Just bot »pur »r on tuat." * To Ceutsumpulvus. The advertse, a retired physisan, bavig povienflIy dlsoovered, vhila a Meiea, Mâaiô&r luinSothora MIRa, a ver>' a4mPl.vegetable reineS> fai tiie speody anS permianent sure el consumptuon, AsîbmÃŽ, Dronobilia,ý Calarri, and aIl Siroat and lung affect- lo.-alwo a7 positive anS radical apeci. goe for N.rvot Deblllty, Premtlure Daca>'. anS ail Nervons Complainte, fuels ril bisdut>' te moka il kôove teý hlm suffsring faliots's. Atuaited hy ibis mcoive, h. viii che"vfully tend (free of charge>to al d%%là cbirefi, the re- caipe for propain«a, aud 5h11 directions- foi ouooostu lytuaiug, ibis providentl. diteoverad remiS>'. Those vho vlah Se avail Iheinsèlvus cof -lic bouelits of Ibis discover>' vithontout ea, cndo se by rature mail, by -oddreseig vth ,tampi namfug pgper Da. CHARLES P. -MARSHALL, 88 Niagara Street, 52 Buffalo, N. Y. WHITBY M4RKBTs. CnxornL» Ornecs, Feb. 28th, 1877. Fau Wbubotet ...140 41l50 spigWh oat.......81 2 $1 85 Barloy ..... #0 M5i $0 60 Pase........ ...78 @775 Black Ny. Pou .. . 8.. si 31.05 Cloier6 . ...... $88 M10@880 H&y ............88(3810 patataes...... .....750 O850 31.................180 Butter ...........20eô@ 25 Ceail, per ton .........0ta0050 Wood ............... 8850@$400 -W e o l ......* . ...80e0 a820. Boat, hind quarter . 8.. 6 50 0 070 Boa!f, fôeaquarter . 8... 500 @ 85 80 Sheepakina ... ......... 81 081Il50 Hie..............88550 @ 86 00 Duceoper pr ...........0e O0 q0e T1urkeys, par l...*,10o Ouleno ................ 81 25 Irurnipo. . ...&......15e Apples, par hushol .... 50eo @80o chase..............180 @ 14C. Carrets ...............15eo @20e Pork, perewt...........8 00 @86 25 Chiekeus ............. 85 @40o par pair Eppa se po.-(GraieraI endi Ca. f ortag.1By a thorough kuevladge et tha naitura l mviwhich govern tha oparations ot- digeation and nutrition, a.ud-8v a carefui applicaion e! the fIns proertloa e! wefl.saloded coeon, Mr. Eppa haw providasi our breakfasttabliea wiltha delicately flavored bererago,. whieh ma~ save ut msuy hoavy doctors' bls." It bytha judiolous usae!faucli articles of diet tha constitution may ardal uî u p u nt11 at ro n g anOuuh Le re 1 at ut ver y tu. , dsney te dînase. undroda o! aubtie maia- dia. ara flostiug &rouud us ready te attaek vwhora'vr thora la a veak p oint. Wo may eseapea rny a fatal shLft by kooplug eur- selves voil fortifiad vith pure blood sud a fproporly nouriahod frame."-Civil Service Gdetto. , -old only lu Packets, labelld,- "Jamesnospe & Co., HomSopathie Chem- isto, .46, Throaduoodle Streei, and 170, Picoedllly Ludon, * Thoira in No Article Like It to Cleanse'and Restoe. Wood'w Improved Hair Restarative in unllkb auy ther, and las ne equal. T-he Improved bas new vegeèabie tome proper. tien ; restorea grey hair te a gîosey, naturel clr ; rostores faded, dry. harsh aud fait- Iug hala; restoes, dressjes, givos viger te the hair;, restores bair terems1iurely balS beanda; rimoes daudruf , buiners, sealy ereptiens; romoves- irritation, itching sud - oaiy dryneos. No article produceas sob wouderful offece. Try it, oel for Woed's Improvad Hair Rosiorative, and den'è bo ptcf ihane~ otherar!tice. Sold by ail a git i hà pace snd dealers overy. vbero, Trado supplieait- mnufaturera' 'proeas by. A. COOK & Co., Chicago, solo or Agato e nited Siated and Canada, asdby LYMAýN, CLA1II<t. CO.,- Montroal. lIRDS NEW YOIR CITY 'MEBC. TORY.-Thia i ihe-title cf a valuablevork e! Commercial refoen., maBt issueS. byj Walter Haugh &8 Ce., Priniors and Publish-i ers, ot 14 -Park -Place, New Yerk. XItcon. sa -a fouland complotse hio! f eh the Ierf«6r, .obberà andi Manufacturera do- inbinosalutho great matropelis, eqal. nea< anSdarrangeS by Trados aud Oceupa- tiens, anu gving their ftrasi anS& numbor addrass. tinlauaninvalu&bla vork fer the Ceuntry Marchant.hi tallaehin wherete j0 btain anything frein a nsodle te a steam au'iie, oe!is~t or second bauds. The werk viilba sont bythea ublisheris te aruy ad- draaa, pestaeo aý,id, uon te racept of the receqw ch sasllowsa Cleih, fu 1jounuS Etiin, par copy, Que Dollar; ifeu.t ble clth beunid, Seveniy. Ave. Cente. WALTIl RHEUGH & CO, Publishers. NEW -ADVEP.TIS.EidENTS. M ONET TO LD. ' Prtvà ta funâa to enbuSou good morigage seu-lsn isc!018800 and upward. In. teas apr cent, bal! yearly. AP ï0.DRAWER 8, Whitby, leoby l8ih. 1877. ly.lO m ONEY FOUND 1 * At Brooklu, The >cru eau have Il ou proof, anS paymgnt o! ex eusse Cal il- MR,%. cYMALLO'S. Fobruar>' 501h, 1877.9 m {ONEY TO LOAN 1 JI1uporia1 Loan aud lîîvostment Co. willadvatîca moue>' ou Resi Estato Seur- ity, lu sûana cf 8150anS upwards. No ioliiors' Feea vhon the amaunt boreoweel i anet ls osaia#GUO0, sud the tortu cf ban - net les tan 0 years. Regstration fees SIieriffla focs, anS Treasuier: focs are paid by thie Cbrmpauy, and net chargeS te the borrower, ler 1'uriher portionlta apply UGEO. ST. JOHN HALLEN. lloliecitor, &oe., Oshawa. N. B.-50,000 I private fondu te loin ou Ouhawa Rosi Estate seeurity. Tarins te suit bornoyer. Fabruor> 251h,, 1877. lta'._10 A UCTION SALE - OF>'VAL17ALE - PARM PROPEKTY) SITUAE IN TUE TFownship of Whitby. There vil ho offeÃŽd for sale b>' Public Auction aIbRAYS H OTEZ., lu the TOWN OF WHITBY, on Sattirday, 10f h day oqiDlaich,-1877, ai 2 o'ook ~P. m inte follevn, Faim Lande boagigta the Subacribar,-Anas. - --Acases: Peasaaý No. 1. ComposeS o! parte!o Lot No. sa i& tic sud Concession o! th. Tovn- sii4l o! Whisby, contalaig 64 1Ars bit par"einla atuate a Mt tram the ceaire cet the Town o! Whiihy. The baud i. il cleased and. uitder excellent cultiva- tien. p,ncau -No. 2. ComposeS cf parte!f the ButI bal!eftIhe Northbhallf o fLot No. 25, lu tie 4tb Conceseioo o!1 the Tovnship et Whitby; ooulsiniug 44 acres. Thora ia s lorge quantit>' o! 41abloz cedar on ibIs pareel. - For a more paitienlar description of -the ocia sld, for th e rusand conditions o!, jganS forfail futhar sud necassar>' la- '.0 tlouteinding uaera are reler. Je îadesois. Farawc BUeg., So01og. - Ors WhVity or ftethe Âuetienaer, Mr. ** LEX ADREON - Wo emplo: moat «a et est critiolm- - te provae b. e thomin uopeat - Our mac te the iriantle cat a opsomewmto aau quareaueas or on, eUaage.qaiga Ihor. ongh knovledgo of th. couelrucutlo cf-unechi0eï-Mam r Ii t uâëbled ta *. tain a bigior doe et ftillI nd pro ceâcaq.Usan- wbr.genersi Ssanuhcturng le conieS o We are Sherefore enabled te introduce a More pecet spale into.all the de- partmente of msnufacturoa5adding net ocly tà -lhe perfection 0f lie wcrlc but al- This prnciplo ia regardeS necaesary ini a elI r7#uIase4d pabliahment, -and *0eanablto 0iniun ont oui machines vitb a. ,higbcg agre. of puilonm, and &t prises so 1ev as abtolutel to-le f>'oueain THE, JOHNST.ON SELF-RÂKINQ,,REÂPER s law o eWeil knovn Uasingle Resper, Shat à vorsi of- n w~lo ouia almiopI saerm superfinout, but se, thon. oie inay clslming te mÀaoufaelun.tbl machins wbo bave adiered le tb. elS original Ieinston-mahine,-twithout k.ep. iug op toe i mprovements ; that:justice t eura.Ivçoan~d patrons. roquir. of us »0 staSe liaI-w. have inodlfiad 1à lu almoot evsery esmétl -part, and4 for Salrnisb anS durability, qnality offocn», ln avery lind and condition cf éraib ; ligtneo draft sud aeue o, managemet-lb, "JObnstou," 8 a m iatured b> ut--etaudt pre-eminenîl>' abead af aIl other reapers.- In preof cf thislt. ilaca v.have cul>' tb pint la the mon>' PireS Prises avarded nusi-S-lb. laiProvincial SkIiof lu- toria, sud $nany counI>' trialswvich bave, takan RplacVe rianada, vithin the lat few yesrs. OUR TRIUMPH OOMBINED MACHINE wilh lt. Improvements, la al that eau ba, desired lu a ccinod aMachine, aMd cannot fail ta meot aIl th. rcqufromontsocf purchasora. Our Improvedl Cayuga Chief dr., and our Young,,Cana2da Mowere are bath firal.claoa maohioles-ceuwtituted alincawl wholly cf Iron and Steol. Thé Osyunga Jr. bas a rear cul, as the Young canada a front Cul ; both trong, dur- able machines, ans ual excolIed by any machinas in tho market for qaty of out, dnrabilily, lightnes,sof draft, adaptabiity, aud este of management. OUR NEW -"WHITBY HARVESTER." As the country ha. becomae bettai adapted t0 maobluer, and mmy ef oui faim. erg have becoma akilled iu the usa cf machines, a graving damnandi ha* sprungý up for-a Lighi, Durable, Fintsl.Cao Ramper. Allva ta the requiremonts cf the day, va have anooeecleà la laventing a ma- chine with a Wrought Iran Frame,,vit h the lesat possible goaring....vtî large, broad-faced drive whael,--aud se coýitrncteà that tbe freaa sudSable tilt aS the saine lime, thereby keeping lb. pitin a lvays la lin. vllh 5t.hu kifeThe rakes are driven directly from 'the mata ghafl,-there beiig no, perceptible-aide draft, and ne welig upon thé bhoies uocke. We are .oonfdsnt thal va have suoceeded ia inventieg the masS pertes! Reaper, Sakingî in ll al ta »art§, liaSt bas ever bean produeed. W. hava appliod foi etters pant, and fhl bold oui invention, for our avu exclusive manufacture, anS w. reepeolfui uo estla.in tending pnîchaoars - that they shouîd se. titmachine befère -w[hsir eder for the camlag harvesl. The* "Whitby Harvealar" vegal g u, V ,f 600 Pound&, but heing maJ. priuipaly af the best qualiiy cf ion anS steel, anS froin ite lu- geoua anS compact construction, it combines lhe wrength anudSumiblJity of lh. All af-our machines ara fnlly varranlod, «With tbis list of machines, vo feel confident that va eau meet aery ro. qrenenl, and va reapeclfufly solicit a trial cf our machines, believing thal vo eau n riih a btter machine for the money than cen Ibe obtained elsevhere. Respeclfully Yonrs, BROWN& PATTERSON MF'G. 00.. Whilby, Ontario, February, 1877. NiEW ADVERTISEMKENT8. CORN FOR SALE!1 A largequntty o! Western Cern for sale ei the Stain o! tho Wbitby & Port Bainiuthea oiu-o! Whiithy. For par- tieula.rs ay.pply te - ipGEO. HOPKINS. Wliihy. Yeb. 28th, 1877. F ARM TO lRENT 1 North ball o! -Lot No. 201 41h concession Township o! Whibtyontaing 100 acres, about 85 acres a! ployaS land. Pleugbing ai ldoue. Appl1y te- - OOELL BLANSIHARD, On the promises. Or P. W- FOWKE, Ohava. Wbi'iy, Fehy. l6th, 1876 A2m 9 AN T'-DUN.KIN_ MEETINGS. COUNTY 0F ONTARIO. Meetings ou the subjeet o! tho Duuldn BY.bav bave beau- arrangeS as under, ai vhiob addresses vill be dalivered b>' J. J. Hawkins, Esq,ý o! Brantford, as follvs : Thursday, Maroh isi, Sunderland, 2 p. m. e « !-Tovn Hall, Con ulgioneai8Sp. m Friday, Marcb 2nd, Alexandra Hall, fleaverton, ai8 p. m.' - Satuida>', Maîoh aiS, Town Hall, Mars, at 2 P. M' Saturda>', March 8iS, Fenton's, Mônk RoiS, ai 8 P. iM. N. F. Patersn, Es , vili aise addreesa t ho meetings inaNorth Ontarie. - Peliruary 191h, 1877.9 T RE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Liberal-Conservative Association of South Ontario vilI ha bolS ta the TOWN HALL, BROOKLIN, on MONILIY, MARCH 1ih, 1877,I- At Oua o'clock , p. M for tie Election o! Officoers for the .uskin yearanS the trans- action o! other importent buiness. l AU Liberal Couservativea are cerdi- ail> inviteS o tnS. ; P. B. BICKXLL. P. A. MeGILLIVRAY, President. Secretar>'. Wbithy, Fby. 15h, 1877. 9 To the Werkang Class.-We ane nov prepared te furnish ail classes with con. stant employmont ai home, tbe vholeofo the tne, or fer Iheir spaoemoments. Busin essnv,1ighi -anadprofiable. Par. sous of asuber sex easiby earn frein 50 ceai. la 06 par avening, e-o4a a preninl un b>' -evoîing their vhole ilime loti. buci- nous. Boys anS girlas arn nearbysas mueh as mou. That al Who seas hia notice iay send their addrues, sud test the busigess ve ak ûhIis unparalloled ofier : To inch as are net vlsatisfid dv.-eai sue Sllai te pay for 5he. toul Ja!vilg. Pulpartionlars, auples vortilsveral 4o1 lare ta coummence voik on aa4 a cep> o! Houe sud Pirosie., one oiIb lau&eSês bout IllnsI-isteil PubUition.'41'sent Iena b>' mail. ,Roer,,If yenu t; poruwsaat, rofotabla vork, dioa GeeaBeois &Co., PortlonS: Mà ine.- m ONEY TO LOAN 1 The Municipalltv o!flBut Whttby are prepared la LOAN 8,200 Dollars fer a tenu e! yearn uflret-laes secnrity. Interest Payable Annuaily. Apply ote h. Rer, ofwhMp Clark FOR sALE OHEAP 1 A Brick Cottage near Business Centre lu tie Town cf Witby. For prica anS terms Ap o- MR. WM. THOMPSON,1 Saddler. Wbilby, Feby. 20tb, 18-.6. 9. T RENT OR SELL 1 A Brick Cottage on Byren Street. Apply to- J.HM TN Hamilton .8Ce. Wh.iiby, Feby. 2Oth, 1877. 21n-9- NO 0TIC E Coun'rv ciPONTARO, 1 à horeby givon that To Wii , 15he Court ci Aswize Niai Pine, Oyar anS Terminer and Ganera Gaol Dellvery viiibe holdantain sdfer lb. -Cauaty o! Ontarie, la the Court Honte, la thc TOWN 0F WHITBY, T27,e8day, Avpril 3rd, 1877, At the heur of 12 o'cieek, noon; of vbieh aIl Coroners, Juaticea o! the Peace, anSdail others concerneS vil lako nolica, anS gov. arn themielves accotdingly. N. G. REYNOLDS, Ehorifi, C. 0. Sheriffs Offie Wbltby, Pe. t87.J 9 THRE THALBERG PIAN 0 m290.00. The Thalberg Plane ilsa a vaut long fat- that e! a GOOD, USEFUL PIANO vbich combineS the eearesa e! tanesuan the beaut> ofAd" i o!the meai celebraied alce. vith a modarat, prise. If il b. usked boy il in possible te aupply a GooS Piano for altout --HALF THÇ PRICE geauly ehargod, the tntwer la plain-Z ha the malslag or ale of t4e f nstru- =enta, tiare are no large alswrcoms la keep up, ne grand Mutn Hl ieU t naa or no oxpontove travelling agente te pay. Ilese lastruments are e&UtasSe of a-- ,uNIFOBM STANDARD FULL SEVEN COTA4 L SOLII) IRON FRAM8 OVEESTRUNG- BASS, CABVED LeS ROUND ÃFOIT CORNERS SERPECNTInE lMOULD'GS' -and DOU9BLE VENBERÃŽD ROSEWOOD CASES. An extra DISCOUNT 0F se FER CENT. yulf b. allowed Sehoolusud Conve*.w, ais te Clergymnfor th. use c! thair "klion. W. ADAMS, Witby, Pabruiy, Sth, 1877. 8 Notice to Builders, Tenders viiiberemovod n pte 8ATURAR thé 2414 SaqaofPRBUlry l'or the.erec- tien <'Station -Buildingson Sfio aboya Rai. va&y At ai &8Vz, KLXZLL, tand à xvooo. Separate Tenders viilbe received foreech Statfoan,-or fer the wbola. R: NEW ADY E RTISE à the A B ST ' CT STAT etf Ontarino r l« b.eelsu, auihestty Jeu4". - Paau"dj 155,1877. X. J. MACDIONLL, rThIXKB l'OTIOEIh atthe aboya tibe a1 soyfBy.Lav te prohibit th. sale o! inoxie5ing~iquea aS-$bu issue! la1=0 h . eCouaiy a! Ontirlo, pane byhéb.mnipal Conacil loi thé 1ataCounty on th., Tvaty4tfth day of JT"Dury, 1877; And W altotic e athat 0 onnty- o! Ontario vil h= h à Mas houadoreantieed Places la the aevralMunoipili s aid Contyon MONDA Y, the ýFIFTH -DAY of ýAt the heur o! Tan a'eleek in the foenoon, ;for th. puffpofo!takting a PolIl todeoida wvhether or net the By.L wharlbofora mantionad la approea ed y hajaSMmci. Pal- elootors, as preidiby thc Tampar- anosActo! 1ut4. Towià h.p o! Bwmc,T:ovuHa, Sunderland Township af Mà »zA, Tovu Hal. Townshp a! E.ax,8ehooalHens, Se.No.2. Township 'of 'Pîcxanco, Town Hal, Brougham Township fza à à TvaHal, Manchester. Tovnship cSo=#,Tovn]Hal.s Township of euoeG, Centre Sehool Hanse. Township of TxoaIETown Hall, Boavarton. T"vneh, a U1 omz, Town Hall, GeeS. Village of U2aumea, Council Chambor. Township o! WmvY, Tewn Hall, Brooklin. Tawnship a! BART WxmnTewn Hall, Village otloaxavaTewne-n1 VMýilo~oar Piims,;Town Hall. Tewn o! WËrTIK, Town Hal. H. P. MÂCDOIÇELL, Shm4] Couaty Clark, Ontarjo. [Ail paspublilhad lan 5h. County areauathoead te pve 8h. bovo four laser. tions, from 8th F¶ruary'te 1o5 e! Mareh, bath dates inclusive, 5he aeonat for cmen mot ta axcad th.eamm o!faight dollars] "HE.NRY OLAY" FOR SALE! Tho vall knova sire "Henry Clay" le nov aolfraS formie. To b. seau ai the stables o! Ray's British Arnerlean Hotel, Whiby, vbare .11 partieniars, tacluding pedigree, may b. 'obtained. tfil3 $9C&Cn't b. maS. by every agent dlUevary month In- the business va furnuish, but Shosew. vlng Se Svoîk eau easilyearn a dozen dollars a day right la their awn localities. Have ne room toexa. Pla«n bre Business pleasant iud houor. able. Wmenn,. and boys-and girls do as voIX as moen. W. vill fùrnsh yen a com-. plt. Outfit free. The business paya boi- ter thon anything else,.WNe vili bear ex. ~use ef starting yen. Partieulars free. Write sud se.. Farmers and meebanica, thair sons and daughterk. anSail classes ta need o! paying vork at homo, should visite té us sud learn all about the verk ai once. Nov is the trame. Don't Selay. Ad. dicos Tisum & Co.. Augusta, Maino. SmO0KEIR S. --:00:- We bave again to call your attention to the aumerons IMITATIONS of lie Myrtie Na.'y Tôbacco, iTHE STAMP & IN GILT LETTERS. le oý a ch Plug of thc (Jenuino-. Hamailton, Jan. 171h, 1877. 4-?u Established 1865, (llmore,1 Co., Attorneys at Law, (Successors te Chipuan, Hosmer & Ce.,) 629 F Street, Washington, D. C. anis precured lia aucoaerisz. Ne fecrin eaace. No chu>rge uniess Sie patent Is granted. No fees for making the prelimin. ary axainatians. Ne uSSitienal tees for ohtining anS condncting a reheaning. Sp.- oSa attentien givan te hIterference Canas befere the Patent Office, Extension hefora Congras, niug.mant Suit, in dilferent Stte U iilitigation apper tnng In-h vontionsor Paiente. Sen4ilbfafcpm phl.! ffuo-oebgpages, - -Clalimepromecà " ila-the Sup»me Court e! th. UnitedStBtsts, CourlOlAIMB Court a! Coumimaloonersof Alaba=Ma iame Bentheru Claima Comnission, anSdai classes a! var daimsbitons the Exesutive DA-nAu orPsxAicA»Boonary.-Offceu, BoldSeo, andSBaieora af theba babaar, or their boira, are lanm--y cases antitiad ta mono>' frein th. Goyeinent,'o! viloh the>' have ne knovedgo. Write fol itlry cfusrvice anS stato amount o! poy suS houai>' reccaov- aS. Enclos e samp, sud aà ii lropiy, aller Sallera vouaded, ruptureS.onljurain the la, varn,bhvee t=gtY, cchIobalaa pension, znany nov receivlng pensitns are entitIeS ta anuIscreoe. Baud atamp sud informatioa viii baiurÉnlsiaSfree. - UxzeSTni, roza nzpAinLà »ma Orncz.- Coutested Land Caus, Private Land Clama miulng Pre-emption sud Hommetad Case, promeoute before th in " arLnd Office sud DoperSuent cf lb. haterlor. Onu BOnigri LiaiWà MUNmrs-Th. lest RèporI of tie Commlssalonar ettheGenersi Laid Office shows 9,07,500asres of Bannty Land Warranta outstanding. -Thea. vere IssueSunder soi o! 185 andpnlorasteWe psy cash for tisu.- -ScaS by registereS lot- toi. hw ssgdot aeIpr eetv glvdtiuctleut te perfect liem. Eaoi deéputiiesý t oui business la cou,- dueSeil la a separate bureau, unùder . chare ec npcslsnedlavy.reandS olarko. E>' reosof eereror hanS munî' sator. neys ara suspedeS freinpractice bfmer . Pension iaSoSir fsera ea Ch yloa.- Clainste hcee atlorneyshave beau tint suedédiii ýb. giatlualy .fuiubd vi t uiiinonmatiioa and preper papers ou application te no. As ve chstge ne fée un- leus suesa, stempaforreluraposiogc ahoudb. or s I, &UDemi; mna" wlth attornesiSa ai-classas o! huti- nets. Addias- GI1LMOBE & Co., P. 0. Box 44. - WlVasigtono, D. 0. -W-..saton. . C» i . O ce24Isea -Thet-Treasurer in account il h TO WNSHIJŽ OP II C KRING, FOR THE YEAR ,187(6. RECEIPTS. To Balance hem 1875. .8... 1,049 82 To Il o! Taxas,1878 .....8,615 65 To Taxea, 1876........... ;....,1 98 To Taveru licenuesudenS avl, 844 To Surplus distribution fond. 10,192685 To Munlclpwlity PunaS........8040 To Non-rasidant Land Tex. .128'88 To roceivad frein Ontario Bank.. 97821 To preceeda brni- ie ef tiubai,,*160 To cash rafua........16 .56 To cah coglWetaS,* rente a! Tov Hall.....................14d O0 TeoFines...................... 6450 We certif that that. the above is a correct abstractr of the Receipta ad Disbursementa of the Corporation of Pickering, for the year 1876. THOMAS UN I.Auditors. LEVI MA.CKEY.) DOM INION WAREROOJJI. ET I WTALL- PAPEa-S, in Tôwn,. ,7ij Futrther alteratiQil of ,premaises to meet the additional reqturement of our trade. - gî7» Our _qrnrter1y' password: Bu your Waà ll Papers and Paper Window Blnds, from - * J. S. ROBERTSON, Junai>' Bst, 1877 BROOK STREET, WHITBY, STrOVES ANU TINWAIRE.« DISBURSEMBNTS. Byý appropriatiens ou ros ansd bridger............... 4d'tu2ut By Smlus DistrIbution PuaS. 10,192 a68 By relif of ludigeutprens . 92707 By Sehool Trualtees Baa5,18860 By appropriation oe! Muilcipalit- lesFudi.. e............ý 11178 By Nou-resiSent , ehoal Taz... 242 49 By County Rtates........4,987 70' By salaries ...............1,07685 By paSontarlo ýBink.. ......1,M0(7 éyeglepaee s ad afImfor damnagesa................. 259,80 By Shesp killeS by doge......... '288*4 By Surveyln '............ 840 By oupenses lfumiclpalEBlectiont,109680 By insurance Town Hall.. ......1250 By Taxes refundad, ... ... 7650 By Prlnting, adarlising sud sta- t 19821 By - 8650 To Balance ................ 6521 Lowes Have rcie a large consignment of CROMPTON & cols.) iCelebrated A djus>ta b/e .Cor6ets,' Also a large lot of Canadian Cotton, which they are Belliuig very cheap, *::7 Tailoring and Dress Making tu order. Whitby, February 2lia, 1877. STOCK TAKJNG LOWES & POWELL. IS OVEýi, GOODS'MARKED DOWN! To make room for Spring Importa- tions, we will offer for ONE MON TH, Our whole Stock of1 Tin Ware, - Copper Wilre, 0f every descriptiosi or made to order.- STOVES 1. 'nstockjT I .T-OVES il Special inducerents to purchasers of Stoves f'or balance of season. GROSS & ýMACNACHTAN;j ALWAYS ON HANL AT- P RIN lllerohalt Tailo ring G-LE1 EstblheSt WHIC ITI M'Y WILL -MAIR UP CHEAP, FOR CASH. iMcMILLAN'S BLO'CK, 3 Brook. Street- Whitby. LAING & STEWAJIT. In anticipation of real stormy weather about Christmas, have'bought Several Articles which it miglit be wel for those people taken ýwitli the Cold and Hard Times lto inspecf. The goods refeïred. to are in such a&shape that they cannot altogether prevent, but will mateniaily assist in keepingout the Ã"old, anud driv- ing away duli care. For ini a stormy- day, whet la better than a good Fur' Cap on the..head ; a, fne warju- 0vercoat on your back, girth about with a sash or mufflLer, such as Laing & Stewart seil. 000--. MILLINERY AND MANTLES, MINKMUFFS AND FUýRS of most ail kimqs to cheer the Ladies, ate Wbitby, Nov. 22nd, 1876. AIO&STEWABT'S. 48 - Have just opened their stock of c00. GOO0D, 140W OPEN. ao PER DAY. Froc emnibua te and from all roIns. Ta.ý hIe and appelimoat fdrst-class. - THOMAS SCULLEY. Lite of Ceuohiebiug Hoteî,' 6.ly Manage n STORE AND DELN TO- lET 1 A ILiverpeol MarhoS, a Novw Store and Dv.lng, ven fditeS np and vith <vary neesaary aceeinmodatieni. Axsply te- 3J. IHf.McCLELLAN. i3ecr. Sth, 1876. tf-51 lit ~4; p2 litP t'Cs -~ SALT! -SALT!!- 500 BARRELS GODERICH. Puai raceived anS for asie y T. LANVLEE & CO-. Whitby, Nov. 2ht, 1876. 4-4 THE NEW COMPOUND PHOSFOZONE. 18 restoes ta thei. mmm frana thse Phosphoriai or Animating Elements of Lffé.ý For Genmeral Deblllty, Stomsech. Cbeaad EhauimatisC ompintsu l"Fresh snpply rocoived by JAMES BERE-, Diapenalng Cieniat, Whilby.. B RYNTN'SRIIUMAICABSOPB- 700 doz3ý. soldisince April last. l.ots GREAT SWEEPING STI.L'L CONTINUEE Co. 's SALEIFANGCY S. A fresh batch of Goods plIaced on the cheap table., :00 No <ioods put on the Cheap Table, .but 8UCh asR are sure to command attention. The following are among the remarka- ble loiw hues-for, this week :-r--- Ladies' Flue Corsets at 50 cents, woxth $1 50. Bllack Lustre at 15 cents, worth 25 cents. Aberdeen Wluoies at 15 cents, wvorth 30 cents. Oolored Frenoli Meriuos at87-orth 60 cents.- AHeavy 'Cotton -Shirtiug at 12J- cents. - Flue Lambs' Wool Rose- at 25 cents, -worth 50 -ets. -Table Linon 25 cents. Two yarédfýwide Slieetlug iat 25 ctSx*-:worth 50 ots. Union etat 80, cùneý 4~ 0t. - Our Stock is large, Well assorited, and Cheap. ALBUMS, INE STANDS, BAG PUBSES, I1ER BOTTLÉS, BRACEETS, FANCY. HAMR BRUSHES, BOXES FOR JEWELRY, MUSIC ROULS MRAR PIPES, PBUEY -BUSTS, PABIAN, PAPIERTEBIES, - CA-RdCASESg, PEABL. PARIAN WABE.- CABD, VASES, TARTAN. SPA-B ORNAMENTS. CARI) BOXÉS, SMELLING BOTTLES, CIGkRI CASEiS, TOBACCO POTICHES, C IGAR HOXES,TOS C'GA£ BXEVASES, fOBEMIAN eLASS. ,'JOLOGNE FAŽICY BQ TTLES, WATOH STA-NDS. DRA-UGHTS, - WA-LLETS, DBES1EG VASES, - WRITIG DESKS, FANS, IVOBY, WOBIKBOXES, e1AVE A-ND HANDKEBCHIEF CA-SES, &eCi., &C.SeC.1, Cail and seeý our Stock. W tbDcc. l8th, 1876. S.W. B. JL4SHION4BLE Z &Powè"ýll 8M- I Dress Goods, Winceys and Flannels, -Hosiery and Gloves,- Manties and Clothing. #C- At Speeially Reduced Prices. .Ç HAMILTON& SIIEJeeA~ 080,014 82 1 whitby, ja=a"y Blet, 1877. ) S-- BAUS LIVERJOt)t. 1500