Whitby Chronicle, 2 Aug 1877, p. 4

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a blaît like Ue RIOA ofi - 5VW UapAWC would doe .dit téte .omposer of th "Mugie of thesFuture.'*- . Tlwexporeofa couple 01 Young men iwbo ocupied a room tfgetixrlna 0licgbar1lss b.use witb ans of ,thge ccoplihei wid-b"ýs*oha bad lnforme.othe yontitsleoh.musk oituer have more ranI for te ro, or eis. anethér b.d musi b. pot Up aMd ee.ts$o4 by a strangar. Thsy cenient- -bd4 ts 1 l alt lernative ana ftnA -tiroir new 'neighbotir aanu o! Very genteel b.havles' when awake, but witen aae.j ltaeuot'incerrigible and unen- iorable snarsr tht ooU culb magined. M&isnosraseo er&ted svry -put ef the. altie andi resessbled thete sns4lesàgs af distant titunder wben Iseard la a lin. panusnanufsctery, Evey is». ho rôli. ole r narie biai.. p ha seemei ta uncaver an a w et pipa., ehplay- lus a différenIt toie,'ad wbenIever bis o ia*g bd:ta n iD ù ituhlmd .pro. bomoi Ouo U Ïfiésprýeedeî fram bis diaphrga mt tecaus he islar occupantso e b.ronteUs$tart up ru terrer. Sh" idnlmdid net appear le bave any affect, 'except to ' iefas na nuwbar er nsw noise. s at b. bisA apt ln ressive, and finaily lte ýyonngimn eeuld oui>' ablain a bropcsn .laep. by wrappingllselr hoa4s tun thespitlows. Aitt.> nduring titis misar>' fr isveas, oesof th victime lnfà:ousu te ailier titau ssIdea hbaditon ein Ln hin sud ltaIt ho sgtli haceaXA put a stop le ltaI issoriug.- Aocerdingiy-lthe invon. tive one proosre a £linge songe, Us whlc lise lies] a long s0lrlcg. si thon pisicodthlissponge. lu a Pitehar et Ice et'aoer, bld il under bis Led t awalted his opplortunlty. WVlon te tranger haed retIred as usual one Uflht, Suilt1he tamis diapason of bis voies fudicated lîset ha wam enjoyiug lte frutset a tifs of tolthie yotung man arose lu bi# bet, ireçy forth tise, sponge, and] swiugiug it srouthie heiglasi a fow limes, just as lise Houth Amorican gaucho swings bis las. se, hae brouglît it-down witit a good tep.t ut toxterity-rn«c on the suorur s msentitiAnsd nose--ansitison qsuloily -wtlrôw it lTUe i strangor utterot a long lienrtfeit etgh, ansi est up in beil, -Ait wae stili, tijitieni>' ho urnet hIle el uon utise flour, aroîa, marobet qulçstJy eut of the room ansi closed tihe loor. Tise youug mon Icept perfectiy taill tliinksinglio was iistenissg out.sisle tihe oor, but as us long lune elapsesi andsieho(lis] net rturu they tltialleep Ilite ssîorsîiig lhey loches] over te tihe stas er'aisuans] theoalia lay, slerp- iî li s 1) uocfully as a .lasb, iitost a aiigu of suora'aboist his. EviclenLly ho hsal bcoon osrat. Tihe foliowiUg nigisI the> y0ung in waro axtremoiafy oirioss e tiicaru whetih. or tise cure %vas permannent.'rTe- e rttngesr retirai se issual, wesst te stuep bt sd net mîore. Afttr watoiting Iise for portsmahum, tihe young mon warc absolt fà1llsg asteoci, wllan lhay us-re ntsrticd l'y n deop.lssned igit,and tthe surlrsngor est up, thon turueu.otioti. oaily -oss' of.ttie bot. wathsd te tire duoor andi dieaippousred. Agalu tise twu yonh evstsbot tuir broalts nd]lis. tened for his erture. As hefore, tisoy tell hasssV wileie wmcig and i sd net sec iiisi raIiru. Dttt tiser lia waa tise siaxt sîsrning slee ing ea baise. Tise following noglisinwms a repetition of thisîrsviosssono. Tisa tranger ulteret lise quner aigui, aroso and lefItishe roosu. Tl'ise yossssg mes'se ctlsioeiLy wos tiser. ossgily arosîsesI ansi tlsey osutidumly foi- lil, cl isins. To ,Ilsoir vroat surprise fllsy sssw Miswslk liscouspi tise bell, linsis up lis wiusew, rmachli te s'ne suind'waik up»sandsi own noar lise edga, whrie.lte ioligîsîelst i8ssop woult bie fatal. *Tlsey colletutesi aI onis tisst ite was a susnnambuli.t, ansi refîaluedfrom eponking te hlm tlest ho sonît sudteni. iy awaka and fait. At tenglis ihey isw 1Midescend, andi moving le eue site, lio passed tisu o ite hall, vitiseul pssying tise stighteat altentiosi, alisengh lise mioelight sisoAe fuit opon tissu. s -Wis e no ni glit ho ropeat the perfor. seances, sut lie inventive Young masn delormissedt bcure hlm of biisdanger. clin habit. A lin p n fuit of ice water wns hidcian 'ususloneati tisa Yeung issan'slotd, -and whsii tisoitranger was itspjoying lisenussil nap, lise pan of water was quioti>' placesi near isedi, ti a position lu recoeve hie test. Th Tisa anger flnilised his natrral uap, lisavosi a sg est op lu let, turnet fisri loni ip in thoeprailt oa welwaer. Tise sigis thal -ha nuw uttered woul have llete iesaorl cf a pirate. Ho jstsssget baok imebebatilua twluke, éîtrotoiestilsissaf eut, andi began te rlissre nrates saiiy aid peritantly tisas ovor., IL vas no* quite apparoul tisaI hailisar lhasto enscre or walk in Isiioep, and tlie yofeg mou loft im S RITNTON'li IIHEÙMATIC ABSORB- L>ENT AND? DIUESTIVE I'LU ID. 1700 d o ld 41 ic A rllat. tivd't citscssniîss t ruts lltiitunaltin or sth'r Iutiasnatusy hvelngslin2Ilonne. ',ho Dtgfoeeutsu itt fiasnovai failot tsu sure IJYapeî'eiis; roueot la flt ip a few ltiss Isastit obtiutto cmcs os Dy%- ri'seim curos itu sawe'4. A Lady %writees - 'Ihas elîcoi arat frosns tif *lîIugelug t 1, ssltsssitstlsCatarris, andu ypp, îsd Assatietlu a (ssws(laye b>' sus. uiiby Dmngglousu. tnift Oct. foi aoLnîirtlcular sasat rac. Asîsirassa \,Y. Iissstoui, Lssjisslî Omnt, ON 1'IRSTLJLASmI In itiio t #ý) u BiMa( ticiapArc. Avpy O. S. HALLEN, I - Osbwaa. I -April l7tli, 1877. 17 IE~22PI. INCORtPOR*TED 8» A4 . BALI, Znsumnea edoo"ts&taheb.lowoSt ourrmut rates on Buildings, Merohandlme and other rpoyainutlom or daSg.l syff Agout, Whitby Whetby, &prfl 7th, 157i. i Deo0lvt t.miinGaenteh 6, Fira Rie/ce writtezs ai Ad.quag. Raies. C. NOURSE Whttby, Apiti 171h, 1877. 7gn,'tlbv puoeNIX.F11111 INSUBAXCE CO. Lombard Sb. and Charlng Cross, London. - ZTAJ3LI5SD ix 1782. GILLESPIE,. MOFFAT &CO., Agns for Canada. B. W. TYBE, Mafnager, Montrcal. &Usds. Stoekholders, ayd l.'W.e nemrve PuA.Mo4erute rates oz promium. C. NOURSE, Agent, Whitby. Whitby, April l7th, 1877. 1-7 JMPERIAL LOAN AND INVEST- ME14T COMPANY. CAPITAL, 6800,000. Heart Office, Iinporial Buildings, Toronto. .PRItSIDENT:. BÂKEs: NON. ALEX. CAMPBELL. ROYAL OANADIAN BANK, MoLICITOR ;-G. D'Ary Boulton. MONET TO-LOAN on Improved Parmi,, at Low Rates of interest. Apply to- C. NOURSE, Appaiser, OU TU B. 11. KERTLAItD, Manager, Toronto. GOOD MOBTGAGE5 BOUGHT. April lBth, 1877. (1? 17 INSURANCE COMP.ANY (PIRSE Ax50 LIyx) 0F LIVERPOM &ArLONDON. CAPITAL, $10 000,000, 1 IANRIs: NEICL iVsU MOL8ONS BANK 0. A. BAYNE8, E8Q., M.D. Hea(d Office for Canada: 191 &r 198 St. Jamnes Street, Montreal. FORtBES &r MUDGE, Chief Agents. B. H. LAWDEII, Agent,.Whitby. Auguet Otis, 875. sp.tm1 N ORTE BRITISH Ar MERCANTILE FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY I Sat", aud rolisîsle, charges moderale, prompt ,ettlesent oet daims. GEO. YULE, Agent. Wiitby, Juno 2, 875. 28 NVo. 4 BULFINCH Sýt., BOSTON, THE SCiENCE OIU<LIFE, Or, SE.LF-PREeERVATION.' MORE THAtI UNE MILUON COPIES SOLD. laid Medat Àuýssdd te tise Autisor by tise "National Medical Associa- tien?' Mearci s azt, xî76. JuAtebllshesi b>' lih*PIABDY MEDICAL 1NST TUTE a uew udîtton efthlie matioai ycrk entities tise "SCIENCE 0F LIPE; or, SETLP-Pltit SEsVATIol<.11 It treats upen Man. 1>004 h0w. lait, 5ev egatudand bey perpe untest ; causa jud cure ofe isaustosi Vitality, Isnïgtoci, Premusae Boom. ln meon, Spar- drlsouln, Laie eTlmnorgy, Eogait Ceuntan. ase, Conuision et MindSmasi. ofaIMemor, Impure tata o et l to, sud aIl diseases ,sling freime=s or Touth or tise tadisore- t5in or excessea eof matuea ar. ;ttoilïuauvn iabout thse lorais et1tionera- ltive Phs9sioogy, tise Pisaroogy et Marra0, ef Wedicck ise OlaprinslblelCnr Tmne MoraUtyL nl -ssperversion o r. .rriago, o ej 72. 1aaet aussietrloi n ana. Beltoiat5ubetween tise Sexes, P7xcte a1¶tr ExpanulsinaofVice, tiese ines et impru. douce, Anceet *Ignorance and Errm ers ns ef Cure, Cura cd Body andi Minci. Tmne prie. cipls et0 Treatuseat, Asdrese te Patients andi Invalici Restera mise Antier'a Prlnciplei. Tisa ismsof et his bsokis laonly P$100. Tis 5boots'alise setaisuamuea than pitty Prescrlptlani for tise abes naniod, andietiser diques, esois ana worth mooare tnlies u afthe books. Tise Institua alise pubtisises THE PHYSKOLOGY 0F WOMAN ANI) HER DIS EASES.' PÉce, Sa. Tise boit boiokfuhe knd extani. Aiea anatiser valuaSle madical verk treat. lus oxlusiveir 5menal aud Nrines iftsa"s. imore t5ian 2050 royal octave pages, tuontr i. gat en r 01mgsbnlasubacanuel muglin. *Cres 0shy $2. Baroly eneugis te par fer prist. -flih ook fer yaung and uside ie os mou te reaiJust-now, l hé Ise elneà of Life, or BSf Proervatln, Tis a uthor isaî -stumëdut rous Eurpexcezllent bealtbsud uau s aa atise Chiet Consultlag Pisyielan efthtie eatiesy Médica Insttuts, o utà alis allieet, Desi. u oe pOtu i Paora'u eber vissesanew, aince rlasueisiotésA, puhllsbesi tal] istltiste vidaisara 7théyomsg, lise miltis y modal ever cefrrut [n in this eeunlry, maa nMd professîonaliervlcee, i mtisor 0f houe verts a strenttloe vas notté. acurasica SiytIhe Boston r nilatsongisuthe osuCet. Modal là of aI un ouneisundred 1. M- 1eélios> ndth'.ah ta tise manufacture o! Our b*i Maces l-m y oshaitebmderIs particuJIsrpurpffl, and ot a@l ed p r, t h ervrk,and mW v keara du- catdupstievataadsrquremsaite%0 urmàanuiactuie-btlinî t ls. angi kuovlsdge ofthbe censtusctjon of ear macines, and are lhns suabledtoUs b- tain a bigisp Aogrese et 51111 s. r i Ie ban visers genorsi maaufacturlng leris" d an.' We are liserefere enablailte i ltreduce a smeriportesysoeen to antlie aë parimesîta of manufacture, addlng Dt net e"' prfectian oflise vomis, bul ai. oo:t terpd ayo ts .e oen-sssd a cansesgusnî issineien ef cami. Thstprniu4 s larsgardedsieesry 'uaWeflreguistedestabliismsnt, ant *0 enabe ts o ü '0 ni, - Our Maotlesvil'a igitar dogre oftprIéptip,, pand sI prie.. .61w eveabwÃ"utsly-ths doilycempeutti THE JOHN STON' StLF-RAKING REAPER is nov se vett known asa Single Romper, litha & wd ci emssendeon wo vul almosî ssant anpezfueua, but se Uer. are MunéaiAct' ",Us' niteètloIis machine vito bave dered t b he o iqinatcheIoiuhlne,# ,wilhdnlkep,- ing ip otheu'nrovemenlu ; lisat justice -tepourlvesandut patrmnsrequire ofnus e é " ,0,bve med iti i"04moaIeesa7essonliat pari, ands- for strenglis ansi~ ~ ~~o uabllqal>etcul, aest>' kiùnd ud cndilien et grain ; ighttuof draft and oi t u fagemult--lise IJobpstess," as sn-nufat.r.d b>' us--stands pra-esninetly miseat cf ialissi er rap.rs.: là praofatîb iis*oehave ont' tpeint Us Itse man>' Pirst Puizes awardetu-at *.t s bl >rl'nclat trial ot-On. tarIÃ" ath tiymnouî trials whists have talew placs1slover Canada, wtths lise lauîtsé*yemsï URTRIUMPF' OMBIN-ED MACH,!N,F,, ,wiw lispe à.ut at t tIcai ié b.dess* a imbinsd Mc &neasd emunoltfai tz lùibe'1a11 lb. roquiremeato of pÙrolisérs. Car rmproved' Cyuga Ohief Jr., and our Yoting Canada Mowers' are hotu rs.cium cisines-ouoti 1ubéeA aimoalstolly af Iran an'Ail. Tise Ca uga Jr. bu a arosircnt, madlis. Yong Canada afront Cut,;-both.strgng, dur. aLle machines, anA nol 4delilçIb>'au',mc"Y salieinaisétel 'orquait>' e *cul,ý durabilit>', llghiinè ôÈdidtfl, adaptahitiy, And ee fn m meMnt.'. <OUR NEW "WHfTBY- IAFFVESTERO." As lbe cousntry -W. oaoeltsv s4pw o smsobinsry, anA man>' 0t oui fartm. erabsuve bsen kte atseuao uaieagro;wing tomant ia. prung up ÃŽtr aàI4léb, DBuPls.es]eper. Alive tUs tié equlremutoe ethlie day, wc avs inad uinveuling a ima- chine ýwIt a -wrugtîIross Framoe, vith it e aistpossible gearsg-vlw*h arge, hrea.fact dive hoo,-angoecaustruàted thal tise franse1andutlabilet ttis samÙe limeé, lierei>' keeping lise pilman aiways ta linovs the kisifeb Tise rakes are drivea dirscily frau ltse main shat-:tire beingmie erceptible side draft, and nao *e" ht upon tbe boises Decks. W. are confidenthlitIwo bave succeeded luMv=1 litie mail perfect' Rompe>, lakiug il lu anit is parte, Ibat ias ver beenforpiu e.Yahao ppi 'd for letton patent, i d ait boit eni invntinferaurowi ootul'e mssuacure, aut vo re peclully' ugettl tein-' lnding purlaeoIa b6' hlA Ii s mchie beoc gvs0gbinidr AUl o! oui machines are fuly varrajilea. Wilb Ibia st ,1o! macines, vo feet confident bliat ve eau meet avery vs. quirement, mut va iespeotfutly soioit a trial of on> miachines, iselioving ltat vs os fuini a boller machidns for Use money tIs soa bho ottaînsd eleevIiee. - espectfulliy Yonrs, BRIOWN & 1ATTERSON MF'G. 00. Whitby, Ontario, Plebruary, 1877. FASHIONABLE TA IL ORIN G -00:00- Gowhere you can get a Well-fitting Garinent :-To the .Tailoring Establishmenit of GEORGE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPE1IIOR OUTTING SHIAPES TEIE WOIRK !. A Largo Stock of Fine Cloths ; best Englieh, Scotch and Canadian Tweeds. c> Excellent Overcoatinge and Splendid vest Patterne. A good fit Guaranteed, GEORGE GUBLEY, 51 King Street, Oshawa. 4JSI ARftIED AT THE ODD FEILLOWS' BUILDING;S F0OR TEE IOl1,IDAâ»J3r s mÊ ELAOS!ý NEW RAISINS, FANCY GOODS 0F ALL KINDS, CANDIES, (the best in town), A LARGE ASSOMTMENT. NEW FIGS, ORANGE PE EL, LEMON PE EL, CITRON PEEL, SPICES (ail kinds,) CEESE, HiASM, BBCON,.LARD, &oi., &o. Mll of which will be sold Cliea-p F011 CASH. Fre sh Oysters and HIaddies received Daily.PETER SMITH N.B.-Casýh paid for Butter, Eggs, Poultry and Apples. Whitby, Dec. 6th, 1876 60 NEW STATI'ONE IRY B00K 'S TO0R E. I AT T1E EXPRESS AND MONTREAL TEL. OEPICE, I3ROCK-ST. George Yule begs to annnounce that lielias re-opened bis Stationery and Booke Store in Whitby, whero stationery of al idnds, of the best quality,- will be kept on haud ; also Schoýo1 Books of every description, Copy Books, Silts, Poxis, Inks, &o., &o., at the lowost The Daily -and Weekly Papers always on haul. Sub- lâcriptions Solicited. kindsi7h at eq4uily.-] MAPLE MOI. in tiheir esob. Ohoîce Family Gi $1 25 PER 82is'wé r.' 64-d- Pataloefroisi5 M e -8 'cnts per buih1. '-- At Wf J. GIBSON'8. Wbitby Ch"naTesais 'plesd WANTED.-.Any qantity of Good Butter, Eggs, ar:fdh osisfor ichls iieîcs re i ap .Itp W. 3. GBBON 14 SING,1877M 0isav Ils tl Wi Spades and' Shôvels, Gardeni Rakes, GardenlHoes, Cut Nails, Paints and Ois, Paint .and Varnisli Brushés, &c. ,'Tinware of lu Stock, or m-ade to order. every description GYROSS & MACNACHâTAN.' 1Whiby>, Apit 171k 1877. G 0L D S M 1I'S ..171 HEALL.1 Now to hand, a full assortment of New G[oods, which haîving. been well bouglit, will be offered at VEiRY LOW PRICES. GOLD AND SILVER WATCÉES & CHAINS. BRIGHT ANDI COLORED GOLD JEWELLERY. BLACK JEWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. IZ' Clocks of Warrante&l Quality, Véry, Low Prices, Eleetro Silver Plate, a very large assortment, new designs, iu Cruels, Butter Coolere, Cake Baskets, &o.,> &o., relia.- bic goods, and prices lowef than aveu. Would cal special attention to a New Line of Goods- NI-CKELITE-a subslîtute for silver. Niakelite Table, Dessert, and Tes Spoons, Table and Dessert Foîk."' Inspection invitca. NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECtACLES:« C-hilduens' Carniages in great variety, two, tliree, and four 'Wheels, Axuerican sud Canadian makes. SMarcis 27, 1877. JA.S. JOINilqSTvON, Praclical Watohmaker, Brook Btreet. B UGG ES For -Sale at very Reasonable IPriées. Several Open B3uggies with ohild's seat, Lady's Open Phoetons -latest style and ïvery' liglit, Coverecb Phoetons with RoEýng Seat, also Liglit Top and Open ,Buggies of Super- ior Style..and Finish. AUl made of Wititby. JnMy Stîs, 1876. the be8- Material Warranted.' andl *TOMS & NEWPORT, Whilhy, Ontario. 28. BOOTS AND SHOEýS.. JOHN, SAJINDEIRS lias jt received aý large stock of Boots and lusutaiefrprnwewhhhewl Musical Instruments, including a fine assortinent ofl t,'SELL CIHEAP FPOR OASH,4Ct Violin. Orders are laken for Periodicalo, Magazipes sud blusie, 1Whitby, Dec. 131h, 1876. GEO YULE. WILLIAM1 TI-LL'S OABINET FAOTORY AND FU-RNITURE ý>WAREROQMSI THE OLDý8TA NDB, a«OCK 8 TREET WHITBYD Go- wherèe you caiiot fait to be pleased in making selectioni of gýoodfpniu >Splendid Parlou.r,, Drawing Rciom and BÊedroom Sets, New Deigns wotl -worthy of insýpecton. at astonïiohing lowi-priccs. Diu. ing-room Extensiion Tables-a ver* si prioratce eut1 Gomboes, Picture Framing in evayle Borne fine Chromos àýd Engrâvings for, sale. At a very small margin on cost. ýWork done to order in first-class style.; A Stylish Boot and a Good Fit C>u mbrWTJ&D JOHRN SA.UNDERS. ' N. B. Parties need not ask for credit as it will not be gven.J. S. Whitby, March.6th, 1877, SADIYLE-RY ANJY-" WILLIAM TN-O, egs$ det aittention b Lis large maby L ather, v ses' àand OTO ?P sON ~lWOtOICOfljflOigevery. ratoa. I Punks iý D AY. lu varions parts oethlie country, l istahis gaigvaw mae tsogsRarcledsIlt Isy fite sutntrtIstram ceai or ail. Thoese oilas Ao zpensive: tics aùlesftôsuitabla bu!ildW inscoirluga,.,boiter, Arc.,isn eéessalygrea. They'-a]se requiré coneldéiable care and 1t managa. Tise anufacture ti gsforsa ingie 4volllug demana n ueari>'sa muoh labour, ansi quite as zmuc s sisinlareqiro tote ase a suppi>' suMfieutt os fuunlis *Thes e a s WùîVliàne oale sftsea a,tbevolums 1 aigscautainet lu tise boiter ioiin s is e pi(s tI]> rchargeA, lhodires rslindad, atdlise labaur o! *MAUigag w ui ay ia sheagreeablo ana troublae. A ttyofals, ah cudmniates about tise woris- tise Atour arisigr h ni aeysein ~uttexpenivei adatition toitise finI cest of tise matoulmls, ha -talien ie acceunt lse itess. No misasiot-bluildings Itaalar erdTtankorissIhe ainctepoafnta- to 0 aal arendso p f, un ho pat t-gpropnort fo iogrel sl htielts Thi cU hase voIslend ounalarge maseuregaupn iedhlA he y'or m es, vm-hineis are pqeierableno rt.follas owbing reseus f enio. it. NTher aroile mucisthees.fcue ori hr n lte rfl 2nd Oexpusam'eutuiligs;areheqaumtin las tank 10 onue.nls a eea Gtis. RArol> are repaire et sssy binA reqirsi- Our machines are aquail>'geat,? and, ail tisinge consIred, imuaischeaper. One et our machineis iuea te igisî a.number ot builing teaciedacenldeabi disanc trua aohelier.A geupof sivellinga in tise oeunnyattse usiess érIot imli ousmarn Iis a>'halghtedi %t mucis less st nses.âfl h cn matrtsiyfros ondnstio, o vuls satetiaI , a. 87; mida .machine ta Mmr. E ar J. lervis, et Bosdate, Toronto. Tis machine ho Use-inlu igisting bis housise and a sisber et1 mp, convying ltse gse some four isunsir lent ta se dotag ; lu thielamp tsrtses remvettrou tie hoha.au equallygood ltgsI a inu tis. e enearenl 10 Iu inlraduc*n large machines, anai lgisting tisorewi ths. anusuber et buildings lm pests may-'hoset np SIlong ie, treel, vils lanternsetaI otrance gate, pipesetnino bauestabler, &o., tashe dUsauce ot halita mûeloor umora. Ravih al expeutence in lise manufacture efthtie machinas far a number a!0.7 l tieUieiStates, ansi hein; practicasimecisanmiaeoae e "l tstarmacsn a second te noue en tise Continent. We do ual ceunt il an inventi6of et u>ewn, "Sut vo have made several improvomeuts to maIe tisem sto ansi rousiae. We* test. everys.mÏ chine under our ovn unprvieson, ansi warrant tissus ta give satisfaction. PRICE LIST 0F THE CÂNADIAN QÂS MACHINE, COMPLETE, Froc on board cf Cars at Toronto. Number 1, isAtedtosuppptp 15 Bumuere, $200 0. ci 2, et .80"d. 26000. S, si0 8w000. - 4, 7&5 di 8700.% 5, 100() 45000.- 62O ' 150 " 60000. Il 7. ' 20) f '70000. 8, M if0 Sm0000. 9, B00 if 90000. 10, " 4w00 ., 100000. Larger machines mate, if equiros TO PARTIES WHO ARE BUILDING. oclgre ceor We-,4vite corroapbndencefroro an y oeehovise*sbuilding ana coue héltig b.ltta. ductibsu 6fgas. We sisal ho glâdto a avisa vilhs icis as to the hast inmannerepttagl pipes,'ansi elier details. Wo have campelent vorismen tano0= employ homvo ens! h o aur part efthtie country ta pipe buiîldings, set machines, Arc. We iai n patunit>' plae eaol igi es fp.ortinOr arrangements are suc; htha scan mote&Iis aedo promtt.lass vrs.- the vo eutqal for tie et mrkejobrates ea nfactsosure Iro etois otpTak ossible frstmor acinesfri i cs ier sa.uulit e hpnsavlt eaethig one oUs. ph Ibis, stamn>'ot.ir Ius Maecbuinessn suceusdéplede iniRsen is'ouoeabsureaeipipht e s fro ai gs, vs cn tchoui%à=macisi hu Wrncpe oseliahers frTGegzin.of ur arrementae is isa scanlia!etr M ... 4 A .41 1eov - TorotouApri 4, se-sa. 50 Ligm tMachinse. Mima. Joir» scn,,cs- Ar a.Oshava, Match 27th, 1876. GisamsxIhave vr'getsisusseb easedng pour Ait Ose Machine 155 LiglstMachinse. X. Bl. Dsi MxEs5us. J. PEMns.ueAr Co., Toronto.OsavUlxMth18. Dzsms Ssss,-I bave nov been ueiug pour Caian Air. GaiMachines for ahautsi mentis., during ubicis lime il has ansveresi aIltisepurpos I uticipatesiansi W=spe *anraui hf6re introsinaing iintmb us>'dvelling.îr ie vr'111 ttientionantise re4cM rma&naged. Tish Is e 4 go-a, ansi trousLse Simpact'e iecututa h Mcie, anti canuequenl ciseapuoiss, ahoulsi couse sala genetal une. 75 Liglst Machine. Tiues. N. GrasuaS.. MESSRS. SCOTTA mas'.Wib>,Nv 2d 86 Grts .-Yonr air gae nov inîretucodt atMuapstore a st ltliy giyes cousulle saes. faction. Tise machine varIa toa cisarseansi1 am saves a largo assaunt etfliseur 'and expense Souýda. lise asvanteges ofet ciduesansi a;ver>' superior gî Aolmcus.yssaaÀN 1 3ARTS, AoocunTos, Tososcra, 1874. FRser EXTRsA Pi>Be. Clisa 52. Section 85. Éo. 69. »Utice-eanadtlau'Air Oas Machins. SCOTT &, PH IL LI-P Si JANADIAN AIR 'GAS MACHIIN, ',-PLUMBERS, GAS AND STEAM FIT.TERS,' 1 58 YORK STRMUT, TOnONTO. Buthe, Wute o, le.,Pussps,1 Gardon Fosounies, Bubsvb" tGao ia f~T! in Bronzé, and Cs'gsti, tc. S3peclalattention psu l'o theo Ssalg et YFIBE SOREENS, OTTOMANS, FANCY CHAIRS, LAMBREQUINS, GOBNICES, &c., &c. imate andi put devninlatise best styls.ý_ 5 JAS. H. SAMo Ar Co Xfarais Stis, 1876. I T HE THAL1IERG PIANO $290-00. TiseTialiserg'iano fus a vszst-ong toit- GOOD, U SE F U L -- P Ir0 wiiisconmbineA ltse learnes oftoue andi tise beauty'atf fiis of tise most ceie]sraled mair, vils a moderato pnice. If il ho askhow sowis possible tb suppir a GacAlPano for about HALF THE PRICE gsneraly charged.,thoe amver ie plain: luthe7 kig er sale of lisese -lustre- meuls,.there ,ame sw-Img bovrms 5t. keep up, ne &rand Mian natamafl.ntain, orna eixponsive travelngeisutffte pay. > ^.The stumenti use.&sf. mate, et a- 'UNIPOUX STANDARD, PULLi SEVEN OCTAVE SOL!» 11ENFBAMh, OVERMVNG .BASS, C ABYED, LEGS ROUND RE'TCOERs, 52RPENTINE MOMML'Gg, aussiDOUBLE VpàZqEEBED BOSEWOOD CASES.. DISCOUNT- 0F 10 PER CENT.. viiie hoea sSciola n ovents, misa. ta 0tsigwsmefr lise usefo! heW irfmiles. Wisitby, Pebruur>, 131h, 187. t8 LIVE1lOOLMARIET 1 C0ASH FOR LGRAIN, To b. do&irereat iFrenchmails Bay. PLAST£R, P4ALT. AND COAL- F"R -SALE. MONEY TOH- LOAN' Jauuasy GIah, lm7. tf-3 SIMON & KELLEY, Ç IGABS manufacluresi frram best BEavans Tobacco. Tise celebrated "S. !IL' CiarM Hetel-hkepris ataDealers viii atstile ir> anageto givo tisasea trial. Wiib, as ti, 1877. ly-7 QGeneral Commission, Merohant and Produce Dealer, Agent for laasud nACosssszmsu, Usç- -A rolo Pire !ssenrauce Coýpspni 0. BATES 0F. INSURA2Ii<E LOW 17 AloAgent for lise Losmnox and ANizDUz L'XAsun Aozugcy oaa .Mesy laua' etý on ral estato, payable from Tva 10o. Tweuiv y-eais, and in aume tb sui parties. 92v' Iniorest loy'ia ne nocommission oharged. Mortffg gobougist. Office aI,. W. J. GIBBON, China les Store, Dunias St., Wsitby. Wiibmaisch, fti1876. 1 --'I CL Wbhitby, CouLrt Bts -To.G-am Bim PHYSIC W'n. me ÇAE WbilSy, Se] RBT. Il Grasinate (,w quee'g 1go Univ. oet]&e Univ. of Pei Peunspivani e1thtie unir. Codaem S A.ngst 24th, Whitbyu"ver Onide Gas a traction ottu c, N Teei exhtic local an ums an'si nov bledi Ring9Set c -Tii-O] BUILDER DUs * Alori .A eSotisW GEOSI L and MJE largo quantity stantiy an haut COMISSION AL INS! Tise Cleris w Town Hall, Cc Fridsyo. fer T boesn", 9G&m. ta WILLI -BLACKSAfIX .(Suceer oa.sboeing Clerkpivlss 1 1 1 ý i ý Sk't, 'li

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