hie%", olSrs=0M .i Act- mebii5 It tUihe tae-(LIlLI1ED.) -- Déryoeee oaae,1Lend Monoy on Rei state. îa. 't *ffrrPuchs..Exlsîing Montgeu. Sots go te a," Ttý =&d &4 rdersBonrovsrs vii lnd lt.e Cmnpanyl *toms;.TIL rieo s prom~pt atention. e o jeans. TRU.IÀS, .R ILLINOS, Agent, ':uiii - -85 --------- W. J. RENMANÇ o itC c, PI4 ýif FrÈai'.- OR SAL~E IN MARA, For,<sacammeComicesp sa.) ETR I",WSRGEON, Gnrx ve Style, do,n çre,,teae-tes ihbcnbst offere for ae VOntario vetérinary collage. B -î of3 HIR,-r1thteté'hi poont V. S. ta D. P. Battery. * B&IL Ge1â ROZç NG C-R ]r6 etet iu of th rgid>, SciuîbbalaI9 A on anaildisea 0 es f b.doasbesihTJ tlie, lut,. sellIi! il encaun! iî, CatWeDrug lsttrs, KlngS tret, ôsbaWa. B a~~j alu f sai Tory libaral. A, good Whb',Ocet. 84 .1870. -i eiQ.0941 d alu C ,ýj Wlnt osnd ewood 3e oblailied! for resdy essi. - 0ae -. o .t. Aso Apply te o a alsa~~~Boe JAMES WALERn, Rut-el -' - - - Ashur, P. 0, ith, TILL & JOHNSON. >15 HOUSEPOR SALIS. t>a>, .-sugil&u2M*, 1876. 6y s.rtcey Brick Dweffig ogteu îsrtens ai an acre cf lan! at ibotiça! vill c. oeeFruit DAVIDao mu sens r,.:, ittelb crne tr of Green IcaiWît% an! neanîiE AUUtheA D U GI S t! tht tevz. ruaayf NO0 TT IC E I uIarséjsply to IMISTON, SeUciter, Wilîhy, imEONTABxQ CE3NTRAL Eà ILW H. ýfemtILN, Oshawa. T COUAi>Y vii 1aite »naOzIsession'- TELABGEST AND MjOST COMPLETSOK0 .1 Bb 170.88 ttiLagelaturs cf thé Province 'of On.ý tairie app v for an Act t&exteni! ltse ime fonrthe commenceament ani! tomplallon of1 Iheir sai! nallay, sai! for ctherppurposeo. h MIIl5mOh aria gos leighs and Cutter, WitbIy, Sept. 251h, 1876.,1- n41 'flHOROUGHBRED DURHAMS M x' b- b r Y c. T ~Ti ' D. OR or T.1 IMPORTED SHEE:PI, CARRIAGE FACTORY BR-OCK-ST., WH .ITBY. NYo, 4 BULFINCH St, BOSTON, The undroigneil as for ae af a --JTT E- _ _ _ _ Paà rtiaipart (OP'POSITES IIEVFjUiS notèE.n, unsoi!Cwa. Aieaoi porteil CotawldEwes.PLAC soi!Rama glcalttai!frntha avcks ofthe .t. oFthwPa1fS T.WbestCIENCE 0F LIFE, i! uring hic laIe to Notb-aatpart - TIE IENEOFLFE e h rO ountr.Important t LI1É Afflicted. Soh pat 1 -oS1ýLr-PRESIERVATIîÃ"N JOIIN LITTLE, v--B -U - - S.Nrtplfsi O r, L o t N o. 8, 7th é on . P ickerin g , -s~~.. N . a te p a t f C n r G IM ns<Oeda MILLION Gtu PhES SoLO. -----an------.-. BOOT AND SHO MARER, BROC ST., W ITB , Suth Bt'D Rcs'18u G aldth e dalat A w cred icl hA thor - *IN l T P, 1B R U N T O N 'S R H E U M A T I C A B S O R S E N T I TA S n w n h an ia la rg e a u v ar ia ui sto ck « o t u i l a s. H i a P N j 19 N m .S814E tili' MJ!= h313t, 1876. A 'fBosadsos e PN 288s .le Ib î s aiot îî)y M dical A sso M I)c Ai.. LL H E P T I N R I NAN LIN E i ,m a s t a order ev rY description of L adies' G entlem en' and C hildr en' w ear. Pt N è S S S un D sELIE VES TH PATIENT FRO PAINtIN A FW HOURS, I ]Repairing donce on tue shortest notice, and! ut renconable rates. A cu )Pt îS SSimcoit1 1w li t or lis iANO NE VEReFAmine the new stock. îîweIONlI iî0 a!ltelpneà ,IANtl AISPart-cf Narth.hjf tlett e ntitai-e cf il ali ow i Tt. LIVERPOOL, LNDODERYParcofingh- ItiOereiug ndiii l ta Otejta itia 'Wt:Rhewnatism tb75.WILLIAM BURNVS, Part ai North.-ii6 lui,11014808(a îciiî nitand GLASGODcW ,er 18 .Bro k Street W hitby. Part cf North-i s tIWIttrnaI0 ,t0O, Utt1'ii'clttI l Kity- y. ~and !contractina the msls n iigintenlse sl rn.It a4 fElrOiglMltlD:0HEAP F ESl )ntesOahfoIpi ieto.risesPato uh- ni f} iergy Hta0g ormalunI,. Part o asut-h.i 9 (.(i ot i c Ai g IPart cf Easti f 1 1 Alfiplio Ctttoftanl oaaî îitll Y. tîs~Cai, omWh3tby 09,$7879, ~The active principle of this discovery is to r'Absorb the -G~,....) ,$C'mlonereaar î'iof nr ta ndcaa ccrdodt.sc 1a ie. PoiSOoU0113Acrid Acid by Outward Appli:DMion. of %Vit nuit an t i pr c andtur rate ilz o îu ru SoraIn ens i r a s - cil une. It i co np sed. entlr ly oa Vegetable substances, an as ne er been ItWadue ~ ~ 0fPriaî i arCoutrai~~,sterag-assge u n ertiia. oisud tued bafare the preseot PrOprietar applied it. ot-tqr e> iiJsi ~ ~ rpid pceg crlfcta iueUI h 11OaîilycOu Iawae0staes ta persona wishiog t >15- Po nueafteclssoa a s u a c a n d c u r e c u l f r e ii d e . r o the e a i ui s o fm t h e i e a s e o B l e u m a t i a n , a n d t h e P e c u l i a r P r o .N o > a t1 impw",th sxoibi1it 0 -h Fr cehatg urhilifomfaitlin Relieving the ~E \T' t ~ A~ " ,i\îtliollo i ci> ecnlia itir, 'Nreet1tpu er ikt at uhrifratdio n y eatient from .alin iia few liaurs khan applied as dinscted.. - NL%' .% .,A LX .-4 b> orth part (ILceca, Aocint InoranceoiErrora, Meartis UE lu laadstntv etuei R I E O RAS,;uhP utîriP t, f Tutir cie d ao nti i t toc Ijusud Tel. ofic asi Te r OP e t Medianlés.r l c E-tp. inaiom 'iuW it caiost i als paa acre d wl. e avraycfiea8e. Teparitral - ipc a retmîaiArit m1reec 'ail oildaiathtiis ered;w reiea the Patient frein Pain fro ei hucnaun, and 1 J IVllI of hL ook re tui. Alier s i o cîîs. hfà veittoLtr mure 3ha Whitiîy, Augue stt, 187. t u- ht it fis the ny rem dy by utward application) knwn ta Science hat will 'r lta ha an 1 any odo.ecgo. 2 1'rita-Pllît efr lita ,titqya nained finiti aler -d a llîo:,k aie I O otihamr bit i - - This preparation le gnsranîaed ta reinove Elîsumatle pains in afew joursa orwet t ai the Itnakil theprice TO R W4tn îIti tt trt, atPeORETEWâtSîO AND PORIT PERUT the maniy rafuui!ed. ta»' Prica OOctc par Bottie. SiwalceadRtorl The'inntuîuic nier, pUbIiiehEXENSINt3'HE byS PFHYSJIOLOGY op WÙANAND TIME TABLE No. S-W .liMi.I H Part 2 3 HEP DISEASS,' £'rîce, $2. The Takea affect an Nloudneyo'May ut, 88 VibJooil, 187. Coreri Break and Dundas steI., Whitby. l'art bdiit bookt o! Iha iind oxtant, Traina rlnbiy Taranto e iultitltinitwen- hty3ulo6l 17.Pr 'tie tit>tlttr v iîitil uelitul watc tat. lY.I ttiiltîa:lawer titan G.T.R. lime. Pr 5 B j4--ParLîai 1 Noa MNa. Nu P1r 1ln iitîf r ly eotit li î aV t i îr n . î itb Y J . .... ..dp . 910 su. . 7 07 p m w M EC T - I B N t l t N .1 u litao 1 t2gui, inyoitoiti! ai 1a 1e ltait), liit. ui t tar.. e » t1o10 il orCahorNoe aabe n. , r ex.Part ioNort .half 2 8 'Jiut lîtî3 ttr yttî3 ci! îîlîdieagai m t îlî...oger.........i.2 0 8,7.3_______ iii ~ îtyeîcînti ~~îîPtincettAlber.. . ...102 '.L L. I luI'iî! oftittltt la , tt. I lit itl ilttatlla. iPortteier. h 2 2 v l).( 8.7 J U S T R E , E E k'lui t itrIîemon taîîntî w.JiirA. r iîon IAlttarî.10. -8.827J U S T I V E DC i at the 'ORGAN FACTORY" a nid ex amine our North hall i1'cvt ý tt* " )r .lltt.oaItlt LTRAIN G Icaî 0ta ta , a.A il kinds of Spring G ood e, including E nglish, S cotch, stock. Aiea o Se aond .blnnd Organe an ti felod onsa t very low prices. S ruth 3 8 41tltilttt~ttrii. a 'ttil.r atihitit lt i irt, lLtîn tttf Paîîîioa,î p Bkpri l'L il tià îg t'itir 'eîîbî te~ titta irirn Abr .. 9 18 iai uttii tr ttulit,- 'u îr(.ait d-.-00 atte: I - 1.5 pa. îînd Canadiau Tweeds, Worsted Goods, FanyTIlUG AIOD ".~ ~ Nrhhi Jotiintt~bi hî'îiî<îî tt ti, wli<h Mîîtilitee .2 .Vestings, Broacl-cloths, Doeskins, &c., &0. TEM DE YR ODMF O ut, lta ttlddl racllint.........'.0 0 - 112. ENtît i~ irlî,t »' lltt,iîiL otLî,1UIA Nyrtltl.. .............42 2.10 efNot-hl 1 5 1 hWE E 1 8 7 0 . - lM'1 a r t î It t I- 'i it lly nitle! e l ver ocuttrre ..aIi, 7.80> vit. 12, G O tuiti, teeeiliIliMatflttNtvVe ttt in. asia P.ri c 7.21) tut. 2 Whtb Ja 7à 5A.& R.PR NG EPart o orhh i - "1 l,ltotCît the lti re' oicToe rt, "ltolisain.Tan tpo i.Northihall4 'l'lîlcte Mî i eli e il it tb e rvie la W ily J.a r v 7.8 " 80 d'Il tlciitin t tif kIl tn -reu eelait îsvit ce, laiNortrahs a halrlîntTolat liaonlitolulittci hîi y Itch eotn COlafi-a so d.A.& J.R reianLE ilr ti utttt, fI u rnkl ty lit tho tineooing et W!itby Jicîlon witliîthe Breck Steet, Wlicb, M ylt 87.Boe lià ltrt, tilt!lIt Mortel t i traîidiitlt h G. T. R., tiact anti Wt; aI Part Penny withE G NL INL INBoe ii, ti"t wL It- tar tîe-titaantl iîindîsud-eti Indat oiaefor Uxbidcge, 'antd Steamer Maplo e 'l a lei ,i n tealî at a nti. Miîu!Rîia, ali t hin lteSuhhl "Jîti)tr , tc M a!lt fc uittf ai Lndsay, thoren! v i --nIeame i ttte Jé. MilndRalw nd1iNrt hl illlq O N ail aSg ulle t halstame7fo tit I t l itctmrntIl i o l tsltuledeuidlt. Peul,, Patta. Jahbcaygeaîîand r fer South hall 1 ati co t ittiuole itttitiit c tiltietriii ti aaabaîfipaen ein.*Sni ef1 * u~fil'itrlt11e lfNtîi _MAOttet. JAMES HOLDEN, t int oniioti Of0v o lit fr 'e< orhial tll n)ove on TýHE l TL EIS A L IN 'SNorth hall 2 (U N<I orthi hall 6 1 cIi.~i 'ai J1tili .eli .a r.ii1 L ! .1 1citNort fan illtî, cli idi o . 4 l tilti natcith T G IH E~ RE M D O K A U I SOE A T-S T S A . . 1 J ]iuts~.rl hall Nloor4ehai Na r.til! i ta lu t a o ln.,w ihle sp e ae totEtttithetilta i liotuti lcallr il l.Ti, cW illitamb, tnmt,î iilt rats.ilr A arge néfidwollassod tck t Rof Pae n Watifn-rh al SPEIFC EDCIE i iin ad s, whrich ie s BrokedeonsUSa th oit IL-> Plart Wes h1l Wl) I.KNIT 0,000 TITndS INAMINUTE5 te bnni!,ail kihsoaithhoa Baaks 1,. ilreeais E pt - Stater o ngih a d A iria e io ner c - Pata2]' INfPc)'I4rN cf Ncrlailbaili22 s2 A splendid aaassolrtinenet;t of Abse,12 ciC K fr eTsidP ng. G1y INr itAy ASIT DEakng ew l e la n e îinBpo sibe îtionfully r " -'he 18tb st nd C ea e t a c es i ad ,fo h e i o EC&tIOFV I C 14NIT t 1NMEipICI, n E oliis aîîod Caucc&ein-s. Sewing Maclîinesraest mulceit. Largendud %Jac..t.a à Eçnî Gehall 12 18 arcfitc-ae liNu letetiting frithe tati, DofL LEteateîa bs odan ivr W S Ani LaIN analrN tcko nls n wisW thsala'3O ad lcs nature liti er nîttiuî.lgehi ii uîîaoy comaslîaîîd.iVo876 anîl Fa.nc3' departînetît caînpleîasuit.very uneopraduce li edic0e-atlithe ne Itoflite ao - Jtýal JO 1wrk arw Ii ld na n l,le2ccI is nn .si un y roenlao>dr drs fr E gih an m rc n Pei dcinn ,~Sittettpr 6 1 40 il or iii g r itn ov r a îî to OA ral u ne. a mW cMap cceNtacap ns îî o m t y il i .B o S t t, it y G r s M a N c a 'S H r d r e au Il h l lIckn , Tahefoelho edacine tug e i d f AtînsI , D u. e ae 10 n a p sto o s p l nz o k fr T ef n h a et W t h sra e o h o -u liîictla- 11posilevit0 llof' t'inro "erpli n paa p] r'IIti bti.î nu' O utail ()ftithîtit iaaina ardentort &c. non4's; pai eenty grade, banhin Golul îa-nd Silver, Ladiès uni!GGent5 sizes. 811 Frontn arn Si-cl nauteIOI' Cli robeli,lLIti 0(A t tan ltapîtcf. , Sianwu thi -O YCovri it tttWitttndsortutti Ont. ewlln and$.i& O là odn h y-WB mt.Jn Fancy Goadd taisuit ecr ts a dpiet. Gre2 1 1 cf itpeiTrno wooaea eni ____________________________________________ lMerchantsaBrocktStrert,-W.itby. 4o2 % t 8 -try etai t P ul , i variti87 Af'iitîiPrtii!ncuaviixhaibientnt,'Tatollro.:irec870.e!Plit su>tpbérfor'---.-- ner l'n, ,1YSCIN' 'EM.D. e ffr o ur usomrsfo te omDp fariltw dsan at oii - I'Irlntir tan trahI WearLLIAthetAC' & C to-lihallcw u"1i8bà 4 ic rhtîgali i Mt nthiete, 'i o a <aico-si Itt wala ienî ant 1t 1nd1 -ytroiean)îu Ilral lwîîtu bue8 W.818tulîiJEe Part 19 5 2 c i a D 0 1 0 111, 11a . A keI . - , n o a t ! CABI.NET FATd -yAND FUR NIýTUR9- WAREROOMS I plea~ din lnak ng sleôt.ions 0 f good fü iruture. Splendid Parlour, Drawing Boom aad Bedrooni Sets, New Desigeo well>warthy af inspection, at astaniehing low prices. Diii. 'ng-room P epinTalsavery mpro~ at8e G ilt C onn ice , P io tu re F ra mi i n e e y S y u h o o and Engravings Yor sale. mîgiieeyByt.Brefn hoa 'in al 'its bianches ; funlerals MIy Supplied&A Stosk of elegant emeikets. Cofi lrwsa on band, trimrned ta tuait Cî.ato:mers, and a wdl appanted WHears, constnty bera4 ue1875 Bus.t]?# 85 0ô '91 Bust pént - 85 5 29 Soulth-eat uîat 22- 5 8 N &,t or WJ 10 7 74 Poees prt 107 9 Cinderella 8st. 9op dindîretaSw t 104 Clni!rMl t t 109 j ~ueenst 184 î 9ucn st w t14 lafj j-fi -E Broken, k'art N W North eait part North.wesii Part 8 1 8 W Pt of W Part- 9 st-part Westthlii Part W 1 'l-aà 128- -148s Ire 114 1-28 24l. F 85 142 8 27 8<4 01 8249 77 18 a818 80,81 24 66 186 2642 - 4.20 .5 555 PET PERRy. 14 60 817 1284 *# 1703 c il 14 4- 87 168 14 4 15 18119 18 0 7 97 18 9 2 1 82 19 9 100 2008 1 10 8 '6 14 7 1327100 671 768684 90 241482 lo 1 2 85 a 8 84 132 1 1920 r119 VmF1. DIrUNBAUM'S L.umtlm nd Gout Remedy. h havcer<dAor the' cura i ATIuk IA L IGOUT, 11eeNiq1 ITS IAND MS,1 AI BRUIS 5eu 8S &c. ta lîa eani! saari a l a goiyisu l otu(os!tu n IbieCititiuitnîas wîLl tic b ilrapa, ttc eiy1 1i le edtn.y for ail neils elguuaiurescg iekali Montroal are on eadi bell>, tf a11i efficay. cartlficai, of physlipu &», )f h. Testimniale.is rae oLuave betu oSiufig Il uabla to sttsà te My eaul. uPPUcs*tioPu Ofir2>-Birobanin'. gl tu .syMr i s 4DAND RAILWAY 0F CANADA, LilsytnsuPd ft-gbg.. -Mail.... 10 00 . tM. id...8.2 PM. Mail.... 1255, v.m. I lxsi!.......... -Conilng Seutit fom OîSlha ta Linde"s, 'Petsrborand oi at Hope. ÇamuiIg S8authifrein Lakafleli!. Wi....4Mssa. M AU ... . M . neatos glh he Silid nail54 Potelil Pe e b ra'and uBisMa THE IlRING 0r REAPERS." - The universal success of thia Machine, both in,;Qloselyýcolà test-. ed triais and in the anda f the farwrs, anant us ii. sayng tht, 5ag SeliRak-. G- O . n ig Reping. inbine, It as ore good PO!itu andWlace dfect., and fhem met wilb G 0 L DI MII more succeansd les failure. Ibis herelofare ofiened la the public. CÀYUC1A JUNIOR MGWER 'Re were aw-arded the First Prise and Diplonia, at the Prcvin. NW (O D o!si EÊhibitiaa. bel! in Tmntt..î187ro.n cumtitlîion villi aIithbîeadingyags . .an' faeîûi.ed in the Provià énc; d *1th eiîr recant i esnase, a, nt ooa id ;.iases,,vary IiRa n g i jV > b aiin g e i b v e tig lt o n a n ! a a u a i - w t ~ ~ è ~ M c ie -- r s (i o l d B r o c e s - C o l o r e asîafli! he snb ntécigtio vii oîiýnre'se yr u%, edbed.nîId >.ste G Id oo kles. Brg fier thbeesî Mfoyen la tb. Fariner for i12,.biuilt ib thé Do iion. 8d des cript v catal gues. iQ B E ê I ~ ~ N ~ ii gsa very fie Hçay Weddi LLYG RUSSELL, WATA-M, Go ~ ere ou an g t a W ell.fittîýng G arm ent ;-- To t e - C ao 8S g ra d M I Tailoring.Eà tà bliÉhmËç4t-of, t sert aud TomSÃŽ GEORGE .GURLEY,' OSHAWA 13- SpectaoL3 ýto SUPRRIOR,' CUTTING SAeà rS; THE WQýThesû 4goods, Ihavinbeen purcbi ~'~ll~ Oveoa~$ 844 dSplendid Vestaten&ü À .A 2 8 88 5 521 Ptn 05 4 1 4 SQ Paentd a à t6 4 56 ~~~1 2 3 Pt83da d Sp ns oà 4 56 1891 8 aene 70 il 90 1 55 13.45 Patented iigs 14 219 30 49 Patented 100 4 87 89 7 76 Patete 92 2 69 79 3 38 Patanted- 4 350 1 86 521 Pteta! Fr n --C-il ------------ 87- 901 1 809 8700 Patentei! m 71ET -CA -' o-CF - 25 8340 1 si4 3 4 8 Patuetai! SERY W HT4 5TI27)3Pteti!a d sýtPaui~hsoe! ln-aê, 4lvO0 56 127 183 Patenta! 1O au> 18 67 Patenti! J. H. mn'sudaican!u olonneeSjn Se A ise ePelniat ic o 20 8202 1 2 O 14 1 Patented t2'aNNERS' IIEVENIVEoIL 10(1~ ~~~ y587 2 9 4776 Pacili 20 74 1082 4 78 10 Patetedi! Tarand tOc.s tai-1876. Pt - 1146- 192 219 i9 25 88 Patente! - -, - RBRT c 8/5 1/ 2 61 1 8 a 71 Patente! .itlrýi 41 V B 2 / cl i 9 17 1 8 0 8 o 1 P a té neil i! H E G R E T tA U e 0 F H U M A 1 *.o 3 284 8 589 Patenti! ThMIe wrY.rnwedatoint a 9/10Dof à 8 1.2 2 15 Patened mia LcuetParIbiish red,30 - a si /1D0j 01V27 2 V pTetedV. 'ëPeie ovtaltap Pries, uix ce. 10 s890 1 479 1S 8 Patentai! Traicainpant s Pad ie Cunr omi enal- 50 .5 6b 2 39 47 92 paente nWsà kor sCori a tioa - iit n a moe of le 2 20 182i 12 Patentai! curte tloncge era.. lly; Contul booEic r) 2 74 I 82 4 <il! P ata hîci! O p a n d i c a l M tl a !Pys c a 10 19 62 1 7129 1243I Patentai! cOa d huacîynyEdEEs . CL 100 c 8l/ I l2 1 2 132 8 98 JPatenai! SeLnt D, tue sauthinraftpl 'ai n Bc~ 175 2j917 1829 3<33 Patenti! St Il 36 151 80 Patente! Th de w -onreawed anofbsrx cnis, ai! 4/03 c 8 8 1 276 291M Patanlai! nosrage Lt ura en poesion 1/20 a! 22 1 42 7 '2617 paîte ti! a -reiA en shtIawulcnaune 8/3e 1 93 8 15 21 8 patentai! cfE!.AUce ma haefaCiy AmeCO., i/Scf 2 6o 1 8 a 91 patente! vî41on t .d,iNe nw ftotisgr 10 2 76 I 1 3 6 patentai uge! oartae ogdc ntuune 85 9 9 455 289 47 9î patentaie oadrcrdaemiec DO 9 20 1 491 Il8061 paet i! on aIcaenten tRs nen e 5Ctnl y ehi 00 16 09a 1 u65err17n74atterbaî luu -teI.Y 0 2 85 1 850 213289 Unpalente! ii etr ilpoeabo a 0 79 249 a174821 47 Patentai! bFnsnR N 17ousande. 950 5 Il6 -2 18 87 24 Unpateie! - Suddnsai li neoe e M3 37 9 4-8 9 1 Patenitai oaaeelm Do 12 1 41 1 1 Patente! dl5t )l 19 28 1 788 21 56 Patente! HE LVEAL MEIAL rù 14 45 1 61 16 91 Patentaie 24dn tNw ak .O o 36 0) 2 145 1 81 8 76 Patente! e5 8 9 1 49 10 946 Patentai! 9 1 43 1 29 il 7-0 Dpatentaid ~ .9-M> & C M 10 16092 14 1774 ateîei '2 255 18 2 apatnteti reoo isTAlU Rt E.a 10 792 3 235 8207 3 pateailed F R 0l 3751 28 1Du 27 4 Patente! ulig,ý og t 03 1 213 1 1824 6 pateite! 0 41 40 4 8 6 69(> patenjta! 01 1 4 4 0 844 patente!d HV 1ASO adaPl tikoeey 0 à 78 1 8 71846 halente hîai!i ie u hp ySfie teto 3 9148 12do il22 patente! otpw1ýso hi utmrt ei 8 1475 1 i85 a0818 patente! Wotnuancerofmsthe panaerht Han l 1040 0 85 21088 palento!tne t hm 3 5 84 1 3 27 4 8 patente! lT Ci 87 2318 1 246 patentaied lU1t:gS 8 og t 1 4 240 28 29 69 Palatd Sec tention - Stocmk atevaof I 1 1 80 8 29 486 5 patente! aaiwy a a!aFi i 8a7 1 289 2 1 2 patente! ta t ', l !E tr LcuaWo ClaRst mK 1430 81 22112883 piate 46 1W 418 patenta! 2 97014281995 patenraîl 21518 1879 2858 patente! 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Warrant ..............1 0 Il fil6 1 64 17 15 Mnpa tenîai! 2. ScrVing sumînans an anpoeua.... e-25. -lu 1 r '-12 ](0 -n ce.ed Mueaae tas8 =veuMmon#. sub, 11 81 1leS 1886 . ti i rvcaclnnl a 510 1 88 S 48 patente 94 l 80 - S 24 palenta! 5. u1oa ro ai!u !hie a..O10 905s 1 483 10 53 patenta M oAeacln dnisenens l gai, 22 9 1 8 2t75 Upatetea exclusive of isltuîsementa nec. 22 9 1 8 2475 U paltted es&rily expendedi n them cou. voyance.*a:................... 010, 6 . Attending Justices on uumwai WM LINt r"al, af-On axauinatjen aiorf WM. AIN, snera charge! wiîh crime, oer Côunty Treasurer, Ont. - cadi day nacessarily employai! in oeaor marecacas, 1mnoct angagan mare Ihan fo u irs.. 00- S7. Do,.do. vben ang or Is four bonne......... ...... r Iii A T 8. Attondbng Ausizes or Sessinc S H J, ~ 9cd day................. 0 H A LL @9- *eage trava!ing te atteni!As-. >iaiiSecians, an bafans Justicce (wbènpublie ceairanca eh mnent e a !w e .) . . .. e JUST R C lVD1.SmoigJr forCones Inquesî, icu RangslenWg at inqest an! al arycs in ras.. Lflome îvery cea.Colorped peot theeofif bel! an came day and cheap. au ~~Jury u mnc.....2 c F. F. F. 19 10 11 12 100 10() 100 170 191 40 DOt 190 10 100 8 1 41: 1 88 I64 1 27 1 26 1 6 1 45 1 28 1 42 1 82 .1 82 2 01 1 33 1 49 1860 1622 9 62 14 41 20 10 18 71 18 71 8 06 18 17 14 77 68 21 PR 7 69 2 56 8 la 8 94 81 90 18 14 18 52 82 26 pat*ntod Iowest or my lu4 Pat.nted O. eAtP .I o Paetd office P. W. H. Cao, * 1'~*iiIed Nov. 7th, 1876. UatetdBobcaygebn Iiidelendoe t t copy. Patented p ILADELPHIA CENTENNI, Pat6nt6a EXHIBITION, 1876. L Patented Patanted Patentai! Manufacturai., Importer aAU4 Who1eg, Pateuted Pate4ted upatetea Upaten ted- Patented Patanted PatentaiS Patenta ! Patentcd Patentai! Patented 52 Caibonne, BtToront,~ S ILVER MEDAL Award for lhiesonmx~feuac B F, PBB E; AT TE Patented Patentfa Patentai! Patanted Patented Patanteci Paten2tei! Patented Paten)tai Patente! Being :the aoiy distinction for themn. dlace oi geodsa îwari!ed -ta any axhihitor ira qept. 1 ~BABRTSTERý flison'à gtdUmBrco A rT -A 'n, Brook,0. W. B A.RISTER A 1>ChanceryC .,n>e Stet, Oa4hgw leotaz Public, &c. Block, Brock Stme A. G. fie Lyrn tereo fptai.. J.Doar .c., ~fpta 1 -.clck.r R J. Ci 'VO T Dr. W. 'Ký Residence, at M C RsEOSPMT T heey . 0A- Wbitby, Over Mr. 3am 'OuideOaa adiniate r traction of teeth. 14 e,~~th1Qeao trit ehflhled a Tpetb ertractelwithý ~aumaiathesia. fDe RaM AU oaera prou aloonBrck 5 8>1 EN WU -f an.ttîà h Wblfniax stantly on hand. *Clerk Division, C &o., Ajtharly, Coanty ACÂRD. - ?'lT4ictan. Surgpan., Whitby, Sept. 80th, 181 G1ri late with honora) uiv.of l s- 1 u'. n DUNDAS .*UET WlTBY. -A GOOD FIT ANDI) STYLISH COUT -WAR.RANTrEF-D 1 Gent% Furnà ishing Goode of ail kindR, including Shirts, Hats and C&POi Un1brepas, &. Whiîby, Ju 87th 5. tf-8i Cf OCEW/IES c& PURE £1 QUOBIS at WHIOLESALE ýand-.RETMAIL to suit the HOLIDAY D N D FRBE D ,RjC~ NEALE' 8 IMu.oGE STREET,OHA ~.GENT FOR ?DAVIES & T~Tw~ s~ ~l XXX Cre~m Aie & Porter. ~ ~ SUPP~î~ ~ j2 t - -----ta N 1) Wu. TILL. ,e FOR SALE. J' 'VERY CHEAP. CALT, xr p,«PlV. rizimis 4GENT FOR.-DAVIES À,TJLO " -uviN v VAIN *'b 1