Agency-L Li -Mirelsuss, iltStionaas-. -cklupemots,&o. tise Davi ýL&sôn"on lot of- Pickes'ig, ô Wéd- i4th 1877.-L. Pair- aer. )k lmpiûents, tititise John D. McAtsy, on 8tis cou. or Pickenlng, es lotis '077.-L. Fais-. Atni atayls hotél towu VENCY SALÉ#, 'Little, né Bays&isotl, ssdsy, lotisMssch.- Ikusdy, arI~8, tB77. Liberal -Conservat ive MeEting îVe trasst titir wili ba a at-ong urus. tes- abtie anlimai maeting on Monda, sfxI, Tishens- is oesoclochi. Nos-es, prsa, ia this ues-yo! Caad-eoer tainly net isses (oionfcliu-wao thie., a limtavimehn tihe pelilical sa tilsaeLiai.l eon'itite wiiistise- h o, s- ortinieulIav ro meisl tisa countr-y 0s relfntly. senanlcd lime ariens -con. gi4os-ticn Of4 èrsy PLtriiec an-ont- ia swull as >ilisislIrý th euosairatina sssk.Tise ruinose se(sada policy ssiuateiy peniat Sun, daajite aIls-aetn.u sitatsi ansd tti ulos- opeleaseaof - oeking le thansw te raileve tisa indus- tries o! tisé latisiùi-osatihe dat-k Sept-es- sien avilis' aviç1hstisey as-S aikiséd dows aru n a va iotise -afect o! eiesat- ilig frêom tise ssen lu power nany ln- pauSent supporterasavio have bifltiot coasfidsd l isathis-deceptive pt-omises. A crsits may bacneas-er ah baud tissu tisesmen wavisoleI ai-tise peoplea aI lar-ge erpact. TisaIMi-. Mackanzic, -kuewil)sai lie inuit tisaI ha bas lest 'ljii ilil spots ti., scountr-y, avouid tilu s1ssig,5mg, ns- ifs i s *paty folinavars wuild psîrsmit lisin te duose, ao long as liseaotn ,Iss-au" t ornase, avé do net Ili'ti - lie 4o neseeit. Jleoignalioa is Ibis ihs-stii~ ul ars-ue tisaI may ha - -'îtsî rosaisS lius ors- i.. But ciïcimsatassoes nmay rizb -to foi-ce t1ise tis, wiio elutolied îmowas-b? i-sa.O fiîi:î2f si fraisîlasîup tIse people, fs-os 1mi,13ie0 rsssshossliua tisa 1,le-,% s ndisl iset- oui t- M-es6s1o! (dus-- isitssiit say, tifso tiiîit avîuls ps- asle cliii Pulicll -nare, nItmîiny me- smonttet-t-cisc il sands!couspellus Cabinet - lIrois-oc a n aes-iicato of chas-acter fs-omilte alacîmi;rs. Tise hint bas; beau ais-eaSy tliisow ut nt lu ustlies- direction. 0t(Iir !siands lisoulsl lie ptapai' for ail p mshlilee m.irii a thsrefore ave umga s argo ttrud ic~se on Monday nous; Wilstb-yf Pet, -i-Y & Lindsay Raihway 'Ë3Isa esitiai repos-t eS ud fneiaî $tcenbtii5iial li li ai elercluhua, -tîsmaîço net alete s gsatifyissg exitibit for p- tise paI, but a ceing erisibit fer theso fitalie-of tise Vistby,- Port Pet-sy &i Uaiuiay lis llvty. A cbmpiatiaou- wti lise alt-amienla ofcillernronSa goeenta uuses- e tst tisa earniasgs have beau las-gem-,on - huierassI o! lwculy ssules, -,open for o nly fis-o sllis of tisayess-, éissa ou auy due? Canadiguis Bailway. This e! Itueit wçsuld lisueabeau vas-y aatlsfacts-y lts théo aimai meeting, but eoupleS ailistise.facI e! tise large -d ditinuascf roiiing aoth andl equipsssenl, tisa- matis!acei-ry 1pi-grea so! tisa al- tension, tliselvale a a{i e! $00,05 frosss itie (dumentet, anSdlIse assur- ulnce. at ILit.s-rn oaSaeid ha open ----'.ssla It)ll-in'Sy by fis-t Jasua, lises-a is indoeail, lissa e- rCongatlation.1 'l11se uucaqLeil inaiomssgsimansuSdit-- ictiion avilhs bave isromgit abolit tîsis -P-lùaeing- state o! tinsig eau neitliar'hbe tise iigii p ilosus-nver-noiutuemid. fl ii 1uoeilcéInSutlier coluuna, a a lts-y. worllsy citizen ta*aviiesammoosy a t!iîadty intiCeýufsO'o! upwarsls of tavunty yesas tisss fer a word os- lao enisida tise cs-inas-y netiosi. W 0 Iiuaa jim lîwayo ai a warma-hated 'kiasd, fltis goeisouima aviso baS îuuny friands sud appearsd te, gain tIsé good opinieon o! aIlaitS avion ha came mb contact, FOI naarly lavatys-sasshos filleS lise O officeotwnship Clark Su 'EnsI Wiith y lu a faultiosi mannes-, bis couduat meeting ailis lie genérali stis- faction 01 Paty'ienaiaanS eppounuts. liewaant aIl i Is -as-ey usefisl man iisliis locslily, And died respecteS sud s'agi-steS hy biq neigihons. godi to tliI- niounocemeut, 'thé fins$s*xY bas-s Yet mmporie& ~Theis- la aé o btalaing saesvdy'is sepu4ton, $4u MAVTuw-Pns-e llfé--al»ssed cat4it# MAJ 1FORw à t-t'îsl Whltby Town 134 Whitby Tnobshp au Broo~k 0 Mau-p'54 Rama -6 Thoisis 142 Beaih 89 Soot 72 soegcg. 20 Uxbtidge T'aeip1 5 Uxbrldge 1<-U. -a5 Pcr~Pagy -- 14 PicDring 145 Oshawa 42 Total 654 228 Majority fer tise bill 481. The-Psasdent cf theiUnîted States. Butisef:d B Hayes has been ceunI- eainPsélnt. cf tise UniteS States sud Wbeeler VUle Pt-sablant. The, catis cf office, was takenOîs ond sStise Inibugural Procession made Uondiýy, On thé daY wb-esitisa discussion e1 the Commission VA$ giron thé New York Suas appeas-eS in deep MnriFÈ9 sud lits baklotter- iedr 0004I- "iTise, re day. cf humiliation, éhIsso, and mournmg for evéry pAtziotlo Arn- A Cenundrun. My fitst att-uts round tisa bas-n Seat- And peck. lisrongh ditIndsudng;> 'Tis aloue usleolp a sewar- Or beai-y bst-rol's bung. M sucesîd, a pet 1111e bird, ;ugnactionsud cenceited, HI. nais y dalles- lu a crowd Wilb langhteroalliextesteS; Tise tiiomg la nul tise'sparrow part Wilh bers yen would describe, Bn-t as Mont houenqt men apsert, 'Tis cf th. »mWr/aey Wtribal1 it n ethera te-mnois-oav Tise péapla csll 'Cock-sparrow'?" L&itas AN») SPLNustIer ST-ecniMcsst- W. J. Hickia & Co's las-go aud apicudisi i- stock jutte banS is we il vostby oafin- -speelien. Tic. ladies say tlsoy have 0 navet- seau aulytiiinlor ar net-aI y(sactive lu dresa-goods. Theeisae aery- - (ing o! tise cisoicoat frais> aviicîs le - saka a alaclien. Collona, canhbiies, Ef audà eeda S im aI lina aise irakeaa ses-y -large displsy sud sellins- aI nuusnally -o iwpt-boas. lu gentlemen's furuishings 1 Mesura. HiohiSa & Ce. bava tisa con- -pieteut stock iu tevu, embs-acing arsy as-halae!fgentlemsan's war. Tisa new -styles cf hala Ibis eps-ms aaes-es-ynoaf sud avosmerftly lcw ia ps-ce, cansider- issng tisa fine qnality. Tise raady-ntaie lotiiug depa"~memit il;aveu supplieS sud tisera is intlestl s splendlid stock la chciléfroru. Tise îiOw stock et freahi gi-acerbes avihi uot feu fte temnpslise bousakeapat-lua seat-ch o!fltaesigist article snd gettiug, good valsa fuor lier nsonay. RusAwAY.-A lisrabelons-lus-to UsE A. Bas-t-tt, s-su saay on Tisurisîlay es-oniog lest, avien aboputlisaf way a taveen Whitily anS Bs-ookliss. Ms-. UBuartatt baSt get cnt oaihe w aageus ts i th on- Inhumler aviich isa in bu Ilaisetise- hersa slat l' urS 1-ltMs-. Bars-elI te gel bouse tiesa bashîmy lieacasld. 'Tie hsomaeavas nI stappes itliimI-it lied pasueil tisregis toavî. Tlisa 4inage dossc wus shigist. Ss-. ANDJSIVms-mCIMIuITem o ci.On o! the nost succesafuil re-csnipins of tlis kiui tisaI basl takan place for s leon- lima avas the seirea gis-eu by limaladies alla mnembors o!flise congs-esatiou a! SI.9 Audraîns obus-cI on Tlsnresday lest.1 Tise tablas avera avait ps-eridc-sl, ise1 speaiig, &t. g-a-sd, esp£eiislly diaS su cloquent ps-ecîioah emdronaç,, iritul e! geod sanie, frosu Ras-. D. J. Musedan- ahi centribule te tise s-eues-l entes-tain- 1'Mr. Blow, inevod aesouSed bIv Mr. Hopins,, Ihat lise petitlon, o Widow (Jarseron be referred to the Finance Commnittae, te report tises-écu fortiswitb. (las-s-ed. TUilE StAsOR STI&UUPTHE s -lClOMITTEZB. Tise busRiness cf tise apuneil being de- layéd waiting for thet cemmititees tu usake np thiat reperts,ý tise 'uayor foal occasion te reinind geuItlemen cf Iheir duty Su givbng attention te thse prepar- &tienuof reporte befora baud instead 01 keepiug thse wliole council waiting On * SNOW MY-LiW. Mr. Vetguenn brougistin, the sues by-law, wlich aftes-a leugthy diacossiona in wiicb mauy suggestionsB for inprev- iog 'tise -y-law wera given. wVas -ew Ià etebsck ote stt-eseand'impreveý 'mnonts cemusittee wiîh tisé. namea ef Mr. MoMlUff sud nithe Mayer added,tt have il rectifieS à o as te suit the views of tihe Concil. RIELIEF. Mr. Ormoiton brougltith ie report 1 cf relief cemamittea recommendiug psy- meut acceunt ofcfhus. Peunylegficu cf 130.Report adoptedl., Mr. Gibsen brougist lu the report ef tisa Finance Conmittoe racommending tisaI listaies cf-Ms-s. Thempacu, M. eau. and Ms-s. Grant ha ramitled, oee feus-lb lie taxAs o! J, B, Powell on. boussesdestroyed isy lis-e a s-amittIéS bisaI ne reduction le sllowed on tics takes cf Widow Calbes-n, and ask for fustIer tima te, report ou pecilion o! J. E. Sanderson, Eiport aïdopted, ItETUSRNLmO OLLECTORS ROLL. Mr. Gibson, secondeS by Mr. Blow, movadîhe tax oollecter lbave tîtrea weeka fustiser lime gsanletlltimfos-te reluru- iflg o! heols sansd Ihal nfustIer ax. tensions ha rmade. Report adopted. CON9CuLIOATcOsi ORt"SOslEItNG." Mr. MeMihimt, accnded isy Ms-. Os-uiston »ioved, tise finance con3- uittea lbc rauired tu examine imb lise flunmces of lise Iawn, sud report at no::t meeting wlîieî- iy consolidation et- otisnswise lise pt-ésent Itigli rate o! taxas ean bu scdneed. Mr.'Orcisaoi, scoanrleclhy Mi-. Han. esen Hi a i, orohip thse Mayor- be allo e prmnsait-o uput up % ver- anduis inflot-nlo! lii. buuluinga on Brok streti. Cet-t-ld. Atlflhi051tiElORT. 'on motion of Mm-r. Blow the uditora aftar adopting it et-dard tlIat the pps-lt- iug conmnmnteeabuho taltneS tu have il publisisec in boti tise town papera eI a coeIo otn more titan $80eascii. Council thon adjouned. M r. W. H. Gibbs on the Goal Intet-est -A National Policy Wauted. On tha motion for s select cemnittea cu tIsa Nov-a Scella Ceai ImtreaI, Ms-. W. II. Gibs saiS tisaI if lis. gentlemen on tse Gos-aiment idae!ftise Hesîse avare Su favus- sotf Protection te tise coul induas-ry. tisay muaI comae ont fs-n emoup- theet witis avioin tley aae n at;.sodiaead. <Gisserse.) Tisay conid net e 1iattii uus' b olesiclate imply for mpocimil inles-emita. Whly lsouiit thiey lias-c Pt-stetiomt eos coatI uîm orue-eliais ou avisomt, flit ni ?ta ttesiHa belilatoiluwas îcadulblsa te) rcarrîsiga Il,, tarit! 8 as tu gis-s> Pmûlttion to o'lzilr l V;is' thiimisstiiolitt mmctcs- iusgoss- tx.tiuucur <els'. (Upar, irero. i-To S i(j b loaver-, tua ilifier- aoc t l>-e,.r nai ff-s-coi- Provtices il iiîiii immg l ep nimîko slumtirial Cons- isli.(liar, IiiT'. iv<wtii5hf hhe îs i cc-tmsiitg) wes %w.lss'Iser es- soit iwa.s Jwie inaly <>1'lihe G-v>rsumetb ta adopt isîseit 0, Ir-aiey aav oataoane reloe athle ei'mnîslýronts-isc lsepresio unticr wlicl, il avs ,iow <ui!a-in-,, anS slyos-cti isProtsection tSo(ut-iu1ÃŽuatr-Ss tht t!é li w aigsliss-rire fil ftIsa fiure. 1lc bal tisaI l ins su atter tIsa(l- oreru- meut li-S Dot Ltse Confildenda o!flIse- cens-te-y. Tisay tunat kmow lIaI lissa- sehras, sud ltisarafora it waés timeis- duty la gis-e thse catislsy ait upjaortanity h pronontice -ypen t1ioir î,oiicy. (~ce-. If ilsay tl-i'isitthiey lad tciso confi- douece of tihe -nitySe inviteS tison t<a appc'ti toLil. App!uutse.1 Tote, fie ditor of ts th- 'îtyG~oser t-auruuga cf lise psevous yesrwhléh mes t gratifying coosiderlng the ve Sgeneralcoemmer'cial Sept-essieu serieuz affectng asit ha8 the tram. icof alml eveasy railway Su thé oeuntsy. 8. Thse workisig @%pennes for tl X- year ainouoletLe $81,405.58 boing 62. 4pes-en,-an incraeaof 2B.7er cet ins coin parisou with 1875. - 4. Thé atontf; as-s-ed tea eedit Profit sud Lois accouint ihanbeau #]H f 095.75. > 5. Thé Per-manesnt way, Buildink ILoce' motiveii sud "Bolliug Stock, ha; beau maintained lu complate repais- ai efficiency. .16.toum of uéw Iron BsJ L sud 9,000 Tias have beau placé l in ti -ts-ack dotiug tise yéas'. f CI Tise cas-s, formésly renteS frô tisa British American Car Coc., cf Mo: t-cal, aud Locomotives, Cars, steam E boat andS So, and, other pi-oper fet-nerly renteS fsogMaus. Austi Michie, Fulten & .Holdeu, have bot pus-ciased by tise0comgany ralieviug -of a isavy bat-don ana' nateinlhiT1 creasiug thé SividénS paylng ibilisîy tise un'lertaklng. 7. Astated intbe1ast Annual pet-t, aà 13y-low wss subsittad te group o! uunloipallties cf tiseCon of Victoria for #85,000 whicis was cas- * a. By-laws wene also submlttead1 lise Tow;n of Whltby aud tisé Village Port Pas-sy for 020,000 asi, bath wbich we cars-ed. 8. Work on construction was cou suenced luJue hast by tise Oonts-actci Messrs. Gihonu & Dixon, oinca wiS lima il bas beau tiges-cusiy p-ecèedi wîtis. Naarly thé whola lina havisi beau gradeS ta Liudsay, ana the ire bas beau laid te Manilla station, a d& lance e! 18J miles. A grain fatereisoe lins been at-actaS aI Ibis statien of 120 0500 busisels capacity aud s large quai lily c1lgiain bas beea rteady pýrt-dhsa by Messrs. Gibbs & Bt-es. 9. The Cenîractors hsvisg agread i accapt $50,000 of tisa Conpany's Bout as parc payaient on accornut o! couacs-nc lion sud witis theotaIes- reseurcas o! Ih Company a gond finaucial basis havin bt-en sassureS, application' was agmai niade for Goves-ument aid whicb lis been gi-suIeS btiste es-lent cf 82,M(1 paer mile, paiyable lu instaisuénts aprea, over 20 yeara ; thia wSll enaure Ih completion sud equipmanb.of tisa line wisich il i. éxpected will héie peued fo trafflo in tIhe mentis o! June npît, thu faisig s oonu.ctien wirh tise Victorii -Railway, tise gi-est colouization rosi ait-eaSy cempisted te Kiumount, s Sis tance o! 88 miles sud wbici tise Gos ernnenî bas agreed le aid te lits éOmt pletion te the Upper Ottawa. 10. - In anticipation o! tisé earli apening cf thé -lne te Lindsay aberi 2f acres o! latilbave been pus-ciased a Whiîby for a yard, senSet-eS necessoas- by thisee-aseS facilities whicb wil bl requit-ed. An addition bas aueo bas- maSe o tesaLocomotive sud Bollu; Stock o! a fit-st cîas uaw Locomotive ptsrchas tem inte Portland Ce., anS lit-st clans Soow piow, fson tIsa Outarit Car Co. A contreel hbas also beau maSé witls t51is latter for lise suppiy'o! 2 Pees 0-ng"er couchas, i1liaggisge sud Snoii Car, 15 Boxi, 2 CaIlle, sud 15 Platforu Cars, to ha tlelivered by laI Jue nt. 1l. Il- lisving beau couaidesed ai. pedieut te aller tle nain" of tise Rail wsîy, mu special set lias beau obtaines alimmsgiug thse cnn te tise "Wisitsy, Port Pers-y, & Lind-ay Railway, aIe confirnîiug tise municipal 13y-iaws grant. ingz aid. sud oliîes-wioe ausndnéing tis Coaptiys ;chas-ter. 12. Tise Dis-oosebave piesante in Iastif3ing te the zeal sud efficieucy of tise offleers aud employees, iun cna ig tisa operationa o! tise cenupsny. Al cf wicicSa respectfully subnsittcd. (SigneS,) J. AUSTIN, Whitby & Pot-t Pert-y Extenaion Rail- way Ce. --Reveniue Accoun sud Profit aud Loss Accounh.----3151 Deccether, 1876. eoçaasc. U5L5tion Uit 5Jme5Lc saus,- DitAi, Sin -1Vt -%V"%L îen. - ~I caucat malta t omnt, hutitIcEEui. - -fat-i acro tIsers-a ima h a mistakae some- Pas5ers -.............. ,t30 MONREL ÈLERAH O,-are roght....Ses-vice ........41,448 49 raduolions lis Telesraps rates les-lus- onecd by tise people a! tAu counstr-y Express--------------------......187 44 beau made lu tisa United States, 3tia te -esjcstal dris-bt ; tise vwo=fea. oas- sStorae ..o-------------------------. 825 iMenti-es) Taies-repliCoîspacsy saesu- pus-ciosi o! tisonsai hat, lias-, offée-d $O6 ablieS to fMîwarS msfsas-e fi-n anada a smiye-s fr is adoption ; touas o! s t h l o e s - s y a v a f s - n t u i s - p u l p i l i e S s o - L t iE N I I T i B . tae iapnrlt.lpiassea ita sataro. caaS it, onae, I have itaierd, e-io onvfanaun-Baavy - 1075 Midl, ndveser Satsfo seft ofar ne te tgail hoeWofollMaliti o mndbiliga 40v cents. TisuCoxpauyle aiseo fos-ard- 'volseagmit iasnus-Ses-esc; anSda-cIre Maiataiulung Machinas-y aud licu- sîmsnîisas-mm a!volors hava conts-riuei I lus-Stock,...................2,584 85 iusg Gable Massas-es eI 25 conts, Per t-s -îîir ahI tomarsaseourins- il & 1 - t g Train Ses-vice-----------------...4,458 il word, and bave Ils.e nîy reieta lreusii mjorily. AnS yeî 1 hieasnet lma, GStalnSules..----------------,5084 Canadien tas-rites-y Su dis-cceornnswti-,e wlrn e-hi oyon ufrnial hastSl tisuesel Sups--------, 5 aiis lise Atlantic Gebie. I liasgoal1 people concernlu intaeenat--!- î luitIes, sslicis,accos-tiSas l te Air reea0-Total on Workin.- Expoes.....81,405 se Li~e-rcs Sevisms--Tsecnean nry gs, ai-o fiîiy i-Iuss-aisIe gaismat tisa NLtRevenue--------------..19,095 75- sericNeNs du i is ITauahe utoiafr mou whso etti-aho bat-lt-y, ùcm iaeei 5018 servics, duing teiLelenmîeiSis or ofil. 'liutii-y 51i7ytbitt ExiinuLd tinS found cors-et. e0518 thé Euglisis Episcopal Obus-dm, ara cou- tj ilissa inuit b-utanaoscwe-(Signed,) dadaS lby thelies-. E. H.onIe c iAl t-i is-Ilelvtoiss oihes- rosat-ii lare-quît-- JOIN J. BOSS, B. MORTON, Saints' Gisus-cis, Wlilhy, oes-y Wadness- P a lmrtisa oua s'iiehi aatuiîaSly sasy--1 ayTra - Auclilar- FriSa7 avelus- et 7 cbecl.. geitIiahi, -i--tisaI cîm ineddhusna 5e>' ----. ,Interféeone Istise gs-iath Ori'sala o!f PROFIT ANID LOSS AOCOLTNT. Tint iL. C. CONERTcss-ANIS) ba~.---lariey mroahuld e e iihes p',pilas- 005 TaBalance, 31s1 Dcc., 1875-...529,17 3,5 -' at--o aaify iir tawtng of Fm' natî eTo Itmset on floudSe-...... - ,1500 0 Tisa entarlaintunut ieid in ltae Town'! qumsrke1 lia f dt nto s-w hai"ao iterest on open Acraunns. ... 9,0419 5e hallI, Port Vas-i-y oudmny ce-ains- tbpiseuîtm ina mmalie i, ns- aiS uriskûy a-t-ITatLmcomoivse aud Ces- Hi1<-. -,.-5,408 28 2Gtm Fhyira o!a iipi-lu' o-Se- asi,1limn i rime esar lcîy feu- hti t ur-ToeCharter Sta. "Victoria" anS 8 basidesubeins- maIl paîrouinesi, war§j pOG', WsciaItl.t~iiert fiif >it-Uit Istî aiOb- Te Backtauan on PI. l'es-sy Lots 126 13 isiglsIy appi-ecisted'le eves'y îi-lu,.aî - a nies lasis-lt suîunplss uitablhialfor Tu ItasrieleneOe.her &- Mata, oîf iualiling, unit tsess-by rai-ns-e l'as-tison- Account--------------------..275 003 Pîc5-oetei.TI~~t-stey-fo mss-roîres a clains- ulte " ifuîlsyIlsigsim iisON.Tl8 eiayfo e.ptides" aeluS iouitroseprtiîita."- Vide 55,216 28 vous avéakuas, dabiIity snds-eues-aI les- tisa Globe o! Feby. 26t.-IL inay ba of By Revenue Amt .enu ....-819,W95 75 situde, saams to.a, gainting faveuir ditiIy- cous at isItise nou avie lias-a tas-years l3Y overoitarge on Lownnaive I ----------------------------------,4128 as tiségasIes ascre pisly incs-asius.- 1ust beeu laltanuns- upon tIse ps-aitas3y Revenue SIs-. "Vicoa"...-25 78 wlsieihu-aecereta tei ei -ns tIe iy PsarCent lIes-est allowae F'or suie hy ahi Drus-glats. [Sece ads-t.J - aus te tsas-sy men mpeulnitu sy on purchasa cf Cursfsen B. Borshun t,,-an issanîns- ahanas aitisaut elini A. Cas- Co. Iraindate of - &30O S So10m-NM.s-.tunîleis lias , t aSes-vice .............7,1648sa onbad ccsîetstcksutala~ os- in ttnu Itse ait tise aviile beaun By Balsaca---------------....25,29 24 oban uwcletsoc utbefrsas-anay uneonecicusc lsotee ct tIsaI sptiugaear. Ftur- mtyla, quality, atîi caclisana ai tisanmIsas beau a pis-laker 55,216.28 dusahliy-Sauaiiéu'm work enylt bha oflima $pils, or, saitli avyes- aouid Bay, EBianlued sud feinS correct. etietn. - parfi.-e-ps it'iin." Tiay aili tsea, (SigneS,) dlotuhttiuly, avien lIse lis-hI bresasiSuJOHN j. 1ROSS, B. MORTON4, sîpois lisatu, aandls-casirs thea fat Sp-Secy.-Treas. - Audilor. Han. T. N. GIS. au tise Reptaîto! tia Parent, tisaI ailtlise chasitalansds-en- - Inialvent Act. crans tisg. bt bui-a beau saiS ePItie Whitby & Port Pers-y Eutcîspion Rail- Devil'a nico meu"-midoc the Gazete- avay Co'--Balauce Siýet, 3:1 Heu. T. N. Gba teai thlie. jusm.i-areasa ailisequel justice sud force "applic- Dec., 1é7S. e! tise question av ie s saiS Ialije-sslî - - able te tiseinseinas, repent sud tait. AS-qETS. tisaI tise Act baSheau rendes-ad obui-m.- restitusttn. ItWL iroldeeu-aitiy hleiais- lshttof "-y-...S 82,886 991 bous 1y h. ag numbas- o! peeple> ra -liioke>d bett-s- if tiati ort-s- of rotation Construction olBed- b>' large aujous-mihy Tise Macs-Sluin beon Oh-. avay. stimi lxpen- uorlinta oit, anSd vien criemîtora racein- serveS, "ruait 1ypioesito, t-ast fit-st tisa sesa cossuecled sa s malildividanS fsomn auestate îlmay beaus out a!ftisine ownru aye, and thoan ieroavith .-...423,15#1 2G avare moeeincliseS te bâme tisé Act saict tîs fesiCa v hecriy lpsl 0nuit ,TiseRali n as- Stock - 858l88 lissa hlâme lisemîels-as. Tii. rest difi- natea t Isin lstlsy bhîscerbi aya." t nole1laeis-<- t culyws u lsehr~gbg !ai-ad1 est ay, hoesst-r, ha irisgtl ii in isiuatîaas Wbarvas-....20,698 98 cult wa in he of fruda etis te iuconsistency appas-euh issIavasu Sis-. "Victoria" sud debtor te justice. if lha fal strousl-hyin their keenneag o! perception as ta tIsais- Scoa...........15,485 00 fava-r o! votlug for th. rapeaIocf thia 1Bill, brothsrs' feulp, and thisaus sness as Ciet onitRoud antd lia avuld hesilale te do il allia. presaI la tIsais- own, tisat. tisa p-ofassional lac- Equipmno........ 0556,647 68 time sud thsug bsinconfusion item- tus-et-s ou tempereste ansd prohbiiohn, Expmndtsre on Ex- merdiai irclss. Uudès- asdînés-y cis-- anS thisa is-a-al assistants avio bave «y ..----------.71,945 o3 cunilancéu sea ouid feal it hie duby le foi-tlb.nonuce taken op tisa saine raie Municipal Trust acet. 105,1300 00< vete for thé netion o! tisa bon. mern- as esmeteurs, have ual beau impoliS odad trsu 176,145 O3 ber et RicItlien, butunadeor preseut ais. j y thse forci o!fLseir ptineiphc's, uer leilWood an Stre,14 aitauces, lhe fehI inclineS 1a vota for by th ie sîreuglift lmis- convictions ta Frisstu .e o- - tisa amendosant o! tisa bon. unemisar sSnonisis Itens,as tlite ps-odacet-nso!tht. paFs-ais-ht ..S.e.taCons. tas- Hamilten. Haeuili net as-teeavis s-s-w mates-lS, ofal icci-s-or o! tiSîil- weys, Due Gomnpany onu the ps-opceal tisaItise debtors- abeld haes- rte denot;tiço limnt for tise pas-I îî open Accounî.... 8,799 68 abliged-te péy-fffty cents on lia6 dollar, lia-a takcne inu bsisting- about ahi 'the GBaisnoastHaîd------------82& 60 bud féaS I hal ' if tisiscause avers in- driman-sd 'clisoe.ahl!lise iednees Profil anS Loos..- 25,2M24 Is-oduca bta tisa bill, it'l a6 uiu ansd:tlisfeifms, aich lise obeau aI- lange numbes o! p erssnoe in t-ada Isibubed leaaleebl. .768,88846 te go lIe bu ns-ee. Ho diS net - Yeurs tmuIy. 'LAIIIlS thiakit Stpossible, anSoeaxîstias- oi-um- --- 0 . PASTWiOOD, M. P. 1-irtMcrtsagp bnnus$tS6,90 00,,5 stances, for an esaé tobchaplitinlao ii-' - P.S. Thse Globe, i L rpaat ot Duehy Company- oit, solelsncs- anS n&v ift cs iate la î ufnud it Qanvenient1oibtemus-t o,..c, .- puAcon.. 24710 ci 9,- 'Il 4 ci tc te- as 0, la ie la sy I1 bt a- ly P, 12 las- nré liés-eS il le he t1i"eIipy to anstlu tise iaav, nmaclng- sincls -ajtmep met'as avréecasmar>'. SLiaiuly toPublic, ,A00 Capital13 "-- iadup - - Pla Do- opeaieuo orsiaemaacng uses inutisé réa muu'lclpalities, svè suaceeddiluobtrlu-., mdis a grant fçeesthe ceunty of Victoria oa o! 5, (ros-m Port Pos-ry $20,000, me from Whitsy *20,000 Thé Diréctes- as-a happy to ble* 1ato info-m yenthal n lise Outanie parliarnnt lbas seaulise m- importance cfDus- cennection witb lb. a- victoria Rais-aS Mas acolenîsatien ýy llcaS, lugrand=in us nid te tise amut so cf 02,000,,par'Égla. These auina addad eu- togathafisavé establsbad for-thisaa Il pas-sapé a good aà fisisuclal basis as 2- shewu by any otisîsroadlu Ibis section Off e cusy. Thsis will SalI fan short of tisé smousct irs-ad te 'complete anS equip tise road i.u a Ppeér nrad avisouhatbeau evion he fous- pet-sons ,*hahùebea oblgie tofinance dur 1 ig te lst'thrseyaa-s, espeiaiy t.beau able to piodgeoras dispose of tise ofbonds, except te a amall citent as col- of laberal to, suhstantiel scnsities of an undoubtad value, Neîwitisstauding n-tiasa difficulllas, avé havé net tisa saaigisteat doubt, but tisaI ae will ie ahi. ,jte carr ont us- pnomises .to tisa 3d municipalities smsSe aItlise Sifas-eut gmeetings haiS, sud thus we avili hava tisa n)locomotive aviistié snoindiug te ttha a.poepla o! Lindsay befora lise fis-st day o! BDnaît June shewiug Ihat the confidence liese5?gsnes-ansly confiSeS in ns wes -net mîspîticed. Whatever lise fleancial. reulte may ps-ove il wiil always b. s sous-ce o! consolatinn tleunetle relleet ti ts we have aI leasî redeaned es-aty ops-anise maSs by us, sud aboyealal tisat Cw. nay s-easonably balee a tisIwa 10posseussth. geomi wiashea o! tiose gentle- man wiso wes-kad witis us witis se munit zeal ln urs efforts le carry ont tisa ex- etension le Lindsay. XVe as-c aise satin fiaS, tisaIs-ai-y faw pariisons tais opposaS tIse sciseusa atfittbut av iso'w me- kuowiadge tIsItisey do net mztudge tha amnnt o! Ihk-jr contr-ibutions. The Ir dis-actera lnunoticig the dealis o! thisat Lalata colcagné, Ms-. Clipster Drapas-, fsial asure tisaI ailwihill ie wtI Ilin lu thisas-expm-ession e! eluceret-agi-et attsa tisa le.o! tist aI gsiestsau-ceofo!us- mnoat sbie sud devoted gentlemen at -tise Boa-S, avio baS avoskad aviistitecu fus- s11a sy yea-a in (he aes-t dci-- r b advanca tise intereats o! tise ms-and avisa avs taioen se suddenly froin amaugst us. - Mr. Helden, is ruviawiug lthe grainuai -pt-cgt-as. e!tise s-ansdtheie> crese of traffia, compareS the aaruiriZn a!ftise Wisitby linaoai tistose o!falter rail- ays, ahewiug tIsaI wiiatis a atuiug'q o! the Hamilton & Pot Dos-e vt-. it;3O miles o! rond; werebut %'88,0 nud tise, a aringpof thea Midissd, vilIs a linao o 1283 milesis, lenglis, ansilise aruinga cf ai cliat-roao, Acep.t lise Nettern, lied du. clinsti, tia Wisitby & Port, Ferry Rniwaa avilis ely tweurty miles of!a a i in -t uiug ores-es, aas tisa ouiy îaiiway lu Canda tinaI sieaed ses me-raie Sntiring ttisa-.aIyens-. Ha bail estiitüd od u grosa émrniusrastaI$50,000 ; tht-y cauitr up le $50,5030. the. soaS heing <'petsed ouIy fs-vea udis ef Uic ycar-aid lie expectod tisaI, avilistis e sxîeuaouto Linfliay, tise future cas-ninge wîtliu tht-e. yen-s would fuelt mp $150,000. fMr-. Higgius eipressed lise gratitica- lion, aviich ie waas aura çoîsld ha feit, hy evas-y friand nf tisas-ond, at tho sues-esswbiicilised attendeStisth a n- agemnsetlise panî yammr, sud nItlise future prospeof e!cmîbauced eas-nin's. lia balievad tiaI Tir. Iolmleu'seoxpeeta- lions avould nt.only bhaleuha-, lut 1tiaI tise $150,000 pradiced by htint t weuld ha doublelaiatas-tise rond isd beau s-unming ba Linsay vilhsin the Ibrea yaas s entionod. On notion o! Mr-. Dryden, seco)ndeS. by Ms-. Higgina, tise report avas adopl- ad. Ms-. Allin noveS, scoeoolaI hyMr-. Higgius, aud s-esived-Tliat tise Sacra- las-y hoand Ise is iseraby dit-ccatet call a special geneas meeting of ch. shasaehoelSsof Ibis Comspauy, 10 b. haisaI ttise Gompany'a Office ln tise Toavu o! Wiitby, ou tise Bist day of Mat-ch, 1877, aI lis euosf a! lVAi nocu, for tIsa pus-pose o! cousides-ing sud if deemed advisahiae!o autsoizissg lise dis-etore: lai. To issue sncb firt-ansd sacondt metgago bonds o! tisa Company as St1 may ha empoves-eS leissua for snch sons anS payable in sudsi manine- as lis, directess hink advisabla;- 2uS. Te tae snob slapa as lise Il- s-actera may deeni advisahla in os-Ses-tu sal aud if they desmu il advisabie te sali aIl et- any o! sucis no-gaga bonds et tisa istprices lise dis-ectora Ilîiuliceau raouabiy ha gaI for tiru;t Bs-S. Until suaIs sale, te o s0-tgAge or bypetisecata tise saiS handie, ail or any o! tison vili auy t-editor2 a! the Comnpany incltuling, Mesre. 'runlimm, ituel! ta tise majot-lty cf tise people oai c tise Province, sud o! Ibis; section aI ait ci avents, in aidins lthe Wisitby, Port gi Par-y & Lindsay Baiiwav. Tise oslyIi tising te compiain o! was Ih&t lise pi amanIbaS not been naSe larges- i tha t-è iousaud dollars a Mil,-as hoe fi ballés-ad tisa soaS wasjually entitiad to. pi Tise Goea-neunt have doua aveu, Ilew ei eve-, sud hess oveS, saconded by My'. w A. T. Fuiton, tisaI Ibtis meeting take Iu, tis appos-lunity le express tiseir app-o- ol s-ai of lthe taily poîioy adeptad hy tl: tise Goves-nment aI tisa last session o! n 'lthe Lagislatnt-a lu aidin- iaadissg lina, la e!f Railays, sud cspeciîhiy lise coloniz- fs alion Rsilways o! Ontario as wehi (E à eseadbps-omoe thie saîlent s sud mocrase tise valute of unsathed W lands in tis.Fs-ca Grant Tes-rites-y cf tiseLi Ps-os-inca. Cas-rieS nnanimously. ci Ms-, Micisie mos-ad, aacondad by Mt-. h Fulton, bisaI wises Ibis meeting adjaunus R ilt stand adjdurued ntil Satns-day, thé' bi 2nd day e! Juna, 1877, then le useat aI Il tise Compd.ny!o office Su tise Townu.of at ýWitby, attsa bous-e-f12, ucen, Ca-- y Y.' t s- M.p Oud thoad Joint Stock Ce. Tbus-sday Mat-eh lat 1877. Fer the tis-st two heure o! tise aflar. Inôoonsilting lise euly husinass -was cfa 'formai chat-acter, soe ma sues heiug dispoe an sd disesspled. Tise Speaker sunouncdlise judg- meut cf tisa Suprême Ceut nt-thie Chat-levoix case, asu a a-las- bhout- tisaIh haS isund a warrant for a writ fer a uew elaction lu tisaI ceunty. . , er récesa, Mr. McKay noveS a raseIuti4nO. f a Comit onautisa ceaI indus e, whiah, gava riete oa- ]engthy discussion ou tisa question o! the Nova CeaIl intes-est. Fiualy ,Ms-. Cartlwrightislun aaenîiug to tisa Gem- milée, deaired il should * ha ndes-tood tisaI tiha Cmmlllas muet nol ho r-- ga-ded a eutiîled ta, recomnueud tise imposition o! a-tai,,'Tisa Govet-umeul proposeS te add le lise Committe tise names cf Mesura,' Applaby, Laurier, Sidîsait, sud Dymond. Ms-Bewel abjecteS te some nanas au tise Cmmriîtee asa 6 point o! orSef- Aftar soe discussion, an ameuS- niant was nova avoiding tisealleged objection. Th isafsst party debate 'o!tise sessli commenceS aI s litthe bafoe fis-e o'cioc] ,to-day, on tise notion te racaira tise s- ,ports o! tisa Gonuillea o! Ways au( Meens; in othes- aords, to assaut'ft tise uew tariS' dnliu's. 1 Sir John A. Madonld, buin anî mn>t 1 Ms-. Carlavright's motion foi recaption of thse fis-st repos-t o! the Gnou miittéeon Ways sud Menu, niové tisa thie resohulies hac net receivesl bu lmatit 1hch rt-ulveSby theo lonne tIi tise financial policy submitted by lis Govrt-ment iuct-ssen lise bus-Sens c taxation ou tise people aithaut au; cosusatins- advsntas-es to-Gauadiat iîsluntrir-n, sud, fus-dies-, tîsat tis lonst is o! opinionliaItishe deficieucy in tis revenue aisould ho mal hy s dimuinu. istion la tisa axpeudihure aideS hy soci a rea-ljsiftiteîso! tis a ts-if savoul,' kpenafit sud fasztes- tis aasricuitursil, min. lus-, sud monutt!nactu-issg industries eJ lte Deruiniosa. Sir Johsn rush. savigot-ous speachs à condernsmtion o! tisa cons-sa o!tIse Gev- etqment, aud aussoîttîced tIsaItisas-an. oaa qiseation e! lise fimauciai paîicy oa tise danntiy wonlil ha ps-séuteà is a for- smi rasolulion lates- lu (ha sascion. Ms-. Mickouzie t-apîied aitis equal s-sgt-s'hiq spseeh, Isoaves, coasistiaî of liii le hayanel bis oflen rapealed frai t-ode pitusas@ Mr-. Dtyonti loo h ie finer afleet re. cases assd as felmmaesibs- Mr-. Dallen nîson tise necas;ion lisualt-esri'y piactul Iuirii-1-a tise front t-ank o! Pat-liauuentar> dc-hntere., Mr, W. H-. Gilsbî ahiy scrilav es o! tisa Guovrsnseusi, conupa-im thems ps-omitwen wlies tisa oppositionr 'cutis tIsais- professiong, claimins tisai tlmry immîî lut lise confidence o!flise ca'm'rt-v id cdla ings titi-mtn laaim epi)t,itd Idtis e loa. '.%I.Gibbs,the ur-port infousus nsaen andiy appiaud 2PiEEC1S OF- >15. W. H. Oirifis. à fr. Gibs (NethisO<sarlo) coufassesi lthaie ase aitis a good Seal af diffi- Sancm oithtIe suit-ct, fzeling- as ie 515 Limat if wsagone o! vry gi-calmoment, andl burins- tu folloi egentlemenas-hc baS placeS tisa malter bt-lort-stie Rouit- lin su succinct amd iS usid a manne-. Wlten lia fit-at liad hl e hoouoo!a seal lu this tIloni sa asnppaot-ro!flise ris-uit lion.tunamber for Kingston, lia sel a* lime riglîl o!fItheSpeaker, sappo-ti e gi-ntleita mim a all ucesdesl lu k~eiliii thisIs-nty in a stahea!ofprs- party. Raetas-nins-ta tise Hanse aie- an absence of!lisea yeas-s, lie !ouud- liinaI! in Olpai-ition, and ftia s-nti. mou tmow acdsspyius- tIsaTreesury heu- eluas aulminists-ins-tisa affaira of tise o' nint-y lina svas-y diterent mene-fs-on avuat tisey ps-omiseS to e do aisn tisey iVras- in Oppoaltion. (Chaos-n.) Il as s conuequenic of tiss.profeissions o! tise tisen Opposition tIsaItuet Ridjits-of Nor-tlhOntario, senta sgcntlanemnle tise Ibose te support tîsos. Cis-cin- stances liaS sinca a-ccu-s-d aviiolsgava tisat coustilnancy e chance e! as-maie- pressngs-thises opinion ou thse abilicy o! tise Reforcu Adominitstai, sud tiit vrdicStol as tIsatinluth-cc yaa-a o! offici- ah le ifsahylisadbeaun fond aatins-, amiS lioy baS i.sown u l isa nalucority aud incapacit.y. (Gisaass.) Il aveuld bo renamisielJtisaI soins yeers ega ir Frencis Hincks, inciesquasce o! tise hanS pr-ofessiounso!flIme Lîen Opposi- tion, aviich ie ima laavtisa7coulmi net 'sesform. saiS tisaI lseywir-a"aun:erg- .mad asown lt itthaI gentleman iras sot rors. le (Mir. flis) aras ëttro thal tise Got-snient baill bat tht-ceuf otfc-e!liehte ai cîl lielng-S îl<' 0iivei-rmrii tSidisovetisa Mouse unid calt tise feelings a! tise country if Il 501 liS ot îul i-e-sOi.isentn.) iatls-i eail e bus- liai o! cousntituousdiaî muieds sudl liai lse> oppiortLîmity et expreasins-, au opinion aincetIse len3t élecionaud nîsichlibaS eumpssaéi lianssîrs as s-onmrly oppasid te tisa Administration. Tfiîea avre, Iseaever, etiar cenalitu- -actas 'hieh cis la Misitry isallbeau is-aid te open, notahiy fHaifax. Al- nîhins- lalimaehéection sI Kamouîsaska se lised tisaItuah ressun tîsat M. Peilati- s- avonîmiesua ept a seal lis tisaCabi- net ns e samambor o! flie Hanse efCein- usoîts, aeuth isaIhohad s-iave fi-as-s ta ho mouldt-I ni a e-smiectesl. TIsaI as- anues-idence, if tIse Govrametsî elisbeatho have evideuce, e!ftisa feeling- tf tisa ceuns-yavith reardi te tise cepa- sulit7 amiS iuhegsity o! thisat-Adsminis- tration; (Hat, iea-.) leus-em o! titis tata omf tliiig;iema bl-I tisaItishé,Govrn. ment alunlîl ram- tu ftiadis-uity o! thiss ioeit4esn aud feiioav tisaps-ecedeut o! ifs. Gladstonse irien isoiae esicections ras-a egainstlimitu y appaios- te tise ontr-. Haesseishoavasihat dthe conditien 'o! Ibis ce-ut-y avîen bon. -entiamnsîiopposite ltokithtisaraina o! poaverma Wà s aI enerylîbos- mas lu pro- -as-re esSs-seaily tteis-bauds,asflow.- is- revenue, a ceuteutaîl peopleansui fourialsmminifacheries. - Tisaps-os. pesty o!fcthe Dominion aasu nsu-ps- sI in tl Isctoy e! auy Contr-y l wrt-d. j(Cheera.) Wisal aas tisa pic- sue noavî Depressionil net-rybs-sncb af raS., comme-sa paralyzed, teus o! Itonsatidao!fes-tissus ouI o! enpIoy.ý ment, sud bankruptey statitins-es-tise laud, aud a dafleit et uvar e5,000,000 ron eus- Ts-aas-y luinmureeass ýLonS 'cieets.) Notwitisiandin-e Ibis laIe ef Ibinga tise la-se expend4tu-a uisici as tisenPs-embu- explime.l it Su uis Opposition days sm-as ovissg te a Doalilion Govremnt, baS lacs-caseS ,au alarnins- autant. (Hlat, hba.) Refetimg telise las-iff, ha saiS il -baS eu s-asy ps-eperly asited whiy ifl as set ceal cilabenid «bas-a recelse-adtise iIaunion o! -tsGos-es-amant. Lest rear tisa Go-arnent -moal streutiusly fusad te laka tisa duty off coul ail hé- muse the Finansce Minuter pi iW",,'a0 le t- ;e 'f airtio K tuo aa sais ave. a sa sswl ciseajier. Whous smsùsfdture at-e fiousigiig bise lsbeurnug mhn gels ibot, las- aagas sud tis a smes-fSuds? bettes- marktlfor bis produce. RHa dondad, putîlugaà Suly au Amenican avieat sud bas-le>', sud roainéng il 50 long as tisa UnitéS States refusaS te agre te a teclpreity Treaaty, anS SeuleS tisatISt waden esiscé lise ps-be cf bs-ca te eus- awu people. Our fas-mersà raquirad fa- play fi-on 1he Panliameu o!flise 6s-unts-y. What hé demandaS avas a National Pchicy avisicis voula cendaceý toe ie esest cf bisa avisaispeople cf lise Dominian',.sad Ibis policy lise Gev- emernu vspet prépas-eS te adopl. if tisey purauasd lhéss unpaltrietie policy tises-e avonid hédaficits lu future yesras es-eu gracIer than tisaI thay avara Dowv ,çglled up le face. Tise heu. gentleman censsinded bis speech amiS ionS spp- lausa. doMonday, Mas-ch 131h. An at-dan e! thé Heuse avas issucS for tise relus-n o! ahiusands-rendes-ad by lise Dominion Goearnent ta Man- itoba for s-oaS ptsxposcs, onmotion o! Mi-. Schultz. Ms-, Gises-tou moved bo rafas- certain Items o! expeudilure o!flise Secs-at Set-- vice fonds for tise yeas-s 1868, 1869, 1870 sud 1871 te tisa Comrbiîtea on Publie AccouaIs, aviili avas agt-aed te. Mr-. Young rnos-ad for relus-na reistins- te liseniuinher o! fallut-as, tise assels anS liabiliiso! nlunveul asItates, sud tise unlsansd clintactes- o! tisacen- ps-onises whiicls bave taken place chroummiout Canada d urins-tise lest caevase nontis. Tisa otion avas agread to. A motion by M. J. S.,- Robinson, (broue-Iu for tise put-posae!fcnatiin- hlm te- uke pas-aunai expiainatican) for au iuqui-y Suce lise Nos-lises-o ailway quesîlot breuglslahout s startny débat., avhieh lasted untl La in tisa mot-nins- avisen il aas réunsalvdtisaIa Commictea ba appointeS ta enquis-e m tisahealle- galions sud alise te maka -la standing- e-squit-y i tisah acctnta o! tise Nos-lb. as-n Itailaay aSdNos-liesaExtension Beilavsy, .0 ha ta corppieta lise enquit-y begun sud la!c unfirsiied by tIsa Com- mission. Tuesday, 6tîs, 1877. pOn Tuaadsy the taîliff ehata avas s-a- aumesilby Ms-. OSai-Itou, avio Safended tIse poIicy o! tiha Govas-ncenh. ' BeN, T-. N. emBBS ON s-BE TAsIF. lieus. Mrs. Githa %saiS hîsat asa tlis lIeuse Ielat ontide- ta-day vas lise policy o!flima Governuetit in reatien te lthe tas-if. Ha took issue avilis lie lien. gantle flisi avien lia aunid isat thuy araeolies-e osy as tise repraseutativea e!- particuls- ceusliluenoias. Ha IselS LIsh il avas lise suty o! evcîy ana ob Ihen ho cousi-le- are-y auljectavili avii eby dalat fs-san a national peint of viaav. TIse meditied Pm-ahactine poiicy o! tisa ,lata (oeverms-tnt mas ana undas- visicît aur manutadlnrns s-raav p. The catin- t-y prs-eparansd ceuspeople diS net lase teas-o elieaviere a te ehifor cm- pîoymnln. (fleus-, iseer.) Haes-caS an as-msaoctfs-an a latte- avritton by tise gentleman b h7aions tihtpoloy waa inaus-ted, Sir- A. T. Gaît, te a nimn- ber o! the.Senate, in aviich ies hated tIsaI lisons-h e mas lu priucipie a Free-a Trader lie bol tisaItishe poehby e! a dotunts-y ahould ha nndified fs-enFs-e. Trada if its 'cit-cumatauces demandeS il, sud tealthe exîenh tîmaltisese cis-dun- stances demandaS. Sis- AlexanSe- Gait wa ire i-d nitreuIl-s-tise United States lu a cendiliaes-y spis-itavilis s-nsas-S le thitarsiff, anS tisonslit tisatinutisa future ave abould fssthlIe people o!flisat coun- lt-y aviistihsa eapn-ehy selfiish spir-it bn aviici tisey deual is ns. (CIsaers) If tise Premier avas correct avien hae saiS tisat mc avould not ha avise aI tise prascul. limo te eoti-ely ranaslal eu- ta-is-,lha (Mr-. Gibbs) cakeS tIie lion. gentleman avise aas plaseS vitIsné cingle cisange tisat lie. baS nade lu tha tesiff? Net oua iuduas-ry or inlerest lu tise contrsy aas pleasad aviis auy oua O! (han, es-cept as segar'ds coal ail. Ha gave figuras siseains- lial fi-on 1878 deavu te tise pi-esant huine tIses-e ba beau a. graduai andSatesdy sacrasse tn tsa importa fs-on tisa United Stnas as as-ainsI s-sest Bs-item, avisila e taset-se was tise case avilis regard teaeus- aex- ports. Tisnasoaed, lbe argueS, that tise lt-ada policyave avare noav pursfuins avilireaes- te tisa United States ae eadvere ta the avelfare o! Ibis contry. Hae aIsermail fis-urs-assioavins-sw , n- jastiy the sus-ar inSusIry of Ibis count-y unes lt-eteS by lise prasent Govrs-ment, anS aIt tsaieatinte iow mîscisthisat policy un regard te tîsat nmattlle a l'eea saient tise imites-ast of ltse ceut-y iu s-cnes-el. Tie pnlicy o! bion. gnli Wsesil Oppuitlied ait-odSieiraminy o! Onrt- hea-îieaias-s te Nais-Yark. Tisis oneC inilnsýty ate- anolier wes bains- aviped eut. Thse Finance Minieter tohdt us tisaI tisa mosav e imnps cie riche- ave at-e, but haeLisons-ht tia euons-antIs. ae voculsi finS vas-y fea ae-e ailis hlmu eu tiaI point. Tisaeniuy ihin- lis- iou. gentleman b1usdSous Su bis s-e- as-rangiemeut o! tis aiuP whists aasin tise dit-ectien o! mueeting tise viawe' o! lieu. gentlemanen lis. Opposition aisde1 O! thea liuse, aentaeput 17J pas- cent.i dut.y on Lahins-, euSdla diS Dot kneavofo! a sinmiefadas-y bu Ibis ceunts-y fer ltae 'Proeduction o! Ihat article. Ha (Ms-. Gibs) hsed tilime avas ue1 fir dis- tant wban tbey aveald sceeconlise Gev as-unesît banchés gentlemena avis ovuld feQl it this at to (Iodo ameîlin- ta aidc lise industries o! tise ceunîtry.- Speechses fi- esvat-al s-enhlemen eù bnali saides foilovad. saiS au motion of- Ms-. Blain, lis eaae avas fui-tiser 'ai. jeus-ned. A Cos-sectben fs-en Ms-a Blake. To thee Edito- of tihe Wicitay Cltreaicle. 1JEAB SIs: Iu lest avaek'si bepet hoiseplce emiuti-l aS, "A Youssý Tîsie!" mas fatie. I diS nIt pay Ms- Pest $6, I enhy s-ave hlm1 hécit wavIsIbis son gave mine for saiseep aur tis idaavalk opposite sy pi-aca. MRS. BLAKE. [Wa diSnet kaew befors-and car- tatuly diS net gis-etise publia ho onde- staud-ttlMs. Bîake's son avustise pet-son raferm-ala in lise paragraps noticeS. En. CIceRiONI.L.] RUSRuaos EeÂsuotm urmieGLoBe.- Theiseamne cisaffins- about tisaps-oui. inauce Couse-satIs-eapaaie-s at- e sat- sus sis te dehates repo-le-3 for- lie Glo-be, anS soeasaeepainting, te it as clasly indiion-tisaI tisaI journ- alla avot-kins- round mb Oopposition. KAstouAsicA LOCAL- Ecs-sos.-Tba' nminationsfteeKamensa local alection avillrtaké place -on lis. 121h iu ,tant. 'ansi ila ievllni na ? thise amen theéstalutes, came up for a tbis-S reail. iug; Mr. reighlou sxsoved an addition- ai clause> providing that license com- miùpioueresud inspecters should be lu- capable of either holding licQnsea them- selves or of owning bouses for whîoh licenses are, granted, but. afterwaét- withdrew il, and allowed Mr-. Mes- dilh ta subatitute for it oue which was accaptad by tise Geverument, te tise effeet that no inspeotor or commission- et- should aither bolS a lUcGnse, or own a building for which a liense was granted, but not making il go general s teapply b officiais Who lad a Po- cuuiarymInes-est ln auch properîy eéther as a martgagor or. member of a joint stock eompany. 1 Ms-. Carno moved tise addition of a clause le lise Bill amending the cac- tion law, tise -effect of whieb would b. to make tise votera' lista final, andi whiels was rejecteed on s division. Mr., Mereditis proposed tise addition ýo! a claube wlsich pt-ovdeS for granfing to those who are aassessed ou incomes tise rigist te vota without paying taxes if tho municipalities in which Ihev are- assessed sisould sec, fit 10 exempt tbem. The motion was defeaîed,- only eight, menue-a voling for' it.- The Bill was Ihen read a tisird time and pasaecd. The Bill exteuding thce provisions of lhe Voter.' Lista Ac te municipal e'ectiona. tise Bailway Aid Bill, the Bill am;endiug 1he Building Soojetica Ac, andi liosa relatiug tb municipal insti- tutions nS drainalZe were advanced rapidiy tiroughiheir ramainiug stages- and paased. Tite Premier; in moving tise adjourn- ment e! tise Hougs, auuouuced that the Lieutenant Governer wonld corne to- day aI tht-e., and tisaI it wouW ha necessary for thse Houge to meel-an heur earlier in at-Sert- finiats the busi- ness before then. Friday 2ud. Afler a li111e routine busineas was traneaceted the Houge was proroguied bv Hi. Houer ltae LieutenautGonvernor. Thse attaudauce of visitora wan susall. Hia Houer aseel in Ber Majesty's nnmls t-bte several Bills passaS during lise session. Le' Noties of Biriha, Marriales, and DealhJc harged 50 cents! eaele. BIBTHS. DAVISON-At Wlîitby on Mardis 4th tise wifé of James Davisnu of a Daugliter. BA'RCLAY-BEGG.-At Whitby, on tise fistI mat., by thse Rev. Mrt. Chan- bers, Mr, Alexainder Barclay, o! Pick- -ertng, to Maggie, eldesI daughbtar of. Mr. Peter Bagg of Abaerdean Scotlan-3. FESLER-HAVi.-At tise t-a4ene of Tises. H. Jolinston È sq., Assistant Connissionerpf Crowu Lands. No 60 Grenville. strect, Toronto, by thoenRv. J. H. Joisnson M. A,, ou tise 5îlinst., -Met. W. H. S. Fesier, of Wiiliaimpo-t, Penusylvania, te Mis Heurietta M. H. Han, ouly daugister of tise late.N. G. ,Ham, Esq. of wbitby. D EATH]LS . BEALL.-At Columba, Ont. cif ap poplexy, on lise 2nd Mat-ch, 1877. William Beau, lunliis 601h yescr, a na- tive et Cornwall Enizlaud sud foi- 19- years, Clerk of the Towneship qi Est Wluitby., WHITBY. MARKETS. CînsONîcLa Opa-mcz, Mat-eh 7th, 1877. Fali Wheat .............1 40 te el 50 Spriug Wheat ...........1el25 @ $1 35 Barlay ................$0 s5 C& $0 60 Peas .................78 e 75e BlaekhEt ye Pets....$1 00@ 61 05 CloAer SeeS,...............a 'o e 88 o Oata ................... 500 @ i5 Hlay ....... i0 Potatoes ..............75e (a 85e Eggs............. Butter ................2e @ 25e ,Coal, pe- ton----------... e6@ 86 à 0 Wooi-----------------3 50 (à 54 OU Wool-----------------....ic Ci,52-'. ieef, litsd quatc.....; 6 51> Y à Ç7 13ee!, fore quarter.... 5 o130@;c5,5 0 Sheepqnlis ..............1 o130,4 $1 50 ides------------------$et,5 0 »50 t; 86W3 Ducks pet-pr. . .........4oe-q 600 Turkeys, pert- b........eo Onions ................... et 2.5 Tut-olp..................15 Apples, pet- bushel-...soc Cheese ................ 18or @14e-. Garrots .......... ...... 1. e @20e Park, par cwt ...........8 00 t 6 25 Chickens.............. U'40o pi i for i-,ss- --" By ad tiorou- is soiîetige al tisa naturel las-a mnicis gos-es-n tise opés-ations c0! digs-ntionand utition sud bs-fa cat-eful application o! tise fine prapertigs Of avsih-selecteil cocon, Ms-. E ppc bas ps-avideSans- br-eakfast tables Iiih_!a ieieately dves-dlues-es-as-e, aviic Is may gava ns meny iseavy edadaoss'bills.- Il is0 by tise judictonsi use e! snobx articles o! diel tisaI a conStitiion may bs gs-adnelly bult oP Uutii at-nenaugs le reaist es-es-y ton- ch-uc7 ta dimesase.Hundrode ofanhîla mnala- dies st-e dostin- as-anSus s-eaSy tb sîtec aviera-e t tieeis a aa0ip»oit. Wa May msa-p. many s fatal shait by keepln us-- sais-es aveu !ertillid avtbpure blond sud a prope-ly nonsieS frane."--Civil Service Gaettea. SoiS only-iu Pachiots, ishehlad,- 'Jantes Epps & Ca., Homopathic Chen- laIs, 48, ]Threadueatje Street, sud 170, -Pccsdhihy London.- There is No Article Like It to Cleanse aud- Resite. WooSs Impros-ed Hai- Resto-ative let nlisea uy aIse-, anS bas no eqoal.. Tise Empros-aS bas nais-Ves-etable buSc 9rapas- lies; restoas-a ss-y hai- la a glossy, netes-m calor ; reshors-rafadaS, Sty. isarsand uSfIt- ns- hais-; realas-as, Sa-csas,' giss is-ar tu the hais-; saas-s hai- ta mseatuxoly balS taSe; renias-es Sendruff, iios, scaly as-upliona; rimas-e it-itatian, itins- sud scalySs-yueass.Noaraticle produces BsnCb rende-fnl affecta. T-y il, eall for Wooih's mp-os-ad Hai-Rentoaciva, sud doi'5 le umt off wituai a tlas- article. SolS by ail hut-sinlu Iis place sud dealers esy- re. Trede supplieS et manufacturera' ars-b by0. A. Cneic& Ce.,Cicago, sala Igenla fr er . HileS StateS sud Canada and byy as LYMAN, CLAUX &-GO., Its 'restorative properties are marvellous in ,#ll nervu, Liver, StWmach and Eheuniat- ib comiplaints. It ià Brain Food, Nerve ýeonic, muscle-gro;er, Boue Producer, aUl in one ; and gi-ves back tathe systeni the wasta cansed by diseases by diseases, or by excessea of anykid. Frepared in the -the Laboratory of Evans, Mercer & Co., Montreal. For sale by ail Drnggiats iu the town. ] ODD IFELLOWS' HALL, THURSDAY, 2IL4RCRl 5th, 1877, AT S O'CLOCK, P. M. Fitappearance iWhilby of BLIND TOM,'4 The imusical pheuomenno! tbe a ge, re- u iownedt througout the. wrld as the GreateÃt NaturatPianisi living, At tht-an îerformanees Blinod Tom wfll exitibit the ,nsrveiojue iet which han galned Unm w.orld -wido ide celebrity, and which hasn bath astoulished aud dolighted the greatest masters of music. ADMISSION-50 Cents;- Cbildren,_25 Ce-nts; Reserved Front Seat., 25 Cents- Extra. New on iiale at L. AIIin's BSook store'. : he Grand Piano useS ai Ihia Concert 1-s fron thte warerocinîs of Steinway & Sons, New York. Whlitby> Man1ch rd. 1877. i-n N,-EW. SEWIFG ]MÂCHII] AGENCY IN MTJmTB*Y. The suhseriber bas beenappointeS SÉole A jeut for the ceiebratsd New York ginges- Sewing Machines. Sor titieConnty. Wlmitby, Mat-ch Otliî 1877, i e-BÂII'Fs sAL-E. Dly vit-tue of several wnrrants. the foflow- ing Gonds sud Chattela of Gaoaos HUres- ihisS wiIl be solil hy Publie Auction, with- S 1 ont reset-ve, on Salurelay tho 1OtI Day of March, ut 2 P-ns., shlarp1, RaIBISROP'S AUCTION BOO;MS, OSHAWA:--- lByGe-Iding, 1 Double Wagon, 1 Set Double 1Hernesis, 1 -PairNew EBo-sieigha, 2 Plows, 1 Cutting Box, i1!New Clover Tireser,enaCot $300 ; 1 New Wbeat Tïiresh. et-, coat $400; 1 Pais- Trucks, 1 uew Harse Power, 1 Cnw, ta cal! iu April ; i Sow Pig, 1 Sewing Machina, 1 Bot-eau, Glass Cup- board, Qnantity of Hitchen leurniture, Wood, Potalos, CarraIs, etc. J. H. ADDISON, Bailiff, lst Div.1 Court, Ca. Ont. Ma-h7th, 1877, lin-il ACTION SALE -OF, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMEN'rS, and I4ousehoid Fumituen-, SThe Properly oci On Lot Na. 5 2nd Concessian PICKER- ING, Kiasston BoaS, au Sp LVDA4 i A1>1?L 2îd, 1877, Tisa foilommins- Vanicile Ps-epei-ty, amely : - Hoîtscca-i Cheatunt Mare, 105 yss., (.-en- s-cl p s-pana; 1 Bs-aod Mare, 9 ycara olS,- (s-tbU Nles-eb7) ; 1 l'ai- luit-Horaaa, 6 yeu-s aiS, (s-encrai pposoe), i1 Chenluot s .tst- 4 ya-s aid, (gol hy Mors-au); 1 F117 cuill 2 ya aIS, Pt-ans-lit, sud 1 I y soit I yar ild, s-ans-hi, -Àgot by Gien Esk : 1 Mia-ea yeare nId, andS-1 Ma-e 4 years oiS (gaI hy Grand Tule,) maîcad.. C.afs-m.-2 Fat ceins, 14 Wll-b-sS milcs Cuirs, as in caif*; -1IRles-rs,Grade, 2 yeas aIS; 6 yas-ins- Steera, 8 Heifera, 2 yaar ciS; 1 Tht-oghb-cil Bull 2 yeusa nd, bs-ed by Ms-. John Miller-; 6.-ms-cl-bt-ad.Bavas, i. Bam, (2 shea-.), 1 Bs-soS Soir(axts,) SufoIlukps-ta importaS boas-; 2 cages ufFoels.Passueà gda 1 cage a! Geene.'- I>u'LEXSrENsý-t asher, (Mart- aRs-sI e-) uin s-s o s-s-ins- es-Ss-; I Reapins- Ma- chine (Johnctun Seif-raka) Bs-astn &S PalIer- ea',new 1i-aItoe-, (Cay-us-aChie! '-Ton- ,- So- Bs-an-a î l'sîe-oa'a, aaw; i Sulky Iltirse lit-it-t.2 tevS- hors. rake (wvosci- ei) 3l e-Cs of liarrtvn (woodeu( a 8 Do- usmin P'>gt Waikot-'a make; 8 St>l' Clipe--rh BIalsrawn& Pateenon'a 'iu k e ; 1i W oo ç1u S u fl e r euS 1Ir n St-n f. les-; 1 tira-Imees-pi o les-, 2 tir-herse Gsng 1,h0îehis Je1(>It P-sa->- sais;, iGr-ain -Dll, J. Wuas'nii ai-o Ass-,tu.; i Tu-uip Drll 'ilSiet-, 1eicg ,(GlaytOU's ussmkaj, senSd ï Cot-o Planter; I Turnuip 55cer, i 1 - a and Jsit urlu1taick. 1Crosst-clS4s-,, iCîider ill tit1.*i uttiîs B=x, (Watsnu' lkletiirv; S to--So-de- Gsmtivaà to-, I1 Peu, Th--i--2 Faulsîs- Milia. i Flux hBala, I lrtif lias-a, $ cx Takes, 4 Sets o! l'ama is-sets, 1 Sel af Cas-ris-s a ems, bleou); SîlenanSd15s-cilsu, 51ae-b-sre Car- miliga, Slatiiomsry tmop; isin-la or double s'a-sas-e caibhis ule Spat, 1, tao-hos l-ats-re Shits-ir, star-I7new; i1lava-bs-s Pleasuro Sià lgi, 1 l'>emoes-iI CuIter, naav; t paei-01 o!l)-Sleigs, neir; 1 Long Sieigs, i Wtagon, Timble 51cmn (neariy nevd imes-y; h1 Wagon;- steel ShÃein, beavy-; i Pate'nt Sksi-Wgîss iseas-;1ibas-e Truck, 3 lia-Racks? Wltiltees, Wlseeibar-ow, tlay kntfe, GatteChaina GratUIraies -9ttss.Voui-kg, Baea, Spade, Sîos-els, 1 Drut Cens-o, 2 blilk Cana, 4 Dazen Miilk Patîs, 3 Bax stoves-1Coakin Slas-e amd Fnrmaiîye, 1 Fus-ate Steve, sund 2- Lisa2eSutms-îs- etliss; -0'Caue-hotsot Cîtitis, simd a Disins-g Table equalins-4 Ganspiete 'Fables; 1h ltickun-Gishai-, 12 ied Sieasa, O9iVîhais-S tands, sud Smai Mi- t-ors; a. -Fmitlier Bae mci Piiu'wa sud Ms-. Brosan bavin- renteS bis fart-nlere Iwlli b. ne rese-se. 'tale ta Commence et 9, *a.n. Dlasner à tIil. TEIlMS 0F sALB,.-AU sneuaI sud onde- $5, cash; ovres t-bit anount credit wmît bc gisenoutil t15its af Ocloebas, 1877, by fnishins- appt-a-d Joint Notes, iutes-est chderad fa-en d.y o!, Saeoif ual paS avbeia>dna. For tseo rat Catl cash L. FAIRBANKS, Mairais 7t, 1847. - i i ~jONBY TO LOAN i Isuparimal Loin and Inivestntesat Go. wil ildyuce imome>y on Rt-ai Estate Sacor- 117, in*suis -o!f 1110asd upvat-s. Fa Sfil-ilt-cFea mirt>thù e emount -horrssavîtd la esot Socs than 551h0, and tlie tas-m4 of!bau notý les at-su -s«. lt.stmitian fees, Sheiiff's es, euS- t'rcaýsuscr's fees es-s paid Uylr *onoipeuy, anS 1-04chas-gud ta lth. b.t--oer. Foer Fus-tiser pertienIJars Slpy GEO. ST. JO1H LLEN. Solicitor-, &o., Oshawa. N.3B-m00 in Sups-i-ste fends t lasaoat Rosi Bsatea aaurtty. -Tes-m la suit bor- U-iocds, Ribboî tains, -Famfl3 We S.priug formers- vas-iaty e ps-seau as for tisa s- DOý Hav( A.Iso order. Wlsitby,]1 A U UT Town et 2 o'clac LasSa baloi Na. 23 in Il centres!lit lsaau en- ticu. P'asteau of Wissby; cc lasgo uan.t 'For datmou -siSi ansds, 1 sale, sud fa: formation, s-eSt. Messe -torii, Whiîb Las-i FIai Whiîby, -Feu m ONEY Pris-atelu- tersasl8 per c -Apy- P. Feby 181h. F OR SMI A Brick Co tise Towsn of ýapphy ta6- Wbitby, Fek, AI large q1 sales aItise S Iiaiiay, lu t ticolaappl3 Wisilby, Fab. T À ]Liber,£ cf South Om TOWN MONDA Y, At Oue dclsc Offces-s-lt action o! Oise 1 gà AUl L *ly inviteS hi J. A. McGIL W'hitby,-Feb] qf ;ha W k, u d p G tg ti b w L Uil w Pl 'A 1 =1 là .