Whitby Chronicle, 21 Dec 1876, p. 1

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TEURBDÀYf Kg At hlitiLnugsNt&al maeimossurad lu1 <5001 otrtsmacle u bytheJcar. orothlhaw ildrstadiscontinueo 41Uà beivriti1t<. Bupie, 8.J i THOMAS i OMINION lBANK. PAluo $ub-Agoncy nt1 bot oco, re Itll - WhitbySept. 151h, 187. H. J ACUÃ"T raUg Office epewgcurain Cal roQ.C., and Dr. >1cM ARST 11 ÀTTORI' Kyitoru, Notaian Public,1 Olooe, liut ~or coulis .,B. FAREWELL, L. Id, B., JAMES KBITIE GC ' ARRISTER &ATTQRN] B)Soicitor fina lhaco ( SPublic, &c. Offco lfnoh'os tore, Brook StraI, WL CHIARLFqES 1. -kah LVMAN ENVGLISEII, 'B AlRISTER AT LAW, go:, oltianry, Oouvoyaner, ,000 Streal,-Oshawa. .fAUR19tTER, -ATTOÉNE,' B LiSolieitor in Chacino iis -Notary Public &c.,&o. Ofice Ilock, l3rocktratWhithy, 0. 1)ARRISTER, ATVORNUI Dl10r, Notary Pcl, (Couva 'âne-Blyron stre, outholao Wbltbi, 0utgill ,ROBIIDO X KNT, ATTORNEYS, SOLIOJ' ONVRYANCEIels,, OFFIOJJ-rooinc*cA8#urai CUUcir $STxu THOM AS, HUST,OB .J.GUNrf, M.i TUETKRCOUX7 Dr. W. J. auIJUEN Vrrïîis-Noxt dolr to Ciczwrix LUsiocet Mr. Lewls,,uIon d-1 UY'S HOSPITAL LONDOI the oye R.,0. H. Loaiw W. ADAMIS, T MJRMEROHANT, CARPI L 'Mcul Jofner, Greecîs treet, Witi largo qatlty of all kinds of loin S .O'DELL, ATH aR, Ly, Clak 0v/B OnCourt, Tp. G'onmioincrin. R, anui Ago, &I., Athorly, (lounty Optcrio. Dit. IIOGART, t'IîyaItian, Surgeon, 'Accouchor,& WViitbY, SePt. iith, 1874, tIrcîuate (with honore) o!fthe tJniver Q11801i's Cielo , alaiîda; Phil 1univ, of Ponnoylvcisia; Elc7to col Polsle IVAI40 sud i4cafntiato of NM of the n o * 01£ilcnbur Stootlanui niir furth'Coant 1 0atri. A11g144t21h, 1875. JOtIN .m. WILLLOOX, *Of tihe Town oci'Wiitby, haq beon cpj OFFICIAL ASSION (UNDER THE NW ACT,) Vor tlIteOouitY of Ontario, AU hi oitrulud to hie charge will ho coroli toliled ta, W1itby, Iia. iti, 1874. HORSE MEDICINE AU! derptions Of th. boit Hors. ainek. pt ooidau oubusd o le»Xo oharge for-'advlco. R.A, DEALER -11;LUMBE Iit' 'ln handaae 08nUd to k'of findi0 vle ooueodlluinhr. Ait il 04'Ote ufibuilding ups8 nd. plga ill ug iig Nonpril,.sud imýwtàM ta, par lisse, totran!to '11h advertisre 'VOL. T" ONAKE ffl»A LETÊ F&T N» OR AN 1ita sA, hNcoo!t0eMi"tfoI$s ~OHNSOé WQ otbyJuly luthn 8he w i h e x a5 i v e.KA B K 2 4 S Q u A c o mo a. F OFSOR V UEor - w o m u i s .A oi 'P Â u . 4 d o n - o t , g e , o . I h WD T A L ~ u : T a e n 1 O oi n c r_ _ J m ô e x R t , t h :p oa o t n o L u m ba t o r , o s o A s r a cS epî y ~a d t ~ f n e c d~~ ~ ~ ----------00,000. Ui an& Singthllff andW th &go the 'a b01 nioa r. R AY *1 &sutlng, rs. _-go5k4Is1Jg ~t1cbno i l'B XOS HW. M n .1 T . r o* F a l a n d ? A S L I B Ho f asI d T O H N L ýt . Wg s / l u lua ,, T ' i S , p ti bis.! Q 0 ~. ~ L. W~aauabiass -Co ay - ~ "~>5IdO --; ~ ialds, nc s vso tsevdidaranesd~a.oeihn.bè4ie.oa «le~. oùqslt, e ju- Su R0R LY741t0ét'tg' n ro i ris.~rtcau aul om. ! ~ ~ SqITehrmudorrefyilEIL i m iiiieoseOtRT lnbunddo ýenh Lao " .éu toi edyt eu i aasapqi, is. UO oaofheeAiowleu. mY ,d u. IRauNot u u ufntcaso¶rjIsX Hfsu OaIsViSB*, e~ 1 Co msiu gn, otnal:v , fta EC Mousteef h ime s eh adtrd vrmno hnmynaAdrco n wso oembiia3l hJ aubLH sr.,u VAA frueJrvd. B.,o tsBICl lomiilb.ga osly I orio tsi a roted ao H O T E L. A dvisef W itbd me h on W. G. JOHNSONk. Sa fer as vo knew. .&U hu19roamcertain mÉo;iou pol ofe TTI N tsf r em os u au rful uIbv ostls uiiam l b pooi orevu a ni. T eE gii ai m *sos rni Cavesce, u s od. spa 40-tf ým cO_ L N EWM AO R mTEE LIS, 1ut)lse..OHwosl Il a s!eets140enBilrie d" ofour.selfcousibna.,* por unw isitb y O ntn i u B oxes, C , forrsa leH a .. th , e l bfb ePtýÉ , n ie sC u h t fLn is y b tr io i n i t h r ug3 u r n i 2 3 , a r e . a s , rC0it. TRUE EAIWAY 60TE,000 eeVIlD'OON, Mngr gnSegh, FulgMils tin, Watoîi su - neJmetWnnu na A Msi ce dn ; as wrtceeeeta ruben !Cnsaco et ae ates m ialea uo tiser y f1h0h n tm i > - = ' huAdesuecl.1Ar.42 13, 72, , 27f, oaIo!,sudMyFtind isng.mli tieaomet freoli m isuldar.contrv vseonachiece lao n~ Agen, Whtby. - * i i-itodP liderafore, _______ Aril Stis 187. * ennyReilay C p . isieParcl ir vii bvethm oi tko cr. ! ~i tsBoardNW LL s ,SEThisTTIN Whstisy, pril 4th, 87C. Qy. gala t i nean t Is c ilsoftreed' ______B_-Y______._A,__10'.____mfed ud buY' oneleatBy mhl, enu A T.-ATosblanaAgaon. àlvlàres cufr o exeui s1n ___1____Oimeaut lme utk1h 4 tacla. Veny -of ounit ola Cisinee dwolligdoano'a a, eud-dolenig mand putn i mne! semed t cath a ollaeforfhorvelenSa lCsoa BHARLuPEtaLE ION o uroegec ed 68 vo uld Whe gelso! Sislerthe o!lis Ba r.fwod AT ]AwAIL 011 Lt obolN bse"mor desirefoi tPluforsuAtde00r ever i rom SU train s. F ilutiuuympublic rosantl I re m eined clone, tinentalettPe ytaree ashe m ed n tta m aie-'bypetnWh ou tto utstham elhedcontaffo Pl enl o m en A gents ihwc 2bc00 e> ise hofertcash.icen.tis e u ciese au ey fotyvand lot s i 'nd'0 arv l a e isl! vscs ieT I d.SuBrbe O ptl.Cs .,A 2 uydov upo0 I PaIA Frene9;au'e'habituelgarrulit92 vha seen front obsidâ.fAiande Ho hava u way StîsA utsud neeovuled, oud put Wi=ytbytAueup. Cupitu te sayohaaoth GO!syau visédm l, SOLIC. comas ork. tte 8w9îWîen ppaledd tes- Choan. liondcér, dal lu leetise ssu ve.... cfghtEper i. 1, 1CO.o teRe d Struoraeyeé.e é e te :c ad i tiistlssCao u utPit ofl5 W l t a -butquIim et Pu t elo TH S A O , P O R E O .(AECAT$S)- ena.s Aaverendais lemaded au uccai )R O , Sîsblig aSor D etuohbed ro.omi 919obad4718d haig rosLodn. BR KSR EETb'e tore, 1d escra! p ug a e mon stce cd cahaf vscul culi Bt, Hry o r ueaAmii Ts rui ii otr o ieci aead trae a - 49,bes bams. ilWisrom.They. igcknetd isr Dna Sret inglec wait-tisey'hîbouf st'eame an aunais 11ev pasis J.l P.LTE SLIE, P H ILIP& 'COAN.eCO U N Ynf0 FmO NhA Rf i a nt 8cge P a o ce h ipaf ol 0M un&Inay m at af-t tàtio be)"a" i bpoNEWSosonIvilHElisADeurs innistock a he face, iurred rescle-ron lie siseop, rtbite su isa South, LanAsud buaraial duce e yciAgnt a! andaBoe tie dbc notnlusi poasos. incil iose"yare siho liai!tyouble la nooni.Pan bua'oecsna do , A . 2 R N L E gPR P R E aa - la- 8 pavillia: rn D i s o s R à é , t i ul fm a r an * "Of d r Thiagua ypeo!aurandausilun! hll, lis au tasn, uredin ô Ciltîa Tho angai ud oa co modanaisael Brogiss, .NO RSE MaageM i se hon cuidtanaretse udig io hu hie fort e buvrlivo bleaetcuo etncs an s mnBoleao y ma 1ARAOITFn erINrtauhon mythheu;emont hiestritnstios, ni!rmwoo, oanduii1y n; ut fle co.y 7.ife, aitese 1 ortneva oors'ion 's ToioTo i is OjN: balare ap leRO mIE or.PartCITNCESOFa Mlsne..2. OamstouSoucir; W indugeul oneraly,0bcomeseven laidmy cieroo asid, lu protnded s Romn proonsulnWassd li 89 vitiseflthinehastthluOseucon.on - uano C aunip algtf te '23,270,121 W ILL A T O P O ' S 40n,-1c2,14tise2,2asterf, an a !b Mnylng iedcoin e. Yonoy nti se11ebu ui a!ds!o tenazhhc oaueiea suPfar.ies el tedtra suad ls h ooL.t; BNu. T OMArti'u viiAn Po t hns o tiea!f gve iu. ie .ns itset roeua. Aril12th:186.nue 1 14tr, 187 4 V87.ly1 en ýadon Sliio, l at y - al FOU£ il, fanl .s-v u o ui oton nt wtrivn lu~rb ie pie rlneargirt bu &0l XÂRESPDAessyesDec. lit, 1875. ai H NCEETtSALEnme IEvouli! ua beliovFMtiseOMMked entoRiilxaenSjOmpe. A bis Oeathlu avhansetuilîeforlannaive tall>vne eNsn'1EýT NUAC OPANY. tac voncatlt fe al. o r il. If mi liswentva friAvr W.myuavindnteny fri o anBobtiusamdfld JAMES POWELslL, .ilae ntrciosePCALE PNYL IO FhproaeofP 0gxr4ond7ste a o ai-ecaiCiOaMh jr sa,,, y do1 ton parDecler luk I-A .mApor 1 IN Y E S estern ulfyhectfreandsand cuWh oh l e ntafht u r E s AD'àl Loe an a ga nuerthyen, I si an amy is em ; u d iedorlnkOf mymsis«e ts id svn m dlbia ss e ,' TAYL, ORO C NNT O. -- hie' canal. Ohs B 1m on ar inisolvenc-PRuni! te convince me e ou suaispea sebjetet ve mayitho ohirîgcd ta0gele ceoalouauin-dhpledestiono siaIielasow vaseone I O J < ~ L e a t h e r g , h o e - f i n t t - Itg entc .x E v i a c ep u li s A s r t a pI r s a n d a m e i al d h i ei c u i o e v d i u l r a u t p f xL El t On dftce .u bTi c t h t t b e, a v e*tI h e A go utv iint en e y ere rr i .d ua goen , ta It t a i!do rp ioae n.. .c.. . . . . . . v o c o n i ! s-e5r a m b l e Sb r o u i!w au n i!l ev e nyes ie nuan dOedvM ys a i s v i rt l es acc hoei hchtey e romm «Capital. 0Ft- thN iN cal Hlivingunpuie theenelse of bleuig ta int Ina gadncensiyfenougi; bol, -ay ulllfini! intfeugainunsiuE. c........ 2, oo8gW tnOnul o! 3 . t Moon ne; ory en wth___Fè N, ohav our!, 9I t50 p dr my. ian Opu M itARI G E LICENSES, p aitl........... 2005 F u, oi, h FeBunLeehrs. uni!&BD t gle ito ers, nd l,,. 115,'irec... 50,00 e C lr estn! Pur p, th baan e orce f o tse CdanHar, o1 fillan) tào ol l Th Barwhiehis thebond.Gover ment D posit (Lta....e 0cour. tison, a lisera isad Bétal.ye ebise i auk cf W aheI agaIan!eupfree t astaoyiavue-vol- Y, SLaGCOLBORNE STREET, hol viiWeual revoit ail lietaluRevsnuho-ima inecnai liseelbridgeAfoot, uni! lisoy lover, a misnorsquareeaturndiLue;ke onee elhcne ry mcdo unatise causees lage. andsiig SasObeTHEtDIVISIOtaCme-TScednInyenesent....T..e...i..e pa2i o!f muaisorm9lleemiseme Theusutissuob! WR.C-Ie Ha h C ep8ifrCah t he, DIO EN O , c use a lnowpo i ty ynuangs e au, k rtybiiiIakoi o c sn ciu ey m a ie-i a ,b l n g b otxi , SA t a l , k o 1 0 h m o r n e GHT 2 Y T R I O . e s it l sD min i o G v edx ey s9'T o oc i O N . W aaga t nnle l o g anh e m o n.' -e a i b x o i o p n l . a p a f luce o N. P .G.,A Y L O R ,li pe r u c e net slisr.. . . . . iso. . u ± 3 228 dt e t e 2 2 n D y a!n d E Me R lesof thge p ygI f eesc e In u a iwa l eo tf n i!hi oel a l s es l o y l;" *an dr i u t WIIITIY, NTA AiI . -C ---N 'OF -- - - Dminio. P . O. BGox, lisgethe nchajsefr pace C.N.N O URtEl A gu tsE T.....G..... nD er te h i e nouinga ok n e e l-b uî R o lm eIs u . m A tste n n l o k ! " a s e 1n i ug s e , m a r c a e o AgTL H T L hi o l bsml e t, Wihed -- sud c o t i wpsesitsay, y , viP ir. tisi h a usdropptI g tio r bhi ae, Cbal a1 is rali!t lv Ms - 1cssksND E . T ctinonr , al mt btis e ro-SI a e ln ve'r en u le ano ot, danA faihe bl esmî rcnin a ht nes, vae I-a u lm t iI o n 4 n m an T o îs P ro er y, I t h it e i sn . 876 V A L B & à Sd uAceA. a y O N of t e L id n t ie h i o sN é Ftes. Cin g I th s y sa s ise -me e ls o! s u b s. R go! l tin s s n h u u , l d h e o , u i a v daiStr, WTB 1 T Y , GE .J.N -TIC A A VTU S YSion aro E.t17, nncnc a is oribeîliu leauie eoler hii h crfnly o- i, ie av.sanandtieots -i-i '.-' 'Lsv8i'îs ai-r.i OPAf T S hinld e s ttha wte tse vini!-aven ] l mn pee udrvrui! oa Iht!Lue. T -s va e, ne n JASe-acx DUNDASS, « WHPI T . -LavsOisv t-.0 ,s.,a-1,p T he a i er îo ix ti roo n voh,' an -a ured o t al i i t se en a re a m eyi. "Is c ol"leuoe eie a ce D ildi igi 8 2 8 1 Il 1 16 -I C . O U R S , A g nt, hitb . AN con i on of h e C unrt of C ancethP lelp e, o ubut reno aneButelu o.e M JQ EPo4 IAN EL P OPIE OR Br tirirprtslas.< ' u.Houga24FUe a Lndultucte lise tawii t oh ief-pstictoio nsand is , lls t aytu p Moeea ler ! vi is c tin Lîe avay vr - , -haee 2 centsecciss larWgetby lu eColnico!cteloorbse-oaton@un1uccant la4ise4font r;esW-iinduilgelito pîctisine for mpîy ni! pdloake. laidancY ncoilercoi -lA ply ta .- 0 F I V E R P O L & L O D O N .aull c a et aU tise i otolsn7 ailn2vu2e1A6CE18.1Tise2beant&io.u dctnaH .odi-gg leob uctatli..1ci1 e doan ls d lo A s y o u f 9 tiecm itistheImouse s ben cn tlyo, ît, s es8ence28e1 'rde12ar1e12e1uu o)ousBrick ithge il as ltohen We- fotls eauIstatlis upec n- cuîan-o u o'2aei? Tke uieaacuA aersI i Spningfeld, vermulei ta do xe. roCharasesatemiSisetltheattis1s0a19 taodo 17e 1l 1a2ean1ud1 tIlis!ns-coe OH AR UH R O CA / I - Sel aCneisviSisv nAd HaeduStabl anAGar1, A ,stt onE sud il tivIlofbe i ! 8l 0 egve i tis e vurswri!-aae n n o my ale lebn ioiAs id~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Svr tye et os Lqor an Cias " iOtge aea 1h ylf, îO RMSr~ T ON eg yhtnethr o!a acmrer a.pen, a u bt,îis uv ietsii _______N. _____________ en. rYhiaSwa, anA itB rogsYe. Sigc psd fat ! tier.is ean oy o!ri ado na t. yanNmÃ"t *sreging ebl r taIn ie lai iao. A U ro H u n re ehi L a g n le e . R .. g u- isT isy. A N E E O' N sux ÂS olu -cixtoarAP o rt0e Ra TJOSnHoPrR co cesson f e To p4o!W874.anA m n.t Bava n , rt vilS y n bu t nbel lm sa i te he p c ei i er eollu s eaiy o MOTL, - --- Hec OficeforCamad:i9 Lt198St.875.yMeris î Nnîu T lS AE pa ntg oya b n tia ylofvii o ndeo r W etn oobavveanle 'eruio n, y o n. hiaCO M PAN Yî lmp oetd o g e un tise E c et ar clta y s luisfo rli. f dI fe a hoth eh o p a v e s'a p f ilma : JAMES DEW LL - PRtOPRETOR. G Y U GMT HeaeriUEA D L isird liciîiy u hl Bytesel' late I m p o r t o n s , D e a ) g n s u d M a n u f a c t u rnnbo ! a i! A n iM ayt1 Good ecacc m datio n; b t-omsiaiSS ERO ater, S ol-i dyg, c r, moe No le TH E one- ea yha a hops de. Do yon ruih !ts ie! Ts ehv ve enneig ne o wo 10Sl gn o nai fJ .M onoy s ciA p au ce hnoeeloacamembler, haIt.emon tso w ai ! iito le sapdli eea ahne a MARRIAE LICESESNo, 6llud aise oppsit Lka' sow-oos, isee ii!be Tieof eryaA Idbite ane o ts aI e I ni! sea nu i!its.- e u ml y snes ie hr uys ie mgaly has i nvn ust Tis uneregne isu îy aoun o!Mou Letisr srethed Saal 2tnw scolB ore! au! EEctere! lu bavtng Iogetb feet au! 7 88/b1-0mancnees u u nsu A Ly Lo yI ONtee o!Ine a î i ' B E TI N G M A D E T OA 1R 1 1O N e o i it o i nG o. U E , A en t . L , a u, nOyR ONT18O., O NT sW ur par Vle v i Ein g str ea eti u l u n l ait il v a u t a l or uni tia ep in o e . W o l u s t n n g m o r a , n v i i g t aOr o, Lou a orpidL ue utba.S OTN TC.Wî.yEpcrunedA875. s28 __ ing equal anA ke broudtis lisnongisng;-2asainertins c Wk S v r l I r u r o e ! P u i n an T A I L a n d eD o m inyn .18 7 2 , c el % P .s '.*o x , 3 2 2 c a t e n s t a n 4 8 f N O E M . . l a t a e mI 3 o u a n a l e o e c t m y a i Pf l i er e b s e l l o u a d i e s p s i i k m i n c r d r , o f r a s I o l ! a s Fire Ri8 8 wiiti n a A de uat R a4 eý n D E ARSTRXa ONEY TOLEN 1., IT 9- - 1 s ,àteit for 'eu', 'I al su l.e sial aiii mn! Ue tAse ans! tia [e s, ;Tes zad in, o en ho il-A y 00 ses hrcof ill e ' isbareso.noeunvitcois Tshisl ont revusudrteaupcso hei-catn lv()imetN allein uniipa Debn- TERNARYSUREON G uate ati ebi o ONEYTO LNDI a te 5t May ex, an wil réressble hin. Tht th moovelmeuls. Ontnrioy. sur suieColeui.eaY.c-t -su vague 'E T R_____e aiungapl eà e ponaetVS oaeSujc n oe ell o ashe ei i bn o y o adsa UlmD.F.______ il tThiso r ____A__ onpsengoeloeciaiwatAmtonsHt1,NhtyeeyTus ACI mos o ht M vl. xrctinfo m rsutakwr t a e s_ _ _ _ p r a y f o m 1 t , h -- ecCm eca otl;Oc- ocpe y a r ilfl Eq ho terisedt eivo m h -baun s - OIC ErdeIsfur th eorcTOe an.male i stocsccpas tio of kSre e , Esde , Mer-m::The gadu 2 to ref! prompe lad of ie aveinAmllienhoa! R S E Y 1 Nndr Dh u lo jqtreecteNoa d6 nit alotf e s lve a pea o co séq en e.oht iratas .gîveeloîsîe ixd esu Moitiphe b aner. r-- isidil e r teoaser nthl5t hchte-.,,o4y etiyh o pTERINAI'Y .UIiGEORGradu&c chianttisosee ue nelonrevonshundeilise.aupices o! isemn-hisaut00gpram o Tuepiug cemustaincae, csidon by aUrguidqsul turee, Ban Fwlevr irratkto loanAe OfialWhtyergntfmuIPEnketatabieC Stocks.eteth gi aaiv cls tiseesarlyigorntofEuopenmoest1:bdsa PuliLMN eY TOnaLE» iceu1 enlorieenrnaryCompai 23 eitS aon My of r l sUoil/klnto togtadofteui!ea oeofcalogd 11t Bge.hlsoAA1reprusChUeRClEnD. TisaItise ho h! mingledvus lise ly duoyencting e! ebiienî esakisis vîsa er, gaveeever ou bartlit con- JiAEsHol Den, lR CH R E TL X .AintAgrneforhete onu s. vANAIi' n 'Pet h2 ompagdt r h b hesro scag aant eP A d Ã"1 -& d Officiaut lt u ai A.sign4ee, okndaltc F rsae.sveW ETB Blt, va Fum afoà i 10 t y oxa 4,vh re5e m' eon el leda Si T vac e y Fr e Dwheu l n0, sii n A h yai a iu aoii g i, an oieîti rmthte1 . oa t is m ul eon, Chu EDusesininAhin12larges. BrickerHonuae.paFoR a P P Lynoree t roEn E andd onc se, payrnale Mointel O t c e o arepi 2 hie' iliPO SE ' 0s1~. u!laic! ahlee oomas-u-henn xg ontet.-ai w lde erses o!dinsudomte suiteatic&. vThe Kilcias , a o on builIngshe nov efo'ht. e vly oa sîe rovo ut!,as MItseesu nerlUsia IAIg Pub c t at lie as purcased th Righttýr time 1 salep, aun!o ilsorhe liedr ueadateispdutisefrwdodovhe . .ger certinpro- opriitOis,1187. 1i tainsDcesytiveC rtens Dug stor, KiPgctkerings, va.ManusfacaturesLeof*viIxpIreeottheow and nioi simmissionreia!utupsag ne orfrois Cdl h a a l D z A L LS , r s PlRc l t e s oA S , S T o c a - . GOD . N G S I T .A l O J T C , O o - W i trOt. S A . 1 7 6S o1 1 l i' o M c i t o , o s t u e n s u o p r i s . l c h a i a u m e l a t i s n o t e o f o r t e d b u s m r i . n n v s o s c s m i a ? m u e m g i a e o o i a o r p n men-au sisngdTovefleeNas.de1 anA 2iglutiisaPSuddlu suaIadc maltergnuderulise mare stimu-fmthelreepechumeana , andourelui!pualset], uni! Coualmuistheappe4inae!erk Fnetrlie.al acdehisqun1874.metCo b--s atnt7e't O ffceAN sît l n mnh hreiet, sl Y hedéer111 a hw mur s e leon- btSegein.gi eddt1 odo aie r~ a C urk le cimr e nt01 argie , i rs Ciase StockdH 'B M E&N P R S E Rrame No rt i th o ot iNter2 tbe t Conrtp e r a! se u u s. B tW . re re!t is iie p lis o eoW&e re n i . ts eusl! h i'nivlegesnogotated n anp emouR.EWa To ieInaiane U!DLEffi&cloue a k , cnd Dunho$ sîrcete o! inhV c i iî B lo obdt V a ie ie.P! g e e m n u iu aiiGnta l C o m i s i n a r h a t ! h e T n s sito Win , c o la nl g n afio ril c h e, v i ai c o !! C l u d s o n dotsh eh e ls t s a g le a n ! iso fs y p e a, b u t sa e aiuane ,i ll Chiina rrlabe tuerspnStoerroer., 0,1te nos o gon t de t lio eu b g lose tovrdsuureellig tse niy tngl tin peu!.su lP* munlnît, ud epresionchan lir svei mnth WILSON, and ProduentsDeirrved idtsoe& Si' lisetastertoubtiseointa visus lftiseGIkeinCo!TmyRde&ci. D lu!sva.,nA amayg tise loto flave ing the iâiedlyiasepgave me esen col!ibaud, plit-aton.t Mrelor Idrgs W ., flikra s utlc!sr'stheisusrW, Cha beteiser A U oto ild elt s u uqé 0 tO1 fteCutu hne W hiOur book onlStor1876.i12culationc sent ouncp Iarhave nov'nu ironsdteeSETMlC.t at br.one@ saieceavBparia,.. 1 yrSe VLondrnviiit.nly Se ae openlaufinesseipnavekingly beau andcCeteWs, illehe hsianAtbler lruden jets.o!tlcIplug butesauleSr!Éil awaydvison I rio!lta fiee!, PA.--A arge su d vle e fnl a tse roua, Jes thfc, 1870 . AenF orI ofL nAU - to a ly e Jcamrespetve oceux .ifrosu t CO M M ERCIALTh o. n ocessu nila'fIg u ora niena! EiropiuB .m odee tiseA .eG . chiurean , q u i oucymlobp eeu -e sHrthy 1"Is eoualAo fIbbaveuy -oisw k0 poA i nMtu RE23 Pblc. i S enebl ie S Io ma - ' i""-a cre lnd Prineur a denmauses. r- oreglTroun o! Werdeu'. pndute d oii int o ind Il, n!o ! taii. woeasten oelo- cIslene. Tse nnohea ia 1ibe 1-M.Bv~uI u T he, N a io a R b e s t m enb ol in h r l f e llent good. B o! ecA o r d Q 0 , o cumh e ts f rno t o, ahie osses s eon o u chra ti s oft e xten s o. e àrs no uii y a i e gu i o s g l i u ! i s ba9n v o l e i y reliove iacutean q alty te LOAt onsuipâ AN aeosecJ on PAm e , . &Moue yeauraitoncepi hy tise producîlooga!no l E D I N p a n v i i s i 1 2 o n n , I l fW o rîy o u se r ndi 1 8 7 n5 .a n - - 6 2 o oe A, l r v u s W " H i g o n r o u i e s t a e , p o u bg e c e n o a i n e T v a o d e d a e i e p s e s s o ns a m o c a s e , a ndul i ! u nu -' h T h r e o a n tu i h a u tn o u incient - crlun e a s er. ______ as__________________ hom_____ Rartly infon~bse aton. a1aaAlý yo a es, ume tasiarw tie, Ts h hensvgb7enrcots eifs u ofaieodes~e a baney l UeAts ue n DletieFuî,N an!y sPnbàreel t Il h. uraed tie, R Stthe f r T.velve sud lu Ilvo a ll h a 9 ! D eue s aM n i s n e al o m t e . F M at i , o e c . D R s e00 3 8;c a n g e ! .b M n î an d o n i t .Sls to raa eb lte ! u. NM u e t i s ao ee r o e d p u l u t « f s a m e i n u g i e a p e t r s l - î e t s c e m a t C i g m a c s e . a a i e l m ei uod hi'trs ae. /i Dig esotiv e. seeuJI yN G OCERiib n ufuct Am o r. tereeati loy aenA ocoissontie s itpy ilvu 8a lse en or s D e a S s ap ouf E rled Paennotain0f ari n lbie !lgi-f~ iotint oc u! u h an 81Ylegea!es caure ail cge; a e OH T YL R, ilo P nc muet. 1 ebase anay o! tisenrespectivmancy% termeug vithyisNovgerlu tise875.iice-wark of eau s.d parsai! Ild-ionii dao*emed ilivil Iansingle wurn noeralle ihaeifles for anA S ORE T U yLY. C2 On' P te tteheOfieplrohioismntssis on f f al ir looan P. onx48ete ffetNew.____Y or GI SN0S B E L eAp dnplicti n teilt o t . ui o at Y ui é H ce- seattea tatb, pr 1th 176 l n butelllegna huôoerl nb sl ue e eut tweveo S o l c it r & cCi cir o i S t O tr tu p s on S e s s io n ; bb e t i c i ne tis e l y f r iâ nM . pýs ~ u w b i n .m i u d , n w a l S s d r u . h Moi $3,da00. o A ci rie -ici.. o n ioa Oc. boa peuGrstaeyexci Pc a visouad od on tokCuia 9 hs'rhe" iî yliôài ti se8iA tm uni s.iri, t h o egagi y e x p e il eAe W i s a i s t aO WeNd o ueMn o d m f o r a np ons oe at e ak otw v i s a s e.h ets am o allieacoîditiue re tsa s-cgopoesbiseminAtisailiasanasaissuteeBaveen, aiso mueuliy as v aum -lie doMEvudtisida!La1cts bêbon CyrAR LnoOt 8y ta ndbus i es et tis by io u e ns &0o.,i in Lior con s. e gSteIfraLE red an th pbi tu sndfroh ura s" i of i toü» Kaitt appui', taon ompe 5caineesso Gaerfro,yhoimpeati en Bavmn'e retur, î ak-alr;ilv0b ommflfnWlolriecope.yi!asdts Large and ",well BougbanluIshatwa18. Dly R.a Tal oigubO Fmli'SiTND. viis . iflg, an!7. 8G.-51MeMillanifI Esqul ewha "f Ihà ca me. huais176ut88lnsI, bisen t h0all-heure V-e! hie uy F uis e vroa! l a s s r . i u a c a ta i a , e a d a , a ' î s d soînlo! Th National nvestment om- Seleot d Stock aes o ancA com axnlg ud e u O o!e Tv o hiS, n a on -Tnedo h ee ialg-pavadàas ' i-e"'!bu I oîtersudsil telphtvnul is ia qu i u ni e ud qu ili' ta u i' bi aIcnSiitse laedohtu m r, Es .,artiesre gn d a te o tsi c ur. î' e os l ng vI e, I' hiae! l ng a A od on p ne o se le , enfuséese pe sa b Iow fr c EE, 'panyo/' anada hajreis.acl u tou orciti' Giv ue To il mi sele. Iosu lse erontutasuou. n..mle csi o!Whiiy, o lise ledGISeec,.176.,e 1875.t aemplugefan you ee!, ud If au in isnsufinrscel o nt,1n nva s l.Euga on Rou . ise Han eF A R M i To (S gn A,)- roiiseo u ub H m pt n'e u i! alas! "C u'svo pop c ar ey ou a tse ing fo aoeYeug w'M hL isin e re e n . T b ( L I M I T re» . rs a !8 l AWs el e ii r u t o îtho méoe, a I' d c a u e o s u o d, I v i> B o m e s d u kî c s etu e r v l g o l- .b a s m aai e m odis r , a neai l l k u s s a i f e t i i e r s o e is r i s r v a p u i o s ii ê uuairl o B I W D. Mh h ou f l4n r nd o R D Y t4C ? AR y bmaine ou s me- hal 6 tb o. G u20e ar el!an ls pi e a frt]t d r l p e e t y - , u n t ~ r e ~ la ? S ! ' a nt ene servan t e o mpany'e te Rms Au Iey, Nov.24h,156. 45tf Be c OEt tawij, fa 'No.» t , JN TAYLORacio, andyen ?esseleuk an Il ." he w raa er off liseir ban.tancilitie fropcying _ 55 1576. 16ne mvo.1 zî i la came rond vitltuus, quielind Inl9beZ3. l;lli ciiiÇOaiÇei untn orrulrno!a-d noahtisaaroti ulatise-boa! et lis an inu mae Tu BOlalTa i X. Ssiob ts Pcorn isîe r llaýC nl. sfsls selei eidiztiapnvt cl asat'a#lsm siata Medi 93000 0/ nieae 4f ~ ~,f ~ D O W AG I N - Bi'5 anSur ud aadJoin Stck empn Mhaoe ~rls~ 'he- 'yaiovsfis~ tsaatlaa5, AmtIe n - oc elurs, lui» vay, uspoloua fall~i u Wlnl Beee..>u»t oynv n osmeia'tsasss omn ah bklu acora. coiesoh ngnvluu ssue liIle saanuta! aihur va Ihe avnas -sine- tsrs or s. uA r~ekel oneuin Il-vo eye a sini~ eulires 4e$s ýko Ca1aWge& -saIPeue PitLo. ui -a.ryns Bg aIn , i finea! l pbla lns.aAfr.be e.-a__t'a li nujlsm "_ol:tu boae ssolig n ue. 1k is!byu tals usrsc Pi

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