Whitby Chronicle, 12 Jul 1877, p. 2

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-~.-,---the-i ONLY -tg PR I<4U. of t Wbltbi, Thesiay, JCIy 12, 1877. Thse 018. Difulyfa Moa The Oarag.dfffiaull7 la Mc ils llbêy, v.e &aihppy tloba @&y, satwuafaatot alId. At loag ai the pual dth le d] nionlaal "odtu 01 th. oily- d.eled teo miko aa appni Omnanen> fon egotiaproc I#la 4m - ostatad ihal Inox Chur limon offirad lthe Odêr, -provid pfflonosaitesaPlage. -boathet lns Omengamoa are mudeavour pro eutant unioul. À despalà -slgued by ieadl4 ellecf Toronto, te Whlch the, of 14An. Wvek u 11, ,tv.l Jolie ODonlsca, '0. B. Dobavly, 1 mau Wllo, James Kaien, 1. D. i sud Patrlok Boye are appendoi boan eddressed t th. Irish iCet cf Montreal urglugcon-lut"z wlth the proce sWon. TWhointi linte. desaptch re conoav.d,* right oeple#, "a comennfithon to publie approbation. The. fol in the document': TeothiIriuls cafhoues f oMontre R umours baing 1obt haro ofà handad troubla on lb. Twalh of lu yen,, City, w. taesthe libe suggeetlng là aIL Iindnusasud wlt knout singeaemotives- liaI yen, 0o1 le1Vcountrymoan d0c e roi ýrseail yoan influence tu prevent ceres uncrbaar suneaofour votr iewleeva y mon a s mreiy - Wall ifywlI proe t lsuyour magnai ilty,mdnd 6 hgnor' te Duon sd tle -Irish Catholie in the Dominion.of4 Ceunty Attorney and Clark of Peace. With the desth of Mr. Miiodot th1e aube of Clark of the Pence fali tic County Attorney, Mr. Parew At the Urne thé Act appoinîlng Cou Attorasys was passod, Clarke of Pece, whero lhîy wero barrils iwere aiea appointed County Attorne Wliere thue was flot the case, asý inl instance of Mn. Itacdonell, thé tl iuunbeuî wss permitted> ta hald1 office and barnisters of a certain eta. ing appolnted County Atlorueys-t Act aleo providiag thalliae<Cour Attorney bocarne Clerk of lihe Peaco el1e0. ocurrance cf a vacaouy.1 Màedoneillu deait bas just cauaed tb vaciuey 'le favon of Mr. Farewe And we hava only further ta add, wlJ wu know ln tie eeniinedî of the whc ëtntyt, thet na more esteaný gentloetnan..o5ni ora hlglyiiynépect by allassnesa sudl parties,-sud one Who liarsoual wortla and pivoasonaî filae 4 1ro batter rcgarded-could nualbcotha ciplant. We' truot that Mr. Farewe ruay ba long spared taeuicharge it duties of Clerk-of tie Peso. with, th sanie jpublie satisfaction bt luetcilc duel lbas 80a far given as County Ai tarnay. Orange Celebratlon. Tha Orangtounan sd Young Brifa, cf Ibis Dgtttdt and neighbaring ladg nos uill edialwyreatha annii'ec'mry 0 thie "T.welfth" nI WhitbY thié ,ea After dinner a procession wil i formeil nnth of bhe neidence af M Parry and mareh Ibroagh - tbc tawn li the market groundls, tiance ta th( Drilli Shaul, whersna udrassaà will bc deiverac. Afterward<tte *occasion wlL la re-lormed, sud dispeed et the cerner cf Brook anai Dundas streea. *Twelve ludios ara axpected tu take part iu 1he procession. Heu'guNa' Nsw MusraicIÀx..-The popular Agace -Waliace-Villa combina- lion troupe appear ah tthe openlng ci Hlopkins' Music Hall, on Monday aveu- Inulext. Tho. -Company le composei of no ordiuary sîrollena, bat nambars ibtmougst he iairel.class artiste witi a Wallernedapt ato unarsna vale la 1h.ýW-hole vilwI.e wra caet agalambt Iluabilaw., TWe bonne vill bec liudu ali 1te, ahano be borne by hy POnt Penny shealsl the groupiug by. law pesa. TheYvoliug on -the latter takés plaue to.morraw, (Fridey.) It la now maove,'-baprobable thsttlhé by. 1ev vit! pas.,lu Pickering, ite oppe. nanti are growizg wealcîn every day. The. meeting. held blrouglioutt he township for tee disenelon cf the bonu- hlave Uid a good effoot, and ileuoSd thé oltjctioas naled ýgeins1 1the prajeet. dlneoled t thé, aunenouemsnî cf a ras. pberry foitival, lundar the anaplea cf thie L"B leu' dSocety of thé' Matho- aehursbto be heMld lite Rkolo. room of lihe Tabinaseli on Weda"dy, l8th inst. QoUoeJxÂTION SIXvzose.-The Lord Blaisop ofiToronto vi! ecd eoonflrta. lion a1 AUl Sit'. Cbunob, (Epicoc&) St. coh' o hwréotWhltby, on lie aftirnoo f lt é ay. Tu' Pioy1r fflhy, ownd bY Mr- Joo. c the aI n It la ivogOÉ4 -WgW , ý I-i..-q '6 -. - - s of thé580K vl vilaih"sâ I bave the ouëiq4ý <lysai. toga tuue higs dage. W.e aq o iiatsbu w lias Ni e"ea 8= _ "bpwslv à yoelitho soy viashor hoe ijtM bave but.abled ho farees 'làie- A. G. !Êl8g1ILDER, ura ff, P thé afficla butnielao aoIlei le uique, Ompt. No. 7 oo, Q4b Bal. able 1 soif tb.eouutyves w o r iat. mp p cu bnteMt ýf-à,v. Wèa np 4ont w o ,u 4 ag4oe, se u bs triis Çre.M.to 0. , due n u oun» v eu 4 cu.endors. theatlémut, of Our connes- Silen vould eppear te h. about 1the quee0apsr.,MLand -: a (On ,pondentl se hothe- codftitle appear. It u ight Mon la th. iglil plues. . vvauvoia#*m à;ra&for 11v- anas of th enoltp ' y Whobh hose bo thee àg rbmled'i o 1u6,re- inguo>ua., if venthlly ommand& .,Caphea insebMI. ýacdon@U. OW; toinduoe.*the Lcal Goneru. eelamnaWllu igf vr sUsien. oasis cf Mr. M. J. m IoniL Mt-hooue o a vileli fia's wauef a imafp Irb bIauttob ube at Mn. Msée. ptalyr@Mi$ve64-U"Wmle u painlion bal. h ~clames Meadoasltlark ofte. & d me a he fie slatay lae g bld- POsO, end Clark ailthe CousihY of Ci> barWaio ber o hâ eboto ug entda ftheoin a odil a ing, sd pro. in rIn totaio,ýdidet hit esdanas, Whftbyt nelabmve, ho- $rsal eome l<on M. cmp, iVi#ty.î où, ou ondy le. h lit.Hé as u iii~'vi duqualf5d or SvlI<flndlng mini ungenarone -spirit ltât1 jCath. bis 54111 yer-mplng bien-bau bora i o_ uprt n uy vnî ýl ould groigothanit thaludue, moud et itamas ah Kingatoi, In Auguat, 1828. mr h j v« atieraau asprlelnladailaiigil fameuthora l aedulglng Thom-. whoeohé eomausnc e lb. p scslof Z&fjiutjvm)u vneciiim reni, la. Hlie d)~bae f4oamé lime ~ P~DIO fPIO1gmdlc sa, bat praviaualy inie lav OO à.etlmél i eènla.etliffldlof.' aIab , mâ ticé Tha Kampar; MiisiiýppîMassacra Ihoilci Col. !3'elrbpàue; inu Ombava, and b.d empîcymnst of evnri métb ci wonir.- *1rnoeabeensu md'n tlulb. ffice of th. laIe ing' oc»tha eloctorat., wbleh vsnt OLTOl EuTOàay. âments floinBall, Q. 0., Toioto. lu in»- Lvent dauobilng tic.vols hinder'ticsr . ep. S-- old myslem.J7~4t -»Oonn sU. -. New-ana, luly?,--Ths ne ontd* 0 In, tice ry 1854, ho waa appointad Cak0iIinî .mareoot ~cslneed bey -lb.Gcvmrnientiî outhe mur-.t <saelves the County Connoil oet arino, edIengabn dwi reuIing the sett 7cf deron f7iu Lo ,1hScl- laving lu 1850, oun1the doceoécf B. P. BaUiUc. Klsteanof (olléa. 4 , d .ho lty IUh-luK peContM hoe neeeledhcsappolntrnsut of Clark IssIfles hi8e approvat cf tuh»adnlgth Ouhcmmesen, a-ba ,601. cf th. Pesoe"-both of vhicb Ommhob1 inf'a y ai couduetlng ,m éo s à lea¶ btea d h theAbofa y.Gn.nl. d4smissijg thépétition and saddling 'thé ovdnedsrms ttheolab'thé - bodup te lice tirne f hlm daahh. H. petiticunrvihli thé Conte. - mîrrof Cilinvas the requit cf. vumeiriad lea-mgâter cf Col. pair. ,And egodu c delibenat.ly plaeino4 eonxpivmncy, sud, r3aIbatiks, lu 1852, end leaves enr7jvng ý Il la impossible la conasal lthe rclh, ta -aitnldt iite te Urfo. imbi wdo i salarge f cy f W uo nubrf eadoftée enlelU, clde.Tho e Hngh J. Mcoelgy acluae acroate aecty.us ad eaulofatfgfe- la t any vas vidsly 1mev» fron is ilong con. vaut of Canfidence, lu e l tb ltly of no"es aua iii ;telecetion lava ln No. entant nueelieh wth thé cunty, sud ii cannee. the, neva-yeleni of trýiug aleablo» eases nimber lest,-'The. trials l e .late tk ion ,ciî h le Hon. M. C. Camaea, M.' ie Canttcf Justice. -Ticere aa oit.cunIoe wetahavé eaho ealprier ta1 Ca lélmeuntinan.ry >sncb eau peh. ii. themasea, butl ildicîimoite vane ptP.P., vho vas là lifa.leng fiend, a u etapMalu oretoashti Jd. id»froc» thé alenkar office. Tia cjar- counly oicilor. Ha vus Mayor -cf as on the ,Bancb, -apciaIly le o,ý hou takiu <acei. Maderîai ondatvers z <ulrn-- Wbitby lu 18w, the yesr oet 1e viitef vWho have, oulyneceally,-beau discon.-hatsu tévi.- even usesagnstepateteb rd Centh haPrince af Wales, sud had Ibeen for n@Oeud froc» active Party servi., uad % egainJu ie partli esua Iil Cl«tva yaar# prévioualy ini tic Town> cuitb esafroc» iaelong ien sdi-Hopper Brothers,,sud Gilmer. Ail Caunnil, vhare lxii large acqueintance gas hem felasauahoslIms.n. "ic vneDeocas sdth * te Itc uncipal malien made hlm a vitnemem fepublicans. I uta pro.- ý meetusaal amba. a maerho Dnda-sîentUchol Eemlaî e vnt these triais thatt haeconsp the montusefl meber.as myorho :Dunds-steët choo Exainaton. vas hsleied,-tha parposa heing ta hrkilylt maili vas ana cf th. béitatnsd Mostsfficient -RU the ail rtaenis namel as vitseses. 'As t ile te chiot magiatratôs ttowu n rar d. Tii. axaumlaslie of ,the senior, divi. m questionu of fsett i l a caly elabhiuh- ai cc-ai. Thé deccascd bldbeau ln faiug héalth sienof aitic. Dedas.straet Sehool, lin edthetnited sa ie flo a cite ft înty for soin, lime pait, sud alîhonglihoe charge of Mn. Brovn, head masher, vas ad bis riglits sas a Britishi sabjact by t( ths elill vent about, it vas very evidant la bell ciiuaFniday1aIt. Thara vas a vecr nraseau of cauneetian vitithé Con. P' ,ter@ his fri-iule thlut Iaconstitution bail large ateudauçe of tic. fain sexpresent, fudarala militsrysercre inlafor tlebc _ybeau under 'mînei sud vas giviag vay. bulfav eflié ordeof creaflon,vwhomighî Bnfthietoies t a de wili fria. A F te ýAt 1he lace sssion of the Connty ha axpaotad le-tae.asuinterest inlt e t e resenative of Great Bnitain TI lien Counci.l ha vas absent francieset, canseécf éducatian, put la an appaar. bey -the Stata Depanrnment. McLohap te( 1the fonr1the firet lima in tvanty-three yamne. suce-suid fota solitany mamban of vas a hachalor, audthie légal successionW ,a.nel H. cudthon haker. taei hedboasud tha Sahoal boardwvas tiare preserg.ul. imhi il rquiras e w- l -lie suféeaImach front. s tronhiemame 11ev. Mn. Sandereen, -ovarnon of lmahe fP' sel aîy eatannhc. Ail hope. cf hie aer ralving Ontario Ladies' Collage, Dr. Banne, A Magnificent Dernonstration ini Henor 904 30 on r veagivén aven by tie doclars le ai- sud Mn. Wiilie, assistent thaecer la 1the oa irJohn lanthe Eastern ><i Urn, tendance cama day. proviens ta hie Hligli Sool, atléaded aud teck au Twnscps w ýbat dealli, eo liaI hie farnily were ual alto- active part la lb. axaminutione, vhich The déemonstration ina henaun of Sir seol rii. galber unprapared forn-tha cnd. Ha ver. allagaîhar mont cradilablale liath John Macdonald ai Sveatsbung on Bah. ar( Icat leaves a largo numbae? na rlatives sud papis sud 111cm tes.cher. urday vas th1e lergeet sud mest succais- si-m oie riads ho ilIdealy eplné hs RIfu.i e't givan in the:Province cf Qnabcc. ufa Iolefrinds ho ill eepy dplor th PRIE -S.Pallyl 10,000 people veré aseambled on etc icij greaV loss they havae aslaiced lu his eNeM 1rINxn.iau CcoY (OeUrrnîwo usztheliagraunuls,sud them enthhsiasm' lb ted deti. To tic mourfling vidaw and INnaAND vacvzae). througiiont tie vhola proceedinge vas Ibl eme esnly arpianell cidren our deapeet Senior Boys-.loI, M. B. Hohdan ; tramendoas. Both Swaesbung sud Dne es sympathies ara exîodel la Ihuir .-sel a2uil, Ino. Eautwood; rd, Aibant Broya. Cavanville vasplaudlidly 'daconaee in l r.. cor f erav 4pt Sinior- UIlllt,- Lottie Harper; Bleverai arches beiag eréolel and hua.I. "e re..bou oiberavemnt.2nd, Liaie MeNaliy; ril, Ernily Mc'- mg dilslyed in profusion. The inham-iva ,cil il Donsîl. -- ihants lfnem,-flicwhoe adistrict of B.d. va St- >OhiO the Aimoner Pneceptony. Jno1By-1tbrnkElk r tunnel eut en oasseto la.vcome the thq unio Bos-la, Fank Eliker theConsenvaive leader, sud a spécial arti he Athle regain? Convocation of the 2ud, Fred. Lyndo; Bri, Benj.' Poetie. ecursion train frem Montréal and ofC '1aboe 'chŽeceplery, ll j(ia heMasonio Junior Gins-isi, Ida Til;;2nd, 1 Sîanetesd carrieul s large numben. Tha mei Lt- liail, Whiby, ArOraia Grtie e speaekers vane Sir John, Mn. Thomaes Le hlW tbon Tueesay eveniag lut, vood. -Aerca BI hite, Hou. Wm. Madangaîl, Hon. J. ho tha following afficars vere duly in- SPECIAL Fon W»ITINO. A. Chapleau, sud Haon. T. N. Gibbs. lie staliled y Paît Eminaut Pnecapton, Sir Senior Boy-lot, Berlie Leecb. Han. H. L. Langevin, Messrs. Canon, natf Kuili Ga H Datuilasimtd y Snir Grl-le, eur Wllime M P., Colhy, M. P., Donoine, M. P., Ca, ce allier Past Ernincut Praieplone: Junior Boys-lot, Babt. rodKigtGq .Darueîî itdb eno il-1t ar'Wfim. Punmb, M. P., L. Lynch, Ml. P.P. av ~. mlentPreepoi E.Si-Rt C A ous. Junior girî-isIt, Lizzie Higgins.o (Brome), Hou. Gaorge Baker, -sud,&al Gec g- PasinetPdco hB. Sir-Kt. . ÀEoneis. the .wa sAne.lapraminent mon o? 1he lisI-id'taccu- -va ofpat o. B.Si K. . opin. PEIA pu EAIN. pied seas on lice plalfonni. pill 'rCôtslable ..... SirKt. John Stenlon. Seiore-Ernfby MoDonelI. On the néInru t-bp ta Mautrem irm Thei ce Marthal........... Sixrt. Phillp Taylor. Juniors-Gntie Eastwood. John vas presealal vili an address at trac r. <iapl:l ........... Sic Kt. Ci. Hapkias.- ~ ---- Wes Farnham, St. John's, sud St. 11ey ..fSr Xt. M. O'Donovan. New Publications. br, large crovds of enthasiastia whel SRegentnan....... irKt. J,11. Addison. - people suraundiug hlm aI ail Iheeeti 1a Sub. Manelial ..Sir Kt. W. C. Oullok. THE ORTNIGHLTLY TRVIE W, No.1, pla0ces.Sir John's tour throagh thé Pros, )e Almoner.. f .a.. ir Xl. Joseph. Kieg. Y. AMBRICAZi SEBIES, Jane, 1877, EaBtOru lovceships, fnam Lie moment polic ,n Standard Deerer.'. ir Kt. J. B. BleckelI. Toronto BelfonS Brothers, Publishene. ha enteraI SIL Hyacinthe an Wednes- tiz dalast, until bis arrivai iu Montreal liai It Capt.of thé Gnda..Sir KI. John Gale. lu Sapp1yg thé Canadise publoic 1maI nigicî, hes b6en ona continuel ava. 111e kgGad.........SixrEt. W. Calverley. '*!th lic Norti Amenican mari-esofaf ienlion hvn enpoetdwt io higi clas British magazine ike the sdda ha angetbeatupsena ofloo. "sIc d Hopeine' HALL vas, laut -Weduesdsy Foriniglctlp..Roviewi, Messrs. Balford orI sd a o lony hieile iea. feel eveung, lit np-vic haheCanadien Air bava pîmad111e Canadiea public andin cvary sev t tio -a-o tihlna aeo Rse. Qaila a nuimbev of citlséns avil- s lurtien clelcI cf gratitude. The cou. mu ia tentseofthliaJane numbarar-Gog Destructive Stormn. lnon ed licsmsîivas ot thilae ppotunity te Saud," hy Matbew Arnol; .aci osé the ehall. Theagli bue hall vaesud Kanakas," iby 8i' David Waden. TW ETOJDlTBIB i se !r uel thon quteûntdehed, t prasatal a bai-a; IlTheParlh.r Oitlaok laia heWHIBRLWIND 1 uuis grand eppearacca.Il à lul it Sp- .Eset, " by Sir George Cern pbail, M. P.; -nce poculmanuo uts cee sîmihar bul. Colvin; "Disandovient.r a Practical GavviTéGovnrGlevbPaemr OETLt o F K co'ar.- te laga e lb.th cilie.L The gas venkel Sketch," bey W. Hl. Crsjj; "-Evoln- Gal, uly 9.-A dhsaslroas uhuere! v eil, thrnl outa a varybellIial lighit, lion sud Positivise.n" by 3. . ridgoents; aoia, accompnaniefl byvioen înl îi, 1ng, by ninc masled bai-glane, wbolâocne son naup, suid hava trled ealmýoeî fiom Pea-uakea Wie., Baya a terrible 9g1129g esona pnaen a iaamnutefa .u evG e rmedy necommnlel, vitheul wbirlvind eînucc h Iis lava ounndaythe ela _faot-ses vlug snY assitance ; bat hava nigici, leaving bal* tira. bousas stand-. acu 880,000.v beau groviug vealeer sud voaker, ne- inM The Gardner House, a large ho- States, CMOXE MATCS.-Te Whiby C iili earng fugetWrerA111s B.ax on tel,,vas dJemnolis;jed, reaicleucep,sav cramel Csxxxrncavne.-baWhhb Ci-WccI)a Cuxecinabout ea 'ea icIImetrae, ances, etc.,'vp as.beora chat ~ ~ ~ & Cibla-aisgl 1ape match ôonmmnee using it, vuliImmellate Six persans were killeel, rwccxîy woaad- cf eau villi Cobourg, au the Cobourg grounds, relief. Il bis ual only retonad ay ed, sud fiv7earme mieeicg, inclnding lieyc naxî Tnssday the 171ic. A match vii lugi ta ga.iustsle, bul i arn entre, smaagu at Itiahalai. 1ýThaloses cit alobeplayol I Uice mai-Il - 1reliaved of the dtfficalty an disaucf are icaavy. pi-oue, alec a a greunuds, Ze hoant. I have noa icoitition in say- . .*-he- iapeï Whitby, eexl Thnrmday.191h inut., with ing lImaI il ihe heat lug malicina ha. GALE &T Gîcsxe ' as-A une-cnt thie Trnity Cahiego ecool club, et -Pont fane tha public; sud I ehertully mnd slly liosvy gale pravailA(l aI ýGraven- bave i, Hope. cenicioulcouely recammend il le ail haret dening Snley, laI iel. Mr. aspacie persons suffencg frem pnimouary coni- Bryau's scev, laen villi uhinglas, aI mantel LAcRossU MATO.-Ou last Saturday piaintesY 50 cents aud 01 s batlla. 1the entey aed cf the nsilway whlanl a Libea attemnocu a bacrases match vuas byd old by dealere geicnallUy. - coame, ta gniaf. Thé cargo vu seatter- lice Lit M the arket«rdu-ne, Whiby, btween 1" aaU aldireclioiis, bult izow uearly said Je' albe mnklgionida Witb, etveu MiITU A AeN<vUEIlTe.-Tbi u t a li collectail agaun. Mn. Bnopicy, Mn. Otuv a Toronttl n sd s mixaI teani frem Oficiai Gazelle ountelas thé foUoviïg Chamtier' fereman, sel Donald Me- kouzie1 Whltby t-adOshawa. - The a îtch rie. -4hIhtyT leAjtn, Kiliop, oe.of lIme hands, lind amirn. mP#;z -niheh lu favon-cftIse WiciîbanOs iapt. Ions -escapa tram a WLtery grýea.miniu suieaiù avr f te hity ,acd .Angustus Theolore Pothergui bc=tam Tiy venîcred ontaio elie urs i-roo a . p iu &vm team, wvia',von luin t-e mlalghîNo. 1 CeMp&uý, vice Gibbs, permitol skiff, ta -eei ta, . esaf.ly of asrail, but sini game. Tionglc mU 111games vara le retira, ntscning bhis 'auh. ,No.'1 vhicb vas iling ouIt111e arm&t Geiall efdil WouI conletil, the.second onu aslIe Company, -Wilby-To' ha Catain, Islandl., Thueskiff wvasweampeil, sud clerlis. "itougb rÀou" thé imatch, aeung ovin LÀeieuhnt ehn.- Aîexaïer avMctiUiv. bothmon oinn¶1teotheimatfor bilven tem- ray, evice-otholièll;,ho hé Lieutenant, t su ad four hours, icatilthiey dhi-ltaI obligea an heur and & hsif. A sa uMbar lamoe. Bitledgo, vice McGilivray. nhr.-pante cf epoaleton e esoau lie grounds. ~-~Madatl N',T zDmevia» niDUE.&.- The lmpai-anc.eao aiofBruce ara the ss Av vesu H&ma»onIlarge quantitese cf i lu arIen liaI thay <ight uci hédivilal orgauizing for the mnbemieeqie of e by. meut hb lumber, v whlch bave coma lýowa from lu daath th1e husauanof Ce"iaBaumat, lav andert11e Dinkie Act on tie 151h à Ideo thce norli on le WÈitby;ý E i ý vie 11.1 aIIa, u ildbirtbu la N.vo? Septembeen. aftsr Pa LlaaayBalway ax ,iIe~ ~ Tois u eda colnitt -. i ' Captala loaaOziffil, ntd~foi- bis vaau pn.Tburalay. - - -b.... e1:-6, wae c *btnf, viile tcouoeal offset aeins -> <is*ye yusb~ ~c-np. a1al~cnsd aval A~: A ,'aaé ~ ,J < fiuica'~,um,,.. .eî .- -~ aimw shLu~W1E.e~..ec~ ...-.J,~. dV4~3~ I '-w Manl.d by Mayor Baciry ou boho tha citizeng&- Sir John'raely asuasai liii ïaIes eseto. POur rye eoisl neecgnedod cffa. , 4008 Oem-Yc hava il agai ecext yaar.) -Po ur &go va halndad aven lice reinscu te aur sucesanrs h' Praesenît Go meuh. 'Fonrpjans ega liera wi ve al ahem ?..-thce ougaeg, tb.G the anti-corruptlo'oalth1e, pu We, t4 "corrupllcniaîs,"mu,- w. calléd, hauded Oner lie gaovarnmen hed, as1,Il vu Alleged diegraced, paveýer vo ad deqraded, vo bli Oven; the'po*el sud ilbpann eur 0 _16111110 all va O te gin sc e é ilaulln-y'he galden age ta commenée javay wvu ta go brib4 avay weu o ocorruption jobbary exravagac, Th&Vts yul Lwe taldi, andi I saLd, with my arme fci ln lia Han»e, "Gentlemen,-.yqu à bava a fair clance a fer aêJ *mi cerned, y ou mil bava &an,'o ortumt show whit Io inyouil w~ev aeti à fair chanetfoh so uaait iues seity; vo ,gaàt ~ ae and flo and behold ihy é-li themasîves. Tran.ppqua~e efung Ianghter.) 44aÏ au yoù art'; WA îartantd ud fèctlo'nat. as ycn 14 this marnent govn ltyour, Ïei vili feelings of banoveleuce toe m kind, snd especiaîly to, thia mOÜrse enid'thejal 'op"" a gI -notwithutsadungithit ein~ <carte, Yen %iuld b b. 't' viling ac tha axccullqniero #*tat bangi [Prolonga chaanlng, laughtelan sd plene.] And, gentleman, tia fac pervades.lb. whole of Canada, becea aia. mon lu power have beau Laie. baein Professions; tiay bave pro, baemeelvas as organizad, bat nom iearganized, hypccrisy; thîey hi naoval thinsoeivs ta bc phanisai nawlere Who, whan out of power, th traise la emineaoe lia standard unaity ; but wien lu paver they hï lodrlad it in the. duel. (Cliao our yeans ago there was prosperi ",r va hpe, lucre veas cenfiden ha fanmer fait bie intanaste vero gp ;eted; the marchent fait hie mier vas protected, andl lIe manuifactu: ookcd jforward, vith hope ta tic Palj rhieh hpd been announced by the C( 'rvshiv Gvgrzment., Ouif cradit n odi nglnd in he U ie ia 'n ail tic worlda veu; bt, gantcunt liaI do vo aa nom, 2 Ineaad of Cr laence tîcare ie distrust, instead olvcncy, kole ut tie Official Gazeti nd avery Saturday tiey, show a le hing of ineolvencies; look at our ma facturers closed [voica-sugar, forj tacel; loah aneand 3-ounîd yen c aI, .orny banal cf tfeu eskiug ]cave en; - they are new ieggane;;lia yq t desic' e have ilvar C)spoons pin e t heir menthe, bat thay eaira lotha làfai'*. dny's wage for a fair da3 ork" [idecuchacringl. Bat whcct i lsec Wa mie thu.m dniftiag off ie United States; va sec tihe kilit tizan, the strong.ihandad Young mn mCanada, aud tic active Young wv en af Lover Canais einiffing off Dwaîl, tu New Hampshîire, ta Main Connecticut, adding t ho lialstl 8 Powea sd the strangli cf a forcig ion, u-i dcpletiag puen, unfortune ada [prolongedaclcearing]. 1 hea- voice eaY " What about sugarý iloman, tint ie a iweet lepit, hi are going te zoake il a very bitti ýte the Gnits [citecrand lauglitoi- ,ey have ,crnid oni car West ladi le ;1 bave coed ur refine rles 3y liavVe "raineîl aur Chinatrada chnr ie tee, enger, or on yul ix W1 Yeu spaak cf, gentlemen, tl sent Govarumaent, by 111cm faul :ecy, ou-%vaut of pohicy, have ruineý ,m a11, itnd the only feeling cf1 hop tt stili oxisanyhana te pravai o ountry from siaking into th l>ugb of amponul," into wiich il vst tfalling, lu liaIt icir ',rélgu viilb, xfly al an end. I bellev-I ]cnaw- ktite handwritin2g le Out1u alla ne, mena, tekel itpluar8in." (Tri udous cbaaning.) es, aud as I toI( fniende Ibisa >Mraing, juls tt cription vas writleu before the traem ag face of Balshazzsr, rie ilswnittez the wslle of Canada heferet4 mbling eyee cf Mr. Meckeazie- Çenlent. (Laugitn.) Aithougi sec luim geiog tirngi tiec untr3 istlîlugta kaep his.courage.-up, thai sle bas & vcry doietil sonnd.- caghIer and eceers.) Yen remambez ldC hyma,. re sud capitaliste aof theé Unieu 8. [Chaans] Wbaldidtlus Gov. isot do.lait teRsien'sud the.-session 'e They had twieaan opportunity 2couragiug car maufacturers, but meuh them predecesers iad heen c f extravagance, sud then lI4ey 58JeOJ ta mernse lia burliens -ef saOpi. q'be expenulllprea- cf lie WY là avery Item froun 1878 t6 1877 beeu most largely incre&sqd, and s 80 s in tha malter. of depart, .1 eUIxpanditurs. oioa.L-That is erai. Guvcrnmcntj YeP, thal i$ âbanal Govarumxent, lie pal!ty htlt ron à. bal etuffei dtic officesm at va witi poitieài hache. Mn, Me euuea to a my vaappointad m liI, wbaii hý vent to peo îb et wctbout atùmbiag aven them, bsc 11e lues cenataoffice ho has minisicd thi. namber cf ihose 1. Ielis auld ecncmously la -se mach sa, that ha hias bean ýI. ta build a nevwag t'tbe de clai buildings for tuii accom. la»n. j[Chaee4 LêtÉteîseaand -rien before, tb. prement Gavera- ced, i*nstoad of aun*ennui,,surplus, oit. Wien va- vae n laPower, myn for'ail this grossI7 exatra. tadmnistration of nifamrs, macit cenged viIh beiugo aftqr pgyicg Mauhi £8d12uo A 13 . g ~the întz of' tho a.<,.,.k.,nteL %il >W- Gov~ir -4 1~. th#at h ne i inu -MM sy 1 e uftibe(ct rai 0aoôcdfglo hfa nitichas. [criescf "Tha's alr")-Y the psehdl Shhé cl vwommu vice craýpesnp s fev i.lale samo duty per lb. as 1he. valty t ca hp,ajeat h ' Y 82 t 1, cuul to thlc ButlMr. Q 0 I1~eiXt4m nIIeo3elt . i?%', 0 a duly on qgeola Mso 4.BeWeau';olleidlýi g- mare essoyi _7Il - adboliér 1the coi-, ~are hacer." ithé, a stocit 'o'ici cWiW îîalckanio1e wenî ' Yo'm lag atubnt 'iu a eéffIce bas va iýî so me sa ) n at n , cou. scnieting of-thfu OartI bt i ham vilenleen lîti'Mut ljyea -a ïie or~ vald botihèe t bnianétomate. - Zgad lbo collclda,i'he affirnùqlibls , sud;a aftl sa s m e '. du y la s ix, cen oe a cim.poanaI ef teasWorth SOîc'ents,sud 6 e ait cents ounepoul vanrti $2. 3ses 'uce- i e s a Iad valorem aty. a. Sir John Macdonal-I amn ual go. 3l et illg ntIhisle Itahur of 'lb. nigic, cla) empecialY aften 1 have been making your speeches fr li*e l t'I hl'ý- a d nMY' g tovoice lesa itl b a "-Y= at .= g. ton- "],vo lng; : c -c'redil nestonel, -mcYOUvibt "use ci onfidence instesd et despaudauoy, te la>ippe inàtad o f lepar, ycn iii )v a l e v e p a va y th e -e n a n 'rb o a re n e w.W , la i c - s È O p w ei- [C h ic e n .] 1 ' Icû à t èa t h aà t ieal place of Alexander Mackeazia. [Chers riel sd criese a? ,Yeo, 1e ii.",] spats L of lits e cY a a W rîir son t ali e i.. lav e Cs o"e noue bo ter."] Th re ns.) araeallier youuger sud more vlgorous -ty, man-I have bal l #y day. Evany dcg ace as is day, sd "I hava hal mine ?o- [lagier], hut veter I amn te ha at est th a heln, or ano lir m a le te g ale iri limh es ip oai datel, a L i e alC ns rva- liy tive lia m ust h, or this c untit- me n-rainaI. [Obeene, and unies o? "1You1 was shah ha-litera."] I have been, le lia te , last e v u ieks, a h a hucit le extrem a "n, West cf tie Province 'of'- Ontario. I ,n. viitd tic greal co uty af Huron, sud cf met a reception ainoal equal ta hiet j,,froithe faruiere cf the grast West. It îag met s meel cordial gneeting, sud man1 an- after man caea l me sud eaid, "Foc i - tiry long y asns I hav a !o ed it i ce lieIeforai Par-ty, but I have givan h o My lest Gril vote. [Cisars.] O ur f le fri n d s iny e d e eiv al s ; liae y h av a t Led broken tueur protessioni and > plelges;h lv a t ley ar c o v iiging la affi e, no l for t «'s lie kgol of Alia comtty but 'for, lis do rsahe of office. Tly se unnorthy- f- t hor lIoposition. As a ohild'e hania hii.- aId capableofe greesping sý lage globe, se n Mr, Mackenie is ilacpable f gap vo . ng s large question," g a p Se A voiee-WVbat globe le liat? b e, Sur Johin Macdoad-l cm notet bh , s p a k i ug a I l ic T o o c i l a l o u . T h a l guGlobe lias made a push-a big pueli ea - [augilcu-] fer tie prasent Govarnorucot, f rdbut lie pneu hlas beau uneuccesful. s p"Notvitistan fing hhay have rissale- lm ,ut atandard cf nraiiy; uolvithgtandtng 6c ,,- thoy liav-e pent handroîs of Ibonsands @j j.of dIlai-e in avsry couetituaucy tla b erect Iluat standard, as I bave alreadly Biuc a ey-ou, thie lcmidviiug le on thc.hb Wall, snd lIat Gavarumant, viii héoi U_ ov'rtirovvn ly your assistance sud by in [j lIma voles ofthlIe intelligent aleclors of in ty C ana d aà [ch aaes. ' Pom ' eamt tôla e t, il Bd wîcenever I have hean, tlue country ilefo ce arising ; the.tocsin is oning; tliath ut icather is on fine, You sea it runuing ah e, freen liu tilthil, sud vian I vas lathe es EsernTownships I -isard thue crya ,l ecding (i-cm rock,- te rccke acrase the lin -bo3ome of? hase beautifai iake and b- i ven lie erneral field-"'Came ta aurti - i-cue, John A. on va are- lest," [an. W Sthistua cheers]. Tieco cuntryy wl e t lies, il na moe. W. are s bsv-sbid- be îcg peopl, a la v-ob e ving peýOPIOla ie ýQOcut-tie cexclnuvl bear il neo-louge. teî eThey une ising len cor mighît, lhey are n i nsiellng On an ap tal, ote ccciun- h sleS oW-au--pppal la lie people ; vaeCi lace lice Ministry ha go -ta the eléons tai ef Canada ; vo dae hem te subrit col rccunit-Y ; but cia, Gentlemen, tieY vIl ha clicg la- fficé- until - Sai-day, laIe in ai tie nflcruoon, snd you viii ha starvýing i# ici the.meantima. [Chceere.] Bal yen sic vilI bean il no longer. I do ual know bha vlaei-e youu bave seea Mn. Mackenzie tab an Mn Cartwrigt.' Ticy ai-e gaunt andl eh lean 1k. myself. [Laugiton.] Tlcoy has have net fatte4, ,pliyaically, an tlica ti - publie p1nder-icu 'dam re han myscîf, -cf1 8 sud ose ccaunt-y sildi-emses thein 10a, B ometiog aller tub, manner; ingaudmving vey p4IiotioC aa. ane Ian tioughuothlae oJiito., [ch'à ns]. an Wéttce- rci iePfa la n [ lm]- e ar .18s-and ef Prince- Ed vard, e ea he lb. sarnLe nv-tlhy iii be -jxsditial 7Th aep4 t heiadace - of-G o I'u earth, ap d su vh i l viiacee iez»? Pyu, viiihve ad a Governra ,no I al l tecepresent n a eh 1 ail4 i-fsl ncuuilUia erforupan,, ilbut tanti yen ul hvéà Gcàtimauî ii fMcae who Io nuîsaytbey cunuagate ta hlem. 'evs-inallibiflîy on thé sýecisdty cf- neyer mahin 'Miàtalcei, but vho say thÇI hcy vibido, bcetly sund aceding to frci le.-béctif heim pvater n1judgameaî vwiii viaït lby think b ail for le go al f f sa le emnry. [Chee s.] . S e n » DE u C D 4 .A i m - A O a M 0 o c e L o f E l na re l -W a . mS. a , 14 o -Yotk vii ,- i nghe neveelIed that lea7*su deàd.ý-.- . >a le )n or là tê havae refernta th an eiç Public Sohoot departm.ent o! the Union Schdol. (8.) The echoal Mut oitan-one room for eaoh -division wlth' one addi. hionairoamý' .(4Zl daa b.prôvid'.d wtth aal educationl applianoos 'au the P4inster I màyrequirJî. nÎaàe for thd-penformance of the dutis otf County Modal Sohooasini the-follow. may, b.iipomsble ta find nniyPublic Sa é l lprisent fulfilf nlg the c ndi. ýia 'kotclal hasatified b-y the COaUZty Modal Sohoals, the Minister May -noiginate, 7 .ayohoo. which 11e thiieà'fit ta 1'jlenIarm teumpon';arily ithi duties o unty Modal Sohoole. io u le éf Ï i' m noh po- amlqd, modal Sohpale-.' 4, TUI ', coals uieitionehd in' Soheaule A, annexed, are notainated temporarily for the erbriaco f 1the duties of, Canntj ModalSohoal frota the 27th af' Augut $1tii. bý close of the' pratent yaar,? duLillg which, péniod ibis expect. ed that much loole will placé them'. selves in 6,posit1ba Wta faill 111e boya requieltes, ana obtain- their respective grants frorn the Connty Cannele, in or- der that they. 19 ha dfintelyýrecog- izd byUi deertmeat t 1e begin. ning of ,t é yer 1878."Thée.ciroam. stances under w h .ch any, f ea h s 4o 1 'may then be unable ta'c&tup1l' with thé required conditions will hae onsidered 4ythe. Departrnentvill th te, view,.of oh p êîap k madà , d h~ ~~ for--À fafthe period the temparary use of such achools as a Ooun!ty.Model Sohool. 5. For the present year the irst Coun. 'y Modl achoul tri haf beginon th. 27th day pf Auguat, 'and ,en4 ',on 1thé lU)th day of October ; the second shali - ion a? ýtein ar»y -The effect weaailâ 0"lbà'no ec»barrsuing, s e usamis -,~ ac aliieemcx 'action on. tha Mpar S? ne a ', re en - trély ucpret panaI qi9 t l. épnfiiso f à çoif eéi- 3ans ntue -s-e aoneidered '!néitablé, th le e»tuatiba is dlrey la Ia'cme turîlin oemp ioaed l anot ya knovn viatie n ufrespousihla eel- auofficia,*prornpîel beyhie loiommo. dau foieaq, MIel v dfitûlinurctians in parnitleng luit braacliof, ueulnslity, or.liat tha resp iiil au béhireel- Onderly manner*-ianu, Ulci Riliies le Ipak, faibave d by li"hd6Tec iel niIm Tiare vere irequant,àcevâéi-ysirmi eas. The negalar engagemen ntienoa, et daybraak onlie 41h, and lastel untîl tva a'ciack l iatharnicêÈýoun-Thé only iact kuevýnel couenlg il lSa iathe Rassiassuaintainal - their position at Ipahi.- :Tha Basne bavaei-emmene- cd, sud are continua Luêhobs ment et Kaas. Dervish Pasha teagplis* tram, - hoam. liai iArégimnent a!llaRlU caa supertil byýii2âataàckeî -"Ziban on fvedieseeay, sud vas ladfealel vili the Lesof 50 kilied sud 100 wounded' "Il is fficialiy ancuounel at SI. -P.l- arsburg.that lie Enlya olainu annlvel- on tha Sth:inetaul he b.viclîn'ty af ,Idgy lacomplate 1h.e ftones of pcov.cc ions su Der-iaterial proviens ho marciing laelIahei f fBayail, vhene tfl uRsian garnison maintaina I a psition týmagi ui-ouael y tety J battaliens sud 10,000 ccvairy. . - Makitar 1Paela legrapce on lthe cli liaI is armnybas a'rriveS eh Kankpoa- nar, aya>veuone mardh i'rmi-eMRare. Comuinication wllh EKars lias beaun e- elorel, the Russians baving reliraI be youl'heia esm. - The Grand Duce Michael lias golle te, Tifle. Tic. Bas- siens lisieiged aI Ulocli Riliss ahi-arst- aI ta Issek sud Gnadik, vhare am battisW weealy aaccunsaion l. tesabo? hl vaia, Asie Minoratgre atIthée s. siens have mn ia viiiserions, reverses, P bat thaie posilien dace li a<ppeer la ha b as licnoagly -campromùiéd. swoad'W ha lafeiraedfrai» asi-lier despaicis via lc Erzeroumi. Tic mail inister féte- af tic Russian situation ie the almoslt)t ulter absence o?,offerial bhletins froin bc lime Grand Ditché Michael, wic iitir-di ta keph us informel o? lb. progrgss, oet lice Rassiane. The lollewin'ù *an. "tic Posltionlý cf the. nepeetive - fonces as f neîsrly '-t ès 'eauhaasc.anëtsiüal :-The di Ruseawn lft -vig, asIt r «ivanigta P] Deibah5, lisnov 't bsqk4-ouits -a lina cOf alvauca ai- b ai-ing an Bayazid", ii stifl lveieel I* r-e ralars fi-rn V.an. -Il viiiPcof<aly [e ale h0 efsat hae, save a asd aud re-astablisi ao mnieation *1 Erivan. -. iAletachil--, abemuof lice 9s centra, culer Genacîci ~tiaraftainuc the dafeatsaI Sanin vili mai-rions los88 cias fae c akhe manelghibouruood cf liane, butt111e iga aofRaresibasfnot l >eeu naiscd, -sud théelatest Tlis bal. Ca aetlas do fol t e 1' hoeeaulaI~ iclhta-Paella feésbe imaehf stnong ne enoagi la ,ndertake, ils relief. -,The h elemi aivices represent lah lias bai-d.T vancai la viliu fiflasu milceso? lIme lusicm - uvella liem.There lias SI- ean eçtccing - lefinite fram Batoum Pr- ie ch. capture by ia e-Turkp.th tici- Rnecian positions au li0eSancbal 'sud 1h, Eleatzubari -hceighUs. *Bath - IuseiassU anI Tunrkiali rc4niorcemeuts ara saId laP- be hatucn oi-vend. ýTlca cjqesition ut of pi-avisioning* ti. ar-cies is' sQaiho hé ta: roving seniaus for bath -elles, hE An Erzproimdaspalci ldaei Sue- far. ýqyâ ,ys ýusing ac-0 ne] unlt iiôO Cdi Valoy. I u'c-mm %V t% mavement is - Wconeeqnenoe of ticeir Ce6 runkg are moviag t 'csta-reisl Irei lui TRE.TTITDE F TI POWMB. ba A Benlin correspondent týlegi-eP4 ani cal lia Anal-lau Goyannmaub ha. n.- ,"j aned lie icanbaur of Kick te hé "mn ci-kisi provisianlag colamus.- a acaxvsaGIaoaaAIJDIO Ez£ovNA vill Il is romoured-l tuaI, by tË.iý C I < Vico cf Gr Luetnia, a kinl af informai armistice bey vl be ea"bldindj Moutemegre, both tioc ies melnîsaiuig lthe delusiva. p-c A daspelci fi-rn Rnln; DXaimatla, a f tâtes 'that . tioe, are 2,0<» Tunksh eilo xpactal ho -arrive. - ' a EGYPT.org A Ceira despatlu says :-Tu aenr 1e lia le ofgnnebof tha4le» -IBiaiéd Mr-EGULAvIaNS, cumsvmUCrears, AND -5ECQXXEÇJDÂTIOat5- cas -van OOYDUOT 1. The teaacin-uraiuiug sil cm - poy lhicr iaeurig le sason aI tic, 0 aoi Scohol acrdig,tp s ime- tableClbe cian up by ftlua Principal. In tisa lima-table provision shail. ha maIe, net only fer foi-mai instructions in éduoation salliai- rsubjeots dnring at ieast tva haurs e pr em, but aise fortic emploaenut cf tIh. Ieaihers-in- training fer u aS buh treeadaditional boare daily lu ohserving aud prsctioing feachiug. Abaout one heur par dicta ,i.eala be,obçcl 60eS e e1ss £ni-ntiau lu solcoolareiaigarme, al matîcal cf tesciing, andit i jea- mari-ledIbis slîccil.ýe doue eilber leefore or aller sahluntùmore IlifSrcomuisul. id tuaI cbuant hi-lae 11cm-parteri be lai-aId ta tcahing, nesdiog and eloantiin, abent lhc came lune of zmen-i ta anildmello, about fivâ hou-s te aceai lý and sel aulalione, sundaboul tur ot mehool-hygieua. Tha'lieue-tablei 'bail b. sabmi&hoî ho sud appnavad hyi lue Public Sohoal Icispeotor, and a.ecpyj fli ahIutIravu up foi- 1110 final session 3hall be transmillad to iehDaDparîment1 clfore lia session lic ait aven. f 2. Education.-Dnrlag about tii-e mure cf ave-y schoolaIay hliaaa hert.& c-tî-ainiug shall he ocoapiel luneheei-v.1 ag tics méchaIs af toaciiug employedI n lis Modal Sohoal, or lu atier sohools f tiere arce ny ceuvenlentiy itusel ii un tic. parpose, asol- lu ma-bing notast carao, or in acîmual heàsohlag. - Tbey t [ali-not, lievèver ho raquirel ttehaschî chas, in any enbjeat unil lice pr'ocrep cetiodofl aI liulg vith liaI subjecî tas beW u aelaited, aals il'taugil an of 1the explauationm, The ouanc 'hich ýs tl e ha vatel léily-ta tic snb- I 3nI cf édaicinu hüy 'the' Prlaipia y- i e ocnpiad sithey vitihlectares on 'cri- sema6 on. thé'notes',made, -or.-oun-t1ea ieeiing donc b he liéteclero-iu.ltrain.1 Ig, or viti axancinaticue ta test tisir ce rogrese;. Il i. axpectol liaI thé Pria- Il ipal wiii sec :0 il Ibal every intonîing- i msaier pincal unIon bis charge - J )mes acqusinteil willu oeagoal niath- i i o? lcaching caci subjeet from the le ilnlug af tic programmria lath enulIM E te feurtli dams. As, -nioneover, itel ex'ceelimgiy importat liaIt b1ey la cul tbarouglily undanstand hcow te vi Dgin hcaching esel sabjeel, the urne- I blé aud tlicounrse afinstruction b( aulI ba se -araugelthat tliay may sc iva ample oppanlunities of aoqining I, îdieoi-tical aud pua-stinai kuoviaiga x lie hesî'meliode of inîtructing jun. un ilcases. be 8. Reading and Elecuioc.-As of auy caudidates ton cortifleates pro. gr )uno and i-ead va-y bally, considar- le attention sicul be paid t ho eadI besce in talb Modci Bohool,. Ticugle in" o Principal annut el a xpacted te ai ct s veny greal improvomnt lunlice va chIdalesIurnlrg lIc. ahurt iie et luis Tt 3posaI, i115 hapadlieha y do good byy I uang valusbla hiats, by directing at. tien t6 délecte, sud hy ilahldlng con- 't fondamlental nations in aocaulion. . Mental Arill.-mtio.-It je hkeviet isidorel advisabla that the.teacian. o trainlug elionl have'-zsomc pnafcae Luisq sibjeol, ou acoonuit of ils valuo a préparation fer tsaoluing aritinue- A- JThe~ Scleeal Lauw and Regulaéiocns. w:l t fev lectunes shoul ha giveu on sid se parts af lia Selicol Law eundfRe-j mIlans vhich relaieteh l ialesofi tc chers. AtteuhieutÈhhanlI ha panicuù. v y-.dàreLed llIïôippoitgoflill*A cXI pnachical vainc ta hgib = -e ;- Hygiýne.-A faectuesonthuis fti jeicl siaull bis give. n, lracer t l ia li 5h ion mray be-diWotced to lia impor- Pcl ce af'etii , ve d l'i leauni o, :,as- xneg-upan t la hansd cOott6f -Etiqceette and Goo a Mnn-e .- ~ ' Principal sicanl, bath by example 1preclipt, ladicate polilenes . Ho nidlikavise direct thi. atatan eo heaahers.ie-trýaining, toe tc ipcà. i ce af cnltivating 1the mannens a I 'i . #rp- 'Champ se baiôtlleicIjof Pi ato keaeja nagiatez-, in apoh Boa fflas tube >Iiu :i y p4rîe ba tel ehit shsow'lia vocIlypi-agi-epei "h tuhar n e -aing. - ae sall"reporti te aCaUaly Bd- 'eeè nemneraat-lte alec.oallie sesmion à-ui ha dînais .d - eaoh \O5l<ida a, scier. Ba s ,tesa fcrc»1c',ba v-e l lc ti et ýament. Thcae ei ,in.trainiaq ex1l l ha eiihjectoi tc, orali surd writteu le e ainatiop ut he us OuI alhe session tati t111e CxcyBadoEates r cviuýg té thé y li? biocisada ts , ialn a theb 'day, eonfirme lb. napart that the Bus nment af Kare, sand adde thu.t they art torming an! 'tranod oaià n.-i -The HeraUconr.sPaedat j»Fa eff laye it is annouued in that City m 'St. Palereb'urg 1ihat- ha -caueof the in amyl Anraio,, wap ,141 1Ifr0~'âfiiefa t UwQPare 1-lliz lez andi ".>ýbeÉ I s r s c-. .lhirdestPtoh of the Britjsh fleet t eaika Bay-,continuas, ta be the. chief 'c in Br'itish oti. The IMoI«'ÇI ýeit is grttvely censured by the Oppbai. an as haviD'g tane&nocy' ta revive in esatnpohope of -British-,ir"ter- Iùti(Fn 44'aiî~irEgnd~~ lencel Csa aueu.trat.power -when Ihe astern qoto oê l-8a final' ttmnt. Sir Staff6ed; Nbrtl4cate' danatjon ia th(, Hanse of Gommons ,î -,adu. tisfacîory., TbaQeý l *10- believe that ~thitrasarebonnd up î with, the îien ai c6otthie Tnorilli bEiixpire ô0Y Urie ;tae aw oppoie m viw.. pnr cibli beca roa 'Ulm lbocnirnily pe)eceîç d by for- leèttreuaas ia ao ur ernmtcry, saul ause the niglit .te pnnseeand foroilly -ptune ôé aiésova pcepcriy inom - pIImQir. obberie nivearhY <iAnPAuzEas.-I New Yor'k Tunrkioali sooch hecbrg4iauesian viIm naIbless devastslion inlualganta, cul murdane sud outrages agminet <Mccsmtl-amm. Thoeulcuies moa ph aistthb.Tus i tlsvIl ioatantinpl, 'laly l0-Cocplels acrarchy pnét'ibu. bey-oud lce binai cf thé eculauding ai-miss. Bu'aian sud Circsaia Tartars are nmbrA'aing each ptbiendioimietoly.- - - - - Landau, Judy -I1.-An official de- epelci from Erzeroanm» tatas liaI lia Bussias ahavi rabi r trahie ueigc. becuihact .ef Rard, 'ahIare marchaag tovax4a Alexaulrpplé villiautllglitiug. ~.Mus2mtn Pa h hentnd ai-srf. - Erzeroumn, Jaiy 1.-Il la cfficiail ,y anuocucel liaI lhe Ruie» lait -vinc hms b1e - deu nsoi-ostisé Busan ýBans»- ranlioxities -nýecauie - tcs failirï feaa mpswýin a AuMiner sud admit tlimil ill havaela o bne. Navalloportiâns have tib been ra. sumeiL. A Tmnlaiel eet lisecommene- aI thé, bombarîmaut o? Ecipaorma, sud save al Tu hl voeelsamare- aithe menti aiot;lieoDauibe -vil lie, abject af etopping eommai catiaa balveen Isinail sud lieDobralsoia.- -Thc Neye. - SECovIONS'1-4-,An» 15. -Oparahions haie -beau .gcneralIy resamnel-on Sec. lianàà 14 aud 15 acflice Canada' Paciflo Se'c'aaseffocr orMasroeacsu.-Presi. dont Hayes --viii recommanl la cou. graoï leglaetiveaction for tic sup- pression o? Mormonisin. - - BoNàÉMT n,~rv,qcuuaccL.-M. Roulier sud ollmn drITd!Ïg ÊBouapertiots have gene6 là Chisaijit r nthe. purposoe. cf holdinDg as conn6lbi TiEz WrUBEeaDOaiTzcÂc.-AI Wimbie. don Monuday-::the tea day-a tbe Ahrée Priser msAýPthe, Ilovinig CJauadamis tk-.rlaaa :-Corporal Fin. laysou, 82u1 Baltalien, '5 ; Ceplain, Hart, 81mb Battlion £2; and Ensige Ilmivai- (? Hnier), £2.- FcAne aFsà Gexa.cr. Risecu 0s IN. îracS.-It la fIa-ad li&aI sgênea iins.-- *ug of the nital States ldias ile'le For West1 vihI take place'nuisess tue ôalamity la averted bey cofllmanage- mnut. AiU lh, available Inoope lainlb. lanîhemnusd-EstenStates ame le bc seut te' neifoncé lia armnti haWas T13E POM'.-A repart- c'amé. soi-ose tho 'oceanu ,omble 1r'on, Sstuc'lay -tla ihe affect lImaI the Pope's iluaese hal proyea ltai- Thasrurnor ihaàsminas benaue oSto-tia Psnis Bourse, and vasi sel On tdbeýsblaiy to icflaneoa tock. ibhing oparations. . Sa fan frac» baiag aven inispoed, temc Pap" a rportiedas enjoying ac <uti 4ealth, altandiig la hi e4lleue ues, sud giving audfiences ta bis visi- Tb.i-e la a éw 'silver eXoiamant ant )indar Bsy ln . cauquèeuofi nacent noximity thliacedaébrateil 6"BA"t mine. Raids ou lie Mexican Bonder. New York, ll'9-eeieu e oivel at h ie Wsr DapAtjmeaî, Wash. liglou1, âlatehat Liëut\. -BýuUù osecisa :clisa osttle lbiova~ eais' hà i. i renüde, l i a fghl vIli thcemaisa fÈave thii to bcoùealssd ne- aphurel hveniy.lhraa f éf lfbfy stolon Lrses hoy, liad- vitb liez»The bar- ess, etc.;Wvâ' foùud' 15Y iuIms iiel tcd beau Stlon fi-dm'~Glillespie couuty, shtegtele Juby9.-Tio Preselcut* md r'i ôf bigi ocial stations a- rosa rstfct.iv ileintelligece clvel ll-ongli tIe W,Depaitmon4g àecrossing ai leiceRu Grande by thie alli dStates- troope lna parsait cf ltme cdehoryIndanps, se ai lite enceis aur s ir ltheiraffonhs 1lanrecap- ringi elal1era praperty -sud punishing se Maraudera. - Oua fe t leiaisre. vald la, Wvia oclpes a ve- p-oaci. But Position lain. hcivil eerv'ic,; e- tarked to.daý liaI lice action ai lis abinaiet.- dîrectuVý tiatîic Mexiema tiaai-es âmi e a chll ecrees lic -ulier vas talion aftor lihe masSnia- Lre dahiharation as lia reanlhe, eail tsaS cu,»~e ,unanmsus canvisiieon oa 1 C0iiê it -e î alar Way cian ir bonder .ha -effectaally pratachel. rual si allen,' aIdae tI uagentleman1, li. thMeiaaanteasour tai-citai-y Çha.u xpqîiîious, just B eo cte i1 h h 6o fýe , enaos lce Inid Nyr. Bhhn'e lit% Ooncilenad oew melaons, when ase Mr. Meodonel. 5hi pion. iscupted esfll, t sud dall% o isai o i appear tc lIeu." - t -drivae» Cinuas F'baan, pen Faim Whca Spnug Wl B3au-ey,.. Peas.. Corn... Ray .... Potatooa..- Wood .... Wool ... Beef, bl c Beci, foxe qi Shcepskins. Hiles.. Park, per n Gions. Chasa._ -Operatlous o and iv a c Prperties, of dellatay i save ug.,maiy ccp aRil sInon lenOY ta lisei lIai-s&floaha W-viear ther esape mscuy c seves vel for prcpnly nano - PIeadlii>r-mo1 eP-o ;Tb on a d n n eu. nyc IIp-oel e lipa le;i-st isaee rd -Agen;raea anicvd Ba Laies'C~. ogethe fto 111 enltby jl11 as - GRA

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