Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1877, p. 2

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qr w~s~ ~isb-~ r Grec 's'on. e h Vo. à and teamF t tr- lakie Sa. nbk. Racéme;m fi al-Wm. Lavrie* ard-D.r. Adasin, DonîliL ONLY si jo PER ANNUM. Wltby, Thurnday, Augt. 9, 1877. The. SpeuSal Sessioca r e i.Cessrsy The spoalal session vas a brt one. Tise ceuneit met at tvaou'n Wednemday, aujotsnsedfor tes aa surookms~eîbet dix,,ve.te met again i e,7,. but ne. rnaslaed in lie commte. a-oma untîl aune, snd thon mat wlth tle. Wamden ilu the chair up 10 Lwlvre'clock. Itl waai publicatiosA de it>'vii ieOsaor<rLS, .1 handa wre bus>', sud Lhêro wai u o reportr preussaité repohen loquacuco of Lthe a"mnbleilmnicIpalviidena liai oveniaig.- Prom vihat ve andor- *tanids iaowovcr, tise raiepayers have leai Lile th'Le omimmian, Tii. mono Woss a llvoly one, as faraus land laliÙng, bold asserion, and iAst ccatrÏdiction could m le iL ; btai Llir Was uein« ver>'ele. quacut or. britant (be>'ond tie blaze cf th .lmps,) lu what foîl from Lic lips cf the scions Who tins oonsuunîd thoeraid- talgit ail lu trun Paullanoalary fIshion. Tic>' met aglua aiglital olck iu tii. anornusg, ou tise second day, and Bat for iîlf an heur or sa before thie staring cf the trbîn foir Ihe nerti. Thaut i., nome cf tliAs vorti>' coutillors naît. Oliors caateaalcd thcev c -villagai l t#c trcasirer's office sud dnsaviag tic second -day's puy sud tien' sooting for bomne. Th, banc>' vas ripe sudthe>' rer wc vanLted Iluhliiarveet foild. Vhy lia>' dit nol stoasia fev aminutes froua 'in raig i- cforc snd finish up, or drap 11seocs dis nsicu for a moment, ta gel K:' traugli lie Lavaor tira. item e!f Lausi- nelsa'iclovor.-tueo!fthoraa sosasitinis La psy tise meeseingor--lisai secret oilly rluo wn Lea ur msouuiiîasl cgisslarg o( - the. preseut day, <mddacnatiiug wiici ouasy îpeople, aro sot 'iuîpposedt! a urdcrutaisd. Ta Isszardthie surarai8e Liatit Ilwn- for tia.e sake of eecuring tiec -: scond day', is> ay igii b. a lubel. The businisa cf passsng Lthe nailway by.iaw, for 'Wltcthe speoisi session was foasai> calîcal, occupied!jiist about e 11111.tira. as iL haiats te rnd blas t masteace, TIse fppoiutnaent o! s cierk, thu gru an MnIr. lonclli,the Modela slioolo, Scsagog bridgp, sud otiier reu- sud flusuco, lSt. Johin'o fine, sud lie opeclal cnamites, viti thi, vrdeusa *iuga tIse ordiar>' business a!flthe cont>'. Yet-WiIliti lie bolieved ?- Liis lalgIatoncd bQ(ly, thte Catnal> Cotin- -- cil cf thc canaL>' o! Ontario, masde- lie tToronto sud Ottawa Bailwa>' Company' Tm tsyhii.cipensca o! lie special session 1c( That le, tic>' net oufl> conapeiledth te Compan>' La puy lise caste of!cubrailtiugst the by-iaw, but alo e ictbere' aniesîge p - anud menabers'! sud îaesseugcr's wssges, fr farim ios spnt iissétimuacting nocesaary y, cuaaty businesis, or ntaiLl evonte lu dis-.'T - iailag otiser anjocîse etailailiai mýail- ai r'vs>'y mtuler altogetiser. Wu arc nul j docitain -witer lie cosh o!flte- "mid- sigiat cil" vas- coospulod. Tise bill o! M le Comapany>, howeve of !0601h, nigi J) -wcl have lucluibaasl uci au iera. On tu tihé face oh tits, lier. in ual oui>'a Pi littloniss, aÀuaeunness derogator>'tu tl 4 Il characler o! lihe ceunI>'. btala 'lsawàsaltiq uatice. Mr. Scott, lh ie * reoilont of the. cosupn>', huai lefgoa'r Ti 00te covir thse usuai exPenses.- th ilavisang delaundoal Oaa largo a depoBit, il noeluall>' appened s if some nacubens of tha cenacil coueialorod I s dut>' ta uautnive ho exiaust heLiais!d ta Lie isetLU itunhing. Buâtt, pcrisps, Mr. Scott vilii k4ach auaeiy oubiait ',La uuci an 1sclo! fS lajusîlca.. if ho dots ual, no one eau l blane hisia for corapelllng ie eua 01ta 1 athiers euld- foliow tii eoxampia if ic: iii.'OY hoie vîticut Lie lntenfoeno f gai the canait>' cnoh, sud Liai snobias Le course vouidcth e ibest sudrfliot feri te 01l partie.. Ou thi c d oln hce Lai v111b8 a dlffernaoo ct opinion. Itlah par ell>prapeu-, iaogýPr, La mu>' LiaI, ai- aui tileagh the smelion; fur $500 vas veted rut] down, thie vote mUust net bo h akea in. fun -an>'meue As a donali cf nooded assll. su, tine1for ne mon voald. be more ruady Lis La cantrlbaîs fi'am Liir private me, ang, usi, or in thor public espacit', te tii.reneuf 1wi et disirem than soute oetthe gentlemen tLa viie. arnes areo rcodradt viihe, Nys on Mr. Hlolidlay'. motion.' ii Vellug on the Daskin Act Sn Tarcute. Lvie i vai TSisrlu but one poing place' pro.a- 'vded,preideod aven b>' hic Mayor, asg *rauig oefcev. TiieMayor &&y& ho g vwMlke.p'êe pol' openuelanil tiie lait j vota fa reourdei and vii l LaIte ad. sta -V titt4#of, tIh abt-our tiauso. At' hon Ù4 e~at@,t fa peelted Lthe votlug viblinl 116 0 ON Olronfle the. bunàng o et !lut w00104 milles, crecte,l on ago by Mr. T. P. Wlite t idt' They wAre denroyed a ut erl on I<riday znorning, tO AAreoS i le BaliB, lu un blfry. ~f the second floor, ithe basemoent vai Mill& lemiedl' and lits 'kepitbetn u nzing up tge udr full capaoîty, lu mit S<. untafrtanaausi the propmletor. ho hav. laag lime ,te0save aàgaodl le..l cf lis stock,.:mv.,EBille taùlIy Snsred, treàlTeleràppls omuy lbave mtnd ,4 thelv viret aaong the rod>ie of the 'Witby andf Port Pery rulwt%0roea1t. ly completed teLindsy, ua4 Qen#d coose, t.au the u1atfons se vumào o '0f tii. OeMPUen Canada md the uiteil sttts.. 'Pho (ompohsa ae aisé exiýnàdd bleir vixes Le and opoued' an offcicat Sturgeoc: Point, ln ihlaIrge Dov hotel recoatly oped as a UwD*aqr mosrt at tbat Place. Outrage on s Marled Wcn.ý B'- IItLIFE DZSPAIB1ED OFPI Tb*. dwolltug cf Mm. Thomuas Boean lot 24, Oth concession Pickering, isu e nlerad on Ihe aigu c f Ibo 201h nilt jdnming ies absencc, sud bls vif, on raged b>' tva nuffla. About mit raiaiag lias viudov, wviliwuasdoue-b pamsing the, baud Liroagh a sbraIt paune-ual pulling ontt1h.nail faltenhi ie saii. Tic vamasa gai upta pi vent theentranecf Lb. misinigit ir Lnuleme, vlien, il la sitta, cilarofori vas uppiod a b em, sud hem pera, aftorvsrdm lreated in a brutal maui Site lies lu a orilîcal ulaLs, att.nded i, Dr. Fermier, sud ber macoeon>'lIscon sided daubtfal. The vornan l he inollier cf sevrr young bldmon wvie ves uiopin vile thc outrage vas committeà. The'aut,- mortena deposillan cf ÈMe Bonnet lias bemu su'ine. taken befosi Jehn Philuips, 17Iaq., J. P., vie aiteua cd ait hiem bausofor thalparpose. Oi describe tho mon sund expresses ho: abilit>' te Ideutif>' tIser. Sie disinct 1>' eaw thcunbath;says tic>' bal aida viscresud muetaciies, aud travelbei nonth ila sbuggy ar vaggoo. Ruinawsy Accidenta. WALKEs:aOUT Oan IRitSEAÂnre.-AbOUI six a'e}ock, lait Prias>'veniug, a bIae hlonte, dnaviag a vuggau barbedt! v Ilunaber, along DundaseStreet, wicr aisar lie Bitsilvu> station, vaiket!oet o! theste -sml, eamm>inàpart cf th vhîflotrnc ithiu. I-oatien utanled off nI a rmu bo't as etopped befama hc hlie x100 yards. SrUsaU IsYA- sBrEt.-Ou Prias>'aven. iag laiet, as Mr, C. Naurse ' homme wvs standing lunlia. yard-propanatcry te îtslng t!rivcsi stia-t vas atng b>'a ice. Paiehut!b>'tLi, stinu, lithersom startd !off ut s vila raie, clcaring c fence andI dmaving lie buggy, nigs ihrang iti, allen hlm, Hsving rnached lie i-esthle haras rau devn a fei -yands, sut! turang srauud, lie buggy sanglIton aIroe, vhici irougit tlb animai tea sandi stili, until nelesd. Thie daînage lu lite buggy vas net as èreAt as veuid hîa'vc been cxpectea from Lie usage a-eccivcd, The horse ras unhunt, A ImSu-LESS 6"BASrai"-Mn. Abex. auder'. lions., vile ticdt! thae fence, at Storey's point, st Saab>'y, fludiu1 sissascîf <ahaone, becuma rëessanse uaniagoîl lnava>' of! is ovulte deetroy ousiderable harness. SALES ora STOtus.-Mr. Arîthur Joua-n sti, aftie fsrra Binneli h Joinsten, FiCkUrinlg, alsippel ou Moula>' lait froui Wiiby, i yeaarling rmand 8 F'curling emes, Cots;wolala ta Kentucky. 'ha.> vene soIt!,ea.ranas ut 6200 caci ut! Ilt ewes nt $100 esci, ho Dr. L. E. Brava, c! Eminena, K>. MesrisWr. Hoaigson h son, of lymble, abippel at tsesa.eLimé te Deulsnille, K>'., a yearling ramnaSu va eves sud ive laproved Berkshire [gu salI la Mm. T. W. 'Samneis, ai sat Place, diL s goal figure, Tîte abave are part o! the laponsa. inus Made by Mn. Jalineton lu '76. liera le ne bottar stck of the. kial in rcountry'. Tic Sîs-Ike li theStutes. Neva frouathi. Penusylvanis coal r..- euos le Mare ancouragiug. Iu the 3ciuykuil neglon the sînike ieSat mu euaa, id bnusinss bas been entirel>' rssuacî an Lb, Lchigi Valle>' moud sud minas. It Sioanadahthe criais le past, sut! ,1 ltse calicieieiare expectll fa hana lork foan. Pire at Oshawa. (13cr Doininion Line.) 08UAWA, Augt. 8ih. A fire broke out Bt t)voiin., it the nioulding shop af l ie UIwr Malcable Iron Co., des. rOYlng the bonches, fdaike, and roof of c1 elhop. No patterns were injuredl. ac' Cornpany Mwil buprepared ta dili U orilera in a foiw (laye. Fire caught rom fila. Loss about lsi,0o0-cov. red by lasurance. GÂA1DEN TiEFTii.-Aliaady bave nu. Brous Complai.nte been mnade, of dep 3dations comrmitted by boys, in the rde and orohards aronud tawn, aong the grofsa fruii Aunlally, at s Lis, large quatntitips of fruit are car. id off and a great amuot o f destr-ue. On cmmll4c<l dby boys stealisag froyn ILdlens Gouoràlly the. fruit i@seait, b. stolon for a lark. The logs suf. 'cd.-by the pariy whase fruit hueq been &en and garden tramplefi ovor--aftcr,. 3rhaps spendlng aàgooil aunaof money id considera ble labor ou ft-makeo it bher difficuit for him to sec where t ho a cornes in. Tiie certain way ta put àcnd to this le ta mals. ail understand àt it is as bu,! ta rob anadedspeil a ighbar'm garden as le in hiesStore or 'dling, by nicting out item jqStice the" culprits. WOODaS ou Pras.-In Hill's voodeg, a art distance off to l3rock road, bo- ssun Wlaitby aud Brookîlia, a large lire so riging during,-laot ]3rîday, Satur. ky and unday, Cansiderable, dam. rwas doue. BADi Prnci or sxnxw=&a.-On Mary roci, cair where te aIld match fac. ry was, thora im a pioce cf idewalk an admirablo condition, ta give, neas£good aef<ranas mon lot, le. MI b>' raiR -o. 0. 3a>' Lig 'm- )ne Lit t. 'i WiaTDT ViS O. HAlâIS ~Âcridketiùatcia Playeài baoesuthe Wlaltby snd Oi. Mùys croickt clubs,' at ii zxars* grnaeWlaitby, au Taaosday,, rouult.d -in-a drav. ;TInLth. ersL, Inàing,ýi hy made 806; the cly sôr*orthy cf note boeing a Cars- fally piayc*a l 8(nct ont) by Dr. Baimns. St. Marys' fini innIos scorcd 66; principal scores by* Creesithsvatc, 16, and Adanas 18. Tiihe ond luningo, S8t. Marys *er. put eut for 28, sme xeelgygootl bowling being, done by Mens. Laing and M&itsoni,-ând ~som rearkblyfine catches maô by Mr. S:.y, WJhtby, lu 4théfr -second. inninge, scared 42,-af which H. Gar. rat contributed 15, (net eut, G. Ray 9, 'and S. Rey 4, (net out,)-vihi cl> six vlckets down, viien Lime vas"'ealed. 'As. 'the Whithy club wa-nted cal>' 12 rucs ta vin, andi had& faux mare men te bat, Llaeme le littie doubt put tie>' woald have came- off vie.- * ndorlu, Lathi. match boon con- tlnued. The. Whitby beys camplain cf the meau spirit la whlii the.match vas played by St. Marys, vho e orted te ever>' dodge te detain pil>' and pro. vont Lh. match bclug fanishcdi WncBYVB TvsROTOw. A match viii be piayed to-day (Tlaursday) at thc Market gronnds, be- tveen Whiitby -and Torante. Admis. siea for giutlemon 10 ce.; ladies and chidren fre. FinipmE's Excuusrox.--The Rail. way Compauy have agreed te thrav off tihe 50 cente extra, inteuded to bc charged *tjiose, who iemnain Over ai Lindsay', for a fcw days, from the firo- mon'. excursion, on tho Civic lîclida>'. DAMEGI TO GRowINrcCROPS.-Onle cf thie severest thuader and main storm witnessed for ycars passed ovor Green. wodt and neighbanliood on Tuecday afternaon. Bain fcll ia torrcnts 'or. j v. i I mer I bro~ q. about Les-eheurs, Lie fodiaocarcsrying as ava>' grain sut! potatoeusud dbing ce ccusiderable damage ta gneving crope. 30 LiQuons, Saurs, POrED MEATS, &C., I& fan lbe season, aud just Lie thiug fer it picklniokiug as vcll ns iaus.keeping lu Lt lIi. hot veabior, st IR. H. Jameson's. ýy LsueDAsÂa-CENTRAL E sttuuno.-Tie te Central Exhibition wiIl bc hel ut 1.Lindsa>' an Lie 2nç1, rd uni 4h o! ia Gatber, Prenahume ta thec amount af d 81100 vil be givon. Tic prize liat sud st negubtioni are issuua lu pamphlet ferritandut! oegel up lu a ver>'Dnt -style, ut t Warder office, Linday>. Tua INTERNATIONAL RATLWAY AND Sin a Nviga1tion Guide for Augual ie; out. Thii.la-a book icia mieuld b. yan tic ibande a! al travellema as il con. tains timetabiecf ahi tic Canadien -'aiîva>'.anduthi. principal railroadoinl Lie Unitet! States. Ilte18fliel vili gêner ai railwa>' iuformation snd mis-- 8cellancous mssdiug, iuhenestiug to tic - raveller. Isseetmnantiiy. SCîîOau 'BACTITON.-TIao sunirnr va- cation, iu aIl tue public schsols bue cousraenced. Tiis is esail>' known b>' eli nuaber a! chidren aI large on tlite -<mcdt, finding aomthiig sall for is liandt!Lado. fNo MFFIzeNu an TavN CouxiLi.- Tie number o! menm-ari, prescin lu tie Counci Ciamben, isat Monda>' aveiug, net itoing sufficieut ta fanas a iqorum, no meeting vue heit!. The siembens presen t ver., IHi. Wanahip1 Mayor Smih, Reove Gibeon, Deput>'.j Reevo Blow, Councllora Fongumon, Long sud Hauna. Mm. Onnisten,' vie vol bave conapleLet! tisa nm. bon, fan a quormua. as met on ie wvs>' lova, b>' lie naabens geing bhnae.t DîsaÂocxpuua ey AT OSSAWA'.- t F roma lie Viudicatcr, vu e iaru Liaion Saturdu>' ovcning, 251h Jul>', about cleven a'clock, a mcv occurrcl cn Kingi strect, Osaw, lu viiohi Bernard Mur- C it'was badl>' hestonn sd cul b yD Haie>' jr.Coustables Garbo>' sud Hal- nana raen sut!anreshet! Hale>' sud Cou-. stable Halusu marcitd ita cff le lte ioek-up, tie prisouer vialenti>' resilt.4 ing. Ceastable Gunbe>' precoededt!eho, airneat Miehsci Sîeen>' vio vas uuing t the ansI vioent langauge aguinkit bia, I hirnteîaing hi. life, vicu lie vas Eset 'upo b' a cnevt! o!roughis wvia vee vitha Sveeny. Constable Gurie>' vas kucbet! dova, Iickedan sd -icten. b His on wsavs cul sud hiiiface and bel>' c s-ovceby bruec, sud bal il ual beu I for Messersing anul Gr. 'Who came c Le is escue, bo vonld no deuil have b beau kilîcI.. Tics. gentlemen dessribe a lie atsck on tie caustablesaus beiug fi one o! thc moaL brutal thsy bid evenra useen.Hale>' vs del85 for Lie as.r sulon Murphy. The roughs vhc el amanled thie cenatablea vere comnitI- ci et!, but are nov ouI on ball. ai Mn. Gliadtone sud thie Irish Prisones. M.-O'Couuon Paver bnaughl forvarl ci s motion la faior o!Lie e mlsse et the ai six "mIihPolihieul .priscu.ri." Majan c( O'Gormsu ý%ccondeù theo moton ut udmitIel Lie guill a! tis prisouers. H. su roferol te huston>' 'ta prove tial Le ie Enle rbl epeatel>'conforel Lie a, hg et hnons on neboTis. M'. Pease la eupolaarthLe motion. Mn. G. Hardy hb oppo hed Lie .otion, wvicialho chansc.E- eno as unconstitulienal. Mr. luthC sil tue continuel imprisantnact o! lie six men vas deepl>' agilsllng Imelansi. Tise Attcmuney-3euershl eaiel Liat Son- - gounI Brat'. naunder wvs.a political 10 offence. Mn. Gladstone deprecaTol Lie ut violant aguage usel by r-.G ardij sud tise Attorae>'-Geuarablunllissuising lia quesionu,snd thnaglal Lue prisonore CI migiai be ecommendel a to em Mujosym>'a for favorable considenahion. Mm. Giad.-dd aione's speech tirev fie Irish bouce 5 mIet ditumait cf gratuistia.n. Mr. Cross, wu vho Wrus lul>'cheercd b>' li.ovu suw silo, ilebuItel hia for Iiia, anudlolaned a; Liai i. voul ual-have givs-eu ad u!ad vice. fad bhetalllbena sre-ipetaibboac Mliiser cf lie Crovu. Dcli Loni kt Hsrîiýgtouasd Mn.Forstpg.udiuîsd Pr ,Lbir anmmclesd i-drilu vf the Reai ance off. upon a teg possible di m"cure 0su fcar Lthe w liug dovu exceptioni pie cf mon treme righ stack is pi la se higi eau sobres saison oet pipes, wlaic le ail tho P apparatus. maguiflex ,thé plat s 16,00 tiie Raxuin tcnslbls ve Nc.bla'g I botter kuai Da;vidien mmnd that a noighboi fard), ablii favor cf Mi of Toronto hlm. SucI solf ccuid a itlesnot aI public spiri Opposition lng aven th abroad. 1 'ever, liat c the siabe ai jute an li] Govermac te, speak of Company bý but that pli be, le uci s uit>' Îieplu: for South1 devico bulll wiiich Lie ( ana when h eâî ou ina, Other an ide t nILsabtioaih 'Ieil b.'4 ci astqula River a short dl"i science fi. Tet it lack@ that ýelogni The rickeL>' cancerla tands rhgslahtyvaciimark e No±~ebhng W pois whIa ilnd lu ec'Vry lHotu lopemathen. Tii.ides, méy net, 'reetloss, yiscldlu mueiian in. have sprâag fÉois thei.mre fertile bWan Lppert that thons -e vi ne lCthat cantrlved tLiiStlRal Job. But g.porthôu cf IL Bdug out," for lewuas vertiiy cf ih. ,e cu 1 rhalo ting rould cerne tiamb- devico o rnfrig i.rae th Upan their headi, viii Lia people to tic poolit t a faavort.elbas cf tenants occnpying a gou- bceu seldon sean, and if i vIl ormend us, as indldated ta Liie ex. itseif accardingly. But tie Neobing L!tfc picture. Naohimne>' Hôtel, as it new stands, laoking like cvided in tisi. hetci" ticugh nommo ngaill> rookery er a manster' i latitud 6e l'. u"uyof fimes pig.styc, in n#et icou>' abject cf la- 1>' bo' dispeîased with st an>' ferosti l the vioilit>' cf Kamiaistiqua. fia. year. A. cauple of sLave- ln praixianirt'tOiL'Aretabsenapr aih arc stuck tircugla Lii.roof, tien thoss 'iteél rails- , ob e u p ug r=vision maàe for a iieating sokcvrlgaget erteatdcf & ed Tii.had u viichtuSand vhlch lUs rustling av' l a i ul Lit Pile stands, wva epari of inuatilt>. Years muet siapso beïon, iold ta Lie Goverument for locamotives viii ruu over tiaer,_ and tnauascunaw inev asmcanwbule the. internat account and nileilquat 'land Job; The on,.th rapid deteriaraticu golng eu cern-; ndors cf tiio hôtel vere tbc bine Le mnder tbis transaction et aur lotlc -Co., but vi a i>'be 'p~rcti&IPremler" tho mneoxtrava. vunto our readers as "Oliver, gantly demalizing thecountry'lasever & Ce." It viii be borne an bean câlied upon La vitnes. Taklng Mr. Oliver, whiie rpresenLod ail tiis creumtano.s Into accouait, iiaw ring coustitueacy (Efouth Ox- Mm. Mackcazie h as smiled upon Lhe igingly reaigncd is» Boat in Ncebiag Hetel. and tiarengiilyjustifid r. Orooks, after the. electars Mr. Oliver in resignlng lu fayor of Mr. iiad tutime their backs upen Cracks, and iov Mr. Mowut is mauag- ih patmlotism ana pegutian of îag lu tura ho find places cf profit aud acarcely go uurewsrded. But cmcîumcnt for Lie supporters cf Mr. âwsys casy Le saLt>' ysnob Mackenzie, this ting callcd "refarm" riL whcn lhe oycS Of a vigilant le boiug conductd . on vcry canveaient isuch as Lat viicii [s vatci. principles. lii trac tlaat Lthe menabers <e internats cf Lb. country la wio mnako a point cf stickiaag b>' their It wss a fertile main, iov. principles canat b. placated with tele- contrived the sobeme to tara grupi contracta, Neebing Hotel sales, nd caille frona Olivors uilIl or appoinents suci an Liat vaucisaf. tel, and thon cl iILt tict ed ta Mr. G. W. Ros. But nov wayo ut.* People have icen board wil b. found ta mlo new accusions seiliug ont te an insuraaicc and eqîirernenta. Bo long ans thc pro. )y burning dawu a building, nioters o! tie Ocorgian lBay Iailway [au, whutcvcm ils meniti May scandai aîtd thc Neubing IHotel job me. 'ta ed villa bal! Lie logea, main iu poawcr, and arc biessed vwiti ,edb y Mr. Oliver, ex-M.PP. opruiyi a esfl ett Oxford, wlao by a kuowiag oprui> lna'b uo> oIt It un botel on Ltae oxtiet spot thena ta flad the meaus openly ta malte EGovernruont wanted La bu>', patriotiin profitable as well as ploasat bal.! finiaied maaiagod ta ta ticir followcns. Pickerming Ceutuil. - aturda>', 201h Jul>', 1877. ta udjourament ; mesubenu ail present mainutes of! islmeeting real -ani a.-pprovcd. * Petitieus preseuled fe-ain. James Tay ior nd alteas, aeking for uitetaHeur Long ; frou a inam Kuovlea auý otiers, fur S!- rve>' c! the bine belvoot lots No. 19 ad 20 lu lie 8r1 Isugi B. F. cou.; tram Colin Piip au( chens, asking for aidt! e Asa Aibigm TIi. fehiowiag uccoustle ere ondarea te bu pull :-P. B. Hoover, supplylat, aid ho tie Aluin fanil>', $28*50 - la Stark, $21.12 ; ta Frsanaiugiu,, è7.- 50 ; J. & D. MeNai, aidt!eh Alexandez McICoe, $11 ; Niel Beaau, vomie as aide rond belvean iotas116 aud 17, lu Sub cou., $29.12 ; Dr. Ferrica, naclical ai. tendance ou Asa Aibrigit, 812 ; A. Hamiltcn, for servieces. randenet!, $1; Joha Adamion, shoep kii.ed b>' loge, $8 ; Sawuel Jusnabanny, Elîecp kilîed b' do ge, $12 ; Bon. Briguai, sieci k aloy!b>'t!gs, 648 ; David! E. Puagii skecp killil b>' loge, $8. Aisi vas grautd tetho ie fclewiug lu dligeula, viii. : Robeml MeCleilan, s bilait!man, tie suai o! $20 ; Asa AI- bniglaîs farail>' 75 cents per vek tLj 818t Decomber, neaxî ;Tics. Bamilton, coasiisaiaom. A lottun frona J. L. Spink. solicitiug sial ta tLue suiferons frouathc St. Jehn fine, anal als:o a comamunication train lthe cieleke! Uxbiniage tovuship, l'a refenence hoaraakiug appropriation ho improve the tc tais-ne, vena refermae te Lie stant!iug coannaitîce au petitiens. Tue cammittce repentet! la regard la lthe leiler et J. L. Spink, Liatinl thm opinion ih wauld bbotenfanrlIais mnielpulit>' ta insInuaItichir repre. Scnaivea, aI Lic coaiug session cf Liie douaI>' council, La fuvon s grant froa tho counI>' conncil ; sud vili regard te anakiag appropriatiun ta lauprovo nonhiomu ovulino, vanid recomment! liaI hii. concil nsspectfuily decline meeting lie apprcpriation of Uxbiisge luîs present -yeam. Mr. Muoke>' gives notice taI lie %vihl, ut the naxt uacehing o!ti. council, maya for leave ho intrclace a by-lav uppainîiag s collecter fcr lie yoar 1877, viosc dut>' 1h shah hoc te calicot il township as voîl ai scinol raies; Scheoel sections tri make application neot iten than tic nmeetinag iu August. Mm. Greon moves tint By.isv No. 422, catillet! a By-iav ta divido Lise tovwnship et Picerni mbpolîing aula- divisions, be nov reat! s Ibird himosant! pastel, ald liaILie neeve cigu lise samo, sut! cause tLi e soe lcorpon- iLion ho be attacaced. Cariet!. Mn. Hoover maves tiat lie meavo, on seliasîtof lia counecl o!the carporalisa a! the, tovnshiip cf Pickernug, petition Ris Excdillne>', tIse Liont. -Goveruer a! lia rroviucc of Otarino, la cause La bcse usve>'ed thee une icîvecalots 10 and 20,1li inte lnd Range B. F.- con. of tho township o! Pickering, ala per- manent atone or otiar durable moriu- mente placed tut he noransd senti ende et maidl lue, undernth.authoril>' o! lie ccmrnhseicner cf Creva Lande, agreeable le sections il sud 12 cf chap. 98, cf the Ccueolidatod aStaLtcm c f Up- per Canada, sud ta appoint John Shier, P. L. B., ta make rasalmrve>', -ne-islfcfthe land cvuers ha b. affoctet tboeby, havlag upplie tatethe ocuncil fan liaI purpase. On motion o! Mm. Green, a by- law was lalmoducot!, rosd Lirce soveral mmes snd passaI, t tessa e ccorpor. tien cf Pickern i mills in tha dol.- la, for Lth. impmaveai.ut o! mouds sud bidges, asuthLe payment o! salaries uà4 cther incidentai axpanes o! thc 3rponstion for the yesr 1877. Mn. Menkicuse movezsta. tLii auncil do nov adjoumu, set! stand ut!- annunel tilt tic 101h day cf Auguat, TErE TiCHOueaoaaaCLAzs.AUT~.- Mn. -harles Ducli', tiie Ticibomne ju>' man via bias lalel>' nocaulelthe ver. loet ics b. gave al lie trial, lias nov aidress a petiticu ta thae Queea, la 'hici lie sels forti liaI lie believes i. 'as lu errer lna ssceeiag te a verdict ègainsqt ticheeondant. The petitioner bdls tiat sineotLe trial -h. lias beccase tqusiatet! ii an.>'facte viic, if csovu La hlm allihe lime, voulsilubave )revoatel bina lrom agreoing le SUCÉ s 'n-dict. Mos et 4kqW"pkoe ss taice. Est Wiuby Ceusicil. Columbus, August 6ih, 1877. pouucil metl lue day. Membors ail 2l prescul. Tic Beova a insohechair. ;;Minute, o! luet nmaeting neal sud sp- ti pravol. Communications %vesrendi, Froua tie Caul>' Cerc atatiag the. ,y amounts eqamredt! a be raised, for adn- catiosial uad cousit>'puapoacs ferthie npresoul ycar. e Froualte Prov'incial Secnetamy'a Of. d fiee ackaovhedglng receip a! the peti- t.fonvunlel b>' tic council re surs-a>'oe d lotsa nul4 iluthi, Sld coacecalon. F roua John Siili, proîesting against oau>' action bcing lakea b>'thie council, tc soul or leas., tie oud ucmoss Iota 18 rasd 14, Sîlu eau., se il wvoult! infringe n on bis iglita nd funthar. rcquesling h tiat ce-rta inapauvemeuts hemaIe ou Mir. John NcGiil addmessed tii. couni lunrelatita lehie anneara c! luxes on lot 7, 8rn con., for 1874. 1 Mm. Mollcrilîl guve notice, tiat aLLihe pnext meeting a! lie couneil, he vol liroduce a by-lsv te appoint a caliecl- or for lhe prescal ycsr. Mn. Mothersil seconled b>' Mm. Makie rmvs, flinlticheclenk bolu-in etsîuce tla notif>' lie Coanty> Treseur- on to stiise off lie taxe, ton 1874, in anreans, ou pmoiety asssaedt! a W. H. Esiiett, as tenarisl, ovuel b>' Oo.1 McGill, on l 7, Brsl con., Bs t Wi- b>'. Curniesi. Mm. Mackie moses secoulel b>' Mn. Motiersiil, liat tae obork i. instructed t av tahe dril.' shaed insurel lu Lie Ontario Farae:s Mutuai Ineurace1 Company, Wliiiiy. Ciariet!. Ou uaaol'In so! Mr. Mackic secoadcd b>' MrMotcnuill tic !olbovmng ne- counts 5çere orîsmet! te bo pait!;-L. Drew, gravel forrmule, $0; P. Harper, centnssut, $44.45 Wau.Tioapson,gnuv- ci for roass, 82,55; A. o.Smitha, lain- ber, 687,82; C. Bobineau, nepalraug bridge, ho., 612 ýS. Glever, moud vork,1 $80,20; IB. J.ý Nackie, relie! ta iudi- gents, 09; A M1oKenzie, relief ta insi- gent, 63; B. -Hig@on, relief ta indi- gent, 617,50; ti. Warren, medical ah- tendanceou indigent 05; J. W. Beaul, postage sud isisarauce #14,290; W. H.t WVllieocksoa, n.buil(ling ,tavu heul fonce, $12,80.1 Council adjosanel.t Tie Nothisu Murder. BOW IT WAE! DONE 1 Baltimaore, Mi.. Aug. 8. -Jamaes T. Bull aliasJiamnes T. Porter, a notel conflidence mana sui bagua secet lser- vice dteccive, is issu unrestet!. Bee vas-lic prisam oyernatic conspinue>' ta s-aithic toi-ab of Lincoln. TIse moat renaurksble clonacuat fautaI an hia vus ai stataumeut prepanol b>' un viti regard otahLc sys$eriuaas Nathanumur.- ,den, in Nov York. He claima, ie Las Natliann'î aiercisusa pipe, tabocco boxB ansait lia. 1Ho seiats lie aid aber>' tiat cal. Gunaiep, Joituy Irving sud 1111>' Fornesto, lite latter trou a Blti- more, v;ent ta Nsiuan's houses and- veme sînaithel la>' Kll>', the ousekeeper's sou. Wite Ganuion wae breaking open tie su!. Nulian uvoke. H. vas q kilel b>'a bisas-frou a "dtog"lu Lbhe "i bande cf Gunnea. it le statsd thai Gunnien le la Alban>' Paniheutiar', Irvinug aud Forester lu Slag Sing, sut! Kelly ln Aubnrunenu. Diseaucl Lugs. b] Bnsutforî,Ont., April 25, 1878.- 9 Mesers. Seth W Fovie h SoaiBoston: B Gentlemn-% gives 1me muci pies- sure ta hear vi$iosi te a cune effeted m b>' DiR. WîSTrÂsuBAAsuaiOF WrsuaCHEa- 8E iii' My viteiviiag beau afflicted fan a nuaber of yaira viti lseseel lunga hm 1I 'vus prmptec tO Ir> WISTAaS BAL- EAi. I did sa,lnt! ta my> utmoraL sat- isfactian, fan iq$ cfecled s permauent amrin lier for lilciI icartl>'recoin- mnculil tte i blic aI large us a Ira.le sud moat roliabýo aura fan lisceso! e the lange. Içiosiclusicn I beg ho ask no yau ta seaopt egthanks, aiooma a>'iar. Sc 1>' viselitesfar JUr auccla e viti youn valiabIe raead, eiieviug it ta b. thecoC cub>' nedicine ailaptedt!ulasncb caaes. es, Ver>' Iras'yeursSt * J. A. AssBaaosm. 50 cenLs - 0 4 1 a boihie. Bal b>' ,i dsalers geueral r. M DEMKONSTRATIN AICiB RieTn usBEL- 755.-Tiî Na oualios had a demon- etmatian to-dyja Belfast toê-eeibbraIo tihe birti cf O et ia -i.5 ~i. eva.Sean iae.esqu r- Mc - &àd.and L ninb5ar of a< r ,, t, Inr. Pumanemu' a.1 mt, ax sOMO. -Th motion vas * au rriel ý ud;,Lthe'upocis commille mi eq*nutlyiy rte t L a friand>' arrangement Laâd been, effeci Oua otecf MÎ. ýWîlgiit, eonde b>' Mr. Witotie by.lav grantlng bonus ot 890,000 .aLhe'Parente & 0C lava Railva>' vas resd a sthird tir sud fluai>' passe-d. On motion cf Mr. Wiaeor, secande b>' Mr;. eaby, -a select cammittoi couaelsting cf Mfers. White, Bhokel Fea*b>', aili, MoRse sud Lb ei vau %ppolat,d Ltaragehe ýAmasau t* e o l > i ma the specisi session Mm. Evera, mecndod b>' Mm. Chilli meved thut MalccolmaGllespie bo adde te Lb. commisuioneru et Seagcg bridjg as tc Lie oeethon cf a permanent maf hug, &o., sud that Lb. ineasurer psy sà ordeni c i teé majarhi>' ef the meauba cf thecommission. Mr. Grahama objootet! sMd lthe mcli vas vaoted dovu aller discussion. GRANT T0 MIi, M ACDOISILL. Mn. White said ho arase le peifenx viat h. conoeived ta bc a dut>' te Lh council as weil as La Lie dead. Th Wsnden bi ipacedli hbandsa a picat ion fan aid frem the widov cf tiiï lâteccnk, If notian were La b. hslcm an Liie maLter, nov vas Lie tino. H bail beard tho prepniet>' o! Lie mathe csnvsased aulaide-Lie cul>' qbjectlti urgea! beiug tho danger cf sehIing a bii precedeul. But Liat shonldibave n veiglit. If for LwenLy-Lbro ears' o failful service sud preper performnas o! dut>', a gratt> ta a >canL> officer' vidov veme ta be malle a precederl tien, h.isaid. bot iL -b. a precedent Lengti e! service vas neognazell luth anma>sd civil service, bothinluli conntry sud lte United Slates sud b, public bodies sud prirata individuaBis, posaessing a claimle s revard fer ser vices faihfaUy performet!. He roferni4 ho Lie daims cf Lb. velerans cf 181! sud 1 the vohunteens, sud approve! indacento heiug belt!outI Le hi fiIhing officcs of trust for lenghy>'peras ta shov thlIheir services wvesap~pr elutet!. ftomovet!, Thot il i. viii fe. inga cf Lhe meet profont regret we Lie menabers o! thie caunicl, learnec lie decoase o! our maci respectei clenk, thie hale H. J. Muocdoncîl, Es While vo aluccrel>' isment Lie bass an ionesl, effliculin, sud failiful afficer sud deep>' sympahze viti Mns. Muac dasicîl, sud fanail>', ilu Lus ticir Lias o! @ore affliction, and! lrreparabic boaos a kint! aut!affeclionste huaban aud fatiier. We vauld deaima ta maulleal aur appreciation cf is long and! faihfs services b>' some aubsîsutiaiLIton o regard, sui t iercfare resolve LiaItIih Treasuren b. sat! hi hereby authorized te puy lins. Madoneillie auna cf $400, and tiaa scap y o!fLiais reaclution be seul ta Mra. Mact!onell..-Canied. Mm. Grahama, ucconlel b>' Ms Wrightt, movel thaIMaers. Biokeil Wrgt, Smill a, esansd Lie movea bcacommileu la examine sut! -cu quice m iuote ahateofe. Scugag Bridge sud report ta this counilai lI nexl meetiug lu Jauua-y, as la the. heu menoe spair, if oquna.-Carried. Mn. BSmith, secoulcd b>' Mr. Seager, moa-ed tîtat the Cicnk gel 100. ccpic prinsletofet ho questions mubusittcd ts lie Hlon. O. Movat, asuth. anuvere hn reforerta e hes belveen lcts, and diastniha o tie saae la lie ClenIts o! tie anuicipaltmea o!flise conut'4 sud Lb, 'rmeeurr be auathorized ta psy tLiasex peuse lacumrel lu oitaliag the seao.- Gamied.î Tic Standiing Comm2itte. on Printing rocomnanunettialMn. Biggins be paid 6$80 ton pninting the nutos o! lie Spacial session. The report vus me- oeived sud adaptaI. The Wart!eaieft Liaschair ut 6 p. ni The Wsmlcn reanaiel Lie chair ait9 p. Ma. MODEL SCiteaLS. Mn. Wright, secondet! b> Mr.,Cinisie, maves tiat the Treusurer cf tLi con- poation bhand hi iserci>' inetructel ta psyAthei order o! thechciirauoh tic School Board o!the village o! Pont Penry, und asactho Sciooi Bourde!f Lie tovu o! Wib', the sum et one inn- la-ct dollars oaci, lin orlon ta meet tho Gevemameul grant fer tihepurpose cf aidiug luisppertiug Lie Model Scheele thL tlîe Govemumeut has eslablishieî lu tiee plaees : ou condition Liai Lie Model Sceels go intc opération vitiu a reasouaile hime aftenthe tcrsainutlou of Lie pmcaient vacation, ald prove effi- cient te lia satisfaction o! the Gavera- rueuh Inspector, atter tice eofthe i t ern, vici euds onLie 101h la>' if OGaber ncxt.-Lasî. Yeae-Messrs. Chiite, Ewene, Gra- hum, Movina>' sud Wright-5. Nas'-Messrs. Ame>', Biakeli, Blov,. Brmace, Caeran, Cunninghsam, Gille. ipiai, Green, Bailliâs>, Hoover, LiaIt ifachie>, McBae, Metici-sili, Proaton,, 3cagem, Sanili, Stephenson, Wieler ald Wbihe-20. Mr. Gillespio, secenlel b>' Mn. IVieler, moves lissI Lie Warîen ha ne- queshet! ta memorialisa Lic Goveru- mnt te ual appoint more tisa oe lIclel Scicel ftam tus caunt>', sud LiaI thc sume be bocated a ie eva cn f VIsitb>'. On Lha question being pul, Mn. Gilespic ssked lbave Le villilnsv tho motion lu order te arnulthe me by striklug ontthluist clanse. Lssave ganteî on lie foilcvia-vole : Yes-Masor. AuaoyBickell, Bhow, Bruce, Cameron, Cunuingham, Gil. épie, Hollila>', Hooven,, LicI, Maëke,>' McRue, Iateill, Procter, Songer, Smith, Stephceso, sud.Wheien--1S. Nays-Messns. Chisitie, Eveo, Gra- ham, Green, Mowbrsy, Wite? sud %Vrigit-7; The niotion vas tien vihmavunIn aeded teameut! as foiova, via :, Mm. Gillespie, seceulel b>' Mn. Wlhe- [r.- moves LiaI tie -Wsrdeu bissu quet- P ta memnnializc Lie Goveýuaeut to oht appoint more than oficModl cliool for tuis coual>'.' Carne!. 'Yeas-Mesos. Ana.>, Bichicl, Blov, -ameran, Cannfoý.gam, Gillespie, Hoav- r, LicIt, lsaekey. Matiarsili, Prector, kuiti, Sîsyheusoti, and Whleer-14. Nsys-Maas-rs. Brucae, Christie, Ev ers, Grahsam, Green, Hallils>'. MoRue, [ovbnay, Scager, Witandst!Wright NaNRse iaaENT TAUiS. Mm. White, secoa4od b> Mnr. Grn, Daves ft leave ta- lalmodace' a by.Iav 0 saleul the Lime for payiaag the non- ,mident taesaL a scatni>' antil -Absent-2mra. FAiasby, Jameol Me. Dermett, ifcIte>, Parker, Di. B5a Uri. MoBse, ieconded b>' Mm. B icea moves that the realllug sud confirma. ion.- cf Lb. minutes 'efthie ocunoil ho dispesumel ielenheprosouat occaslca. Careiol. On*Lii. question being -put, fan tii. adeption,0f Lie; report oftheb speolal 'cammittue on the a&Mcunt te b. pull by p an>', -a amnde- - Mm. Wiolem, secondel b>' Mm. BickeIl,' moqres ism amet', Lat -Lie -mohio h. net adptel bat referrot! backLe Lis ocmmettee,' vith instruction. tc cerase clause No. 2 cf tbe report and, isent Lie toileing-, - - Titat Liihe aid Railway Cempan>' b; alec requircd -te psy Lthexpensos lu. cnmnsd b>' holdiag Lie oipesal sessiona, via:' fer mileage, printing, advertisiag, sud eue day sessicual aliovauce te tho mombers, amcunhlng ta ýtv4 iinndrd sud tvent>'dllars,makhng 1ttalioc 6664.11, ta be puil b>' Lie aidBWilw&y Company'. 1- Camiel, sud lie report so amendel andl Adopted...- Mr. Holliday, secadel b>' Mm. OCa- cran, moyes thut Lie Trsaurer be sud h. la horeby suthorizd sud ncqnired te sas>'ô e cWamden lie Oum cf dv, uindrcd dollurs b>' hlm to e ocrvarded la' thie Mayar.cf St. John, for Lii relief a! Lb. aufféees from the lut. disastrons fin.. Lest.1 .Yes-Messrs. Camerca, Cuing. bsa, Green,, Hellidu>', Heover, sud Wiieer-6.: 1Nas-a-lrsrs. Iliel, Blov,. Ohis. tic, Gillespie, Grahama, LicIt, Motion- euhl, Movbmay, Smithi, Stephenson, Wite, snd Wrigil-12. Mm. Lick movea. accondel b>' Mr. Mahherehîl, thah tic meeseager receive lie auna of twe dollars for ie attend- suce during li session, sud aiea 02-15 foi flitliugup aud clcaring cul Ibis council citumber -; sud te Treasunen psy tii. same oun. lie vannant cfthe Waden. Carriel. Ou action cf Mn. BicItelI, saonded b>' Mn. Hoover, lie counil adjoamnet! sim dîe. Tutrk sud Russian ---Wiichia lthei Worat ? The uccounts given o!ftdis atrecities conamittd b>' Lhe.Russiaus anceaical harrovlang lanmail. Tlacre hum been viclesaho alagiter o! ielpiesa men, vomen snd 11111. ohilt!rcn, sut! an nu- bridîet! auveger>' fan excoeding lu ener. mit>' lie moat bnarrnsaicruellies ne- 1 ROORFOlîD POOR BOUSE DE- - STItOYED. tiiVLTtx-,sn N MATES nUaNT TO OsSATI i Laet SalarIa>' ea-ning a fime b-olie ont ini Lie paon bouse on Lie Itadautrial Fanra o! Lie Cousit>'cf Norfolk, about oue mile tram tic hovu o! Sisncao. Tha building vus bmut o! vpUalnsd beiug ver>'drym.a-vs quieil>'reduecl ta usîsea. Nothng vas donctaoaga-e thc furaituro. se &Il efforts vs-e d irce la saving 1he, lumates. N4itwithstand. lig lie exentiona e! whist 1ev people tiare waro proeut, sevonle u isu bcings vere binel la deuili, and leur, mcn vero buîly humad. Tia>' vill preiahl>' recover. Tihe lolloviug ilas liai c!fLii. namesof Lie deal, sud townships la viaici lie>'boienged: -Jane MoBride, Wîaliuu; Surah Greon, Wiaîiaua; Suras Sinclàir, dit!- letan ; William Hanck, Walsinghiam; lames Corboîl, Woodicuse; Ciharles Corn#-r, Wynt!ham; John Brund, Jas.' Nouait, Walsinga; Gpengo Huai, iiilehoa ; Clarce>' Parker, Wood- bouse; Ommon Desbro, Tovacant!: Elizabeth Baie>', Cisamotla-illc; Dala>' Petil, Wiuîusaa.; Baîgi BaLe>, Town- sent!: Maiona Braiicy, Gisarbotta-ulle; Elhasu Cisîhinglon, Ciahoth-ilie ; Besa- sairlin Sothiike, Slcaeoe. Tic probable cosl o! the bildinig is 61500; isaret! fan01210, 8100on lie content,., The cause o! tie fina i. un- cmLown. Ai lquast li be ll WVd- uséa>, Augmial BfIh. fHuarede 'o! peoa. ple hauva visiteIl he -accu. o! the ruin. SOUTHa AvRICA CONsEvauuATIaax.. Tic SeuIls Afniesu Canfeaberutian BiSl s-us resl s titird Lime iathe British Fluse cf.Cemmonaeu Sulurds>'. Tuit Gmssît Case.- Tbe grain cnap acv iing barvesto d ié heviciait>' of stratfor ila ho largeat thbat has beena ceen for mua>' >eané. The Bey. Mrs, Vaun COlt anîssome. body te " stand an th.battiemeals *of cil sud siako hier glcnified wite.robes -I oid Salsu.ý" ;- ' A. ulightiamout etfisnovledge makos. -teool iýppyq Sud gives hlm outempt rall the. rem ofthevenla use lai lat, OL- aed god 111, ori, Mt Is>' le, id 110 1"e anr e la ýer on id of se 2t, t. lie a>' ?r- ad 12 oif B. .' id of là OuuruLLovSaurIFINOsTrAI.-The Grand Eacanapment cf Oddfellovs, ut Belleville, ssljourned ut imidaight an l'uesday aftlr éeccting the follawing officre:- Thons Woodyotl, BranuI- ford, M.WGC.P. ;> E. R. Rabinson, Lou- don, R.GHP;iobert Evans, nHum- itou, R.W.G.S.W.; M. D. Dawson, -lamilton,1 R.W.G. Secmetar>' and Trea- uarer; J G Moore, Beilleville, Iî.Ï.G.J. W.; J. W. Gibecun, Si]ý4tfcnd, R.W.G. Ra.p. ta G'.W.S.; Wm.'Box, Stratford, G. Sentinel; J. T. White, lrockvile, >. Sentiatal; H. Ciiuîfild, St., Cath- re-, G. Marsall. Tice sext meeting wilS ba ield an'th ifs a ITued>'. pro- vions ta tle firiit-WetiuesaLY in Augusl,- ws-nover the Grand Lndgc naset. The Cfliccra elpctel for lie Grant! 'Lodge 'cf Ontario are :-Dr., C. T. Capipbell, Londlon, G raud7 Master ;Dr. F Fowler. laaoDeput> Grand Master, Dr B. 'race>', Belleville, Granud Warde-u; J. B. Ring, Brunîiford, Grand Secretar>'; Win, Badeaci, Toronto, Graad.Trea- imen; W. N. Ford, St. Marys Grand epmetativ, te the Grand Iîotge cf aae Uaited States. A -ÀVictoria, B. O.Aespatci akunuces '0 death cf Sir James Douglas, the 'uuder and finit Govmnom et Lb. -col- irXicisae Hicks Beach hms been ap- minted Frmt Lard of the Britihhdmi. uhlty. Hou. Mr Plunwtst, seUleitr-Gu- mUefr Irelad,ileoé8'MIhI i 'J e f 55 1' I 'I I C C r su s- v a C I Il 'I E y s' il Il LI te O) S pi me il drivor go;- ceva and -ilof t te cua ta charge et, Laves. Aller dniviuig slow 11undned yards fartiier tiie cab etoppod sud Slardy sud li tIle laughLer gcl lu. Up t h i..ime Missa* Csrr noever suspeotod tiat Liiere 1vhe .s n>tig vnaag, bat -'hah aie* vas doing tû,ke nLe hem faLbsr. ,Nový hawver, mii. sav B liai she had- teon tnappedj'sudil tiedt!at escapc.. -Sturýç andI hi.daugiten, hov- ever, held licr yast; stafimg liersomen i iti a isudlterehiet, sud, aller getllng, clear cf Lhe Iithevu ,b>' vs>'of the. YorTk Roadtise tried ta compel hem, la drink, abtuuliquid cul of a botle. Tis lubeIe«ved 10 have bien druged - vne. Sbedit! mwsil o mralquaii- tily cf Lie àluff, butthLe bottle vas bro- ken b>' tic struggle. Tva miles froua the leva Slnrdy's -sou metth Lielh a canniage, lie v hicih.bcvas lruufer- ed sud drivon te Hamilton, Stand>' on ïoee ccasioùon ig, tireals cf murder. Sho vas tuken te a aneinu u hat ciL>', viore abe vas -kepi ahi nigit. And*nov aomes tIse moet horrible part cfthlehoar- riblo suer>'. On Fria>' moiniug'Stur- dy enlenet! Miss CanrFo ow, sud, pusL. m ig hic armeas round hen, klàsed-hem, suad, on tryiag te go Le -Lti. wiudew, tirev ber on Lie bed. sud ourMagd hem- 1persa. The, pr girl faiuted vwiteiie vas acccmplisiing hi. brutalpurposea. On hiem negaiiing eousciousueg le lm- porlunod hiem La a mm>hlm, sud on ber orefusai ho aanvioilotd ion. Tic vitnesi heooelcaàmo sc exhaustalsic could net go on, sud Lie Conîl hud La adjouno from tva o'clck til litree.- -On the. Court resunuing, Misse Carr said secoptinued tLe sser lu the negativc te hi. sliilatiens- ta mar>' blua. Stand>' Lion prapomel that aie shoenit!liv. vit i hlmasis misîmes . Tis. .i. efused. Si, culmouleil hum ta take lhem home, but lie LaId blieh voult! neyer icavo hem, that bis plans - vere voli laid asudli. genensil>' caom- piiebed viat li. tried. H. demaudcd vhetem aie vonîd tell.al vien ah. rclurned tca. Guelph, sud on lher saying- aie vcnild, lbc declsred viti a terribl>' eRrJSmues0?leaiftis110i. Onîdt nL ieSent ta Lie peaite ntlur> for hem. He again threatenefi blooduicd. Miss Comm vas, aie sas', iudread oa!lhem bifo ut tus. In arder ta nauke lier feel berseli ni- teri>' sud hopehesel>' lu bis paver ho tLd lier Liat ne anc ouleide is fsaily, sud Loves, via vere ail boulb>' a terrible cati ta keep his secret, kuov lier vienoabonte, sud taihbem 'abduc- tion isad been long coulempiated sud ecfail> plauned. Durnug eltier the. Fridu>' nigit or tie Snndav naoming ho ugua n traged lhem person. Frona Lie lima of bem abdnctionn iisaturaay momuiug abi atnolhlng ta est sud then ouI>' s biscuit aoaked lu vina vue given hem. On Frida>' ulgit Sturt!y'e daugiter appeara ta bave etumned ta Guelph sI thie fâtisr'e comaiind! taoh-b tain informastion as ta the movaments cf Mn, Gov cnt! Miss Carn's ocher frisuais, sud la obluin funds. Dnmlag Frilayi> sight Sturd>' compeiied Mise Cuir La praomiseuonoasti La nasrrylaina. ut eue tirne ha proraiset! fot ta lusiet on living vili lier afler lie>' ver. mar- ret!. On lie returu o!thie danaghter ou *Satursisy, Siard>' bat ne tima lu hav- iaag tic mariige penformet!. MIEj Csarr vent la tii. naiuisten's resideuca la tenror o! ber ife. Siee sys aic nover answoned au>' cf tic quetions putt liem during the cenemon>', ex- cepl sta ier age'andnume. Hem mes. son for net sppeainig la lia clerygman for protection vas the leur tiat Sturd>' iu his nage vauid kil ier- on the. spot. Si. appeare to have tliaugial that if ahe t!id nol nespoud ho lte question_ Lia naurriaga vonid uol bis begal. On me- huraing t h îe bouse slieas aiiuiske ta bc Laken ho Guei 'pli. Ho vantet!liem te goto Engbant! on Piadmlphia, but sa mefuset!. Stural>'tissu hîuviug oc- essieul t go, ta Dundae ta geL a moue>' letton wbiali is dangilea- unI amnangot! eicnld ha sent lucre underthe flictitions usine o! "Chsarles Brovu,#" teck Miss Csrr vitia hlm. Finding thene vuas hope cf ascape for lier lu hie premeut moud, shoic nedt!tepIeuse hlm, iopiag eithae li h ie cuspiciou ta rei;t-on-tao moll i>'hm. Tho daugittan gel an the train a Dudas, sud Stand>' took is vielini ack ta Hamiliton. E kept ber lu tic bouse ail Sainda>', but to- i yards oveniag i. sald lie vanhad lhem Le go le s ceuntr>' hotel for tes. Sic agmeet! la punssuuncaof hem plan te try te please bina. He mseatedl>' urged ber te agrec te live vati bia as bis wife, ssYiug, that sie vonît! have a ild, sud Leling hle thi tc L c position sic sud # l oubd lbe placet!lu. vt as vile ho vas gona for Lie car- rnage ta lake lhem'tate ccountry' botel tiat ha vas -arested, and! Mn. Gov feundlihan t t.hanbose. It vas nol, Ccv giving Mibn - ~milk or t- Tva->'san cl he Ona->'csn aIl i. -'ýifsr csi ... Fat cav or ateea - COTS'Wl Aged ram-..... Shearling ram.. Twoaged ewes.. p~ Tvo sbcarliag au Tvcoeelambe.. SOUTHED 1 W04011athé nasa ofi nmoover iuaai su aud thson 2iieton 'b thi.e sore& of the sheil ' ait tore by us. Te.seuud a.tae ridle ballets vere incissant, and boLý. the .omcort aud retroatiag votiuded ver. stmuck. A detaciment at longth began té camne strnggling np. but lt wili give. an idea cf Lie dluorganization te sa>'- that when a egnpany vas tald cff te& caver sornveht Lthe wouuded lu Rs. hsscova;ILii ad te b. made up of esen of' several regirnts. About aine o'clock thesiîaff quitted tiie bridge, and meving- gcntly lest vo siionld tresd ou Lhe pros. trate .wounded. We lostar va>' us vo had iost car arrny. , W. couldfiad "0 es for 'thé soies of aur feet, b>' rea- ica f tich alurns cf BasIli-Bazcuks swanm*iag 'in ,amcng Lth. scattered sud retiring, Rusisùs. At lcngti, ut; one 0'0'cok lu Lb monng. hving been iu Lb. saddle s!ineMio'cico n Lthe me. vicia aming,,ve turned iuto a MiLbie ficld, and naaking bide l in temespcd graiwaommespoudont aud Cossack ulike rested' under tho stars. Befane -flear o'eleck an alarna carne tiiai thi.Bamil. Ba zaatksvere upea us, and ve laad Le meusé:sud tramp away. Tii.oui>' pro. tectio*f tbe chiot cf wiiat ia the mcmn- iug vas a fiac army v as naw a haufi. fui cf veanied Comsacks.- den. Emden. or sont word han We monemnng tut ho had lest aevereîy, and coul&rnake no ieay, sud hafi reiolved ta faîlt bck ou Lie lin, cf Lieériver Osma., Thene hadl been tale,is troap bcing fresi, of meuevlng Lb.e attack ta-day viti Lia co-operatien, but il le a plain uLuLemnent cf fact tbat ve have ne, treopo La attack vith. The mast modenate esîlmate is tlaL we have lest two regiment, ay, 5,000 in, oui cf our three brigades-a ghustly muinher, bcsting _Eylau or Friedland. This takes no accaunt of Gen. Kmndeuer's Sosies. W., toc, ne- tire on tic Osma -River about Bulgar- euh niti a the best of' our weak streugh. cuver lhe bridge uat Sistova. One eau- not luintis maoment of-linrried confusion realise aIl the, possible eault of tuse stroke se mashi>' coixrted. Net a Rus. sian soldier stands betveen Tirnàva and tie victomians Tnrkish ii my lin Loaeca sud Plevua, sud'on>' a weak division -of Lb. Eleveauh 'Corps stands betveeu Tirnova sud Lie Sbamuia srmy. I laok on Prince Schaokoakys force us vreck- ed, as nô longer for 'ti campaigu ta b. counted us a fghting integen. Il is, uaL ten da>'a since Lie Thirtieti Divi- sion omossdthe Danube la the pnide o! ils aupera condition. Nov vhat cf i is lcft le denaoruliîed and eiattered. Sa on Lii sBideocf tLe . Balkians tjacrc me- maius but Lth. Niati Corpp, ulready raughiy hudled,,onco aL' Nikopali and once ut Plcvna, en division cf ie, Elev' anti Corps, sud the Ruatciali orna>. Nais', if t he Rustoiuk amy le marchedl La Lthe wcst aguinel Plevna, -then Lb. Turklihara>' ut-Rustchuk il elo bse on Ifussian omnmunications aI Tiruovaîî- Oui cannot avoifi tie conclusion that th. afivance over tic Balkans le serions- ly canpronaiscd. Tii. Russian siaut is se bâd that scattcred detacimeutsbave hec lleti np froua oui-of Roumnii sud the Rouma4i1an divisioncouaiand- ed b>' Gca. Marne, vhici <anossed a day or Lwo ugo ut Nikopoli, hua been cufl up ta the lin.* of tise Osmu River. An aide.de.canap o! the. Granfd Duke Nich- olas,ývas prcsent ut Lie battie, and st ance eturted for Tirnova. viti lie e-vil tidinge.-W. are juat quiltlng ii biv- ouac, sud fsliing iiack on Bulganeni- wihaIlfspeed, lcaving Lie Bialga'a villages La Lie Leader meroies cf lie Tanks., As I clos. I learu Liat on ar ,leit Generul Skobeloff vue vcry everely ; ndlee, huviug lbat 800 men ont cf hg single lufanr>' battalian.- Wiîby and Whitby's Railway. A Oa»WORD ruoM À NEIGnaOa. -The proprietar' and 1he counry' tiarougi wiih it roues are to beè con- grutulatcd upon the completion of -tie Port Wlaib> Extension Bailwa>', wih was formall>' opened for Lraffic yesterday. The present cvueri toàk iicld of lthe Part Wiiitby andl Part Per-y Builwa>' vien iL vus bsukrupi, sund ifs future prospect vas very-dark. By ex- pendaug a large auna on iL Lia.>'cota- pleted sud equipped iL. The>' suwtlae uccessit>' cf extending iLtat meet Lb. Victoria Bailwa> befare tise'. cauld-be an>- prospect cf sccuring a retumu cf Lteir nione>'. Tis requirad a large la - veaiment but tii.>'uadertook lh. nisk, and ve iope tic>' viii geL a fuir metamu for lic caterprise. Wheher Lbe>'do or uçl, Lie>' viii have dcmervcd vell, for th>' pusied Lieir vomk cnergetically, andl have Macle a goo rad. Tise municipulities 'througi v-wici it passes fhave assisedd lieruhiz and Wise- ly, for Lovnand country' wili be bene- Corn.- ~Hay. Patte 'Wool. Sheeps Bides. Park, p Lauabo. Valves. Turuipa Cimoe CarmaIs, f te operatic and &i' p ropeti -nuprai deicatel ep tuil tenoy ta dies arcs --cespe M selves vs prapeni>' Gettoe. laIs, 48, For thi Wood à nilce I Improvel ties; neat( caler; re, ing haie;- tie hir -, cmu-Pticns Impraved where., T price.. y - Agents fer aud b>' 85 NEW- PICK The AnaI I ebd i ana, Offered l3caL broot! hem aid Best two-yi -Beat ane-ý-î Sprnu fihi>' Tvo-yesrao One-yean'cb §prng colt SADD] Breet! Mare - as'tai Two.yesr oh One.year ais Spming III>'. Tvoyeam ai, One-yearait lipring eititi Msté , cd le& Single ihorse a Sadli.haras GEN Broat! marc, Tvo->'ear alé One-ycsa, aId Sprng 111>.. Tvo.yeaàr oléi Spnlng ecalme Mathiet ci EHEAVY -Brool mare, nsas ave Two->'ear aId -OaIC-yoar aolt Spnlug lly... Tva-year altI One-yeair abd etasanaple: al At tie a-î'!uage o! Besipuar Budre of te Museglemans vie vere captanel in le tic filds sud housseinèe killeai. one ,! afler tîsa other, like aheep, anaItheva- 0, men Ivere lmagged froua their spart- )0 meulsansd outragea. At Teaioli, in the Bagunt! District, Ive hundrel mre- fagee tram Sishoî'a verce verlukan b>' theBussians, sud even>' eue of Vast r.nuabon kilildb>'lance, pisIol or club. Ji At Ksnuîciiovmale, ten carte ccnîaiuing , retugees flying froua Amuogion, veme -stoppe1 au the rosI, aud Lie bapiese familleswviai lie>' containel ail but- ct ciarol. At AmuegjcloIted!, eleven vo- it menacu sud eîaîhden ver. inoat honni- iii> munloel. A fugitive froua Unt Destant reparte thaL lie vIsaI. popula- tion of tiat place bas been kiliel b>' roBuigarians vii. Lie Busalana hîcîl tie E ontletm. AI Otsuateiou snd Rostavms, i about four bouir fren 1lchuk, s sia-. u iism extsermination cf Mussiomans vue cniieel, and' tblrly.fiye chilînen, iman>' cf tica baies, vema left aaeong ih lie aulmidtheLicains. Ah Rouhan - sd ScIvans, lunfia.Tirs varegian tic - usalaus tôok Bulgnrlans aiong vitli them in chassa cf Tankies l ugitives Ir>'. 9 ing la escape fraua Suivi anal Dabinitîs an un aying came up vii tIsahemnfrtua- at aIe asres ucar Kusyn, Lie pnnsucns -surnoundel and put tica toadeati- yoaug sud cl, nmaIs ansd femai-vilh Lie mcml horrible circamstauoes cf ban- barit>'. Tues. are ail ilances c! de- lihirate sud wbolcslp massacre whiei are quit. beyanl lonil. I la net speak o! cthers.astla vici aI presse lier. ia>'bc, I trust, - sinae cxaggema. tien or nialue. Tic effect prelucel - pon thc Tnrkisii public b>' auaii aeeli lei something terrible te see sud hean. 1 fs-un tus sa-cahot! Cisteain van la about ta axibiL enaraitlea ho Lthe venld fan aurpasing Bulgarla, and! out- - bing cycu the reorda cf aucleul ieatienisua. The TumIt , lewiti icoka cf vengoance net te b. naletaken, vietier tes. bbelens cf lie nos-lIa have luleet! came ho beach them Ohis- 1tuin vintues. DIsApscnÂ~ u NititSusprclous CICisOur-ANcFSc.-Aboiit Ivu veeka ago bye mon, descib.l as isrti-bnalsiug cases, callit!aItichenesiuleuce o! Mn. Tiomas McCuitcieon, on lie 2u1 lin. o! Erin, noar Aclon, aul stutec! hissh the>' varo bravera frein the United States,,anul vme over hem. for lia pur- pose a! baying s quantil>' e! lumbe Let luke buck. Tue>' engagea Mn. me- Cut-eheon Le take s valuable Lesa a! hommssunIa avagon, snd drive thera about tic counîtr> vili lie abova-men. tioucl abject luna-loy, promising ho psy f hlm as tLierate o! lira. dlarsmper dayt sut! &H expeamea, for hie services. Mn.u McCutshecn agreel t ii, sud startd f off vithithea. Tue>' Iraveo eOrauges. ville tiaL la>'sud left iler, und verà tracel ho afanmibouse some miles fur. lier ou,,'viere liéestrange parties vera Iooking int somo Iambe, sud aince vieh tg ne race on tibinga o! Mn. MeCuteheasu an hihanses aund wagon on Lie -monG have been foural. The neiaihors sut!a frionsudaof Lie mlesicag mun have maue, gcneral sear nluailliniections,b, iuj La Lie preseuL urne, ne furtiior tilinga -ý eau bc obtaine oft im, and, the graveal DÉ feans are aev catertaineil tintthleb ostensible, drea-ers have made uvayE viti hlm sut! cecapel vili hie ltea, P ho;,' vhici -wus vuluel at $500. Aisi Mm. MôCutcheon vas a staal, sober E Maut!ndver>'macl espectel, is die. .1 appearunceie mach paînfal toa ah Who BUROLARa- AT OsRAv.-The bat-ber i slsop sud cigar store o! Mn. Kealen vue n entend b>' tiieves Mouds>', ah aaoi, p visile ho vas ah dinner. Thee lievk-s broka hvo lange pansecf glass in tise back window,sud thus entes-ad. Tie>' taok a box and a isîf a! ciRare, s raton. s and about tIve dollars qin changeatias wsas l b ll-jijsf, ACCLDrENT. -On Tsda>' laitt. i 24îi lit., s Mm. Johna Wiem, an cl il ad res ectabhs furme.p, vus leavînas .fd o tarle>' juO ig ut oblis faran, lot 10., cou. 4; Scarbona, tLé ersper gaI -,b caiighé in Lis gate and hc vas tinevu 4, off buokuard." The'-Ili6i beme on -a; i&nled'cssiig ifsip~eu,~ ack the r BaHo.eiedsve"e a1

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