Whitby Chronicle, 10 May 1877, p. 3

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COtflSTY QCOt1RT for th. e ue e taaiesllho hla in th COURTW Lu ,I th TOWN OF WgiTB»', - - ON Tuaaday, the l2tb- Jo,,,, 1877, si ~ box oft lI. clock mno cf vl X-. G. RZYNOLDBS, Shadri ls, eWhlIly, MayOW&, 1877. FOR S$ALE i A GOOD, -LIGHT, B5ROOND.HAND De3. omatWagon, ih Polo and shatt. Alataoo b B à 1 ta TIME-TABLE. TeJios *Éct on Meuday, Mjsy 7tb, 1877. G oroh fromt Port Hope te Llndsay Lia,. Port Rop- ' Mid .... 80.WlMa....ieee0a. w. Xized .X4.à . n G lgNorth te PtirbOroP&hLiùdî. 'Mzo...0:0 . .iMail ..11.10 a.m. Comngsei" freum oinl3a te Liday,ý Pet=r"r'Sud Port HoSj, Loir. OriI-. Mati.1 '15a. w ie .:0p.m. Oomlng souOth froin LaksfleIL MixreS... SKCO s. . IMii...820 P. M Muei... 980 p). Conta.cts with the Nipissiin Reilway te 'Aud trom, Toronto and intormadjte station et Xillbrook for Patorboro' sud Orilha, .8 wltb Grand Trukat port Hope both wern. lut sund eveulug wloh trains East anS West, suSr. Nertimia s ..for Rostr. IL G. TAYLOR, 9 Sept. of Train-.. FITS EPILEPSY, on rFALI4NG SICKNESS Permnxmezîtly Cure-ne humib"a..oe m thipeotDr. Goulardsc leorat, Iutaillible FîtPowder.' Toc ceasffir. crs that thse wdll do aIl w claintw-for themx, vs viondemathem, by mil, poil psid, a ires@ Tral Ibx. AsuDr. Goulaici! tho 0111Y phYsican that haivor midi this asse aa secisi study, and as te Our ti knowIsdg 9t oussuds bave beau prmau jI ontlY curâSa1>7 the use 0et thase Powdoe, va viii -guarate a sPermoanent cure in erory caue, or rotuud yoe alil moey ex. peuded. Ail sufferers abould glve those ewders au osrly trial, sud bc aonvlncadotý thoir ourative pevers. Pries, for largo box, .00, or 4 boxes. for 810,00, saut by mail tesuy part ai United- States or Canada ou receipt et prlc, or by express, 0. O. B. Addreis, AsJi r &ROBBINS, 880 Fulton Streit, Brooklin, N.Y. P9NSUMPTION- E POSI1TIVELY CURE». l AUl suflarers tram -thio iisease that. are 14 rnzions te bac ureS sholinid Oy Dr. Rua- uer's Colebrated Cgnsumptive Powdors., e 'Thesie Powdors ire the euly prsparatlon kuxowu that will cure Consumptlon sud ail dlseaies et tho Throat aud Lungiue, 80 itron efl4 is anaitb lu- thqui anS lisata onvilccyeu that thoy ara go Lumbug. vo wili fervard-to overy sufeorer, by mail, paît 1 palS, a tris Trial -Box. p W. dou't waut yeur uxauoy until yon are vi1. pserfetsa tly do f thoir curative powers. m] if your lite la wertb savlug, deu.t delay inu ag giviog hme Powdors a trai, as they vili agi mnxly cure yen. gel « lia box, 8.00, saut t ansy il sre UnîteSt Statep or Cana de by mii u rcIpt et prias. Addreîs, Asa i R BIIINS Mo 20 8W0 Fulte» Stieat, Drokdy, N.Y. - N O T 1 C E I1k. A Specal.lGoerl Meeting ef the Share L Piokering Harbor Co,, (Ilmlited,) 1ci. wlul DENIELD AT -1 ARMSTERONG'S HOTEL, IN TE TOWN 0F WHITBY, MONDA Y, 141/c daqj of May, 1877, At ithe ur et tw 'aloek, iu the alter- nou otthe purpoesof considening sud Saciditng on the question et purcbsiug the Pickering Harbar sud Roai, aud &aithe Preperîles, Rights anS Franchisas theretc belouging, tram JaopbRarris MeClilsu, -sud for the purposaýalso et con sd-rlng tIre propityeni lwuigTv.nty.Sve Tnoussnd n'LIolar of Deanturcs. By Ondin, S. W. ELLIOTT, Secrtary Wbthy, May 7th, 1877. lin-21 NOTH10CBI ~'Notice le Iereby given that a meeting ut the Stoakholdere et the -Pickering Harbor Co., (i/m/ted,) WILL BE HELD AT ARMSTRONoeS IOTEL,, - IN THE TOWN, 0F WHITBY, -ON- MONDA Y, t/ce 141/e day of May, 1877, At tieora oaf e1i 'eclo luintIr aattcrnaen, bo eipourposotoerting FiveeSharsIroiS- an0ot e haDirectors bon lis rersent ysar. Sy-re . W. ELLIOTT, WVhitby, Jitllath,,1877. Saritry. N O T I C E 1 TIre Court et Reriion te neviee the Ae- sesemnext lieu tftIre Tovnmip et Picksrng, bfor tIrs year 1877, nill haiS ritirit sittîng et the Towshuip Hall, Brougham, on Tuesday, t/ca 291/ Clay of May, nez, ait Onue's1cls, ;P. M. HECTOR BEATON, Township Ciork. Pickering, ôtlmMay, 1877. lle.20 Wmnted et the. Armstrong Roesa, Whit.- hy, a GooS Cook. GoodS Wsgi. Apply te- - & a 87.MRS. E. 4MSTRONG. 1 IITHITBY, PORT PENNY LINDSAY. TIM TABLE No. 18, -Taking sifeet on Weduelday, May 901, 1877.,- TORONTO IE WgithyZ.Tn.. .depO. 9.10 im 7.25 p.m., Wi¶........9.20 ' 7.80 Broc 940 7.48 mytl ... .....9m5 " 8e.08 esun'it 0;. 10.10 " 818 Manabestar .0....2" 8.25" Prince Albert... 10.@2 am PartPep,..rre1.0" 80 rawss mul -ssa.a - No. 29 MAIL, No. 4 Exrszss PortFerry ..dept.6.00'.=. - 1.25 P. Prince Abert .6.. .09 1.85 Mauehsten ..20 " 1.45" - sUmnit.. 80 " 1.57 Myria........42 2 .10 lireaklUn........... 7.00 * 2.97 Whlthy .............07M 9.55 Whtby-Jan - arrie 7.85 8.00 *PiattaruÉstat$ens. tTélegrapb stations. CONNECTIONS: AT W IITBO %7I7'NOTION viOh GrueS TrunisRltvap yTrains Eust sud West. AT' pli)RT P CR la Yvfth stage for Ux. >- nLe. andStSO. "Xaspe l Leaf" for YAIM fffl.TIU TIM The Best BosS Ce aï tl taashe."NW TOE SINGER bloy: Su 1:- Whiby, M a i 41, 187., In A sive: o Yp ourute saS- Ing =yp Opinion ofth Noew dirigerý in constant use lu mva J mfer nwardo of tventy peoa, sud Ihat l ii n tpaeçmuà in go, runlng orlon. I have hâL savenil atheklrd s wi Svng Machines inae Sualng thbal 01w ,fer short p"ids..bel, noM tinla h.great l-etl ftirne the Singer bas base nasdItlà cv lthe hast machine lu e>gshop. TeL.Faialnks, T or-Mt Agent Nov York S"r. Agent Now York Bigar R.viug Machine, Wbltby. Sm:Xhave gret Iaes uinading My testlmony to that U. Pringlausèto the monits 0f th. NewvYork Singer ite,, iig Machine a, ing hsd tne, l uoun use for s penl of etmattien ar, u whlah ta uev lu perfect orSon. 1 bava baS, dnrlug thitt ime., sevéal othon machines In use, but noue eithtse> can coeipaevlith the New York Singer for useinnîs aS Surbilty. Yours' trnly, Mi. O'DoirorEx, -Wbltby Canniage Factory. Mlaneh 2401, 1877 Te L. Fairbaks Esq Dean Mr. FIUZbina The nov Singer SeigMa chine vhicb I goai rom yen vert iir. au t gves complets satisfactionand, là Ir thheg .eofna niaS i eMy bousene tuc hés5nt Purchmé, madeb m oaiyOwuty pYans go. Whitby, April 250h, 1977. qr DON'T]PAmL TO CAML. Machiues te hira st Loy Ra"i.SeqOnd- band Machines Cheap. Machiai repaIreS. NeedesiTwist, 011, &ttîà"mento, ai- 'wagon baud. L. FAIRANKS, SoesAgens fer th. Oouuty. T 0 BUILERaS AND CONTRACTONS. Por the varions worki requirod iu the alter. ation and ïaddit.loe te the Ontario Ladies' Colloge Buildings, wlll ha racelvad up te Plans snd specifcations cas ba sean et tha Collage en anS atr Mouday, the 7th lut. L6west or auy tender net uecassarily se. ocpteS. Addreo- JOHIN RIOr, .Secrotary WbitdY, 2ud May, .1877. 2in-le '/A L TEl? C, - NORTH, WILL BE AT 3EST'S GALLERY, SIMCOR STREET, OSHÂWÂ, )t aAimrtuia, anS ail persoas Saiacus et ,,,gthi pictureî taken by ihis VORLD RENOWNED ART/ST,' houiS net bail te lnprove'this eppertunity. JOHN ]BEaT. /Varning to the Publie Hevlng recoived itormatlon thst sont erien travelling tbreugb Wbftby anS iunity, hbabea en regesntng binsel se IY agent. Iwuc1 caution th. publie gainsi any sncb imposition, as I have ect' -eut vhstevor ile-tbh field, and if I can et suffielent knovleigsetofsncb persan, I .1l ses thai he la premptly prosecuted. JOHN BEST, Oshawa. la. lit, 1877. 19 ' TRÂW AND FRLT RATS i .ADIES' AND GEN- YýLEMEN'S HATS .EANEl:ý DYED, and REMADE, *u Inthe Nsvest anS ftest Styles. Boonalu TbomuasNov Block, opposita ýMuaitiHall. tha MRS. GEO. AIHT. Oâhawa, Apnil 8001>, 1877. 8n-19 BY-LAW N. 7,'»h/cs il i e*sin-iaug o continus Ba8ccm Sîrcet. in thce Village of Unbridge, South/ward re as te jo in Mii Sre,-catnd for tlis apur- ;0pos George Wheler andi Isata. Geulti, ewners of tihe land wciec * i bc oeccupiecf by thse aaid atreet w/cen ao centinueti, have denalsd tic s ae te lice aaid village for a - public /cîghwiay. - Tharotoro be It suactsd by-the Mbnlclpsl Ceueil oethe Villageaof, Umrige thai the s eaid hiaicon sirsît be, anS the sane 1a - ereby continueS d depened soubvard le a right lie te Mill airest, whiab part et Bascom street mo oxteudeS shaU enclose anS luelude the tolîoving laids, hat la te gay: Cae>mencing en thbeaSouth lUnit et Lot nnmben-Thibrty, senth ï-evoty.taur Se. grees, veat ibres chsinm euS tbîrty.ouo links trou> th entb-east angle et saiS Lot; tIreurs Northr sxteen Segroos, vaît tva aIrains anS Oveuty links, nons an less, te the znortb sidaetfMill Creek; thonceinlea >Weterl direotion tolloving the saiS north aiSe et <Jeek,' ssveniy lnks, more or Is, te th. veai unît et Bescen street ; theuce South, sixteen Segrees est, tolieviug ths production -et saiS vesO limit et Basxem imnosi twa chaînesud flitt-slx links, non. or lois, te the sentIr luit et saiS lai nue- ber Thiriy ; Tbsuco North sevsuOy-tour degreas, saet sleug saiS south luImt slxty sud ons-haIf links on torty tet, te place ot - beglnang, ceniainlng, beurtaen eue-hue. dretbs et an acre, more or bas, asud con- prniuparmetf Villaga Lots 688 muS 469, loockY, sud part et Craak, au shove le Joseph Oouid andS Seul Registerad Plan et the Village ob Uxbnldge. Secoudly: Cemweoucing au tha Nemth linit ef Loi number Tventy-nlne, aoutb seventy.fonn degrees, %voi tbne aains anS tI>liy.oue, links fnem tIre nortb-casi angle et RailS Lot; Obauece south mxtaan dogmies, osai mity links, moeson lias te Othe north lunit et Mill strot ; Thanca #M a Westeniy direction talloviug RaiS nenth luImt sevanty linkm',terorjet os, ta h production et the weet unitoetBaeon triai; tbsuaa Nenth- eiteen dagmoes vwtalngsiSproduction of aiS vest Ilniitst#Bascom staiet Sfly liuks teOhe nerthlUnit et saiSllot number Twanty.uino; Obouco North ssveuty.bonr, est aloug sai uartb Uiît ebLot tveety. oins eixiy and ene.balfis., anrtfor$y test, te place et haglinnlng, cotalnleg tour ana- hunbdradtb eian acni, sud -cemprs p artfVlaeLots M in suad 469 lu Black Aeau ievu luinJoseph Gonid sud Son'& registened plan efthe Villagaet Uxhaige. TAKE NOTICE Thot tIre abave-By-lav viii hataissu jeta conulderatloilry the Municipal Corporation efth. Village et Uxbniga at thi meeting te ho bolS ai O.t Cunil<Chamehrs In'the saiS vilage, an the Twsnly.ninl/e day of/May, A.D., 1877, at Blght o'clock lu theataferneen, anS that th. saiS council vil thon bear se y oeo whose land e>ay bho eudlially affapta by Oh. aid By.lav s ndbw opetitiens la ha lier-, sud th; said councili eayO ha» aniet the saiS, By-lav.-f This Notica 1. given lu accordâtairc lh the statuts 56 Victoria, Cap. 48 Sec. 4du. DataS at UxbriStdge ga 4th dsy et April, A. B. WILLIAMS, MACHINE WORKS «BROOK STREET, - WHI TEY. e eftOhme u.rouuding country, that ho asa lsteak a larga asiortoat et1Cstiug iBxea, ChurusTurn ne Heorse Eies, -Rspairlng 01 ki indi axa'cuteat vlOh niates and despatcb. 11 THere iltaie sBlsksznth%' Sbop lu. cou- nection vlOh hea above anehl eSlutk lins exeouted itiz n.ioss and daspatcb. IdOMS MOANN ÃŽ Out, Marked, a»d .ready- for , ale «t, Retaii ATUJAI WH[OJESALE PIRICES- Odd Felows' Hall. 20 Whitby, May th, 87 You', will Save, Money. if you heed 8,thié Adverti8emetI 'HAS NOW ON HAN D AVERY LARGE, STOQÇ Q- F to which lie invites the atnt<nof ailinteeste inthé beautifing of their houses, a'but àtififing0utay The Entire Stock is .New; niot- a roll of old p 'prin the place'. LW- It is admitted- by ail who have made, auinspection, that -it is the best assorted stock in the town. It has been purchased on the mo8t advantageous termi, and we have marked it at prices that defy cômpetition. For the accommodation:of customers, we have sýecured the services of a First-olass Paper Hanger4 and wiul Gstarizntee the hanig of ail paper within twentY-fonr hours after the purchase of tIie same. Ign South Ontario Book, Stationeny, and Neveu7y Store, Break-st., Whitby. NEW rADVERTISEMENT BY- LAW NO.'- A Bg.&ezv te authorise t a M& i itYj of Uc.Tawnslcip o i - ng, taasi andi auoiat the.Tai ente tand Ott awat Railuay Coin py, grang tatereto, b cup ofyona, th,@ m of Pifý Thouiaiid DoUas., andti eua Deantur-s. tharefor, andto, eau f berm-e the Uvlof ea apeiai s'at for lthe papn.n t herof. Wheroaî, tha Teronto anS Ottawa- RalIv, Compte y basappliad teOh. Corpera tien etithe Tovnship et Pickering fta ai0 b Wy ofyet hnniteardi th. con struon th. Tronte anS 000.. Ralwsytothaeanienofeth. sm i FtyToussud Dollas; anS il la ex pedent te grant h. maime e» Ibm con AnS vhereas, ton sncb purpeme, 10 la nocesi Iany be Oa&idS Corporation ett Tevnahip a1 Pickering te issue Bob., tures et the saiS Corporation teOth ameunt of tho saiS sue> et Flbty Thou sanSl Dollars. AnS vhareas t ill irequire the sue>o Four, Theniand Three Hundred anq Sixt7 Dôllsrs te ha raimed, annuully bi special rate on th. vwhale ateablep petotaselSTownahip oa i PIk ig for payiug the saiS sue> ot Fmft Theemind Dallars anS interest on tti Dahanturis to e ha'ied tharetar, ii equil annual inmIaZ ete t ofprincipi anS intereitst in Twonty pears. as hareinatter mntioned. - AnS wbereîs, the anaunt oeth wvbei raisable praperty efthe saiS Tavuehil et Pickering, frreepetivsetiany futuri increaseofe the sans, accerdiug te ubi last rovused aseessmont rall et tbo ai, Towobi Ping that fer tha year Ont Six) la the sue> et Tbree Mitou Eigb- Hlundred anS Fourteen Thonsand and Eighty lino Dollars. AnS wbereai, tIrs anount oeth. xisinu debi et the aiS Cerporatien et the Township of Picksring ma, fer principal, the sinnoetSix Thousand Dollars, sud there la uochiug due for interost, sud ne parI t ofîucbintereai or principal meuneys la le irrear. AnS whersas, for paylug Ohe ps-incipal sud interoît et the dabi hereby crested, by quel annusl inatalmeeti, il viii ne- quirs au equal ennemI speeil rate af Uns miliisud Fiftlesu.hundredibs ef s Imiii, on the.doSar, in addition te al ether rates te ha laviaS in aach yemr in B. 10 thaeteor enactod by tha Corporation et the Township et Pickernixt the CoueOy et Outtrie aifallevu: 1. - Tha t ashaillsud ns y bhlawful fer the Corporation oet lb. ownship et Pie- koning te sian ausist the Toronto anS Ottawa RsilvSYCompany by granttug tbereto by vay -*et bonus the sue> et ISy lThousand Sellare ie Bebouturs eftzhesaiS Corporation. 2. That, for Oh. purpoeafatresaid, the 'Reeve eft h. saiS Corporation shall CaaseDeheutuns oftheo aiSCorpera. tionut eadeteoths e annt in allot tIre sinuoe Fibty Theusand Dollars, escb Dsbeuours te ho ton- net loss than the sun et Ou, Hundred Dollars, te hosealeS %with th. seal cetOhe saiS Car- orsîleon sud signeS b the Reav. sud ý'£reaurontbereot, sud shah declara ou tIre face thereot the-autborlty on vbich the ian, vas lasued. 8. TIrai the aiS Bebentunas shaîllhein date an Obe dey hereinatter app tuted ton the comng inte, taresetof te .B. liv, and shah .b. issueS ber tha anannîs, anS payable vithin the times ielowieg tIrat mu te say:- 81860 00, iu ans year tram the data thon. et; 81441 60, ile Oe ears trom tIre data thero. et; 01528 10, in tIra. poari tran the date -thîeaf;i $181980 ituteur yen ra rm the date Ohane. $1718 971, inle .yaars fron Oth. date 81820 00, lu dix yeu* tram thea date thoa- et; 81929 20, lu aovau pa r t h. date thereet; #2044 95, lu elght Yomaro tha e date thanoo; 821070, lu nina pean rs trahe data thoneoi;- #2297 70, ineoan yeaaairomOthe date th. #2485 55, i leen yearsfrome> Iadate Ohero; #%581 70, le tvelve ypair tra h.data Ohereet; #2786 00, thirtacu yiars bran Othe dat Ohereef; 8990 80, lu tourte» pesai roe> Oh. date #8078 80pIn -fiteen, peers freux thea dte theaof; #8259 32r in sixteen piari tram tIre date thereat; 1844 .90, lu sîveeteen peasi ram s heSa1e Oheneet; ff8i092 in l igBeteuentraom Ohe date 1881 9, l niatin pnsfroni the data Oherco; ake ï. ThattOh. mai Déenlues &halbear~ thIiydfrit day cf Decembor l uhcI and evany 5anatOh AenP t db suah Dabautures eh, ?<hriv. sttached 1 therato coupons for the Intenesi *ee-1 5. That br the purposaetofpaying th. tl dibo lsreby creited by equsl senual instalnmenOs asforessid, an eqeil su. eal spacial rate et eue mli anSdFIt. tken-Ifu>dredtba ot e miii, on the dell a shin luaddition le a11 other rates te as sesed, leviaS sud collectaS Ie euhb ye nrduaing Oh. continuincset 4 5 ~*7. The Dabautufos te ha lasuid eauaori. saIS shaLIl ho. Sivenod 1>7 the Re,.eti the said Mnlaipallty te h Truatiai - ppexntd, or tebeappointeS,'?pursupt te the Actaetfincorporation êeth saiS Compiny, and the sani, or. the pro- ceedSteroot shal be by h sail al- TrustoesSlirered te theaaSComn- r. anYfrIMtime te tOmes asthea sud oýmpe anymbocome outitied te ns- v. cue heune unS.: 0the conditions of tl his By-law, anS net etherviai; anS ip etere eey ot sncb Debenturas shali ha fI disposeS et or couverteS seto meuey, er Seirered te the saiS Company, il the matureS intereit coupons thenstoeat. tiabed cheil ho dîtached herefroni anS t6 returuid te h. Treaurer oeth saiS Munniipallty. 8. The saiS Debenturi, or h proasada thereof shail ha dilivarid or paid by &Y th sal Truste«te the MidS ompany ra et the times, anS subjeat te Ohe coudi. r,~ ~ ~~ ~q tiinien, htl te say ;-De- n- bantures, or h. ridu hereaf, te wga the ameunai etFertyThonsand Dollars >f wheu h.propoaSroad shali hava E- beau gadfS aSbridgea, ren the> > B asteriyvUnt oet&aha saISTownship, North et the cencession lino betvesu S tha sixOh sud ssveuth concessions, or Le tram h. Northeriy linut oeth.esai n. Tovnship, East et lot nunhar dve ilu àe the sald Tevnship, te the Westarly, ,. luit eft he selS Township, paing ho-d twenn tevillages et Brougham> suda Grienveed, anS vithin oeomille >et1theo ci -village et Whitevslae, anS h. romain.j id iug portions et sncb Dibontures, ez the )y preceess hereot, vheu the. saiS noad 0- shill hae beau cemplated tram the r- City et Taronte tte City otOOttawa,1 ýy exaspt sa te such pertions ef tha dis- se tance au te vhich runnlng nl¶hts _nay in hava bae sacured ove: et er Rail- i vays. 9. Thata permanent treight anS passenu la ger station ibail be maintained on the ýp saiS proposeS road, wii hin eue mile et the village et Whitavals, another ha- t tweîn the Villages et Brougham sudV d G(reenveed, sud vithin bal s milset the concession lins betvesu the fith and s ixih concessions efth saiS Township, y anS anoihor balvesu he saiS lait usmed d Station anS where the saiS RBaid eay enter lh. said Township au the Eaitenly or Nortbenly boundary. 10. The construction et the saiS proposea [taSd shall b benflds cmeuced ou er beoere tb hrv drst of etDcem ber, OneoT' dbihnS Egt e u Seveuly.eighî. aud completèd tram the City et Teroutite t h. City et Ottawa ecetase te sncb partions ef athor - R22sa. te which ru-nng rights may r b. obtaluoi as atoresaid) vithin tour yeans tberoaiter, lu Setanit vhereot iucietthe saiS Debantures au mey r.- b main lu the bande et the miS Trustees 1 shall bc returued te the Triaierar et Oh. said Mnnicipality. Il. This By-lav sball camas lete torcoeaid Il stos sifeat an the Thirty-Srst day et Decimber, Onea moussuS Right iEue- dreS anS ceventy.seven. 12. The votes et the Hiectors et the sai Municlpslity shall hi taken ou this By. 1 lmv, on SATUDAY h. TWBNTY. tv SIXTH Day et M.&Ï, One Thensand hi Eight hundroS anS mventy-sevsu, at 0C the foUoaing elieos,ausbWanS hatone lh the tdlloving Retunul ng Office sr.- spectively, thit la te say: r, e FgioDrvisioia NuxsiOO. at Anstin'ini Scbool Honse-Angus McEay, Rature. Fi lug Offiae..selî Foea DIvIsioxN Neya Tva, ai the Temperanco Hall, Kinsili..Benjsmin à& Meen, Returnlng Ofienr. ,ho Fou Divrirom NmsaTEmrNa, mi the 0C OrangeHll Righth Cnnaasin-DRoe.hb naze: Dirreff, R.tnrning Offlaîr. FOR Dmovz NourXa Feins-at the Publia Seheel Hense, Duffin's Cek- ho James Linte», Ritunning Officer. ne FoRe DiviioxN uERER Nryx, ai the nei Town Hall, Brougbam-Williae> Hub. Do bard, Raturng OMeier. Fox Dmvioo NuaosaSix, at tha wi Publia Hall, Clanimnt-Thômaunn, Fil Retunulg Officer. sec FoR DivraxexN IMRER SEvEN, at the Tempersuca Hall, Dunbarteu-DeriS Pr( Gilchnist, RtnSegOfie:l FxDrmtox Ninsaa EsMR, at tho 5,S, lanieHall, Whiire-Jb Wesley Wonah, Returnuiié 0Ã" aerZAnS NOm Divasm; e- U»iER liu, et thea l Scheel RoueAlteusAbam egr Retunuing U-ooeer. ,Ahihe>Roer AnS the Poil iali ho epened at Nina eclock le Ohe marning, anS clai eta Niva o'ciock enOhe atternoon. Thi 18, Tuesday, tha Tvanty.ninth day et May 2 naxt, at the Town Hall, lu h Village eti et Broughsmet aiTan Ol i he 8 loreneeon l , is n1 ooied m lu ea&ail tIme.and place for a muamnS s haMin the Clîrk et the Mu r1cialt z numbor of votes givan for an1 aginst al tay thy-lav. d jMa SstnptIeAt 1; Te.11.11iet iy 01sBt, a i c. Te HsIloc in ZVllg et roug thae,.reu àpoiîed ASinth, ie nopfora-he baàppintd as Oh limean le. bf ter Oha î>plteofh persans te attend atlime varions pollln placesanS At tIe fdaiueminu p 0f--bg votas on bobait et Oh. parions luterested lu MnS pramotUg Or oppesing h. Bp- lav, apere. Tske »iliaetb h.aboy a i m. opy of a propased Z3-4v wbloh viii h.taIse IOoaderaUoén au oeciIci th. lu thé, WMzInav OmENcùunevsppoe,thme date ahof.bfOt rpblies tien wvasi sul Thnradzy,tba 2SOIrlieApel, A. B. 1877 enutS the bvotes oftthe.lpoêtors otlea miîd Miuiclpality viii h. akep theneenAtethe >ellingplacest, on the day aaAt Oh. tie., AuS hy anSdhaera h. Reaiung Officans thîreinnaned. HECTOR liNATON ' - Tom-hip dîai. Ipnil 24th, 1877. 18 'WANTDA 00». - J. S. ROBERTSON. Ex.IrNATION 0O? Public Sohool Teachers The Annuel Exmnlatiou ot -Candidates for Publia Sahool Tsachers Pirn, Second,- sud Third Ciss Certifiatos, ber the y cor 1877, wv b h heinlethe Hlgh Sahool, Tovu et Wbitby, aommuuieg on- MONDÂT, Oth July, ai 9 s. n. fer Finit Clue, anS 1.80 p. e>, ton Second Claie. TU19SDAY, lOth July, et 9 a. e>., bon Third Cins., Formseto the netice te bc previously given by rthe Candidates, eau h.e btaleed on application te the Inapecter. It is indispensable Ohat Candidates whether frem a Ceuety or a City, ehoulâ natif7 the Cennty Inspector net -lia: teran the lit et June, et thoir intention te pra- sent Ohenseives ber sxamlnatioe. JAS. MaDRIEN, Cannty Inspecta: P.S. Myrtia, April 28rd, 1877. 19 D ISOLUTION F PARTNpeRHIP. The Parteershlp heretofoeo xistlng bc- tven the undersigned nder the nana, stl anS fire> of ,Till J& Johnsen" vas disolveS, by Mutuel cousant on thei 9ist day et Apnil, 1877. AUl parties lzWebtea te hisaiS fine> will plosi satla vithBE. J. Johnson, who yul pay mI liabilitieî eofttha ssid lfin. JOHN TiILL, B. J. JOHNSON. Wbithy, April 24tb, 1877. Snl s TORE AND DWELLIBG The handie ell fittad np olxop, in vhIcaI>Mn. Saun ers ai prisent esLriei ou the bout andSîhoo business, in Brook sireot, Whitby, TIre.are tour good roone np. atairs, anmd toe rear ot the sIrop. Ample ceilarage, nistern, anS bard vater puro p, aud every ceuvoulenca fer a respectable haeily. Peossaieu lit Ocloher. Apply te ch. propritor- JOSHUA RICHARDSON. un WHITBY RACES E ANNUL SPRING MEETfl.I roe the Ontario Hurt Club vilIcame o aven the Whitby Ceunis, on MA Y 924th and 2é5th, 1877. FIRiT DAY. $175. HumR.a RACe. Handicap, dasm i>e twe miles, ever 8 hurdies 8 toit 6 iuches high. Top weight, l5elLs. Fiait hoers Oue Hunedad d Pt7 Dollars; second aoria, Twenty.flve Dollars. 8200. Doxcaxer PLATE. Open te-il Do. ïiniau.bred kerses that never won public Money. A dash et two milfes T. C. W. First horse, One Hundrsd and Ffty Dollars; scond horse, Fitty Dollars. 8175. LADiEs'PTE5E. Openutoallhorses. Vils heats. T. C. W. Domielen.bred horses alloed Tee Puzee. Firat herse Due Hnndred ana 'Plfty Dýolla; second iore, Twenty-live Dollars. SECOND DAY. #175. TBoTTixe Puaisl. Open te &Il orises bred ie the Dominion et Canada that iever bcat 2.85. Mile hesto 8 in 59 te her- 3eii. Fiait herse, One'Hunâred and Fil7 )ollari; second herse, Twenty.five Dollars.i 1i75. DeuixioN RACE. Opan te aRU Do- lnon-bred horses. Mils heati. T. 0. W. it hers, OeHundrod and FittyDoilars; 000nd herse, Twenty.ftve Dellars. #100. TicRvuOTNGPunar. Opan te iau 'revlnce-bred herses thst n'over boat 2.48. fils homs, 8 in 5, te harnes.. Firet herie, aveuty-live Dollars; second herse, Twenty« n eDollars. Coisr.ÂTIO>, HANICAP PUiRO, et Five illsrs euh, with -'Dolar added, fer Builders' Hardre, COoprising in part: Door 'Lockà, Ltc .e, tt. ines, Serews, Best. Ont and ohrNaüs, Gluss, Puly, - C., & c hep u -H TCH & RO. Harveeét Tools, Garden Tools, Carpenters' and Blacksmjtbj' Tools. -Hada,1rtos- Frm$ 0uPwaerd < Tip top vulue., Who1 es auan HÂTCH & PRO. Roa % ~Rmenber not.d Ohcap House of HATCH &BRO.,e Importera ef Engliah and ÂAmerican Hardware, Brook-St., Whitby. lsfay901>,1877 In an'nouncingthe continuaýnce of the busines lately carriedl on by TILL &OHN SON, as vvtI u moir0AJ.a oreIic~. WANTED.-Any quaiîtity of Good -Butter, Eggs ,and Feathers, for which the higlisot cashx prie wiIl be paid, -W. W. GIBSON: - ýW. J. -HJÇKJE & Co, wrnl offer during the month of April, G<ý6d Faut Oolore& Painte at 6c. 7c'.8ce.and 12c. per yard. Façory Cotton at 5c. 7c. 8e. 10e. and 12c. per yard. on. lae apcs pigSha des, Wcents;- Worth 25 conte. 50 Piece el roufri Goode 25 cents ; Worth 80 ents. rABLE LINENS, 11roWELS, CRASHERS. 80-cent Looniflis Table- Clotha fer 25 cents. 65-cent Bleached Tabla Clothe !for 50,- cents.> 100 yards Towsled Cram'h for 10 cents, Worth 12 cents. Cheapeat Lino of Napkine te ha founa ln Town 1 FLANNELS AN D- SH-IRTINGS. 85-cent Ail Wool PManuel for-- 5- cents., 17-cent Stripea Chaviot for 121 cents. 25-.cent Menfi' Bre HRait Hoe for 20 cents. 20-cent Mens' Bro Haif IHase - for 15 cents. 25-cent Mena' Bro Ralf Haie ýfer 1M cente. IT- 15 SO 1 by himself, begs to solicit alIso a con- tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bestowed upon the firm. fIe G.JzIâow on hand an Excellent Stock, compriîn Sideboards, Centre Tables, Whàaots, Hall Stands, Sofas, Parlor and Bedroom Saits, ail of Superior wo7kmanship, and of the very best material. Pictufeé framing very cheap. Ail orders executed with promptitude and despateli. _Special attention to the upholstering branoh. W». A handsome well appointed Hearse-Funerals fully supplied. 'v r E. J. JOHNSON. Y~hitby, ~1ay 7th, 1877. - F. JUST RECEIYD LAWLH ERD BY - &- CO, In Timothy,- Clover, American Seed -Corn, Canadian Seed Corn, Amer- ican Feed Corn, Millet, Hun- garian Grass, Tares, Flax, .Mangold, Carrot, 17-r Special Terms Io Country -hants. Lower than Toronto. c M 1 RULES AND REG5UTXONi. 1. ENtrane Fa,, 10 ps: cent. of pnrs. brc. or mare te, enter, anS no et bu han -e te stt. i. Ridera nuit appeanin Prcostume, benviia Ohey viiihothabevawd te menI. 8. DecislenobtheJeidgata ha e aiu cases. Races te ha rue undir Oha Do. Ïnian RBiles. 4. Races viii commene aach day at &I-psst ans a'cio.k, esarp 5. AlhantietoeoýnlnÊtingponch iy tespci theuae,sg, calerjax, "ad Sain aIth. hersa, vl h at owener'i aime, auclead le a gaea reoe drassad td the Secretirp, Rap'a on ,MygiaI Raps aote1, t 7. V"'tily oantry viii ha racied sa Oh.eont="ac onsy accempanaisOhe -SRAY, - CALSÊY Tneasuron. .no,. hltby» Aprirs24g 1877. - 1 DIVIDEND No*,40. asaches, on a FaielSa4y,-teain da'y of une next. vdhi ,O.at the 17th tta h. 8Sut May, bath dpu alusive. -1 > Notice a IsgironOa b nulGn nra Magieet O 0 t u: ,.1 mni sire auln bou 'uni eutr Whl Mer-i BEST SUPPLY 0-F FAMILY GROCERIES WalI Paper! WaII Paper!!: -AT- A SPLENDID ASSOMTMENT, A1New,- Clean and, -Bright., No Old Papei' or Old Patterns 03' A Good Paper at 7 and 8 WhitbY, May list, 1877. ?AIUUAGES AND BUGGIES!' ( Carnpages, -Sleighs and. Cutter8, M. RIO 'D CONBOVA'Si. -,HTY VERY CEÂP. CALL -&,SEE THEM. - A LAMBPAND:OH(IRETLOTP, CtODTHSA ND T W E ED JUSýéTTO HAND, AT The Best Assô'rtment oüf Ready- madeCothngCaueTown. ltHts Laés Styles. NoGb ltof resSilkHankres Sand&Tis ogonds Garerioetoek Fnresh.and G d K:> %We effer batgcins iu every (le w. J. . HIOKIE- & Co. Whitby, April l2th, 1877. - MAliCH, HTave- received pa,'t -of their, Spring -Importations for 1877, and '.nu a feW da'ys- will show the ý'inest Stock of Dry &oods, heyi eve--imported. Special attention iuvited te the stc ck of Silks, Velvets, Dress Goods, Shawls, Spring-, Jackets, Manties, Glo-ves, Hosiery, Ribbons, .Timmings, Laces,J Cottons, Prints, Lace Cùr-- tains, Damasks, Lineîis, 'Sheetings, Blaçk Lustres,e-aud- Famaily Mourning Goods.. - We also invite the attentibn of the Gentlemen te our Spring Stock of Tweeds, which we hnd mucli batte: value than ou àny former sesn Aise a (Jhoice Lot ot Rats and Caps, Tics, Bows, nind a vaniaty of other Fancy Articles whic ctlmîy are prepared to effer ut sucli prices as viii gi-vo satisfactionýt th~ purchaser, and mauùre a spcedy sale irniunt tlis eonth. -Call .i u5>UF. 1>7'7 î: for Whte vendor -h, to877 HAMILT N, & C os., MILL INER Y iHO7W -BOOM8 WILL BE OPEN IN A. FEW DAYS WITH 4L]p TUE NW-ES T Most Fashiotable Style8s. Spades and Shovels, Garden RakeS, Gàrden. Hoes, Clnt Nails, Paints: and'Qils, Paint g Tinware .of in Sto ck,,or'miae to order. [Whiby, prU 7th 87r SADDÃŽtERY A WILLIA'M 111 everydecito 88 w ILL mid cu 1 Cabinet Hakers and. L 1 -- 1 lý 1 1 ý 1 1ti, 1 Il 7, 1 1 HATOR & BRo. ý May Oth, i877. p Under'taker8,1 1 ý. iefs, Scarf&-& Ties-forgents. Whitby, gay 7th, 1877. - LAING -STEWART. -AND- ets. per Roll. Plain Green for Winaow Blinds. z cx) -:s ýl J. -S. ROBERTSON.1 E. J. JOHNSON. LAING M. 0-ýDONO.VA-N)S -0,ýT

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