'W" Bierl4yi Want*d--J., Long. u -N ION- AT MA1ýXR&M whï 1 MM il , There., whilby. te ok place ;în. Bellevinie TING. ýf1 Wôôd-A.'Ài,,xander. 'absim on Ti W-ý.%Y, wasthe gr»44" Asonie re-fînioltiunder the ýTo the Bdiec in the prosence or a ether4 of M, thoetiï Jewatt. ", 'Mn. -The' ecýrý .9 Ofý:tho îý1 1 1 1 au Tho, oere. vati wus h, e &),go concourpe of per-kons. Pi08Jl-ýà ÉÃMarkh«mý Union Lodge, Ds" Sia. -eh New Biaek -& go t bzcès 87, th 'et Oddlellown, Hall-Ed. vu a the ci -ýý-Of thè,_)jaý eiýilied eld a the' -of No 'iïý6k place nt Markham. 0 h b. Lnony wal; PPI Mani. ho enter. îýrllý z.. y of t 0 0 oi0ýOW - -ÃŽÃ eerW. ý'de Revd Dr. theu»el"f'u'on tliévouglon, sud « pai in-Whitby' on n aid r. ames AuStijý Pleaident, in t'ô th New ]?Mto. M.-W. P. mieux. Wood, ashistail ' by Rvy'd Mr. Laird, of fested attachaient te thair prjrr. of the building of a Mucuic hall. à o end ba Pâli Guo-le at Doininfon Warercoms- Oshawa, concinfiling about five O'cloek.. ùÎ1ýù& by- -giving thoir. Party leader ana 'the chair, and Mr. J. J. Roa3,ý socrota-7. apecial train, çftlie Nipissing road con. -buUanga' not'All'ýÃady'referred te': su Pan Powell, Atterwardis supper wsoi served in the the gentlemen who accompaui,,4 him wà s."ý-r'at'her, limited. voyed 1 the Toronto brethren to -books,. 4b StOck opoued out-Laing & .1ýtow- I&Iapl", of, i3legà Ùtly.'-boÙnd, , heil en Szbbath ochocil-iloc, and was Pa te were Mr. A. T. h Mark. Amongotthose présent am. albums, 'Mao", Osas of highly finis tu rtaken Ono of file grandest receptions ever n' fjrm and Mortffla Bal&-Leys & Pearson. of by upwatde of six haudred porgons. dered te public nieu in Canscla. Never Fulton, Ur. C. Draper, Ur. A. B08à , Tho merubers of the craft froln'T. uu 0 rente were met st Markhatu station by- Dale Worke, Oshawa; caseý of fanuy pli Auction Sale of yal bi :lu the eveaing tbe chair wu» talion by was Sir -John Macdonald rocisiveil by a Mr. G. Y'. Smitti, Mayor of Whitby ;ý the memberw o boota, gaite", and slipperà , for laffies, F&rvat-Leya & Pearson. - - ý 1 the Markham union Leie&'J4oket Found- Ur. Clioltei Draper-, who addresscd the more entbùsiastio assemblage of Ur. %Vtu. Muléok, Mr, Jas- HoldatI, -Ladges, fiesded by' a band of m > - Wear, frotw King & Browq, of Toronto ; -,od la suitable ýter inýra- On the arrivai cil the train at the station managing director, &a., &a. The object accompanied by e, large co=ourse of bloi fro noie end 'tiià rble The Great Soutiterc Tliarougliffire-N. Sir John and arty mong whom were people. zeil mantle, comPlete, SOM te Em- Ge u. W of the meeting, as stated by the chair. - 'the P. T C. 1 R'î. Company. Sulating thora upon the Satisfiactory 110 M. lion. T. N. TRE BANQUET peror William, of Germany; "arùa-' or 1- 4 Corrouted jeliti Spectaulffil 0 man, was for the purpose of considering chair, made of: elks ho mmoth Pal OtuPl8tion of snoba splordid building -Gibtis, Ur. ILei3corcaraoron, M. Wes held in the Agrieultural Ilalli sud isugar-cà ne8, Halwai. -Taylor & Barnard. dodicated te the woribip of the Aj. Mr. E. 0. Bickford, *ore greeted with g the 'us 018, hu- the P..And the v-mability of authoriz a ne inn,ýUfà ýr"mStoa et two O'clock about eight hundred 'lilorouglihrad Darliain-s and linported bonds, th rasa skulls from Poru, 1 Chinese carved stei Laighty, Ho 0180 spoke of the gond Obsers, and a oOmulittee Oryouugladies Of mort9a o parolisse -of 1 te dia- fârniture, paizoda beaùtifully carved lu,' the Shatip for' "le-Jn ' - a alles sud gentleman ont'dà wn New York Central Raitroad-8. L. And toleratft feeling existingamoiliglit rëeonte(l with handiome rolling sto vos cils and-other o. Little. the ý gnéato After, dirâner, -the ý tables were valued ait,1#600.; z baautifal bai quets.1 Atter rOceifii'29 the SugrAt- - At present rà nIed by the OnmPany, And cleared Y, and speeches were de. ail classes 01 the commuaity in Whitby âbfodsof a uurà boiof intiuiýâtèfiiends awa au mallaie table valaed at'#ô,260,ý grp Valuable le4rtri lu Ugra for 8à le-J. and hupod.tuch a Statq nf things woùld Sir Jollui wax'owoiied, te ý a earA&ge, extension. 1 matters with respect te the. 1rOüï-ýa large Platform in' the figures of Norwegà u bride sud groom, sur coutre of the Itall. Bro. Speight, of (ver Barley Wanted-lltiur.y T-loweil 0 long continue. Addresies were deliver. with dilBOuliY, on aodount-,Of the enorý -The following resolutions warO Paffld - à farkhâm, pèned- the Prôce8diÙg8 bY .1ç!oman and child'. Etiquimaux and bis con ry natWrai lookin'ý)-'; Là -plalillet man, Tbi Sale of Parm'i3tuck, ed by 110V'd Mr- YOUD > Molle -assetnbl&qe,ý aroand the station, Mr. A. Rose inoved. neconded by Mr. requesting B. %Y. Bro. D. Spry, District- roindcor'alà d aled, duçk,;Idn robes, &o., aýý which was'estimated te number 8,WO Drepoirthat the Board boand ii bereby Depugy Grand Afaeter, te take the chair. raw , aM 1prépared fürâ, Paganini'iq Tim &c.-Richard Collins. toile' obnd.Revd Ur. Pott», of Toronto. people. These 8,OW wore r«Worced authorized te lapas such m'ortgage bonds The follow'ing brethren wère on the viôlin, 17 1 1 yeare old, vatued at 61,000 ; 16oî 'ipecial Notices- ýTho submuriptions of 1 st 12-000 ýwOrO et the Pair of the Company cri its présent ruuaing platforma the day amonnýed 6y et eai B. W. Bro. J. G. Burns. ioth » ras 9 Aud file$ 4 inches Tht Id- pro. Grounds. This - enormoue -gathering, iiný and aise on the Extension te Lind. P. 0. B. ; V. W. Bro. Rose, Grand l' ' ?o steel and irou te Rome #2,8w and collections ait the largeot ever tusembleil in Belleville -&y, ai; te the directors may frola time te Chapl-iin ; -V. W. Bru. Wm. Hein square, &ni 0 est long; Bra ÀCOTION SALE S. coeds from telè te some $40011101ré bly, rodq, 8 inchef; in diaméter, tiid fi'kdôto con * On office the day of the Prince of Wale's time seem moist. Su'oh mortgage bonds Worahipfal Master of King Soloulon like a râpe, when the mAtal was cold ; ýOir Faria stock, fui on Sanday there wore dirige services inthe visit, was wtnpooedôf voterefrom every te bc for scuch anmu et such rates of in. Lodge, Toronto; V. W. Bru. John a turuing of Bessemer steel 2j510 fpet tve wl(lrjem(tay, st. 7tIlý1870 be prod church. Revd Dr. Nalloo, of Victoria 'fteetion of- the Quinte and St. Lawre tere . -payaoie et auch times au-4 Pt. Dois t -places Fisher, P. Dl., York Lodge, Eglington ; long, ivM tuaks front the cape- of Good trios l'ortY Of NÃŽr, 11enrv ffickell, lot No. 10, ColJegoý,;CobOnrgf proacbed id the muntry. endain snob manner, as the diroitors W. Bro. B- J. flovendan, G S- W. M. Hope, 8 lâches 901 eonc,4iýiou of Et,4t Whitby. 1ovi Zetland Ludge - Vi- W. in distne.ter,ý4unodhe7tnfieet 9 tif morifin Rev'd Ur. Hogg, of Oshawa, Roù. T. N. Gibbs conoluded au able maly considor advisable.-And further ; f weighing 174 Ibo. ; au et Pltirl)"nk-ii, Auctionver. 'P"" in the courseof Wh Brooktin; %V. Bro. A. Wilson, glassware, miser li ýrO. J. B. long, a sain pipes, &o., the afternoou, and Revd Dr. D61WAs na striai si ich ho -W&Igý The Board il; beroby aufhorized froin YBoiorkkalLiodge ; Bro. A. S. Irving, 8 Wesleyan Thoclo cal heaýtiIy cheoreil, - with the followiniz time te Lime ta Uispose of auch mortgag Jolia's Lodize, 'P t. lisil jewellery, cutlerylknife With 100 mer, Tuesilav, Ort.1 Out., 1870. the property "Il cry»ý- wor] Fartu stock, implémente, &o., on Dý neipal of-the .9i erl t orouto ; Bro. J. Ross blà dis-,,'autl ýIittIe toolg, mà minôth' M ýemarks -Thcre Were two bonds lit such prices as' te the Boar ougitig te the eiltate or the jeté Eliud Colloge, Montrogi, in the ovouliig.,ý,T UOW ; if thé tnay Selim adviicablo Tu bal chandelier, Berlin bel c r ' ho riva", nieausis, before thfim And further, thý izoliertson, Uing Solomon L dge in, _1à r ' Re nut, clialiuini), lot-No. 0, 4th concession crowde at ait the fiervîoes woré, l". __ýtO fr M" lire. Jjugit Miller; Bra. UcLellan lie, t Who a wore field -MOrrOw tl3eY Board Je aùthorized cru ti te tim » rente ; Bro, James imetcalfe, M. P. c4sa of diamon h ofvickeritig. L. Fttirb':tnli3, Auctoneer. menue, and oc gréât in the oveninj, tfist would lie beld upou those twoj viz.s the to p edry any such mortRa ophore, (si ; R. cors' diamond, cyn construction of the Pacifie railway, and auch terme as the Board ad- E. Comp. James Adams ; lire. Ofias. velociped ), f-8, fine ilook, iluploruentoi &c., on many were unable te gain admission. thé adoption of a National Policy for visable for m ; Bru C. grand displayMofgl2EStde4irlishWgçÃrpotà , and from Mofldav. Oct'. 2a(], the property of onov that may ho borrow. ffl. Coulilock, Zmtlnnd Loclue -, dec., -tbÃŽse'ountry. Floasked, regardin aluiltou cloth goods, hardware, Nati Nobin L. Stevangoil, lot No. 18, ath h festival . 9 the ed by the Company for the purpuses ci Daviiloon, Baiton Lodge, H pottery t PEACH FEBTIT*L.-A PeaC commercial depreasion thât extended building the Extension te Lindsay or 8ro. Milligau, Orient Lodge ; Bru. W. mauimoth gripe vine of Cà Iifbrnià ý the and con. of Pickering.-' Thomas Poacher, wgà held lu the new Methodist - taber. avoir the country, if it wRs Dot PrOPer for any other parposes; and fartber - B. Canavan, J. W., Ashlar Lodge;'Brè Anctiauoot-. nacle, last blonday evening, wheu ad. te ebnsifler the fliqest poliey being pur. tiieBonril la hersby anthorizèd te han-, Rov. Mr. MeDermaid, York tiurik of which la 14 Revc Parin stock imijleiljonts, on dressea were delivered and gaverai ,wxk and adept such measures, such over go the Corporation of the 10outity -o. Mamfnoti) flirni Lodge and, whenbearjug, it u - con ÉO,000 table Oro. Thos. Barry, King Solomoii ; Bi Ibo. of grapes, annually rty of luc"s as would, as fer as posclible, re. of Victoria on the terme of in mi7leqi Zetland ; Bru. wegtmétn, King sict-letons of Nfastodon, Glyptodon, &o., Adat es ýV8ep;'. 20tli, flic propf, choice pioces were rendered by the moves the causes of the depression. Re agreement entered intô wît" A o rt 1 r. Sulomou ; W. Bro. Dr. Huater, Union- aliter. L. Fairbanks, Ana- 1 b the C% from -Uriignaye; great seul of Califor- tiens tioncér. choir. In the course of his address, the thouglit they abould reeiproeâte with poratîoa of the County of Victoria, pro- ville ; V. W. Brû. Allau Gamble, P. nia, about .30 iliches in diameter, coin are i Partn Stock, ltupleuients, èko.. , en Relv. Mr Clark lot fall the remark that the 'United States. Ho bplieved firAt vidiný for the erectýpa and maintain. M., Tuécau Latige, Aurora. poseil of different kinds of wood, in- Arne] nilar, sept. 25th lust., the r-Opert the debt on the tabernacle, inclucting in a' vigorous; files trade if they could ance of certain grain warelicuses, $50, THE CRAPT PRESFIÇT. geniously put together, formiu& au 123 of trio Me Henry Adains. Y air- the or tjave, it. They we-a wi 1 Iling te admit OOD of extension bonds of the. company Of flic menalers of Varkham Union ele "Ynt eiliblemaiical design ; sînffèý -gan now being built et a coit of 'lie Aiiiprican profluctie is frôè if they in such agremment roforred te Carrieil Lodge thora wert- Jais. Speiglit, W. M. ; alcins of Ctiester white pi- bfnks, 4uctionoer. $2,500, would lie tiolow $7,000. 21 months ý,-heag wlinitted ours frefs, but the moment the unanimouely. H. A. Corson, P. M. ; John Carter, off], w 1,807 lbs. "' sur live weiglit, p ace Amprieanf emcteil a Chinose wall ho- ck, ivhicli inûreased et the rate of 100 lb8., pliii. Ur. Ross tnO'rGd, secOnd0d bY Mr. I'reas, ; J. S. %Vileoij, Sée. ; Dr. BI& ATTEl';I)A.NýCF, AT TIM tçvenn tlienjselves and ne, lie thought lit Draper, that lit in in the interest of this. ý. W. ; 0. R. Vazitit, J W. jesgti a month, during tile last me hg they the n, %rýtcLfe.-Ou Sauday Inst the atfpnclaiiep was high tinie thit Canada i;lloul(j a o et the new ivretlà odist cburch at Iloth a policy that wofflil briti . fIOPt Company to ptireliase front NlessrR. Noblet S. Eck-tLrdt, Unionville ; ýjar. ivere fêd ; silkworms and their et)eooný,4 on 18 g th@ 11l'Offit Of' Atiotin, Fulton, Michie, and Hoiden. q1jall MaLklin, Agincourt -, J. P. iu the diffèrent stoues of thoir exist- est, u morning and ovening service WaB go trio Uilit,,-si St%,týt!s to f4eci tilitt the PPOPIP the roiling stock, vessels. scovs, Wheeler, J. T. carna-hau, Woburn ence, shtwing the varions process tii,ý, thn a ONLY PER ANNUM. large that through çtzriosity the e in this country iinleretuo.1 thoir busi- othpr property balonging to the an ail nett, flighlaud Creek ; R. silk unilliagoï-s in lits manufacture ; file i tieR.3. ne) Wniill adopt a policy lifte now il, ntp'i by thf'm to the cornpany,' Viii-clon, Jt)iin'Wilqan, Thoq. A. Miltip, siugle rail railway,, all kinds of plants, pictui gation were counteti. and litimbere.d in this :-Re 1-pitifil giv(, ille Govertiment, P, * foreign ; machines foi- if, o and that it ho referred to à laicir Harpý,, 1) 1 linston, Jas. J. Barker. S. C. Ash, nativv and Ji MMY, lbliti;ll;tY, SPP ÃŽ4. 1876. the inorniug 8q8, a.n(l in the everiir)g of illie ilay authority, sa thst wlien the or the town of Whitby to vaine the pro. rý, o -1530, the d Lý.ttv, %V. ýV.Jao.',é;ou,(3eorge lt!,.tiliin, stampin- morials, coins, &c., puttin_ý, uty on Cana- perty in question, with a view wps on spool,;, etitting and dress iltýII)Jli dian articlei, týe Dominion Govei-titu,,ni ) t P-Gea, Rev-Ja tues Carmictinel. J'rota the qLa Auction Saleb. 1 urchase thercof bv-thig compariv, Sfftrkbarii ; A. Holliiigs%,iorti), J. Forth- ing stoue, wakitfz ropes and cordaee. Reforin Demonstration at Durinville. coultl do lik-é%vigë, and ÃŽf the Amerienn' tor aucli pnrpose %Ir. Efarper b@ à ulthor ..Op C. C. Reesur, G-o. Gc-lirey, Geo. cutting coal, drilling, rocke, &Z., and for viÉ inareapted thý the Govert e yoii deiiirf, to liavo a good sale get 'in n t ized te obtain Klich eviffAoco and alivie, v,'Iton, A. Liuot-eatix. froin ýV1iitpvîjl crushing swes, The Autoinatie enve- 1 i At the Reformer pic-nic hpld in the coilid ah'o impose a hêavier LIULY. froin expirts es ho tuay requite. Car. 1. TurnAr, Goc),Jwo--il; -L Niý,ljsvitriler, lopès ruaker !S a tuarvel of fin attractive Iiiil ýVI)tro it can lie, vicinity of Dtiunvillo, on Tuead;iy, the ried unanituonsly. D. Mc2Nliii-cliv eck, jý, IL ents, folilît, gums, and couots ont 121) ofinaply aud in tilt) Ilest atyle-at Votera' List Court. A. Vau iîuý nnmber of persons present, acéording Mr. C. Draper rnoved, SACOII(lea bY ',Vheelor, C. Wi,-Iomanfrom Stotiffville, perfect envelopes, Per miilùte, %Vhil(- -un.y c the ClIRONtéLF, Offlee. A tjç)ticA in the te the (jj0be étoqu alled that At the con- OSHAWA. G. Y. Smith, that whereas this coinpany j Ituebottoni, Bowmanville T. fi. the operator sits fanning lierself in au -9 c'ni will injike vont- ëalm widely have bad the use'ot the Steamer Vie Miller, P. R. LUillt-.r, Toil A. 11, easy chair. Thore îs al&t) a rÀaacljitië servative IngerVOI]. PiC-12!C, WhiCil Was toria and eight scowa, the property oi fluntnr. Mnrkliam ; Jas. Pringlé, lies. whieil sticks 300 pinsi pr-r minute, and ?Jy 4n()Wtlt ttmil Ila cùrtain to ingure you a Brilils varioualy estimated at frorn 6,0oo to Ifia honor Juçlge Dartnell board ap- Uessrq. Auglin et al, and that rent ha- fi. ssificklin, Uniotiville ; J. Ji. a machine which walies 80,000 Coin- Now large aocl flay.. 8,000. This result was especially satis. Pcals against the voters' list at Osha been erodited te the sais] ownera lit. th(, Wheu Othèr lutes RO-Off badly, bila - 011 the Otli. Mr. A. à . MoNfillau rate of ono thousansil dollars per ezr Iiiirk, G. W. Bentif-,y, Brougliaiti ; W. plettc pari-3r collars, oqr dny ; ic rotary days t, "0 factory from the fact that it was the wa, y 1-I. Higgins, Whitby ; P. iýIeDgi-ftiott, blower forcing a-ciirront of air t1irougil ter&4. lt#lvgrtimed in Plo Cff8ONIfjIýF 'are, in. spontaneau' the fer. appeared for the- Reform side, and Ur Therefore bc it resoived bilai; the - %lalvecra - Jolin Philips, Brougliain ; a pe, capable of sufitaining il Bro, varialÃIY well attkin(leol,,beeauiie, haviug lie and la horeby confirmed. Carried .13 vivat] Un'Pli Ili ps, Oshawa ; Thos. Bur. 0 a nn - n b aili tilt, -laremt itnfl'willetit circulation lit 1 olors of the disbiict, unaideci by crowils P. B. Gibbs in tite Consërvative inter. tiuanimongly, ; steam engines of every Park, ton, Whituvale ; Rev. G. S. J. Hill, description, %vorkini, model of a steam Centre brouglit by rttilway frow outaitie towns - est. Mr. Smith inoved, secouded by Mr. rjniavili., d"Illent colorFd glails, an(j W , ; Jaë. Shackleton, ai,-fllafl(l engine mufle Of di t'lis, papur that machos the people. Conservatives added ........ 48 Fulton, that if lie rAffýrred ta MI. fi t:eek ; j,,!Ilj R. 1 Hall, Whitovale ; nfahogany Io- 25 test long, and 21 feet pretty The Mall'irrePort States that'18oine 64 etruck off. 6 Morton and Mr. Thos. 1îuýts:oi t-ci ascer. Lewiti J. 0 liville ; T. P. square, aigu 9", tna[IOmý'allY Plailli frOM 121111leri Sauth Onterio County-Fair. two or titrec tltougtend persoý&8 a86em. Reformer, adde, 1 ............ .,.*.*.* .*.,.*.*.*.*.*.,.*.* 9 taiu flic amotint now owiug by th,- ýVhite, \Viioit" )r aines Burns, dif. Philippin(,, L41ands over 7 feet cal Ga blcd," struck off ..................... 9 compariv te Messrs. Austin, Ftilton, W. e wide and 12 fect long; a checker board tu t1je Irlio twority-ft)iirtli antinai exhibition chie, and Holdec, with a view to the jogu, The speakers wure Hou. Mr. Frab3er, ApýefL7s austained, (Reform) ... ....... 22 INI i ; J; ss go, Tùoina.q J. made of 407 iliff-ront pieces of wood, The acks Olt the On. (Conservative) .... 68 company payinz the 8arhe, and doit "q w0dil -of tilt) Colinty Agri- -wlio replieil te flic att, flambriige, Toronto,; John Jonfýs -1 1,221 joint,4; cotton plants, aud Dity Li 80ciil of South -Ontario, titria Goverameut. lion. Mr. * Cart. Disal (Reforin) .... .. . ............. 8 the Secretary place at their diRposal in fasoti!)II, Ni cotton- in its difforent stages of inallu- orle of .2 the company's office ail the book", Tborolct. fi (Conservative), ............. f"tC:tUI*P aise tobacco in differerit stato.r,; Thn wriglit, wliodelivered auable speech There are yet te bc board 42 Refortn pariera, and vouchers; in the company'q TMP chair was c)ceupieýi by4t. Vv*. c'bain d-feetý long out frow a sotici block ilf-atiti im favorable, aittiotiNti thor. on the I -leu. Mr. iýl.,wat, and 4 Conservittive appeals. Court ad. roe posigesgion, and give suýh other inflorin 13ra D. bpry, D. D. 0. M.. of Toronto 1 Of %vossd, with a scroli saw qpi.eituetis 'ky Are a "eu fil ulýttlutifi of Clitit, the res4'lt of who dieffindisil the Lîeeuso Bill, iiiiil Mr. ation as they inay riquire. Carried L)istrief. Tiie Chitirouan, iP Wfý open- ýf' indiait pçtjiLauplj;p, drawings, pilait- neat li the contitilled t-11-t)utiiovoj-.ywli'ere. The Eà igar, who spolie about 13t.itisi, un,%nimously. to the 'Jlct inst. log reriiarki;, tlizitiliul thosr preEent for ilig,ý, ïo., ladian fi-,I"-Out cailoo frein in little The contract for the oit u wivie from a and pl enstou was t,'jir atteilcijtuýc, wi the ûI)jýet o the 1 \'ici Ver cà triom so fîtr arc in must classilie alj-,,aii CfjýtIlIIbia. ýl'f!ITBY T0ýîXS1Vp* produced and explaineil by Mr.liolden. cic-Lllenî..t.ratij,,, vaq a itt,,Llatjie, one aut] -1 104, () tt lom, alid 8 fout boa[,, ; arv; do yar. lu Ilors"s; the 8cpt. litli, Dartnell of tiit)!It. of Ilist e the Manaziu. Director. well of patrünage, viz., the Ový1tefý1 ýroýt'iug ýfi old bouts and rub- wer trî uutlll)iýr-i-4 Inriqpr, wliilo ici cattle the at - ïï ber,, Spanish caution usied by-Co;-tc-z in fine of The Turkish War, Mr. Staith, Mayor of Whitbv. illoved, rai-iag of tù!i,,ii to the Markhwij litard a!,peulb , the tuwn hall, Brooli- by INIr. Higgiuq. illat this J)re'tliiýeg to bailli a Ijýt11 ir tiieir go, A- D ; Lay (iistallef lixtit1t;$i i4 about ficty per cent. -Therc le a fc» groat unpusi' 1*11, itgalt1ýý "0 ýr) collé-etion of accint tinnous eling of Lacs- 1 t tL vorero'1iýt for the tovn- meeting hereby approves os trio contrael Iilc c!lnirluitti t!,eD torpeilo, jzrand linination of the Aveuté, uow ship of Whitby, wiLli the followi ru. J 11.1 échilet) au-1 switie tttifl îles) in daîry ýcinI and rno.If-ru fireiirnig, weý,.ponf;, &-c.. anI pic as te the Cu ný entered into betweï3n the Company and red to Mit,ý)îîry. it,3 iiinz; and ob ects. proffileu the lltl.Utlpr!i 1-PiLlaiti about the in prog MesHrs. Gibson & Dison for file ooný rie sttiýi ii)o chict oiq' et %vas thù eleva- jýjexican onyx stoue 8x3x2 feet, 48 cubie im:L'_,ine, rems lu the east. Prince Gort soilt strizetion of the Pxtension of the Lion of inanki r; il, aujd tjie tact. that the fecit ; cake of solid silver,-7 feet across, iiiMbar] Nailiti 919 last yfýar- [fi poultry and in achakoff blis renewed bis proposals fur ae;!;enlb 8IIstaiuýiI. 80 1 10 Lindsay, find liereby authorize tlie institution hail been go long in weighing 4.0d2 Iba. ; a beautiftil mosalu N. Yý (21. 2viiiii ail l'oeds tht-à -V is quille fin on. dis 64 ed. .1 - LI)at fable maeie of iooooo different pieef,., rille sp acongressot, Ilovierstwitli aviewtoit . diqMiRk, :: , Board te cortract for the buildin- of pinvett tipit it porscissed 171'fýlLjd in the nitiuoei. of' o.illibitois, andi pëacc-fut isettleul of thu Turkisli 1 ý:o Ilefttrin appeaie. the frec grain warebonseq at lSeitjzrâve. to v-)Iý) -oo(j ; a ùeutýc table reprefenting a p ,Jl o il, of h0rticiilLuriý and (Io. cotimer%.Lttive8 put On .................... 92 2 'Nianillit, Oulcuco(l, and Lindsay, in wer(l culi»L.ct-e.i -ývi.,,Ij ilt, and vit-w of E. D. 1."rl(iyFt route. question, but France and Aijstria de- off .. . .......... fi de:ice, ait.'i 111tuffier estibblish Weil t, a( ille ]rit. order to comply with the Nlr,6ýiijrv, tslCjou,ýI.- irtýqtiî-ti'L!y ridiculled Tho fine arts clins te thke part in lit. eutore(l ilito for that I)U,-1)04e by tllf' 1 ly t LI; 1 %voulii continue anil rinijl. P. 0., col posd of re fli., il ýek. hils Ltt8o and Fo hala the Ttirkey's nii8çver couceruing tha eon- l'lie "Sporling Times" Stallion; Race. cowp ywitlltee uly cf vit i fl,)uriý;Ii for ail time. The Chairinaii au t c iDria- 100,0GO djà (iétint pioces of native Ontario. .ç poil ditions of peace hall been received, but Carried iiiianimously. ý,eai lettni'; of voulocy frona the NI. W- alid valued al e2,000, in gold. Tbiii tion to éixteiit, ThH (Iiý,qlTity in the drill « The -Sp Li lia3 not yet belsii ofticially comtuiinirat. ar itu, Tin-ita," stalliolà ruco, 1, séeonded by ',',Ir. elcgant pieee of work ws do e hy Mr. Cnn a Mi-. Siiiitil Wové( Ili--î (ýrft1jd Mast: n aa ed. Ituagill will Dot permit Servia to 3. A. 13. aan M'l":i whieh catit off lit the Weat End Driv- rlil,,Rins, that the thanks of the s1jaxe- w. 13r,. Mai-iman, and Ott tain, oï finit -01(l Ahe- fine but acci4pi; Ttii-kuy'é; terwq. Thp quostion ici, l'ai-lç, Toronto, on baturilay, ici put ljol;lorm are due and are teii-ler- 01cir 1111avoi-lable a4ence, ailil I]opiuý file efilebrated war cagie which was iligl, ant n W ; Il Russia. throw off 1-idt lit' 010j Illask and opoilly prosecute the %var ilowiI as the eyont of flic season. The ('(I to thc ll!ttlapillz Mrý r1le, afs,)ir 1 P'I',z olî earried by the volunteers throuzli sev- fit r à i froicien. for liLq utitiriu4, rnergzy aud Cli,- CiijLit-niati tfinii iri , trocIncý-,l. eral engagerments during the Atiieriuati tK %vo bave- lieen énableil to udge Llitst she lis actually waging while pro. wfýath er provM 'favorable and file at- persoverance in corinect;oti svith thi- liv. Bra. Grard civil. war'; the fai-nous Xi-lipp catiii,,n. A fr-w rt ý,,,firRýry vi,-.w, antj Qll the teildiug te be inerely Servia's friend ? tendance was large Ont of elevel f the fine tOL;n-jýq Tho Servians bave wozi a battie and vIe ell, who alilideA to the pli-esuri! Prei!ch initrjti!tet2ýe, Prusqijiii neoýjIi- strtic!îe are 3,cit ici flieîr i)lacei;, botter tries six paid forfeit, Icaving fi Fte lu the intprer-ts of f. l', Coin at Illf4@tiil^s tvI tl, 1j"s fini] the dextructive Gatliiiii unit appear te bu in goud lioarÇ to continue thall a"Y WQ 11,1ve 110l'idofore %vitiiesped. thé %var. "vages. --Theu, fà 1 TUE BUL, e 44, into a éart1jýba thrown into there - YUr. ieTarkieh Dcmo,,t,,ti., -at 'sud the ýhé B"hi. a"-,the' Meâtiùk 'of "the friuÙ-;,ý-dj teraperange,_ iigd Èrebibition, .,in that of d à jo was,ýhe1- ýVn bien fired;- cultuËkl Zie- attend. ses WerOanCe 12UMberpa Close upon ý ffteen bùù. il the dred,,-and ther livelieit interes -, -, 3, 81sugh- maniregted iný the l' plroépiedipýp, -tbî ata tend' ea ine Ingperaons xom au the a1ïîuý in ',rhe-,-chai'r was cêeüpied-È"y MY. Dy- the Swift mond,, member', ý_for - North ' York Ight that Awonot - those present ýwére the Rev. killed in W. B. Affleck, city of York, England, ont four Mr. J. W.,'Clegg, She.flield. England, le town, Mrs. Yol2lm-an8,--Rev. J * W. Mahning,, hbouritig Dr. Patterson, Mr. T. P. White, Mr.p. ge here., P. Crosby, Mr. Dymorid, M. P., Revs. with the Messrs. Fliueli, Browiiin'g, Carrnicbâel, d us at' McCItlüg., Scott, Stepllen.c;ou, Egimund. Acüvaèt rov, Wilkinson. Bullmen, -Pickering ave thé and Dowlicg,' Dr. Crowle, ffessrs. WnL kig-tliree Lakin, Bënjamin Pearson. Dr. Seoù, ýMck8. P. Johnson, P, B. Curzon tJas. Speight, ad igain reeve of U1. il y the Addresses wero delivered by the 7 the re- chairman, Mrs. ' Youmans, Beyd., Mr, is mat',e Affleek, Revd. Mr. à fanning ùnd others- he ý eon- THF,-NE;ýv GovEn,-;à M-ýFT 0FýP- E. I.- a stitte- Tlie newGovernment 01princeEilward ýonVers(- Island is eompospà ils follows : L. E. lagonorm jýftC, s, Attorney-General ; G. W. Deb- troops C donial Secretary aud Treicgurer; on ' Bible. Wý T. 8tewart, Commissioner of Pulp)iù ýre were Woi4jà ; ý; Jéhu Yeo, Alex. Laird, D. ssacrps, Gordon, John Lefurgey, J. F. Bobert. tiks in ROUI and S. Prowse. ler will id irrë-, A CLV-4,R SHFET.-The back taxeq on pitiless, the Jos. Hall Works bave been paid, is no amountingin &Il to 4ý 1390 , being 8630. , Thp' 2à for last year and $759.75 for this Türkià '_ year. Mr. Glen was, not obliged to choose pay the - whoW of ý the $680.25, as that amouut ranked with- otber claimi; under us re. tlieýinsolvency, and all the village could 1 what legally col1éctý was the amount of the aan in composition, 51j-c on the S. Mr. Glen d ont- howpvWr refused to tuke ad vaniage of these thip and has paid the wbolc amount. Shown Reformer. î cases ýr&2ed, 1ýýe Notices of Birlhg, Marriageg, V con- been. and Deaih8 charged 50 cents cach. Mules a heir BIRTHS. at as- YARNOLD.:w--At IWhitbv, on the 7th [ very SF,-pten2berthéPwife of Mr.* Robert John ,110 W- Yarnold, of a-son. ed bý 70mau CAtdPBELL.-At Wlïitby, on the They lst inst., the wife of Mr. James Camp- - bi,, bell (late of the "Gazette,") Of'a daugh- ,A was ter- pacity MAR. RIE Ii. led to Il-ÙSTO-X-McBRIEN. 'At wj1itý 3y did hy,. Ow the iltii inst., by Ravd. Mr. trages Chambers, Thonias-- Huston, ýEsq., neral- Town Clerk and Treastirer, to _Mrs. M to Nan'y ýIeBrien. aitted i the WHITBYý MARKETS. S, for rency C 11RON ICLt 0?,Flcz, Sept. -13th, 1876. Th"y FaIl * .1. -. ý ...... * . 81'10 te fl 12 nesa ; Spring Wheat ............ §1 05 @ ý61 06 ( na- Barlay, ....... e .... $0 70 $0 70 i the Clover ................ *8 25 #9- 00 girl- Tiiýoth3, .......... ...... Se-75 S-1 00 - their Peas ............... Il ... 68e tol'i B1acý Eye Peas ........... 70c-@ 75e tLat Rye .................... 65e 70o fi f- 35e ;aine qay ......... [ated girl 40e and 1ý --gs .................... 12je i slie Butter.-... _ ......... 180 @ 226 . A Coal, per tcn ............. $7 @ 58, 00 -lies, %Vnoël ......... :,:ý .. .... >84 no @,84 W Fil-le Wool ..................... 11se @ 27c. ,fiers Deul, hind quaýrter ........ e5 60. @ *6 50 Mind Beci, forci quarter ........ 6.5 50 @ira 60 cate, sheepskins* ........... iso ý Go <g- 50 7U 'elve Rides ......... i .......... f4 oeî@ aine Onio.ýs ........ ............ 81 00 that, Turnips .............. loc @ 12je and Apples, 1)er bu8hel. l ....... $100 chee-se ................... IOC @ 121c. lia'l S fo-C K__ S'-. SELLEBS. BUYERS. 9 Of Ilotitreal ...... ...... 189 188 j a Toronto.. 188 187 Aier 103 1021 MerchaLts .... ....... 924 qij Coià solitlated ......... 102 101 1 n .......... 125 124 Ali] rer-pretable rrril iie elli (A' &c., afid 'l'lie E :11eý ri*ý)1,1 bvo o the lin' the wiglow hala priss()Fsicn, te ploiv. iloss, b ý'4a ve ýç)ll 0 for thri of thé with a 3*()Iln,ý' 1-loiltletnau iýi Deqal 1 ... . lienc- iLs power aild itâ -SVýtc-tjj, of' otitacio, i. Very I1iýeI1Av ccm- -f !ai 14()rtlltlýtte would %V' c il lience W * a 1 it have Z attpitipted to turn ilial aborry qtreet ; the gelitleinan 't trou) Ilien ps at- liaY, Il 'blllth-wrdo!i, b A. ai; liver inci-pasi ig, au tf-ýd on by il](-, Press g0nerally, as ito wlieli Jazo, ..... 27) Litin rot eow. Canlerou interfend and tilcked and knocliel dowp Y.011.11 Il ý 11, -- :I iurilna.go litifil th pnd of titne. bpilig rnuch superior to that Of any 0 ...... IL \V. Bro. .1. 13. G. IL, oflier contitry. lutillf,-tl(l, th() aitiltý'ay Cotnpally j'ad thus the annault cOmPlained of. The bludgeon, and th c Iteyriolds, b,ýýfe lu da-ry producti,, si, ry fi) r -LI 1, YÇ)-Jljgý laeý, carried 7 wa,4 I)pvt Calli- (Ajairrufin. 0111ELViO 1-1111liS %lety higidi, and in tjjtý fi 1 lla gurin as Ross, b lieti- c 0. 1, Hill, my, b xntý1e, Rtl(ýuroil Vie Aorric0fi of' Atiel, figainnt ýjaj-Crombe was (lieini.qf;ej, off to a fitild neareby. x. j> us 11'L1-1ýh'1u .1;9.,Illy f f a and .......... _.. 10 son. ...... 0 MoRars. as contract Mr- Jazues CaUlcrog was ilned $2 Taylor, b A.Lfting..- o c bretlirea on the (.yl'tlleir (1(.1norj C.)fljpRrtý, vem, favorably %vith the C)tll"r luotil proi (Ira. and Costa. Fiur.-About two o'clock last Mon. Croisen. b À Laing..... 1 siration, and ilopeil thât prgý 101,Ly t!iav eXliibitors. "01 course the AmerieLti al'ù il c & b Nfathewmon .. 2_) dftY MOrving, firo Was discovpred in Moore, net, out ....... 10 uut out ...... .... 0 would own a hall ereditable fo the iiiiplemonts are finight-tl in a hifiller PELI't-mentlç, The Prenlier at Watfurd. R- SUPRIFF REYNOLDS, C+ b A. Laing ..... a b Matthewootl,. ; craft and an ornainent to thoir enter sýylc of art, sorne being plated ýitfi skilled phi wo are the tvu-titorey fraine lion8e, opprj8ite nuisît, 0163péd to learn, Wood b Rfidinoli(l ... 1 eMtLthewwij, la mending in health' the Old griot Mill, and oceupie illond ............. 0 Prisilig village. The jew0s worti by silver and tiolil, and it is saic-' that tijo a1visAry bo Mr. llat-lcîýiiii.,o sPeech at Watrord Ile loft foý Toronto on d Ly Nfr. 13 ............. 17 tue fraternity wero (lescribea by the paintin, aud tiecorating of soint, where in t, last vontiained, nothing 110%V. 1 Monday w1th a. Satublo. The fire had attained such - 86 - sp(,ak(ýr, itfttýi- which lie explaitio'd tile articles .1 cos , t,-tjjore thau the sanie article page lia tic d0livorancu Occupjed Iis itnbeosinatneucltioll Of IZO!ng en te St' Catller' llla'iw"-Y tliat the building was burned 9à irr--r-ti lessoue MaL4.ons derivea îrow -ould coqt in Cauada lu tweeds and froLn Dr. Pi two heurs and reLusining for a fow weeks,_ to, the ground before the fire ngin WilllBY. tlif.m. other wooleu goocis we can sbow sain. of the hisi( minutes, and wag am mlich am wlivro lie linPe8 te bO batlefited by the c lot latiingm. 12ud jlluùigrs. Bros. Lane anil Cnr..riielia»), ani V. P169 altnOgt as good as tlie best pro- establislimp a repatfflou or tuat wade hy waters. could bc got at work. Very littie of i,",y"ý York. 0 cros4en, 1) aoler. j W. Bro. Spai,ý,Ijt tilso alc1rcýsxýd tile duels of the looms, wilile 'tjjcý unititerestin him rit thoq furniture was eaVed. The legs on Redmoud, run out- > - - - 2 Croii4on, b ()qler. 0 au lience, aftter wliieli il -liF-plity of fruit, &e., %vili no ioubt it. 1 f yon v Wilitity i liring tli.(, eleetîon cpn. [I()UfJE-13nPAIiINr, ANI) Asf4AULr.- the building 1 blitthpwouri, li Ositir..... 0 c Taylor, b Moom. 0 tuatelà t,(Ir.y cl*otlilîtble. Throngh tlxý liberai. Reientificiillý tost, Thp me is about Siooo, ild in- p-n Geo. ci w(puam, b During the tigv a Ba,;c- bali ulbers-Proseut werc enti- The bouse of a barmlcém old mari nom. Sured lu the Agrieulttirai for $6ft00. No F rit ...... 1.1 b York çVaR playoil on ity Of thé Govertimient, in Le-aricg thé- 1111tûd fit iletme,ýn 700*nuil looo poupi Y, S. ci Hill. b Yurk... C b Moore. Od JOIJUUY Fair, of Oshawa, wag brolieu iusuraiice on the Laa betweAn the nienibers of' the Toronto expense of seiiiiiiiý, stock to tjjcý 4ix)lit)i- furniture. .1119, J. c York, b Omleri crofwen, i, oîi,»r a The PrAlulerli reception was a vo- Garret, e & 1) York. b Osier ....... Ã" n1là iýfairkIlom clubs, in whieil the tiOll, Carjada, 18 lucre full represented Dif3côvery ii, T'a e y aff4ir Compared with t ry 'Uto, sud the Old Man, Who la lipwards ing, A. b Yorir ....... 1 b York ........... a forryer würa victurioufi. thau she Oth rçviKe woui(j have býeu. and I)IOnti«c ho of 70 yearp of age, violently "saultt!(l DON'I' FAIL to call and exa Ley-riolag. b Osier.- - i b York . ........... r, in, Tay- jKobqý b Osier ......... 0 Dot Out .. ..... entllu-ilutîu opow The day's niutimeiijoit was i)rc)jjý,jlt No doiibt wé will bo, ]ariZely benefitted de wwch Rathor, at and maitroated. lor & Barnard - a stock during the fair, Suith-notout. 1 là Moore ............ i to a Clobe with a coucert, at w1j Openifig ni) Lew COLUW(.rejal J., tho deu-Lenfitratiolis to sir johtt. as they have ExtraI5 ........ ...... ..... icli ïjîl, by ýj,_ ou hand one of the finest one thousand persons were present. Lions with otner couritries ilithrt,, 9ë8,19. colil LAçaossz MATCU.-A Match betyeen and best Resorted stocks over brought 27 The programme wus au excellent oit., cowpuratively unknown, and as a n,ýe_ ri-liabie phyi Twolve of Whitbyp and the ,clipper8,, into the town. the performers beiug tlin Misges Broko. ess-trýy consrqueuca the trade and re« ati urj,ýqua1i Tuz Cjr,,Ã"L*îo»'-- PlUNIC 1101d nt Ux- of Bowmanville, was 'plgy,.Qd ou the Tne Indian Campaign. vski and Maddisoti, of Toronto; the sources Of 'ý1li8 COUntry wifi bc lariyoly f('turtli,13 ; D 1)r'dg@ lagt week was a grand success. Dowmanville groando, Thursday last. TzcKETS roll TRE ODDFELýLIWS' Ex- Misses Peare and Aslie, of Mai-ki4mm ; dýCvelOPûd- The Cauadiau Cûnjwi,ý magieal reii The attendanou wag NTENNIAL Oïn bc had The Indian cana aigu is said ta have Mesj;rs. H. M. Scott, Theodorf- Martens, sionere; deberve wuch credit for the Plaints, and Outimat0d si$ The match was au easy victory for the CURSION Tu VIE CE, p and Beddoe, of Toronto ; Mr. WilFon, able and efficieut inanner lu wbi,,I, bol Il llutnln twolvé huuffroci people. Bevd. Fà à ther wjjitby bc, at the Grand Trank liailway, midiand been abandoned. The braves of Sitting of Egjiogtoný and Dr. Ys, Who won three straight Hillary, of they have discharged their onerous Dr. Sage's delivere(j au cloquent addires and Nipiissicg stations and algo from Bull are said tu liave ditipersed'and Uxbridge ; Mr. Bautrianti boing theý duties in having Canada properl on Ti4ml)cranoui and a Rames, in 81, 65 sud 15 M;Uuteu, rç%. *th broken up in suisil bands. Anýther musical dire -L fcature preseuto3d. y re. the worhi 01 recolvea a veto of $PeôtÃŽvoly. The Whitby b ' e Grand Maoter, Mr. J. H. Perry. etor. A prominerit for CatArrh Oys. tboujzh in the entertainaient was tho iutroilue. -ver given thanka ttluderod throiigh Ur. W. il. not as heavy Mr. Perry eau. secure sleeping births for 1 6 account tells of fresh trouble aheaà in The Centenniat Comulipsion May teâm as thOfir OPPO12eljt@t consequencecf thu arrest tion of a $celle froui the sehool for 'if on the suecelsr Gibbs, the r of a Chief coilgratutate it3( wilich elmes are soli lieinber for North 0' a limited riumber by au early appli Saindal," Mrs. Dtario, greatly overmatched. them in both SUI "JOrliscu, Of the Grand lias attended its efforts te preserve Who wai Prou@nt On the occasion, The and running. tion. named John Gross. Opera Bouse, Toronto, taking the part or,.ýer, koffl discipline on tll[4 groundA. hosPiLLèlitY Of libv , 4, Father Finail sud of Lady Teazle, and Mr- Ç- W. Coul Tlirê is 9, Well Organized Police Force Taosi; Wu Ili&- People wug IlVerything that Coula FALL AND WINTER KILLED.-.1 brakesmau TRE "RF-Bcuz" FmE CompAyy oF dock that of Sir Peter, which was rs. and Pire Departruent on the -grounds selves the b Oxpected and desired, and elicite(j Whitby Marchants, wh named BaiufOrtb, of Port Hope, was PORT FzaitYllad, apleasant excursion cei.ved with graat entliusiaclu bY the to preserve order, and to preveut the relative to th warw pralgO On ôvery haud. The mente Appear in other columne are in ou auuouncG' kWed at Trenton station on Mouday te Lindsay last week. audience. spread of fire. and wowan, E prooç*do, tu aid of a priagt,ès houseii roceipt of very su - avoulug. Ho is iinppoood to bavo f&llen - - a- . Ag there are rnany biglits worth ,,. medical WOýý i Prier Stocks thia fail, off a freight car. The body was horri. GRab;Grm' ýPicNrc AT plcrz BODY ue A C.-IILI, Foum).-The Chief Ing OutRide the grouuag, and in the bo4y Xedic' zwouctud, we are pleaud to lottru, to which they are dispoqing of nt extracr. r-lxa Constablo found tt.je body of a -4 bly mangled. Elà ùBouit.-The Grangers hêld a sue. bu.led in a garden on Celina Et hi'(' will m1rely meuîiýlý a few become fam dinaiy low prices. reet which would - - .11 11ý - CeSsful Pie-nie at Pickering Harbour on recentiv. The a4andoupil liannab wel, repay a visit. Just "The Seience SUIPUENT OF liolwEýt FOR E-KOUND. Friday last, There wersâ from tçtpive Clifforci la the suothor, a-id slit. esvr. it or-qt of tha Main 'Building stands K . ', lârga cet.ganai iron bijilding, tion, to fifteen hun(lrpd pr,,xent. After hav- wa, still boru. thé4 ca 80DI3011y AT 'PURT Tue ALLES-Gosa PRIZE DGHT.- -Messrs. William Lon.-, John cath- AppParaneüs iudic;,te of large paintijjj, ý1ebil4y, itup inq partakpa ofa pl#,aiqant,,.Gpggt in tllut lipr story ie true, auc] there la net for the elu'ht'on ilwelling of Mr, J. TrguuuO was entered Twenty-oue rounds were fýught, in an bert, and Louia O'Leary obipped ut the 31r. Garner's, Grave, the party adjourn. cOvering 40,000 aqure foet of cauvtiq On Hand"Y nialit by à mý Who, Whou bour sud fik Minutes. Gossa face Duffi , , _ ô ' Cxý"P h likiily te ho any inqueht.-Reformer. lac, a the vnlullio» f; diseoyered bY Ure- Troqùoe -made off. was, badly omsolied ; ho hsd much -the us Il statiot), on Mouday last, éd toi the., barbour,- whore the se Onnar rppie!;eùt,.t)g tho Sioge cf pgjipý vý The key4 wera takou welvevaluablegoucral pùrpoee herses Belle «Toronto, beingtowed hy thp IIIGREST STEEPLE IN TUE Dourqinq. gmalli>r painting of the deatli of thé bod.y. Auût] Troýmee's pôokott. an out of Mr worst of the Pul"shment, In the lUt via Grand Tru tuz Emma Munson, took the paréïy ont, -The croc!$% 'of St. James Catholic Archbiabop of Parie; 'admiligion, 50 wnrk publisli d the bouge r&n. Tonna -Allen etrack after hi nk for Québec, and thencù for a trip ais the L&ke. On retu in Clinroli, Montreal, waa plaeAd in poqi. cents. Ni sr this, Wagliiiigton's cartî 11.13exual Phyl 4Ukedi but the robber go 8 OPPOnGut by the steamer 99 uë- bocty. ý 1 1M."egian for Bug- Cliey etopped nt the entrancs ornl R, tion on die titepple on th@ 26 ult., lu the ajze May bc l'ad fallen> and thO f1ght Wu given te jand, f tfif EwOn for 25 cents ; and Fier Disesops, li le a fir4t venture. an.) if suc. rpsence of a lar Gois. Ail, Piero to ingpoct the exte p Vl Coucourajk of People. fnrther West, on ElS Avenue, x finive improve. 1 bands of evcrý el], -Who hae been aine Tbe steoWe is claituail te be the hiýhëst Beeuf fur 25 ceuts, a 'wýCtjCi, of , "Y be e Ar cu#sfili-,tbO ýUtvrPriêe will bc continued ment$ whieh ý havé taken place. A . a Cali-- trou. "Dises, résted, complaini 01 want of fair play. meeting In John, amith, résidinu ut 04awa hari, by the ýpà rti@s f nterested. WISO, then 6reanizod on board, the Dominion, being 270 feet bigh, 'furula bie trac, la jcet loua, 80 féét. NArvougu 1 and bfr.Porresterapr- while the aroünd. Tb' é? ominent Gr& ' eroas And Weathercook, tà e la tree is Baja'to bc 2.250 work pubIff;hl oitüeipisi», 404,ûMq 0o jQý lues tbovf)ltg DR to ladresses w9re magistrit'es Tà mes.-Tha taxiLtion of' BAuà 4p are gel d'alléd to tlie obsir. à 0ight r8sched is 286 féat. farti Old, find çvas 276 feet high. The exhaééitive tn ambr pitbout Maim. "One mad br GKý B !OOM in the bollow of thaý, tý-A. -Al A, aýlà V.Ad oueof wAtolà e4 and iewel. _r0lom- ýD PtMtY The Arahbialin. dý-m ire flonting aronnd- us -reà dY to attack k . We May "%"rlllft iU11ý1L11 - ivell iortified %%,iÃh pý'ý ýeleZnn,,Our,- properiy nouriîiied frame.,ý--Ciei1-sCrviCe t1ill IRc-kets and ilb, 1- ilOtII(eOI)Rtllic 'Cheluigts, 48, T edle Street, and 170,-*Piccadilly'LoÃidon. 01KYGE111 -IS LIFE. M BlilGII-TS Pl-I-CfîPHODYNE.- ULTITUDES OP PEOPLE are hope- lesslY suifférine froni Dýbility, Nervoux q3ýd LfNýer Compilits, Dýèpression of Spirits, IIYI)Ocbondria, Timidity, IndigestioD, yaff. ure of Hý&rî11g' Sight and 3femory, Lassi. tude, Want of Pover, &a., %Vhose cases MI- t illit qf a permuenteure by the new remedy Pllospllo])YNL (OiQuic OxYýen)' which at'onco allaya - all irritations and excite- ment,,izziparts.new energy audlifeto-the- eilfee e(lc(jl)mtitution, ana rapidly cures mrery stage of those hitherto incurable ana (Iif;tressilig u1aladiefr Sold by ail Chemists and Drüggiatm titroughout thé elob CAUTICIC-The large and, jucreas- demand for Dr. Bright's -Phoiïphoclrne 11-8 led to several jn)jtatiouý under sîmijar names ; purchasers ofthifi a-&edicine aboula therefôre be carefal toýéboiervathat^each eau benn thp Government Stamp-, with the words Dr. Bright's Phosl3b-odyne, en- emgraved thereon and thanhe Rame words arc als,) b;ov.-n on the battle. Every casc beanq the Trade Mzirk and Signature ëf patentee- 11UPORT AGETNS.-Nortou, 'Wattey Co.ý, 107 Satithwark St., London, 9. E. A New Hair -Toi-)iü Worth eaving-ýIt isthe Best. Wood's 1rùprcýved'Hair Restorative isunlikeanyother,à nà bà ýuwêqual. Tile ties; restores grey baîr tu a glossy, natur&l color; restores fided dry lèarsh and fait- ,np""N*C' ha" lew vegetable touie, proper- iuý hair; vetores.-Usrîiý,,gjves vigor tu théhair; restoreshai-rto prei;iatiirelybald beads ; remo-vei dandmir, Ãlimors, geoly, cruîtidns --rernoves irzitation,,.itching ana 6eà ý y dryuess. Nu article pffluces such wondélul, effects.'7 ýTrý 1t, eall for Wood's Improveil Hair-,II'ei3toratîve, and don'l be put, off with anit vW-r article., Sold by aU draggiste in- tjih placo and deaurs every- wbexe. Trade supplied at vaanulaetwers' j rices by C. A. Coox & Co,, Chicairo, S0leý zentf fcr the l' nit-1 Stated sud Canada, and bv- LY.MAN, CLARK & (-0,. Montreà L NE'W ADVERTISEMUNTS. C OAL CREAPER T11A1ýýEVLrR 1 AQAIN 1. whit-by, Sept DjOuR1ý VALU, Thei -ROYA in the T( Saturday, 2 at ele Fumuant tt an Indenture ced at f.-aa.u and pre Lot No- 6. il Tawmship off Province of =ore or.1ffle Commencing lot; then sou links te the ej then &long, 1 Road, north. theu north 7ý centre of said west 28 ébaù deg., east-7-c 16 deg., west- allowance be concessions; chains 35J-Iin The à bave a - good state c en reasonable Sept. 13th' 18 p- CoPrehbd Mr. Taylorw Jewellery Sté: Parties who fa to Callar ?f the fim a in tue l produce a fu can be had on und Taylor a culum. Wmtby, Sept IMPOF The nndersiý * Tbc and Rams se best En li h t o the 01 ý11 Scot, MNI SI. F A Pt Imp.lements The Subscril Aamùà strato the late Bliué lie Àuetion v ses of the uit 9 in thi TUESDAT The follom 1 Borie, 8 yej Mare colt, Q. much-Cows ic 1 Têarling E Spring Calve in& Bwes. I 'Waggon', 1 Dg gy, -1 Light < Wageon, 2 Pleasumsleil 1 Combined 1 mil4 i euttin rowal 1 Rolle Carnage RAM set R'eà vy na 1 Grind Stn., Bakeii, sqlh, -cross eut Sw bold furnitun Ninipton, m tenmon Tî:i stads, Wagh articles too nt Sale at 12 o TERMS.- cash th until* In 4 Ir,,, appr&ïed Joi charged firem due. Pickering, Sel w EIGE M The ùnders