Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1877, p. 1

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W. 1A. HIGQINO,J B8R0CK STBE8T, WHITBT.I A D V z8 l8~ M 2~ T & ..Âl A M a slot , q aI 4 ats naardl insll a rwiuu. . VOL. L litot be inwriug 4rI!a FO8TE A" 0N02< TE ___________8_________AND SIGNe oLA8ESTAUGHT!f~ ORTAILIO SAN M. di RE ,WM.IS sRnUAB £uW, B ANiK. W-ITBýY AGE NOY.ý ---0FTi-- W. RAND.MATER -0 --- xiso ýsub-Agency si Liverpool 3nyIt,17.u T F, Market. FR38SALE, 0 F~, , , o 4ce of Ontario: Saigo DepArtanxis lu cenuectîcu wlth D ol es, where intereat lé pald ou depo. AT TIM 11ISNÂ~V8 BLTEt sie t Inpsra M~ B.I~AYL0R, GLEN MAJOR MILLS 1 nu h ietose u Whiéy, SAgent. -187§ 89constitution, thé plésing doty n ov d volves upen Mg et la*ylg, beore thaeIB. Wblty, Spt. 8tla '~b SO,OOOiéet Pins Lunabér, W. Grand Lodgu, My offiewiairport 10* thé yea-ub lsd Pae armeny, FAREWELL & RUTLIID)Gg, Inch Boards, Idbrorna durln"'ihi psi iwlwéî ontba;O nrlsilnrs ed-u DARISTHIIS, ATTORNEYS, SOLI. Fo1 tbàub-'or nézérhP unlstweg!d ots alida ; iii ' d'aorpbus', sd e tos, NtarIs r meriuédl rd g"t B tos oalsPublie, sud Convéy. 2 X-4 Scaung êrlfu.sot>ui *anôMClas eédla alue, and CMos frit Llnch Plauk, O~~~~~~ddfallewahip uverywbérd g*aufa l~ madytkuI e Rooots], cfthéRoyl Peea10é0, ,alrosdy sacuiéd, abs fý:ront = b eltariutsble, -phllailr , a JAMEBS .RTLÈDGE, 1. A. 100,000féq ior , mié 4teag.-1cmL ui a. i we.bt 1y,4uAedy .aoi -yui J.apléBBW for. . B, iît qusi4. aasdUedhcocd ;-réckened, as' thé yeara of nations sud ethér.kindréd -3. ut E. W1UWLLiL A.ttorney. I-ooatésar coaid...ll, Order, for aIlthalle o M SoIbq, geus nud cuy A$ouy 815,000 te. Square Tiuber, 1!a-thy, bas buccin .Z ri gi pvrl hébu.lagisbutau infant; in. AIlcf hlja il hésod caep fr Oeild works4, sets ud ea abzydîloé lbproa -JAMES KBITH 'CORDON, o - il espidua orCO 'ss ud d8éd e WOalbézfn, Od*o4,it adul AIRRISER ATORNY-A-LA, 0woud aso e;7aythé Three Golden LUn -,"idIùowledgmng,,irai, thuiz'dail niy atsd conuérs ARSocTER n h ATONETT W Hwoud laégt esyt h fxé Ot ttien te théir- B olcto luhceyC ou sucés' MChI ludrnlgsd lu deng hoera0îs w k.irMalr';,,uuoondly, lhéh, * patrioeodévetid andrpride for thair 7 eryPublié,&h. ffce-COr' oneh 6 d 8deys lu thé wesk, forévery cpty u hrl hi diaou's store, Brioc'kStrut, , 151h h 1hagréai Brctherheod. aht i u mwvr tah neu sd nawerving lové for thée arou _.C _ -AJOR, 1 wilFuow procead, brlêliy, te rater te ail lmportAi . maltera ar laing during * CZARENC. CELER *Dec. 16th, 1878. PrOPrutoDr. My ierm cf office, sud invite esruést considération sud Wise. législation in thé - --- A-LW SLCIonI 1«disposai therof. No T. (G 0DDuatAwsLoDoy No 78.-lu ceipmpl ianéwth instructions cf Grand Lodgê LtAI EGLSU LL.B, ÀNE~ -(Journal 1876,pae15,-O 15 Augusi last, I réatorudte Durhamz Lodge, VrA EGIsL .No. 78, (buing the fihniverry ot iustituti ou) its charter sAisuMpMpr ÂRISERATLAW, SOLICITRI ÀNWREVELATIÃ"N IN THE ties. lu ceunéction wltthhé'aontd e-bi hatr w qeto hav auar, ovoyancer, &o., &c. sim- SCIENCE 0F DRESS-MARMflç âsen, sud which 1 only dectdêd' attér conuMn itagwth thosé of qthi.on.s.,av 1e ,tr__,_uh-a.W11088 opinion I couidared vraluable sud conclugi#e. G- YOUNGFNITt.,Thai the susensionuoetas Lodge dosesnet réliéve thé meinhera cf t.YUGS TIL.., CORNWALLI8S qELF-1'ITT12NG thé said Lodgê troni paying thedo criîgýuintm faspso A ISEATTOItNEY. AT. LAW, WAIST & SHOULR CATrastoratien of the charter. usacrigdriglmnc upuin&faier Nétryeleltr u ary and xnsoavezicy Dese ite renauazrmu Second. That liké suspension dosesnet ralievu thé suhordinato Lodgé Notay Pbhe,&c. &c.Offce-Mmma'il iesaz enée frotmsuen ao eino paying te Grand Lodge pér capisa tax, wiîh sm.nuîvlm u u ÃŽ1ilcek, Brock Atret Whitby, Ontario. without change cf s stitb éunbe igtimécfsusenion ' -anlrtusdead AIFv al. wth ré istrctonsNa -GoasLBentDEs, No. 192-Ai- instrnotedl by résolution of Grand Lodge, LA. G. nwdMeLLAN, M 118S Mec , TY~R E'*S (Session 1876, page 1701) 1I lvéstlgatedý thé pétition for Wsarsnîl for Lodga, aI (LaC Grenwod Maulln.)Gorrié. Ohtainlig ail théeinormation I could upon the questin seekinq thé BURISER~, ÂTTOILNEY, SOLIC- Dasp,ÂueRooms, wrITBY. tadvice of those qualiiaitto jndge, sud iesrîfu cnsldering théeaita su lier o ubieCoué v ns gen luailthé conclus11ion that -a dispeusation shonld ha Wh-Bltb tmo Sothci- tOffice, thé rache. 9atd ndaLaorgsuizéd. District eu flce-byrentrea O5 wué. ierl-dueeus gane, u Lde'êuy J. Canp'baîl carrid Ont nMy WhitbyAug. la 187'.décision by institnting -the Lodgê, l9th SépterubeÏ, 1876. W l a i h y , u g . 1 8 , 8 7 4 .134 B E L L E V I LIL E L e e eE , N O - S l - O n t h e é t i t i c u f s v r a l m o n h r s eo f t hi i s R3OBINSONh KENT, -- ---' Lodge, sud ai the raquait et thé Lodge isait, as évidéncea i y resolution, I viitéathé Lodgé on lai >Iarch lasi.Temtesl ots awu an (LrEDuc~c Rntso.)-' G. Y O UNG S M ITH, basv etm st écMé etoré me, waré éxaminêd, cousiidêred aud décidéd, isAaarusas.ÂT'ÂW, Ibave esscute believa te thé stisfaction etfail coucérned. Théeconêp ATTORNEYS, SOLICITORS, ISSUER OFa'tîcus whieh mlgbt have 'causait st leass trouble sud irritation, if met more sern- ONVRANCRSouis cousequenoas, have through thé good jndguaént sud iheughtfql considéra. ONVRANCES, o., f ADDTA~r' rrp.-, ion cf thé mémbae been aveidéd. lu My visit I wass bly sud afflciently as- 013FIO-Proublcicl,4ealraitte Buiildings'IYIPA LXIAUL LLIENSES, ssied by the counsel sud advice cf Dr. Fifé Fowler, Grand Wsrden, sud Dis. COnT IWraaar, ToesexTe, trici Deputy Grand Master T. G. Cas. J. *~ llnîasoa n À tanavA. . x<~ WHITI3Y, ONTARIO. Duzs &ND BENxamrs.-As direo!a by Report ef Coniitte Ou Législation, 89 ___(Joumualu 1676, page 1654,) I sppointed thé followlng. Select Commilttué ou 89 ____ ~_______________duies sud bonefits, who I undeataud will makesa msjemity sud mluerity report TIIOMS 11UTONthe présent session of tii Grand Lodâe, vIz.: Dr. Gerge Wright, past Grand TIJ3ItI usz'o(, MON EY TO LE ND Master; Dr. C.'-T.Camipbell, Deputy Grandý Mastér, and Repréentatives TOWN (ILERE AND TREASUTIER, Hu-Bisin, D .D.arse IrçuW9ltby tl 1 Tw Bul.feus e Fo sdTen rpae, I CMMTesasr-rON BY.LÂws.-Thé following Répraaantalivés bava kindlyhper. cm 1)te 1 e'clak. orm d th é lAboridéusd uLties et Coruaxitte on By-laws for'th é past ye r, whosé It . JaxINN, 1.11. , - L OW R A T E' S RpotwMblu etd nrégaler order, W.S. Campbell, Brantford; W. A. SUbtGEOI4 TO TME COUNTY GAOL, For torCher ot.niereel. Auua* ave &t Krkatré ack artndofn. atod u IlrnStreet, Whitby. .D tei.ADTCMMTES-eranaie hé acaÉ fSrtod n Frfrerparticulars W.- George MtooTooohv efrdteduisfAuditorif. Thuir O r. ýW. J. BJURNS. Appiy te- report ai thé propêr limé wil hé laid befere the Grand Lodga. Oyc-Next édoor te CaRNeIaCLa Office. JORÈN FARQUHIARSON. -- -II- E OGS i i~iscécaI Mr' Lewis Ilocé', Whitb- - - - --- -- - cuguét lilli, 1876. BYIlON PIELI), M. B. --_ _ pHYSIcT, SURGEON, &c., Daffins' KINGý BROTHERS, '-j -- -- -ý- - - - WHITBY, ONTARIO, Win-- MUBRIEN, 1.>,MRCsIaetr clradauatrro IUY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG., IpreR elr n auatrr 1a '7'thée ye t. O. 1H. L., Oshawa, Ontario. Xinds ef -c-- -. LEA THEI? AND FINDINGS 1 D lR. OGA RT. Cash paid fer Hidjes, . a na L ,a thmc.. Physiolan, Surgeesa, Accoucher, &c., &c. Whitl)', sept. b01h, 11374. 401 R0BT.RAMSAY, M. D., L. M. EDIN. Grachuatea(wiîiî honors) et thé University e! Qeu's Colle e, Canada; Philadclphia Unv. ni Medcinaind Suretýy; Amercan Uîîîv.of Pennumylvanîs; Bclcecia Collège of l'anuylvaîllàsaud hicailiats cf Micratlcy eoftisé Uic iv, oclu bus-g, Scolaud. Cor- eueer for the ,Couscy t ofOntario. Offie- <odwatér SI., 0riil c. -Augugt 211h, 1875. lr8 W. AiAMIS9 S E NTIST, (SUCCES- ses- te W. H. Cavai.) Dental Reeceér-Duncdas Street, Wicvlltlcoves- ifs-Jascisonsa Store. Nitrb(us Oxîdd U adîuitéred for thé pîilassé cx- traction of teçîla Cg. N. lAits, L. D. N. T EEI! nsereilon aIl the latetpricipls ofthe ast, as0 Che"ps thé chespont, sud as god a; thé Icet. Teahh tillsdl with Gold sud Silver. Testli extriçetei vithéist abs, by prodcring local austhesia. Dental'Reaus-n uCcv x's novblck, ovsr Atkinson's7Drug Store, King Street, Oshswa. 85 BUILDER AND Ã"ONTRAOTORL, UNuucAS 5T.ý vscITBY, 5M' Ail os-derss îremitly éxecuteci JORN RO lINtoNg JIAIR DRESSING AN» SHAVlNG Saloon, Brook St., Whitby. JOIN IVOLVENDlENq, GEN FOR TE QELEBRIAT1iD ofJouatiau Wofude,Dundas St., Whitlcy_ GEORGE C ORMACK, LUMBEII MERCdANT, CARPENTER j md Jiner, Green Street, Wiitby. A large quautîtitY Oc-JIlkinde ut aumbes- Ceas- stasîtiy ou iiaulh. - JAMSES %V. J5EALL, T !OWNSIIP OLERE (liait whilcy), COMMISSIONER COLYRTOF 0UIE' BENCH, ýlE, CONV.EYANCING AND) GENER. AL INSU?îANCR AGENT. Tiue Osk vii ha lunSis office lu the Town Hall, (holumuu, on Moucsys assd Frsidays, for Townîship busineme. Clice lions-s, 9 A.. te ô.ian. Mss-oh 27t1u, 1877. 1 %IVIL;LIAM COOPER1, BLACKSMITH, - - BOUGHAM, (guccessos- ta Thomnas Mididangh,) Hoesse îhaèlug sud ail kinde o! genes-al H B. O'DELL, ÀT H E. R L Y , Clerk Division Court, Tp, Clark, Couimiusionér lun B. R., Lînai Agent, &c., ho, rls-y, Ccnnty Ontario. Alhsrly Sbvt. 2nd,1157. 865 KiEELEIR'S LAUNDRY,- C S H A W A. * l:[E WORK DONE AT TRIS LAUN. .L 'dry lé exéauted ita sierspustaranunér; naetive Chinàaimn;Ssam ig a bé m ployed, sud aise womsu\,ofxpsrlenee te anaeeg thé Ladies' dapartmnt. Tosil. maou1ài l customérs say--'Thé eohitg vues disheai% esapes-les- minasr, equal la 'ne w gooa, sud vlth a bétier paîssh hai ve hàva ovés erZproaeéd, sud va recoraaed thsé aboya Laeadry te ail whoatire lupus-tas vorla." Odérs loft ai Ms. Roberslonsa boolastos-,, Wblthy, will bu prcmptly secoud. Pd te vrg ile Oom.prdsa Çite4wa5lAY 141 877. 0' -1O ) ). 8-,1 BULTING. MADE TC) IRDER- O02 SHOÉT 'NOTICE. May, 1872.2 MONET TO LEND I A large qrcantity1t uoney te leuci at iov intérest, privaté fundég. For sale, isevérai Town lots, ti-o Fs-suia Houges, sud a large Brick Henne, Fa] tés-sus, apy te G. YOUNG SMITH. Whlthy, FaIx 9th, 1874. Dege ta annanc that ha bias-éunovéd. tc King St., a téw doors EAST 0F THE POST OFFICE, opost Lukas ow.rooms, where viii h ouc nesteak ef silk sud lt hale foa ladies sud gentlemen, of bis ov ninU. facture . ILnx' Sts-cw bate coleced sud ahteréd in OnshawsA, J uly bith, 1875. 89 L IST 0F THE -DIVISION COURTS esP-TEs COUNTY 0F ONTARIO, FOR THIE YTRI1677. Whithy.. 2l 1 il c1 s c 11 Blroughamuil8 I2 F2î1 4 8 2) Porters-y 5i 6 9121 21 i 5 8 12127 Uxbridge 6 I<t 10 22 286 6,9 18121 Csu't'u I I71 lIl271 7 101 20 hhavru II1 121 281 Ii! I 119 Athies-y...!; I 1la1 29 12 18 GEO. H. DARTNELL, Whitby, Pc-c. 27th, 1876. Juicior Juige.- STORE AND DWELLING AI Licserol Mas-lat, a New Store ani Dwellisag, well litteid up anad vilh evcisy uec'eesas-y aCsuccmoaion. 3pl o . Il. MOCLELLAN. Mas-ch 28Ch, 1877. f1 c H OIC E APPLE TREES, A BOUVT 40,000,j -&T Tax- HOME NURSERY, Frein twa te tour years et age, esaracing aU thé isést Variatues. RETII C. WILSON, Lot No. 8, 2xid Con.- Plnkhasing, on Kingston Reaci, est Office, Whitby. T liE BEST HORSE MEDICINES. NoithoWatisndiug thé very gréai sud inoressing deprassion in trade, manu- factures, sud commerce, in ail thé varions branchas, applicationsi for eighteeu dispensations for uêw Lodgas have beau recéivad, sud escli separate pétition, on thé spprcval et thé District Deputy, bavé beau grautedl. Freinthé reports et the isiallugl c ffloars for the paît haitféaer, I note thé mosi favourahie se- ceunts frmeinach néw Lodge, sud havé every reaon te béliéve that lu due course of Urne thuy vilk becomé îtroug end vaînable, sud add largély te thé future succesi cf oui Order. I réspecîfuiîy requxest thée pproval cf the Grand Lodge to tho dispesa tiens tins grsuicd, hy directing thé regular sud proper charters te hé assnéd DISPENSATIONS FOR LI5Dt55. 1. Choranin Ladge, No. 190, Londau Eissi,7 Augus,17,b .F oei .M 2. arls No. 191,, Jarvi,, libhi September, 1876, by W. J. Ho4sgon, d 8. Hewick ' o. 192, Gorrie, 121h Septomber, 1878, hy J. Camipbell, 9 4. Vicoer " Ne. 198, St. Marys, lotDécel's., 1876, by Thé G. Master. 5q . Alber-t d No. 194, Toronto 21et Dacengr 1878, by J. Don h a, 6. Cicerone "- No. 195, Woodvlll, 28tii Der* 1878, by Thé G. M sets r. 7. Flarence " N. 1056, Florence, 1Oth Jsnu'i-y., 1877, by J. B. Proctor, N 8. Minervs dNcl 117, Hamailton 261h Jan'y., 1877, by W. J. Hodgeu, 0. Ditténia No. 198, Holan, kth Jansury 1877, by R. Ncskes, 10i. Scella " NO.-199, Pt. Robinson, 7tbh,î,17, y).MCnhe 11. estn N. 20, Wstu, 27ih Febrnary 1877, by H. Wilson, 12. ileccon d" No. '201,' Pi. Coibomée, 23 Mira,18, yDMonahe d w 18. Silver tStar de No 02 iverion,2t h, 1877, by Wm. Jshfrsy, 14. Penabroko id No. 203, Pembhroke 111h Aýril, 1877, by J. T. White, te la Aclen. c, No. 204, Acton, 181 A i u 18177,' by A, . 8 Ilet )r 16:. AhiraL d No. 2U55, Paisley, 24th AprI, 18'77 by A. B. et. JO u, 17. S lver C ity de N . 20 8, T i er on, 2th June, 1877 by A.]3. Si. J h n, le. No. el7 Adélaid, 28th July, 1877 byW. F. Hwell. edAise ou Isi May, 1877, Dégréé Ledge, No. 7 , vas anstitutêd at ingîton, 7adfor wlibch your apprevalisl nov ssked. Too oftéu, thé past twélve monthé, I have been unable to sccêpt urgeant s and pressing invitations for Lodgé visitations, sud joiniug lu numnerous public gatharluga lu counectiou vlth aur Order. lhfrtunaiely mv tua has net hecu vbolly my cvii, sud vhilé I bava atréuously endaaveuréd to reasonably méat thé vishesansd éxpédîaîionî et oui niambera, néverthuléss in far tee mauy r instances I w'as reluotanîly andý uwlliugly torced te déecliné, sud lu eue or tvo cases; aven te fofefit a direct appoiulmént. Tiie ljmlled time I have beén aile te giva e tis brancb cf my duties lbas béen efthti most instruotiveansu a enjoyablo clxcracter, ou al occasions meeting vith & aran- sd hearty val. coma. 'Théekindly réceptions, thé flittering attentions, sud thé higi bonor aecordéd te me as thé Headcf the Order, wiil évér continué t e has pléssiug sud gratifying rafléctidu, To those Lodges éxteuding su invitation for an officiel visit, sud te hose warir-heartad, heéplishie broîhers wbo caradfo fr me, provided, protactad, sud belp éd nmé ou my.journey,-oue and al,-I iincerely tiank fs-cm the depîlis cf a brotherly heart. 1876, Novemibér 261h, Reme Lodgé, Ne. 164, Straiford. 1876, Decemnber Sîh, Aurora Ledge, No. 1489 Aurora, and Evaning Concert. 1870, Decembar lSti, Gas-net Lodgae, No. 189, Mt. Forest, sud Eveug. Concert. 187r), Decemaber l9th, Grand Uiver;Lodge, No. 91, Paris, sud Evénlug Concert. 187Q. Dacé'r. 201h, St. Thomas Lodga, No. 76, St. Thomas, sud Evg. concert. 1876, December 2lst, Progres Lcfgê, No. 158, Guelph, sud Eveniug Concert. 1877, Jsuuas.y 2nd, Estorn Star Lodgê, Nod. -72, Whiby, Iustsiiéd Officers. 1877, Januisa-y 251hi, Corinthlien Lodge, No..61, Oshava, Initatiens. 1877, Febs-uary 2ud, Albert Lodgze, Toronto. 1877, Fehrnary 7th, Walkerton Lodge, No. 84, Wahkerton. 1877, Msrch lôth, 13cabhoveu Lodge, No. 165, Brooklil. 1877, April 4th, Cobour-g Locîge, No. 186, Cobourg, and Evening Concert. 1877, April 26rh, Amiîy Ledga, Fo. 80, Prescott, Anuiverssry Procession, Con- cert and Banquet. 1877, June 201h, Meple Leaf Ledge, No. 57, Orangeville, sud Eveuing Concert. 'It lias boau my priileg ad lsaretluae a t ia hepleasing sud lu. sis-uctive caramony of thé publie dedication et tour balla, for thé uses sud pur- poses cf Oddfellewship. In éaoh linstance thé arrangements mo4é véra per- fe tsud complète iu evamy détail, aud csrriéd ont by thé espeactiva cemmit. tees bu s imeut satisfactory mannes-. Thé nav balla are couxfortabla, et geod sza, tastetully sud apjsorstî ittéd up sud arrauged, hWn good judg. meut ou thé par ot eté odges in sécnriug suitable, ueaily turuashed rocirni, sud ai thé saune timé vithout uuuacessamy as- axtravagant expunditure et Lodge fundi. Iu this ceunection, I bavé thus puhilicl' ta express my regret- te thé membera et Livingstone Iodga, No, 180, Thomcild, andt t my hrothss- Oddfllovs ou thé Welland Canal for my inability te jein lu thé dédication of Thos-old Ledgé IBoi n u2lst Fehmuss-y. To D. D. G.ý M. MoOcôushié, et Welland , I amn greaily iudêhtéd for oc sbly sud satistacterily suPyingMY place ou that occasion, en axcéédiogly short notice. Thé halls dodicaled by nie vas-e': St. Thomas Lodga, Ne. 70, St, Thomas ; 201h Decénabes-, 1876. Thé Tes-ente Lodgo, No. 71, Toronto ; Sth Januamy, 1877. Walkertou Ledge, No. 84, Walkrtou ; 7th Féhmusmy, 1877. Catarcequs Ledga, Ne. 10, Kingston;, 27th Marcla, 1877. VI.-NEW CHARTERS FOR LODORS DESTROYED BY FIRE. Sluce lIss session ef thé Grand Lodge, tha-ee Suhordinate Lodges hava lait their Chas-tara by lire, vis.: Cambridge Lodge, No. 188, Preston, hui'nt 121h Jan'1 -, 1877. Oak Lest "Ne. 159, Hamiliton; hurut lOth Apral, 1877. Niakara Fals No. 58: Cliton, bus-u th MAprsil, 1877. - Fllovuug thé action cf the Grand Ledge, in thé casé of Rond Eau Lodga, No. 40, (session 1876, page cf Journal, 1606,) I direced thé Grand Sucréiary te slupp in pach af thé threé casés aboyé nrned, uêv charters fre et char ge snu nov sespsctfully slithé approval et thé Grand Lodge of my action l ins incîîér. vII.--J)IS±ENS,&TIONS GRASTED. AUl descriptions ai thé b.et HorerséMéi. plnee képtéouxtintlhybaud sud tras-ast iJsrvis Lodgê, No. 191, iustituted 111h SepteMbés-, 1876, vas bemuéd eut ýho Whithy Liva!i L Sables, on thé 26th Decémber foleving, louiug Ithéir fun-uturu, régalsa, sud charter-, IEeNo charge foes- ice.vith but a partial insurance ou the Preperty. ou thé application et thé Ledga, N. R A'T. ansd thé approval ef D. D. G. M.' Hodgson, I gs-sutedl a dispênpation te Jarvis Lodgé hto réceivé donations frein thé Lodgés lu District No. 16, te usstinleré- pairing thé lossud s--fn-nlg thé ev1 e Lodge roin. The ruspousu, 1 ain pleaed te seepart, vasf-prompt sud pués-au., sud trulléta gréai creditonuiha mézubers lu tbat district for lhéls-'timély sud acceptable schleulu id cU f a lu- tés- Lodgé ia thé daiy of ia distrés. sud mlafcrtune. Cuseers DEPARTMEET. . Dns-iug the yêar, I 1,have sisoqgvantéed mauy dispesatiens for PIC-mnna socîassaudd cnouéelu bu aine 9et he O-dus-, and the veaing regallt, 'JHRZD-Ottawa, bains 4h, 1877. funès-ais, sud public occasions appertsînung te OddféUohiovbp. :la evérsi eu.. -UTRORlZED DISCOUNT ON dispéaisaiionu vus-esaaud tfer sud givén hy telgphitéb7 ivnigne £1. Aruericir buvotées.until tus-thés- pc. froin giviugvoyds cf aqlloshesd pdshipas bing m tics, 7 par cent. My opinion thé Guaos4 giicpAg s) otle nd 0llI. ý ilw 4.l B4t$ Cogamlsslaz n.rO >xt*o, nd, almd tue rogaUs dop aýg $i- $ I d Olué (aT ls 'T w':~roIà' in à bllo Procession cf a eemi.polltlcal relikions o ïiie. Rep1yins o app oaln 1 saifi, "Ouï Order la nonik o asit, - IX-ISTIIj' DEI'UTY GRAND I4ÂTEBS.ý As àssimple aatofj*usçIt1eudr lh uç lgnd"essure, myherft thatnks te t »1Di D4à esfor thiWuu*waaýéd é ee2 M' ufai 1~ nter. est 1 oivIu w6~sstnee lrugatth li ut élosa- d ",. lu.,tChar e- ti e n a n d p p r ~ a I. b G ia u L o d g e , th e O rd o ir '* a is b e e n f r n s é I e u i g thé &"sitance of wo * tr[aed, tristyAnd O:çpo)rienced brotI4ers, Who lu thé *dis., ch arg e f th aé*' asp- si l e f a u é t v ery d lae de t is , h v sh w yariy progresaadazaatsé~soos ré alset'WtI s oeera, in Whose 'haudsý fe'r tlie turne belug, ara -ffitràstiwd ' giane 8adý ~evrwapte(t rohelaed.Tha offçlce Cert4Iaîlyg>fhé it, pôrtinca their centinned 1services should be secured.. Thi . pait ysr, nzy iitie'eep'rse witb the Daputis liasbeau f tU e eot plèssiig 'and satifs toiry Aî orater, sud ther sidad suLI igbly vsluéd. For lterestlug ot.trat sdvau able suggestionsfridictrprsefrt sr; ..... REsnxTIesJ).D.G. Mssas.-Diâtrict, Doptf radMategr, James accapte, sdn led thev uy;yapponln'J eulf-Broiwha Lodga, No. 5. isDistrict DQptsty E. E. hipman,1.'Pak Rll' OO albout to, remove fr Oin tarl6'o te Manitoba,' pîsced bs"sint~lu rny bande. At my urgent requet Paît, GrandMaster Wzn. N ý Fod, o t. Marys, censented te peri"_' the dutias cf thé offlice for the remaiier,cf the year. Iu Brother Ohipmaui's removal frein this Surisdictîen the -Ordér baàs lest s meut earnest sua consistent membpr, eue who was ý ever reAdy to par. forin bis whoia duty iu evary paitiéulir. 1 For the two; a p it ë tof h before meutioned vacancies, I crave the sanction cf thé 0nd mmgeoelii X.-OBITVIARY. On thé 28tb November I *as uuiuÏned ta London for the purpse of performlng thé laat sad riteq cf our frateWuty ovar the mortat rernains cf m immdiate predoessot la thîs chair, Paat Grand Mster Buttrey, who ie on-N the 26th cf that month. Tbe naine of oùr departad brother is teefeaii teeue emory cf ailta, itncsayfo et ee a egbt iswr rbscharacter. Fsithful sud erstwtersa rvt membr or an ofiiitheOerhap- ris Vrern s u cred biselevaý tion th chef places aman s s. O h oasic i sett mmee f~ re le ed tainelv e m odf- f h e c o m m a n d f O u r la w s t e " h n r y t e d a d e u t t h é sa i n i n e ~ f e ffeenarts cf the juriedict iu.-We ad bis trealus in 'the uit l charit abl' e e fe 'et Uln es f il au t bsud fa in2 t eb erm en ot c m u k d, w t wam r teonitncf is avituesandhitb ee nth or h io s u d 8 "h u b t l ' o r c a 'e o boerste myoin ion, iesuy h quey stosremltedinmére m ert e ntrrta tifen cf suborfithe j l itodg .lWlsudohe roteipo itheall stbn- chadit- ale aotud ustef in. evteless, whle te the cranlot ffistemajor por-mwto cfr rhecquestionosubiste may viapeandvertfhiudee should neforetth atd WA threforé, uiaycfappestrn avesipe e steicflaw o pystindmy b begrdforas s opinior ant euethteqtestiong rasklug for instruttions, sud the mam o berin f odie Te alIpse n te t m Ibaaointen ctarafl con- sidératin, u It.Nrut oretdswil o.Ahe Gan fcf t he m aor rtiar yeas cf &Re. lut ocal'jlariadlctieu villa., XII.-SUBOBDINÂTE LODGE- RETUENS. The report of- the Standing Committee on Rleturna at the lst session f the Grand Ldge, enumeraeês 108 returna frrom 78 Lodges as being imperfect lu seme particular, snob as "errdr iu membership," "lerror in financial etate. ment," "1brror in capita tx," "Ierrr in visiting ards " "no seal," "ne signa- ture f secretAry," 11nefinsucial statemet," "Inaines of representatives omi. ted," &o. It is a matter cf grave importance that aIl returna sund statistios pf or subordinate odges, membership in its varios branches, initiations, d- posit uf -ard'i, withdrawals, suspensions, deathe, fluancial statements, reoeipts, dues, fines, donations, benefits, (sick, funeral, wîdows and orpbhans,) should ha scrupulonsly correct and rehiable. To seoure se desirable an ebjeot, iii Decein- ber last I drew the attention cf the D. D. G. M'a. te the eiistiug errors, and I* bave goodreason te believe that the larger portion have been corrected, and-trust thât the semi-annul returus for the yetir just cloed will show s marked in. prevemeut on the psst. Most beartily do I concur with the cemmittee cf lsst yer ln their suggestions as te the office of Secretary, and the dty f Repre- sentatives te cerefnlly examine ail semi-annual retuirus, sud thereby secure correctuess. [For letter see paper C.] XIII. -SUSPE NSION S, N. P. D. The rapidly inreasing nunber f 1suspended" asud "dropped" meiners for n. p. J. must cause deep anxity aud pain te every thoughtfl, earnest Odd Fefow. Frein the uiversal depression, and geeral stagnation f business, 1 fsared, still larger loss from this cause, the yeer just' ctosed. To check this great source f depletion, s special appeal was issued te each subordinate iedge in November, pleading for extra dsey, and b rotherly care sud consid. eration. I have god reaon te kneov that my communication was niersally aoted upen, in that spirit cf fraterusi love sud clîarity se prominent within our Ledge rooms. I aIse observe witb pleasurs, thât this question is now engag. iug the close attention cf soeo f the oldest sud clearest mindes moug the Re- presentatives aud Oficers cf the G. L. U. S., and earnestly hope for speedy sud succesoful legisîstion by the Supreme Grand Lodge te stay this greftt an. nual los cof memberehlp. [For letter te sub.-lodges see papar 1D.] iXIV.-CORRESPONDENCE. Wvith the rapid and gratifying yearly growth cf ouir Order, thé uecessary correspoudeuce cf thc Grand Master natnrally iucreases iu volume sud im- portance. For the peet year it bas been very large, yet not by any meaus toc extensive, te keep up a lîvely and I bélieve advanlageous intercourse between the chief execiitive hesd, sud the Lodges under bis supervision. I bave en- deavoured te be reasouably prompt lu the discharge cf this duty, aud trust I bave beau fsirly succeseful in myrefforte in this direction. Througbont, this correspondence, with Grand Officere, District Deputies, Lodgss, aud individual members, bas been cf a very pleasing charActer, sud I am confident that on ail sides, tbe oee bject in view, was, the h ouer, integrity, stability, sud pro. grass cf the bretberbeod. AIl communications cf speoiài cousequence, sud my replies thereto, are new plsced befure ths Grand Lodge fbr examiiiation and approval. Witb the correapoudeuce will be found several letteis from the widow cf our respccted late Grand Master, Brother Buttery and copies of my replies thereto. The case cf the widow is peculiarly touching sud canuot fail te re- ceive frein the Grand Lodge, the fulst ceusideration sud the wermest practi. Thé startling report efthle te-riblé sd destructive fiso ha the City f St. John, N. B., sveeping away the entire business part et thé City, and cansig lois cf property, sud suffériug of persan, wcrds eau faiutly express-tel upon our Province with fearful suddénnéss sud saduess. 'The vhole pepulsitien cf ces- Dominion vas olectsifiéd ai thé awîni oalemity, sud moved aa une body, diected hby one cantrolling master-baud sud mind, te promptly sud éffieutIF ralievé ans- sufieruug fellov citiséng. Provasiesus, clotlrlug end mouey vas-a dis- patched fs-in ail peints, sud"placed ah thé diéposicof the sntiaorilîeu et thé dis- trèseèd ity, as faut as stéam could couvay, sud liaelightulug spark f thé el- egs-aph flash. Natus-slly oui Omist thougits vas-e for eus- brother odd-felicvs lu tliaI distant land, te léaru their iess-to knov théis- vents-sud tien te sp- ply thé remédy, ot succour sud relief. Throngla thé voll directed exés-icus of aur Grand, Secretary, by tahegrapb, l te memhessof thé IlAdvas-ry Board " acting lu unison, and unanlinaus approvai, abtaiued theappropriation et $400 for liai pumpose. Spéed, promptuesesud dèspatai, vêrealal important anuds dièe vawu ne tue for deebi, discussion or hasitaticu, thé vbshes et tic Board vas-e confirmeci, sud thé maney paid by tisé Grand Treasies-. lu addition te tuis grant of Grand Lodge Lundé, sèves-ai subos-dinsté ledgeî made spécial ap- propriations, wioh ere sent direct te the Grand Offlcèro lu' St. John. Thée cors-spondencé is in thé possession cf thé Grand Sécrétas-y, sudhy thal Offies- yull hé laid on the table cf the Grand LodgEr. Il la expected Iliai bêes-e thé closeoTîthe péseut session compiete détailed infor-mation vill hé raceived, sud il viii then b thé privilège of tuis Grand body te divise sud arrangé sncb fus-- thés- messurs-asoe relief sud assistane as msy hé seqeiréd. In' thué ntoft c'April, 1877, I issuèd tie fohîevinkg circulas- (énclosiug copy cf thé proclamation et thé M. W. Granud Sire) toe aschcf my deputias sud aso hadao[ posted toe sch Lodge. Ouly a fév instances havé beau repos-t. e o m of i g a i O esb é l nu e, a n vw i inlu ev êry o s o o sere p ro aup tly supprésuéd. [For circuilas- sea papér E.] XVII*-.-CHANGE 0F NAMIG. b. 1U. S. Thé instructions of thé Grand Lodge, as pues routioa i uaca 1645 Jour- nais 1876) relative ho changé af naine cf G. L. U. S., I cars-bcdoatut aua early day. On'thé flraI et Séptémber lait I sddrssîéd aslatter ho thé Grand Master sud Grand Palriaroh otfésoli Grsnd Jurlediclien lu América sud sîso causéd a copy cf thé saine t hé laid on thé désk et tho Repreééenîatives ai tée meet- ing ot G. L. U. 8. ut Philadaîphia. Folleving up thé action eft lis Grand. Lodgé, our Rp-sentatives gavenotice et motion, siguéd- byeone hundred mein bers, toamend-thuConstitutin n utus respect sud vbich propouéd suiendinént viii bécoouaidured at tia énsuiug mgetipg te hé liéîd in Baltimore, lu Séptein. XVIII.-HISTORY. I vouhd oeil yonr attention te thé urgent uacessily et tis Grand Lodgé takiug immaditste tpi ta placé an moard lu a permanent shapu thé emmhy bis- tory cf Oddtéllowsbip bu Canada. This duty dévoivas ounu frein lte faci tiraI ibis Grand Lodge la thé dis-ét succeasor of thé firat réelarly: constllu téd an- thoriiy et thé ordés- lu British Amerias havlugunudér ils juriadictioui-ql lié Lodgés nov éxisting in dia Dominion, Chai véré luslttted by or thndéý -thé cents-cl cf thé ahd Granct LedgéetfCanads. Thé hislos-y et Oddfallovuhip in ibis ceunts-y, préviens te thée rganizaticu cf ous- eva Grand Ladgé, la lu a ccnuséd sud impérfect- condition. Moit et thé records are loul sud nearly al et thé plouées-a havé pssud saya. By prompt actieun ozeposalblywv a y sécuré frein thé sus-vivesathé uécussary information fs-cm wvico wîe v-béur listes-y. Wbureas, lu s fév yesa, tedo se ht vil bu surs-ouandéd vith difflonliies. liomédhilg lias sfrédy héen doné. Thbs Grand Lodgu sppoiutéd as cemmlttoe onan yu, trs *ars agbe w i t h 'o t p o v u s - t e mo u s - lh e n a e u s r y xg oa D - D . C m b u tb a gWv-unie futs-tia sd valuablée - lCs 'OÏin Od om , àd néc"'ax - 7o1efu &IL -the s-eqiréd ÃŽfi-4. ne w oollà th e fA q ! & XXII.ýýLEGISLATION. lu admiuisteriug the affairs of the office of Grand Master, may attentic wus esrly dirccted te the fact that ou several peinte dceply affectiug, ûeay su! lodge, we had ne gênera. Isw goveruing thé wboîe jutiidictin, but ware le te local Lodge législation. More especislly- do I refer te the questions cof p'c ishinent by reprimand, thé modesu manuer cf Suspensions for n. p. d., tl same au te "ldroppéd" membérs, membars when entitled-te benefits, after lii &tien, or déposit of card ; sud whem eutitled te benefits, after psyment of a: rears. Beiug strongly iinp»esed with the conviction tliat s generai law shol goveru tiiese saeral important sud general questions, and thereby secur n formnity lu Ontario, I addressed ~a letter te thé Grand Masters of ssci Statei America, nsking for their custoin, their practice, sud their Iaw. Replies lis been received frein thirty-six Grand Officers, giving full sud valuable iuforni tien on the particular points desired. The fuli correspondance I now Iay bc fore thé Grand Lodge, iuvitiug cearçful and tlîorough consideration et the samr XXIII.-PROCEEDINGS GRAND JURISDICTIONS. On application by latter te the proper efficers, I have received thé printe juralai f pruceedings f the ast session fromn nearly il thé State Grau 'bodies under thé control of the Suprême Grand Lodge. Thèse records are a ways interesting and instructive sud 1 feel 'lim nportant that thé worc, yearl prqgress, and conshatutional iaevs pre-failiug in cur sistér jurWeictions, should more widêly known lu Ontario. Several GrandULdge have e regulary yeai ly eppointédl Standing Coiniittée, whose duty it le-te miniztely examine th procoedings cf kiudréd Grand Lodges; and report nil matters cf impertancE law sud ecustoin. This report is ceuniderd<d eaof the meet iuterestiug art valuable cf the session, spreading broidcast within sncb local juriediction ti essence cf the yearly results, changés, pud improvernents of the Order on thi Continent, and lu fQreign countries. Moest earuestly I invite the attentiono our Grand Lodge te tis peint, sud reecfflmeud provision shoulfi hé mado fori ragularly coustitnted com'imittée te carWy eut thus practice, with instructions tc XXIV.-CONCLUSION.- Iu no vors-duof mère torm or comnplimntu, do I désire te sackuovledgé sua obligations,' te thé Grand Offictroi -spd Ilast-Gs-aud Mastéré for valuable aid sud timély assistance during thé yekr. i de so gratefully sud villa sincere aud hearty tiasc. Marceêspecially amu I budabteli te env astaaused sud Right Wosthy Grand Sécrétas-y, for prompt pasrespeudénca, activé cc-opération eau advica, cbaerfuly reudered upen al ?océ3asions, And nov, 1Représeniatives sud Mpmbers,-let ns, vitb s vil], addresu oua. selves (c théedanges of thé day. Lai us reviav thé blutas-y of eus- Order lu On- tarie wilb thoughtfulnesasud cara, andl closehy examine each stop lu thépaît, particularly thé vos-k cf thé closing yêar, sud thon diligeutly apply ousslvéB te visaly legielaté for thé future'; lai ns siek the fondations, deep ; huild then hs-osd sud strong , ana by oui succese secure te future g6neratioe*ns the stability, greai Jlrotherhood of Oddfelovship. Fratcs-sualhy iubmittad', Thème is a mes-chant posîeusing de- A Scène in 'bhe-Houmié. cidc4i déas vhere thé lina cf crédit abould a eds-avn, Who auinouncés by e piacard lu bigsshow yundov a -' Iu God sTHEaio1ic U REÉS TALX AANI rclisil va trust. Ali othérsaeeaxpectetl te psy cash." TIse BritlihRonsé c Conos cc LtTurs-li - t l nanj iht utit 7:15 théenzomrning et JuIy.,8, aftes for 'tis their nature te,; het Bear and hu, ire bu isnasigo erl ee Lion grovi andf bité, for madués made s &o 'a__- wh ae -thr umîhe. thein s0. Bi a k y u\h ud pregréi h ud h i d ai s pl But ankes yoýshold Sortly astes- midnight Mr O'Connor neyer lai your iugu-y passions risa; loves- teck éxcpticu te thé volenteeé don't quarrel; 'trade, vork liard, lie vota on thé groundA-fchat ne, volunteea 1ev sud forvard thé supplies. ces-ps vers alievéd l Iîn. The ,Tal k abeut thundér weking suakes vote vas sgs-eod te, but' au- thé next frtra the dormant siate of vinterl question beiug put an ettampt vas That msy sud Il msy net bal truc, but made te revive thé discussion. This eue sts-éak cf Iiglitouiug, if Il sts-ikes a being s-uled Oui cf os-day, Ms-. Power building, yul vake up a légion cf light- sud bis fsieuds rasolvcd te ps-avent auX ening rod pediars sud lusurauca moe money beiug taken, -[Ma, tisongi agents. Ouly"seveunUnumbaer, theywvere se far A gentleman not unkuowil bu lités-amy Ieuse vas connted oe a t thé advauced cirches vas présent at one cf' the Pcpe's bous- aboya meuticnad vithont thé vote racéptieus. Thé boly fulther apprOach- beiug pasuéd. Tic minariy ceaisistetl éd hlm ànd said; "TcOu've Ausrican. et Mr-. OeConer Pover, Major C'Gor- Are yen CaIholic br *Protestant?2" mon, Mr. Richard Power, Mr-. Parali «'HeIy tathér," replied o0 rin,"IMs-. O'Dounebl, Capi. Nalan, sud Ms-. am neithér s Catholio nosProte<stant; Whsllêy. TWh about a eolook the l'iAn aoux-nalt." HiSR Hels augh. maj<eiliea nuinhéréd avér 100. Mr. éd beartily sud movéd ou te soméeona O'Donebi, thea uav mambér for Dungar. aIse, Van, spokée t gréaI laugth sud, smid Dr. Sehiliemanu Baya héoves bis fréquent interruptious, sud bis conduot anoceslu lite te thé taitul observance vai severely ceudemned hy sèves-el et s simple habit-tiai vas te put on mainbars, notable smoug iietheluoig.' firs in thé merning bis léft stock.ug sud M r. Locké, vho saili hé had neyer seau héft boot, sud in ds-awiug ou bis cliothea, thé bonaus-ablé niembar bêtas-e that t e u t b i s l f i f o o t i n t o t h é d -a v r s . n i g t , a n d h a v é n k n e v h é n v e r a t . sude ponts, sud bis le aIt am jte thé' édte look ou hlm -&gain. Thé saine- 'hsimal, veut sud sosi. Only once hn lité hÇoonrahié gentleman 'rafêrreil its. hé Ocuitted te do tuso, sud ou that day- disapprebation 'te thé abstructive polio y thé Cardiff glani vas dicovés-ad by Pua by a amal section et théel"hi oinedy éle. isanhéra, sud mrntsinéd that Èsea altes-allen of thé mules Muai hé mode Whén littlé Henry Augustevas réoi, ihthdiewêvof ieaping dntam -lu.n« ps-uasndad hy bis fathas- for thmeving térrnptang - buianess. Thé Chaîrmman etouas at anathar boy, sud tbld that ho had <raqnently te caU Ms-. O'Deuneil a bg ho anged acmé day. if ha vas tees-des-, sud threstenéd te inhinit bis uci a rbut-by, thé. lad ssid hé dldn't conduci te thé Speaker. Thé Chancel., caéifh eudh, "for thon, thé papasales- ot teExiqe ridai 8:80; vouid prbitMy otrait, sud, the 'girls léavlug Mr. Cross teoi ctas bis substi. wolda i fi'ouv,ýrsi lu j3ua911' tute. At 4 o'clock thé liglite véré put go; k heavén, sd hi.' h iÏUY." ouI, sud a numbhé-s-emehra' vent gua lu eadcéle « ait'tbtienry> Au-, home., J3etwéén 5 sud 6 thoeat x gustureadethé dllypears. ing -incident 'aOcurmc-Mr. IBlake, A goad-ahd lady frein thé'country, ou, théeiéa'ilihs for Leouminater,- selug sodai-vater ýfe thé irai urne, denenneiung Mm.-Parueil for having- dechared ttirai ii "conldn'î Atttedai s agpublic meeting. thai, as', ha, 1ev~ ~ ~ ~ ~1 10 thyée1à;n h t~ :sd lbis frieudu could net méat thé 8o asito e i ota inQ ' cculd-gèteGovaiument with coldasteel, they mai thé Cas-k i . ,q ippogie ihein u vémy vsYthay could,_ anlurihar ,.wilh baviog.,aluogad that A OPUtIia4ýt s musIcal porty ask- thé Sp(aker is-éstéd céimtaù imbévé" FA ek a laad h ie uper, i ho in éluthéesaeay as a trappar irésted 'Between the barî .1 Laty aue te xfor. ibèrei 'tré 4e. evadsutiy.hes te suppant thé tench- lig ebituary oaaoftc ude (M.A) The -The, Clavéeand aleedr bas ýthé follovwiug aftr a-manragé notice:, g Thé "Fat Boy" bacs gone sud lat us, Notwithstancling'env pretestatieus a Havlug jeined thé Benediction arany, We tender aur congratulaions. Ob,' Who vonld dis in Sunamar wbén thé lices ar "lohéd lu green vhen thé Juna h ug varIbles éeetly, *'a the if, M. D. R E. FAIL. Hall Ye 'st. atention maklng et R K i &o., &o. lie boat stylé.. ýAlO h CO mit luong flt-~ PIANO of a touens ans Ihie ta suipply bout PRICE rumis plalin these lustre- Iuewreomu ttu mi te altan, abts te pay. ansdýýof a'- -ffl Wir >il 1 . xx 'A :-OF 1- 1 40> q0.q0ç,> I ue;#,themetom ýWt hèe'on, tltabe hope htéeyeio tuuitO *.à- e itsup y -stien. o tti dhhO»tw" admnhy s iedtique An il 'a l eryeMbraIaplc ~n- tifel le 06:t Buti > It d 4lui O ur é, n 9 et 8 4y la hilddg igu, r>t, sud strenÉfgtidcesh subordinsto , udfuine,, frashnessansd fort bé sf,,eo 1 .pedil$v maclé, snd thus sor alone he, à dýxîcIy st i l*srlès héreafter,bu i inat1On sda au&- o asr ~U~ ud -oeted crdefoit for zunIx uQwý anu 1!V acured-erder e é1d ofOr rdér iu thefar distant it cliSe b l ~~ ,etwuo'gs-l4in this Grsu&Jurisdiotion fqrth 0 0 dat ' rporstedwx û,"abiiIullteé& Sti June,, 1 1 nt e D, Knsôu uopraé,ît 1875. This system oe- - fa Ass n ûrýOidai bsa bÏen 1srgé1ý'testoi c~he -eu cl4r ~.ud ur 44lJMt ppvowd of gréat. hentft te ~~ c14f potwio ort . s4eô~ zps "e wve, o e he, ùnà1Èpocrt bà1àre me, that coinpa * tvèl. fi' t o~me4séi bve ake ad atgi cf se Mcriblsu oppert ity tesaciréanli i wrth sd eeexennable ýprovision for those,>who I tha1i~b~stdamiaàu or cara, ,foiéthougliî sund protection, Ont of s'me * Od~élowswé hve nlyabot twlvehnnrédmambora holding policiez thésý twb asi , ontsions. ,Iusfti d coesute fteën, or tan pur cent, cf otir mi ber ben~ i,~uc~ânsdaoîeeàd y Amutu i ife,-policy, there is ne resi wNy-t Jaýt one-hàlE f ormesorffvetli-ms thé number new iut soitd'not h oieb' drel heeaoiain Thé Hailüton aCompai elué taintintonlis pald $8,885, Ou Il p oiciés, sud thé Kicguton Co Éâày 45,816, on. 7 daimus.Thé' nanagement sud directing cont-iet cf sl comnpaùy Le e.the hhadeof prudent'sud.axpêriencad- Oddfeilewsi sudail trtd nyfe*el asurodthat avery uedrtskciug willl tahouêstly -sudfai low, ,thé cillea .5mai amI .easy cf.psyment, and thé satisfaction énjeyed kennwing that every dbllat p ald doeu double duty, secures thé doubla objet Jlret, of helpiug snd assigtéfsnilly cf a deeassedý brother Oadfellew,a seconaly, cf pre.vldlug sure sud certain provision for our owu faniily hereaft On thé attention et every rpeeî to _4iis Grand todge I strougly mi the duty cf bringiug Luis ipotatqu à'ebeferésaoh subordinate lodge a srraning or rl aé euotés, Wherahy évery faciity may hé given te al tUem2b8estoe écuirethia' cliaa sd sstisftctory mode of protection for t lovad eues et home." XXI-FIRE INS<JRANCE, LOGE PROPERTY. It lseéstimstedl that env one bundrêd sud saventy -seven lodges havej veated lu Ibrnitura, fittingeanad regalia li ound figures ope, huudred tbousa dollars. lu far tee, msnùy cases thé lcsdges have ne ire policies on this descîi -tieu cf preperty, sud lu many other instances,> éven'wheré insurad, thé aý covared, as greatly belew thé trub, insuradce value.-, Each lodga owes it te, self, Yea, owés lt- te evary othér lodge, te provide s reasouabla amouant cf lust suce ou théir movéahie propérty. Thé sudden sudunexpacîed 1oss by i (frein c4relesu nêgleet cf insurance) cf eue lodgé rooq nj.questionably to gréater or lasser axteut affecte the fLbancial réputation cf thé whole. Therefo lu thé interést cf aIl, for théeanutusi protection cf ail, il hs cléarly thé dnty cf évéry lodgé, te hé reasonably sud as fer a% possible, aafély iusured lu sen --- n Dy4eýérasacu-1,LJiSO Occeptoi -tîsci )aa 1 là- r ibte boit gavé an uuêx. y: pctedturu to tl' ieraiiand ln sav wiehiaad made thé hlissing voice cf san scandai sibilant ibrougbontt he so.eaiij- a dédpolite, orcléa. Listeuiug I wonlîi S have giveai my lité te havé eaabet 'em for neyer had 1s wosu issE u ardVl tan bLvthe iorad-iiliueuce cf home niraý are coselyfrom ail thought of ecutamine. In, tien than mysalf. But tbis Wa$ eut. m- thé worst, for whla I was meditatira" 3acli some plaueablo excuse fer au mmemj, ' n t départure, the poet feiîowed ÙÉtlla, "éry ly hroad that my sont was'shcckéd Id « 1 et ils centra, thé clgar dropped frein mv Ct ; néeas fingêrs, wbile my eheelis sudr Wae MeuSUMed »,Witta hurning haine. 'tr.Endeavoriug te gaila self-conrol I liftad Ige uiy..yes3, only te méat, ilicué of my ol)- - an.pesite ueaghhorterrible an thoa pne ejaculate, ia a toué airnoat of orror, in- "Great Heavrn I thoro, ha a weu and amongît ns." rip. I waited no longer but- lied: suateli- 'isk e&daa bat froni thé bail table, sud RHa- 'i-1. van ho thankad I findiug Athé éntrance 3ur- docv ajar,'quicer than lightauiug was fira lu thé strét. 1 bol rcached thé cor- 0a uer when thea daller cftlétou thit- erre stops I bad just loft- assailad my eara, et suad I kuaw I was thé -objeot of pursuit. me Iu the intérim il had beau showsrlug,, ion heaàviy,,sud Brosdway was compara- thé tivaly desarted.' This, howevar, ouly randéred pursuit leas difflcul<, sud as 1 rushed',wluged by féar, down thé light- io éd way, I prsyed valae4iy for es- ah- cape;fi w lan tue7rïiit of mny tcrr,,r ,at l _g- L ion yét fouildascopé tu pieturi! in '-'~disgrâce cf capture, sud thé jeste tu th which I maght hé axposed, talling iut iti thé bands cf mnn fiuhed with wint, ir- sud preparad -for any sdveiitue.- ,ld Clamp, clamp rang thé foteeps ha- ni- bin e: bad thé air- ben convulbed- iu witi-ýsonids, 10Fear, would have zie- iv tluguishéd ibis aloné. I was even no" la pauting for hreath ; but the street leal- be- ing feriyward Was ai' length rèacheîi, Ssud I plunged down thé cavé like way with aseuauatioia cf relief, til mi e stler at leat. ed ybrealh gé .siiertea-, My hraiiî cd whirléed, aud fouu"d cozufort- but lu oue il ides. Hé whom. they c'alled Elugshey V was a thoronghlbred geutiéuhsu-a- wo- 40e man's instinct taugbt me that'-îo Ir- suréiv îonîd proteel mé frei ual J- ho bafi stiil if escape were possible it must a, hé acccmplishéd. 'Wouid the ferry- id biouise Ilie neyer meet my Iongiîig he sight?2 Thank Ood i I sea hem at is lest; I tbrcwdown thétare, and liait if mysélf lu a SACond's epaceonouthé boat-, 5Thé chain was juat bcbng ftiteued,-tlhe- Le hoat sortlug te sail Watdadt- insuma mean?2 ws i a yécr since lié hait" i, -first iifted thé Chainu? weuid the boat wait.ntil atéruity te start e Yet te Yi secends ceuild not bac-e'ola'psed since I IY had-raacbad it. Thronghi overy souuid Id I laeard -he clatter cf thosé pursuîug ae feet dra'wiug néar; theré was a clsh û f t, naoney bastily'ibro,'wn ýdown,- aud juit id! as va vére #slcviy -leaving the wliarf bhlind, 'four figures looimeid-Fp ou itcc . adge.' "-lOurDi-le lies escaped us ' reàela- t, cd rue lu trie motalo eaccents cf thé cri- sB tic. Tuera vas s- hua-st cf merriueu n lu rép]y ; tizen fcîa short time I vite r, lest toeavory tiung.1 - le Mlien mny sensées- rturcjtdiv e wel*'e auidway acres, "aud I fouudl mysaîf clinglg* grsing te tho railiiig. Tif, othaer aide vas touched, sud I staggaroci iup the, street tevard thé hÏozue o! Mlllv. Iongiug te inn, yoî ton waek fer the <k. fort. Theousé prccvtleutisliy vas axat far, aîdi by a peverfialexercisýe cf ull a'I réaLliêd. il, crepi up the itépaq, knock- éd upen théjdoor, Lthen féli aiuling on -ha thréshold. Milly, as I aftarwards. Iearuéd, udragged lue in,'and te ber li- miortel creditg ho il said, ilid net alarna ýiû_ ouse, but iaiig brought me back Sto'litle, hait leaf i Iaîf carried mna up lu- rlber roouz, sud uîîdresaed me, net aslow- i iug me te speak e' word. No' souer- ýr baed I touclied theé pllow ilau a Jio- t- oind sloop chuitearated recoliectien, te )r thé 'whrélsI wâe * Webshly- ludébted for )r delive;y finm wecks of -delrluni. rl Tîxe next irnimi I awoke vlth cn le terrible feeling, ais if cruel whecls lied ,t beau rilg thçir trou 'aigits ovér my bcd y hd loft it il stterod. Holding a bly' ot bands in mina, 1- taithtUlI y tened vitia dilâtéd eyés, anad white fc i cf syanpatby. Having inisied thé mc-, ,r citai, _j polueto te a ov datas'taarti- Sclos- cf attire, begging ber, if shé lovad me, se- te disposé cf théin thst theY, migbl net meet bar ayes again. My n- 1 su ---vovee A-tn, l h- fi iVhitby, let Atigu8t, 1877.

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