S1 -peial Term8 Chante6 Lower than BEST SUPPLX 0OF FAMILY GRC IN ToWN 1l Wbltýy4 Aprü ionb,17. NEW, ADVERTISEMENT8. BY-LAW No.- ABb'.Zaw tuautw4Isrio -thse-mnià ,,l. üy of ihé Townahtp aZPsor. '*"Y' tua id and a... tde Tor. onto and OUiaeo«Railway Cin. >Mj, buY eBistiflg t4erafo, Zy y ijo on"s, the Oum %<if f Phâuîakz4 DoIa4., ansd a isac. Deb.eetws., thorofar, aend téa < th*w4e ielofa seclate. fr îfrjaymentîthéreof. theeas i Toronto anti Ottawa a ilwby Cobmgyhut Applied ta the. Oarpor. Moanof-t aeTownship of Pickering for, mid by way Of. bous towards th e on. struction ai tbe Taronto and Ottawa ltlau, ta the, aMount ai the. snna4 PU Thonsaid DolUms; .and t: ai. e ota ograttthe. se.on the con- And wber.a, for such purpose, il la noce... ary for the. .ad (Jopoatian ai the Township of Pickoering ta issue Dotai,. tares aitiih saiS Corporation tt h. ameun i aithe. mata aai ofpity5 ha., sand Dollars. Aila iierea.il iii Mrequirethe uni ai Pour Tiiousanol Thrêe, flndreS and Slxty Dollars ta b. relueS annuallp iiy apeclul rate ou thie whl, reteebl, pré. perty af the ouid Tawnship ai Ptoe r. icg for payiu * the saiS suto ai Pitty Tbausand DoUlare anS interestou thie Dehantures -ta bcho imel therefor, tu equal Axnýa l nsteinients Of, principal and interest 'srthIin Twenty years. a. hereinafier mationed. ArnS vieras, -tlhe abnouat of-the wiple *rateable property of the. said Tciwnship of Plckcî-lng irrespective oi any future iresse of thielam,, accoarding ta uhe lart rcvied Vtteesmeint raoldi the said Town ship <hin« that for theyear Crie Trhousez iight Hundreti andSoSvency Si) ià the. aum aif Tree Million 'eigii Hundred and Faartaen Thousanti and î highty l'un. Dollars. And viiereas, tii. aniunt of the. existlag daha oi the satil Carportion ai tii. Township ai Plckeriing lsfor picipa the. auna ofi x Thausand Dollars, and thoie i zitiinq due -for intereit, and no Part ofimsaniInterest or principal manoe sin in arror. .nS iieus, for paytug lie pri ncipoalnt iniarestothelisdobtherohp croateS, by equal annuel tastainients, Il viii ne- quire an equal annuel opecial rate af One Millisud Pifteenhudredîis oie -Mfi, on the dollar, la addition la ahi allier rates te b. e etesii ehyear lu tiie aiS ruuicipalfy. Be.I ii ersior eeaetsd by the. Corporation ai the Township -ai Pickering intahii Conaty-a1 Ontà zicAoasfolovs: 1, That itashamfl and maslybe lawfi lfor the * Corporation ai tii. Tawnship ai Pic- kariag ta aid an ausisit th. Taronto snd *Ottawa lilway Comnpany -by jarantiiq Fiflp-Tht iaun dollars in Debontures ai tii. a4oCarpora.Ion. '.Tial, i<i the. purpase aborasaid, tiie R ieéeai lta.said Corporatian shall caue Debenturas of the. selS Corpora. t ion ta he aet thie amaunt lu ail ci thc sain-ai Fliiy Thousand Dollars,, esari Dehenture la he for nealelme than "lta OmrafaiOu.eifndrad Dollars, te 'be soeS odvith thi eaIWaif he aaid Cor- Poration anS signidb y the Reave snd Treasurer llioesoi,-and shah doclara on tteactijereaithticauthurity oit whtnh lie saeaa s sued. 8. Thai lbe raiS Dehantureas shal bëre -date oaal'lte day ierlbiater apiîalnted -for lie camlatr Sala orce aoflii, By. -1ev, and ehaîl he ihausrd fer lie amaunto, anS payable withuaa the limes iollovlng thal isloa sy: #100 00, ana pe'ear train lie Sute titre- $1441 k1, te lwe years fotra eiidate liera. #1528 10, l in ', p eans tram tie <aie lierei ; $loi, 80 ta faur pears main tiie date tiare. 0116 67J1In tu pea% tram tic date #1820 00, In Fix peins frein lhe date liera- $1920 20, ta moen pears froua tha date liereof; 82044 O9, tan oiit pears tram lthe date teneof; 02167. 62, la aine peurs tran le date tiereai; 42297 70, inten ea ersfrora lie dSe tholure. of: 12185858, In laven pears frati thelasdata #W081 70, la lwelve peare tram Ch. dais liereof- $2788 00, l'hiteaa peara tram lie claie thareai; 820W1 80, in touirleen years frein lie data thoeof; #3078 80), Ila fifeen years tram tlae date 18208 82, in~ sixteen yesrs tram the date thencot; 164 W., ia seveateeonycaîe tram lie date - hercf; $8062 20, lu elgileen yrarm tram lie date tereof; 08881 02, la alueleen pears frara the Sale thèreoi, #448, iLtwenty ycnns tram lie Sala adSne stdellbnure shall h. payable aI lih. Agtency af tiie Dominion IBank, Liverpool 'Market. 1. Talias ecalS Dehentarui s hall bear intarest ant1the rata ai six per cent, litr 1 aauumn, minhei.data liereef, anSdsaci inlareetëll e apayahla yeaaly en tihe Ciirty.ftrïý dey ai Decemier lu s-cii endi every 1 Lean, a et A l Aeacy tof Char Domcuinion Jank, Lire aa Markat, aviS stari Dabentures iall have attacheS hcia coupons ion lhe intarest liera. 5'Tha tfteIa.parps etofpeying lis - lb - ebliiîeby crcaeld eqqaul aua) inslalmenlm s afareaid, an equasiara. nal epecisi rate aifansne mlanS Fif. tiean-hundredths ci a MilIl, on tic l % Inal t addition toalahi aher reeiaassessed iarieS sud colectoid lau oaci pe or Sunlng lia continunce cf Cie Saitentiras oranyapfa Cier, uîînn aIl te retoabïe trprny iili te selS Munitalpiii afitne Tovwnshtip cf Pick- 8.TIi.saiS bonus tshah ha payable las suci Ileboutures. 7.Tii. Dbeatinies ta i. issued as afana. saiS shall ha SaliveraS by lis Roave oi lheassaiS Muulclpslly ta lhe Truslees alupalulad, or tle appointtS, pursualt tthliaAt, afincorporata iono leidai Company, atî'diliah saine, or lie pro. ceadStiereaf sah llbe hy lia maiS' ,Trustees deli-vered lathie saiS Co=. panytria pi lime tla 11w asthie muid Calnpacymte a eorni entithed la ne- ceiv, tie sameunadtr lie condiions ef Ibis By-Iaw, unndht olinis; anS b efone aay ai suri Dehealures &hall be -Stupamad ai or couverteS lala nions>., on delivered ta the saiS Comapany, ai! the nialured interat coupotim tiaelat et. tacheS chiell hedelacied hiarafrora anS rolunerl la liaTreasurenaici e saiS 8.Tic mid Debealunas, or- lie praced iregt shaH b. celivered on puiS b) théeffidià Trusteota thaemud Compuny ait helimas, anti sabjeolta 1 h. candi- tions ioiioviag, hi is a ua; --De. boustures, on tie pnooeaeds lereoi. la the emnunt af Fart-y . utanud Dollars viien the.propacS road siali have baia griudea ad bridgeS, tram Lie iastarly lirait oa ai, aiS Township, Norlth lie concdsslan lina beiweaî) 41licltianS seventlt concessrotas, -ai frain tie Nartbaniy lirait of thie sala Township, East, ai lot nuinhen 5iv. la lte sald. Twnship, t thliaWaslarl liaui ni lie calS Township. pasging be- awë th vwe i lhlegosM etratiatsit e Çrenvaod, asud wlliSa ane ral. aif hie Vaîîge o ai hterale, aud the rrziuan. mg - 7gportions af suai D,,hanlures ce lie pr teeherai, viioun o14 udroad ,,hiall havýa li co raltdtrm1 ^Zg ty aI0Tarot$te iety ai Ottawa, exapu5 rw4 ae a~Pi thie 4 ùAlia ta wih ran iaboeeu seourot 3-, 1877: or T PôoaDivzsoNx3n'ON, t uti Sciiaol Houe-AmgUs Macaýy- itnn PoR DmvsoonNveraTva, ai the TenpernaHal, insale-Benjarain Moeun, Rturning Officer. Pan' DIvISEzoIuiJRit az, tiith -Orange KRU1, Eigbtii (Ion alaa.-Ebe. nezcrBlirreU, Returniag Um.cor. Fas Dîvouros Nuxiua FOtM.-at the, Public- Schbol fBous,, DuEn's r.ek- James Lintan, Rtolnzning, OMfOor. Fan DrnsraZçNciis»za Pr,, at the. Town AUl, EroughamnWiu; HRb. bard, Retnrning Offioer. POR DrvxnosN ewman SixAIt the Public Hall, Clareainnt-Tliams Du=, Returaing officer. POR Dn'aero; rNunnza Onvzw, sethle Tetaperance Hall, DunnartonýDejd Gilobris, Relnrning Offiasr. Faon Dmvison NUXaun XMORTAtethle Music Hall, Wiitevala"Jaii'Wesley Wonchi, etturnng Officer. AnS Fos Drvision OMENuas u t the. 80c01 ouieas, Altona, Abrahamn Reeson, Rouraing Offcer. And tie POli shal ha openad et Nine o'clack in tii. mrnng, and close et Pive a'clackin tii. aiternoan. 18. Taesday, lie Twenty-niti day of May next, aetCher Tova Hall, lanlthe Villag ai Brouaghiea atTen oclock Intlie foenoon, ta her.bp appointeSastiie tua anS Plane for lia snmming u? hp the Clerk af the Municlpaliîy o ftle nuraberai votas given for andIagatesl tiie By.law. 14. Saturdsy lhe Nineleenîi day of May next, ait tLe Town Hall, ithe Villag aoflBroughiam, ai Ten 'check luth. iorenoon, Leiiaalsby appointelaSaie ime anSPl&eafon ti. aPPolntrarat hy lire Ieeve 01thlidlSunleipnlîty a persans ta atttend aItiihe varions paliag places sud ai telia ne-umningapof the votes on behaif of lhe porsoasinierasîadl in andi promotîng or opposiag ,the By. law, netpecively. NOTICE.- Talce notice iat the aboya ls aIra. capp cf a propaseS By-lav vichi viiib. taken hala cansideratian p thea canneil Of lia Manicipaliîy oethe Township of Pir.kening, eft1er ans menti irara Cie finsi publication inthe. WaLTBrerCInnONcaCLEnevspaper, tie date 0 di hi rsi publication vwu anS js Tiurmday, lie 20ii ay cf Apnil, A.]D. 1877 - saS ihat lia votes ni ut elatctors ai the said Muuucipahiîy vu b, lekn Iier(ou ai tie palhing Places, an -tii, day and ai the tira., ajaS by aud hîforee liee trning- Officers tiereian aniad. HECTO BATON, Tovnshiip Clark. Apntl 241h, 1877. le D SSOLUTION 0F -PARTNERBRIP. -The Parinereiiip henetabora eiing ha. twe.en lhe undersiqad nuder the, nama, style anSdfai oi 'Tii! & Johnson"vas dissolveS hp mutumi dansent on lie 218t; day af Apnil, 1877. Ail parties indaited ta lie saiS- Sm vili plaussa aile viti E. J. Johnson, wio viii pay al liahilaties afllie setS Sim. -JOHN TILL E. J. JOHN90N. Whltby, ApA-l 241h, 1877. - 8ia-iS S TORlE AND DWELLING ii.itaudeora, well fleS np mhop, Sa vieliMn. saunders ai presen aties an lie haut andShmicabusiness, in Bnock cîreal, Wiiby, There ara four good moras 'pL Metand S Iverth le shop. Ampl celiarage, cislamn, aind hanS valer painp anS aven>. canveralance - for a respectable family. Possesslon lst Ociohar. Whitiy, April 25, 1877.1.1 NSOLVF.NT ACT OF 1875. Int thet malter of JO LIN THOMSON, An Ingolvent. The Ittaoivetlbas maSo an assigamant ai his astate ltunie, anS tie crediloni ore noli- laed ta înaal ut tni ooithei Town ai Vliuby, n MONDAY, the, 8EVENTH day of MAY. A. D., 1877, at Tan e'clack, sa.ta., ao recere tstemept of ie affairs, anS ta appoint an esaigneegf they me fil. J. S. M. M CX Officiel Assigne,. iWiitby, 251h April, 1877. 18 hi fil m of to ai 'w By-Law No. 6 of 1876. uointyoý 2i.Ioa eos apart ONTARO o the Cameron roandand, Tnoaà n, 1877,> diqose o/the saine. Tho Corporetion of the. Township of Thorali ormets, Thot tram and aiter.the paqsixig of tht. iDyLaw, that part ci the Cameron or Whltby rond on lot Eleven in the. Pourth Concession af the. said Township al Tharaii, lying between the SoutherîI lirat of the allowana, for road between the 4th and âth Conceidon and the. Western liniit oi tihe Centre Road, ho and tue sanie in hereby clsed up and no langer consiidered a Public Highway of the Township of Tharah. 1And that the aforematd part oi the Cà çr on road be sold te the proprietars ai the ajcent land for the suni af Ona hundr.d aSseventylilve dollr-provided always that il the, sa d roprittra shall nogl.ocor refuse ta purchase the. mid road -for the' au=a hérein mention.d, tuua the. .ai& rond ay b. sold teamay otherý parties for the manie ara greater suai,, GFEORGE B. PROCTOR, N OTI C E Io h creby give ta t ttha abave 1ylaw viii be brou14,î before the Caunci af Thorah ith-a view ta the final paesing ni the saine et a meeting ta hMeb.held.uthe . TOWN HALL, BEAVERTON, ON SA T UIID Y, tha6 26th Dag f MA Y,- A. D.17. ISpades and ShovelS, Garden-Rakes, - uurueu noes, Cut, Nalsà Tintsand O* ipat adVarnih Brushes, &C', g~Tinware : of in Stoè4ke,or M40d to order. everydecritio n GRuOSSý & MACNACHTAN. Wiiitby, April l17th 1877. 17 CABRIAGES AND BUGGIES! THE Li1"EST AND MOST COMPMU'E STOCK OP' Ca rNage, Slkighs and Cutters, M. -O'DONOVAN'S CARRIAGE, FACORY BROCK- ST., -WHIT BY. VERY OHEÂF. OALL &SEE THEM. NEW ADVERTISEXENTS. - ORSL CHIEANCERY SALE CEÀE E~ ..tv.j. owblnh i C i; lis Acres; 80 clear* A FA Tmwindh bpceHer. mile tram Âthrly Station, Nort iru Esi1wal. IN TUE ARCHD. TAYLOR, TOWNSHIP of WHITBY. Aprill7th, 1877. Oint. Ia pursuance af a Decree made b ptli Court ai Oiancar in a suit 01 JEFFEET Ws. JONES. suS viitii.heaprobation ai George Hanry Darinell, Es re,auontr ai the. aiS Court et Wiillh arode viii ha solS bp Public Anctian, by lie raid Master, ut Iei ROYAL HOTE L, la lie TOWN OF WI!ITBY, et Tvao clock, p. in., on lTUElSDAY,- MA Y .Wda 187 7, la oeeparcel, thia South quarter ai Loi 80, ln tiheStConcession ai tiie Township et Whilby, la tiie Cunnly cf Ontaia, contain. ia8 50 Acres, more or less. Tii. saiS land la an a good stata ai aultlvatian, viii good dwelling hanse anS terra buildings and arehard tlirean; tiie land in alovelI watered. This farta in ituate about saven milas tram the. Villag, ai Broohlin, anS about twelve miles tram lia, Town af Wiuby. 8Tha purcnaar vil! ha entilled ta pesses- son cn tia landes itar lhe harvemi ef this year, for the parpose af Seing taiS plaving. anS ta possassion of tiie buildings ala on the final day af Dacenihar neal anS ta ne ceira an accupaton real for tLi.samon, ta b. fixaS 'Dy th.saiS Master anS vhichviii bts announced ai tia day af sale. Tii. purebusma autta e lii.me ai pal. pay a Sepoui of tan per cant, af the paras. mon.y ta lihe Vandorts solicitors, and rimIl vitia an.eniati tieroaflaerpay t a emid solicitorseasuffclant smraviii h hmudlatan per cent, to aea ap ane third of lie saIS purcm ias tnsp viliaul Internest; th.bal- a nces tao esecursd by a slalutory morlgage sn.te .. d and.s, p&abe in ns equal sannuel instalmnents vil i terait t anesvon par cent. annually. Tiee. iii ha a rasarved biS on lie pro. perty fixeS hy tiie setS Master. The sala vil h. heid under lia standing conditions ai lie saiS Court axcept as lie. iu variaS. Pull pariteulars end conditions ai. sala may ho hudalliatheLav offices ai Messrs. Farewell & Raîledga, Vaador's Solicitors, WithyMessis. MrCarthond lm &Ora;man, Toronte; W. H. ktiPluni Wht n tii. undensigned Master of thae Court. DateS Apnil 241h, 1877. GRO. H. DARTNELL, FAREWEs SLLitIars. 4in.18 JAMES W. EEALL, VeTorJ oicitAN. - T8 ON'HI OLBEK (EastlWWthy),i vv . OAN ONVEYANCING AND GENR- OIS H A-W A, AL INSU3ANCE AGENT. Vetrinry Surgeon, The Clarkvil!" h.tlits officeilathie VeteiinaryTov alClumibus,on monSapa anS Will haest Araatrong's liotal, Wiilthp. avany ias a Towasiip business. Office Tuea§day, frara 1 ta 4 o'ciock, p. ta. iiurs, 9 e. n. lo 5P. m Aptil 25, 1877., 18 Match 971h, 1877. 14 CHANCERY,,SALE -C O C c H OME OROWN SEEDS ARE ST.ILL ,ALIVE l Merchunt., anS lti publâc in genenel, viii aSa il th lieulaereaitevarions vapu, ta as llerbrancheosibusinesis. SW. a'&reSe. vot'ing aur vilcie tira. ta seat!grovin"gP viicli viii b.n.Sî lias. uslng aur Soeds. S. O. BROWN, Tay BnowN's INDmi LacÂxiEr. Il vIl cure CiUlbb.tes, Sprains, Braisas, Buras, etc.; Infiammnation anS Calle among hanse ara speedily curaS. Fan mle hy tiie iraS,. 16 . O.BROWN. JNSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. Ins the maiter of MOSS8 SMITH, An In8alvent. A DiviSent! 5heet ias beasaprepared. 0.at betions until 1h. FOUR. UEN DALY OF MAY, 1877, aiter viSaidividend viii ha paS.' GEORGE LENG, Asiqeeo. Whitby, lSuii Apnil, 1877. 2in-17 $75 5 0 O O TO FARM LAND S, Ia gms aif1900asdupvand6, aI 8 Ilr cen. ]Paable Haliyo rly. Apphpla o- April 17th, 1877. NEW ADVEIR Room Paper-t-4he Latest Patterns, au nuew, uno OId - tock; pricea- te suit the - wiil be fouzdýat- « (O& N Ne,,]IPST M '8CR4 BORERSBoeH PLAIN AND WINDOWBL ITSTDEIGNS Painting, GaiinGlazing, -P'per-hann, Ci g Whitened, Coloured, Painted ~Papered ' niture. <flassu-eut ta any size or- shape. Ail work atteaded ta w'ith noataes sud despatoli,-I GOLD. Whitby, APril l7th, 1877.1 -W. H. HANNAM. tf-17 ___ .5JAL%1cJK. iusulesý -and Fumily Mourniing. Goods.. We à lso invite the attenùtion of the Genltlea ou Spriag Stook aof Tweeds, whioh- we find- mach botter van'ja on anl foremesoftB0looAia aChoica Lot -ci Hat s Éa dCapa, i Tis, lows, 'nnd a varet aioter an~ Àtile whiioh theyt are pnèp# da to ofoerat such pricsaswillgiv satsfatoa the purchiMeî';W inure a speedy sal -Wbitby, Marci 6th, 1877. LMNc & STEWART.] SPRINGO D AL TAl sGE AN HIC LT 0F JlUST AIRIRIVED -AND FOR S4LEICOR N WE AT THE W HIT BY C HLNA' TE.AS.TO0RE, A choice lot of Green and Black, Teas, -that, cannot be beat in the Dominion, both for quality smcl céheapness, price from 50 to 80 cents per pou -nd. Coffees from 25to 40 cents per pound. Sugars of a i knds, -ýff-8lbs. of 'White Sugar for $1. Good Valencia Raisins, #C-16lbs for $1. 1IýeA full assortrnent of Ohoice FaiyGoreo i kinds, at equally L6w Prices. MAPLE MOLASSES $1 25 PER GALLON. House and Garden- Flower Plants. .Green Vegetables ini their season. , 95 FRESIL TOMATOE S JUST'RECETVED. À fifl assortment cf Çhina, Glass and Crockiery Ware, Tee. Dinner, and Taiet Set's on band and for sale clieup. .1 Ail kinds cf Field antd Gardon Seeds, CIO ver a nd TÙ.no- tiy Seed, &o. Turnip Seedu of aU hkids, direct froxu Sot.lad, ta arrive this week. 9:"'G-ood Potatoes fromi 50 to 80 cents per bushe]. At WM. J. GIBSON's. Whlitby China Tea; Store. WANTED.-Any quantity of Good Butter, Eggs and Feathors, for wliich the highest cas3h price Iwill be paid. W. J. GIJ3SON. HAMILTON- & Co 'S., MIL LINE Y -SHOW BOOMS WILL BE OPEN~ IN A FEW PAYS WITH ALL TH-E. NEWE STk -AND-- Most Fashionable Styles. GRO. 8. RA LN 96.liailâo,;i. OIwa 17 TOWNSHIP 0F DAIILINGTON. I In .punuanceof ai aecniAeS.by' tie Court ai Cianaery, La a-suit ai KELLY ve. McDONALD. sad vlli lie asobation af Tican. -War&law Taylor, Esquire Muler ai lia saIS Court, lier. vM iiibsolâ hy Publia ¬ion, bY Levi FairbanksU Auc0ront, iBLAOX'5 OOMMERIAI HOTEL, In 1h. VILLAGE 0F 5AA nt On. io'clock, p. ra. an SATURDAY, Stle dag of Mati,1877, lu on. parool, lia South quarter ai Lot 94 la lts Su thConcesion of lio Township' ai Darlinglon, Counly of Dùriiata, ontainlag 60 acres, nmcraor le... Tii. vialeofatli saiS land s tm cled. Il i.s ituatad ebout 14 mlle. front Witby,lie saeuntamBav. aýnvlle, anS about 10 mlles frataOsha. w.AitouilO aeseare fal-piugied. Tii. mid prapeni% vil!b. mldSubjealta tva traorgaem, (vwtala wM lb. produce tu -lm c al,-poà n.. h.1860I princi al mn are Unpiti papFable aou a et , anas L0 jienin la 6 nuI iasulmlm vil inaet;am ubject toa aIltatar*h 0a1vp Tbî. purcihkasr dsh4Ahe tlime 0ae e1*, a p oit cf ten pu et. ai bit purgia m ananpthelisVeaors5- Solictar, and uisIl puy lata court, in cne moti frora lie deipoaiBale, vhthout inlenemi- lie balance aihlf pra money. Thora viii hema reisir"S bIS on lie prop- enly fixeS up li a eer., Th ui ilb. helS undar lte standing 102092taofsta e lie slScart. FI PuM-atculars unS conditions of sale ra y ohad ai hliaw offia-.@ oai Meusrs. E as&Boamer 28 Adeleide Street, East, Tarata.VenorsSolicitors ; Mesare.-Pare- vuY E'c ' ' p nk APPLE TREES, ABO0UT 40,000, ý-AT on HOME NURSERY, Prom two ta tour perau go, nMbracing aU the beut Varà ait. "Tu0;WiLSON, Lot Nlo. , SaS Coa. Pioheriag, an Kiaguan BOo,4 st 019«, WWitby. L IvEmRPQOL A- ýR aET ýA-P]RIL Qth, -1877. See4 Bariey, 8 maU Pes, Blj<ck-eyed Peas, Clover For sal t Feuiv rstiotun'm Bar FREBH GR"OUND PLABTER, CHiAP FOR CAgeH. 'Faund.raiga.d be gm tifarra bim Mone s tiipulblichaliavnprhs ed the 9flt iî f UV. P1Anl HpmoS Lirry usiaas haim ropneSta o ta.Ovi w5 - ----aa0 Je HICKJE -W:ll offer during the month cf A GooS Fast ColoreS Pninis ai 6c. 7c. 8c. and 120. Faetary Coiton £1 5c. 7c. . 0e. su d 120. per3 Whle Caton ut. Sa8. go. 100. and 12c.. per pu One Came &Ipacao, spn a iicem, 20 cents ; Worth 25 ae 50 Pioeas SulBrv Drae ots A, 25 cents ; vorlir 80 TABLE LINENSp TOWELS, C, 30-cent Loara Dion TaleV Claths for 25 cents. 65-cent BleechaS Table Clotho for 50 :-ta 100 yards Tawei.d Crash for 10 cent. v,rtitlu) Cheapami Lino cf Napkins - ta ha ..fouat( il.] w FLANNELS AND SHIRTIP 85.cent Ail WOaI lanfi,! for 25 ceaie. 17-cent Stnipati Cheviot for 12 cents. 25cn~Mensi' BEn a He Hou for 20 cents. S-0-ent Mena' Ena Hfi, Ham., for 15 ents 25-ent mens, BWEro- B jf nase for 10 cents, IT 15 80 I1 JUST TO HŽ ,AT SuitbleforSprig V~ea, ad at prices te suit thc times. Asthe-Largetitaad beS~ selection of Ht ah on i on W Don'tfs! ta seathorabefcre purcbasiag eleewlierp.. Wiiitbn, 8fagrah 241h, 1877.1 14 Our Stock in every Une is Large, Fresh and Weil Assorted. DRUG ND CHEMICALS, Mll the popuiar Patent etud PrÉopriétaî.y Mediciu.est. Haïr, T7ootli and Nail Bru$hes, Dress- ing Coinbs, Spo'ges, Toilot Soîtps, Toilet Sets, Prescriptions Neatly and A ccurately Dispensed, Sole Agents-for Laza's &, Morris' Celebrated Perfected Spectacles. J:I Coal Oil, 30 cents per Imperial Gallon. Four Gallons for $1 00. Whitby, Mardi 27tli, 1877.8W.BSMT&O G/V/NO -UP BUSINES SELLINGOFF AT COST ! LEAVING TO-WN. Havung sobd out mly entire i ntereSt. ini my itook and business in Oshawa, I now beg to an- -nouiice to my many friends aMd patrons, and the public in general, that previous to the business being transferred - &Co.~ par yard. yard.- rard, 86 iiish. vide. S. 'LESS cents. ýRASHERS, AI NGS.-1 SA C --5--cet ui' alntua 1!aa e nts-.a. _ _ -r A 1süd tera, Ludiam' Has, ehavy wuight, for 10 , Ã6idclu.ý 'The, -Best' Asgiutment of Readym-OiuwArLth18, made Clothing in %own. SADDLIERy AND HAIRN Another Case of- Fe1lt -ats. Latest Styles. WIL -M-THOMPS-O[ - - ~ Bêgà ta direct attention ta hie liargean suaperior stack, coapi "Nob~by lot of Silk andkerchiefs,' ScarM~ Tieui for gents. tingin the,B lIeaxi pS are~u ine, alto Gro eri es-Sto Ck h -' t - L eý . t#ý -Aliss 2lx4del. srtoaà m T to my suceessors,I intend offering the- T-HAN. COST 80 THAT Dani Scre DURLING THE As a token of how I ap patronabge- extended .te' me foi years, ai der mjy since tianks. PRICES Bargains- S A E':L ipreciate ýthe ad. for Snlci I ten- received ap te th 7Z1hfdlai Mav1877, and no later. ]3y order of the Bos~h J. AUSTIN, Pýresfl.ent. 'WiitbY, Marcii, 31, 1877. 4nl TENDUS8 WANTED 1' Offers (r acre) will ho received for 186 Acres ai Lat!Lot Na. 18, in tiie rd con. cf RaLma, til tIi. Pirst of ii'ly, iiext. <Addreg- JAMES COLTAUT, Paris Station, P. O', Ont. Paris Station, Mardi 222, 1877. BEWING - MACHINE BALES *FOR 1876. The songer Mipg C.. * -saiS262,316 Have Machipe cJampan.... 109,M11 Wiieeler & g Ca 1w Sgg beicn e. l. ta7,997d Wee sewingachie Caoi- 1 4425 Wilcox & Gubha sew*ag Ma- 'cijpéCa................12 i -Remiigton SewingMahn GaIS Medal Sewing Macine 1276 Co............. ....718.5 Victor Sewin4Muha iieC... 57 F lorence Sewng lMachine Ca. si 2,9:71 J.-E. Branodani & Ca., Etna.. 71 McKay Sewia& Machine Au. sociation. ....... s NEW YORIK S- F.w 1 N G THE SINGE R MANlJFACTTJà ING COM. PANY saIS, Sa 1876, 202.310 Mahiu, being 188,024 ibrC.thAn ap othi Cà inpalav saIS. WarranteS taoulvntean tva of âaay cieap.niade Machine,. None Genaina vithant BiR A 8 S' t À 1) É à AÉf Ii - on An aif Machine.* Office an& Showv Roaras,-Brork Stres-t< Whithy. L. FAIRBANKS, Scie Agent torChýe GpnuineNav Yank Singer, Sewiag Machine Marutacturing Comanay for Che Couuly. P. S. Neediles, tireaS, twist, andSeSwing Machine atlaeliinenîa always an hanS Whutby, Marci 21,1877. la, M NTTO LERD. - pi'nvale a muStaa )dSnoage securiiy, in sens aof1800 anS up-,ard. In teret 81acentlaii peanly. P. O. DRAWER 8, Whitby, Feby lti, 1877. l.0 -4p IY A CO RN FOR SALE 1. A largeqaCip i Western Can for tale aie SatInr, lie Whuuhpy & Part Rsilvway a inte tavn aofWiiihbp. For. pur- ticulars apply ta- GEO, OKI5 Whithy, Feb. 28ti, 1877. S TORE AND DWELLING At ItLiverpool Mixket; ja Nev Store anS Dwellang veil fltaSd up adwiih evorp, aecessuy accoradatioaï. J. H. MeoLELLÂN. kfsrch 28l>177 11.14 nrisiag evi APRIL, 1811 , 1 A LARGE AND 01901CE' LOý ON FIRST-CLASS i Gr 0' 0 M- :l IWIRITBY, PU A IR M A C Y