Whitby Chronicle, 23 Nov 1876, p. 2

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wcaficr. AStovas lato à-ItIhr. e-ao& ro.r 194d- Y, Giboen., oge çvagcbl-Y. Gibson. ad Tve.de--Ed. lFroat.- taiça n lu Ezoaanp-Eal ora eil m.e.t-Pieo eganiFhreBo egde laiecô-V B irmn. iock, Iin lie 501, J. . Dur 'N SALES. apîciciants, &e-ou loi cou. of Wbîby, et 29, 1870, t1h. preperti, anet.- L. Fairbanks, ON4LY St 5e PER ANNUIII WyluitbY, 'rhtirMlay,'Nov,, 29, 18V~ l'he Blake Collapa.. 'll'e lIeu, Edvard B lako matod, lit npposialon, thé bihiesi type oet Pi1trioen1 ieHl place lu Party vas a de, coul tfroua Olyslupus, ticugh imaudeÉ --tiio blidluug of a patrlohlsai denoted 0 the love of a Imubador. Il vaa ive laucre, thoii place %lt a auget le dova troua iouaveci ote for a tici ¶i411, hît utntof; hnu&ni4y, iu rdert euts'iaiil lti i a npoliticai evang a.-Asgsatlice h ooorable gecilemi c.îde btetaacaipt a portfolio Lii(f ifomumnilt aci, Irais te lis eigo inci ,11'icsu- (Jli oueeehua dentempa fi Illitty lucre, wuîuiili hi ycllly ual (i W -icfittctutiec,,liae spumned the P s:' 10ialent tIe piatreurge of lu1 rAVuo tcotlîuau to 1h.eucertats in ti KLut:try, unilhuau bal i eun tIcs aiip D Iitm UO#halrel satily a lic e int o5iuur~ f siuprluiuaau Virliat -Amuculisa having tîcus coace agucin, the Vtultiuevauguiifitwivilîlew frouathe ÇcîbiueLt lic a lolty tîladalu- for peit suai ils, petacl le ciaihituuhc Enset ýfuti al; by ltce arîlu,'nes aintoul by litl'ouid osatiîon, 'vall une le chai. louge the. alulmaîiloci of mou sud of Gag0danàil)eetrtlly et Gccds. iligitily ing in sluaya mangenous, tbe- 0MIuiseOethlie -difiîity ut kooing il ap. Xikiiqo axetht ier. erelu casesie fablie wilei truout onteusefiuly tevards heiaante outil tlîcy deaeeuded lu coliapse Miluuler tîce meiting efthle sun. Tumi.- -lccg dewu fronu iiheempyrean, 11ke -Ducuuîiusou'es blcon, Mnf. Blake reiunu trd luidoticujviîcg tacchad v ith l u la stiJl-ci ttou il hei ouautry,tiie terra tî'mîut titi né;ta a Mnlater, a viry vu o.i ii'uiooe.Ioilor, fikliug political jtkir oli-Irawiq-aottially îuavlig tuoit ilIvsp1 iTho fai', etBabylom wnqttidutgroatter. int tîis lhi net lie Mltatn uit ii i suu ry c"; for tiuiuhuouer- - slouî'îiaîiiwear>y ef givicug lionusat a'Cuotlor htic un,, pr'oposes nov, il t. sc i, L cu.igmc Itie mark 10 aticter, icît. ihc lng lice tf c c panion. -l;îku vitta ]uueuna.o lau ntelice uu in p ci-i-î.l ulicl--dollars, fttrtim kilt. Of lie catîh mev, oins 1 eiurt)uy, lic -liaisu'vor aie oetinid tu lily aide ouc lifter anoticirlits antique vinoies, jise an overripe belle taises ùtllber valertaîl, ber collen bosom,j aind liern ,ilsn teelli, ici hIie moral sud9 tiolltiauît figuîre, ihîtippùd of ils seeming hecutos ais become, nIas, tank sud9 atigîlar - 'l'o ycaro agotsheIa.Iliniguter ut Jus-i t1fjti waR, a italesaanwithua' vsmlpro. gt'iutuî. li enîc tutict h. Gavera. mt. doctuermincd lu infuse lato It a spirit if vcgaoni,uo rtrm' ,but the intusiaon, hu l-li iliyesot, lias ftinteuo vork ReHi w-u i atu il sickel, b,'tith ol,' cf rocuunitîlug canada ho tue constructionË of tiie Pa cifia Uiway; hut, iearning0 5Auuîu-tte gîve btl tConstruction puI]icieb -mt-luppot, tIc. sluaak appians tu have t bvoeuî au hurjf aui is ucemu tam place and 0 Slaie,', Ituurirg iasd atten Hîare's a le 118 avtujetl ils uelermicuAtion te Mive rîaîîresnîati u a iuorillîîs ;'but, lis tuiuegooziug outI use Bob Aone'eAI [liq li'cgcmt' auaus, bd--lais poit off tiat tuenrvice. ciu!i, va pr-spune, Itshah icarm ceni0h5 oa i uiiltlie duiinitiocu 'l ;4 bnoc lu lts supporters. Tiecominm.'T -ii'l-'voaiicg, iicilis rage forr e-Pl fortt lo e beasîeil tIi.country 91 M0101, 1cp'esenls accotipur et lais pieulgusa'a %VIàieài commantde na moe r ielece b) Ilow tliasu di. aemtuuîîîesuncter, w wilell h* i. viuîd Il lab. appesed 48 hie saeeptsd offic. His sympathuies J hIait îuuluskliilg aucole lumtceprom- pulic uri prty. hovever mnuayhv beu ahuek by tihelleaey, laie bn ct.euladImleotol tr"e . onltroUhBe ant "but lmtueai cutume ti wa$,atuui uaparabla troua tes, eia geuninle pridi of plaie,et eonstthu$ê 4e &s polagy toc auay snobi' MOUasihlou li,ýth# péri of M.- s Aii aie b 'lse A'r, aIlouhide tus pis- ot $licebroadesa chémlly. liaI zaysei n to exteaumse iat offeuce OUi the Pa$-Book s the oo, 3 dWard Bake. Wbcaa- ahl lb *PlbU W rks Ohswo tii c~guI~gbuusnosain u TM gt'ciùl 4M *9lui' ... 76, the lIa se. Ai ls vou le are 00o1pellsdl by a p&turàl vmenk le(0tam upon 1heban] J. eenhtluupnuinuignatien. The Preasidentual Mccddl 'Tlie r touur yasuo iedau elsohlon for a rieg saui -Govercior, vith thela truge roi bolli ides in ibe enteal veme,a they vers, e!eteld, Referred Pederal Govemntucl, vl, o afidtavihu, a oomml&aeoof etI. wvlcizexaaulu.d lies. eud -oa vitasssa, ltier voulutade, Oould net se, vhleh vu the Log or vileluoh iheQevernor, and1 thé malter l dm1i1thaute a uttlet t, avrrfethle paray chathe.8# uabjorlty. Wluh snoba a pmec4 fore net, ve are justhllut lua suppe vcry -likely thalthie slI.uautd mado, or preteuded ho b. m@À détermninaion oet hieauluai m ah. lut élection inlaLouisiane, 1 sud Southi Camolina, vil but c dlean As iu lu tb. Intemeaha It PArhy cutmollng lioe Goverun I thon States. Any allempt taic follolv te dees lar Hyes elcote msJarity obtaina inlu a vay se do or« any attempt abat -May> be ma tLe ether baud ho deglare Tildenc on a bâtis mc queallionsbl,may b cd, In prOience passions sud lal eenlerlng lunice eleation ot an Am ]président'#ho lesd ho thie ver7 i ecuequeuces. The difflcltyi lIkely teouaake any advancej .direction or solution untilthtei.dec Of the aireraI SBatesaaiîlbave betore lthe S«enud Hanse ' E tentatives nezi monlb, unadeirl sîlluticual duly te déclare.tlie i iiie Pleclercl Cc.lege. Tics pi vhiclhave slready begaun 10 hi tie north,on bolhitles oet hicqui tirale-n ta make ihal occasiot tutl ot menace ho lav sud order ci Other-elide cf ltc. Lskci. The Canadien Air Go, oh AItention icidirecti ltu lihestvei es. mul c f Maes. Seat & PIaillipe for Ihis beand, ici Ouir colmas.1 âd machine, are ver,' simple iu cocu us tep acad aîmougîy maIe, sud vIa. il troduceul tudr gaa Las givnthI li tnest satisfaction, as is proveti1 if refêrouce to-hem testimoniala, Bel nt thc. advaalagisa-s.îtfrtb iui'the ai 1t.bisoment, ve migit aise adjl thai e metai ef vbicb heir apparstue la lestruoled wyul, nat muet -orcor) 1, 'lucre is lihîle frictioc n v.wam ant r. Pnmps, andui lie, vould lb. jusl psê su ad srvioeabl. nt the end of-A - perlnofetyeas as wien flmst put Df As lhey cousain ne gaseIitcc or id mable material, noîhîig but valet ma,' lie safely piaceut mn su, part of building, mosi couvenieut, sud wv isnac h itle attention as lie,' requa-. bÀle eaisil,' given ticua. 'lhe Central Pmisan. cus!EmOR O nm139 POVINCIAL BuRETÂRIA REIONATION Or CRIE? GUARD Heu. Mr. Wood, Provincial Secret, liai neporlaul ho lihi Exeautive Conun lice resultfhciaeciquir,' as oit manuagement cf lIa. Central Priac The gi t liceacument Si o lice f lcuing effeci Wiile tb. eviticuce *proves liai Y Stedmuu hm lu many rssp'-cîs s gu effacer, it lo is iiaoacsthc tacot tint1 uise beau uinnecessani,' sevrin lui hmsett fprisouera. Huving hli that 1 bail aome ta Ibis conclusion,1 lias placeul hie risigusaien in tIce lai efthe Olverument, viiiI1recemmer sîhenlcl bie accepleti. I havieaanci piaare la shatiug Il tic reports as te guardis beiug ucitairl trnteil]ay lice Wamdenansd Chieiifas DeV>uî,'Ciet Quarts on acuntg alicmm religion are ucutmue. Ali-tbe guaculs lîve bien questions au bIais point, anti their repu,' cnvsriac vas, IlVe liane neos ein an,' difféeea lu the trestuisul of the guardi on ac ceunI of ticeir religion."- TIce position et Chiet Guard bas bhe aaolishiul, sud su officer ho b. muow as deputy.us-den lias liceu appointi iu the penson et Mr. Matis,, Logan Kt placent clîlet et police for Hamilton Tie Estern Troubles. War mumnours antipeace rumeurs asc s geou l dal mixeti up in lie cable Jeu patabes. On. day'î despatcies hasve i hast var ls immlientb; the nexl thai certainci oncessions banc hotu made oe boîic aides by- Ruitsia sud Tunke,', aud that prababilities et pîseablois briglit cm. Andlitill he Povema of Europe a1e.arming te lis teetie.- Nev Pucblie Hall anti Buildings. Our morthy sul enterpriaing lovue. tuant Mm. George Hlopisins, vi are Pluail bo lcarn, lias purchaucdtheii T'ill blocks, vcere lie utinas crctiag a Public all. Wonkmîn are DOW en. gaged, 'lcler Mr. Deveriiu, aentrsoter, andl the uevhilding wyul he roveretin by Christmas. The pnesocil buildings wil lis extendeul te 120- fait ; hatl, 88î 8, vîti -24 feol aelling, galier,', all cillu s seating cspst,' t f800. Mr. Hopksins inlînuls apariug ne mauey iej isklng tbe buiding complteolic evemy respeat, SALES on FAtus-Uir. James Sindý :f REst Witby, lsteiy clispagefi cflii rllowlug forme: 50 acreslainlihé 4th' 3n., ant inlatic Su, cou., Est lliitby-ah, former ton $4750, andtihti cIter at 84,100.* lue 118 acres lu tb. mW mange, Bàraken front, Pickering., Ormemly lielougung to Mr. MeCencii ur 68,500. 'le ftrua etMm. . -.Forbeo, lot e. 1, 7tb con., 197 aces, Ea.h Wi. ), vas aie disposed et by Mm. Simnd c Mr. Mounljoy, ei Tymone for -41t,. 0. ýlh@ lend vaa of ratier luferlor calil,' sud poor feines son" or 9eapl& a lbirlUpaOn W1eM aeet5 àel menuupcê " of. aeaAas. - i&" uni l to!514f laceÃ"wud. c. Min wm_ tus4f ie oemse- &U *Iguge j curomplaît galflaa boou ýpuy a ro. bso 7,eeký-ýhelistmetng M Hndà iven poina.ero. ew auweoi tered d d hIP ropeotaie ae l *ie o acog.au ai hemego f.alalo pr1oî' M. Murh, askRor an iisrace e Senal mprsofatpublginly.Nred la'siivatroff hie Dulaun.-o té unn'o lau of .1 ahi4 baati. ey-ofEoer ri l adeCMaudohera ng fohr Eelug bau. einn, ililasame beingna nin.ance delor n h. lue-hoeal gof h eald oth. 'R Ja . . apb#îî -acki izrs, ex-in do, or uredhe ulnestet ti. waor eSmgft l e frmp ou ah. eal pniarMt er of dae &Usithe iadrdo a liinime.8wsen 4pý he7 ver o iqet. ida. finofýe bat of on ofbreg. l ars. A B.Wtsbon, asking ta rern001o20c susia ionieva el a bil rapc $Or m ~li.onas. lidaingtbeende. detfie aindtrcte bcause o ie coNaiau,i teuat r ofbisylre. >ln It of larningcal vcn lcsalth e a s of Robe rtoMr. a n an otiers a king r Baldwn, homaintined n cui w treraiofaup o 4 ortnr Dhe ad@ fayoracfloaoy.Apjtcl r.dc as. Àud Kent andstreets.kin ci by Si JsonMsouheald1h.inmscy Boss forl ueton. a ittefote bave bey isaion ath. wes aofe arson. stanad oa ho vor ognteaher lu ow street. W MRVMNs îm e lta h d em. mo; ud, eehdowed Inprlip A M. BS lov broug i lu Ià ere piort c f mont ho. auperol nfhs ot tuecaI igis tand, ingousite oatreetboad of hntuctabegetlemanof o sbIinalf.,îhe tliatlih.. la~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~A Go- M.Cmrnfleibvn4.lad y. omilundil in a cidicou cienfa i eer u thé H oa f ofmois for al ah. lage conte oneoo ret ooýMay vahevoe alays f oliel aud 0eghe and ent ieme i a. yrd af ton. Sir JohnuMhallatdlteebrokenmbyytrama Repre. lihookc iàunderbat iglt amsia louaho eekingad udlaCh .al igto r. 'e ofnacqrecult,doesioa boeur au o -s laitfitie-zqo-antho awa eisiona avelois te the athe w d gteahl n ny Aïle, *d IPJ>l oANbD; tlcOV iT. Cnr exeeedilfepudiur uitr *s causessorrownsdoerp a il vil b wîe sMr. Bowliial ht W e r or t or by te suerir tao-nt ofthâtBilgt sieraniongc Iconutco!Stetl. l n s En, Dc a blef ou.gntlea o u cbie ry. On e moe tion of M r loae counai nrvs ti. Ho.JhnFaerd BryLga a ideffey intchair. lce i hir Len ti]e Cu.nr.Cler for e d teia in thboug e. r.byowsadt h at ue iah te eiing dnte iestounor of Wcdccesdsyetei@g mpnrmeths) vey aebrongliterai infd enr He !n' sth* ong 11 se ntah tii. s u ielarg e etueons chrookli udat Th.fr opeige Qia Leiltue u ila epote. mesi bhéyarket suhe cuewas licwore seized w oit; n d aî tua to halletoillied nov ecu bramgps Rer: lu.okedau hdert t bireot s a1h oe f ie ow oidanion vas teha uthez ircu - Pam. F or Insime i esht of suléal alodtl pbocud r tt extra allavace a vot of anlquiîyam akes ilie gemineal oy cf a. of $50 ou fc en t qofIbe iewlk o a h. na tir st caue orro asdee seit illliewil e thon"o ,t ta enac le, t foi h elidcfotu a ~dî. lantgenee appar a butcf yelerdy bentkiontoe consieai naie " uîers 'uln'OBrtfDa,"fHo.JhnFerd Bearr. Onr mcften yfar. Bc lwie accuepil. Il'o rnnay opnin vlou dsed ious vereme udtht las lance n cu- entaJbecam rsernersetrroLeil e crrusdn the r.adclagla Pn.ia td.. Britu, cama frua ry1 r ancedvisonofouei Mar. oprsition er ait tyeameetnA mbntr A D. 250;amembs ret lb, faStMarcere. Mm. u s epomaltrvaet ici de ouroye, o Weueolayeveingthe aus cfthe cs ouil u la.rhopn e ge movw e d a Sc îa d u li ai f a , th t e be o uisd ashow ahem ut ae Ce nr long~ ~ ~ ~~~~~a asabextra eOaîsag, .O ard e$aspraibon sug0gforterB np.e He84." ATh dece11, prCounthlerewaa byMr. lovtheM&tbougast ar s ieasnl Thomr sou cnfr thie n Fe r, Léiatlieut t (the reortbaildcObee l tiItb ud i ahy lu hra 42u d oyalHjan ld Regmeu tla. c oeounci ould take mb coudera ci lirc h tam ns "dtoblsk eYtcli."ho e WSlo heanotunct cf ecsssy vqork eiIL ira b I SMa'i. Q, u 81, fd . which adben odon ls old t the li aaed lu FrTerrebaieuneadémeof ca, ud oneiseculd iii. a etrof $50 was ea eau notbea tomuait cniv éatoe.tth embraad edr nlriaprofeso. . Mm eguo sl la u earlh vas y uertnSegeu t or bst maîte r felt cte sameauTI oer and Coulrocou, wsudescend- ti.i as wla. adetii. iset te tIi retipa acn enbcamel e ile se eu ûrl sud bui* a be o e a nrdscussi agJtai n ia bje cip amosiios. Ou.et a tii. FfraneBitnthra proveepritnd or eit a Oreru Aio thei À D 250 memors f th'famly honlM.Kibg cai e mer, ud lbat in us 11. vs leorgaize b. "lan ebisandof t h. cov.ex.andliîue o tv gcry, ie en cta f Faae'sHiand ers"sleocainter taxe sole, sud ifev.ry emetr. alnd hos gbaoto ha orluto oneA D.had done $0as bhd oe adketer13 b . as8oci Teo cse occlo a br. B owaxes oune inv a s efar a rgea ; tila sou. M f.rSimr n v aseau flieumte lieconld huâvle ezpuld n as mci hoe £1.r fol. prfud cnts l asmue, a i v he lhualieli tt ebuaie P erluthbesemne t ti oyl i.hrlandscéimootoblîged teltwop vitc n lb. boundsa olMI tif he Peidrte uou egcl u prorain o ced d inTreoeaadNirssd vassue sMm th aithaut Mr. P$50i.ouse :mrcdtuuomoul plrgfessio.He was r. isau wben be s id regartc i lie vas lie te csve l civl admiorter biltaes re rom fo er us pn ndiîure IU Lb. remet, appeaofmedopiatunOv ci alpietionl s. Oeo hef orsr.o apopr i atieon; it anis tipre.F hie lie wan o orgaize tmeull this al l iadbhe e made u e lof t b.aser,"et thetindepeudlrhder- mu approricaiselic eavy taation oTIi ni d e that lhu c-neti ouned ybiîîftii.neras oue ah ibad det a d for n lar Lo thd letad t 1hn. eOpposition lu be Upper appropriation Aa uI M . 1egio cal lous' Orginaly aprotbta thela haci s wi Ii o cu t o e omla-g; tf Ion. MrFraer lice Roman thereigont-yenie old h0,tl ve $50, tee."s ia. lmom i fol mafny yea r t osud iedbinloa- ienho ased, .b ru o faio go tlieong ef ot itbl muni uoften. tl shol blied t is viic hlsu es which f Fci Mr.Oe Pa !uer theRY Sur cu.vo Da.isaveMrreKing xLu tic. eMrn . a' Be 001 badwaeLL.-c mmbe lrget Botîcove areedetacepa $400,iesd athe stme ti as rvell, ehBookiluaI s c emplime.rilitaes arl Lad omover poJd ils rg oru tsry supper, ou lb. eniu etalcoer7î Ofappropriation; et %hev rcasnh l spoîl lid at. eofthe isuppe vas ers in l ene ad a d lbeforme. inl ashe on Map c, Msoni hal, su lu ine costCul 1 c uh teglte e mbersaxa tion lTe Uctl ii, gous,bthat yle -ntirse e l tab e esorc st d m'teansxtfr a arie Asti and lad licte Oppoition inethl ie expni appropriws ationr.y aerg re-elT chai vasocauiedby M. Waren hmu asmî for i. FTii.sn vk f horil e fares ýdma erau &gosuddhieicha coin-.tMe tcediati vtabrnaceans oken 1574 t B Fuio. Cmbldpt er.Tirepura tein wcrc me, aditue nei"0Tl n ~ ~ ~ ~ B Peryà. .HarsoS.M 4eas hhouarrelthitaLnthPnrowinaccy -. i. Hamilton, lîaviug eutered imb ,parluer- extra te lh; centre eÏard. log PO 814 ithDr.Botuno auOldand Mm. ituns aid Ilcal if viien tlcey usi ng se snlcp r v ihb Dr oflhuuan lesud made ticeir appropriations alice fiattic7 I e vnlhh prcliner et îca plcesud ethle year Ihey ili not hake mbt conoi.]. geste. A, ve MRY memarli en pa.altu, JoeRym. ematioca ah.e Netluu2st churcb sidevelk, i-al'a epponest tIhc lait electioua. Tics they ouglit te have. H. lionglît that - Wicily Odfeliws' aud clds 1 uca a trd overexpcuded its appre. r, Witb O(Ifolowi' Bad aidedtophe iation il shbon d net gel a cent, but Moi ca internat ef the occasion by their excel. bave lthe viole amaonul charged against tlie s.1 î lent munie. its next yeam's appropriation, sud tlaec of lbe t--~---- hey would leamu te de as olic'er wardlahba he -Tcurce.-Tlie Fire Brigadeo et lb.d. towu et Whltby retuma their tihauks ho Mm. King rcplied thaI ho lcad savcd AGRICI Chiester Draper, Esq., for $25, sent te ah. lova $100 by taking $400, for if lie Mm thie Chief Engineer lu ackuowledgmeuîidlks i mun .ralyneereport cf b. ervce cfabsBriad luOxîu-$500, Mr. Fergusun would have doue have i ofnisierv. ie afthe Boigd e ioe, ic.te same, sud as hoc(Ferguson) Baye, îedge, guihin th lre t te od areousvonld bave epent il. lu relation te parlse -Port Whiîby. tlh. Methotlat tabernacle silevalk, he Agriat C vould amy Liat, vien bc fenud la noes. cicîles, oOrncrTi'zDouleTRIAL. -Fraucie ary ho build oeetheme, lie b4d spoken lth. au T.eviu vas brougitbeforo Dr. GunuJ. botbta toMr. Blow sud Mr.' Ferguson vhIca P. o Tnuday oulie hare ofseîingaboutila; lthe latter' opposed 'au apucro.yer P. onTnesay, n th chare ofno primz tion fer it. but Mr. Blow, lic. gentle-. bav, ftre tu Mm. Sîark's stav shsek and fuI. man vbo said &bat if Le diditi again Dm. De Iyouamilted tor trial. tuisy veuld make hlm amart fer it, sait! sud c --------- 0 "Yen go sud build lb. silevalk sud gel wViuaq JEANlNrI WÂreoiq, tiecs csebrahed au appropriation tar it." For the hcsvy fluera Seetisi vocalistansd Mr. Hardy the. taxes lie aîspayema psy lie thought Iritl reovned hument suad paiasperlat lie lemît miaulaI b.dous veuld b. etr tl, aI te Odf.lev - h all ou t, aevuu te give tbem good îidevslks, hl iedisugar at te OdfelOwt hll 0 te Peci2R at bellev. in Mr. Fargneen s; prunaîpIe large e 1efthle 241h, mclt. Tic. "Qnen et Seat et laviug ovor tilI nexi yeam Ibal wh tlc a& oue aisi Sang" deservea a crovded houge. slould b. doue liais. Ic lil linen 000 et lbrcugic lisî prinaiple ci leaving tiings îîsy si, BUNcvnr ACOMEnNT.-Mr. John Tili, over ihai so muai vork hsd accumu- i.rp.is, of ths fimua of Till & JoIinst&i, vas lated. m.--us -tbownfro th frniureWalgonof Mr.Long mud net inteaded tb gayProvinm brou fou ah fmniurevagouofauyllaiug outhie malîter, but as some, oh ehcsriue lh. firua, on Thamaday aftemnoon, sud ' he memnbeme sppeared te b. pihiung vre fo 1usd lis left log badly broken abeve tie ltoMm. Ring ratier savagely, holie ont ciobei ankls. TI.hecuua became frlghtened try sud expiain- FH. hd goee ver the aug h7 thc reins beingaudenly ilirovu tie yard with Mm. Ring, and tabes as cMsy et ihef biou ad alriin of csued ulàadollar of aie money &peut vhioh lake sai c*eic ebce n rtigof vane as nea aboolutly n.euary Ibis year, cution. the mil guildent. sud ho ibengbt hculy rcghî that a gâin A Nav Ousatszoc ormmcPEÂE eea ropriatleu should b. mail,. c I À Na Coxtsooàior Tli Pzàz M. e-eghailt aci ilt thc idovsîk issio. Puaguoe-TI. Oritia mula urgîug vonldoott btt'ratepayrî ava. le d agrogs hi a nov ocommissibo cit hu e o &.tomabouta h4o4es-ffl s8mwoo, end gays thtaà revlaonothe. 4p Wd -Oér 1ic» kesp rm' t 4 Commision lor tisOoenniy avonldde Mm.Har r ndot opese pcying, Lake, ne haim. Quiteo crect.- - nov Ïabat t 0 ork vas onethnl ho bhoaqka roag1;l-bcý eca&donc c u8:turd, DasTaucize or HàsZAur'os'a Pouxa. ovrez psndtag the appropriation. Ho froua lh t.-Hamhou'a foundry, -corner, et exPlalned tliaIthie idevalk cni Four c RIngac$Der.le stee&s Toonh, liewesi ade oet he tabernacle ,Wm. 1 Xïngmg eikky èreeai orotowashaî! been taken UP by special order et SuihI csbroyiid by lire.on Tîcsdsy nimnlng. lie ocuaiil. lIneply te a question laus 82W,000; icuuraneo,, #60,000. froua oeeof lie membera, Mm. Hregper TauE1 ? ýaM id uhat ho va. lu avoret paying i&ho -The. Accomm wr u u a aip vi#L-ýOne viiole niount haut he beeaakedi 1iea of tbh'ioko on % fraiglut train juaRpeci M. Pcrguson ticen meved iu souoccu. i« a tWua ra tNasuonee u 'Pas a., ,. l menât taMr.. BIOWn iuâ t&C h n.. ..l.,1 :Vlo & 400an,17 80; Jani. BI $12 Tic cunoil resolvea iltaelf labýo e mWlte Of abs vbole--Mr. Ring lu chairý-sudisamcended the report by duciag th# 'eeout t fJnO.Boll té sud' rfterr1ngýasu,-tor furhc a quj eue item. Of tbhe ontof Ta7lor a Canu, 1800&Thecoeeuuaulee tI arose sud reported thc.report, vi vr" adepted by the conil as &menc MOTIONS. Ou motion' et Mm. Blow, aeooui by Mr. Ferguson, lie pehition cf Hu Wilson vas retarriacl b tIi.Commit ou Stree easd Improvementea; t ta get tlie adrice et Jue. Suier, 0.: lic. Charge 0f wila- eh.Dttge .ceedi On motion bf Mr.- Blow, seeeuded Mr. Forguses, lie petttion eftz Stevart sud o>thurs vas reterrcd ho1 commitîce on àreeta sud improveme, -hY lecousathe leva slicitor a reportitaheb.next meeting. FINANCE AND AssagulNENT. Mr. Harper imouicat in s report the cemmiltea en Finance sund Ase mueut reaommen-iiug payaient Of t follo-wiug seannts. Bevin specal a0 stables, Eallov',en, $10; Domiai Bank,' haIt yesm's meut of Divisen -Co romq, 80:; 3nn, Bell *4.25 ; Hat Bres., $88.80. Report sdopted. SULtEF. %Ir. Haunsam brougin ltlIe repc of tie relief comuuiltee, rpcommAeuil psyment oethe sceounte et Jua. Undi rood 04.50t Jua. Bell $6.871 ; Ou tSparvell 94 97. Report adopled. PEINTING. Mr. Bobson bronglhtithetc repc recompucling payment cf items iha a aoent et W. IL Higzgins for prinlia And ou molle the eunil veuh icn ommitîce tierecn-Mr. Hopkinsj the chair. Mr. Harper, Mm. King sud tee ekeul vhy lie cemmitte. di eot repnrt on tic. viole seron in ^sked fer it. sud .on exsmininl whieli it vas tounâti o be for $24. iley cotnplaiued tiaI tb. conneil ha loI been fainly hesteid ici lb.maltt cd ssked for fuirtier luforuatict ccid ou motion of Mr. Hsnnam, bis r MOTION$. On motion et M. King 2ud b,' M 31u tics petition ici regard la ml-n mps vas refere oti tle committci e anti vater, vilu instructions ta imrt at neit meeting. On motion r. Ring 2nd b,' Mm. Hopkins, tl 'tilion asking for mouctcliofe tam tas raterd 10 eemmittee on fiance ai sessmenl, POLL TAX.- Mr. Long lutrecluceul s h,-lav vhie %sacti tlmongchie evensl stages iwpej ia lau of $2, per iceat, ou even,' mu cmr 21 vco is net salionseheluer. Ceunctilsd>ecumucd at s quartert velve, midulgil. Port vt Wbitby. Arrivals suai deperlurca et vessels to eucas endiîîg Wednesday,- Nov t. îrianle -- schooners. Wandoer ira Etme, Amrs, Maizdal., Min3 ,' -Collier, Enlemprise, Qorltacils eamers. Lolhuairl IEnierpribe, (2m1à e>) tvitlacoul. Eleparturos -- Wantlccer, wliati >ni Emman,hou-le,' ;Xnt-ona, ubouiit tr, Fex, bsrhey ; Mabcdaus. barloy ; ll-r. bau-ley ; Enterp-ise. lumber; iuair, lumbcr, Corisauctî, lumber. Vie scîicomer, Flore Etema arriveti a cnd tlin- uitc eaifor Osiuava, bho nuahie 10 malte Oshîaua pi.er, sut] liais merning tor thoit plia.cin Ion ce eleain tua, Nicazara. le steamer Lthair hook lIas laad of . lod's luamber for tb. seasbn. iediel î- SonM s astgloati wîs elapped le ilsys peviint;. Onu,' anc cuonc go eh lumber remiains te bc ehiippàtl i sason-tiasI t o sane. Bigclou & uce. of Pou-I Pt-ru-y. And ocul,'oe Zo of harle,' remaine lu store Le be )peul this tail. SELECIION OF HoN. MNI. Maca.t.- wc scchiaipaîed, Mm. Milla ias beeu ecteti for Bothwvell, and b,' su la- sed[ majomit,.'. R is majurit,', ini v, as 403 ; in '76, 507. Tiare is ber pany lois nom gmiu lu lie ne- OR AUSRAÂLIA.-Amicng the Canati. retînotata b. cent b,' lie Govemci. ,steamer tram Maatreal ici lie ig, vili b. s numberoetases oi 3ton', Rininstie abeenbieut anti utive flii, ; lia., will doubtla uitlî succeas. IHundrets et people beeci relieveti frein lite long linger. laima b Lt,' Iir use, and pcople once îihcua vitI ocrer ho ultceutthein, ire fon sala b,' neami,' aIl Dmug. -cgie -----o Qebe utreal papcra arecoomplaining oh lou puegnesmadie ici the.buisbeîc ascu'scuu. 'lisfollovicigrm-pomt eun laid betome ice hotus.; 3ltL'mtRgAND iMANUFACVTURESi&C. Garuesu's report for 1875. 'le refera totehIe altenupte vich bcen made te extendth le kueu. et scientiflo famming lun aniene of lIce Province b,' lie Couneil of citame, *ilanougi egricultural se- s, ohools oh agriculture, &a. ; te aItivation outhbicsugar beet, tam iush Lsgisiaîure voteul $5,000lus&t andl vi oluea net appear to passetilithe expermnctal stage. eaanlaas matie a trip te France reporteti Imat Messrs. TeIllier, qzt sud Nibellea, large sugar me-, îaf Lirnasela, - vere dispoed te euth tshe verumeci et Quiebea eo eslablisimeul t os heet-nat m'-fincmy ici the Province, on a scale. Tlieuu gentlemen stimate, jeiulion fraco, or about $200,- oue arreno,tlie capital wvica siould bave te embamki lu le eu- me Thé,'bavan.sketi fer opeai of augsm.beeis culîlvatedIn lthle ce, lu erder ta asc-rtain thesa-. se properties. Suai specimens croardeti te tîcein on lis lSab or liaIt.If lie,' are ucuhifleil ith gsm produceu b,' car beels, ve Rpeoa tIaai-iheyy wllimmediately tepstet put lhs salieme halo ex- 'l ite report &ataieseoftimuai u, mpstrabcaci, colonisation, &a., if iihtepmtmouhs hie cO'mm' ri oteima liaIs iaisaactmy pro- 4à&~ beeu made. îirm.w-M&thav Gamtet, the of. a boariting'houe, at shambot vas ahîseketi b, tour men, vie takjngý supper aI n bis place, ou t,' eveoang, asudhbaaimîce ticti u6 effeata cfaà bleu tram sa club. men sunmeti'Patrick Dolier, EFrY, Peter Smithc, sud Jante. ligie beau 'aresteul. TIEREATENE» AUEIN 1»1&I'nc. Pevs frou a erai Presîdinîo, 'coi fer hoe.Ittictl'ai, ?I56 the re.- 84,-Ua .'l,. ,. . J4ý É,U ,1 Buses&wein.aeo worutmtmigbt i àÎt na t i h In a th t b , w a s tai n g th e em edy . T W helo z as h Z e v ii l ý i n lco nst n au n & 81 0 c e e eflu eI n UI a ts of t e o n t yjj i in u i h n en bdy teais brther nd tho lo-adt ae>evafbcIeelscfieds.ccya. dolh a m odical collg0e. Th e g as ly birrel coevry it out c st, eau d e so by r ttu 'lie:g aim ade y hoe em achinei s eumnay k ow uas carbureted air gas, blm&ig n, tu l " em ve t ýth roa -h ns * ai , by eddre esiug v i s am p a s am - aieaair im pr gün te t i wth gasoline. il bu rna ith, s midi br g lcÇll o-ai e l y uul ,tM lc led.An nvetigahlo isbeig bed. g pperpruducct-by rosi g4s. Is aonductedilurenogi pipes sud ornemental flizire, wihlc sine.h imouvcuience andadetv. No fire vuse m tchlimeprecatt oi msutatci aiaIbwJâ:n D a . C H A R B L E P . M A R S H A L L , l h gted by i are lin rid 1itah et cs siîsm e rates as t luugb c a i as w se u e , m d ~ed " H a u Y u À HUA T 2 - A m or aa.88 N iagar s Stree , 'T ie cosh t ftb e g a t erlighul, equai to e tonne t 0t 1ic ai gin vM e a t so, itee tiroglive auane1blnde, asic raed - Buffalo, N. y. déllrazid fity cents ta, twa dollars, being about oehaf he pria. etcizaaj. agli -Bbc vastae maruget lndeudriped i'Th. matertai freccuwieib-gaintamade by aurmnaclaini ta Imava mmercidasè em ýb e y s h aîl v ii r e a s a n tin m e , b u to b r to o d . - al l a ., li l i a , o li tils p r e'd ta t f p tr c l- u . .. " Have y n a hea mi 2" ash . said, bl usbhi g I: N otices of B iri h, M a uiag s, su he OCnadien um achine c o tes-oa sg as ge ierator, ontaiccng vaporati g c h '4 m 29auutoath air forciang appraîs, oeated by a egt.-- $2. aimimlly. "Havée1t-a lueart, miss ?"re. andi Deai?4 charg.d cents 640h. The air pump sud veigil ahtaclued are ptscedItheis aller Conecctcd ta tIjà-iâ tie, hyspecided lihe butelier cIl do y«n think air pipe running iu ahé groaud, andd aoaveyaug air fmoa ibis instrument tae cgmagang1 XZm tbat- 1 osu -vatcai yen day afler-'day, B I B T BH8 .ter. wvichainlaplaccd iu a tub oet vate r nunisix totenceltuniderground, o ep h the neyour eyes droop s îley meel gasolins equal temperature. vîcater sud summer, and p'acdri ebilng uadi. u t s i n e l i a t I e u f e l y u m e l v e b r a t h J O HI N BT O N . - A î W l i t b y , o n M o - t a n c e s a u d e n i r e i, ' l i r t y , t i f y , a n u ni d r e d f e e t , o r m r c ,ge .h d~ î c i l u o c m y e h e k s i e a o p r e r t e s e r e a y , N o v . 2 0 h , 1 8 7 , ah . i t , n f W m . W e h a c i e l a o p e r a i g n t h c p u m p f o r c e s a ren t a t f a i r h r u g i c th e < s yen-ud îpt avea.hec.b2 Ah H.Joliste, Es., t a on.generaor; ber it becace arburete , lhua forming su lluminîing gas tatalretuau. you--ne u I'boeou-hgrt ceh.gas pipe ta th. bouse, andi, by l dicdttibubiug pi as'unhib *ilescc maiIe',I mazIo n sakme -lficee h bidnh i orea;o tca e canducaltdfrru lihe gai gencrator lh et 'sn Ieuel"'~es,"s~esigdsd, WHITBY M RKT8 ny otiar dirsaction. le labls,ôttbnÏtMng, r ta iam1 oui te grounn, whecv e ~ taull, .thaa-la eauafu, liI i divne,-li re iactred. lb iibnotred bat 11d plan of gasma ng a auleiati, gas is generamel 390 iuh in'lIthe kîud I aut haomne, Cuccor;ccîczcOrucuc, Nov. 22nd, 1876. .oui,' sa21tactsd in snob quanities a"requireti fuir limediate ceninuptien. Tic prucc the bt itaitit th kin 1 wnt tis mrn-ia continuos vile tics urners, are ia use, but instaactly stops- bu e7 eyar e]t mning. Ebo gins me s bnlboek's iceart, ecal Whîoah...........1i 00 (@ $l 10 gutsbed. fou quik, and tria il tfor tuffilg, My cId iprng W eat ..... ....81 .ce _w l 08 Tii.Ca iaîu G as Machine, set i bis cianuer, la considered u as i a e~ meeag man Il e a ma saà Mtch areif 3ary, ...lighcîing ga ev hal cau b, adopteti. Ail the ga-olîne in kcpt i atankia stub cf iwa urml muc'lb smda ec a.i me'............ $0 05 à $0 76 underground. auntiremnved franu lia.buildingas ast.distance. Ther. ia.ogusain dea oà ic dinuar ain't reatiy." e .......... 70o . - nmp. noi-m inflammable materialinitice bouse,* exceptingthe gas containedfin lb. di,. Tas Pompou î C ApLaIN.-A e v Black ye Pou i.... 0e @ 85c' t ir__ saun po nt prison ch ap îin wusarec nty appointe di asî........ ......... 4 0 e 0 42e stce ak ow ed a h g e sf~ t au ctlucuartifiuciel aay galong crt an a certain leva. H. vas a mac vie fliay ......... ........9 @ #I0 The prester seu'urily Ii tic use of gaztielivered through permanent pip.i sud dxttm, ing F ea ly m agnii aul bis office,' sd, en er pota tft . ... :......... 4 5 e 0 e over that ai sing kero acce cerm t i. que tion ct. Scarce s a s e vi ou rca.ic ler - ing ee ofttî ce iaion i e f ls b ro und of gg e . . . .. . . . .. . 2 0lo s e in pr pert, an ti ate in i ie ttelf, tan s edt y i r,' m. c ti cg froin th . reaksge o n i g p c i o n , b e i h m c c h p o n p o s u y B u t t e r . . . . . . . . . . . . .o fe k-x p b o : c o nl a m p a ;; s d v lw n v i c o n s i d e r l b e le a t t ô w v i e eé r o s e n i n o ...........s....ic... io0oc 22e, perqu ty a nsimtel,à d th i so esty f nm anufacturera nd dealers, woanre t thugpide l eteprsm, e en k ov Oprton .......... $7 @88 0a pnised .et sncb laites, as lice riek of usiug-il can hardlyice avercablmateti v ie eil, SoiurIdîo nus e Wood ...............$4 00 4se "u.Regarding tie quality etfte gag tumuisiceut your machine; no Isuteau lis ouccd mrh va i nonchala nt rc,t el?," oo...........he < 8elightint ua aly strang andi riei, but aieme ow sud sait teat.ees ha a rt n m cth e n o ch lu a i r p y l W ,fni" " h, re . bau. q u.. . $4.. .... .. $e 5 0oc. oft tiat ieculiar s h rk le sd gla e o n d ta hoe so u rtf n in coal gaz. yo r n w h p a,. O , y re 2 B .e, d, q a tr. . ...8 0 @ $ 0 Ilp ssesses an illum inating p aer of ram sixtes» ta bent,' ascdie,*fnl),'eq ualit, g.- W el, I he eard o' yc before." "And B sa, tre quarter.... 4 0 G 4 50 cai gas, sd about one-tiird better tien i. ordinih,' Sapliti b,' ciy gaz qouipszi« Itn hat id yu her?" etured te chp. Se7psinslbIti -remsrkaily pure gas, centains no aniphuraus Compounti r aipurities of an,' lii !<î ~~ ~ ~ ....... vhl0ld e 7e62 rlmut$lc0csp 8e5îkn viblipraper iurners.acombustsion la .rfct viiauot suioke or odour. in sia, is curiosil,'- getting lic hetter of Bides .................4 00 $0 Tie amonut of cars liaI aur Machines rcqurcus acarcehT vorbi,' of ment bis igily. ttWcel, I board that lthe Onions ................1i ce gas generatar cf an apparatus i a rdilar,' uize dose uatrequire Slling ofînen than fi= mra lait tva kirke yc ýv.re iu ye precaed Turnipi ............. ..15a tva ta four lames s year, a trifling malter. Asida tram tit, tiecauiy attention demsacda ,id them baiti smpîy ; but Ill bebangetl if Appies, per husiel.... 80ec à4e us lte lcvatingof lic veighit-lu tic cellar s otîcuas il rno ado-on, once or Iviai a vaskr aceorducugho ho,,rapidly gasla burnati. A moderate sizeti macine, smitable tara durci. cI, ye iud il anot u a easy maittertb do Cices............... la @ Ite. ing, viii r alcy requcre legs tara ta kcep il in'perfect or-der tien viii one keraiene laap; lie samne vi' lis sue Il" Carnets.................15e @2D eIoranfitteen fdîtuen tminutesa a vek in aufficieut. adI A Fie PLACE FOR IMIoEJtLNT.- A Prk, per ot ..........8 50,<@l epai$5erv nt n7il5lLiePlaccO lciauMahct cotctdnt in, place tb eigrate-tleiluOigaesbard Chikens .............85 <@40 Cepi Pmle,~mle !loeins uvmiemufrt Ii motn en~ ~~~~~~~~~~ mutreCotePSaBenrdne Daktpnar......he 110average inqonirer. Suffiuient ta knov, liaI by its use, wlsh very 11111e ete, ut ýe rim epr.r.dje @ ) mm l expeaas, anti perfect safcty, b.e tan rel,' ou gettiog an abucaulnt igic t a l tai mw in raime m', cClolS an Tu e rnardoino ~Turkoy,,per lb. l 100 Previnus a tualhe intraduction ai air gai;muanici. i ml a ab nrrae m n n i c i au e c a u g e as a'l a p o o r lu v rio s p rt etf lic. cou n tr,' inu viciaig a as m a tie Jr eu g b d estr uctive d ut ift ia menihoueti b,' Smo sud retorta fronu coalor ail. T'rie. orka are expanisive: tic outsay for slm"i man'f; breakfast :" atTea, i'veetensd NEW ADVIERlf1ISEM <NTS-. buildings torsa gis boîter, &c., la accessa-il,' great. Tbey aise requin. cousidersblecsge vilh pure, vwhite, straineul boney, llcick sud aleill ta manage. Tic manufacture a! gas for a single dwetaing demanda nemi,' si r. cream, sud breati, mhlk, eggs, Hubhamd - 'muai labeur, anti quit.s muabil as isirequirod ta make àsuppi,' suffiaicut ta lucciat il squash, am, pomegrante, black H11aAin-SA a1T! 5amall village.islu esatmae;satnasi.vome~aantat a inhtng gpapes, Flamme de-Tokay grapte., haîdcr is exluausted, tice retors muet lhe reciargcti, tice lImes rekia ldantheic labourai a. green dus. caud pesocea." Ant e tictrn aohr upyreetd of coetofthis brekfai;t for a Mau andMakin ai his a a csgeable andi trouble-sme. A-upiyo ol l ie hs wfe s fften cets.andrubistcumulâtes about tIb o eks; -tie odeur arimtccg tram hem tan alver,' serimc M 500 BAUS IVERP OL. nject nmin ycases, ta them introduci ion., Gis manufacturati ou thiaplanl dcau SSEMREtrt ANDi RECtAi'U5E Or A quctc expensivo, if, ici addition ta tbi 5maItcofl athiematcrWss, ha takeu juta acacuicîilc WHSKccpvSTILL -.Ou Poids,' saverai mcv - labour ai manufacture sud the. cxpcnse et repaire upon trio apparalus-ot ilsel! neola" enue officens seized àa vhiskey silîl on s 500 )BÂRRELS GODERIOHR itemi. Il imuet aiolie borne in mid tiat in emalu gas works thiec .ppliacaes ai manictt fai'm iu tic îoyuelcl1p of Wilaeuot, anti tara are neyer sa poriect, uer tie,'ieiti cf gis pnoportionall,' se greal, as in oblaineti et Ihe i tu oficer voe Ita l cirgeet Jal ecelcedaiti fo asc ~ lage orks i thc cites. two ffierswer lot i chrgeof Jst ecevpdandforsal byThis clits cf wonku li nov iu a largo meuaura supersaeib,' aur machines, whitb su .tIce apparahua ; but during lie night' preferablo fer lice tolhovln11g ressions c tlîicleen masketl men fotight tic, mon T. LAWLER & Co ist. 'rîeir Sit t oit il muni lens. ini charge anti carrieti off lie appaurabue. Wiiitb,', Nov. Zist, 187S. tf-48 2uti. NO expcs tt-buildings are rcuîuired. Tic tank ta ceulaici the gas geneti I'~OUNmTnvucTimfltîy catul picces liane er..._______________ ac a scal aiaucap aflair. underneaîh tic grounil, onut aigit. rd. Ailthle labour 'cuti troubla of msking gais a svcd, Tic came aur machcinea ce. male their appoarauce lu Ottaawaeri.p IEACHINGO0F THE GOSPEL 1 quire, is tua trifling as ta be scauce worsi,' of montfon. liaece is suppeseti te ho s gang oeth G Gt ad aie i, dli. N'aodour aaie.tram thc manufauctur,nom is lieu-c an,'litter or dirt. The ospl o Go wil beprechel, Gd 511c. Our muacines arc autamaaiaticth gas is alwa,'s rcatiy for use. ' - A uti on etie cs wiiem hag), inthei. Raai y aerpr fan y idmaquimeti. Our machines aie equuly geoti, and, LADY THOIPtSIT-TîiX T is aIl1 Iiugs consiemeti, mciac apen. Oune tofaur machines isn ucti ta ligil a nunuler et ladyl a Franoisco-Mns. Frnk G. O .icjcLLOWS' 1HALL, buildings detacieul a coositiersile distance froinm ct otior.. Agrou pcf dtivdiuige in tic Eunvarl-vho cujoys thc pmtnd dis- 0 N country', or lice businesspart ai a amati tano. mivin Ibis a,' ayieligiteti.etalmuc lce tieiner cn tcltvmnimcexpense than if escic individual occupant vert ta [u,' an apparatus, I -btn-aUl te colt Ibis auntry e shot aI ati bit lacg t Taasdcay et., 2rd oife., t 7.3O1p. f coal gis wvorks. Eaci consumer na,' ave is meter lhn, pa,'ng ol, for va gu at lice distance et 1,000 yards. SBitsLikewie aon LORD'S-DAY, atternoon ai 8 Au cyidecte ofthtic.distante tIuat thiî kinti o! gis cao ho carmbod viliant iffring atiopls lIce Cru-edmore posture, uhiclu P- nu., sud in tic uevcui t 7 Ilp.b. -' .esaîa.c1-<o -'nleusation. ,,s youlti st.tu ht w. . m1874 solti aa acinst. tu f montlaindes vonti cousituer slgiti,' Lord A. CECIL & MR.J. DUNLOP. Edgar J. Ju-it, oflRos.tiet, Toronato. Tis machine lie useà in ligctiogis huead a in c o uv on ie c t. T i c. C a li o n iâ R l e I l t 1 . o d D r u e l i h ' n u in e r uo tf l p a, c aiv e y iu g th e g ît m ein e o u r iu n tin cti fe e t In g o d o in g ; l i s h e Im ýp o t it "T h e C a a i n g o h o d D r w t i ' f u r t i c c t r e r o n c r a i n t h t m a c i ni e l e b s a u e q u l ,' g o o d lig t a B l b.he o u .e n e s e c t t e I > icai n a o t d b e o d î n c t n , I u .i u î l m d u c i n g l a r g e a s c i n e s , a n at i l i g l i i r g t c e r e i t h s n u c n b e m o ! b u i l d i n g s , l u m p ANO MHER INISTN T (B E PRhOVIDNo. D186. - poeustaMy hueset up alîtng the street, initIa lanterné; .1 outrnoce gte, pipes exteatdiugte roi-fie MntraifthGaetteain .c:-i - -- - -bau-n, stabtles, &c., tetahe distinct a! hall a miistur mare.- LA N D Ei ! th-lvtauhbaud cptlinin teicemnufuclume of tic nuachies fan a unuhor cof years in i îis ry , it la r u o r cd . is a io t t le uh v a S U LJ D li e U n ite d i S ta te s , s d trin g p u - ti a l me c i c a îc, n-a a re o n fid e n t la I u r m a çiai es uan th e s in k in g s îip s d t e b . p r v id e l fo r- se co n d ta ciceu tun tic- C o nin e n t. W e . ula fn t r cu n I i a n in v e n tio n a! u r a , lb u ht ue in s o ep m ore periac u tcui tu iscn r. A t O D D F E L L O W S' H A L L , W hi îy, have m ad ave mtt i mpmveinentut ta eake the ,n sate an ti metable. W . test e vez,'in-s chine tinder aur owu zupemviso, andi warrant ticei la giveisauiietsctiou. Mnr. 1.Ii, lte M ititer oet Muiid. we ),, FI'J D A Y Lellitu, Nov. i41/h, itICE LIST OF THE CANA IIAN GAS M ACHINE, COM PLETE, beau- ra apr.tty ne-able usource, in te ho tit-nuit sigu. Ofeounse tiaeergane J EA N IE WA T SON, Frec ou bourd of Carsata Torontfo. wilnieu t v utny epot ihavemiccg cun -, Quecu ot Stltisi Sang," Nucaulez 1, ualcd tesupppl,' 15 Iurners, $2000. deidevr eor fcmii htué i 2, au I" ' 2o0. vlaicf icuie, bouever, clva,'î veniflea. OBO. HENIDERSON, i 8a, l 6 d 8000 QUEIE POVICIL xaeamer. T're Great Ciamîcten Comte Vocaîltl antitt 4,: t 75 If 875 00 Q U B C P O I c A X I I I N - N e g m o C e m et d ia n , o n g s g e d e x lre s ly fo r th is 1 00, 1 1 )0.5 0 0 0 . Tii ¶aecaCocuiletAgicltre Company', tramint-gow, Soottanti, anti 6, 150 " 6100 tuî). h lane deoideul te holulthic next Provin-72,ý 700. cial Exhibition at Qie-c. prvide the- JAMES F. HARDY, "87 " 250 B7 00 C i î Ç u n i l p î m e , 0 0 t Ét e i r ti s - H u in c is t sa d T e n o n V o c a i t , i i i g i v e 9 p M 9 0 0 0c . p o s a i o n c o ue s e s . th e m P a p a la r 10, ' f 41)0 e 1 tuS a0 c. Ancislo t e as EN EN î..- M u sical E n tertain rnen t l4argeriachines mae, if equirea i ADMISIOS TOTHECENTNNIL.-TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. Tic total tiumber et admissions tetth. On te Son g of Oîr Native Land, asi per- 4 C c u î u c u i l, t a m M y 1 0 10 N v e m b r hrm e t b ,' t ie t b e fo r c is E x e e l e n ry t e W e u g ge t t h e p o p uie ty af p u tti u g lu p ip e s fo r g s e v e n th o g li n e t m m e d ia tel ,' 10 vas 9,910,966. Conutets ohfueia Du ifenin. sudlIsOttatwa.t gpuchsbuug a gai machine. as lthe expense oh puttiutg in pipes, if doenc aI Ottav. lie praper urne, ta lrili.ng- If lehi unti afler lice building us completed, tic,' van ,ct te HORRIBLE DEIIAor àF A Toat LAD.- Mr. Jamcea F. Hardy viii presîdo at tht intratinceti, but tic expens. is consiuisrabl,' greater, andtihic occupants of lice bouse se O u T c u r d a , i a l s o n n l a n a o u l P ia n o fo r te a n.4 O gg a . m o r e o u- le s s in c o nv e iu e n e . h d n a m , p ip e s , s u c h a s a r c u s od nt hebu ie n tr o d u c tio n eh O u h u r d a y l u t a o u n l a n a e d A d m is s io n 1u C e n ts . R e sem v e ti S e st 0 c o a l g is a ra n a c tic t . Johnu Locke, belvecu thiuteeu and faur- Cents. CIildrun, ccompinitul b,' thiieu We invitecocrreepoudcnc, front an,' oO n he iabnJdiag sud cooteouplating Ib- aitra- tou yeassoetage, vas kitiid h,'tics parncts, c15 Cents. Dooma open aI 7,30. duction of gas. W. shal tutogladti a advis, î-ti suti as uo oie esct =aimermof puttmingiain aavicinucfeta sand-taauk at Kerr's pit, Eûterlainmient commentes at 8a'ochk. pipes, anti otiucm details. Mui have campetenî vamkmtn in aur emplo,',,,ho via sa endti t ueît et Caroline mmcclt, Hamilton. GOD SAVE THE QUEEN. ait, part oh tht coucntry to pipa buildings, set mnachines, &co. W. so itit su opportunlit,' Tht ihian,'fouoc o Enlauc, mii- --10ta tinats upon the culire vomk tof piplng, ftuisiîg machcine, gas future!, &c., coaci The miltary fo ceCofTY 0F W 'liIT i-plate, resdy ta liglut up. tOur arr ng m ents art suai, lia t vo tan comp te viti an,'do- usa, ,'eomanr,asd valuleers inalutleul,-, YADPCEIG in reckoned at 470,76, of whic 191,- oftuhe et posible, esuls frm our machines, tr in l1cag hrei nunii 884 are rgnar trops. Tic uast,'Tic Membere of tic aovo Socielty intenul sponsitilit,' eting n us. Iu lit,, a in many her kints af business, ucensedepents IRg oua c rog underetantiing anti taîthatul exeoution et detaile. 1 , 6 8 7 , 0 1 e 0 t r o o p a e tf l a r m e a m i c a s s e s , S a i n t , b , ' n c a n g n g s u i i l o tni pg o.a t i , v a t l c c a r m a b n a v t a i ulti s naval ta rce.ef 18,000. The Ans- F E S T I V A L AOIE 500 cm tho Davy. Iai,'lisu750,000 maen in lie amtuy, anti 10,000 aItons»: Greece, 410,000 landl forces; Turky eau nioter 810,000 fic'tiug men; Poumnanis nunaera800000mcm avlliabou 14. 'e S HEDATTHEW. olict ader fo Gaalie. Ulmalieseue,,t,,e o cliaT.e-.Van. ail auu .i.... promlpti,. Ve tomnista the, btst qua ity euf ului at muarket rmaies, W. manufacturo Iran PPRauaamvOF PaxCcut EmWAva aISLAN.-Gu-,ta stivit,' prevails in ail ttheic bppigprs tPice R-cward Ilandct. Pe'gtlles aàre usal,' poil set pleutifnl, antischow tice largeut ,'iolu tir8 0years. Vessels are ici demamcu for carrig produe tamarket. Heavy ptircîcases ut oats.tor export to Bnitainu bave beu made, anti the ilandeors tiul -if lie,' laul lie Bit,' Vi.re Canal antia Reauprocut,' Trest,' vîihliceUnited 8hates, lie,' vould speedil,' beceme idi. r TU3E MîeuÂeAo )RAxuvy.-Tha Tovr Ceuncil ei Port Hope liave eceivet proposai trrmMm. Hugel cf lie Mii. Inut Railva,, te e cfeat liaI Ilue rovu siali grant tau the resd $100,000 in flambeur dabenlurca, la bear six peu -cent. inlercet, villa a sinking tnund ai tva per ocent.Th'llce 1hon lumber andi tilinbem ceming- troua Oriis hotube set aside tu psy the abon. interest ; a.t;if these bu lleaould prove hnsufficieuh, lie bautliotîta' trusues te gino a guism- sntee lIasthe is eea vitlic mci. Unîler presena cimacustunsua t sp- peara tuaunsver,' nulikel,' tial lie amucut seugit viii be conîributet. More ligbi upea aie affaira oftthe moted L4i uetded, andl he likel,' ta 1,.inaltet upon betome 80 largeas au s graulet. BzELvLîucNclcae et an applica tien te the Loal Legieasîre for in cita iucemporsticg thie va S a it,'. BaR-TISHaGUN0TmuosTea.-'lie loua oet lie bmcîhsh quiaboat Lauving Off Chetea, aSt tue mil steamer Winidsor Citstltm, near Cspp ToWu, ha aunounna. Nu livea s eelosi. Taz HAxiti.PANT m Câ.SE.-Iu the. ak.peai tthe Judicai Cemtiilte.eofthIle Privy 00=o1an hlueisos» a. Hcel V. he flou. Louis Ptunet,-decisio bass been givcu ici avocur ofthtIi.appellant sud m.vemsicig lie-previous eqalejuo. Tauu LAR CISLANDS SDis(RGoED. -Tbree large islanqias off tli ceasîao' Bencgal, contaioiug a umopuation of 840.,. 000, vcee ubmerged b,' ai. vave on tic 418t Octcher, ocnrt Io thirds efthîle [ulhaiactante otoaig liait livea. Ami ont. break e! choiera wuts ieamly expectud, ewing ho -&lie ezaiua rami the puîmefyiacg bodies, 0O OD)DFELLOWS' HALL, WHITBY, ST/turstuuyLu 't.tirug, Ytotcnnber . SOt. Tice cveninV's Entertainmenî il doualat of Speeches, Saoagi anti Rectaîtans. Tic Otittellova Baud bai kindi,' aonsent- oeti ta he in attenianoe, asud 'tWe'l Iha, a iPiper ta gie nis s hisu, a blain." Tic.caon- mcttce au-e determinedti ta ke luis Fetialui d hie emof thle seasun. 1 hTesî 1 lbe sarvoti by Mr. Cullen at 7 p un, TQ KE S ôotit oaci, te bc liati froni y Mosarrs. R. H. Jamcac, John Ferguson, Hacoictoc & Co., S. W. B. Smith, itîr Smih, J. S. Rabortteon, Laing &t Stewart. anti Jamccs Pringle, Wbithy; H. Baxîcu-, SBroughamu; Ales MeNai, Chîemool; J. iL. Margaui DuSInu'a Crek. R.H AMiISON, C. C. MCGLASIIA'§t' Presîient. Socretar,'. cWhilliy, Nov. 21, 1876. 2ia-hi T ARFi NUTICE laI thic nderuhid E lire Adalis, cf tic Townsipofaest iWhi'by, tn tic Cotint,' cf Cularn, Widow, r sil,et the exl ration oh Ivent, dams afteu- f ths ntic, r Ueapplication unla Zachena Bumaiaum, Esquire. Jutigceofthle Ccunty Court f tice Coucit, cf Ontrio ta c ap. fpoin ec Guartiusn ofMay Elizcifeti Adam, Anunie Frances Atis,Jan Heur,'Adas, Jaseph Frederick Adîmus, sud Thomas Rd. gau-aim, ail cf lie said Towbsicip ef East W bîthu,' inhant ciiltiren et Heur,' Adiams, tata cf iii.sabi Townshitpcf Eail Whitby, Yeoman, deceasei, wv i d iettcîe, ELIZA'ADAMS. Daheti Novembor 22nd, 1846 W. H. ItILLINGS. de Saoletr for Petljoztar. ~IR8T LS GRAIN 'AND DAiET F CLASM FOR SA'LE. SeIng Lot Ne, 3, lu zat Cou., Fenelon, Tbrcc-qnarters ofah muilesouti o!flice Village of Cancanra,anti ou, mile Iruth le Cambra,' station o! th. Mitilanti tailvay ; if as ou s gtad raad laulang o Licitay,, seveta mileis natatn. Ib rains 157 ACRi, c f wviia baoct 120 acres are olcamati, vel cultIvatoti,- aud vel fenceti; lfaO tloughiug hi iii doue; balance of flaimà part îsmdvodincttading menue. ÀA cetuomlab>efmacas d*lllng vih lce-iouee, cistecci-itever.taillug - volt,- ce. Tice tafa v i ell vatencti b,' ve.tLiing sîreanTis-r.lpmtn oa u lie isisuace te sui purtissen. For tuntien parllaulars, addresm for tlue eks. sV. BOWLIRMAN, a-48 -Cambra, FAB' FoR BALE I Near thevillage ci Bayfield, adjolning bic, tcev harbur;un, un icti lis betig x or CpperTank taN are fraeLuc asOs I have have bal anc oh Josephc Pluillips'& Cui'u. Air Guis Muachines iu usc ah mylace tu ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~, lotiiufuumulegtenmontis. .From iny,'expeince I a=u anti-lied vitle prnccipîseoftheicMacine. 'rie gss i. of a supeior qushit,', acuti conomhcai, toonto, April 11, 1876. EutaJ ~vs ù0 Light Machin,. M~ssis. Jaxu.u Pmu.îrs OCohawua, Marob 27ti, 1876. GEcivu.suu6i,...r Ave Ver,' gmet piasqUre tcc rau-OmmentiinIgycum Air OaiU 3£W,1 put auito cuir Culiege, as iubs givedu perfect satit-tatioua.-Yours, &c. - 150 Light Machine. A l uiu. Muasunu. J. PEIuLLIPS k Cc., Turonto. Oiv,2t iac 86 Dx&n Sins,-I -have nov bacu uiug ,'our Canîtian Air Gias Machcines fan about six mentis, iuciug wiici lie ilbas anevereti ali tie purpoat I1acticipatet, ud'9vic YILio varranîtd betoro mntroduinit buta nu,'dvelliog. lt requimes ver,'Little attention, anti is neatili,'maniged. Ticeligit is goati, antifren ic the iptutit,' ai ticsconatructian nf lie Machcne, antd conisequant oheappess, shaulti came inta general use. Tcuaos. XN.CucuSa. 75 Liplct Machinet. Massas.Scovu Pcuuuups. - by,, Nov. 22nd, 187. GzuITu .-Yaun air gaut nai inînotincedti m n, store at rbibh, gimos complete sitis- fiction, Tîce machine wonrki la a chou-an, anti 1 soi sameti s lange amonttcf labour ati eaeusc, eities the stivaumuages oh ataanliocs and a mon,' supea-orlaragîl. AozUBICaUiuaL AND Auuvs AsaecutâTos, Toamasva, 1874. Claie5-3 Section 95. Ne. 59. Aricle-Cenatien Air Gai Macbhi. -Exbb-itnr-Jota. Pilipa. s SC I&ri P-HIL:LI PS, SOLE MANUPACTURERS OF THE CANADIAN AIR rGA MACINE PLUMBE.RS, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, 158 YORK 3TREET, TDROIYTO. rfmWkCloatta, Pal Green Black 'Green- Moofr -50 et ory Raisins i Oranget LI( Brandies, ALES' BBss's Yi -battà, GZt 1pint Ports HRams, si Hame, Bni Flour, n FaIl, Crac ham Floux meal, FIRE'S Qysters, Fi BI incuding- Ediburgh JAMS, JELLIJ CANI Pickles --Mustaxcds-1 Pure -Ez Reckitt'sC BU: Hyaointhes qc Gao ýf

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