Whitby Chronicle, 1 Mar 1877, p. 2

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- ÂVTIOI% SALES. 0f farm stock, inlpakaste, ho. Lb. pepýerLy of Mr. Davidi Lansos,, on lot It., lit cou. e1 Pickerng, on Wed. uuadoy, Marélu, 145h -187.", FàPir.1 bati, Auahloeas.- - ,Ok arnî steak, imploetlko..tlt -rpot }lof 1nMr, John D. MçAvey ou oNe8,li te Stitcen. ef plicrlng, ou Pniay, Tsarcii lôtia1877.-L. Far. batiks, ucilneer. --- 01 vluai». rasi ast Us>-s lîtel tenu of WhlLby, on atuirday Match lOtit 1877, te proprtye0f M r. Auex Auder- e»-,FairbanhAs, Anoeer. 'ONLY S'-5 PUR ANNUIM. Whty, rsY-M&rIb1, 1877. WIU the Duktiýylaw bo alonotiseo ~WlS lite floodi of liglîS thuSi 10taocn llu nOn tae qutet nlu U t I sar- ings, w. bave tee màuaiteI n lunta eouligittetwd intellgence people to aUlývet hat thiey iih be 40 k bindedt i hir onuitqresle', matte Sic relfate of titispetiple aItlarge, Me te Pasuite bYlaw te luS tise Dusikia ýAes a publie c Auy e.'Lismajonlty cf te votera, uooftfasuSIcy areof Lii. realiy mîoder-ato andtixitlul mes tii. Ceuniti, by auj ssplngeSuv*peuo itou- rrpgnt, or nemalnhmg 4 t 11o11e6front u j c ause. ho permit Uis -intotenbihe anti poealous met te b. impieetiupc» teui by a nobsy fraditLl cf 5h. peope, If pasat, iS vi l V ha biy ite ugloet acf m heu ialler - - tliellselvues ob bpes.usdtifrozathti dbcitrgo of a wecroti' publie duity lu t'a ittlmîig away from tha pols0. Lot ltue uo f titis dounty- apuelder te grave i-eslts eu t skil. ,Depreciation daf Lisi -alite of pvopltty;> sncn.ased tixatiu; LIhe psymeut'Df te Immnuse -tixît!usa cf pved'cutloua lu puttlugte avttiii lor-asu cf nulh Lwo.Lblrd %V01uil faiS sîpcu fit. ccîunty-vould te atîiLr.gsîti i es.îutcf t. e vihs. Wc e iitve ilu previcue lmeuoemplacet - r illtter iy before iteoansd suji- î;. 1iclilUic smtrengaml avidonce lienlng tlijt visent pasad, thiitD"uluAct idesL'n teluopvaâtivu, sud tîtat, finisa fil' lr(-Vcllttlg oe' cutailiug teo sale, iLs "ft igl a eencroesodrluklug, sumd te -~ ~ ~~oo 4n ee~emg paiusecret violations 'f flite hwY. It la0îtslees te Appeai te t)L Liies111)ritere sef Se il argument, anîd Whte ae-se pletigoi as te ciou thiTt'env, Lo ail persuasgion, and wvit- - et1-enty influence a iglit conviction. %V-) dlo nt(t ttîeascursaives te tmnt. - Ijit- vit.t do sîpeal Lo ite moderato midtîliaiul ugmai of Site enuty, iv thettiy smli îyrielt t lîernelvas, tu e ctti by Ignorrane, anti rra- :toîdby LIte îelt-eottceit, of titosa toSetsttie ltttiseis cf temperanco lttrsiity,ilîtue iîeetipgparies te te isrpetnattoti of a manifust ijustice lipôn i ilî iiglîboîuîs A Specemii cof e Classm. pnoî3in tumperanee -Mpit-put b:g h iras u ite a)tijs et' Wels1'aHteI - wlteve, nîth othetr ata-lic me caroci f'or fnr-lttpwardîtof se-en ou U& .er -te ert. A citai-gemocf i nets v etandl, andtiithLie bimer cf tSi hansesp a promineut ittuperatîce mat * asmeubava saitd, t-fîosidtgLupsy. DIl WebbtI1usd been deprivsd ofide licouse sud net s cent baititis persaon apen lu bis houa., sud VOL lie nanteti ru Accoimmodation, fer hls earn i WnIb - motit neL - tand suait trotueut, au( look teks sringic slvap, *whilïhîhe anid i - oult kaep ustLlIlie ries palti Lie tSi ceuSa. -Anti thon arome lte ro -worertasd treattetilug dine cf Ian &ni "pnnhment ou te part cf te Dîekit - 1e, vrit euie happonsgt e teasmagis trate. leHo rfumiedtiaLopsy aud iuli IQbai iitoiitnglo, asi han sd von sioauco te botee. bitSemîeriance miu h 41 Aaron, isetAràd , .gle, bis nusq Sa tastýMiMtrd 4 If iclaaof Semporacna stop soilhbg lîquor an'd' put up Lbg prives, jendicharge for everything aui iniait.a profitable, living lu'inte sy. Rubbisandi Turkey.: Te lateat news frointhSie samt polnts furer iiuiotueteub Sa apeaceful etîls tu u iet as6te resit tf te negoîhatbon buý tii-cou Tuvrkey sud Servis. A fluai ut. ila-ntatilung liai beau eaBtordetanti î'rebtecol nil ho sifflai te-day, loy LIU Latti c f rilait hoTurkisame toeV&u* aSa ot-vlan .ttorY *litbln trely --asysi, Sris gvlug 'guantéec for bel geet epuducS u inte fture. The nul intouPa viii te tdemobilizodi IMna dlstoiy ifLer Lbhesignature o! Lb. peau At a tnatlng itlti a.-Duiiua roe on Saturtiy, lunte Prien&, IMeetix 'heuse, and astdruet aby- lira. ycu iunu, te chail' tau, itateil hiat mie dl eusiota mould b. alioneti. -,MAints ras Sskeu of tit ho maka tateinmm mDat Iu aceordane, 'iitia trutti, sud regret ta bo ifQrned that evon1o letgyuian, for nit e 10re1eterwan1 itigh repeeS peseually, Mlaerpn.s. tht. ,citon cf MT. 'Hawkins, lu ti& geitltlman's absence, weW"nai4 assture teé speaketr -'ati hie es, ais tI bite statemenia cenarAnb Mnr. Hawkis wvoie altogehher etnon QUM, ansd; me arestisfioti ticgel,1 ieuw Wotitld hve mati cutheenlit e taki Lth trol aifori m Mmef eto th facto. -Tieua Guatrrcanxgs If TEX QHola OF' Coriixos- Complainte agluét fti Gaeaimeulare belng matiefr ici- sl2 à~SIO@offte publie Galletinm lu 4 lie ln, èe ma, h. e, of 3e I i is douta nave bidn -,peut le boitler ttii. iuaina sud "ti nkTro1e sDopsrs of, thseui4nn "neb, itcriver, ihave ebjectedtoSe te "grautlng cf aid tp the WVhlLby anti "PorS Perry If cthers more aeserln Trie r, sud Bruce,avery d"erinugroad ud one of grest beué- ohoulti have bau aded." Titelength of lte rend i. jni4 20 U9e8froim Wiiltby te -pont Perry, sud 27 milles ftroulSite latter poinSte LlUnd. &&y, la ail 47 miles. It joinstltte Vie- todaila ariat Llndeay, sud Sieie- cetStom e itea d antiirilunk cf a great eelenlaatien lgitvy deigiiei te cp0 up itundrede eofumiles cf forlie cuutry ta s.Llemnslbu1te Way te te, Valley of te Ottawa. No éthcr railway eculd se vel ervceteé section cf eounitry thtrougi ribit 5rune, for iti.la etonce ta -s bortest, e heapeat, andi qulaloest 'routte t te front. Te Instituts àacein- paisbotwce-4h«c Whftby line sud the glpbinlg Xamrow Gangs, or ti Uldai IIsIhwulti, froan every- po1ctl lbe dlsdvarèLsgeous te-te latter, s auyeue smay ge# by -Iookng stte uap. At posant te' raveler <rom Llndeay to Toroento, vis ite Midîsuti RsiWay-t la keplttrne.day. ging sud rotarcing. Dy-te WhiSt7 hue-to eau go stati retesu lhc same day. Tih. WVitLby lina le thhrty miles shorter trom Lake Outario te LUtiay titan round &bout Iy Lb. Nlplusing. Thi. latter lesa Narrori Guage, esôuat carry - iioavy frelgbils, thé bWhithy lino, vuicit ià thé régutiat 4 foot 8j guage. W. regret itSToronte lnuincnees stulti go pro. jutilat a pôlitiesu lui Mr. Csxniere's position as Su blutA b im te lte menîte cf eue cf te'cr155 dcerving railvas lu ttc Province. W. venSurd Se aenrt that iluthe viole couuly cf Ontîario hé wulf Dot fiuA a aolitrl Mode the <ae bis vieirs on titis moter. Anti itécar- taly mightl have steppeti te conider whelher ho dIA net ove .omething Le te opinion anA lnLrsts cf hi.citi constituants iunte nortit, befone.stand- ing forvard te daprive,. nailway, by nhit nertit and cut, santhe publie ab large are gm muelîieltLod, frout recalvlugGvrnati. "Cock.Bgparrow" on te Jnmp. Tiie "cock-parrev" cf te 1e/cirm ai- raeiveti ratiier iguominions. but_ uaL undo-servedti retment, aI Mr,0 Hawikins'@ Brcoklin meeting. CeckeyE tdti z akeiimaif couspienuuu; titC fory-red ltestiof lhsericult kqep .1er- - nilly belilg ujy enA down ant ini anti out trougi t ite ekowl, sund, in- spite cf evenytiing sudâ everybody, lie i veniti net rest quiet, lut ou Shie.3utpN -Jurtnp, interrnutiug te speaker oery t moment.,Titene WlmÀne*usiaii,11 Lie1 chairutan cealiog iii t Leorder;* ha woulil defy anA argue mitithLitachair,1 sud Iu fact tr. vas ne etîci titiug as t koeping th ad.temperod ant i i-men moeet littho bit cf ceucit riîlilu any boumAs cof decorAm. -Tite witole meet- ing, at isst, auud'yed sud diguitei hc- ycnd all besrnug, joined inl a torn ofi indiguant riratît ; "Dow 1I downt 1" and "Put hMncut I'vas teé cny 0o e very aide, anti cockay ras fairiy "matI 4opu," acitiat lie nover budget] turingt tý.é èoMnWtL*nte*r of te maetituig. But lie did lhwvork;lite mýileti M. Carsveil's speech; aud, Vétýbpeded (as ie onsnlly doos-in evoriin2wfèetitles vitît> in doig te cause te càd*t'to siivunase no om& mii aunt cf ijury. W. tav-e aluée learuedti iaL cocitay vautedt bo eak aS Asihura tchierllo- iug eveulig, butteovas cmpeliedti S subsidie becue cf hMe llnenUkn escapade helug i'eported te te &parties taving trio- meeting lu charge. Cackey vo't gel muait chance te, make himself cf- Id teusive rien cnee kueru. aeappeare netil-itse oîmomutusoseo eeko & go, proteudtug ta ho sigitet by certain tô grangera, aahing foi teutiers for a ýé "ffecud Randi stoue."' W. Uden- Id stand nov, frcm .xplanationa cf the gentlemen nitcée naines vve append. ead, that tite document *as iinauttoriz. eti by Lican, sud ltaS t teý *oenon parties tote cuncuncement. 'rite iocument came Le ne hy poil in Lie- a. ususa &y, san t Lappoaus vo have a. teen matie madtie ~vidtima cf mtat D. rasiteudetisaas ioz. We regret le a have beegu Siaimposeti upon, aut à shah ertaly tio aUin lu envpower te 4- inti cul, aud if possible punisithLie re aulhera. or Succeseful Antipunkin Meetings 0. seAIOsitava, Whuiby,, DuIfflu Creek, Brougitam, Columbue anti Broichl, lu Sentit Ocularto, antiaaS Uxhnidge, aud Port Ferry, lu th. uort, vit-y succesa. ek iti meetings hav e asu fheld, nhicit kg have beaeu atitreue by Mn. J. J. Har. U. is, of Brantfordin luopposition te te lo Dunkin by-law, Mn. Havwkins leaves geauexcollent impression rihererer lhe ýt 0peaha, andi @i-eu isstrouge.st ppo. ne. nents give hlm ct-sAIS fer lte utLosL Sfirm nes uargumeut aud gentlemauy a oeurtouy.* d AreMoatsrnq or Licawas ItSPIciolafi. AS -Tite Licue.inspecterg antiCommtuis. Le 01iou.re for lb. preseut ycsr have beeau br- appolutesi. Tbcse for §oUth it OnLrio Ir ans-Zacheus Bunhai (Jutige cf te 'e Coiuity Court), 'Wm. lieGIII, M. D., au anti S. K.Bron ocmmisbeers; Jue. u Fongusen, Inspecter, PF ord onti.n ie taris tétlt mtimbcersaran-J. P. F'oie7, Josepht Goulti anti M. G. Bob- son; I. B, Fratkiait, lumpecter. il Titu i, O ADLII<ILLUMTRTED Nsrs.- g Tic lut number of tis, cur oly C a>i to atilsu liteti*urnsl, she IWO'Shé a la bonueh StempS le belug madie te'pub- FIREeALAî.-A blazea <mainh lc hitnii- ney of M.eoas. Tll& Juitnslou, ou Tuastiay memniug raised sitcnte et; "1fine 1 te re hall rang, ltae ongbne vas geL eatyiynluquick ime, e large ecrA dgelitored' No Lent done, A Ycuieo Tutiei.-One day lest meoit a boy cf about -14 eulemed -thanose cf Mr. l'est, ruile lte lumatea wre ab- sent, and tiaoi. Sîevefvem about *6. Te mater ras setllot y te yontit's parents making.godth ie amount. lar ras intretuced anti passed ti Iteh last meting cf Slip concil Le preitibil tho sale cf liquor Lo minore unden e- ver. penaltleus. Aie OMrCIzA 'SALAn BY OsesGExOt. -OutinluBcbcaygeou timy itavo a mata rito acte as. "censable, asmeaser, col- lecter, anA sîeet imprevement toma" fct-t.e mmab lary of *150 a evr. Tiare musLt e poi piekinga ton Bob- esygoon officiels Ont nent. ToToo eeGicxzatt HcspràAL. - Auy ponton or munlcipaiity, makiug a grant cf 050 te tite Toronto General Hcspitalwiii te entitiedti Lcsetd feur patiente luntae year. - WewreniA saithLie mambEesof ocm tewn u eil -if iL muight net be e saviug to mulae. te granS?2 At te latmeet- lng'klIoue, acceunLate t tat amounb Ifare passati(or medezina anti medical 1 Ee did est of il Word te Att or suid fetlihe egr#aditloo f the.puutsbi meut. That was £mueit more beeom' iug spiri t, à apirt i tstexcitait soa pUsy sud oympatby, wltlch tiie Ievity oi lis couduat upon the. preneo1Occasion wus far <rom iuvliug. Hie le but su. otiter .e»tnpIt of Ste <allcuiuiss eaused by gaol aesociations. Ti he hrIff fait gallil upon te rebake the. uuforitat4 youitg follow alla gave hlm a few Word$ of genillenatice upon bis .bellaviour. Oartmill lias growu more. reliait sud locks strong aud itealthy, The. saine cld soldier employed for th. duty b.e fore ilsO wielded lte est upon lte pré. ,ent oedatlon. At the fiftit blow CarS. ml gave wsy, snd yeleil-"O0h I Oh il, îOit, don'L V! "Oh, dear 1" Ob, easy t', -aâplce oflisait #hich- ho. liaitbeau ohewlng dropping from, bis moutit si teé elghth stroke descanded upon tihe qulvering flcaitof his discolored back. Thte remainder of te blows wre rsth- e ightly giVelt, sud ail was ovor lu les.titan tio minutes. Dr. un Sp. pll.d a lotion, sna the prisoner Was led bsek te hi. quartera. Thoera are nori oonfsued in te gaut iltégotiter 18i prisoners, ail maies, as follows : George Clark, a tramp, for vagrancy, Wm. Frsllck, Uibridge, salllng liquor without liconse, (lird effence) Oe r uonth, Hugli MC]Philipo, boeting hie -wifb one montit. Henry Gay, lârcony, one mentit. -James MhOI, Vagraticy. John Cook, vagrsuoy. Thomea Mclride aud Ww-. Hapiney larceny, 60 dqy., John Goulun, larceny, 2 mentits. John Murray, Uxbridge, larccuy, 8 Mentits. James Malligan, Ooharie, exposing per. son, 4 months. David Gilehirist, Itfrn, a lnnatie for te aay uni. Titere are no e tealets cenfined, lier h ave lteaï. beauen'y ince lest Octe- ber. Andi we ware informed, tor.adai uot been a single punislireut titis 'winter. Tii. cleauly and watt kept appear. ansc. of te gaci preomises are very creditable tu Mr. Martin aud those itaving titem la charge The insectire stats cf the -gaoi wails continues te bee a subject af pqrplexity, and improve. meut. are beinx suggeodw wiih wil likely bc approvedi y the iuspecto. DIKATK 0F Ak OL» PîoîîEZi.-WViliata Paxton, Lesq., eueeof te p-ionoers cf thte conuty, andi a deservedly esteemuti re- sideut of Port Perry, died ou Tucesday, lOtit cf Februsry. Docosseti wts father of Thos. Paxton, Esq., If. P. P. of Northt Ontaro. A B~~EACn 0OF TuE ILAXWAY To Ux- tttIDcie.-Tlle Uxitritige Journal cf Ist tveek conteitîs snd ediîtorial atrougly ilvecating a lirancitcf te Whitby, Port Perry, & Linidsay Railway to tLit rilhKge anul ttus conneet te nortit pro-t uf lte county more closely with >INXtîiPktIiîcE EDwAa.-Tite roting iu Pyinee Edward on te Dunkinr Act gives s a joity of 247 againat te proposeci repeal. When te act was patsAd ton imentit. tge 1't was curiied by t ntjoriLy ofttbout elgithunidiet. Rate- payers, reflect I1 Vlt as t it decreasad tlaL majority ? 'Vas iLtte stictesoful i'orkiug cf te aet 2 Lo.tpass BzWÂtt.- lhy.1aw was in- trodtîced andi pasgea ntuthLe last meeat- ing cf council to provide againet Ob. Otructious Ou the streete anti sidewallrs, ald tast which has become an intolera. ble uuisance-,«leafng" onu te cîreet- Odtrt, aud ounte bridges sud'at lie (10o1% of buildings. Titis lu a iove in the rigitilIection aud lte compilera of stringeut Liou.. lawu inte world ilu r Ontarieositepreeut ime. WoulA il i b. wlse tl édo swsy with suhait au se for te Iukin seltlitaS hati been provedA Lo e ho sedeficient sud founti wauting a wherr.ver Iied YIn uPinue.l drird,r sud ho spoke front pereonai observa p tien. il vsu deing na geoi; iiqucrwas t oiti just te samne as oer, -rila the o people vere arrayetin-x hostile classesa igaiust escit otior, sud s sataSe cf Sur-& mcii sud hatifeeling imeýngebneighonrar prevaileti unexampiet inluauy otter fr frt cf te country. Tite people tren agivon te revenue recelvabie by i th. muuicipality for Lb. Dunk*in bu), sud al Sthey tati gained was rihatn ameuntadti Lefree trade iu iquor. lJ Wera the. people cf te eonnty cfCru- t tarie also going te de mc <couisit s hing tg witt te like in3jurions resuli to tehons-i selves P Ho itait that se largesa busi- o ness, in wniai t Sere vas Ise ýmnchiii money invested lu a localiSy, coulA net v h. snddeuly anti permaneutly stcppe&ý vithent lnficting a vasb ameîqnt cf per.& manent lnjury upon 1h. i ocaiSy. I Poople shoulti iave te strengeat rot. i son for acting snd ho quite satistleaoff effectiuq beneficial result,-witich it ù waa plain would noS be ecurotiilu Sistuai case, befere ceelbngtoi do. their nelgit-C tours a large' aniotinS f cf nti; The i cause cf tLcmperasutài.-Wa w o otine. J BuS ne oetahmitoiai4rPitolta 4 cause wWhrequired tae dclng ef aà manifest ~r inta'ert$ good 0eW. ~ras!question st issu,bowevers was noStampersuce or- inteumPeSBe., 15 iwaa as to whoutier it would be botter Lo go on uder lte preseut Liceuse 9 *unty, sa what te tempc- 0 suce men .ce iL woul<Ii lasseuiflg the. aila et nuspOT5atWa? Thast btLho came liters lto ilSeusa . tao1 speaker referredto ii ith e a nilor. cumeaences under-whicl thbe Temper. suce ÂcAct 1864sa - ad ; the' oeepugess c wtlkey in r- 0Ay, sud tih. tempt tiont e urelusie it by parions Whto dame ,hgru~a st th. lime -with ociA country habits, vW.eré liquor was <leu,.r; iebrtesue 1lid' by'tha Goverunteutt aponte Ilquor traffie, andtheLb graduel improve- ment tahs pAWaincestaken place l inte rhabits of -te peoplo. Tii. Dtmktdu bMlimigitt hale bienau eousldred agoi lari heu passed, but U wus noS suai noi, sud te temperautlGnepla thora- But te lemporsaepO Le a un. wisly, heobb-eVlaktilb bt.l their mentit sud vere deternilwZ' wlitsbsanding, tegoforce tg upen ît# peo- ple. Ha mentions.d itorhe Act h 3 beeu silowed to rejualu ab deati IU&' for so msuyyearm, referredti théaoce essieu cf tte interview of tSiteLapr suce men with te Premier, Mfr. sme- rkenzie, sOttawa, his snswer te titeir.1 %uesotinus ote i.onsttutlcnality cf te.Dunkin Act, sud ieirefusai Se pro- mise'prohbtory iegilation.H1W te tempersuce people, fromt thet ay Se titis intiicata4 any pelley cr meauï by wltici lte saven illions of revenue de- riveti rom cnatome sud excise could b. recoupetite ganeral revenue?2 No. Tii. veut on wlLh Site cIA sensation Mr titat te mouey tierived rom te traffle lu liquor vas "iilood.mouey, blood- mouey worse titan te Shirt yPieces cf eilver tsken by Judas for tii. betrayal cf te Savicur," sud atidressedti hem. éelves to te projudices anti passions of th,- people sud net te teoir resson sud underatîtuding. Theysuggeated notiting practical. They asserted that Swelve, fourteeu, Lwety, sud even thirty mil- lions miglît bha sdedto tehie revenue in soma imaginary risy, but titey hati <ail eti tu indicate vîtat aboculai he substitut. cd te raise a revenue. Now, It vas ouly sà<cri days inoe.the Minuster of Finance, lu hi budiget speciwas Ob- ligoti te admit Shat, in cousaqueuce cf a deficit cf some trio millions lunte revenue titis year, te publie wvorko cfq te country woulti have to be stoppedi1 Whst wventA h ie censequence vitit te grester defîcit of sevon millions 1? Mr. blackenzi,%vith aIl hi.e perience, sud hi. ndmitterd desiretSe&advance tae teuiperanca esuse, coulA net make te change which prahibitioniats demauti. Ne Miriiter astte hbaAof suadisu affaira coulA, sud lot hum be Sir Joitu A. Mscdouaid, or auycter gentlemian1 lie would have te give te tempersuce1 men te saine anariar. Fsiling in pro.1 curîng proiibitory legilation te.Dun. kmn set vas aken up as an experimont, altougi itthatire.nained s deai letterj for e many ycars, and the emperance1 people wore agtating the country ou te aubjeet. Inu upwardm cf one huu., dred 11t11tiCipalitiet lunvitict lta Dun--, kim Act a tried t b5 a. proveti a alure. Anti if paFsed liera, before six mentis the parties who were now aeekhîg tu enforce iL wold.ba te foramnost asking itK--pit-al. Wiîare it ries paseadth iera was asR ruecitliquor drenkt as ever. It ci noS preltibi é, Why, thtan, 15 wa Saiti, appos3e the At, if diti net inter-1 1cea witi te sale cf ligquor. But unlert teé operatien Cl te Act voulti ie havei respectable sud responsibie hotel keep- ers as swe iati neri? 'ot aI ail ite1 experience of atiter places proveti. titatt we woulti net, sud titat te trade rieuld 1 be carrietion freni te vilessie dealers sud sixopa te te unliceued groggariea. Tite respectable hotals wlieh riere a prime noeesity te te travelling public,t utiglit bcelînt up-Lte preperty cf tii.t ownera destroe or deprerelated iii value1 -but te trada lu liquior voniti not1 thereby ba stepped. The men vite1 aeught to perpetrate titis Injustice fo-t warda te iotel keepers, dia tey stop1 te sok ittuselvea telors titat rioniij lie entailati upon e town like VhiLby,t sud net ouly upon te town but te witolo eony, if teir ciîcumscribed views prevalleti. Thea Dunkln Act par- mitted te sale cf liquor lu quantiies cf five gelions cr eue dozen baties,t sud coulti su e limotiby lte vtoiesalo dealer. But te lemperance people arguedtitthLie Crooka Act, taken in counectien ruSh tihe Punkin Act, wotiti vlrtully souut e prhihit.ion HTO Anti Aid Semparanco metiend tempen- anco representaLives tene, or Aid tltay ratiter noS vote for te man cf taein party peitie.. Thal cf itef proved titeir inaiucanity. Iuntae antitusiasut oif tae présent, moment te <aven et ex- cltemnul as rauuing smsy ruSh men's sober seumes ; but rihen nigit nesn rastîmed ti i may te tetuporance, agita- tons nouA tbegin-toe setaS Sley vere- not hy Sheir present counrso mrkinIg in te intèresSe cf Ste temparance catii te interests cf the. couuSy cf Outario, Mrin uteinterels o f t eeuntry aS largo. Mr. Hawikinsalaim refennedta t te fallacieus statisties lutretiuceti mien tamperanca speakers gava figuras in support - cf te alagati encreaseti of coumumptien cf hiquers, sitar- ing ltat a large amenul cf pure apirits w"s exportedtai ther countries andi nwaé largeby useti. for chamical, mech. sunical and ti ber purpoês. Tite poli- ical affet ofrafermiug te liquon Irathre in Ziglauti ras aise refernati Lo. Ha regrettat that lunttis <country clergy- rum en t atijoineti, vitht gocti inten- tion buS mistaken zeal, lunte prese trusaie, Loch a bomer stani titan Lhey did lu in ten questfon of -monality; Lit te scioolnc*, Ste pulpit anti the presasriere Ste geat eduastens sud Lairan sd thst, inateati cf arrayiug uc me, Ibat ieprnouncetilunrin- able, iL rie. kuovu te every ouavit *tel.lu fn hieseStates Ihat Ste lar vas evadetid, or the 4raflie ouly lraùs- ferrai! IrotLi the tel, kepor te tIhé druggiât. Tiiheesent bolier .stite ni thinge hati beun ogitabout lunttis dountry. by nmorl saien, Ste duca- Lioni cf tepeople andtiinlfluence cf chrioiteanroligwo s iurltttIl, OusWael as restrictive, masures. 1H-R e Ïled -lt mniA i ate cî'tisthe cf ulings, Whon eau-, tidatos hougit ii lteé publie bhoumes; rien s <aýrmeér coldnet have as "boa" or A ralsiu'g litoul te keg cf nubskoy; sud couîpared ti lwliilte réforma cf Sa- day, ribai hati beeu brcugitt about *ilhouS bite id cfa Dunkin Act. Hati noS te country pregressoti sud Ste Peoole boas prosperonsi, viSIcuLtiith radicehange taIvWas nom scugitt fer? Anti, ruit te afthf ior not work of seýisib irougluculLte Province, ruSh churcites dctting te country in ever7v diréation, riuith.enfiqpe cf reigi. Ous teaeingsutheb.sprend cf abrialian example, vas thora auy douitt but lthat hsIis batSer sîsate cf t1ings ricuiticon- wu eanti sueale) Tit.eople.wre bsao%.ing merse uitghtoued, teir se- CWa he,'lts botter, hheir social surrout. loge tu;,%rveed everyrihere, Lhey itat becorna.*oré aaif-respeetbng ,-they ,were noS Uso 'isticu cf drankards StsL tampeac ' ple, vite ver. groat, peraastt e"ompiled te serve titoeir purposey vos». make eut. Ho itelti ltaS ttae *nlry vas sa.- vauclug, sud gays itg in tae riitdirecLion in mtZlaty'trougl morals g enclos6, sud tlit is,6adopion cf Lii. Dnnkiu nel veuiti b a to~p hmekwrd-oue tast venld -raterdansd net serve te true canse cf tautpersfle-. Ho nexS spolie of te tieraugemeut of ef trade taI mwoulA folior prohibitioc. Titascînal price cf liquer hati net adl- vançed, it vas manufactuneti nom et frcmn 18 ta 20 cents pan gallon, te sanie as it ras LmeuLy yeana ago ; the dutiesl Leo lte (ivenrntxent t atiadvancedi, titey mena _froin60 LtaUS) cents par galion. Stop te revenue derivoti hy Ste Govet-unent from teosle- anti wavttateftShinga ventA tecitrongit about ? The Finance Minister was nov impesing sud aciditional tar of il ýcents upen bhernandti wo *etsmupou tes in entier Le maka np a deficit iunte naveuueir if titey dîii awny mit t Lit large revenue from spinitun"lîqtcers, whicit mare Laxeti at evaî'y stage cf manufacture sud saie, ivien ott0111i te7 laise it, on ougen, cîtten., on veelenq, tLe malte np tsedefîcieucy ? Ho brîafly raviaeiLte istony of te cnmptusry lars int suaient sud modern Limes, siteming tat attempte te negnîstc the daiiy lives of te people rie ni- ways afalre. endiug semetintés in publiecitiater anti nevolutietîs. As tW paLting ini force taeDetîkin Act itntti. Centty, It conl iot etiedonc, utalesa tltay iuilti a Citine4o mail arotfu i iL; te set, ir introiuceei. rieulti te n- woerkable, if, coulti not ha enfonce t- tera ras ne power known te te law j te prevont people <nomu goiug ouLccikle 1sud brnging in drink, sud obtuiuing iL at -ahelesaeansd fo an uicicnal pin- pogsa, wherc titan wotid.lic te pnacicxl benefit aften attLte expeume andi trouble zondti rmeil ? As au iwtanca f anit trany legialatie t rainainiut- inolpýeratie., ho rcft-rned tt i e te ococnuolparente to sendti îein chiltin to scicool, alxew- inLitaât pCopie diA net iike Le assumne te ini-idious task of iutenfering lunttein naigitiouns' affains. Wby Aid net te temoperauca unen put tat loinluforce?2 la next deait ruSh the tivice Lü tarn kepers te put np te pnrices on rusaIt, anti amide tw xui iternituent deecnilcet item tatwrkedinluBrantfordl, itere te tampti-ance mou invitetheit lantîtenai ta go ta te aoup kitchen sud gel a bowl cf aeup, withl a large rhunk ot breath irowtt in, fon Aive ceits, sud ta put titein Lean n ute shedR belonging, Le te citunches. F orealietel koapert-a- put lis profits ounte sale of hiqoora vas juet s;<air aud legitimnate as iL ris foi te dry goands moncliiet, tflte grocen mite discriruiîate l it bis prier-s placing semae stsples at a iow figure tuAd gettiug ig profits ont of otitene;. Theso riere lte lars cf LysAd. Tite Lemperance people nove in te habit of looktug upon tlîemseivcs ne baller anti moe self-rigitteoua ttan teir u.eigit- bouns sud condemuedth ie mederate tinuken-tite man taI teck hie glati anti iaft il alc, se lie titaugit fit-as rail as te habituai dmunkard, yet tîtey vaute theLtaassistane of te mtodenato man. Se carry te measure. Theme par- meus engitSe -pause, sud Lako te ex perience of the lange numnber cf muni- cipelities rth had loptetheliaDuncin parnus, tesciiers, clergymen sud ones iaviug cildren untien their cana, sud <nom ils agesah may lean. Fer maie by J. S. £îobevtsou, I3ookeelie, Whity. A DISTAnDL T.-ITTrnto ou las "sttunis'y efteuoou, iin Lie course cf a quarrai be-wea man named Allen, vto. vesitias en llagarmau stresS, -and hie rifo, tae former ttrer s qusntity cf vitriol lunte fae cf te latter, humn- ieg hon tadhl' anti, il e isteugit, cens- ing suait serieus injuny Le ene cf han eyem as will permninuly dsroy tae siglît cf ILAftar committing, the cor- avdly set Allen dacampeti. CONSAerauaS ANTErORneaMAittToBtý -Cci. UaLeoti, cf l4uieba, lu Simca veaka basves fon Ottara,-toLenaise -eue itundreti necp-lta Lo -replace te lime. expireti couibables. Teteou TOS"B&sTrI-BJ azs ave ha- iug looeti after. A feri ysage toma pensons Wera finetifor'fising on $u- day, anA oen-Fridaytou, barbearsatie for siîaving on1 Suntiay, anti non ià la atatedti LtInariapapen prepriatcrs, dis- Lillers sud ethers wvite ap open un Sundey arc rtc receive tae attention cfI -thedatectivasB.- Mn., trurklus repiled very effoively. Ur. Osnibil'aamuaiug stories, i. salA, d4net rie te tii. tignity cf au argu-, ment But Sitey itailneoelubt Iteant bte Saine funny atonles befona, likoly lu bitShall,. aibhqnu-ginet se neitoM a s hhyvn yMr. Cansmeli. IL ppear. eti te otiters, b.sides -himself, sud to did notiit teSay 15 feuslively, hat Mr. Carariai hat mistakan hi. - voos- Lien, ant LtS, in fact, ho voulda i'. atie a greab bitatateýt te mmce sue tSit te gneat Osadisu humounls, oceiBurgess. (Bears cf isugiiter.) The, prccedlugs rawre breîught ho s closeriitii a -vote cf Sitanks a ote citairman andtheLb.speakers. Dominion Parllament. Ottawa, -Wadnesday. Feby 21st. Thte Minister cf t.e Intatior p rament- eti his report for 1876 yeaterday. It coains a large aniont cf inteteabing Dm.Brens. prastuntetilDr. Stemwsrta pretiLic. c, foundou bis alIageA Kiriga- tneeictgniavance. Mi-. B everlay Robinson presmuteti e peL!iiu, sigsetil by- 7,221 pensons, fmcm varions pb*rsons lu Ontario, praylug thslte voilng nter t. Tamparance Act cf 186, %'-nown as Ste Dunkin Act, may te bbahe.'OS, Mr. Butyao e o q respcudenaa, sud eLhier Aeeu.'euts nelstin 0tethe construction of îIa'l Fort Fraudis lock andi canal. Altair, Wme discussion te motion ras ogre@&l go, Mrv. Camey moyeà hi% repelutlon fer returna relaliug '- te acivil servbee lThe motion mss carid. A motion for a co.ummitU-40 ou vitl statiotica ty Dr. Brougees.&0,,rried. Tltnirsday, Febt-, 22%.'d' A bill prvitiing fer Ste abcmiltien 0 tae doatit punisituent lu cErtuin sassa lu ritici tjLe hum is aI praseut inop4f-- ativa, vas iutrolnd by Mn. JBlake. Mnf. Irving moveth ie secendliiotig ef hi. Commron- Law Precadure aud Evideucê bll, enlarging te pewer cf ,Grandl Jurninu certain cames. The - atijourneti tebate on Mr. Cautphell's motion, asking for n 1.1 cf te appoirutments aI Bras d'or ram va- iraînar, anti after s ielýptty discusision tihe mtion vas carnieti, andtihie lieuse pnitisy, Fehy. '28rd. IThe flou40 wrs ettgageti turing te wviole cf te aflerneen session,- aftýev tlispo.u-ing of routine business, lu dis- cltesiug te catimatca lu CommitLea cf Stîpply. Up te tececa tte rihoede- partunental expeudituro vias voted rilith- Ont opposition. At te oveniug sessin, oit die vote fer Peniteutlsnias, a dis- russion eîtruîtg up ounLte question cf pnimuu ilabour geueraiiy, sud coutinueti until tefliouse are. The Presidcnial Question. -1-110C, RE -SS0F 1THE COUNTh. rhE ]letoral Comislsion yesten- clay, after tiecitiing te Seotth CaroinP, Offse lu <aven of te Hayes electors hy lthe stenoetypeti voLa of 8 Le 7 adjeurcîct nxtiii Ft-idzy. A publie tac-ding Le pretest îtgtinaL motion eofLtta Blectot-al Coruniesion ras lAl at- Washington leist nigliL, win resolutins irere r-dopted lu <aven of rsistancaunLtae parS of tae Demo- crats in Congresa ,te te completion of' tae e -t?' uinte Hetotse of ltepnesentttives yas- Sendty te Bill respecting teacaduinis- Iraitn of tse Presitieucy, from te Carîxuitteet ou privleges, rwas raAa second aud LuirA imes. The Bihl pro. v-e AthaLtaLl inte avent cf faibune Le aineS a Preaident, te Speaker cf te i3enate ; or lu case of a vacsucy lu thaï; office, te Speaker of te Heuse ; on, tLitI office siso being uneccupiai, btae Stcnetamy cf Stato shah tassume Lte ùilice anti funotIoné; of tae Presiduuzy. IlrsreavtY OFTait DoisrN-nc F CANAD)A Aiea OTmxiIt PATnS 0F Bicir u itu- ta. 1instnalerl by numerousi eugrav- tuga. Montreal: Lovaîl Prntiug anti Pctliisiing Company.. Tiis le a roisled edition of a neil- kiiorti wtt-k mitose tenies have been necoguizati by iLs adepticu lu many of Lion. in tae profits creaati titabuminesa;, sud gave iS ils prament standing aitonld1 non, net lncldeutaliy but dinctiy,-lt3 i. net a case of cunsequential damages1 -hy legisiative enscLment cuLt5 itenot,j nithont makiugsacy provistion vit-! aven for te cempensation cf ttoeeWhot msy titerehy suatain sema damage, te. te saute muaho ittle5., Tite injustice1 doue tecemes ailHlte more inexcusablea4 n iti i. aken inte seconut LiaSttis vovy meute publiecalsculetea te gain a1 greet ativanLage -byite proposot i change. lb la nel e very long btie1 alucé, te Globe pubuiliteti su editenial1 written for te puniposa cf sitoning Lhei ativocale cf prohibition tith Lty conta nt reasonatly expecî Site Goverumaunt1 tc, dispense ruSh thein star.eof te prof-c iL aacnulung <-cm the,.-iquor -husinessi until tity coulA devisa andi renIA mateie known sema scheme by vitic thSie lbas coulai le matie np. Hion -cen ,ha-ýex. peat thât privaLo indivicnaili, *rite raret interested lunite hbusiness,. semacoft thautcL te fnil exient cf Sheir moana, rixe moreeven do. uot eujpy teprivil- ega cf makiug a levy upon Slite riole1 comxnunity te rapair teir loma, wnil1 snhmih t h utlke ineekuesesuaid - 'Patience- ,comblueti witii ,dove-like1 atduusa. xneitel livisicu. 1..Tbunaa22ni., Tue rosass t e sdsaen; - 1 1. Victoria Bellw&y <nom Kinnieunt te Htahihunton, brianby.ax miles. 2. Kingston & Peutbrook Rtaillvy frean Nflalpe River Se MpÀAawaeska, Shirty miles. 8. Whit7 Port Pcrry, RIirawy rom Port Perry te Lindsay, twanty. seven miled. 4, Credit Va14 Raiivsy, iucluding te nlihefront Toronto t Ingzersol sud tic traneica-te AlLen anti BEnsr, fi<ty-five antiashaif mile. - 5. Prince Artitur'u Lautting anti Kaubinletlcus River R&sliray; sixmiles.- . :& Montresi anti City cf Ottawa June- tiou Rilira7, isixly.six miles- Thse Govoînmeut propoes te grant the. foloring subaidies te Shese ricai,;1 Iloman te plan ite placesof - mena noS b tirain ounltair over niei% migitl have seugitl le deotrcy1 bis fora, cf My i-e«Sung. by lthr- torS "Oh, ho crins aàitotel sad Ibe- £ore," &a., &.LeSotme nov nay Shah ltae rouI cf lt.eproperty ta net uaduîly- higl, andi doas noS, nelitaer hallS mlors titan payeti a mederate returu on Lb. capital invest.t. Tisa property iu tuesti 5huns as th. "ICcmmorqil ~ee,'and i le- situated luin tbv0 atm rentalista#700, par annum, and Shiat la m'mueits it basa ver beau llm coiS ras ,:Iitbelio've, very nessily 68,600, I have nbt thtexacut guresý- asit l* -builiby sbrother neri dead ; I an.- Dé& noSbrever, bc muai stray. - It vas labely sold tia sCiincery sale 'for #6,820, cash; ite valn, bsving aIready fait,,.he inueeofItle unuertainty ougendeéret by-te frequeully recurring changes l inceIan reiblg Se the sale of lilqcur. Witler lie Comeca Halolte? osnobitan eue0as de arvste t c&itarehthet.Globobylmpiatiou tas glven Il, I muet isve tSe tbepub- lic teoeoide. 1 arn quite confiden, horever, ltaS yen viii nsy the GObbe'e oetfct f ilsebarater wlnotualre- ceive titeir endorsation. Tii. miter lu Ste Globe quite ignores te futl lit traveilers aveu, or soe of thai aS leat, are &Pt b regard a certain ( uncrlain.pr penho ha renA y) ai- -leriuce cf stimiulantsas uecoismry Le teir ccmfort. That -titae e a -large profiL arieing rom ti iopant- ment cf bote! keeping I1ibave, ne -doubt. Thst lu fait -le oeeof tite 0loeson nuicit ýMy 'argumentrestt. Tii.deparLanenb cf te husiness, bar. r ever, ite insinstes, nitîtont commlttiug - Iimmeif Le a direct positive statement, 10 iliegitimate. Haoutoreoear dascribos it an tbavlug beau by useiduens culLi vaLlon devaloped.ti. eau shuormal ex- tant. Titis insinuation ia eerlainly net in accerdance riltithLie <sets cf tae casa, an-dte descrption i. alie, 1 venture Se assert, inaccunate. The sale c0 spiritueuslilquens lu amali landifes to te dmunit on lte promises, ~,alriys luntiacountry up te te - limetaon rocognized sud 'lne by Ian. Thte Governmeut, orl Sht-rds tae people cf Can- ar i, hemenover sitared lunte profits of thie business. .Witt titsparofrL thon eau il hc ousaht' itiS li prS c te business oT uoetl.. "oPila'legS maI? Iny tt~ti.'crip4n ta lu- accitrata becaume, unies@. »y mamoryý anti observation ha greabi> ' pefaplt te drluking cuslemp of 0cUl pepe have, turing te iast tiity yearb-bo gnaduslly, put stesdiiy on te wrip.. Tise main argument riic ho en. ploya Le proveoItsitaeonors sud Iceapers cf hiteeb nuit ave ne Cause te cempîsin if te retail Lnatie in spirit- nouslilquers lia eut short, hecauma tae contracl beteeon tai andtihie public requires Le ba renenoti <nom year Le yoar, meulA ahounassatilaltiif ritat ara, I Iblitva, kownasa implied con- tracta lied ne existence, or at least no itindiir k eititer in menais on in Ian. lTao yearly neneral of te liconseq of lichais that have baen proeany kept, andt thie kaaping open of miîiclt neressouatia cobjection, oter of course taon tos niticit te pnei- biticulsa regard as applicatble Le al iltels, culci lia madie, lias beau, or at ir-ait until very lately, mat - a menae .>ýmntiy vLice only really esseuLiai part cf te Ijusiuees cousisting in te payment of te stipulateti amonut- Te casa may, I titinit, bha fily eneugit compared.to te tito f a large number, mite have beau for a long ima engagati luntae public service, receiviug titeir salaries et ciin atataîl peiotis; but mite yeth iave ail aloug -beau halble Le have tLit ernitof titeir engagements breugitt to a close vitit -ptut e veny inif vanng. The ibard- aitip sud practicai injustice cf dimmies- iug sncb ciA servante, aventongi thLie ouiy manuiug nitic t Liey coulAd caim froua perféet stnictuesa vas given tem, utas elmays baon fait sud nacoguised. Were il net fer audit recognition of au impiieri ceuiract, wviicit, titogit im- palpable andi difficuit Le define, la yet as tiuding as tome Shat are miitt al te nagular fermalities,ealoti, iguet anti delivered, it rcnld te.itposaible te defandth ie grntiug cf 'a-retiriug pension Le an ciA public aarvsau5 miten tLue public ativantaga, dem4ntis te abrogation of te office miticit ie itoldos, anti ne otiter vay cf proviAittg fcr him presents itaelf. IL i. quite*&ruetLit thte practica lu Canada, sud in meat otiter cf'vibzeil countries, iliers semae- mitI rom taS lu vogue in tae Uniltd States litis, snd in mauy otiten similan maltera ; but il isaet ieast tionhîful nhaLiter cur condition voulti WHITI SPu gwiit., »Bsnbey .... Black EyeP«&a. N - Col r Soud,.... - oao .... Boteef.era.uart CoDuckparpto... - Car nd qua. Rieskp.. v... Cbhkens ar-lb Epp's ...... - *! ie ........ anti bV aparafes - rpare cf v prvidetioie ofete n atuya npnntatcngaofi adcamaya Taeivsril cirtlf gaveuny edm r - Gazete. l tie - "emaat dme PadillyL*ouAiü aTrv here il eucapeaany &,Lli -~ Ipravati hem nea colon; eSle f bain;- 48ï si y jiLona; am tiyeans -- Improve&igne tieu ; restolesLita vnghai rd s Agetsec teI w'.odrful-Tbts lImpie Hair tmg businssta i fiet anTi mnad r the aA vUg Walentue, frat or tras, ost14aPro li"atterg, en, pi ibusess ntE Pdr«ie t is am sCnntylu aunt otaaiS ter enS eb sent.by t] t'preef u pyMe Capddtiont l - remusy th un, 2 ImiONEY TO SradifondFs 1 ters faerce,, t by ita Company banNEr. Foi1 iS orrerer.pym JCi ai Atteran St ux turdin, lis Slictor'realesp. Landa b e, nd a: b e ti 0 y el ti ti e b 01 01 il it -1 sud 2 fsoi,00par muleeascii w JUng- uu- - bJU n UU u sten aniPemtrock sud Victoria Ril, miiteont sny provision heingmaefc rayb ; 8, #2,000 pan mile ta Whitby &titeir rémunération. Would Siisy- Port Perry Rsîlnay ; 4, #1.00 par deem iL a sefficient justification fer miltta-Crédit Valley Railriay; ,02,- sncb an- infringamaut on Sheir rlghi 000 psy mile te Prinice Artnvr'u Land te hietala. ShaS tb. articles they soit Dg liranait;- ,O0 1,00) per -mile Lu rare, seaSmos unasAtteaxceas, anti Moevean sd Ottawa Rondati,1h b- Ab.id iunane wy snd' notiter a greaS Biaise vii lie paiti hy haif yealy paytidentcf hart,. suait articles for instance meuLa exteuding oea rieuty yeero, ai iea uovel8q, fine cictites, expensive <romi te Completien cf1te osisles . erielvy, Sobsceb, vâriens Auqi, fait te case of te VieSensa Railray tehe:brses, sud seoun ad iuflenitumn? By Goverumeut resp.rvos Se itaeif a tract cf Iitening' te te highly exaggerateti, country ton miles vWide ouneseit aida cf penhaàpa if I mena te say <aise sud te niiay- te ha soit fer tic purpoma intampentite My hauguaga nonhd net o f rnecouping ite Province fcorte eut te toc sLrneg, statemente of te etvo.> Iay in aiding the undert*king.- The cales cf te. Dunkin Act, oue migit résclutions wera raferradti e te Coin- bo lad te haieve taS if -alcahol coulai utteaeof te Wiole. . -1only be*-baulitoti from te band,-Lhare A discussion feleved ou "fPelitical would te ne more sin,' neititen su> Tradesmen" hagadi on iLems lintae pub- moea suffeviu.g., CoulA Itèr but hava lic secoes. bat Lie ayiug, eut cf te GardeurOf- Mv. PaLLaroToo, movedti teout dem Etien, tue' eniA l&dcnbLless bave 'pro- te approbation cf *77,1)00 for cionize- vented te-evoi that- hafel -ont- rt ion nmadta $50,000. - parente, aud conequntly aL hiSteïr Mr. Hardymeveti au emeudmeteu ex- pemterity aie. IL, secordlug te Sheir pressingte aoufldancein GrewnLandis may cf tinling, only naquiredtheit Departunetaut mu avs.cavnioti l, a exclusion cf taS ouane a, ricit bora vote cf 40 te 25, anA -lte original item te, aies i Sec - Lampting fruit. If if ras pasoed. - hotruc tat aicitel i. lie'rosi cause cf me mucit evili iL uscS necemsanily Frltiey 28rti. folerw, ou sa cemparion Sýeing matie Tii. firotetie f uiesoknn bebreen, difféentuScounias, Shat hoSé sfa ruie re fLtabLsineti- eiup nluwhicit lte langasLamcunt, lu_ pro- Liter rouerinen Le iteepepuistue te uati,-of teToroiato SLreet Rairsy bli. Mn. ptot'oitLe -ple iom sed niîci Cameron moyed Lbi réféene o~ f ta anie ur1dt seasb i- s ail s.i -hiasaure teck te Committee, fiv itecrm an-dsse oiya-wlu A c. c Llin n ieauetcn mental, pro-rail. te tho greateal extaut. put% ofliing adiLt sheu-Lenia ntlaSatLacsLenap. o- lacamphecge2Lt spe.e e. cf couat, xciug mev pavements. - pj. lahaustaLntis prominenS se a consumer Fraser Lite ' i mendintthLie r&- -alcohtoile stimulante., Wod et peaiof he ob'of astyea, i crler siyhte site i.likamime prominent lfo1r tha bohprtig nigt h th-on LCk heamont cf crime addisquee ex.* LitI hoigipaties .git a ti-heu batk isLlug vithinliehan bordera- P2-Tnrkeay on Li taionl cn.pr5fl te tiaahf c.'egltt, according te pvclibiticuista, te ous Lteueste otion oiLt ie dci cr.y au' ahâost --perfect ilmnuity Hous Lte vaaer orton f 5. dy, roua Sixose fr-m aceurgescf inuauity. finaily ItMr. cameron's Motion W55 car- rI aba10t ramppant ativcatoe f SIte, nieti by a vote.cf 80 te 28. Te Rouge1 Dunkiu Act mli nmoS, however, neseent afler natifyiug seveval reilmsy'Orters rmarsfeigi Council andti iansacting soute cher tSitSter.la neo rm nefelgl business lcfbutl iitle ampenteucesa- taI cmVi7- Mohaemmedi believei joumuorini prel bitiora -- but unfrtunaely hée PickringCounil.shout have proh.;tae n asiu, rawl PtckntngCounut.as imauy ethet mga. anA in entier taSitis follemers jjtit ho nendanati Satnrtiuy, i7t Febmuary, 1878, perfecîiy secur-e, aveu roman herma-If bThe Pickerng council maL put-suant sitouhd hava boom. numberet te adjouruesmou. amoug4t te tinga <cvii idAetL For, 'Membans ail pveaent; minutes-cf last as iL bas Surnati eut, te tud 1euay -te meeting reaAanti approveti. exceslu eue tiniiaving beukept l'aLitions pneenhed of Wm. Lgndomn by au anforcedtottai-abo%:Ineuce, anti 98 otters, pnayiug for ciosiug up of tae rasuit tas tut taon the îevt,'2lie.-- original ailowntce for nesd ou second meut of eter groater nditmon con. lina adjoiniug te village cf Duf- jurions excasaem. Do me not freqent fins' Creeit; cf teos. Evenlét, cf S. iy sea auanillustratIoion f té,sa Boyce anti cItera, cf Ira Palmer ant.inl tae came cf te cblinn-cf, clergy- ctent, of Gee. Glihet andi chers, for men. IL reuti vealiy seeut as if toe aid te indigents ; pramentat ty Mv.wvite <cal calleA upun, te speast-on ta- Green. 0f John A. Mutrray and tiLiera hatf cf prohlibtion, regard iL -s. jus- askiug for a gi-sut cf money te improve ifiabbe, if nett aliy a pvalssnethfy- lte rasa ta Lencimamas Bey Hanhour; ting, Le malte àaanets niai ara- praseuLti tby Mn. Hoover. 0f Mn. obvicusly inconsistent miLh <facta. r Nigitmrsndev antiotiters *for cuttiug amrn lforevutet iai oee lectunen speak- town tilon Stit con. t-preseitteti i lg front s pulpit ou taeni.'s day,ý' Mn. Menithouse. 0f Mr. Stepitensen stated;th Lt a u axcbeeeively large -pro- anti otera for cpeuiug te rosa bot-pettien, saven-Lantita I -balaye, etSte we veaoht 4 sud 5 luntae 4tlîcou. ; pro- occupant. of env bunatiea sylauntsl sentei by lin. Mackay. 0ffColin Philip hecouta insane Lbvongh>te influence anti ollcrs for aid le Aaa Wilisou. 0f cf alcotel. Nur IL veuta appear Ste Thtomnas Hoîbenrua in référence te te teo. veny tifficuit malIer toLeiLemine sida reati letviten iotas182 ant inLu8rAruSh any apprusci teascnraay te Range af B. F. cou. penceulaga cf caes o f- luanlt>'tit Ou malien, Mn. Miller mas iteard te- ane aaeei ty excessive tiiuking. fore te cenucil -in referea eltebTae- ce existence in Lte' smre individ- dlaim cf Tobias Miciteli for gravel. ual cf lumauiSy. snd auantovtal Mn. Heevar movea taI Lie-revecrs-ring -fr <cmscoo- proves nothinig. beave tae chair fovritaîf an heur. -IL is aS lestats neasouable te ahtri- Thbe counacil remumeti..bThe reave bn bute te cntving Se Lie unsen'utduasa lte chair, c1 f minA, aiSi. Le attributs ltae n- Te shandiing com-nithee bu accounts gôuntinps of minA Le lte excessive. in- su-i petitiona reper nsd rmecouile as dulgrence efthIat araving. 1.As ifficult <chiera : a subject, itorevar, -am te, oiolog cf- bThat aid ha granteti ta te folluwing inisauiiy miay be.hjOne simple Unudoutted indligent pansons, Iron t IJany. te laL faet'io sufficist it er wtitat lte state- Jurue, as foiletes: %Vin. Framingliaut, meut just reforma !tc is sg-ogansd un- 75eLa par wcek-P. P.. Hloover comn. ; pardouable exaggenaticn, comiug as iL Alun. Ster, 50els pan vaek-Jsmes' Aid freutone vite ha. pusted tarueif irlito, cot. ; Noatili WXVcruff, SOcta inlopremineuca seaapublia lactnnen on 'par meek - Powell, ceju.; Autirari Laîpernce, anti eue rii.se very Miller, ISeis per meek-T. beukleutie, positive taI site muaI he nlgtt, sud ail demn.; Asa Wilzomx, 75eLs pernmeak-C. mite diffon <nom liter muaSthoelotiten <cela Piip, cernt. ; HienrmyBrerin, $1 i)F- on morse. lTee t Le riichIt-r alinte neek-W. H. Burt, cern,.; McGxce anti is taILita numubeo f menrite ana wita, flOcts lu addition te fermer grant affecteti ty insanity le very- sIigitSly, if -J. & D. Maeatf cou. ; Mmm. uleal -et ail, lu exescfr tie numîser cf mc- te aum cf $10 Le punaitase ývoecc- mpn mite are se aiffecea. - Asa furtiter Moses Webster coin. coufirmaticu cfwrit I "sart-on is bTe followiug ecceunt. mers ondaved p)oinî I would appeal Le te observation- te hé ai e- A. B. Whtite fer gravei of caci ana cf youn reaters, most ut suppliae[ tae vanseena, *16 ; Johun wom cap prohably neekon np a tezen Hloover, for gravel, $2.15; lirs. Sitear, or more titat ýthpy itave kuoru, who 1cr grajal, *4.10 ; John IL. Smtit,,ton bava become insane, 4nA, Le Bay uutiîg plant, 328o ; Samuel Steart, *50 te of nine-tenhsof te number laviugr hai paid Lu S. J. Green ; Thes. Appiety, tacome efflicted in ttis nway titaugi for damaes Le abaep hy doge, $25 ; Lta influence cf icbol, I- sital te sur- Jue. Hoar, fur damages L steaep hy prisoti Sa leauintaS tehéindividuels dogs, $20 ; Juo. Raid, $8.33. coutposing IL mli no5 - compare resau- Pétitin o f Mr. Logan anti other a - asbhy vre]h, as; Se Lteasohniety cfteir lives< laid over tilI a pmcper descri ption of te hefora titein insa tL cmaou m thbte

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