Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1877, p. 1

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~9d8néa Di~~t~>~,W. B ONVTAftIOBNK an, -TOXAS DOW., Tal DOMINION BÂNK.Ilaue T ort Pl W H 1TBýY AUG'N 0y,* Also Uub-Agency ut Lh#erpoai Mrkcet. SaviaDep a"ntelucoutin mwlth bath offices, w er uo i palSIon doue>. H .TAYLOR, Wbtby, sept. 181b, 1876 8 'il. J.ý NACDIOiVRILL ;alCemen, e i b' Dr 'te" alQ.CL for .Notor4es publie! 'M& Oouvowy. 0db. d frat dOor- soouth of tige Havai flotul, *bltby. MAMESa- BlTLxDGE, ]),A. 3, B. FAREWELL, L. 1. j3, Ooat rovu Attacnsy, JADIEN cEItPI GORDON,- .dsor istore, YfflSrutWity, ont. CEl RLI C KlLýerTCln LYMAN f tNNLISII, b iLe Ref B ;R[TBR AT LAW, SOLICITOR IN G- 14VN 7*ITIii41LL. B., BA Rt18TE R-ATTORNE Y. AT. LAW, flolck, Brock étreet Whltby, Ontarlo. (Latt< Greeuwood & MeMillIa.) B AIISTIMR, ATTORNEY, SOLIO. itor, NqtAry PubueI, Conveyancer. ('l, ftne"Byrolit Street, South oai oit 0mce, Whitby, Ontarbo. ROBINSON &KRENT, O(;VYYXORS, dc., (OFPIQE-Proultial Assurance Buildings CUUaST Sxrr, Tao]30NO, J. G. Ronrwsoo, iL.4 HERONT A. E. KENT. T!JOMbAS EUt4TON,' TOWN CLEUX AND T1ÉEA8URER, TWhltby. Offic-Town Bail. Houri, tram 9 ta 1 a'clock. * R. J. GIYNN, of. D, SUGMON TO TUE COUNTY GAOL, il yron Street,-Whitby. Dr. W. J1. BU-RNS. Orca-Nexi door to anUoniciz Office. ir Rsildence, at Mr. Lewis Hauck's. -Wm, oRIN .D,,.,. G tTY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., the oye R.0. EH. L., Oshawa, Ontario. W. ADJMIS, ~.flENTIST, (SUOCES. dM,ýD'sorto W. 1IL Card.) 4AL.TDentaîRoom-Dundas Street, Whtby avec Mr. Jamenoula Store. Nitrons Ozide 9 as amlnlstored for the painleas ex. traction af teaili. Ç9 N. VAR$,, L* . . 5 AME rEETHE inserteid on ail the Mj Llatent principlès afitho art, as chesp aa the cheapoist, and as geai! as the boit. Teuh filleil with GaIS anS Silver. Teelli extracteS wlthaut pain, by prodîîclixg local siustheila. Dentsl Rooin]-lin Cow. Jn's nov block, avec Atldnso'î Drug Store, Ring Stroet, Oshiaa,8 TOUA» DEYERELL, J3UILDER .&ND CONTRÂCOF, DUNDAS iT., WITY. larAUorcleri pr-oxiptly ozecuitea H AIR 'DRESSING AND 8HAVING Saloon, Blrook St., Whltby. A GENT FOR THE CELERÀTED ,I. Scottish Granite At Marbie Wockî af Jenathan Woliendon,Dundso St., Whtby. GEORGE CORMIACK, ýL UMBER MERCIIANT, CARPENTER aud Joiner, Groin Street, Whitby. A large quautity o a i l ds ai lumber con- stantly on hand. T-H . E. LL A T Hl E R L Y, Cterk Div/B/on Court, Tp. Clark, Goirnimionor in 1B. R., Lan d-,Aéent. &c., &oAtherly, Caunly Ontario. c- ARaD. U R, elhysiciien, Saurgenu, Accoucher, ffc., &c. %Wbubby, Sept. SOili, 1874. do R 8.Ri1MSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Lraclusie (Wlth honore) ai the University af Q LUe iCollege, Canada; PbilaSelphis Uuiv. of-Medicine anci Surgery; Americau Univ. i l>naiylvaula; Eclectio College af Penunylvaulsansd Licontiate of Ilicroficy of the tjaiv. of ESinurgc, Scotiand. Cor- otier for 'the Caunot ai Ontario. Offce- Ceii!waiar Si., Orliî. -- Augusi i4th, 1875, lyr 85 TlHE BEZS T HORSE MEDICINES. AU descriptions 'ai cth. best Horne Mcci- ,ijnes kept constant! y ou baud aud for sale ai the Wbilby Ltvery Stablas. 93MNo charge foc advice. -N. RAT.- L IVER Y. The uleralgueil baga la luforsa il. friendi sud tise public bis avivng purcliai. aS tise literait afmMc, Pleran luRay'$ aiS Livey bsinessa, hsla prepursu] b ýacoalu- modales)l vi oyrquirs ta b.' ë 'éSl. aile drrlghre.LEWIS SEBEUT. LIstly "Datais"aitishe Ral WiIlbyApdÜi , 877. - 1 C JOH0 1NSO0N, - DEA.LER. IN LUM]3ER, w H h T B Y, Ras Eona baud aspiendid topt 0ff ine cbsar a l viii semmoned Lumber. Ail kinda for 4ret sud building Uroîes ~ l~pseter reseS Çamie: aivayi au lim hsa.Grossiplàiug suil adjaialg, an --tisa pramîses visere ordure aire prosaplly executed tor &aorassoes, blinda, &c, JO'tP'I tiSON BUE tW. G. JOHNSON, m -PEOPRIETOR. Tais$,: #1.00 perv Day. Stubllng ta cou. necionel 4 W-HITBYP, -NT'ARIO. Rouse oîely renovted suS laruimbi thirougbout, and put luinI.cdl order feS bu récetion of1usate. Akionnbu tlaaami HTBI OTEL.' T -l W ItÀYONt AôRO. - Buperlor aeoolodatln. Tablo, m>ph ,ClV,bestbran4s. BllsrSvoou, nlBDTBUEIKR-AWAY HO0TEL, AT WITUT STATION. WM, 0'XE ILL- PIPIiT Paitlint0ing-tho train adevu ou vill hava tham vel Ukèn ecarsfainIUth*I LiE, - AT TEE ~W0R WLLS ~re Lumbuy,*u~ le, h ~. J Uspletr&xu,1st 4uay, AU-l bla 1,aO1~8~uraTimber, He vom u e e t 1a y Iballbttll Mi Idrnning,an Jiu dclngfirassiel 'B. MIWO% leu À N~EW 3EVELtIO2#0x Tm WSE aNCE l:F n D1 ýeSS im&Kne T~QUENSHOTEL, rsuumn (sans exiesmran,)For maie, vhsireinvuotiaus, at 31EOOK-STREICT, vEITIy,* IS I N T YR E' TAYLOR k McCANN. PROPRIETORS. n Tise underiignad desira ta liorm thteic r sMEN sosvry frin ubanlt e 10tisa they hava taken IAeaiuwted. Libaral indlucemeuis te th aov wllnowa bôtel, isici tisey jthé tride, bave nevly iteS up sud renov&tedandput Wub 817 imta tise beit of arder -factseacomd.p g. , .84 tien oi gueste. Tise Bar, visicis là lb.baud. om ent lu t ie Coa n y, in w vs»supp lw 1 ia vt btl tise fineit brandi of vine lqoi-n sG O N gas. Ample acood ied 2 .i room sud gaoo' YOU G ASITH eiubliug, box Mallei, &o.' DeW ted, roomsj foc commercial Iravelieri. - I8U 01 J. P. tAYLOR, -P -ýMCA.' lato of Toronto. 1 f, * 7cC7% r.à - - R OAL HOTEL, W I TB T, JAS. PRINGLE, PROPRIETOR. The Jaraeit and mont commodlani hotel mu the iown: han large *ample roomi for commercial travellere. Table vrell iupplied wlth the boit lu eason. Beitbtandshquor. 4ud cipau. Enclnosdyard and îhedroom; attentive hoatiers. Charges tu, suit the N. B.-Livery attsched. 27 AEMTRO G OUSE,4 (LATE AL SION,) ýWHITBY, QNTAILIO. E ARMISTRONG - PROPRIETOR.I MAIU{IALiE LICENSES, WHITB, ONTABIO. MO NEY TO LEND on FYarsa and! Tor-n Property, st LOW RATES af Intesal. For iurther purtieniars Appby ta- JOHN FARQUHABSON, Wiitby. August 151h, 1876. 84 WTTY ROUSE. I~ BROTERS, DUNDÂS-ST., WHITBY. (WEBT 0F POOT urnE.) J.OSEPH A. BANDEL, PROPRIRTOB. This lieuse lias. besu rccsibly bil, in las 0 and rcomi and iteS up l in ntclans et 1 - Bet kesLiquors anS Cigri; fis hLager Biter. Goodsitabling asden- closeS yard; attentive aitieri. 46 COMMERICIAL HOTEL, CAM!WBrtHT, ONT. JAMES DEWART - PRZOPRIETOR. GooS acmmodation t.12 M~ONEY TOLIÉND. Tise unceralgusS lias an y amooti Mou- ay ta, Lend upon Purm or Tovn Pcaperty, ut ununisay Loy Ratai ai Iniereit. Leaus eau be repaiS lin sms tamalt bar.', reveri. Several Improved Permis anS Wild Lande facisale chcap. Invailmeati mado lu Municipal Deban. lares, Bank, and otiser marketatalsle Stocka. For turibsr particoluni apply ta 1JAMES HOLDEN, Officiai Asignae, Broker, &c. Bpril 9th, 1@72. 15 WILL&-i aCOID-PER, IJLACKSMITH, - - BROUGHAM, (Succesoîao aThsomas Middtangi,) Bas-ne îsaeiug anS «Ili binda ai gemeral vert. iy.52 M ONEY TO LOAN. The National Investment Com- pany of Canada. (LIMITED.) Lend. Money an Real -Estate. Purcciasa Exiasting Mortgages. Bnrcovera viii Sund the Campany'î terces moerato, u'tb .peciai facilitiez fer paying off their loana. W. H. BILLINGS, Agent. -Solicitor, &c., Wisitby. $3.(00 ef privats Funds en hand 'go Invesiia Mrigag*Fr oeeuily. 44 BROUGHAM CARRIAGE WOIIKS. S. WEBB Rcîpsctfuiiy informa bis Patrons anS tise Public tisai b. bai purcised tise Rigisi fer Pickering, ta Manufacture Conboy's Patent Seat for BUGGIES, CUTTERS &c. AIl parties vil do vebi ta soi our Be sud Cuitera, befote giviug ihoir -orderi cise. vbere. Brougisha, Juiy 13th, 1878. - yr-8(l Ji OHN S. M. W ILLCOX, OFFICIAL ASSIGNEE, Riremovad bis office tfram the "sllay Station ta the offias oi D. OrMistan Es4., T. H. bteMillait's lock,.Erýock.t., wgilby. Whitby, Jan. 18hà, lei. m. Y oUG'S -Hi. OTEL, MONCK ROAD, DALTON, BORBT. K, YOUNG, PROPRIETOIR. Ieéliable insfrmation regurdlng tb. coma-. try, etc., fuimiiseclta parties reqairlmg il ample accommodation tor Honteri aud Sportîmn. The bar sud larder aupplisi! yutiste beat of liquarisud vluudalto bs bond lunlise country. Noue but obllging gmsd'attentive servante kepi. - mmocuso similing sud Prompt .ilel ewys onC issuS- J Duiioî r h?75. Pona WHITBY, ONTARIO, Iniporier, Deansd Manufacturera of al 1. RKinds oai LEA THER AND FINDlNG8, -CaspalS for Bides, Bar», sud Leulber. Leatiserstretcised. iErBELTING MADE TO ORDER ON SHORT NOTICE. May, 1872. 22 M OXEY TO LEND I A large quantitycifmaney t o S aietloy iaterejsi, private fonds. For aie, ieversl Toma lois, tva Prame Bonies, sud'u large Brick Bouse. For termis, apply ta G. YOUNG SITH3. Wbuitby, Pcb. 9th, 1874. 7 Begi toaunnouaca tisaIho bhs vomoved ta Ring St.,àiev doori EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, oppaite Loke'g ibov.vooami, vhoee iibe found i fine stock ofailansd fuit iata for ladies anS gentlemen, af bis ava manu- facture. ta-Strsv bots colarci! - sudaltered la iliape. Osawa, July 6iis, 1875. 89 CUSTOacs DEPARTMEET. Ottaws, Nov. Stli, 1876. ticsc 8 Uer cenON J. JOHNSON, 8tf Commislsinr ai Cuitass. LITHO TE DIVSION COURTS COIJNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR TUE TEAB 1877, Whitby.. 2 1 1 8 1 1hs 1IliJ rang 'a , 81 6O91211 5 1 ~ 812'27 Beailoiu 2 1lii19 2 AMiecy1,-291 i 11,21 .18 GRO. H. DABTNELL, Junior Judge Witby, Dec. 27ib, 1876,. I"I AND RAILWAT 0F CANADA. TIME-TÂB LE. Golmg Northi tram Pari Hope ta Lindsay, Beavertan and OriMla. Leave Port Vape- Ma....1 10 a. m .ile.... 8.45P. m Go=Nglorth ta Peterborol k Lakeileli. LeaveMlllibrook: Mail ..5:25 p. m an.... 11.40 p.m. Comlng Sýuth frrnm Oriua to Lindsay, Peterboro' sud Part Hope. Mil .... 123SC noon. Ar-Pt Hope 6:20 P.m. CamnngSoth lrom Laleflel C0onueswltb b the engEalyoby ta aud from Toronto anS itereito " ut Milhlbok 16v Peterbaroland OrMâ, an u vith Grân&Trnkast Port Hope bath mioru. ing and svenlng lth trains Buet sud West, an&Str1. Noriemanst 9 a.m.4 for Rocheter. H. G. TAILOR, 2 flapt, of Trains. . 5 -TOBB, A"DDWELLING TO LET I-v AI LepolMrt, a Newv Store sud Dwuilug, l ItteS V np suS vill nocepey accoqunadatiau (LAT£ OLMTO x'a) Tbundaripgubffl toliorm ltam 'Whlt àtArt"zî, 1876 by.i FLOU4k PRD SORE CHARLS - PnNYL& EDO tisai blsdnov repred to uppl mlontsud Feed oDf thà Besti Qualy, uaithlb. bst lvig rc Fboui, Cern, QsOpeud, 3rsn, Iheta, Oi. Oheer tisaÏ ils Chapui for Cash. Ai thes Dominion Fltrancsd, osS Slave, Crosby'e Block, 'Batdhoar, DanSas S-.treel Wbltby.- CHAS. PENNYLEGION. Wilby, April 24t, 1876. le S. R. WICKETT, Importer, Manufacturer suS Wholaiale Dealer in ieatheru, 8hoe-flndlng8,> Etc. 81,et19Oxssisc i J. B. Mooneyla Na. 5a COLDORÇE -STREET, Tozoavo, ONT. by.85P. O. Bar, 822. F oRaSALýE CEP A Brick Collage noir Business centre in tise Town of Witby. Fer pince and tersai appby toLý: - MI. WIL THOMPSON, SaSSior.. WhîLbY, YbY. tb,, 187à. 9 General ComnhisBIon Mercliant âtnd Produe Dealer, Agent for IxvaRuL sud CoMtxzau x. ION Fin Inusuce Companles. BITEJ 0F INSUBÂNCE 10W 1 Aloo Agent for the Lommor and Caxaniax LOIN AND> ÂOENCY COMPANY. MOnoy ban.- ed onj.eal estate, payable tram Tva ta, Twelve yeers, ad nsu i mita suit parutes. le". Interuet low -and no coMmission cbarged. Mortgageu bought. Office ai, China rea ýtane, Dundas St., Wbithy. Whitby, Marth lôtb, 1876. 12 A LLAN LINEl LMVEPOOL, LâNDONDEBBY, GLASGOW, CHEAP FARES! Cabinam Wbitby - -.9 7,19 aorng tMacommodation. 79 W Intermediate - - - 4. Sterage-as loy sasany ailier lime. Pepaidepssage cates inda ont friands. Ii igt rn Far tickets and furtber information apply GEO. TIlLE. Exp. and Tel Offce, Whitby. Whitby, Anguet idth 1876. tf44 SALT! SAIT! 500 BAG8 LIVERPOOL. 500 BARRELS GODERIOH, Just riceived ad for Mao. by T. t&WLBF & CO. Whitby, Nov. 21ei, 1876. tf-46 RP~OOL MARET 1 CASH-FOR GR.AIN> .To a sied at Frenchman's Bay.. SSE TS,8 01O, 876 94. . h "F. À..RALL, dt oi prapety, aSleatteÈmo b t Io. ¶ie et CNOun";, psy aàepf «Ant, Wblitby MjUOY to the puz:chase=oz ',N scatobe sic S on the al&4: Deposl w Dominion Goverument #50,. 000 Epieced Agents tbroughontthie Pire Bialca written at Atioquate Rates. 0. »NURSE, Wbitby, April 17th, 1877. AgnW 7ty nlrR=X PIRE INSURANCE CO. Lombard St. sud Charing Cross, London. ESTABLI5KED INe1782. GILIMEPIE, POfOFFÂAT & 00., Agents foc Canada. R. W. TXRE, c', Manager, Montre&L. GNYBSTABLISHED IN CANA- ail the Stockholderi, and larg Reierve Punda. Maderate rates of prelu.. C. NOUES Agent,Whty Whitby, April 17th, 1877. 17 P ROVINCIAL INS1URANCE COM. PANY O0F CANADA. ËOR FIEZ à~ MARINE INSURANCE. Head Office -Tarante-St., Toronto, Ont. Insurmuces elTecteil ut roumonabla ralai an ail descriptions ef praperty. Fairnes in etement anS an equitabble canstructian ai Insnranca contracta, are the invariable culas of tise Company. ARTHUR HARVEY, - Manager. Agent, tÎhitby. Whitby, April l7th, 1877. 17 T HE "STADACONA" FIRE & LIFE iNSURANCE COMPANY. HEAD OFFICE,. QUEBEC. Subscribeà Capital............ 2,00,00 Pa u p Capital............... 220,095 Pire Premium Revenue, 186 188,000 Pire Premium Revenue, 1876..... 201,000 Lassa Psaid, 1876 ........ ...... 248,000 Goverumeut Deposit..... ...... 117,000 The exceptionsl hes vy Losses austainod by ibis Company during the paît year have been prompftly liquidated, sud notwith- standing the genecal business Sepresiion leading ta a reduction lu linos csrricd, the Preminta Revenue foc 18786lias been iu- croassa by 0S18,000. The STADACONA as heretofore vil musotain iii reputation foc Prompt ra-y. meute. A shace of public patronage le solicited. GEO. J. PYHE, - - Gen. Manager. CNOUBSE, Agent, Wbuitby. Whutby, April l7tb, 1877. 17 JMPERLIAL LOAN AND M-VEST- MENT COMPANY. CAPITAL, #600,000. Head Office, Imperial Buildings, Toronto. PBESIDEST : m1ANgERs : HON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL CANADIAN BANK. iOLICITOR :-G. D!Arcy BauItou. MONEY TO LOAN au Improved Faime, ai Low Rates ai intereel. Apply ta- C. NOURSE, A mriser, OR TO E.H ERTLA1ÇD, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MORTGAGES BOUGET. April 181h, 1877.. 17 INSURANCE COMPANY (7IRE AND> LMT) OF ]LIVERPOOL & ]LONDON. CAPITAL, - - $10 000,000, 1 Amas: NEDICAL ADTIsER: MOLSUNS BA14K 8. L. BAYNES, E8Q., M.D. ela Office for Cn«Ua- 191& 198 St. James Street, Montreal. FOREES & MUDGE, Chiai Agents. R. R. LA.WDER, Agent, Whutby. Auguit Oth, 875. 1y8 Tiscro vilbe u reserved biS on the- pertyliéS by1tbe'i-otr J hb aie WiI1b# lsbSUnder.tlse stand Fcsipriclaro anS cOndilio4sis it msahud ' ai the Lum offiesaf~ Pa"ee B u Rtlede. VenouScoe»lêtc k Creelman -cCarty-oikis Picù & - Toýa,,fro; -W. - ll Wbitisy, -ite uuidm-olpuad'mair oai Court., DateS April 24ts, l1877. G nOE.DARTNELI FARZEWELL & RUTLRGQDE, *- Vendov'mSollo. s B3y-Law* No'. - 6 or i87(~ TmoAuct, 1877 -,pà8setf gül à.- The Corpo retian of th. ,Tovushlp T4orsb enscia, Tisai from anS. 1aller t psige hsBy-Lav, ibai'pari'of!'-I vaniero or Witbyraou o.-loi ýE1eoný tb. Pourib Concesion oai emed-Tovmi oi Thorali, lying beiveen the Sonther' lin of tlie allevauce focr oui!. betveon tise4 anS SIli Concession sud. tic Western'lin af tise Centre oad, b. and tlisaine, I iereby cbeed up and no longer comiSes s e Puli ighivuy of the Tovntip Thoah.- AnS tisai ihc aforesid part of ihe,ÇCami on ceaSise solS ta ths propriersoa i adjacent land fer thesuffifOne luncho sud eventy-five -Selirs-]proývided amive isai if tisaiS avaprietori shall negleet refuse ta purcisaée tiesamid read for i ium iserelu mentioned, lisen tise saiS roi msy iese mlS toa ay oiserparties fer i saine or a grestor smm. GEORGE n~. PROCTOII, Reci N O TI C E'- Io hereby given iliat tise silve By.lavw w be brought befare the Couacil ef Thi vils s vsev ta tise final paig its a ut ameeting tabe be seld i tise TOWN HALL, BEAVERTO 8A TURDA Y, Ithe 9Wth Dao <i A GEORGE SMITII, Tovtmhip 01er] Tierais, April 21st, 1877. i- c1 RANCEnY SALE ji TE TOWNSHIP 0F DARLIN4TON Ilu pucinaaee af s decree. miSe by ih Court ai Cisancecy, in a suit ai KELL! v8a. McDONALD. and vith the approaaio ai Tisomas Wardlav Taylor, lîsqii Master eftie saiS Court, there viii be sol, by Public Auctiais, by Levi Taïisanti Anctianois-, ai BLACK'S COMMERCIAI HOTEL, in tise VILLAGE 0F OSKAWA ai One o'ciock, p. mi. on SA T URDA Y, 5th day of May, l877 in Oeeprel, tise Sauth quarter of Lot 84 luth , isttshocsio fie Tovusisip c Darbinglon, Counuy of Durhame, cautaimini 50 acces, more or lama. Tise wvl of thti saiS baud is eleared. Ih is itusted -abat 14 msiles tram Wbitby, the sume tram Bai suanville, unS about 10 miles tram Osha va. About 10 acres are fall-plonghei!. The ssii! prapert vill be solS subjecitb tvo mertagea, (wtyhi il k produced i time af sale,) upon visicli $M8 of principi mono y are upai!, payable, One in eigbt sud tliother lin mue annual instainients vus latoereat; aima aubjacit oa acertain righ of vsy. Tise purciser sisal, at thé tim, of sle, psy a depoait of ten p r cent. of hi purcise money ta tise'Vendor'i Solicitoi anS issu pay into court, in que mont] tram ilie daY ofasie, vitisaut intercat. ti balance of hie purcisme maney. ý There viii be a roserved biSdon theprai erty fixeS by the master. e. Tise sale vil k iselS under tiese taudihs conditions ai tise mid court. . Full particuliasana conditions ai mald may -be liaSut lise lav officu.s ai Mesr Evans & Boomer, 26 AdelaiSe Street, Eal Torouta Veudorsm Soliaitors; Me""r. Para veli & *tieage, Whiisy; Frank Evans Orillia : anS LyntRulisish, Osawa. EVANS k BOOMER, Tocanto, T. W. TAYLOR Vemdor'i Solicitors- 8in.11 JJ MFGROtVI-3 EDS ARE STILL ALIVE1 Mercisanssubiepiiçlgeavi patranize home indus ta Sn eeds, as ve asatiser brancbem aibusinesi. 17e are .4e- 'votingaur visole lime ta secS gravlaR S. C. BROWN, Seedaman. TuY BaooN'cs h.e Lui uuzv.T. il cur Chblllbalua Spialu, Bruisea, ilums, uta;; Inflammation unS Cale amoug bome are apeediy cureS. For sal by tise trade. 16 B. C. BROWN. $7,5 0O.O0 TO LOÂ3T ON PIST-CLAss F'ARAM L.]S las= of i 20 p upmrdéýa, 8aI e Meub.PaalHaiar. Appi>' ta- GRO.SBAL , i iy. EEALL, i gàî&b~n lr ov'o1l. m, mt thobrqoseunér c upboarà ug'selwt.ibat adimitt.-, - ---ed df 4mu.tkenoiil Wnhonseiauing- wil MyGviat-A'Ust's Will. j tie, piuleêii,~ltaitchugevreau-oM - -isud wè-enkagéd '"tI butteiy,,regrdý- plk J aui-k olerk in àiècaùtty- store, aud Icesaf cator tbe uciglabors. 1 "81 eomctimes Iviii>I',S bea martyr in IThe hïixl môniéiîous stop vas ta tho~bse days vb*n tboy slretohed people etg zant'i "thiuW" moyea. Were ~joube4aot imikes or-rassed teon-s J. nga sientifia eisay aon psyeho.. saS ùnidi 1 týcaI ik 1 àonild have logloal distinas -o!se%, I sal ba.lkir a à11116 dcoiafortinie. - mskfone, slrong- paini,-tise topaciau 1g This le the wày OUÏ ; I amn bebind a'lttàbmeut of, the feinuine nmina ta Monl tbfeCaunt9r o-the. side iere w. ,keep "bs", Tan tholliend dollars lun' pnints, sud tbre trots up tathe appo. stocks aad.basid st stake Lu-an unsetti. mI0ý' e se Wheré ire keep fianneli, t e siohv;be uw aeat oustomer neilior yauu àg mr biuntiful; lésa intaiest aMi -croute Ies jealousyý ln h uvry around anSdcsea, sud abe tispu b.. dispoaition ofan aiodd -table era. asit for olicoes; Ilin I tum lier about OtQlb: ànd.xmakeu my wsy, buck, and I pùlU My aunt vas for some duya iu â bar. male 'lon. zai baU Sdaziepieces, but glie just:rowiug elate of indeoiaion, 88 lu irbeli. ~r.guzeut 1h. sholve,.sys she'd;like ta er- sh Ladettor have hor. ibinga mi-_ 'E Lii iteudrpiece ou lbe-top sbelf; vaicod»sfrelit or to-bire - a car. By mb' 1 alima p, i tIbeî risit aibraukiugmiy virtue oaihe-hudam ýgroIlearm. t ock, asdget.iL. under pioe ont, and oS ta malte .ai Commercial Cilege, I ilhe ooncludee 'tieudtat,le. thanght qrved ta lerît icivuld beo* ci eheep t t iits. ho- b. u__-se rIe a ire the, car.. ýIb.aA té.ggoto:,her farta. î,. look"aI that atripe ;" 12 blnuder onta anrpleaiofabode ta sec, about gcitiDng ter eer ale tripebeforo I getliber -par.tlb. tbiàgs en route, sud, I bad la "tacet - =ua~sîiripa., - Thon ah. -* says, oh. them-witha earriago ut pucir dupai. I * ante a liI. figure, and-I get ,aI the felt lite 9acollecter af antiqui1-ties just 11111e figures ont-for ber., SW-wants ta gotting: an assortment 07er tram Egypt. kmow Low muoli t&:ard ; I say; six oaIevreegrtflalb mal cets su seassOheeu -getl boîter bbos of ourý,village for thulr,.oîflro ,s.ý ?aiii Springfield-for flys, sud $i-l-Jooks at tmaint-,on Ibhis, tempiug occasonî tme asmpicoauly, iI v as a- e beatiug do vchoc o ingle .opproiins 3#otb.She.wvante ta -Iko iti I W!epihet. Tboy, lreated mîy boudwil!tha - a *Bah, and I gay I cpuasseamuet respect ta vhbieli uotling bel 'hon thé oàahe dmea asL, an;rah. lqpks nt ine halva could'outille tboem. ý, f saidigfnutly, saif, -I1vas'a sauay. yontls. ',Tiire vwas a ebliese press, 'and Iý Zu h -Thanu se s me if vo->takeuggs, - aSc'd ele't knov but a eider mili;* thers wu 1 uiI ay ve-do, anSvepuy lventy olghi aémithing vith . four iretaemdously1 11hL conte, and sile maya- they're..puying, Loavylegs, I alvsya belioved te ho tilt thitty ai the otiser store!I sud off ahe something lu idiagnm' ai s bedstcad. .ed gôea, anS I put nptbh.priais, and arn Thon there vere seven bsndboxes <leur1 oi downaut1h. farther eud ai ibe roosalagean hvee amsll), five feather. tuvning fragmentsbut -fa cracker bar. bedo,, ieveut-eeu cozmfrlablei, sud a er- ccl, vhcn bacli ple oooes suS vanta greul doal of erootery vhich ovidently' "ýÇ samples. came avec lu the Mayflower, bitt had eY We keep tise paîit office, sud by the mueis botter liave put baci tta land ini or tisa,I gel back ta, my crackter barrel, the Speedwell. lie la cornes s ma vhavante to. tuow if 'I need mot say Ibat -aur îesidenco )d Le hbseut s letter. Ho neyer Lad 'a wbeu furnisised vaw meat but net. lie letter in hie 1f., sud ho kuas s ud I gandy. I obopi uades as "nlssng Bnn" kuawi i; but il ja oeeoa those <acta bed.quilt, sud bhil a round braided.suai ve. tisaI bath parties ignare, sud I goud te put my foot 6u whem I gaI ont lu tise look,sunS give hini the consoliugssur- morniug. I iighed for muy former cozyf suce thal lie haou't sny, aud lie depavis quartors but I resmembereif ,yanut's1 lu peauo aind. vàauation, aud ceassaud that il îLe was ril Thon thiere is a lady wLo ivanta taemuy only living femalé- relative nltae mei match a confounded bit af silit braid, 1sf bnr's side I Wuast of ueceseity beliser1 dmsb bocderlug on the ilae. Il laites oiîiy living maie relative on the molli. t ine-fivo minutes ta flot] one box af sit o r'a aide, -r V, braids, sud five mare toanSd we baveu't Sean uflor vo wero- donse.ticatet], 1. drab borderiug ou the lilse. Then the fount my aunt was subjeet to myste-ri-e vAnta se*ing sikthîe smre obade, sud ans atiacits, vhich attacits ins'sriablý, Y, I hunt tbcaugb al the seving silte, sud eeized lier iu the niglit-time sudimade Ilieve'a drab bardering on evory tblng it imporative tIsai I eheuld mun for thie cimeunuder tLe suu excepting useac; but doctar. Liability ta, these sttacs kipr.. I tnev by tbe wsy ber flonces sveop choieS the paesibility of bicig sway b rk. out tbal a mercantile lieuse ual kecu. froin home on eveuinge, cxcepting SUn. 1iug drab bordoring ou the lilua stands day aud Tburstlsy evouings vheu I -vecy loy. vms expected ta ses my sont ta pcsyer fi I gel damn ta the funiber eud of the mneetingsansd attend hier home, tbongb store again, anS there camea a ma ta Evelina veut off lunau epposite direc- lise front doar, sud yelps 'ont bud en. tien with anether feilov. I didn't ,ongle fer ovey cuatorner ta heur that 1mev but justice both te myscilfi] si be's broughb aikt ilit barrel ai Saour ; Evelina demandlei tisaI I shonid have saye the brcad vms blacit sud ail dùngli a conversation'.with my snt, ands et B q u fabth midudle. Nov tisai man under- before lier lu lan.-oage vhicli eveui aV utood, wheulhc baS tise flaur, Iliat it cisild miglit. undcratand my viewa<of SI ve as infenioir qnality, miot reaommendcd, tLe dnties as privilegea of au eugsged n: ,yaudb be lad iq chear, and lic toit isbe man; but I <ILi extreniely' dotihtftil of tý -n cause it vas cbeap. I hclp him te rooU ber sympathy, aud soventy.five tliosa ie tise Saur nludn I eau sce that ho sud vas a good dleal ta riait. e tliks lie lias circomvented a villian. W. keop anc servant, wliose iragas .TLat's tbe vay il goco day afler day, my aut tisooglt il riglit I sonlpyil w, eet suter vei, sud I hai e a, Sciait becante, as îLe said, if lisero vas ne ti sulerutus, ablior codflmb, sud visis eau. anc but liarsect esicvoldn't iteep a ca, cotton cltb, fillimg, booksud girl. Our cuisine vas manageS viihi 7,eyas, sud ail thie reit of the iratehed strict regard ta ecauamny. We lived 4, neoeooities aofs anîrificial olvilirutian lsrgely uon saup, whicb consisteSi i vf ere ait the baltorn ai the Indien principailyoaibraili. My munit highly d gu Ocean. I long ta lia aàavage more. estcemed marrov-banas. I vauderT if il le tissu LJo to auan sgel, sud I shall 11h sgcneraily knawn among phyaiblog- ni t heone anfa tisase daym, thougi I da vear ista boy long a heslttiy persinan u ub- v. a- cloîli suite, sud have a sisaving runt I ist an a persisleuily boiled mar&ow. lise barboe's marteS lu gilt letteri, S, boue ? fi Oe . Haynes. I vander that anl self-re-- Fer vaor tbree yoe I bl been in Il atspeet sndoetiment aiflinmauity hasn'î the habit ai smoking a mungie cigar ai c .1 long aigo perished troa ont my bosom. the close ai the day's labori. One a] t, Sncb Wàs my reflectian ne ne, evening I vas sitting au the Piazza ln- n tmorniug mmit after train lime, wirhle 1 dulgiug in Ibis loxury, vheu ouI came v vas weighing out haîf s ponSai bluet my sont. - - r Og teuvhen rny icllov.poferer, in tise dry. Sam'wel 1" cried abse, "are you rgaods andI grocery infliction callid out, smoking V'"Y ba lady inuoiring for yan ,Yos'um." Very meekby. le Samm. .,Weil," daid gse, calmly but firmly, ai In distinct oninsa befare tho door "Dnoa my mouey shah over go op lu t- tood a littie voman, lier sitirte. apreud cigar smoite." Thon agnn, -"Boy t: oui by a iriatigubar haap lite tLe sit mueb do you psy for 'cigare 2 tg af the female figures vo oseS ta Srsw "Ton cents." on aur ebates at mabooalI came up ta "Nov, Sam'vcl, I vaut you t ak lait h le mate rny boy, suS suir ils. ad de. yoc pend lsud calculai. bair luch s. pasea sbrovu villov basket on the ton cents a day - viii smou in au s , 4, shov-ease aud- drappeil a bluet glazad Yser, then Loir muahinl fifty yeuvs, - buatbar sida. sa vwore s etringy thsn I vaut you ta put tiua sum ani a "kind o ai lil, villi feucfully long compound lutareit, aud ose hoir mcl8s fringe, snd seemed ta b. ufflictod ilihit viii amoumî ta b7 ilie lime yen aire nosal palay. eenly.Sive yaars of sge.' 5 i. Arc YeunMnoupbev Sanilvel 2" fl slrucit'rue that I hall arnebov, L7 asted ebe.- dor!ug my lifetirne, mn iai v iiliar ÏO , y àthéï an ho au- ni of>dry,,goêldansud grooescsAnd Auatamlted nei' xald~h' u- vent Ibvough bautruptcy aspofle as - faci bis service, anSIlsÉIIdiS.- Evèl.- e lb.la voldallir -Dutijg.. - nalia tlte a jre reps faneur- col panladie seasons. beealI084-g Ihde ,parlor, but I Ul *t a .c1qlatiiqpsl , eveditovisdmaafnà n sguet idno seddtasm orse- to lie-useS taclasp bis amSs t làhi.heaâcoloreS a m.biiug, -vaine àbOutrltrbla - asud ejacuýte, ."Lamisa might hahp aie tisaI ftha reps. tO if ile onyiï ýùil,, -- AuI vas ut 1engltr seized villi su - Bt Louisa "wouhdn'l, oa b st ut':, of more !on adlary via- ote "lNeyer md; Wa dan* cure -for ýmoney." Botlemamny daye after, Er4elins tlSmo she h bgon ta rssh. ,ire *bat a solesaniordiancevms malt- vrimncby;, ahe anS I vire bath too yojuag.sud laS our vay ta mua, su.l se iliaught- parliape, for iLo preacut it voufld lie bolier for us te couaider onu-- acbves only frlends.- I isi, "Very v.», aud ichi that 1 -vas-a loncly burktlosscd oru iL. vIlS ad vatcvy - vaîto. I baSrend of instancea similir te .mine irlieré4e- eieSpactet or the aid bible proveS te consmlu baut.unotes ; but linger the paper au-I voolà, I conua mabte sotling -of il but, piper. For s year I *ver.t ealpuy 'but Loe lessly ior*ard. in lb. rygooda anil gvo.cery vsy, 'sud ve ilion assembleS fer bbc opeulng, a-ofmy - àehed order-. tLe, lavyer, thec Sactar, the' mIniter, and myself. - The fivat vardu Iliai met m!y cyca as I onfolde*d tise paper were, "AnS ail former villa Ly re macle ]do lunvoke," oite. WiIh pubpiteliug heari I pusseS îLe documenit .ta lise lavyer. Afler provlsine n sdlegacisaimilar te tisose iu thé- frit iitrument, tuis lat- ter document praccedeid as fallomi; . ".To lise. American -Mhsionary Sai- ety I. give sud beath tic suni ai iwenty.fivc touibniad dollars." "'To my iscloved nepliev Samuel O. isynea, vo I hope may hve leurnel, dingtbbclait yeur that bas clapsed. bossons oa isdluow marc valuable uisan Imoney,I1 isequeaili -the surn oftvcnlyv- live ilinlsand dollars,, vliich 1I diret My execuier te pmay over ta saiS Hayn-ea as soon se ai;a>' l'e comvenieut. -1 for- ihier direct Mny c-xmmcuor iobnualy psy la said IlUsynéiethe income fs-rn the reinaiiiter uf nîy ps-operty bath ral and pc-rions],, snd lu psy fs-oui the- pîipul a1toat]l Usynea on bis tisirti- ýel biribda>', if lie be, living, or le lis st-ira or asigna i *f deeasethile su' of- .veisly.llve thiausaud dollars, sud fit) psy ta saiS Haynes on tLe ti-ty-flft birllsday the remainder ai my proerîy- bc il more or boss." . I vent clown ta the store juil nr, msuai lb.e nexi mnuing, for I visieS eo îsow Ibthe opla thal I Lsdtee oogoud senic ta bure my boad turneS. WMien 1 filleS aur beit enstoruers inolsases jng wits kerosene, I tnew 1hI lS uimn- straieS My ceaimos.- Tise chairman ofi lse BacS et Select- non vanteS te bunovw viaI I sibenî adil- visc in regard ta re!inilding flue Piper stoue bridge; 11:theSûctor asked whitl My gaadopinion a- oimeermn iIe eompas-stive nsutiof nuniatc7 <iff amuonis and jadiS. o! potassiumn in it case of-,pleuritis wh.ýre cgropUeny Sde- utes shighl effusion, but vxtl i troin- idications o! adhesion ai tsamedias. tnim; aud the minisier aiS tics-e vwi an articlc an "SemiPeuinti iý. tise fourteenili Century" in tU~e -Bib ioti-eca Sacra lho iheught I vomiS ou- o>' pemusiug. -As i stodon îLe bal aoocetep aiter uhmging eclicol lt eveni- ing, Evellna camne out Lacif me, aud naid îLe, vitb a little ehiver, "Oh, lsawv dark it ha 1"- kbflasheS accoua mbe, us I offered my nsm for escort home, ihat ta the femin- ine imagluall on matrimany an thin-u coe of seventy flvc tisousand le usatur- ally an-lois "molema ordiace" ihan an a precarious ialary oai cighl dollmars wock, sud notbimg fana but .1peppor. mna draps. - Presentby Evelina vemartod "Aren»t -au vcry lanl since your aunîhdi?-2 -tender cmphisaon tLe hauely. My auni Lad been SeaS a year, sud -Eveiua 1engageS" at Ilest once lu tLe mean "INet t ial; my tlieas andattention ar likel>' taeIeo euticely absorbeS lu business' "tNo eue cau rcjaice maorc sinccrly lu yoncrgood -fortune- thmn I do, Samunel." III don'i - doubtItIlEvelinaÎà sa ls-vafeel-confideol ai yoor <rienS.' I boive Enclins ai lier Cottage gale, an -llthat, Of mii the glaS yards ai tangue or af 'lia glaSSoîl arc bLcic-"It mwasn'It t ,,,have iseen." The mcxl stiteraonimyemployer ta. rileâ me te be saaidbehind l thei'aliug ist fonceSlu ar office, andS saiS, b. aying bis'hanS ou my ahouldèr viih sa mMfientli, a parent,al, sBCTISii "Sameh, I have beau veflectihug on ny dut> ' layou. - Yotr are 'a youug nau juil slarting iu lii., sud siarling aeome respects under favorable cir- imsaunces, Lut cverylhing dependa Lpn yon startlng -riglit. Yen bave ive aima>'. boon fuithinl te My in- erto, sud T bave Seemiue la show dv:sppreciuliou of Ihal .iith1ueas. MONEY TO1 LOANI on Heà Esiate, at Loy atc i Literait. 3a fsr tb, 187. tf.8 SIMON &KELLEY,l t! Tba TIIê uelUbreWle"I. K." Sud ilta otheir advantago 10 give thm a triaL Wbltby, Pcb. 7th, 187. lY.7 SALE OR TO EliT. Town ànd' Park Lots< FOR SALE. FIRE INBL/RANCE COMPANY 1 i~~ ~~ Sas Marlabewiarenderate, prompt -GRO. TUil , Aget. Witby, lune 2, 875. 28 JON L. WATXIS, AUCTIONjE9 R, ,&0., &oc. Anle Genersl 3mmisilou gent, part WHITBV & OSHAWA. . TWICE A DAY 1 Leàvas OdmaaKt 8.808, rn., oaSi, p. sa. LeavesWbiiby ut 10M8, a. m., »ni!4-'80, - -11 PLASTER, SALT, AND COAL RHBIIHkMRATL FOBR8SALE. iN0OT RTS ECNM April 17th, 187l. ýr'p'ow 1

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