Whitby Chronicle, 5 Jul 1877, p. 2

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01. 0f 4h TaDragO.nts r.fiat ià I. redit upon the gentlemenih.vin CL O rn. ajer inazmi.'ýThora. waqa, rosenatUea frein North a. v South Ontlario, The eontlugent - South Onturio nomb.red smre oani" car an~ d wI*hSon. T. N.i it4. A. Md là . piomlnen4 supporter. à BtdIg-Mr 3.B. Bickeon? rooc Xhly;M . NW. Brown, M. 1 l,~ ~iJ ONLY Or 3o PBR' AN141 'Whltý,y, Thürsayý, JoJy 5', i Whst viii the Casfity do ? The question ha. bien akda quently vitin uthe pootébey ,di the mnffoi!rib>' bthe eriblo Bt.J ore t' Tuai - soiethlg hoisl, doue i.l ahen for gnanisi, as.Ob m on wvioai boe IolU no room for qasil Aiisan tallue l idwsa iluno wrould t4k Unes, sud oui mo t thêsàmoànt cf tise dôu«on, the nw mlgist be sceompilusi 1>' scurlng -' ignatureo1ftie "vrabl reevu dîput>' reevi te adea.nuî uutbc Iug tise grant on lise vannant ai * antien to the coootytreuuror, eol dou-ta bd doue ,- wal-ag aceomplilà tise greult u Mount of -iluculi b. douo queki>'. Tarantoensd, Ctav Rupilva>'. b ueousfal Meetings have beecu dnnlng tise Pait vs.k ut Cherryw Ovis-vrsd Gmeuwaod lu diset * lo the bonus bylaw. Thes oppone Of tisý rond, hois b>' Mn. ation Cobourg, are ding ailtisa>' eau te feat th ise lsure, -,lMen vise gay' b * arc le fayot cof thifsond und admit ti il wonid benefiltishe tovuunoip, but w *aslow heu feelings te bc vanked np by disuuuclatlonoof lis@ giouplng ecii are but tise dopes af lie vonat -Ã"pj a nIs o014111.grand railvu>' projeet. *The Comnîg Pic-nic ln Ontario, lon. T. N. Gibbs adiei 10 his-l * - arkts aitlîe Markbam pie-iua th, about tise laitor ndt of Augumt or bsgi îsing oCf Septembsr, tise long coutemplo cd pi-ic iciluSoutis Ontario voulij *heud, sud tisai West Durhsams sesirod- join lu tise demontratien. A iona invitation vam extoude te an Whio ai sined te attend. Tisai lise pioenie Soutîs Ontaneo vouli ho s succsf an a ni nonsten gatiering ub$re eau L Do veason ta douit, sud tisai àill Li lieutat the titu isdcata, our fiend isa>' roi> 'spou tise assurance givena aniseMr. Gibbmsliasalopronsi udi lîsi tise peeple s1mah baya a cisanc -to houercerne of bils poilical friend tram tise Proviuceuof Qnehee, upon lis occasion, as Wail as Sir John sud il bihg unes frous Outario. Relief to.8t, John. Tise reliefte tie scitien Cit>'of Si Jolie bias been bts genernsîsasd spot tannatî, fnom ail quartera. Muaislisi boeu donc. teileviato lihe suiforni eondequclsiupon tisawide.spread cio va4tation unidîisas 3causai W>' ib tanî'iblc firs. Vo are gial te ba able te us>' tist Withy vas <mast amonget tis towissaf tise.Domninion t*0 centibute Ita mite, ThitcZy relief is vsat lu Mout vauted. Au admirable plai' cf distri billion isu becu- adloptsi b>' tihe licc aemius]teeTIliere i. lisel>' te -i. an exnta.selon cf the Provincial Legiias tiire courcuci. Increse lu tise Population of Ireiuud. Frocs 1845 te 1875 tiare vas a eteàt1y decrease of the population of Ireiauc aven>' yoam, awiug te 'tisa flow cf mi. grittien fion berý coasto. From up. warda cf eigst rmillions, tise figtunos cama clown, iowu, yoan afici yoar, usUin u1875, lu lis middlo'of tise >'ar, tise>' tood aI 5,809,494. Iu 1876, at bthe samne peii cf lise >ean, it stoci ai 5,821,012, au increase cf about 12,000, TIre Itogistî'ar.Genorai nov .stlnatee tisaitisae population cf Ireiani on tise DUthi -of June wllbe 6,8881-906, au lu. esreaneeef 17,000 au tise preoi cisyan. 1 1s0 great oxodus lime cossai. Tise tude ihsn turned, Tise population cf Irelauci le iucrcasiug oais ysar. A ew ISITunai attis e vlifurnlshed store of Mcssnu. 'If. J. Hiekie sud Ca., la tise !Carpet Exiibitor." Thsis is an 8"0 evs. TuMa% eai vàxcANu Cox. 'At4L.-In this case, vllch bau bien lu hltlgatlous for tva years-lbe Campan>' havlug reelsled tise dai of MrBunso> or hlm loi. b>'tis e caationa _,are b y vhlels be vag bnmnd. et-a ver- dict vus ietouici lait eeluin fàvour of tise plalutiff for 02,000 fun& cofto, We glatI thAt i. sano gslned hlmsIlt; bis boas vuÉa er>, sud hi.daim sjust 126. WAi<oN zscssxEîi.-gem. bayem, viti a more (hsa ordiuary inbuuntion ta w aulca m"shif, ent sud isakei eue cf the nov cure rocelved by Ifie WIsi$sy andi Port 'erry aliva> Comayu>lat wieh. Wsefr usines bave been uscer. lalueti, amu n > eî @tain)>'deerîs tise siei papibmismt ac 4su o mt. cd ttpcu hthow, uDo uli' lueUN vaY of ian"es1 1. fo an offeno t neesno -Amgeit cununilseaws of S Tio~ pnube,ç - mise Music furnisisai b>' tiensgavegpeut "1BsLiPoRn"bisuDOW enterei lhe Total............................ 11 satlsfatillnsd 8a large amonut cf second yesr cf publication, sud vibli ANALYSIS 0F BOWLING. Mise praise vas bestowea on tisons, individu, aven>' prospect oa reneved succoesi sud al>' uni colectivel>', by tise great crowd populant>'. Lsise-lat Sani6 prooont oe, 5 rnen, 8 wbekiets, 1 wlda, i no bail. n present.Prescott Races, MtheOsc-lit Iln"fgB-14 aver,, 701 balla, 2su maenas2re rm, 1 vioket. M. I CE1RTO FTF ýWLT.- Laing--Md Iulg-s vens, 113 bail,, I mutd. Lil Csz.snsAvoN O TUE"TVVLFTE".. Tise races isicis took place ut Pâles. Msthriu15-rud le-8 1 ens, el,2Ms Tise Orungensen cf South Ontario, undi.n ilsi vr,5 aa ia Orange Youug Britons vil ceibiute oott on u l>' nd sud 8On vere largel>' maidens, lVsins, i wickitu. Bc thc "Tvelfth" cf bol>' ut Whitth s. sttended, sud th. sport gooad. Tise fcl. ST. GEOIlGE's (hOrazu.). 2nd, yea. T'eo l bbeagrnd roessonlovlng is tise summur' Carton-lot Inultig-is ovin. 14t5 balle, 12 Ell b>' Brook itreet ta tisa Market greunîs, FNTDT E a5and onsik«. 1runeil~' bi. E sud &adressees lu tho Dril1lSaid. [Bes. Open trot for s pures.of #800-;the Gpi.-y...î5 sO20bala, 2 made, 14run. pleg]foliOwing herses ststed : Phil BSoari. Miss dan, Fra*k Munson, Weodstock, unid II.' PAU O Cupi. mth. Phil Sheridan woe n ~Gcid Digglng At Oravcnhurst. 2ud, OATS-Tlse "Culavevae Chroni. hr101a, th t.T_,1.4,286 iete ignggo u usMs ci," Californie, vnltea '-'«We vare t 25 61 Exhot. im,2.f, .0,i.. shovu seVeral seta&isof Oas t iis veek, For lie Qaeen's Piste, a tisai of oe u va>'. The goli bas given au ins. pal) grovu ou Hoskluso,'a rancie, L'overand a haîf mslei, tisera. vesoui>'four p te tii1 el de" cg. soa viaho entreés, rz.neyer Iboligbt o iggsng a Weil l'orMs mois GalcIs, ta vMeo eerm rWul' ba eniueMtisee>'cti Dîne bâchae., a etw 0oight fh@$,1 Amhit's ................ tiemlelves a >'ear ago havevecenti>' Diap hourdcf." Jobn ..................-8oUe abavsvel of bis ovu, eand net lu .Exe t is e Rys Time-2.56.........B s salgibo' a ns. e T isresuit diatriets eut off b>' droutis, tise general Bunuing Rae,rmile hosto, for #125: bean usaumto.diseourage hlmlun tise 2nd, ywd o whét andbarly isMaritime....................... 1 1 but. ou tise contrun>', ho hbu beau yll-fvietsdhal> ubotter tissu c heBrer............ 2 2 samzevist euaouraged, sud le prepavod wu ntpaea y heMot ý"giD, ran HrL --.........-.......s 8 ta go hlm proportion of tise expeuse in J. B Whot 5t 0bossela ttý e rle r, msudMG1.641.56. pultinginia steam Upum n i o bail.>' 8010o40. DY.thsequestion au to Wevu 11gugpe i. 139001M* vil Wpsy a fair triaL Misa BsIzOns Aes ...M~~p~ The trottiag race for tise Ib., in.I O Cartwright, tlrough cth. glrlug va>'Mend CugtotL all, Thoislucolderable xitoent a& 2nél,1 Mid 181 D sanWebb, ansd Lad yOtta ansd Montrealae h to f 1 of s laider, vue perelitatai la' the. Grenvile.Ms M. lise Pap -1al Zouuv e mto f>n of Md grouni un-aorsa th 'si ouvesýni. POM cr 2co uazp.k bët ù h@iA Aut, crice 1È1 à teratune-lat, Miss Bristol ; Sud, sale as0 Woodili andi'Wilians. don, sais-heeciug-înt, Misa Sueigmase; 46W ,Misa Hava, as E ocution-6Lat Miss Hevitt, (prise tise E. amevel Esq.) ; Sud, Misse. J [avitt sudBM. 'Wiliams. 1Beading-lot, Miss Harper: Sud, 8Esiobi. p 1.Besig-ust, Mies Gusenvaod; Miss Alexander.S Essayei, fvam Senior clais-let bail Haro, (prisea uanici b>' Princi- site 2od, Miss Jarvis. tiou 1. Essays, frons Junior Clesa-lat, of 1 IDavies, (prize uvarcici b>'Mrs. ppvo per) ; 2ud, Miss Heveti. Thle CLAUOIOs. - .5 Latin-li;t, biesPeberion. aeiv *Latin-lai, Miss Sanes Oe Uiss Davis. n d f MIODERtN LANiSUAGES. ing i oencis-let, Miss Jarvis, (prize b> cure Rulledga, Esq.) ; 2ud, ise Peter. 14 is Prenoli-litMiss Duvius; 2,ads inur CWilson, trac F.reoai-li, ;Mise Vandusen &lac Miss Tombilu. nes,î r.Prenais-lot, Mies IL Clark <mss-i Mies Beigras. tise 9 Frenci-at, Mise Woodraffa lnh bun-lit, MWavis X4 MssofbU *-*~K. Mi. XWUIB GihoGOWsrdeu et - -o-- -r 'r" m Yftlm ibsn, aduý « ti bh a -î pprome" b ý aâm *nu qsuA U Ecàxo lur Ocai ,Ure.THrio, r n dAm.Cag igtgoo Ur Bni v a uasvércOww'alyPioa ing, r. aibans,àû Gugt SI àis tw lrgestres -wih à Annt la'*d . (=pU asV.7 aa forenl kli.4 M. W .- E - Mr. Jh po à etéý.- ad ,jg the njoymea4 of a merry boU4say, in N. u, U. ' Alsindr, (r.A. oom 2 m50. Thrn i a onvnietlywhich anlpréwsem 4 b tuparfi.clpate Xohastom4 Ur b. ba fi-iahaar atW ickei .oe é ,i 4h. head 4 wlth s zi, &"-wila the dbumiua- S77. Smith, Ur- JO"Is ovieu, Ur~ . à. J . é tules, sud- bondsme renw ienquof havfug agood l ime.. Bvey. Grè*114Mi. P..NMsE, Ur. MOAVOc, r~ . vhlieau«n be fitted op ",Oo"e. The 4hingpsa of oyplgaantly. The PofUfM. peceri, h -th* wr hole of Élhe building 1fi Al., the ontessêfor thé lady'&a pddle vas bé. ~r.havrro»lev.vu tay o e.> in 1ighwudwulhe s. oanltwee Mr. - 1IlirntUomme, cd Oshawa, lly-grouinds. As m.ntfco.d la 4h. bamy & PhiliPa, ci Toronto. No exp.nseae r ar yt»dyy% ag a b aiU d.mpu*ek publlh.d lat vOeu, th ý lmba h.ensparcibY UÃœ.proprletor in Jorly of vots. Tb* saddle mi.aizd be, Moia gmreentbi oNr1., Glbba e@V@ryvisor"Wfitting UP 4h.enUV hall and rng, 4!reçn #60 »Cd #70, y ag u d be tbe procession pari.d a50* b..um.fl YM ep0 4.msiupc aTorot'the d&y vasworthfly col. lter tY vaSI quit. isutbuslatle, and, the building !of 4h. lilad 40 be fonudd e W, * a UW POr.tff dmoli mton. demnsntrations.of veloome 414 hot any town in lU Ossds, <ste selarge muo,» m mmatch botwe.a the o.d. ceaie vbesubu ontercid the township of ut tle. - The-stffl msn o-lu re Sihamroeieof Montrent and th4h. . anoil àtowkh&3p. - weîvit. elsoflumeaund u'gargeons Z.o'. cof Torout for 4h@ championshp, thaU 'n. ap.ehuof Mr. cameron, 1Ur. drop..uraln-4eve boeu"'n by, W" breentcd liia u, 4h. op.nlng iattr Plum'vb, NIf. MeDougaU,8&r$coina, lind mi n der 4h. dlreele i * r' «i of a .rien of concorte InÂdélaïde Sireet g the Ur. Gibbs lu tùam, von t0the point o1 Toronto ; -4thestage caipnter vork ,yabir% t4he.alce: i &nasaddvwre llatened te with il Poalibihum beau.e«utod by Mi. Alexmnder.,Jtlr mth aolie ac odi. amention. Amonu*Ns.aufflom ae. il Alibs. aapjmnu areveay 'onfipIle o tirdoel s ahOOl rnudusudmau th . m â Y r oogn led au old -t m o o na 1 h a tsj oc r to a u o t he M OU.I 54 o l gb. a a bat.ers wh ceta1l~'eoad nt 111 a b crdi4blo Ti. gsplcrs ISBDtgrounds. ,Large crowdm visited. 4h. ad to inspremaed itiz tihe ngIX lad£mpr.a.uhh bCrossthé. e0u, aeecesgy bànd. , hnumerousexarmens. No goof boorethemwits rspec taMr. ma # aonesd mse .gai eau b@tured on srcs accidents or distuLrbançes are k81en156.&U't h. mem1bors Of bis Cabinet, und off lu anauinstant, or 4h. light rootd Lu th.I< crooksd dealiugs vltl thse subdued ta, 'suy dsel ro quirement, a Pt Gephi. aieLâàdléti * ubllt fteresto. Dow festuie of attractlO ionfl b. ud t R h t itse aILuadfac in Ho4h.ns' hallete ae Basedflalt. lu Hophins' Hall 4e recommeni 14 ta Kiggaton bai a yacht race, and base lodTr SÂsryosox Psesa C Ls.ne cri- dramatie companles and othersg, The bal match. ood, Tv very audmoin passeger contraot for the brick and plaster vorlu Luo eesa.d4.dyIavr mosu. ges named repeciveiy ,Whitby" snd lias- beenuexécntei by Mr. Thomas qLoetdmn oD baetdyi er ienta "Lindsy" sud a baggage and smoking Devenu, the carpenter worli by Mr. Hmla s gdy wtîa of cr (h. attr 4. bit ittd u WeWm. Barmn, 4he painting sud gazn horticultural show, au internatina do-. basve en on any lino) have been Jiot b iM. ThqDIàs 81.1gb, &sldthé ai asebalmatcaIe s atchna ist y Portd Peih. roLidstoyk FA4U.wbl. vsufred fron work b>' MNews. Whoer Foremterm-piaille sud foie, Snndav wl iateo >' PorttPar s nd afilva>'.box &Bain, c-f TSooto-ailunder theSohool picule, rifle match. isaFitenw a cars s ndo nu Bteedv u box nenoaeuce of 1Ur. Liangua>, the lU Montroal 4h. day was quiet. À tu carisudo arrive.Theonse c ner.Vca misurrcsee. i.buol@ work few excursions out of tise City only. ?ne have Malo anrmved veTise pangr ars ha been doue lu s thOoog imn. lu Oshawa a cricket match vas play. onl ave rmilieThé iprvd orynaiug uder, sud villi a completOflO5iMd ed betveeu Uxisidge snd Osawa sid plafors. isesuprioit> an fiishfinish tae oUhfor uotblug but vords of rsl. ubvrc xrde cf tises. cars reflect mucis crédit upon role.i aoro xrde tise manufacturera, the, Outario Car Co., puHise.uep~ie,~ lacrosse match was ase playedl bebveen cf London. 0f Mv. 01)w Oshawa sud Toronto sud vas won by vr- ould only sdia ur tcmitimony ta ihat Ohaa at, SUCCESa 0F WUIT vBY OÀAT POuRof hiefellcw citizeus, oeeasd SU,"n luOttawa tise celébration vas s in- HOPEu BEGATTA.-AItishe port Hope speakilg cf 1 lun1the higheat termeiig agujicent aucunsa. Fine BrigadeJ at- regatta tise hasts frons Whitby vere snd lu vishiug for au oppotuuity ta parade, Lacirosse match between 4thea 1hbi 'very sucëeemful Mr. Jno. Witson's mark thoir recogniticn cf histusefulme teBgesa n iausud tise Moutreal to .Piona, Mr. Whte'i Enèdeauor, sud 1Mr. asi -a citizen lu providing for? thiss lb o > otel uiseto lai W. S. Sparkm - earrylug off fIrat recroation io magnificent s building- cfubtisenGarison antller>ninluecamp, b le.- prizes iu their respective ciuss.. eaionce an orusment sud a crédit teofa bae bai onnAmtillum winaon c luin..--.. the tavu cf Whitby. tihe Parliament buildings aud a dispia>'t lui DUNÃŽCIN 13ILL IN Duituil A~N)NOuRH. The bal il iib. formally opeued on1 cf fie works. .i b. -U3lUFlÂuN.-T11O Dunkin Bill is ta Mouday veek, tise ltis inst.-tise Port Hope lad a regokta,8a80So a ho b ho sbmitted on tise 25411 bol> noît lu Agues Wallace-Vifls troupe isaviug en. cricket match, Port Hope Ys. Toronto, a ,d tise Unitad eeuntiem cf Durham sud gsged it-for tie entire eok, won by Toronto. L at Nortbumberlanl. Boih oides are work. -4--0-si in. iug bard. Fion tise conitradictor>' me. Liquoia LiczNozo IN NoanONTARIsO.- CaiNciuy SITTING3 ai Whitby, be. Jý te ports furnisised i41. iimpossible te form Thirty-eighl betel sud 5shop licences fore 4he Hon. th1e Chsancellor, ou B do fan opinion u to boy thse vote wW have been grantediu North Ontario-Tisurada>', thse 29411 of November. et ait stand. Tise tovus cf Port Hope and The amount receivefi for 4hs. licenses ti-- - se Cobourg arcn t lucluded in th, coun. in 68.440, two-thirds of whiohin i.dvii. Cricket. P tics. ed amçng the municipalities lunvisicis WHT V8. ST. -FRE(INTPL. O tise licenses werc graut.d jpro rata. -ý - Tint WEITb,. PORT FERRaY AND Lisil. @ A fine ganse of cricket was played oDn ce SAtY IIAILWA.-Lub w eek tise Goveru. "GivZ HONOnS TO WIox Ho><oR 18 4hé grondaocf 4the Wiithy cricket W, et, Mont Inspecter veut over tihe lin. Du."-Tse BRo. 1Mr. Saudenson, a eClub, Dominon Day, betwtse St CI, m* viili ho foundi n tho boat possible Goeruor, and Bey. Mr. Have, Pninci- -George'. Club of Moutroal sud tise ho fis condition. Twenty miles cf bthe uow psl of the. Ladies' College, ahoubi have Whitby Club. Thse veatier vas fine, 5 g9 extension to Lindsay were paised by due crédit for tise auccensi hiciha.u thongb periapa too wanm. About four ~ 5 imi. Thselin. to Lindsay, we are lu. atteuded tise examinlations. ludged iuhdred apectators ver. ou tie grounds, t] e forned viii bco oen for trefic eb>' finst b>'tise reaulto tise>'bave not failed lu a majiori> f whisw ere ladies. The mi te Anguit. tiseir dut>' te tise pupils. gaine, frinsthse flrst, wam in tise bauds L. le Mr. M. Boyd i. oending lu a cousud. cf tise Wisitby Club, sud flually resulted isi te erabllo a10mo111t of square tituber, viici QUIET.-NOW, tisai tise olera bave i lu vo yon iinsad ôb t in being rafted aitthils a>'. Ths e gons, sud last cf tise serles of excite. mse ao > u 'nnsui~ Ce f. gme ont, wiehhav bee gong n dr. uneto spore. The terrifie round.arns Bc genlemsu, Mosas.Benediot & tSon sud mue isc àaeise ngo u.bowling ci Laing snd nlegs.daugercus eSi bleuira B1 eow& T . luar mki g -th. peut mentis luer, tise pOee ndev-askoeen of Matheson, proved fai m are ghpetof runere ofthé g b ave falien bak into tiseir roi - larg --h--e---f-lmber. uefte s.ver>' effectua inlutakiug tise stumpa cf f cli quiet oilvays.D. F etise Montnalers. Carter sud Kinnear au, beÃŽing determiuei te romain lu à TOWNc COUSrCL.-TlsO regular meet- bowîci veli for Montreal, but tise an, *~~~~~~~~~~ ootsr lmt o om iefrts n f tise lov council sisouli have steai>' bat of tise Wbitby boys cos. ori benefit cfIse bots-sud .»as igsisut been heulaiblt Mcndsy eveuiug. Do. pletely kiled it. At tise bat, Laing led cofi tuMa>'lie omevisat protraced, cfors bis minio Day, hc'wever, Interveu, sud tiese fr ib>'b 69, eomposed ev( bandoomo reidouce, -,Forest Park," our tevu.fathers bai a ropit. from tise of splendid 4, 8, sud 2 bite, oui>' seven ore nearBroklîn fo soi. Tere bi-mnthy enouner.one'm in tise visai.score; matheson andor nroa r Bektiefo&res m aie d heare.mots> nenePrestou ullo hsudled tise viilew veil, b foneyidtre 4 ou acrintes o iuu bau. PuEsENTÀTI<,N.....TisB.Mr. Laird, _scoing 14 sud 18 espectivel>'. For fur, sensl>'lai eu su lu4h.bes ~ onWvho taises tise place cf Bey. Mn. Clarke, Montreai, the top score vas maie b>' pni t in. Teretoksr wte s e aro sdas Methodigt minister lunWbitby, vas Kennear,vise macle 19 ûrst inninga, àan oruitsreand v intcckd vt tb cccetprosented onuF'iday, vils a basket cf foliovd b>' a "dock" lu tiese *cond, aft ut Ie , U ls god earing. Tise goli place., amonntiug te 175, sud su Wilson Rot 18, sud Tisompson inn op a ie he ou a semsn U sieant. adiroes, bis Oshsawa congregation. IDico 12 tise second inninigi. Ielow wvo n ment fo a eatomuu's esionc. -..~..---. ive tise score, aise au analysec f t1ise Plaid. Ba ey ws .sent,, sud ex-- &'m'ed imslf big y 4dighted vwth teeurem "'The revlewlu csiltienlcs or elult exeroieeprav.veVry'atlefactory. ElgisI prises ve. arded b7'interooted spec- la*oë twifMheh vwee, iven b' _M; an~ sd tva by' Mr. Saniod ofaito.: Tise revievcIdvalhing vas te man>' a, DO ansd caringfeature lu Collège vans. Tisopupuls vers sigisi>' rafmed ,fer thé. eus sud gracefuluesa 0ftheir momenteo.,Ail1prooit oongratuiabed the offlcens and.&otors cf tise Colege ou their visions lu eamblulug pisysical traluing sud intallctual culture, tisus promoutng tihe ligist matorial gond of tise pupils. ORAL 3ZAMINATIONS AM GRADUATION. 'Ou Tuesia>' morning, lune 201h,, seveval attonded, the oral cxansinations 9:0 te 12. lu thse evening,sau excel- lent pro me was furuislsei te s larg snu p caivesudience lu lie CollegeaMusoHall. Five esasya vere rosi b>'tise misions of the graiuating class, sud one b>' Miss DAviem of the junior clsam, ail cf viic is ee higsi> commende&. A choice seleoticu of vocal sud instrmnetai modaloues tise luteveel of lie ente#taiment. À4fter lutermission tise (0vernor gave a short sidrosa ta the audience, after isai tise Principal reai tise numes of tise gradulating olaus sud preoeted ýtisom diploma. as follovs: MissMande Jexvl, ef Parkhil,,. M.L.A. Snob Patonson, of Coibonus, M.L.A. EmiYJ.Aunerws Tiisonbsrg, M.L.A. .C.Haae, et BesConens, M.R.L. Tise Bey. E. H. Devait, editor cf tise OCrLeUa, Goecrfiu, lieu gave a ver>' atirring and appropviate adircaste tise ivaing elame. d Medu asd prises, as iniicated lu ho Ecuor Liai, wvoe preseuta tetis esua- ceasful conspetiteni b>' bas. Paterson, bisq., Ber. Mr. Suthserland, Inige Des- can, jas. Holden, Esq., Bei'. Mr.BSn. lenson, A. G. Meblullan, Esq., sud J. Bl. Farewell, Esq., after visici tisa Rev. Mir. Sutharland gave a liraI>' ani vigor- ons aidreos, full of encouragement and topo. Upen siugiug tise national su- isens, th. audience wveedismissei vits lie benedliction. LAvINe OF THE COSSERa STONEL-CONCERT. On Wcdneeday evening ai 7:00 P. in., acernsr atone cf a wing te Ontanio Lais' Collage vas laid is> Dr. Ryan. son, ex-Supenutandent of Education. Jas. HIoiden,.Usq., theo President of tise Board, nesieived, in a pits> adirese, tise Bteai>' gravIs of tise institution iuring Le préeant finaiai deprossion, coin- limenteil the iearned Doctor on bis înug unids'ulnable services te tise cause )f edlucation, and tison presented iis withis ilvor trovel. Whou tise usuai srasony cf la>'ing tihe corner sione 'as comlotcic, Dr. R>'orson gave an do uent sud aile 'sddresd, in wiia io Teke cf tise pleaenno it affonded bisa te iave bai au>' part in tise establishmsent kd maienance of Victoria Univeresity, s si iali tisai as lieshli Ld confidence, à lieu s youug minltic enecesa of t undertaking, se nov, asuman oidn aon, ho fou assureS flint Octanio jadieu' College muet have hefone il a igisi aud proipernss future. In an eautiful irituation, lu tise centre of 0 'aaai naesged b>' an entenpnrising $% ;arci of Direetons, und asoi nemt a taf of officers aud touchiers, it cannol Y Ml te seurs public aupiolva afid Ps' e, nage. p Tisaecucent vas langehy atteuicul, fi id pn vvay'succesfui. -Tise solo Il Sd dises-ai sing .iug wveeof tise bigist 01 rdon, sud received heurt>' sud veli' 01 sritei appisuse. Tise ligis standard Be ceulture erlncei in tise execution of iv an>' piece of msie reflecici groat ni reSii ou tise pupils sud them isinst. w e. Tise piano 8olos, duoite uni quai- i55 ttes, some of wbicli ero accospauiod ec rMn. Tonningicu vustise'hoviolin, b 'nisised a rare musical treat tisai ail ef -sent seensed ihsorougistot appreciate ài id eznlo>. -Wa cangratuiate our frieneis Io lise Cohlege upon tiseiseailis>' tat ocfii i musical iepartmeut unier tise effi. unt managensent cf Mr. F. H. Tan-r. glon sud hie ablo staff of assiisats. 6b ['le folloving ih a record of ilue i uding attained lu tise clesiugwviitoen usinationa:- oit HIONOR LIST.ai ENeLîSîl. f Grthmmatical A.ualysià - lot, S' ises Woodiiudi DistI ; 2nd, Miss. as iyewoth sud Spencer. as 1 . Gramm7àtical Anslysis-lai, Miss nuj ublun; Sud, Miss Snnuignas. a f 1.Gassar-lat, Miss M. Van. gie sen ; 2ud, Mis Hotu>'. >TalayaL olo fvs, miss An- drovs ; 2I,jjMies Evid. cf Christlan»ylgy.4t midsi Hore; ud, miesuWaodill sud Moral Bcleuce-lst,- Mie Nocrsue>'; 2ad, IUd Jowvs." Bilibâl lstoiry-lot, Miss' MM' Cran.>';2ud, isismylsi. 2nd, Misses Peterson'sud MeCrane>'. 1Logis-lui, Nids Adrev, (riseb>' G. Reynolds, Eàq.); 2ud, Mis oM- 'Crans>'.- Vocd-lut, Mlle Ada Torringtan, (prise b>' Mr., Tcéingtozqýý;, Sd, Misea Aoh, (priz. b>' Mî Torzlu ' !i4)' IustruintaI- lut, C IBristol, (Bronsie',aoa, asded by His 'Ex. Beac'h, pieb'M.Trigo) MissL.Wln,(rsbyMorig Ffifl ASTO. * aintingi lu lot,.4.MissaH.Bey- nolds, (prie b>' 5!'.Till, Esq.); Sud,ý Miss Boveli, (prize b> ' Frieni.) 1 Painting lu Wator. Colon-lit, Miss Bristol; 2ud. ]Mis Riharison. 1 Painting on Velvet-lat, Miss Eru Boyau. . Peuceil Dnawing-lst, Mis a Vndu- sen, (pris, b>' A. 0-. MeMillati, s. Sud, Miss Delune>'.Eej) Crayon Dravhsg-lst, Miss Boyaul, (prize b>' J. E. Farewell, Esq.); 2ni, Misses Helcua Delsue>' sud Minnie Spencer. Wax Work7lSt, Misa Baukin; 2nd, Miss Asis. tOUT*DOOu iIXRCISES. -Wakin-~MeaHarrison, pàzeby Major Gre>') .MisaIJ, Raipiit,(e> Mis. Banifond)-; Mise M. Wllitams3, t (pnize b>' Ministers) ; Miss Hait (prise b>' Minisiars) ; Mie Spencer. CalistbeulieS-MiSs Vair, (prize b>' Jniges) ; Misa Spencer, (prize b>' Major Deausl>); Misa Delane>, (prize, is> Major Dearnail>' Misa Harrison, (prize b>' Mn, Bickeli) ; MisE. Bey. oit, (pnize b>' Mn,. Sandford) ; Miss M.9 Williams, (prize b>' Major Gre>'); Miess J. Bolpi.:a Ridiug-lat, Miss Davies, (prize iy Be i. M . C am pbell) ; 2 u, M is a R icis. r ardson, (pize b>' Dr. Essioc.) l MaEDÂLS AND SCHOLABSHIP bi F0OR COUlISES 0OF BTUDY. tî M. L. A. COURU5. di Mies S. MX. Jaris, oi Parkisill-Goii fc iledai, awarded b>' Jas. Patterson, ai EJsq., of Toonto. . t Mies S. M. Petenson, Coîbone-Silven C1 itedai, awarded'b>' Hii Excelone>', w L~ord Duffrin. n Mies MoCrane>', of Oakvile-Silver dî Mfedal, awaried b>' A. G. Macmillan, ~ .sq., of Wbiiby. Mf. E.,L. COURSE. Mie Haie, cf Belle' Corners-Tse Ibi Christine, Teeke>' Memoriai Sebiolan. at shp of $20. Awarded b>' Albert, Tes.- fi :dy Esq., cf .Appleton. tri 'nom S. H. Kendall, M. D., of Boston. f Dean Sire :-I have beaun eflietetl fat! v mauy yeara vits a ebronie iuflamation,, ga Dr nsonbid staite of tbe lîvrn, togetior th 'ush tise long train cf conmplainta whic nel ir weli kisewn tbattend sucti casas,' -sa Viz., constipation of tise howels, inspair. ,st id digestion, cld extremities, sbootiug of jaine in tise side, extsnding tovsrd at le sternum, &o., e hat for man>' lu Loutîse I bave nat been aile Io lie up- dv, sn oe sida, non upon eltien aide vush- frt >t pain. 1 vas about submitting msy. mif to tise usual mercuriai course of reaimeut (wieneb>' I isopeil te obtain lief, but dii nt expet to ho ýcred), Fi( vleu you bappen ci te cem m unicte t<i tii] ceasome of therensarkablç cures effect- fem id b>' tise -PauvisSvuu, anti (ai. wvi bongh i t B s low to b lie r. iin tisa 8 fcacy of n ov nesedios) iaving ' ad Ro e pleasure of >'ur sequaintan a, fr ui >ng time, sud of course prfect coufi- roi, one lu tisecos'rectiieolJ>'our mtatc- th' 2ente, I was mmdced te give il a trial. cou commenced taking il on Monda>, th the bh of Matchs. Tic folloving Wcdnes. lut ay nigit 1 feuni, te ns> surprise, tisat lm cold vot comfortaby lying upon tisa liher aide. Frida>, Match 10, not tie en igest pain ; eted seco mnfortahy as t l evr did ; and no, lu one ekci or] t r baviug taken one inte of tie fot, 'mp, I conider myself ured. But in: I lied tise sedicine se pleasaut, sud il au be taken wtlot an>' inter- ttt] ition te, business , I shall continue h '7 f.W A- 1-longer. Lo . b>' Aildn.- Lie Y .' S uiti, E q., Mayor, Wib-r. WhitbY; uI>' 2-id, l177. Yours of yoste. r dl> eceivedl. I am ver>' sony>' l nu fros iàtatIyou are neuih, oue xisiig çircstaueo, *0 v- oa tieisspitalities tendred you t vaniug. ?lisa couva>'ttohie mon in Camp iigis appreciation expneseib>' ail citiens f Wiuby on tie nifors I conunaiof >our smunviila isen. I as, Dear Bir, Yours reepeaifel>', G. Y. BlUTEI, Mayor. Tie çouunty Mod'el Sciool. ioSt dout as Irowu upom tie libilit>' of tie paragrapi publisisci hase açslomns lsshveeb, as ta tie tion.of Whitby setie locaionef Canai>' Model Seool. - One pu. aun ronsPot, Pery, su flIcer ai- id *0 tie 84uis Batalion, tissu hro vrll ai ver>' positivea nsd esphahia c dnial of our aatensnt, and vas IY ta "a bis oad" tlat Pot Pey bee bvored, aseriug tisat ho buS uniâ etain iformation tiai suaIs tise pas.. Ponisape 4h, fcllowiug gru, receirai fs-m tie Dput>' Jeter of Educatic, mu>' go some ta ernlighien hics snd otion, sud ovo Il cause fogr stSar suxiet>, on subjeet.. - 1.- ' .Tàiorota l>'41i, 1877. W. H. Higgins,- " Witby bs been b.GO BE HDGIS, 'DUFY. Minietor !nq m ci nie iSS YlWJs A Pour>' ALlisa>y Bilvsy, IHera the under lis. *inspetion .,ofColos Dunie uni Colonsl Btrsng«ciMautie Aftr tie roapa liai ýbeenpu thrisvm ti sevsral mawnoese, vhis lauti until &bout tivoa'cboek, ,began. The il'- s4 GsY's Batte, tie ba>', suu kaepin'up. cntinuei lira ou tis e treatlng enons>. Arlvj at tse BàËe.lluelise batten>' commen, od playlog ou tise fort, visics, t*041 grseatdàppolntmient of tise largo crow ;qi speatars, didnet blov.up, pernpri gramme. 'The màagazine, howver, vi deatroy.d . - Major- Gre>' vas net aile, dtO fie shot sud soll a ibuso iiitouded. Tise vain alo damped il fue sd pover esiste intndedi blovsp tise fort. PEOXENADE CONCERT. Iu tise eyeuing a ve>' flue entertaiu meut vas given. iTie bayonol exerlis o( tie engineers sud lise svord exorcio osf thse artiller>' vere effective sud quit. n o v l >' *0 it ue s e. T o m u si a fu nn i si id b' btie bads ln atenance u excellent. Tliougli a great amoussi cf disai F »"t"'eut as expresseS t tie %ot oing p of tie fot, anthti probai] n i î u f a n u n s ie r cf r e c h i o s e p e o p i f iiavnoul peasu in gettiug ineide lth boundavies mnarked dangerons b>' fiagi tie programme vas vel cars-ed oui and tie mgi-sees got tie voris e bheir moue>'. THE FORT 'emains a muemenlo cf tise ileodes la>', sud stands as a icatimon>'ta ho i ie n n s k l o f C oL S co b le s ud h ii 9 a l n t o v p o E n g i u e sr s . D n i n g t l b Prcia tls Baler>' ou Fria>,j evw asaelis ere firait iasd dia socso damage, but MajrGre>' liai sa mua] asopectfor the isandivouis, of lis col sautgo of'4h.. chier atm cf tesaesrvice ani suoais vsis to boava Wliiti> las bour defeuded b> 'a regular fortification as weiI as tea giva tise citizens seme. bhing ta lois sud voner ai vis e ioli. daying on tise beach, tisat. lie epas-ci 111 rottres.1 issbu been vlited b>'tions. ini, sd iii continua to e visiteS by lns of ilseusands as a gionieus specla. le for tisa admiration cf posteit>', and 'iii long stand a monument to cas. lesnorate lise 28b1h cf lune and tse lang ceeds perfrie attie baile of Whtiby. 1501V îuisvLIIIRD SVITB5'. Officere and soldiers speakinlutise igisesitutems of tise camping grouni tWiiby. -Tic aise speas vehl of tisa hir daling cf iliose vise bad tise con- raci for sît ;-:,l>'ng tise rations. Mejou e >' in fo rm ai u s t ia t lie ia i n e tuo a rd Ssinglè complit outhis bondS. At or tise unsuarnici men of ise fonce lia>' vou be vll inclsieS tlermesin in sm-isou in Wiitb>' the ramainder cf heh li'as of soldiering uni valse Young egimnets of lfant-y for future loyal erlce, visilo Surrendrcng ubeussolves- tdisaretion ta tisa all.coequenug arme ftise fair. Tisaeevere sffectiug senes tishe levetaiing on Mna>' mont- ig. But ven lisese hlail botter svw s frienl>' vil sd bide lens =c tise vnlgargsze. HOSPITALITIES AD COURT5ES, Saturde>' oeig tie officas of le li fatter>' sud Col. Scoble enter- nuei tie offcers f tie 4th, sud a r priratoe iiizcni, amangst visin re Mr. N. W. Brown, Mr. G. Y. si, Inyr, &c., -ai dinner, ttise oyl iotel. A vr>' agreesbe even- vg as spent. The officers frocs T. sts took occasion to express hein La ek s for tis a tl nti ' sopitalities un d m r isi s ex ten ed t*0-t ie ns d ning uni sta>' lu Whity. Il in ouI>' a i>' ta adi that tie cnduai sud bou. g sud gentenl> goodfehlovaiip cf ýeoffce-s meniteS ever>' mark of ai. ntion tisa - couli be bestowed upon su. Tie Mayor, au beissf f tie rpraion, in a igly> cosplimenlry e, inviteS tie officera to a retenu nnev ce Monda>' eveing, but s thie iy coula not b. prolongea, tise mvi- ion bu a 10 ho clined. The foovig leters paseee between nt.-CoL Scoble sud tic Mayor : Camp, Whiitb, bl>' lot, 1877, DExaSm :- 1 1 Tise offices-siii camnp so are deepi>' unsiblu f tie our t lave profferai tie, ficci tises ves unale tho sepi >our kindi mvi- iou for t-morrev ovning, s tise tm>'y muet march oui io-mornow. 4lth san>' tianka for your icni vitation, Sas ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~Jl no2lt.csua fmtna i fToe Englai.hMdtraea le a boft Greek ivaierea &d gona to Besiha Bay. The Poai arsonuces prominanti>' that tha Modiirtisneuu fooet vii short- 1>'b ha iagely releforcei. Tise Russian28 a vonov gained s fins foolisolci in Bulgaria. Tiair position aI Sislova once seenretl, the>' iavo pene. Inuted mb tiste iiiterior of -tise couin>', met uni defeated tise Turks ut Benouta, tveuty-eigbt miles nortis-asît cf Sisto- va, anti ut Nikup, ten miles furhen sautS ; sud thon, -claieS by tiseir easy vicIer>', pusied forvard sud capturai Tirnova. Ono delachuneet attemnpted te Croîs tisa River Jautra ai Buis, but vre r puiscd itusconsiioremble lbss, Tic acene of tiseir stioempi muet,Loy. ever, before man>' elys are passod vit nase s great battle, us tise Turks are entreneised on lise oastevc hanh aiflIse river. Tise siege cf Havs la reported to b. ail but vaiseil, san- portion ofthtie Rus- alan forces in tise soutisern district of Arumenia lias been iniven frocs its posi- lion et Hava-Hissa, Tise Ruseiass are aIse eaa ta ho rctreatlug brom he Sog. isanlu anS Enpisratea- - s'aliey mouds. TIse attompl toeaxacit. a Cincassisu lu.- surrectioe in the Caucases, isowvva, - A'TEMPTKO INCENtnIARISa. - Near midnuight, bebveen, Tuase'suad Wei. nedsy of Iis veci, a qiantil>' f combustible matemial, Camprising raqs. cbips sud ca ail, vaiound ou fire lu Mnr. lreiand's chai, Pont. Penny.Ex tinguisised lu'is ie. ,LARaE Suit STOLEN'FR051 TUE GuaknO TRUNii.PAyHASTRU. - Mv. Faulkcener, pa>'mauor ntise Grand Trunli, ai hiont-rsai, bafh 828,000 stolcu frein-h office ou FriSa>'. Tise Guamantea Bo- alikyare honni teimais. te umount goi te tise Baiva>' Company. WESTERN OserAnse vas vieitd b>' a soyareS-otormn n rida>' lut. .' ÀarMe auw.4 of damago vas dois'o triU iro, n other prent>. Connuterfeit tan gent Vpleoo"0sMo u4 sp inoirtolM Tisae vwuaarush, and i sý dseé.- T'e Turba fired au effective volley but -dii nbtwvait. *GneralYolchlu'saklrmisis. 511-ers fowlaed ther mre distance up the 61. slop., but fer 1s hue cashd not pnesau Wh, C:fer Ioi their base. - Meanvbile tise od Busa s Iros secrostue river sud *lte Torkuch artillor>' ver. fils brisk- iy. Turkih i sells hcpt fMinlg i lth and v5 ti,-h4glàbmesgh tise vla us ft. On.esibo rom. «a- psonntsiu gR# P9 felIn abost pentiinlulugI agatheïr Mnesud tls.wcemisndanl cf tIse bel bttery. -Tic bôut vus swansped, sud vi il âlsui peihd. ýThis va.s e ,.oi'srions casuaILt>, but ma-ny Bue. a misoldions iyore falliug. ou bot aides ..of tise river.-.,Me Tofriisgunnons' en oiuug *0 iheir juns vils vandenful ho stauncises,« ise, loude of at t<, throvlnup by' tise halls hich burat eraunn thens. A Turkesh monitor li beon bansmei u y cordon"of tarpo.- do <cs.lu lia ciannel sentis of thisa lad -o ppoqite Verdie, as aRusmian butter>' e n lie Boum ni su side b ll i, her . 30 After tiis fimt repule ra,'tlie an- ta ing-pisce lise Turks ralliai, sud couicou. h« tiateiiu lie uppar olopes in brout of as tiiêir battemy, sud: lien' came-davu on tise piqueta of Geucral Volcisine'a bri- P-gaies sud maie sôme heaiva>', but c"ol>' for s moment. Sooa' aïfler noon le tho Russian infanir>' lia .4rq oud lia es ieigiss. A Turih iuai5ry detuei. e0 mont triai te vork aroannisud- dovss ýsy on Sistoya, but vus tisvartei b>' au lu. ýt tencepting force. of Tise Russians isaviug eroased tise ' Danube are looaiug no lime iu pusliing forvard ecrostise Balkans. se 'A Borin dispacli datai Susia>', sys le tise Russisu forces visicis roosel tiE is _Danube et Sistova, are detailicg flying le comeilsfor au expoSition lu the direc- a tion of Tirnova. ae A Pera dospaci daici Sunda>',sys Il gsys tisa vires betycon Rusteisul, Nis. l- opl, Sietava ani Pers une apparenti>' e, eut. r- Caile despacises to Nev York su>' iTise lateet information fvom Brussian 3- iseaiquarlenessows tise luesian-loss lu i-crossing tise.Danubse at Sietova ,obe se .only 200 kulled. RunesiAn bouts con- ;tasming corpues of mien sud hanses ara Y floating dov lihe Dausube.-l is me- pontta th ie-Turks bave desiroeuys i s bridge being contrucici ut Ibralli and dofeaici a large Ruseisu fonce opera. i ting noar tise Tunish end cf tise bridge. d' Tise Ters are devastating s large portion of Bîigaria, to prevossi tise ERus> siand provisioning tiseir. riuy Tisei barveat ie canried off, tise inuit treos( ïflelîc, sd tie tas-ii applici to lisei lange -grass plainsi- Everytising liîai tisai couli heocf au>' usé to tise invai. r ing afore las licu renoed or destro>' e nsu lisepeople are lu ulten destitu- tion. consternation veigne among tise -People, who se no prospect'ici faminet uni pestilence, aidati le tLe barrons-ofi A finclareit icspr.cb siys il is ris. MoreS ltera tisat a Ressian flying col. usu lias culerei Timnovu.- -s Tisa Russiana hava -occupied Tiruova1 lhea mnient catpital of Bulgaria. Prince1 Tclioaki Lus boee proclaimod pro. e visional goveruor of tise province.1 Official despatciesoseate tisaI eleciois are n2ov goiug on tisera for tise pumposeà cf fonming a Cisamber on Provisonsi tj Cini.Thse Russian Iroope ave pres. u siuJZ on boyond Tis-nova loivaris the t] Be içaus. Tise communications from .c, Bul;tcluuk are aiso ilireatened. A' Simuitzia dispacis, dated Saturdu>', aatise Czar, vîish bis staff, ne expeol. cd11t romss inlutisai viainit>' oui>' sfew days longar. Ho yl proisbly mev 'J neaner to iGlurgevo for tIse purpoeo of si plysing tise reduclion of Uustohsuk, 8 visicli 'vi111bo s nov opsnatiOia. Gen. bt «Obioff's division cf Cessaakis lo*0bc tl broken np luto detacismeuts, vieS are et respectiis'ly tobe aenîrusici b tise V Czaveviteis, Prince Rugene cf Lenclit- enberg, uni probab>' tise Aveisieke 'ci Niciolas tise -youngcr. A special fs-os Siusia gays ih lé oi' matai thtia upwaris cf, 200 wonsen and G cisilirnuhave ahrcai>' beau kihbci b>' tisa bomIardment cf ]itntcsusk, hi ENOLAN» ANID AUSTRIA. A Bic 'iin spccisl assorti tisat a geuen- nn ai endorstandiug vitis regard 10 certain n aventualities hue beon latel>' arriveS ai bc beiveen tise Austrisu uni Englisli Goyermenst. Edinhungis, Jul>' 2.-Tise London in cc ne eP O d e n l o f le S o t8 am tn te l o- ro graphie :-"It is uudenstood tisai tisetc 'Vise counqels of lie Marquis cf Salie. bury,. Eavl cf Caruavc, Mr. Cross, ci uni ouisars have at hast trinspisci oves-fal 1t1e part>' cf action, mnitisaitishe Sultan no ihlup' sto c ndianeibiaitheoa 'enmîniai, vue pnraisad b>' Rusais or the fortificationu ai Cronstadt, sud 15 lsv iu position fdr vork. Nine servants cf lis. Marquis de kitut Maurice, lu France,liai'. heau învayei bo a hotspital lu a di'ig state, * Montreali J l>'8.-A devisof tise B3anks of Monts-clnamai Scott, elipped doivn tise etona stepe an Satunda>' sud injureS 5bihad icsenionsi> tisaI Le diai to-day. Tiz Twau nRssac.-It lu rporteS lu Ne W York tisaI C...ollY'sca ilh sele. 8t saiso- assertad tisaI Tweed, Tovusenid, uni Bryant arc il -propar- iug statelients. mi. SuYIaVOui, e-"ger ai Ofthie Cotnt> of Canleton, idiel ai Ottawa ou- Saturda>'. TIETun O eWuni.-Tie Vîicda- loi' gays '-Tse Melisodist Confemence ia vol satisflcd -itiitît h aterialument b>' tisetovn cf Wisitby. his la uiS tisa tisougis i~ti issteîmaleet place in visicis ut lis been fbelidfer yoars h vwas neyer isetter os- more isospituhly carci bon. 1Sportiug mon lia-vo airesyI>uni sa vs>' to bout itho pool bull. Pisotegnapsa cf tise horlsinuthse race are soIS for five, Ian, fit>' or one snudred dollars, the purcisasr cf Lie piture of lise vin- sssgherse oistalulng he mone>' paiS f o r ot e S so , in u s , ti eses l o r '. t o m - mission. HON. Mb Itilt ast1 a'siheiuffor a thîo moctis' holiday in' Engiaucin l in tise gourse of- vbioli iseylattend te aevemai mattes-sin visicis tisePro- vinceiscoccerneci. Duiing bis absemce Mr. Hardy vil ,b. - sotlfg Minister cf Si Co: STAImBiNG ApitÂ.-At Tarante, cn Tisunsia>'evaniug lasi; Wm: D1uniap esverely stabai John Hludilesten, ditu'- iug s druien mpne. A PArUaES SnET BuHs BO.-Geo. Bsnuamimon, Tdnto, .va8 fatal>' 404t b>' bis sou, ou Weinesday ayenmDg lut.*&Tefsther was qurelling 'titb told im not to do il again. He.titast vautta liru l lieyo>, vison ibg tue sauffle. a pistaivent aOB. Thiju' roiurnad a verdict of acceéis 5tLkl n 1 f tbe b * oscpable1 * The. sta Mt.loeps Monho~uevue - appointai tab Superinteni tIse khrttMne Or sbridge on lie bavnhlneçwest andto reiport ho Aid10 ,indigaDete aslthe lot cf lune 104th. 810&of Dec., per voek, as bel. love:--Widoyé Campbell sud John. stan 'T5cenhs oaci, John Parker com,,: Ma-tnischili SO-cenbotst mner, fasi y $1, John Ouai, cos.; P.LJyon $1, " TIas. Tnp 005.; Widoy ouD sud-Alex. McGea81leac,J.& D, Mas.- Nabs cous; John Cairusqo cen4ts a Wooc en.; Martin Losia 75 cents, E-- Wright Cern.; Allin fasil>'- $1, 'Geo.. Gcurlie.em.; Sta4 81, Tise. Rami._ tan IL ;H.Brown 50 ceutai W. H fukc .;Farmingssrn 75 lens, P. B. Hoovercm. ; Dyes Waadmuff 25 cents, S-B.aicyc con.; A. Miller 75 cents, Thos., Mlonkiouse mm.; Mia. Lspp 60 coule, las. Taylor ces. Ou motion #8100 vas grautai te cet dovu s lion, aud svidon the sideva beivean lots 80 afdi 1nlutse Otis cou., 114e smsobolug lu a- dangeraus elute. <Thse treasurer vas ocred ta puy E. Brava 04,94- being 1 vains, as .preven of sheep killeS b>' doga. On Motion of M. Hoover, Daviu Gilâiiùt vas appointeS, ou beisaf oi ti counci, ta examine ailtho. coulnty revgistrations nodlasam in luregard7 ta James B. Pzlmer'odimagaiuat Ibis cor-poratton., ou account of hie land isuvlug bean vmangfully -sou bfon taxese sud, rapotaIis canni. Mr. Makey moyes lisat tse treasu- or puy ovar, te Wm. Hubsard, Oye-a Seer cf Higisvsys, tise sus_ of $9,56, ascunt of commulsic ou" e>' os. ilcd it iShm. Carried. . Mr. Green moyes tisat a fnrjeseeus of 012 begranteeon bridge at1Juffi.m' Cresis, ai lot 12 lu tise 715 cou., fer the,- pumposo -of cosploling the same sund tisai A. Bycro bo appoinieffti *0expeni it. Cannied. Couneil udjounuc until unlfi Salns- day 2811î Id>' naxt. APPLETON'S JOURNSAL, JLuzv gives con sidts-sble e'Pace to a noveloitte b>'Chis- tian Raidy ontilc "A Wcnk of Reti- bution." Ih la givon complote, uani ac- cospanici b>' a goci illeitrtion b>' Ms-.ieppari.. Tise llustraîsd antisae Sa asSupon Ilessal'e volume. "Tse Prince cf Wales'-Tour lu India," being devotadinc 11ta tise iunllug ai- ,Venturs ofltise P . Colonel Bakter'# "Tuke>' lu Europe 'afferds tise ground- vo-h of anotsar Easten paper, iun vics tisera are sema striiig pictures cf lice aud notable aivontures lu Tus-k- 165.povlce. Tiere is s plaing de. seniîption of tise- Farne Isands, tise "land f gus aua guilemets," of tisa os coasi cf Eugland, vhicis uspicai vush a love-siventuro. An amusiug paper on "O0sculation" gives lise mis. ton>', pilosops>, sand- poot- of hies. n g . A n e n te sta i uîeg p a p e s-, b >'W irt Sikei, antitiai "Tse Tmue Sior>' cf Owean Gloniower," lu basai upon me- searceissasd dicveries roent>' maie st Cardiff, wviseaMv,. BSe. lis nov (Uaited States consul Those uni eliar papers illustrate eoc)sgevdely, iversfi- id phases cf loasà hase tof Indis, Tumhey, tise Wasteis Plains, Wales, G3emay, tiet-English sou.uiio, sud ismonica. There are Posa, Short a. ticies maill> of s humerons cisaracter uier the issai of "Colleatauca," sud lie adiitos' usual raviev of booksi, sud eommeuleou curvaut topias: Tise eya.. Tvo MExSwEPT OVER NUGOA.,- L'wc men belonging *0 lie Amaria ucd vere svepl over Niagars ais eou s>'da evenisg. Tise>'vere out lu a esat vhiais gaI isto tbisennelsd the mou jumping averbad endeavour. ad hi' sim asisore. Tisirunamss ene W. Belhingen sud A. Pîerec. Tua FaENca ELEcTioNs are oannonnic- id for September. MIL. ADoLsa abeau me-eleaci fo- Gloucester. .' TuE GERMAN GovzusexxsT hispro- àibiied theo oxpart of hoerss. A Berlin Soceiety urges. tisa hale bc 2o longer taken off iu lie atreets as s taie cf salutation, but tisai s simple )ov ha sufficieut. Tise Bnitieli Govenment ba. doter. uineS ho malté great cliaugai in tise Best -tmLLý A] J. A. BAI Ontario. A ilIE A p 'i agneeable loi Grustnîxxz FOZONE ib customners te rece-mai frai luns-ecemmnez DEV. Pncpared A Mercer A " <FOI coletains Apg gaod bearing. TiE Breaicln, lus N0T Tisafolio%, eue reaa of -tise Tcvs day of 'l.i Bi'- L À By-Law oo DalS- of bcr - lie le> - crealt a Wisess en usaives. Chuos. ta Eppbj of.tise eporatins sud bv deicatel' sure ue 1 * by théej tisai 9,.cc up\ntIii eucto cacapa m salves va prapevl>' Gazette. Wood is unlilte t ,Improved tues; moiti coier ; ne, ing bais-; tise haïr, bosSa; ri Improvedl w'lese. T pnicea b>' Agent, fus- ànd by 'VVAI I have gi Whutby ta enaou untities te suithem,.-from 5*050 'o -P on@. Tise well.knovu firtu of Fra. ils. & Clark, Exchsange Buildings, boct. tise tiîs excellant Boer, sud have 14 fan gent ainL tisat convenient shape. To %lrs lu tue cli>' sud adjacent tovus 0a aiz'. Loger Beer" is vecommeuied equai, if not supamior, te euytising cf kind lu tise market. Fosopi A. Bandell Whuiisy Hanse. aile agent for tise count>' of Ontario.- So 3opupnit> cf Sir John Macdýna1d. eredi ýsys tise Eveniug 2'elegam.-We lu Il toe the tcuse of tise liefonus papera selec empting bo belittie tise demonutra. the eg whicli turu cut.ta meet tise leadertin tho Onn'osition viserever ho m ache seut, fnif. IL Ioes no g9 *lci apeople are n6so Oeasiiy hoodvi nk. ou i Tise>' enuoeesud fui for tiso ns.luhi vs the voneful heigist sud depti rosij Sin Join Maed.ouald'a popsianit>', i if tise>' detect his oppouente deceir. thons as regwdm thse IolMili ass-. mure sa upon bise affections of tise people, *sat cul>' ?oa.onabie' te assume tisitcýl ga wll -coainiatie~arebeing de i, id as regarde bisa sed manifold in egresejeus.. If OirboSsu Macion. va>' aoulstif> tise popuiarcouscisnce a.< rensc il>'U suda.. coompetel a. ha os tis- tse si lIeppuler bearu, hi vouli sveep, vioec utnyast tie firet opo To1 o01M Tianmug,."The secnd-mal, ho ucoer Oftr.y. vhichismaiito select ebked paitiseeIborne claiment Soc

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