Whitby Chronicle, 26 Jul 1877, p. 2

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or t Bet-àmx.mé * àaf -W.P.P M. O. A Thur*dyl idy 261 1877. ,T'h. Oseat Rallway UStthe. The e1.11., lbe'bldo.lcouquenou. of whiob vlîl Le foIuti ilelsleilu in ogi. ielumua, cri$ ,uated lu tLe réduetion of vag., on tleb latmoriud Oblo Rail. way. l bLeuesmeprAt 101.Brioe, b Pitt.btrg sud Fert Wasyneouo %d je ex. lepdlug lbrougLons INew jersey, Bin. cils, Missosarlu"»lan, Keutucky sud -New York, UuhlIl tha. woe#etiDetroit, vuere frs n rée etert"lu.î iii tLe 'Canada Sonthersa vI b.jaien2abnawe -lu the gcuesrl trouble. OicIL.@lAig nsneed roflwsy îl ae sg Ld been eo provicueIy âred, Obher 00Mn. Pactas matie a réducionc of-lo per cent,, plesug îLe depremisil fbounssle -te dbing. Thé mon remointrate -tbmt they are niLle ta parvide th e»COsU. aies of! ilfe r thuir famIlLe.ai thUicre. iluced i aseîand, golt.ésirike on thé pari ef the latter. The siruggie bis lad to vicieeand blôotish mat tIhe destruction 0f nahlluofo!property. The ragéeaMi fary o! tho- moL, vbere tiiey gaînci l Ïu upper band, lias exceeti. nd al bouna-tmé authillle bg jIoverlasa te nesisi ibeir zustdcned ou- 15iAngîte. Pive millions:, ndudipvmvel nt railvaiy propeniy, It is àtatfl, Lave beeu tleitreyed by iL. ic rh oJÈ. tii.lu. ccndlsny, aud ltme pillage of putýlic sud jîivat. proetY bas bon ludlscimin. até. Tho troopi, mas a Pittabuyg lad te 0" e Loethexmeb wlo exhibileti ail lie despenatilu, violence sud AILinal for blOOti cf il. worst day. o! île Paris commune. While île enPiOYes m1iglit ho jâo lt ltnking agalust a redue. tien cf wAges, nctling eau excuse or lAIaliale tlîlr naction ilu detroyiuglbeh viluable jrprîy o! thé rash-ay coin. caulas, %sud Ou tiisgrounti their coin. bilualtocuforfoits aU 0c41tn i eympatby. 'lMi ement Act passeS lu-in 'anada against 1ciikas au ntiulsialiocf this linîl migltb t l dopled te s gocitipur. pose luîtehe abemnt-ti btates o! tIi. Unionwlcara ithecotiiici o! laoaiwitlc capital la dsiy becoluiug mure luteesi. lifei. - , * Wotlnctley's dospaellee aunoonce the «ftriier titi-estof thé oInte eaganti WeaL. As vfo dit hiiss spresd ta the Cauîc4da Seutharu.' - Ai 12 o'cicet yes. toriay île yard cetteue as talioen pou- esoun cf sud ma nloto eronî-honué ly ithe ireumen ati bralcesmen an sitrilc..Tite siope iscre vimtét andth îe ecîmpllyos compolie t 10quit vont. rooiqiges vere aent erdening trains te lia steppeS vîcrevon thep Msy be &long thé line. A.meeting vme-héla ai St. Thomas, "set ttng forteni l.gnlcu'uees O! te eamloyas, Anti MtWvîch rasoîntiona oane paset;; lst dcmaudiug the recl c0(lIme vielý-i tng sanetiuetion o! ten Per cent. Qud Thst noue of thé otci-itrasIali L a dhargeti. Anai 8ra, luintie onu reaiving tle aumount et Laci psy tiue-be!ere 1511 Augnat. lutr regardtuthetI Gréat Western there is cpn.sieî-abie sîppresseti feeling ne. poptiet umeuget île liants. Mectings ni' lie employes bave Lecu hld, sud tlIc latest acciint le that a ceompromise limnobeau effoclti fon s tarmn c!thre mentis, ab i reduction of 2j pet ceul heov $ 45, anS 5 par cent over lIaI salary. Tho undsteauding vilI îLe Grand Ti-nut employés le reporteiS as catis. factory. -Wbitby (c Llntsay.ý 'hi' formai openiog o! thie extension -te Linds.ay laites place ou Tuestiay, - hit foet. Thc programme is as fol- love: For Toronte guesl.-Special cane ou <U,70 a. Mu,'express train. Tran vii eav bWhjLyfor Lindsay, - t 8.80, a..px.; neaci Pct Penny, ai 0-- 145 ; leave ai 10.80, arnvlng st linS. -say, nt 12, accu. B ' îUBxN.-Wil l bave Lindisay aI P. ni., srrhving st WliIhy, at 4.45r, p.ni. The partp v iii proeset fron theblllty siation! te ?Hopkina' bali, Birockit sreet, where louches viliL e - ,ovidetd.- Toa4is anti Spchbes vili AIt10.20, p. mn., -tain wili icavé thé Wlîllhy stion vitii lia Torn'to guc9eise.cars vii L e altaclotiett thc 0. T. station tu îleh ovcung si- presa for lenoute. Train for the nerthi yl bave -st 1145, p. ne., arriviug nai Liudsay, aI 12, Invitation cardS.muai Le presetet on li» trainJsuiteh ichl. Mn. Holden, Mausging Directe., Las bea esu008fulluinanranggMost coniveulent coqptocis yul lie Grant Truil. rSeé limé table.] - HeIAieaîx.-PIm. Robinson, Heati master cf the Wbitby. HigL Scioci, tatés làe holiday ibis véek- Hé.vii nel melons befo e lbuesi]Wsek lun- Augul. Ii UnremIîing attenibmute Suty, sud, vatelful Ciré ovrer IL. ~ icreste, committeti te Lis&eoh"g.,as 'Wall as bruliant esllcé ouM ths Part -0i IL. PupUt vho Lave bouaiedt y Lis inslmutibon,. le a necommnatios, w, tncv cf no eue better sutiie to & - aSy'u holiday relstsîlotn b Mu;Rob. - lson. We trust he Vi reinun e- freshied a-nud nvigortet Iote egocti vomkin lu vlc v. know hlm Iert.sand Luain lo bse gag.d, in laylng tie foin. * dation iof thé future fortunes cf lb. popils pulvlgeil b atteud the Hg Scholof1whitby. - HetAinai xrnUasîoe.-Tls Y. à( . C tbemselvis cf the obvie holiday pro., clalmaed by lie znyor-Thuà'sdgy, 911 A*ggnt-fcî a puibtiexoureon 10 bbé !àIs[Se advt.] Thil.excursIon 1àSÎýéà wà a ýl#dfJone, sud ou O=Wà ovesplnglS viib. dona go ttrp quàuy llyimust ma papili of whLêby H Bl s5.olic ' very oi.ditabl. axamluaMýons - lif. Zyrea ocarylug -Honouro in Clameul-e The exaoefuation la now regarded a# the mnoit difiMOultpreacrih.d ¶«y aDy uiverfahy on this contineat. IIaiso vry wortby of Doge that a lb. roenexaezmluatlon for tird.olaae teaohrs.etfca;iictea bOUtou*u..Uaf4 $Do ouo!WIMcaddates me firom ltb. Whitby mgb SehooL Thayam > luo. .a.d& in paaalaa vesy 4ffmuxâýMM b 2!oý hfr nanaoa are the %uouit ", u md thJae-af l ". ~o ireu Md b eogaàIated of lwaIà, Tb* Whltby Pie Brigade and lb.OUd Pellows' Baud bave Unied lu mabsg arrangemnet fo« a grand exeaulfa1 lnuay on the elvie holiday,' Thura. day, OthÂAugut. Theti$p isllhely'to be exteudedfo Poelson Fafla sd Btur gpou Point.' pull particulara wlllbe announceed lu duo Urne. The Toronto aud Ottawa ltitllway. Mauvere ha. vote4 the bonnse f880,. 000l tihe Toronto and Ottawa,-Nlil. Exlmnation of Public School Teaclwrs. WTie examlastion foi Public gohool seachera wae beld l in th igli Bahool Buildings, Wbltby, lust week. Twenty. four candidates tried for meeeudelaad oerUtoifs>b«t ai thefr papers -have boeu sent-to the Contrai Board, Toron- tob fer examalatlon, we hIwo Dot Use y. cbtalued a&li& of those who were eue. a.ssful. For. thlsd.claas certildoatea thora were ninety.niue Candiates, out of vbtich ouly tweuty-ueven vr uees fal.-We give a H1ot!oîlte nanca. James W. Delaney, Jas. Bcssisutivslte, Donald Clarke, Audrev Haànilton, Frankt Ruines,, James Edjunisti, ,Franklin Ga rtier RoertHorno, Praeicit Lairti, John Joiustmi, Edgar J. Orvis. Wîn. Ormueruti, John Rlogers, Marshall Mittlng, James Dau'ey, John A. I3snLnre. Pîcabé Crenk, ]Riens Cronk, M a r y S . M r l, J u n ie M a t ie s e , Amy l)aimer, le sgèle RS ait, Mary ShIl. immL ii Latura J. .rhirok, Josephbne Tiiommon, Ehsie Wallace. TuuNnRîî Stoiu. - Ou Tburstiay nîeng lest a Leavy etom o! rain visittîis viiuby. Ponfoot torrents e! walen pouroti dowcî wie-îb. item leaieti, (about ton minutes). The rmmm liaq doue au immenaiiy o! gootd, lun e. viviug ltxe pestueandu laie ;gnovlng crepi. A reaakabla feature o! tle nain vus, ilat vhmile it came tovn so, hjeavliy in lia tevu, anS nonll o! it, net a tii-p feli et tIi. bey. TaxxmCeaUXNfà or mI iwisCaoîciz are useS intiiacnimbnately by our Ccny contemporanias villiocutthé usual crail. Cu. plan, vLan Ibis continues, andtihîe omission appeare plain te us tc Lé int.nbional'; ls te eut theinoff !rcn our oxolanga liaI. Tsmi Co9wnTYCOUNoIx. muets on Wetieostay naît, lot of Augnot, te cou.- flm -tIcs y-lav gnaniting s bonus te lie Toronto anti Ottava Railvay Company anti for îlje trnssmting o! sncb otleér business se may boLecéssry. MR. J. V. lLMx's lautisome coottage ou Byron etreot is offeret for sale. Il is- an adtnirably fdeisiiet private resi- dénce, val l eti up sud oomplele lu- site sn ut ul yu evary nequisita for a gcnieor fmmlly. An Inteudedlolngtben- eti mojeun in Cali!ona te recruil his healtx induce. litc tosel. Thc fumni- lune viils lo-be tiueporpeti of by anction. EîTEmîcu'uEo.-Mr. Robartson, bock- seller eut stalionér, Whiiby, Las, vilI commendable enterprise, asoumédthebl rigîl te trede lu bocks anti papara over tle linao!fîle Whitby, Port Penny anti Lindsay Bailvuy. Ail lIa leaSing uevspspers anti perledieale issueS frene tLe prose viii lu future Le founti ou board thé trains. [Seo adt.] MuaRmrr Muvuuxce. meetings are mtli being bLeit IWiby. On Mon. day éveang a tempenancé association was formeS ln île rcoms o! the Y. M. OUR BîAUD.-I I l ong tiMe, or aI leas itIlappeiresose, tince vé have Lsd tLe pleasnée oumi'nng île musieo 0 Oui- ex@ llnt band on tle streois. Our ciizenu appreclate tIitreat aud vilI, ve feel u*ro, generonsîy respout te thé cl i oicbaud vhien théeocasion ne- qulnes.- Urceets8. 8. Fzoccc.-Tbe VWhlbp anS Oshava MtodîsI Suntis>'Sàlis id a Union Moeit CorbelI'e Point hast Tixstuy. A veny deligîlful lime vas §pont ai lis pleasaul spot. HsosvxISmîuec.-Fancners cn thia Mec- tion are new busy Larvestiug thil cropo. à large amoutaI o! buley Las,- lroaty beau cul. TIc genenal crep tiis yearuvllh le fnlly su average. oee ivilI tle oeeexception bay. BusîxczaeRusa zisc.-Sa gremtinlathe cismant. for tlb. nov re&pen-Brovu's WLltLy Harveser-mauufaclnret stt the Broya anti Patterson Agrioultural IVrks Lare, tIal lb. mhon aii kept vonking fron taphiglubttlii ank tnrning tlein ont. Tvo Css.vzs i A ÀBîzm.-Ou Tlura. day lait, a ccv Leiojing toElHis Hor Jutigé Bumnîsin,s. Leui tte tvin calves. Que e! the calve. a s apure ret bull andthte other a pure white leifer. TÊ* [Aaccue sWhÀoO.C»Viz.i.Âtroupe phayedtQte goed bouses lu Hopkins' Hall,hlie, liai veet. Tai s SUITCao. promises te h. abundant. day in the Whitbl y oot.up. Cana"da t île Peste Exposition. -Il la undsnstoed that thé Goverunent o! Canada viii Le répiesented netysa àt! thé PartitExhbition by eue padt cemmissicuér aud b>' everal bouonarp Commlsalonéns, c! vborn 8ir John PRose wii b. oui ; anut lat Mr, Thoinas C. Kajere, CE., Las consenteiS te set lu thé firt-nimeti capsciîp. Thé de- mande for space alneady reéacinearly fotyibouad fot, e< h o4a WN[TB. fr. 0u bdlol Wod .. 54 42 iToal Wltbybothilnp -7 li uninp O U bJagi 1Vod ld auesc .S lSu 1 Goa4wUdUbOwa... .U11 t O»ssus atet bdMatbaio.... i1sua oui. cdp@ o le. ... 0 .10 - XU . bld Lalug.... e ý* OnSe Noor:. co....... *i tJanô bl lutheson4 JouéeSbld Laine ........ôbld Jaiýay ....C Byes...... .......9......... 'Tota T. C. S.4 bet nmngs .. .. sa TrJaLb .11 Se. wlnsly .. . ..lOzus, WMTBY Va. OSMAWÂ. Aone-lonnngs match wus played b.- tweaa the Whiby Md Oshawa .arickol olube Ai the Msrket Grounua, Wltby, luat 8aturday afteroon. TEs Whltby tesmr theugh ouly- l 04scratch"fione, wou b7 45 roue, bavlng a total score'of 88. For Whiiby th. principal ocore were, J. Prestou, (flot out) 20, G. Bay, 19, sud Gao. Rose, 12. For Oshawa Brough isif.17!. Hent reetusd hool Examlnatlon. Liai of namea cf goholara who receiv. eti prizea in Brd, and 41h Division of Hlenry minree ohool, linîe eTown of Whitby. lo1tCflss-Goo. Morreisio, Miaule Hain 2n1, Win. Dunitiey 8.8d, Paunie Brysu 4tb, PsLggie Bain Ohm, Fred, PhilpOtub. 2nti Cass-Wn. MoG(lhlvry lot, Douait MeGillivray 2nd, Walter 0mb. son 8r5, Fred 1Pcnali 41L, Osborne Richartison 511, Bella Rusaet 1. Bit Clasa-Bobont. Farquhanscu lst, Henry Webster 2ct, VFraukflryau Ont, Elith Campbell 4h, Frankopper, &hl. Gooti conduoi-Mdianie Hatn. Beguhan attentianc-Johu Toma. iv rviarome. Senior, lst Clasa.-Jeremish Palmer lot, Thecdoro McGilivray 2nt, Perey Coee Si-, Panaie Draper 411. Junior, lot Ciaseu-Magghe Ommisten lot, Flerence McGiiiivnay 2nti, Hann Powell Si-S, Psnny Wiiii 4t1. 2nti Claos-FtretKrroi-ta, Maggie Hay 2uti, Benjamin Rcbinson Si-S. Gacti contuci--Nellie Mean, Pen- ey Colo. .Bcgular attondanoe--Jam. Hamilton, Emma Baddil. Thé Wan News. On tie 19ti a siarp engagement vas fought sean Plcurns, île Turtial force unuar Gsman Pasha gaining s tecit- ad stvantagc. A Buobansi daspateh caps the Uinss ccupiati Yani sagîra alter a brillant* engagement. A speclauys tle Philippopolis lu- habitants bavé petitionet thé SuDlimu fer an armistie - Leivees the belli. peenas. The Rusmiamia are eotabisi. MRg campe lu Roummala acmodal. 200,000 mon, sud are probably prepar. lug fer coningéncies turing îL et eî. ment cf it.éBasteru question. The Fév 'York. HeaeM'. cablés su. nounces liaI BusteLukit is ompletéely surounteedtat tthé Buselans are nov contucting s spifrtet campamu. SOsîman FPuIs telegrapba from Pie' vus tIaI blé Tuntiel cavalry have talc. cn posaession o! fourteon additiouii, abantioned amunuiion vsggoum vitîlu thé linos pneviousiy occuplet Ly the The. Perte has Issued s cireular de- eiarlng bLal six thousanti inoffensive pensons o! belL sexes bave beeauimmesa cnet lu varions villages by tle Russias anti Bulgniaa Thépulcain o! van neye, faveur- able cr unfavounablé Las beau probibit. ad ai Constantinople. XcNisxseaa. A Pensti espütcb sapa lie Tnish roope Lave cressét lhe Moutoen* frentien, yuL lime objeet of preventiug Prince Nicicluas éisglng Nioslco. ENdLAZt-fs AmmrrueB. ThéeBStandard reporta ILai Ircepe Lave leen ordaredtol Malte, lIaI Eng- ulh fonheanance bas s hmmit, sud liai île Goverument vonît net shink: frein pnoieoling Constantinople froin Bussis. The BritisI Cabinet bas teoidedtol reinforci the garnisons et Gibraltar anti Malta. Thnee tbcusauti mon will esavé tmrnédiately for tîLe.points. Il is numonnreathetItroepe ordênêl 10, Malta are r.aily intenSeS fer Gallipoliý as Col. Etivartis vas recenlly sont (1ère ou a seret mission te ascenimis tle depl cf vater e! tle appromobés andthblé bavu efences. The Timneg aspa ile il Ia easy .10 nnderstaut lIai tIare shouiti be a pairie lu Constantinople, thème is ne excuse for a pairie in England.Tt.IlcaesoRus- ma te puniqh thIe iCssaclrs vIe corn- mutetl outrages.- Lord Derby ssyo thc rumeurs of the intention le ocdîipy Gallipoli originatct thncugi il. determenalen of the Gev. ernmenl te lucrease thé garnison et Mfalta. A Vienetespatel sapa ihis ho rel thal Gotoaof lao collecling puce!.o! tL. Varions occoneneu Atîlemaie!o van te, show lIai Englanti la net aseing up ou tb. strict rulés of-nuulity. Thé Pmnc's intention la te nesanve t1cm for a filtin gopportunity, vhich Lé la repore t 10ave mid Lord Derby Me>' bimsel! ceen u ppîy. ,hé Bussasupi-sos la dirions lu hie attacta upon Buglunt'."lpeoiSios polit-tp" anti predicte serions Sifficul. tiesf. A Bénlin despateh sapa the offiia aillhe]Bussian Enmbasaythrnateningly déclare hîsi Eugisuti's open support ho Tuntey vouit i mzudately eicase lhe Czar frein thé diinteretti p remise h. matie ai Livustis, anti enil e hlm te diotate his own terme cf pssce. - LATEBT. Latca Sespatoles coufirin ile neya thal the bombardîn.ni cf. Buetchuk bLa commenceS. A rumeur la given le lbi ofeci thai Greai Bntain bas seul. au ultimautume te nuis, sut auoliîcr ré- poni of a luredoI4aracI.r speïIca of s AÂPesth deapati sapaysnmber of Dépolies cf bics Hungu-bn Parligaént are pres ngferr a mig on Thons- day l favor o! tLe Turksa, aI vhiéh a résolin iii b.oferéti contemol.i tLe Bussalsoutrages in Bulgarisansd tismanding liai slé shouit mité péace anti presérvo hl utegrlty o! lb. Otto- man Empire.- Tsi Fzsmnu.Piiiwzzs. - In tL* House!fGemonsyesterday, O'Con. naor Pcvar'e ucotion lfen e. se'o! lb Pnanvisonéros rliw a PaEq., P. l. B e. 4q. sud- # his -lofi L. OamCépbeII, Eau., sud ither geuilémeg cf peomien de. The. vie chair iwa biy f9ed byCoL Buto. oe tdusner of "mine bosi" Ieae.s son0f, b tebianan proposei "The Qumen" wbleh vas drutik yuL al *0 O~ ~ ~~éo myos-.8n,".1aee @Quee.' #-TIh. Princeof Wiles sud the rest of theRyl all""TeAriy snd *Nsvy and Vàinaeera" ad obe stand- iing toasts followed sud. vere appropri. s atelyrespondetito . Song-"-«Red, White Ssud Blue." Tih. ohairmaan, lu proposing tue tous of lb.evéig"b gentiemen of the Municipal Ooeu- cf Piekeriug"-sl their course lu oouuection yuL thepa singe!f the Torouto àOtl04M b.1a wasaiuthe bustlieeaa'cf lthetow slip. The ewbsiriqans asd Le prcposeil *thie $oaetwilh aàgest deal cf plissai. tTic raetm.ln ffra>- rs conaitleltudlguatlmeeting heic idn3 ýnoughamO sont liemoue nce, cou eo. Powm For i cl * blu etrc ,f sceordace vth theilaw. L ga;ve the conciloredit for tLe atrlglzt.forwarc couru they adopteti, sud concludeti by picpeulng "The. bealth of thq ceuncil of tLe townshlp of Plckeriug," wbich ws reegivît i vtL gréai cheeng 1sud ap- plans.. T. P. Whie, Esql., Reevo, on ising te roupoul, vas g eateti b y eaniy cbeering. necéhon, hoesaiti Lé veid c f aIl feeling, aller the very fialtening freniarbe oflthe ebalnmno, sud the beanty roeedton of th. toast by thé meeting, de?çnet thani thbenz moii hearily for their- kioti expresions tovards hiseli sudIse collâagnes. WitL regard te Iisi course iespfecing the by.law, lie Lad acti ti tely Up tb tLe letten cf the law. A grealticeal cf claptîap aud many mis.statements Lsd beau luduigod lu by the opposants e! tbe by-law, but uotwllhatanding aIl thai Lad becu aaid sud donc, théecnajoity vas legs this lime ibsu thé previcus vote-au evi- deuce of the resotion thst Icat taken place, as Le bati stated atsflicCounty councul. He vas auné that Loe.long, *bn ieIs oppenenls aw thbbcbenelita te Le derivodti sic.the completion of the pr epoen Railroad, they would tlank himai bis- colleagnea, sud acknowl. eige lb. y lad acîed for the Lest lu- tersais of the townehip. S. J. Grean,- Esq., on rlsing le ne. $pondi, wss raceiveti vith marked Sp. plans.. Ha was agrpesbly surpriseS uat the roeult of the laie voief IH. Lsd fancheS lIaI witl ail the efforts put feniL by soina o!flb.e ppouenta, lime maîorîty wonld have been langer. Ha Lehievet te Railoati would provo a great benefit tu, the township, sud lIai wbole section of country ; lu fiel hi. eppoents theinsolvos adittati It would be s gréaI benefit. . ylvcster Mackey, Esq., ounlsiing, vas greeted wibh obeers. No doubi tLey ver. ail avare that Le waa oppce esa te passing thc by-law. Thé resuit of tLe laie vote vas quit. différent te wbat ho expacieti, sud he muet admit hhat the contest baS been carried. on by the fiéntis cf tLe Rsilroad ln u u bnoat, strsightforwsrd manuen. H. hepeti, now the by-law vas passed, tle scheme. wonld ealize ail lIai. anticipations. R. P. Hoov-r Esq., vas londly cheereti0ou rliug te respond. A great deal of abuse, Le saiti, lad beau hoapei upon the membona cf tie connoil by aome cf Ibose wv o eeoppoed le îhe by.law. Ire failed te sce vhcnein he ladt violateti bis euth of office. TIc oath vas "ltley shonîS set as t11cm cou- science dictated for the Lest interesaof tle tovnibip." H. belleveil e Rail. rosai veulti prove a vey grest benefit te the township, sud unden lIai convic- tion, h li ait acleti as bis consciecec dictateti. Thé vico.leirman thon gave 'TIi. Public Impnov.ments of thé Country," conpling tL.rewith thé naines cf J. B. Campblli, Eaq., and Sinclair J. HOI- tien, Eaq. Both gentlemen rasponded-by.appro. priate speeches-t'ho fermer giving n very interesting socount o! bis coune lien with railwvaye. He balievedth îe T. & 0. B. R. voulti proveoue o!the gr estenl bonefits Ibis country couiti be blesseti vitb-opaning np, as il voniti, direct communication between tIce csp- ital of this Province sud ih. capital o! th. Dominion. H.e gave a veny en- couragingcn uto b rospecte of the Rdllvay Compauy, auid d very confidence lu thé work bcing commene. 1«Very great crédit ahoulti bc givan te lbe représentative Ornugemen, tee, who, iu convention assernbled, waiveti their rigîtte parada.,'Tbis conquest o! bhe npfme6y thie'juigainant in 1h. graudesi trittmph of ail. Soin. feolish =en vIe cali theinselvas <:atholies say thé Oraugemen 'surrantiered tote Cahoios'. The. Orangemen titi noili. iug of lbe sert. They surmendareti te gooi senne. TLey sunreudéreti te bCWliaihty, te the suggesions e! iaw sti orde., andt te cdictatea of su cnllght.ened humanity ; sud voare boundt te scepi bLir noble acta!i self. déniai, anti ve 1o accepti inlathé sain. gcn.rons spirit thai rompted il. The azLacsndoimmiof tflm ar cade on thee Telfth cf .Tcly lt -twas really the mua i gorcous e,tory cverichieved by Ii-a rangememc. Neyerdoceaamas ex- hta sublimer courage titan when h. couquers bis owu ba lIolor valves a lime Lonoreti privilegé for tbe sait. o! pece; and iinsto bébopedthat the forearsuce sbowu by thé Orangemen of Meutri thé other Sa y viii ot hé ouly imitateti by themr 'brelorns aise- viiere ou'futune occasions, but that il viii ho raciprecateti by thé Catholica tee, Who surely enght net te hé amnong tie lust t0 give évidence cf fraternei fogvénaesansd kindly Christian char. iThe' li ompany 2. amember of thelOil froghttran, ülim ay,J. Dearmert johàRow.;rbnMcOawihy. Wotàùsd ýe_.hAsWhite, a boy iiamed Bach- ruobuown, Da»1 ulel iam, t con- dû,"; oeof Greeu br ("erlou) 13 'buti Beekertgrvate Iflot gimet, Rdf * laless (lllprobibly. ), Samuel W. Boyd, a hou cf 4 '.; Patteracu (lsj )f naarly ho oi)a àflafr 9ssdfour, d reeihng ontbqhe aIde <serioljo Vêtnde),Fredrlk, JohuLýioug,, s Scott. The teribly fatal eftéteof the &hot& ired by the troops u x»pna4d th. citizeno swefl as lb. suikers, 414 in log thau au hour a thouguad0cfthe alwmfnes, sud varjous-intZiu n-n1 d ostablishments burried t10 îLeuee61 the omllict. By elgbt in the. evenlng mnobe weo movlng about 1he clty in *varions directiona, sacklng stores te aaeuo atis, rekn o theb.armories Sof the mil.try companles, sua propan- ing thosolves o exîm e h-breats cf maesarylug ltheuh.. rePhladel hl * emmand. BI thia lime thé. mfis vere ordered 10eue cf the. ion b ouses, whare they conld ind botter protecliou. Aboutitou o'olook a * numbering sevéral thouoaudoiaid cou. gregsted aboutt he round.bonm.. They had previously csplured tbe pusa bc IongingtoH Utchiuoou'sa Bttory, a local organization, sud plantedithein se ase 1 commasnd the round.houac. .8ev- eral solid t o ee ired ai the build-. ing, snd breachea w.re mode in the walls .1but when the infuisted'mob ai tcnipte4 teorahinto the building, the militaoy were ordoecd te lire 'à volley ef msetr, wlch followed. A ruinor ethal the Gstling guns o! the oemmand were being brought ie requisition causda sp sie, sud the mob ied praci. piisaly for soveral squarou, the miii. tary incanwhile keeping u a fusilade. The riotera, Lowever, were soon re- assured, and as thouasd were flocking t t their assistance they returncd te the atsck. Findlng il dîfficuli te dilodga the milary frein th. building îîay resolved te oun tlien oui, andi au ordoz te tbis affect was issncd. -Iu couse- quence cf Iho blochade, whichli ad ex- isteti for two days, thce sid1iugs inuthe enter depot yards, as wall as thoiîa ax- toudling eastward anenio hrce or four miles, were crowiled witli froight cars fllled with grain, produce aud inerchan. dise, besitles whiclî were a nu mber load- eti witlc oil cake andi coal.r'nie cars wore piled up lu a insee, white a portion of the mol> surroundedthel building in which the. military lad l aken refuge. Large bodies proeeded te set fine to the oil cars, and in a moumient hugv volumes of smoke which roliediupwards followed by luriti flames reaching out lu eray direction, tbld liai the werk cf destruction liat commenced. Tho uigî-t of thee dames seemêd iterally to craza the niotera, seine cf whem nuslicet wild- ly about with fiaming torches in tîjeir bande, aPplying thoeu ocars iudiscl'~ alely. Tie a suiwas souuded sud tbe Fire Departmeut promptly respouded, busth rl iotars, wmo bl comuplato con- trol of the db-y, refuieti te perii'them to go toeoxtinguithe île mes. Tlcey said thiey vwcre deterniued te deatroy lthe Railway Company's property, but weuid de ne iujury te that bolengiug te private citizeus. "£fboy kept Ibeir word, 10e, sud wlien a incuber pile belougiug to a citizen teck fine the rioterR thein- salves turnd lu ani belpeti te extiu- guli ibe flâmeel Train after train was fired by the infunlaieti crowd, but the cars werc se fer (distant frem the round- bouse that tle lest did net serieusly affect tle xilitary, sîthongh tîcîr posi- lieu wss one cf peril. Fîually s large party ef strikens caplured a car fillei with coke, which Lhey rau frein the Alleghany Valiley t3ailway track te a siding cenuecting with the renusyl- vauza Bailreod. Tlxey thon procured large quantitias cf petreleuin cil, and pcuring il ever the ceke ignited the materisîis. Iu a very few moments the car was a mass cf fire, aud it was thon pusheti aleug the tracks aud,*ferced againsi the rouud-houfe. Tho building was seen ignîtsd, but ii net humn as rapidly as desined, and the moL nused out ou th. roati sud sont burninq trains lowards th. buildings. Prom miduight until five tbis meruiug the main efforts ef the crowd were dircctad te firng buildings anai cars, but about balf an heur later the meb whicli lid beau beseiging the niflitary loft for some n- explained reason. .Tisiaafforded lIce troopu, wbo wane ln aclual danger ef being roastet alive, au opportuxcity te emarge fremi tl bildling. Thcy quick- aud were leIt lying on the sidewalk. They continued tleir fliglit, and crosseti everho lb. nonulisida o!fime Allcghany River ou Sharpsburg Bridge, the meb following them'as nmpidly as; possible. Aften readhing 1he norîli side tIe troeps scattereti, sud lu Ibis way the mob was divideti into veny sinalbodies. In tle meautime ice Cil-y was lu a atate of anarchy. Thoueautis who hati jeineti in pursuit ef tbe fieeing troops gathered about the burning buildings sud trains, sud assistet inlu preading thee dames. ]3y-saven o'clock 1he fira lad oxtendati frein Milivale.street te .20tb.slneet, sud anvelopeti hmudts of cams extensive machine Shopa, iwe nound.heueca, de. ptsd the office o! the Union Trans. fer Comopany, blacksmiti's sbopo, store- lieuses, and numerona allier buildings, msking up th. terminal facilities-of Ibis corporation. Iu lh. rouind-houseg were 125 first-class loootivet, whmdli were toislly destroyedi.- Tho scanes transiing'ou L.iberty sîrcet, along the lino cf whidli the tracks cf lb. railroad mun, simply beg. gar description. While huutereds ware ongageti in firing the cars sud making certain e! th. destruction et the vol. nable buildings sai théienter depot, ihousantis of men, woena, were cngsg. et inl pilsaging the cars. Mien armeti with heavy ali)ècs 'would break oens the cars, and their contents weuld b. threwu eut sud carieti eff by tîLe.nent on profiting by the reignocf terrer exist- ing. Te aireeba ware alînosi complets- lockaddby rn- n icingleo cayI off the pi zered togeiher.in 'h in6 gý-, suce ani Bli avenue t TLùâ oeus maic upcsc gmàatwO 09 Of55 5cI di cmyon Sy ion ras s mass of Lames, tL.-Ralik-A-Isi y Lupanys poerly bcbng mli Le. et; my mott ce soulh sldeof mler ySme u l U94nJ iff IM4 .xtediugirom sivenîb- st lb. end of 18 lcý'Mvai. ,ý-ý ýý - upoa oie sud ràllroati buildings déalroy.d deati, anti hat tloq;. v ý, 4oslug your couSit chine bap. npenlueden' astrict lnthe car req t Dépot ýprsLop, lazktsilh' four onhoboe, Union t-,à",-offices, "aath rdi bouse, UnionDeot, aUndle' Rallwsy eng*ue Ã"ffcimudregitdapot, MII ofthe. Adainsx. .Sbenif Piff's domS body vas bronght in frein îLeouton Sapet &bout mIdiglt lehst night. -Gén. Pearson l bsif vontet. Tira. soitiers vho oaitemp9-. où,t hoesoapo 'frouz île round-bouse vero - alo bï the mol -anti instsntîy LueS..ý -Tva citizens vemé aise abotttievn. Ib Bthé niot ut 28th-otriete suterdsy miter-, -noon tvesty. ver. Jdlled and tventy. nie cLtè. -,Thill a ite vas dot. *et vith Seaisti dylug. It le siteti r liai after leaving the arsenal te-tiay te- 1day lte Philatalphili treepu turnat 21tcem Gatiig gun on île crovti yul -gi-est bso! lie. Il la reporte thlaI - limty peruuss ri-e , ri esaut citizone. llm iysrlt dVglaçeCo teo is Lcunly gieving sîrouger. I i 6 ihonglat that thé destruction o!flfe anti properhy. la stau scand t i. l-saimatedti it2,000 caoae wituloil. ceai, anti ailIintis *of menchaudise, vere .tcteiiy destroyet. 'ILesat, togellar îýýlli tic locomotIves, buildings, anti otîxer pmopanly desiroy- -ed, swel Le Penapivania Railmoat Conipcrcy's lasses te an amount - anîoupiy astiniatet at frein lIre. le tonr millions cf dollars. Harrisburg, Pa., July 22.-Thé train conveying miitia te PilLonrg vas bol-. cd anti stonet liera. Tîmo polic, macla une arnesl anti vore sîoo stouet bythe *mol. TIi. ooupliug pins a! sueausi- vard-beunti friaiutrain ver. nomovei gluring th. ev wminutes il atappet boere. Otlans ver. substitulet sud tle train movet on vitîcul fui-lIer uiffioulty. The Penusylvania Bailmoat men f liera have strucit. J>bont dv.e clect thé fine froni tle Union Dopot cominunicaleil ta tLe in- muns grain elevater ou îLte cerner o! Grant sud Wtsiingten-slreeIs, cou- iaining a large qnsntity o! grain. The destructiion o! llaae buildings seémeti la satis!y tle nioters, as ibey Logan ta disperse vbilcey vere buruing. Tinogion théentre day ývarions gîngoes o! rioears vere seurchiiug for Generai I>canson an#-,thé general afficer of the Pensyhu-ania Rilreati. At tle, adjoumuat meeting of the cilizéns Vig- ilance Cocomilîea vare onganizat te lineven u ritîer destruction a! prepenty. Il vus nupitly récruiteti, snt oacI member o! lIé final vas previtétivitI Issebali bats, but blase vero aflar- vante exehiangati fer. pua..The indi- calions nov ana lIai tle i-aigu o! lha cool is over, alilougli tixrests bave been matie thal sevenal mailroaS build- ings vilb irdrol 115 veniug. Unieti States troupe iu lange nuco- bcs b ave beau oenti-adte Icoee iot leati-uction. ScORE LoscD - At Boatiing 1he aritera ccoinencati obslrucliug ties macks o! the Lebanon Valley Railoat leading le Harrisburg. Tise cabooses vara bonnet, asuthîe destruction conlinned* le cîhar points. A train of five lueigbl cars bas beau lumnat, andtihte Lebanon Vslley Rail-. i-est bridge acroslhe Scînvîkil, coat- ing $150,000, la Lumneti, pnobabhy tb prevattle passage e! Iroops. A inàb wvii lias bcan teaming Up île tract boere to-day camé in contact yulh a part cf the Feurîl Rainent sîortly afier 7 P.mn. Thé soitiiera graS ule tl. crovti, killing four anti vounding savon. The collision betveen tle FourbI Miîiiia aud ihs niotens on'îLe tract, lu the deec ot eibonting frein Wslnultea Pensylvania sireet. The - soltiiens vore assalled viii atones, sud inîredi- att-dp cominancetdring, il is mllegéti, vitocut entiers. lThe dring vas indus- ciminate, the lulleta tdoing hati verk aemoug thé imomense cenceurse o! peopla, amocng vbem are rnany ré- opectahle cîtîzena, as véil as ladies ont ctslitren. Five pensons are itnevu'ta bave beau tilleamnI fi-osaeigbieéu ta tcvenly-fivo vountati, sevenai o! ibain mortaliy. Nunians o! allers are sup- poseS te hava Leon vondeti vIa as- capeS lu the cnowd. Among th. uvotnld are nasevon inocolrs o! îhe police force, Nnubers of soldiena vano kuactat -clown sud injureS villi large aones. Tlme mol hoi-et iethe arum- euryc1e Reading Rifles, anti cuplur- et ai= cmguns, anti Lave aIse tatou aIl tlhe veapont frein the gu sioe.. Tlep throîelcuvengeance on the cili- îl te acjoining Sîtas tic aiuna- tien is lecuriug daraing ; lIa stritc bas extantiet, andi fears o! violence aîarm tle peaceahie portion a! the communil - ioling lias beau seri- Ons ut BuKa!o. Frein Washington ve lean lhait tho Presitiant bshss looétia proolamation vsnning tLe notera ta viilcdrav fi-cmIhoir position by ucon to-day. m auxniryt opeansd eledges, villh.1 olistat fer tLe expoSition. If Cou. gresa grnts auappropn ialion fanritha Hevgale nlony, sobhý veeel villi mal frein Nev Ykk aboutJuly 1, 1878,1 sud join- aLTysor.. et Discàot -. euverswt.on 01 slc > ilot'ivs lu'm' j& -position wbo vas emitten thon sud 'thome. (Okresi Lauglle.) ncesl3idtit -,me, "Are yen anutnglisivoueau?" anti1 osiS, Teo, I bain." - i T'Ie Lord OifJnstico-There cas be nso donbi %aot iLat now. (Ljauh., Mâreh 18, 1870. Sin :-T auxiens te obtisin A final An. aven frein yau asnrearnt leintention yon Lave lovant '.the Wrightsn ils fore yeara pincé yen fuel maoud Preposial te te me many vovwa cf Hanour Its lin ex. pres? hy youa lu Ibo Wrighte, in conclu. lion las A Gentl.em"n se yon are spoteu o! by, A Respecétable - circula lIai yen move in that fmmeriy trniat My Es tabhmnt, ne Conclution A Ansae viii estaora thé,-Wrightýer. I romain- yeurs meut ri4,éqotfuy.- Jân ui uieu.et- Boroieh Ter T Mil . .eeuw Aq»e.Ban":i-j my -ptén Uc~r eMoet;, Ibrefore, net Leoesxmu h o L ame te the bouse thse or four limes os veek; ai anSi paldth le lime Lad elap!oe'a 'vhat OIIdo? 1 aiS, thatIlSut ier cou. you are s Je rein' geatimoan 1thlak you h baSLeter msrryour ovu cona. trywcmsn, for'a.euueatyn v soeailinute[laughter)vhxei eu sot ;"? Le caileti gaiu, sud 1-sai I be. lievei. e, vas ,bonor»blp,i ýyid I voulti maiy hM ; hé,obit iho poocSthat v. abcula, le marrie5 to-inemrow; 1 1119et o, mson as ,that, but he sait, "YesI Lavéthoncdughly imade Up niy'mind; 1 méan ,te 1,ho inmaito- môowo norring luSt.SviàýOnr'S, CLuno ;" I muid,1"0h, tiou't-Lave it in St. Savionn'a ChZrel;" hI. ait"Why 2" antiI replieS, ->,gonany peopie lave kuownurme frecu bLirchilthooti, sud tIee.o~ulti Le suxe a mumon." Tii. Lard Chie!.Jnstice-Bul yen voe.net taasa to! il ? (Langhen.) A.-Tbal la vhat 1 mmiii, sir ,lie saiti it muet le in Si. Savheur's Churi, anti I agreed ; h. mald lie 1àdt -pot.lite te open i muahi mcnay on the marrisg , il vas noeupne ;" I agreéti wvith Lii, suda sai-i1I stmireti cenomy; (laugli. tcr) I referret to eiuinl deep cueuru- îng ;lie sait, ."Tialtidon't malbw, i wuil accu bever ;" I sait "the boum vas dc-avinýo laté, 1,i ianit iitc Yen1 goodi-bya,ai lien Ibefi tle sliop anti wentinto île kiiehen; J vas feîchat baek iviocete Ga etota in; ble sait I6 vas afraici Iwonait lkeep nMy vend, anti.I saiti I bad pletigetimy louer, anti I veulti lcecp my vend ; lie put lis lian-inubis pockt, aud jroduc- et a mrisga liceue; lia afierwanda saiS le wouiti notlheavo lili th. coru- iug ; I iait thal veniti b. vany wvng sud inîploned, lim tlezve ; 1 thon veut ie îLeheparlur, anti lockat mysel! lu sut tumnet the ligît devn ;_I sa lin gaCitiat nig Lt. ' ah LodChie( Justice-lav, if yon lIati locketi yourself ilu? A.-Tnougl tle blint. (Laugliier.) .I Icard i I sayiug lu etmong tarins.'"I don't leuve this house ho-nigît ;", le sai t te boy in tle slîep, Danieli Davis, "II shali marry your cuisses lu the monning ; vlai ana yen goiug to do for a situa- tion 2" He offarat i ie a situation, as . hosaidthA lteteli-fisl shop v£)nit le cioset cul), lbuct lie boy refuseS ; lie da fendant loft at 11.80 tle ucîl mmniug I pet up anti dressed muysehf ferilhe0oë-- casion. (Laughtern) 1 va SURîiin monruing. mnd covaneti il up wyul s nuu's viie"wait" (veil.) (Laugliter.) Ceunsel-PDith e tefentiaul turnnnp? (0-meut Laugtn.) A.-No, air ; about hi e'cbocktIbat day CupI. Smith sud a gentleman, naine unkuova, but who veut by the naine o! "the Colonel," (langîtar) came in ; I sent saimeasage b hym l Mn. Leeuv, vIe cailet in Lm evaoing, lui I voui net Seeo lim lIeu on for a vhole veet ; on bis olgîth visil ho nuIseS lis bat ina a pn- Ileinanlikoianuer (laugîter) anti upu- bogisati. Tic Lord Cbief-Jnstiee-WLaltdilt Le aay-hsaihi. ad oveasept hinascif? (Laughten-) 4.-1 shoot hauts vith him. 1 The Lord CLié!-Justice-Are yen sure that %vas ail? (Lauglten.) A.- Yen ; le saii, '-Appoint youm avu turne anti curci;î I vouit seenen have lest £l,000 than yeu ulcould bave fallen ont île subjeot teImy gentlemnuMeinds ;", le aftervémts caote many imes, andi sait ha vonîti liko e takep the sull-fiaL on,; wioneven Lé camé vîta gentlemen le sait, "Iitent te male Miss Parrýy -iný. vile." The Lent Chief-Jtutice-Dii yon ever fi% tie day or the cdurci ?2 £-I laft itte bin. The Lord Chie! Justice-BelutékaLad lefi it te yon. (Laughtn.) Exaculualion continueS-Hé continu- eti Lis visita 1111 mamtch, 1874, vben Le wecul te Gammany; lo nattinnet inuJuna, wlen le carne te see me, snd I trat- eS hlm vila cooluosa because Le lad sioppet avay ; ih£sait hlelit lace abroat ; but ha boauni toit -me thal le vus geing abrosti ; I saitl I rallier doubtet hie bonon, vlan le sait, --I havo pcaitiveiy made up nmy mind te msrry yen; I go abipd anti speunds te4l o! muney, yet there 10 noîhing lite r vile." I Sait) psrlnps hbl a viLe abnoam-(gnai iugîie)-aut lie semctie very indignant; I saiti, "ielr. Iceeuv, I hoeyenunae net courrying me fer property -," le vas veny augry, aud said, "If 1 liteila vomuan I vouiti marny ber if sle badlnot a govu on 1er bacit. (ttsugîlan.) I lsd recaivatn an anounymousatt11r, ant oieu ia about il; I saiti, "Thore vere ivo lhisinluthé letton vheL annoyeti rae knoew wlee "the Coleneli 1I know a Jaune -,l'ay, e! Union street, lut I diii netýtk lIt- i l ltter to the lady au1tbe oystor sliop ; 1 titi not beliava îhlet c- bers caine frei.lier i aI àl. TIc lads Davis. anti<Warreou vémo hère calleti, anti thé tefdndanh, leoking authIeuâ, mvore hhey veme bail sitrsugene ta hirm unitil tboy appearet lu (le wiinee-o- tîsi monixng.- Be ositivoly thenictl iliat tice conversatidns swýoru la by tic vitnessos lad cu-er taken place. -I .no.ver.vaswu inlee sicp wlen iWall sbuiting n'p; ýil vas net tii afiar my solicie. inquiredti mia lIi atie. lIaI I hoarS et tic anenymous lettea, lb, placards anti*upid. pancele liai.had beau eenite oMiss Psrmy. The Lord Cheêf'Justico-Do yýu undertai-t leàer yen nover, even in joea-) cteplaintiff about going to t. clofsChai-oh, asti narmying heA.!wear fneveu titif my M iei~mm further hestlmoüy the. my ,Mptberlo dealkh ha Baiai te te," Miss Parry, arc-on irae te m ' l Mr. Melnlyvré-Anti dia yen Bay, 1"I am, Mr. Leenw, if you viii proveotru.?" (Gréai Lwoglaer.) 'Plaintiff-Hé used te oeIl every day, aud othen gentlemen, voré prea.oI. - Mm. Mclntfre-miAnd b. -#Ba oo y, "G0enileménl, this iW Mine Pamry, vhom 1 am about 10 marry 2"1(Lug 7,,. Plaintiff -TLsti isjust wvba . li 8ir; (Laugîter.). Capt. SihL andtihlb Colonel voeo preseut, on tLe moining vîcu Mr.-Leeus.pretiictedth temanry me, but ýditin'i (Banevet Laughtcr.) I tii net kuov lImai Mr. Angualsnev Mr. L.euw- unti 1875; Mr. Angus la oui> o! My vilsesces te-ay; on lb. nighhîhn th.etiefantiant prmiatime marniaga, and BasaShLe ouldonot leve, becanse I mighi not keap -uuy promnise te marry bin tic nexl momning, I lecIt- .d mysieif in- my parler, anatiadhlm 1 titi net know vIat foneigu habits vere, but lu Englanti it vas net fustocusry for a gantleman le remain in a lady'e; bouse vlien sIe objecedti o it; the lsd Davis vas préseant uring the conversa- lion-le oliciateiluinlb.ebusiness. (Langhtsr.) !Theo mrnng I vas laga le cîurch t e lecucrrieti I sav David about 7 o'cioot I don't aay I put tht, vhite Veil on till Mr. Lceuv came;-,I- liadttrioS il n ou 0sco if il vouiti "sîlgi.' tan" My moua-ning ; I vas listeninglu a kuev if il vas bis voice ; my servant gil t-it-Inet Bas h e. i yo d Itinet tel Ian that I vus going te hba marrieS,; viot-hlIe Mefndanult itinet Ca-me I leeketi up tle vail.- Mn. MeIntyra-Auti yen kaîtt iL lera for lhe nazi occasion 2 (Laughton.) Mr. Wright, eue of île counel, lare proposei te put a question, whicli uas objexciei te, vlan 1ha sait :-Tla de- fonce, my Lord, te tii. action la that ibis was the more chaff e! an eyster sbop. (0-meut'Langliter.) The Lord ChifJustice-I cenféso I amn net acquainti yu tit acomuiodi- ly. (Laughter.) Mnr.' Wright-tiees yonr Lorclshfp mean«the a of o! lieystcrs?2 (Langb. ten.) The Lord Ohie-Justice-Claff 1 (Grcat_ Laughler.) orbrae Tii. lad Daniel Davis emcuat îhe plaintiff as te tîcose mftttera'spohan lu by 1er vithix Icis evu kiic.letge. H. dislinclly pi-ovadtihîe promise eli mamniage, %Vîcl as ta Lé tie neit mormng lu SI. Savionna Churol. The defendant noati te tome ta Miss Parry's sliop fer refresîment, but I suppose.bc came ta soc han ns vail. (Laugiter.) Thé Lord Chiel-Jusîlco-He useS le cal his cystens anti maka love autle sise ima. (Rauawcd Laugitor.) George Thcomas Warren, a lad nov lu tle service cf ~Ihe plaintiff, anti vice as stepping as a friand ai her loua. in 1874, prevedthlaI on the naturno! lb. tefendsut frein Gcrmny Misa Parryý asicet i m vlat bis intentiona, vere, sud le repliati that le bail matie up bis mindti t mamry lier, aud aIe teck bis effer. (Laughter.) The Lord Chief-Justice-A vcrx mer- cantile vRay cf putling il. (Renevei isughter.) Under crogs-exaination il. vituesosBait :-Miss Parmy las lkei te meO about tis malter about four ies te enev h lin y memory. (Laugliler.) -I recelleet ait about it nov, for I lave beau etndying il. (Langer.n) I have learueti ail about il eut o! my ovu head. Mn: Blubor Joseph Leéuv, the tiefan- dant vas cailet, cuti tauleS lu lhe moat positive hermea Iaioiaad aven made. any oeétures o! mhnniaga to lie piaiuliff on lad spoîcan te !ber aLuni bue mouay lhe las pait for- bis business on fer the turuitume o! iliebuse. Iu facl, le danieti categoricaliy every assertion e! lié plaintif yul hraspect te baer-mo- ceuni o! tle conversation regamding lier motlen's teatl, sud île proposati mar- riageaut St. Suviour's Churci, &c. The Lord CLief-Justico '%uiS tic case vas Lecoinug a mosi sorions eue, for lb vas quite dean thai thon. vas dlihîcrata penjury on th.eue aidé or the other. The Lord Clilaf-Justice (ta -itncs)- Dit yen éven say te bier yen vonît stop inuliem place ail night fer fear shae shcoulti cangé ber mina about being inarriedth ie next inoruing?2*A- never tilt, my Lord. ir, The Lord Chie!.Justice-AlIlIaI h. hics sait about Yen aaying yau vonit iny ber next momulug ai St. Sav- ionr's Clunchli is a fiction? Â.-It is ail a fiction ; It nover occcrod; I neyer offeredth îe Loy Davis ca.t-itut4on, toll- iig hlm I vas go>iDg te marry his mis- tress tLe following mcmiug ; I neyer botk off n-y lut te Miss Parley aut Sp. ologisedtetalier for iny coutt litI ou- miles 10 îthe westvsn'io! tLe paeS The Turlli commander upon being ijiforuced oo!the.-direction co!, îthe Rua. alan, inarcî, ai once occUpieti soe lixiglîs ilu front cf Tabour. Hers thora vas aa 1lglt- engagement, belveen lice Ivwo amies -a'onl miitl-day. - Afler MauO- oeuvning-until ticey Lad obtainéti PaO- session o!fsaine Iilis opposita te thoe occupieti Ly the -Turkc, the RUSiBl laie in the. mitenocreturn2edto te a- otnevtcghoevo, ngimnliOfe Cost.uaqeleaIiot tefenathlc e sitio vîtidlilclcy ldm'on yul scmcaet1 ' lire. It-île oveuling the. Turks naies1-o ýt ta Tclanti ltIen. campea for thé uiglit.- Bell .ammics ver. cistir eat-IY the followiug moneicg; the RIics- mnig oft of Z.ideiut ai siX e'dtic It 1usd beet-he intention cf tics Tenlist uIpon eccîmpyliug Tabrir the.nitll befofa, toiltrov np aentreucîruents t anmd await the e w4iung o! the.Russialis. B3t- boiter coccnccls prevailed. dniiig 11e '- nigît, anti accordingly' nti1680 in tIc' monuiug sIx baiccîliôof o! l~iry "" al tle cobipanies-ef 19eldi srtilleXy marcleti tovarl.Zeitiekan. A-TPe5e forceof e!Iobatailions vas lefi it Ta- hum. By conthé Turkieli 5rmnlyb5 - rotiined the hajifite lleyV hd~~ Bd lu. Meamna. Wxu. Boulten, Tiios. War. rcn snd G. Bruce, roat commisaionerg, biaudeti ln Ileir reports, on ivhich thc follovisg Chequas vere granteti on Me. lion of-Mm. Seager, secendetiLy M. Leaiy; To P. W. Armstrong, survy_ 4o 4and 5, 18,on. aud levels, $25.50; M.Freel, fart -paymn5Iof ork on q ilen, 1oît 'au 18, $80 ;*Wni. Smith pp Cc., 12 rob: a scrapers, $84 ; D. Cor. he11, oi&àMiao ofan idiot, 64-,Dr. J,.A. -Ardab, extumination cf an idiot, $4 ; Jas. Gordon, culvert on teon.,ne 87.50; E . Gotfinga<, culveri on centra reati, .$12 ; G. Hùiicfings, for gravai, 85 ; H9.P. Sinclafir, setieery, $2 ; J. MeGovas, cedar foi, pulveil, $2; J. MeHugL, services as roi2 OCIlliai- sni,$;Jý. Améy',floui' ýtO Mr5. Tke ind Pair; indilgents, $7.602; J. Z rv, vomiton-,101oh con., Lots 10 $00; Jerry Conuor, vert c0', 1111 con., 'lot 8, >#0; D. ,O'Donéll, vert ou 8th con., uide lise, lute 10 su& 11, #9.20 ; Win. Gilber, vork on eux con., lot 7, -#10.75 ; John Stevaji,, wenk-,ou 81h cen., lots .10 sud i1,, $11.20; Chas. McLean, work-on 6tfii Con., Bide hune, lots it sud 11, $14.15 ;;- J. Kennedy, ivork-on cou. A, bridge,. lot 5, 898 ; rat Ke ey, work-on 8t1, con., lots 10 anti 11, #9.11 ; D. WlciLc, vomit en lot cen., loi 8, cuivent, $12; Jacob Pansons, wvon u411 con., centre roati, $28 ; Jebn Parguson, vomit on 41L con., graviel, 018.85,; Johnu Even, vomI oun18 and flilicon., jobs, $80 ; A. Beeve, gravol, Rama ncad, work on lOil aud 1111 con., lots 80 aud 81, $550; J. F. Moflonaiti, verk cn 13t1 con., side lice betveen laie 25 anti 26, 010 ; Robent SihIron iS12t1 con., lot 17, $60 ; P. Doyle, vomit un 9t1 con., lots 15 anti 16, -$5-;_Charles McLean, vomit on Ouli con., lot 19, $10; Thos. Corrigani, work oniluli conà., lot 15, $150; jas. Sheridan, vont 'on titIh con., siee lina,. lols-10 sud 11, 88.45 ; Pal Duffy, vont on îh con., lot 12, $20; Chas. Cosgc.ove. vomit on llih con ., lot 15, $87- ., Cosgrove, work on 1111, con-., ici 10, $18;Y D. R. Me- Donald, vont on 1811 con., side lin., lota 25,anti 26, $24 ; J. L. McDonald, gravai, on Mont noati, $42 ; Wm. Boul. ton, le psy days' vert Rama ros4 sud site line, baîveen loti 25 anti 26, 1111 cou., $53.87-!. Total claques, $882.-, 48j. - On motion o! Mn. Lcary, Mn. John GilcIrist vas allowedti teperforco bal- ance ai lis statale labour on lat cou., loI 6. On motion o! Mr. Tiompsun, Mr. Bonitestonvas ine-truçte tteprocure tle services of A. Fevolie, Esq;, P. L. S., te Survey anti stakq ont tle sida lina bIvweauJeots 20 snd 21, morose- parts o! tle 611 ai d ttIconcessions. The sancofo!$10 vas erdareti40> e e expendoti ou con. 5 a-t lot 7, Mn. James Kelly tlu expcnd sainie; anti $10 vas graRnteti On cen. 8, al lois 24 anti 25, snd $5 on saine coucession at lot 22. on motion of Mr. L.ary, siecondeS by Mr. Thompeon.- On motion e! Mn. Seager, tLe- sum, of $40 vas sot spart for tice purpose Of siding echool section No. 8, on *cartain conditions uniter îLhe provisions o! 1h. school set for aitiing pour scl. Concil acjourneti. COURT 0F REVISION. *MaSU, July 21s1, 1887. The firsi sittiug of tLe 0Court Of e -vision vas hLd on tLe above data. Messrs. MoRse, Songer, Thompaun and. O'Lesry laving bates tLe necassary oaîls o! office, tboi their sests-the- Reeve in-lhe clair. TIhe clenk laidoôn tl. taill a sliai o! appeas sfileti vith hlm, anai thé foilowing cases v ere dis- poset of : E. Kennedy, for aven asseesmant, té- duceti $488; -J. P.- Foley, appeal a-aist incoma, net sppcaring laft c ever; B. Duffy, assassient toc bigItl reduceti $200 ; H. M. Donneily, asses-' ment toLigL, discuissoti;'Alex. Stel, te, hava sen'a naine insertei ou mcll,- grauteti; 0. Tiiompseu, te, have-asosL Willism'a 'naine ineerteti,. grantati; Chas Speiran, tb Le retuceti on assess- ment cf legs, rotincot $200;, J. Hlamna- hy, ta bc asseaseti fcr lot 93, bridge simeet, granteti: N. I. R. Ce., for ex. cessive asseffsment, net appeaning1 left over; J. Harlley, to La cesasMa tenant part loi 21 in 1111 cou., grant- ati; 11. Edvsnds, le ha assesseti for lot 1 lu 611 cen'., grantati, anti rîducati $200 ; T. Bantiialomew, (o be ssessed a tenant, left over; >C. Gallivan, te have lis bralLer Michael .asseased, laSt aver ; M. Tomlin, te be assassati -fer lot 8 lu 121h con.,1 granteti, aI $0M;' M. H. RevelI, te bave Lis naine insert- evîr, sn--il greal papa daS sudl ripht, wir.1 - avekry da tveen - bbc Turksà nd Gen. Kimi snd fiance] Hleenly es -tircugl th, pvasseS lIm fth ube They bat ' commande] et. The 1 ouly 500 lu xnany pris( iley captun -Tha Canm thîe paîse2g, - inta, vbicl dsynigbi. and Decct/i STE WÂB ou 12t1 ist W.-G. Stevm lb. luta MWa WHITE.- 1551., Boberi cap$. Jcseptc :WHfl Little pro, fluctuations i Fleur, per bel, F'ai What. .,. SPriag Wbeai flanley . ,Coi-n.. .. Eggs.-. Basf, hinti que Beef, fora- quar Sleepsclns_. Park, pan cvi.. Lumbs;.... Calvtro. 'Pmupa-'s4'tv ofahennea.n - eaatîeus & and lv a came!i deicately laveî Bave us manp ict by the jndiehons lta constituti 11P until stronic teucy 10 dises,. dies ara 1Ioatirtg .WIci-ever libre i esc-ape rnany a f sIves veil foitii Pi-ealy nSciti Gaette. Soldec "James E &B,Ç Piccsdilly Londc For tho Old WodsImp: is uiureany cil, Improvet bas ne' ties ; itretnsgre- celer ; .nastenes fa ing lai-; restoe tle lair; reot-oret les e-; moyes y trn.e cs. Pu 9o-f vÃŽth ariy druls ii this wlsye. Taeo-u Priceohv C.A. C SAgentp7.r île 1h ant by NEW DV VOTERS 1

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