andi SIoes, At a very Smail marg1-n os qt. Work done to order iii first-elass st3 ýA Sylsh 3oot and a Good Fit GUAT rMYB D. SOHN SAUJNDI 93e N. B. Parties need not ask for credit as it will be giv9n..J ÎvÉitby,Xbarch 6th, 1877, M AIRCH " '-L AINZG STEWA1IT a cols., -Or- inot Have received part of their- Importations for 1877, and in a few days will. show -the Fiest Stock of Dry Goods they ever unported. Speolal. \ý4enti0n- invited to the stock of Silks, Velvets, Dres G&à ds, Bhiw1s, Spring Jackets, Mantles, Gioves , Hosiery, Ribbons, Trimmings, Laces, Cottons,-Prints, Lace Cuir- tains,, DÉmasks, Linens, Bhectings, ]3lack Lustres, and family Mourning Goods. We alo -nvite tie attention. of -the Gentlemen to our Spring Stock cf Tweeds, whtclî wc find mucli botter value than on any former season Aise a (Jhoice lot of Hatis aud Caps, Tics, Bows, sada variety cf other Fancy Articles which tliéy are pîeparcd teo ofer at such pi-lues aS ill giv6-atifftion to the purohaser, un-d insuroe a speedy sale ?or the vendor. LA.ING &STEWART Whitby, Mardi oth, 1877. WAREROOMA &Powell DOMINION Lowes Have receiveda large consignment CROM PTO N Celebrated A dju8ta b/e orpsets of Aiso a large lot of Canadian- Cotton, which they are selling very cheap. *C- Tailoring and'Dress Making to order. Witby, Feruiary 21arî, 1877. PLi-MENTS, mion 'PICI(Ell- uad, ona Juil, 1877, p)ciy, aaruaha': r l ilapig te 1. r~î havast. -r> I helitg ma- .1 1lzuwua & Frtter- i2arzge blTJun-, ISulky il-Do- r, Ihi tuviarr-soGa m'. h i la lià i! 1 4ial ,clur, -i lbCis4 Bozsa ta lovo,ud 2 nrr i i'ai12 îleS r r iualidi Il li farci, tioe *lýl,- iiiier atIil.- AhltbAN1C~~ - .\r.tîtfljhoer * Il îveafîîur'uît Ce. LOWES & POWEI ~L. A UCTION SALE 0P VALUAIIIJ FA1M PROI'ERTY, MITUÂTE Ili TUF. NO TIC0E Township of VVhitby. CoViN ci OP er.uîo,l Isoliroby ivuthat - Niai Prlus, Oyer sud Terminai sud Gsnsial Thors wlll heofflercal for sale Iry Public GOi Delivcry will ho holdon lu sud for lbe Anction aS 1îAY'S «HOTEL, inthie TOWN Counly of Ontario, lu th. Court Hcuse, lu 0F WHITBY, on the Seturday, 101h. day of 3Marc/e, 1877, TO W N O F W H LT BY, at 2 c'clock, p. iii. the following Farmr Lande haiougiug te tie Subscriber, ALzx. '-ON- ANDuERSON - ue-ay, Arl3d 87 Piacai NO. I. Comosed of part of Lot Te ty .-pu 3d 87 NO. 23in lu be 2ud Concession of ths Town. At the leur of 12 oclock noco! wo ihicli shpfWhltby, conlalning 64 acres. ail Coroners, Justices cf Ithe Peae, snd al Tphis prcol in situate a mile froin theé cher, concerued will taka notice, ara gev- centrae rthe Town trf Whtbj. The luand rn thernselves accoidingiy. - la ai l cicredasdudesiexcesllent cultiva-N.G E OL , tien.N. .RENLS Puzeaîr, No. 2. Coinpcsed'of par t of the ht ,,C.0 E-ast balt tua North half cf Lot No. 25, shin 1Office,SiiiC.O lu the 4th Concasclon cf the Townshi f# Whitby, Feb. 2iaI, 1877. O-Id Whitby; ecntsinlng 44 acres. Tisie-îla largo quantity of vluable ceaaiou tii paîcai. ~ eor a niori o prticular Seocriptiezz cf the sailadianl, for the termas and conaditionas cf sala, sud for aH furtiai aud necoaeary l- in. i £ ~ 4th formation, intoudlng purehasers art reor- raS te Mensr§. Fsawell & Rutledge, Souici. tors Whitby or teu the Antionear, Mi. Levlibrhuis. Wtboy.ALEX. ANDERSON, --. -hty oy 2tz, 1877- tl.lo IMIEY 'TOLEND. Privâttrunals te on zîa goU) i--dmortgago s 'n ocrî,l an f 80 u niwzrd. In- ls8 et , ilsf yerly. P.0O. DRAWER 8, Wiitlry, Folry 151h. 1877. iy-lO F OR SALE CHZAP i A Bick Cottage usai Buaiziosa Contre lu thze Towu cf Whilby. Foi piico and termei .ap o MR. WBL!.TIIOMPSO24, Saddler Wbitby, VFaby. 20th, 18 6. CORN FOR SALE A larg qnanîity cf Western Coin for sale aI 1h.eStation of tha Whilîy & Port Itallway, lun lbe owu of Wlallby. For par- licultartaspply te - . 1 GEO HOPKINS. Whllby, Feh. 201h, 1877. T ANNUAL MEETINCY aOFrTE Liberal -Conservative Association c f South Ontar-io will ho boîd lu lie TOWN HATL,, RO0l<LIN, ou MONDA Y, MARC'II 121h, 1877, At Oune 'clock, p. m, for Sie Eloction et 0111eau for 1h.e nuaing yeaî, sud lIae trans- -action cf cîber important business. MÊr AUl Lîberal Cousaivativos are cordi- slly inviteS te attend. r T. -B. BICKELL. J. A. McGILLIVEAY, Presidout. Geôrstary. Whltby, Feby. 15M, 1877. 9 To the Worksoig Clsses.-We are uew prepared te mmnii ailclasses wihcon- stant ompîcyment atýhbomea, the whole et lie limie, or "for lisir sparc momntns, Business nov,lgbt sud profitable. P'ai. sons-el atier Box essily osin hemai 50 cents le $5 par evening, end aproportionsl anrn hy davollmg thir viole lime ta tb. busi- nase. ,]Jôys and girls caru uesîly as mach - asmon. LiaI al vho sec Ibis noticb May send thier a4dress, anS test tho business we moka thilunpsr-lleleS alli: .Te oaci as are net well satinfied vwili sendnSe dollar ta psy for lhe trouble of wrlllng Full paiulia, namplea vorli several dol-, lars te commence vork on- and a copy ot Boinesand Flrealde oeacilishelargest sud ' buit lilustrated Palcations, Il sotifra. by mail. eer, if yen vaut permanent, profitable weîk, addrîts, Ggonoz STrnsorc, CoPortIanS ýMains, NEW~~~ BPIN DY D8 Compriing "CAUPE TSY NAPERY, TOWELLINGS, é Blaclc Lu8tre, Per8ian Cord, The _Fi I THE WINDSOR. (Cor. King aud York-a;to) NOW OPEN. $2 00 PER DAY. Fiee omnibusru luasd tram a&Il trains. Ta- hie snd appointmeul iret-cîsas. THOMAS SCULLEY. Lale.oof iouchiching Holal, l-ly Manager. TO LET!!1 A Liverpool MarIet-I a New Store anS Dwelirg, well fitteal up sud with every uecessaiy acomodation. Appiy tb- S.J. H. McCLELLAN. Dcci. th, 1876. tf-si SALTI-!SALT1! 500 BAUS LIVERPOOL, 500 BARRELS GODERICHU Jualrecivodan sd for sale by T. LAWLEB & CO. Whitby, Nov. flst, 1876. tf-<l BRNO5RHEUMATIC BO. BREN TAND DIGESTIVE FLUID. 700 doz, sold since April last. Thre Rlreumsîlc A bsorbent wlll posi- livsly cure ail pains fiom Rheumshlsm ci cther iinzatoiySwelllng.,lu12Heoure. The Digearîce Fiai eoùaalvsr ballaS to :cure Dysepi ote! laflin lu fw Heurs. iThosct obstinaspcases os Dys- rapia cureS in a weok. "~ady wrltes: Ihave beau savad frem llfe-liugarlng Pairs. I liaS flonchilia, CatarriSud Dyspapsis, sud vas cureS lu a few dsys by its use." SolS by Diuggials. Puice lods. Advins fer particalaz casees free. Address W. Y. Brunton, London, Ont. à A 1UsW DE SIBAILE BUSES8 FOR SALE~ OR TO RENT. Town and Park Lots F0OR SALE. iluquire cf- GEo. T. HALL, Landi and ciùmlsion Agent. 0-tf Brock-st., Whifiy. ( l- lm Print8, C Wihite Cottons, Fae'tory Cottox TiekingeDuckse.Drills, -Denims, R-olled Camjbrics, &C. In Gents' WB- ARE -SHEWING SEW F ELT I-1ATS IN ALL STYLzjME qew Shirts, Collars, lies, Searfs, t.nderclothing, Jewellery, c Coi Y'MENS,Yi YOUTHS' AND BOYS tEADYU.MADE CLOTHINC A -SPLENDID STOCKR TO CHOOSE.- FROM ,Above goods are well Worth the inspection of Intend. ing Purchasers, as they are 4 RKED DO WN A T PRICES which will seil them -1 On hand,a )OD STOCK 0F GIROCERIES i frmers' Produco taken ini exohange. rej. HICKIE bby, &Co. Msoet 7th, 1877. ~Jr~row~-mD TheMnlopalty Esl hlb7 Fresh Arrivais Daily at W, . P W llcock's LOA ,00 ollr FRUIT AND CONFEOTIONERY STORE. LOAN. 6,,000-ollar for ate fm yar n fin4-lù§ ssecurlty. Iuterest Payable 'Annually.Tea ek The Latesi aud Bcst Assortmeut of Ccnfetiouey.- Tea ak Beecher'. KMsses, VS04tyPair, A&pply le -btheeeve, Or TeWUOMhp Clrk*. Almaond Bar, Cocoaul Bar, Buffao Bif, J.06LICE, Zoo' Butter Scotch, .alySgr Eseve. Turkish Delight'., Australian Fruit Bar, .c,&,&. o T' T A B ER-GPIA O FRUITB-Âppl0s Oranges, Dates, Figi, &c. Canned Goode cf1aIl varhties. W'Teas of excellent quaity 20 te 25 per cent. Cheaper, fer CASH. $290006MOO h 17. W. P. WILLÀCOCKo< Duadas-St. MardiOlh, 877.In 3. Arna Old Stand, Whltby. Is . 3, 1 tb 'y w liaI cUSfa PIN wWhhcombinéS tbe clearnsssof tons sud oh eat f finish cf the mont celebratcd moa lha moderato price. If Il W askehohw ltls posble te supply HALF Yehrgdthe aPwr iCElan la the -sking or sale cf these minu monts, thae are ne large showroomas tc keep upne gran angBal te malutain, or no expenave travelling agents te psy. These instruments are ail made of a- UNIPORM STANDARD PULL SEVEN OCTACE, SOL!D IRON . FRAI<E, OVERSTRUNG BASS, CARVED LEGS, ROUND FRON~T CORNERS, SERPENTINE MOULD'GS, sud DOUBLE VENBEEID ROSEWOOD 'CASES. An extra DISCOUNT 0F zQ PER CENT. wll be Allewed Seheols aud Venvents, RIBlsc te Clergymen for the use cf theIr familles. W. ADAMS, Àwhitby. Wltby, Febrnury, lBtb, 1877. 8 "SHENRY OLAY"' FOR SALE! The wail knewn sire "Henry Clay"' is n0w efeired fer sale. T'e be sean at the stables cf Eay's British American Hotel, ÇVhltby, where il paiticulars, lnclnding Pedigree, m&Y hoebtaiued. tf-Il $ lfon't be made by every agent tlI7Uevery mentb in the business we Irniab, but those willng te work cau baily esai a dozen dollars a day right in ,hair ewn lecalities. liave ne room toexa- Cinb bore. Business pleasnt and houer. ble Womenn and b o sand girls de as roil as mon. *a wil un ah ycu a cern- )lote Onîfit fres. The business pays bat. or than anytbing else, W. wlll bear ex. suas cf sta-tiug Yen. Particulaz,.free. rilts aud see. Farmers aud mechance, hoir seno and daugliters. sud ail classes n noed of paylng werk at borne, shenld aite te usosud leas= ail about the woîk ut nce. New lathe tizue, Do'tédsay. Ail. rasa TauxE & Ce.,Augusta, maEna. S M0 K E RS. Ve have again te eaU your attention to the numeocus IMITATIONS1 f.yrtIe Na vy Tobacco, THE am. IN GILT LETTERS. Ib ou cadi PIug cf tMie (,enuine. nilton, Jan, l7tb, 1877. 4.21 [AIIHOOD. HOW LOST, WRE ýSTORED i Ju st published, a nov odition lW 0f Da. CULERi.iWEi.iS ulebral. ed ossay on lie radical cure [tbeutrame>eofspemate~orha or Sem- I Weskness, luvoluntaiy Sominal Losses, ýPatoucy, Moutl sud Physital lucapscitv, pedimns to HMageeta s C dl t>i1 E i pY an ,Fit, inducd by f. dlgeie o seualextravagance, ec ýrice, lu a sased envelopo, ouly 6 cents. Cho clabi-ated anîhor, in Ibis admirable ay, clearly darnstrates, ficm s thlrty rs' anecesastul piactica, liaI th. aiaimlng saqueacs of solLabuso may ha rad.lcally ,ei without lis Sangerous use of internaI dici lbrth application cf the kuifa;- nting ont a mode cf cure at once simle, tain sud effectual, by nmaus cfi ich ry eera, ne malter what bie conditilai y b., may ocui Mulf cbeaply, piivale. a, Tis Lecture 8sheUld ho in the bauds 'vrY Yenth sud ovorY =iain the land. Mut, uSsi esoa, in a plain auvelopo, te , &&ruas, ou recspl of six cents, or two Wes etam1s. TEE CULVERAL MEDICAL CQ, 41 Aun St., New York; P. O. Box 45W,. AON & KEL EY, 9IGAR MÂ&UFÀCTýORY, FARS =nanifacled f=o beat Havana Tebucc. - Theo sebrated"5l. KL» HeteL-keepsi, anADoea wi BR0OWN PA TTER80N Mfg. , I*::>At SPecially Reduced- 1?rif To make room for Spring hi lions, we will offer for ONE ON-'oi h 1Yiess Goods, Winceys and Flaniiels,- Hosiery and Goe Gan loveads, WI~ITBY, 01OTT 2ARizIO-. - .000- lu preaeuting oui Twenty.saconzl Annual -Catalogue cf Agicultural ImpIe. -mente te the farmers cf Canada fer the year 1877, we do se with more than lb. crinary degree of pride sud confidence, froni the marked faveur, sud patronage couferred uipon ns, sud the st.-ady sud incroasing dcmaud fîcm year te year of oui now celebrated Parm Implements. We shall continus as heretofore, as manufacturera, te make a spoclalty cf Agricultural Maciieiy-the Johnston Self-iakxng Beaper, the Trmampb Cein- bined Reaperaned Moweî, the Cayuga Mower, tho Young Canada Mower, aud -oui new Whitby Hiarveater, claiming a large share of oux limeansd attention. For the last Twenty-two yeaîa we have given our meut careful and undivid- ed attention to the -manufacture sud operation cf the varions machines lu use, -sifting out the beat points, remedyiug defacte, modifying aùd coriecting eriors, stîengtheuing wesk points, adapting sud pîaportioningr every part as oui increas- oS experience lias suggestsd. We emplcy ouly'the bout mechanical akill, sud oui machines pasos under the Most careful supervision aud scrtiny-eveiy detail being subjectedl te the sever- *est criticiani-and each machine is lhoîougbly testeS before leaving our worko, le prove the completenes cf aver part, sud there isne difllculty lu pulting them Ji opsîstion by any poison cf moderato mec hanical abillty. Our machinery has beon selected sud constructed wlth a apecial reference ta the manufacture cf oui cwn macbines-many bools baving beon made for tii particular purpoeansd not adapteSl for otheî work, sud oui woîkmen ore sdn- caleS up te the wants sud raquiemeuts cf oui manufature-obtaining a thor- ougi knowlaclge of the construction of-cui machines, sud ars tins enabied te oh- tain s bigier doese of skgl sud prcficiency than where general manufacturing Is carried ou. W. are thereforéeneabled te intreduco a more perfect systeni into aIl the de- paitments cf manufacture, adding net only le the perfection of the woîk, but al- se le lhe apidity of ils execuion-and a cousequent reduction of ceat. Tis przucîple in regarzled necesssry lu a well regulated establishment, sud we enableil te turu eut car machines witîî a biglier degree cf perfection, and ai pruces se lcw as absoluteiy te dofy competîtion. THE JOHNSTON SELF-RAKING REAPER in ncw se well kuowu as a Single ileaper, thaï; a word cf ccîmondation would almost seeni superfinons, but as tliere aie many claiming le manufacture tbis machins wlio have adherod te the old original Jobusten machins, withonl keep- ing-up te the imprevemonts ; that justice te ourselves sud patrons require ofun te stato that wo have medifiod it iii almost evei-y essential part, sud for atrengli sud dnrability, qualily ot eut, lu cvery kind sud condition cf grain ; igituesa o draft sud case cf' managemnent-tue "Joalnton," au mantifactureS by us-standsa pre-omincutly aizead of ail other reapers. lunlîrcof cf Ibis position we have only te point lu the niaay Firot Prizon awarded ns-at theoIsat Provincial trial o! Ou- tsio, sud msuny couîaty trials w1liclî have takqn place ail over Canada, witbiii the last few yearo. OUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINE witi late improvemeuts,, is al lia an eauh desired in a Combinad Machine, sud 0ur Improved Cayaga ChieJdr., and aur Young Canada Mowgrs are beth first-cissa macines- censhitulod almost whelly cf iron and Steel. The Osynga Jr. bas a rear cnt, sud tbe Young Canada a front Ct ; both strong, dur. able machines, sud net excelleSl by auy machines in the market for qnaiity cf cnt, durabfity, ligituese cf draft, adaptshility, aud case cf management. OUR NEW "WHITBY -HARVESTER."j As thie country bas becomo botter adapteS te machinai-y, sud many cf our faima- are have hecoeo kilied lu lie use cf machines, a grcwiug Somand bas sprung Alivo te the requirements of the day, we bave sncceeded in inventing a ma- chine with a Wrouglit Iron Frâme, with the lest Possible gearing--with lar ge, broad.faced drive whel,-and se constiucted. that the frauxe and table tilt_ at the seaite, tbereby keeping the pitman AlwaYS in lino with the knife.- The rakes are driven directly from the main shiaft-there beinoperceptible aide draft, and no weigbt upon the boises necke. We are cndethat we have succeeded ini inveuting the most perfect Beaper, taking it in ail its parts, tirat lias evr been produced. We bave applied for Jettera patent, and shali hold our invention, for oui own exclusive manufacture, and we respectfully auggest to in- tending purchasars, that they should ose tbis machine before givmg theiir orders for thecoming barvest. The "Wbitby Harvester" weiglio, aJl ld, 000 pounds, but beiug made principally cf the best quaility of ion and steel, and froan its in. goujons and compact construction, it combines the strength aud durability of the beavier machines. Al of oui machines aie fully warîanted. With this list of machines, we feel confident that we eau meet evêry re- quirement, and we respectfnlly solicit a trial cf car machines, beliaving tuat we can furnish a botter machine for themcney than cau ho obtained elsewbere. Respectfully Yours, BROWIN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Wbitby, Ontario, February, 1877. sII-& A GREAT s STILL CO'NTINUES. A fresh bateli of G oods placed on the cheap table'. No GoodIs put one theI? Cheap Table, but such a8 are sure Io commnand attention. The followinà g are among the remarlka-. ble low linos- for this week ; Ladies' Fine Corsets at 60 cents, worth $1 50. Black Lustre at'15 cents, Worth 25 cents*. Aberdeen Wincies at 15 cents, Worth 80 cents. Colored Frenchi Merinos at 37j-, Worth 60 cents. -A Heavy Cotton Shirting at 12J cents. Fine. Lambs' Wool Rose at 25 cents, Worth 50 ets. Table Linon 25 cents. Twvo yards wide Sheeting a%~ 25 cts, Worth 50 ets. Union Carpet at 80 cents, Worth 75 cents. T'hey are 8ellhnl' fast. Cll IRHAMILTON &Co. BOOKSELLER AND &TATIONER, Is noW-showing the, Largest- Stock, the, Best Assortment, and the Latest Patteriis, n WALL PAPiERS, in Town. [7Further'alteration of premises quarterly 1password: Buy and Paper Windlor% MRinds, frorn JS.- ROBERTSON, 1 Oe0Ur, your Wall Papers1 STOYES- AND TJNWARE» -000--- Tini Ware, Copper Ware, 0f every description i ýSor a e rd Special. inducernents fo purcelasers of Stoves for balance of season. GRlOS-S & MACNACHTAN. -Whitby, Jamury 818st, 1877. I ALWAYS O1N IIAND AT- P R I N Gx.L E' S'_ Merchan t Tailoriig. Establishimené, WHICH THEY WILL MAKE UP. CHEAF, -FOR CASH. McMILLA'g 1LOOR, 8 Brook- Street, Whitby. -Have just opened their stock of G-0 00 S Our Stock is large;- Well assorfi and Cheap. ALBUMS, NSTD, BGPURSE h, 1KBUE BOXES FiOR JEWELEY, MUSIC ROLTJS. BRIAR PPE PEIFUME RY, BUTPARIAN, . PAPIERTERIES, ÇARD CASES, PEARL. PIN AE CARD -CASES, TARTAN. SPAR ONMNS CADBOXES, SMELLLNG BOTTLE S, CIGAR CASES, TOBACCO POUCHES, CIGAR HOLDES, - TOYS, CIGAR BOXES, -VASES, BOHIEMIAN L COLOGNE FANCY BOTTLES, WATCH STANDS. DRAUGHTS, WALLETS, DRESSING CASES, WRITING DESXS, FANS, IVORY, . , WOBKBOXES,ý GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF ýCASES,-&. oK. CaWil and be'.o- Stock. FASHIONABLE--TA IL ORlU Go where you, -can get a Well-fittmng'Garmenit Tailoring Establishment of GEORGE, GURLEY, OSHAWA. ed, ABS. 1- a-ni )R 1 CJTT« p P HA 2 fL mi ag e, ance nrs. sthe follow- if IcoIua ni. 'îh1Y cle, lh Furnishinçj -OFý T'HE Ij - 1 i. I l 1 T-ho Thalber- Piano filleas want long fbit- I. 11 9 , 1. Viý-IM liMIAIDII"--TGF S T 0 V-E S of the THE STAMP ýs. -Vvv- :B. sm i . rw, 1=1: is T . ORE AND D-WELLING FýA N Ç.Y ROBERTSON SWEEPING -S,'W. * B. W ITH. & ( 1.1