Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1877, p. 1

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BusineBS OiI'rOctaQry. oINTAR&IO DA E THOMAS DOWe DOMINIONBANK. WHITBY ÂGE NCY. Altosub-Agency at Liverpool Market. lisvings Departments liaconnection wlth boili offices, wher.e interest la pd on dePo. .Ot *i pwro H. B. TAYLOR, Agent. Whltby, Sept. 16tb, 1876, 89 LÂ~àeg Court s~on"; Ar- Camron Q.., udDr. Meïliehul, Q. C. FAEBiWELL &k RUTLZDGEO, ORes Mrsêdoor outh of the Borag lAMES RUTLZDGE, B. A. J.3. E.IMT44LL L..L. B.s, Con"tyCrowni, Attorney. 48 jA*!1 n e -mil, GoRDON, ,o ARBZSTBR k TTORNEY.AT.LAW, à= $t'esor@, 10i rcI trse, Wbtby, ont. ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW, SOLICITOR IN tonneerý*O vyscer 0.7Wnag LYNAX tlqtLISII. L L..B., B ARD48SU AT LAW, SOLICITORDI Chac.m' Conveyancerke.,kc. film. coe Street, O a.. G. YOUNG RIIU, LL. Bo, A~~O TTORNEY T.LiW, Mlonk, Brook Strest WhItby, Ontario. A. G. IIeIIILLANq, <L*Qpenwood &k MMIlan.> nARRISTER, ATTORNEY, BOUIC. L>llor, NiryPublic, Convoysucer. Of- fies-Ilyro streit, SOulI o Ou1Oice, Whltby, Ota0 e R OBINSON kKX4T, A2!TTORNEYSi SOLEITORS, 1ON PR ANCERS, do., COU19T OrSMBT, Tononzo, C.F, Roaiseobi X . ÀA HuuîiA. B. IN. TONZA5 HUSTON, 7T~ON OERKAND TREABUREB, ±Whitby, Offc-Town Hall. Honre, troam 9 tW1 0ock. a. j. aGun N, M. É., SVRGE*ON-TO TEE COUNTY GAOL, syronBietWbitby. br. W. .Je BURNS. Owvu-N*xt door teo neouictu office. £Essnat ~Mr. Lewis Houtk's. Ws. McRIEN, .lZfCU, £iY5HOSPITAL LONDON, EEG., Cy.Ali. s0'"RBO . ., Oshawa, Ontarlo. W. ADAME, Whltby.over Ir. Jmeion'e Store. Nitrons Ozide Gai dmiulstered for the painlesi ez. traction soitseth. O, N. yARS; Le De Ne - TTEETH rnserted -on ail the '%so '+ âtet prncilesof he art, eau th cesput sZsegoddasgthe hast. T~sh iwth GaIS and Oliver. Teelh etracteS vithout pain, by producing ioa shel.Dental Booims-lu Cow. ab'i new blQok, over Atkinion'i Drug Store, IPng Street, Oshawa.- 85 therîr ett. Sud, 1872. -8 A R D . Une BOGART, Physielan, Surgeon, Accoucher, éo., &oc. W1îl*t>t sept.-Both, 1874. do - OBT. RAMBAY, M. D., L. M. VDIN. qlraduate (wilh honorà) cf the Unlvcrslty of Qus'0 (Joliege, Canada; Philalphslie -nv fmidiciaesud surre , Amunmcn Unlvé cf Peisylvauls; Eceoti0 Colege cf 10nnsylvanisansd LtA0nîleof ai Mroftcy cf the Unlv* cf Edluburg Scotiend. Cpr- oner for the Cewnty of ôntarlo. Offie- *Coldwater et., Orillla. Anglut 941h, 1875, lyr-85 W. J. BIRMAN, (ouccuseos TO :. CasAn.) * 'rETERINARY SURGEON, Graduai. - Ontario Vterinary Coliege. BI*p poiutmeut V. 8. to D. F. Batry. WU b., st 4uestreng'u Rote!, Wltby, ev.ryTues- dey f om 10 l 4. where ha may b. consulteS ap Il iesaies of th domeitie saulmal. RsuldnosComm roaHotel * Omfce- Carteee'Deug store, King street, bshaws. Whutby, (Jt. SS. 1876.. tf.41 T EBBIT* HORSE MIEDIOINES. s8"o cisarg for advloe. X. ]RAY. -C. ,Y-HE'SaO DEA,LER IN LUMBER, -WHITHY, 0 Has onhand a splenid astock cf Sue clae -%cd w-s e sensolLumubim. AU kînde for 1,7@s,~gaIDrsse X~mbr alw-sou vemauce »andaoii -hý *uy**. caufulwis-ahoB. s Port.Pea1y'ýsep1. ath, 1876M, A87 Tâin, 81.00 pir Day. 8ý,tblug in conl Dection. - 4M BRI~~AMRROAN OTEL, (LAT» Soiun woe.) WHITBY, ONTA^BIO., Iloule newly renovated and furulhed lbroghiit, sud put lu firt.clsui order for ho zeception of geste. An Omnibus te sud roma&l trains. Firot-ciasesamplo rooms, WEITBYT, ONTARIO. THIOS.. MA-SON, PROPIUTOB. Superbe aucoomodstlon. Tabbe,tu * be wlth bout lu ceason. Ganulue Iquo. Cipur, hesibrandi. Billard roomn. Réony mtiabîsaandsiheds. 40.tf G BAND TBUNK RAHMWAY HOTEL, AT WBITBy STATION. WU. O'NEILL ..PROÈBIETOB. Warties taln hetrain andileavinFrd ahnorges wilhv hmwell takon cmr of Zil their ,eturn; T E QUEENS E<>ThL, (Là'z oxaî.) BROCKSTBEET, WIIITBY, TAYLOR & MoCANN, PROPIIIETORS. Tisa underslgned desire to iuform their, friands and tise public that they have taicen the, ahove well icnown hotel which they have newly dîteS une sud ren4kated,and put luto the boit cf order for the accommoda- tion of gueos. Thse Bar, which ithbe hanS- someet ln tise Conniy, ie well ,upplled wlth the fineut brande of wines, liquora, and ci- -gr.-Ample enclousedha room anS good utbig, box italle, kc. Detached. roome for commercial travellers. 3. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP McoAN. bloe of Toronto. ]R YLHÃ"TEL, WBrTB Y, JAS. PRINGLE, 1'ROPRIETORi. The largeat sud moit commodious hotol in lise town; isas large temple rooms for c-ommrcialtrayeUes. Table well supplied wlth thé botlu tesson. Ilest brande i quers ando cIgre. Enclosed yardsud shedroom; attentiveà hostiers. Charges to suit the N. .-Llvery stta4hcd.*7 S HAKESPEARE ,Il OTEL, hoUxea OF rixe ArN) oIuI sTe., T0ZB 0NT 0.. -. 1 refr COncerts, BoireesanS4 s8ân ramonabbe ternes 11h, 1874. 29 GLEN 1MAJOR M~LLS I OOOOOOeetPia Lunhewei ca soued. mciBoardi, Pioznàg, 'ý%ro apeoelotisIquglity, . o1m00 I. SquareTluber,. AUlot whicis wmU h. slS chespfor Cash. He wuId.ia~gte .Mrtisai-the Grws eB. DecalOtis, ~ oti À NEW BIiVELÂTION IN 'ËHE SCIENCE 0F DBESS.MAKING. CORNWALL'S SELF-.bITTnEG WAIST & SHOÃ"ULDER CHART. Draeése dîteS, freinmaaauemcnt ahane wIthauâga cf n stitris. Fer sale, vibl irIce instructioe, nI MI1SS McINTYRE'S- DREEs-uîAMGNc OOM5, W-RraBY. Agnt Ih wadantaS. Libenai inducements te Wiby, .&ng. 18, 1874. 84 G. YOUNG SMITH, - issuER OF MARRIAGE LICENSES, -WHITBY, ONTABIO; MO NEY TO LEND on Fuaiem td Town Proparty, ai LOW RATES lFor furlimer particulars AppI>' le- JOBE JAMES POWELL, .- PREorno. 1Anguet 1511e, 1870. First-cIaosiaccommodation; haih-rooms, Sic. Board, 8l 50 per day. 10 ABMS-TRONG HOUSE, -(L A TE A L Si .0 ,) WHITBY, ONTARLIO, E ARM!STRONG - PROPRIETOR. WMTYHOUSE. DUNDAS-T., WHIITBY. <WEàT OF P0ST OFFICE.) JOSEFE A. BANDEL, PBOPRIEI'OR. This hoes lias been rocullIy buiît, la large and roomy, suad fitted np in frt-ciass stylea. Beat Wlues, Liquors and Cigare; freali Loger Boer. Good sishling sud en- closeS yard; attentive cillera. 46 c OMMERCIAL HOTEL, VARTW1IOUT, ONT. JMMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR. Good accommodation tf1 \JNEY TO LEND. The underaigned lias an y amouni of Mon- ay to Lead upon Farma or Town Propcrty, ai unnally Low Rates cf Interait. Loani can ha repald in sema te suit hor. rowers. Beverai Imiproveid Faims and 'Wild Lands for saecheap. Invimimnents made lu Municip al Dalicu- turcs, Bank, and other maricetatabe stocke. For furiher partiiolars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Assignes, Broker, &oc. Bprll Sili, 1972. 1 WILLI4Ja COOPER, DLACKBMITH, - - BROUGIIAM, (Succeimor tb ThomasaiMiddangli,) Horse shoelng sud ail kinda cf ganerai work. y5 P UYS, CALLS, SPREADS, f5TIAD- DLES.- We faithfuliy axecute al orderu for the pur-hase sud aie cf stocke on. 2 te 5 par cent margina. First Cia, Stock Prlvilcgeinegotiatad lu any aroonut.- WVe solii the patrnage cf parties dairone cf plication. TUMBRiÇGE LCO., Bankors anS Brokeri, 92 BaoAnwAy, N. Y. lO.ly M ONRY TO LOAII. The National lnveuntment Com- pany of Canada. (LIMITED.) Lend Money on Real Estate. Purchaie Existing Mortgagea. Borrowers, *111 fud the Company'i tarins moderato wlth opecial facilitis for paying off thoîr Ïcaus. W.HR. BILLINGS, Agent, Solicitor, ScWltby. p,00'of privat e Funds oit hand ta Iscest inVs rgago Farce Seeiiq. 14 JOHN L. WATIS, AUOTIONEER, &o., &o. BÂxuw*8]» DITIilON 00178, Y OUNG'S HOTEL, MOOsX EOAD, DALTON, rfR'1'. .YOUTNG. BPRTIETOR. tleliabbo i tr>', stc., lu; ample a5od sdattouttv Itablng au band. IN FARIQUHARtSON, wleithy. K ROTHERS, WHITBY, ONT.ARIO, Impuor-tera, Dealers auS Manufacturera cf ahi IOula cf LEA THER AND- FINDINOS, Cash pail for lHiles, l3arî. anS Lealhear. Leatiéstsreched. imIONEY TO LIINDI A large qtiantil>' of mouey lu n l i uneeft, pivata fuels, For cale, îeveraî Tovn lots, 1w-omra iBouses,,sel a lar-ge Brick Honse. For tere, uppiy te -- G. YOUNG SMITH. Whilby, Pcb. 9ih, 1874. 7 To thse Irchabitanîs 'cf Duffins' Creek and Vicleit>': I have imev openled a Butuuhes aShop tn Mr.W. Cuthbert'i, visera may bc sean n esof IhhbelSt isaiys cf Bcd, ýPork, anS FovI aven effareatei Public.. le Reasontabe Prices 1 Came ue, ceuirnend gat somethiug bte oyen goal. IiICHAbID NWESTLAKE. Wiitly, Ducembi2nl, 1875. 52 D RLY GOODS AND GROCERY STORE AT AUDLEY. lu offler te incet bhe growiug %vante cf lie localit>' the embciber bas beau buluiecl uc open busincas itesaabove lune. A Large and well Selected Stock equal1u r»eanul qculity te au>' tiat can r,.au , rt. i ujulgefor yourseif, anul if yon can be as w-al esuitad as elew-bere pale-onize home te-mie. D. MeBRADY, Aully, Nov. 24n), 1875. 48-If e~gs bu anneenc tisaI liea bas caevaS le Kieng St.. anfa Sore EAST 0F THP, -POST OFFICE, opposite Leke'es hoir-rocini, visae w-ill h feueS:àie a t@k of slktil sdfaIt haIs for ladies and gentlemen, cf hie owvu menu- fetrle. Lel SicavliaIs coloreS sud suteraS in sisalpe. Osiava, July Oth, 1875. 89 c OAL C"JAPER THAN EVRI DOWN AGAIN' Cai aend gel pelces sI Sept, 131h, 1870. A. ALEXANDERI'S, Wmitluy anS Oîsavs, Çc AB D T. H. MaMILLAN, Agent for the ROYAL INSURANCE, COMPANY, OFFICE-Outarbo LoanuandSaSvlngs C=lpu building, corner King andS Bm- ce0tet, Osisava. April 201h, 1874. 17 Information rgarding tisêcon rnisaS te pacties e rquring Il - ommodation - for HunIera nd >Tise har sud arder supplel ý i cf4or bqeeanS vands lo be I Cîs'cocs DEPARtTMEET. le =ont Noue but oliglng1 vaserat kept. CommodlonsOttaw-a, Nov. 8th, 1876. lia prompt, lisîbers 5w-ys onu ATHOIIZED - DISCOUNT ' ON ..iml-cuüvolces =ttu riber Do- Z OBBRT K. YOUNG, tise, S per cent. - ~ *.er J. JORNSOII> JUST "L OtgÈs P. ROMPTLJY P Am. L. PAÏMBAXÇKS, 3au, J.B. BIOKELL,, S'ecretary. Presideut. Bates ci Inguranceno low that,95cent4ý wilH nsur.f$100 for twelve months. 3eIISH A R àAI ERTABLII5HzD- ziS. This, olS and well értabllshed * ompany arepreptred to acOe1grhsin 09aIlcaUse o! 'Prc rtatratesas w as thoseef anylwef oéa lseS Company in Canada. 1 solatel and non-harardous property Lu. snred for thrce y«"r or éisuet aPeoially low rates. - L. FIBIXl. r'fOm Flcsulirocz .,Coth. Lombard St. and a ng Cross,-London. zaTàBLisaimD iN 17.82. GILE'SPIE, MOFFÂ PT &. CO., Agents for Canada JAMES DAVIDSON, -Manager. Insumces againit loe b y.Firo are effeot. cd on the moat reasonabis termes, sud losie, c idl without reft'rence te the Boiadiii Lon. on. FMAI Agent, whitby. April 12th, 1870. le.ly T SAAON"F* & LIFE REÂAD OFFICE, . QUEBEC, Financial Remîlt Of 14 Monîlis Busi- nosa tO 318t1 Dec., 1875. Authorizcd Capital.......... 5,000,000 Subscribed Capital........... 2,80,000 Paid np capital ............ 0,095 Goverumrent Dcpoeit. Iïire) ...50,000 Government Deposit, (LiMe) ... 50,000 Total Revenue, Fire Premiums, and Interest..............82,7 Total Loesgs.................... 58 Invested Fundi ................1$194,718 Caeh in hand and Deposit..... 49,198 Other Asets ........8...... Total A:osets ............... 29,794 This Company ha. now cîtablished limait, and lias 21 Branches and 207 Agenclea lu the Dominion. GEO. J. PYKE, Manager, bO.Iy C. NOUIISE, Agent, Wbitby. COMPSUAN5x Dcpoeý1it with Dominion Go vernmcnt S50,- (M0. , xpcrienced Agente throughnut the Fire Zi8k8 wrilten at Adequafe Ratea. C. NOUIISE, Wliitby, Marcli 7t, 1876. Agn, ly (FRccmkNmI)L.FE'r) OP LIVERPOOL & LONDON. CAPITAL, - $10 000,000. itNKIs:L MEeDIAL AmovSERa: MOLSONS BANK G. A. BAYNES, ESQ., M.D. IleaSOffice for Canada:li1i1Si 193 St. James Steet, Mentraal. FORBES Si MUDGE, Cief Agents. R. LLAWDEIi, Agent, Witby. Auguat Cli, 875. ly-83 N ORTH BRITISI i &MLIRCANTILE FIRE INLIRANCE COMPANY I Bals, anS rellabbo, charges modeaab, prompt settiement cf clama. OEO. YULE, Agent. Wbitby, Jane 2, 875..2 JOHN S. M. WILLCOX, OFFICIAL .ASSIGNEE, Usa reanoved isaoffice frein lise Iaiiw-ay Station ta tise office cf D. Ocraiston, Emq., T. H. McMilan'c Block, Brock-St., Whilby. Wisitby, Jan. 18bis, 1877. 8M-4 APPLE TREES, A 1; 0 T 40l,000, -ÀT T5i.- HOME NURSERY, Prom 1w-etlefour >'eaes of agae ebracing aIl tise bail Variables. SETH C. WILSON, Lot Ne. 83 2nd Con. Pickering, aunKingilon Rond, ual Office, Whiib>'. TIIeS IMPER 11.3ON~ FILE WITil Wbare Advcrtilig Cotracte ecube ,s.eue BIIOUGHAM CAIIRIAGE WORKS. S.- WEBB Ratupeelful>informa his Patrons sud lis. Public liaI hh asipurabaeed tise Iiglit fee Pickering, te Manufacture sCmacli PrinceA] 1--. (LAIE CLÂYToN'B) BROCKSTREET, WHITBY. Tise enderaigned begtctonoem tise farne- an cf lie.guuenusemace*, hastibe Ihm li stock a argea u»ortmeAt - c!. nbtiig Boxes, Chur1ýn = unpDil Hrêiki Rec..&c. cf a iludm exsaeted wlIh neatuesasuiddSeipatoli. THOMAS MCCANN. Brook-St. .Whltby, April 4th, 1876.'0 Y-15 DO0INION FLOUE PEED STORE.' CHARLES PENNYLEGION Begi te neUîf>'iss friendsi an! customers .tisaI ho-las now prepared te mnpply Fleur and Fced efthIle Bail Quiality, at the lowast living pricas. rilour Çeorn, Ciop-Feedi Bran, Shorts, OsI- mcsl,'Crsekod Whcst, Peus Os, Pc- tates, &,c., at Wholesale eail. Cheaper lhaithelacCleapeutfor Caslc. At tise Dominion Pleur sud FacS Store, Croshy's Block,, 1ssl door, DanSas Street, Witby. CHAS. PEIN'NYLIGION. Whutby, April 241h, 1876. 18 VAISES AND TRUNKS. LEÂTHIER VALISES AND S3ARATOGA TRUNES, &oc., &c., st WILLIAM THOMPSOE'S, Sadlier seS HarneasMaker, - 81100K-ST., WEITET. June 24, 1874.26bf L IVERPOOL MARKET 1 CASH FOIR GRAIN, To bc deliverea. ai Frenchmian's Bay« PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL . FOR SALE. MONEY TO LOAN Ou Real Estate, aI Low bRutas cf Interest. - J. -H. McCLELLAN. Janiar>' Bh, 1877. 11-8 S. R- WICKETT, Importer, Manufacturer anuS Wiclasalc D Iealer bu Leathers, uhoe-flndings, Etc, Sole Agent for Outario cf J. Il. Moonay'a celebrated Cclored sund -fancy Leashers. No. 52 COLBORNE STREET, - TTceomr, 0NT. ly-baP. O. Box, 322. S TAGTE DETWIEN WHITBY & OSHAWA. TWICE A DAY 1 Leaveaj Oshiaw-a ni 8.30 a, mn., anS 1, p. ma. Leavee Whithy ut 1030, a. mn., anul1.30, p. ni. leare 2M cents cadi way. Will eau at ail the hotela, andl ai private resideuces 1wheu orders are left mau>' c f ltce liotals.) Connecte wthi Oshaw&a anS I3owmanville stage; aise w-itiste Whitby sud Port Pare>' Raiw-y, anS w-ith Drougi- am meaiat Whtby. THOS. HOPPER. Whiby, Mardhig12h, 1875. 1-tf y EOMAN GIBBON, Ceneral Commission Merchant and Produce Dealer., Agent for IirpzRau. and CcscmcuL UN- xON Pire Inanrance Companies. RATES 0F INSURANCE LOW i Also Agent for lise LONDONt and C.sAIsAuu LOIN AND AGENC OMP'ANY. Moue>' ban- eS on ceai estate, payable frein Twc te Twclvc yeus an sd in omm te auit parties. 9ýrIntereatl ow- sud ne commission cisargcd. Morigagea houglil. OfiRce at, W. J. GI-BBON, - China Ica Storé, Dundas St., Whiiby. Whilby, Marci 151h, 1876. 12 FnoR SALE i Beg te i.nform lis friandesud tl'i public tîat ha cardies on tise Liver>' biu. meat R AY'8 OLD STAND, Parties reqlning eouveyanoee-eevered euS opce-can ha aoccmmodated at, a moment'# Wbitbv, Sept. 12, 1875. Conboy's Patent Seat ALLAN LIER i for BUGGIES, CUTTE RS &c,. Anl paries w-lUSo wel to e iont Bugis LIVEEPOOL, LONDOEDERY, andS Cutters, before giviug thoir orders cise. GL ASGOW, Dnongbum, Jl>'151h, 1876. ly.0CHEAP FARES BOOK AGENTS WANTED 1 Cabin, frerWhitby--#59, $79, 2 - - accordîng oaomoti. Te Take ordera fer ihe maàgniScant nav Iutemmedilc- -P6 ILLUSMTAI ceerome EucYvOPA e zL rSteeag-assiov la au>' othli ne.* Umu-zaanHzear &Dlama>UFL Kleva- zDoo, cor omucaanorder CAsa. Agente PropsidPopega- *atsisma can mskcîbeaday. A magnitdcont work, -torte-t prrd.epeoyfor Cenudisn uasiee outein&d. ~ &n 'llé lý-,,.- ....,4.5 s. PrliIllmals GoodLord, alvrus.' Didyo khw r. r&haoe I trust that wej vwith Cnis'er, May eapturm soin téinbeware- f Reeppnü].-.Beho1d thé ko>rrowa o f oji ndLord, wth mecy, eamr onr prayer."' The HutdCoaci.' A btA&VELLoUB STOSY. once' upon n tima, hsviug -s bit et -money -latI me, by au uneàle1I tenS anyaalfbattaroiff thanIh li eeu befora, sud a tCo6ugbl came te mcaho mae myscît hbter ôot .111 .Y, o aya I Mte w ite,-"li, doenthluàk cf bnyi ng n'acc anasud pair e of' sas, anSdmBttiug7tp -'on nny ovu uccount 2 Thlî'a atlot cf moue>' to ha made hy a smart nman, wiihpeo- pliome frdim ballesud thiatres, sud, main>' Suniisys at fahi onable cherches w-heu tis adsies come vithout umbrell.* se. If yen u>' so8, Peggy, l'il spend my w-leStai on a coach aud licreeis." Saye Peggy. ",Do, Sitnon; it's a grand ide&." Se 1 diS. I w-cnt eut the nazI day, ,and begun le bock foi w-but I w-muleS.il beau examiniug a fie pair cfboesa, and w-as uearlyý ready te maire a hargain: w-leu a tait gentlaman, with tisa bol- low-cst cheeks anS lb. mosî miietable couneance- I evar snw-, tonoied mc on lIce sei. "Il>' man," saIS hae, "are yen iooklng fr scoachi aud homue 2" "IYaa, air, I amn," I siS. I eauashowYen w-hat yon %vaut, if you 'U comm with me;" solS lic. I looked na inlmàsmanant.;Hie face w-s auch a face .sa I nOver saw- ha. toto. I eouldn't hliI. But haew-s ipbaudbdly dresed, sud baS a dlamond ,on hie inger; a rielimin, I shoul bava jndgmd. "I'm looking for a coachi and bersea snob as a poce man eau afford te drivé tee a living," saiS I. "I1t'e for myseit "'Yes, yas," mid lie, w-lking en luna huer>', yem yea; bel you Sen't, objeci bo s landeome eneriageanuS Corses thal ara eoantbing te bm proend off 2" III miglit objact te tise pie, sir," I mid. IlLooS bane, my man," saiS ha, net leokbug at me, but ava>' ut nolhbug ns il spemcd, *now- unS liena a neoe mens-a mue considarad eli C>' is trieudSe- w-aube ceay>' ne>'. Iu tintcanse lic'd Ilie have il aI once thau w-it for more. Haggling witle dealers Sen'i suit me. I'd etier muake n pivata, quiet conrt musle, anS if yen Sou'l make s t alk about it, w-b>, yen mial hava tic hersas aI yonr 0w-n pica-the carniage teo. Yau know I clen't w-net tic aclling eft Ilem talfeed aven." III sec, si," sulul I. AnS I thouglît I d15. "IAIl is nol gelS tlint gliulers," sys I le anyscif. "Herd'mi a s-'eltlundilhcul- lies.", AnS b>' lhcallime w-e w-ce t tic dccc et a haulseme bouse, sud lia opened Il viti hie lac-ke>',unS teok nethirougi a hali tois gurden, outtfw-biais opon- cd a sIable anuS carrnage-lieuse. Weliha buSa pa:r et tic hast stop. pars I c'ver sw-, anS a. csrtaga tint w-ns a henni>', I eau tluyen. "lTher'. a amînin en anc of liaensi- lons,saiS ae. "We bmokea nbotle etf port w-lue tiare lie olleer day. Yen w-an't mimd that maih, I dare mn>';anS nov naina yone prica and lake yenr bargan." Il vus a bargalu, ton I nanaS meeli lama lieut tic>' w-ena e or; aud I puiS my moue>', anS lie gava ruc s receipt, unS I drove ava>' as prend nm a peu. coak. Tint nigu I w-cul ote e ilw-ay te w-ait for passengers, anS piakeii up a yeuug clergyman w-tIi a lot of bngguge vie vanteS te go tb H. Ha gatinl, anul I Sove 5w-ny, snd notliing liappen- cd on lha rond ; but wlien lie aligiied ai thea doce lie w-us goieg, lie mid grave. 1>': III made ne abjection, an accoient et il's baiug a lnSy,,coaelimuu, Cul pan- sons Se net nushal>' axpeci elleer pase- engere, if lie>' puy ful l price." --, "166Othez passengers, in 2" mid.,I. I dot e ndeestand yon." 66The yoeng vomnan," saiS lie, "w-ho la asleap lu tic coacha." "'Sie's gel lu unbakuow-n te me," maya I. "i I ema about il," ' "No dimîthauce en my account," mid hae. AnS ticeliousa-Soor opened, sud his friculs came oui. III beg yau'll net cousiiiar $hat I ob- jecteS," lie saiS.- AnS than lie hanse-Seon ebosed. Il w-as quibe SanIl, ahd I co-uhS net sce auy ana lu lie carriage w-elienIput my> limaS in. Thon I slruck s matois. Tbmrm w-asno one iiSd. lotint liis jokm," aiS I to inycaif, "eor M ieha n unalle 2" Thon I baugeS Ibme daor te, mounteci, sud drova off. AUl next day I drove any coach, and mnade a giood Ihing' yil, sud aI niglet I vent te Ibm station Who es'the greateat min te Unit ed tates te.Say? Dr. Marywi(lker 2 Who founded the City efsevatopolP Excusemne, GeneraL. - The City of SÏvosbtjuol,:Me. Greeu. Oh, y 1s iSebastopL Huiml Geuesi. Now, M. Geeu, suppose -yodýw-ere' murching yonr command throeha a w-naianma l y llae-emeny ou'bath flanirswilb su impassible river lu front flrmly naibet toheground.r 1y:.Gnong, thea ver>' ep»odicre8 mm ay hae producad by s mucceseou of 6=al saine ty.Thse nomt nilht & gouti maa, Iui lady engiged the- oàrÉiagé aud when wm had goe eine distance, the gentlemn ustopped me. " Drlvp, lie malSf, geliig -out, 'Il ,wauttoë-seak, La yen. -Wh (lia iSYen Admit s-lady b oréararige ?", "Sir$ saidUl, -"t bcd neright witli- out, youxpermissionc n~ i-p. -"We found one tîlic,"ua1da; "aud .i2aturnly my wÃŽfe donz'l hue il.-Wc'vce siPokei te lier, aiS se. dgesa't ahwcr, MCoeu-nwhil tho bady alightcd. I "Tliere'c nu ono tharo," aaid I d"no ou16af ah." 66I1iee-there la not,"said lie gentle- S"O, James, dou't gel lu tîguin," aiS tae WY- "We've euly a fit11e way le walk ulow." AnS tlicytoo, paid zny fare anadlot "eThia is gctting quece," aaid I te My. serf. A-ad again I did net tell Peggy, Iliongl I wished ta., But what chnu l iappen nazI aven- ireg, but thal, coming homo, 1 aw my owu wito wnlleiug on' the pavement. Slic's beau te spénd tlie evening at lier mothca-'s. "éTuce nme home, Simuon," maysabch. "&Jump bn," gaya 1, and swny va dreve, wvlin auddcniy Peggy cabteil te me . "Simon, Simon V' "Weil V" gays I. Lo eont, Simon," ays alc. Týloee IMI liglited dowu and-open-ed lthe dooer for her. III ain't going te ride with suclichîar' actera as that," said aie, "Basides, lier locka Bosco me ;-mbie's white as a "Clis.aotera ?" saiS I. "Why Sidn't-you tell me you bla passeuger ?" muid she. "'Cauee I liadu't," muia I. "*Tlierc'e a womae Iliere," snid alie, "sud, a slrange.ieooking warnan. No good iu lier, I'mn sure. AndSrlieu I muid, "Excuse ine, ma'am, .1 didu't Icnow tuera wua a pascuger tn my hums- buud's. curetage when I askeid hum iite taka me," alie du't Bay anything ; and wlîcn 1 said, "A. fine niglit," she didn't auswer-such nies 1", "I1tltyeu ihereanin't uuy wenian there," muid 1. ,Wliat aila yen ail ?" "1wlat ails me ia, l'Il go home in lthe And l ae it. That night sic aluck te it there vao .a wemian bunitie cadi.1I tnck te il there wasn't and we liaI aur first tiff. Well, netbing happened fer uwhule, blit onc ranuy night 1 was wailing fer paseugars ut a Ilieutre deer, and I lie- thought-me te gel mb fltic coachi fer shelter.- I get ie aud eut close np lu the corner, andin a entnte faîl aseep. It conldn't have becu a leong uap, but when I awoke tiare w-as aone ne sit.- iug opposite me. I aw by tIhe lîglht of a streat lump tint it w-us a w-omau. She w-as wrappecd np lu a grat whuite shawl or somnetiuig, andWas pale us dathl. "Excuse me, ma'amn," -gays 1. "WVe driver, have a liard bifaeof it, and gel pretty wech tired eut. I fait asleep williout maaning te. WlVhcsimillII take yen 2" She-did not auewer. I eaw new that licer eycs vera shut, unS- I thonght by licer look siibail taiutaI. Than I lan-- cil forwnnd and loucheS lier-or trial te, for I faît uotiug-uethiug liko flash ; but ail et a sudden il was as if _My blood waa amale et pickles, and my arma wera jeeked backwards, and I turned so numb I cÃ"nbdn't meve. By tie timae I fait lice myself agaie, thera was neuaopa in-My carniage but myseIf,ý and I-knaw tint, whatever iuy passan. gars laccu ntisane, I lhadit tlast scon il willi My own e syca I I selS coachi anS hec-cea ncxt -day, and lu îelling them I liad tb show Ihm blill etsale, au te mpeak, I linS frein thaeir eld 0w-uer. "Mr. Oreubaugi 2" mays the dealer, "Mr. Oliver Oreebaugli ? Wcil, w-et!, yen know winî's happenad te han, doe't yen 2" "No," sui , 'Il dou't. Faibel, per- hapa ?" "No," maiS the douler, "lHc's under arrest 1er merder. Rallier a w-ilS Young mnu he's beau, lliey Bay, anS, of course, thare w-as a lady lu thc case- ae cf tiiose hysierical bodiessliiut'guve a man trouble. Tbay may lie killed lier -drove bar eut himselt eue day te a lonely place, and killed lier le lie car- niage, anS loft lber body luilite rend. The man w-la Irova fer bhlm mays lie w-as sent le dlean a wine stain off the cushions eue day ; but lie didn't believe J~BLINO MAE TO OLRO QUE ;N M:-E1l SHORtT NOTICE. -- INSURANCE COMPANY gau to suspect tise thm teacher w-se -go;-1 ing- to Semnsnd Aof himnl1 -î t 'Wi],takeui-ouad' go tnd ou - blquericd Tm.. "Yee, est liem both." -- "EsattI gb2"dmmuanded -Titu, l a aulidued toue e ofnoutauanaeo ý-, "1yea 'est e.1iyo halIf, 'xopstlenthx reapomed Ili e teseliei, au . turung 'id tic bae;cnl d"Aisd don't-la&fe thi pbatfoemtilihile yeti liav, ecuappla Silence regnad îu the ohool:room. 'Plie-És p eemi purmued its transit un. observaS. Tha beày hum cf .bastd C oee naSe moie nais. Ihau'the - cautious- seule;of the Indolent. Tim stood -etI bis pest Mnnch,'»nnchpunch. -Tise fragmnt bu hie hSieea Boo-diiàppeàred,ý and Éb lfat upoônthe ,1ollae appL 9 ,ient-. ly unS iieëtermnedlyr. - 'QuCIUky ilfol- - love tha final. Than. eput- hià 'riglit.. *banS itb lm ,pantaýlepflppekaaS took ont an appla, snd aftme -a caugious recounoitre, iinrlng w hich a ped -itl on bis transatis, lia began thce tak Ilc carnieS lie fort.Dw--watha hanS again. anS -nuother.applaw-as1 bronglil le iglit. ,It w-M 9meky d1s pâtehed. àA liuS -foloil "', Theu lie cianed issitoa ~ thé lie w-eigbt ot ie body onhlii left bag, sigli- cd saholierw roinbis brèeches ýpoeket anotier appla. Wlien it w-as goage,4i draw On the comnissr>'for another,t sud b>' tisalima ha preduced is. he'ègbhi- - pplelie w-s ilaubly observeS by- tWo- thirda of tie-nooin.'The leachar - ian.' cd sud aw the boy SUIt maudAingin lieý a m utîSude of oui Who -w-au - eaohbng for somehing lu bis ca peeket. "Armn'I yen Ibreuli yet?2 eequart.ï Cd in mie ateniebmqpt., "(Sol 'nollir," ,stoically' responuied Tica, prodnoimag ib und falling te w-oeI on il. In surprise the bteliher msW Jin teucl for still analiar, unS w-heu thabw-as gene, surprise gcew t amazanicut, af luis nnwuveng baud legain songbl the- gnpiug menti eftttpociret.As .te boy ate lie geew lu ,iinanaianis, anS tIme lancier hecumu sMruncd. Tiera ieenuel ta e nen euStte laapples ha inuli l its lothas.. ",Tian. for meroy's sauk, ihaveiyon auey umoeappica ?"1 "tiot ieîbler," salî Tiun, inditterent- 'IIcmjw mati>' more apîmtas havc yemc?" "Diiuno," muid Tin, 1"guaesagel 1w-o or lieree ncra." The lancierdillnet cure a t IcI , procoel, anS appointeS heraelfau. lu-t vejstigutien commnittee a lobok after tlme bock couentrec. The bey nevet chameg- aI a muocle oetis cotenancc, uer ujovoul au n chi w-blle beacliar pull. cd -Apple afler upple frein bis ceai aud sînekeltilea np lapon ýhe Jesk, luntilc Iliere wasA eoneehing laes han n peck pilei np. viti Dada Cetenly ta elar frein. 'Tie scicolroom w-s a meene ofa bilanit> w-idii vuan't as nîach miduad ns il eaël been. Tim buS laid in applea fer lie winter, anul tue potekaet o ies cen ai w-ns esn imtiese bag, w-hicb conulhlaSas mnny applea ai ho coula carry. Tlee malter hasu'l bien laid before thie schmot board. yat, but tie exhcanated mebeol n ananm-de- duares liaI lIme nexi lime aie ill lasen ho%- anucli et a crop of apples a boy hbat about han befere esic issues alsuy encre. -Burliigtouî IlawkJVîe. ANEGnOTE 0F -POPE.-MOit Of one- readere have doubtiasa heard- ef the- shap ýrejoindarce mue t. Âl[exauder Popehrcby a peinteS- hit w-Asinade ut bis dimeinutive anSillap-n fiUa bul ennny may nevar* have -,eSte pacliculara offlihe odoasion. ýTicy.were' f as follove --Pope w-ni eune -evcning ai Bnrton's Coffea bouse, w-lera himamît, ana Swift, unS Arbuthnot. wilh se-gara allier echolarà,' w-cee porlng avec a aniencript cepy ettfc th rek risto-1t planes. At langth 1h.>' rame ýte a seutence w-bleh tise>'coulé[ not éomâpre- boenS, anS us lu heixperpiaxit>',.the>' tlked ratier londly, lbey attractad Ibm attention of s Young Offcaa w-ho chanceS le haoin another' part -et the ron, anSdw-ho apptoaolied,, snd baggad icave ta looke at:,t P368ag90-- "O, b>' nîl mens," mBaiS PPop, mrcasti-- cnlly, "tLet tha eug gntleman blok' ut il. W. s have-lhtdrcy" The young offi car 1tole p the manteU-- script volume, anSd afe a litIle sludy - aS cnideralionbie conutenance briglitanel. "Il is but aàuight -oln- mission ounItha part of the, scribe, lie suiS ."Il -a nly wants a-point of1ere sogation ut this point- to mat, tho w-le intelligible.",'Pope O Eawl i lestant lb. officer.w-as rilit; u b tlaoghm ofbalg oidoe -b t tee ground-su wuever dneeo cL loose, - liiîher-and& thiiser as a w ayward fanry leS. 11wa ono ons that it;was a ndw àaiSreaaoued in ils nature. I tfonS that ne> body w-as lighit itaIiarie w-ihui - moreS, sud imagineS that a Itlow-u w:wôuSfeob a 1 îi; if pos. sesoo c h onsiesn MieThn was iiluth 11m taec 'agmnand evetytin around ime CaS s rosae lbue,, ih ap*edilwtdimea te green, then te violet, aciS fiaualy to Utton' -darkness, sud-lien As I Subsequenil>' bearned. moinesneau insmktlffsiihlf aaitelm a a>'liSsac me fahl luté thé w-ater sud -herieS ta mu> saisistaaie.,, but IliaSt Sieupparul - hetore tha> ey re S lichespot. Man>' minutes, clapseS beforo the>' tonuS me, and-full hait an hour hafora tse'physi- T ciaas Wlio liaS Ceos suoued arriveS. Tic>' prononuced ee ead, anS tint Ibm>' made au>' aitempt hto resaiscîlate ne was Sue soieby tâ lie peirm* tacofe au, intimato fiand of mina w-ho 1usd mc- compaM1ed lien. NZeaiym loien 'ent-5satar lIhe abose =xaiee I becan. s citizen of'tce Wsa-commenced openlIg aaDw tari lu a s psey el>'malaSceent-y. .The place was about ton milas tram tic nearest 'town, nuS anc plasan day ear the hast-ot Decemnbar Iimanitat tisa latter lu a liglit ipriug wagon te got sme suppiea for.Chi-laIas -fesîlvibes. The Sa>'w-as se milS I SicEnot aven' w-ar su orarcoat.«About the lime J mtatted home, wvic w-ai a littho uftcýr snaown, Il begsn te grow suhdaul> colS, sud preseut>' a etoen, almost amounling te a hurricanc, broke tram tle nortibrlnizing vill iilt tcetemper, ature et Neya ZemCl. I tis negica et markeS clinsta vicissitudes I nover batare or si2cei knew au>'se greal. Tic meecur>' fmlLnlua houe 10 40 siegees below zero. UndSer otîlinar>' cirum- stances I couid have mai1> have made tic ride-home in tisai time, but I was going je île teatet ftihew-led, mc bat I could mafie but -libtle over lIt lce- nas speed. I suffiraS sevarel>' Jona i colS, but ne moea s I had mue>' lhe* lime batfore anS mue>' s lima mince, Ciut, as you mu>' imagine, w-as 'auzionsf te, gel home.aîs qel=.S'apossible. Wheu I liaS got w- al couple of ýmiles. of thema I tonuS thc w-mlter grow-lng pbeasant again. MY mars, tisai had sîung asdmmartcd w-llh 1CmcolS, no longer -troublaS anc. My issus, thougl ili numb, lad a fimin grp of tic blues, anS seatad lu tle Cottein af tie w-â&oii, ili' myhaci sund shoulS. ena ecilg on tise mat, I woculd have beenquit.eomfomtahle,,exept tCut I was mo-drova' thsî I could seurcel>' keep sw-4a. I comomtmdiaeymelt vi tbm neflection tliaI Iwould mobon bm ni Comm ni>'l uS lu inbaid, wieréI1 coula 'sbeep ho an>' hars content. Whilsl indealglng iaIs plesig re- varie Idoppedasbop, anSdwCalfol- lowcclonlylearmd from ne>'fami>'. Tic' i aS conebuded that flnding tia suuiienn change lu teapc1rature, 1 haS ciiher delermineil ho spendIbe in l tev*u, or linS returmed-lharm onthe p ipa njecase l ia ald>home Ce- fo e cold hogan. At cigit o'elaek, baving given mce p, Ilie>'retiraS le 'baSda i6siep. About'»ein. 'oldak n1> -WIN w wakeadC>'thc repsatea :w 1 inYin of*ahomme lu front of Ibm heose.LI e ver.-suspected lIaI il w-as ursIbit ti for a sIca>', anSl friïo os o f hemanit>' eslled, up one cffhile enand ordereol it to Ce pot lu - hbm alsable. When lie man w-cnt sud tauted-thal Il was our own horze sud-Wit Vws lu inte wagon, apparent- 1>'dea Ïl nsUroiùu<>stff, he madeain oul.emy tbàta moon bi'oughî ont thm boosmld. -Fortunael>', an y wlmhad recenlly- beeu ;r.ading ot . cproper .mode, oh triail prsons partiall>' to*,uinil tharefore knew that I must iô be lalcsn lut. a warra zoomn,Cuit .miien m uCeS w-lthsenow- :PlsntY ot *nw liaS fallen, andS Iwassatrippeci JÃœYO

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