H 4.11G00IN8&9 BBOC STIRfT, WHITBY. - Forme po0,p rAonntp- '~DIR18EiSTB-AUlAd- ,amnots .ueaaurd tu Nmieult ~ ---- ihiirged t lieecsts of 8 osaIs, pur l A*jà ' 'un r nor nish VOL1 XX .,Ordao bpoonieo atuivstsmgnnur. _ _ _ _ _ _ DnM1MON DANK. - IWHITBY ÂGE NCY. éAbon ub-Ac@ncy at Liverpool Market. Sinina IeprtmnzL In.coonaction wlth, te Whe 4ri ,pald on daeo. H. B. TAYLO, Whitby, Rept. 18th, 1876 rangementa for speolal retainer of Hme. r Camra; QO., sud Dr. MoNiohaai, Q. C. o vey- Ordos fi4à door eooth of the Roi'al JAMES IIUTLEDGE, B. A. A RRTTEllt ATTflBNET.AT.LAW,ý !Now ryPhil, L,,h. Olo-O rAd. a linon , weIrock OtreutWhitby, Ont. 4rIIARLIC C. KIJýLFR, IlChi ry (Oonvayancer, &o., Canning. 'roc, Brock , C. W. I>RITnAT LAW, SOLICITOR IN JChncer-, Covoyancer, ho.,&ho.-n. -en qten, Mehuva y) ARRTSITER, ATTORINEY. AT. LAW, . Soli-ltr luInaChancep andtcnolrnnuy, Nelam-y Publie, ho., ho. fo-MMla' Blrock, Bnock Sitreet Wiritlry, Ontario. ILate Greenvooci& h MoMillan.) A RRTSTER, ATTOIINET, SOLIO- iltnr, Notes-y Psubli, Crnveya'oon.r . f ile-,,yrn Street, S ho Po n at Ofice, Wbil O, Fntao _____ DUGG.X h ROBINSON, Btftfttn. ,AITOIOIEYSÀT.LAW. so eCIToRs EN' cru NOEuy, CON VIYA NCE lS, o., OYY~J~-Pon,4ncfa Ae*ar4nco B&41dieigo 9lT§ ~rtRr, Toià vo, J. Doo~, ~.c., J. G. IRoatxeor, M. A ________89 7OWCLERK ANI) TRÈASURER, 'T wN,,.Office-Tcw 'Hall. EHouri, rrom 9 to 1I ocock,> R J. (;ltrq<,NM. MI. T3 TVM OUTY GAOL, Oruc-eIdoor tu aoioci.2 Office. me, Resldence, at Mr.. Lewis Mouck's. G'fUY'S HOSPITAL LONDON, ENO., '.the eye R. O. H. " Os<Jhawa, Ontario. rn DENTIST, <UCS nom, te W. H. Card.) ~stIrDental Raeen-Duntiss Strict, 'Whltby aven Mnr. Jameoeon'a Store. Nitrons ,Omide dus aâmtnistrt fon thre punies. ex- tnbactaon afteeth. C.N. V iRiq, L. 1).in. e IEE TH inserel e o al lirhe -&7~~ latent prinoiplen efthlIe amI, us chssp M tIn heaepeat, and as gpoi us thre lient. Teohetir imit urGelti antiSilven, Teethr xtrectedti rt miny protiuoing an'$,. n o îap, aen Atklan'e Drug Store, Kinjt1-$~ Qb,~', - 86 I'140144iDIIVERIIIL, BUIZDÃŽI UND C'ONTRACTOR, D 0ND15An S., vnnnrne. 1LMè Ailetrs.proreptli- exeonteti H ARt DRESSING AND SHAVINO I Saoon, Brook St., Whiutirn. A GleNT FOR THE CELEDRATED Scourtîle Granite. AI MarrIe Works -cSJruîaitlgn Wbltetiden,Dundiao St., Wlntby. 9*4019-11l 114s4s IlK. TUMIItR MERCHANT, CARPiINTE1I LJ..Jenir, (troenc trant, Wtriltly. A large qurnoliti- oS ail kinis oai ubaen con. stentlyoneband., -H.eB. O-DELL, A T H 8 R L Y, Cierk Division Court, Tp. C/erk, Cru)innosslmeor le B. B., Lanti Agent. &hc, kci., 'tierl-, Coniîl OCnario. 'L"IY41luiusn,'luiiçeman, ccoucher, ho, hi Wtnlitiry, Sept.'aath, 1874. -4 8 ~l4t. R.ULÃŽt, bd. D., L. M. EDIN. 4tJ r 111ute îvilla iar)ni tufeirsUniversity nS Q-a' 'drr CuiteCanada; Pmniladorl ir luuv aS 'elrîlina andti urgos-y, Aunetr uar Uuiv. r uS ensy#itana,; gelaio' Cuilege oS t",rvveaanduLitumntiate cf Miaorafc- aS tua, learn.cf iitabarg, Srtlaud. Cr- oritrrrfnr the Corinety cf Ontario. Office- i Antît lti, tUuS.lyr sa JTOIIN S. M. WVILLCOX, Of the Ton ci wluuit. h0k..hr."e. (UNlPIET-LEHNEW ACT,) For th. (7ont- et* ontrie Ali'linesi nurtftitei ta mis change %viiilo csnefnily ut- luruleritir. Whilir-, Jeu. 111h, 1874. SI- T H 2BEST - P..9.5? Il -w'- ~, >fpf~2 w,-.. TAUB~IT I 1311 ra PaUp~f~ "~~'l o $ W. B MoGAW Ime o nyl aaa Port Perry, Sept. ii 80 h pin . ~ - otna..o io.a 0____ P bo iIg jy, (UgSj O 8838PROUTL PI~ JOHNSONCSB L.AIA2K,14. EKT, EAST XÂRET SQPA2E, TOBOXTO. F3 Raenn Ynurro o o lv hal 18'cenis vIC nerI 1W for 1eh-e MI tIs. W. G. JOHNSCON,-- PROP ITOR. ~Y Tauxa, 81.00 per- con- GW* MMOg M con- Day. >*.n..g 'n -BsTS3AKBICAN HROTEL, IonDad*~i~ ~ H o u e . e w y r e n ou é e d a d f r n lis o S a n y w e hughonntaud put>in jar otoo1aaa zuterifct yp l - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ A 01____ ______ c h ein~id oeȣ ,ou~L.VAIEEBUiKs. y% ONTAÂRIO HOTEL.aurb iln rntOfoBcktht WWTITBT, ONTAB 0O.Y Izpîd~'~asn hie week. fr oey BNI PIE iNtrA 0 THOS MAONPRORIETR. 01honnn3. E. MjfR, Lombard st. sud Charing Cýocs, London. Soperior accomodation. Table, soppUed Dc Proprlqtr. EaTALIRD IN 1782. »*n n Doc 1 ôh. 178.;letfGILLSPIE, MOFFP &c. an se&. 04 !OOD NEWS FOR THM LAIES. Agente for Canadaj AILND TSEULNK I$AILWAY iSOTL,' AT WITBT 8TATION. WIIL O'NEILL -.PROPRIETOR.- Parties taklog lthe train and leavlag hanses vii have thon: vell laken cae cf ifthelr T H3 QUEEN'S HOTEL, (LArE CcKNERaCaL,) BBOtIK-OT5EST, vaîrEr, TAYLOR h MceCANN, PROPRIETORS Tine ondeongneti teà ine te infante their Snendaîeilîlls pu blic Ibat they lirte takon tins aimve 'rell kýnown hail, vhIoh they have csvly 011.4 nrsp and renunysis, ari put int the irént of entier for th irs ccmnnti. tin cfgeta. Tire Bat, vrhi. là tire hcd. samest ft he Con nty,,Iisîl poîlled 'mih tire finest bnanu ô 'ins, tiquons.,analci- gars Ample nnclosed shedti nrenlgetj uh, box stali. tho. Detache i nsni fan Comnmercial liaveliers.-1 J. P. TAYLOR, PHII McCANN. 1 lite of Tonanto.- a R OYAL HOTEL, WXITBv, JA s. F'rNGL Is, PROPISIFJTOR, Thre langegî anti ciosi coonndoans hotni iu tire trwe : rsi large @ample reates fan comercrial truroibens Table v'elh soppliet 'un tiretestin seagnmn. Boat brnd iptsIqors andl cigars. Enolosot yaran ati srioam; attentive hoAîeru. Changes ta suit lina limes. 'S.B.-Lirery a'tacired. 27 S HAKESPEARE HOTEL, TORONTO. JAMES POWELL, - PRoparIToit. Ffrst-elaseacommodartian bath-recuis, ho. Boardi, $l 60 per dlay. 10 A RMSTRONG HOUSE, (tÂTE ALUIUNa,> WHITBY, ONTAIIIO. E ARMSTRONG - PIOPRIETOR. wVHITBY BOUSE. DUNDAS-ST., WHITBY. (WEST 0F ?OUT OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BÂNDEL, PROPlIIETOB Tisn lonnuse ia eneecenthi- ilii, .is large antid-rnem, ant i tteal np in fir-t-clene stylo..lieat Wlnes, Ltquors anti Cigare; Smash Lagon Beni. Goccl tabilg and' en. niaseti yard; attentive outlens. 48 0OMMEêIAL HOTEL, nrA.oz'nvaîa, ONT. JAMES DEWART -' PROPRIETOIR Good accommotiation1.1 jONE«YTO LEND. The undersigmîstiban an y accent cf Men- ey te Leeti upoo Ferre or Tuviu Pnepenty, ai unusby Loy Rates aoftnterest. Loasoau te repeit intesumosta euit lion. revers. Several Impraveti FArme anal WilitLands for sale oireap. Investreenîsmrude inn MunicipalD be- tunes, Batik, and ti ier nnaketate'ile Stocks. Fanrbuiner paaicmlars mely te À NEW REVELATION IN THE SCIENCE 0F DRESS.MÂKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-SoITTING WAIS 1T & SHOULDER' CHART. Dresesa itteti rm e-uemenl atone.- vithoot change af a stltch. 'JAMES DA'~V1JMYUN, .Mngy eti ntirh otaoale tre,,acd lasses p ai 'ruat nèeSe t e B eoiadin Lon. Agenat, Wiriliy April 121h, 1876. - - l T "SDA, h&, LIFE - lo Bare, 'u r n merunetins, at HEAD_ OFFICE, - QUEBEO. MIS'S MGINT YRE'S Financtal Resuit Of 14 MO1ntirs Huai- nizSnÂIo eens, WHffBî. ceisi ta 3Pst Dec., n875. getwne.Lihensl tuducementis toAuthorizeti Capital..-------- O tirs Initie. Subsonri Capital......... d:0o aPair! op Capital ......... 200,095 Whitiry, Aog. 18,1387t. 84 Govannunene Deposut (Pir-).. 80.000 Geverumeet Deposit, idifeo>..80000 Total Revenue, Fine Pnemtnns, 0S F THE DIVSION COURTS anti Iutoresl ............. 228.778s L7Tm Itavested Fonds........ ..14718 otal Lsses ................ 59u COU NTY 0F ONTARJO, Tot . Aguets..... ........#974 P OR THE, Yffl T6a76 9879 - - -Tis Compauny hanivsuDow lsiati itssif, - an gae21nanotsanti 207 Agae n ~ 2îl il 81211Manager, Bren7 l-2 1 164lY C. NOURSE, Agent, Whltiry. rtpry26 1820 à 14142 'prV ie. 12717 141 2627 6S1Ilil[22 Bevr'nu 291 Ill'ril2() 'Ahr-- - i171 muse Io;lui whltby, Dec. titi GRO. H. DARTNELL, Junior Jotge G. YOUNG SAITW ISSUER 0F MARRIAGE LICENSES, WHITBY, ONTARIO. MONEY TO LEND on Fanon snd Tovn Pnapnnty, ai LO0W -RATE S cf Intoeelt For Setier perticulamis Apply le- JOHN FAlLQUHARS«N, wiritiry. Augual lîtir, 1876. 34 K ING BROTHERS, 1WHITBY,- ONTARIO, Iciportars, Deatene anti Manufacturera nofahu - Kmas of Doposil viIh Dominion Gavermenut 950,- 001). Experienceti Agents tirongiout tire Duniniou. k'ire Risks wrii focsai Adequale Raies. C. NO1URSE ,- Agent, Wiitiry. Wity, Manoir 7th, 1876. i Q uE E N INSURANCE COMPANY (FlORE AiNDiLITE) 0F LIVERPOOL & LOItIDON. CAPITAL, - $10 000,000. BMRU FECIAL AnVInxa: MOLSONS BANK 6. A. BAYNE8, E8Q., M.D. Heaid Office Sur Canada: 191 h 198 St. James Sitrent, Monîmeal. FOIluES & MUDGE, Chief Agents. R. H. L &¶VDJiL, Agent, W]itiy. Augrîsî Otir, 87.5, y. LEATHER? AND FINDINOS, F1E% NU>AOECMPN1 Lealiren stetîheti. ik* BELTINO MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NeTICE. Vav, 1872, 22 JONEY TO LEND I - A Ian go quantili- of roney ta tend et loy - AMES HOLDEN, Intamde, pn!vatn inn de. OffcIA Azigne, rokT, o. For sale, several Town llt, Ivo Franre OffiiaiAusgruo, rokr, oinnes, anti a large Brick Ileune. For BpnllPli. 1@72. 16 tennis, appli- te PUTSCALLS SPRG. YOUNG SMITH, T)UT, CLLSSPRADS, ITRAD« WhiIbui Feh mur, 1874. 1 DirES,- We feitirfolai- execute al ' ondens for ltas percLuse antisnle cf stocks on --____ 2 ta à per cent unurgirsn. Finit Cigcs Star-k To tire Inhbtneo ufn'Ce t'rivilegeu negrtiatdintegoy arrucurt. Wt' oartnî fDfin'Co soliait lte Patronage oS parties desircirs oS anti Vicinityz CIblaililag îeiiablm suan ti pnnnisie brokmr. Ouer bok -an SPilk gpptolulnn sent ou gp.I bave nov fueetie pliustion. 'TUNIBU I DG h&Co., lieekn.uiUierorSirop in Mr.W. Cuihbrts. 'rert- ruart 1runs 192 Ba-azivar, N. Y. i 1.n nny bo seen aao lneo li ent tim aîye of Ber-f. Park, asuri Fevrer afferes tter E) H U M A T18S C URaE D Publie. LRt eaonatule Prions I Cerne I.! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n WlINTWLV M. C omsamliaur! gel secietming te de-i-on Wlfll» TQLVEIIUUtg. gootià . t',i'i'sRnouern.Sis'.-i il' RICHARD WESTLAKE. rlier, acuta tenett ireti ail tInu, Deoantar 22nd, 1875. 52 pan within i2 heurs. Ttscertainnantipar- uns'8- lfl,905Dlgslib F ioof,-Neanl% aIl Disoasen anse froo tire starcacla, cca- I1IEY GOODS AND GROCBMY siiaeril yi rcean ii. Thae Digotive FluOUJ .D nutralises aI ais, trrflequeotly il usot UDL anis aIl cases of iiygppia. gyniipous andî STORE A U L Y 'tirr BlooutiPrisonîuss The effect leanm.____ uruisue. Sa d bhi- li Druo-giste. Prive 50e. %de Wirleaaîe Ageinrs, rm, Wat son & Ia ntirer ta muet the grovleg vauta of Cou, Montroait ran eites w. y nirontau, tire loceity tire subscrlber-bians niaceit irrmntin,- Oct. 49.ly &o iopen buinsse ir teve lino. OfNEY TO LOAN. A Large and wel -pany of Canada. (LIMITBD) - Lenti Monç4 on ReuI Rtate. -Perchuse Euisting Manigagea. Benoees 'il Anti tire Cecpuny's terras mrda-iOn, vltt special Isotiles for puyiag cfl tirir cauns. - HORS.E MEDICINES, .HBIG AU oorIptono oattire bont Hanse@til. 03 010 f prioaS tcif ,luneqkoe&on hauft#d tSqg sleo uo#»MOSaÇascS r LIuinarge l'or adv ice.N.RA. HÃ"E - - ~ ~ MOWK SOCO, OAI'u hIS N, -ROI3T. K. You.iG, pROI LUM~~TXf3E fl - Bainfroinifflinreultrdin W H I tR Y setc..rua-rn îtiqhl o re " W'ril1iTtireYlues- f iqume" nt a i it bi isl - lu (jI'î' 14 a u m -ilkinîtis Sur i rrntinle lin enimi-. Nano e s'urennin.ailb-rt l'u<pnniss. -andatintntveoenrrants keqpt. t tiruitn-c-tit luaiul na on nlwys tahlitig -éa lprompt Inasîers mIn I c s' rita uî8u1l ig 'mitl s ljrmlelng, n baud,- wheet w' 8.1km prouùuT I hcWliîby.} ing thre conra. reqoiming ih- fitrian su ,.les- Aupplbeti . 'nui tne te bunî ninitoingu Elannrnôdinu~ j- 'alvar. on j S elected Stock< eqoal ta prie in ur!qality ta an 'tinAt cma te, ponrusâea la loveor city. 'Giv ce cea Ili, joudgifer yournelfanti 15itt ok aa )n aso volt moiter! aelsevirere patientas home trado. D. MoBRADY, Audley. Audley, Nov. 24th, 1876, 48-tf QDAL dOHk&PEaTHAN EVER I PPWý.N'AGAIN!l, Sept. 18tL, 1876. Whitti- antiOshawa. CARD I T. H. McMILLAN, Agent Son Une ROYAL INSURANCE OOwp4Vyr, OFFICE-O-npanloLoa ndntn SlUi SaSo, sud roliabl hiucrarges moderato, prompt ,etlemeui oS claires. GEO. YULE, Agent. WlnlLby, June 2, 875. 28 C H 0 1 CE APPLE T R E ES.9 A fil O UT 40,000, AIT Tan£- HOME NURSERY, Frac tva te four yeare of uge, embracleg a&l tbo beet Varieties. SETH C. WILSON, LaI No. 8, 2ud Con. Pickering, on Kinugston RouaI.bu Ofice, Wnihy. 1ROUGHAM CARRIAGE WOIIKS. S. WEBB Etenportfoîy imnfors ii Patrons andtihir PotIlc irat hehbuporchiteetheIb Right fan .Pickering, ta Menjufactone Conboy's Patenit Seat foi, SUGGIE3, CUTTERýS &c. Ail parties 'm ir>'rIde l ta 500 aur Buggies anti Collero, htoae giving tiroir entiers else. Brengnuo, luI- lStr, 1876. li--4 A CARD. To aIl vire ire snffenlng fraun tins errns anti irrtiseo-tions noycolil, nervoýnn veak. nana, eilii teéal, ian -oS miahou , ii RonF tCtHA -viE. Freyn RE! OF A M".This great renetiyvs. %i dhsceo*snél hi-a missionner Ina SouliAmr ica. Sent islf-udinsed éanrelo ta Un ftEv Jcnrz T. IecrSaic jBible. I-reme, New* York iC7tfg. 1 27 "P.IOTURE -BOO. Book Asp*. uw ani *avtmlod é f: taklng -à itcià w.tim'4és a Ej'igs ,Pletomes. Prints, ho&c i or ri'ns ~cen~t enïýsampo8c Adiuds R.BOTD, Cuircuns DEPARTJ<EST. AUIMO»IU]&D DI900UNT . ON 14 aiýeîintiýlu nem t#-n~ith Billedraagi-ldi ýêBank oes 'foin Arran zoù ~be 8" érule at the O ozcvffo.w byObe office Pzianz Ab. M U« et bm tEd" Office, Port'Peigt . M.W.LO Prinme Abert, * 1,19. pen7y.i WN'HITBY MACHINE ,WOQKS1 (LATE CLAmtTOY'S BROOK STREET, 'WHITBY. The underslined begs to loforno the fan erg of the dorrooodizng confry, that lie L lu stock a larg euertîînt ef Colt Boxe$, Churnel2oIrni Drii., Herse Reli Waggn, si. ihn. Carts, Fannug Ml Hock Yooken, Whiffe.Treesi Whoe1batrov Repalring of all hinds oxeooted wi neatnessanmd despatcb. THMÂ MCANN. Brook-. Whltby, April 4th, 1876. ly D OMINION FLOUE k FEED STORI CHARLES PENNYLEG ION Bogs ta noiify hiei frie2ddand costome that in ow pre»ared tu nupply Flour and Feed of tke Best Qualit, et tire luvesl li«Dig pticon3. Floon, Carna, Cbop.Feenl, Bren, Shorts, Ori nieml, Creoketi Whest, Peau, OeCe, po. tatees, ho., AI Whobale sud Remkit. Cheaper tfia the Clneape8i for Car At lire Domninionu Floairanal Fend Stan Crosby'@ Block, 'Imel d(S, Dnnedes SIree, Whitby. CHAS. PENNYLEGION Wiiti-, April 241h, 1871. VAISES AND TRUNES. LEATHER VALISES ISARATOGA TRUNKi ho., ho., aI WILLIAM THOMP8ON'S, Sadier nd !HanniegiMaken, 8500E-ST., EmT Juan 24,18 74.2 61 %9- R. WICKETT, Imuporter, Manfacturerand WIu1-i. Leathers, Shoe-findings, Etc Scie Agent for Ontario cf J. H. Menney' celebrateil Colared sud Faucy Lestlners. No. 52 COLBORNE STREET, TOTOr, CONT P. O. lBex, 3212 s TAGE BETWEEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY I Leavee Oshreaaet 8.80 a, ci., and 1, P. ne Loaves Whitby et 10.80, a.ci., andi 1.30 p. M. pane 25 cents cach 'rey. -WiII cal! ai al tira iritels, and ti I init nesidoncese('heu ordemi are loitIet any o the hotels.) connecta 'rnth Oshawva ani Eowrnmnvflle stage; asre itintire Waritb- anti Port PnmryEsiverv, andi vitirBrougli am au t hity.THOS. HOPPER. Wiritby, Manoir l9tir, 1875. 14i llegn lu announce thtire lasrasmuvodt( King St.. ra few Jeans EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE opposite Luken ilrew-rorns, wviree il bi onnti - fiee stock of siIk anti feit heIn foi ladies ndr!gentlemen, o01iris ove resu factura. Le 'tae lirats coloran mur!ell eiil Onhavu, Joly 6Ir. 1675. 81 W. J, HINtIIAIN, .(SUCCEsscni TO J. LsuiSAn.) V~7 TERINARY SURIGEON, Gradueli EOntenia Vencniaary Collage. By e p paielmeunt V. S. te D. F. Betteny WilU h at Arrnstnong'n Rata, Wbitiry, eveny Ton,. day froci 10 te 4. where ho eMy ironrulte,] on ahi dineains cf tira dîrretir anmrals. Itesidence,-Coinerciel Hnmtet; office- Canter's Dmog itoe, King nimeet, Oshawva. Wiritliy, 0t c. lmd. 1876. 11-41 yBOMAN GIBSON, General Commi1ssion Merchant end Produce Dealer, Agent for lMPERIAL and ComzccwUN-. in Pire Insursnce Coupanies. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW 1 Aino Agent for the Loinnox and CAKÂAIZAit LoAx AvD AosNOT CoXPAin?. Money.lnan. ed 4M reui entate, payable front 'Irwo ,to Twelve ye&rn, and in smoeto nuit parties. t-Intereqt iow and no commission chargnd. Morrgages booght. OMfce£t GIBSON & SPARV'ELL, China rem Store, Dondan St., Whitby. Wbltby. Idarch iStIl. 1870. - 12 FOeR SALE 1 acres af landt, cmrpir-iug Gardn anti Or- -cinard, al cf excellent cluality, foncerli- oc- -oplet ty tira laIe John Humeér, Eiq., situ- & ta Atout eueneMlle easîcf Witiy, ce tire Kingston Beach TThe Hease cenluine Ton -Rouais beside. kitchen ita rsi b gar! n ellen. Bartiant i tI ater on lino promi- ses ; ainebarand r!stable. JOHN TAYLOR, Eeg., On tino promises. Wii±rn, April 121h, 1876. 1 tIrai ho.caires an tire Llvcny businews i RAY'S OLD STAND. Partiesi qninin eveya"t'n-cavered anti open--can u ao.no at I a mnnet' notice. I lnitby, Sept. 12, 1875. 5 BEES FOR SALE. even Sarmus,ve--tngtaPen J ni- ,'và Air m?*i Whso » , ëial~ My Iffbmî Dis, Jusu mPY7JT .. 1p',donb.ating and b - sin,"o - hve coe!edfrenn ie caUeu o Aa. (git'-after cigit, 00sa firigirîfoa .Linoth ON PIlEPAE5.-Ann or. erin, rauiii4~b, w. oasecet nnog tiroir mIrtle oity'sereanonand, rane. (Can.ieu<4) thijtietr WM ch ~bfQûo'rà bclety. HRe[nltertiatingwitil fnrioca yolir 'd'b *hmd1,'gn knéw -b6,.rdivod và nfônn lUnDibaratta mirti ;ý whfle: there d glre o01 * Bol th Enrôpen -à oomnniî,y 'oi nt ltersut frimChinene onorera; and n e ; brungbonne nRbOne agseinýf Port sh'aunObai had, bain e rettvuWeIl corail'cf Wan flot nnlikoly ,11a$ thin en wi;ir j e y.Iis ullbcgou4ar aniesere #114n1688n ôr the Dvine- > .Whl 'h IIad Fseiin hipimac igattdu nWliî-i h' unnbn.'re fuar tcgl - , blon now eing Ops like »a canki-?. canir l bonI ani were noctaba turc. 1 figures wero tlnrowc into strong relief. Warin, t1iofrit ceenaurion cf putticunt ing a penny lbylpéngeg - .'éertainly Very uglv starien 'roucimeil us, tlirouzn.'h iuutry. W. ha' t drig béen gleéfol, Ibiswcr'tnIl bl'ovrero pointedtoe, u'noh tolunr natveattenidante an rq. et tireilea c f getlng uii'«Ou'aid. semis panniary transaction, 1althotnihinnainnd est linirponite, cf steiooul8in..u. niUublmg.lnlockn tins mandarien, .Wth tin hia*Vrtirr impJicd'that Lake vas- ta jthat were being. enacteti in. tire: towon.' their shamels,. grend, theliteliaufurîiéali' niallits nîsinfad cf receivneg .j ufostly, il in tras, 'ith, tire nuiject 0 étiquette. 'nd -1theo ieur.bmeakinîg, t1m ;,,Lut Ihin van pmolably some' et. extortin" mounéy troin fthiose wlo Mdoy.'ecckinu delays u tie 1pe iorneoun rennlnrina oattise liéesk Arlwrn'nîulc nvngbreitir Cdieng Iclîouln Office. Btmmeanit 1.tinad board bafoue ti t tir rens, but otten nut cftaIuc oe, 'ré were forced:!ta Ove that even tino Men 0kname little aubstance haît mado v'antonnons andi ingenions aptitude for lie, rinîcuocraoy cf litetri.,grauoaten hall great pr5dta by riqpirieg, uuder sente infiictfig pain tirat <forma eue uithtir> wu. iieilts wirn campared vitir threde. conilot,.ltirte Tute.ping camp te buy' olrt teatures jenlthe complez ciraritcter ittroyere 'rira wero seedng -ta nupplant up, atIn1e rates, thne epoile with whie of- a Chinamme. But, afier a wlnile, tincin. Thee iaû-pieu ioft a -lenoît ibe. thcir army wau alutted l andi I knew Mtebea hol elameurs ceaserl, andl but Lieid tirem virover they wont; aundltac veli incw îloperately an coMbarrasà . fur a few droppieg amati fireul boe ansd Most oft t n;hati een grimnt iqinî, and ed macnvi ilta ay vcue, fhowev. tirhere, cee nanglirîhave forncotte tinat n al ai utun blo ard niories, tee ugly ta or duLien,. by whioh ýtaoesoape from rut1nlesn onemy 'ras s ne ar. -lie repeated, whoLi elnewed in wlnaî binscifflles, te woeder tiraI Laike Iirelieve, but mer net qurite ocre, tIret B.sort of' Ileeniiegathne vore whicL theo ehoulni cannent ta havo-doaljega oven saine sert cf compromise wan bffurcted uew ilelivert-rs were ienttho habit et le. wiln vetoines liko tinsse. . aftéir th ir it fcry cf tire Tae-pieg ie- stewing on -naçcotqtl-ed district. But Lake, Ihougir Lie iompressionu midi cursin,' andtt h ia ie city madeo ternes tiaaDeint cf secretecioties, ail affi. hoe preincedui ue tire ne ofetCeeu;r b litir h 1 eriaîweot rs litteil te Taiepinginmi, existeain he tnece 'ras by ce meansndi neanlie iremodleraly nq'zo"gzed, 'ritiout tir& popebon City ot Shnghnai, van a tact voulut bave donireil, wasncol 'irent npcesniîy et reserting te tire lagd ex. W,'eil kurwe ; and ne eue coulti deubt cne focale wel.wisfrer ceiler Lino roof treiiinet ofnictoun violence. At all lima winen th ire int glimpie of tire cf thre DamaI inannian. AueI Annie, eveeite, nome oriler was roporteil ta lié nebei army sirclli1 be ase, a riaiîxg an; vo cideled ber., van a gre-at ally oft e.ctablieired wihn tire 'rals. Dis. al. venul aie place amnoeglire peoernIluis, mc nover faîileil te spnak atrougly cipline 'ras eeforce1 among thirluur. l.op f theo ncbcrbs. Our domenîjo je biis faveur. This lady van a poor goats and tireir nuburban auxilirtrien, servies, posrtere, aud vinart-ptevedores, relation oif tino BernoIs, ceutainiy net an aed tire market-people began te brieg rh. for instance, irnoamo alrangly exoiteiBsont, and- I beilieve. Uited! ta tieino ipruvisions aImant as frenty ns beforu. o ai tire insurgents appromcirnd. Some famiy by no nommer tic cf blond issru 'Tire Tae.pieg gecerain 'rare lailgeil inn t: loft us; soaefneat a wemk, bat tiraI of a temae Welnir ooeisinip. lire palaces whieuce tire nnai-larine-haél Lung eoewling spont the doors cUntl Sire van an eldïqrly epinto, a Miss emigraîcil, aed il was lhir Gazette . tLey 'ère dnivn off:. andl a few vent Pirelpi, Whina irti ong vogetateti aItlinat suppliet iehe taeil itîn poitical 18 on quite steadlk, pajing no more ast. Oînelteninam ce a tiey iecmell'sud vira cews,'auJ tirir tax-gatlitrers 'rir levi- - tente tire 'nild reports ILat fiew bat] been eaaily pereoaîled te came ont nil tois seulduies. Tire conmular atnIr about tu if thsy bail beee se many ho China jentino capnejty of Aliaperon ta orilies foucultire leaders cf tire inner- aütimats. Maot cf tinoservants in muy'Constance.* 8h. vasa agooti simple gentnsIon, ilifficuit ta deel vitir, if leser oncle's yamn belougeti ta tire laut seul, vit i mdfonf:cf h'aet révérence pelinheil, tiranthtie more. legitiinate cate-gary. Tirey vere quiet, deceet fon hem great melaian, 1Kr. *Bareet: bureaucratei'mntirey lhal înpplaunîed; catirent frei tîe intemibr, ail 1 m*d b y-Quio the mercirae.prnue,- yen knaw, aed nom.e cf Our cacleenporarieis hegane Stire porîly cannprà dôm, vWhe vas- limnif my dear," as aire inRsneti-on doicrihing te alter tiroir opnionuuof tinhe neeto as respectablen a Chinaman as over mim, anti 'ai gratrful te him for many tire cane, andl le prenocec tir rebu-ta vere a pigleil, andt tLy Lad üJýut as à n vnll-timed prosont, tiraIfirat Wondler-. very deceul felluwQ, aftuur ail, wiitn muucimea et joieleg îLeTae hir 8an tclîy facilitated tire liquidation ot lir noueetoft-bat mandarin ko.îcî hum-. tirey venir!havo hall of nnliting tein ait lCiristmase bills. Butliner Pnlimlebug."0 leiqon cf inraiiri cookrnaoinen. But favenrito trast Julieur cf vînose di'nin. Thèeawoile otirers amongîit un, lnaw. evnery momuber of lb.,cleny vasnoct se gnied muannere and nemaminaile clev. ever, winc vere 1Is- eanily reenucileil te Sfartnînale, anti v oueri piteoun ccm- eteiesis ire coulil evoi. sy enuugn, aud tiret change c0fmaaters n lu iii tiplaints frein ladies vIne ird -te droits w'm m 'suerease cocnieredls ai.urSiranghaui se pirilosopiily acquieno- tire ftnaly ilinner, andl frein gentlemen more suitable parteor fer Ceusene e ni. -TIey are quiet eow," -sait fie- Whire ere Ieft 'mIL verandais uneept Iran bnyseif. Ner van thia prefert uco ney oethtie Custoies, wnn now ovuraet andl bocts uenlacker. ec.mse.Annd merpîy eccasiceilhv -thi ovanna A inari.- tIr Cinese lipun-is.uiaq cfn, aud joie lthe onvardrushcnof tIhe piunderng 1 tue k a liaudacce face is a pasnpurt would iarrenetii a'«4.,jitur,îMj Et inordIes enînide. timmî carrnas more veicirt viti eîd ve- able betîcu leairis caté, bailtiena tuen. ut a t Lake's irelravieur urler 1heure cir. mnutirsu il Jae itir yoceg eae. bore suirju-ol ettie re mtirer ef tIno Suir 'er nestances wa.r very praiseeorîiry. Thre IruIhir je 1aI vo vre je goneral sud Moue " 'but tirat ije mereîy lill He teck np arme vitir tire Iment ai. vickedly dipîrseL;c ta langl at Aut Lley niral have eaîee ttno laut maeto acrity in ti.feuce cf the netîlemeel, suri Aneie'e peccliarities; virereas Lake tire lettuce. Wliee thnoe peege !e noeoceesepoke more ccufideutly tran diii 'ai gravely pelite in iris moleetofail. dry, they vili waut a griss utaieu.À r.hocf oui.cartaie immuniîy tram soni- nness, deferrieg to lier quaint Opinions Doe't trust tirema." e. ns tujui.y. He vas, on accecst etfiris au points et social etirica, anti listenieg BuLet ir e meactime tînero 'rere - remarkabire apttude fer tsciîsiening, je witîn vell-assnned i jterent ta ber. ruinoumirsat lireFrencir aud Englinir same litt11e authneity anicng un ; tiraI is tirmoadirare eories of Clieltenluara tee- naval terces woel soon arrive, witi l te say lie liîeli a raek ef lieutenant et drinikiensansd Lire milti scandis oft tat rlietinet isîrnotiens frein LIre an r Te the ccmýpaey et velueteers lenvmicir I genîle valeingprnce. I amiu uc;mem sachons te ce-operate 'ritir tInoimpei.iaî I1 sservedil mitIe more irumble capacity cf thon glb an iifferent grcsndis, ta silure anthoritian, asri Le drive tiere ebeir', ai r celor-s4erganî, sud lie vasnenver air.tiree lil latiy' irelief tirai Junlisu wvan ay cent, eut cf lIna rety-port; Very v acnt frac ndrill, sud neyer siolrful in vemy cdorer inileoi. likeîy tirosreparti venue t lic t resof 1u iris self.icpose-.l tank cf gsttg aur * Tins stirnagaetofa trieund at court, tire 't'ao.ptngs an early ai îifuy cii turel , rav rocruite Inoaknevieg tins igir:t tirq prornrbiallygpeint, die Dot oura, for iroy aîowoiaatlacided 1liai. % font froc tIo lot., sud tire stock et a ceusit for inucir 'hou royalty itselt fie tiîity au tore, asseunllieg ije lrhum rifle frec its imnzzîe. I 'ras cal quita preiligpostIl againnat tir e psiiu ; sud swai.nnrs ie every pu pIlaceandl dril-l. no Weil plensoil, inevvr, by the tac tireeogli Cunsitanc&n ceirapn-roe weî irer ing aniutuously ; virile it becutnrna un.T d tinat ire fonirel tino Ie pay Constance a venry cf'RinLïig tire pruninea ef t 'iat safe for a Enropeati ta entcure iueyourri oy grunles! et uttentiorni He vas unea des- ar . L ke"' aurialways mecouinitiralimite of thero freïeu lurner. AVe, - urtîîiug le mis martial nulles, surI yetirlis visites 'muerisnesîgraciongs amibem, 1rOuer bide, lprefil t fr.a stuirruorîr some-lnov, lie ursuagedta tbie a goenlContance hersesf grev te lune hum Ilens rusistauce, lotukilig onut inure and uil cri u tinie le Iruiawlng-i.ecur, raîtling Iris aennIpsesnvery lsy. VThoa 'e aimas, nu-ziously foi- tirenaval seceur 'rîicli n;worrl, exiii iîteg lauedsowe figure ire naid 'rinebiis mnmer 'ras gloomy, we 'rere preuninueil, but iviîn nunaîl api- in its 'rell.titting nuitorci, asuing aud almant ierce, anrdlita langeage prehniriuns ct ey actual i nhînter. 1 V theo mont irecoieg altiturleffisire vitir respect te couing troubles, eulg. 'ras comio.- away frei dm111 one day.-l lp hecu agrainsîtirhe wmuuo'rframo or catical as it vam,cilgirt eanily lie in excellent epirin, cneursing gaiîy d tiere nnzunlIe chimcv Iiede, anti alto- br'aa takeon to inply au rrbscunre tinreuil 'tr liervu nul ainot!er toscuir r getir playieg ti carpet-knigirl nu of drearîful cousequeucea; sure te nsie vutngoles, 'heu Hall, tire saine juni- ai sèkilf-ally. tirai I ove ltairaveo tî a if implicit reltancie were net pluncedine or olerkw'rre adi ufinried i ie uf the )e nwiogo urr ture ut net uneatorel jealous- hinu, Julien Lake,an inelt him alon. rebrel ailvaînoe, cainiUryieg eOut-to e s rly. But Contance reasereil -nce. iBut an I kew o wo naturel il is ta meel ns. 1 neticeil thsire m-'as quite '-Heiry, rl-ar 1"'rhdiaseil oee day, 111 semae cou, net ueccessarily poltreons, pale, anti tînu et veico quirercoul aslire ri~ at tlvuys glai te se you-do 'î look but giteil 'itin a tieatrical variey et saju, iu au exilt i c an nier: "Spit-iie l vaine, yuu concoiteil boy 1-ml chr I yc courage, te vapeur and sîrul in tire fil, I've bmec lookiug for -yuun is f oceennoltimo'hiaI e relief il je ta me ciraractor of s venry Ajax betene a irelt.hoer. Yen're wartedîtu." in %viren Mi.. Lake in tirne, sud yen ceme terainino audience, I memely langirnil aIt I saw iy bis uruîe@er thaI eoureliig ta in, aud put, asi qtire cana of Iluat mansumy 0eusin's repont, sud lait Lake ta vas 'rang. ",VIiat'n theo untter 2" 1IPl ine aurberlote, s parilook ou his amy Ha I Ha I1ea tira prospect of tIre ask.-l eagerîy. -Nebsody MinjetIre gi lips. He lesen c e, Rian.y, and ire hattle tiret would probabiy nover coee amily, I mesu ; la trme'?- Fer TI Sfrialitutu e. flcunî ock aogry 1 I le pans. Chiena bobt a treacirous climate; wae faolii ta use snob a phrase ; but Wlry tire Tea-pings luigomed an tbey anri, tirongli dear Constance lied boen th lia act ste 1aI lie dace igirten Lme, dii in tire iimediate neigisrroriroul et'l, endilier tatirer in liii usua eal lit a, h tîrtmgh irre doea il ne pcliLely liraI u e tin own, instesil of staokizig il nt 'bon Isw lien> a fev bents previ- th ladly conulil faine offece at a word lie once bans lwasys perpiexeil mc. IBris- aoly, ye I bai l al but teo znmei ex- t syn. De yen tini, if ire binsi sd a pool, iraever, liraI îiey vere vailing perieuae et a rapidity'mur -urinoirlithe I sabtle tiret van neally tlreatenieg, for tino iligint cf lira itpental tr ops, okieg germe cf a malady anc dovelcp. I t tIreolti net Inve goue le papa et senc, perirapi, alec te nec if aeynil edtire beuing eun, tea eéa once, instead ti -te you, Hemry- yon foreigu terce of seamen anti marines certairnty tiraI aIl muet ira weIl. blunderng boy, vira veuld i quael veuld llmy ftnirteansail tnein; bet et I'Nobcdy ijeill. Tire gevereonri ie in wmurhIlmoe a moenet if I1 rolî a fyrato tirey neonneilta rely on moral tIn o anutitug-irauee. askieg for yoe," Pe 4 yen;*.but yn urituett jmoîute t reyfarce for elcuening tins scaety garnison;! nnrwmsd lHll, reddening vcry meoir, ' niwee miné, was hm', 1mn41!au bine, Cee, onoo ani a I'fnm riîneacioee aUqct&*lnnof g nrna, 'he qaid,.in, as.tbiok aud tremutou evole, .. "l îaluilnt , so thmsu aal. H ad ble bptn penifenît- iitnti hir e e en seta im r. -4. s- ai cianed- ýrelann, on hiwn, by word eniook, Nas i ainu l lipng of -Xnurse, tire. igIrbave, heen hope ta lus iret'n Lgrad lly vemnprli- to es. i. Betir .isuiuéneod ëffroneryl, *'Came, ditue, Ilurnet 11,ia ta rin n-ieofrein- hie grmup ; -tig ais not une ' sieuld bIe. WViatevei the yunni: marn izuuy havadouae, ire mal ousiial aleann iw hgL sRuid insi neur. W. hare o rigi,jein his- iiale-ani-ooer - way.te eonriomo uy irimanuninearci, su yen ýquite torgol tirai Mr. Springfildlbai cet se inoclies Leari e rirmper ofrtie cirrg geluret Lio. *Thnis agspanal beninos atîtgetbér. Il t istrul us ail, I ainanimue, bo Sée a gentleman, of wviose iroudun ant integrity we have uîlwayn Irad sno higr au opinion, matie uile taeo saiigraceful a nunzpiciou as itim instance. I 'rillansven forrit tiraI we eLoati donenosd ail ipjaie if lim. Sprnglol umleceeti inleas'. unglriunBiltom thircMoutatioo. Habse ai at anyl-ate sa it taieireamil; anti if von are Ina- exciteta lerelaIe lire is. tory eft tîia irenne@n,- Vauighan, or 1, ill (lo se, 'mii your consent." Il vas fm. CInariLen vire ipoke, asquet, gray- ieadeti geuntemmu, vina playedth ie tinté, Wh 'ria nbeen a spatie partuen for -tlirîy yaara, anti velnît ver bc aoy. tîneg Inigber je Une 11cm, Le beung nste puteil nîcll et wit, aitrougran ecellent au honorablece, anti iis. yards Lad more ve-igt inthîe pninoltin a, reatter like this-than Iiroy Wouild proir. Mmiv have->lied, an acy nCommerciial totae. ? "1Yen are nigirt, Charlton," saA My oncle, osttiog 1Java 1 in £gréai lesîben eliro'r-ciramni mestiug Lis .b.ti ce iris Iranil sras te ahane bis face fi-c uliservain. 11 airuli prdifer, your teIlig nira.Ir-I uam net fit. I Ladl been go tend of tIre boy,-asudsne prend utfluire ! Mv paon siste's san- ant a -corne te Unis 1" By tibm time,1 daressy I Lad clnang- ail ceoon;eftee isnougir. I triedti iice te epean ietore I nucedeti. "0f wîrat am I accuietir I macageti ta gel tire qestlioneut unt lasi. "I deeply griee ta nay, cf appropni. etieg te You w s iemmvc taon, very 1eleintly. (To BE CexNTrrux».) TIre Dangers cf tire Deep, A aucîm's CitEv DIE 0&- iTAutîATIaNIN O suT Sin EtS. À Colonial Office ppeo ras Leen pub.- lishneil aoutainieg a, nLatemeeî frein Mn. T. F. Ernllogirtu, Govemeo etf tire Falsk- luit Islands, t te sEnu etfJCrnarycn resp..ouieg tIehe lse cf tno Livrnpcool veesael San Rafnel, beIouging tl e fni.s afour, Williams, & Ceo.,Tins Gev- ,mnor encosoes s cepRy of -a latter viricn lie hat]'meceiveti fran tire Rev T. Bridges, efthtie Sentr'Am- uricae mi;sionary Sorciety. ah 0Ocainela, Tiu-ma del F'tnegn, and aise un copy cf s naraigral giviU au accunt oethLie dé- utrunction rof théeSan Ratnt iry are, ou unirn. 4, 1876. in latitu-de 53 S., laugi- e-le 7(j e' AV., an] s nI t irbodies ftuer an Ihonte Islanndi, Tiennà --Jdet Fuego. l'ho frillwieg, is a resctme uf tIre ï& verenri gentlamnanti'8tslecment :-Oa 2 .%,rii tira221, 1876, a largo panty et le- ii s enacbeil Oieirnela, nnl breougirt îewa nt the a atin id irime tun iyesr-. atin oun nexprsVri part oet the, coas ' t lu In4ian rotra uib~e Lad seen ugun of sirangersceua augget iaset, bet -eiug abone vitn bis ii ie, lhe-was afraii oa alupreel. Suirsnequaetiy Le recule- il beip aud the natives laidet. They fôtrena seven mé ee dti d o still liv- ing, tinena ieieg very veak &anti noable- ta standl. Tire Indiana lit a Aira for lire ruer sufféers,' ftcret hom vaér, anti gave Lhruur a ses, bird, snd loft tain. bhey Icekenray wvtir roiis conenier- able quraittly oftclolning, but I vas at.- frmeîi thnat Ibis ws giron thon, by ans -ft he surivms. Tirey. lett becagse lroy arrurldithier meer tramr cauces ta lue luelp in tucir rougr 'atera or husul thirem sfore. On tineinrortur aIt clos inen ivene found tlu ie ticai. Tire Be.. Mr. ]iridgen thon -goee juto detaila of tna voynagae ffMade in tire Alen Gli-d- in tae iaspot 'rîere tire imefortulaste people wera disoovereti, and ivirstno ollewiug description 3fth tisaeie Unat vwaited im iant igi cmpaniansou'n Loeir amriral; - We ecrauniretiop Ibm teep rocky vomît, anti naie 80 yards %bava tho ses, near tire amiddle of lbth nset, on maîhen pecinecla, foînct mine oeudi bodies muc, decomz"poutibut aiU abuedantly lcliel. :On. cf tbee wasu mger,*ikf ouitt ot cflis «iiI6_Ir, pro. d t b . ay t r b a i tiff O f l e em uiý t , h o è eë ï . ai Une doorcf Une junaoIg d in.ibër- 1 il. coolly rcqalsed_ tIdloidib>nal! Soc.. w tsie'rne is mas cyu v o!cmyoo ov otoei ah-erlii *an ieum nheIn axen iii, mmItwlire I? Lu ri enltof irei,luaf e gfac e i an dutan a on a t i bomo È9- Ibatu , iekig dcrlnnu vIl e ouitià en Ina ~ ~ exi wplçn*ls; ni leno ho t Aireadft mèetly mi Iefnini t .Nnrctery-ad ni rail- ~'-;.~ Ionin g u fi rile -nitûrlant red w ýta l P or, oreîhaf i; eqac ,r, o ve 0sk 'bis der I L, reoctaneli atuie aj&leý où feôt*Qp gbea nyont ld~ dte hnove y'ar 'In h i. np i nti - Myd oeiv pn êt irae i re s o vai iraI ing tifant.g w rovith e a mu i Cônstance van - I -atamlti ni !ý a il agba T hé,My Chonstnchallpsm én f isttine-.refI 'tingin Pt earbt o ip notbl o tioce aswrhe ,n-caleutle ras vein aW lik nil m , mai ska sionrd-at .1 irt beaine lacoi fr it e moe, ao udinse Miro- tkao- ond Costneifh OfObylajg n a -cie tà h cahi e 'ýt rbbi., ortie an*0spmenty çuwei ne bimamif L. partoSa tnepsetcflerr"teOfLlnh waéns<AI iantlme il mmpmeseetie li mna PrebaLl, tua ho-: nl -811tito b*lglt: n ' d.i ei m o u - s Týli-ny'aIr1ed eh5M gaefc a&,ýéhh_ _sobdà bbgrèly r___ e., Si . bv bê -' yu -- %-&U-e U.a ni-%"".i-gby, .,. ,,bearu upprnnen OFFICIAL.4 A SSIGN Ere National Investment 1 - 1 il 1