Whitby Chronicle, 7 Jun 1877, p. 3

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oto ortemontne gd r e b a'v Prom liie vdenoe given as t0i . ~.d < ,~~ g c o t a t u S L N i O I O I, fe r t o r v i e i t s a n v s '; I-U.]u NRT R Lu tl#a Delbbood, app6z Vi ta SI PasthWn hibMy 8 M qe tpienselits f "X____T U_________ - the intention of odrrylus lbe oî r b . m m îsn W de o nt f thedie,l G E S L hé fo» s ulelmon Pas1114 ou coune th Ioalés ýl i ving inth lae, MviG 00 relief tbrongk lthe Daga Paus, wvici ta Who styllles if "Dr. Bft,,rVY irWho z___ heM théinsurgent» undoei(laceuai vas 10 produce abortiori, fems )al. E  MI ADN ,. vuo, ciâaztheliiPnce o0f Mantoue. lory an édcosaitd lait homo h.Y drove.SEE P. X .&1M?, Q A T 1T 0roin pmron. MTie Insufloeit Osaii. b lbhe"Doctor's or SM@neprearrangodeis vlb îar arageneil a l. urul 111place, vues. ahé wu opérated upou, heM on quarter have canieâ au allarmng mor- and otculad MUW&alti th.e Ms OD jLO W H L tel te azong the. troups. -At Trob1nle, shlwtikn manner, but nal boang able to Tedyad WddyeH T Y 2Adshave o ad iSt accome térDflsteyptté I" uy iin t et ýjnuôtèomanOne-bafnseialo i l augyaraw ,,,,HitsMÈ leis-ter îï -'à s, iisterià1 Meiino Hats, tligeary coni . trae IGataho, zut!., lutendi a lai.ber GE. OISNMA LseîlLustre Coatii ri ~.nn 'sar cosalnoftIryaI atlo fr i na &bire YsudNx miniserzs, Moa,, Lme Coat .MinstalLie T.tr BaglontegaenaA.'M. é tang ofra u saix dysst.ry TmIre rAu , da aleoidteszz threog aozi udredslrong, ta e. thepoor Mare -oulascoui du é, xihScti1 My Ulm.MinisteriaL.Linen uleters, Ministini 4 '8uuts) îseirial coûts> lhousai4 Are davn is vlîzsknoussat Arad bar and burled theco04s.Ti iitr Motai,uad a similar 'ttl o!fagaira girl'. body vas not onnda 4e.nThe KEELFePS IAUNDY atMnseilVis existe as podgoriîxa. suiht day0 aller her lebvlig ber board. O SH AW A.n îliouj>AXDma OÂNÀIAL. tng boule. Wisî dliscoversd 1* vas eatp .tgio D s Çl d,, RÉ t a , The British Cabin et bas deolined thébutaitina a il standing posîiozi., isas, T IWORE DONPaaaB UbelasHAT-HTe MB- ~ tpls orins iooocibih &boutrtigtntoda dryelaeG6ods, Pinints,érSiJk--nJa Mkets nod proposaI of. M. De Les, b tokeep frimn uaof bush abouts., el<hî roUmbdalas:dryla Me, lI&M.uingse- arpets 8> ,I, IJ h Se anal te U atitons, and rmaaioyahouae. Her ltisa nalive o nn=BL Gentbs? &o. .1 ,'l' on, excand berodavers, ior rensFlannels, Fans: Faâne oy , G 'Furnishings, -Milnry ba i li toBR&Wa D tr aat o, W tbada dm face. lage, m i s dl, uelrmi h D o 4 -. t.b-aTue olotoffg Assorted. O nt Pr&eetheil rorland ihte Kcadinavwul e asré.een ark, vbr eas,d anapon iî fok md h .e dnaed andve t tnoremarks lad wopî~ ttroat, aid also ter mark er cI.as, andryta a bordou eib 0go rt saal toe Kmadeleie acsocfanyuîdio e iahnfoe s-faveworkr sOrdueatandMi. BOb.iVOnagode marked. iia plain figures. The Only Cash Store in Whby O inmadel to order. varli 1ka operatbis. great deal cf brut, forcea.id beenned WbaOatore Wbitbs..,.fl c P-yat HBOOiÀîzws 111 PÂOE. probable. ta smIlS. but aris vile uzider. i . à vraera, ocpr I TIi. P To Fouklng dranêsge cf te operation. Oshava, IMay 141h, ; ..Wbltby. Jili 6h, 1877. E. FI? EO8TB'-1, ht T h e ,ng w ere, t kO dd P eflovÀ gH afll,77. 8m 72 ll on the Danaube, liave. egaged la ngcaons for poces. It a uikly TIT Y M 4 Sr s lhoy vil Amount te muai. OmwsezO rne0901 June tb, 187. N E W ' T S _N E W A D , - T WhitbyTo1877 ACoutERfISEMENTS.LitteEW ÀDVERmrISEM VrNTSi Whllbyflutuatlona lu pria.. aci grain. 1 1 r o uk l n , U rq t hf R a 1 s8 7 7 F i tle P r o d u c em.. . . . ... . .v. . . . # 8'_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Tha Court f IRévsion for the. ow. Pau! Whet........... 1 0 0#1 70 BroliMa 811 17 Perpr îr.5~< 0' »DOM IN1I0ON WA RE RO OHM'S C RBOQ UJE T 1 shlpeof WhItby flt puraunt ta notice. 5pig %est......... $140 00160 AU h ee mbepresasn. Reeve i n aplY,............. 0 55 a 0 do ----oo------ theischair,.os ..... « a 8 The nomes cf Geoige Henry Storey, Oeta ........ ý- 5005Js eeie rs upyo Robert James Wason, Johni Wills Jr., Coin...........o 70 Juah vét a ofanthr oto riredsriak Dirt, Richard 1ka, Prèderick Ray0..... .........1008012 Wiegmansz, Josephi Drev, Joni-Robin. Potatoes.. 0a8 Choice MUillnery,. Parasols, son Jr., Thomas Wioketê, ...a..r...gg..............l1001OEO1-D-JA M Moore, and Thom"a Moore, vers aider. Butter.................lon1 ed ta 1e placadl on the RoIL The. Wood ..... .. $ 6 @$400Surniner iress G os nameuof James L. Lauris, Prederiek Goo........s,...2o '£e' 'CeaCheaper, Cheapest. Set o White, William Boutleg, William lIIqatr0 5 ~o rndns Mucer, aid Joeoilah O'Connorî veseu, foe quarter ..85 C00 a 80 from ny$.0 Best Value we ever hiad. oraefed to bc erascd ram telb. aile Shaopikino ............1 25 001 75 aossessient cf William Tarvis wau rais. 'Rides.................. 15,00656 Our Stock of Summer Goodsis com- Other Qualities in Stock. ed from #100 ta 0200; cf Edgar Lcad. Park, pet awt......... 6 00 s16 25 naeydpatet lrLnnadLuteCas er vas reduaed $0000 ;-of S. M. Thomn. Lamb p......... 8Wite inevery àdepsamntBoy' Linen and uste& Ca0. Jamais Aliond a dog as stuck-ff. Onions ....... . . .. s s M e ' Bo ' St H The.ap saIs agaluat John GrahAni, T8ilps.,............Ibo Otur rcr ssple wt h e00LS Edwin Ualsdin avdWalks, Sdaid .... do m.H B. oa'd ougasoGodeiyTissuppied.ith.C oi.e...AR.V S5T T O L0S William Liddls' vers isisd.T, es............14e 017eTeas, ±obacoos, and Cheap TFruits. aîei'gis onBunrovs, Richard..........5 0 8 ep , C a l s o a k w l J r . , J a m e s M o . p a s C o a a . - G r a t e fu i n dt C e r n . : M l n r , D e s a i ga d S e o u - N e Intosh, Robeit Stank, Andnev Birdie EQ Mgoe #Desmk#B ~dSe urNw Field, Doùble Bos 'Samuel Harumit, Hector Moita7, sud Ofesîtu vo hnc oieneoeTailoring to Order. Williamu Routlay, wveslaid over until oporatiens ci digetin 1idntriti ,,.LVE P ELMdeiOePiealSel the nerf mueeting orf te Court. Tie and bvaA oneful &aîpllion the ltu ine 'MbMypt 87 O E O EL Court adjcurn4ed popet7n of d uxek ast ed ocs ir E WibiuÂy2p187 Whtb T wnhi C unil - delicately faordbeveragw inamRa1n M n r F r s saye us many heavy g, os'bih ______________________________________ WhltbyTcvnsbWth Cudicil.s a@of e daties of'Ha ad dInue or Brooklin, May 28t1,, 1877. Mat a coiution B amaî bed&Uabi d cte, nih r<je i.ani me purnt;Beei ent ta iseaoe1ddas oubtie mals. Wl Ail meandies aresné; Reeve artund.us ready te attael, chir; The. minutes cf lamé meeting whereyer there Isa weak bit.W. May îead and approved. escape mau1 a fatal shaitl y keeplng our. MeM]3LOCI< ho be pald, 1D. J. Wanen Medical Attend. properly nourîshed iramne.-Civil Servie anou on indigents, #15 ; J. cuttl Gazette. Sold only in Paclcets, libelled,- BUILDINKG E ,, MVAB VansEF&CoHemoeopathle Che .R 0 CE ST- ET, TPHIiTr?-vUUfT1TY@'1JIArI-' board of Jacob Topp, tuuaigent, 02.50; Piccad1liy London. John Pierrili, Deuis Fitchit, John --000-- Locks, Latches, Butts, liges, Cut Coldwili, esa Soto for prteing'ý A Restorer f Intrinioworth atntotubi nvtdW0uh Whsldja iH. Dcloug teaming and One that Pie aies AUl. Theate io of the le are andNivPttv ec deshreyedby dog, 0 .8. $u e ha o otheir l r e st c fTw illed a d Plain Sheetin soi]o Dawes and Andrew Onvis er apontei unlike any other, and asnqual. The otnsage ieanNpksT cdStuppair o xed 2 nhe Ixuproved ha, new vegetable fouie propen- Cto ,TbeLne n aknTwels and 'oWe .gs ad eounlmsonoisho .xend 00 antic is;nrestones gray hain ta a glossy, natunâl NwSit e ie mae rrad aid bridgea, colon; resteres faded, dry, havai and lu-Ne Sirig,Ne Prints, ie Costumes, New Hosiery,Ti On motion ci J. L. Simith, seeeuded ing biain ; restoea dresses, gives vigan ta lveLs, &o. by ID. Holiiday, a by-iaw to amend by. the bain; neste art e aue l oves, Tie R P I N la u N o. 482 w as in r du ed and p a s , bad ; em eve a dndru rh ue a ly b l S U A N ai.oadrns. No article produces sncb On motion cf D. Zolliday îeeaîded wonderful effeots. Tiy l1h, ciii fon Woodls Collars, Ties and Gloves, ini great variety. G nieW ieL a E gih)R w bJ. L Smth, resolved-that the Impnoved Hain Reitorative, aid dm't be3 nïak *.etaîeqnîstêd te nahify Royalpuofwt nohe article. Sl y A large stcRf es eady- made and Boiled 011, Dry Colors, &c., &o. 2D, te have ail lhe gravei taken fnrn wriebe. adeîu&pCod atiago, Sle CIothing, ini Linen Dusters, black and oolored Lustre Coats; shpte ftepti i iiina Aet o h ntdSa*. and Canada, also youths' and boys' elothing, H l R. co tuainar fèr w the lu inod fons p nlcb H. COK&o.,hIcgoSol Ou otinn cflait. MTgat eoaa 5 LYMAN, CLARK & Co., oni n ofd p. ?Môîhiêal. uled86FRE Su GR CERIES TO IA ND. Importera of English and American adae 3oonS. hîy No.-881, wos intraduaad aid paosad. NEVV ADVERTISEMENTS. The 'above gooda will ho sold as cheap as any house inM'a()t,187 28- Counne!àajeurned unt! lthe lait Mou- town, for cash or trade. <ayn June. AUCTION SALE M AW. J. HIKIE & Co. AE oDFLo;d C the fla O St.Thomalun hie Gulf cf- 2 AVR 1N1. Bib"mïBO Gun o tesepaationcf the ooonySeconci-hand Sewing INEW AV.R16Z N. EWBTHE HP )atte from, Portugal. or Th suecnbo b.loi,. te nohily thue MOTR&WHLSE BT DARSN Pahie PPL IC AT IO N ibhabitant fte7own ai Whitby and MOTR HLSL EALDAESI o Two veessls cf, hie Bitiash Paeifio A cntta oh pndRib' Il uadrn lai'.engagea d baaly p n. AT W fITBY, ON wvialnadity, fd 11C L? t i at ha basw P o po.Làîendr aA A- -- ilied a Peruvian rebel tmmcl oiiP for TUReSDAY, the lUth of .TUNE, 1877, Cvuriif be as oue Juofe i ie onyB' '- ' acta o1 pracv connmitttecldnn 14iii-h<CeK . .,pnto itvnyd~ ri h iî D a i.MA et'nai-reonmenueca;-but hies; I AU fN ~LAEOT oPOr Lindsay, Peten. C N N E D G -rofvary ou'tlleeay, 10 w., anS f eo Ie Gard t N ,-- 0 D thleash. A00o101 ta Mer ndigesteS p eiFanaîcEq., Auctieneer, ah the Peitao.0a .,1 .i.aS48 D'yNGELBoKts5.0 A.intsd omte.14cnt. Ci......10cns lae nankad among the diffuible stimuli' fort hlb R 1 ea aStenlr e fc at aid la iuqapable of affording nutrition . ' tlTown of Wlt Trains arr inov..............................R eey wu mto8...5 cents. Il croateo euonally an unnatunal ex. -ON- irainsCherries.1 5 Cents. Cove cihement and derugment oallie it suk ayBf icaA 87,SEW i N 0 PahOUa.insay Patenborol, AnS Lakedeld, Jf~eC.rns elaticu, irnitatinbg the viole systein î aftIcy 08, LaS .5p.i. prevuntiugtbecS <om Jgigise 2o'clock, neen,thie ioilawlug valuable aid iran the Georgian Bay, Ça rebau- Àýlss&c., &0.-15 pbteprrot carbon. Agaia, 1ev dillie ah 12 s e ral prnperty, vizMACHINES. siee, anS hnhemmedito points, Ahtries Pine pples abai a atileaprcciung te purity, Parts ef Loti -nuinhena27 sud 28 lun. tPhéaPekoFToer,~ aIit al lie vines, brandies, porters, Second TIen efthle Nint* Doubla Range -oAt- sr AtUe Ii Stationsi. Bam lae . khr.m-i1, &o., being nons or lois adultaiated. Wet iSrokoinetM, fe ow e-.LGALO; . TJB Euci befug lithe, at-vti regard h litby.Tis ropony bas a frontag. auon FYTOU WÀ.NT TO BUY Spsitndu-. Pasidezt. Pickles his rlnu aafos iiri adByron Stae aî ns ciain anS fihtyslx ÂPRTOAS Q nlsc5~Ã"ns ~od Japan Tea, 2 th twtpéaain fioaàlinks, and ou Ontario Streo-t i tva bns P/A Wfl.o 25g eau satify binseif by lnvastigsîing lis GoS Twn Steney Dwillng Rouge, vithi Obi"V~ ' cents.pi»tý7 su1et, an opportuîéy la nov prassît. gooaS OubuîllSngeë, fie grounda are plant- SE WING MAC I E,-ndAioh stvis in te samI.e. ed~ IUUIN ius liîl riled viti Choice nit, and Ornementai AaH N , mii a oferAgents for Carlia ' Ae 1.5prDre.Molsort's Aie' thAPUU-IA; Yne,-fr hetralTrees. Thia uroert Ioa veny-eial .TCMNS ri-l OdMttC oU tlc ef au article cf goneral praotiea, vhlci reéldenceand au no* cipie drble. ATTACEMENTS, NDES .?ui-clees--aoAgect-fn o seetfc-9 aî rDianiond Whiskey,. a linaBran4 bas the. very straugeal 1recommendtici Macdeneh, Esq., e~ yH . TRAd, IHN ap~ica oael-n omsIn.i ZI SAi 0 frminmedioasi aud scieutiflo nmsn cfthie cn scns hu -at n ý,$.( e ùt hihe brce- rprtotwih Taies ai SL.-Tha tains ai sale are Tna dasceuuET.-,ahe a. e T iss tte PisesnSe o i mcdMl al y,$ a aln lilisi cbîaeor- prpartia viicibillon, aid. vo,is muzougy roomd. S ] ] l Bc se appily cembiuesthie pradazide of Oue.hentb cash at lime ai sais; vithîn -Clcxaefr, h gerss Mnuî r,, .Flavrs obi vit thie otien eocontitunt paratst tdeposit will inake Five;EuiaddDollars, m A N aths aiou,.OUÉ adaj..o,. aui incidenStis tls fe athebotinosEniofGldilug4jajA, uberae, véet. Beetpi lie affects ineidont la hie use o! Ir~~~~~~an ad lbe balance with iùiterit at Elgit peurL FA R B KThé.Spa8% raiisoataii a Us- eeuluBhTrupCarrIad tLa~Ge 8alts, ara autirsly abviateai. cenh pan annun, rmn 1the day ai a, iniuahei'sTnandpateit Duplex Overatrung ' houte ls neocied, tispreparatiou is ciz. - Furtier pariouclars anS Conditions c pigts à. eý ERbl CENTd, COFvlFO bal ileved te b. for stojenior 1e Sala eau b. had frein lia AuooaneoranSd o 4 4 5:1hsontr ancLa,îî~~ i~~î ts Vnoni5LlXAN -ENGLIèR, OîÎF.bu z~Qwu ~R ~ - ieuntatu cf bealîl, Vez#do'g eVone QK4 Bot 7 ua., gzisl7,Oaa,W4 bîiswgf, 7 0 4 Wv 0 Suilable for Spring Wea -Alsc, the Largeet and bâet wDon'l faf! b se lim befori -.On the 24th May, three young gelX- - tier.nn went, into- Pringle's Royal Hotel, -and, on opening- soge. bottle- f Wesley's,. celebrated soda water, they spoil- e&,ýthe Paper on.-the 'waII, in the Parlor. One said to thec otaer : WhIat- shail we doàô now ? They thouglit for a Mo- heaagebyMai Seamr roi Wand h .5te- Prhpîd andage el-.Oe PAE1S n towed have h repapr d*Uv eO. Y uible.frstri er.B-ipeg 011 Rap. nSTel Ofie 28,187.Wlitby, May Oa 1876. Tega atokCany&c, ta lude- CLOOKS-! CLS OCKS! ICANRUBB R GO DS O HAN . -offer aie follawilg Valuable Stock of clocka ýd Shees, tle -finest aud most durablemnae in tle a uachrc' Pl aTenfrp. Ladies' Bsuperior gooda in- Pruuseila, FIR- R T CL K Nid aid Goat , (a spocialiiy.) FR TR T L C mability aud cleapnus ara raquirea, eaU on M~a veuy low pnice, -willfer P. short fUme havauey good opportunity. No. 1, Cheap for Cash. The .movementa, vbich aue of <hie beait- chas, have boan impartea frein the United Bro k s ret W'hStates, anS put into cases ofi Whitby àManu. Br èk st e it b y.facture, whici ion style anS finish are 21nsupenon ho any itise contrhy. -The Stock comprises: ~~ Elgit Day ana 80 lueur Ochagon l>nize- Sprning-Strike Clocka. ~ ~ Y F I E E R Day and 80heur Cohtage Sprin- goeotïin of Hale t£ men, ndtaiewilg-t Rée hast stock of. ROOM the room. f :Ha Boom Papi »Wbitby, May BEAT AMEIUI lents' Cal! »Boots au( counltry. WVhen dui Old 3TJRNS, 7hitbY, MaY 26th, 1877. On IL U KN ARR1A Se AL7 MNri O REFRIGERATORS, FILTERS AND COOLERS, Measure Time Exactly! dlet Sets, Batîs, Weodcnware, Reaigena' Cuhiary, Comnices,. Hardvare, Coal. Oil, Shovea, Clotica.Wngera,.Lampa, i*a., &o. Tiare viii alsa ha affened a quaiutity ai I-Cages; ha Great Vaniety; Canenies, ha GoodSong 08.50 oaci; Mecking Bird,, pan. WORK AND K1IFE BOXES,' (veened,) rots, Tirulies, anS Dirda et an variotics seial by express te any address. PoînRE FrMRAS(enOere,- XeTlie Langest Stock of Honla, Furnisisi luh&City. , g A QUA2NTrrY'0F VENEERS. - anu d_ a n u m ber of articles i u the v y <u f WHOLESALE AN» RE1TAIL. Clool! Triminingi and Tbal.- CANADA CLOCE FAýCTORY. gay 2nd, 877. Buock Street,.Whîby. MAJICH_18-77 G«1ENERÀI SESSIONS. LAI G S E W RT *Notice is henebgivan t fixte:Coult ai .ave received part of their. Spring - - Gnarai essio e Lportations for 1877, and Sln a few days wii show tho COUNTY COURT iest Stock of Dry Goods they ever ixnported. - Special fer hé Conù iOtrowil ehl i ention -invited to the stock of Silks, :Velvets, Dress i JRHUE b eSl ods, Shawls, Spring Jackets, Mantles, Gloves, HQasiery, TWN. 0F * WHITBY, )bons, Trimnmings, Laces, Cottons, Prints, Lace Cur.- ON ils, Damasks, Linens Sheetings; Black Lustres, and Tue8day, t/e l2th dune, 1877, iily~~~ foin oo t he heur ai twelvo!clack îoon, oai iel V'e also invite the attention of the Gentlemen to 011Urllreues, eurr,5Cusale r kg Stock of Tweeds, wivh l o Iind mucl botter valuaeIlian on any N. G. REY oLD. anr seasen Aise a Cbelce Let cf Haie and Caps, TiMes, BowR., &na a -hrfoolcWibMY9b 87 Iy cf aller Fancy Articles vidaI tley arc prepared ho offen ah suoacnih fie hty-a lh 57 s as Wtigv stsatin11e purolaser, aid uneure a ap9edy sale ho vonidor. TR w, sTOIMAND DWELING LAING &-STEWART'. MTO LET! itby, March Oth, 1877. in e1-h~ p bp wlchM. Sah tpreaont carmes on >ot anSdsaa ebusi, là Brek sreeh, Wiitby, Tiers are four <oaoom- mtaei, aMd Ivorear af the amiepi,!pe -coueiaagcivheun, nid hua nS e H A M I T O N & Cv's., - "a H A 1 L T o oA pplý ta tsa praprletor- JOSHITA RICHAHDSoN. -Wlùtby, Apri 2G 177 1.15 4'ILLINF/iy <OCnW fiOOM E~ONF PublicE féJbo1 Teaehers m WILL BE OPEN IN A FEW DAYS WITH -th County of-ontaio Théic nneiElrAiliniii of Candidtes ion Public Schoél Teacieru, Finalt, &emid, suMTid CLan Certificahes, fer thse ar 1877 vliheld in he Hgh Sh l 1, Ciau anSd l 80rnfaPia -A D-TUIýSDAY , fél6" TirS Vssa; - ly, at 9 a. m., fer Faime ai lhe notll" e ta PrMyoUs given by lie Candidates; cm b onappliaion ho lthe Inspectai. M Pt a8hionab le Styles. wehrfo ozt-o f ry ComiÂlu-et zo àer bDLEIRY ANDRA NE S .MrlApgS,1W Wrr-L41A M THO0M P SON (14~p attliÃ"n Wfr44large aid auperior stock, oMPrising ovcr- Iar7dn;ge hing ina lie Saddisgýs#d lase ess, albo 1 ~Valispes an1d- $a ga Trunks 1 Cablî frein Whlîby ta Live!poal an LOai dGenderry,------- r7 o19 ewcarding ta acceminedafim. - laiii, iran whihby ta Glaago, on I w nhemadat frinWhihiy ta. Liverpool, Londonderry or 4--gev - - 847 il M found in , 1411- (OPPOSITE THE POSTý OFFICE.) NEW GOOD

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