Whitby Chronicle, 29 Mar 1877, p. 2

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ge",I"Attar-niy GOce r ulaa lâ ~by' buies Joinsco.- : u~iataaof 4~te o,,u.eLofat ce. Large uuwbers were i el lt f Clottastd Tweedso- &aE1IOTT>ixui e 4 efor the Moutroal and Este r i -~pt~obaLâie-~tdsw ~el~>. i Ilau Reenu su îl 1h e nd ai at p teAed. The:bufol. Lad n J&a for Sale- __ The rodait ac'th, votlug an the by. Id sngoo1qpth es elsd.Ts l'Am êGoda-ý. 4W. B. SsUiti. lî'bas alresady boen cammunicated by '881ftg M a le ge symLei pair- the 'ouniy - OîCerk b 1h. lList itû &t th l se0to r. l d . o ~ d 3 Oonsoquntl1, Rosrds-g roltag Dest fat cow or' boier-lotandsud Oi the- Attontsy4enzkral, lcence.wfjj Hi. Gouid4 $5 and $B1. SoeI anotics t6- - u.11 à . iesueti.Thlais Àe.OWn ilmune%. test tlioep, dresset-lat sud tud ~' r . a n t D w lli g t o L o t J . ~ . c. e st v e a l e ci o f 1 8 7 7-r ,s t . G o u ld ; VWlou, petedawuo ndedplnla. the o u r f b, ;- an2-i. ~LueUevsg1sc -~L**. P'afrbaukei. ohrl.Ined0 ylb filtoio 8 na J.Oseo, $2. tb.heuki by a tn aîlotheb.Act 'ut bog, droséeti, six monthes ad- ACIN SALES, slould core ne uforù In, Mte, 1878. 10 A. Orvis, 4$2;-,2nd L. Stase, f 1. Df faipu stock, impîemeuîé, &0. h It W"s so dlstinaîiy expresmei and - un 2 est live hog-lst S. Daw.s, *2; ra~'poty of Mr. Sherman Blrown, an deratcoad by tle-momberm af the IOouuîy 3emê îurkey, dresse-lstà. A b lot No. 6, ilu île 2nd cocecssion of Connclf when assebting ta the by.Iaw. new dock. Bb.s Picering, Ksstnfo~,n Menday, Anti upon tbst expressudrtut4atllsri ute-î .Wb APril 2,1877-L. Pairbanký,Auctioeeor. udnadn s ob olbte-s .W thse by-iaw wag ssnbsitlad sud voted t ,#2; 2nud W. Bathley, $1. Saleorfiohes,,catie, imiîîouîeuts, Hnrt.w ve ~~ est firlin ai butter net iosthon &0., by uIuotion,. on Tueisdsy, April 17, upon. IbmilonS. edasWho vdoA 1877. aItlRay'is botel, towlî cf Whitby,,- wauldlott have dane se were 1h.' tbb 42 ut () *élcka. is.- r. Pfrbnko 4wre battheActwoud cnte. ito udges-on stock, John Wilm, J. I. 'eaioeriamediate operaticu. Many, taa, who D 'vÃŽdeo an sd Ueo. MOGIluivar>'. On - ------- - romained lit home, would have tïnilPrt d;ce, &s., P. Smith, Ueo. .Hewls OuI sud vat-bd against t hée .nre1à, an' W. W .. , ley net led -te believe tha t île botel.- W itby andi East Whitby Agrcultural .- keopers Weuld have twolve menths jté Society'. - L S 5 PER àtANUM,. gel iid aftbeir tock and prépare themn. . .. .seves for thc new Ortler af tîlugo.a. ý The Sprig l'uFaill te Union Agri. WViitby, T'irsday, Marci 29,'- 7.o l owhli etdcames iotaonulural Society of Whitby andi Bomi aperaîlosi immcdlatoly, th. vote boa ew' >iby, heîd li Broaklil, on 'Wednes- Cunning Eiectlou Cries. been taken under a o ippriaenoian, ifdo_ i t, wa* WeIlIattended. The fol. net positive decepinpacieiu Ibuowiog prises wore swsraed: N;ons ldrýaibetter- than îhe lthe ratepayere ai the un d til buçh. Fife wliet-4 ontries-mI; îîls nerI.l]ii owe r Àe,'boa. Manderson, 48; 2ad, Wm. .-l~eset psrtyta awoth1e ativautago scorcely credible, an aa teseent oailhe Thmel ,2 <il ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T a empeecicor.-.FtuîPan fc$2 ;agt ~ 2 4 8rd, Thas. Allan, $1. ul a god eci "'~ oery i',Fe --- OM.Baby on bogtbeoete oro uâ.ay aller variety ai whest- NO ellry " --" abytuaI tle legslity ai ý& by.lsw pssmaed 6 e ntris-lat, Thos. Mauderecu, 42; Coîtraoîs l"-Point Lovi Jobs 1i"-and nuder sob cf'Oru tsuces can be.up. 2nu(, John Bray, $1. tlownta îe "PcifiDitadaI"bush. two-towed boly-8 otris- clon t th liaciic.epu ai latter hlid. On tis . ud aller. grounds, we lst~ Wm. Thempson, $8 ; 2nd, W. Pyle, layt, oac inlumtuda efetive duty aI beieve, the Lioeumeti Victuolîers lave 82. oleotion litne. ManY willti rejeor determinedte t carry tle case iotao Oi bush. six.rowed barley-2 anes- île lîaowl raised by 11tGta bsOdtdeî.lt, -Win. Thompseu, 48; 2nd, John tIissa. sou inc.udo ubjocts. Tbey Undér Soutien388 ai île Aniended' wîi le, $2. pa- ur foriei th thtulPOitinl apial PO Lienw Ac th Cnaiissones bve busl. largo .5- etre-lai, !orietlbulai oliisI cpial pa Lions A tu Cmmisiner hve uZ Coakwoil, #8; 2nrl, Thos. Conk- wviiicls îhe Pitritys;uOceasifuîy tî-aded tho power te iaîse lilcenses fer tiîree wel',,12 ; Ord, Chas. Ceakwoll, $1. in iecoisig the peoples'for years. usoailîs. The c!aubse reads as folowîs- 6 bush. small peas-G eîîtriiis-lmt, Witilitume they woeoexploedtasd "In any qable whore the Licous.eCana. s128d nda, h.Modr laîl'4d g lu our'), blylisey, woiL erved i misioners of ony Licous. Distriot May son 142v; 8rdwhJte. Gala- -nta, 4 1 8 lIse purpose ofi010Lîo he. A leaf ha. Dol lhiiid fit, or are unable te grant a Thos. Mandersan, $92; 2nd, Thos.Coak. hlent talais Onti r ,i110aId book, aladb~c ew licouto ta sy applicont who laswél 1 a " t;îti>'îna ssirîoîsl orhi ~ been lidenseti turing ltie precoding, 6 bhlack s ots-2 ontris-lst, çýfl Y1LlýIPOrfoitl frthe îiîe tWelvo months or ony paît Iloreof, IIOy Jahisi Mcl,4;2dTIsMae. 4sc's. 'Saýcrai ura'ici)1" ii h ý temiy, nevertlielet, by ré-soltion,pro-Jo. san,1 $1.nd Tos Mndr ehihballhslid lie. Pli Gc~î~00îvide for exleudiîîg île duratioîî af tIe 1 bual. eighîtawed coin lu the es.- Iibitlhîtsiieîail Ou position of tise oximting liccinse fer scy speeifiecl periad 8 oîîries-lst, a.Soks ot,4 'whoncr~o .,is ~ Uitîou f lise year cal exceoding lIraecinnsst , 2nd,] Ja. Stae, Jr., 50o. iiivits-hrel t(jIliscollgal tua thoapplicant cf a sum tict exoeeding Ln 1 s. -wiebaBlt hs tîîlrirtsne -" > csi-sîlse isetIe- raprilnal pat a tie dsty~i5'. 2 usi. claver - soad-7 etries-let,1 -a.~lis-iiiîîl 1lul'elcw tlsay have suIe lai- sudsh iceussa for thi e oxi ou- T1209. Allan, $4; 2ud, John i oss, $8;1 114)Ci iflio lOsi i&i tîey citai appeau iag iiceuoe year ; sud suob licones, Srd , ne. lylo, $2.1 wtti tc oîîsly.Tioi wliseua corlificateOof île extension i1înshs. olsike over-imi, Guarlosi (i.1lt] il li5ty.T5o aforeslil a btsbeau oudormot therecu, L 9~e 2 tliteU.yiliîîs trtord lia kiliodt tlm, unider tisa bond ai the Inspeotôrof Lya el 2 i. ttal'se-5etisll prilicaily, siit] --Pios b tiaLiceusf ilfor the Licence District, shah l o . task, $8 2d-5Jas. Misaew t, romain vaîti for tle porioti lu the reo-#q rIM.Sec,$1 ' i lî a i -" -'crel servici'"- ls lulion of tle Cammissloera3, and no 2;lrH.Secr 1 lt1, 011-Y pit-î'ilti tise argons. Iu Ibis longer: but thm provision shal l e bc O-lbs. îurnip sooti-isi, J. Michael, ti Wof i hue, as ususal, led tise waytaocustruedtoteconfer an thé Licous. 4$1 9 1iii liii t rireeêl now dénvales iteelf Cemmiiboiners an>' authonit> toeoosot# Sli.s. carrat seeti-lot, John Michael, - i tiiîUiîliîiat wnrk ai landeîing te iitPes ue y t a d eitén 1 ,ush. fiax sed-7 eontries--lmt, -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~At asîJdi iîîîutli~ts~ asa ~ ~ tiséthenumbeoataueru licenses John Pyle, $1.50; 2od, John Michael, Si~litî"ep~siiiufortI?~ amig itiaz, wleoe - Liasé Cormmsîsonois 8 bush. table potsioes--lst, Tliommi 11iti gîs.igl- h' éi c. t bvtia eo. a ntbcir discretion, hssving regard l iitýt1ýtalfe well,amgivinabiud îl te particular circumsîauceos afthe CoakWe ,l.enrs-t Olt ', sud ai oacI application, grant f Bdon, 4. r të--8t Jh Dy tis r yt licetsses, but witlin th c t ftccvi orhleiter-4 nre-lt titr fit aflitlisî'gre iisl nuiber oaismobllicaumes grauted for the Jolhntamplin, $4; 2nd, John Dryden, 1 itif 'w usa nissgaiieaice lit aIlthat yeat ondiug the Blet day af April,'1877; $2;n.,Il.]rnc,$1 hisa buiss iuic'rgcsl or ininuateid las aud excoptinl a Iocality wiîere roitemis ,li 'two fat sheep-2 entries-lsl tîîîîî rus's'l <lasoid Oni lauuuatlen lu bolngi argeiy resotdto lu snmer by sud 2ud, Levi Stone. Thicr, oig otli fr vsior, heLiceuse mlssoes Doinian iran pîaw-lst, iGeorge Irai.. ilucrs, bing aI sp or rnY, sheuldthley think fit, grant-eue Storei, 42. pîîs4nl' aii l mnteatin luunlil a ardliitianal torero license, but w-ual te Gastg plow-8 autines-lsl, W. Rob.I U0i111tiii . ; il pi opie, VIa jssdge of extout beycsd six months, cosumencinî sn, 'l2-; 2nd, Levi Cassitt, $1. 'onrs îLus-m îswis witk inclinations an tle firsi day.cf May ineach yoor" Iran Harrows-lsî, W. Roiseon, 02. ' s i Ih-1s-îIîtî cousu to lihive that TIc Comamissianers anathtIe License Oné herse scuffler-2 enries-lst, 1 " Vba' 'iàlo]issi, if iss)ý tiitsi, <sîgîî la Insp)ctai-for Seutls Outar-io are person. Oea. $tortey, $2; 2ud, J. Jolirisaln, $1. to hLi',~si 'îti liiualveb tIare aîîy weîî awsra ilteintention as ta Graiu drill or seater--lot sud 2nd T. il it hotie h Dikn c wst tieMoCCUý, $2 sud $1. f -;uu';isiîM' i it tîîîus ua-rîi TuntcDiukno - a akliyo.hrse raîîer-2 entries-ilt, ve is i .OUi, ni l1z'n to5'rî(. lifinuit, iuîussl ect - l'iey Ihavis peracunal kssawleilge Ku p',Dilloni & Haie, $2; 2nd, B. Ci Mus çIl 14oi a5issit 1 %as-il nml ur l ' t he 'POl tat t il-At oi Mardi, 1878, Rltînèb', 1. ti i, Iwltlttit,,* 'itîî îiîus thupc e Wrý8 the tussel fixatiutl si. Unilertise Churu-lot, T. l'scCassu, $1. fi5 ý;ý1; t 1tiilot L ie li;t,-,tt b Lieywil lkel exrc S s iitn iaruss-lst, J. Dale, bi. e muat ioa'î us-rrisila gapirig,- iiroalutie iw- ofs-o isaiiet > ie Hos-Iesoes, fiat-lnt, HIl aine>', Upssi isaîsiis'>r "a isea- fri part aiftSection s83, asud issue tils-. $. "Ail ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~l)ItB 'i"n ~tîhiî,---~~. ssl'lionusos; 'ruilawilIl e saine ior fe alces, caulkct-lsl, R. Raine>', e5ttsîv 't'ttri t iii sitse( ye.'- Clitliving ta TIis Seiir-. Ml istiaasltuijcritiom ss i i' p '-~s ilImsîe tsfrCsmisuiiss issu t si y itsmi tis us, la Itdcsî)tl i -ssiitis ui.latluîsîao tttimegliti' Io(Iovtilut u iiih s-îisiiits-y. Xmt of tiis- ouuîsîsatetosme. istired ltisois-sents ('uan s iki'Ialessa esy as Oliig'iausi-tsi eleetiasa. illoules-, bsickei-y sii eiiand ttieu quoieilte la>' 'i ct car i Ofxaiesgviosntt havi u'islsa- OPIPIi'miel ttîs s', f tisa peoaphlet tiseha docts'ptiouî.tcla-lsîolln lutifn i> is-sI5lîisî ben allTurled furs ittjgug ai' til tisctit-îtOîus- ailla uinis l>'>sra lii-Irlait usi wr lît id u c- L is vWailt thî e ma wlsleuratura. d'i iii 1'rllaitlo-ttilssy ?Nthii sisisse ti inu,hVlitatIlias 1takeu Ilalco tit,'Ise ta Oulits-losos %V0111 frieîuw ilu tfty utiles- csls t be ies, 1usd tle leet- 'ire oui tisa<ltielta clsoee ag-ain. s-luiw'li la tisa sc:r'tlmôatuate rigi 55C 1'8seSîiýaket- appis.oul1 tIse position tit tise>' vii l scruîj1ihe)ta vole for nsytitn iu Mterg psoeei rler-ts Ci, relmîiss tlissr mette. As Iin; as, tiey eCmtln taluiht e oeai'utable csîlioce thu>' wil i ieev-i-retordi ansel nicocid- tc'lue us lliNi,. Iîkttsi Thett pesi. - tmîîriumuile is oraitisaiaI OftIse Ivsu jsisyusisj. ILii as-es Otîtu ai pne i nt ils ai-les- ctt'u, iu whicis alhliugisltae evitlencu vais oleas- mgaiusb tis1e ptisioner, ---- tlisa latîles- 4asmsscuuittemlî te sieflisuce aif ils eOvidueuca uaitise tiatinot ocharge ci - uuht 7 ia osskot. ,By y >'cen- astu- li"Wa Ule repu>' of île - -' .tum'yaau "P ile lu sevnsyself bang litsi, sud Iclise) lasti lue lu Lni>'laite V' 'l'ilMotive thal svayéd ue leuint cf tu I-esjsyi a> ayceonni fer île jis4trbotio devoîlen cf 'Mr-.Ifgoakouies - - ballovers- I li noves- conseel le oipu;icaiteocapitatîo, se long as le 1,0i l ast lufe un theis leasuai fparlie. ld- isetor>' exiteuca, TIe Eostes-n Question. T1 ie iituatian lu th. Bout again ne- iaovm publicar asm in Europe. Riussa nfisea ta dernoblile. Tus-ko>' refuses tu îralong lIseéaarilaice vutb Menton. .jigna. Fus-îles- t4iturbLinees have -brokesi out lusilsheProvinces. The - atoeoaiTus-he>' ta repentei Asi teplor. itlu., ant inlual lieliiiooil Busmia la oui>' valtiîsg ilc opeulog of sprlusg tu Com cau heci aiepsigu.- .'li<LESLJcmîîlSmiali, tllos-intuhIe Sitantrd 1&,,las aistonjej, iavhsg- eible(liboitEluit t he aameut of about 8000. lrtas-teoîhle banS iii guanotéki for double thje asaut ai th - liosslug fundur Tise Dwsîtts) y-law, lu Yoric. - k - iTi. çî &wa 110ý"palliaig 0cîsIis ])ii*14 &ÃŽt by4aw luil thaunt>y' ai * vpç9Jor17 of001tu lavai - isuui relief ta tisoso sRggieved, sud vii Il Fansaing Mille-21 outies-let, Chas. gzivo tine faorubaiingr adviec as te île Haouey, $13 ; 2nd, A. N. Wilson, 4,2. praceesiegelua le taken lu hiave tle Jit ges-Ou gi-aie and sioeds, J. B. lu-aieteI. 'T'his lu oaiy îhe begin. Biclel), lrookli ; E. Wmlkcr, Posrt iiungaof.tlssî sjuaîisc andthefitis ulîty Pets-y and D. Licks, Oshawa. Osu fa-t ta ollw i th wao o th wokiu à stock 'ani isplementte, C. Batmiinan, yvokig est Wîýhib' ; J. R-alpus, Rleeu ; and thîe iiueglirmg Duakin Act. A. Barpaett. Tei. etuNcocertgienbysua. ue Us.sxa--Mn. Jsepls Tlompeou, ovnis-oaille lIejuils. oucs- gienb>'tie Uit'?imporleti Ciytasdaus s 'taluhan Glaucer, Scuta>' Seolof itîe love, lun tis gave the sua co' $20 for tise tus-oc beot Sentis>'Ssbooi raoo ai ltIc oiiot oee-yehrs- aitentine culte, anuithte three - Tasi.saee, n Test>' vencg as bolet one-yeas oit filies, tiret ly Gise - vao net e eo uesa vn glcas-. Thora were fautrenieo su eocl wasnetsa eilatlte astise menu chass,, sndlise judges rpi-onuedti Im of île programme andthîe abject ai tise tIchesat lut ef colts iset b>'aneals ententainimnant tesenvet. Thae chounues oves- exidhiteti in Souths Ontario. The sangby te chldre wor goo, s ouetnios vote,. in ftue cno-yoor aid enlina san b tie îlîs-n vregouislîw-class-Wm. Dcv, Santl. Boali, sauil. iug coroful training ont custivalion. Ha0110,1ansd J'30. GeUlsi; anti1lu île -A scie vas val rectorat 1>' Mimae1111>' clase, J. C. Fox, WS. White, N. Ida Halel, wvisa rceiveti a vaîl merit- lBustee; aut Win. Smillh. The pizas cdet ncocre. Atlseos dahines-ati 1>' co asfoliovs: îvo. Eubre Coiî-lot, Wina Pua, $ tIhe caielsmou (Mr. Ormniston), io's . d, JohGauli, $48; Sil-tSamuel Mlessi-sClark asut Çraig wve r I-i ant fels, $2. suitable. Auetlîes concert vilileogven Fiiiy cehsýst, J. C. Pox, $5 ; 2nd, luis (Titunida>'> evonieg, whon vo l'ope N. Bus-lau, $8 ; r, Wm. Smitis $2. tle chitiden yl lé met 1> suob a Mr. 'hompson desarves ahI aredit fan hsome as tise olaracies -f, hi eur tuer. making1i tiI a vei-y isilesesting f es-ue oth isýir, asui moe e laoweers ai r asmuteevs sialioina voult do lie saine aitublà season oaiIe yesn t anulti - give lise DIs-A:nNIU aCIIALLEMU(ik.-The Debai. fermas-s.a gact chance cf julgiug ai the ing Club sud Lites-esy Societ>', ai Asl- mues- itsofthiiest ok. bus-c, tas cialleegedthlie Broakîmu Jut ia-Aîb n aualn, Piocering; Club ta déiste ltaél'olluvteg questian:. Jauses Pile, Whill>'; sud Oea, Thomp- - - "iloivd-Tht lNapaleaus ewau a sou, Scott. gresten general tIen Welington." 'i'î cialhusgalis iten acepet. Týs Univerîuîy Boat Race. Diaeussien le tise conueil rocin ai the àDaD HBAa asa tovnsip Isll, Broohliti, on Salas-day Thelaconlesl vas ocket les-vas-sita eveus. 8lu 81set. ,witls nuutal intereat, aedth Ie universel iuli)raiisiae, ttengiheneti b>'eaol dsy's CHUCEusj MILLUINERY Gonau.-Rleat raports oallie pu-agrous cof the training, Mn. Fsco'. annonuement, sud then vau îlot il voultihb uncemmul>close, tuspoot île flue dispîs>' cf ustîîueny lit thîe boit anthiies boing dividoti in lis aedeni ensrgsd ter, Otiflopisnio su to tic remiît. Cambridige1 hie iandomeeulaged tcre, adfo. hd th sdvaniagoluialigoundegsui> lova' hall. rowing, ant in lunmbernug In thean os-ev six oI oassantia o esval ie h NEsW OaoifAT anOuussssIITS' HLLu.- .bl s seqed honlIse race bloe. Tisei Mr. Jelistson hile tii acul a lange Oxford crcv camprisat oui>' four olti1 ouuortment of splendid gactas, selling n ar sanoeil ad a fnesh oosvain, Thei remakaby lw pice, ad,11 wichhoveather vas evert'iing Ilat cauld ole reuanhail' ev nics, nt 1s vhcisledesiresi, andtwitihatactiug tlb srIy invites an inspection. lueur ati hi - tsé race came off, au accouni of tise lite, tise boul, ai the OcTr oeunFaisORT-mssTaLD b>' the rivas- veré coaded vus ossîbaus spoci- celols-ated Madame Soeeey, aistheo Byai aieso e a eMmi>'ytnnggle. isel. Ishe tells île ladies wendunful TIe stan teeSýplade aI 8-25, Oxford thingsi. rSe auiaet.J iaviug van île toule anti Olosan tihat Mittiesex- ite cillae river. Bailloaia Mit. Briu.s's CA U appéars iu oller gel mvav -vohianti a deaperata race on- pclumno. Prisr iin oie uned' neutises-bot honingthîrongl tle Pasîle rqni-ig cuv>'.vbhe o ai lfila locgib theadvsntsge0 onung viii fint in acapableaont trust- ai île ailes-. AI Barnea'a Bridge île>'a vortis>. vos-c level, an accidenhtatelansecf the Oxfes-ticars having onabled Cumbriag GET~S' Ss'sssaa OimsnaIFergusona ta dll up tho qap betvee lIeus. Thle cothlng stane, Dundas sîneot, Wsitb> r aceeresuitet iun a ùedot . Tiue- j Mn. Ferguson vanîs ail tc exaiune lsb lt flueno sleetion ai bats, aud île IZNOvW oTmuaTsNEsxsuaumr auPaEs. I noatesaig iovps-lcs a nthsicis lie>' DENs~T ss.-Psient Rayes lu de. ai-e oflreil. veloptcg Nnav-Natllig tentaccies, ~---~- ~ aocotdfujg te tise NevwYorks Tribuîane. st BAND00aCîînnT.-Remember lte con- Ha S sas ed te bave oxpresset ig is cm-si Oent te le givecn 1>' lIe Baud an wet. an tisat mano but Acces-ban bora di. ssta>', April 411, ond give Ilase wîaa zons should tepreseni île Oovas-umenît a are se veli tesenviug aif>'aur patrnuage stas. ,co-- a got bouse. S~ES.ýXQ T.-A- posîmuceler oays the ot - came ait le ceunti lai hîe post- le A wmiles-ilutlb Tensperasce- Record adnc e iS itat, as #i sls an ollé maties-te diukiug "a rcd.rà, Qi l ise~puoff zi - b. put dosecof the devil i la elftanur T o a eI$ dè - is. pe-aaI >savfi--~ tinti for'qit - lrg.t a.- Thew Fe-Au 1 Psh a11 Msio , noetai.t d n art Wp*lzbybY' iow nias, '01 bé,è urni vazoye. gpw%-n Z t MIion or "ale. »Gerbeofoir.a~ioid Master et Whitby. $275 to be paid intu cohit for, the bonefitof &smith Soties. J. E. Fare.well,fot pltfit.;G Y. Smth- andB adQ. o. for Sad.ma Mr. Ewat, for lnfantm B 1 - v.. Oin<ktll-Bm lto cam- pltod:ta c arry ont an sigres. ment for indel ,nn1ty; Doe a rdern defendanît to lndomdify opait mortg. ago in question, oud psy ,f the amoant, d4ue on> mre. (J. Molo, for pltf.; a* dne forr doiet. - Hotiday es. fOWroy.-Petition by Nancy Hart, cl"iinÉ maintenance ont of the ostate of the lits Jiûksn Holli. day. Decre, referring 'taoi ter at Whitby, ta onquire what le due- pétitioner for poot sud future main. tenance. (Costea ofaU partieu to be. p aid outeof estat,.. Mr. lloyd and Mr. Smith,0 for petitioner;- 1fr. iHoskin, for plitif. ; Mr. Ewarte, for Infants. Luer vif. Ontario Loan andSZBavings Socieiy.-Doeemomde daeolaring the pleinittff entitled ta an soconut Of the smodxnt due. the Society. iaeferred ta MaRter, at Whitbyta enquie. wba are the parties entitit t h. balance. Mr. Armant, far pitf. ; Mr.. Eugliah, for deft. 'z TuesdaY, Match 27th. Neal. va. Martin.-Bill ta set amide a sale under au exeonution. Bill dis. mi*sed. Bayd, Q. 0., and O. Mass, fa pitf. ; Lymnan Englieh, for doit. .Browjned i a. Cra*&UBllUfiled ta delare Caleb Oraudeil truetee, and ComPel au amaont with 1h. plaintifse. The came*invalves the Oraudell pro- perty At Part Perry. lalmned to bei awned by Càleb (randell for bhies a ns. and benefit, but af which the plaintifs, hbis sister sud brathors allegi. ho is auly trustes.. Bonbon Craudeil. tho father, il appeot, originohiy awn- ed 400 acres, in whioh wua comprised the property lu dispute. In Febrnory, 1851., ho executed amo tgag tDr. i3urnside far £750,whlc martgage was snhsoqnently asulgned ta the Church Society. Iu 1854 the late Mr. John Comeran bought o portion of the property an which the mort. gag waot b made a first change and. thé oer p art retsinod by Crandel released. Camoron fallitd ta psy the rergage, o largo amannt for taxes, ladi accuunlcted aon tle land sold hlm, part of which baid bean laid ont in village lots, proceedinga were taken by lie Chnrch Socioty ta foreclose, and île lands se pnrcbased by hlm were surrendercd by Cameon ta tjrandeil. &reduotion cf 'the taxes was obtained sud the amanut scttled, sud anuaar. nement was mode with tho Church iociety. An asuîguement ofais. huroh 3eciety's dlaim was obta1ued by CJaleb, wtrustes for his father, as la now al- êged, and advsutago was taken cof the uit commouced for foroclosure ta t roightenunp mollets. Caleb lad no uongy of his awn, thc mouey dno die ~hnréh Society was raisedl through the ~ps{tance 0of mras Paxton aud ont f proceeds cf soles cf portions oaicue sud. Boubou Cran4ll died iu '74. Ul1eb denics ttbat ho soted as trustec ut soiely an hlm owu behalf sud dlaimns îtis wyaspsthsbcm right t to tem the property, which1 ery valuable. The defendant aud frm. Brown, tle plaintiff, hlm ister,. pore examined ant estlengthon1 'Uemdîm.y. The defeudatrelies hupant in answer put lu by Bonbon, the fiier1 Da bil lleB by Bonsiin Crandell,1 nether son, lu '71, aI oging the smrnc icts as tho bilîluntlhl, cause, aud in1 'hiiol answer oid Boubon swore that t ýaieb was not a trustee, but ldaito- innd au assignmnt cf the umrtgpge r lis own bencfit.e Sevoral otber witnoees w~ere examin- ( I up ta the riig of the Court. F Wedinestiay, 28th. eý It wae anudtuucd îlt o asettîomt nî id boon arriveil ai between tbje,zj.rtiem (J the Crandoîl case. M.r. Musa ap. 'T ai-ad tor plaintifis, Mr. Boyd for de. 'T ,udauts. Calieb surrouders te bis rel. ivs proporty te the value of $25,000 Doiniidon Bank vg. Liddecoal.-BilI set, aide a canveyance. The. court w I'used ta bet aide the couvayance, t declared defendant's orelitorfs te va a lieu on the land te ihe-extent cf c: W0, sud also entitled ta possession oaiCi note for $100 lord by lm. No Ci stm againet defondant Dingle. D cGue & James for pît., L. Engliel for ni fi. Fi Jlenary vs. Goult:.-BiIl fileld by trias- ,s cf Mrm. (Cade ogainst Trustees blo Christian Cînrol, Oshawa, te -K 1pel the. latter ta restare certain al Maj. fer Trembia>'. Irena---------...64 Agues---------...64 i-na>' Bs>'......49 itI Rivieno-......6 Simon---------....2 6 iAux Cendres ..... Paul ............... i biculemouts ..... Hilarion ........... Fidele ........... . Ax - 209 lie Au ants-des ta lest aImajorit>' eatirated ai 50. - .0-0- - lien f.11 b>' perans wv isacanai le. s n>' particulas- disoose. -If île>' k Il becoes.a lobr ;iflise>' valS, 9 oon tire ; mental ffrts becoes inden, ont enen jays are dimmet le shasiof aiIs veaisuesi vIih mtoves- their linos. Recours. lu sausetimes ta Stinmnlante of a dan. 'ns eharater. The advice ai pI>'. lns ta s-airain item active labos- pro- suo o a laeuite. 'Wly 2 Thle us Sm1 de IlYiateti anti neosis toe np propori>'. PuviàN Bries' do tis ver' thing. Lie the csc. s, anti Issmeiziag 'h lse cs-. i nactions, t aisen p îe ou- ead, ant i b-gs tise tiblsr ta tise i~an, ont hoe. t he déospn. niltsa Il. was-Sps-ampl>'sun Soit b>' ail ts-uggistm. w YORKsING Bo e ]Fasm a xCON- D.-Tho New Yor-k Bingîfs-autis bout ta le coustoned. Tweed vili aleosedti wbis 'osisto ta-ng s-t>' o te valueofia qusaterofai >n;. The claimm agalusti Reyser, e>', au ntiluges-seulare as gooti se d, andt Iolaexpecte t tisihie outse viil e p 9se 'i o to Sveoey, viale asrangements abcng mate fer Connofly's rature Eus- o ilis a ulmilar object. h lievc([ ilat Oakey Hall lac de. edtlhsengl feo'aipransisasi s-ove- sa b>' hies d ausoolotes. Bi R Hîx.Thse Broaoklyn, N. Y., bivos are lbaI footiltes-snoe party âtoie'twsa huindAthû î5,,rna,.A4 11, Bioc luill avili trio systi pore feobî vont Ns bON4 area les pmil lamI are -s bt raimi lail Maj. for 116 ftem. iyi, seeoned by Mt<. 1tisaI a 'Ieachers'Asoi ing far affloors vhiôh isfpl. Vu . - ueuusa, M. A-* résicent.' Jas,' MBrien, I. P. B., ls i ce-lirém. Jno- Gale, 2uti Viso.Ps-esident. -Mr. Yeoman.a, Treosurer. ..ý ý1 Ul. Wliis, Soelar>'ti. tGzNsoa Ooxmu.-Mcssro. Mil. t(Whslby), Boîter, (Brougham,) Edgar, Iar monQ )Retidit, (Duffins' Oreais,) <Horais',)M ts -Henersoo, (Oshava,) Miss Belle," (Niasai.,) Mues, F-aas-, (Eeia- Street, Wiill,) Mis Hiokie, (Dundas Street, Whill>',) -Miss Ciarke, (Glaremant.) Mn. Tamîlyn, saconded by 'Mil- les-, coovodti ta tise next meeting le hltion theo I5th anti 261 ai May', naît, anc ti'tiai;aif'teaohors le notifisti. The ialiovlag progr-amme was mate oui fos- tle naît meeting : Ms-. Tamblyn ta propore a paper ou tise "Entrance to Hugi secbcas."- Ms-. Yoan@au, a pape- an lThe boul ustotisaofaiteacisng isistar>'." - Dr. MeChellauti bes-equosteilte taa- tend aont delive-aa ddrsesa an lise "Unitan>' moof aiitisuetie.' The meeting then adjourneti aftor paaig votes of lison. Tise DiviasionssnIte Tariff Resolutions. Tisa divisions an tle proteetive omendusonte vereoas-failov: For Dr. Ontae's Agrionlharal molion lises- oore, yeas, 74 ; iays, 188. YzAs.-Mesmsz. Baby, Benoit, Blan- chel, Brooks, Brown, Bunster, Camerpn, Gampbell, Caron, Oimon, Cols>, Coshi- gan, Ceepal, Curnior. ColIbert, Daaust, DeCasus. Desjartliuu, Dowdtno>', Dom- ville, Doachua, Forraw, Fs-aser, Gaudet,s Gibbs (Ontaria North), Gibbs (Ontario Sents), Gi11, Hsgga-t, Hlanvo, Hur- bean, Jones (Lests), Kis-kpatnuck, Lac- lias, Little, Macdonald (Kingston), Mactoasît (Cornwall), Mactonald (Cape Bs-aloc), Maedeugali (Tisreo Rliv-s os-s), MoNa>' (Colchester), MoMilisu, MeCuiluna, MoCaris>'.MoGreevy, Mo- Os-egas-, MaQuade, Masson, Mitohell, lIfoffait, Monteitis, Moustplaie-, Muis. seau, Nons, Orton, Ouimet, Palme-, Piesonneanît, Pia4l, Phumis, Rcbilha-d,( Bobinson, Bobitahie, Rochuester, Bossa (Durhsam), RLay, SInut, Stephtnuoc,i Tlompsaon (Carsboo), Tuppor, Wallace t (Norfolk), White (Hastings), Wite 1 (Reufrev), Wrightl (Ottawa), Wrighst C îPan2tiac).-74 , e NAs.-Msors. Appieby, Architil, E Alymos-, Bautyne, Beclor,1, Berniter, f Bex*omi, Biggar, Buhskbîn, lBolduc, f Berden, Banron, Boaman, Bayer, P Bronua, Buel, Bus-ko, ]urpée (St John), fi Bus-pro (8unlu->), Carmicbecal, Cart. 'o Wright, Case>', Casgrain, Cauchonusa, Oboriten, Cheval, Chrnistie, Cliah, r Cackbn, CGfin,. Cook, Cuninîgham, a Davies, Davson, Deoaims, De St. Il Gerffs, De Vépes-, Dymout, Feris, I Fimet, Fleming, Flyn, Foslea, co Firochette, Gaibrartl, Oliban, hi Giliies, Gilimn, Gaudga, Graten- fi wa>' Gixtin, Hegar, Hall, Hig- b lebollaus, Ho!tou, Horion, Hanltng. t' tou, Irviîse, Jette, Joncs (Halifaxs), B3 Kerrs, Rihianu, Kirk, Laflautue, La-jie, 01 Landersin, Laurier, MoDon-itd (Ton. A onio), MfacDonoul (Inverness), Mec- bu Dngali (Elgin), MacDaugaîli(ften-I frw), Mackay (C. B.), Macke-nzie, Mc- ta Js-aaey, Melntyre, Mclsaac, MeLeati, il iloNal, MotoitIf, Milis, Oliver, Pat- ci erson, Ps-niy. ý'etca, Picicard, Pope, ci Qiceie, P. E. I), Pochiat, Pows.i-,.ey q -liciard, Roacoe, Rose (Miid 1 ex),: Rosc (Prnce Ewt-> yae, Scaicht- lb tsi, Seriver, Sitbley, Siniclatir, Smith ne (Stileirk), Smuihs(WVeqtluand), Smnitls w: (Pool), Suidar, St. Jern, Taschereau, Wî Tlibauliei, Tisoupson (iloîdtiuanl), an Trow, Vail, WalIsee, (Albant), WVood, S( Nos-man, Yea, Youulg.-llt. ta, A divisiau s asimen taken ri ais . H alhn MacDotiald's ameardsumt, whlch thi was lest. tl Yes, 70 ; ussys, 1163. YEAS-Meso-s. Baby, Bonoit, Bise- 3ei, Beaveli, Bs-ooks, Bravn, Buceter, su lames-on, Camupbell, Clmon, CclIîy, Oostigan, Coupai, Gui-rien, Cuthlert, Dsonsi, DoCosmos, Desjas-inas, Dewd- i)oP e>', Dounville, Danohue, Farrow, Ihi 'rasas-, Goudol, Gibba (North Ontlario), St, ibbs (South Ontario), Gi, Hegga-î, vs FCarnoo, ti, Hxîan, Jouas <Leots>, gr) is-Spatrics, Lautsien, Little, MacDcn. ai [t (Kingston), MoDonait (Cape Ar- -retan), bMacilougaîl (flîrso Rivers), es-i loNa>' (Colchester), Macinilli&n, Me. tlî "aluos, MoCa-th>, MoGroor>', Mc- kel ate, Masson, Mitchell, Moffistt, ai doutelîl, Moniplaisir, Mausaean, sal )ron, Ouiuset, Paumer, Pinmonneauht, Ne ?Itt, Phuml, Boitillant, Bobinsion, "fic lobitailie, Rocheote-, Boy, Schultîz, vms teplouson, Tiompeon (Cas-iboo), ap. pus s),R nScatchent, Soriver, Sîiuî- t SnaiSitus (Poel), Smsiths (Sel- aboi c), Smniths (Westimarlac), Suider, aste: .Jean, Taschereau, ilibaudean, aud iompson (Haldimont), Trav, Vail, têtu llIacet (Albet, Woodi, Was-kman, on 0? Young.-Total 119. gros liane ixicuTzoc or JaswD. LsE-Muri. cion tu Micà.navMàssàa.-JoIn D. Leaet rsu s ou Priia> siocutet upan île uceus Inea thé MountiaMeadow massacre ai On e 57, anti vith hi. fIi.pad itopenaty ad i bis canneelion vh taifiendisis talu sdci>'.. sevo. canvbctet maiel>' >b n Marman tealluson>', anthîe jury clI ceh bronghl lu île-verdict of guihl>' isdr alaoteti part>'of Mormoans-facto Hew oh indicat le an>' tlatLee o'u.c-prisc tion anti oxeontion vos-re in accord-.b y jii M vus îlhe dosire sud pions ai Bs-ig- ince 'Yang. Les protestet tl ast lutte innocence ai se>' participation lu or beau ýousilllit> fonrlise feanful buteher>' reaci Dmigrante ai Manciain Meadow, aud Oîprî hais final deoloratiou, mata yulh alwa; 1cettalul>' ef dests stariug lius fuil etI y( 1e face, reliteatedtihîe charge tînt fon I tatiboen absntoeed and boîrayeti hasn île Mes-mon s-nIes-s, sd mate a segoot -fa thesi-enorusities. -Le. Tut 1taith lsstar>' ai lie crime for PUBLI cli lie caIms ta lava sufeéret un- vl e' *y,oand vhatever tle aplinoi the Tise usaza>'b. -oaoes-niug tle trutis ar ta tI ]0 ""yev lons Of ~cecvo>'. = aauwOU -usves cfo sr W tl douce -rospectiug th. Governuseu p cits lualise Ontario'oi frans lut ai Navembe-, 1878, ta tise pr- tiise. ,Ho v eut au ta chargo il corrupt bargasa hati beanmode lis. Presideni aiflise Ontio Ban' vhish the latter boul receiveti an tue slare ai tle Gaveramant dol ln reluru far itaepolittoal influence, ' Mr.4Jsttvnigt sali ýtisai tiosan coulti fot blehla ropansiblo fas- tes attisess oi ahlm', lo vas portf vtlln laI île ceosouodence oh leboghl dowss- H. deiedtia Ontario a nk isaitecevet au>' um favors frcm tise Goves-umeut, teposits wvosenot asn>'largos-tison1 raquireti b>' issuE l*in.au agon Prince Artiu -Lanti g, - Ils-s visici Iltrausoteti a busines"af t] ar faut million dallons farthue Gov meut in tise Norths WotHe dei eJ isaicall>' thâisa a>'os-apt* ba- eeu modle béiveen, tle GO meut antheboOutaioaBank. Han. T. N. Gilbs quito agroot i lise Finance: Minister tlat wvli Ontario Bouk vas loiug lisebuiieo lhe GoverusentinaManitoba antiPi Artisur's Louding, it'migîl resqui-ol s certain aenuhoîtdbe, e un as-don ta suit the ovenameni h us ai lIane palis, but lie vaule coul tho attention oaitle Finae N ister loe l ielait long befors Octarie Bouk emlalHliet on aiene oltîe- ai tIsse paota il lad dot brelle, as u adruiple île auscuntu deosit îlot it las nov fanorconuc tisa business ai île GoverameulitaI point. tHear, lear.) Tise vi transaction vos o cerrupi bas-gain sets-upi a bas-gain as catît hava b mate. Hoearas glailteta ar tle sauice Minisler disevu au>' conneca wltI il. He (Ms-. Gibbs) wanît' r, frous Secator Simpson's lotte- ta Globe, reforrodtic :-"My lotoni rest le Tarante in îhe presence ai E T'. NGills, aud if leos-r an>' ai friends désire more ligîht on île snbjý E vOl auk tise Finauce Minister for 1 nisalon te publiss tle lebter." 1 llter naierradtea as test in lis (l Gibsbs') Iariug, andi le vanit lise soen. gentlemon (Mn. Cartwrigh) knev the opinion ilsi vas exp-esmed liai lette- b>'ona gentleman ai b position *ho lad leanti il. The les coulti net le consitiereti a priva» ei onofidonlisilatter tensu>' seuse, as 1 Simpson vas wiliing Ihal it l îcuîd pusîiislied, antihlldoffereti ta auk1 pe'rmission ai île Finance Minister puhiîish it. Hé (Mr. Gibsbs) woultl s furiser tisaIt uring lts contesi in 18' .-lissn hleIsasthe Finance Minis rgainet bhu, lIai paricular laIter % ri b>'tise friande i on . geuileuz ppesit he vIadapravions>' support inm (Mn. Gibbs), but vshatlidbeaun fueccatb>' vIol île>'expecieti aiva tîrougs lie batuk la retu-n1 sais- opposition tai him. Thal vai rat illustration cf wlst vas eîpaated >e aoeomplisleti b>'tise Gavere lpoali. At îlot lime 'tle Ontai Bank liatinu untention visatever )peuuagofflea te Manitaba sud Prit xrîhtur't Landiog. Il vas suter it ii mcomni a dor of tse Gevernse ht theidesaorcs.lle ot il voulti léalI opav off lise indabtedness b>'imcii ifiuslii-emsnîu in tise Nartis-west. ixuinsatian ai île laul returus vou ceari>' aisow t ii as fnot in cous uarse ai ;lie hxsnk having oeni gences tînttIhe depasit vas mate, b t-saa matie in accordauce*wiatiti greemen- whlsiMr. Simspsnma( vibt tIse Governusecl, asethe pramit s lIaIliea aouit procuré for tue Go unmpsl six cacstitusaneiea, NontI au onstl Octario, Northi anti Sents V ,ris, andi Esi andi West Durban il gaicat five of ibmr, but sicce tle e Opposition hld securet four lem. Motion cartieti. Tnentay.-A large uober cf met ires voeoadivancod lu commute. A BoWAT rATHRsiLY-EvOLvE RAWN4.-On atiuntav. four ycue otse fain Oroans u etionte, noms soele, Madtili, Hodgkinson. sud Nus ire dricking in tavu, anti aIea the ýt fais-hy joui' lyte>'couceiveteiei tsking a uaighxbor's tesin frein th meancan auotel anti drlvieg te Ath -y. Arriving tIsse tle>' letooc immolves te a bouse ai lad olaractez pI) by 's part>' who vero dniven an Oriliil ast vior. Tises-e ley mi 'oeral Mars, rouglis, ineinding oui eil Gatnpbpli.-Causpball sud th, ireigna-s tauon gel loto a figîit il IicI revolvers ware trawu b>' bati Lrtis. Seven obois aiîogellser'viaor se for ils amennit, vhlel vas agtoed m. Accordingl> Mn. Us-auge-, solici- diev up a note ai botd for tise me ansaunt,tînt Mille left lIe-village D0111>' for Mr. Milueu Pickering, 1in te ceune ai tva or tîreae urs imet witî tise nureti i ignsare. exansinio, n cf île rsignatures so t a sinsilaril>' stet betareen île ivi-ltiug îlot Mr. Oranger'o suspi- sa vota airusoi, sud Meusrs. Beoîs- id Grangat heft for Mr. Milca's tun. ln la Milile 90<1 oif all va. tigît. arriviug at Ms-. Milne'a ha repudîsi. tle signature aI once. On thsir irù ta île village Mils vas ars-asteti constable Marshsall; vIa toca isi lie ýrom hlm ont hocsed i hm lu a cana aI Mn. Oxfort'a for lIa night, vene, early lu tise maroing, lise on manageti taoefect bis escape mnite îe iudv, anti has e beienuf altlntge.The nigisi vas er colta qualise prisonr must have inea- frÃ"zeu ta tesîl boieet.lie set sholtor. Mul sympats>' S isseil fat Mtlls famil>', as lievas ly coositenet a.steady, weIl-bolisv. înung man. Miiilefermer>' varso Mir. ButS aifllroughaus. ark- Economi8t, eUBEsa IN TEE TiuNIYA&L BE- îc.-Tena la trouble in tise Trans. rer île British annoîstion soleuse. malcoutenlu bave gone se farse reaten thlise of aitisoenBglisls En- a I Iaro,! ifurêfesp tee sî l eulf 'tIr Ser e foyehynt; Bsslt tiesaione: iraover>' III qu&Ud to t t ie tise th te m o r u i orm e no . te ach t h e - b r n h s lh a e t - b e traoe xaz&uqnà,wl.' lstituain'u taught luaa Higb Scbool. This dfi. bset; 1879, ltheewere =&Ïfeorm expromesticuit>' in perhapm ai proeunt issupes-ble. st tisat, if theStsandard tsn sa up wero But wedirect attention te t lu lb. lk yMalntslnod, lb.eIffghSciseis ld hope tisai name meains may bo sggeet- CLU '. speedily be* dplûted. So apidi>, ed whrfby il sa>' be vercome. posite: ho ar , i t e P ble h le, the Another difftou ty ariho fro ua tie ;Ia i eases foland thproparaoignIporance caithe principles tisai- undor- Clases frnt hih te IighSehoz le the art of-teaing, wviehimen heredoive iheix pupils respondte thelb de-.freeh frouatise University' ssaily dis. > lt- uandismade upan tIbm, tisaino serions Plsy.-' W. arn aitise opinion tisai lulie uber ai High mucha issug1t. be donse-ta- dispel Ibis t the: ietuaou we fel tided in tskin n eaehig, and tu pmote a ihorough Thne onolber alep in otivonco. Dur 1878 discussion of - unsetlied -pointa, If a anih87,é pol-sn 'f SIoe lecturebisp on pedagogy -were foundeti. osObdards provtsiosli admitteati p. Tise Jectureshlp -siount alb. tenable 57 at visa, lbongls-tiey bail madie fifty pst i -or more tisu a sanrt terni, b>' an>'an. à O c te ggregae numberOt mark a s ri der th athe lectures issay Duied strikln o aeii ai ibis kioti in revisissg A tisird diffionit 'arisas-fs-ont tise in- rgain tisereosuitsaf tise examiuatiani ; butn'efieriar molas-sbip ai tocmou>' ai the 'Otfl Ibis course led tea ogondtisai of un. ssistant masters linlbhe iga &Shool'., wihnecomary f alio, sud, ast la s per.. Undaubtedi>', great improvemont bas wtho fetl>' vdent tisaI outrant* coulti b. belon mode lu Ibisrespect ai laiey.ars, tise Ù e vdin o e ubj ot, _w o r p re r p r u n uat'm re m ig isl stil,. siva utageon ly, ea " ' cast llb aunouceti fot-theo guiti. be tiaue.» It vulti b. injudiciaus aI 100suce of tise local boards, îlot we veould -the préenet flie ison lbe salaries thai net cansiter an>' ane compétent -te offerid for assistant musters an e s sesit enter visa failedti tabtain one.thwrtofai malta urge tise exclusion oai mec bilai tle marks in any, subjeat. lThis au. holdinug Second.Oiiss Cenlificatesiront- la te nonnocement met vitlÏ général approba. tise staff- of aiéîleigi Soisools. Yot' Uin, tion, andthîlecarrying oait lAuto effecl il la nodeniable tisI, thaugi a Seeoind- mIe s rosuitet in aimpraviog til. quolit>'clams teacher ma>' lavé qualifiet i hm- 7 0t wltboul diiilhing tise uumb.r aou-n, self,s lame, undubtediy'have tdons, ble. trants, the Publie cSheels; sud éther' 1cr îhe proper performance ai tise 0' chaais pnspas-iug pupils farthe ls igI dulles asaignpd ta hlm in tite sclaol ta sese ta tise s ving &aoin rapidi>' respandeci vhich heï boiau,sthîe more possession baé t h dem oot' mate 'ipo e I liste k o ld e necessar>' ta -tako soie conséquence, lhe frsi matas-lpiaced snob a certificate dose nat rentier hlm O nl tise bauds ai tise Higi Scoal Most- a sufficientl>' gondi sobolar,--and tes F.Oei etamault inlu1875 las been, botter oct ensure a sufficieul amanni ai cul. -on hon ever iseforo. tare' for au mpoitament on a HigI lion Thoug the asoieefor Paymnt b>'-Sehool staff. Wilte is e eueo in Réd lsultevwu net corrieti mb effoot in mon>' HigI Solo-ols tisaitle teacbing tise 1875, yeî ils adoption in tise earlpspart ai English grammar, Bnglisis literature W5ai othIe yesr, aouthelb.knowIedge th&$ lt or Englisis compasitiou, ar ofailh tre Io n. vas abou t t a le p u t ie operaion , ne t s b e i , f l s b î e l t a e o d lol anh simuistedtihîe teoehiug ai mon>' closs teais. Tise secoti.ciass teacb- oc, utjects, but osuseti mon> boards te ors are a isigisi> meléitoriaus lady ; r.O, -imprave lIseur staffs o alers, t ibm île>' are pensons vIa bavé doue vel, 'Mr. bildings andth ie matMato applaudos censldernug tboir oppartunities ; buti i îf eduoation. In îles. direotions thora tofleets. no discrédit an them tae5Bay th sailll mucis te le dans, lut we are îlot ihey are not likel>' ta teach these- teconvincedti îlt the "now schéema," subiects in tise liberal va>' in vhioli Ion vison lu opération, wilh, b>'tilrecliug île>' cugisî ta be tanght in a HigI ighîeattention ai Trustees ever>' hou Sclaah, or ta, inspire wlfle teaehing tlot >'OOi, ina ovos-y practicai, mannes- teahBIX, a literas-y taste, anti a tendono>' sud exisllng defecta, aid materlail>' lu pro. ta breadtl ai view vii e l> do net Mir. duolng continuons imprao'ement. themmelvos posseme. Tise factinla îlo e * n on aueceo tise expechation of ta loacis sdvadeed pupils i lu lg the he eforeme aioftihe scleme fer veli, il lu desirable tisaI oaster r te Ps>'meut b> Rosule. aoth ie pro- shaulti kuov mamelbing ai île andient Sa5y par tionsa cose ti b >' îlt expe tatio , c asical languages an ti iier oîres. . Mtise yeas- 1875 wam ta a cnsidrbe The question visai degres ai ps-ami. slt exheut a yeaof ail-nsition, andti haugi nece tise teacising ai science sboulai ~~~~~~~~~~~~i thla iebgunsa Ilma'tiel ie curriculumoaithe Higb nnprove ta ce iuteremtig phenamena, it Sohoalsla eu oe which is; excent> teldit nat present sudb mariset feainnes difficuit taetdecide. Bot i1hi laundoubî- in. as to renter a long Repart ueeossary. edu>' niglit lIaI, luil hs ago ai tle t0« Man>'oaitle questions vîlel fer yaarm vorlin b hlcis'thé plysical sciences fat pasi have serveti as tise texteaioftisa have gaîneti for theuselves s more im- '0 Annual Repoarts an tise étate afille portant position tissu le>' evor héa tO HigI Scîscol, lave iseau previsiocali>', before, saine attention éboulai le poiti tut peti4sapéfinaîl>', settioti. 1111e>' evér tt ninm lurn mecctdar> sebols. As kriocro %, ,île>' are more ghemta of- clemstry in île mesi. vainable ai tise whttewona. Our predecesesor, tépyia sciences item a practical peintL 100 Bey. .. aus&. ng u ls Repart for tisecf viev, sud -as a kuawiatge ai lis lai year 1866, iý.:-ta.seet ailengil aé cumb-l.eading prinoipies ta exceediogi>' usefula ori o aisubjecîs ta vhilîsare ineluded aIltateail vIe slnd>' tle aller- plysicah 0. lhé burning questions tuai have arieu sciences, te eaching ai it ppears eoc 'u dusng tise blau 'esreas. Tuse tapies doses-va ta be fastaroti la Ibeso sla Vs '" treatie thatI Report were: But aI présent a dampar is put an îleL éë n1 The tonstec>'ta inoreaso tle slndy cf chemisît> in tise- High.Sciiaols f ie ube fUn-on Sclools. aactsno-recognition iîltematiu et 2. Thea dégradation of tise Paiblie hatien oxaminsîlon lu tise University ~ -ut Schcuais, sud tle injur>' te tîle Higis aiTorno. In.tisesari>' lista>f le Suleais, rhaitiigong mcmle tendeno>' te îhe University botir-chemist,r' aot draft ilu npreparet pupils. nains-ai philasaps>' eto inolodo in lu *8. Tise evil consequences anlsing tise matnculatioo programma, but it 5 y-feom tisa teudency ta farce a11 tise vas fouet nacessaMte aomit thous, tz sÙ1 pupils in thé Htgl Seble, irrespective because na candidates came up îlth b 10' ci osi. or dealin>' in lue, teasiti>' Latin. ixcev anyîhing about theus. The Silo.A in.4 A. proposai ta remove tle main allen las ehangea since, sot vo areaj ,en cousecf lise preceding loudencies b>' canvincedti iat, sloîsld tise Sonate ai cf ppatintn îe Gven~nnlgrant, tle University' again includtemoe slis. r accardicg ta bell eduostioal résults iecîs iu tle ontranoar-haminsîion, tile M and stendauce, instesti ai scccrdsng te Eigh Scheools veulti rospoudte ta t i.- atondauce merely-. demanti matie upon Ibem. Thoreaore 5. A prpopai 'ta abolisb Union ajacîons te puttig nainsaiphila s eI Scîcela. - apis>'onuthé maîrionlation programme 13 a. 6. A proposai tte rons. îlenumbs. vit o tetuaappin utîe case ai di ttc et cf HigI SaoohInopectas-s. ohemishry. Tisese - va siahi not-dia- Di id 7. A discussion aiflise questionouons, buti vo ali content aurselvea I Ih vlIeter il is atvisable tisaI balsasexeb vitis sycg îlt vo wiare stroxigi> cf th y sisculti attend tise samne Higis Scboals tise opinion îlot If tise Sonate' cf til.T es H o v aam ?Itei l i e condition aif lie U iversity il, vlan tie>' c amle ta P ie Higis Scole bas been alteneti ua>' be tis, final Seiulement cf tî l w uecrrico- te l. iuferreti froin île fiel î- loth ie evil lua iis lu ndenstootitele noter v )k tend ocea c aupa ied ofby M. Young con aderatn, rcognize c em isir>' u Ou r, hssve bison obeoketi,ant imlieispra- smos wy lu tisemaînicuaiocuexsmn- a rit posals have been substantiallyoiad. inatian, tbey viii caon a beau an tiseCa il Nearhy ail, hIes. caoges [s ý,ovebesicause ai secondar>', sud aI tle came s-O le carre net mieffeci vitiiatise IssutIreitiîne-banefit thoa6f uoorier, education. fia] le years, and in aùssq-uncA mou y cf the- Ta moeurs lista ond hi is uatnecossan>', s [n aid 0lapidaoa discumssion as-e sinkcig ou indeei, ave thiok il undéirali,, tisatitI sl of sigîtL shanit le made a5puso55 bjettIf TI ae Yet, tlaugb tilse atisecaose, tIare veuit be qiuile sufflient te ms.ke il an e- ar on usiu llhv o - sîca usehvli ei an uP J'»e gravest ovule Jt--- v; 'wîhîui lahn0,etO or.l. îlo nv n.ludiminit àiso-r- .i îte masters A tissus are traceabi, to tle inadequoc>' are fos-cedti t undenga, in caumoqueuceJa ai thierrevenues. Tise pearensoaitîe ai 1h.dives-ut>' af sequîsemeots con lth va buildings anti accommodations, andthie part ai tie examines-s for the diffrent île lacS aillhe mates-l appliances ai edu. professions. luthe saine sabool îlereig cation lu îhe case ai mon>' Higis ua>' le pupiis pre arnug far tise Law legs, Solleois are aîviouely direatl>' trace. Societ>', for thle niedical Caunil, far n 0c able ta hsns-uce. Buýet Iloe are the Universit>', sud loras- eseie' cor- atiser evils ai a more erlans charocter lificoies. In escisoi tise cases- a' .A wviaol arise iraus h. University' gratin. tiffes-ouI preparator>' connse is ps-e.s-ce &teo ailhityare doee-tirom. enter- seribot, anti ta eoishevanta of ai-austar ing à professionan ta hihtiserevanda titistes tle master in campeliedtieta tp< ane se mmali. -AÀHigi Sohool Hoad mulytipu>'classés ta sncb au ex'.enl as ta stag Master usa>'deous bimmeif fortusste, iunte oeosenlouel>' vus lb. genorali van sitor years ai succesfal tescising, hoevas-k aiflise scdl.LIt la motnoces, tise nises ta a position, tise emolusents aifmai,>' Ibt tbers- iulti be so great, a tavi wiiolare équal ta hal aifilios aitise tiversil>' beIav'een .lIesproposar>' < C muscn a i lb.thebs-ancli bank, as- oi courses, sud il vonlt, ve aecsiui se ardipa-l>'prasperous lavyeresud doc. prove oiica> Iacre nn i i. toae inhlse&me place. 'Sishal spros. tisons varions oxamisticua vée.sa fonr-and pootl l -a -atrmeieta an etineateti os passible coumolidAtéti, as-rondered IX Young man, donseicus ai tise PaOsesion ca-extensive viîl hih tridit x ci tàanti,, sud île resuls vicisnsuob a aminatien. ne-dte. ta te f a ff a ir , if lo n g c o n ti n au ç v i i - T i.. - - .- el înung abent, are sua* easy ta fôas.. lIat A TseAYN-Watxcu S AaaaRRES ..A mIoud t la inot neoessar>' la expiain thein ah ts-510wreekor vas arreatat at Wood- ltkai, leuglis. .' i bridge, afler a&desperate figit ; le hau« un Il cannai le tac strouigi>' rgel tisai been Irtughl te Toronto for trial. 10 Dia a H ig i s S b o l l s v a h a b le a n ti u s e i n , A s d îs " i l u li e M a s - u o n C h u t e l t a > ' eli use for agit seases îld a ppini.. vossi ppas- te b. a b>' ne meaus se. JoLhs mont ai Masters visa as-egacd s0lolars, Mate P00sibliUtY, lu viev ai thoeien. Frée s woli os-goati tesoisers. Il is aiarc dlon mAidteilahave been expresmet b>' As anti~ ~ 1 ssonale osinuineh rBsia isYoung tea oint, .aitishue helti achatit,apermît ao Higis Senol aexsi ouaing Chus-c nfereuehlmsBon tisai if tise salaries whieh fIla Roor&f Tro.n'ce, -tees are able tq offer, do n a tritOsrI~Yng rPeieto ie P go4~sn.~és6ig 1hO1tsa s ei-. Ub a0n>ation adrantage ove- us ta such an setu ta'tsreoten the lue aof aur cul>' induofryS) Wb h>' sbauh-ivo -bs pas-t godmaiofan>'kinti fraus Franc, on any aIse- country> in tise wved ta aur avon detriiuseul2 If the people of Franceo os-aithe United States require Protection for iheir manfactntes vis> siseait nol aur manufactusres b. ps-o. teetet inaturu ? Weuk no favour. If tse French aay that ils>' dannepart vils Protection as long as tho>' have s von inulomni>' ta dutemargo ; ont if the Amerioacss0>'ts mse abont protec. tien, have We net sa- igist'ta emplo>'_ similar argumaenta ? Oun worm have eu4toiled a national deot ai savon boe. drei millions sterling r txaio7l ,igI; aur costoi produchion Slne voe psy mors vages, anti-vo-, lt time ; anti vi s>'moult ve invite lb. foteigneie ta compote wvususcon nuis tes-ms 2" Let n usmeet ai equol grountd, anti deal vils foreigners as foneigners deol vilS us. Thsin thîe argument-ôt- th. Linon Merhants Association and tiI- in sauntianoconvticlag; it s true.".. Victor'ia Was'de-., A Tawn Svepl Avay. Nev Yor, Mas-cl 27.r-The -dam oi île Staffordnille, (Jou., seesvoir gave vs> tis morning, flooihsg Staffant. villa A freugitbouse anti a iauubs- ai oars veo asheti aa>; Ile Na. tianai Bonks, Caugregotional Chuais, antIeut>' aller large dvellings ers testroyet. Na linos are repo-ted lelst. The flood cause pan lise villageo-sud- doni>'. TIres miles ai nailrosd veo vasse.laa>',aise tva WOHave tra. bridiges lelveen Staffos-e antiToalls-. Patticulars are oxpecitd isos-Ily. The dam vas raiset six foot turing île peit vine-, anthie star u at night fillei il for île first imue. Six yeara agos1 dam tic o tribuary>'streaus above gave va>', anti cauSet pool damsage. Reparti ta-nigitsi y tva hivns vers Wisa5esaic iquar Lic'euses. The Hon. Mr. Crooko las iurnisee sffial information vils -regard. ta île isue cf liceuses ta soil liquor by vise- tale. H aesos ta boIl tâtasoe ex. sept regniar vbolesalo dealers iu me- hantise ean recelve snob o liceonse, anet lIaitla thona license cannai le- 'ofusot. W. cap>' frau tise Oshawva bcformer tle opinion ai Ms-. Cro oSs as "0(1) Thse Ontario Lideuse Low taniin asc tîncuglout tIer Province of Ou- aria ta tse inliesi exteni, except in se far as muuicipaliîies viiolhave posset thé Dunkin Act,- tIns proititing tise îe of lIquor 1>' retoiaiJone., The nafflo b>' vislesole la Ilerefore ieft ta be tesît vils b>'tise Ontario Licous. &ct. The Province of Ontario has ne uristiction in tse -noture ai a prohibi mn>' ane, butsaola>' lu lie nature oi ý'gusiatians *Ifvisalesale dealers vers- aIt requis-e ttataIsont a- loonse inte- sa, Ontario Act île>'couiti ai consn ieli vitotSau7 ~'license visaeve, asi se Dunkin Act un noa aray sfeýcts tissus in long as tise iav hesvmeavhalesalc sale-rs fro re tise oporation ai -île 'ucîla Act, Ilitjs ans- uty-ta place sous undos- propos- regnlatiaos. (2.) Ce Licene- (ousmisionors have no mver ta refuie vitsout jnot cause o- amen, s vîclessie liceuse ta aeuyone vho lisarespectable orn suilobl' persan, ,d vbo bas tise applinos fer casry'ng c i a visaiesalo businenss ti cahotý. -. lu sa aoe vierolise- License Ceumisalnes efuse wit bout a cause tu grant a visai. aie hicen8, tise Caunl con compci tise une b>' o mandamca." PaLtrrioAa, C13uANES 1INPROSPECT.- 'se-e sernsai tumeurs afloat in 'liliosi circles, ut Ottava cance-uisg 1mig changeba, ad bs1pp itm nti alish Wil tale place- as sean as île 8stan la ovss-,tle Hon-.«mn. Cauchon, Biug -appointel n Comsmissioner ta 111P -a. Ms-. Laurier is spaken ai ai c succossar ; tva jutiges oi the P-- sceocf Quebso, Clé cames aifvisaus se Dot givén, vii le supe-annatet. ta ,Cammrission toe presanl tle De- 010en ot île Paris EiIibitof ai1878, ll be compeset ai tIréeemeubsIe "' veral Dames are peinted ont as tb. ' sfen candidtes, auseug oa bers ibal -0. O. Pers-sut, vice-consaul -taProue Motreai, ta reps-osent the Province Qnelec. A ce-eit ai tva ihintset susanti dollars Win, il is maa, be nat- 1t tise Commsion. EEÂAT SEs..as-OFNaVA ScanUIaluxr- lv îiSa.-Ic'tle RHans ai Causuns John A. Macdoanalt drew lise Ai- ieno- ai tise Gavornuseut ta tle faci ene>'th tI)oves-or.Gene-al jis ntio- id te le about canvalecens, ant 'y eaozi ta be aleoteame -hi# ;sop Swcene>' anuncet leolt Sun- ilsI tse Cathalia csaols ofSL 0, N. B., vaulti le plaqeti onde-tise e Schoai Bardt.- s eîtra session ai Ceegreso vii Le- han Jun., ta open about île 4tb ai 'erre de Mes-vlle, dodos-r, canait ont enflrr. castdviths« nln.ai - Murd . six YI A fev t" IifMaltia, Police Magi bis brother Abrahamu V Cas-sy, *vosa. the Roerse anti Beates la Caruvah isnmedistoiy mation hie claaging hiM crime1 anti I being aecmu lisday hasti befoîe Mess coasemtn- ont Mr-. Ah Colîingvaog., -y 1'Attarney' tise priÉeere for îe the -pî nida>', thse 'vas acco-dxs Cas-y as ad $4,000 anati 1 The, investgfi -all -on Wql continue&. Tise-pope h1 set la danier notzfiatiogr" of Ring Mis thselýuke de J A fsmis ti Cubatsymna, ta haves tle taken place b eand Deasa c D the 2îh inire tle laie AIeL t1 7 usonils. WHITJ -Fsl Whe t. Bas-a>',..... Black E>'. Peus. Giovus- Seeti Cool, pet ton-.. -Woodi... Besi, bled quarb Basf, f e qu<arta Sissopékis.. Ducke a Ppr. ... Tns-keys, pet 5b.: Apple«, Per -busb -Pok, perev.. Ontons .... Tus-als.... Co-ts..... EPP699 Cocosn of lb.;; noe- aperaiens-cf, di -4 acaneful --Ipe Leesef veh hiasprovnldt or deloatel>' flavotet sons us man>' im by thi u&lciens ns tisa i cnstitutiox Up anilst-eng enc dena>' ta dissase. diusmos flatlnsio ý auvoiL

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