvel y m innfSpt b" wiai c(Moe.at, Ail deteisdus by -tishe aie next 10 hOa'ooclts- an., ion lis pumpseo of otruo mli l atîel hya.dE. o C'er, mua COURierlig, t. a f.i deared adtiiala,au. laliiinucii el. Iies atitavau Ahsc. florislug tii. lansd disposai ai Mort.. ilieni muaih. paS, geBonds, lutlndinf Extension Morigago Wlites fliOOVFpp oni, Furohase aitus6 %ilimg. Stade sudn D L,,4P- INK. a r,, V8 9lîy lb. Campauy i-ampetyn uiw i-ritaad Ou ig Int, 876 "<th CM ysua Umer. Ausqtin aetà ,e '"'d150, 87Sm tfor PAtymamîttchO!oofteau 2 ý?aîwaag he- filsas uh or morugageDan, iii W'Ax~î~ulalsu; iflteCOmDpaay or 8011itha cer 5eoiaritba ie thie Compaisuay is->-bte Iata fint ai-].ris-a --aiiu nuttaers o0nnîlstat w. -y'arTPeer- fa y, a , e~Mali. 11 ti fjStlen Pilîsi-elaicen A suaIvon aiiêitimsnts ta, lis fy-iae-a aifish 15sîat fiti, t f i ava nlrm and ConPsY-nae May b eid oad gn an nsB Ch, n da eckt for tIi- ters&asdu a v-y-ueo i aira ai iii.tý trtv.sasut,, jC, ý iaitenaehiCen S a t naPdeh!ugiafoel allefr hcan>. s-l ca, Ryorder,-- Ponulit irbolJOHN 3J.1108e SI 87 l. ti ON T10i 1Vhi of SeMay nzdr1876.6, 19 ek Vurses Pce okMmoadmBok.A bt tic tdy !Spen~r 86 1'IBT-CLAS PARM FOR SALE, Two Cases of Stationery received this week. Note Pa- et Tani o'clork. . an n 'ta heer andéti minepers, Envelopes, Faolscaps, Inks, &-e. MOrchants, professional mon, andi iath ainer ht otalie'[jts ithe Msancioais- Cbntaining 100 Acres, otlîors wiil srve money by purohasing hors. ty ai the. Township ai Whithy fan 1876. ituate Oua Mile andt tree quartai-a West of Scijool Books 1 Sohool Books 1 The largest stock in Ail peraonn a la-ing busineas et the Court f lie Toni Whitby, ou bhc Kingetori t. aire reituircaltetaattend et the said ime anti Roandbeiag composeS aif parte ai lats lNas.ton - place. 88tanti 84. fia ch. jet 18nc.sajOn ai the £Uwn- F Subscribe liere for youir Magazines and Newspapers. - PttS t ]rcikin Au. er Bop a Whitlay. y.Fofurth. Pa-omptnessan d punctuality guariteedl-AeOnî for a11 the Ieadin ub- R. T. HARRiSON. rprtlars :: aly to the Proprictori'cîîtu lSulS p 21D-36t Clecit ai tue saiS Municipality, pe ieo oL ei Firans W ity EWi y, Ont, oree.J. S. ROBERTSON, &9 iWlîitby, Auguat 9tl4, 1876. I2M-33 lookseUelr and Stationer, Whitby. a . ~ ~ C H A N C E E T 'N O I E h CanclNtctoleicitr: CHEA P FURNI TUBE HO USEI X 4 ceb d, anti SARAH JANE HOLLI- -0 -- È ,eDAY, deccaseti. 04 q-4 'arautt tu ai Decrui-ofthe i Court ai For your Parlor and Drawing'Roomn at~~ "~Chancery md in a cause tio y Sets goao againat Gilroy, thes Creditors ai Jackson Hollniaa, e ftheti.Township ni Roscliî,n IfoJO NS N ý, b the Connty of Ontaio,Yeomuan, who dtmiIL eOH S N QI, 4Rý Q 4 in or about the. anonth n a,1874, and o ~'ey Sarah -lana Holliiîay. hie daughcar, a spins- I')5y naron tr h idtherecftcr, are, an oanbefore Fo 011V B droi Sets, if g thecEighteuieth day af Septenuber, 1876,ta> Room Futrnitture and to furniish your bouise comaplete go to L ~ e *'senti hy posc, pro petul, ta John Haskiu, ai th it f o, h i he County ofYor-k, TLL & O NS N ~,, ~ ~the solicitor for thc delenalant, James Gi- T J H S N -~ ~ 4' '~ ioy, the atiniujtrator oi the scai Jackson 'S"" 4'~'~ ~ ' ~ES, llalliday, deceesed, their '-hritian anti aur- <' "~~~ iaamca addresses anal description, i li parti F r o ie ______o_____________ deieto thirc- Fo Git C riePicture Fram- - acrta, iii) li nature oi the securîties (af in -i ee-y Style, do not forrtet the place-the sign of the IcLI-) hlai by tîîean. aS- in &dfauit thercia! they 'BG OC wvili ho pereniptocily excluded from tht ion. BI iÜING CHIR.tll," Brook Street, Whitby. A INT Ddit o aietidecrec.'- Eyery creditor hol<ding i 1V, an)y eecurity is ta pi-nanae tha saine tactore TrENDERS FOR ineatci n c ambera, et tlaaTowca oi Whuî- U D R AII G D E A T E T by, ii e sai County of Ontario. on the D R A d G D PA TM E T RAIL'V AY TIES 1 l9tb Day of Septenmb'r, 1876, Rosewood abud Walnut Coffins, Walnut and Rosewood Ecqula-eS 80,000 Tics Sdelivarad on the linoeut Teu o'clock in thtefni-c'iaan, being the C askets ; ail kinds of Ladies' and Gents' Robes. Also a ai the tiine appafaîcea for ajudicatf an on ch. Whtb, or Prr adclaiini. first-elass Hearse. Lindsay Ext. Railway, 18761 hatct-cni a Ji. T IL L & JO H NSON. hein-arn Port F*era-rniLitsy inn Gin-I GEO. H. DARTNEU>, Whitby, August 29tli, 1876. 86'Iy $ionus - 8 ie,- long, 7 irath face, 6 fi-ch îîîck. Maiter (hIers wili hc raceiveti untit OCTODE IR TALUA1ILE O O AE FIlSt', 1876, a edresaaedti the undter- V E10.S 015L ~ e, n A (~ A ~ signeti, A largo Twn-a;tary Brick Dwclling Haute ..-AL..-r.z J-Gr..Ci. ..' GIIISON & DIXIIN, saiti tira-e quaerta-ra nifticacre o a ndant- Contractoi-a tacliec, wel stac-led with chiairo Fri-t Port Perm-y. Ti-ea itua utetionutho coi-aer-ni Gi-een------oo-_____ N. B-Partiea tendeaing wsili bear in andl Gilbert aliptis, Whiby, anal nearlte niud the ahuame eimensions ci-ctha leasi husiness part af the towiî. Tertnis eaa-for tlact will ha accc2ced. fui-cher pctitcuiars aJaply la Part ?erry,_Auguat 9Sl, 1876. 36 D. ORMISTON, Solicito,-wlutby LA/1ING cg STE [4/ 1?T or .A MNTLA, shwa w A NTrlî 1Whtby, Augual Sth, 1870. 33 300 «MŽJE IH\T>ft Atoe-ii Dwellig House and~ Lot, TOWN 0OF WH ITBY0. Under and byvirtue of a power af sale con. tainet in 'a martgage,, whloh wi Il be pro- ducedet me of sae, wM besaldby Publia: Auction at 1tAY'5. HOTEL, inthe Town of Whitby, by Levi Fairbanks, Es'., Auctian. e, an9 Saturdayi thé 23rd-.of &pternbcr, '76, at 2 a'clock in the. afiernoon that large, v,- luable and cammadiaus Twa-storied P-aine cottage, with stable andi shed situate on ths carner afi Byran andi Dunfp Streets, witb a quarter af an acre af Garden graunti attaohed-wel stocked wlch vainable fruit trees, grape vinies, &o4. Forfuribe: particulars apply ta JAS. K. GORDON, 'Vendars Salicitar, Whitby, August 24th, 1870. Winby. Also* at the Rame turne ancd place, a quantity of Hlouselîald Furniture be- sona'o w wuse cuain saIuc étr Slaa =lt have bati notice t the ie of asncb distribution. 'This notice la 'van in pursuance 01 the statuts 29 Via.,'Cap. 28.1,t'. 27. Date t Wleitby, the i.2rd Aug., 1876. . GEORGEPL T Sale Executar late lluÀL Flint. FAREWELL & RUTLEDGE, OaIicitors for Exeonuo. 8 F ARM TO RENT 1 - A flrst-claes Famnoai 20Acres-140 acres ,-leared ou conCession 10, Lot le1, Brook,. Ta Jot for a teri of years. Apply îO- MICHAEL MALONE, Canning-ton, P. O. FÂEM TO RENIT 1 Casisting of 140 ACFLESx len o No. 18, in the Oth cona-ession ai pnilrig djoining be Village ci Brough. iany. i4ar partieulai-. epply ta the awner an the preinbees. NOBLE L. STEVENSON.ý Pickering, Aug. SOth, 1876, gin.50 OTI C E.- Notice fa heroby gi-ren that a Court will be held pnrun theî Votere' Liet Art of 876, by llis; Honor the Judge of the Caun. ty Court ai the Connty of Ontario, et the. TOWNSHIP HALL, IBBOOKÇLIN, C OTTAGE FOR SALE I1 That 13.rlck Cattage, justiorth aifithe Brownî & Pattai-con -Maciînacurg Co'à a. '0rke, with the landi cloi ing re ai-e athe prmisesa a Stable, liard anti Soit water, &0. For iuxther particulars apply ta J. E. FARE WELL, which are 0 est stylestor the 0.Onýg se£ NEW- WiNCJ.ES, rEW And a large renewal of the celebrated branudof, Which on: custamers are so well ac ited with. lU n examine. We are always happy ta show, you thrug urso. JAMES SHEA. Oahawa, September OUa, 1876. isr~w - 000 - Ladïes' Work Baskets, neat, pretty and cheap. The Best Stock in town. Ladies' Back Combs, Childrens' Circular Combs, Combs f-ail inds. A goadi stock. -AT- RATK E.NS . DOUBLE TEAMS h ROISES AND CARTS, To ni-k an the Exten. ion ai tie WtrT1Y. PO'Taic R Ia;î ANiD LNLIsAR THE HIGHEST WAGES FAID TO GOOD Aaply on ath o rka la GIlISON & DIXON, P>ort PL~,-i-y, Auguatis1, s 187 ln-30 O NTAELIO LADIES' COLLEGE, AUJTUMN TERM W'ILL C031uLN*CE ON Thursdlay, Septemb',' 7th, 1876. TIE 'GOVETiNOîI GENElIAL noffci-r -'a listMaIs lai- îext 'ear. Ohlaer atialeaNand pi-rs are ocittil ay irionS. nif tle Caliege.i Tîteru ailI tac impoatnt adlditionsa ta th Fttt! iti)ti ivvi-y pala'ir a da leittga oi!,-r-d ai fo-ai-i'ctanpleta ethucaîlan aici c For Calendaralapiy hor REa-. J. E. SANDEIISON, M. A., d Augcîst 241h, 1870. Whth5 FqARM FOR SALE. coanpriaing parte nif Lots No. 211 anti 3o, b 50t Couctssaai, Whitby. Apply ta- t WM. G. DO0W, Eue. talgusi, lOtb, 1876.li-t i.'"'PAID AÀPIIOPIT OF Y'-4700 Pi tiriug tha pat iv mantha, untiar'aur lai. CI i-maeds.ystern ci opsrchn in uSîocxs. Mi faska raducet tanominal anme antip -aite 0 icreati. Book cantat-afng mil lfina-0,16 0 ion sent on application. «y rUIIIIRIDQE A- CO., Bantere A- Braltars, o th 11v 92 Broadway, New Fort. iy te' uts roc va LIVEEPOOL, LONDONDERRY, Mfa ed GLASGOW, e .HEA P'-FAR ES 1 ubn, tram Wliby. - - $59,- $79, $89, nel accafiigta accommodotion. 1t teasrea-.-es lcw-asa ay otiior lin. si-s raiS passge certifieatea lssned s-t a r- .t. aie ta p ers a s a ý t e b rtn g P Per ticetssasd iurther informnation spply - 57A Co No. 4 BULFINCH St., 608J0N, (OPPOSITE REVERE ROUSE.) THIE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Or, SELF'.PRESERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. Goiti Modal Awardcd tu tie Author by tic "National Medical Associa- .taon,' March 318t, 1878. Jit 1aubiiaiod by the PEABODY MEDICAIL INSTITUEa nain caiilofi ta enîcduià a-rnikutitîsà tihe "SCIpEEk Op LIPE; ., SELF-PEERaATION *'Iltrtaeuipau Mcci- itaînt, how leat, itow regaîitoteaatanin roi-rpet. ainird: causa anS cure niflXitausted i.itclity, imalateucy. Prenaccire Dfleine i lutina, Sler. inatarha, one Ocratal Loesot tarnel anti difurnial). Sera-uandîtP hyaftl Deliîy, Rv. tanciaanaia, GlooinyrFarebodiuca iteucilD'e- pession. Loas ofenurey. HagarcCaonten- uce, ConfinofaMinai and losa of Moinai-y, limpure atats ci the Blond, ac uti i liseata a-isiug fi-cmai-rocs or Yoaitli ar the taaiere- tions or oxees of matuers It tells von ail ablout the U ar"i ouera- ts-a Ptaysilogy, the Piayaioiogy ofa- uriags, of %Wod cki anti Offsîantng. PIayalcal Contrasta, i-rua Mai.ivlin rcian, Perversion of alaraga, Con)ugal Pryecept sud frlsudly ecaun. i, Physteal Ilirmit-, atsausceasancuore, telaitons batneen tha sexes, Pranis af tha ExpainiofVie,tiheItisarisaf Iipi-u. auto., Anobant 1gnaranceand Errai-s, Meas if Cura. CuraeaofBady snd Mid.'i rua Pin- cialas af Tracotut Ad'iroaa te Pattents andi aIn-suld lestiers, The Auhor'. Priaicipias; Tha pnice o ai fsbook lsauiny a1 ta. Thia booik aise centaine mai- ain Fucty 'rescripitions lor-theabchaie aiË1oS ailioter diseauas, each ana warth ennsitien the pi-ice of the books. The Institut. cao publiaies I"THE 'HYSIOLOOF 0F WOMAN AND 1ER DISEASES." Price, $2. The Desc book of tic kind extant.* Alan anaihor aeluabîs modical work ircat. ng excuiva-ly 'Mental anti Nom-ans Dlaeasses; aore tIa 200 rayai actas-a pagea cwainay sie- ;ant engrai-inga, bounin fubtaà itlal mannai. lite anly $2. Daa-ely enongi ta pcy for print- g, "Tha Book for Young anti midleo agd tenu radust uinov, instheScienca af i u, ai-Sali esariatlcn. Tii. autiai-lias retuaieaifroan gu e n i eatant infa ain ti e Conuai li1e Pabod lodcs-l Institute, No. 4 Dalftint Street, Ban- n. Masa."-Bzpu=xaceJaUecA.. -The. ffince af Lb!e fn bayoud aIl compari. antas most axtraortiuery irik au Pbyelolo. e-rver publisiei. -BOBTON Heuaxn1 'Hope nestied ifathe bottim of Padore'. i., anti haps nie evbnfgs aner, silice ieasuiug oai ue vluails varas puiliohed She Peabody MedicleaI nsibine 'vl4ici are schlug tiausands ow rtoa a-id, uhiemaladies ift sap the citadel ai llie."-PeuALeUp ut siauld bs moati ivtue Young, iisiniddle îal, anti sveu theald."-Naw Yoax Tmoo. bc Si-et anti aaly medal Orer egirad :a su Meifeal Msn-n a ifs eaun ,a ogaiion oai *1 anti profesalenal sèrtI ?s Là psente the isautaam ai tisse ivOks, Mri 919t, 157 eTuspi-seniatian vsa nei- the lune 0ai is ance b y fie Boston s@. sudthe. ia Jours-a l moaagoljt the. unI-y. Tf ineglent Modal le ofsaliti fd. sel witi mars ltieu ne 11hndroti Indue moudseaofi-are irilllanoy. tltogsther, inlis exeanution anthéus i-ba. es ofIihsineerial. ant ie, tifs la d9citid'. ihe most noticeeble moedal e-rm-etiick tau auntry formanypnpa.waeer. It is Ilwrt heI inaiNnmasmatsts. Il P UXà ,zllns OCi, 876, Ir C alogue sent an raelept afi6 cents for at4o aboya warIrs sent , 1w matl lon the place to get goQds suitable for this all kifldRis heavy and wefl ssorted, and. Lowest prices for Cash. Mse accouûnts are being made u, and -i deliveryon01 the above date. Hlaving presi meet, he respectfuliy regnests iummediatej Nýote)s :and 'Accounts past . due, iYill b6 pI hands for collection without further notice.- ARWARE, HEAY FORKS, H9AY RAiÂS SCYTHEE & ' SNAITHS, GRAIN CRADLES,' BARLEY FORKS, TIbrRNJP 110E S.- *c GENUINE PARI GREEN.ý.t$ GROSS &. MACNACHTAN, Ae in other[ JUST RECEIVED AT,- DOMINION W'ARERO OMS, GRENADI NES, BATTI STS, MUSLINS, WORSTEDCOGATINGS, SUMME IR TWEEDS, &o. Also a superior lot of stried and plain Millinery suitablefar h sasn MILLINEIE- Y, DIOSM KN D 'A L BI DONE TO O1~DER LOWtS & POWELL. Whitby, Jtuie î4th, 1876. Just to hand a lot of'Thos. Russell Waltham and Elgin-, Watclies n Crold and Silver, cases, Jewelry, &o., at depression- prces, PECaCbLESTOrSUI aL4weL sIGHTS idin anda imerican mai<ers, best valu'e in town.' C A L Lica A N D E X A M I N E 22n, 8.SJ22VTY - 3BBS 'E L E CT E D THE COUN#RY 1$ SA FE HARVEST- I8 0.MI'NG And if you want Forks, Soythêsi Cra- dies, and ail kinds of Hlar-vest Tools3, dheap. Go to ( anc[ donle it. And,-now ofier GREAT INIJUCEMENTS. Particulars next week. Whitby, August 2Oth, 1876. AT THIE OIDID-FZLLO-WS LAING & STEWARI [i. 36 R E CE IV ED 1 Case Paris Manties of the latest style, Black Yak Lama Valenciennes Edgings, Neêv Ribbons, Black Spot Net, J)recjs Buttons, Merinoes, Black Alpacas, Black- Lustres, -better value -than ever before shown, New Fali Qoods arriving every day at a N ( c ODDFELLcuWS' HALL. E. FROST, Whitby, Atîgust 201h, 1876. Globe Train Arrived at the Oddfellowi' Buildings with the following Goods for PETER SMITH-. l'IPES, NEW FANÇY PIPES very oheap, TOBAG- GO POUCHIS iometIîing new,) XYRTLE INAVY TOBACCO, GABLE -GOIL TO- BACCO, LORD DUFFERIN TOBAC- INýG TOBACO O (best in to wn.) AUl of whielh, along with m:ý other stock of G beý sold oheap, for Casha. Dûn vsaf £>4b+ -a o.am.l.--A rmes., For Harvest Gloves,w Guaranteed to fit. Go; to UD='-Food for' Potato PARIS GREEN.- erss HAZýN 2B. IlIGluEy 28 andi80 St F-i Moi Mautreal, Aug. 19, 1876. S.-R. WICI Im-porter, Manufacturer -Dealer i Leatherg, 8hoo-fit Sale Agent for Ontarioaof ly-80P. O. Box, 222. DAMY LINE TO ROCHSTIR TE-F STEAMER "NIORS EMAN,~ (IL.oA~Wa'ann, MASTIE.,) Will malte ber regular tripe un ibis route ioleing Cobourg e-rory mairn*ng'at7M, ana Port Hope et 9.801 n'ome, for Rociiester, on the ari-fval ai G. T. R. t inus 'Eut & West, enunnsting there with-tbe NowYjork Central. N1orhemu Central, and Bri 5eflwaYUansd Lalko Onteario Shoro Divisionoà f the Rome, %VaWcrtawu - Ogdsnsburg Eltway for all P-oints Est, West anud South. ERImîjea;Wfil la-r.Charlotte (pogi aif Rochoster) daily et il p. m., excejut Satur- iays, wiieu' abs wil leave at83p ni., for Part Hopo dia-oct. Dealers ln stack aewMiSd iis tlu choapest anti moat' expeditiona route ta Bos- tan, Albany, Xew Fork, A-c., - For iurtier information apply to- R. CRAWFORD, Port Hope, fOR SALE k- TRiat el!iile Fsmlly Rotiticuce wttii 3. acres ai landi, camrnpiaing Gardenuanob Or-- charS, aMl aiexcallant qualiiy, formerly oc- 1aupied hy, the. lacta John Hainen, Esq., silu- ais about one miles eut-ai Withy, a n thc Kingaton Rotad. Tii.Hain«e contaius Ten licorn e hties lrîtchau in rosi-, si h gaod c aller, Bard audiSoSat waler an the. prêtai- ses ; alsaharo and stable. For (na-hier particuiers onqufr ofa -JOHN TAYLOR, Esq., On the presiisea. Whiby, Apa-il 121h, 1876. 16 [ARM 'FOR SALE. 125 AC.RES, Situated on the Kingston Roati, 2 miles frtran i urieihing Tawn aifWbiby, belng cornpcscd ai tie Souib-west 1 suad the. North 50 aces ai Lot No. 8,- oancession 2 in th. Township af Pickering. Tftle fdrat. tIss, - Ou tie iront 75 acres tier s a large Two- slorey F-aine Hanse, 'well painta, witii Stan. CeILr 2 Cfalacýas, 8 never.fafllng Wells; Fa-sue IBarn, 60x00, wli Stan. Cnw Stablas anti Callar uutierueath ;LHamse Stcale 4230 with Caller under the. centre ; Cardiage Hanse 26x24; Frae Cow-sbed tad Stable 11024, Fig-hanta 24i18;' Gardien with Peca-, Pîun anti Cherry ta-ces lu aban- dance, togathar with cesoa ain-t oins. Orcici-t. Tii. abo-v fre is awellibis drain. aS. Thias as oua-aif he boat ferma iu Onta- rio. On thei. i-o-f a goad Frame -Barn "'0 Oand coe40x2l, kod Piaule Hanse, M034, with kitcian andl atone celiez; 2 __.Ils, a never.failing Sprlig, anti-4 acres ai Orciard. - Ths'beho-afartm wM lbe solSon reasonable tarrna,'apply lu ithe prapri star on the pra-. misesR. S. WILSON, Writhy P. 0., Onut. Picbreming, Juns 201h, 1876. 28 DRY GOOCJS AND -GEROCEE STORE AT'AUDLEY. Iu -ordtie amoot îe grawiug wants ai tha localfiy tha aubaci-uber bas bsen induceti ta open- business in the save lins. A L-arge anýd well .Selected Stock qas i areiandSquiility te any uhat can b ua se i tawm or ciy. Gtvre us a tailla jutige for yourseli, anti if, yoncean b. ais well suiteS as elsewhesre ps-ironire home &uiy, Nov.- 241h, 1876. 48-tf £1.Anerica noicrfes nit frtier no- tice, 1h p.: coul. J. JOHrNSON, TO H A TO H'sJ ROCHESTER, N. Y., eimade, and HAT OH-"S. u s, &el "'NO0I SPECII -r1is h n TO PRTIESSBIDN [f Gla von 'IwatI 1 () ýl 'ORTGA( IJTT s r-.r lpvm Oshawa, September M, 18764 JOUR MOTTO : LOWËS & POýnLL. 1 Whitby, June 14th, 1876. - .7 1 , Wliitbv, August 29th, 1876. Whitby, May J U C-J -r---J-Ann 1 Whitb3', August 29th, 1876. NEW CORN COB PIPES, NEW BRiAn unnrp 1 -ý£ 1 JAMI S SHEA. 0 W E R'A T E S. G 0 L D S M 1 T H Il A-L L. 1 -9-.JLCJ)VIU iuuiiu uu .FOR FALL WIEAR --J'AN>T TURN OUT lýiicKEý NZIE . ý1 E. FROST,