y. ~1/I>7* ,7êz.ota moman, witiu advataes .e0 IfM@lUt& dioOtifluO S4YUrgomfti IEOKÂS DOW, DemiNIOxN BANK, WKRITBY AGEýNOY, fta'ugumta for specw Ãrtainer cf IHon. 1fr. .Ctà atfief, QG., a sd Di. McMlcael,. O FARSEWUL ULWE m)flo £né do«r. 4mth of the Boyal Eicteil, *hfy. JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. J.E PMWRML, L. L. E., Comunty Orcwn Attorney. 48 jA»no I EÙII-GORDON, Publia o ie-ovr I .d da2o e mir, $ck Street, Whlub y, Ont. CHJARLEs Gý KELLER, ATTORNEY.AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN C hancer ~oonveyanoer, &o., Cannng- LYnAN ENGLIUII, L.Li B,, B ~~AT LAW. OIITÉ- -DsSreOlbsws. *G. YÃ"UNG XIUTXU, LL. n., B IRtITE,'ATTORNEY. AT- LAW, ,lclclç, Brook reet.WibyOnuro. A. G. MoDILLAN, (lie Groenwood &c MoMlUan.) ic ,NtryPbiConvoyancer. 0f. tlce-Byrou Stree, cth cf Pont Offtce, Whllby, Otarlo. D UGGAN & ROBINSON, pARRIOTBRO, ATTOWMJiET8.ALW, -SOLICITORS, IN OHANOERY, CONVBYANOERS, ýfcq, OFFIOE-Provinciai4eAo#asOo Bidingg COURT SBuir, Toaoi<ro, 3.~~~~3 Dci,.c. J.G. loroi, mex . A. THOMAS IJUSTON, T OWN CLEUX AN4D TREASURER, Wbltby. Ofie-Tovu Hall. Houra, from 9Oic 1i 'ocak. a. J. GUmN, Mg. 1., OlURGEON TO TRE COUNTY PAOL, 0 Byron Street, Wbluby. Dr. W. J. BURNS. Opsvcc-Neul door tao duoxîcu Office. 93'Boeaeuce, ai Mr. Lewis Houclt'a. CUS HOSPITAL LONDON, EN., GUthe eye R. O. H. tOshawa, Outiio. W. ADA111189 D il NTIST, ýSUCCBE8 sor to W. H. Card.) Wbitby cver Mr' Jaseeaons' Store. Nitrons "1dasasdfiiiuistored for tb. palulese ex. tracticn of teetb. C, N. VA R@. L.D. 0. AMUMTEET -inorteaon al l th s as espe echespestat, su epool as thé béat. Teath 01dliii wtËiGola sud Oliver. Teetb extracted wltbkqui p&in, by produoing local azjitbeala. Deua Boofms-lu Cow. a new block, ovar Atkluacn'e Drug Store, Kineg Sifeel, nOsha. 85 BUILDER AND CONTRA.OTOR, DUN;DA5SBT., Wuirnr. Sý AUl ordere promptly execnled JOhXN RODINSON'S }{AIR DRESSING AND SHAVING Saloon, Brook St., Wbltby. JOHN WOLFENDENq, A GENT FOR THE CELEBBATED Scottleh Granite. At Manble Worka cf Joniathan Wolleudeun,Dundat St., Wh2itby. LUMBER MERCHANT, CARPENTER suad Jbiner, Green Street, Wbltby. A large quntlty of a&l kinde cf lumber con- élautly, on baud. H .O'DELL, ATH E RLY, Clerk.,Divialon Court, Tp. Clark, Coissaner lu B. B., LanA Agent, dcc., &oc., Atherhy, Ceuuty Ontario. Atherhy 5x,ht. 2nd, 1879. 88 C ARD.- DR, DOGART, l'hyisiolin, Surgeon, Accoucher, dc., &a. Whlhb7t'Sept. 801h, 1874. do R-OBT. RAMSA'Y, M. B., L. M. EDIN, Gr&au&lC wi cionrs li te Unlveraîty of Queene Col!ega, C saas; Philaelhila Unlv. cf Medic lue and Surgery' A"'os Uuiv. a! Penuiybvauîs; Reftectia Col!egof Peusai-Ivauta sud Liceutiate cf Microdi- cf lhe uaiv. of Aedinur, Scoaland. Cor- anar fer the Caunty antOutarno. Ofic- Coldwaotem st., Orilia. August 241h, 1675. lyr-85 Joux. S. M. WILLCOX, QIthe.Taown 01 Whlîby, ba% beau appolute OClp*I3AL ASSIGNEE, , MnERU TUE NEW ACT,) Por the Cann..tzc0 enuted is ti'eOt5lc. AMI business tendu e. to, w1vii lue osmaefuili- aI Whlîby, bau. 141h, 1974. 81y, THZ B- BSBT -HORSE MEDICINES. AUldecriptlons cithf lb.hat Horee&.t aîujeokapt comutantby ou baud sufor uie ri thé Wbltb y veytables. 1'c cbjge for adrice.N.B T .JOHilN 8SON, DEALER IN LUMBER, Raton c hAsd splendid stockok f fiue clear ana w! sesooneA Lumbar. Ail kwod for parpe nsa baildIng.puca. y., 1870. VOL. XXO BUBNON sps TauLPper Psy. Stabliug nm cou- r w B i b uRO W N , P R O P R iE t - ted UP sud rduovatedthrughout anafj lord auPeter mmodatioi for taerecap. tion Of PeaU. Tue preboulproprietor bas spared Da paipa or exponseinlurouou ov~roern*uiawoul tedt i O à pabeaL Torcata, JuIy lOth187 291 0)NTÀRIO HOTEL. WEXTBT, 0ONTABIO. PTRWAKEMi, PBOPR1EB'Os. Suel cocmodato. Tabloo, uupple wftb boitin l maic. Genuine ié oa ÇOprbubranda.Biadrc. omy BRBITISE AMEBICAN HOTEL, <LArE »Boom 05 NIS.) Hcusanewly reubvated sud furnsbed tbroughoùt, and put in frat-olasa order for ho reception cf guestea. u omnibus b sand rom aIl trains. Inri-csa sample rooms. 0 .A 2DTRUNK BAU.WAY HOTEL, AIT WEITBY STATION. WM. O'NEILL---' PROPBIETOR. Purt@#ta klug ubetrain aiidIealng bors. will bave them Wall taken eare of tM their returu. BROOK-STEEET, WRITBY, TAYLOR J& McCANN, PRaOPRIBTOIIS. The uuderalgneil demire ta inforni ubir' friandsansd the public thal they have iakeu the aboya weR kucwu' hotal, whioh they have uewly-ftt.d up and ronovatad, aud put luicth éaocf order for the accommoda.- tion of guësta. Tii.Bar, which fatheii. aud. soeti h ocuuy, Je ol! U fpplied wib tbe ltueat braudi of vine. liquora, aud ci- gae AkniPîsncloae aedroom anAgo0 stabliug, box ululaM, Mc. Detached roome for -omxuerclsiravellera. J. P. TAYÉLOR, PKXIP MOCANN. late cf Torcuic. IROTAL 1HOTEL, w Il1EBY, JAS. PFINGLEB, PROPRIBTOR. The largest sud most conmodlona botel lu the iown ; han large simple rooma for commercial travellare. Table vel aupplied witb be botiluseseon. Betbrandahiquora sud olga. Euclosed yard sud abedroom; attentive baillera. Cbarges te suit tbe N. B.-Livery-attacbcd. 27 CANolr OMme OA» TOBEE ara., TOJIONTQ. JAMES POWELL, - PROPRncrai. Plrstclaae accommodation; bath.rooma, &o. - 3osrd, $1 50 per day. 10 AR MSTRONG HOUSE, LATZ ALBI,> WHITBY, ONTARIO. SINOING AND SININI CLASSES TAIJONT 1 MiR. GMORGZ C. WIGINO, B.A., Bap b eânnoi- hce lahou. vE derlielu lli luue 01s cfpullon the glane, me beeu, sud Orpure on ragS.oble Lerma.. Aho Singlug Éurd Slng lse. Pme, whgia, iaulaIsdVahit i. AIlTasE LO~8BS PROKPTLT PAD~. L, ~AZREANXS, lu.,. 1. B. BIO~LL,- Beor.tsry. Prasldent. Rates cf Insurauce mc loy lbat 25 seuls vIE (usure 1100 for Ivelve moutha. r~nT'i'vai* AMunIaAM GLEN MAJOR -U!ILS .1~U eocccoeet Pine Lumber, veli aeaecued. inch Botao, Floic, 100,000 feot cof Oak, Maplo for aileï, litquaity, Bissvood, 15,000 fi. dqureTimber, AUl cf !bc ill be oad cbeap for osai Hewculdaleo bel ta e s laithe Grisi XiE fa rmudung,aud fa doig flmt.cloae vrk. Chopdone 8dAsye lu the >week, for ever B. MAJOR, Dec. lfh,188.Propristor. GODNEWS FOR THE LADIES. À. NEW REVELÂTION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MÂKING. A nurance Com'pany. CAPITAL, #400,00o. Ti*a 14 d veRestBliid pauy m roma¶ tsst irl ail aau.sues cf Isolaed saxau izadupjoperty lu. rai fo lre jrsor le.. ai apecihybo OZcieBroek 8t.,Witiuy- PHRNIX PIRE INSURANCE C0. Lombard St. sud Charing Cross, Landau. E5TABLIBRED Di 1782. GILLESPIE, MOPFÂT & CO., Agenta for Canada JAMES DA1IDSON, - Manager. Ineurances againat ha by Pire ara efisol. sA on lia meut reamouable terme, and lasses guld vithoul efereuce to the Board lu Lou- on.AnRSIr -. Ageuu, itby. la-hi- rTHZ "STADACONA" PIRE &- LIFR JINSURANCE COMPANY. -HEAD OFFICE, - QUEBEC. Financial ResuIt O! 14 Monîhi Busi- neCs O 318t Dec., 1875. Anthorized Capital---------....55,000,000 Subeonibed. Capital----------....2,8W0,000 Paid up Capital--------------....200,095 Govemxest Depesil, (Pire)-.. 50,000 Govermeent Deposil, (Lifs) ... : 50,000 Total Revenue, Fime Preenhumir, sud Inlemesi------------.*5' 228,775 ToaliLosses----------------.... 18,628 Invested FumAs-------------...5194,718 Cashi in baud sud Deposit-... 49,198 Other Asseta----------------...59,888 Total Assola------------...*29,7A4 This Company bas ncw establishud itsaIf, sud bais 21 Branches sud 207 Agoucicu lu [lie Dominion. GRO. J. PYKE, Manager, lS-ly C. NOURSE, Agent, Wihby. 1I U \ INSUANÇE Dapeosul 'ii Decumîcu nGavarsenet S50,- 000. eixperienced Agents liraugiaut lie Dominion. Pire Riskg wriffen af Adeqccaf Rafie. C. NOURSE, Agent, Wiitby. Wbitby, March Ith, 1870. i INSURANCE COMPANY (PIEE AND LIFE) oF U TLvfnUT A & fallP5, r. &6. ed freai cf charge. Azzngmens anbe -ade for saMes c. At -the OPmaelo0m". WItby, Obsrver OffIce, Port Pery.' ua*h1 fair W. M. X LOX Prince Abert, Sept. 24th, 1872. 39 JOHN .L.,, 1 rx~ AUCTIONEERL, &&CO Peru'y. WHI TBY MACHINt WORKS I (LArE CLÂvvOi'el BROOK STREET, WHITBY. The undaigned bege ta luform lhe farm- are cf' 1thea anrronnding country, that be han un ,esock s bar ge assortmout. cf Cutting Boxes, Ohuras. Tunilp Drille, Herse Rikas, 'W& iez«ls arte, Fan '9Mille, RepaIiug cf ail kinds axecuted 'wltb neutuessansd deepatci. THOMAS MrCANN. Brook-St. Wbitby, April 4th, 1870, ly.lS D MNO-FLOUR &- FEED STORBE. CHARLES PENNYLgGION Bege la noilfy hie friends and custauners thal ho is nov prepared ta upply Fleur anA Fead of the Best Qtuelity, at the loyest living pnies. Fleur. Corn, Chop-Feed, Bras, Shorts, Out- msab, Orsokai Whist, Peas, Qate, Po- tataee, d&., ah Wholeslale sud Itetahl. Cheaper f haf fat he lteef for Ca8h. At the Dominion lbour sud FicA Store, Crasbys llork-, Eass door, Dundas Street, Whitby. CHAS. PENNYLEGION. Whhtby, April 24th, 1876. 18 V ALISES AND TRUNKS. LEATHERB VALISES AND SA11ATOGA %»TBUNKS, &Cc., &'r., at WILLIAM THIOMPSON'S, Sadien sud Humaes. Maker, auocic-Sr., WHITey. June 24, 1874. 281f S. R. WICKETT, Importer, Manufacturer eand Whohusule Dealer le Leat hors, Shoe-findings, Etc. Sala Agent for Ontario af J. H. Mocney'e eeiebratad CabaneS snd Fanai- Lualurs. No. 52 COLBORNE STREET, Teioo're, ONTr. ly.35 P. 0. Box, 222. OT'1AGE BT1'ERN'. byOu, But trîqet le boiter a.11. Nu, air; you browe muet not b. beoi; nfyt a frown me dow.- 1now7see tba1t >Xelent . Have yen forgoTten 1hrpaimg da., Wbeu lu bea oa, trollld, And boy tbé iwfight'passeds&"Y. Thon trmai me, syoi4 olA you vould- Ah, e, Ilcuowzbycu yul , For wstocbfulpse n love-le gocd, Btut trust it botter estil Mm..Arklay'e WIîh. INiPOUR CHAi'TERg."CUAPTER III. I may s evl! equalut yeu my rosier, viii th esecret ef Mis Emmet- une's ceninot. 'Some eue liai sean the irafh-vil hi mniMr. Arkley liai maie in George Ârkley'e fumeur. The ohd gentleman bai iucsetiouely leftit1hon lie table oe day, and a parson vhe cama ho attend te the fire (yen muet net. inquire vhom), cav ani eaditi, and tebditsIecontente te suother persen (again, be net curions), vie vas.con- etsntly ilu1the presenca of MisWave- ley, an .i3 ecn persen impamiai lier kuowbedge ho Mies Emmibine. Nov, althongb, ef tie ive cousins, Teesisele vas muai preferrai ly thie Yeung lady, yet, viti hie uncle'e maney un hua faveur, Georga Amkboy's chance e! peeieesing hiemrses a vile improvai vstîy, anA Firedlemlck Taedale's- de- olinadinl proportion. AnA tins, vian Georg est boside Miss Wavehy etliae Stenlaye' dinuer-party, ho vas net s littîs surprifist ai ing hov lie scam- ai ta hsvd growu in favor, aven as Teeedaio vas subsequently agliset sud indignent et oxpemtaning.eucb un un- lookoi.fom uni véhément repuhse. As Teesdale sîrode iowu the etreal, ho fêît un i(asea Asiro le go te the post-office aud demani lis e l.paoket durected te Tompkius sud Shampe, uni, 'lu casa of refusul, te break open the latter-box, and tako ticeler iy forca. But thie thonglit fadai liefare the re- collection, thes the document would lis by Ibis tima iu St. Mantl's-le-Grand,. vhere all is physicai vigorwverdi ho usolosseageluet lia armay o! officiais tiare employed. Se homue sud te biei, te Areains sud te hormirs, vent lie luckless yeung gentleman ; sud very like e criminel ha foît, uni le somaeax- tout evan lookai, vhou ho arose noit morninag WVhon yen are vexai anAdsvage ile velI te' ha lun action. Frederick renom- erai enmewbat us lie ruade hie vey ta uucle'e sildenc. Arrivai liora, ho founi hile cousin. Tho meeting vas 4eirly cordial. 111 huaecelleA in Dr. Jevers," sai Arkley, "aud ho sud Bromley are con- sulting ettliii moment. Thay hae preenribai suudry remadies arbrady, but iiout muclu affect, Ueucile i enly cenecinue fer a minute or two.- Oh, liera camas Brom2lay 1 Wlat de Yen eay, iodeor 2" The doctor esiook his ed. "A complication, Mr. George, and ail cein. plicationes aeadangemnus. Ve have hua a fiti, anA net for lie firît lima. AndAwvaure net se young as e a ere, sud vo are very veuk." "AnA vwhat Anas Dr. Javers eay 2" "Dr. Jevers suys" (und i loeehe dec- ter ebook is hoaa)-"'the inuga." "AnA do yen ooncur 2" .6Scarcely. My mini uni more ,,pou tbe limer." "lDear eue 1 I nover kuev myunche liai euy affection of aillier. But yen are sdoplîug troatuneut, o! course2" "ýCartuinhy," repliai Itie dacter brick' ,y. "lVo are aotimehy ettscking lia diseuse, an-n"- "Yeuseee signa o! amaniment 2" "No ; oîur peor patient saris îink. ing 1"- "'Geai graciails, declor, viat le your reai opinion, tien, o! my isar rea- lima ?', l'Well, Mm. Arkley, hheso -casas, Yen bnov, cre alvaye unnarlehu ; but thoe is ne deuil yonruncle viii ailluer me- nover or holie ii die. I mey go se fer as ho saythbat eutherativeby." "AnA tien-Dr. Brnmley,- feeling Ihet lieu liai maie a îtikiug ebsei-vatinte 'ini up viti, sok the nephev hy lia hani, anA departai. "'Tiat man's e feol," salA George Arkleyilu îleimpalueus vay (forboli lie sud Frederink huA their uucla'e quick temper). "II shail sani for Sir Thoemas Maeiast once." Sir Thiomas came. Hla mas se Ire- mrenions lghtithe médical verli, anA Dm. ]3romloy beived tn biur mary humbiy. Sir Thomas discarieaahithe unedicine, rev hackthe hed-nurtains, opened the windows siihtlyi ragged uvay, vith bis ove banda, the museo! bai-clothes vici vus sndaocahiug tIhe slck ian, anA vien ho mcovered cou- scionînees (wih lhe dii almeet direct- ly), sdministemai- tb hlm a littho beef. lao, sud haif a glace of sherry wine. Ithw va lidoue Lu Ion minutes. Sir Thomas vas gene, Dr. Bmembley bail vaniebed, aud the ceusine îtoi b y lie lieoie vonisrlng. j "Gýeorge," murmurai bis unole, 111 "4Yen meau-my uncle lias net forgot- ten me lu hie vill. He's a gooi ohd seul, but dreaifuily capricione. I vas yuit hlm lest ovening, Tareey, aud..ha vas exceedingly bnuchy-elmosl quai-. relsoe, in bau.", " W B $ l e, i n d e e d . M r . - e e Ai e ? frauued instructions 80 mmiii -in our . '-Mate 'mus,; ueesaau er. ooy Ieebly prot.st«ed.ic le ; l'y. ry business bi Inow. I muet keep My1 ilear" (sud pooi Taresi r.W; wWoeh hua beanundu tiiorlin the day), "11e 25,mistakes."1 I ~sp you e5tafilit.if tl made Teesdale start agaln, th.e ick Bro ygi aprocions idiot 1' Tlee:iaale irlroa into btue raig-moom, wbere, uno0her mùin-, nte, ho vwsjoine y the do' ir, 'whuo took 1hanabaud s ook ih varmly, hie face beamaing vithi miles, as ho eaud: "My-Asar Mr. Tassidale, I amn se doiighted tb tell you. Your ciacle h.alswid itlferal." 5'ÂuA hoe au sigu thevii, doolor 2 "iCerlainly, cetainiy; hi& mini neyer a clesror, nom hie judâgnintbotter." 'II smu vemy igladiIndeed, doclor. I -Tareoyfinisbed lbhé, iig'ht cgf Port!,à sud.liolding tbe empty -glasto, heilmp, aard iii as tbou'il ho wore eîsminung tho boeswiug. baye ,to-to ,rosAdI ltoud-sud very, well, now, Isay,, Tare, just loet me teilyou somot ing. Ton vo gieum s but my nclo<sdoue Iindly by mc, and I have told you he'e of se very nu- certain tezi2?ar"- III know i, Mr.-Mr"- "TYes ; sud that aset uight hie and I hua se bit of tiff. Now, if lie hoarg my namo io-night, se huundred to ona itliha don'l alterobis wil -e the lest une- ment 1' "&The-tii dv"- "Tee. Wel1, you sou-eh 2".. "Ye-eth. I see-the do"- "Confouud il-no. Rae, I sy, Tir. say, ne more port.-Briug soima soda- water, waiter." Teeedale knew weii how to deal with hie comlpauiou, send soon brougbt hlm inb se more respectable condition. Tis offected, he tok himlunse cab, to the abocle of the eick man. George Arktey hualli;se pioce of gond lnok et which Teesdale rejoiced. Heviug deposited Mi. Tarsey lu an essy.cheir lu the diuiug-room, and orderod some coffee for bien, Teesiale went to is uncle. Mr. Arkloy know himnd n repliod te hie inquiries, thougb with rallier a painfut offert. Frederick wanin mb se bsekrom, and suimmcned the old- mata domestic, wbo hualbeau witls biý8 ncie for msny yeurs. "James, whset do you Ihlulu of your master ibis eaein 18leha couscione of what ho is don',do yen lhink ?" "Woll, sir, I'm afraid ha hasn't maucli sens nhmjus no. "lHe'd kâow yen from me,2james, set seil avants 2" IHserdly know thut, air. If I wsa t say yen was ï, send you wses to eay yon was me, I think ho'd sy : "AIl righ." ' "Thut'e unfortuuate, James. 1"I'm sfrseid yen won't get some menoy yeu se very well entilled te." "II'm esrY fer that, sir. l'm nont 'titled to umuai, but what I ie 'titled te, I likes to gai.' "sQuite right. WVoll, your maetor lis surmed hie tolicitor, wbo lune brenglht hie will for senature., I don't mind teling yen, Jaesc, I knew that ln liat wyul yenr name appeare for-llfty peunils. But, yen sc, my unole muet net elgu se will unleswa are sure hoe is congelone ef wiset ho hdoin.' "'And je lierea eman or womun ilu Ibis bouise, sir, who sys mny deser ..uss ter ie net couecione of whiat lio is do- ing 9" exelained Jaeos, redideang with angor, and cionciing hie flet. l'e un oldmai", sir, but juet tsi me have a quiet word wilh them, that's "1Just so. James. Your muster ie quite capseble of signing a will, isn't ho V" "lCertsiuly, air. Why, lie'e sonse enougliho oupply al the idiots in Our ssylum.' Very good, James. Faîclu Dr. Broui- loy, plesa." James depserted, euhl muttering anA looking foerce, sud soon returued villi the docter, who lived close by. "Dr. Bromlay," a-aid Toosdaie, quinlu. ly, "juet be kinA eonongli te eearny uncle, end ascertuin whslher l.is lea a c ondition te elgu hie yull. The soloc- itor bus beau enumoned ai hie reqneet, and is waitiug te tuke luis signature." Vis denIer did us ho wae deeired. Ou bis ernuhliesaid : "My poor friand Ansa net sen te know me at al; I dlont tlîink I cun say conecientiouely ho ie sufficiantly Ifimaesf ta make a will. Ha evidouhly le woak uni wan- deriug, uni, ses yen are awse, vo muet bu se carofui lu these a uetrs." Teedalo mentally curssd the dector. '0f course, Dr. Broiey. Thon l'il dismise tha gentleman babyw. Itl;l unferlunaLta, tiiougl, becaune I sem quite sure, from somsetbcug whieh damp- ped freen my poor uncle oe day, thoro le ouis boquest in hie wiipun hich bie lied quite set hie heurt. Why shonid I concel from yen Ilut te se trifling extont ho hs sought to ehow hie deep appreciatien of your skill end kind- nes2 "Eh 1" exclaimed Dr. Bromlay, aIe- vatiug hiseoyobrewe. "Hue muy deur old friend really----Don't lot us bo hsesty lu lia malter, 1fr. Teesdalo. If yOU-1poor unilae bauld not eigu his vili new, ha May dia witlîout aigu- ing it." ,:Quito true, dactor." "An tict veuld indeed bo endl 1 I of -net sdding le hise-ucle's oxcilement (thoughilviat *'vas tb b. the abter-pre- ceduroi 1hé coulA net'cenceivaâ), vihen, glancing astthelieeck man, hadseaw sBtsrtlig change. SMr. Ârly lay.peband motionleas. He Wua agein insensible. Teesitbe gave a siglu. confeaeedly, of relief. Ire ebdA. for s few minulps gazing af île relative, sud poudeing; tien ho snrn- moud tii. attendant. , - 6Theee no cause. for' alarm, sir," Ssmth lattsier. "Tis i. the oh! bahut- * vou uiercy ou -e, l'ru ruinai!l' îA rvaui sppearai. "Mm. George Arkley, sir ; but ho sys h.d won't stop, nnlsee yen partiouiarty vaut -hlm, or hisuneey." Ãwa ho ig in s gresi "Thsuk hlm vory muci," replied Teesiala, greatiy meliovai.- "II den't va 'ut huïu,ansunehe (eratior botter. BsY I'hl.Cailou hlm whou I lbave." Tho door olosed, sud the danger vas over;-,ilion Toosiale iaggad hie legal' frieni up-etairs, vbere hie baihed hie liead vibli colA water for ion minutes, after vhich rasterative trestmaut Mr. Turey evivi consiiorably. "'New for my unir, Tarsey. Pmay, de colleol youreef and nidon't mae a mesofi" Wîthne email mnà 'tniue,, Teesisele introducei hie companion m inote siak room. Hoe poke genily te the invali: "The. confidentiel clark £rom Tompluins sud Shurpe'o, nle. Ha buas comeata 'yeur bidding. "The old gentleman ronsed andstarod eh Mr. Tarsey. I" Singubse-leoking persan," lho marmurcd; "buf, I ouppose it's ail righ.-Sir, I vent te aigu. my will. Hava yen the vil vhioh I dîrecled te lia preparcd ?"-Mr. Tareay.-"'Thou louve us, Freierick, plosse. Shiut tihe door, au<l koop everybeiy ont for e few, minutes." Teesiala part.ially obeyed. Ho bur lie meoun, but put thie door udaf au inci open, se that ha coul boatac al thaI passai. Hie dismay vas great wieu Tameey, oblivions of tie hint lie bimil re- ceived (aud wviclxTeosielo huAdafter- vardi -whle tlioy vore in lie oub, en- forced -nd put more plainly ta hlm), bogau radiug thé vilin luanoutoue : 'Il gîveand baqeath te my nopbew, lereieriek Teesdale,, tveuty hhosani "Whlaht1" excîsimed Mr. Arkley lun greai ustoniehument. "Whin lutle worid -wmit the dev-I eay, sir, yen muet ha mad 1" The aiod gentleman's vehemence sobercd Tsey, Ho recoliected Tees- duhe's injunotion te moud thue part lu the loweet possible toue. I"I îeo," ho salA ta 'himselif ; 12r. Teedalo ivue quito rigit. The old gentleman stili thinhos of dhs quarrai tbey tisAdset the lest.mo- ment, -and bas nov, a mini te cut.1fr- Frederick'oui altagether. But haosliun'l, if I oeu belp i.-I bog pardon, air," lie sw'd »ta Mr. Arkley. "IsjAd thut again," cried thce sick III giveansd bequeselli 1 my friend, Jamues Smille of Brampton, my grand- futhers milk-gray"- " IThut leu't 'miel yau rend before. l3aiiig again, I tl otie." -.I giveansd haquaelli bThomuas Tinkîe, eecretary of he-Fmezeu-oul- Gaminera' Society, tie place of plate presepnted »te me by tie Subscribers te that institution on the"____ 'I hehi yen whst 1h le, -sir," suid ,Mr. A.rkley lu s lhiek voire. I"Just Lmm yonr eyes te this corner. Yen see thora a stick wbieb lues enpporlei tae ivenly yeare or- more. If yen don't begin agairi, in auether minutç yen viii -bee me euh ef lied, andinluà aminute mare that ýstick anA yen 'mili have made uc aincoe f the unosi initi ate des- cMi. Tarsey was aI hie wits, end. As ho Firederick Teesdale antsidé, hae vae ou t ie verge of insanity. Whet was at baund f&r hlm 2 Discovery, muin, the Old ]ailey, Portland Prison,. perliape. Na!w, it vili rmain e secret te tha anA of lima boy on sarti sucb an ideu coulé! have came inte 1Mr. Tarsey's bead, but il diA coma. Ho feucied -a most brillient notion lied ocourred, ta hlm, anA thus it wss devehoped : lie leuneaferverd, anA looking Mm. Ark- loy sliTctinately uni compasiouateîy, sala In s 1ev lana . Ilush 1- Ho's eutside ; lie vili heur." "&Whai auinfernal. scounnrel 1" thouglît Teesiale. "IVho's oulsido 2)" almeet ebaubei Mr. 1rkley." "The keepere the =an who hue charge of yen."i IlWkati'"ebrieked the olA gantleman. -'De yan mean leasys tioy ihink me mad ? And hava yen theaeuiecity te tllu nie-But lIl1 son"-And eut ho spçung hovarde his stick. Mrý Tarsey, agset set the 111 succese of h1ie splendid conception, lolc te liglit el once, und Tosedae uheq lu, net kuowiug indeai vhsetlho contA do, but eeeiug thai ha musi athempteomathing. Ho teok the alreaiy oxiansted- invahhi iy the arm, snd pà iîlyled, purhly lifled hlm again luto biei. "Dlq yen-do yon-e-ay I am mai V" 9111,po por eh .Mm. Arkley. no, no-no( tlOI Ilole ewho Dresses filîsA from mesesmeul alose wlthcul chsnge of a utilci. For sale, viti froc inetrnctions, aI DEE5S-atAxINGROOOMs, 'mEITBT. 1Agent s inted. Liberal -luducoments ta lie traie. Wbitby, Anug. 18, 1874. 84 BOTTOM PRICES FOR MOAL AND WOOD!1 Ail kinde cf Han sund Soit Cah, couulal- lug cf lie celabrated Lackavaus Suru ton, BrIer HII, Blosaburg sudn thr cahs CHEAP FOR CASH 1 For qusullilea ta Bîsakmithe sud olier SPECIAL RATES f Wood, ârse ngf b, 25 conte par nord ebatemeut off nenal prlces. Sendin lurn erdere la A. ALEXANDER'S Wbitby & Oshawa, Coal sud Wood depota Wbitby, Auguet BSut, 1875. tf-8S L IST 0F THE DIVISION COURTS 07 TEE VE ~ Y FONTARIO, FOR TE TZAR 1876. nb am 2 2 4 12142 2 Port 'err16182025'265I1S4 14127 Uxybrde.2711 1261271 8 18 15122 Cnigt'n% 28 il, 27 28 7 12 1021 1es171'n i 1S 1211 1 il -120 Atbsrly... i 87 t101 I110 .19 GRO.1 E P. AflMSTRONG' - PROPÈIETOR. 1Wbltby,Dee. l11h, 1875. WfflTBY HOUSE. DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST OF POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH .. BÀ4NDEL, PROPRIETOB. This bouse bse been receuitly built, je lar e aud room40 sud lied up lu fret-clae utý Bu nsa, Liguersansd' Cigae freeh Lager Beer.. Good tbliugsudlou- cooeodYard; attentive ctilera. 46 Ç--OMMBIlCIAL 1HOTZL, CARTWRIGHOT, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PROPRIEPTOR. GocA accommodation tf-12 TEHIS PAVER IR ON FILE WITI WhoeoAdverilsiuug Contractâausebu statt M ONEY TO LZND. Theunuderaigned his ai-amoanul afMou- ey le Land upon Faim or Town Properli-, aI unususili-Loy Ratas al-tutereut. Lcsus eau be repai lun aumo ho suit bar- rovers. SeiVemal Improvsd Forms sud Wiid Lande for male choup. Inveulmante maie in Municipal Deben- rmes, Bank, sud cuber - zetatabhe Stocks. Ver furier psmtioulsreasppby ta, JAME9 HOLDEN, Oficiai Assignee, Brokar, dco. OPPICE-Over lie Daminion Bank, Mo- Mifls's Brook St., Wbitby. Bpril Oth, 1@72. 151 Leg hIufimilE uARui iepu. that ho-carrnes on lie Llvery bainees aI RAY'SOL:P STAND.1 Parties rmqiriu2g couvlysuces-.covered sud cpeul-can be accommodaled aI aà znomn1s notice. - Whilbj, Sept. 21, 1 f. I.89RDN PRESCRIPTION FREE H.DAETNELL, Junior Judge. G0. YOUNG SMITH,j ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LI CENSES, WH:ITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND -onu Faim and Town Proparty, ai LOW RATES of Inloreit. Fnflor urh purtinulure Appli- ta- JOHIN FAEQIHARSON, Wbitby. Anguet 351h, 1876. 84 Cuirons iDEPARtTMEEGT. Olluiva, Apnil 22, 1878. A UTHORlZED DISCOUNT ON uAnisican invoiceu until fiher Vne- tica, 11 per cent. C J. JO INSON, 1 W-t Commissianer et Customs. KNG BROTHERS, * WHITBY, ONTARIO, Importera, Deahersansd Manufacturera of e&U 1 K~iais oet LEATHER AND .FINDINGS,1 Osai paiA fer Hides, BarAr. sud Leather. Leather stretchi. te"BELTING MADEB TO ORDER ON SHIORT NOTICE. Ms.1872. 22 MONET TO LENDI A lre quati 1monoy to leuA st lov For sle, seversi Town lots, two Framo Bouses, sud a arge Brîck BHouse. For terme, Apply ta G. TOUNGSITH. Wli-, Feb. 9th, 1874. 7 1' oithé T,,habh5nts o!f Dffina' Creck Druggst ihm the lugredientg. -exceuj av ovoeeiaa Ad . Bnitaher'a Sbop lu Mr-W. Culhbert'u vise DAVIBSON &dC - 00.%o-2»05, Nâv Tork. maj be smaone ci tIhe befftdIaplsi'i 0f Saplmbe, 175.Beef Pcmk- sud-Fovl ever Ofemectathe SOPtemeri 185. 1-12 PrbbÙc. ;à -:Reasonable Prices Corne 'VOUN'S HOELoee, doms iii, sud gel sometnatg ta do jon Y, OX' TBgood. RIH D ETZZ MONCE EROAD, DALTON, ib, eobRICHADW85. 52 ROIIT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR hiî' Dceie22d 85 RehiabO ie miaationregardig .t*3'eo., fumirto artisgthlcun- (1ABR I1 btapri.reqnlring le - Ample accommodation for Huner 'uT". M. mc M IL LA'N bar-sud larder suppliai 0on u-~ 1 iquresud vinde lobe Agent for lie and attntive oce but oblig OA f<>AOEOMÀ su gtenIesrvan akept. Commacon it&tehng sud prompt bcim arawv& n eVNILIXUAO O baud.-ntri Loan. sud s!in ROBBRT K; Ybuilding, cor4oir ]t»j =4 BniERcuce: 'ibEDICÀL ADVIsEn: MOLSON8 BANK 03. A. BAYNES, E8Q., M.D. Head Office for Canada : 31h&d 198 St. James Street, MonIreal. FORBES d& MUDGE, Cilf Agents. R. H. LAWDER, Agent, Wiby. Augnel 101h, 1875. by-B XORTH BRITISH d MERCANTILE FIRE INSL/RANCE COMPANY l gule, and reliablie, charges niodemate, prompt settlemenulocf daims. GEO . TULE, Agent. Wbitby, lune 2, 1875. 28 W STERN ASSURANCE COMPANY SEAJ> OFFICE, TOIoNTO. CAPITAL STOCK, - 1400,00. £orý.E T. FOR eOUTS eNrAIo, OEPH OLM.4N, BROOKrLIN, ON2T. Aiea Agent fer th. CANADA FARMERS' MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANT, HedouA Offc, Hoenmh; sud CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMP'T, Montrea, Firo, Lifeansd Guaraule Departzunt, CAPITAL, $ 2,000,000. BrookiUn, Dec. 2, 1672. 12m49 c H 0 1 0E AP PL E T R E E S, AB 0U T 40,000, -AT TEE- HOME NURSERY, Prom lwe le cour i-surs et sge, enîbraciLug ail lie beet Vsniolieu. SETH C. WILSON, Lot No. 8p Sud Cou. Pickering, ou Kingston Rosi, est Ofice, Wihtbý. FARÉ FOR SALZ. A Ons-bundred Acre Fsrm for sale lu East Wiuby. Apl o-D. HINESON, June .21h, 1878. 3m*-27 100 ÂCRE I'ÂRM IN VARA FOR SALE 1 'West-bsif fLot 14 lu tis Sixth- conces- sien cf Mers. One-baif cleured sud under nulivatien. - Log Houge., Barn,&c. With- lu tvo miles of Brecuhin. Bsilvay Station. H. B. TAYLOR, 1 Dominion Bsnk, Wbitbj. »pTATENTS FOR N NTIONS ten*gnarutaa orn oha*e. audfor TWICE A DAY 1 Leavee Oahawa ut 8.30 a, mn., uni 1, p. ma. Leae WhiLb- ut 10.30, s. nm., sud 4.8e, p.ml. Fane 25 deuils ecdi ay. Wibl cail at ail lie batais, and ut prhvîte resiiencus ('mien endors are befitaI auj of the hatlh.) Cennecte withQOsawasud Bovîsuville stage'- aise vith lie Whitby and Port Peery Radw~ay, und vili Brough- THIOS. IHOPPER. Whitby, Mrci 9th, 1875. 11-tf cCITY OF TORONTO ," (CepI. Becs), heaves dail- foot cf longe-Bt., Tenante, st 7 a. niarrvs a Niagaraa st 9.80 s.ni sud Lewfetonan sI0Oa. ni. Cen. nections ÃŽem hie Fales, Buffalo, Rochester, Albany, Cleveand, New Tank, Philadehphiu, &o. Tick' te sund aIl information at 8 Front Street. 13 D. MILLOY, Agent. Boge ta announne tiat ho bas romovai ta King St., a few doome EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, ppate Luke's ebov.raeius, where il ba fa ini le stock of iilk sud felI bats for ladies sud gentlemen, cf hie evu manu- facture. 9,Strav hale nolamed and aiteradinl sispe. Oshawa, Juby Oui, 1875. 89 'YEOMAN GIBSON. Canerai Commission Merchant andýProduce Dealer, Agent for IurrEutL sud CeruzrccuUN- îaus Fire Ineurne Cempaules. RATES 0F INSURANCE .LOW 1 Aise Agent for the Lames suda Câxtnucu Losr isiAaxcucv Ceeu-av. Mouely bau- ai on reil esuate, payable fmom Tva lé Twelve i-ers, sud mlu mo ta suit parties 9FInlereul loy sud xno omisoo chargeA. Mortgages beugbt. GIBBON &; SPARVELL, China ra Stars, -Dundas Bt., Wbitby. Wiitby, Marclu 151h, 1876. 12 V ALUABLE PROPERTT FOR SALE. The suba'criber ofera for sais the faliov- ing valuable prapsrty1 lu the Town ef WiI iii- -An excenut Brick Cottage vltb j acre cf land, aituated ou the corner et Green sud SI. Peter Bts., lu the South WarA. Aise, j acre cf baud, veli fenced, sud ilus bigi state cf oultivallon coreneWellington sud 01f. foa ut.., Northx Ward. j1sema en Centrat soullu ofibaheremidenu o f C. Draper, a73 l lbe RdthWard. Aie 20 acres cf1eod laA. belngcempoued- of part cf bol 18, lUth ou. of I=I ofMuny, Co. Nortbuuuber. CORNWALL'8 SELFkITTING iApnii Iti, 1876. WAÀIST & SHOULDER CHART. 1 CA IT L, - . $1 ,0 0 0 W H It B Y & O SH A W A ] 1 uoumig asuî, ypu ucuew, Ii ... ciidn'C slter il. Wc have, il ade oub, mnd il vill ha rea After the funeral, 1 cougratulae ayen. Ten're sauri hman- nov, Mm. Toosiccle." .Mm.> Teasiahe'ei complexion vas of very ghastly hue j-ust bien, and ho Aid net eseeme parson muai te ho couprai- ulaea. ]H'o vaut streigit ho hie luotel, aud ehutimself Lu hie liadrôom. "1Whal can t ts men " ha asked - biniself. "The viii sent for, anA vian unother lavyem vas viti hlm, ani yeh' retubmned unultared 1 ItIlcaunoh ea all ight. There's soe horrible - huio gomeùwhuere. I shlahl go tethe doge, I know 1I ahall. Idiot liai I vas, to modAlle vitili e thing 1 Thuefunercil ïhover. h le s a me- mainiaI 'mihlu igeslmnrngly te view flue î'eslity. o!fgief vhemré il eeiets, sciA ils îeckery vhleme truc 4grid ! leta. The mournors se gaîliored toetaler, anA Mfr. Tompkine reade the viii lu a etreng atour veica. - Ho takes off 'hig spectacles, vhipes them lleumaly, an(l, looks abont hlm. Tiare are ual many parions presant, but most o! hem maulfeEt more or lois- surprise. The hlaeMr. Arkbey huAdse noloriouely prefermei George Axkley tu Fmrecrlok Teesastlai onaeor Ivr frienie' ao!fliefermer immeiiately ra- quesîed tÃ"e-amine the vi. ITtvas bianded le hern vlti mucipelitene;s, - sud tiey inmutiniised it narrovly. George binself vas nndonbteily as- tonise an sd peIaid. The Acoctment mes* ni aven accomding-te the draft 'mincihu A beau Ãcemplei dbefore hie eyes; endAthe extreaekinduoss of hie uucle'e menuer set the nlosaeof luis life huA nehnrally angendered Ithe ides liaI the draft bai beau tumpered viti,, uni thue signusre te lfie wiul suisequanlly obtainei iy artifice. Tel preseuiby hafi saw lie ;illietauîned te Mr. Tomp- kins, anA heari hie lutter eay : "IL is attesel, yen eee, gentlemen, hy our cherk, uni elso by lie dacesee's own semant. Yeu viii admit al le ..hn ordcr;1 lfliink.2"' . Seibotl-y owei on huchaI! of tie mabconlents, sud tboýparty adjeurueil In lunoheon, viere s conversation en- ined an lhe onlîlvation e! asparagne, vlâh.ilestai prelîy weil unltho dis- persion o! tia unrrowhug.bauid. ' Wlieu George Arkhay rase le leave, lue 'mes 1!ucrisacl hy a message freen Fredenioc-Teasiale, vie ha&i quiiled lia table semae nnunls prcvionshy, tiat lue, Fraticrink, 'mesnveli, sud going to hie loigingi, but hebentol le se@ hie cousin noit çday. " Ih vas; nquestionable, lu s gbeomy ana -perplexeai stele ,o! muid lith Gearge depuirted. Home vas a myutsry, but solution Ibare vas noue. Tic' deai coula neyer retumu, anli tie reason o! thie meut unexpectai distri- bution o! hie nnele'î proparly coubi neyer lie kuevu. Thora, hoivever, vas the, ac a: Teesdule vue nov iun, anA' ho, George, Lu pecuuîyinsaeau, groat- ly luis inferier. Hov vonl hiEs sffect Émmelin-e Waveley, belven viom sud ÇQiorgeû thema oxiseed an Imnpieiengagement o! ýnÈmiage? George; huAd is nmeegivé: luge, sud tay 'mare enon i-salirai. After an lutervai o! an heur or se, hie païa a visit ta the youug lady,. Ha lîrouglît ho hc hhe freittho communicuale tic-' news- o! the vii; but lie*s vrong. Miss Emmelin aindiiily bold hlm liat, tirougi s cisul not mon- tionesi, aelmoauy izuformmld thoe- -o!; enA -thera vus ne doubt nste the loue ani mauner ilu smhbMise Wave- loy spoe. Thora vas se vida, vide, vida. différence belen lie styles of- yesîerday aud ta-day ; scarcely 1auj phrases leo eneriesng e 1ev heurs ugo: scarcely auj tee chiling nov- Bunt thie vusnol sel!; George vas about tW force seu explseustieu, vian Mr. Freder- jobu Taedule vas enuoncd. It vas meuifeet-tîxast Teesdpule came ho secauni te conquor., Ho %rho hua beau se openly iscarded, vusA nov so Von1y received, backi mb faveur, vice Arlydsissei. Without s word,. George baateuei from the bouse. WlVth bis brulu lu s whirl, lie bnrried islong tliesteéete. Heo bai hocome calma over tho disappoiment cf flue 'mill, but ha coulant brook bhe losi e! Emmelino Wavaley. 'What an ahuri- lyi'l This uprigit,-cleur-ieseded, good- heurtai nman, o! thirty years, ullerly lu- fatusted viti auavovei,unuprincipled coquette 1 Cun anybody expIaIn ln- cosiseacios o! lis in 2 -That yl-ýil vue cemanly s very curions affir-vas il not vomtkvwhile tobook a ri111e doser jute it ? - Tes. .Straiglut tbTouipkins and Sharpe's vaunt-Ger. As, the eracutor, lue oh- 1 . 1 .1