c wet , hn beablisda £ rw questous aenfo o on thebéat în ba"l subjanoab ao -hevw .tlo wbi&dý' a . mllîtrs umgeelr estn rfl!m4.and eaclk machine 'la lbcodgily teew Ibeêfor Im«D8 Ou w0ik Marck 27,'1877.ë te fs l anxwr, T kG tte s Eu of a v~ * ~eêry pArt, and î»ere la no.diffioûly in P l0 trýRteoipeai p4tfng- (Cor. Ktng andi York.) le f prlo ynyp~ fmdrt 11 -~~~~ . O~~~~~0rmachinery'basbeen eiecld u0onatrueled b.I picilrufrner>O M NIO ~ O S AJiIwis May net b. abe te -0019NOW OPEN. Sa.oo PE R DAY. te the 01 iMcsn onwoinmu ol ivn~lwaalufrti manloe idu but a dog la able o a bfet uo' moièýaýtoatvngbm aefw à D O" ýIN .0N W A lt oommutoae ~Iot, hbo~are i~,praso ntilmu t dtrom au trains, Ta- pauur pp ois.an""""et'a"ipeifro1O ok Ot o c*a r d con2uot lawhe'acgi1blanti appolutmant ftrut.laau. cte u e lb.s "nI regnrmns fcrmnfalr-qann h d o t ,T H O M AI S S Q t L L X . auh k n w e g a f 1t h e o c o t r u t i n o u m c l e , a d r h s . l i b I d 1 o . - Tntm01o highwg ote; egre.. f ili and roreo thnw r g or na folrg 5 itec CuoihlgManager. amr i3IU!BY,.PORT PERRY & LINDSAY ___ idon. W RAILWLY. W. are therofor".uab1ed la lntrcduoe - oeperfect syaute, bal 1h. de- o.ýre w i Tendors for Bonds pairments cf xnanufacture, addlng net only to thc p.rfectioxiM f tha workï-buti- Lô es &? ' e1 Tedes, lb.ns t t terapidity cf lis oxeulln-and a conuequent r.duaotin,ofçoeil. for ~~~~ ,Ths p. cpl la eare'nc yin a we!!rjibe l =dh iirôitof ag wlh lbe e f eretin ipj.Ad8nnrt-eat4 otree to ag ori o of h seYlit 8eeodprifronlalprices se low eai absclntely todefy oompetftlcn. 1.,ge biléc, 0 lo e lWtittty, Part l'.trryasd p Ig. gi a ln toyta iwuy C.tif n THE JOHN STON SELF-RAKING RE ERherSigStkonsmgnp »fIuelô tokt gtondspetidiby the 01rter lx le now no wefl known as a Single Beaperthat a Word. of commendation wonld A NA A NDE QLS '~E bahrg a lioftibuov01bue4rei W ,almogal aoni aupsîýflùunu but'esthere are many claiming tonb'ai"faclnoibtis rae.etI.oo " lg p e h b rveeuu;Ibt ureleasd slon cIWf<SOé ormchine wbhavé tèadbered 1dbth old original Johuston machlni, wý*ithontUkep U Q O TN 8 lilu ehp tarno in tance. pybelua o BIFNHW îlt. Ibal tw. have mcdified itin almôst eve efbial purt.i fcraetrtih < ER GENTS FU1RNISH INGs.. Vtiielepdas lihe m"40 'payabtelà OOnud durability, uality of cul, inu every kind and eoditidoi f graIn; UIiges c bltuIoiti lt teori Isue, at tbbcdrafttiud casé ol'nnaee-tbs <'lJohnotou," asmanfuli a b ns,-lan0 eir ttc od, soeu ti ittie ()pô ITEIVERE H:OÃŽ.sn) pr..emaiuently à habd 1o ilcer réâeaer. Inproof e~t tis oullio'w, only ressGo d,4çj lrg so& k Tebu. wiu liema 0 1.h1fbain -te peint te ibe ninyFîrut irizoo awarded'utI-at thé lad ?roviuoâial of OniofMillinm.y GodeParisols, L.i'é s' da or Nuglanti, to nuit the pnohaser. The !,LIE lt îf , sa udany councty trials wbloh have taken place al ever Ooua!, witbiu A tenders ntay bu forahél, or n[F skl eoao" £0 art thereof ~IENOE 0F LI the lait fwytr.cI8fp3 ns ij>t oe~~ e lécuainfiaJed OrK AiéritéReSauv forOTouOUR TRIUMPH COMBINED MACH 1lESY goods solda t a émail aavande, and ,,m'uoeh.-bâlow.Iast year's1 "or cent oethlie anaI e sofoh tender au an-MORE A K ALINCPE OD ihlt eeti Rta a'b oà c nà Cmie ahnadprices. evldcnco of te goct faibli ci the Party go THNOEMLLO'OIS OO ih aeinrovoetl i hlcuh oie n cbndMcie u -tondoirlg, wvblolt ciî.'qut wIi bn relurned aiClld Moedal Awarded tu the Auther cauncot iot aoû Il the requireruenba cf purobseera. t onceU If oiuti uier hoe mot scooptsd. by the ,National Medical Associa- T ýoîg n lhs~hi~hoitor aîtytuubr~~ . :8yti Our Improved Cayuga Ch/ef Jri, and u Young Canada MVowers Taoig nd D esr kngt hli ii uwito ttUtndeTetndersorh3tt ar rera.dinte es tye hoý ocfaler i atl resmd te .70111< T. nBOSS lot tpuliehoi by the, PE AÊODYDMEDIO/iL jare both drat-elase nmachnes -oosîilnîetlalincat wholly of Ihon .d SteeL Theii. PWEL ilotrtaiy, Whilby, 1. 0O aud znarkcINSTITUTE O a1Cnom dition of tho mà edical b uat fct0ýbt "'wdr o ui, plcicato W,,bework entitîii tse "OCIINCE OPLIFE '.or, Caytiga Jr. b areacu ndthe xeuuig-Caoada wrns i;'ohstrongdur. LObyWMarck& POWE1L7. W... i SILYp.PiEtiEIlVATION." It troats uPîoil Man- able machines, anti net exeellei by any machines in the 'markcet 'fcr qal ty cfWhbMrh 1,187 rr,',tcd np .. tIt heUi oa£ itod , catuseandcure ~dohustil ut nrability, ligitînescf draft, adaptability, antiee fnagemnt._______________________________________ .1.AUSIN.Prti nur ochal mu pr rrhcraor SomnoîaLoae cturna and OURy haEWi."WH ITBY HARVESTER." s E &SO N A. LG-O O 2 S WIyMtli i,17.. 413-15 îftiînal) Nervelu aid 1'hylltcal Debil.tll Hy. :ýA I0 3:( D n S Dolà la, uGloonp' lorotîngs, Mon.1D-A h- onryla bcm bettr adapted te, machinery, anti mauy cf cor farm-t Con, oos fin rlyIlagar Cout-crs have beceme skilled in the une cf machiues, a growinig temanti bas aprungAW YS O HA D T r7ir1N3)1i-its lNE> m pure tateof thlie llootl, andud oUUoosci up fer a Ligitl, Durable, Fiet-Cloue Reaper. - trfsliig Iront rrers or Yuth or ttei itîîlre. ftedy ehv uoee nivni a (jItîti (le te ado>wîl hburecoh. d for 1M 1tîôtts or excooso! uitnture yetrs. AUIvo te the requirement fIb a, cbvescedeii ivnSn a A, ptt of JLidttLot iNo, 14) lut titi li n ti. It toile "nu 1ail about the bMunis of U eeracnL hin a W rolfwhc rnFae,*htele osbegearing-witîî large, t'!1a liî~ttilt tilt) Firit ut j uply, tiext., tirul'h1vt.iolog, the Physiolo9y cf. wra a-fcdivath a rnd seroo, wbbte hl e fada ble ,.oasibthe P R I lN' G L.. E S ti iprînO l'hysical Contras@.eltud , aauce tattheraeaniabeilatie iiCOLii, 3, rMualt, EudiIci>ierverin «o si ~ne, lime, thcreby keepiog the pitrnan always iu line with te boife. Thé i'îtnio~~ Piot îr'~ lait,1. 0., oit. s fît.cir y t asso.~CrrksAdriven drectly fronitm ai llb. tec engn perceptible aid:e llrhnt~.Etilsm ' Pai Sai 1 glpoutoîu ol zit, ticse naet9 r. ucee hreiliaIt Tlailorinn ,,tbls m n easo o ieth Minttes InErrore, MJ.ns deti in tlv<ntog lte meut perfect Re&per, bokiiÉing l ual ils uote, that 8A -.1cure, cureo utldy and Miud. "tý riu ubas ever been producd. IVe have applied for Jttera patent, sdsaiU Iélcl ori WHICH THEY WILL MARE UP CHEA?, FOR AH .9EWiNG MACH/NE SAES ciples of Trusaimont Atltlnou te Patin@ n ivnion, fer cor cwn exclusive manuufacture, anti we respectfullyr augent te in- luvali toders 'ihe Author'a Pr izii e tinnt aes htthysol é ho'ahn eoegvig.taro.eg - F0.11 1876 Thof fpric urotaerobta tteyehuliLs.ok smahi. bfoe ivtg$1ur0cIe..McMILLIAN'S BLOCK, prescl.totoditovdo tan oe u tanFityor bthbe ceming Jtarveih The "WhibyHarvèsee" lwegls, ail fold, 800 poundu,, disceses, eonh oQue wnrth mors thon th price, aepîo fhl- N.og,.'3tI'Co. a - - sold 2211ein otthetibook. Rqandi compact cpally cf bi&teslqultyc rngtd leand riton te ' ro jie,~ht ltîMtîvitiu to mpny.... 103214 The Intitut. e publichea Il THE beavier machtines. _____________________________________ iL1chit' ~WIut Mahne C(o. 23t,58i7 PHYSIOLOGY OP WOMAN ANb Al cf aur machines are fully warrsnted. Atfir'ictti l.IL. etc., sewing, t43 HER DIS EASES.' Price, $2. The With Ibis liet cf machines, we feal confident Iliat we eau meet every re- NV' EL J B Y 1? IEIA..]~r~ .' WtdHtwlnilà u ctto......... . 17-.137beat bock cf the kinti extant. quireuxeol, and we respcclfuliy solicit a triai of cur machines, believiug bbat w. Wiirnrtg ML1i(itSwo o o uitrvlîbtîiol(;o... 14,4treau00furoisit a botter machine' fer the nmoueython con ho obtaluoti olaewiore. tutu, (o...............2>75 lisg excluoivoly!.Uoxtui aloi Nervous Discooé; ............. 12758 tooro thon 1M1 royal tictovo page, twcniy oie. ous siugaelleu raio . hordyIn tittapoyiorniett. Ruetul erM'. Our Soc-in every line is LT'ss, FreUsh i .......... ........tt'littc 13,710 Mrieu 5og$. roviny. hntouli ttttta py fr itij, BROWN &PATTERSON M ' .00. Sok adWl sotd "?)Jf laitwig matiti InÇ tt ...... 7,113 Pý' bok for-yttttt.O nt itiilhuhiag en ti ity, Onturio, February, 1877. and tISl, .aortei) Vtf,,' 8.î lZ 750 th"o Ct,,. j'tst L00w g*li o cnof niLite, or Self ,08 Prîot'rvat-Lott, lite alîthor lituns etitruorfront Iv "iIitt tîg o t. 2 ï4Europe it excelet io taitit, aid ile agaitt tei G N H M C L j ý. 1 . ikttiori &'Co., 1eIna,. I 707 Chiot Ctosultit Pitysîttan of lteIl'obody Nt'Koy i4twing Machin, Au. Medici Istitutï, No. 4 $i'litci Street, Bos- - tt'ltiolit......................c f io n eoulai ola-F-A SHIONABIL I R NG I174 AN H ICALS NEW "onte nîst etrod i tit 1otton P w, o wheo ouclathe poptilar Patent and Proprietnry Medicines. theTaiiiring e ing valuble[mrkntpu:-Toiethfair, Tooth and Nail Brushes,an D lmaû lisae, l-n %eeyncngtaWel:ti-,Gret-oteress- bthe suiitity oi c ti n so! iitd3. h ic h tr- aior E ta lihm nto teoclintoustotantle how te avoidtbinb uoadioG O G U LY S A A ing Combs, 'Sponges, Toilet Soaps, Toilet Sets, S E W I N G 'it eti1 rotl l c Ib b y nutîg th iluit(Ile V s s,-rfi agt'.tan d eveu te el."-N.îw Yn.oc Tîinx UPRI U TTING SHAPE S THE WOIRK- iehaniî'oitcîodal everco SI F eli b E' S"Posrntosen NIACHINE S,. rtntii t inlu ituis onalsri, À Largeo tacliof Fie Coho; ettngluh, Scotch- and Canatdiait Pes r pio NeatIy adAocura to/y Dses 'lii?, UNG6'1ANUACLJRIGCO. lRîett,170Tiinouîîuwa 'îc îrncîctxtod httle auttitoofn et he works, Tweedu. ,,,,,Elielent Overcoatiiùgt and Splendid Vest Patterns. A Cil K t';NGBnMANUAdl'URINCOMi lndtetinte otits ncuroc t. y tchus3oton good ftGlx nted iIAlNY eu, lu 1871,202.l3i6 Machine,%, I'reio, andtttiluiLinij ounîittttrot, liothitStoluerntAd. £Â5'ZLA or1 Lazarus Morris' l~dîg13,24tun ho oyoto Cmxtycoîntiîy. Titis ittagpt tient Modal lentf solidi , GEORGE GURLEY, Sol itt iri trrantod te uutwîor two DIut orv oll.t otwithumooita., Duct itundrîti Indiala P trotha. ..Celebrated Perfected Spectacles. ,~to'n'arc leso u I iîte, n i tinioto f ae r illlouoy.KigSre 'Alturrititr, Ilu il,îxouttonumd titi ict- Rn 1 i it teint ot otiIo uxîdol aver îtruck i lum era tNoreoity muid tino, ..... ts tiioltietl- foCoal 011, 30 cents per Impei'ial 51A'D MA Rwcli wort thedinetiUon of Ntmtutotiots. î USIARIt A U Gallon. Four Gallons for $1 00. si I A 1 n1uT uRitino.1%A E wtt, tafnly won und worti.ilv Iistewîul.D'ATMTHE n .ioi'.r 'ooo tnalue ii, 117o. y ooîusni rcM t StrictS. W- B.-SMITH CO0 . W lit 8 - Kititîr orroditettié, 0111he orAtheANhCS Al.wrl4 entyinni] enODD F ELL0WS' BUILDINGS IWhitby, IM'arcit 27tb, 1877. L. iARAIC, rcoeltt otpi Me. lc. s E YMEDI. Si? ,%t'ntonltuen~insewytnkSitgerCAL INSTITUTE, (oi' W.Il'AItKERit, __________________________________________ SHrwjitgvMathino MMttîtntîcînrtnig Compauy MBConeuitn.vit eoî, ofngenu., -FOR THE - îtj tin Unttty. B I. The a'~utUinor tatbuc îî.uultoi nu thti 'Il. . eedlon, thitiîl, tAl, toi dScwlng "aboie n louii ti , ahtteîs.os tt4 sea C Wieltihy, arcimto t, 1877n, reqoîaring ekill, et.crey tuià txjtrat, ice -1O lI I ID :MA5 E 0 1-QTÇ!CHL9ICE WINES &~PURE L IQUOJi'8 li ttc arlunettsa,1 yu8n7, îti 1 hunsilp -1--- NEW RAISINS, FANCY GOODS 0F ALL KINDS, CANDIE 8, a WHOLE SALE and RETAIL to suit the cc MONBY 1TOLlIND. (the bout in taiva), À LARGE ABSORTMENT. NEW IFIGS, Pivatttondteiend10 icixioit otgage ORANGE PEEL, LEMON PEL CIRNp flotity, i t smn nut?800 ont, opwuril. I-llu.1 'A Y t M A Da torot or entu, Iha]iyeuîly. PEEL, SPICES (ali kindu,) CHEESE;, -tc- 0. ~ ~DIIAWEîR MWlttby, HAMS, BBCON, LARD, &o., kc.U UUA YLO PR E.TYo l7iiîyltlth. 1877. ly.î0 ~A il of w h ich w ill b e sold C h eap F O R C A S H . F E B I C '~ - Fresh Oysters and Haddlies receie SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. I 'PETER SMITH P Y 1 :9 NB-Pcas adfrBteEgs olrbn pls AGENT FOR DAVIES &BRO.'S lotir bouru ......... 150 Musieftl Instrumenits, inelucling afine aTOMS & NEofWPlbbOtaro ~~ ,,~~~ ',~. £u c tte eng gei t mao r eton a anot e t f2 Hlo 0 AtedrgAsu tao ndîfAut,. a Violine. Orders are taken fer Periaicals, magazineos anti music. WhiLby, J . ly Sili, 1876.Wiub, uti. sizos, Bstons, or betors Justicetu GEO YULE. ' 'e sreiiul eto abl 'U&brsc. Whitby, Dec. iStit, 1876. / STIl tt mc o ove a c e caube-& .......(1H0c10 10. Sumtnpninf Jury feCoreror' BO TS A D ,O APt LE' T R E ES, Inla nos. Wî L LIA M T IL L 't A I 0V.T 40,000, peaut toreof, i fdo saine dayWIL X Y1L ' _.vr Ti -" aeiJury sututonet...........2 O0 -o: n- 1. ttending 'ascIi adjineut four ý NURSERY - - 0 .... r00CABINET FACTORY 'AND J H AU __-R HOMENURERY 12,Do.do.if engageai more titan te bait V srltlod.18. 5urvtn g mOmmous Pr snbp ana te a u tg s o k o o t SEM , ILON - d e f ooro Coroner (subjeotrr Lo o ,gd o.Pce14. Milcage .s..................OLD STA NDBROOK 8TRÈETRWHTBPY, agd Shoes, sutab1 for Spring wetlr, whioh lie will lt6id, Ott Poe g o igln~ .. HOffice, it Ex5 Bhuînlng hb oo ners1QT i-f Ln_____ __......... . ...00 IVEFOL ARE' 17 erin- rswrrantnru- Go where you, 'c;anUot fail to- be II'SELL CHEAP FO -..............................................0 ý~*E7O MARKRT 1.Avet~~~W i 6o plea5sýd in making selections of go od fnirniture. ,A eysal agno ot i .87.19 r-t ..a50 Splendlid Parlour, Drawing IBoom aiidBer-om Setsc se~amorgot~5o u5e ilo5 Now Designs well worthy cf inspection, at astcniahing lkw rices. Din Wok one t rder n frst-class style. eê Balè' Sml es tros,'oren noa gueis anefunti.. c010 ing.roow -Exten Sion Taûbles--a very superior article. or dt - ri sed aky mË T 2.wheIter o.n i.. - 1syle AtO- oer 1'ortxlh'2 ale otgonteiolrods adtrvni fç r e -Frat4ng in eeysye Sonie fi neChreniosAa Stylsh Bot ad aGood Fit and Oa 0 , -eç. TJ- ?or 0Aj At' Blivaltgrr lruilcitan'u Bay. 22: D Exotigeac varantmi M ~ ~~qsm>îgna~~~~y et Sorvl ngn nsiteallS " ' - - ~~~ÊQÃŽ ~ ~ r 9h1hin ;P89;Don ao--..o.. cuwe f troip - 1fo >ety canales, fully tule Zïy <y ga#cnpoiu lb lut remarkshlypaure ga îcntla esll itaiou,.ccponît7 rImu-lla tan ini *ititreper bpgq«,côbtiba a 9"-It aftnîOe-reiotr. 'xes moni r*~éonr éc=les irequliélu ta b monîby c menution. The'e gaiog- ,o~~r* nop $etfrdinary sizo doges net requin.4lbg',Ç oter titan fronm tweJnrilu,8a à , &M'lhg iatber. Mj'""tl the oney attèntd7qads la the elevab f et0tle w18ht l- inte coll ansiten à st aa desî, once 'ont- ceiawock, éooondià !19 - 14111,tionszi4. .Àmotiérate alsedmachinesuiaie1 ~ tmU lng mli csly rq surac ta lcep lb inparetoutordon ttan M "0onekentiaone li ton or filieen Oteenminutesna oek li sofficisunt. 'lo e l m ce lyr 4etail bue plan upon mnicit aur Machine lincoustructeti, anti hu PaI 'cétcs, ila in 'oam'ticmjy uan ativortisemenl nor n utitis important ta lthe avcrugc inquirer. Sufficient ta know, btat by its - ù»;, wfIu v6ry fttle.'car, Mt amali expeuso, anadet safelye h. con rely. , a mgg~ lmstlbta I us Provions t h. Introduction ot & gosmobs machedm ysdiýlg as momr weroecbed lueonlfouu parts cf thc country, in miticit gas was masde titrough destructive distillation by fine andti-etrts f rent couler cil. 'liThes wotho aet exensive: bite ont»a fogý uîble bul ga odr &c., lu necessarily groot "bey alsoo caýire ceuidderable cane aud kciabomanage. 'lTe manufacture o! gos for o single dweig demanda iearly as muit labeur, anti quit. as ucc sili as luneurot tmke' a aapply suffloleut to urnisb s umoillvillage.- Tite proceslu iu no sense; ai#gats ,as etter sthe velum.' f s coul inulthe holder lu exhaustett,4he colorIa innet ito ecirgeilthe fines rekintil,n'thtelabour cf mnauufctunlng anoiter sîmppiy repeatoti. Ma log gos in titis #ay us isagrebablo and trqubleome. A qoontity et cool, asitea andI rubblsh ehniilteï, itIbte won)l<s; lt.eodoutalaî c temh er elu obhjection, in 'mon casaiOrt a irm trôdu&ocin. Gos m'aufaclured--on-btis plan ilaaise qito c-pensive, u , lu additiontte t iret cednt i tse matdonls, bitecn inde aouut lthe lbuaiafs-cunti e e b: ueo! repaira upon bts pparaîns--of ilîs o cmali item, lbt muaiaise t Ià XIfS idui'au l ûWorkè-teplmïl~i~eè* CxImonoc la g rworks in bite ut t. Titis cloues et vnku le nov in a large measure supecuedei iycour machines, mnicit are pcuferaile der tite iolmwitg.roasona - ,n.-Ne.pniiva eutzbuildings are rcquireti. Thé tabnk -e ointoin lthe ges geneco- ter ie a mmalletri'09hpffà îi. ixudèî-néati t titground, onf t i itîhb 8rd. AIllthe >abquà anti trouble eto aking gon lu saved, T'l11eac cur machines co- ,quinee n50 tDtcl8.ng'ýaci, hosccnmc*rnthy cf mei ,aion. d- - 4tlt. No odeur arioso fron tfi iteaacure, uo t ithere any litter onrm1 6ti. COnrmaobinea ana ýautg;ntic ; lthe'gos la alwsys ré otiue . 11db. RIly or enpire ci onylctr- eqà ireti. On hnsaceulygoba- sud, ail dtioga conie mucit cheaper. Canofetour mauhilles is usetil ta ligit o nummer et buildings detached a consitiecabistdistance frein eac'b pIllaI..A pcnu cf dureuiuge lithe ctouony, onrdte business part o! o amai] towni, -navIn -lUùavway its 1g'iet. at inucit lees expense titan 1! cachitndividueal occupant wirt a ta u ap poawtus, at <'ne-halL dtoe cool of ceal gagsworke. Bacit cunsumeèr uisy have b i melo thuse paying only foc mit as ho nais. An eviience of lthe distance lthaittislu ind i of acanbe cannieti miitenut suferiog matenlolly front condensation. ire mouitistaloî- hai m, aiîf 1874 solti a machine to.Mn. Edigar J. larvia, ot Roseîale, Tocante. Titis machine ho1 usetil iighting lhis hanse anti o cumbîr c f lamupe, canveylug btae gos sonto four hntdrod ftlst n doing; lunltse lattfp fondtoest nemavoti front lthe machine ho itas au iqtiaily guti litos l ithe one neareà ýtla id. In intnotlucing longs machines, antd liglbting titecemiith a tiumiqr -et buildings, lump pg et, mua bhonstup along dthe otriot, viitt lns eat outrance gote, pipis exleuding ta barn, stuts.s,&u., ta il4c distancoetitbof o mile or more. 1e 8aviu jxXtsx enie l t.emniuctune cf lthe machincé ftr intuberoetyean-in the'nft Siaésandbeinig praitiameitfancs, ire arc confident btaI ouc machines are second ta ,.uue n dteCodtinent.. W. do flot cuunt idanon vention et aur owu, itut ie htave matie sevenal improemonte tetamalte them, cati anti cehable. Wb test eviny mu- chxineoile noncon osupervision, andi warrant thent bd give satisfaction. PIIICE LISTr OF TUE CANAJ>IAN GAS MACHINE, COMPLETE, F-ree on board of Cars ai. Taront o. Numubir 1, naledti t suppply 15 humns, #200 00. 2, tg ~80 tg250 00. 8,'- tg W id 8w0(00. 4, 9 75 tg 875 0OU - i 5 O 100 fi 460 00. 0, " 150 00000. - 7, 200 je 70000. ' 8, " 2w0 if 01000. 9. DW O 900 00. 110, ' 40w 100000. Longer machines moide, if nequireti ? ' te eu5c6dli a pep tcy f *udig 'pipes for gos, even Ihang ._net imeiae ite~~~~~~~~ prprtne5utliog flt n ie tiistnlin thcoultoti, diat oyodh marc on'les inonvnenc niaypipes scbasae ue - nlioitrod Uctonc ooij gos areodd. - W. invite correspon ee raom any one mite is»ituiltig anti contomplaling lthe intro- uction ~ ~ g ogs.Weali ta a0avise mitht sncb as doaltheitest mouner-afpnttingl pipes, on'd-otitec delaiIs. We bute competenl mockmoo lueour empjoy, mne senftia uny port ci bie country ta pipe-hîuidingu, sel machines, &ic. We soicil an oppocbuniby t esîtimate upon lthe enturu mont cf piping, furnisiting machine, o- tintucef,. &a., cont. loto, ready. 10 ligit up. Our angemento are sncb, lthaI mgca compjete mwititany do. Lg fIÃŽst-blsss mork. - Wbers va conitrot fer bteeanIe job, porties can olwaga hi aasured t lie: $ t'possible îouufront or 'achines, for l iiscaseltbece lu an undividei ne. spnoiilidy nesdlug on use. In titis as lu mouy otiten kinde cf business, success«iopenda urgely upon a btonougi nrt imteantUlg anti aithtulexecution cf detail.-,1 Witin house are oicady pipeti for coal gus, mecan alteici our machines wittouit itangin.- sncb piplu. GASOLINE. W. selicit entiers ion Gasollue. Oumr arrangement@ are sncb lthaIire con 1111 ail criera prmptly. We tunuuisit lite boul qualil ofi tuid at markot rates. We manufacture Inon >r Copper Tanks ta entier fer stecing Gasoline. -TEST'M ON IA LS. 1 bave bave hatioesof Joseph PhiulUps & Ca's, Air Gao Machines in use al'uy pglace i liceedale fun about eigitteîn maudths. Prom my oxperionce, l'iam solistii vidhit4e ofuctp e a c hine. lThe gos ls of a supinior qoaity, anti ocomical. -- - A- - - cEnGAc J. JUxvis. 'ronce, _April 11, t876. GiuNTaîru, --l'have - verygriot picocure iii rocommenicing Your Air Go Machine Mfin mbour Callege, os it bas gtveu perfectsatacl-'oni. 50 Light 2Marhitc. 160Lgh 'tli. Os aw . B. ISSfIL fusisJ. Pmnnmrs & Co., 'Toronto. 'M12e'>arIle87. h.hiaSa- . aenmbenuig oi aainAr i uhnafraots 75 Lighti Machine. aJ'ns. iB. uuzs. [ss. 9Ce, & liPEMLMr. wJt Â14ov, 2nOO, ý187. -Ozone .-Teur air gos nov lutraduceti mbo my store aI Whlîiy pies crmnplété Bla leion.'lThe machtino vents ta a ciorni, anti Lam 'soved al âg mouxlci of baur uni zpense, beaitios the otivantages et clianlinesa aoda1 vecysprmnlght. .H.JAaZsow. AGEUMIcuatA NAS-ns Ass'ocr±vxom, Toaems.o,184 Antole-Canadian ÀMn GaaoMahine; SOLE M4NU F4CTURPZB8tO7.TH PL'UMIBERS, GAS AND STEAM, FITTEIRS, là YÃ"ÈÈ KSTRE..EÉT, TORONTO. alit, Wà fer Closeta, 'Puioxpa, foires, 'fis 2 'Warerôoms-Albert Hall Buildiùgs, 1.8 9 - Yonge St.- 'Have cla1vys'on band a Pl teek f îery ý llxlng IbeixlUne, anxdbope. by strict attention tthéWsittuof i uomers, '10 moit a. ccntuiuaitce cf lte patronage bfthertc ex bend tict e en. Special attention puidti lthlb.maig of N F, B D L E W O0 R K. OTOM<'f, LAMBREQU.INS, CORNICES, &c., &o. m'dandtlput tiown la bte bcd style. JAs. 'H. SAM&O & Co Marci t 8h, 1876. WTESION tMWÂY. rTIME TABLE No. '17. Takes effoot oji Saturday, Jan'y 6th, 1877. Trenarit Toontotimo, wbich 15 lwen4- tyt smn l~ssowvéclbauG.TS. blixe. -1 TMAINS GoOftORTHîl. Dul.Wednâsdya ant Whitby.lnn.. . dept,. i.la.i. -7125 pm.- 11,20 in7.48 Ifcl..........1.50 " 8113 8 Manchesteri..12.0Onoon. 8.25 Prince Alitert;.12.1Op.ni. 8.88 Port Pocy... . arrive 12.15 '8.40 ' ïeniwne onc «SOUTE. Wednestiay aihd, Dully. Satîrdvt.ay PotPerru....dept. 6.00 a.m. 8.0 p.m.. PrneAlbr.,.8.07 Manchester ... 6.20 ' 8.Wg 5Summil:,....8.80 '~ 8.25 Myrtle... '6.42 ~8m8 Brooklin---------- 7.00 8.47 -NMty.. fâwy .20 Whlitby Jtux. *.Anve .1 35 5Platfo)rm stations. Trains Step on sig- nals only. i -Connocti t a'Wîtxtby.Tunction with tbc G. T. B -ï éast anti *est;1-aI tPort Prry mt stage rfo r iig.ý - -JAMES HOLDEN, g0 -maiug Director.. H E THAL B.R3c iA o, $290.0011 lTe Tlbbrg Piauu fiUsaà mail long felt-- GOOD, 'USEFUL PIANO. vnhicit combineti bite cbeunnesa cf toue antia lteé beauty cf finish cf te mcà b cèlebrateti moke, mta modlerato price.- If1 it hi askeletbow lb is possible 10 sumpply a Goti Piano tcnait HAL1 - THE. PRICE generally citangei, lte asser i lalin: In -te nakig an' aaleofbt sntro menîs, tece-are ne large sito*rcoste keep up, no grand MusaicHall 10 mtu iatain, or na expcnsive travelling agente 10 psy. 'bise insotruments are-al maie cf o- FUI.L SEVEN OCTAE SOLID IiN 0 RAE - VEBSTRN AS,_ CARVED ii ROUN'-RoT COBEIWB, SEBPe)8T1 BOULD'GS, antidOB 1 VRIIRRED RO 0WOD CASES. DIISCOUNT 0F Io FER CENT. ta Clengymuon for i t.euse il choir funilies.' W. ADAMS, Agent, -' wbitby. Witby, Pobnxtan7, ledt, 1877. a iclLnmg Diseue'lTe Eev.. Mr. Mnrray, inblé- boOl. on !S YRU ] he Adironda-itsa,-Ioîelypub. -' iaied,relates it4,caseuf o -- ittsumpltve I'cxiiu ma RED pruoee Brcot. Marks wuoe ms amonglte B AM OPICI2 AT B R- G. 1 si Teoit exrot an's newbl1 Tt - 0 UIDE larg equ ti stly fon ofat Ch"r DlI Aétb elv S. loiysclanSt Klingtrept. ROTBA onrf io C ÀU aesnapti laxese qtu t.WiiB. Ci H.enag L A VR 'M JI vi- unfirro, Rubber Ho,,, G, Cry8tal 'etc. Oshawa,ýMarch 27th, 1876. dzgons.- Josziil PiEmLips & Co.