soe eo.,uausy trutbtioi d, osud ada... ofOuuoh 'wbo usa liv. u h. ms>i havickî héi as cnime sudj 1h. ao&itty ofi thonght respets à icoly haroe "e go round, k#et th! vm*. The, dl.! veelure t mo> aquactiel i .Lte aiguis reliabl& This, * azext foto i tbr polteutlam eprt., r for 1876, vaekquota. s.'-v ncOS gains$ prohibition, 42that Id ilcvet bey taiiabýil sévitaee reeR> The Globe, a ta,. veeha a&ge, quoe.. Obila utice Oolarklge's assertion Ihst ail crimes et violénene gian.! vers sttributad lea lb. Unetfntezà iclg drink., snd, tok Dnexeception ta t asseartion. Il aveu sddo.uIesitagalu, but tht. lima, belug place.! lu jazîs. p osition $e 1h. Ponitentlar>' Reporta, lta unseundueasla too evîdent, an.! th. Gléoet.force.! teadmit Ibsi tht.mai ho puttiug the ceue tee strougi>', vhich li oaythe iit et fil, quite preb- able. hi mighý, lodéed, b. allowabia te quetq mii meation, oc) rokless, by s aingo céaminent a position, sasan excellent iinutro$ien oh th. adage, "Nr o ,ouialium omnibus hoeil sepief"; but meut amaradi>' net me a meaus et datermînlng an>' question lu dispute.. It eaucn heFaragarded s quite sufficlent, te prove that an>' givan crime ws. csnsad b>' the use et sîcehol, tea hov thal the criminsl who pérpe- trstcd Il vsMc-net a total ostelaur. This t.a mode oet ramsoniug vhleh eau sosrcsly ho dapeuduti en fer soourlug carret recuits, oer u i may' bae emmeuded for the @mlt0i «pplleslben. Wonid i no, the grast 0 ojrity ai otitan ba more reseonsbl, sud: more lineecerdauca wilb aotac esemont for th. conqr. racelu e aindividu. tw oc in. allly, a k mu addiction te drink, b>' attributti > beth the el'me, sud the druu'keuuWavll, te s veak, excit- ableair orthervioe -deractiva moral naturea? Mlgbt Det tb. sema tend eue>' le ommit crimea Sd vent, avau though ne liquorw varasnk, uot par- lisps inu Juat haesamy, but yet inu othars Ihât veuld ha aveunimoeadan- geroua, anud more difficuittahogoard agaluaitP IflIbha!Mny hoice. I ould, for uy part, I tbLà k, prater s drunkea euemy hoaà sobar oua. It mayhev- ever, b s freal>' Concee t hatL emain argument la net mach' affectaid by tha ane'ggerstoctistatemeutaetofthe pro hibtoniaste tthte evii affet. oi lu- teauparsceo, volt caiculate t lbugb theay me'bs ta aungrestgrave doubta as.t lho mItle hutallilgeca, er tha hônest>' et thoee-*ho make theni. Drunkennema Ic su avii. 0f Ihat thera eou b. ne deubt. Néitiier cau there b. bou 'doubt, If oeehail that prohi- bitlenlahs -gomy oe t hIlbe n, bs i t. eught ho ba matde &crime,, sud branti. ad! sud puniabe.! aceoîdlngly. But bers ampis la thé marveleous ineon- sahncy oet the prohibIt1itih. Tha>' hava uothleg but cimiscaration -for the peor drunkard. Ho muaI net b. temple.!. And te that eund man vho voe neyer drunk lu their liveo mut& ba pravantett froni dvlukiug a glussoe vine or beer. unue tia>'prchase it lu quautitie. cf ove galions t a lima, .11a g ol, I Lbhave It preccrlbad for 'lîgni by a doctor, or othervisa phîsin It by oeme dt.bobaut evaion ef thei >a*.. A ýdrutikard per,8 e t.nither ai eit.!, su Idiot nor s Iunsic,-or il ba ha les lb . ha trste.! sccordiugly.j Fane>' uoné. hintibearti, but net1 ovar-wise philstbftpist dnriug s visito te s prisn-vard eccupiai by thievac, smlug the Inustes if Ibey veul.! lika te bave thae liberty meaorat te theni,1 sa , receIvlug -tbm rapi>'that th1' vouiti ratber ne( boosume the sght oet ethar mau,£ geaalet. try thmiri bouact>' tee mevar>. Antithen, iiIl veutti net be puttiug tee guait a ar an. ou your ImagInation, faucy thst.otee confiding indivîdualiadduolug Ibis ax-1 partn e etf l ms s. a s.o e nat resson 1 vhae n ehonîti ha prehlbited1 froeni baVà vig lu hlm ýPossesion aaghl -.thAt could! tenipt ht. falov-maa te stoat. Evan lu tha case et hildran, theoa ene daubt that a tee strict ado ptienuoethIis ride t. Injueug te their moral sîsmins. The cii!.!roini vbom everything la kept loeked op,1 every liberty' prohbilld, viil net ai- wayu turu eut s modal yeug nian, orî a modal yeng voman, vhou lie or1 ahe gala tea&e!.! te b. ristraine.!inlu thia vay.M The ranI -queshion a ho hakept ilu_ viov are :-Doeo prohibition iluoea ferni or -anothér, p rasant the moal avulable an.! effectiva lfrgilafive means fer repreuaing lb. vice cf 0 drunkeuneas?2 If ce, t. s partial1 mensuraetfprohibition,, sud one vbich9 do enet taka laIe samont ils unjut sud' oppresive incidenca openaoee portion oet h. commuait>', nithar mokas any provision -fer obvlahlng the came, auch an euesas la likaiv by ias oparation ta bring credit te thae-a vhe tlucqa s aniplae ofbsrletathlla prova lb. Most acceptable te 4ho ther5 liquor manuiacturer, snud onaewqueully c bring the biggent prioe ought, I re. si Past, Ihease ï]to e ha soeà ads. the n oracles eit'lhe tamnpa-anca cange? lu ýT conciualbhu, latnia varn yeiir rps.!,. r, againalt atîso>' hich runis through âz aau. m ueuogua lt u mpibi. te arrangeithe bilno-"mtehring su ode efinutera ioder t. ncopa. Reponu Mr. Youug's amandueul vagstt- e.! hysavote of 77 te 104, s vamaise an aaudmant by Mfr. Oolby, 28*t0 157, Bil ies. s Ir t ime, - THE AhtêLIs 12151TW0, Tha, débat@ on tha Augiupnlnting contrset oceupia.! the Rouge durnug Saturi>. T h e Ifà U#s pécisl corres- pondentgays et Ils Mfr. Boveli'. spaech in moviug tha rasolution vIti ýrateranca tethé mati- ar vwu cencla., legical, anti cenvino. iug, vtuilei that oet he Premier vaq noticembla for Its unbduad tongua ud. tact $ha1 ne spology vas made, ne de.ý foncae fferad à er a .Mr. Speakei Augliuws cocnceruati. Ee>h ws ai.! Ibs coul.! be aldate suid the Administration, evoûan ospIcs iat -he prasent Lleuteumut-Gevarroe *Outanle, andi Mr. Justice Fournier voeataItiiebea.!fethiePeut Office De pertinent viastmoat et thé work vs donc. 'Mr. Mmckenzie ra.!loug ax- tract. fremtcerrespoudence te abev tiaI lu Janoar>' and Marcb, 1876, the Pestsl Departmnt ha.! baean luoem- mninicatien vîlithMassas. Ohubb & Cot. se te tb. stoppage oetIhe printlng con. tract. Who Cbubb & Ce. are,- andi vhat tha>' had te de vitb tbé sulilac, dl.! net apppai, mithoogl ith ould-nsuu that tht. vas the atm ho whom Mr. Anglin "faim..!" ouitliahe rk. sir John Maedoialti's speech vas ramarkahi>' able, I le.ý,sud ouvino- lug, vwhilstlthat of 1Cr.Blake, Dek.hlm leaders,.vs. axtramal>' wesk, the Min-, later ef Justice raftuing te givc uopin- ion upen tha point et iavs ho vheth orhe Speaker hW.!veideti his test or Dot. Ho aise inferentislly intimateti s vllingnoas 10 make s sespeos i etthe Speakter in caiWngthat aoernmai* vas net remposil for sny breaci of flic Iudepînde nce- et Parlisment Actb>' a supporter.lThe latter meol- vacat- id hic ossi ant s guty oet ohiug aava& acivil hreacb f et b.Ad.Th. res.ouing vs. ommfente.! en b>' man>' l&ga! geu temeu vio, tukea adillarent vlov, for if s Ministry ' eau h bebl.! hlsmeleus torîha grating etcôonttat niambera, the' rule n t. once elablimh. e.! that a Premier msy ha permithete l i purce tse eaupperit a score o! um- beraby awardlug coutriita at plaues tet ten d yet nt haamanabla aitiier te a voteoe censure or the. lav eofthe laund. Again Mr. Blake centeuded that as il vas nol ncrima for a mambar of! tlii- Houae ho acept an sppoiutment under the crowu, orge th vs a paiftah 1>' uigliteouil &et for s momber ho accept a% cenmmet, tb. lav moral>' providiug Ihat if ha di.! hlm ueat becania vacant. Sncb falîscieus rasseniug t. cartaiel>' no& cateulatateho lavate the raputation of Mr. Blake, for' lu tic oaa case the menmber sceapting office at one vecates hlm seat, whilut lu lie case nter die cussion saniombar electe.! Speaker of thea Houge raceivea *1,00 freintho Goveiana in the sispe et priating1 contracteasd yet reaIns hie @s ass mnibof etPertismeut, sndslao axai- ciscs tie important faclieus eto peak er, for whîcbhehotin ell pal'! tronit li publie exehoquar. Thecontentiofet Mr. Blake; tee, ubsi the malttaiuhouliA ha seul te, thae lectin Cemmutte. t. nieyai> di~e s. a covar for Govarn. ment supperters te rail>' untier, for Il vHii ha remombereti that in 1878 vhenà Mr, Otuzlon s about te taka bis seat s manibar Palerbore' West, viien hlm lega! élection wvsreportedi b>the Be- lnrnig Officar, antihcho a.! taken the. esti of office, Mr. Blake vaa the ver>' nisu, together vith fifti-fivo "BRetorm. ara" te oppose his case belug aent ho lia Eleetbon Committce, andti ho oe that daspit h. certificahe o! the -Betnining 0Offcr hie oppononl, Mr. Dortrain, should lake hlmecat. Mr. Bertiani lus. s amaali majoiy of tie votas, but ha.! falod te qululify untter the thon ozistiug r lav, therobypultiug it ont et the pover eo the ailcusetuig Officer, or Par. iaent, te saction hie taklug tb.e necosareathbaera heing mitro, ne. ant inotwitbslanhý1ding thus, Mi. Blake at liaIt himc oppose.! th. question heing coaaidared by a Committee, anti s.ked Parlismeutte odai annaril>' vith f. .Dr. Tupper tielivereil a poverfal speech lu repi>' to Mr. Blake, Hie pointa waua cl6aîly masde sud bis sigu- mante logieul ant isltinct, evar>' son- ince being loudly applanda. b>' tie Opposition. Mr. Oulmet, wlie secodeti Mi. Boy. ella réuelution, tiain a sver>'tair an.! csudi.! mannes, heing replie.! te b>' Mi. A. J. Smuth, vbo hs:9 ouI> enteredth ii Ur. GibbshalsiLneogeotlmn b.d been mt ef eider. ou Ibmheoeu aide vhen hao 'mute te holk$ s ahatament, an.! ne $en- demsnu au Iis aide voold objeet te saya tameuit -ngmade. Gentlemen on tlia T lier baud isti expraamed me aslég plâced Lu s délicats Poaition, sud » asbvlug debts w te viether lie Speaker racelvadtili. ionqy vii!.&s mber oet Parlamant¶ rhone vi h. n'duîsicl'te rster ,le the vouchers lu tbe Publie Ac. îuut., tthé IbmPatmmter-Geauma'a repor t r n.! te thé rePort cf, lb. Pulic Acountie a lak- eyea rPeu, viover Seed, ad Oats, salta Eievstr, PscahmusmBsay. A»',My qu"niyofai 'EH 8ROUND PLABTERO FR CHEAP FOR CASH. 18 1. E. MOOLELLAN. 'un .45 Who. d ai g recvar Fr'm a merioua ilum.eftorne vachi. 5h. b.d besau anInveRtifor year. Fiv. bottles of 1ho 8rupbave me bu bp ber stem ibatt mU ovest4 4u4t hesrtly, mImepa ,Wollo and.Couwalk thme miles (in aneweaiber) Wltbout, tla.I oonsider th. Medicine mo iu. Sueror o 'pn. that 1 relate thia Ear eml experfauce et taffect. te yen, 41m 1 *0 oMaltéwhat use 700 plasma of my letter. Yervary romq.efl~ WZTYMARY BTB. 170U out. ,O #mApi 1dohel87s Spring U @si dé nsan ............. o 55 0 $0 POU........... 78 075o COveBa, .......... 86500470 &................ c* Petaices.............75o a MO Sgm. . ............ 2o Buttari..............920 a326e C0014-per ton ...........#68,W80 Wood ..IfI ... ..-..... 88 5 a 4 00 * .............. .,. oa820. Igoiut ,idg]ya thorou h knowledge ,0" olfn etdigestion anut rition, Mud bvscareful applcation 0 thm dite paprties ef wefl-aa ocos M dmllcaïtaly fiavored bevarsap, wblob maY ave u ny esivy dqor'bila." lItfa bLtb. judluloum nu of ac srlemof 81. tconstitution lms ,>b:oedufy bout up util atrcagf enon h r t evary tan-. dîe:yto tiumee. dtndimofubtlemsla disaeaoting arcond os raty te sttack whorever there lasà wemk point. We May escape many a fatal ochah by keeping oui. melvea Wou fortidoti wltb pare blcod !and! s properly noorisha.! trsme."-CiviI Servie Gazette. Sold only in Psckatm, lsballsd,- l'James E & hCo., Homoeopathic Charo- lats, 48, Wreadueedle Street, sud 170# Pleesdliy London.1 Don't Spond a Dollar until You have tried this. Woodm irnproyed Hair Rostoratlve INuproveti bas uew vegetable, tonie proer- tien; restoes grey bsfr tea glIa-y' natorel celer; restoe..1.4,dry. ghsrand fmi!. lug haïr; raatcrodreamaglvesviger te the hair; restoeas Lar t. rmsoraybal.! headu; remevea dman, buorr, mmli- ~er nramoeas irritation, 1_.hlng Mnd ydrynesa. Ne article producea uch veudarful aaca. T 1,ciifor Woetia Imfreved Rlkatbaivandi .Ieaé bd wbar. Trada mopplied ti mmuftuiera' 0'ce 17.A OOK & Co., c3hlcma, soe. the uit" ta" aUo, MUN L AICLARK o.! NEW rADVERT8NN~ THE EEST Photographs!1 VEAB ARPLEÂSED TO ANNOUNCE to the peoplaet of aaand sur- onding tmm§ uat ehsi ava nmade s Dow engagement wlth MIR. WALTER C. NORTH, Phctograpiier, and that va wfil ha bappy ho see aoy liaI wii te secoua ithe Fifle8t of Photographlc Work 1 made onder his persoual, supervision. Our efforts te plasma lb. publie vlth lirai- clama vork, bas mat wlth XNBOUNDED 8SU 0C FiSS 0 atd oùr gailmbs beau crevded aven- day vith alitera aine bisengagement It wtl ba noeaaasy flr pait« lemvhing &ai tt Or MAKE AN ENGAEENT IN ADVANCE 1 Lm va have more i bvaosu de, sMd-eau- net au o cuies . m p= tiy .u *a. lai! At tbm GsleysMd ace cgr verk asud Seur. a Sitting. JOHN DEST. ahsv», Apnil ah, 187. 1-48 ~fOMS GBOWN SEDS ARE SITILL,,,ALIVE1 Marchant1 sumd the publ inlu uerai, vii and ite Ibauer intereat lu varlosvays, te patrnisa home 5ad, as val L other brancha e01bmis- W. me di. vtlng mmi vble limte le cMd.! grevng, Mcii vil basait thon ualng o ou. d S.4. BROWN, c.;' cnamte sud Collemong boisa I.. RWN. u) 'te 'te v T ENDE ES WAN1D 1 Ofars(pa se) viii a raclvat for 186 Acre .AD LaM ,LtNo. 16 inthé h.! con. of Rama 11ihe lirai ef uly, naz*. JAMES COLTART, Parla station, P. 0., Ont. Pau mrQ4 ah 2% lm7. SE W/NG MACHI NE FOR 1876 SA LES1 The sgev N'pgce.. - .a ou 22,316 HBe. Machne Company>.... " 100»24 Wiie"&rWnwlmiMn"gc. 108097 DemastlcSaingMachià ee. " 28,U87 Amaican B. si. .10, S.vlug Machine C i............17,987 Wood s.vtng meobire.C.... "14,4u5 ei ohGibbs Satisg Ma- china Ce ............. 1275 Remington Sevlng Machine Ce ...................." 12,716 Gel.! Medal Saving Machine Ce ...................... 7188 Vici e aing Machina Ce... 5,750 FIlerens ivlg Msghine Ce. 2,978 J.E isaef & Co. Etna.. 77 M s evng Mahin7As socisalle ..............." 102 NEW YORK SINGER 8SE W 1NG0 TEE SINGER MÂNTIPAOTUEING COU!. PA" 09141, iu 1876, 243.S1 Machines, belg 5802 mrelba nychiiCmpani a2lde 1Warrautm owetwe ef an etiier maka. Bavare et Imitations sa Noue Goam vitbeut 019A89 T2ADZ MARK on Arm cf Machina. Othie sud Show Boofms, Brook Stzeet, Sole Àgentierthe GenuinNew York Singer Savlng Machina Mmaufactorlng Com psny for the CoýzuIy. p. 8. Neaim, Ibrest, twist, asud Savlng Mwachine sttâchmeutm lvaya ou baud. Wh1jb7, Msib 21, M87. 18 JUST RREIVED AMD CAM LOAD CHOICE TIMOTHY SEE-DI Alme a suppiy cf CLOVER, HUNGARIAN, MILRTT, OROHARD GRASS, ERD TOP AND BLUS GRASS, PLAX, ANDW AR ERE COI. " AIme s .apply ef AMERICAN CORN 1 1«opu>&ati popes., ALWÂYS ON !UND 1 147ing purhmadcOr s"aaiisssc in r= 4 u v w ba- M' opacimQuotattona te County Mar- T. LAWLER h&0Co WhltbApnidih,1. w EY PRZT .RYID Tenders for Bonds -'T SPR-ING FAIR! a r"IM Amua.! lgPairofet he'Duxo LAgoxutnu&Q CiLu viiibeluMdtin the VIllge of Balfrdio d HxuRSDAY, Aà pRIL 3th 8y. lai m bonà da bW en h ubli isbvugporhs. ith ai Inla i Mru. rlu Uy* ou1! ii WHITBY' CHINAr A ohojo. lot of Green and Black T in Ihe Domin*ioný, both for qalit fromn,50 to8-0cents per PoMnd Coffees from 25 tb 40 cents par Su gars of aIR Mu do, gV8lb's.oi Go6Cd -Valenci 'B~n8 kInds, at equaily LowPrlces, MAPLE MOLASSES. $1. 25 PER GALLON, -nous à ad Gdir -Flower Plants. -.Green Veetables in thcir seaon." Car FBESH TOMATOES JUSTBCIE) A full assortment;of China, Glass and ýCrockery Ware, Tes, Dinner, andi Telet Sets on bond aud for sale ehesp. -AU inds of Field and Gar den Seeda', (Jlover and Timo- thv' Sac.!,.Oc. Tnrnip Seet ailua, direct fronu colti, to arrive Ibiswcek. ta' Gocti Potatocaenu 5m0 te ý80 cents par bushel.., At Wm. J. GIBSON'. whitby China T4 Store.' WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Butter, Eggs and Featheis, for whicb the bighest cash pi-ice viiibo pal.. W.. J. GIBBON. HlA MIL TON &Co'.s., MILL INER Y SHO W ROOMS WILL BE OPEN IN A FEW DAYS WITH IALL THE NEWEST -AND- Most F(tshionable style8. WALL PAPERS!1 WALL. PAPERS!1 Je S. -ROBiERTSdNIY Asks the attenition of the public to the STOCK>0F 197 WALL PAPEIRs, lie lias on hand, and is now displâying. -THE ENTIRE STOCK -18 New, Large, Well A8sorted, and cheaper' than the ckeapes8t. Save, money and save time -by purchas.. ing from- J. S. ROBERTSON.- South Onturio Bock, Stationer>' and Nevelt3 Store. -000 ý181 w5 JHIOKIE &Co. Wil offer during "the month of A r, GoiFai Colore. uoaaIbOc. 7o. Se. anud le.per yard. FacterCelen tboc. 7c. Se. 100. anti 126. par yIri& W t.Coiho ai:-5e. Se. 9c. 10c. andi 12c. por yad,.86 luhevid. IDRÈSSMI8 G-OODS. Oua Os Alpuoem4 Sprlu Shatim, 20 aat.; verffi 25omt.. 50 Pieea maiBrevu DMrus Gdds,25 aat.;jverl 80 et.. TABLE LINENS, TOWELS, -ORASHERS. 80-cent Leem Die. Table Cloih ferIr 8 cue.. "-cant Bleiïwed Table 'Clotia er50 cmFjfis 100 ysrdaToealati Crash fer 10 cantu, wobrlli' 12 cents. Chepiest: lips - eto, NsphiustOe afend lu ; 'iv euý FLANNELS-,AND SHIRTINGS. 85-cnt AUl Woël Inal fer 25 cent. I17.eemt stnipeti Cheviet for 12 cent.. - II0OSI ER Y. *-Mcet Meu'Bi aiome for 10 cent.. :0Oô ,&-oêet, an m!e < alu4 if Home for 15 captmo ma. " o -'To Asoriuutof Ready-u mod OIthDg iiTown, AnoherCas ofJ3'lt ats. 'Latest styles. N' Nbby lot of Sl Suitable for Spring Aise, theLai-geaIt m Wear, be ftn.!in W'Doun feu l toe ta Inubê 'Wblb~, UIOI 24h, 177.14 w IIITBY. PHARMACY Our Stock in every uine is 1Large, Fresi adWeIl Assoxted. DRUGSu AND -CHEMICALS, Ail the popular pLatent and ]?roprietar Medicines. flair, Tooth and Nail Brushes, Dress-, ing Combs, Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Toilet Sets, Vases, Perfumery, &C. PreBoriptions Neatly and Acurately Dispen8ed, Sole- Agents for Lazarus & Morrîs' CelebratedPerfected Spectacles. g~Coal 011,-30 cent& per Impérial1 Gallon. Four Gallons foi $1 00. S. W.- B. SMITH A& 00. Whitby, Mai-eh 27th, 1877. DOMINION WZ4REROOMS. Lowes &Powell Are in receipt of a. large portioni of their Spring Stock, consisting in part of a superior stock of CANADIAN AND ENGLISH TWEEDS, SURGE COATINGS, AND GENERAL GENTS FIJRNISHINGS. Dress Goods, Hats, &c., a lar-ge stock of Milinery Goods, Parasols, Ladies' Ties, &c. Crampton's Adjustable Corsets. Ail gooda sold at a emall advance, and mucli below last year's prices. #C- Tailoring ani'd Dress-making -to order and in the best style. OD Whtby,jfaroh 2 lsk, 1877. LOWES k POWELL.1 GOLDS MIT H'S HALL.L NowÊ to hanç., a full assortment of 'New Goodls, whioh having been weli bouglit,, will be offered at VERY LOW PRICES. GOL]) AND BILVER WATCHES & CHAIN$.; BBIGHIT AND COLORE]) 60W JEWELLERY. BLACK JEWELLERY, JET, AN]) VUCANITE. d' Clocks of Wan'anted" Quality, Very LIow Prices. Eilectro Silver iPlate, a very large assortment, new designs, iu Cruets, Butter Coolera, Cake Baskets, &a" &. relia- bic géoeand prices lower tbsu ever. Would cail specia1 attention to a NewIune of ýGoods- NICKELITE-a substitute for silver. Niekeitc Table, Dessert, and Tea Spoone, Table and Dessert ForcauIinspection invite. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Childrens' Caxriages. iii peat variety, two, thrée, and- four Wbecls, Auneriemu aud Canad&n makes. March27 1877. PraoaLWatichmker, Brook- Street. GREAT -SWEýP'ING SALE STILL 0 0N TIN U ES-9 A fresh batch of Goode placed on the cheap table.~ No. Goods put on the Gheap Table, but 8u1 8are sure to comnm at~ tention. Tbe following..are among the remarka- bis lowfie for tbis week 'Black Lustre AbêeIAAi1 Wù Wiitb>', Maci2Ws, 18577. SmO0KE]i -:00:- We bave again te eali your attention to the nunienotis IMITATIONS efthtie MyrtIe Navy Tobacco, THE STAMP IN GILT LETTEIRS.. 1son eseli Plug oft il Hamilton, Jan. 17th, -1877. e (jqudnp. 4-ina M ONBY TO LEND. Privala fonda tu lauou o oilmoulgage somui5=comaof jr and upward. ln- ters prcent, hb i-eauX>'. Apy- P. 0. DRA WER 8, Wbihhy, Febi- 18111. 1877. li-1O M I-BY TO LOiN 1 Imiperial Loan au.! Investment Ca. yul advâAiic mnai- en Real Eshate Seur. 1<>'. lu -iame af 100 sud- upvarda. No SoUittors' Fees vien lb. ameunulboriowedl t. net leaa -tisa 500, and the taeinoet ba nol leus Ibm u 5resus. aglatrtion tees. 3bheri0 teea, ant Tesureres feus arm paid b- y Dom1pRe ntetcharo t tec l1ne ý rhir particunlaro fipply OEO. Sr. JORN HALLEN. Solicitor, &o., Osluswa. N.'B.-$A,000 lu private fona te loin ou Resl Entai. ,erity. Terien g t ulber- rover. Febroary 281h, 1877. 2y CORN FOR SALE!1 A m =uaIu of- Western Cornier RalIvayi-n uth. evn Of Wbitbi-. Per par. tienlariaspply *te- GEO. HPIS Whltb-. Fçb. 251h, 1877., A FZW DESIRABLE H1OUSES FOR £.SALE ORa TO RElIT. - Town and Park -Lots -OR SALE.- .6-tf- unts, Worth $1 60. ýrtl 25 -cents. PMe r - 1 --Lý7q 1