W. H IGG IN6o AthisPrinting Establishment, BB00E STREE','NHITBY. W E n Ad etsYpBr AN 0 eg i Bgs. toanonozdaTmg S00pe ey.ra na a abe ä lao T HOtmaSd W tr o me 8ade seftai a A oreub-diarkntinat Lverpiool 9 OF -BION Saving Depatinens in onnecion ,mughot petin irt-elss 0. OURSEM m o& rstiig-,A r ZUTER TORRSSL. rigianln H S MON,· P RONITO 7 .,R_ý;-1. d- ne nt A ManA'son h we Ho~~~~oc wet Or outto th4RyalFe esf. Sadrom. NCRPO EDes m a nilname å s ir ONT.I E.A e FABEWELOR.GL Ç. tym , BNDT BIL ALHTEA IN ETSU,10A,876le4. A n a" a ap r , h aer "t e t ic o u e AM S I O , llfwic 00 br T-»TA, IDOR InurnAnefeteayéï pb an abe anbte elaigey keep of what n Phi u n s n d r etr i n s 1i 1 aac neoanofP"o"b S h e an a à need A WORNE MS O W, the jnottoooonor411'Es0"lothk gin Oon line iay é M inion, and I asd. ned- . osanl v h m es0ga NwIGe ton, ~~~~~à BB QC h8 ovy ne,4 0 nn 0 E SFO H A I S oýSB E ,w ra the O W i- t o et a a l vnn , y e e oÇh kt e eseea p o fan o e e' ee G.~Pof' OUG MTH L. . 00 n LL'S uLF-ndT andG B TS H(Con Bd.) h Ata aScheela se is N i H oAwi ueheNofou (Lae Geenoo & cMilan) i. à 8 l cintrtet N T YEli ' ra« M t toly , h e nsa"'shiv.saa-g I d A w en ito ie r twit . "P. e e.I a mud irr oyo e v reePtflb B W""HTE,1T ORNEY, G SB LI0-Y MD 1Ess.MRNGRoSdITYY OE, a of s'b oeunknon ci forebo Cncroding pas.1 syii andsW hic waddsti oual n ke -h r bu tol o aotte Vros Yuee 4 sVro srthdothrhn hla itor, Notary Public, Conve ancer. Of. sed overLY PA m" ie, adlog i nvoltaily nduai l ik g tbth hon• l fy o s Avnow tfryusl-lyt iadloe it i u h i B nstr S ouec th fotOie hLr wn.Lbrinducements9to w ar T TAXI P.4mA th«rnen i ,- aret d o y awtemn-fwvs onf il um®er0' aavmg ey eeseko e.Nodan yswt agnie x Wl BSoti q " O N GDYO U G 8M rTHtms onhtbApil7hluC cNgi ityoeinsey eystht no reengy nwityhav kowndenkH b. roan: 80 d h y0 1 é ne r e s U H W H I T B Ynd e O N T A R O .M rt e, G L L E r s u D N 2 . 0 . ,e s W a e o a k o u t g a v w y -t o t e m b r e d t e a i hi n y n e ni d f ro t w WlHtI TB1Yfi N T AB I O gents o ada. U ourote ss, wle ho presenytaigis recllet asifI hs isereyo1 0emmbreierv wl; e ada- wuwn' ?Thnyogsalbevreeppe4a1 WiByo Sret.t, Witby.8YtGANLAonFarm a -- - • GEDNyi ESi 1TABlSEDI. N- aes, hat er at lierty t co. a e;te bynomeaunnw o m e ish i ductin.H idyptue tob- prhp -prhn -ma. dtr-h .AE EL LRTEDE Ic oaWrdAs T Èr 8DUNDAS-T.,# W TAITB.O . 1u 9 Me ha ust sn.ho ouT n an airy chi o ighteeehoiele heYi s esniMoenksta eevnn t 'lo oagr FFxca-Next door to 0nnowroras Ofilee a courzs l ike allyongli sye thn bls firy-,and.Then mot tdte os pi *ws oud -- ~ Fohrrticular RO . BA N, pBopRI TO.B.- blAnemaneovoopsiredree- tsl i m in, bu; oriacepmtceyherithei n A n e hdnvrkonsrc droa rwn omcokso f .DYRRFIRARE YS . tSOPRLLOA.AD NVST b t o eout rly.I aghthf econud a ,th eigraete d aki nw oiay igae'Sef nwsaltl evu.ayuho HYSII , URGE N, & , DuBns OHN ARQU ARSO e.ad room Attd upin Sst-elaar----uld mply thatit as Iime farbettrosupresed ws reeaed" gu. H had been her ro e Sheglaned fequetly erer He m ,jot M RI N , M .D.Pui, a d C August 1n ,S5thr ,0 mo Si n. T b e 4 8 U 8 7, e . C pn, 1 7 .Tedhfe r B0 0 ,0 0N t t the o e ie a 1 a n g power e d m u r oa i,: Sud, tBer e onou the is ey . o . . Oshawa,0Onth oarioigaK, bOtHEbraEnDNT:eANEE : Tel m hw " ake, 0aiin My s bjectd, to e nd Alner ag-s srne ih nyS• u ahrsed ezdwth - - HN. AEX. AMPBLL. RYAL ANADAN cmposue bya stong ffort entred y thughts I ergra ydad suc a eiletranieraty shuld annys proibi-der er.a Aiti R hty D .- HIB, NTR0 wrn, oNT.soLrclon -G.nDArcy oult BANK bec use ata g f neaorinto gusse-,, . nhlyabu e e wr a tws ecueFakmoeta oe8 om ok DR. BOlAR T, Imorter1,0ealers n uturs f O alk JMSE AT RPRETR.aM N OR OA TIm ED arm., pritmfà a5e sii ag déýà kdis nha a n a sely yo m- rno s dý À_Xiu o re hrp ase hsyr mn o a he 1b ician,~B AugoAcuhr c c . Kids for odalmmdtoaf-2 o aeso nees.Apyt - goyo e r n d the, revelatin ne ima eoilerwisethn Y, tl square by so m. e c.otn ivr sediy eyern ttefr F/N /N8, MN O ED o hy Pa og yere iamnd -ithe prestene of wome ? It au ofset MrE" ae..th'dorsed'wa radyth wkot Cou.t CrSw Attoney. a idfrHds aPn.eahr -- ·E . RT N ,° An A Aaagr To nt. ° u t a t'i stu e d, aks. w me thai km °', rh In Peh On: ho 1ne o "a"a e lT e1wga, yht g a uatewit hoors of he nivrsi of r srethed Tm eLu raTWIgne A muTIo ON 01MRGAESBUGT. w e an ieia blr i to the eodà thee saw the weoman oýHeiïa vr la ol e h iadllidhm mctogt n ns ue rn te . ofPensy an Bu r mer an HORTNOTCE.rowes. e reaidin nma o sit br. -E E foms te>i e t hem. rw i , pen ted torevar yur ac, nd yoâu st toouad "Yoare quite pesvgt i.h i rte a edn lu.Bt diga nRISE & of Edinr urLAW li laloo y a, 87. alfrlô hrpoedFamteadWid ano n t ro oed " I reat ed outfll. or e t stll e s in s omei sd "yuasm e.eon irh dse lyd.M .hngo yr-s itee iriaat eey t edat tleo FrPfrterspticuar apl toOFLIE P O & L n DiS ao mmr ith ha tin o cd esen tri te aty wr re- Thaln yo arneercasdlynghr n B Soicior nd rnery Cà Min10ru ToT l Spilth18iaAsigran 'hra roee aautj"O Om 'lre.kI, so - 0 'lyse, heoeegs g °vre g a a ala a the* y ae o id eda. as ~ ~ n adinserd o te eamu --Hed e fr aad :11 18St elte owth lpiniat t h frve, hugahtvouecae." atetin.I o rWoeil.a.bie i wfe utroetometcodndha arsrmoe C, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ du N. daA ,nL D.oP T wR.H.feAWDR,,Aent Whiby. 'mo ntha e hbrrea b ah "Iehde.ard d tnd er, -ifplaceW"Sopmchhe ebetec o etedwbuefr r netee e ~~~ ~B hM B h p ad daFRTEYA 87 edM UsEtEBN state N ° h"tHbY&RfI TIH, &8MERCANshrt, a n t e p j set n aove Mia d tin ug o wh ï ie w vrypacead eemd e wa e r e Cx A RLE C. t r e oR O. 6h 87.P rieé.T rowr ilfn h i og ;F R N U A C B P N a o s aam oe. I aaErince wie do. a ra w uchaane2 o cosn xb e eet 0 ha aAtk n on aDrug toreoff t% . sh sp cial aciltiesŸ r paing 8 ud rliab arge medeate, romp ea H pr i eno o r an utbre k o err e , so aumt a li" .aM abe aM a th w liiaer, - T M YÂTL W -OI O BrugaN 3 2 . LI NGSo»B, gn uet i dinor a h • Mp yJ onn , whke :!elbrMofso io "adwt a a oeeto h r a ton Brok D. CON TRA TOR, LAD IS a 3KBUC,oo o riae nri ty• 'Whitby, une 2, 75.GEO.YULE, Agnt.28 u t ea d fulev a es w-yo am o kte conain sbe f m ea a r e Atherlvzth euIiee ta WBAWOA 1 takgagdeFa ay slic rnt chancrycovy a"cWrQ·,&""Sio SCIEeE O havstrol Omis. The Bar, °hel, theerede ade, mSinual l nie goy "ta, Duenfahe, "w el eou I am ver in sa vey , sorse to1otonteP edd bee bet o shene per eorehm . i igr ly a ma à d'tS an assth ugh a y o für he pe-à b anÂeel akd at d? i. re ën Just seven lins of itfod i n en n u t olotOme, aI m b o an de -r, he wighed les Sninhe-hogur ffrt was 'eandte iloir p o a ed artod-wor o li o 1 eudhe w oat ut for a fh Ie, iAgoule r ance, lrnnngraelnticaHytoh, ?ftematredwih loda e ropdd. FeixFraeb 5,s with whuoe azeh ne wasfouehm nd hisngr saidfly tadthe ws l"ne nwa a e ro ha hed jkew e~y aseende ohis andth' at daggher frm e, n cle 1 ,éDi etve , ungde nt a oua, whle hedruhed butn withuà suceedinf ine o nd=97Y defred anDdhad a ris ena h a écim on gan at e ýa0e thrug h iejý h .a ghe an felnae w knro ut p eontEe fat"d ben s li ad thoe uper cme fer y...- _. 8r _ - T.VU DUNDAs sT., WHIITBY.e ----.-29 1 2 18 • pres s reo:An admniratiocnaraich ia.a mUe oUp t doW tB0 r- V y f ion ý I loeshud uset Wati ur nteet'MrWumre oRbrt btAwE N All odersrompty exeutedGEO0. H. DARTNELL, JO o E © NL/C E 8ED A UC T/CNEER 1almost adoration, of ail tatät"iÄ° 1 as ea l wias anngussdelmet in or ana aYout ier. ve , ue ome tagr. °n eEmr Whtb, ec 7t, 87. Junior judge DAE I o TE1UNYo oTno nOrderdthenCeo f omnly, and a Con d Ihelp responding, "Not at all. tin 1 aout m e r. omuse, odcp uGd onn9 suha e s NGANSO HAVNG HO I E 81s wuoatrheprieas al th er"pa e al adtuchkm a hmaasno cho ce yo wutonu rn i n ale hnp eemtha suh alon D RoSINck St. hitb• nuGerofBf nh0m rind n0teEf ha e enigo tr irstevetingk butoereveal herself."Maur's eit a ho b ee i Yo ontlkehm? o dsoeis JOHN WO F NEpAO IuDD ,aeblenuprally or e liberal patron. ftr neti.rgigo n fmasatigt uW a nee the Pas was dead, and the ing kept this adventure of ine-byal o se oca y thentI eleogh i ounvrknw teocu JOE VdFNE , eam ýKNIGH TS' of PYT HIAS, years. urmeasureles gnen onhe raeaof mascaethgo b rdocranymri awhrti N ilasot °°. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vu o n n8e AP 8 olt eataJwis gao bu te snss deuontfh °orhng, vet phbraet su gier go lir facein BEE RGE COR A K, B UT 4 ,00 , 4 2 d 1 8T - - ORO TO ANDf et oLus a o anineer; t e ed to rge f so eth ng o th e p bin. t ble rceives very fe vitorau- y nnec. d n' e s f a dJoinr o n eCE H 0 NE N CR S Y s fl ttInoeto bmane m.-Î, th Chun istmas ay wewerees, sthid, I run butlit risk of "ardon me- nobert Vernoz tr I oetaneiy n oo . H an oitr ofraleknSoflmert o-,rm w t or eroaeebracing al0 L UMBEURR!SLEUMBE R I esde gea and sank Notes furnish- rheh, ousmeant Principally in the grate u eorhesfr"Yeu.FrThat is truc; but ta a tosliht etutd n o o vra J A M EbWa nA Ldh b t v . W IL S O N •c oJ-O H N 8 t, at n t an of aoe i sales &ail., hads (orer t a t i e d s og v h h l i g b a ;te cti l a s t e n el e oa s o nh i v e er y rganoe0 m d SHI CER (EstWh tby), o ait 2n Pi c ,oKigto L M ER M RC AN , B° p i ts alw t*h 'n band C O r Bm efenoto ni'"a °° eh e e ca rc 'aw* uobere1rset a SSION R CO RT -- W I T 0 Nente .e M- WeIad fo l es 0.X a t n e in ide d. "WI, e ae nto.cohent fnie s ti n thbe e s m orb. lkPa ry hus h Yo r e akn.o . L u h s rk n h r a re etw t eddi tp BE N E, O Q UE N'sN EW UTCH R S OP I Has n had a 1rg spplyof al kins ofPrine Albrtrepn.2ethAl 87rt89 al-la"t ethre at u fr theinsae.geHsloianteseeaduw he asnot ee m, naI am ." rtgnly INBUA CE AGE T b) nh atan t O ffe ,o n fWhitby an ad.eatM., lrg qunt o hnd..n rea mye igs ial ireqe t av- rn t nithou t in t e W at edofau Bseafter Mr. s n a e hosn o ae h om o ,anbul on se h te. vicniytht h hs peed gLa eordrsfo LngBil Y ff useeCARLEOEN YLGIN ngtaenmyfie Mll, n ho qesin urhefIar tnywoledaginhi nmeasa et orth yu n alfascod.Gthm-eodtInn a IO ERC07R c¿,QEBIS N EB U T CH E R S H a n Pndah a r°°" e" s ' plindsfa lay 'r'in h° lbertiSet '"2 'dana187 . 89tim. -a y,° Itt°nid . e Mrd, m . g ," foncntriR k f g w o eag ae n'å° E for IJ TonhP uins.Ofie . -N WibyUa 7h177pear osupy needterom seoifadbe M ea Cie h e M s Sa E.--M. J.. a"Tense you don't bele " • dagdbcfrIdo' nwo h a oa 27 h 87 agg g y,8 TOREDunda -8t y.0 FlornandFeed otheoestsQ alityoRU e d and urnised ;Kun wlyirs ana w eh a tm eat "MprdareFraknI on't blieveany ° s nohepabl thi1eveavé.» so eoin 'ÉUTORE ANDADWELLING t theThowest living pices •emys BuiadinheLablerMr.eobservedab&.Zîebwas .ng, x 0eptehat you areitegup rti-eoestanIfya;yheoseem drng fromia dimenow ..... oPPsITERM's oTEI,) 95 • Kngsly an Millsittng LitU. ne o theneig ora.urr.seiou. Ho is ouromtherM, iousaov.ltaidesfrend' deprtroficer of he P IL IAM COPE Wheh willkepcn tn iYt and i e tling, ,largep ' Ost- didbthe.nalco unt f ei e in h Pg u tigi h adn Vr wlao b dt orp- Ti ovrsto a ae lcmnyual ip BM I E ,- - B OUGE M BE P od O t meo ntof. _ taoesbyoAndW h learean, or-dt is as utohe Long ofsBmifo m - co ala sn k e aCpHARLESi lte a enes, A d s 28 d.ivorundro esahilyth h st nd ostss oina o i oeing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ frm anMl idso eealV A ,nc s ts om otion,.ry At te Doininflriand Fna d stomrs what eeti tagbe om iescnro n acntd e " y r imad om r er o gro tteop fhea ley-62 M Uc uTbTs ONe PPth to S sby'sd Bla awas onck, o e aso r , D a uda Steet' t wh m ife had s h r i e 1 aliyC.11he fe, on seemg th e .la y, r J.thro ghhom y fam ly, n eotes a e llat oo .c . I iad ' ~fArcallwishsoliuited.s.c.,f&c., &c' M arch 28 th 1877. H c L LN. • W iPe a oft e e t u li y c m t i n d un e ss; Iutsaw h e a fterw ards the an o i mof sag ],eut was n e et n hs, is a rh s e nte . B tF a kWvo eoah a yse ft i e o i a o5. O M..R»E s ,S T R E - N-g8t , t h A w s . iv gp N r ion . see al re m s oldis s e tbl, nd w a s a ited ne fte rsn a nn, ho g, as ar as I kne o w , p et he alh e e e t i h f h h d w n i t e A7h T87 H4 ETOLRE1W .J HANOHN . WA e 1 Kcngsleyland MYOatndi e a ucee nb snpaeterd raugraigI hnh i fte /r/s/o Court Tp, /er H B E T O 8H A W ne am heaa u pesontin arnd so hninp teh he gren o n ease Wase tnhenb]'uid'et uetsheadaknmnt nILID COPR na RaaAe A ita ee e7 eo beene no oed ba m r.86 ep hm bc. L E ' L U D R in s re o ns ni k e on ana nfor a i. D eï7 nrned, m y th s asbhed h r to ent i l l rgeses.o he. w o ac r a ra deoxi t , , o , i ss a an r s E d e i s o d the Whitby Live ry tables&0. â' TAGE t d i r et i ne o e ssin ; jof heMly a .ey _ phse igl a m ro ae u-bok anethe ' a lo . ?f"rysl w snetK it h em r eh ,S I H - H - sPNcag o advice. B, t ieroo retE N ewSoNNn heprT attS eE UM TC BOR.pefrmne f e note i funma om foCaoYo igtaswllbin i Èu t akneveufteonhin, e Re thmreh g ORK DONE AT THIS LAUN. W H I T B Y & 08 H A W A -.-h pe aiaet t s ugfo ammk ent fd or hislangpointed. 7°" M° ear ou n eaen gteerso in;adonanyaquer ra Gds ýc n e Thoa su or an ne T W ICEMAD A Y ! SO ld 8m O AIt e p anl h evIStth o WS l u nd F e t .o n w h t e re am ng b a ng et o m e, r a ;- "Sin s o n e edy r nth br gh mto w ha i uit re ow r y o ug t as a u o r moasa d a r ns et1 OE LLn prdcd eo tA.a PinEh, 1877yArl h,17. res8 ' t å t prvat t flt i a fw peoi aut er wsl u mphad n rin g tdran(o o ne.)rae?"O uhdry~SH WA loaeeiespro TOlE ISON g tehtl on at his cumd ina week A cassa a o U 8 deni ti? ad S hy gested " skiad, inemiteme2 e ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~O foar. obrto's Amrianinoceauti frte l B vistgtasowiheheWity av en e eytenr d 6 m atn - c, 7T erce t, J.JO N N m a r u r o C R 0 , & I di ,m Ot te d r u d t e d g ii g u -itk be M u . y 14th, >187 . 8 6 .1M . end G em m issiesune iostAge-t0 POr FouND EraLE G Oýi . Y.) Merf in i o Central ra&>&; 1 Bi es e folk g Ré was on hi &*t n foot, and be ng un- ok ont h pockt, to without b eingi h eard à ain ommng leg ta o men who' po er in is k a bu svichoy: to beastuek beig parIed b tei '19.bv the HI beand y owr in Sà Fanbu Mhfat ,adi i idou0Har atIo.ne eri dd a a tha tohe naH h pZ bythe Thirty-avam cent ,Q ths ore he he th'Ine morhek n.th St sh imohe M".e à sf - h fn o o dto ae oiè n S p 1 WE Phys Whit IR Gradt 0the Whitb Teeth i Kig s -1 a want long felt- JL PIANO rnessf of ton land ho most celebrated ýrice. possible to supply. for about E. PRICE answer is plain: L ad ot to PER CENT; le andl Convent, " o usle of their fandies. WeADAMS th 1877. e iGRAINe Iered -at En s- Bay. r. ND COAL 'O LOAWN KEL HS Land TOWN commis CONVE AL Pr day , mach 2 BLA CK (puce Ho'r es Clerk Di KEEl a native ry, have ever mo the Abve La bOshawar, a ly.7 SIon Mechant ae Dealer ma to nuit pamtes, nd.l Do comamissie Chinla rea Store, undajs St., Whitby lased the mutactni dient r T E R