Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1876, p. 2

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vvra - credit on the position into whEh th~ veia " yn"nNte onl>eeVfÅ¡r TIJ4en~ïn 0ooks. hava jostled themselres. Whitby h il ie othier for Hayes. Th.e(%ilj. abmundauw. afincoh btemariland Senate will delr Wheeler eleted,-th Soau GilWatd , ituitellgee hodnore uerDemocrati. Hous. will dep1eare Wildo /Pa6'ot Støv. P~Ipe 4he stigme of being repr eete4 by in. cHpseni 'hetd Gr a W init h N vorçer- epablea whoQ. only r'eong ens atea t ae twhlmlauguat See al.- W, Willlor. are allar. amount of bras. sad ian- Meantia meiGra i1rh~u nafunaedo Pe 4àyrd Use sesa e bumeptiounem. W % desir. Preeldent, ad inter om,' the1 buo a to varn ah. ratepayers advaucno.not rmoadnayy he b pieas. to susta phadge;eheir VOtes unti they 'alhave * ii ..eole, who tdo not van I Be.taed who are 4h. aam'* in v, hoei senit, anS ah. mat Lt a. lld, and to remember tbat, in ini a vision siitten ye5. ug vii hv Ã"NLY st so PER ANNUM. ityln charge af aour civi. affairs, they (la thi. eonneotion it ay be stated a t~,hîrday, Nov. 80, 1876 anu dl4radng au f. vhIowh shai ha emaaael..s aa e.vi pr --- -- . be both'digifiedl and honoarabp, hap. accept 'lrge professional fees ta An Otrae.' "Cotem f Cdeciare ever.y breaoh of ah. Constitu. h eo eBerf ou e. ton q u ît c u ti o ê ana.) M y> frien d 's rTi.!lein Talegrapha coatains an Mr. Houston, one of ah. el5 vf as laughed at, aiofors. but ifrouad roil aartlng ln a journal of thiji wrote a lettar to the Pailoey' Adeateaf some favor among Repaliieans iu ' 2P anoea Afer a review of tie grow- commenting aon tha je igment delier- harula , anriftism f o rrctm ae t e a shon , if t ay s ta ah. I O4 t partp oud by M r. Justice W ilson ln the [bel uatli ag s im o sb l e r e te i s ah an y it o uL app a ya, y ai. Irue Cnadian, ase of si ng on v. W ikinson. Th Grant han never thoughti him sef paiol. thea info fr a suppression ai letter was signed "Anothe~r Befrne"," i l for his service in putting down p uso tat oural y-wom ut o th puliser f te oÃ¥ng the rebellion, and, h.. never doubted 'ow. .suere sppose --the Cathoil paper helg broughta iuta courN, its ras. tse n e Hae, tog n h.sha. Jilnsaper*d~til eorm e lonorlai itPanlbîy was avcowed by Mfr. Houston positive aversion Lo Til len-as strong. i' tew asor taft u cfIol , " as the writer. Wir. Houston als fie apparently, as his hatred of Charles J stao'/,, la up to thie moment a latter apologizing to tise court sud , oSumer. But ha over-eatimates his flag; hs ben lftr an no ordMr.Wilknso th defndavow influence in thea nation, and even niee /ogay h/ua ldeintae and oppor i. lin ser tse dafoant mu h. mong his own party' followers. tio te or. rlet na rins whooîai the auit. U. ise creumstaances, iohi an dia or rm nTMstw ita <h o ser proceedings against him vere D Ba PEaa PATb r rr ärova Pazu.--T his pel4 Co h l gjer nh imuen ap discontinued, and he was ordered .ta new invention, for wich a paent has hp rdh, o st'e l.a rcon ! t i s Cl, j psy tise c ts f the, application to be an taken ont by our, lever tow arm an, .Uurh., a împcu tsalierty of any' court. Mr. .Johnu Drajer (aon cf Mr. Draper of pro.> tse -~ufues fr the benelit cf On Monday' Mr. Dalton McCaorthsy the diagistry ofiee), will prove n grat pr>,lau outrage that demanda gen- aleo appliedl te thea Court of ue's desidaratumi te tise ioholul 13. orai reprobaton. Our, "refortm, cou. Beach forari esswcn.vs'~ts seaon a outhc ou sehold.u t o ntamRarary .cf IBerlin, referring to .thae -crimiînal nforole tou shwouo ne evspie l ee a by eac riv1etngthof eneth erfo reao, as ot iu g . ha r. ga s Hon. George Brown for the di edges at the ther--ara eonnected by. Geumeo tafic i. c u'a. oi aw ha e notorous artilme in the Globe on the an adjustable joint. Thia joint is sin- cad~eo 101 h O P copa of ha. their' same subject. A roda nie wa granted PI>. formodI by two lugs, rivetîed one onu aprvZ / bot not, thsan it oughot by' Chief Justice Harrison. eachs sida cf thea sesu su eua boie ruidenît thfat err'oneous opinions . . • ether b n ase acn seyured topic. upntfapoint should not be perhit. Tsex FLoGOO<o or Haar CarnTStLL. tino atoypas scew. by puts topplica. faei ta t n, f i ~tin adm e p- u hm n ofau j ct te le se curely and readit, an dl all tihe an.- m/' tfo t la dnc~wac/ the Liberal sastetc tis cal ai tise gaoi au noying difliculties hieretofor acne. P / //uPrvnc soldhaeMondayv afternoon. Thse prisoner, it aod - tia recsadu nenywter- "f/air' o',Ooofl riot aOo f T bSiOh.let rcl tis readers raer•s adotabi1 e waepp oint i of the Is h anadiae n as t he enudr t e p ît otra g von twiu o r aut at . tt ise niig te sava a world of vea -a of is Ireb Çona lin oa f/c tniper onree po tv lie girls, lion, indeponodent cf tishneri acry utoo and enlcouragemntî of thea sud seutencedl by. Judge Dartuell to si assured by .ts grar ecr.y CatUoçs/c oosh-tal/ or clorcal." Thsia routha' andl te be whsippeol tvice, yre. use. upiniont o r a i supression f tisa free ei ng f een lah s eachs time, during B o k N otice . andS M agazines,. C holir j n i ut an l a journal by' tie .s er ni f im prisonm ent. T isa firast t Coîliiisops nadle on balsf of tise inatalment cf tise punishmeant of th I3ELFoua's MAGAZINE,.We welcomen w iarty of tieformu is car'cie tiste a. lash vas admsinistaredl, as aboya statedl tihe recaipL of this Catnadiau Magazine a toaIhs emre Tela traaphrepeataed ou onday afternoon, na tise presence tco nctuni Tir a isgi exet.< wloa'oo ise Darle Telegrph sold tis~t c tise Shrlif, Dr Onun, ac surgeon tin, iic v se a efrm cf its '1foilofruuosu of Ontarjo are en. lr. arnin, gpvernor cf tisa gaol ; Mr. appearance sud contents havev nout beene ti toif have Borna ansawer to tlo,,, Jacobs Bryau, highs consable, anc1 tihe disappointed. Thea Magazine coneirom p< pt'u qoguationa," 'representative cf tise CuncrCîLE. Tis tisa favorablceopinicn tisai has bea fr a Thes attempt nmado, luinth nm cf flogginig took pince lin v aroirooms ea Lima gaining ground cf tisa enteore tu l'iorat party', ta drive tho Cathsolie within tisa gaol, insteadî of in tise gai, prisa cf MassrB. Belfor.f Brothsers, aa oa Jlhlopsa te Iihe suppuression cf frac yard, whsere pareparations had beau Canaodian pubtihiers. Tihey are rapid n Pulilisa thsougist;' il anot a niatural mnado fer thae purposeon tihe audvice of 1ly wining thecir way inte public coufi. to gr'owîl cf Canoadian jonrnaism. Tise Dr. Gunn, an account cf tisa incîemency dance ly tisa bigh chsaracter cf thmeir ho tosae-a caiosearve in this ro f thoe weathear. Carumiîlwnas brougi publications as well as b> thseir jo lg r - thoing 'extraneous-the woring of a beig told te "strip," comenced blnb. literary merit. Tii Decemberi nn- uoliut'iouhand, Tise indlividual .most bering. :Fie was strippedl in a fev bor conlai tihe lopeing chiaptere fo dilretly louene i h cause assoail- vuiute wtite assistaes of tise nla of Lwoa serials whichs promise vwel- ta is tthe honorable C, l'. Fraser. As a meut) vwho alsu speedlily'lied tise via- Pasyn, and "Niehsolas Miaturu" by Dr. cia Catlolie lres' isai beent givous a plaoce i tim's handa anod strapped i fee to an [Iolland. Tisera are aleo entertaoining d Luî iosverunsme of Outoario tibut bseing iron beudstead raiaed agaiust tisa -ell. suad instructîive articles au "Uivrsmity PS • a S ch.Cnadin hs beau given it Cartmaill kept cryinmg aloud whsile ihis Consoihation lu Oostario,". "Ev--aio p a ijlc.fJtosoo het dîeands of the ,a .einag dans tise vieller oaf tise et. la tie abry," "Tpics of' thes Ti'np<," Fri dahnis t be cceped--c'-ne tails teling him-".Youaed't Preservaio of a'our Foreste ; with notes cit tat th Cahoiioo s o On a io m bce pnt a cre'db es .ng yo ; if n a set n e ucation, m u4ic, s cie ce, eut n few ow - "u of if aeriash toosd, wij[ ui oepan.te Ceatral pmrison tisai'swisera yon'd comme pae.8 tredl thsrougis tise - neas a reprouentative whis nfot 5have got it. I've seeni fellovs in the nimober there ar 1 ew pleces of Csoami rlia i smn. Wisile w, sisouli service nt lsf your etishai vouin't poetry--oneith aolodlloîstration. feel far froru agreeing vis ouir Toronto nrinal fouir imes as much."' Thepra Tise othser illustrations lin tihe numbur - ontmuiporary lu thae expresaiousrtir ad-. enar pro.scuted a hsealthy, atout, mus- a r aloutelluexecuted. pTge wlae_ vuc'oy of ny aucis extreme opinions, ce r appearaonce. Ail beimmg rea, thea elan, ,rd a relia ce a ise to 4o te t 'reumitns that if, as va have lrItroke cf thae cat oîesdended upon tisa pubolisisers. - (w Joit roiiemarkt, Lima damsao af thmaIridet tisa bara bock, tise prisoner aryinag THE RURAL Nmu Yencs- a e () rur' occupp sioupte, gen Lr a ouîceOhvî oflanyveraol.Oha I eht pagea, eathuse le v, neate ipl(s)a speech 'ai Duooovîial dmurng thest iearey 1" Tise firat eut vas di-limaeed tien and ful of scleie e ad p (e)tca luhucmitts ira ti Can iss onai n C uose g enrtîys giourver tial efi agriculir i au' tiafamli cirel Ct l hd ard 'iiol dirowtty ait +ho positinon of ahotaîler, leaving livial marks uipon tise au indIispensabhle weekly-visitor. Its (e) * ioao wo ags.' with the' Iri,! Can- qusiveriug flesh. In two minuteaslise Editor in-Chief l is e celebratet Heot- mar Theaî 'i evident def.uuca oi of e i 'mtatroke, "fifteen," was caliled and cultu ra .8. uller, assotl wit A. "~ relis of Afr. F1raser train bin'to the lime unpleasoant apectacle endaud. Dr. Vilurd veia.lC ns pculeoatiihor' <6 r caa eof Mr. Seuil and M1r. Bllake, Gunan applied a lotion to tisa vota.la, tisey are assistedi b>' sais meunas WVill'-G liotu îi.all thseurefloecion~ in sug. tise prisoner's ccoat vas hanstily' put eover am Robinson, Chamrles Downîing, divi Teelu hlmb 'n i S uridt iieu James Vick' ad manay olthr af eîi TeeUool, iuntaural as La apspearae aobbang and mnoaning pitifully'. eminence lu their reepecties iatequa la lu tise ordinary'courae of f'ournalism, Thmis le the firsi occaion ou wi-h and.practical apecilîties. Ive sentii 1. masîy tit traced biuy suspiîcion to lthe per- t hapunishmsesnt cf tise oal lias 'been li'- tuerai toe to tisai high sCanda-d whsichi rompe senailusnterest of isa locail Minsistar cf flictedl in Whmiby gacl. Tise fearse of fis t it for auny fiamiith Cloansi. Tisa Nort Pn a ors: oud r.Fraers s.application, it ls to be hoed, wvill in Itoosaisoulol reclipans 'oroail> aurise, alur annc av Cope hmt s n tise future prove e whsolesome terrer te pleasent stories for lesisuir r -aiu au' mari tha6iiiî he ov w ou t llaox sopevio edgad * ~ iae the~ avistane or .viders- -e eieut moral entertaiomnent for tihe 2. atoloDttebinailig iminerah Tnx CONC~nT gilvnn by Jeanie Wat- look f'or the intest expe-rmentsue and lis- tise c i n s o ft I c u a ' u a u l t c o u i~ H a nd e r o n , o u F r i o t y e n i u g t a t , I . r a v i s i b yt a k e t s , a o nur e a s , e o r p o t. u ns o ?f As Cîlo ic thila th w or toi tho ughi there w asa f ar an ul appriciativ'e every' product for sala, lu a dit/fon to O n i'a ch oubîa "I Ai u hounae vrte ualeîdane, vas not se well attenda i t Coa Its L'ubishiers, (tisa Rra Prubliis. marto lhausighte0t appir ee los no gromnnd for song" deserveol a bettr tura eut of her opc owhltmetofereu it acras 4. terfroue o th kid ;No ignta ounrymn ad cuntywoen.Thme only' 12.50 n year. Sendi. to tii-o foîr a e S fo he C toisa Church N w o n ta ry' entertainment throughot vas excellent pecimen copy, whichs tiey wili mail to Moes- of ini o C' îmr.c F r is o f i tise a mi tie iging f Jeanie W atson, if you free. ev r ol uo c m i a Fisue o*1.r. a> i d anything better than we have yet ieard D cx's R EcITATIONs ANcD REg No <-- m ark lis lu ant mual k s tee Ci &no p s Y arvood's orgn did dut>' for tie c- arefully com piled sel etion of humior Cao fo lise lees. Dlffering as ve have doue Mario Had wa ihyComne y oi, hathetic eoquent frid setinta pub ick. vith tise editeor o! tisa - Mr.Cne~ Hary.ligeea anu potry and rtsaTh futret St.H mpon usans> questions la Ch. pua, sud DEATIS os' Cntc JueroEa WsarrEmEc. lms and tisesesel foltecutre e. though no at approvlng o! his course oi -Chie! Justice Whiteside, cf tisa Cea! Dtolms ofe 'ovsie s c Catehem public poliley ln ramsiung qestions calen. cf Queen's Banda, Irelandl, dued on _ Dneatc vuovsb' A. Frasi, ad tlaed to kc'ep alve secional and nti: tSunday' tast, agedl 68. Ha had au m hu- A neaitsittle b> k . A. FFig rs, owns qa altpathtes,n lthIis-la upholding portat legal sud political career anS.d na pberishe byoik& Fizeald ra. 1 thea liberty of tisa Preus anS freedom af vas successful lu bath. He as 8a maie Srere sud CYorcaled, Da. c1.il o'p uic wef t a upant mie k e e te la alm any Im por ant po lical. a u exc e l n ro de a C haraeur m uks a i2 a uedi r 'ahi . Asa-thi ie ca , au oullagi a pronouneed Cati- • ctu tis'journal rasants tise ouI. meivutive, lu favor af Chercih sud State, WIDE AWÀKE s'en DeEaCEMBER 187. "Sui rage a! tisa »sutla Teerapho as au lu- vas selected ta defendi O'Conuneii lu '45, --Thea Deembutler WVide Awaka a'es "sothc li ta every' Catholla editor lu tise andl Smiths O'Brien asn& his comspanions vilh an amsfing story' cf sema younagia lu i 48, sud distinguised himssel' b>. lai. outlaws b>' Kate W. Hamilton, entitled Ahd.< a om n lecion te pst abek lp sund elaoun defee af tise State "Rabbi Heod rand Another Heood." i3 J Doz<msp Eetlostie ai ee. ricer uanbtt ocaens. qut iep e raing fer adlventur. fromi 'd. Mr. e , e Govten'mnt candi. Ma. Ronansas,su>a NSSAIN ie> boI . .'Rescued," a double- age froua 's et ~~eny M.Pop.,' -n RYSoR Sas beens lately mach ims. ter-, "Prince's Feathser," a full.pg i. tien o Oppositiuoun, lu Quen'.. County, P. E. I. praved- anS enarged, not oI>'u e ustratedi poaem b>' Mar E. J3aew, SonPa o Mr. Popes's tsujority la 85. And ahi, gards thse preumiqes, but in tise Isamt l ogeaSe ih thssefrai, b>'e prs Caacoua Ina constikeenq Atety represented by. qu'ality sand contense o! ah. vans , o aes, ofu"it>'derell, lis Mrt. kCelaroaio Hq•s Mt. tuairit, appointled Governor of atocki wIih which is ssives arvae file inWd va e ba esiae orepub. - lik ns Zeewa fu; , Mr. Robertaon exhsibits remarabhle n- lishing fine pemnss. pu- In ahi county>'of Jacqnas laiter, terpise in is bnainesa, in enyn-pranups paid. Ell ac.r b Q ee, i.Lfammri se 'nov Mis eari>y ahi tihe latest <publications ep Pul.ssa Boton Mothrop & Co., ederea hAd s heee*gi tcourhis rî.iee fro els oansd asaogs su av. EXAINATIcNs A Osaoosm HAL.. No.5 t o f h i te eth i~ m uo p e 5 b *'îu.a 3 u lug oo u ma sn y on ba u d ev e th in ' A o ag s tie g n tlem en wh o h av e u e- ( o D 42,M>iuy .for athe MI'slsfer, 28. amou s4 uinatian hetS duringahe prsorsen (9 C Tilqitus tiha hor tie Govern-. d obee uie' ym'ANI>- sfulle me ci Mr, .B Do frael large accesions af immigrants. Min. Mr. ,T. G. Kelly, after n oral . sim roit P*eO'feAL.-We are pleuased to be ln, toc, appears ta ha prosperous in . Fi o aiu1to t at~ss Mr, Sheiffi Bteynolds'sth differeni Ieoalities prospectedi. Iu AcDnatTTED To TrHE BÂu.-Mr., F. W. sort ai d~~vng, H. vas aWe toapaper receivedl by> eur towsman, Casey', of thiL leva, ha, bueean admnitialted slna 3# 0 ody ncml r . G. MoDouigall, from bi. a ibarister. - rinu> tae req~ iourisg h is Prese b roth er t S trostan d,. v s du th at T a xi M . O. & W . .- i t s. exp o a l c sa Wvequ1$ ~ ~ at where there bercoul>' two vwhites tisa tise Montreat Otîswa &xpeted lise vem t îe long o m f P v, . o thsa nt d, by Chuli s .,eb rnnn g to G renville c iî of Ahiahas Tu' n...'Jn.. ' on-. --.....cerate hopelitaanhas af " osmbc layer, ai sea o ea fn. th ln living, Oair aaala t masny candidates presenting lihemselves. "ea rawSnef e "t"paacenhsqie ueie f rons raious para. of thse 4county. The M ome tha r ma see ue." ' Mi. Pareweil sîated tIsaI lu ths ab.- teaherwhois mbtios o wok "Aup horrble sight soueon losad itssIf.W sence ofai witneus' ta prove thê iret Iacre vaise for amitionlf as vartsoq . te-( mrs). marriage, who was expected b>' tise apuinganf Isumeeli ed am 8.e~l Form a sntence contaiaing <wo next train, lhe weul roceed ta givaas tees,7 vise ay hiecurios <o "nvmin hoa pareol with others ; boys sd girls who 4. Write a lter te a frind giving thfaeaethoise curchand'o thrag ed wish o ge ther firt cetifiste lhm au accountl of whsat youm have beenau re tecrmn o arae vnot el tai anint ertia the ex.i rkin dring the last six mpths-(24 tv em Craford anmd Mary Jane, an a arnnaton o b hld n te Witb •On' cross-examination b>' Mi. Me tOa H ig ho S oihool. It is t a b a noted tiat M Essas. H3 au & B a cTu E it have gi e nc s e ate 'Nas e i e M r. Oue candidates to be successful mut obtaina received fire sa.m of superir quality L a Wificako ounrelie Bava ola fft y p r cen ai' lthe ag regate m arks direct ro ns E sg and, w hich tie >' are M r. L aird -(aumiling 'iî an l ) R iss (iai of aul tisa subjece and flhirfy par cent in selinug ver>' chesap. They> hsve au im- aeottecriiae bteapio.a each. . mens. stock af hard ware, sund for r, after le ceresmony hai -en per. Pot N o 1 .- A I T H M E T EC .. . p c î W i K s to r e s s d ¢o a l h e a te rs c a n s at b I f o tale d , se • h i w o d see tm e > a m . ug R E Q U I E Da . ) F s w a b e a t e n . s e r .o l t i s c e. d i s t e ye v a u l a u e 1. Bought 19 yds. Irish linemn at M Esss. W . . glotIE C e,- Isave Mn c rmoMta thr u ah t a cour qmam and Wo 5/4, 16¾ yids. caio atI1/8, anda 10½ yds. jut openedl a spiendidasraat~ rh lieMianutnfrteqesinsW inllar 8/ iald eamute tisentti.avgod wio-Lis> the atteatien ci ria. Griersons, gave e"idence as to Sac i. <htArs antgeter c/ f56o 2o. usiomars. [See advt.] lssnig a warranst for, the apprehension 'ihe 2/7 of 3 gunas, ndi .27 repeater ci £1 Ta WO ¯¯w IOS E oîrl i hîtt an ,s tn i er'io ainbeor uid 1 8 . 6 <i., a n d re od u c e 1h e re eu lt to t ie H E . n Nns roo E s s f k l e ad a tis cp rs ge r s a i a v t o in s - 'r s decim al of £25. axasal c a ac e - um uuof t e ina et he a! v rg ean Ha ca.d ApT 8. Ifsa pipa discharge 2 had. 23 gs. certainty' of a, nui hopes f a pathedl titted ita acordingly.for trial. Aps 2 q. 1pt. of' water in ee h ur, la h ow us pesce. [T isa i esms expectedl for tie prose. 0* mam hurs will iltadischarge il hsai. ention no having arrsiied, tie case vas Ca ga2 . 1 8/5pI., the waote- fowing vils BooTsi AND SHOaEs.--A large stock at alloweda tostndo ove- ntil to-morrsow.] dior tisa ame vaiocity ? 'John Sacunders's. Comifortableoa-Strl>,Nv 5 Tusi 4.* * a o shes and roibbers for tishver.Ts winterover-!Sturdcay, Nov. 25u. -rr . A mna' anun uicome le $2400.;aigo h cs a eu. finda how much he mn>' spendl per ai' NEw HsToRY os' TE DMNca.-le. se tiai afer- payiug a tax of 2 ents 7. W e have ju il receiaved Lie firet rt of T isa prosecutrix, astout andl buxomi fer mii on avrasy dllar of income ha ns>' tie naw Iusutrated History f th Do. goodl ooking young womn of (le ap- of! eav $52 ayer (5 dys.eninion ai' Canada, b>' Professor parane.) between 25 to 28, vas ps-eu. oper a. A- room is8 tln yes-(121acy. Chartes Rl Tuttle of Nova Scolia. Tisa euh, as vas aise Cisc following itnes suad fet wisde ; fiond lie diff..rene in tihe osk when complta-e wiii coui of Io za eaL Qmnanr g iraI>'y psogaugdlo epneof carpeting it with arpet a arge qasrto volumns of oves- 800 pages ass sai a i vanursu o itis maegh- delic ypardwie ats.0ayad n itt ach, ndo embraceing togeothser aboeut ,i l a rsn ttemr ae yarpd 2 vinc le a t 4 sr.15 ai viCia 200 fult pige steei, voodi and sicone en. imge ceaermon on tIse 17th day ut' by tl 7. I 16 al - . g avi gs. It s b far the m os m a . >, 1875. She proveod lias ignatusa. tit roa aen- faadirew ocen iorkeeverorodeade reanydnb>. dP u misanya eubi4 inchess lr ontain'td in aes- aois Tsg uîr bus aonîrasoan and; Eizaeth bv. eaosge E. Harmsviser pioas ntîl iceir osedud un i torsicali writer. His mnys works.Qoinnec piail 2 * ~ alrealy' r-ubli shed fi sch U ioted State a .Cros.exam m eod by. M r. M ocM illan selvei 8. Tlree men cau mow as fishlu n are clasalSe aong Cthe tsandard ierar- i'ties soaese uiSn kunow ta po ay a ; lthe>' m owvîtgete r fr two udays' prooductions ni that couta-. W itih i. te po-sec trx ;s e k e ser fo a z nd then one ofi them cease a work, n do e .cellent qu aiißcautions f r tihe taeck t, ye nss ; Cith >' ha-i gone to school to and is the othser twoa fliniah thaeCfild in 7 daya; oand hsm layai daterminaious of prosine--gteRfsdt.elcuslhrs"7 mu low long ithe man whmo cased ing e work tisat sha[h givea tise citiZansow ae-A itdtohecutb oor k t tie n al of th e seco uai day et' lie D am inion tie m uc h an eedeal la- eas 21 asi Jan uary. N eve-r com paredi 4 tte ui eav taena ta mow lise whsoe tellicence regarodiun tie general progrea ae vi1 rse archnIot 9.i Ao imnf solvto cil>' lois for $600) Ui'tedo mstîas ado the poterem teuntse setf ea.e that ponr' ue ach outhe ne e ganed¾ Uufthe sucl rinird oanaian Madvanceune soail lue awas 25. Prisoner,'s letters were .Wi s e it cs ti , und. le gthueo oferise nin a thc'- i fCdustriearts andrarseee o threceed lo her utder cove-r for lu-.. is uni nor r.e il case p rai cont him; oitnrs hia' hiiliindustesav arits ana PXctaa Crawford. Swore to huis hsand writing. lier n re o ss o n th e s a is f t isa t vo lo ts. et h is h a a d a o rk ni' g ra t p u b lic its r a i n g ca use al s aun e -m i, n d oi; h t t o f o r - $ 4 3 5 , b o n g hl e u o n a e r i o t r a e sd w s e n l a ce , t o e a n l y v o s i O n e i d a , J a >y . 2 , 8 7 6 . h r a um ber of th sem for 483 n head ifir the engr in us, w hichs em brace Do m inion " DEAR W IFE' "-- e aisii a I s nm f 8 155, g in in g . 68 0, for oties se suer y. an dl th a por Orra it o f' h o- n i rit e y en thisa e fe w li u, v5i V mw m u c h p e r be a d m u t l i a a n t i t i e c i n g u i m e d l n e n i o f t i e p a t a n d 1 p - e l a l e ,t y e Io u în o t h a t i a u n w a t , h io p i n g n o n d e m a in der so as t e g a in 4 0 0 m osre . - n t . t ta p r ee m inoen tly a v ar ia ef t in ira ou thCe sia . i re eiv e do y ou r p u o Vote.-Te k f~ il-igh mort anal a great litbrary3 excellenuco. uiootl assa kind leCtter' andsal rec urto.adwl eamoueto oo ohr htyudd o has-as sorry' to 'rogm No. 2.- ORCA M MAR. the autoir anal hie cou r ys. Tiss pub. pinaun t Chriutmas. ea* * * . e lries 1. G i e he m a cu in o f m i shers îa 'e g ne to great ex p n a, ando ,i~ i oa ha lto i r ty girls ne on c hcl Agents rm stecase mayu ha. of' hero, su- ere.tshudmewthenrlslof eiwdfrtkioean adby nue. y i ly, foi o,u ; botier n ,e a y n1k Ý le c e z loo lne rp t asa fi sgo ; bloh e om parative an sd super tative .t it 'couts a o uth, at w hic hs pi ca it H ap >' tim e lu . a it ns> life. i e m va greesof ar, ill, founny; tie patst tenso i deesib aens, no one ca besi respects to Mr. anal Ms. Quinla!s E d pa iprticip oe of le a raait . s , a f r o e w t o t, an al a l t am ly~ A n od tati Jul>' i wiii 2. Parse ; "O u returning homue laet noro T o a w asour D o n -A strauie imtai w ili r-endlmy p cu r , visen se- -ley uniht, we fîound nomal .auil shockin< accidl--t occurod au , eds lhe-s. rN re ot pro<seul framu -mn nUc Cs arl shmna m-spi rolliieng itl cf ise Lsekîssaa your e ler tris, anal Affection husbanos-î pat ingsato ouron lontined abisences., irns ansi Cool Coumpany', ini Seraniton. T. CRAWFORD." .fer ali '45a mo ar) a.. aîinea beoc. ~0s hvwhicse ai ol wssomani, usnass " Autk Lîzey ut' n tis vli ucot sio asdase, s-e a-5inet ie. utrie loe'aiy, va toru Ca i-csa bv n-tan tiha pice." 'l "t.,Ct0 " ST a ta o f c u ir v c n e a ir t u sa i ! w i th lig h ti ngo - h k o r o p i oliey . I t va s i s n s tr. 3 0 , 1 8 7 , a ie s' h o in g " Co < a u r C o r t e s A la il e r , if a- a usOh h l t t r a . n t n i ug h t rf sa w n vw h e n lie t e a i e a i p s -e s a n t," le a v a - " i i ii A u c ti i s ronrumiisut feete eachs dreed ofs u n. îhrnbile uffsù- dourre 1, adMcNuilly, otbe home ior te waba. i Ioave got a yILLi Au . orrac ilu tho rntomni oflte t'ai- pas-ie o f tis car ta esois- vil-r nioc- ot rii linod i cas av apanii ing asnt aen , giing yonr rea s ns : s h I h a t o a ' bu vh iow h -, dotubtle s liaue atC tisa da nc lo as e ening ins theo 18 u Thea ris-r hasais!d six inchesa this didi not ses- ig lu is swift moion tovu hall." At 2 o'cl i nxatv vtinl ase qusite n i'ew aiitolani h f a vatiea rigs io hel i teti lie- "i bae eno0 u teuy Ireisoaf O f th e tw o H en s-i s, th i e is th e w as b u r ieed in fr a gum en s a n t th esa o iii, y to b e h a , im p osibi ty .Vii Duie tirw lal I would like ta'ouhlf au as-no edaneeningeamn oao fr a u os aytis wle Bu i m f n I v a t a n a l l a > ' d e v u t o r e s t . - ( 1 5 t h r i l l e d t h e n : w b l f a r o s e a i t o o l i - . w n i l vo y o u f o v ai h aii.a" a de F tr s k). Theiî soki n ffair soon ieacm OtsaI-e sing DarMgi" aoid so What is meant in, Ga'mmars by~ known. a wien te terrihle woel lu liser vlotters vas-en "earl a M.ioie"l Maser. abi)., "preposition," "gendar" 2_. atus e til la ts aparance told a fasfut tisav iosh m wrerpnriea ,auna p f îler ~o Intseowatcase arepr es-y. vilse foliowing ale e il edt? Give asesare o eah.-- M uru ai- A PasTm'so.-Great e-x- Osliawva, Oct. 7, 18763. furthser ai ark2 s-ea). epeo eco cils-ment has luPen createdl lu Vienne b>' -s. IsonnassiWiOî yai Be sa huinal oastie pusoh iums-ks). tle murder of a peostiman. Tise noue- To .anuls iiasobCicl-vnf- tser N o. .- CE O G R A P IIY . de rers, a u Italia n, acnt h im -f os reg is loid -etu r n a mh e if s d o C i l v u fromi theei f Nae heprncpa rves f .tared lattas-, which broughot tise lette- 5s aaou ait mshall take il Loe onst ueoo sa-id that sow spintp rissosltc et'E uirs'i-r up1 to luis o-com. Hle then mturo- nuowv intmdo to gat maerriedl, i am uX manily,fro hand <i teMediterra na se e ai boiou ail ransacked tisa tlltera, supasedl to lis-e my> life msie, you huave tso-cistai l a naman sayo whodie-aa co acris a-r asu aeoudt s 1,50 fs-cas.Ilm. Hla numbutggedî rie leng aeosgl, if you dloa laewsa is-a> nrin by> vstem.t-( 0 orvsarenotie asanill Retns-n thiose thsings i shait enter execution i)l.r rena > isril Pci-UAtîi.sTYs or THEr Euaon or- an actdoi for damages, so yen catn do register il N a l a s t ie m u n u t mi u- .a l in s o f A u sr a roA .- T h ei O E wpe ro r - o f A str a a v o ir C h o ic e , s e n d i t u e m O s- T a k e it 1o T h e trV e n d pe a e g v t ei oston 1 grat >' incras edu his pope arnyu w. ab tract, o ou rieso As- withtior 1a a potnen abandonin bthe priiag "T. Hl. CR A~WF-ORD."" oSier coin ant tc a a o filil o ea i C r0 o > l as-a tIs eH aps h ua r est t co tnei a il , o- M eM ib an a ls ren e f R lI s , rio or ma of he onuls o upaI fwar r xes.e wthea aunsue tise ourt' fortho-fences. Ha teok rab. lie unîdr sli ssc-toh aeto Loti dliu ;ernt a-s b>' atis iac Camiîb rts Osa marnia<'e,cnal dais s-lr sm ie berA D. W here cd w h at a -e the C ria ,is tu r n e t h a i n lr v n eb r t r a ru d e yct i se a taw. J rre v. Vu ietta, tisa H ebrsidens oa" PotAui E x s aToN .- It ie staC. vidence on th at point, b y nd t e occ , bhe E bro, ll s H a sîne, t ie tl re fe re s ce o t h i re s cent P la n a iLem e t ao f as-oren d M . L is-o Coat E nt octa Hian eerfe cr toiieu, thsat tut- Qseen isas orsderedi prisoner- gave ion is aie as 21 at thoe Cameli c. L eon e, C o rfu, Ju lan d .- ( îl et oa n n î s r îî ad s for d is la - io ca e e se o d c r m ny O n e o t~ N op8 Stt ua. i hepoito otinag lise eo-eerstand meus et' tise -Jarnes Laws-ie, fanorokey ai tise gasol, proviey ro lab n ain as:-Anlesle, postrn Lom- Artie shilps Albirt anal Discovery> ansi whlone evi-lence vent ta esew Cliihath oth ieby C aira, M-arae, er.naAntwirp, tise yacht Pandoria. vas preseut whiena tisa proeencurix s-lai. a, Ceraacit as, Oia iBvsin', CaneL-h rtfrCr elted vitness in lise gnol; utaimse jeeresl .icte, Pvia.-(12 Minas) Bi l ftCOtawon.-.i Frit fer was-oeceiv- at hims, and said ulhe thughst he waos Baissusi, No DeS.sributhei courek 'ftegs bu-f Otoisasi un atursaI y.a hes-C toca-e a garai Cime at n dansce in Oshs. -- wan, tie Rhine, anod he Richaelieu, nominaionr is fixei fan tie 7th peox , ie aishe na a-- ivthvats piena. TiEACs me tionte principal cifies or caO tisa aeetionu viii taou pince on mise an as his waifsue. vd ihpion h o oen thulst tw.-1 -ak. the, 'in. e-i vs avi kee ed®"- A versict îf zniliy wvas recordedo, and No.is es vo-l marksLIN .) lIe thietual pneus ofvim announ Jui Crafrds s-nteincedo to four n-oufths'at OD)DF No. 4-SPELING. ed tb a uant eras-ef porarnieLs liard lafour lu thoe Central Prson. tt tia ( maespesm-is lome rnm asuent eil s-nies endoru tisT ALweo'rauf peasure i)il The( naiphs ilaCeînueteuiotyiiesait ti/ .~.. ... -u.s' noensin dc articles l)Tie silent letters. A WATunis tUiEesAbu iii r issvn i nui arn Wnd- ivid filet lfies N. Y., Novc-. N7 -PtrEkED LAavty, wge c roisevinof ps-lil vatr On-a i lise îless e . D e a ; - m an in the freight ofice cf ba w Lt h.n g . Pr b b y n ar i l ev r o er d fe easi wind vas is'breah.- Islaîsa Railvay' at Hunter Point vas t e public iha m ai iths the same mtasingu tise 'i't fromund, vien t-li offcet va opetiasGu.ss ns Graey's Sys-up cf [teda Spo-u oiugh."usigs.'i' fons 'taze,' 'doe'. door was unlockedi andl tisa key> in the cf ils s-alua ns a fmli>' couahs t'nsd oeg.'-( aig ros. 'ze'aoloick, but notiinig lu Lie office was dis- isrgaa i yvtu rn rsceme y, oEh - the marks. - turbedi. Thera is no clue. Ha ltis te ainueitwhgrabnft. oat iiliaflloving combla. necondl watchman thsat hsas bea sie Ts.Hn-Lslsmac-Ny li- f lattera represents two vors-. et lise same place vitin tise et flu 0 eaTH raes E fs-nDIANs -raNe a-. anaS cae vwhat tise maning is yeas,at v bnu, recie fromau GFn.t BCrk' o fi uie chad when ha PscnouneP ite AaoiiAL or TwsE.--W, M. Tweed iSll, wnî h greaicdi otn sud thes un -o, savmeLowe rowca ol d inu a Nev Yrkt iat Fs-liday es-eu- juinea b'00 8uake sai ishushoneea I- aru :a). eLrudlowe a tre jas m- comnvaya-d te dliens. Tise commandl nov numbsian cent:--AlLyltrithmeeit, shar.2,000. Thea hostile Indians ara report-. e zso u I oa i , bi u m en, h aasns , H S Es w s zs T y S t H da oe it . . tisa aBd to e a tel r ai eu bo thu i des of the DICTATONS(TU a Jefr>' yns saee turer ha ged ou roea!>y bacoma Bussa 's il>ha large 'd y on e s-r e a a n y ,o n . p a re B u ,w a T B X L a w . -A b y -la w t e saise fseI Lak e Ladh a sen t ie a rb s- e a I nom per viis pair of mois. *i,000 for lime construction of n rail. Cronatadlt is closed-ta navigation. oeverthLiseeMzntbeenster ia.cthe oobiesiribas .I esPe teesnthle BULA.-uraradsf.br made n confession, in whsieb ha clahmse he wod. arsaxas.-orkiighLo naln Thfebsag thai ha vas serely a ool in tise 'hanîs e e li n g h u n g r y , I i nq u i r e d v i a i ln t is a g ro c e r y . s to r e o f M r . M c C o r m sa k , "f T e s . D i y u s s s " - i - a a be mghtexpct.Suds a Richraond utsrast, vas bonopen on "aDvLINH ".-grlnmd beia 5 ws-sol to e ha en, huit Sandla> nmght, bînt nothinîg touchedi. Isaela Bnrtmi, et' Toureno, intel>' rge unîeal eat' sui brietaED Acns azs os' F-T DUoss o vent ont elf hu s-insi 80 is dievel. e-piece fr-om ns> bs-asi an-1 told bus-gs bas giveni birtS to dangisEdr aingva sent ein orydrs Batrodayi, ian tisai It vnas late, anal tisai I Malta.gera Shwa ntoanaymBtrdy. ime 8h." usi amepleS tise ANeoTrzEn BavoaUTION rie MiEIco,- ANe AstABno NEvns'PAE la lie noeet nnna eaues.vaàh.eSu-A.reveiion lhas broean ont ein ha fentera e laandon. 'Thseditoa' . su, g' Of 1 tg o FaetOry Co on, White Cotton. cmeozgr, orrozNov. 29th, 1676. rng Wha..,,.. I1 10 @ $1 18 *ck ,y-1e , ,'8,,e @ 87e' ts.......... 40eie420 atoes .......... 5 0e gs. ... ... ... ... ..20e tte .2•• .... @22e ~ol---.....oi,;. 28@eo f, hind quarter.-.14 50 08 OU00 f, fore qure•••. 14 0> @a 14 50 epskins..... So 80@ Sog9 es. -.. ... -- ... ... .$4 60 @ $5 ons O nips........-.. Joec 'les, per bushel.... 0 @ 6ee ege.'.'.........•.11e @8. rots . . . . . - . . . . s @ 2 k, percwt¢........... $5 7 o eisens............ soa4 perpatr .p' 'onot.-Gmsawful ,.msd Cena ha sna lava viec goer l atyons cf digestion and iutriio: bv s carefuli appicatiion et lise f1is soi es ef vel-selae e cca, lis. p ately- flavored basea, vichl mn us anoy heavy doctor-s' boill." It se juidicious use et anch artlics et di a conrtituion, meay be gradtally bui ire Soating as-caSa us nay> in aibac as-er tisera is e veak pint. We nos e any a ftal safety kain onu s webl fte-iled vils puse bi neS si 'r>y nouishied frame."-Ciail Servic ettfe. Soldl in Pac-kets and 'Tins, i: lb., irbeflledl-'.'James Eps & Go vpaaisi e7Cisemies, 48 Thadnasdi nd to your Head and/ Hair ,ont del/ay Ug/ng ti/s, ood's ImprovedS Hein Restorativt ie any eotes, sait has ne eqai. Thei s-ad has new vegetable boni, proper. 'sla-s oe>'e bain te a acsy unar ir; rresteralhairs-t e yrmbn> li ramoeas danutruff iumors, scaly drnere. o articl p'-oo1aisasc o-ful afeet. 'fsy it, o-nil foru W-ood's coea Hlair Riatoative, sud on'at bsc -witho ny ethber earticle. So!d by aIll its lin tis ploie eud dealers ever. 'i-rad catuiedn manufacturera' fer bisa United Sstaid an.I Gansais, LYMAN, CLARK C~ G. ' DVERTTIEMENTS. C H A N C E R Y. ROyff o-s. JI'YL CIE. nsadeon Ibis caeanol odersn spct -ivelv, Lise 20ith day ut sepoa- 2,aa Os it day ef Octohe-r 1876, H-. atrtnelt, Esqumre, ioater of this eerWatthe "y Tieasl Wasl, Ga- tts Qo °u Heal" lu° ls thE owF y4NIN TON. DAY OF DECEMBERI 1873, oct in tue afternoon, lise feolv•tg No ii fosem u tis vn 'ton, ns tlaid out in tisa pln et the 00 tise mai siare et tis Vilg tonanS in e na uiaua s ey high, viih a trame kitchen ai- ixS3,an onSest orseyhIighs. rfe p oesi a i p me onetihe sum of tva huendred dollars itin tis tsereafter, sud bise balance et sse rooney in eue or twon yess day et sosie ; bo be secuured ai the ie sparohse- y ntatute>osrrt - om fisc day of aTo. such mort-gage s sces enanti leinsure tor31200. Thie ; thw Vndr il preparalsouueye aid se mnrtgage atis wnv ex pansa. ns- wii ean1y po'oîouce Regietrar's and wili not bse bound te produce litîs as-ah usa ning condlitiou -ts r p ru c s a o app ly' to G. G- oigneod Master of dise Cens-b.an Wisitby tus 2Ueth day ot Nos-em-. G. H. DARTNELLer 'R A YtI to tise preanises cf thse suibsoisiber 111h con. et Wh tb, aae sdt es-e> anS take tiems eaway, othear. iia dlisposed et ln due course to Ar y P WsIsGHTON Balsamo P. O,. us- 29tihu 1878. 3in*-49 F ING OF' THE GOSPEL I ual et Geai viiloih preacsedl (GoS vuluiog)lu is .3rd,- and inOthe evLni DAY, DCEMBJP 8ry, ord A. CECILC. & MR J DUN~LQP. Th'fe Coeming et dia Lord Dravets nlish" JWhitby Nov-. 29. 1876 ., ' 0 T IGCE I ' Adesons Union Sabaths Schsool, aI Lise residenne et MES. TILL, Hnamers's Gos-uers, en Tunesday Evseniug, tise Omis Dec. 'rean cemi nemg at 7 clc. k As la 25 Witlj, Nov. 29, 1876- '49 WN T Y.EI G HTH Y E A-R 'fhe GreatFButan ei ug-ilturat snd R6duced jts 8ubscrjptjon Pr/os tae atiuta sreda unD eÂfara valus ta tisa Fatras Hoîiultrlî Leo stock G*sve. lha Dairynsan, tisa He ea- vite. lie <ils and Beys. ni itCa Mas-kai Repes sa al pujes r devotedi to Hiouissoid oeeelpes lasai ateig îCsins Nesws, anS ai Lele ci lotereut ta lihe family'. Tus il compr-ises TWO PAPERS IN ONE i t'nd ts' hi a, two-edged swsos-S into th i DIE8 GOD~ SHALS LOVS, GHOIESER HOISE-Y and MANTLE S, LARGE IPURCHA SE S FUitbefRS LADIE St, GENTS' AND CL DRENS' EAR, We are prepared to sou them C HE A P ERB than any Hlouse in Towii.* REA Lag SYc -ofAD READOYTMHDI CL T1ANDG 1epts FOrStnlyOshngd. TN THE SURROGATE COURT FOR s. THE COIUNTY 0F YORE. In tisa matter- of C u ts StIL.Liva isaet stthe City' of Toronto,-Widow- 'fha undersignedt havsing obtaineS lettes 0 a et administration to tse estaie ef tise aboya legai daims inst aol a s aers vii esLs with rende- heir accounte, s-erileS b>' affi- S T O C K doavii bu me, -vian bise asaise, if cor-scl, wilbe dischargegd. A-dminisis-teo, Si Pal'. Chusch Poer- Street, Tes-ent. fTHOS N. rA Y rao, Tont Nev'r.1Sths, 1878. Si'n-48 R I E S, rT PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSTEES. A Trained Teachser-Second Class-with experienmcea; epen for engagement tar 'thse e for yens- 1877. A-ditres.- Bama, Rathbauu P. O. Nos-.1Bths,187. 4in*48 T M A SP UTs.EOms, SPBB»S, S TUAI. orde-s for tsa purchase and sale etstocka on 2 Lu 5 per cent aargins. Fiss Class Stock Privileges negoiatedin u nymm aouunt. We D solîct Ilie patronage et pa-Lies. de.is-ena cf bitan reilabis amnS repnsibl baera. pimecion. TUMBR GE & CO., Banker E AIR'. an sd Broker, 92 BnoAnwiam, N. Y. 16-1>' is & iROCE CsuRIabi C ANRI N AEW ]Y O0 BUREL I0ER0I aust 5'cio u o ael> '.A-WE & CO whitby, Nov. 2lst, 187. Tse Members of lise~aboya RnayInte -eelebrating the Nata Day ef <bl-Psta :ODDFELLOWB• HALL, WHITBY Thes evenin~' Rertimeêml ef Speachs, anga a Tsa Oddiellow Bsnd has indly cuosa oe to hie lu attendanuce, simd "We'll has a msle a-e emiua edta bmakohiis Fesia tse event ef thse sasonu. hTes to b. served by' Mr-. Cullen atl7p TICKETS 60cets oach, te be hiaSds- eUsas-s. Bi. H. Jsaen,' ohn Fessc Haimittn & Ca., S. W. B. sits aa aan ti b . . R b ston, L ni g & Se at Broenghamn; A-lex .McNab, Claeo L. Margsach. DuffBn's Craek. oiJ il. H. JAMESON, C. C. McGLASHAN President,7 Secretasry. Whi by, in tse Conty of Ontario, Widaw vill, at aise expiration et tenaty day.safter~ ibis notice, make appistien unte zashu, Bur-nhams, Esquire. Judgselafse County Josaph Fr-ederick A-das, sand Tomeas Ed. ga- Adams, all o! tse saiS Tewisahipao t Witby, infant chldrean ef Hn-y Adasu, ateLhe said Township et East Whitl, Yeman, deasaed, whoe diaedltestae. DateS November 22nd 1876AAS -W. H. BILLIGs. Bei"g '°i Nc 3, in ist Con,, Fenseon Tisee.%nTtr et m is scfl et<aslig o a anS a nmues-mmLie casmbrs staion et tis Midland Balilway; il is on s geod rond leaigt Lsmaaseeiss about 120 rs- aie cear , wa -c ft ati balance et ta-m la part hsardwoad lneld sud cnt-building, wsiih allmder-n asuprone meuts. A comfortasbl trame dweing s-lo ls bouse, cimlsern neve-ftailing well etc. "'sa tas-m is well watred! by aever.-taiin' ubrena. 'rnms-Smaiî pay'mentdow,san - partliculars aSiess for vaseeks. frte V. BOWERtMAN 21"4 Camuis' FARM F0OR SALE t Nar tse villag ctadiajilgts new isarbosupisheis lier i"eig x JOHN KEYS sayf el P. O. smnfo-Li, Ns-. 201h,1e876 in-42 T0 RE NT i Tisat vos- E LIG IBL E FA RM, beinsg West-half etfLot No. 20il tse Second oncession Townalaip oWhIyCus'e t raI aim for wiii es -fllsgnn TovueWsby Sep. Sts, 87. 92 'fia next Examinatio¯' tes- admissioen of Pupils vil! h m haon TUE SDAY, 19Ti 'DECFMREB, Puplsn-o a ivîe bourden. by thas Iead MsLe-, s-ho wil stipeItends tie ps-rsa- le.Fr puaras-spply t High Sachool, No-. 1tsh,1876. ' in-4f i seTsTn w.t Ou> isfoj, aiSiail prof. its and quick returnsuî• W. J, HICK/E. g 00 , PEOIE T E 3ud ta, gro Ce NEW il Raisins andl C Brandies, Wl Gi ATLES AN] Bass's Youdg batts, Guinnes pints an -Ports -and --ee PRO VIf Hans, Spiced Hamns, Blreak Flour, mixed, Faill Cracked FRESKE including the * Edinburgh Ail JAMS, JIELLIES, - CANNE] GOOI --oE Pickes an Mustards-Wic Pure Eng .Vine< Hlyacinthes, & 8 --ooo Having made F U R S afge SÉOCI O G R O C E

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