Whitby Chronicle, 8 Feb 1877, p. 4

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lu O. su.au rnguosor. <app>fut'l to p u:e entod titei report, wbliob, ficrtaotoýd. A. lutter- %f ves, rend, Jlrfttin& )f he. coouill tethe dis." tiol of Ouorg- Dillon. Soile thut lit*hl i I. WO040, which ho. had re- 0tuwliahîp of arllagton, tanp iwo icuruil by IIIIb bfil lilu'g e brdge,ý 1-vwnovu tha town. ho IntuLfcipâjfirOO, ýh liiia wvvordereitte bue >,Mýackiu reliet f Ïo! mdi. elief of Elles jobsonc, expon8es of ooinwlittee 1 lottilug ced-ar contract, Hmitb, latë fruastrer, my aud aceount dne hiln, ljourned ta theIi.Irot ruaryuette inemet at -Tiacrati Councîl. Ilontay, Jeu. 15t1l, 1877 rg l. rotor, Iteeve -,Osior1ge Lie, D)ep)uty.ltnuve 1 ant i eo Liers, IkLàeArt Bruce. aod( Charles waY, Colnucillors, lieviug -inde .ecfrauuna f caeq sud> qnelili. as4 ro'jlrui-d(by lew,_the cuacil ;t (d lu, busiinenssat two', o'cloclc, P. dil prescugt. Tho minutes of the Diluiil wore ruilcdslgned by K)vU. . > dicationg or ffi Iice ront I ,no1h OU,~ Jolin ra Cîuaiua ,2>1Jauies ii' th[I) cliioof cicaor; E-wou ucrsu '"fOr 00Li.aolîco of Collectr ; Cordonu, VU,. '8. 1Hgus a ud ui 0 to cal ue. hlat thei the -S. led aW vu. rri- nd, eva bu hs -e ýn PciitutfJituues \VliSe foc boysc ()i tu iîr -n t ijg o .Liuij"o - L)l i i f uIvei y Mc ( llway, Thoa, Thîe Beeiî'oaiiuuateil Mr. W. MeoI y Mr. Uiatllowiiy, Rsecondi îyMr. ilbert Brcuce, 'fige a By ,«La 1,u- bciightirantoýfjpp)oirut cetatin Toi, olîtîl offuci- .lShocuiji uausLntiuaet---.Cax 1 ly-11f'-,-iail luitue. ,If vaitl' y. bic gelloway, sumont] li- lOi.Eliert Bruce, That ISy-La 1 , J t 1877 1lue uow read tc 2ud su u tr iri)1A 114 i l iseci-; liat tl touç <lu>gîtro Lsauce, angu cause Skie seel( tliol.¶n-pcrîtii e hanllxcd(lientto.- biaculIuyMu. lohert t±1->ce, secn ,uiIyMc. lgltuei'icTura n hiy-L~w b I>riuuglit un toe eteùijuthge tigîge foi-th, Cuabu:ttî e t-tigri 1bs ril.,, until ti - ilem f buî'or ..c'-iui B'Lilwi-ul aeiraittiilla. 1~fveil liy M. lRoberit Blie, seenct Iy - . (italulurs, That lly-Liw No. b of Pt77 b l gow ruait 2gil andl lîrd UnE cuit t1jiî'euîil h lu beeva o sIig the aîîue tîgl cuis, bîfjit anal cf lte 0Cui-« [tiuV1 l rd( ' i -uîrgr. Tî lt, 13î'ie, e u17 i t , tltir lI p t; tit f 0k >u ig i a pii i u i l tî-t ouvuIg iciiffinia a] iliif l-i e l g>iithcig' Lgu (t o tti iuL -iiuilini b1>oili i f tli Ct p rtiuv t cjui-u tjîî coglvey Sa Mur. Alox. (iiuiîîubull Iiil l Iart cf thtu isiowango for r cau o the 115 C(J'ut. lii;to the ovotovard ufSI cci i Lrc-a'ryou Johnufuutatig ri Eai iî'ehlitiitqi.Itlilic ll$culgwvay ?Javicl<î 'ir.flitiitBruce, acconîl cfy Mrbi. utlluitowy, 'rugt te Clsnrk h itti>ufiibtiel to fcricih ltfrice-. Itoineci u'-lîiSwiSlî a stuctsiig ot fatiSu Ve 1uuýlitle tOgcuc'Fa'it î'ween t'ue Midjlliil (l1fflLiuy iîiitiily anud tiie Cliarlicliu>(ti, i gîgul Llcat tliýte Pr o.î uiiltii îe eLtt (l ixi nt o% lîrtc lii.tu M Ia-ly 'ù.ROiiPrt linon', second. .vl -hc.c.F. Brucce, lîlat upeu tiIuila te 'e-roasîag'.eg- oulthesuî ofi ih2, Mr.. uîuuuiuu WlIIIObu iiagiittorize(i t,> r tIril theî* stuadinug tii-ra ,)il>tIi ' Rdcilontd on TiliehiIniult c 1) piilbo lots ; l d d4tii.-Cing'tuii. lMovod by âfuf. Clalitil(rp,sicoulu l'y Ur- Ouulnway, mItetMr. I'etcun walls to ccqu-tefl le funnita plaaowiîi uîuoilcalarc aticsllwtte cf cost fer il tiîo li' Mornlscu<a ocit Se-Contre lilisul, [;N i filrctu ha Onlunttrrd tealii> muicat tliîig O! Col incll.-Ci- icl. lt<cIby AMc. ltclS. Broca, accoeuli l0y bI.(luslowiiy, Ttgih Lînmu o f sil.. ý>1î bec Sua-o ,liyes tatittoIlutr, lic ru' ictgtid lia Mr. ,iolgî Mhlg(-Miglit 1.1î Mra-il i-G. . F.hriguîrî, e.'ciileil I l(511I,> îic4&int Su. l c. tlil tiio! t uiula& tàio'Otuerc)ng tlig orIiile IVlu m Iii- r) >43c(l. , c-,11rt u1l.l( iliega MuouI (lbyfUir. It,. lictc, s ec6ncled I.iy Mu- . 1. F ru, luat -the aboya AC- ho utîl oîe-ul andul Lua...Caoriiu. Mgiviilevlia-M. il. V. lit-ueo, second. oula lY br. 1ttimihowgy, Tio thetuCouTiail .ýCuîow edttjoiuria îintil sattrady, 115 iitny of Fusbrmiry, ta el neaint1 o<loek Mara Couricjl Town Hatll, Jtn<yl., 1877, --iercl"0let4 £or thjis Yeat Scnk theOir eàts ateg mainI thetc u jed. clarMtiOnG O-qqUiSIqation and -offue., thc Itèûin o eth1eetMhi >=niita, cf Iasut meeting ea4ad Appsoved. - À. by.law iras passdagtapointing Dounald! ODonsid, îauunied by the Rueve, sud M. G. Sullvau, audifors for the pi-suent )-car, h. ;, the. ock laid onte tables a omniaial oficdthe, nidu. cana[ Pept., stating;they>would. gire -[Letn i c toe-ibiS grauted by lie caunotanid ahçl8.to-~o I Irs . - ocqoiaut~8 BULFINCII St,, 808TW 1POSITÉ iliti.i 11013831. SCIENCE OF LIE] !BELP-PRESERVATJO-N.* HA ON4E MILLION COPIES SOI Wedal, Awarded tu the Auth et 'National Medical Associa- 3teOg the S4exce, Proofs cetheb )f Vice, theoiifl 01 so!Imrougg ut oirance aud Jarors, M.igg,# 0 f 52 m 2,111igd, 'Lrue Prigu.ý atnent Ad<lredi te itîtlonths end clrs < 'ho Aittlluc',q 'fcle this hock là ogy i1ui.' elo contéiOns mgore Sain yIfty 10frige abOve 11=0 icgl dother ao-uworte gMoro tl>it îthe 111-100 If yeu waiit to i'lot rantiitheargest, ohe4peýt and e8t ustoch 0; S opa~ and Crockery, go to ~J. atB5olM For ibe beit, and, ebeapost ohoico Tuas, Cofcel teu, uars, and genoral fuaniff Grooerios e!fnU l iisd, go te W. J. G3 N You can get a e. ul good Tea for 50 conte por lb. et W. J. GIBSON'B. Forthte bust and ehenapea;t Cand l'cas, Cern, Tornatoes, Pear,-WnýP~4 you eau get a 3.1b. can cf ohoioe Peaohàes for 80 coi, , W.,QQ 0 Anud if Santat ClanUs wlintsu auy ohoico Mixed, Gaudies for good chitileni lia "ùve ail lie wârgtç fur 20 cents per lb, at WM. J. -GIB8ON's.. ~t;antcdý-a..td the Ifigbst LMlt-rlîot Price p aid for any quantity ii! gnoid Dremssd Poultry, l'utWi, ?otutoêm,, Boaïi:, Peso, Wheat and W. J. GIBSON'S Whltbyý Chili& TeaEStore., N EVW STATIlONE1PtY --AND- Tlýe Institut. aiea poblshes "àTHÉ~ PHý$IOLOGO P WOAN NrAT TI1L'?EXPIZZSI3 ANDiMONTRLIL L E, >BRO ST. HE.R D1SZASES.' L'*rlcc,,Sz. -The haudtbock-o! the kînd extani. Ais aotlger vluehu'illcttIwor k tront- ingg ciavI eîtIai Norvî,us Dîseauee erg ;.. twelt cl- eore'Y'u0lo begs to tnhlinoincc that lie lias re-openêd 5ait engra.wingli, l>oî,ud il i m aittisi muallo., ii Sttione1ry and Bock Stuoe in Whitby, iwneo re' oey ' u cne l f.rlco uly 2. 1haredy 1>0011iigfipy foi pril- BaQbosSf l ýkii5 Duoc oryaioî agu iîd<î, îgd -thie jes uality,iil be kept on lîaud l e80Sohool Bockfs o! every tehi ig cw 10 UZ, t~t iiî- o i' r Iteu dt)0 Col) tdO lis hc~<, Sites, Penucils, Inks, &ô, &o., at Ufi' lowest rusd j . 'Jiucauthor hLias'îîrîc iroîiil JicI2. i ItoonOxcelliet lîculthi, iîd La au-itig e Nu.1I$ig ftt:eft~i reet lot> he . i,îly tuti Wec-kly Paersalwuys on band. Sub- ggy avec ( gut-i't.-liiî< tt< Ifi,> Yliia Ilstruiwiut, iucluding a ino assortmeîît of box a d-lo i tt'iI t> tIge tiîîtîngli I gl. iig box, ~ ~ ~ ~ mv iîIi>:iiijdi ltp Violitmu. (Wîlura rt, Lacm , for Periodic-als, Magazines and U>fiiec touahic g~thcîîîinQdljiiow S nt ttc ,1îl Oiut sap liii. Oti. ane jf Ci E 0 YUii.-LE.,g E*Ittoiiiiius l ier iv tîl iîý,'iiiî,, ur uîtîur <iîtlîy ,h .Jitti,, 1876. ( O Y E ggg'ogg allgv MecauiîIMon iti tidal:4 iut-ynm ia g'eicojpgitltii tof UI til g >'i<>rouulirv-i, .113 ST Aiiiuut!V'l)AT ITE wso greoîttl lu iiie nî' i d i orts, ma1rtIg <jt, 187. 'T'ie g %-aii vîit i iîçii- id tiÏ i.,tîicof IL;i>iîuritiieo'n W 1, the B dt-nui lreuoill id thic jlî i mi n iiI t 11.0tiiîtii Oaitay lii i<iiifi<'i Mi - ' <lt011 ELL()W S' I IJDJNGS A u bo, ut with moreitiî-îgiiil onu uii i-iL iiij îiaiiogi , i a> l it ii- 11004 Of iHLt i ttl L'di i,:,,. tIl-.i, i i>'>ele- FiOJ~R fil.. foriii iîîiivt,îuîi PAn v1vgt>niî1,%ii> tg wioîii'wî i! iiii. ,->,:,--'-t,-a-E A 0 egn'r CLîtiloýý,Iieseut 1u ofî-6jt ilt Ïitfor N WEASISFANCJY COODS OF ALtL IINDS,CADEJ recailit if irîi d . :î-->('tiilXM'i (hc bcst in> town), A LiMIkSJ EASSOflTIEN. EW-Fzs CAL ENIU J~ri~. .i.,MN. EW GS toin, 111aasn 'ia ii';--r<'~ i," 0 OIN CE 1PE lL, LEMON 1'EE, , CITRlON N. I h £tsii> iî 11 r, i> nirii-îe. i T pa t iivl o t ubi-le PEEL, SU>CES (nl lIiidot,) HE , - heu>',, il.%. il.toi>i v .IA S,1B 'OmIL) c. o AHOOD ou eino euplo ruýW ti. Egia for the speedy .creùco ' -a-un-idui1iit remai i I ýIr i-iAc.7 dmuir t I o b -,euis. nte dems G300D T>-\.Y u or twe 6uSt>rîriiiiiug menii n(1111011îinuiiuLu rt-h uoulitil2 <i-r-. LLATI'IAN -.e Co., -419 Al of wicl i11 Uc bsold Choap FOR CASH. FresI, Oystei's andH - d11rccic PETER SMITH > N.13. ~;ùl;pait fori- Butte.r, g, Poilltry and Apples.ý Whtb, i;71î 01$50 JR.P H I LP Eur-a',î> hui îîuuî iiIi[iu j l>1tC.LCi \ Q IL Iu tlis t-11 tock of CAR flAG-1 WH--IPS, STOCKS &LAS [~ ( J- j tu> Aii iuî> voui,- t u- > ri~i .î )tli n & 1,O gi, :u- -i un i tiu, ull (c t' Licitr uîus OiJei-t>,oto dirik ca i- fun. R. Pràp S pruc e:mii, rrta tlt> o--upu *b Str- ic eSct, tifLSLî-roilruiati oi» tuh guu iuiî citiuîn-iîuu ft-ra t»' q ui t' G- ( i . lýi cu- tii'w. I iihi 'i -- lfquriid ir oui-<'g<P>'k(,t - lui-illi c; lue uui rhigl If1,K<tCa Beasoab ik i ie erl pe uu i v(-u ,ylI -l1( ý e i' 1.t(ofls y>il u iiimigScuct> tuso Light _______ 1H1Opcnlu 3îîggtcs cf Siper- - ici'Style tcud Finish. AU /I ude 2! hie bcdt iVatia1 TOMS &NEWIIuoJ.Ui, j - - ~ Vîml >3 .1uuIv~tl, tt7G.Wlitbly, on L Lf JJ A. AIlTI L L' S ~ CABINET FACTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROON1 Tf/E OL D TA ND, BROOK 8STI1EE T, WHI 1WhiUtby, August 29th, 187Q. CAIUU-AGES AND B UGIES THE <LMA*EST AND MOST 9PJTOC Qi carrae , SigIsan Citî, M; 0'fON Oa",' CARRIAGEý-FACTOR BAOCK- ,T,, IITY VERY CEiEA?. CALL &BE TH M FOR FRUITS, -CON FETJýONERy, GRO A Full Lina a! GoudaSe ûmeut lb.eiran ta o!the P 'ublie, ta suit Slie Timaes Purcuaacrs. Ticnderuigued ilI seIllyen the, hotest f oi. 2t4 5d 1 el petrouge. Chu-euto! Cromptt aenyerju o liemeniher Ste plae- nlPPi Vtb Faury tI, 1877. W.»/ P. WILLCOCH,- Duinda.St. In J. A=aýftx 01 Stand, Wh-i 'r m 12 ai Pt Cl in to oc BOOTS AND SIHIOES Frwinter me' A Splenadid Stock at JOH N SeA U ND ERS'yS, NEAr FITS FOR THE LADIES. WARMI OVER'SHOES AND RUB'BER& IN HE$. GREAT VAF iinbuu. W o k aiîdo to order, and rep S;tlielu, putî.JOHN iluu]terr, No'c-u>ib t- i, 187>:. 'e Iithu . -GENT'S CL Opei ---c0--" Siuiinnr wfcar try the Clothing StoJeau Merehant Tail- 281 cfjîly, 1874.> rd2:> îî- )Iî.;îîî.1inîîîkîg~it4îs<i'gîdfîiutîo 22 Argeot <f eau-h ti cint îu,ul 11, Sled . >î01 , rDu ig oorn îî-u ro î it iluugc to su-iv uîuuiuî î>1-v-oou Et1oi 4. icuigi nt Ni':g . ' o cntu i-rgi, -- . tadcl îite ta p î gtot, ant iEngi'aviuugs forî-salie. cuaciy (lld i n li'î ii>-ii-cr -- r ,i,,> j Veyaîu'c ........... 1......... TT T2D T-1 i A, 1EË I N- G , I.Attoraultgg ': ptlre ciî 1lauî ry ttu i-alg o iiri it0of!)Ic- I i sbircc iurc ii a tc i m ou>',-rgai-grd itl tcri-ter, foi- I r uuîuînch s tt0'asflY i4tlpied, 5o felec'nîît akets, cîacll daty iieuu.qtily etipliOnl coffins ilwaysa on Ittnd, trhnîiod te suit Culstoneis, and a well appciutq S lue sor lieuu<>:i,pwliuîu u1o.£ be i-seooibt-uxitly - raies cilgagen more tligrefour heur1.'. . 1 oaGoas 7. Do. do. whou ciugagedl. more fhau WM TLL four Igoîgre............ Wliitby, Noetiimne 24t1i, 1875.- M TIL 8. Attouduuîg A{iea ou Seciionu iiiiuldeya................... m l.kdieprgo travelingteattndAs..> . SiesScions, or before JiistjilsaJ f , , j> Calepublioc ouvoy"e ir cmbu ,j(> .Q ,Ns If P Il Saen, ote rosnaile 010csa 81zen ytesot ile is .l 'SO- Se Rhnston -6a ,of«w 10. Sumunoulng Jur .for Corenois' T IîiquesttuC111iiîg attondiug t A A t 5,E F inquost, nuil ail te'ie-inre ers. A AR ED TH IRSD D 7 Ve p.-criuiof, irheldli ouac.day L n tt Suliu ne........... 2 w At the Pro-vincial 1Exhitbition, Toroute. in 1870. thceef, I tellga8dnie *-fou- hours .......... 12.li, o. sogget îîu~ t;;"3 We olier to our cîletomers for the coiing tfrvc~tod four heurs.................. 1ti' hh11 1i. Soi-vin 1gai55 orsOipee> tr .Machilîos, whc nstyle anid construction 1ýb-, ataSt, I)eiàre, Coroner (su lin-t the latest ilîîd most useful improvemneuts of th av-, Ne.- 10) ..................... 02! 14. Miage siMe sainie..... L - -< 15. iuln ho ycodler Cûïn Jo, 17. ~ ...... 2e-in 00 îeewciutuii - T t ING 07 REAPEÉÏ.'ýO-- 15A IL1. trist Tu uemeraIuce of, thisMachine, hoth in closIy CoiAtest. ......c..r....r.. ratl: h n f ibrlincri> a-arrant ut in, sayirug t isi, aua S lf.Rak- fi.T,,rîvéli rit. S e i>>1> ' i i ' 1 - irag Reapiru, Macheil , uh. e n o ir ol îpoits and tees u!efcs, sand hamet witbý trouse, arown i o d ahi 81-0 ., mLore succcs'g - îesiilur2.'. nlîcccbefore c ei otepublc. '>.Appi-aiscun cull3, "- bt< r l or more, 2 tco ntaira ico uge -r, onteCAYUGA J tJ NJO R MOVEYR - th ,o eltg-y cie- Oftt0 Wlut, -cru aiarde'id th c Finit Pî-ize adPpon~a ~ vj. fl?, SdI'ving neIO l:s 1 on iisau;go, 1in-uittera, taîe rinc ftÏJb6p - cttïqýqînng.reUieiý- Pu i. aýhi --. ~<>~~ d ato p iOVJDCC -- n witl comiitrlg U We arê' 'n!ë the es- UJ bbjc sa- )airs exeouted with de~ TSAUNDERS,, Brook Street, Whitb, .OTHJNC 1GOODS 49 Dr oring ostablisuî-aent of ])UNDAS STREET, WHITBY. A GOQID FIT AND STYLISH CUT WARRANTED1 Geut's Furuishing. Goods of ail kinds, inoluding Shirts, JHat$ and Caps, Umbrollas, &o., Whitby, July Z7th, 1875. f8 CHOIGE WlINESdà PURE L IQUOR8 at WHOLE SALE and RETAIL to suit the HOLIDAY DEMAND tINSUALYLOWP0--S FREDEJ3ICK NE-ALE'AS, 8IMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. AGET.ORD0eB&--W Celebrated XXX Cream Aie& Po rter. C THE TRADE StJPPLI-ED .j .Oshawa, Deo. 14, 1875. 15 LIST 0F ATJCTIONEERS On1tario, and separate municipalities-in the laittýer. - ~ ~ ~ o Nâoll »uesc Muac'r. LexriEp.s T Wei.....o..... L......o c De.. -Sud, 1878. -L.'. Fsfrisau.ht > ' . w .., efrSi,1877. H.E p'êi ..tik r; M? ......L... MmIth, 877., o h n .... PePry... 3 'cio ý - - btilg1r 1 * LIST OF PEDTJERS FOB< THRE CO' James iJohnG ukircl.... attrin... ge-n. rsi. do.- ~...S..... 1loe,<one y,.. 2 terses, Couîty.. ..o.e, ...ny.. i cseOuu ,. ONTARIO. 6 r t a may lucou5uoùté-d froin tbe gag generata illdinr0s, or t-O ISDIIo 01.tbe grouis, wherover1 bl4iau 1 " is aulititcgaug e-gner reqnlred for~mett.oumin The pnc elih use. but je ty tpff. ,wheu, they are ea et in his manner, j coiiidùred as safé a mia TîJ ý r-,du'W to-P,,acùýlythe saiePint a~±s f0inourred ilu singicity gas, long e 0 e s t I o n u t h e a c f01 g e m d aleiv e r sod th r o u g h p e m a n ue n t P ip e âs a u d lx tu r e s lo n e s t h a t' f u l n g -k e rýa m e n êc u m j t b8 e u e t o ue d . S a tr e s a d ay p a s e s wi t b o tit ,r 4 . cr d c f l -emn Dnexy, tn1d ften jA life itueif, eauued by lire rosnlting froin the bregaeor explosioiï cfî=kerseeêîîrnjs'; iud when ýwe consider Sthe exteut te wbich kercas lu".o. frch.t'tl adllrufd, uS ha lsoety f manufacturersansd deaers, .we re net sur pH"ud et sncb lasses, cm the risk cf uuiugut eau hardly.be çuverestiuaated. 'legardlng the quality ait>he gai furnished by'v cn machine, no finîtc a bfond. 'T h e l i g h tIa iu - u e t o l y t r n g s ud r c h , b t a i s e m e l l cw s ud o f t t e t h e e .7 e s . 1 l a s no n . . c-atee4a parkle sud glere tonna tu bu e hnfll eig Xf Pe~ess«san" llunlatîlulpcwer c, froin sixtein te twenty candies, fclly equal ta -coul gis, sudabouit one-third'bettiertain is ordinsily aupplaed by city.gm compsuies, It remarkably pure gaz, couSains ne aciphureus compoundus or impurities of any kmnd; J ý Wpabens, cornbi4stiou is perfact. witut ésmne or odeur. Theam iatc cae -that our'bMachines 'requirû lu ucarcely worthy cf netoa h gaz Éenerator af-au apperatlis of ordiniary uize doce net require fiiliug -oftnerthan frein Swoofour ire. evea, atniLg mater. Asido frent this, the cny attention denaddý aeJr~î,i tinf ,?weleht lu 511e oel>- su ,ften as it rnesdowu, once or Swice a week, "0ï >ïgf;jo'W rapily-ga- , burned. A moderata sized machane, suitable for e dwell. Ing,;*MlÉ,ir li equire less cire!to e ep i Lu perfect order than wMl one keroese lamp: .ten br ftoon fifSeen inutes s week lis ufficet. ýTo explalu ciearly sud lia detail the plan upon. which-our Machine ta couetrncted, anad howlt eperates, la s maSter cf unnie dîfficulty. in au advertisement, non lu this important te, te averigue inquirer. 8ufelcenutetalruw, that hy les usie, with vcry, little-,cire, at sinail expensc, and perfect eîfety, hae eau rely on getting an abuuuljlit light aS ailftures. dv o #, taô the introdu ctlou of air g i;iachines. rosiry um l gas werku ' eroe tu vsnlousrte cf the couutry, in which gas was miiid, tiireugh destructive distillation by re sud retorts frow o ci or pi1. Those werks are ixpensive: the ouSlà, fer oscitxhie bildingosior's gis hallier, &c., la necesuîiyg-at hyaserqiucousdîgik e , v sud ukili temanage. The manufacture cfg-eoratugie deilng domudu eaiy as muet labeur,,sud quite as muet ukill ausLe î-equred e a- upys~in efril esal 2a1village. The precesus lu i no sense autontatie ; si; oftcu as the volume o! gas ceudaincd hinSthe holder ia exhausted, theo rt Iuiut hoc echarged, the fires i-ckiîidled, sudathe labeur cf minnuuctnniug anotiier snppiy nopeated. Malde -gg intbis n'ay as isagrocable and tvoubleuomc. A quantity of ceai, casbce sud rbihcumunlates about theo werus (the aour arisiug frein hem Lo s avery serions objection, In 'runn gaes, te thoiî introducton. Gis mauactured on this-plan je also quite expenuive, -,i addition tea1the lirAS c-eut ofSthe materials, bh aliokn inSo ticcunit the labeur of! mauiufre--aa.i (ho expense aof1-epaire upon ths apparatias--of «itseif ne iuzi item. It Musat mime' te'e Lu mid -Shatin omali gauo workle j~applisuncos of mannfiac tiare are neyer so perfect, uer Stie yield ot gaz pruaportiogaalîy se0gi-cat, suis obtaineda ettte large works bu the ettîcu. This clans cf wcrk s lauew Lu a largo mosure superieded by our miclîinae,,which are preferibie for 5h. tdllowiug resss lit. Thelr fret ccst lu mucl lesu. 2ud. No expenuiva ont-buidings are required. - The Sank te contein thre gas geucra- terris a umuil and cuhesp affair, uuderneaththke grouud, eut et' uight. 8rd. AU the labeur sud trouble of niuking gi le sival, Tihe cara car machines re- quin sa triftiug auto be scarce wentty cf mention.- >lch. Ne odour arises frein She manufacture, ncr te Shere any liSter or fdm5. Ciii. Our machgines are automatic ; tho gae Lu always rcady for use. 1- al th. Barel1y a repaire o! any krd rquired. Our machines aie eqaly god and, afIl0 tng2 d ul h e.Oac u ahie uus eigtanmirc he uses.11emtrtnaygcnyfrhsga Au esidence cf the distauce tuaS this kind of gis cau be carried -without suferng mateiiy frointcondensation, we unoulli otato that w&s in 1874Lsubéi a machine te 1Mrv EgrJ "ys, cf lioseulale, Toronto. Thîis maclhine ho cusod iti liglating lia lieuse sud a nobe f lmps, coveyirg the gis one-four hlîeddfet li se oing ; i heslaurp funtheut reine-ed froin. the machina h(o lias an equally good liglit ai> lunSthe ouc ucarest ta Iu iutrcdncig large machdines,anduli iggîiug tlierewtl a nuamber of buildings, iimp posta my li --top sang the setct, wt lateneu e ctiruts gate, îpipes extending ta bsn, st&bles, d&c., tte edistance cf lhall e muile or more. Haviug lied exportence Lun(lhe mauufg>cture cf tSc naihiiuesfarcajumben cf yecru lu the United StaSes, and heinq preetteaI nuuchaaacev-e are'couhidcut tilat ou- machines are second ta ifone on the Contiuent. Wc do net ceont it cia invention of ur owu, but we PIIICE LIST 0F TRE 'CANAIIN GAS MCIIICOMPLETE, 1t'rt'ciiin bord of Cari>ut Tor'onto. Nuunghou- 1 , i-aScii o iupppt~15 M iurnr>,$2>0 0<1. .9 2, cl :3o I 25W-Ci0. ci 3, 50i 3L4)0()0. 4, 75 J 275, (Q 5, M)tu 'c 450Cou. 6, 150 (M U0oo. 7, c D'O c, 700 00. 9ic . 800 DO00. 10. 400 0 00i->00. - TO PARTIES WHIO ARE BUILDING. cntemplatig pugsingosp ahneà s ig ' ciu t p uttin iapebdoeh the popar imeis t id 1aing fiti nc j -9 heb i-plee-ttadtiî-y osuyct h tuî'dned bai Sýte Xpýeuse i gei, dth, accupînutsettig, bouse ai- cot1u lP -9au ar u eds.as o le8 ic n ev eeVne ed O inaiy V<i e an os ci-q e e oue, ino dc ion a We invite cerraspondenefircm an y oc a-o ia:'Iuiiusd otg eeîpîating Skie ietng- ductien cf gos. We shahlte glaa toeci a-tue 'iitiaauî-h as tlu ue bu-sti- mger rof puttieg fn pipes, and eter detabîs WuWCha-ce cempetuîît orkcn inlu ur empioy. 'a-om ire seralite amy part cf te country te pipe buildings, att magchines, S&c. We eticà> au opportunity to estiat upnSeecr rrro itg uusiu ahns fxhuref, c., cn- pst redyu tegltu.Orarnemnsacsil, ls'.ecninpurc v-t aay do. ing- frta'so ror. Ws- otaSuu-Si nciejb attocnal'ays e assured o! t- tes poýb.ss brcis rc u- eo ns>fi ul is curta- aan aardi-rjded ne- Irgsiy uPc ' a bont ou tag ; wdu g ccifl e xeata a eail . Wh n lieues si-calrady pipaSfr eîîua sc iiotc ur uit.ilines iSeth chauging sncb pmp foG. sln.Orarueet iese htw a i]alodr proptl. W luishthebes GaSiyof ilid tmretrtjE.W auacueI or Wper Tankto ordrfor sasoiiige. Oui-enoeu.gr sc iaSceea 1 l 1edr TESTI MON IALS. 1 have ta-ce hasd ene of joehiPiilliîii & Ca'a. Aii ùcisc Miiiiiues ilige aS uy p lace in Rosedale for about eigliteen mantis. Fri-ou iiiy expéiencte, 1 ira satik3blcd with theo prineiple cfte Machine. Tire gai; is cf a i<pu'rtari- itiliiy, asgud icocecctcsj. Tenant, Apl Il, 1876. 50 Lixim J.arltiit,- !î01Lt0!>.1 2Mal. 1 .8ui76 MiuSuiM. .osxa' Pig rMiir- & CO,. -là u Gi'NrLiirxi,-I have vcry grcttoat;jauur&r iliiuuni'u.i yokîc Air ali i Machine put into our Collage, se bt hou gi-con perfect satit:fumi'Lin--Yor;, Sac. MaCSsa.- J.'Pun.r.grsSa& Co., Toronto. -91%R 9l'M rb 86 Dxg Sîs-ghv âni eigyn aîm w gigGsMahna oraou i Mxasau. SCOTT &Sa POs. d 14or.v. zone, 1810. GziqTs .-Your air gas 220w intredneed haSe My store aS Whitby gurus complote salis- faction.ý The machine wriku te» a oharme anS 1amn saveli a large amount ed labour sud cxjaeuse, bosideste advantagcu o! clcanÜ~nesusud a vei-y suporten light. B1 . Jiauoueoc. GIClUB Aamouu..tNAhi-s ASSOu-OCiTo,, onTour, 1874. Fmnur RXTBA.cPuma. Chuss 52. SecOtion 35. No. 59. Aricile-Canauiiau Àir Gag Machinîe. - Extttihton-Jos. Plutipa. Reusidence-Terorunte. SCOTT & FHILLIPS, CASOL AN IRFARES 0FATHEN' Jue l7th, 1878. JMES H. 82 O &C0MPAI-Y FUR.N ITU R E. WHOLESALR,& BýVAIL. .Warerooms-Albert'f IaWr Buildings, 18 9 Yonge- st.- HRave aliyus on haud a Fnll Stock cf every-- Llin her ane<sd bope by trict anioný< ta theivntsafIth ireustomen, to-eitaiý centlnunce of t.he pattýouage hftherc, ex.. tended te thein. Special attention puid ta the making of' NFEDLEWORK FIEE SCRÉENS, - OTTOMANTS, LAMBREQUINS,- tJORNICES. &C., &C. mîade auý put down in the beSstftyle:. JAS. H. SAMO & CO March ath, 1876.1. - THE G REAT- l BoeNTigIH EM>Y Curas ual cxxaP-;-uch au TAB ioas, Dzsra- IT, PuoSnATIrogetc., whLcb, Inu msuy Ca«e are pi-cdnced by c-cen indulgence ha ttc use et tohacco and siotolo spirlt: .but te8peC fi Mediehc i-s more espaUy:rcomi= casa an unffiing cure fcr Sxgtux wpxxzs, SPL'ItvUsAT a 4 rISu'Evx ao d&ýd a tiatfoilew os a cequcuce O Sud Audse, et Loas o' Minceur, UiarxuRSevzLussrnamx, l'.ttu uN THE A cat, >Duacas op VauZera Pa,- 3MR OLDQi-AGir, sud many ctber àdis Stet iesd te IzcS~ANZTyOr Ceausmpyox, an&L PuunTavrUtixCRAB, ail cf obci, s arul-ia ar i-et -tceuued i devlahtng -freinthe path of nature and cýrac dulgeuaè. - ThgýSPetflaMedil tge resuit ofa aIlfe utudaguiand &yyvesrs cf expenience In trust. lng Shoue speclal disOîSes. FU partuculars ha cor.Fazphict i cgeb udomine 50 seuil fres ay Maaltoeery ~onu. -Thlue ct8c Mediciea seold byulia Dm giste a 81 per paacago,'Or six packages foer or sat2ibe uentiby m ailou reciptof the mniouy.by adr lg - -Windsor, (Out. Sol- Sinha Whthby S . W. B.Sn2tl jas, Ba-a-ge and -an- drugglt. Northroup &<Lyan., i-oi-onto, wtcleuae agents. 7 1){ILAND RAILWAY 0F CSA Coing Nortt -nom Port Hope to Liniay, Begi-rrton sud Olii. Liave Port Hope-- Mau -i . 10îo a. m.iMxd..8.45-P. M. Gcing North Se Petertoro' & Lakefild. Leave MiiibroOk4 - àlail...25 p.m.'I Mail.....11.40 p.m. mail,.. 1:0 Doon. Ar PS Hope 6:20 p.m. - Coming South' frein LairsIlelS.- Maui.... 0 a. m -. 8:00P, m. SConnuctu wittb a eNîpisi niwsy ee sud froin Toronito sud lutermdite <statfons aS Millbrook for Peteibrô'sd rlha with Grand.Triipk at Pert Wcpe bcth iù m- ing sud cvciiith Irua s Est sud Wee$, sud Str. Noreeann' a .m. f or Roctester2 2 Snpt. of Traina, L IST OF. THE DIVISION COURTS 0F Tua COUNTY 0F',NTÂRIO, FOR TTEYAII 1877.' Wlibhy, D ic. 27ti18?10 whiti frein 9 o B.s the G C. Il as ches p ai t test. Teedi Teet extrir local anesig ia's new-bloc King Street,1 THIO BUILDE Ki-AU ont H AIR DI JOfi AGET largo quantt 5t&ntly ou ba- Clerk Dv Coiamssicner &oc., Âthery,C AtherIv S-z CRhD-i lhc th aitf er of JOHN LITTL J,- An Insîelrt, NOTICE is bereb sgven tast by virtue et te poir es ue m me as Aauignee of te store Insoivent'm estate, 1 sbifl-cffer, for Stale by Public - AncSien if> EATS- JIOTEL,,hlin te TOWN 0I W-EITBY, on TUESDAYf thc Thi-teenth - Day of Muret, next, 1877. at one bcidéck, P. M., aIl te iglit, Situe sud inlerest of- the saiS Insolrenr, sud cf -iyceif as suob Asiue ansd te AU and Singulat-,tat cerotaii paiel or raet cf Land beiugn. Senthquai-Sur cf LeS Numbertig t -in Skie fts-rntb Concessiou oetbSe To.wumbip cf Pickering,c, ta'nld- fIty soi-u, n6re or esa; and Cairtur NineAÀ.wiu s .fdta-. AnAPIAN - y AIRGAMAHIER, -158:Y9 XSTREET, -TORONTO. - B a tu, Mater , c set, itiap , Ga-deitffoicu aiis, ltubbe).- No e, Ga,. E e- luoes, in Bharnze anurr a-gl,.etc. EIMJ4 TE S GIV E44 FOR IGHTINq AN D iE4TINo BUILDING . c. ur l mjrge and c IOc loa iuse, - nd a Il .11 &ctgt>edOrechàr(d on su.. Tho ]and s a u cle Acres, âa nu a geod Et cruS -.auci feuced. TE LSIibural, sud tir ay o f Sale. foS. ii, .st 24th, 1l' w. (sucez- The Cheapest and BestHoùse-in'- W.hitbý e 1 .1 ýl tc li, Y7 ib lii dr t4 by Ï- lý i Il 1 MEDICINE, l" lm 1;b GF T-T S 0 1*14T i GASOLINIE. TRY AU Jiigitt illachiiw. eunior judge. ýrjios. N. GIBBS. %Vhitbr- «NAý . il 1 75 Liglit Machine. 1 ilETY 1 r ing suitable for

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