is hf0 » i t Ip< idvfie ppllac, . 00 Ã,4litnry, so0sieslate, an(] s0 out' ai iii. miowopI tIcsk ituât, wc ouly roccvive nes rw. i cue la v.ry iwoor 1Ihrpf yesrs bicslatu t o h tie elYeut Ihat ait srmy ot rate, Iaîndocdfr w soute wrsek or au tailier, rece.nly bellay O e Mas1r. l3ruwnin' raîtz's dMn Jjllingdn amn g over evesr'. à q,.tlng up èeryîhing, coonsiiug li the ,Bour, ap4 ,dévonrIng th.e ntire grain co of a soason.. 2Tue, Iianel i. as elMietfl wdli -, seroue îl& they marolipd, yriitd4iter nmirad lun'an copata îa, o u f lîte s.lig T I-fE W l N DSO R. apper eaguratet'dd.w 'Do reom. (Cor. King auci Toi- Is) buir tat tue'rech naturallut, M. Genti, dolares that he saw in - th NOW OPEN. Sa co PER DAY. ssewoes of Panà ecoolm ocf Ibis ver- Ires omnibus te sud front sU trains. 'Ta. win -cé lorige au fiql.grown tomtipats' sud an ppoitmeni lirst-cinss. -orvs(urPw, pieadl wiifçlmfull-grawn -SCULLP4Y 4 it NIGAN toni.catë refuscif te iglat'Wtiialo 1Pîrltas cacitaway OYOdtilvi, eicaping train abat. tsred m", î eoxtarlninettosi their, ftirllrhualan.,rebbts ,Sifdl o- birdo, tiii. litter £llinpt a. jînîy toteibel whaîît youuxi;; rînil ln Motovhdeo, t-av. 1ailora8 aistreut, 1(103're1u le hadirtier Kt mots 4laug1raux. ta sica 'hulnan b.. ings a£LQV niglittaI.. %Veil, tlîoy sasîn i:o liaves aain & sho Grok draMatiat phIrases, "& fièeso, unblddon fentl" upon [iei. barrons s uit stores 'of Pitcà iru's No. 4 BULFINûH St., BOSTON, ,gland, andi t silote snrpfoing 4htt1he Iîuuauiy ota paoiëo trader ObouId (PPOITE RE -UI1101BB.) )lave bOss aOp:aed to for a supply ai- flu.lihe uthýeshoulsi suggestTHSCEE0FL', a more troquent - I*loking lu" upan T M S I N EO Ã'E (lisse recluses of tii.@ce0a. Or, BELF-PRESERVATION. AÙ 1'uW KIsttrdO.n-I Dublin, MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIES SOLO. im hor-t tiuic jýs;aà yoüuq *om&uGolsi Modal Awarded ta the Aauîhor' 'wiînod C01311or nsumiousul Dr. Lynchl by the *National Medicai Associa- 1. 11i plln outfor 4*výiug damaiied Uo," March pest, 1876. a iik ruese. ESle had ila few day'bu.Jîîet puà sîehca by the PruADODY MEDICAL for il lcîriilýiipmafll td à n ousin, nd INOTITUTE n new edition of the. modicai Liii efonuîutWiiU0115a! he weding entiticil thc S'CIENCO0F LIFE; or, (IPeilttu wfli 110Of lleweding SELPIZU- i1VAT1ION'It treate uponan no 1iiiiats. Itii cveraIl imes attexuphesi-tauai à .1 ia ctind n îw ctw ki'$lie hr, #xii il ntbefî,srugges, br Jstoà ; .au.nîîuld curecofExhseted Vta ty>. arglsbl ,Irnptency, Preoxature Dcutine lnmaxi, per. olkîth-. i ws -toil.[lie aiso neecidentailyiyniatrrhoea, or suinail osnoi. (no tia îai sjpl lî 11 i i t ho drus e jianaaNavoîsad lshcabat ebli, y- ýv0rh 2, Irt)jiatl t) rpIRe desson, oue t ler roreis Counten. ibut dId 'ul.Sio saldile (oin-om &nuge, (Conusion ôdMiani d a!o Umriy,i lonpara tate o1 tihé 1110,1,asd ail disessas l11ipefl of hii e ondti6et ta lier uunt, wli a arisîu in cri-ereor i'Yuth or the. Indiscre. uiîiiy ligliiîî, atil aaid '"Six. slîond -tiona or excesses ni matui-a),cars. g'.a limeaîl hif(." For- tleCluifiunas, it t ttllam ?ou ail aL-.iît the, Moraiesci lignera. @Poiogy, tihe lhysiaiogy of Mariina, itîl ilorioil tint lie iiy took te Yk- of Wed ock andî Oftepîing, Pixystoni Contr-ase u-iiel ilierlien witil à a lideainaud ;Truc Moraiit.r. Exnptrieliuîî 1'ere-csiou ci luit 1,1i0 rni-gxttii,* i. h)uel e lat i i,%al recert-ani rienaiy caun. 0 Aaid 01 Pbygcitl ilriY. ta cue n ue iluiLiitlot bellig 'best Mai' lic was Uit lteatoiaitween tt. Saxes, Proar f h îr)ivitegod. The rase excitedamue. i IUOoioiVCO eiise-l~~rno'i-cs of Inipu client, andniiinataly lue inagietrate cot Cure, Ciie-ofah ody aud Mimd. neTruPitu toti4 ui pa(io ti ',d" o &ay ouI of Pilae i,) nTite a tent.Asd-a aPatients and naiî eaeThe Autxoi's Principies. tuttI."The pi-tes of t1is Looik le oza i 0ei(0. t Atînuu.Auiiwicrinut lan mis TZ ,boalc aeacntains miore tiian Flty c LETLMBoyAnisProscriptions foi- the aixave namnes andi otiier . ITE oyKJLLNIIlii. -618rxMU.- tUOd.-0se«s5.h ne worth mre, sthan thxe pti-i %1lùfn S4s,.V. n...n '-..-.-'.1,,usatrx>, wofteo 'Ilîiltuîiltiuel Mury An sand Èlobei-l Tic Inititute also publiahes " THE - %or flbui n-,jltsyieg w'ti nE revolver PHY8IOLOGY OP WOMAN AND Lii' ilieuiix if ueu hlrets wheu il HE R DIS RASES.' Price, $2. The Litiîituh 'well ù, cimhlil, 018tIi entbooka of the kind cxtnî. littl u'liboY, 1hueball iudging iii Aima anathur calitiableie mesuai Norittrait. t1ib It-ii ftîlit i ai t l t ho i lnunedjiata. lugexalusivei>. 'Mautal oaîîd Narvnas Dinaesi 1 - -upiri. Titi, boy lu. uîmty 7 yaairs morsthon MoroaloctavapPages. Lwamty Is- .îî utuitt':lîîrN-sP etrtinauîbî. 5ilsr lnycu utautial niuelln, 1t3iii 1to lttlut'itl 'ho "iuinbr. ilte Ilool. faryotaag nuit ixidLîiioagci mon ofgpul xl t !hie Ottawa dfrlrioh i-e tu reun li iow, loi t cliuca oh Lire. ai- Self îlicîuuîrtiuuiug tu thawaîs- intii Prassi-vatuoti. 'ie .auttiar hat îctuii-îmd -aus ililitarttilg, u té wteri i het-r i. uropue limtexaictllentiutix, andiSs aiiithie ,)tliîiIuofî i Otta lwa iri ni unus. Cii (,Iunslihîg Phyrician of the l'cabaîly tJy low. ton, Jisttn~, O,4 URjNALiî,a la- -i~ ~ ,,, ' 'Tii, Scince a! LuX ixe e yaîd aiucompari- pruiitlluu Site r lasoutheauisn oaiai-odinai-y irik au 'hyiiluio- lîi'xpci- for - .jiin, ruiril ladies lu b. ix>. var puhllsheod."l-BOa'xON EnuALtu. mliti l J>j outii -Mqtie ? Yeia, praNided ""6"0 1ioslai n . ixabttolui f ah Padoruts i-o, l î oe p liames her vice anewv stucs îl'o' ui i o !)din driver, andl doistathetus uiant4 fahei,,valuahia warlts. iuhlsicd i -i 'utigixtubmchori- he u~Pseaody M:ducaîInstîitt li ni-se tiat Saîx the itadet af ilte."-PmuILÂuuipnt Wo it uei aprechr *1tiashotilil bhon-d ly thc yoixig. Lishexidie ot liq'-it 'ist a lî'mid preveab everya siait and'taven thae lt"--Nxwuwox Tttauwo - ~The f0it andod nly mdali cei-cogihari-o (oiId iiitî'îcoi'iugugtLion fi-arn puîng ilo syMeicai Mari lis ibis country, aiea tiotît aii w uîliwiouuiiihé i--ainnm recogtion iiof stiil andi protaesioaAiesivues. iIiim t xfvivet0 e Icif 11 lns tl i r t I"assentud tute huattor of h tisa rikm, tii0, S~ liai-atm illt, 1076. The u'i-sstation iras neteu. s'd tse tuiie o nlisetrauce lu y the Boston hiuwei inuiasatlIautr oI~~niPromu,. anti tea iaidtlgornallis -lat h oucuamktl olison count-y. Vitus mmalutcomit Modali io ild il t Certaini llagti,ailpiètilrtowas idas. aid. eî,t ivith inotuhian tssaun le ni t" iif."No,îiu t'at tîa dcbo, ulautiooisoh rai-e brillalicy. li.IIO ir"rpîi "te uto .Atagatharluiilsesxeuttotî snd tiseiicli- uit iuuquieston l." lies af t, iatamiais, ands ite, hiaIu doaided. - ~1.ttiiu it iotbssîthiux îosdllevî'r etruekIn TUÉ S.V-:lt AGICitS o>. AN.-1. I tit is couîltry a n.îaips.Wlit1i.Ii Ima ewutwortl te lnîîalo! ofNumtsumatlsts. It (i-f luis flimai, oa!cou-se). 2. Noniiga. 8. si-aiîi-y Wou adt irutw!il iaitoweti."-MNs (>i à g', . !elaiaige. 5. ÛParent-age. su'cincrt PTa <,uic*A, .iltiniir, 1870. Ol AtiuloI.i-ga. 7. Dotrage. -Catalogue int ai isceliît ohf ii etshor A seupod I atîap Ilinkli i avsi-y' Et 1thifte ah ti. iwr ii-k by li llo stiliigu, lliiathaln ,;bu-01 imois Wha Lhot IN'Y I lV l'(or W. IIlAtIRREut. M. D., ar-e tuli' l icd »yà imlvc dollaà sjeata Cunslâlg lh NOcau, .4 linIlueli St., »Os- l)itriguousl sunl li clllptui8hon it i ÃN. .The authar eau liiicousuilti d-the t1lîr isIuihcr Wwh arutt Lus bairoi LiaItîave a nuiîîd dîxcaiset, lils wott te iiiitasoaseui tiuul rquiring ouli,s'crccy tind eai'cra,îaao.OiM - btir, D. M x. tu i 1. h I()frs"Ior sou) miliibc i-ceeivod fur 180 'airebsofxl au i ot No, dlu the h-ruaico. 1111 dîî-uo, t o! Juiy, oral. dAMES COLTAU, Paris btaln,,P. O., ontl. - - t~~ui-io lu,, Maici 22, 1877. MONEY TO LENIJ. Prvtu Mîdî ho egil o,, goosi msai-gag J ti'ltliltJ lusiimi5of 1890- and upw&-ul. la. V'. .DRAWEIU 9, Whltl)y, F et».ltt, 1877, iy.10 4 Ilomllrs' Whitlby, Feb. 231, 1877. , HlEWOOD, ILia.) bar ragniar i-lâps au Ilu ete tt 90,010k, 1: val af G..T. %Wth theNeVr akC sntal si LElle Iallirsys n 0 tholi IVI tpm o s f nnos't Cxeihalotte (pote ta MsrOuçURWueu5 w«.5ujiuuIs,'Sdà Piil'axspoorog' v partausbw rses»u ed expérience hlia uggestsd. fW.e, eployocly the best mehanical ehlul, sud aur machines pAe~ underth most a«ýdAi *supervision sud scriiüy-4ièuy dqffl bain a&~ est critliuia-n-flsch machine la. horoughly .1lestesil befo %-ving car works, to provýe b. ci¶îetsuess of :aver>' ptati âDd- tb.e fr nu DU UMlty A S4 thexu lu opération by au>' persao f moderate mechaucal, nblly Ouri Machineryhlasboen seleclesansd eoustroct.rd with a,5i5p1al réfreeO ta the msnufsctre o! aur own uiachipes-many toals bavlng beatu 'n'Me for-"b particular purpoà e, and vat adaptsd for- éther wark, and oxir warksnen ire edûi cabesi upta Lb.e waugs and requFfmcnte ai ouri- mnufaetnre-obtaiuing a. thon- ÃŽough, kiiowled s olibe ooC6setrnodtin atour à zlileÃe,'nnd rn4 bldoi taià à biixher 5egree af ikili sud proficilene>'y t hdh r geseai ninnfaoturino, le carries oin. W. are Liierefore suabled tb luhroduce- a Mo~rs perfect syute iehsd &Ilthe de ýpartaient. otmaufaetureo sddixig sot oui>' ta the-perfection o! lb. work,.bus ai- go to.tb*,rf$dity o a fltpuiau-and a cançequent rqo¶nptiôn. of co«l. w. enalîlesi té to-n onu scldftfià bbwitii a huglier dope. o! perfïotW Moani 'âl 'priées 80 iaw seabsalutel>' La défy cmoiin THE JOHNSTOr< SEILF-R-AKI--NG ,REA-PER là now se woW'knowu as aa Single -&aJldi; t* aWord -0! cmonsedatlon wbukd abst senui mupenflus, but as thon. ai* à wwa ' olainin' ta manufacture Ual. machine wha bave sdhered the lbad origtiid ~hsa±'nhnwltlouI kop- iug up hti, emprovemeuts ; bat justice, te a t*rand patrons roquire of à la teate thst weJ &vsmodl4ed 4 ess v ol .à eW1i&I parit, and for streughlà auçI durability, à ,ijty,4 out, in irvequ k~deidioifgrain ; liglitueu cd drift andi euec afmnngsmenh--ths "Johuahan," a au cttiea b>'us-sta pre-eminently aheasi o!ailllier reepons. luproýof oftliÉ ostibn Wêha?. auly ta poitt b, mauyFinrs Pizes avardesius-ah <'ho à t? réVlbelal trial -ot On- hurlansd mau'y cunt>' triais. which have taken 'place Ytoiver Oanadaý, w*thin the lait few years.- OIJRTRIUMPH COM-BINED, MACF-flIE8, witb late lmprovermeuts, i lubal e aunlie dssired ina Oombined Jiachsmi- and cannaI fail ta'r-29 i lb. roýxq*Ireýszgs f purluhsens. Our' Improved Cayaga *Chief d'., and our Young Canada' ,YW&- are bath first.class xnacijues-co9usîîîntea ninosth olly of! mon andi Steel. TU Osynga Jr. lis& a near oni, nd'ths YonUg Canadia a ranLt; b oth esfrong, dltW ab s machines, ansi net elcelled b>' auy macinues in the markiet gor qulty oý out, durabllity, liglittess of *afh, adnptabiiy, andi sase af management. OUR NýýEW "WNIITBY HARVESTER." As the counry bas liscome better ada$dd ta machiner>', and Many o! aur fara. ers have become shullesi in the use af machines, a- grcwiag demânsi bas prung up for n -Light, Durable, Firat-Clasa es.cper. Alive'ta the require 1menia oetthe. d&y, w. have succeaedi n lnventlng, a mia- chine witb a Wrought Iran Fi-ani, with tlie loaI possible geaxiug-witb, large, broasi-facosi drive wbeel,-nnd su canstruce t Iat the franie ansi table tilt sI l,th sansi lias, thereby keeping the pîlman alwaYs in lins wit heb.knife, The rakes are driven directly tram tie main shafl-there beiag ne perceptible @ida draft, sud neOweigbt upon lb.hliai-sasneaks. Wo ai-e caudean liai w hbava auceediin inventing lie, siut,ýpenteal Reaper, t-1 g l~lils-partiat bas ever been produced. W. have appliesi for lattera pasnî,-*ad )ilhanbld aur inveution,,for aur awu exclusive nmanufacture, aâd w. i'aupactfulfy suggest la (sn- lending purchasers, tat thsy shoùlsi ses Ibis machine befee gvipg thae ' orders for the coming liaivaut. The "Wbitby Hlarvester" weigiit, à l oid, OMOîptnuds, but beiug-mado priscipal>' a! tia bout qualit>' af iran asid ateel, sud fron itilsin- geulotansi compact construction, it combines the strengili ausI-&orbui îy f tal AUloatour macines are faliy warnanlcd. Witb Ibis liaI o! machines, ws feal confident that we eau assaI t er>' r. ]niremsnt, and we respectfully sellait a trial ci aur machinueu,.belieingîthat WC dan funuisi a better machine, for tie moue8y lias an le oblainesi oisowliere. BIROWN & PATTEIRSON MF'G. C0. W iîtby, Onîtario, February, 1877, FASHIONZ4BLE TA IL ORING t- G-o where YOu, eau get a WelI-fitting Garment :-To the Taifloring Establishment of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPEJIIO-R CJJTTING SHAPE S THE W-IRK A Large Stock of Fine Clotho ; best Englislh, Scotch and Canadlian Tweeds. O0> Excellent Overcoatiingf and Splendid Vest Patterns. A gooil fit Gnarantced. GI GEORGE GUBLEY, JUST ARRIVED AT THE ODD FELLOWS' BUILDINGS FOR THE IIOLI011 -D -A - fl"9;=,AND Pdsu8 te salaikind ofaatuiiilht G E N FI L.ý tTG £U N $I-FNJR a~ tt' a insai a dliensit rtan nt P IM ditte -', î 9 dzoe55j~ - h fe bn tecnia h Iatt hic enb= l a lagenti e otf ua~cturers>ansi deslef~ir, e asotaur 6f M iliniery GQoods, Parasols, Ladies' Ties, . è. otA tts , t L t cn be funi. Gr m p o 's Aj sta bSe C orset .î. A Ilaust ot'fb'l wr"th wthYaienL floieqal t(WO up O;IaI i-Ming alter. Amie fi-cm tiis, lite aly attentincdo'nande a 'd ep uà h Wi d l u t h e b e t ity l e . ' i . f l i t Whitb, 2Iar177.'OW"S;9POW LL. i44 e p IL ta peuretIt i-duMr i id ants koofsnekintp ng-tà - 0 t, Omi utes a wek l nmest.,im n j= wiho mnim -h, Ta expiang;ad n clalni ta OýddetiltplnomwbcauMchelucmsroedan .o l p -, lu a maltr moi atificl. as d vtisteenly o lh motn trdavaà geti-'te iet 5yle Sme1 nt t4à la ko,ýtntb' t ens iii elidl ars, at ina t n ton a arga m c in s-a a u E su wi-ks we f reardeld - AL W AYS i~~i OIJA D AT byf rensy r am cas eu cil.eTte s e f ai-km a-eot sxprepsh ve lts antisme oramplal aimai s ai a man ade. nTu e anacurecf as foni-a s Ongle acwingeumanda str ly dns mmc it lab o a s ut' ma ch olaké inl is aroite aka amapp ri>'msî in prtnt p R I N G L E ' S aa mh a v 4 age. u tu co anulI I to lai ;a s ai, t en ab 'its e l m i ~ s a n a s d n lt M er han [ ail ri g E tab is m en , ~ u o n - hsradth y ies A, a nIt iýey itfrosi dte 'n fi!à ,s pati f Oifr'irogedcinesa OnapcUi-s a uapanl a and B. tmage. Te'aacnitintor as g ra s.inle j(e linnem o!de nafa1 McMILAN S BOORlarge rand qita as eieidOkMasrqio mkasppyacfl tu G L Ea nl illoage.' at aprprinjya iat sl ottsia l3ro k Sr~et Whtby. pi- proest iio a' a 5W ngeatlage measure mens teden byeof u cina, nthe lidrï,xhutte tot raoustb éhretefrsrkn 'adh lbuo Merchani, Tailorin1, Titeir 8imaItcmat iii muees.. anîÃý! a d, b uxpnaQ 0!' -bil n ar rqurcd im hm a nti l ga g e sa We H b éTrB-ihtroduefionA C.YG!z eight, aur m acnhip, l n s i-e- WRICHTREY WMT IM, P CHEAP, i OR ,& 4h u ie adour a4es irom lte mfatarstoftue lutare anlil etaki-o u-I. th la Ru r e >' £MrI "' ne my ofi reuir nOu- mhe s sue equai-lino Oandsu Ou Soc i eer he s areFrsh item, sd hae i-On ý tst machies klu ai otghance O.mLsroj ep mîs er a o aitini idual o a ôôîia>. an r at asiotzie-nl t the s ar sgae work ii o ui c num i-us- h v tf ser Lla, ain ot or m l a 3 13ro1\T ) St. çetý . .U tby, AnTeis aaii e téj dý8nistne, lrmeaI u reki s oh gs cae b car-em ants, uffsringL matamisiiy fi-rr efo eain evs iaa.htien 84 ssiamcietM- Wda . Tla r is, c o sl eT o iau toeg. T s mahn euatt Iitig u ase na- Ail he p pula Pat nt a d Pr prie ary èdic nes. mia Uba am e au-yxxte a r ooe roar lad ru'T e "n t'o o ingthe ag aera trla ila$ einglore a citneitnetih li the r emi,-c t-oignh bt i H -1 TotPh"l NÉairl. ss-setS uynd le t-eubl i aioera a ai -Tc a,Ourpacheiinsto- p Mavio haul x-partace la thé Manufacture, ra! tc m ach i ttan er o yoss l 't V a s e s, tii, Unibsul SI es a 'd te ixqpll -saOli i raI i ia a ra e -O r m a cin eab i eiaI ui a chinego i- l:ave mathif eai indrveual ocuta make ie asie sont relisisil. Wet eshte mn- lig M4rpb ~AO-8L ER 0 , tino owes & Pw61 - Are in reGeipt of a -',l pp 'on ôf thieir Spring Stook, - Uie , , 1 rtIlp - au ýe; stock of Sole Agents for JLazarus & Morris' Celebrated Perfected Spectacles. â%C Coal Oul, 30 cents per Imperial Gallon. Four Galions for $1 00. S. W. B. SMITH & CO. Wbitby, Mi'trch 27ti, 1877. S B ~S ON ICHOICE WINES d PURE LQUORtý NEWV RAISINS, -FANCY GOODS OF ALL KINDS, CA&NDIES, (the boest il, town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW F~IGS, ORANGE PEEL, LEMON -PE EL, CITRLON PEEL,' SPICES (ail kinda,) CHEEME HIASM, BBCON, LARD, &c., &o. Ail of which will be, sold Clieap FOR CASH. ])aily. N.B.-Cash Whitby, Dca. Gîli, nauuwuaes r1eceived - PETER SMITH paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Apples. 1876 50 NEW 'STATIO'0N EIRY A(Untder Oi'tier ftl coumil, dato 2Lday B 0:) 0) K( S T C ai1yi>, 187-.) e2ttR E 2. Ai-rment i idlriduhal upan a AT THE EXPRES6S AND MONTREAL TEL. OElb'IEBOC-T ',l O K-T 'P.. a Snvoraî~uso ubxss..O p4. ma o iarai.. ........ 0 4Miiauagevient c-vr aîxiiot hi 1.pMi rcIkm i ecri l gul, Geoi0p) ge Yule begs to a onethatlie lias î'e-opened 5 loex-ctak (ivofioBemoito utaf Sttboni->'sald Book Store in Whitby, WlPere atstioneg yof ailkidd, vsaa f heces qualy, wil libe kept B Sho ooks of ever>' I. Aend' g Justices on .O î'if description, Cupy Books, Sigles, Pencils, Iuxîc, A&., &0., -af the Ia'west tais1 or çnieximiiaion op11 prices. BOU '0 à hsngd ithllirime, for . - ,ah day neceisai-ilY >. e heDü dWempoyS tzt, Paer i ,., on 0k. in. oune oimare caes, w en not c~ nDll an ,> y ap r u. ys n u lI. e U' . D miCtwen engageai mai-e han *u j ouitours............. euh iday, ............ -..... 150 -Viâ' ý8a rassoameni o 8~ ~ ~ ~ fjj" AIailgAaxao emlis JJfQ-aet or Periodlitala', Magazines ana Music. 9. Mllsage Irsvaling %a attend A. sOizes, Sesiomîs, ai-beIoare Justiesý Iviten publia cenveyance cao haGE Y LE isaceni>. yroasanabua aishai-sa. WIutbY, DOC. 1l8th, 1870.GEO Y L. meula la be ailoweci.) ....... 10 10. SuîxoalUg;Je çr im- %ioncrs' laquessi clutiing atlewng aI imquesl, ands er mivices li-ats. as ttbrofC= dnéa ...00 - n/L LI A 3M T IL L S J Il. Attiuding sari Iidjaurnixeult lie 1ef, l eu egagesi]ot fountaur..... ......... 1(»CABINET FACTORY AND 12. Do. dix. IH ngsged morsihiari tour heaurs, ...............1.... _ a8 O- i#nbà n oa<c-5bpoes FÉURNITURËE WAREROOM S aetn ilrUrnr(suijecî ETrD BI é T bÉ IIB o. ieage. ............. 10121 14. blaeievu THE OLeùCorner' 0 marrant warant ebi-n............ ....200~ ,17. Serivng es 'bd .. "" - Ã"' -îeGo where "ou--cannoôt fail to beî 18.Ad~~¶f~e.........i.. 80 ased lu makî'g séeeton fgood à ý re 1. uder disîreiÃ,waf. - -f- iînreo 19. Tmyellii ta maire disties, 01- ho 450 1pendid'Pùrlou.r, Drawg oom aud B-ý]e(room Sets, or, 094t, t tk e idis. ew vDemigne well ýVvo1-thy of 111pect Iastonshcbng low pricas.Diii trousiwhsunDo gaods i- are . 1 a e> aa-inn-li 20A;à elente, () llhd y ÃŽn9na - roii Extension iIables- en spriratce * ainaie5 cents im'fi icls-, ---. tOrnicCn, Picture ruu ni~rys~ oofs on. Cthioe la-uî ami-ramng n eeEsstye, vin fie Ciooi 2 ataloe t i c tsnFüc. a - addlve1a f gcods,5, i th go, eh * R 1 is,1.. uit WHOLE SALE and RETAIL to suit the HOLIDAY DE-MAND s UNUSUALLY LOW PIUCES. TRY - %-,EE ?I I « TA, T+&JId 4- q SIMCOE STREET, OSHA'WA. AGENT FOR DAVIES & BRO.'S Celebrated* XXX Cream Aie *&]Porter. rw THE TRADE SUPPLIED jW Osliawa, Dec. 14, 1875. 1 B UGG I E S PRI(.t LIST Qi' TIE CANAIIIAN GAS MACH INE; COMPLETE, Fi-se o ouard ol f Cars ai Toronta. 2Namier 1. i-ted ta snpppi> 15 Bainere, 8200 00. do ci 80 ." 25000. 49 go 50 ".1 h8000. 49 4, fi 75 ci 375 00 " 5, ' 100 o 450 00. 6, " 150 I 0 10 7, " 2tZ " -70000.- S, " 250 " 8w0 00. a.B 89 " 10000. 10, "mahiesmaeitf " 100000. Lai-gar macitues baule,,ifarequeden Weivt o aa es nen à ropiie . a ung iopn e fo i s iaeiol m m ei dte pofa lie. . ig f oamxi ha i uiinadi neug la canipb tes h fi rauje d tin !gus:Wesitall lie glssi'lto asvise vitt suci as ta iahs nnni !paig pipes, sud alterdetala. We hv cmecîcm-mnt uremplo>., matu e sutigi iuy part oh e iscountr>. tapipe buildings. set machines, A&c. We oi, anpni, ~ la estimaI, upon.the su i-air ai-t,! pipng, fu - h.ixx ,meii ,gs fihi e fa c, o spcms bl ret5a s ý tasim syta id absnes, sea epa Witc han: sare aie' fr cs avacaici t urmcie mtto We sounloders tà à _h ror Ganline. usr-usmnsaesri hlm a i aUoa pi-onapt>.. W. fui-niai cte beat qualit. ef Slut xlt ma-ket rates. We manufacture I-o or Cuappar Tanks ho ai-toi for storing Gaeoliue. I hlave bave itas one ai Josepht Phil4sCliC'. Air Gag Machineint ut nu>. glace in Roseaie efor about oigiieu mtht. Fionu my- oxperience, I, am îatiefied i vitle ah i- o. OI MSSUtis. JosouîPIL P LLu'5 &Ca. Ositama, Mai-ct 27th, 1876. Gzxxurnazx,-I have ver>. gi-catl posus re camuig erAr(a ahn pullula aour Collage, assiItbas glvenpsi-fct netishscanmYaing y, & ir. - Dchi s C Û A. B. Dxntfld. 15b Lighf MAtaldne. viiWin e ail tu Cisi-gyma Maissas. J. Pacétaîrs A'Co., Torontoa. - Oeitnua, 211h Matcht, 1876. MESES-. SCOTT ArPm7.én's. Whitb>., iNov. 22nd, 1876. GENTSa .-Touarga-g snai inti'aduced iita nu>. tor IWitlby givea Coauxtet atin. 0 factian. The macitine'sorks lui eixjmd 1 arn savent a'lame aauta fîumi-ands ex-paSse, basintes tie sdvanhcgcs cdlesmilincassataà ver>. sapemor igît. R1 . J£Vzà ;aa. IR E 1D xdlmadei -Wyltby, Jul>' Sth, 1876. of the bed.Mý TOUS & NEW1WPORT, *h{tby, Ontario. 28 Fi thlng i FIRE URN IU RE. )LE SALE-& ÉMEAIL. :roojns-Albert Hall, igo, a 19 Yonge S. leays Oùl band a InU Sto~ck olever afr Une sld ope by stucttsution ýans'f fier cstmers' lt eittÉ aCe of lte patronage Luttai-ta ex- -tesdedt Iem. ' - ùl attention pain tthetmaking af tE EIY L JE W 0 R K OTTOMANS, FANCjY CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, - CORNIC~S. &a., Aie.. ai punt down . l .ia best JAS. R. SAMO bli, 1876. - rByT AND PORT PEElI ENSION RBAlLWA'Y. MIE TABlLE No. 1-7. laon as aurdà y, Jan'>. dii n by Tai-enta lime, ihità minutes alôer itan .T.R.1 TRAI]NS saiiCasIturs.B Daily. . St=r n.. .dept * 10.50 a.nDr. 7m1 .....1 10 l 7.3( .....11.20 74 .....11.50 ' - 8 ) Brî....l120non 8mt bai-I.... 12.Op.m. 8:1 tuAns Ganqa saurs. Xa. 2mczrt iaal Daiiy. - Bsui :..dapt 6.00 as.. Ilo cr 09 8 07 r . 20 ,1 -. .80" 8.2 . .....6.42 " ......7.00 " 8.4' m.iVz 7.20 f EPARI 7.85 4'0 nu. .ai-rive 7.40 41 s stations. Trainm stop co; ng at Wtitby janchin vi ' t andl voit; aitPr zbidge. .-Pr er JAMES HOLDE THALI3ERG PIAN $290efOo. i-g Piano fiii a-vent long le I-Ch Tskeas e Trains r ty-hiau: Wiby .T wiiitby.. tiancîast Piice Ai Port Pei Prince Alf M.axxchastel 'Saumit.. Myvrlie.... ti-oaklin. Wiitby... whiîty j 5tilatfos conuect G. TR., a stage for t The Thali ihici cour tii besul>. makeuiti HALI generail> monts, ltae keap up, no or na exijusi Titas, in, FiaT rEX~aPTRA x- - Clssblii., Section 95, No. 89. Sýc, O'"î P H-IL I ps, - - '- ' B OZ J$ 1 tT AC T U B É R S 0 1 T E PL UMBE RS, GAS 4ýD' STEAM FI TTZIRS, 168 YTORK 3TRÉ ,TORONTO. Pa1ns, Water Closrefs, Ptrnps. Ga>dea Foiunlaiuas, Rirbber Ho,', Gas, i - it re , in B ro uie an d ry sal, etc. Brade Ma-A MRCE MO0TS, )xineahe clearneas af ta ne r of Siitahi tse mastceishi, ie& bditoi il ix luessbli ta 5glu aGo i ana lai- about THE. PRIC V.ged, ltae anaiinupIÉ s rale aicitee nu gi-e no large stawraonî ~iaduia HaLRistmaiu4 tidtraveitg agents ta psy il rumcnts are mi assaueo 7STANDARD, IlYEN OCTAVE, IION :FRAME, iFRONT CORNERS ~RPEN;TINB IIOULD'Gg' il DOUBLE VËNEE iffi IROSERW 09D CA SE Anex-Ira MTO 0F' ,ePER CEN w il Snitoosa and Couvents, s e:ifor lthene cf i teirfammil W. ADAMS,- Z7-ca-y ,ckie' licÉard -hie -moadrful effecta afit S1ices ansi Pines lu c aLuiDi"oae Thoni Mr-. Marra., lithia book, lte Adirondsu'ks. lalalypt liated, relates ltae case oe ansumphivs 'niznu a Wita vas sntizeî ocuiad b3 llmree inoiths Camping oc smoQngcthe pinos8.rlaFraiý the regnîs, m-rcansumptive p hote théLmepinewoodi e order -tiin 'ta driik à tg made fi-im he sp-ute ta; ýGIRY'à s KYUUP in a sciei liSe ulelUAminabion ofthe f -Witiçexudeau»nb Spr,üce t-e,ln titis pr Pixlinttlquttagua nç aru Paren.u5'- an'd ait ils ant sp agm~ini>d xpector-eat f leiiit)uibssamniepraperie Ford6"s .ido THE GREATEST --- DISCC'VERY AR Zotay anc ILatel "tan r, WWttbyp ;t stylo. 1877.- lima. Iraisi. from 9 t -sandi ulys.R 80't 18 d L" de .1Optix goReud t 5 de g ENN NoTeta-xr 1c]ans a ) rane stu .fy ~ L - Ptysdia.n Soi laga.ani id~~ ~ WNltSpt. as 0 Uv.! aunM. ls. -~ ~ ~ ~ ~ E 0.7 b tatLv the Cleer Di j- Several Open Bujggies with chld's3 seat, Lady>s Open Phoetons latest style and very liglit, Covercd Plinitons witli lolling Seat, also Liglit Top and Open Buggies of Super- BOOTS AND SHOES. - JOH N s A uN DE È 44-ý Arestock dfBoýots and Shes, sutablefoir ïgw r, wilh wl Ata very éwmau oan on cost. Work done to. o rder in first..class style., A Stylish Boot and a Good Fit Lrz Z! to 1 ! 1 Whitby, March 27th, 1877, NEALE'Sý 1 and 1 B. smi-rH & co.1 IFBEDERICIý TESTI MON IÀLS. raterial