plte- f oi ,lrey-Citlyana allrt"snr*. et' ligt5h Itnative £f-r III oment, bit - eoliy oquires4 "Ptro 't yan 'eafrali yuu'll ild<wl, ao ut irt yonrbelf wtLc bs epms ,,%Viwhaî 1" gà èiped lIed' native lu 'Il supposwe tit i, suolt oulfitk as yiiV(tgel oitcMiciutieti,ou(titere,- toni tley ?2" cautiei ithi paloiter. "W--wliat d'y. Ween-wb aBr' y. ? uvîeps iu ii »tive soliewalked .M'onît1d tli sto)virandi putana ftrrible - narié lu Logwood, wes Ibo ot*tccl rely, 05ariid i rosthetif i *ere Yo l'Mi oîwl ont orthfîe.11i1 MOI, IntII icIon suit,. deceu t Ctltis." t Lcital~k ithttIway bu mes or yenl wolit ilve à a telitl1"exclaeidlte httv 4lo liocppei arouuil. *Why; yotu hotuieeeikcoyote, l'ni grizzly Dane 010liteietvtîl t udihin -igter i n the woilt 11 i w..he inst %white Man la conit for Gvn, l.rook i 1 wam lbth iret - wiîill lifta iij l tBlack 11113e. I waî ic lt. cî ýtWhitelutian among the Mo- ciIs V iI oiclievii ittititîy reîîiicid il wbite omî 1(]()Vu<o lte dinnier- Tue ntiveý- ilrt-w il:; kîifi(, put il ;IcceZl igaiti, la keci areiund, and tIen #4tà ier, twill yon couric- oser le- iiiid thcî nigesund ihoot- andi slai iit LIlu lthing Ile atîleti J" "1yeiî bot 1 ivill ?"f repiieuîtlie itn + trni Jerspy, an lbnroseu cwJuil pîcee Eeern. luin - lithebrootu uMPLi t f iis )fooet lun wil ocelltneut. The ilative LtalIdti fur lt e ai daçir, but whieîilie fonwi lià tW -eplintcrlt Iis %vt, itȔa .-bîi-ioIt elin lits liaiti, l ictud kiind ai : t ilt.piîit0lctlt tiik ý of il, 1 cîtt't wal la kIo li y',î ntid l v yoli' wiîlow <'1w anin i r ut. ttici.' ,nilý "[f']Ilans îi ÃŽ~mc,~iIcta relative ii in watld 1" filtianlo I lite Jerseyite. -~ ~ ~~L -a ",wrl Ii uea1 inticci ltit lîuty yNo;, rilîi il won>llgl-biit a ieeke awork te iii i g cvicIit )i e(îloiî oftirie year. i !UJi Itl -llitait i ilt ni' twu fer-ycîî, 'l Il-h ytr tine, gonire out yoir loft î-î Itletil go thlaI f*' litf tilt) uC ta à îlot 1" etîc Idte - tiiii -iîiiîi'te h cl a-i iandct pltii yf-1ai liii iî,tî slnI tie or ta ,- t wt; Iic i tir ni-ici ti alai-k Ia by ' rw i tIlithe bowic i cife," ro- -1îtic--lui ttiivît as lie loola larnituti. iws if T tian t cilîcovct' sii-uer N~--,tî~i. ItxtO]s It e cut uit 1 w<ri'"r waf; titi, flunt uau tb itilîn~ iîit-e ilt of ailte ci-inq of - Piv i tttî<t. l idoutnt tlu blurt - -it11ou, iît1 ht ttriiskilt-'Lnadl ant dotut it Ii il Criliii te ;titr. itîliti tii îi~ îîît1,.iuii I ltItien any ii lit i t h tt tg ilt it," ettilt h e l'id 1tlt 'l 'l lit i n l ' lîîu tincl m 't. I tti in 1. it îer ilt-il Il l'ut1 j I e.1tru t'tîiî ilnig mute 0,b uctii l'il-t ît l-tut-tt-y l 'ilrabbit- - i "itlînul iti lîiutc-r, trIo iît'tiiilit tti i tutit, la b'> i I -tt i ititIoo , 111À i t t tu ruet 1 iyiit iT ttr figil i i cîitil a 1 I l[ ti1 1. 1Igo (otîtt ri -lit e îraicit, t îttt't ILt lc iaictîit tio to tny. V- ' lit 1(1,tcîtliett urt% i. "it onti'îlu0ccty goîtît, rc.plicd i i' iitv-, uti l- lenttitt4 îgnult el hi ti i il alwnye lll e atitî-colltcr golti i'iiiiny tt.ciiîtll wliutn 1 iglil, anti I I tî"iiI ele<hC Ii-day-ii act, Ire hotilingt rup lte cUtitil. -. à i'al lîiiutaiî'-î ticiu',s obleegocl," lits liiiJ. 111neyer gît juIn a iglht ilinli pithîlg riti îîaltit oitcni-.,c lefI cti' foir - mec anti I liRvetent auy ted potinit bvity e, andt lure hn't fa bit lu îiL;i1etht Ie car-pairiter, rniwhlig ont t'i hicùfic leur sdn car).- * "IR thsat yau ? Coiut wb u n"V'rc- liti lite car-pairîter, ascile ctpeued- ta %vinilctw. lIe rusbeti for the't- 'br, Je-ttpedl cown, andi was ýpuIi»ig -aff lis jýorcpâ.t maiu, 'ihen lte native began to éa tr.Ctafillg onti - 1111 gel ny Ibale out andi bc bacit belic silosenleun seconds. I neyer fIght with long liasir.,- I prpmmseiuy Ivbyltmoîher nol ta.," 1Wiien the train rolletia a'ay lie w%% @con flourihhlnq bis tomithawk arount Ille bandithe b.wildeat maunnr. 4 lb exanlnsiou f aparochial scîmub,asi ireverenil, gentleman was ask. h tbèe c8, Ile1wtsoing cf. wards. 'iii kblt. very lii li e gave !'ki1" This went lowntlite claie, tIlI t eamè,<iec' simpl iitsu1 hn NV ,ioimd mheeplbiy knowlng, aut! tUti, ltl xbcet ~ osflua.,, - -4'ickitrc, New York, lied bls wifà ta a olin -antI iatfigurod hot face witic Hî ii.~ e cras amxeted. i ~ FO S 'E ALE A u ler qaîtityof Wete-tmCern for ilunet li5te ation cf iceoWiitby & Port RilaIiy,In lte towcc etf Wbitby. Far pan'- LIPIII14 appiy te- IrW ES 0B11 OPICINII. A.~ QetTO uiiENT. vegvnoui- i irton of the erét, modhfyil THE É'W IN'DSO0R. NOW OPEN, -ts oPER DAY. lu-ces omnibus tLe sud f r alla ùtrais. Ta- bie auci appexlntmmut first.ciass. 1THOMAssouLLET. - 'Laie cf Couaieilg lRotel, 6-ly -. Mngr No, 4 BIILeINOH t-BOSTON, RIIIVIg ErIIBE USE.> MIE SOIE *NCE O0F LIFEy Or, SELF-PRESERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES80SLO. Gait ie l tcliAecartiod tu the Anhon by lihe 'ituioicî Medical Associa- tiul," March 3ist, .076. iutittitelii lî y tl 'r StOii MEDIC werk c'ititîlt,îi -citeSCIENCE'iCi" lIt or, ttElLtItEtiiicVTttN."Il trente tîtîtu Man- litec liîow met, bli-lertgîîueitand ttcw perpel. lîtiat e nuietiand uitrio tii -ctiinited 'titatity, itcttuitit>, trtuauîo etine lu manu, Bier- tncertcior Stinîtalqi estes itîrernal mcnd tttuîî,lt, Neiteuis ani lhtiyoaiai>ebiitty. y- ttctlltaiuuttrit, (tieccly Ferelitidiigi', Mentai De- Ili-htitîut. tutt cf ituea', }Ta' utri Cetunlen. Ituxtuir i tInte c tice, ilond, citteli lteaeUm.I irititica oi ëevrer.or Yotitic or thei. nltîre- <c clle u (Itibout th ii, MracitAe ceerat- ttiie Vttvsloogv lte Piysieiogv cf Marriage, of WVettetk antd Oiieiurftug, Phiylcat Contrastea Truc tttoialtty, Ewîutiiisat, Perversion ci 1artutegCuugLpro'ertpand tienclty cou-t cc liitec-ilt-ntty. tmtcause alclacure. Itelitie sbetwcîeuî<lie Sexess, <'rais otftte ttxxtasîtîln cf Vita, te MIterles of Iitmri- deutte Anent 1gnkerute anidErrera, leatus ef Citre, CareoetfiBody tudciMid.'tUe 'nui- cipteti cf Tretmont, Address tux ratiotsanut Iilitatit Itoades tLue Autitor's lr-iaciitts, Tbel.?rieico utlo tsli is cty $1 (k0 Tileti. tek'gi&se coucalus more tien ?fty l'referitittccusfoc-te alueve ueirted aIc. ottuer tiiecicîe, eiic onue Worthî tittro titan ltse prit. of ticeblet. The Inatitîue aise publishez I THE PHYSIOLOGY 0F WOMAN AND HE49 DIS-EASES.' *P'riée, $2. The bout boitkafflice kind extant. Aiticu itiîjllt-i' ,alxible titudial tuutritrît- ilig teetccy 'Mitii tI dNonx'uuitDiuses; iou eltan t ro ai t-atte page, IacetyIe- Igi tg-tte i tictta tecbatautta i uuein. titte uit y -e'2. n îrcty vcttctilxtaLu c>y frr nt- "lTe io Itulfoi ,tiig a.uîîc iniddtutîtînedginten te re' iî'iuitt iie%, wte ieitiîiceo ofLife, tir self 'Plur-itc i,'tte ictitrtlittniieetiti t1 ri Etircîte fliexceleni t 01tll, iti le, ittl lte tijief telîsetting I 1'tycteitu uiiti ftoi eatîcdy Nluiiettitai ,tttîtu, <e.4'iitt1citt tStreet, BDue- "'T'i e u-tuocf Liii, tiiiteycttd ait cetcî,et'- mtî', ttc s cnet iîrîdttiîy seork uce ?ixyteîe- "netî-tlit fu tetlti cfi laitiai-tîî te. ttt ee ?-t litm c iet'wieanc-e' icao tbiî tecîtîti etoI téil iseieutiewot'it, pubeilttedl 1u'fllte poiittdy liiîic'altivittiîtlî, iW111011are ten liug t!t11utiîtedo bote teavoil.titi mtalaiets tîttMil)tec itaUhet et tlie'-PIOitiottt'iIA '1< Ilcjisti iiîet uwl v tie-yoiig, thiti iddie aituteit tit tuti lit -N w'itî'ntne. 'fTW;lut andi 011y uttittti onu certrtrot îtnîînty Citoicateiti it itli 1lii>cealttc'r. ei a ré l-'.ti ici ttof skîiffnul i-disii îservicas, tviiteu uitit te atîthut t utte %verts, Sinh ., ,'t. 'ritiu roeitatcunne s imt- e,1-l 1t lite of Ilu4eitnitraun. ' ltepogton t'c-eaiilite 1lnittelniaeusteughutnthte nouenîr v. 'iiitt1ir cnt itu-i tdci iti cf ctid ÃŽeut, cct l iîutoro ta it 0,ceita tuîret ITuila clifttuiecd?4of raie-tintli'lleeeî-'. "Atottetiir. ln ils -eretitteî iii -te rit- titiofe c ji t acniaii, e ttllie, tht. iii iocidoui- lyiote tît xlitea lnli ellatiet-or ti-steitlu ti tcotutlity for aey )iturpocOi, ltet-er, Il ià weili wttit he tit-t(!ittot f Nunimatltlc, Il waes ftcrly trou tandten-Ltiffy bsoe"M nitc- l'tl 'c.eutit6luî.Ilutne dtit, t8711. SCataloigue tient ce ou rt oflcuiltsfer neecîpl t bpillsA ttilitt ttAtiii'Y iEDI. CAL IîSaT'c'riE'ti, rW. Il. M.-it - DcC. l, ciuttllttlg llî,lii Noi u. 4 Iilitit"i., Baie. tec, Maest., olIucit e eenlieuse. alec-.T-o toueted ict , utleti otitiul iet the I'iei-tlg ndclli,sci-iicy acuit experitt-ineo. ente. Ilînîceq,,9iA. %f.ta Ce tP. Di. cPltIOP <'EVS TO DEiiTARItN 1tyc1îion Ou-dur- tiColinoil, ditti d2411 Cdap ciJl,167-1.) 2. Amuîst of ettelt imdiitial npoo a warrant..................... 31 50 2Sentine-summonir or encbpStia.... 0 25 a:, Mtliage lt erve suý1mmone, sub- pisu ol'war ...t............. 0 10 4. Ifleage wl'hsor tý,ric t-e anuet le noon pr-oct cf dite diliij,'nce....<Jl a. Mileage bîcln- ngdiîoutirnte e-col, exaices'e of ciiuiursemeutu iie- eaîa'tly oxlleucted len,<hein cou- Voyanîce ....;.................O0 j() fi. Attenittgie-Justicesu oui umluiai-y t rielti, or ou ttxaint4omt of pri. seneus clargetd i vthnltnn, fer ottîl Cap uecessarilp eatpleyed lu ans or rmeecases, vhennDot eue-o-eeu itane ttantaux hietr.. I110 7. DedUO,wiitn engagetimore titan feer luacîra ............... .0...i1 50 8. Attondîne- Assîtes or Bseiones, eau-h day......... ......i Cli ,ï; 1 - t). Mlteage travelice- te atn t (sbnpublie -eivptcitcoe au lie Oate, otlya aatobîdiicures- - 'tsuCul 60uealoôwed.). ... ..... 0 11). 8iuminle ury fur Cmotr-s'L IùIxiqtjhtclutt!De- atendiine- -aI Inquest, tced ail servicesln r-etc. peeltteroui, if lielti On sains day ai Jui-y aummocued.......... 2 00 - l.Atteacllne- ýsaiu1adlenumeril Ihor-ef, if net ugace-édmono fouirleur-s............. .......i1 00 12, Do. de.i, f engageS uicuc'etitee i3. bereleg sUMIUmene r iubpena lta atotuti befere' Coroner (itjet No. t-O) ..I................. e4 ouseeserei nt .............< varrant ............... 200 16. Re-iturylite- sem............-, 2.00 7.Sorvinie- dlri aLvaltil dr-o. t t ruine- sacte.............. 1 51 18. Ativerttsfug tandon &ii irt Wm* regit.....................t.... 1 50 1e, Tnuvoluiigho zmate distreé<.er bt smrcit on godis te maIs dis- - treus, rbo et e-cOls0d Aara funî . .O010 20. Appraisemants, vitother t ouae c more, , entstute dice e1île 'a caincas oln, i 2i. Caclgne salie sud tiemiu, ' anti dllvery tif g-odus;9oaln ine andi attention. )st caool anti umivi- rions Machines lu use, suad correcling enrer, sry part ase ur icr-eau' We elmploy pnly 1h. best meeliffica1 skiiand aur machines pains undeihe mccl careful super1ioe ind ÉèuiWte-e #ory leteil beiugubjged ee the îever* ent erticismn-and eacIh machine la thor4ugly te4e avng or0kS t> provo tbeooQMpletenesi. Of ve.y.par nsd the e, à dý iIlty in 14'ig thdm inu0 opetlon-by any person of mcoefate nechtitl à ný eiIt- ý Onr maebinery -han beau seIecot6d a ilcout.ructed with a specisl reference' ~ the umgnufoturo cf. Our cOyi mAgeh1ncem4-any toalla viniz beeli made for Ibis pariola pupoea~dno aajte'à for ther work, andi onr1 workrmen are, edu- cald " lalb.wanî sd rqureints f aur tmaifaeluire- obtainingi hr anhktiocwledge o tcf 1bst ton ~I" Oa cfbu*machines, and arc Ilium enabled btaob. tanti a bighsr degrée of skrn aýnd* pr oiecy titan where gencral manufacturing Io oarried on. W. ae tereare nabcd introdnec a more perfect systeia into al thé de- parimlenta cf manbfaeture, aJding not on ta1 the perfectioao>f <the work, but al.- se, theb riady of ilîu eùentioù-a'nd a.fonRequent reduotion of cent. -This pilnciple in regarded neeessary i a well regaiatei estabuliment, and w. , *,abled ta tmm ont'our maschines wr&ji a bigher degre. of perfection, anti at prieaso0 low as ibsoluitely te defy omP ein. fi no'w mnowell kntiwn as' a sBing!. ftépe -elaà wbka annnaia o aIaist. îeom uprflhout, but aî there aire many o1animing ta manufacture Ibis machine who have adhered te lbe aid ori#inal Johnstan machine, withaut keep- ing np ta the. iprovemnet t itIjutarq l a ourslvyeîaud patrone require of ns ta sfate that wc have modifled if in alma~ every essentiel part, and for etrengh auï durà bility,-quallty atot uvr kipd andi condition of grain ; lightnes f draft andI ee of managmen-the "Joinston,'I aiuinnfactnrod by ni-stands. pre.eminently abeat of aI.l other reapers. Inproof of Ibis' sillon we have only lb. s a heiýn'y P#rit 1Prizes awardlne t bc lest Z ala ralo n the last few years.p o.Cad, wti OUR TRIUMPH 0OIYIBINED MA CHINEÈ_ý with- lafe improvecuente, ln ail thal eau lÃe desireti in a -Combinod Machine, andi cannot fail ta meet ail the reqnirenients tof purchasers. Pur Imp.roved Cayuga Chief dr., and our Young Canada Mowers are bath flist-clae s'otios-conetitnteti aimait wholiy of Iron and Steel. The Cayoga Jr. has a rear out, andthelb Youne, Canada a front Ct ; bath-strqng, dur- able macl1ineý, andI nal excellei by any' machines ln the market for quality of out, dunrebiity, liglitneos of diraft, aclapta4iîity, and ocae of mtnagAment. OUR NEW -"WHI,-iBY ýlHARVESTER."y As fliec cuntry bau become btter adapte .l 'to a chi ner y, a ud many of Our farta- ers bave becanie ekilledî n the use of machbines, a growing- demanti bas sprung up for a Liglit, Durable, First-Clas eaper. Alîvo ta the requirements of the day, we have sncceeded in iuventing a mna- chine with a Wrougbt Iran-Framnb, with' the. basf passible geariug-with large, braad'faced drive wbeel,-and sa canslructed that the frame andi table tilt et the gmre tme,- thereby keeping the pitinan always in lune with the kuife. The rakes are dîriven diretly frouz tle main ebà fi-ýthere - ,boing no perceptilile side draft, ani no weight upan the hIorses nece. We are confident taI wo have succeeded in inventing the mail- perfect Ileaper, takiog il ln ail ils parts, thet hi ever bocu prcduced. W. have applieti for letteX& ppefent, rid shllid or invcntion, for aur own exclusive manufacture, and i âepectfbliy iuxkosî W .in- tondipg purchaiers, lIaIt tey ebonld oee this machine before giving their orlers for the coming hervest. Mice "WVitby Harvester" weiglis, ail told, 600 poundtm, but beiug macle principally of tbhe stq6ility of iran and eleel, ond frein Ils lu- geulous andi compact couitruction, il combines tle strengthl and durabiiity 'of thý heavier machines. Ail of ourluaebineî are fully warranted. WùhitbIilIt f emaclinei,- we feel confident that wt' eau ineet svery re. quiremeut, aud we respectfully solicit aetrial cf Our machines, believiug LIt we eau furniel a btter machine for lb. Maney thau can ho obiainoti elsewhere. Respectfnliy Tourst, BROWN & PATTERSON MF'G. CO. Whitby, Ontario, Fobruery, 1877. FA S."HI£ONABLE TAILORINYG! Go whelo you cari get a W'ellitting Garrmeit :-To the Tailoring Establishment-of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR CUTTINO SHAPES THIE WORK A Large Stock- of Fille- Clothki boiet Eugliseh, Scotch and Canadlian Tweeds. g:> Excellent Overcoatinges and Splendlid Vest Patterns. A gondI fit Gnarau±eed. GEORGE GUIILEY, JUST ARRIVED AT THE OD-D FELLOWS' BUILDINGS.! FOIR TIM 1-1 1-LID.& -Z s IV 1,S1 NEW .RAISINS, 'FANCY GOOIVS 0F ALL KINDS, CAND)IES, (the. beet lIt towu), A L&RGE ASSOMTMENTe. NEW - FIGS, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PEEL, CITRON - PEEL, SPICES (ccii kindi,) CHLEESE, IIAMS, BBCON, LARD, &c., &c. Ail of which wifl be sold Cheap FOR CASH. .Fresh Oysters and lladdies received 11 Dally. PETER SMITH -N.B.--Cash paid fur Butter, Eggs', Poultry and Apples. WhIiby, Dec filli, 1976 5 NEW STATJONEIIY -AND- B 0 K ST O R' E 1 AT THE EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEFICE, ]3ROCK-ST. Ooige Yule"beigs to aunnounce that ho has re-opeued hie Stationery andi Book, Storeln Whitby. whoroe tationery of ail kinds, of the. best quality, wilI ho kept oôie hand ; also Sehool Bookis of every description, Copy B3ooks, Siates, Penâcls, lItks, &o., &o., at the boim'est piýcos. The flaily and Weekly Papers always on haud. Sub- soriptians Solicited. MUsicý1 Instruments, incltgd maea flue, assortment of Violine. Ordei-s are taitonl-or Periodiealen Magazines and Music, WI.iby, Dec f1f1, --87(1. WIL LIAÀM GEOI YULE. TI, L'S OABIý+T FAOTORY AND FURNITURE WAREROOMS .1 THE OLO 8,TAND,, BIROOCK TREETI WHITBY, Go wheve, you -cannot fil Ato be' pleased in maldpg seleotions of good furniture. SpledI'd Parlor, Dî'awiuÂg Boom and Bedroorû Sots, NoirDesigft'ellw'*cth'of inspection, aI asloeiihiug bow pnices. Dizt- in.'omEýlmsiou bL -sîvêy supénior article. - Gfl~Çprio~,.~né lratning in every style. sone fille Cheromaos Tin Wâre, 0f every depin-irt~ ôroT .niade to o'rder. T v~ STO0ýV'Es1i Stoves for' balance of seà SéÉ 'i~fy, Janus GROSS & -MANA dIIFi env elst. 1877. 6 WANTED AT- TFLE- w 1TY r'IN TEA STORE,' $4,000 IN PýXCHANGE FOR CHOIC1E 'FAM1ÈY -aRO CRI, China, Glass and Crockery, of cvery kind. If yon waut ta Pelect fronithte largest, chexpest and best stoch of Glsssware and1 Crockery, go to W. *J. GIBSON'S.' For the boit and checapest choice TeaA,; ColTees, Spgas, ad gea1faiy Groceries of ail kinds, go to 1WC..gai O S Ton eau get a real good Tea for 50 conts per lb. at W. J. GIBSON'S. For the beet -ad cheapoat Cannin ud j'iÇ Ca,iUlmatoea, l'à ', n4sq.ep,î yon cau get a3ý16. cati of etcicepeclieý for 30 ce'Ufs. at ' 1V. S. G1139Ã"S'S. And if Sauta Claus mitnt4 nuy choice 1%Èxed Candies for good chiilden, ýh. eau baveallliewaniifor 20ý ce lts ptý lb, aI W .J. CGLBON'S. aud~d dthe HiglitestMarket, Price -Pa-la for anv qu.entÈli g Wésecl Poultry, Luttor, Potatoes, ]3eaus, Peas, Wheat anai Droesed logé, delivcred et ÛI3OS CHL4 P FURNI TURE 1-f OUSE I! For your Parlor and Drawing ]Roorn' Sets go to TILL &'JO HNSOýN.1 For' your Bed-room Sets., Dinitïp Room Fiurinittîre aud to fLiruislî your- louse complete go te TILL & JO-HNSOýN. For Gilt Cornices, Picture",Fram- rng iii evt'ry style, do îîot fou-gin the place--the sign of the 1,1310 IIOCMIN'3('IJAIlt," Brock 'treet, Whitbv. JNJ)EIRIAKJNG DEPA1{TMENT. Rosewood and- Walnut, iQotlins, Waliiut and Itosewood Caskets; all»kinds o.f Ladkes' iut Geunts' Robes. Mlso a lirst-elasti Hears. TILL &JOHNSO N. CI-HKE WINES cg PURE LIQUOJW at *WHOJLE SALE and PLETAML to suit the HOLIDAY DE1iMANIQ UNUSUALLY LOW PRICES. ýTRY FRE DERf ICK, NrpAL EeS, SIMCO .STRlEET,-,OSHIAWA. AGEI'Ti FOR DAVIES & -BRO.'S Cèlebrated XXX Cream Aie & Porter. tý' THE TRAPDE SUPPLIED Ctahawa, Dec. 14. 1875 15 :UG lES For Sale at very Rea,4ôiab1e PÈ~ces. Severî-a'-'open Buggitcs 'cvithtîl1&Sat, Phoetons latest styleaudiey-lgi,-Cvrd Phoetons with Rolliug à , E ls LTt1 Top and Open Buý'gies of Super- ior 'Stylq -and Fiinish. All tn-ade Whitby, Juîy 511, 1876 of t he b e st fteric a à nd Il'a ô ntI. S-NÈWPORT, - - tWhitby, Ontario. LIS 0FATCTIONEERS Licensod -for South Riding of Ontarlo, North -Ridig -of Ontario, and separate Municipalities, lit 111e latter. . Nains. Tiocakfucltr.... Dan.Wat . Thmomas Poucher-, - J. M. Pattersan.. L. Fairtala.. Me I o'iXI... Joituoton Brecen... - lttahop & Mcbs... Gîeorgo Cu-rr-tIera" M.'G G.-sulivicit. ECwdtarctMsiu'.s.. - E. E. cuimnent... JoIn Lx. Wahkti. LISr-1 -A. O. Heeluai Leaslaleo..... Sooti ......... .. Taronuto,..........Northi Rjlilà . Mar-thaiu,. . sdutit ...... Wiotiatty...............trlo ManItc.......Btio e'.. Village Uxbintge Ujimniege.-. GieouMajo.... Nort.Itetcle . ... BetcVEu-toii.. t'blih .......... P'orI Penny ... Nec-ltRidin-. .. 0 F PE DLEFRS FOR THE C0. relI..,, do... .... aetCnap -....... torse, o ty..- 1tOI, 1876. 241,hlAu, 1877. - emur.:filI, 1877. "c' 4t 197t. Oot'r 6tti, 167. Nate. 11h, -1877. Novf. 1811, 1877. ONTARIO. i4th Dec. 187. le11Dio. 1876. 201h Jan, 1877. _4st lf-. ý7!J prtp eeccmaseèm geio uaiagwian uejcy neveresutae -,ý =,M 1~d~it19 ot x e u ui y -e o ur machine, ne fà nl ean~u. be g atdrih bts ell antsudsoft ta lte'*eyoi. hI« as vo cf lhtpç1e prl d nglame tonnai ta be pa hur-Iful in colpea. t'pdssééssi ilnmkinîng pewem af fr-arn sixteen ta iwenty cand1esJ uIJly equal tot Fe~~nabout- one uli- lt.r cta leortiinarlly auppi ilcby ccty gas cempanfea. -*'a l4kd iue's ~ 'tiihmos ipons 'or impur-retcof any kinti. wlth~ ~ ~ î0 pille n-er;ou uialigismise, ,v*Àthout emolce or odeur. -0 t nuuIofiý'6c tu r !Mâo ttsiieazrqure lu scarceiy worthy, ef ni#eiton The gai geéner*er cf an appar-euus'âY"ordm-ary 'suse dees net reqà ue" tilug çt ian frcmn -~ tetiutrtiini ~ liinglu5llr. -ido fren titis, titeeut-ny attention demandeti fa lime sibtiùefît4eW4algit tu thýW collari, fe as uit r-ns dcvi, anc. an Ivice ea-wéèk,ý accr-ilme leho,-nnt-ly gas ja bir-ned. ,A moderate sizeti machine smitable for a tivehl- - ug, &1 rei iqie-leus octébeep it lu perfuel enter titantvà loeekerosene im. ton or -pe-fcteeu mimýéJB i *ek là suffleet. Te exlai, céaly ud n"dtalte plan upon wliicix eux Machine lu conufrueteti, sud l'0te iaV5itrage, equireér. Suffiieet te knote, that by its us, vith ver-y 1111ecars,'t - umail empense, anti penfeatsfely, lie eau net-y On gettlng au abutant light at aU i limé: Previouu tteimntidction of ar-gas macbiueu.many aunait s als eek 515 lu varions parts cf tbe country, l injcit hgas wu matie thicugxdsrutv by fire anti retenta from ceai an oUl. These werku ar-e expenaive -thlie e ,la a mlai hutdings for &aza adeci necesuarit-y grat. Ticey aiea requan coùi * érabIe ýiïe atL siiite manage. The 'mà nufabtnre cf e-as for a single titellin temsuds'erya micil labour, anti quite as-muëol ii si equir-det ii t alea uuplysufiètnîf' ûu :liltir~ce- tet. lme elnt met ic oîrxaneti bie tresme n th ie labour cf 'M4ig eas l lIe wa asiea~eabe enl-tatcheuoue. Anctily of oeil, cites, snhiiLeauuateeabet tc. vr-k; tc. aeuremiine-fr-m Iemfi.ia ver-y uer-tenu 1cbcuý,-,Re .,. P gÊ fePa iiin iladilofanufa item. 1 Itntcuo IBO ftiii' in0 ai 8mm1 . ,avNcste ture ar-s nover sa pret, uer lteé yield c0esupr6ÉÙ uai 0giet 55tbainet aIt the- lange wpzkin iutico'cî,ca.y - ,T1Jaitia 4se . , -ino'r ÃŽÃ sitar-go measure uperceodtiby cen machines, wic ie a- prefecabie for th.le 1n-graeonis - toni lua maSh axcdcheap cfair-.uiderupatit lie eround, cult, itghh., hir A l-it 6 labeur snd trouble of muaking gai is savsti; Thé cane Our machines r-e- qcesa re'i ne as te le su-arc. wortby cf mention.ý th5. -No odeur ar-test lrnm tho manufacture, noria t1erqtany litter or dinh. 6t11 Oui- machines ans autntatle ; lceth laae g@à îiaeo cy tfer-nes -a. Et1.Brel te. repeinsetf any icinti reuirest. Oumachines ale'ýequctly goad sud, aIl trIne-a coîeest'i,.e t elleap.Gilet 0f 0ourmachines ta usettoh lie-hI a nîxci er of huiiusdtced ae ldrIeduuituxe, irme ei tr.,A gr"'Of. o!dv'eMltn tu lice nreit au f ach 1itb-ieoupatvret n napn ai ne-hal lte cesI btsr Ji. Ta. mseîi iy frcm ec den ae. te teo ft s-I it~ s e 1 ,st l a mac hx ne t 6 Mn i e r J Trvis, ccf o -l e Tenant, T Ii ehi bue b au et Jt h g »hi -I s >4cuse anti a iti-tmer o! inuxpe, cccveyiigbhe gttc t;eefour Ixcnlred lest iune Sing; lente ianfpý furtest removed crom lce machiine lie liai au eqxxrtty gond tigith e<h onec nes<<o3 t ut, lu inîruîint-ing large niscliies, ant. i latcir g lhir-wit ea nutuber cf buildings, lamp 'cati, nay libc stt up aimugizte dret, wt lnte murne *ut outrance gale, pipes exteu1iine- ha liat, ilcl-; .,ce Ihe distamce cf bhfatcmilsetir mcre. Ii-cving haut txp nrttti n the manunfacture ofte, machines far a numbur uf years tan îhe Uinited' Sîsten, jami iiFtpracelicaI-nxechanncc, v-e ar-c confident chat our machines are odeconlte Lune on tics Contxinent. Wo de net c-cunt it an iu-caution cf cicr evu, but ve i;Titte madi eeaupnee i, eta makethem tale andSnelitble. We test every ma- c-lime unter our oaune euptrvae.sen, anti ciaft-eut thic etagive eettsfactiou. Pt-ICE L19T OF TTEE CANADIAN GA% MACHINE, COMPLETE, Fiee out fbuoard of Cai&t Toronto. -Nxcmier 1. unttetite siippptt- 15 t-cuer-s, $200 00. - 80 Il 2501(10. 14 4, 7.t 375 00 5, 10 " 450 100. 7, it 201> 700(100. -i lu, 250 800. t 9. ' 8 00 tt 00 ()0. dét10, it 40t)( d 1i00 c. Ltirger uxiatuhincu madie, il roquineti - TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. We ce-ee Lie rcptey c pLtig e ppe In gs, ve tiomgit net lmmcdîateip ecututpiltn purchccug gasmachnete te exens cfut in tipjýs, if doue at the erner imeta rifice- 1flotb unil lle lit buldig i copeei hÈs' écuyet te tuîrtinodbulice xpeue a cusidraby geatr, ati iceecot~uits ol lte ,houa. are ccl thés aredneedeti.e tuvle orrspodece rou anp nt eti ituIct-ng nticotemPlBlinf tle mInro- es âttol oes,.r.Weitah. e -eiodvttacw unci el ite les m eno à ub-"c pipe, sd eherdelils.We avecemelet weioteu i 0r eplcsy1 -liet voe suteIc unxopý the o eutryp teipipe buiUeingst, set machines, &o. We sahiceitai oppeýruity te obihîate nu ke etîie 'c'ar- 'of pipimg, furnishlne- machine, e-as tixturef, &c., com- pîee, iîeadfy lige- la ". erar-ttctements are sucli, îlot tee cati compote 'a-tth any do- Iug tiret-clatis watt, Wdhers tee cunrmeetfer fixe encire juob, par-lies eau alt'eyu ho assiureti cf thb. hast possible resutt frecuaour' macicinet, for in Ibhi8sîcc Icoe iiisauu ecîivçitietir.- speesiicilihty r-seing on us. In tit, as te mcuy aiter kinds nIhuuinà eis, sucëceas deptutis lar-gely-upon a titonoagi uuder-tbaudinq aud laîtuiiL executienni1de.tâuâ. Wben acady pipeti fnn coal guis, we can atlocit our omachinces iteouL canging encit piping. - <3-ýASOLINBu. Weacoltcit orders for- Gacoltue. 0cr arrangements arc u-h ltaI s'ccao 11 aIt- orders prompl y We fer-nit ie lieut quaIîty of fiuS aI mariket rates. We iiianefairturé Iraon or Cop rTenic e aor-dec for starime-Gasoline. o TESTI MON IALS. 1 bave hucve hîcti ue of JotiepI rhlulipa & Co'e. Air Giao bcies i l ca aImy nplace in tosedaie for- about eitesu aonthui. Prom mp yexpeiauos, I aid satedeti vî itcte prilxciple cf lice Machine. Thce gai s of a suporior qcality, anti econamical. Encati J. JAtuviS. Te;rcelo, Aril 11, 18761. ÃŽDLigt mhllfcnute. bixemit Jsmaue onnes t~t.osbave Marcb 2711, 1 876.- Gceucrr.eîras - ha-ce ver-p great plesauure in reenuncenaine- peur Air Gai Machine put lito 'eux Collage, as it tas e-i-cen perfect saticfaclion.-Yuru, &C. 150 T2igl4t Machinue. ifreeus.J, tr-ntie & 0.,Tarolo.OshavWa, 2911 Mâeu-, 1876. Dzka itSles-I have nov heexi citine pour Osuatitan Air Gai Macitesftanabout six mneontitaqcun4 uwhirh imue it ieauovniercd ahi tle pur-pose I cnticfpated, ýauf vhiet peu e1r-axlçbeen iîriine- ftito mp titeline-. 1 elîs yryllI atuitaud readulmseage T eghisoe -cd, andi fr-nimte simplicitp ef the canstruettan aI tle Machine, anti, cousequent citeapuesu, uhoii coma mbt gener-al use. 75 Ligic!Mecinc. Gxe'n .-Yacr air e-as nov introdcit mny utore et Wtlitpy gives campete satis- faction. Tite machcine vanku to a charer-na,1 aiar sa-ced a taree mouet af lsbeur and expeni, beuides thc ativenteges of cieanlinees anti c ver-p superfor lie-Il. AOBtcuTirimà Itt AUi A esoccaruou.i TRTeiOr, 1874. - . Frai: XMaà Parezi. -, SOLE M"NVf-ACTURERS OF 'THÉ CANAT>IAN 'AIR -GAS MACHINE, PLUMBBIRS, 1GAS AN]) S$TEAm, FîITTERS, turc#", in 'l - 3TREET, TOTO Ga-rdoe* Fouit BUildings, 1.89 Yônge. st. Have at-tapu an tand a EullStaolt 0*every- - tig- hein lineaInd tope 4y strict attention -ta ti, ante let rc uutimes. ta menitsa- ctn-ce of hepatronag he rtu.e~-o a -teuded tothora. P picial altenýion pet-dIa lte malinge- iNEÈD-LEWORK FIE SCBRNiS OTTOMANS, FA14CY- CRAIRS, LfLBREQUINS, mcde cuti put dey' n te beapststyle- tIaret-Oit, 1876. i VJHi'fl37 AlND PORT rEfERY EX- TIME TABLE Na. 17. Tak«e eet on:Sctnrdcy, Jan'yOth, 177. Trains rue by Toranbcxlime vitisfrn- - ruÂtEs -coite -itTE -WStudays su Wht- .e......1M 7.80 eI- Breelil...... £2û 148 e 1%y-l..........J=e8 8 e manaheutor.... Ql00nzon 8.25 Prince Allerb-..12.10p.m. 83 Port 12,15'. Il 8.40 RAtINS ocuco sourm - weuefflin aad Daily. Oaturdsi's. ParI PerrC.. ...dept. 6.00 à .a.. tOprn. Prtnce Aliment.. 60 -à il 810 - Manchester-..... .20 > 8.18à e Sum.Mit. ..... 6.00 - .24 - Myr-tie.... ........6:42 " Sm e Sirooklin........... 7.00" S.Ç7-e Whty. irvz 7.20" 1 DzPBTiu-7.85,Il 405g Whilh Jeun. .arrive 740 " 4.15 I 'Palorunstations. Trains;slop au sig- Ooueecting at. Witby Junction tit lte G.' T. R.i,eat anditiel;'at'Port.Ptry vith. stage fcr Uxhr-idge. * , 50 - Maniue-lctor.. TRE TU À L-13PRG PIÂAX The Titaltere- Pî&ao ti a vant loue- felt- GOOD, USEFUL PIANO ihiel cembineth ie clearndfsg cf tans sud. thie 6eanty of f citt cf tle meut celetrateti malts, vIlh a modarate-prie.- Il it lâ ake ithl pomsble, te seppiy c Gocti Piano feërabout HALF-'THE PRICE e-enenallp chare-e, ltseanswer la plain :r la. te maktigre- n ul. of ttheÃmeur- meuls, bter-e arensnelarge.shovroomi ta keep cp, ne grand Musie]NIHalls aiausin, or no expeusive travelling agentis te pay. The' noénot r a ai f a- UNIPORM 8TÂN3RDA FUL.L SEVE OAE SOLID IlION PRAME, OVERSTIIU14~ ia-ASS, SERPENTt-!E MOOLD'GS, anti DoIMiLE VENEeEE ROSEWOOD CASES. Au extra DISCOUNT 0F r-a PER CENT. iibe slto'1ad-Seteooju d oteIam t'O Clergytxr elhe tiuse ( fthoiié fcttlit. -W. ADAMS, Wbiticp, Febrnary, 131h, 1877. S Glr-ly'ýS." e rfl eert te -Spr-npes RatiPiDn Caeus oftc-Lene- Diacas-'Tte Be-c. Mn. Murr-sp, in B sboou SY]RU P cime Adir-ondst k, Lallpub- tîittsd, relates te case etfs. ccinsumptive pone- mnu OF - who was etiaeh nmed bpa& RE ) ainonetuieuîeci a saut! uusle vs -pi- intste pilneWeoods, anti mape£rodte sËii ths. - Gaav's'S rp mc a meen- - t iffiuol ttn~fhjn Broe ar/e 5pk.Sltt Ç~ieturaI, ton- 910B taucery ta. Street, Osi -. Bsaruitai Blocku, Erbék t 1to Netari fice-Byingn St Whitby, Onlari Bii - ÃONYJI OFFIOE-Proi J3. G. RoBanruox, TROI tram 9 te L o'el z ~ Residence, s as é -p a te Cet, eN U lial aathe c King- Stree$, BUILDER -A fJ ]11 Il ES KI Sa~loon, Bri JOHNt A cotishGi Lsud Joiuer, v large qunutity ot r tantly an itanti Clark Divis/o Co-nniasi ner-iid &o., Ailierhp, Cet b ~ Althent - tt itsoaSurge- Unitb ept.lle0t Unite. of Peunspîs of tle tUaiv of S ceeu ior 'he Coui Coldicater St., Or-t Augusùt th, 1875. - W. J V Onarocet joue - FTU i be qnem if itseUf, i,lm, O t?-- bem Rosé, 0e-s 1 -- Il Io Whitby, Augliet 1-.)tll, vý-, 6. A. B. DEUILL. - 1 1 *ir tan rÀ