Whitby Chronicle, 3 May 1877, p. 2

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t*SIR JOHN A 'AND> BON., -T'. N, G11,138.- Sir .Iôhuacl î.,.ousgn Coisast,î,asae~hthuriuflWiithy. n i wbY freu» Otava, <vu Weduesdaty.À- largo body ai thse> citizaci, lhaded by tise Oddfallovs, Bnieui fet theot sud gaVOe bUerod Issiier af tht op. poiin"d 2tht simber for tt ýitit. logsw's.arty greetilg. T* nêwseof $Ir. John'. intendod i vlat wvas oslytr.. oeived au heur or tva l>siore his sr. rival, or deabtiosathioc vould b. hosto, of friand.sud supporters trou» the eenntiy to joluola tise ieeption. The. followlng aldres vus road byD. Brougham lHel-Thos. Bennett.- List of Convitiôos-'.Onîaie Connty. To thse Rigic*- Hoouoable Sir Je/An Tenders Wanted-ul-tario Tal -. Alexander Maodonald, .C.B., JfP. OiikgoWaud-E, cst g. -We foiol grest plésanré iu svvillug learum fer ls- enrialveof et héoccasion cf your pré. hipeial Notise- zancé ta bld yDu a cerd livalcanio e te r',tise tavu eofWhby.. ThéeatILusajority cf tisé people et ~I~~ib~ ~ronjde Whtbyasaltiihe a ilUever theé]»0. minlen, havé ever tt gcéat pridé lu, sud sitachinent tea Canaida'. foremeut taiesman. QNLY S5-50 PICR ANNUM. Tisttaihali ent bas nothibeu-e, - .. . ~. ~ oed Sy tise change ai politisi Sfmru. ýVhtby ThrsayMaY3,1877. steuces ilîcis have alleîhéyen tise Whtty, hurday Ma ~i Leader ofiHer Mjesty'. Loyal Oppoat. tien : vo haro caieially vaîciseri youî A Damaged Adminstration. conrse la Parilament, anti, in erpesi. tien, sas vellas wviso oupysng the fs-st - pisse lu Hec Majsîy'î coasuslo, eni Tisa sossinu of pelausueut juat confidence in yonr abu1ty,- patio"ii sud integu'ty remains uualteid. tiquot iasta<léia oiegisly tiys- Wisling yen extoue atys et bappi- -frosnl. tise Suis. 1ebruaéry te Satartiayo nensandeutm usei'nnstaCanada, sndi * isai '2811s. April, Salis Jaya inclusive. r«psettnily doairing tIsaI ,ou wlll bo * îcannait61,AS -au unaventuhîpias tg tacouvé>' aursJus.re$anfi.- toie l tie elllQ~l hstîy f li.monta ai respet te Lady Macdonald. DoulinWe iemaln, Dotuinton. 'Pehitjoll n erry ido R. J. GUNN, vîti qeuion, rkuimsaîs, aàd- ro. îssemotaut, littl va te ia'Mia- W. H. ]HIOGIN8, - Caimn Istos' ér c.sot axîet lehui'>' Sic Jeisn ratucasdti ianki briefly fer lit) thé cloue, lu Older ta ite tise themsenimensiaexpresse t lvas ii furibér tuagraeful rérvelaileus of iloai vwiici, lue saI, vers bigbhy gralifying. c ssorîcemlagé udan gavea 'tiséinelves Sncb greolingi vers a source cf ceusai. 'fiouni bisee uilanghits a! tise Opposi. allen tri public meon. HIa riait ta huan. Initiaith, etset the e WiLby vaqute transitei, au ho vas tillathe OUOnté iue ig fa. o rouie. Tsh ile o! £« Of Is'. Mackée nie sud bis public ialuanay.caunî,y vas ntat colhosgist'a must ltttve beau aspitiable Sedtoi roses , hé haali6a consolation in et thoîr wvent tnem'leg couitidésiîct. tise rouavet assurances of lise addcass fi AUd ti sIcoult Se mare ocuciat- tisai lié celainedth ie confidenae andtis isog cutesu t a onsldersblo portionoa ieisô tissu tise suspense a! bbab short feliov cisons. Bath Mi. Gibbsaneut Ilutojrvttl wuitlsg I&uu 61inausneo!bintuitIf Sied.juait relunned aller aseionn ] lîlticli iati ta cllera thexnino! ofnear)y tiscée mouthsa aiOttawa, « - hlî Aîîgitlemnie 2 Darlug thse flgiting tlier parliaîuenîany Sailles. fi 111nallniute fi etiesto o Htbéievedthtey batl iglt on their oJ oflIceltotil, peuihlng 'Ilue prons.aideanti balthue besi o! il, asut iaItIshe SE ufltoetok, endn,1 116 POBOta-resaIt oattisesession batl shovu that -st Lion a!t the repaît aoflise coamite tise ceuntry' iat net mach bonefitet Sy P ilil.uiaing ý, - tht Speaker, îîov muet- thechantgeaifgovernmnt ,Ho believedtct -lt)h av leafaIt ai arnt? - tis aIlise laul Inca. years of lhse dminis.ti Firs Comiccier castisî lu tis ratiau ai public affaire veait compare n Firt Ctunonr rosllng n lic evraivtiste tiscée yeaare dring dt <tiait', kuviugisîlf ta beleh.-vii=stieprésent men lu pover Soidtul gihuuu taottcujoy a seat lu tise iiaisu eofficeu. SurJoisn coucindeti somle gond ui --tisa inse ipictd isumourei cemarke vis tise expression dt î>îst ittsîe imlictotluof hie Slie! tisai liey migits honihy bhop tht 0chai-geoaifpîreais tise Spcak- aot ledupon agalu les exerelue tise fran- sc! iî' îi 'll iflu0ncO vitis a prini dhie, It vould csetainiy Se net longer c. iigosi'c --aud tise pliant 'support, tissu aigiteen monilis sud maylSe Ti el-s, viilii unoughi ta support theiselusux meallis l inis tissy vuld au NrlNý l~'tuemiblisg lort' ieraethte privilege oai makinit choiae 0%iu tiail a ofluear mem.>er tri sendt leParliau-enl. Ri i'vlsot. auJaaidtO te ac e Ii If tihmy qoket aranat ail tise 206 ce] ciss-tcPosition in-îctýl î aa men iq lIme Parliameut ai jCnada mi hatu it eu n h ,allîinfil iIpitifsii Iliere vas sic man ihere more Te- 'rîsiv) 't i ros-k i secossiacy lbt. spectietion esaeemiet, or aemns îhosie Am - ' ilSa oîneîijutigmeut vas mort esgcly unugisi fît itLiuolI, t ietît hot nov c olt i or, or opinion -more ligîoîy aun;iseti-o (S',à VJt O tot ei l ailiotili lsrve et tisa thuet a!ftir present uapre. Ps lb -i-l-tse liîosliîetswvlichisngosgoa* uentntiv'e, Mc. T. N. Gibbs. Ho vas b tiiiit alatiots aiftIse Aulminiastin a man vhso isall ieen biet ineveîy ed '1t1, otr otai !liessso ay-wess agnod cammittee man, a Pi, 40gyet.r orion ofptlu esopi man trisadidt sparo himsef-a in 1vte lu- vat aO l)i ttmt ocking manu, alîhougis noue couti or@ iii loseî-t!1îsir ovu telinquenoîts. bcSe c èquent inhen hie pîcauct, ani Tiîrtt-i brouii tiavu vwert sudlho Wasu a man inho lied the e estl S St)"bl-, ius ioiîdiiclaguue3Ofoigoat o!fbise conntry aiieait- lat. A voice-"'Thel's a wwonset Iuita roi Mi' 'iiililîuiis'-Tise zpoauro bistre fo." cIe e> F~Lili, t-eivutrctaaî ud'tisé Sic Joisuconuuludeti by atattiu- tisati e Bau~'î lîy aitasContrai Raiîvey sitar hia long axporience ho 'wva s c peygootijutigo o! viat arp resta-mi 0p <sGtî1eml-ihil-bour job, in tatitve' sioult Se, aeuthtiifor su bouet i 't-luit th t lît'î u-nter W55 i nti seuud, vonkiug raprosentelive SautSh y 'îtsîl IL, hu tutonltc giron ta Ontario cnuhd bave no bélter muan blbau ttc i&L oiW;a uti au adv«îne Of blirly T. N. Gibbse. Again lie thanket blisea, $2C tuî-ot"i lulie, thît SI. Frbancis l'os' lie auilîrtas taudereti bita. are 1-joot wittàr, îMc. Gibbsipcorioualy sait à iew 1 l'stu suit r tlhe (.iomrinnsoont vocrU in iitbolucing Sir John, andtioli uie thiroinig ssvaY a quarteir o! *e epoingizet, as lisey vert ouiy ou tiseir of toîiiosu àf sonuiy, cuit coisiueuceil va a Ite statian ta catchitise train, wvit: thi o rhe itisunttu(lrlor tisafor tsloeir abrupt dopastare. but sih ofi iPaslieîioeut, en n y 0 'veire-e ioutly aliterait sud escoci. pal, mu dfrota lise- Royal botie], visere lise pail )ttlos velîiaos btise 1ev, own to i sitoas vas presenteit, amidet chutera, irar ihie Augilir seaualh, creibSet, blaiaI, lise Sent pleylng tisea, au tleic vey la fmir das- elitegiig cetiuly ; but, hall tise lise station. - fée Sic Jon iWaopreséate vwithi a tekg totlt-sts a cllel fur hotu forth- bouquset hy a his lednuizîteof aiMr- av co)inmiiisg, tisa7 vulti have ethhiitl' 5 aAdidison, as lie tu'térat tise canniage, vitE lu-uts i O -corrupition wisicis. vonîtioitï huma u thttute Makzié-Oauoisun "bc Last Shausseful 'Actof Ministers a rct, (lovuritent stili mors odioua belon. îlhe Chose e! the Session. cir fis o cuntry. Dr. Tuppec's erraiga. TUE AStOLIN SCINIIAL. lise tui ai tisa tae&(Liulsetanioul l2iseir -'ade l'titcilic Itsilvay polioy vas uf Ilsel! Autiougb Pacliament vas irilie pro- I utought a siiltsei . M.Gibbietacii.- coguet aI thiée 'clook, tise Speaker dit la el oif ai orinasuclal paîicy, ausà tise nt lake tiseaisair until tventy.fire tht Ps-it>!.-guéri i y hlm aiftise loas- lise minutes Safere tisai isur. bis1 ouilluti>' stainet by tise an Mi. Mackenzie killet the lime by pie- mal apusstonalis cfMinste eti~'uene enting, rnoats vicsihonîl have Séen' gatu opertiua te o Minote ofFinncebrouglit dovu tarier iu tisé seesso,and abi %vau- doleeeti mitb tehirsg effeci in vhicis liere vas bilan no limeion critai- min tha HOUsD., sud v iii eî-é.î&-lue- iziug tz . -sp __e& hlime b_ rst- _ huai wuio lbreuelsln coié,on-lisa aceunt Tise olt Navelty Cabinol Woîks, tntve itb elonust ilOate ulisehe.suint o! uloroy building, on Sbt Urbain sîroot. Aui ovry nlove&r i s country feelings vas dOîtrayet S>' ire on Sinday main. Jane ,> inintIn net uninixeti viii ing. iAnall isîl in au tise firemea lu milus euxlel-y ai îaving tiseAdsuinistra. tîmir tesperate efforts tri sabtue tise lion of public affaira longer, loin lufa mes. Sadillogay, ben livere oist, Gis tise keepiag e! miilvise haro -pi'ev. sameaif tise paci utlova Seing isuiet Roae -cd theimelvas o Outterî>' inîrcis>, uptiséhir uokinithe burning bcks ateteni %V10 av etiely 44umd udcrematei alime. Bads h insu al backgonhvéuliai7 "laurueti t tl,"ÃŽr en sévecal iti v ert badly inljun. day bsois ontIiese and" u pon Ailéd, Tise ttalinUoxher at men lu tise- tibieir formrtipsnoioelona ant igh ebigis e la fifty.lvo, se usai about lateil protenialns. - abeftlhave been tithor lenl ai dis-chais - bl S yblise catastropise. -Tise fievas 'ihial MR. O'D0N0vàà'i LA ceufiueà d Idtisébuilding l in c ie l t fo 3wr,3began, Sut uatiing visaleven vas -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a euo uttu eo.À t ari>' saveti, anti theinsuaace o!flise cri 'SE' hemurt, heivee n e sud tvao 'dlcl< wu n avîery smaîî, inhal Ibero is helng Tpesayniocning, i hebuk ltnt ' oq taituaComamercial Union, mrore "auliclmed le Mi. O'Douovau'. carrdage - -81~ aaiu<...O ue.sei lectpry wuvas covred ou ire, sud vas day ovesing, lise 2415 ait., tiesétiore andtit ecrnplaeey burui.dowlouietere ths of Messrs. Warren Bros., Breoklilu as 5bs Ptotrais 01the daueaoslt bu1s. eut. ned b>' buXIgls, vhobise t a qusu- sceu êdThe ù4*hri$4% vith l#ir>'. tîiYfmen'éalotilng anti boots Wvrthis ta îýether slésini o ie aït I>'ly on *5e about 6200. Nalgt ulocminé thé vin.- bpgt- ndfhais4 vIls * Pot'reamiéicf àAgers, on th is tlseory.aoflise robbery, ivater put oui thé ire sud pioette4 turne7l ouitrn mese tO huai tise lob. ItL - tie4oniUgratian frdzii exteuding ta hue bors,, wvisa ert suppo .iet te be four lin ia àijoinig buidings'. - hreiloiug tromp& is dbentise G ba1y tw oeok'e ulltos, vs sbcel.iced~laitering aresuthtie village turing. tise QPPW48 ievers 0les anl hbe'Mr. O'Deu. day. Thtotigis Unadesu a tcsn ion'- ovau,$lu the destruction or bis 4véliin tsthlevéé entiey fôuati sanie 4f' iixe vian Ïdfttr. contents 1»' fll'e .are geoea(raliiedti a11l0) in a tmuai, bitl vers effa hulem that tiàcontents et lu aplécei af woeds0 sasaort t'a>' fcm pîlubi Ë: badafu» #hp ý*éri Lia u t he village-' t -gt- 'Dc.!à."rlcô ws tuntfori 1 intjri -Mis, so Puélic peilool Touecei Reheser - 'Steâu». ý-SHermnlBrown. a shert liais longer- 01 si fil W, ai of sel 3b Po to mi Mg 6n Loi ro f 1 ýal y d 'rE 1 1 re né où à iai 'ei ,hl 'tu UI àri r 1 ni lui lu itIl It Ail Da tri t, Dr, roi ni k îc ig ail re doty tiyated, wil l wthdraw trai thé tA4:5 r" ,'g * u e lomUItet. - ga7l a#-partuient e1 Publie Warka, rutalnlng -A s ena. eo e , An As tia *mouad gIa.pstsss.IoeO An ct o 0 povsio fr i, POOl g$t@du"tis' stut s - su md e-M one fl Wb _ is baba, a tise snpervitien of rallvays, fa addition PrOv6Mlt inripsontdisciplne. e 't is d s a s Z r m ie r . , I h l AAu c t o k e4 # b o t te r af h . f u h ~ ~ s % t c sita td Ust M . C uos la t e s ta di D o n i m o dÃœ- sUàâ - orth rn PE ailv y jus tce ha e8 for r ge t, b o al tisi Mr. Hautington, m'Il resigu bis mintnsane of the M n m seezauad--Thé Honnorable -Gb didi port ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ garn tolehe>eamatc-Tueal 4 ie hoeei ndoceetp 1lia.. bout ta phase théei"obofore the- Hou tisaI Mr. Iolton fa hIkohy te enter the An' Act t- xtend Bta theprovins. of Ment. ansd ta zigbt the lady'8 vrongsas fara Cabinet. Princ e d ld iilad ooertduii rmimal au Atoaincrprae the Domninion, iY j' m ià powver.,H ni anl, y ot Wb -~~~~ ~law. Dow in force luth. miser Provin" Building Socetty untlwtthe ame of a et b7 ,ybhr& ihi ses of Canada.Dominion Mortgage Loin Coumpany., - 1 lei ibe bhiawh Tex Exemptieu-..Lalaity o aisI- Au Act te extend-thoe Pru i nAtrapcj lemotousri. ier ith emofuin tor' ecton56 t h. st84 visions a of . vAn of O SduSflhtd tnrai- e tiob1aelinux nos - in~mtionuhof Anthe laln tof c n a n b et.oîsmauroJsisvlh~iemr VÂtNDUBEN -1vi. OOSORttIeur ciTmand Bnin"te tise LBattulen te ai Wet merltlsh Tawléï.hemo - inUOFT, - Non mica.- Bak 1 riis rritories Act , ô , of ttie'sseourRentily-emassdod.' TO WN or NhAstm te cizé1 UnioctFor. meud the Pilotage Ast,-Tieîlengassu»acef$ This was an action cf replevin. Thée adu sud Balluay Company te ce- Au Astelamalt IncIsher provisions preooedlngs on Mrc. Gibbs's&nmotionz deféadant.la a ministai of the. Wes- duei paid op capital. rupecting ýtise;constitution aud, mass- Mr. Gi"bs (Seuth Ontèîrie) moea hoyau. Cisaroh, on tht supérannatal Au Ast reopéeciig1,Cnd oti.aoetc uilugS eisin the 'tisaItis tanding erdors oet tise e oriBrisge oempsuy. Povnc c Q&bâ,- afers tise yaffect the bill frein ihe lisI, bnt' wlth the exception that holis a. Au, Act te changethe namneeofthé e AAdotfiîtierto aMoudt h. Acta te sonate entîtltd Au Act foi tise relief o ssci charge ai any partianlar sougrega. salut Francisansd Mqgassite luternati provido' foc tiseManagement af tisé Robert Campbell, h. onspeusied., dou, porferming régalai dniy as a cler- <Oush Baiivay Comfpany, sud for <ohei Harbeur of Québo and tise Piiotaga McU.,Macko'szie eObjocéd ta tisé' iat gytilaL HO is tise esr ofivo ro». puipes ea ceting tise salue.' Acttef 1878. ter taklng priority ou a Goverumesi palieSlu hé ov cfWhiby.On Au Act ta aniens tise Act ta isueiper. Au Ast itspotcg certain Orduancé day, il isaving hotu giron as a motice t: eurtes aithe' la bs ovfhin he..,n inte tise Globe Prlnting Company. sud Admirait7 LandinlutiseProvinces min. on o toe hedwllngbus, n Au Act oneteing tise Ottawa, Vau- et Oataiosud Québlec.' The Speaker raled- tisailishe mothou viicis bo lires, sud on tise aiber, visicis dreuil, A; Montréal -BeilvaY COmpassZY. An Ast te provido for tise Ispection- abouldabae cnslderesd, as tise molloi la sepoîated by a street cuy lieu» tise An Actrsietig t isai fr of Of Pearolenru, vas ta set auile thé atau~ing eidoe. fret,~~ ~~ lbisahsd. Tiof rinrBckwocd Asylumte th ie Province e! Au Ast ta amend thuaAtt réspecting Mr. Mackenzie again objectait ta fish viot a-hes assf oe efor merKI tséOntario, sud te; amenda lise eitentiaîy Weigists'and Meneuros. motion lskiug preceoe *ai tise erdL- taxesron viscissvoied fo.9 0, sitse nAct flise t amsslb A- Hie Excelénoylise Goveîuor-Geutc. uary business et the day. taxs o whoh ore#7.5, nd he u ct arter e &oudtheActta lvas plesadtoprsusrvo .tisé ieliwing Mr. Gibsa sid. he piéuatdtise motien lattai for $W0, tise taxes being i1.09. lucorpeiste -tise Canada Mutnal Marine bills foc tisé-signification of iber Ma- hecanat hae boliered tisaI a hicéat ln Thtplantf tf nt ppsl t' ie auranoe Company. jesty's pleasare tiss'ein J-justice issd.Lbess doet tiseparties in Courit Roian sud, esing the Au Act rosp.cting La Banques ao' An Actfor tise'relief cf Mary Jane question in .cousequteeOf tise Coin- tise taxe!, a warrant vas issuéti direct- Au A0ct taaut. se ud rovide foirBAnte fo..herelief o WinrSot. itieb vlg t.ied a igtheso 0collecter ta îes'y tise steve thé vindin n eof thtie Metropolitan Au Act for thé relief cf MailliaJemi- ldrcisi lon roar etisas Se val eu and su$8.80 ceaie. Whereupnpa nkuA. caetigpocdr sd ma Havksisav Hehivel, advisatho vas inducedti tapapsravé 0 lsd plain tif£ iepievied thé geonds se donce lu criminsl cames. R=s xcuEOELUcT'5 5555. prostn nbsoiinetn Bcized. An Act ta amena tise Aot rospecting After asaeutiug ta tise ahore bills Hie accord,-vitb tise rnlé.aof a eil ouH9se, ae Tht case vas tried bêlait Jatige Dart. offences against tise perso. Excehhmncy cleselthtise assian with tise tise bill hai net bau repartoilunsein Doll. His hoor déhirtre thlis.felew- Au. Ast teosa the Ast te make failoving spsechs: icmisy vitS tise raies oi tisé Coin ngfutigsenî. W. ýgivo tise juda- Honohrabpeolalen lis reardetSoua.eS ug ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~promo sud Excisoquer Courts. -HnrbeGnlmnc i.Snt; iite nP5aoBl niSadn ment as déhîveretlinexetnso, stise dé. Austtinoprtsa om in Gentleman cf the. Houu. cf Camuons; Or-lors. As a nolise bat Sean givea a1 csila vili Saba ud efImportance ln ef Caoada Civil Service Muinal Bonoit In ielieviug yen frein fuitisers&ten. xtht on tin, h cng it al e tiIthe tiSer localiticesviiera simillai casés have Assocation. danse lu Pariameut I bug ta convoy te eore i whiita boiuugarriv o n he aritien. An Act la autisorize tise Royal Caua- yen my tissukafer tise diligence with ordéc apor., - JUDGENT.dieu Insurauce Company ta redace ils wvicisyen have appleal yenrselves ta Mr. e4aker saifla isemalien vas capital stock sud fer nîher purpases. tisé performance ef yaar tintieg. aaoost h nrdcino il lb waa objeatedththisetbplaintif nmot An Aat ta smeud theo Ac teancerper- Among Sise namerons messin-es yen andal oauliseitrodfdctincih bh aâving appeaiad ta tise Court o£ Bers- attise Ottawa Agricultucal lusurance. have pasedare sovoral ai considérable Msud ibbsn Id objpct~ ih.ba ian hast no îomedy boe. ,I muet Compauy. public impartance. . i Gits.all b j h onntectioniSadibng ver-raie this; as tise quçiois bore l'a, An Act ta provide foc tise safe Caaltody Tise omproved provision foc the in- taken by theIt o ie, n thenll8 risther to au n leglassoaxuent, o rsinei p&@ here teci-corporatioaof oi t ook co!npnios being iroaleal as su enîirely nov bill- uil uiould ibis hé 'tise case.. then thtetmon ganis b9come îemporscy inseoure. will, I trust, tonid teatisé establishment Ho contondot tIsa itis vas not tise lalitif bas a rigisi ta hring ibis action. Au Ac taamend tise Rsi[way Adtofo!fi usnba00panio ttise aporatiaiscaraetbuttisaitishe Senata vas i thervisé wisen tise complaint 'fa 18. 0etofsauna gon raiaes causer tisho y iuop lrl ypeeeti aigup'h afo rutor asinn o fas- An Act ta oxtand tise Adtrespodting specasiasd exceptiena1lélgilation, - measuré aitishe paint wbicis waa roais- e8ssihlofiO wreng poison. In liadé marks anti indasirial désigne ta Tisé lav ýas ta insurancé compaubes ed hast session. ucis caseaslise cmpai aen inuit Sp- thé Provinces of Britishs Columbsia sud viil add ta tise oxisting securities o! Mr. Halion cemaiked t ta thé resola- esl ta tise Court of Bevision, sud isil- Prince Etivard Island. Canadienu lusarssinoh Snt ol mtafc h odo ae-h.bas ne cuber 'iomedy If An Act ta lucocpoate tht. Union Tise atration o! tise datias on petien cf théenttiscou et affehtlthé lié paver oxiot la makté au aisses- Marne Insiansetcfpn of Haliax, rolénu wllconfer a grai beau ou tise radngi lu Ibtnis Hf asesiais issath non$ thon thoerelaa ~jurleistitin lu N. S.man massés of tise popiulation. hqueopp niyo asn pnts siug il, sud lu mach case tise reniédy Au Act ta amena thé Att for tise suIp. Tisé vaut sbipping intacs fouanuosîln. bsrpie -tte atta eby appeal onhy; bal if, thé&$asspression cf gamng hsases. getmm esvl uhnftt y 1r iiicpidtsi*efu ia let bie illegal tison tisere la neoiniis. Au Act te revive sud amenal ibe Adt tiseextension ef tise trada <on tisittse onatb e at légsafie p o iebl lou ta de it, ant i l nasao se bbc incaipoaiig tise Canada Atlantic vaters o! rigis andi rembities tise util. ought tase.cie ssfcetntc osotusi îting lusnet compelleltate e- Cabie Compauy. iity of, wisich hSet botu recaguiset hyby Mr. ack~enziesuit nle caséeisatibeen rt ta tise cémedy ai eppoal, bat May Au Act ta inciparata tise St. Law- inla xpelance.maeota stfthnusino- talai tise illegel exaction. ' **ronce sud Pacifie Bailvay' Ferry Cern- Tise 1evprevitiin.-for tliseoxîrsi ti rad ouIstanduaing tiserouse illet hé becourt ai Revision ssoalti natadopt pany. o! fugitive criminelse viliceable clan. inasdtht losetangassm e biial m. illegal assommnut. An Act for tise prevenîlan ai gambî Aa ta ,disehîsîgao fficientlv Soi paraiof akoaltis eHoasthe easfsuéjt loisl Munioi'paliiy of Landon s. 0, . W. ing pîaîlces lu certain public convéy. tise eugnigeiuetls ai the iEmupire in Ibis functin,dvis oterelie oigicoo tailway 15 Q. B. 202. Iu snob case suces. important particular. Tbe ontionsla onia menur. plevîn la tise proeper tarincf action. An Tise motionth wes bie OfGenteut#toufthaHodivision.zrli cOarroll vs. Maiticmss. Q. B. 248. tise AroicsetgMlisetob ndaries o! GenMr.mn.n of tiSpeHchse of CthetSert- Tisé 22nd suhsoctian, section 9 o! the Ais Act ta suake provision for- tise ex- Inulhem Majety's mnie Ilisa):ynHnM.Flu' pehScocteSu Basement Adct f 1868-9, éxempteti tradition e! fugitire criminels. for bise*..epplieii you have sa cheeriully aie ou tht Camupbell Divorce Case, ,om taxation, Iltis etilptu ci saiary An Act ta ameathtie Adt rolaling ta voteil. I wil bake caca tisai biey are --sud Mrs. Campbcil's Bihl for ju- any mnlister o! religon, sudîtetise inspection ci oeamboats. expendeti vilS tue regard ta toOtioifl>. diciaI Separatian d Support. isonage, or dwelliug hanse, accapieti An Act ta amonathtie Act ilidrparat- Honorable Geetlenîeis cf the Septale : pi 87 'hlmt, vus bise ludi; hereto attacis- ing lise Moutreai, Portlaut, sud Bouton Gentlrneis of the Hosa of Commons : tlis il187 1 lUndar Ibis clause Goveruors or Baiiway Campany. Hon.Mr.Flinut sait hieal itee esdenis ai Colltges, citrgy eaet, An Actta incorporaIste eDominion Tise Commissionérs to lSe namoti - . biof ainaenret tisa profession o! teaching, Proféas-l Grange o! tise Patrons of Hnabandry oraundor bise Trpsby of Wssehingion lisving viii, agesdeifpanbtec- -s u Universities, sud cihare claiméit Canada, heen ai longîhs appînti, îlth cuitais- Jus aka bist non. geIleama otistise id vere fellovoti exermption, visilo, An Act to ircorporate bise Union At. sicuars yl i horihy Se orgzaulcot ai t tknis% et.h-a o ing feut ta hie an lnjU~t, tise logis- lantics Gable Company. Halifax, I have taken stops la ensuit a firsi lime Lteisat feit .paiubd la isear tise ure amontiet tise saýction go as ta An Act totautisorize tise tbofe!Ki- fuil sud frcpresentabian o q e as c ion, in tleman, siee tt b7lois oti- id Iltiesé ilpeiior ~alary cf any ceutint lu tht Cauuby o! Bruce, te im- Catnada. I trust lise negatialions Ma ntonunlis roHne sita s u ou. cgymnan or mînister ai religion, pose anti coîleaf certain tells at thé bar- réalize ail anc expiclatinslebo. se un.uentleaFtiomu. enbi ilt in actual conxection wiih, auy Saur in lieseaeid tovu. I havé nov oniy ta grt expreestion thbosgelma rtiiacse hs et-c/c, dlid doing doty a8s ste clergy, Au Act b ta ut tise Coteau anti ta my earuest hope limai on return ta question isefore il veut ta doiiiittOtt ancfa te trient of $1000, anâthis Province Lsne liaiivay sud Bridge your soveralishoules you mnay mi-etle liath used hangtuage tisai, il appeitreti ,ronage or dveliig buse occnp1iiedi Aat. vitis ovidences cf growiug protperiîy to hlm uo gentleman sisouiti bc gailtyý ,ini and attached ticereto ta thke ex41 An Act ta romove daubîts as ta bisa andt tisb efore yoa are again caîîeei guilly oi, ansd ivice tisis session lie lad o tien acres andtI ale.cceding -rigs ta lavota of Sisareohers la cor- 1 pou ta Lietitogelher lu yoar rr- o temie thing. Tise lady wes; >01)in alu." ime orii l itliestai baka.sesoîsîlva aap'scity îthe passing Cloon unaprotecied, hue lied béais arnelly tIna 5nov. An Act ta grant adtibal powers ta aur ira-la sud coammerae vili havt dis- et on !dos anti dts*erec h7 ht-c Ii l a Itailerefort thiat tise exémp. bhue Spriug Hill and Parraihoro' Coal appaartd. t heibeseud t e yt-n e icr.ected os are nov (1) Thé saîary or stîpent sud Railly7 Company (Limniteti). - ..b iepeeits yts na~y aclergymans in actuel aunueclian Au c t im dau Att moeWib n EsehtySrn ar ou'it lfor a divoZae al hue-an @oucrgnally Ad taamuai At ta nopoo. WmicSysud ast lsity Sping ar.filedl. Théelion. gentleman (Ufr. Kaîi- lu bit clsurch andi doing dutya sudsi, licence datiasaou compoanderiaofspirifa; be -tsargi t i pnntn t imitot ta$58000; that is lisesaiaîy ta amondthtie Actl respeaîing intand ce- Tnt spciig fair ai tise Union A.-ricul- wbath le a rlot v ta sopiionotout i hlm for bis clericeldties, whetiser venue, andtat prevenl tIsé edulteralion tural Society' cf Wliitisy cul E-toi coînzuittetvisa haI decided t fat tise tid iy his cougregalion, or derived af fond, drink, andi 'ruas. Whithy, heid et tise Fairsgroande, Iisanthail no righult ta s bill O!fidi ouu Ciergy Reserras, commutation An Adt toienihorize the iraufftr o! l.ty nFia ocdsbn etenu-hudi l n Mliss;ian Board, Synati, or Con- tise Thro sud Picton braneis of tise zV ity n rtylaest al tai-viet i laon. gentliemn eout lcit euce. (2) His pereonagé, vhieliî 1 Iniercolouiilraiisy ta tise persan or teudeit. Tht show ai horsts vas l faIt@ruck s ha tittit 510 iflUit a titl te ta meen a a wl ing t aneiaccmpany consteructing a lhue cf raihwaY peciahly gant Tho l auaS m a beig v rywrthet ne rtti e techrh, orIpo-sfeinNewolasowwtithg trilise. pirsecea ye s ue, ht it il atinlusail hy tsechrlu o po iatNIST.aowl lseStet ! apt-rsutue an uapruflectoîl fomahu- ici ait by thl o agrogation for bise use Canso, anti praviding a propor ferry ' thiuiiziz Lise.hi ldylis ee flisir n2lisigr <S)tht dwelîing bouse across tise Straît. Boi Saho,.ltJ B ikh. ls auurl iib hu ayia to u n- ci in c9 kf i I'NoUcea of Birf ha, Marriage,,s and Dealt8ciarged 50 cenis teck. MARRIED. MOORE-CPOSIN.-.On, Tuescay, 24thi April, at Brooklil, by the Rev. C. Vandupen, John Wiaket- Moore to Louisea Neomi-Crosin-nil of Broklilo. FAREWELL -BEALL.-On Weil. neslay, 25îJh April, et Ashdown Farm, East Whitly, by the Rev. C. Vanduren, Adt)ipbus Farewell, M. D., of Glauforcl, le Laura, Georaina, Eldest daughîer of Samuel.fcall, Eqr. ,ara hile ta Cutaauu'x.z Ou.xCP, Mry 2uil, 1877. Little produce rnovit:g. Very wide fluctuatioôns lu pricts af grain, élal Wheat ............. $1 60 8 1 80 Spring Whtat ........... 1 W60.$1 70 flarley, ................ g 60 Ca, 90 75 Flour, pur hrl ..........6800 @ S$9 0< P>ttt..................087è qlack Eye Puast.... Si 00@ $1 O5 Claver Seed, .............7 50 @ $8 00 Oats ..................550 @ 00 *{ay ..................8s ,4:$12 i>tat ae ............... 75v 80c Eggs .................. 2 c Butter.................0e '25o i "-W ADVEItT. S M~N SNG EWINGMACRNE AGENOT IN WHITBY. Brocs-St., Whitby, OPPatite Oddfelaw' Bil. TH1E NEW YORK SINGER Tht Best Family Sewing Machine Maniu- facturei. Cal) sud examine for yourselvti Sbfre purchasiug. Ittsd Certifitates as ta tht NEW YORK SINGE11 hthow Whithy, Merch 24th, 1877. DEAs Sut ..lu aswer ta your note, ask. ung my opinion ai tht New York Singer Sewing machine I beg ta sitate that 1 have had a Ntw YorLx Singer Sewing Machine n constant use lu my shop for upwars of twthty years, aud that it is at preseut in good ruuing arder. I have had Baver i other kinds af Stsving Machines tin tee luring triat rime, for short pentues, hut, satwithstsuding thé great ltngth ai tinit tho Singer has hotnusuad, it is ilow tht Tours itruly, J. B. PIUSGLE, J To L. Fairbanks, Mrüht. Talor, Whitby. Agent New York Singer Rewiug Machine, Whitby. Sua:- b- ave great plesuro lu addiug Iy testmony ta that af Mr. Pringlo as ta hol merita afi tht New Yack Singer titw- ig Machine, having bad -ne ucntu sefor àa period of fi te n cac ntsu rhioh. - a now lu perfect order. 1 have bal, during ibat lune, atverai Ithor machines in usa, but noua ai ihans sur camp> are with thtelNew York Singer or usesiluetssand durality. Tours' truly, M. 0'DtiOVt>,& 'Whliby Carri g o Ictory. Uarcb 21th, 187j7. ao L. F'airbank, Haq., Dear Mr. Fairbanks: Tht uew Singer gewing Ma- sina which I got irain yau works admir- bly. il gives omplets saisfaitiou, sud f ac tht test of ail tht ses'iug machines Weil lu mn hanise, sincesthe first purebase nado hy me utaly tweuty years ago. TYours restall -hitby, Apil '2-tbr 1877. ,:*Y DON'T* FAIL TO CAIL,. Mathxses ta, hure ai Laow Bates. Second. sund. Machines. Cheap. Machioes repaired. Soie Ageoni for tht Canty. MIlS. B. ARMSTRONG. ay 2ud, 1877. 19 VANTED-A GOOD> E>FRV.TGIRL. N *ssm, ne ~ ~ Uiran 5Pian, 5a'i'55ti"y - Lîof o-hdizitureetc., oe. Mi' sale to Commence at z e'Clock, P. in., "afo Tlaop SÀLzu.-Al sumo of $10 -and 'ehains,& ~under, cash. oer *5*1 smouut, 6 months thoe art crodis vllho e*:en,,ib iniorest at 6 per Wtuterly Cen., y frninin aproved joint noies. side ai i il3 H. ADDISON. ta the W hitby#, May 2nd, 1877. llu-19 South, si product. T0BUMD118 ANDCONTRÂCTO1RS. te u TENIleR.. ý Fa; iha vari ons worka rpqulréd lu the sitar- ho8lnuuil aci,,n sud zditlolu ta thé ýOutalo Ladies' deh Collage Buildings,, wiU bê -recived op ta SA TURDA Y, 12Mk MAt ,ATPNOON. 'Jouph Plans sud speeiftcatione auosa o itou oai the5V' the College ?On Sud suter Mouday, the 7th -Second usai. Brit 61 'Loweti-or any tender uat necessacily aC- *seveny.l Addrss- 'OH 111E, i saut h brt rY uit>Of 'Whltdy, 2ud May, 1877. ginu-19 direcion WA LTER C, NiORTH týCw o ai s-d WILL BE AT links tO» BEST'S GALLERY, Biesti 81100E sTRET, OSLA.WA, te placei but a Short io, sud -ail persans desirons huudredt Of havuu,helr picinras takien by ibis Wýt01V WORLD RENOWNED, ART/BT, rge should not fanl ta improve this opportnnity. JOHN- BEST. That the Warring to the Publie. aonsidera ai tht Vol te ho held Havhug recsivad information tIsai saie ptrson travelling through. Whitay sud vieluity, bas Sean representîg hirusel S Twenty- ruy agent. 1 wonld caution tht pubies agaiuat any sncb imposition, as I have un at Bight agent whatever lune :field, and iftIcan 1thé said gisufficient knowindge ai sncb persan, -1 whose la 900 st that ho is Pramptly prosecutefi.- by tht sui JOHN BEST, 15t5enai Oshawa. the said MeM ~O MeW tlt it5 Of5Gthse uoprs- 4 meusWOf State, annoningésortain muléà ftcàlugtd ,wuich mess*of ar s of'boLiuïboDhgeiroutsare terki4d4su fr#in uslug &ni Brl8lrh' port saLa station for any warlike pn*po'se btingiug - tboir prizs theréto, oui arkiag any warlike stores or nMs>s, o al and provisions than tare sufficiet fr immdiate . a]Qt.;, or -rmilglongerthast wouty-four herocPt lu cape cf stress cf veath. - r, damage, 'or necessity for obtaiuing rIt la.Snqueed *1 tht War Offiop thatte Geeru u a inde pr. parations te send 50,000 men ab a *mont'r. notice te Egypt,,25,000 froru Eoghaud, ansi '5000 froru Iudia, The Ti o. sys théeiders, ta tht Daveapors ocyrsîdare & o.proas for- ward thé necessary voîko on ooemisa-L iossed dd noo-commissicued *hi .spi wish ailU peed, and te direct ache atton. 'doin to, such uecessary V wo .rké; hosviag -U lftis for future cotupletiea, Tht Globearos ýÉ;that the Meoittr- raiutan aquadrea viiiromain at Caria outil May 101h' , whrei, an -being rein. ioroed Sy Cie uigaiae Rahlgh, if. l Proceed la luo Piroons sud aait or. dors. - Thé. British irouelads statioued ant Malta,,have sailed for Corin. It la> antîcipated tIsat serions com- plicationis vilAris in tihe Avent of the liussian fleot retuîoing tu thé Medi. touraueau frein China, s it lareport. ad Rasgs i Ih demsud the passage cf thé Iléet thiongi tht Suez canai. Landou Apsil 8.-lu thé Hanse cf Gommonis to.siay, Mi. Gladstone gave notice that hé iotends in move fivo ce-. solutions. Thîey declare tisai Englanti bas juil cause cf coffiplaint At thé con. dut aibe iPorte ; iatotil tiera ta a change of coduct and *guaateou are givon, the Porte bash no laim ta tise support aif-ho Bitish Crevu ; that in thie midat of complications, sud vits war actn.alhy hegun, tht Banse eacuos- ly desires tisai tht influence of Englancl in thé councils ai Europe Se osuployefi for the effectuai devehopinent of -liberty sud local self-government lu tht dis- turhed Proiinces ; tisai thé *euse fui- tiser désires that thé influence of Eng. land ha addresaed to tise promotion of harmoniaus action amcng tht Europe- an Povors. tuaUS ScsA» zVàt<Cx. Tht housocf thé Czar are advanciDgj on tht Danube. Varions estimaies arej DzAR Sis: Wli you ha ldud euough ta givi space lu your paper foc au acknowledg. ruent tram my brother taome, lu- regard tc hie insuhting me lu a ruanuer as ta canac rue. ta punt my baud arauud 'his neck, foi which Se'badine taken before tht Ma yor ci Whuýthy, sud ldued $2 sud caes, sud bosun over ta keep the pesas for ane yer, In 31,000 bonds, which will expire on the tenth af nexi mauth. Pickering, the 24th of îtu moxth, 1877. Ta- Shermnan Brown. DEAn B$so=uixoi I amn vtry sorry thatI was so0n ardtd as ta caill hae a liar, and foc snytibng that I baye doue ta deetra' thai Srotheriy love sudgaod feeing ihaf sbould esti etween us as braihers, sud.1 hope we both toaj set sud loti the necese- ity of preparing for tht flnai change, foc as sure as wa liva ta sure mnst wt dit. I renian thy Brother, Naw, Si. through your valuable paper1 wilh ackdawhledge uly brothsr's letter s satisfsm'tery ta me, as hc fully acknowleiges he was tnticely tht ont St fanit, as you ane by the Pttemeansd will meet bis au the same elatform that I met him an lu MarcS, L876 but wiii leave hlmn eniirhy ta himmeif Reapectfuhy your Brother SHERMAN BRiOWN. l'o Ast Brown. Pickering, April 231h, 1877. MACHINE WORKS BROCK STREET, '- WHI7'13Y. Tise undtrsigned bege ta inforns tht tarin ers af tht surraunding coliutry,ýthiat lit hat. <n stock -a large aasortment af Cultinp Boxes, Churns, 'i'urnip Drilla, Horst Rakee. eagnScgt Carte, Fanuiug Mille. Nek 5e, Whifflt.Trte, Whelharrows. &1c.. &c. Rtpairing ai ail kinds txecuted witl. ntatnoss aud despatch. There is alto a BlackRmitht' Shap u cou- nmction wit h he above, and ail work in thet lime executed with neatuesaud despatch. THOMAS MCCANN. to se Dr of if s TRAW AND ET HTS LADIES' AND GEN-- TLEMEN-'S HATS CLEANED, DYED, aud REMADE, Iu tht Newest sud Lateat Stylas. Boomse in Thoma's New 'Block, oppositt tht Music Hall. - MRS. GEO. HAIGHT. Oshawa, April 30tls, 1877. 8im.h9 ONTARIO BANK. DJVIDEND No. 40. NOTICE la herby given, that a dvdexd Noa Four per cenit. upan tht Capital Stock af this institution, has this day bten. declared for tht torrent bahl year, and that tht saute wil ho payable, at tht Ban.k and its Branches, au sud aiter Friday, tht dirat day o! lune next. Tht Tranefer Books will Sbe closed from tht. l7th ta tht 3lst May, bath days in- clusive. Notice is aiea given that tht Annuel Gen. oral Meeting ai tht Stocholders, for tht Eltttious af Diretorsfor tht enauiug year, will he hthd at tht Banking Bouse, lu tii -City', on TUESDAY, thte1'Sth day ai lune, nett Tht chair ta Se taken at 12 'ocmn By oaer ai tht Board. D. FISHIER, Bank, Ocu anasuger.j Ontorio BnTorante, April 20, 1877. 19 E.MINATION 0F Public Sohool Teachers'j4n Tht Aunual Exaustustian ai Csudidate. for Publicetchool Teachere Firsi, Second, aud Third Chass Certificates, for thtesvear 1877, will Se htld in tht Higb School, ifown ai Witby, commenciug on- MONDÂT, 9tb July, at 9 a. in. for First Class, aud 1.1 0 p. m , for Second Chas3. TUESDÂY, 1Oth July, et 9 a. m., for Third Clasa. Forma ai tht natica ta ho previouaiy given hy thet Candidates, tn aùbe tae(i 01, aipplication te tht Inspeccor. It in indispensable that Candidates, wbetbtr frain a Couuty or a City, sbauld natify tht County Inspectar not later tien tht lai ai June, ai their intenution ta pre sent thenatlvos for exaruinatuon. JAS. McBRIEN, Caunty Inspector P.. Myriha, April 23rd i 1877.- - 19 DIJESUANT TO A D4CREE ai ibe ICourt af Chsuctry muade in a cause as Joffery againsi Joues, thecrditara ai GIL13ZaT B. Sauîzs, late'ai the -Township of Whitby, lu the County of Ontario, *who disd lu or about thteruanth ci -lune, 18.59; are, en or bafore thé' 79lh DÀY OF MAT 1877, ta stud hy pant (prepald) ta trLývtll & liutitdge, aiftteTowu of Whitby, the Salicitors ai-tht Plaintiff, their Christain -sud Surnames, adresietansd description, tht foll parioulars ai their claîma.'a state- mont af ihoir accotuts sud thm nature ai tht securities (if au>) held hy them; or lu dafault thereof ahay wIU ha ereinpteuiîy oxcluded froru theoeft of ttEl 6D- cree, Evesy creditar holding &ny aeaurit listopraduce tht saine bfore me ai m ....K.ra0sut thtTowu afWity, u ht Canniy o!0ntarS. ou the 1thDaaiay AB-aoauuorie th 45ye unpral- -- n, ygA. iiAMSher, b A yîta uiciz the e Mofa npcial-t fornge a idnt é euattie or Weas lToonto and Otta a ialayCo- - mpany, b1i atiumgthero bp Toutz Dla.-,ani<oùu Debectseye ticO-f orceti ta au. arie ti ev-y a wrsýecnrat Wtco.*e or heortondtandtaaia CompsuyTSasàapp Dllaes'tan tho Crpoex. t ta raytth sanieo theauon-a vuoin h 469, Nrtl Planut M il Street ; Tiso n-lua Wetenly s Ioloving saitnart ]irit seventy aora or lacs, o the prodaciiofettise nitle! Biscorn Street; iSsec MariS legneés, Weut along sua production vWeut lirait af Base=ata t-et filty rthé north hituit e01slai o nunober r-ine; thende Narth sevenhy.foar, ns sai nons lirait af Lot tvenly cty sud ont-haliuols, or tonty feet, c f beglnning, cantaumlng four one. tis eta ,sdcomprisn VhgeLaits.n,1 sud M69lu B=oc invuluJostph Goul nîad '<en' ,adplan O et sVfle i tlbtdge. TAXE NOTICE tesbové Bya1Wrilho talcen luto. ratian by the Municipal Corporation illage af Uxbridge, aittise meetg t aie tise Counl, Chsambersinutise sai& village, on tht '-niaI/c day of May, A.D., 1877, o'ciock lu tht silernoon, sud ibai 1,council vilthén heur su y ana sund msy Se peiudlcisily auece sld Byl-lvan4 vile peioueta ho ut tt 0ssnidasncil my thon e0usd ýBy.laW. - > Rotice la giron nu cerdance vus And whereas, for eue h p rpoe, itla nettes.- es 01orthe said Corpoatio teithe Towai !P ckeing t sseDeben. *amoulnt of the sait sum oftBifty Thou- ead Dollars. And whereas it wiil require the mum of Four Thousand Three Hundred and Sixty Dollars ta bie raieed iunually by apecWa rate on the whole rateable pro- perlcy of the sald Township af Picker- Tng for P.yxMgthe Baia, aum af Fitty TlîUsand Dollars ad interagi on the Debeutures ta be msued therefar, in equal annual inatalments qf principal and luterest within Twenty years. as hereinaftor mentoned. Anod uhereas, the amount of the whale rateable property of the aaid Township ai Pickoering irrespective of suy future, isuerease of thl samne, according ta :he last reviacd asseameut roîllai tht said L TownS2 (being ta for the year Gue Six) lasnsm ai Three Miliion Eighit '1undred sud Faurteen Thoussud snd Eighty Nine Dollars. And whereas, the amaunt- af the exiating doe i ftht said Corporation. af.the Township af Pickerng us, for picipal, the suns ai Six Thoussud DorI suad there la uathing due for interest, and na part of such-intereat or prinocipal moutys is in arrear. And whereas, for paving the principal sudl intüreat ai tht debt hereby created, by equel aunual inatalments, it will re- quire an aqual auunual epecial rate of Ont mll. and Fiftoen-hundredths af & mili, on the dollar'stu addition ta al) other rates ta be levied ln each year in the saîd munioîpalty. Be it therefor enaoted by.tle Corpoaetion of tht Township af Pickering iii the Caunty ai Ontario as follaws: 1. That it shaH sundunay belawig for tht Corporation af the Townshipaof Pic- kerfug ta aid su asajat the Torontand Ottawa Rusilway Company by granting treta b W&y of bonus thet um FiyTosand dollars in Debentures' aiftt aai',îd Corporatian. - 2. That, iar tht purpqoe aioresaid, tht itetyt of-the said Corporation shal- cause Debentures ai tht -said. Corpora- tion ta be made to the susount in ail oi tht sum of Pif ty Thoussnd Dollars, each Debtuture ta ho for nat less than tesum ai Ont Hundrtd ~Dollars, te be sealed with tht sel-oi tht said Cor- pration nd signed b ytht Ueve sd, Trtasurïthereol, sud lYshaH declareon -tht face thereof tht authority on which tht semae was iaaued. 8. That the said Dtbtatures shaill bear date ani tht day hereluaftor appolnttd for tht ýCoxun into'force af this By- law, and shah btissuod for tht -susounts, sud payable wlti thet imes follewing that ls ta say z- ,$1860 00, in ont year iromn tht date there: af; 01441 W0, in two yoarsi froru tht dats thare- $1628 10, lu, thret yeara froru tht date thertaf;- f1610 80Oin four years tram, tht date tra- of; $1716 97j,.ilu it years froru the date 51820 00, ln six yeerd irom tht date there- of; &1929 20, in seven yearm from the date thèreof; $2044 5, 'IW e tglit ytafa frozu tht date thereaf; $2187 6%f in. ulue rears ifronsthe date- thereof; $2297 70, in tan years irom tht datt there- afi: ,#24885 5, in, eleven ytars frein tÊt date $2581 70, lu twelvt yem s rom tht date thereof; $2786 60, ibhirteen years frý:m tht date thertaf; 1,. $2900 80, lu fourteen years front tht date thereof; - 88078 80, ix ifteen ycars frow- tht date theraof; &8259 82, in sixteen ytars -rns the date thertof; 63154 90. in seveuteen yet r rm tht date thereof; t- 88662 20, in tigliteen years tram tht date tbereai;- 188192 in, Ilueteen yeas r ramtht date of;48 itényoas -~hdate ad encît, elsentre saallbe payab!e at theAgencaof thteL)ogniniou Bank, itverpolMaket. 4. That tht aiaid Dobentures shaH heair interest at tht rate of six par cent, per sunuru, tram tht date thereof, and aluch interost shell hé pay*ble ytarly ou thé' thirty.dfrst ïday oai'Deemborilu t&th sud evtry ycret tht AgencY--ol-th> Donion Lefauk L 1epo Market, sud suoh, Debentureashah have,,aîtahèud t1tereto coupons.for thet tetlthora- TheI1 -place. - aasorted stol It ha8 bM we F~ort] the services 'within twenl Seulh Ontario Bt teeu-haMdredi lunosais ye -cd the debenisure - unilthe ratesi ering- 0. Tise sait bax snab Debentoz 7, 'The Debeéniuj ~ sai Sanibe c the suIt Mmmli app)oluit, au-t tei tht Acis ai Tr-ustes.telS titis By-isv, -s befoeé sy obat delivereatoath, S notare& intiah tacbed shall Se retuad ta boi - ,Tht suit Debtu boieceof, tissU b tise Baid Truste ai theétimes, am tiensfollawiug bouesor bt tise amuntai wrlen the-vra hotu graadr.~ Eaatecly lit Nortbhai the n tise - an sue frea, the -NortS Tovnanip, Esti -tht sait Townu lisait c;ftht saui boveen the Villa ere«onod, and Vilbage ai White ing partions of e pro-eets theriol Saolivrancbeez -- - City of Trouta excepz as toasucd tabte as ta whîc. bave been sec 9. Thatsa permantu ger station shai siatproposet ru tise VillageofaiN boveen thé Voll* <' Gretuvoot, sut the concession l sixth coucess aioni aut anotherbetvi Station sudavise enter *5e said To ai Moutisron a 10. The canstcnctuaî REa sialbebol or balaie thet ibi ber, Ont Thonsos Sovety-eigbt, au Cit c Tronto, t a asu ho obtitet as e Y" nithereufier, snob i itht saïd i - us in lthe 4ant. -shall ho relarnet tho sait Municips lL This B law uSai Decembor, Ont 1 dred eut- Stventy -12). Tht votes ai tht Muncipa4lysial lav5-On SAURi SIXTR*D ot tisa iollovl>og plat tht tollowing Bt sPectively, tisai la Saisool Huo-4. ln9 Offiati. FOR Divusuose 1 Temperance HEU Ileen, ieétmnulngt ZoaDrs-uoz Ns PoB DuvraoN lB publi c iuoî Hu -- James Lintan,Rt Fou Drvmsox 1 Te"u Hal, Bran1 bar~d, Reiuruing 0y Pou Dovmsoot1 Publie Rai, caron -FeU Dimasu 0OTI TUE BATTLES SEFORE MARS. Iluere ja néwa cf batlée before Ra on Sunday sud Mouday, but no reliat informuation bas hotu rectivod as tho result. The Taiks are eaid ta hha ANot 1. 19 This BNT. AN theACdNor iÏWEDGMEhrnT. ti si h it hi bi si it T 1 -- 1 Il . 1 1 ti b ýl 1 - hlitgmeni thertiore is, that on tise ing breaches cf conîract of service cricu- Tva yoar tilt Durham Bul.-lst, fore tise aorhd ta-day vutiste excep-i tiff paigta tise dfnan ih iaandt ta de ortht uihietJohn Graham ; 2nd HnryDolittia. tion cf lunlIse 'eyos o!fhecrisusiand eud ir peylg dfénaulvitsin al, proite1cr punihitttHea->'e 1evo! bis frienta, an ixnocent vo- 9 irtk tise 8stof $i 1.59, sud snOIî o! certain breacises af crintraci. Ont year ait Durhsam Bull.-lst, minu.1] aio hie distresvariant as are bax- Au Adtttasefer thu aunagement John Dryden. lu respect ai auçi Ssuma, la judg- o! certain haibanri, piers, aind break. Jutigos on Draugisi Harses anti Bulle Heu. Mr. Dickty-did tise Hon genu.dt t Se entoret for Sita. Faillag ta vaters frointise Departinent ai Pubihe -James Cabit, Wisitisy, Roberti Bealis, tlcjuan gel a circulai ? 1 0, a non-aui villibSenottret. Works ta the Depaîlment ef Marine Eowmanviiie, Tismm-t.s Mofrian, Ki. Hon. Mr. Flint gais i e tit gel a ciw ti anti Fiaberies. sale. culai tram tiseisustoand seeiio forth b iALOAMATION 13ETWEEN THE GAtîN An Act ta amenath ie Paît Office Act Ligisi and Generai Purprise Horsts. vrongs,-Sat lie consitaret tiseVery rut ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o tinGIA Erts.A s i1875.' -JacoS Polart, Bawmn[Vile, Lewis bstlproat aiflise lady's inocence vai Z NE AD GEATWESTIRN-Atthe Au Ac ta amontlise Adt rosptdting Hall, Oshawva, Win. M&anBrooklil. the faci ihai she vas cousiuleret lna- h'earhy meeting o!fbise Grand Trunk lIme culliug anti nusuring o! timbor. e i Il .cent lu tisa ucigisohoin a hîicisesle 'isolders, haolainl London ou Mon- An Act ta provide toc tise paymeul licering Spring lFair. coidtd, by ali viso vert Sesi acquaint- a repart in favor ai amalgeauation efthtie travelling alevauces ta District - ilShber. îlot Great Western vas adoptait or Caunty Court jatiges lu tise Provinat The anniosi Spring Fair o! tisa Pick. îtcang language, but if hp a' st dont ta cf Brittis Calumbsia. orin"g Agricullural Society ahlat stjouruimout iook place teiStis An Act reimpesoing tise measunrément ',t, a iuîta cb oula jnsti!y ii but tacrtise rtquesî v'he isnl di tcsou le tebedelér. et itéamshmps ria'gstered unaler tise rê_BroughsaminanWcduestiay tise 25bi e ofli. gentleman bt ha ovoaltire.t ed. peaieti Act of tise laIe Province ot ulte. Tisé eteadanat vaspoor, vIolis frain tram goinglintobthte ~e ce. li Canaa. as oublesly win tatheHou. Mr. Fli saidtihue Son. genile- Canaa. ntedoubleily viugte hé umbei man vas a pcofcssioual maen sut hie 1Ai WALL P<enat.-Mr. J, S. An Act ta emenai an Act cespecting ongageai in seeting. îT6ellovnig is (Mi. Flint) vai net, sud hoietstng a )rson, Booailler, invités speelal bise Inlauti Revenue. te.fl tog t bian ~ ~ ~ ~ A tAtsectdtonllioteae~i me:p n:tgd and onstolidato e - y ie thati beau 'matie on: a paper recoivod por G. T. B. tii An Act t.a rendthé Act inoorperat Hleau7 Draugisi Siahions, 7 tuîîie- vilisout a tallai te defend isersel!, vitis Tise stock comprises - thé very ing thé Union Life aud Accident As- lit IRichard Giahiam'a -'Royal Es- a veeltisy huibsuti, Whiseuntteliug ne- tantd haudaameaî patterni, pur- surance Cempany ni Canada, anti ta change ;" 211d Tisas. Ciiu's "Camait ;', ture vount t ilov hium ta give bermi change lise naine iheceof ta tise Union Brti, West dc Stoiéy's "lHeaci f aike." as mach ai voniti buy isis cshi a dies. ti ucptouil m rte, udAssurance Company o! Canada. Canadian Drangisi Stailiou-îît, Il vscult euehcts utc h ho it telling at pricos cangiug An Act respecting tise Great Seau o! John Williams' *,A Oas.", whihi se asketi ai their hauts. Il -I cents por raIl, npvacdo. tise -Provinces ai Canada oliser tissu Durhama Bull, aget-lat, Ga. Mid. vas onhy justico eus eaded, not Ontarioandsuténbec. dietan. uympabisy, snd lhe helievedth ie Sou. Ch ýE THlv.-A fariner, living net An Ac te amenathe tis A entilîstiau Durhsam Bull, calved since J'ac etemnfaAiurtvsrgt b]a tIssu, a mile sud a bal! tram Act ta indorparafe tisa Landau sud On- '76-lit, William Warter ; 2ud, Nigss. lise opinions hoalied formet tisaitiséhe klin, borreved 875 le bny edorerlao Investinont Coajay (Limiteti). vacter Bras. Hanse badthlb. igist fa gant tise ce- me ov r A u A dt ta inc rpo ate lise-P i kering B lood B aises- lt. P . H . E hi tl's tress viaiseue a it em ande t. -T is. e andto ivotys afber hé bad bonght Harisoni Company (Limited,) aud ta "Hymen." - isbant-ho coula, ual ceil hua, bakén mi berne, il was stohan icoin aulisorize il ta uoleat toila. stddle or Cerclage Stalian, &enties a gentleman-bat caern dovn a t is iras. This ira harc-'ansd tisé AunAct ta tutablishi a Court et * Max. -let, Joisu Raymec's "Royal Broyanboutsa, andi aven on'-the SabbatS day, irela if caught ssaultibaSesponi- time Juristiation lunlise Province o! George *" 2ud, John L. Bsrcuoa batltidestaed'cireaharsta tise rembers aiy fou-o. Ontaio. - *tJohsn Peaaacl ;" 8cîl, E:Iwarti Majar'o iu aider ta pre.>utiocé-'tistu againat l hahi -An Act te ameathtie Insiveni Actbl"Green Mounbosin Morgan.,, unfootnnta ile. Wisaî vai liere la Ne ~Speaker Auglin Dlssaaîisfied. o! 1875, anti tise Act amenàibng tise this letier cf Geofryr Panhis P aillishe n-vi.w gan.Fire at Peterborougho. tenlcé tishet i waa thet sncb a latter ass88re t bist Mr'. Speaker Aug-. Au Act ta àmaudth ie Act 87 Via. -lhitdbeu atitiesetla théeiltiy, but sn tisisatistied vus bise notion o! Chîap. 50 csptcting Pernmanent Builti- MI)LLND STrATION DucRaoyou. tisece vas uabîiug la shn tisaitisah - il 0ingSocetiR i Onari. Te Miian Ralwty egin-hoseYoung man 1ued evier vîlîten Il, !0#9riamGllu in isosesthtiiha will u S o isluouro. itlsuLaallSs7angie-bose, Hon). Mr. Coîrnwall, saidt lIe han. 81rhÙ haio>isoffzisgifor re-elec. C-An Act1ionoapoatt L Scilede atioi-isanea, and ;tore.bqDu'se, ai gentleman voult flut in thse' e'-desueb1' queslI ~~Ã"I as aujpermsn- Peterborough, wt l h rin usii tai theé ran rittodtha sean insudoliiihled ~l~'Geecnont'-' ai-store, fanur cars, a isotl),Asd tisite pri awerad il. equl cOiWtà 1 -0wnm poseste;~ ~ ' at wllingt vwers tesicoyeti by gie Hou. Mr. Fini,-Then tSar. vas Ma ng otact a h vi; s tht *in Off- - *n tesc)>' oSatuctia morniug. Tise 1068 saidtola e Mca. Cauopbel's lattera vitiu ýa9Cotrct A- iewýl» fcoptaft #85,000. Donename, neo at, o Betls, cthing ému, &]ati bt, ".te ihevlthatýie anti sevas tise dais, - uns ii.-R9& 4 but the bpok-,keoner isa& fouit h- ul Gr ut ý 1 ;t *i eh )k , 1 ta M ni ài %r îs 18 î 0 là he 1 ' the statu, Dated 1 A. D. 187

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