Whitby Chronicle, 19 Apr 1877, p. 1

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m8Lambess Direct os TUOKAS Dow, 'WHIiT.BY ÂGE NCY. Also Sub-Airenéy, ai Liverpaol -Market. Saviugs Ifpartments a clu eetion vili baIl offifies, viore îluhst enîicl don dupa oit@ e0 11upvards, H.B.- TAYLOR, Whitby, fiePt. lti, 1876 80 Aen L AW (HNEY*CNEAiIg 'MinOeu, South Wm oux noais. -Ar. tofbr,",* ini Haito. MUr. 9.0;j, sud Dr. moMlhlei, Q. 0 VRI'WEtLL & -RUTLItDCG, B sARRiISTEIRS, ATTORNETS, SOLI. Jcitons; Nelarlem hPublie, and Convey. fM. rin doorntoulf-tii Royal tiotel, Wbitby. JAMES RUTLEDGE, B. A. 1 . E.PFARE WELL, L. L. B., county Creva Attorney. 48 J4tXIlM 19 KRIT if GORDO)n, 4)ARRISTEU t& ATTOIiNEY.4T.LÂw, 13 Sa lieltor lu Cltancory, Couveyancen, Ncny 7Public &e. Odlo-Over Mn. Ad. dious are- rkStreet, Whilby, ont. CHARLEiS C. KELLER, r ATTORMNEY-AT.LAW, SOLICITOR INi .tLChance Cnvoancer, t&o., Cnig ton, Brook, Cienug LVP4 kif ftlRïsit, L L.B.,, 'BâAIIISTEyt AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN «as Striat, Oshawa. u. YOUNl'G tliIIlVEI . ARITR ATTORNEY. AT- LAW, BNolicitPublie Chane anA Iusolvency, 'Ntr ult e. 7 00c-Mmialao 'Blociek, Jlreek âtreotWhilby, Outanie. A- I>RUSTR ATTOlILLN, SIC IR OINSON î& KENT,j (LÂTz DueGAN & Rodkýgos,) BARRaTES-ntsAT'Ltv,- ATTORNElYS, SOLl'CITORs, -.- ONVEYANORRS, ec., 'OFPIOB-Prceiaciaaî Aearanco Builditîge CousT Sriainr, TonONTO, J. G. Reaa<ao-, , e. %t HREaIrurA. E. KENT. THIOMASq tlUTON., Rhtb. flkGîTonN M. D., a SURGEON TO THEE OUNTY GAOL, -t Byron Street, -Whitby. -oDr. W. J. I UNS. oyrscz-MezI Jan 10 CEONICLE Office. o2regoidence, aI Mnr. Lewis IHaunk's, GUTS HOSPIT AL LONDON, ENa., Gthe oye R.o. H. L Oshava, Ontario. TV3NTIST, -(SUJCCES.' ~~ morson aW . K.CanA.) Debal Ruome-Dundas Street, Wttitby aven Mn Jmenon's Store. Nitrons Omide d .badinistered ton the, pailesm ox- traction aI teeli. C. N. VARS, L.D.M. T ET inserted on al lie laetprinciples li te art, aslos as the ceapemt, anA as gond as thi* het T eet eh filled vithiGolA and Sîlvor. Tetl oxiracied vIt hout pain, by praducing local ancshesia. Dontal Booms-Lu Cov- ans nov block, aven Atlusona Drug Store, Kng Street, Ohs. 85 IIUIDER AND OONTRACTOR, DUNDAS UST., WHITBY. . ~Al ardora proniptly excouted JOHIN ItOillNt4OtY' HAIR DRESSING AND SHAVING Saloon, Blrook St., Whltby. ýJ0fN VOLPENDEN, A GENT FOR TIE E OLEBRATED Soottish Granite. At- Marbia Works DI Jonathan olneno, Dundai St., Whitby. GEOtGE CORIUACRO . VOL. YX mALXtuE W.B.MoGW' PotW- B. MGWwy i lnwaaI Por err, ~ p.Zin 87. 'b u ait9' 87Po..nL r ra.o enotioUOrhSCIé JONIN OUSE, Paauvalu=à oumabl er IcWbftby;zaig 1 th;1B?4. TapeprDystablng q~,LEN MAJOR MIjL neotion, ~e9ooo hm felPin. La!nber, veR msný 1B IITISE AMRIAMRoTWý, - RAYs, -lach Plank, - W B.y, O0NAB 10. 100,0 e.îofOk, Houas aewly rsuovated and-iuinsiiehed - Mpeineis u hrougbiout, anA palt lu flnml$cla.caer for AOfoulli t ho reneptran ai te -A omtbi tts and -Bavo, T rom a traig. Fnt.0100 igmple1on».000 If SquareTi NTABIO HOTEL.Al ivlhvlbslAbaponc 0 - HowouI losabata urtist th WIEMIII i O9ttABlng , )mldolug ta i. i WKTZYONABO. Chapp nL doue aSdaym l intevmÛ, ion- EHOS. MASON,. RPI-O~ -4 Sguperior accomoaation. 'l'hj ait upiel . A0 viti bot 'tu esos. Ginuine' ilquons. t40 ft,1878. Ci«ns, besl brande. Billrernon. a --R-- sIabeasd s. ' 'l G00D' NWS FORELADIE .(ný Hü AMA OTEL, NW E ITIN N2 AT vSITax DTA T IO. NWE.ET0,I WX~. O'NEILL --PIIOPIRIETOR. SCIENCE 0F DBESS.MfAKI Parties.takdng tii treiu andlesaving hanse& vil have thon vel taiccu ceai oftM Itisin ORNýWALL'S SELF.lyITTflf -au.WIT SHOULDER CHA TE qUEEN'8 HOIEL, Dresses AlleA finmeesaremont s T vithoul change aofaa Iloli. (LATE c.u.,> -Far sale, vlhh ire, instructions, et BBOK-STBEET, vmRuvB, MI S S Mc I NT Y RE' TAYLOR & McCANN, PROPRIRTORS. Theunudorelgasd doine ta iutorm titeir t1 UXNic otes, vMTOiy. fnieucla anA the %ebUle that tbey lave taieu Agente vaited. Libenal luducement thle above voll nown hotel, vhihieyth le trade. bae n.vly fAtteA up madrenovehed, aud put jWhlttip -Aug-817, lub the bout af arder for the accommoda. t , .1,84 tien ai guesîs. The Ban, viela utie band- samnesituhie Counlyla vel supplied viii tbe fiussI braneud iwvina.,liquons, andAen gars. A le encloaitdshed racin anA goo C2 YO N M T stablng, n szstal,&c. Dctachad noama ISURi fer commercial raveleora.,MURO J. P. TAYLOR, PHILIP MCCANN. _ laIe ai Taronto. -MARRIAGE LICENSE ROl HOELWHITBY, ONTARIO. WHIiTBY, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The largest and zmest eammodfoas hotel in lhe teva:.lias large sampie roons Ion commercial havellera. Table weUx upplied viti the bastilu Dasan. Bestbrýsiquorâ ai4 ofgrens. Ruclosed yard an&sohedroom; auestve hoatiens. Charges ha suit lie N. B.-Llvery ettaheid. ,27 ARMSTRONG BOUSE, (LA-ru ALBOON,) E 1 HT BY , 0ON'TAÀ BO1 E AIMSTIIONG - PIiOPRIETOR.I MONEY TO LENE ounPenn anA Town Praperty, ah LOW RATES ai InteragI. For fur-hier perticulars - PI Aplto- JHN AQUHARSON, Auguat 1Bth, 1878. WHITBY OUSE. - I K INGBROTHERS, DUNDAS-ST., WHIITBY. (WEST 0F POST OFFICE.) JOSEPH A. BANDEL, PROPRIRTOR. Tithiseumeslas. been roeanily builh, la large aud noom y, and fluhed up in firet-clasu sitye. Bsst Wluei, - tLquors anA Cigare; Iresi hLagen Beer. GooJ tebllng aenJeu- citased yard; attentive atlIers. 46 COtMERCIAL HOTEL, CARTWRIGHT, ONT. lAMES DEWART - PROPRIETOR Goold accommoation tl-12 JONEY TO LEND. Theaunderaigned heu env smuiofaIMon- eY la LouA apon Parut or novu Proponhy, ai unumunly Loy Rates afI laterest. Loatîs oau brepeld l umunatomasit bon- Sevorel Improved Fsrns anA WiA bLands Ion sale ceep. Investmîaîs made lu Municipal Dehea. bunes, Bank, sud othen narketaebbe Stocks. Fan futher pentlculens apply to JJAMS HOLDEN, Officiai Assignas, Broker, &oe. Bprl 9th, 1@72. 1 -WILLI'ib oCupErt, BLACKSMITH, - " BROUGHAM, L UBER MEROKANT, CARPBNTER Horse shoeing and all kindm ai generai DOWN AGAI N 1 large quauhlhy of ail kindis ai lumben con.- Cî n o ncse satelty on-lanA. ~ONEY TO LOAN. A. ALEXANDER'S, E. aDEL Whhtby and Oshawa. E. 'DLL Te ati~a Ivetmnt Com- Sept. htthi, 1811,. 88 A T H E RL Y, CIerk Div/a/onz Court, Tp. C/erk,- pan>' of Canada. ljommloeioner ta B. IL, LanA AgonI, te., (LIMWiED) &o., Aherly, Ceunly Ontario. Lend Money on Real Estate. Cuereses DEPàRTUEET. tberv S%. ti. 2ud, 1879. 86 Pttrcisse Eximsting Mortgagea.OtaNo.8,17. A .Barovars vil fluA lie Company'm tenrsmeva, Nov. 811, 1578.NT O c A Il D, nw~~mderate, iii gipeciIaiiliies Ion paying _, U ,rtHO BvIesCUNTil rte oN Di.BOAT off tisir bans, lice, 8 per cent.vocsuhlunare- t'lyalclsn, Surgeon, Accoucher, &ee., &c W. H. ]ILLINGS, Agent, J. JOHNSON, WhlbySet. 01h 174.40Solicitor, tee., Whitby. 46-tf -Cammsselouer of Cushons. - - - - $3,000 cf privaie EPietenehatai te R OBT. RAMSAY M. D.,L. M. EBIN. Inve8t in Mort gage Pari . Seeu,-ify. 44 LS 1 TEDVIINCUT 0 tIra ii hnr)oteUivsty of o u ol'«hCoelUC b ve; P ill hi a " xc.]EAM BWORKS. COUNTY OF ONTARIO, ýui.of diIanA ,Surfer, oa - -Unlv. ai Pennsylvaniea; Eclegoie Colage aI FOR TEE TEAR 1877. Pensylvanla eud Liceotiate of Mcrofioy S . IWEB B -of the. Uuit'. ai Ecinbung, ScollanA. Con- iirsisPtosaAhe> ,'>'~ , , -aer foantcie Coanty cif Onýario. . Offce- Respentully inore.c 'arosnndth -Coldwater St., Orillia. Publie tiat he bas purchased the Right for a 0 z e1 IloJ.1 Ànut241h, 1873. mpm 85 Pceig oMiuetr - ~~r"i ~, IISN - Conboy's Patent Seat whl1h m8 2 1~ (succEmmotu Te J. 05mA.) for Port Penny 5 1 2 5 12127 RIAYSREN rdseBUGGOI ES, C UT T E R S &c gnt 6la 71- 1201 polulmeut V. S. 10 B. F. Batery. Wîfl e Alanrieos vitb doi elI to ose our Bugiqae A 1 1 291 121 111 et Armnsîrong's Hlolel, Whltby, avery Tues. anA Cutters, before giviag theor orderu milse-GO.HDANEL1 day Iront 10 ho 4. viens he mey be conulted - vere. GU.I -TEL on Ali diseuses af the domestin animais. Bruhm ly1t,87. y-0 Junior JuAge.i ]Rendee,-Canmmial Ectol - Office-BoginJl1h,87. yr0 Whlbby, Dec. 27ti, 1876.1 Canler's Drug'tone. Klug amInet, ôshswa. Whiby, lot. Ord. 1876. i.41 JOHIN S. M. WILLCOX, ILN)REW O CAU TEE BE OFFICIAL- ASSIGNER,1DADRI!Y0 AAA HOR SE -M EDI ClN ES. Hemtremovedhis office from lis Railwy e aerton Ian art oe aluap Station tthbe- qfBe ofaiD. Ormiston EsqL~Pr oe A liIpIan.ofîibou t's A.T. H.MciltlibBrack.St., ¶ i fltb ... 01 .M1ii" p litnea kipt $outly-au bandand for.alast Wiitby,ýlen. lêtia, W7 8n;4 MI..OO.nIMrA...5 b hoe Whitby Llvery Stables..__________________ Gina Norti ta Petenbono' LuieilAl. kta"No change Ion audvinsa.- Leave Millbrook: WHITEY, ONTARIO, [mportons, Dealers anA Menufactuars of1 KAsD aIN i I Casît paillor Eideu, Banmi. and Lealier. Leaihen sîretched. L4wBELTING MADE TO ORDERC SHIORT NOTICE. Mev, 1872.m LU ONEY TO LENDI A large quantiîyot nouey tao leud aetloc lutoreost, pivate mans. For saie, severel Town bote, Ita Freî Rous, ana a large Brick lion»e.FP G. YOUNG SMITH. Wiitby, Feb. 9th, 1874. Begi tb aunouace liaI ho ha emeoved t< King SI., a ev doons FAST 0P THE POST OFFICE, opposite Luke'gs how-rooms, vhere vwil I lonnd i fine stock af Il enA febi hats 1te gabs andtemen, oa ie sovitmenu Srav haIs enlorea and alteredi i shape.' Osieve, .Tlp th8175 W 0 - --- - - - .', Man ...O 25p.m. I Mail..11.40 p.n. -OC ROD ATN camnug Southitram Oniia ta Llndsay, J J 1, FI N S O N NCE5AATN, Pelenboroa sd Port Hope. U.ROBT. K. YOUNG, PROPRIETOR.' Leeve Cril- . D E j. [.LE L IEN L UX B E R,. Relable informmation regerdtng tis coun. Mail.... 12:8c non Ar Pt Hope. 620 p.n. tnp, e., turuished ta parties requiinug it1 Couting South hon LaïeflelA. W Il i T 8 Y ,ample accoummodation Ion HanIers and, Sportsmen. The bar anad larder sappiled Mail ..980 a. n. 1Mail-.:800 p.nm. lias on bauds, splenclid stocke of fine cean vith thie est et tiquons altA viande ho b. -'a nuens vith tlis01ipssIug elivaay ta ÂÛci ft inse4s,ned Lut'ber. AI] kinds onfor nnd intahle coaary.Nous but ailgit11sud itom Torontoanud inerm.affat etaou rarponn utA bclllna p rposes. - and attentive servante kept. Cennoa. et ditibronk for Peteorboro' ana oàiuia,su i.rosçeait.sanng nhIi aointtigon shabn, naprompt hoDIIersaaa sonth ifIli randT'nk at oe ppc«,m hand Gros'a lanng *Ill dioilhg au analun'and, ev.uiug vilhirainaEsat tua West, lie pro-mises wvien* - earare proaty ZOnBT X. YO'7W, nistrZIfQçepmgza &.M. for EoBhsp forute Ici'ïns, 1 iau, is, o, iplIrt ---- --g se u t w n on fl Zd î îr4 W o a t i at 4Iaia do buÏa su " b e i O S d ta th e ' S w is u d pi rt. ; ;' ll U s " - È T g 1 n nmo u m n t a d o o4 ee t 4 M t u a . h ~ >7 0 i o n 'e t h a y h pr e d , to . k 'e- ç u . w o oe s < z statin 0 tis .ent." ~b~.a Itin i og~ m kn a ,~ L L PAEDANS, I, .1 B. BOKEL, ~ bi~a~±eaa L~ o *~ were, Gre lda ou t ience to er ed o w. AIïd i dthen afIliathinking-7a ma ci 1of yuo u , oq of e 0ea,4. te aeotm y aa rdhe ket h.we - i U t> no, td e L SBn RaO Iow thAt £8cen s aime OS V2e the pekth pen ru, 0ils m wldgfThre wa atei oa d around MY iete ilve .deVee ihatuho a' a~ areploi A. l n CO ttI.U lea&0. ot i ~ ~ r , ML-c edo r wzl±fngîn cM fre mmyhpen twe rn wtena ln thé Snc .e-o m in 1 ,(rince. duy 2"& O L. FAM ANXS, in.reai hre. o rdin s a e o e d ee' ieasv fa u t eean ant. w nre nler oc A M E E Io a z ÀIaorom p t n d A n th e à B i o n e r stie , t thný oI f P r e - a e jù a 4 ha . I wve w a n er in g jr " T h on wI a r e taid, r iença . I -h a d o Aiay Oc>rd.é,I'nveatyogh e'aomtumen~jdt Bo s u f sGiaedt t b .inot wi acant ïUil o av aetathri a irsi e t rf 'A t tin t untiio bnyrafull O iea i o on > a o dhwg t-.. h. W B veA ndrd; ha a e ed m o f th n I, u t h in tg od me W a kc n n ol r ey Assu rance g o mp,t a ny.ls cmf la. wrof uit nzng.thetnsir Ratésoy oftbtanyl a nýh y"a eVM T pa h li «Àoonut e ady, Isudpp oveai in"If y ny roa y te-bact- May lu="hairo fordt-afa owitgs. Thea*ord ierabewfnily.pÂnd yomy«pbundi. lBedMa aclid, lelo croerorrmynherr h ai aleîucq v g asliht dorofw~' o su a« re ide ai e , lok a ou e f Ba r. adt o ffon , açaintance pu i i ,i E ST 4LISHZ D -Sp.te K iOK1 keobKg ish Teth, deret, inihg r outdh Pe2 irlaU thu nt nle oc."Ys;w r l u,'udý pro~Yet rates at. 1a woaeo an Ah, lif aurid sco b for open"a&0,u >Uiol Tmxav 1 odfeUovî' ie t m io ha e irfae vas t se . "d me osdoftger bueherd ff yur oet e. a telaik o iliage" ins 1ni m a mb.r orIenaIm ec~ly stii uth lge d bZ eci.,olnf or thé Anrm. i rsneVu t ôoni pu9w-aî l ou dai lb e . v~he m il i. . e àir,- 0"a " an i a e! Ti.w rdsi, ao a ab _ _ _ ate . -ir a ai t e e rr o n d l g c u n L e~ u t y b ain ~ k 1 ni'" W a t b u if o m ;' a h n . am e i n t t ii. ma rr e uc er e d b e r m e d a s u d l e u df, A u d c a e 'ge o e m v e r- v h a L. PA!RANXM a lu stc Ale ertr na he ta unar BAll e ô tfdoWan t. te mn'Wf hrchi,11d1ut311 ferwio h.dvoe brei nc oadle le? vby ee abatt u t O faeB o c t , b i ~ y o , :0 ý o r 4 M h a r * l dBa i e s ,R i p a s b l ! g b ,l . A n l y u b u d e - aaI d f L i c i i n a d u i nei -Weggonm, Sl=eIgiuhat t Mugs, aaftw eu-I-ae mlucre waslarog aud rdoyWhorked -be way are lp ie ouera looktryabouta-vbeeutoas-.ifd-si; I E INSURÂ-10 00 . AÏ hlbe -TrWi barrog. - aneiream-stocorueàualtbeo i uhetaitee mhow.caaa.tah. mev lo ie Bt gbecaahd u t i otiaen hao er.beoy verdor 1 van.-ta TbHoeNIX Neakyokîa, he velhifo; ah.àtàài noore ta iy "Oh 1 lyea gard1vasburuaneh hau ry gteep alpwiprdtiePa l vns t a ehpaarlooai aIl inda exented vit l, Lobr Lt.sdOl ug. Crama, Landau. neahteug anA d, Iltch. l--0- ho, but aie gave ageat sigo cf r'le.butol isiw ouly autdeuVr@ ing li v in ole - -Rt-e av Thitan. aneTA lgS esori 79 HOÂ OAN. TcCir fedCCompanySho lied Irenpbrther l ostoan annydude.col athl ntee Nw. 1611~~~~~~~~~' GI L S I , M P Â hBokS.<E O C o 7. u o g ,n fr br cer a ing ten vItaf; rl iehandsome- heh t or yo e am- are. W fje7,A pril4th, 876 - vier watutSOhIcloes.eWzyof ahGaylh ùdoch ,prorue the delesabléudS thonWSai AhnAD IEE LUIMO OLkEX Ins rane& g ainatiosau b,'. o yre ue-P"aé d n o plea e ta i me qauio au«y "E o n e e nyd eiigitfh e zciow. i e e ld e d l ai J b h. m l h donted.M o t eeouabe f ra6udle C AR ES PE NYin.I J "W il ve lt b. dne ow2"u i m o uI a tecrowd an ýder hac hOwSh e opntii. iadth conedntsatiam Griseldapattent in o i"dnt ae r vev NG. d fordvthut nifruni la 1h. Boreu Lu ea aufyhmlmndTahecusamor Unle rad. te i, steav hie chirîf." hé,- -t s s itýë e v s 'ta l r d o r ho e au, sud r. - ha etsait an t.leanhedlb . c L. AIBAKSrtathiatéos.rpaedtaaupply Héozvs tadig a iemidi c a tii. *aiaheseemea i te î -leCuemilvs tig an hie p ut. brig Thsud e rl 1h. o li possrn l e April 19tro18 . .,.i4untx- ,raudusud lieverp Din - l f it. Tii. in i anl - a hi er abc an eý iefoàecudte cwyéu htl h A asr sofho aids wih poke satbspnlevnee Ia ota Lomba. T St.Y a n h FIEE &Cross L Fnon ,Con u i a epaedBra, SortsOaî eziautlauvegavieinaon- smilgfa DY h of as lrele.1 i uphwenldiî gls adre ang ta h e ntat a en eue-T e~ rtr. nTBa3 ru18.T O A o NN - Th H ee'a e be caràsefu le"The sudo il vasnid about limhOp ntie " e', lotiY ahs, e. e henleadr -tai hi, aoy iug iâadultei îiyd enly anufoeder ,caner.But ine a aien'ýht Seinuica', aemcu a iataa A gir e n ia.... htsY.fTreClime"as 6.10 s's., Ocobervi tn. Tii.ele a 1. cair truhe cuse.emut"-Tdlihay bepaffpabilu b7risimnn er f h JAME Die day beforagr.e ONIa de .* EPeopleE àhui ng hesharp rlo lin, t ab eie ul; n o. l. id. Claiss Gngela Ceni rap dly ofiad-"thmunt ois Taa eeu, iePelux, 'Teolut UncleDuennd saked o ,,An o bs al.me pcky losslbi l mderial Ileca u it ia patronui og air, herk ont aad Itane l........mia losTes W llw staadoue n 2 " R-a "hon.t t f vt al yeod n akt hla duesIe loke lue e qcn. >S peed "aie lnt anlrb e unt ongsuiem H a Totaol sTe................. D- ]eg - Ra ALI SES bisy, vial hasdhappened 2" askod vit yand npedanalocelsses twuonRaeink's arn-b e a ineall- a ivertsialMttuaBe eoieitheaoffice "Bi 2l §8 elyC ne al l e .us t îve u ta," aad ot.e she'aîu l i erdiu - e po le d c al a gP6 l hVery iuereting report ofi li oiin adIn nthe nnis. Msliv n , sionld hrisavGielda ih teems aones gland.ce s el du ou thuta a i te irla e r. Thio-l'oeda litrli xc'- viii h Io cets olbin. orh QEIITA A O . J. PEYK iE 51rCon, ho-S., vBranSr t,. (n "Behutio, ep l tiav ngon."a chlso a ipl r, ie n absaku ii bah filenatn mmema' 1 aocin or- nt.ac h aheat h soeurc"Ton tely, 18.tatoC, &OU, tE, Agente ahdBétail._____rNounae Itu lie have a neviole bouse b audboenlbic o da aven sui - But gne à a llere Dihi g ideA a ccrs on peè r l . Wi, ydensr- ea HEAD OFFICE, M- nger, luncer 4. 1 e874. 261 Cas. sfu"alA M snderet o Deefoot, t ede t stle;ragentbsl em"h-ha i t" aissed. da ean, ara pou eng efry Teir, t 1 u al w aenhisementtii R-n theET "Ian ery;Dor t a iudha v ha p. b lbsnbcktvay viieli be adin n thquisiholb.hG e n e* 2 establishmean.- t',ew-ofbute-einv-te a g roa eol- 8 Fnacia Rsul O 14 MOtheBui- t he omnio Fouran FÇd to e nade g o neia t h le yongm an, lu ie gny kovuroulyatehmpoow sar wateie "Nfso, Iboihleve no." -Se va-o bo inneDit ye i ar e a nd - Whtp Blck Ias dor Dnds tret itlke r'aTh e iaeywu bo0 id' camberleaertim. lie topofthed cairap ted.uou - l'ercous bat lit id Uhou . ale neit-O u hrae f er t laea AuthoriImporteraManu.a..turer.anAM00a,000lY.theîa liefove Oho ne r. eon.plehal arstora tie bo he anhy. -nd" O ý h an ase. la r vet b l a leiraivniyhfeceaIe pe lin." Pai upCaita ..Dea--ierApili4t, "Snc1bwee aldein no vda y n k av istaertred fend trgedsht o a s rodceye n arner-a su in deaice et-Th u - y ensr- Leth00,0o9fldig5 Ec. t he ehvil- ll earr ange il suh d tere&vexcisbla catin au i e ipl y sdiaplefctauge ael e mnth faei e le t i edatndd.elya Sol Se n rANDtarjo of . .Mouyscamforîehle etlen, of cors ,ec, he hefr ofutp c air Shpured vrho the al lwes t avae nclu ,Faar u le i i . ~eitrs acnb onrae ToteartedeCvoneuenAFiany Leahers. al ic. u ie lieDioant at tdomes pforter ad at, evreyRe ly lI ta et en naedholeUivre&M - YIT1wTDAITà"ta ho donc thosP"" "Tîtere 1ly ueo hiug ho bvedocle. r.]iokeu, ike a uhe bhea ed '.RCeprt--Auaul)-"Buiuns lhembus- - H o al Lo u msi'a........o.5..OLS RNETRE T, I supo, " eeid Uhancël a ed waTie ge ntlma na al aîe- I vili l"upo, lor' il hua - îmugw ta iyn- m e. Iteu iaho aits eor LGë-te u M........... '947 o oth xr ey m.ladieho ly Qieo " ml t giv e gheunIiedachar. an fcl. rea thea nand haisli'yentvers Ierlate. l te teainy iotance ta yeudnd Capa«u Cash in- n n Deost ....'4,18u pp minet lie ae ta y OuGn lieherpomeranggn.yns e taugesthe'moment- fhe'ce lut- po sel d b 'i e vi)- ta p y for tt' OhrAeo...... .... 3 . 5,8 AA O . ox, 22. Kg , sude o uid for p us a sis a le ae tatek lia gahimvihocrever ed wlgt ie ausd r w eria v cn sd- tspace ocOapd, us asy gocr r SALE C 0.EAtPutthoo e metiere us - igi e, l go Do ou ndesîsu 2" beg e obnaîn roduc d He salie drcly oad ein es t do." rtth anBm2 ace n 0 gnisU lric anCot ausrBnéess Ckenteha kffstd Gicie-oilalcll. . Ù10 aiutsrllaesîiug. l'il nbrin un ha çI wi eai ton centsI-pe io." m st theTow aDWouibniorn.ic au.rme "Yenli auvelie, aAae ytie; Tin Clarise Gonisloned avo te iue"aJbs urdiivnse.pbrlc. Lcallaut oae Manger "onsns 1 heyhaesaigle ueng ba ndo ,iscouu t ht bonevas sln -mo.n h e ha, resdt lie 1111 e ithe a lcc Lady lini o , =yu ag in ic course ai 661am____Bary_ stidcd.hae o-i e y ch r ed s hcetareqiseho e erghu 2sudemied srculy. S in e da, vie li geelt pomuit. Doiiog etyFbye0h,1 6 Bt " v i a iii y douu? ma, heagonyair dams.!, a h ce se i fs g "Ne joIl boy bndom,e lier prof le nesu, oreaei je Iportr, afcturerand ho a nd tanuh ow h a y tgr u ow.I ne om pue nlnaitocraeteeft. he, - y- h IugamA go.inle be nr, a uc Cesatent -iovasy-tnacensrlipoo . C.ealerEin iesuchaeen utttumyroom. haerk ou ; " anese, ep sofryfor whaie m liw«aSs. Il wtt-s u pa e Si. et n er l entgaI off1n Tutad- y dbtcer is- t o mautIn oe liii iliho ae e a r g izo a nd cieutexla Pmitn o m ethy and e pee ctn eoe avllimang e l a nami dastune mI e f ury-awmi no~,' sud issth laise ns eht i Veb; tndhrror l lIa rI ea waein v OrYrne uelnovctie of uy et .-s nt adtoan s o u e adrs na 2 toa3 ~ ietaho su I c lo o a ir, ;enoleehn 'ofcoue,nstdoa fi, o etIbi.s matnledtth l la w te inFonc wt u. rNT~'nTther/nteentwOrtalion t 'z.1 4t V Sl AeýfrOtis Liari s. ony L ia Bue issigo sud ave ie is p rer andsfnas i, s posl, byta e ualu siteI ai lin e uieene, ite t tenaigbrs oel bowottu-cun MPA uheehd Cyoung insu an. aiherlnaolookske ing yen iere s ny e vi t go. don' wM. Broasve haveld ocasionbefe Vo 1d er k(d: v.IBoneài ui 0 ' L ER O L & L N O .-viidli ieir ly igî e II l gie in.- Gnielula air . Fse e hespa es oud men in a ti y n er ai r yo n ld y; "le hOfanimEo'tn ceta y ?om an vy lier ha e cifsttesquindfe eun, . e î tehu eeeman vs sitiug n u hem 8ai whe sgen te-mantc metor ulirth- iyour boudsin s " 6- h P.0 o,3 aleraietxmndIo ue nsote flhangth ares ae s e.nale a ut, lr o i itreho eds heivnlkned Cucle occpièWe alI l t e BANNes texnx~z. atvxsa G nera Co m /fs/ n ti erch ot panrle, urnso ed, fl se d, e b rs ,"en w a et o o yenia d," lerexcand , li"ieg ta he bci o tu graph e cail ie dryhi' 0dB'l a i aisei ta Idoul." Iv e MOLRNSSALE6.A. AYN8, SQi M.. u et ai breatia. oarn o t e llYeu,-n" coulA ualhe mn, e a .îk - ua eri a qe"-ioefacd ea usl a leetIe die temeion- I v 1IWe - F O R B S ,çb M U D G E Chief AgentrAgen or tt' uoag e snA N essC AL N - in e m n, ga ved up us m m med bica ly, s " u. n i l " es d G i o A , h i t. o rdiu g. et h b ur duchio n v a d er i ne l . T t le y bu i ss R.HtLheR get Wiby T ow Innsouhtb.rau Cmpan e ns acu are li e lad tar e a-hy iate c h onmi ag bue a i o ad. eve r ;inu end ss eiyscrd laie mIl sl ien g aI-i vetgo 2" 1au &U_________Doinin ___r eut90,. euer.moro. li 84d iova aplecuhalairmb ber l f ace. He rors il a ls aasioas 1hin deye cl, sd, th s el Whou aeipapher)"Yas Ispeyaa'ÃŽih 000 Exerincd Aent thouhou th Aie Agent for th Lo8o6.aA 9CÂNDIAN uev. tlyo d ai rde ], ied, is teful haudoom e w i hnsoeile e ier asroeaîy pr e ion on fuer od-abrli- DTominioTn. &MECATLE edo rale1ae aybo ren oho an ae nieeose omtis eu i uard. nfoucs-mndseadwoud- en. iere avas oilliug liert i n?-Te'uOt esela nt1 yoouidh ' ir .LN ritna Aeut B T veivaandecra, g tA lu mams.hofeney o Ieisi os, wtsalA G ie, sva e lite m anda i tespei hdc lere'saetipaoîa an't it aPOPur 0.'O I, nhrm Oy no comisin lio ee pte tomy ren" . alA er cingIlIramsq re wy foreuhtliasud A ccItwaohigven - Si e Clariser-talc. yenffpae. sudthe'<k hinowd is Sal, ndreialerearesmoerto Ofie h,"rain hy' miss, cerlaiade ;" sdy o ie hicin. Prietameov. -l ia iee iti, -eolgen ithelareu d- liâgo. noisas yne'ht ev f-urn pper Che SnV in 'e a tore, m aeye ad. Ms lrsa rsla re t ted Unle tanA I aun t o r a é. s aite t oie s dreoe, n A hae sto fd if d-bd îe pe o baa-sttien."otuat foGteEO.Yc f eULEdeAdger la ed b ck wtata a gii gvae nen e raso n ton iving ydiam is > d l en e Et he anul r e io tern t n Cus omer ( x loman). " u n u Q Whibyclate2, r5 Bndalos 5ah.anh itby. e r al l Is a ioselusupptble r i er nch air a bu ot is ut red yh admvas t o a tesppf n ce. de ct. e -I v ie vl us O egpdll at'ind'v 22Wily mrcib151hn876. 12 ala Ledy Clissaiseln adluaueth sex. o rv. an ar tli 'Apossied ly i frot n te a i en, difrn mceule btkin'ynpprforyamt JA ES W D A L,-aseatd hspr -pira pma.SIeisrehntned' lni ebakhelbw na ectiigomyn- -INE " at s, ean2" sOeMUPANYu. A usaitiee vs smewaî ie alie avoie a ccsonng, ote Suhciton ornesee h u T O W N S H A NDC L E < E a s î W u i u t î c > , A L L A N - t a l e a u O l t i a da y . "n e i f i .ber i t i u g Dok s , u d te A n o be e n ais l t a r.r"c e l o n f i n n i m a i n . i . a v r l e e rend. Taiîey vgen et ie beakast sea rse sab tecars. U nden"iosVn, e-a eere , sl o me tain- 19th ' e e tuhin iigaet?"yn OF L IVERPOON &LAG DNwihauy e ' n1. Aalgr a, 0arDd indanf;"iarliena M.s i ste-havCerta lieor. - vo l h ntr "OO A I SO ,T e it ona- etr than. d uo y a notic rie ed la tek,, lt ercha nces vtIthe ndn i sV0 e V r, u t ne o k A rl d u i a l Th lr vi eluhmofiel ie LVfPO L O DO D RT lbir iidmaattitd ofsag esîu nd pitfnee temshainasty Buonth h empa ofy Ten Masmgent eanth's plui salien r a e df hie r ainpe e Tovu HaL Io $10m00,s0, an LiabutdsysmianAs te 'lcnsy2" vere ortantohéwUncle autDu- biluin dutee aaoly tMies ot umsîe r-cWalhng bi e ta ne- -O Frideys, for Tovnmiip bummes. Office GLAmanW1 " e vt ve ry l s d mnrelnng u e a in , anAie x lied, Vene l un e A face ectielp a fvlaminles oul Ide lis hoora, ea. n. la s pqn. ta g th er d V er. er fic e a j it a l e l ' i e t g r ei a t p e d i MOLSONSBANK 0 A. BANES, ES., M.D and otsofviystdoar, re-o.n,îIInedlsudt permnhishvcly - a Il- 7 Jmesrci t, M1877 . 14 E S insu o u AAf elsper a saont gan- eueh nigit lu f ol t l. Thel ho- yard hic gentl a tr edie nt Ceb N ira n shitby - - 869, 879, 889 as"lieouresrely, dnt u ta hrmeiguon l, com eand. pen ons verten el vItl vsthe n att-ler full aé Ye'll d-t fr iaii pice r'? B. B. L DE ,aet hty ATESOin Seco Anodatou. 1 h l adyf2" NewYok pasDt- Od it bey, upangitengagkeA. Th efa eta is l ow ied li.rmlng ad usoobnvan odu 'a er August Oth___ Seerge8s7oyas nyallerlai. out oli e id il e i d asa l sui aullze oi aer hof a tc ho aglinipseof ¶ownd ie ilteree oad.ca fppr-'gs 'oeyüi Prepld passrgage I erli 8 caesui ri es.d h 1 eshegraeil sy- au m cali he eau fanden ae as ea in . b ng be hetsukgeuie e- N o a onreal esLt payable rom tohaol-gtarl blusiesI inipplodsaanroas hie Cnvageemethe manlntthere'Bs yen dol- loves-i tes t esnsv mlu aiin l li ghlmea ea ve up lai shes ai,Si. nnherdrues aw y fra i ia ndsie ca is n for lebe a iss Ct a ri o an Fan ticketsf canArafu W.tJer infoto epp y e o o' avi, Gieda, reazem la le lte nd unt wa. Sldi ieoulay ld e ,anp s dhi.oesd eae A udpertcl G39 TU E. itiinefabe tagAgenUt.edc gou vie thsorugil, isis e emso ver ame t ang a aitvent-. ngiong ho b (xpoldsel Jerics WI-I y Ja E ns 2,R8S5 E R 8yIWhilbyreugusithisths1878.pproaci 1""-iera ibe u s e anding aly a ledis-a fre tin a ct a - ean Her glen. dire ct- io n vil b1 e ieduo i bsks An heu liug vsnede t nig aneirn er pa 1. hlinrrstn1876. ie aieaim12ig s"uare blisl, simiela o hieitews tb.e duG- But"' bat'as l lb. effent vas utal a poled, ' IOtr.-'Ã" I t menily désire an Lot No. 8, 2uA Cen. Pickering, an Kingolan le.coins, in lie zmiddle oaiti, felo-lab. doue 2 The geai bemide ber vas ted .A o ek aiinter ut li thei ment'! h a s e a s u l t a b e e d u n e . B u v l i t s l o ng i 9 0 i ff r e n t r o a y l 0v s _1- d i fi i a l n o t i c e , u a l , a u a d v e r t i s e - ioadumt ffic, Whtby.513) BAUS LIVERpoO)L, ened hy rilImng gald liai ta ie aci lie oaly vacant onc lu- the cen ; soonerndouatenn ai10i. ofngetlea. l0.--e e utnc alu. Lt ' ntlier bal dollar, sie an lalertho condactar vould notice il, A sbadov of miegiving hla croased4 i meetIngs oly ha the forin of an eaver- GE0 ARRESWGDERIH, ev--!, the %w,-.teî t suA iniormi li vrelci thel ho might vien ho firet coutempleldthi. mIelu WTA H500TB V & O I-I A W A. -occpp i. SiulA sh, for aafty, e quéfetures ai Miss Ver. de Ver. t is et. (W rtp) î-ma, W H T Y & O H W . Jus received an A or sale by billon par i ular charm e ai le E xh - hange e a t i n le D ur a re bl heseau iflu-Ne , ve il , i a m ter ( a i- nu . - u i s i rf biinMiseVere do Ver. saw auon a Na;luelUncletiflDuravOM, iva-iatnatta pbli. trust-t-- TWICE A, DAY fdyo1 dy hntato i day e4-î, v a nd ws ot rut - ve'vOnid vote tien bideous ifthboy aiitus.i imnortanc. la yuur .easirs. Leve Wity I 0.0,a.n. ~i .8 WihyNo. 1sT. LAWLEB &CO. liay, o ilheîayual or tpurose a Ievahlcese idi e ;probably hv oulc vait -for car jucigmnu. But Vinu muet! iUpour calumn vitl soute- Loaves OsiieaaIt .80ea,ni., and 1, p. nm. etter tai s o u ps o tt 6l ovre'hteguard quit, s apgsoc quiolyaud leave suca h*a ' s rely no i cn etnp pn.ve Whtys 08#a . i .o ht o.26,1876. tf -48 -an lmss ta mention vhat especiai if he vere a gentleman, aud render theralu of tiangits beiud 1t The objea. -Uf a'ai p. lu. O~~bject oa iâiteresl shleantaseA - seeiug.* relations of tie parties etili or lm-touable.'red'bad vaS*nished "i i6r metigs. Pareo9U cents eaci vev. moretosy ht nSauda ftr broe en-brliatidssmeeti.ngs."u Car« mserdcorfe M WUI1 callstallthe iho"l, anA et privais LIVERPOOL MARKET Sffc1i a a ta o atrayate-barmumueAtnliahde trbcba. he Olnss nutre cust lec-W ua . a tuleAt - iecs(hnoresa ot Lneon aie and ber uncle veudered' Immediahely in -front.ai on ersstt ho ratsen erai; ual o lie mweet,;<1 aouppe aarouvp nosdonas vin ader ar lit t ay a - timnugi lie Main Building, veak sud-bo, bot ve, ioiîîî efftloh l Mtr palc reaubure lu 1hy lia hatli.) Connect~ ii h evaýa anA CASH -FORguAINn'-j d âeà'enbe e inth o au-vlleiîstage:aI. FORc GRAIN charmiug alithleundd solaged Jl i an b f o Eovm avili lis Wuilby , ve~any s v audhulAesile leaintableai velvAt,v.iia d'"iuted cal- Thomas, Da s i enia' ey5e - m'tsug~ ouu lb sud Port Punny BRailv,anA vith Brougi- Ta b. delivenec ah Aunn Durauc foilovedti"en, panahedi'an. 'He coulA ual b --arty ô>d55ilbhy sal ftly-il vjsaia abrupt, vay ai maglàr àe ai ort as w e Me- soudawiWhtby. an e chair, Iookiug 11k. "Patience an a. helong t t le Dotoan l r.±uigb'nn uaqsuec- -p At THOS. HoppEBi. Fre nch m a n" s Bayumonument smiling al"-Frvojihy. --Getna ia"ldlé éleleh surevslegun "ece th oaenauneenti'- Wiitby, Mrch î9th, 1875. 1 -"o'hpuhuipu aasesa enA awn . dnis i'f1l1* MYcedugyin uI. y er sn L. W A XIBPLA STE , SALT, AN D) COA L e o gdea 2" nekly*sgg ted> Un -- is Ver de erA's- oy L. YOB IBe Dru.H ieha'ut- i oe, b.Mjr2~friand, boy eau -yclu ex"eci 16 phosper jol, IDODg.d. i hd ot tdtý ici.. o-eà"He baigonellas edeiding." uinIsa m ancountry ' utateA by hum lime ta-theii,!aof -a "'itle boy,' lia's *ould 7011 is ê ta BtIooaepo ob in n -Cei qihp-,The mlCni- AUCTIONEER, &O., &Os fatigue v'l'ehai attaced ui ioricm n hsdio 2inih t'.lutposition?" tienstam qined2v Lilk-are $hbon BAM78DMONEY TO LOAN aiher ieearrivalaionte grouni.Eae po aateutieal tuedal aAU> Ovsjg nalg olom-wo e nva àfeo EÀr u>DVSO ORday lied -madeo bu -acquaiuted vý ith candy. "nA" i. alddetl, vith idAi lslfI 'y sudcno fwoftstsr And General Ccmma mlou Agent, Port On Rosi Etate, ah Loy Rates of lateresl. sautne boue or musai., vhicih h ed carelesnmgm, "ienpob elu yt ef'a letu'a -,v npu 8ev me,'fle.vn o e ila ot Ferry. J. H. McCLELLÂN. liad neyer sa bcti iself of posasse-mea svol 1,1telattpersan via ie El J s u n e n y O l i 1 8 7 7 t f - i n g t i l l t p e n c e d p m ou t d e in o w n su i g ô t a h a e o u r s a t H o a s 5 u - u i n u h h o i e f r f~t i i w ~ v v v a d m a U ~~~ & nay t, 'p18u77.at l.fot IIalheludrnpb.e -ý ~Minister. (ftigill--"I 8shah csnali CARMNFC ,HOSSFRBalthéClartisseGrisol ai dm ale. h4rA." fot, t- k, uà y c- ' nitf"cl6fniodsherdan-and -at-ikil out> ?efle*k SION &-EL EY FW ESRBL RUSS OR Bu C"ena . lu dit ot tik er "Oh, JIsI. ,"oU, vifiou ilfevor meie g aeverely onth te mereeuarp 'oese- CIGA XAUFATOR, A SAL ORTO DENT. ohé. im.A n eo 0 o u l UeeTorta 't nmidd -511n4' iv hivaltz." t er af mon wivbo otihd ual ra n ws- - - -- ng -<e be "àmg1oir y"paper~~vtaiuny- -- -- - 'xV 1-3:1 TrZ fl-y-- ýTown and Park - 'LL alla , - s h en i~ 4 Ver -msn 2"Uèq A=tb u usbed ýHar'8ëweJtz ÇG A B S m auà fure d fre n b àst H v aii théOdô W h a ' d é I ,fftgthrt XK I~x, 8.8~ 8,47 "- 405 ,,~ 145 stop ou shg. - fol t-- NO ao supeiy :UCE S-ti. 1 s R CENT. ufe il the 1 1 L EA THER 1

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