Whitby Chronicle, 30 Nov 1876, p. 3

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H. 'JA1VESOIN UNDAS STREET, A phoice assiortiflet. of GIROCERiiES coming in for the' FALL&HOIAS -000- Sl?,ECIALTIES IN TE AS: Gxreen Black --50 @ 8Octq. -@ 080 ets. ---00- C OTFFE E: Green and' Roasted Java. ýMoha, grou.nd ta order, 60o ts. Mixcd Cchic-. ory and Coffee, 25 Cents.* COCOÀ MNDCHOCOLATE i -000- NEW. FRUIT: Raisins and Currants, Fige, Oranges, Lernons, Prunes, -con-- iLIQ U-ORBS: ~randies, Wines, Whiskey Gin. ALES AND PORTER Bass's Younger's and'Lab- batts,ýýuliesgsePorter, in -pinte and quarts. *Ports,-and Sherries, GREER WINE AT $2 00. (A. Speialty.) -cee---- PROVISIONS: Hame, Spiced Bacon, Beef Hams, Breakfast Bacon, &o. Flour, mixed, Spning and Fall., Cracked Wheat, Gra- ham Flour, Rye Flour, Oat- meal, (a specialty.) -FRESUI-FISU: *Oyèters, Finan Haddies, &c. -000- to Mr, THO$j. 5iI'W, nsetou -e " ion h Win ulaov ntundlng purchù oves h. Isu.-m October hth, 1876. PIOTU RE BOOKS." Goode, fauitabIé, f6r1preel Boy sd irl mleyes ou etod Produce taken in trea Books. Am entirely newdov ud ay mt Wd e ta shew plenty of go ei taklg accurte clopies Egravlngs, Pictures Prinhi, te., lu li kor crayons. Inutructionsby mail vlth ioolered sample, 28 cents, vithout sample lie. -Addresm#- - . OIDEL,. Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. N E ~:AL),i-V R T is EMN BOO T S AIND HODES .For lewita»wear. A Splendid S.t'ock at JOHN SAIJNDE]RS',S, at reduced iprices! IEAT -FITS FOR TH LADIES.' WARM OVEREc.HOES AND~ RUBBERS IN GREAT VA~ IETY. Work made ta order, and repairs exeécuted with des- paton. JOHN SAUNDERS, Brock Street, Whitby. Noveniber 28th, 187e. PIREPARING THE WAY! GOOD TIMES COME! FRESH -PAINT, ADDITIONAL SHELF BOOM,1 NEW GOODS, AND LOWEST FRICES!1 -0001-- The undérsigned begs to tender his hearty thanks ta the residents of this Town and Rid.ing, for the very iberal patronage they have extended to hini for upwards of two year past sinco bis firat beconung "One of theniselves." With increased business have orne in- crcased facilities for the purehase of Goods. He is shewing, this Fail, a stock of Books, Stationery, Fanoy Goods, and Small Wares, that he makes bold to say, surpasses anything haeretofore shown in this Town; and selling all et the ver9 loweuî rates. Our motto, 11SrnsU profits and quiok returna." BRnember wc have several SPE CIAL LINE S to offer you. Very truly yours, J. S. ROBERTSON, News-dealer, Bookseller and Stationer, Brock Street, Whitby. Whitby, Noveniber 28th, 1816. 49 Gray's SYRUP 8pruce GUM. Rrade Marie Repltcrod. PRICE 25OT8. Evury onu bas huard of tise vonderful eflects ufthtie Spruaes anS Pinesilucases ot Long Disuasu The R V, Mr. Murrayiluhbis-book *u the Adlrondicks, lstelypubl. llsbud, relates tisecaise of a consumptive yanng min vise vas uutlcely cureS by a tissee intbs caminlg aut imoug tise Pinel. in France the p&hysiciens regory senSdtieir cousumptlve pa- tients ta the pluewood, sud order lbem te drink a tee iSe train Chue pruce laps. Gia's Syaup nla a ciou. lidon comblnUtion oftchueoi vicisexodes train tise ied Spruae tree. lu this psu- piration tbu gum nenver se- Pirates, sud allitis anti- spismodia expectorant, tau- le and bilsamia prupertisi are presurved. F a r Coughe, Colds, Hoassensas. Throat Affec- lions, t&c., Il vosalike s casrin. BISIJTSFREE FAIRI inc1udiiUg the Celebrated - "OEdinburgh Albert Biscuits.1 JAMS, OP TUE Wlîitby Market Association. ta ha bu helS ou tisa AGRICULTURÂL GROUNDS, T OW5I OF -THORAH. BY-LAW Number 13, oi 7f1876,1 Tc estabiîei a roiS ou Lot 5, 2ud conces- Sion et Tisons. Tise Corporation et Tisursisenacts Ibat tram and afler tise _psslug outhIis Ey-lav, tise raid as susveyed by Peter Burnett, Es- quise, P. L. S., anS sbuvn lu bis Siegrain et tise saine, and oet vicistise tolloviug are tise fielS notes, tisa inIs o sîy : Communalng st a Point lu tise centre cithtie original ai. lovance betveen lots 5 anS 6 lu tise Sud concession, 25 chilus 20 lis Sontberly huom tise Santhern inuit cf tise sead isecveu tise 2ud sud 5rd concessions, thence Easter- Iryparsilel to tise concession 5 cisains 52 1lnk,lisence South 19 degmues 10 minutes, Boist 15 caau 88 links. theuce South 18 Se- grues, Easst 12 cisains 9 lis, tisanesSentis 9 dogrees 80 minutes, East 27 chains 9o links ta tise nortiseru lmit ot road belvemn tise lst anS Sud concession, bu sud tise saine i. iosrbyestablisised' assaPublie Hlgisvmy ofth lieTwnsip ut Tisons. 2. Tisît tise ibove Sesaribed lise bu tise centre efthtie said rond, -anS that lise saiS rond bu aftisafull vidtis et rixty six lest. N. F. PATEESON, Beeve. NOTICE lis ereby kiven tisaI lie above -By-law vill bu taken mb ocausîderatloir by ise Concil ut Tiserais itis a a viev ta lise final pusinufothtie saine, at a meeting of tisesaisIcauneiato bba lS lutise TOWN HALL, Beaverton. on Whltby, (with use ut Dilf Shsed sud TonStra,2idayofRDegMITi7 JELLIES~~~~~~~~~ Hall) ounw au-a,2,- a fDc,17 4t7î,18'6.Toivnship Clan]t CANNE]) vion lise tollowing prizes vil heawaarded:________________ GOODS, Boat Horse, saddle or road-..pecisî prise IN O T IC E 1 CÂ?TLE. Connty et Ontarie1 l eeb en the, GELA INEý Bush Fit Ox or Steer-specîaî nprire 01 TI 155I5. Court et enueral Ses Mr. Josephs Stone, #5; luS prize 88. sions oftIka Peace, anSdlise Couxty Court in -.ISINGLASS, Bost Fat Cov or Hultr-speclal prize et inciter ise Ms. Henry GaulA, #5 ; luS prise, 83. Bost Fat Calt-spacisl prize of Ms. bev i COJNTY 0F ONTARIO, -000 - arbals, 2; econ ~ wil bu holden ILutise COURT HOUBE il Bost Fat Sisaep-specialîrize o! Mr. Ina. ts .1'k(8 ndTanner. 83. second Prsez. 1.TOWN 0F WH ITBY, Aikt8an auve8. st Fat ,, dsiresuad-sapeclal prizu of ou Boat I'At Hog, alve)-spealal prise ci Tuesday, Dc Musitard-wvicks & Keanes. Mesure. Tayior.sud MCann, 08; 2ud pre, 2h et tise lionsof Twulvae 'clock noon, of .,-~., ~ SOUTES.whicis l justiceset tise Poae, Coroners, Pure ElngUl.8kaM alt BtFt Trk * s-pu iI pris ciMr. N. Constableig aud others concerneS, wyul tihi Ray 44(th tu eyte écoe M. ay'a nctice anS govesu homsovzacerdlngly. ýroert.)2nd--secal riz o- M. Wn.NELSON G. REYNOLDS, hmpsen, #8-(tlse turîuy.-to becoma hie Sisriff C. O. Vinegar. q, #8; ri2n5....pesiprize of Mr.w Choa.ir Reckit's Cecbratd Blu ,«n, #8-(to becomu chuelropesty oethlie R e c kMt's e l e b r t e d l u e .N T A R O B A N K . -00 -hie psoprly.-lsi, $8 ; Sud, $2. DIVIPEN]) NO. 89.- Botpais Young Cblckens-pecmî prisas by Ms. Yeoman Gibsoi-cbicîeus ta bu- came bis proprty-lsh, #2; Sud, #1 50. NOTICE I. bereby given tha diviSonS DAIET EeDcIs.oetFeus pur eent upon lise Capital Steak et B U B : fash>Olh Ral Bu prse o*18 Institution a his is day beus eclared B U *13 S Bot Mbe bllButer-ecil pieof fortisa carrent 1liityes, and tisaI tisesaine M r . C h a n et1# 2 l eu f i l w v lI b e p a y a b le eta hi e B a n k a u d its B ra n c h - Bes tifnLüiér htIacorted8 Ia-esaon anS atlas Fsday, lise Oral day ef Du- Rycltes, &0., aBsrt . seiliseofe Bis Eiggins, 05-tise but- cemiser next. tes t b co e ieproperty t 25 cents p er Tisa T anster Boe'cs vili b. closeS frein u nadditian. SS-spucil lPrlze ai tise lOCh tisathe801h ut November, bots b.Cas. King, 88-tise but ter te becomeda"si nelusive. bis praperty il 25 cents par pouonS, luna&M. lion. oder of the BoirA. BoitChase, ot ess iss 28D. FISHER. prieat CMs esupi lst ing,5lbs-"pCial General Manager. prie c Mr JoephYd g, 2 4il. -1 Ontario Banic, *Everythîng, in the trade, BeGcolcio ».ss etmr tsu Toronto, 801 Oct., 181é. 46 oftw of.ee.- v a inn..pow gris of hAs. zins _7 (hplst câehpropavty), 88. ~ ~ fi AE T170, n-special prise ut Mesurs. Tayler d ES O «Oca=-~thse gaine lu becomu bis pseperty, )ais.o thebcersaon Pitersi. aen cestsuio, Pokur g. elu AUl estries munI ha closeS not liter has tisutnh-haitoetLot No. 8, sSM ard u tan colooI as tise marning oethlie tais, anS but Ne, 7--78 -sares odusS, h. ree ter ina bu umodu at any tims previaus tisereto Beacis anS Maple. Go& riai ssel, te -000- ves tise Secrtary oraltlise Britishs Ameri. iputIjepashusu and hàM9. AÀ où O causoHtal. f2ilpeging dose. tc an I il vit -A-UlanimaIs sud uxticlea for exhibition5n . MOsffilllg ring fut stu e on srponSby leven oloeI es near shbâii o houasr um thfirmosinn. nsin lto Ch. bars iarA, Bans, 110 Il JA 'M SON, aChefenlositshds YM.Levi PF ankauactloneer, vIuý give Ç ry andaal Bileda2, Briol bis seretiail #rateuei, storesanS a1haIt l "f. iroltuh mâDl T, HTD. e A retsilforexibition tIbi syay en 8 , o. eàgood oriard ef chaise - T. ATSEcouaresideeni, fut. inaaeléaul e- Il ýoods marked in plain. Please examine aur 8 Dry Gooçis, R5 Y~ at o NEW-. IDYVElRTISEMENTS. JLAING T Ew A R T - 00- - i atntiepafion-ý f rel tormy weathQe,,,about Ohritýnas, have, bought Severai Articles whîich it -migit be wel for those -People taken #ith -the, Cold and Hard TimeI4 to inspeCt. The goode referred ta-' are in suci a shape tbat they cannot altogether prevet,, but wilniateriaily asslest in keeping out the cold, and driv-' ing away duil care. .1'or in~ a 'stormy day, what is better than a good F4ir Cap pn the head ; a fine warm Qvercioat on! yonr back; girt~h aout with a sash or mu.ffleruoia Laing & Stewart'seil. uha MILLINERY AND MANTLES, MINK, .Mi)FFS AND FUR8 of most ail kimds to cheer the Ladies, at LAING & STEWART'S. Whitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. 48 ENGLISH GUNSI DIRECT PROM ENGLAND. -0:0---- BreecliLoading Shot Guns!1 Muzzle -Lqýading Shot GunsI English Shot, Caps, Wads, AlS0, Pistols, &C., &c. Intending'purchasers will please note the above.1 ---a--MI "Iron Duke anïd the Armstrong" for wood cookin g; and the "]Royal" for coal Cooking. Take aur advice and buyrthe best, Let other people take the -rest. COAJS HEA4TERS! The Oshawa IlArgand" lias proven]1 experience to ho a First-class Stove. Buy no0 other. HARDWARE Our stock of Sheif and Heavy Hardware now very nearly ail ta hand wé are prepared ta fil orders promptly. to al Oil, Wholesale ald'Retail. Wf ]Remember the IlNoted" Cheap House. I~ATCI~ & :B:?o.> No. 4, Brock Street, Whitby. WHI'TBY CHINA TEA STORE. WILLIAM JHNGIBSON, Begs to annonce that'he la now in rcceipt of, and selling at unpreccdcn- tedly loy pricus, s splendid stock of FRESH FAMILY -GROCERIES, Of au kinus, imcIuding New Ffruits, Best Green, Black, and Xixed Teas, of fine ftavor; Coffees, Cocos, Ohocalate, Hanis, OF Bacon, Lard, Biscuits, &o. An immense stockç of v ery superior Crookery, and Glass- ware, China Sets, Stone and Fanoy Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Goblets and Glassware af all kinds, and of thie newest patterns. I:a Freeh Oysters, and Freali Finnan Haddies, and al ýkinds of Sait Fish. t&- Beet Brande of Tobacco, Cigars, Fancy Pipes, To- bacco Pouches, &o., &c. He is determined flot ýto be undersold, and ta give the beet value for their money ta purchasers. W~ The- highest price paid for Hogs, Oats, Peas, &o. wu. J. GIBSON. - 1Whitby, Nov. 81h, 1876. 86-Iy Wantedl immediately delivered at-the Whitby China; Tea Store, for whioh the highest market pnice ini cash 'will be paid, viz 5,000 bushelsof Black Eyed'Peas. 3,00,-bushe8I Ear -Rose, Potatoes. N0 TIC E0. Take Notice that hat an - b. made t10 th. Parliament appllcticà vlf I ýt t Ounl hi t ru'atoeut heumatiu Absolvent vil as selolemnA rellevesoute Ehematlsm lu 4 ious, milal ISIanS Eallvay pain vihisin 12 heur. It in eranndp- GLÂSSWÂRE AND OROOKERY in great ysvri ty. Lioensed for South Riding of-Ontarjo, North Ridingo Onitarjo; anid separate unicipalities -bit theater Da. Whal. r- Thomas Pentcher,.. J. M. Patterson .. L. Fairbanks ... H. E. O'DeU ... Donald os EllsBoves. Johnston Brow.... Bishep di McKay... George Carsuthuro.. M.ý G. alv . Elward Mao.... B. R. Cameron .. John L. Wîtkis.... ,LIST 0F- A. C. Hsbtad.. Jameas Blaokvefl.... Felits McGover... John lUlgsn;... DufoItt Brus ... Duffett Bras ... flue. Burton... Al-vin Hsstinge... Whitby . Atberly .. Villae Uxbrldue Glen Major. BeMverton,.. «PELERS FOR THE. %O, ONTARIO. Noth,...i..... Sorth Eldlng . South -Ring South Onuo. Mars.... .. Brook... .. Brook.......... Umbrldge ... South Eldlng . Beach .......... North Eidlug.,: North llig Torh Dec. 2na, i87e. jan. 241h, 1877. 3îm. Seth, 1877. N U 1 0 h , 1 8 7 7 . « Ma. 91.t, 1877. OeC'sl IlCh, 1877. OctVs 8th, 1877. Nov. 7th, 1877. du. do. O.w ...... Oshiwa...... Non-Bsident.. Whitby, April 4tb, 187(a. 1 bosse, CounîY.. 9th Dec. 1876. 2 hom.es, Couty 141h Dcc. 1876. 2 basses, Côunty.., '. 1sh ýDec. 1878. 2 bosses, Outy 151h'Dec. 1876. 1 bosse, Oounty.., 201h Jan. 1877. 1 bosse,,County. iaI t Mar. 1871. 2 bosses........... lut April, 1877. 1 Hersa .......... 25thApril, 1877. WM. LAING, Co. Treasurer, J. R. PHILP Has just received bis falst'ock of CARRIIAGE WHIPS, STOCKS & LASHES. Also a large and excellent assortment of Brushes and Currycornbs. A good assortrnent of Ladies' and Gents'. Trunks, Valises, Satehels, Shawl Straps, Sohool Bage, &o., ail bouglit at close prices. My usual stock. of Carniage and Team Harnesa, Collars, H1alters, Beits, Snaps, &c., always on hand. -Whitby, November 151h, 1878. X. . PHILP, Brook Street, WVhit 4y1 Teas, Fruit and Confectionery AT THE WHITBY FRUIT AND CONFECTIONERY STORE. The unýdersignec bus just receivefi a splendid lot of Catawba Grapes, also Oranges, Quinces, Leinons, Pears, Cocoa Nuts, &o., &o. The fineat atection of pure Confeotioner. The attention of the Public is invited tu his oelehratea OYSTERS at 20, 25 and 80 Cents. Give thern a trial and gel good value for your money. A choie lot of FINE FLAVOBED TEAS-sîisfaetion guaranteed or the riglit rnoney r6turneda & freely aB taken. Corne one, corne al and visit the *"Whitby Fruit and ConfctioneryStor.." 41 W. 'p. WILCOX. DOMINION WAREROOMJS.. - Ono Lowes &Powell1 by Are receiving Fail Goods which have been bpught at Bottom Prices, and wlll be sold to suit the times. A good stock of Millinery on'liand. MILLINERY, DRES8MA K/NO AND TAILORINO DONE- TO ORDER. Whithy, Sept. 131h, 18763. 1sTQV0E-:ms c4- 0 G, 0s STOVES-! Whitby, October iStis, 1876. LOWES &LPOWELL.1 STVE &MACNAC STOVESI 101 HýTAN. STOVES! 48 ODD T'ELLOWS" BUILDINGS! ARRIVED, THIS DAY,ý FRESU OY TEÈS, FINNAN ADDIES. rince a T oves h. lusses Ilpuseues a liunlatln poer Ã"iro slleeuta went cadis, f1117 equel te ceaigai anAabot on-Ihrd utte Ihn laerdnasly spl e by ll'"iscempais. Themout o cie tet ur acine reuis lascacel. vrty ot mention. The n.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ geeao tnajrtse slîr i.de e rqiefllgdnes IbacLfroÏn lwooturties yssa lifing atIs. sia tam bis 1h ony ttention demanded la hu levhln ot1h.velhh u Ie olls a otun s I ra. dicu oce or tvie a week, iccordlg te hov rapidly ginibusned. A Àmoderats sireS machine suitibis for e S*ell. e orfitteeon te intsa ekp.sffcen.. To explain cerysdl ealthpa pnvlhusMahn .cnCotdand how it opéritesasmteetsiedflutinaavrtsmnnshbsIpoat to the average lqie.Sfilu ukoIa yIsue lhvs 11eeii Previens l hlto7alu targsmcies sysslgsvok esestd lu varions parts oftChu -acontry, l h i s vue s miSe brug1. dstracitive dishillation- by Are sud retorta tram coul or oil. Theu orks are expansive: the outlay for sultable building for a gi haldes, &c., hn necessasily great. > They &ac require considerabl. car And skillte manage. The matnufacture of gas for a single dwelllng damandi nessly s, much labeur, sud quite us rmuch skiil as i. reqnlrod lu mile a supplysnlficent tofrois Thse prces ln lu-no esone autumatlo ; us etten-as the volume ot gua contiued iluChe helder ho uxbausted, tbe returta inuet bu recbargea, the firies rekindled, and hlabour ef mauftuen nother supply rieated. anMakin gus.n this 'way clligreeable and troublesume. A qoentlty et coslsuise mdrabbist cumulates about th.e vrks ; th.eodoor srislng tram thum in avery serions objuonlum cyases, le thuir :utraducfion. Gus mssutectured os this plan is aise uleepnu f u inaddiaýtiulhu firsI cost oetChu milanais, bu tikun inte scunt t.he ab n tm n f cure am d hu exp ise et repai r upen Chuea *itos-of C itse ne sm all item. Il mustI&aseuborne lu mlud that lu srnall gis vorks Cu ppliancesoftmmnufac- Cure ar e ver su perfect, nosr the yield et g4s propestionsily no grest, sa ih obtaiseS atheh large vorks lu Chueallies. This clins et werks fh nov iu i large meusure sopesuduil - aur machines, vhlob ire préférable for the tollovlng reusons- lot. Tiai finIt cost hnluch les. 2ud. Nu çxpeusive, eut-buildings are requised., The tank lu centain 1h. gai- geners- to na ml ndcepa nar ndesueath lthe ground, ont et sight. Brd. AU tise labour sudl troubla ot maing gazinh mayaS, The cure our machines se- quise is suetrfling us te bu scarce vurthy ut mention. 41h. Nu odeur *a rises tra he manufacture. noi ih Chers any litter os dlrt- 5tis. Our machines are automatic ; tise gus in aivays read 1tes use. 131h. Rare!y are repaira et suy kird requlred. Our* machines ire uquully goud sud, ail thinan siurL ,mah caper. onuet 'ou m achne huseS te llght a numtuer uf country, astho uies atotfa imal oU , my bi an ulgtd uhls expe Seibm If c e n iv da l c u a t v r a bn u ap1t s l n . a f C u c u ._p tes a ra0 o d ns t o , vu v da it e h t0u uy84 so a m a hn1 l s Huin ru u in via ac i es. udhpa_ t e e it s a u be u ld n s, l m Aue onite Clus, sud istngrcical meas snco s, ae cie Ch h smanes afren seond l feineotundnnt.W uld nae t et ninves74eslatourmovhinbt vs hdaeJ m ris Rsuveralmpruvem nt la isma hinsae hsu ellable. tern svsryomea- chin e u sareu 1stpervisso n itsanteChn t e gvtsactei. etnangt stabesee.,of haU ard oCrs m orno the niteStatsumbes 1, iactc to cusuppl1 e ornient h 200 maci0e0a 7ùbe , -at " e 200p "1 Br 7a 00 00. " 8, 3 20 Il 8000. " 'If "i 800 9" 00000. 10, ..' 200 7 0000. Lirger machines made, if reuired -TO PARTIES WHEO ARE BUILDING. IVu suggest tise proprlety af putting inpipea fer gas, aven- lbough net immediately, contuumplaing purcbasing agias machine,-&as le expenseofo puttlng lu pIpes, if dons il the propos timue, i. lrifiing- it left until aller Chu building is completed, 1h57 ean yet bu lutroduced, but the expunae in coniideirably greater, sud thu occupants ot the hause sru more or luis inceuveuxenced. Ordniry pipes, sncb us are usein thlie introduction et coal Sau are needud.' Wu invite correspondeuce tros an y onu vhisaObulSiug sud contempllàing Ché lira- duction of gas. We sisal bu glaS te adviae with sncb us te tise' besî mannes e t irgiii pipas, sud oliser détails. We bave corupeteul vorkmen lue-ur ewipley, vhom vs seuil te any part at-tise country lu pipe buildings, sel machines, &c. Weè sofloil an appertonlty lu estimateupnhie nir ole iig nnsigmcie u ltrf ecm lteé radyte l osIup.Cr ra gemnsaescIî saucmoevt o nsgey upon A horongh a . m n g s d 1ai el l uut mneS ai . Wben buses re sirsdy pped f ru , uEu p'tac smacie ihn We elai erer fr Gselu. Ou rin gemeuts areuchal .cn 1 ilbd as e Coppunse alrdfo spin Guollus. ,w cnatchcrmahns ih -TESTIMONIALS. 1Ihae hiaveib"ado0' 'Joseph Piiip & Co' . Air GasMacisinuluseui mpt c lu Ilouedale for about aigisteen mentis. Freu my uxpeienas, I au satinaded ls Chu principle uftChe Machina. The guis of a a perlor qusity, suS ecunoinicel. - BoeGRJ. JiAVis. -Toronto, April il, 1876. - - (Jsisýwvu, Marais 271b, lem6 MaSSaS. JOessP nLLIPS &i c.. GEXTLEMEW-I hae vvry greal plesanre iu recammesdlug your Air Gisazàhehu put~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~A looesCûga hbsgvspretulssh~.Ynsi. B. D 150 Liglit Machsine. - Osh.wa, 2915 MareS, 187. MEssus. J. Pussssws Zo., Toronto. Dzra Suua,-! bave nov beau using your Canadien Ais GgaMachines for shboot six mentha, Surlngvwhlahh timelt hsa a ered mil teups nicptd u hc v~oeCity rnYe attention, au 0,chMd mu qumsCshepueu, should come lutc, genesaluse. v 9bsoii.N. Grss - 75 Light -Machinse. Msssss.Saurs Vhtby, Nov. 2245, MO7. Gnns -'tour air gai nov isroduce lt. mny Store at Witby givs cmplut sais. faction. Tie machne orka toa a iban id XazsaveS e fl argeeunt ot abour sd expls.,besde lseadahgs ef olooZoines sud a very supeirUIgh. Aumunuai. am Aws ssoasrie, TeausÇC, 1874. clii 52. Section 95. No. 59. - eksdence-Toronto. S- SOLE TK P H, OT L'L, P S CANADIAN AIR GAS MAC. LD or B.auel. ýr the s i Go- 50 Liglit Maohinc

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