Whitby Chronicle, 9 Aug 1877, p. 4

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buy auelesmed fetwerdd werkelhàym, ontth- counmvlly 6: fait lmstg a 1en hagih, sud limai lt 1 Nov ithapB limhu te vindcwý vai iiot open, thé gentleman, slightly, farplbly.oedasud l"&s.tIl l> difficilta tell wbah lookad lime mont. remathable' -the wlndew, thme gentleman, or lime LoZêolment, . borrer, shm, dis. gue an rae vtemore vivldly pt iraysi on themuau's faceliait vas iaver doue on casmas b? the oldeimaslère, wiethl.e&coudelzod ledy-oemed te be lu doubt vWht le ofWnsin ay otot punch lthe mua'ies-eoet wi thlie peint er uparasol. tîaî he liaoui-ldiiesa sud lean ct4ar ditiva 1mzidcit bis mortification, 0p la caseou vilh araaarkably ted taiesud ne' 11. île tropldatllop- vh bit hs' mtu liai liMeled a decenl ife in Limeniason Duey7Texss, Ibrea paesea go, lbegan limé career-et an out- aw. Ileckef i oney could net -hava lnclted hlm lu ineh a course, for ha, va o og Weil aisa rder, sud sim:ple 1me. eevil muet have beainlima cause. Ho becamue a horsa tist., and -Ide * crimes 1vare se, nunierous liai twonty- un i.ldibomnfi accumulalud spinal hlmu. M. recotly escaped item a i ison te whicoihlad bies cteuaed or tan years, sud a. shrif'. parly, Iloping tegelt teé reward cf #&)0 tlima was efferod for hblix, desa or alive," iîmrotiod hlm mb limaeIndisu Terriory. ,1e vas îrmcd vill a ridle and lwe te. voli-cvers iemn oertakan, but a siot broke Ica igit atm belote'hae ould fira. lie tried le use s revolver vithisi lofti haud, but a bullhi. shooulder coin- PletclY dlenabled hlm. 5111ll eapoese. vored, sud, apurrlng hie hersa bute s ran, aeriurueid oeeoftbis assallaula by a violent collision. Thon mnore huIlaIs ware firaî lote hic body, and ho was killeil. A Tuwui-'o Dlnx.-The tamp indus. try, 11, I mr industries, sceme te fliurieli becamme. l pays, as wiincss tlîo twe diaîlen of lihe eysiemuallc MaGter i!rank Laelale, or Taylor, aged saovon- tee:,, orlginaily of St. James Pariai,, La., Idieu of 11w wide, wida worti, aud :îow ofthie Albanmy penitetiaty, where lis) wîll romain -for six ioontho. Ha ih idlit sud ffeui atdiIn eppearanca, sud lihis "lityl' was te- work lawyers' oMlIes, askiug for 02.70 witli which b gel home le Hmae. lMe wanted te gel copyiug, moud aaslthe lawyers negueily hîsd nu QoPyillg, uritîjar sny 02.70, tItiy w0111lî coroprouina by giving Ma quarter or un ordor for a uinner, or OOMeDtlïiug cf lIhe sort. Ho alwvîys ne-. cil for bis bcuefactor's addross, Ilnomnu alIy te return, lm ilie sum but really te enter I f is iedary villu lie day cf thme mositfi and ibo amonut oethlIe dons. MoIn, This dbsry elowed liai balvacu DceenMl>r 7 sud llay 0, fivo menthe, hlied aàroceived 1449.05, and duting lIme lest m'nkof ai imitenu #85.05. Bia be8t day'a wom-k wmoi ab Galvoston, *Meli 15, wlîeu lic baoinlu15.50. lMe Ods silat Gaivesion sud Houston are - lim bell sud mont goueronp laces lie lin mIt witm. VTuneustuo eb isvie- ttnte inoludo railroad sudd teamboat Omffîcbmls, 1jowsjnopor nuit, Uuited States sîînixtrn, isr, lawyers àsimdlime [j Tentus un; LAitrs ONu4u.-It lias been thegenoral. ciumion liai lakes arc frac frumtidl Inineces, but -il ceomsaihiat lluey are delormnine ,te ta unie lad tuler ocesaanti gai up littia lidas of lImit awn iraftcr. Ounlime 101h insl. lIer aa ulden fluo et anatctil lte la vai of Lake Onario, lIe cause af viîchin launknowmm. Timoscaides ocour ut ail hanta efthlie day sud have been konboccasionaccoientste béasein uhlaiow valet, lime sudîlsurecoding aI flic vaiet leavbng thip bast ou rocks wiera a fev m9meuls belote thore aial boeauau. abundbnca aI valer. Ainong lthe îviby aphorismes upo thlim unsafo teapie are -Lordl Alvauley's dus- ariplion ofa i îan wimo ..muddled awa7 ils fortune lun, paylng lis traidosmea bills ;" Lord Oxfords dtiflnition aI titu- ber, "Ait exeresneeunth ima fceofthlIe emrîlu, placoîl tiere by Providence for limepaynnanl f debtas;" and Polluama argument, ltai iit i epeclable te ha stycseîl, lbccanese àishow! lime party once bad crodil. A sort of spîke, imilar teth iaI ef the ortimadex oveing coai, Is nQv belug vota by time fait soi over lia poartion of et liméminine frIme where iusles mont do cengregate. But an tlimalil lsady rainarlced, Il thoy don't liandoome 1Wlai len tie meanig et a back- huter 2" ankel a gentleman et a Suay solool axanîibtici. Tils vas a put.- zlot. 'Il wenti cown thl imss mi iIt camo e a asimple itrohmb, a4iesaad, A natural dentrilc le to commen eiavborr. - lin jùob, viliont auy pro- paratiotu, im)opi ldissolve fle ilarttr au thée tl, aulbiproves lihe breiîhi. Uas viiilie jubce ca llotebly sali toolhbtuli. This le the, latesi -for wcuding invite tlois:-"Conmu arud ai sen us cap- bure s molier-in-law jat' 8 W 'os#d Thme lady vmo cul ]lie rsi r ta laie ver msp, sippoiing Il vain-a dreni lîsboru, gasys Mlle diiil ee a vDrv aod fit , but le awfslly tylis . aud dit. forent fron t ayliug in towil. iilaceberres oabouldaivlays bha mou tionel se clorel Imries, Pana vote neyer neo heap, sud lime "yul" noyer se diculI le valse. ri- toretn, gin" le lime atesitpopular summem drink. Naughiy but na-le.. Wfmar o é yen golng lu spcnd your vacallou2 P im e question oethlie haut. 'Phe averagoemmmli. bey earnelli for lie advint et han-est applesl-anli tha celle. Il vau an undettakar vho relurned Ù thea cause et a <bth su "aun uuieroa the %0> tumiet." - son Egyptian vrenudoeDonesay prrs and 1aes Masu..They esambleobo s0ea Gvllpelielaue.b An Si-cl.ooliledlstnrimînc ao a slaiu place at Eurêkas, NovAds. "Au etiampI of the t10wn, bt lime suhovllles Inter- of1 thia*avauimmense.ad iuig bIsadand i ng As thi- e Om ofr limeConnecticutlaime., Boyard Taylor maspa:-It laswvith. -a*nq cnianlryupos but igoderu t MCUMOtsJsn sculptr hasdardt or wW ,âml 1 ra, te modl a #tatua vear- *& TH E WIN DSOR. NOW OPEN.,: acc0PRi DAY.1 Prae oibtu tolansd item al treins. Ta., bis sud apluman rs.la y -1IPOP PIES TO BE TÂENi ÀBYCON8TA]3LES. (UTaer Orlier lunCouncil, datai 241h daY of Jaly, 1874-) 2. Artesi 1 aiccli vidUSl upon a warrnt...................i5 tServlng surmana or iubpoeua.. *O02 8: Mîleageto serve sumamoni mb. j ana ar-warrant ...........010 4 , ileage wheon service Cannet b. upou prant ai due diligence.... 0 10 B. Ml.aege tsklng drisoners ta gaol, exclusive o ai lursemuents nec- coeariy expeudad In their con- voyance...-.................O0 10 0. Atteudîmg Justices on summary tiloqs or on examinatlon of pri. sonore clarged wlth crime, for eich day neeessarly emploIred la ons or luore cases, when net engagen mare timi tour hauts.. 100O 7. Do. <do. whon cngaged mare tban four houre ....................i1 50 B. Attondiug Aseites or Sessions, cadi day...................i150 9. Mluage travelIng ta attend "s site,, Sasions, or belote Justices (wîupublie convayance eau ha teeouly reasonatîle disburse. mant-to lie sllowed.). O .....010 10. Snnmmoiîîlu Jury for Coroners' Inquiesl. uludlng aiieudlug ai fuquet, and ail services lu tes- - peclthereai, fi-Ied caitcaaday saJury cumnmouad. ..........2 OC il. bLtending U(tLh adjourument timareof,' if fot engaged more four hmu rR,1...................i1OC 12. Do; 1l0. il ongagoîl mare limai four hout,....................i1 50 18, Sourviim' onmoils or nuL-poPua ta sic tuie ilorp Coroinur <simject Xeo 10) ..................... 0 25 1il Mileage ervtug eamn%.. 1........O0 10 15. Lexliinlng bodlyunder Coronet'c warrant.......... .. ......... 2 OC 16, Ile-bur'itig Rame.............. 2 OC 17. Servimg diatres warrant, sud ra. t ruiug Rame............... .- 1 50 15. Advortlifg ndet clintress war. rani ........ ................i1 50 19. Travelling te îuake distres, ot ,inurcm for gonds le make dis- irens, wheu no goods aracf uud.. P 10 20. Appraisemeula, visethet by ans or more, 2 cents lu the dollar, on the vajLue of gonds 21, catalogue sale sud commission sud 'deiivery of gonds, 5 ets. lu lthe #, on net produca ofigns. 22 E xeculdugsoeareh warrant ...1 50 2i. Bervlng notices on constables, whan persoually serveS . O..050 Fubliimed by ardat, IL. J. MACDONELL, Clark aoltme Pace, C. O. 22 No. 4 BLILFINCH 8t,, BOSTON, (OPPOSITE -REVERS BOUSE.) TIIE SCIENCE 0F LIFE, Or, 5ELF-PREBERVATION. MORE THAN ONE MILLION COPIE SOLD. Geld tMedal Awardcl te ltme Auther by lime "National M4edical Ausocla- tien," Match 318t, î876. Jeet Iulmilmd by the IEAi3ODY MEIDICAL INSTITUvmT, a new edion of lthe medical work enîlitcà tthe SCIENCE OF LUM -,or, 5ELFPIIEEIIVTION' Iltreats UpuenIfan- ho how test, how togainodl anS haw perpit- nate1t; causoaecure o0 Examstod Vilaltît, 1moteznay, Premnature »colins lu man, opet. masirrtas, e ombiLas na ran sd piunal) Nrvous anS Pholiedu DebIULi, KY- octiondria, Oioout FreZmasngs, ien7aiDe- ancea,Conuioalnof Min andHicosar d Comnt Impure state af the BIaIS, aud aU dloase ari.tug from rrosaor Yauth or tihe Indiscre- lIons or exausses ai mature yesrs. Il tlls yan al abo)ut h Morale cfi Sonars- tlve Physteiasy, tihe Physiltogy cf Marniag., cf WdloIck sud Offsprlug, Physîcl Contrastie vruc M Uat ,EmpîlleuPerversion oz ifrraeC nîai tece. s t nSfriendirocoun. semPyîa uitiy.Ilsesusesiana cnrs, ililoas helwean ltme Bexes, Proaoocf lbe 'Expansion oi Vice, lhee Mserlas af Impru- dence, Aiaent Igurauce sud Errons, Moins 0f Cure, (31ut. cf tiedy and liuS. Truc Prin- eilis ai Trealment Addrans ta Pattants and Invaild Boaders tise Autharo rî neiles Tim. prile.of aiobioo,0k le auiy .mmIria iVUbioo,0k aima containe mare titan Plfty Prescriptions fort 12mBabave nnanasidcuthe dliseiss, caceisasworit more tissu the pries ci theabook. -The Inlîinte aisa pubiiehos J"THE PHYBIOLOGY OF 'WOMAN AND HIER DIS EASZS.' Price, $a- Thme bcdt book oet he klnd ardent, Alec- anothur valuablo mediesi work treil- tng exluslvaly 'Maetal anS Nervouo Disesas; moto tisu 200 ta y aioctave Iages, twenty oie pt ogravng ound ntasubtantilimuslu. i iuouy$.areîy euoughitotepsy for priaI- The Book fur vounneand middlle ia=t@nm en pari-1 0VI teoi t6 aldIs Coicei.uiinerv rParasols, y meal verSummer Dress Goods, a @verbi cor da anS prtose.mnr, P i lbsihot of lbo A proe otton9 ty of Tape5iry, aa vuuo q u"u 'on-,uu rir Cal BIand 800 ourGroat Caxpet-1 oneil owl -A ll nStooi oG(rooenies on hand. ýtaken ýin exohange for goode.- BOO0T'S AN D in-the Farm-ers' Prodi SHORS NEW GOO0DS O'O0N 8TANTLY ARRIVING@1 BERT AMEBIOAN RUBBERt GOODS ON HAN).- Gents, OaffBoots sud Shoco e, ue st audam=Wtdurable made in thei comiry.~' adis' upeiorqoods lu Prunolsa, Ria sud Goat', (a scllt. When doubllty sudcheusà»re rquiredo AIlon *Old No. -1.9 Cheap for Ce ih. BUJRNS, Brook street., W hitby., Whity,*Mi 28., 877 JAMES GOODFEL LOW àc-0Co8, IMOBE A WOMBLE&p S. EAEB Chimneys, Burners, Wicks, Chandel- iersp Stoves, Burning Fluid, Rock - 011, Wooden Ware. Children's Carrnages,l CLOTHES-WRINGERS, AND GENEIIAL H OUSE F TJIRNISIE[IN GS. 81 Yonge-8t1, tw9 dors [rom King, TORONTO, May 218t, 1877. C AN NE D Tomatoes ...12à- cents. C.herries......15 cents. 12m-221 GOO DS Cor'..........15 cents. Cove Oysters..15 cents. Jellise, Currants, Peaches, Applés9, Strawberries, Raspber- ries, Pine Apples, &a., &o.-15 cents per Pot. -Marmalade, ]Oundee, ïn Bulk. Englisli Pickles, 15J. cents. A Good Japan Tea, 25 cents. Coffee, 25 cents. Prunes, 7 cents. Agents for Carling's Aie, $1.25 per Dozen. Molson's Aie' 90 cents par Dozen. Diaumond Whiskey, a flue Brand. Gooadmalt sud Bye, $1.5o pet allon. SEM M D S: Flowers (a cho"" collection), Bulke, GMladals, Oxals, Tuberoses, Veget- abl Sehoada lu Bulk, Turnip-, Carrti sud Mangle Seads, Lawu Grass Beeds, Convolvulus Seede, Fasturalian Seadi. 5 PER CENT' OFF FOR CASH ON ALL GOODS 1 R. H. JAMESON. Whitby, May lOth, 1877. 21 s -U' I T S O PBINGLE IS H AMerohant Tai/or/n g and Gents' Furnilshing House, R McMILLAN'8 BLOCK, R F tROCK STREET, - - WHITB-Y. T S O 0 K S FI1NE ARTS BEST'S GALLERY, OSHAWA --:000- SPLENDID PICTURES, Lffe.L*~e-taken in a moment ini the best style. Mr. Best lias secured the services of one the best nega- live reloncliers iu the Unied States. I feel confident limaI I eau lurli ont verk equal, (if ual superior,) t. anything ever before made lu this country. Seuo3 CALL AND) SEE MY! WORK. ,g Al are welcomie to inspect the Gallery. Fine Photos ef the Leading Statesmen ef the Dominion-- Rigl Hiou. Sir John Macdonal, Mon. T. N. Gibbs, ke., sud cf 11ev. Rallier MoCami, Bey, Mr. Laird, sud leading citizans, for suie ai BESTrs' GALLERY isimoB-ST., OSHAWA. Z7OIi'N :BEST. DOM1INION WABEBR0OMS.1 Juet Received a Fresh supplý of I l~es.Linen ouilflzs reains SOur Stock of- Summelr Goods ise omi- A the riait. ilete in every department. LW, .Linon sud Lustre Coats, aftok n ùteVeasMens' ad Boys' tiw ,Hats, &ao rn&~Xis. roe~r, is srtppled iih Choice MM r dMe ugree o r an a pruesoy, iUM visergo" MAa anbmmB W, are thierefore .nabled to £troùçe, a moto perfect iystemi lto & aiie do'- parlaient. of nmauiiaure, addlng not Ouly luthaerfection et thuýwoik, but a-, oooh *.rapflty,-etime xeénion--and ,a onsequent rednatof etCoM. Thleprlnclple laragrdte e* in> auswel gl ' dWetablishiment, sudl va euablad ltut oont Ot machines 'th a bigLer dg o. f perfection, and, St prices 0s oes aecutely tb efy compptilion THE JOHN STON ,SELF-RAKTNG'REAPER- la now ~af l kovii àa Sinlge iluapr, ltha.a wSof conimendlton vOuld almoi goenzeUPUihôu, but s4 ihére are ni a mlng te ý manufschurethie macu hinevi have adhermd te l.pdoll 1'ouhnmachine,' ihdt keep. lug ulp ltc h. iprovemonute; thal 3ml cée luourslves sund patrons req*i.oftno lu aieo thalvwe have modlhid ih la almost every essentia part, lad for sirength and dursbility, qu*iiy of oni, In jvcry ]Mdindmd ondition et grin; lighinesef draft andeeo of nianag.niant-tha ,ibhnïtono" s maufctureéd by us--ande pre.emlnent iâed'cf ail étet errosiers., la procf fis oalouewovabavoe nly leýî pointtub iay Plrsiules warded ti-a*tt 1lit Proincil aletOn- tarieu nd mau cuniybaswlhhvetknpaealwvrCnd, ithin OUR'TRIUMPH COMBINED MACHINES, wih laie Inipreveienue, folUe ai au c e dred luàa Oenined Machine, and c=-aun te, ilume"lvithaereqtlréntseof pnrchaeer. Our Imp roMd OCauga Chief de, and our Young Canada Mowere are bath ficlas maclnes-Oonàtlluledl almost vhoily of Iton sud SteL The Oayglr. bas a rear cnt, and thme Young ilanada a front Cul'; bolh strotig, dur- able machines, sua net axcefled by anymachines in tiie markt for quallty of eut, aurabîHuuy, lighinees of draft, adauptability, and-esa t nangeofl .OUR ýNEW "WHITBY ýHARVESTER."0 As the. country hue bcon. beotrsdaptcd lu niachinery, and many ao ur tfri. ar hava becoma sldlled lunlime use of nmhinas, a grawlng damaud Las sprung up foi a Lfghi, Durable, Firsi-Clasi Reaper. Alîve te the requiraniente of th. day, vabave succeeded in invenling a nia. chine with a Wrougzht liran Frame, 1:1h the Ist possible gerig-with large broad-fa a rive whel,-and so cousirucied that thie trame sud table tilt ai là1e sanie lime, tbereby keaplng the pitman alwaye lu lino vith the kuife. 'Plia rakes are driven dîrectly trai he main ahàft-.thera baing* o eretible sida tiraft, and no weight upon the herses uecks. Wa are confidentt ihal va hbava succaedad in iuventing lihe mcii perfect Reaper, taklng il u il fHis p aria,,l" Las eveor beau produced. We hava applied for lattera patent, aud siili hold ont Invention, for ont owu exclusive manufactureansd v rasp80ctfulY 0engt lu lu. tendiog purchasers, thal lhey should sea 1h. machina beote gLaivlg theu erders for 1h. comiug iarvùsb. The "Whiby Hlarvastar" waighe, au tbld, 600 pouna, but being made principally ofthlie hast qualiiy et-irou sud steel, sud trom iti n. aenlo sd compact construction, il combines the isirongili sud durabiliy ef the heaS'vlearmahines. Alilof et machines ara fuliy warranted. Wiîh Ihis lisi cf machines, wa féel confident limai ve can meet-avery re- quiremeni, sud va raspectfally solioi a triai of ont machinas, blievigîhat va eau taruish s better machine forthie money than eau-bc ebtaincd ewbere. Respecifufly Yonra, BROWN,'& PATTE BON MF'G. 00. Whiiby, Ontario, Febrnary, 1877. -F-ASHIONABLE TAp&,IILORING Go where you can get a Well.fitting Garment :-To the Tailoring Establishmient of GEOR GE GURLEY, OSHAWA. SUPERIOR CUTTINO SHAPES THE WORJI 1 A Larga Stock of Fine Cloths ; hast Euglish, Scotch audoasadian Tweeds. t>- Excellant Overenstingesud Splendid Vaît lPatterns. A good fit Guarantead. GEORGE GURLEY, 51 Ring Street, Oshawa. EJ. JOHNSON In announcing the continuance of tlie busines lately carried on by TVILL & JOHNSON, as' Cabiniet Makers and Undertakersi, by himself, begs to solicit alSo a con- tinuance of the liberal patronage heretofore bostowed upon the fim. fIe lias now on hand an Excellent Stock, coxnprisiing Sideboards, Centre Tables, Whiatnots,, Hall Stands, , Sofas, Parlor and Bedroom Suits, al of Superior wotkmanship, and of the very best inaterial. Picture framling very cheap. Ail orders exeouted with promptitude and despatCh. Special attention to the upholstering branch. j&- A handeomo well appointed Hearse-Funorais fully suipplied. 71k, E. J. JOHNSON. Whitby, May 7h 1877. 20 NEW STATIONERY --AND- BO 0K STORE AT THE EXPRESS AND) MONTREAIu TEL, ýOEFICE, BROOK,-ST'. Geog Yule begý te aunnounce that ie lias re.openod hie SAtinry asnd BochkStore in Whitby, vimare sîianery etfail kinde, of lthe beet qulily, ivili ba kept on han&; alec Spliocl Books et evcry daescription, O.py Boaks, Sîstea, Pencis, mime, &CI., &o., ai h Ilhoveal prices. The Daiy àaid Weekly Papers always on hand. Sub- soriptione Solcited. Tes, Dinueý' sud AUlIdnds oi 25 PER bnyv PWd ' «.'Laur m O t u i M 'lwot WrG m*boSiu Ju1J5IUI% U oaAY thiucek I~3oodotaofrm 0 to80 --ocnte per busheL At 'WM. J.ý GIBSON'S. -Whitby China Tea Store. WANTED.-ýAny 4uantit-T Ydood Butter, Eggs and Featers forwhih l.4hilist cash price vin bo paid. - W. J. .GIBSON. 8~E~II~G-, 1877 Spades and Shovels, Garden Rakes,' Garden Hoes, Fork's, &c., &o. Gut Nails, Paints and Oils, Paint and Varnish Brushes, &c.- Tinware of in Stock, or madle to order. every description GROSS & MAGNACHRTAN. Whitby, April 17th 1877. 17 GO0L DS.MITII'S HA L L. Now to hand, a fuill assortment of New Goods, which ha-ving booen weil bonglit, will ho offered at - VERY LOW PRICES. GOLD ANI) SILVER WATCHES A&OHAINS. BRIGHT AND COLOBED GOLD JEWELLEBY. BLACK JBWELLERY, JET AND VULCANITE. 1:2r Clocks of Warranted Quality, Very Low Prices. Eleotro Silver Plate, a very largo assortinont, new de§ignS;, iu Cruels, Buttfer Coolers,, Cake Baskets, -&o., &o., relia. bic goeds, sud prices lower Ilium ever. Would Calil spcal attention to a New Lineocf Goods- NIOKELITE-s substitt for silvai-. Nickellte Table, Dessert, sud Tes Spoans, Table sud, Dessert Forks. Inspection inviteCd NEAR SIGHT AND OTHER SPECTACLES. Childrens' Carnages in groat varioty, two, three, anad four Whecls, Atucrican sud Canadisu makos. J.A. J97ŽSTO~M Match 27, 1877. Practical Watchmikcr, Brook Street. BUdG IE~S For Sale at very Reasonable Prices. Several Open Buggies with child's seat, Ladjns Open Phoetons latest style and -veny liglit, Covered PhSctons with Roffing Seat, also Light Top sud Open Buggies of Super- ior Style and Finish., AiU made of Whilby, July Sili, 1876. the besgt Material Warranted,. BOOTS AND and TOMS & NEWPOBT, -. Whitby, Oulerie. 281 SHOES.1 JOHN SAIJNDERS lias just receî1ved a large stocek of Boots - and Shees, suitable for Spring Wear, which ho will Musical Instruments, including a fine assortment o 1*C-SELL CHEAP FOR (JiSH,.ttý Violine. Ordire are taken for Periodicals, Magazines and, Music. ' 1 1Wlutby, Dee.181li, 1870. WILLIAM OABINeV FACTORY G EO Y ULE. TILL 'S AND FURNITURE WAREROO-MS 1 THE OLý1 STAND, BROCK STREET, WHITBYI Go ýwhere. 'you cannot; fail tQ be pleased in naking selectibns ef geod furniture., SpIendi Pirlour,. Dra * 'Boom -auda Bedroom Setis, Nov Deali4611ell ofrlhy eticîn. aI astouihiug 1ev prices. Dmn. lng-roam Eusion Tals-a vary superior article. ont1 c rs, Pieture Framin- evory style. soime fiue Chr0os duI Eue a1g1 for sale - Ti IM TÂXING:1 ,- C lân aui Il ichm nhaa~t ntid.ksta téaat îi"a At a very smail margin .ou cost.- Work done to order in first-class -style. A 'Stylisli Boot and a Good lFit ' JOHN SAUNDERS. Cýr N. B. Parties need not ask for credit asi it will not begie. .S.- W Iiby, Ma th , ,1877, SADDERYAND HARNESS. W 1WILLI1A M:.T-HO0MP 0ON Beage to direct attention lu ie a n sd auperiar- stock,. compriaing cvary. Ihing in the=Sdlysu arnaiés Lins, alec Léather Valises and Saratoga 'Lrunks 1 A LOT 0F GHILDREN'S C ABBIAGES5 fllBtadem.a c hesp. At à@l1~btel ITUR RE. WHOLES3ALE & BETAIL. - Wareroons-Albert Hall. Buildings, 18 sie Toiege St.. Have la onbhuad&Full tok of "'exy limhmghlrlino,a #hopeby strictîiluentou tutawi osf hl uete«Kwm,,t.meuit cenlinnencaet t.,trnge Otmrto ex tendS luthe=. apeefaaltenicn PaS1tbemiaing cf N ZEDLEWORIC OTTOMANS, TLAMBREQUINS, mode and put ilowu llntebesbt style.. JAS. I. SAXLO & Co MAr!eh Bih, 1878. i T RE THALBBRG PIANO $290.000 The Thalberg Pilo s a vant long feU- thtof a GOOD, -USEFTUL PIANaO which combined the. cleaes of toue sud thé beauty cf-finish cfthie most celobrated make, witli a moderatoepffce. if fi bu a4ed ho-w fIlspsla? 1 5uu1p17 a o iano foreaou HALF THE-IFC gencrsly barged, the answerfiplain: lu 'the msklngor sala cf these instru- ments, there are no sowr Oos keep uip, no *ra dMusice 10 minulain, These instrumente are &Ulmade cf a- UNIFOILM STANDÂRA FULL SEVEN-OCTAVE, SOLID IBON ,PiAMBE, OVERST13UNG EASSI CÂRBED LEGS Bou"D EOI4T CORNES, SERPENTINE MOULD'GS and DOUBLE 'YENEEElD ROSEWOOD CASES. DISCOUNT 0-F ne PER CENT. will be sllowed Sehools sud Couvents,aise to Clergymen for thme use Cf their familles W. ADAMS, Witby. Wbutby, Pebrusry, IBih, 1877. 8 CASH FOR GflAIN, To be delveret aI Fren-c«hman'ls.Bay.' PLASTER, SAL?, AND COAL FOR SALE. MONEY TO- LOAN:- Ou Resl Estate, ai Low Ratas cf !uterest J. 13. MoCLELLAN;. January Bih, 1877. -tf-B' SIMON &-KELLEY,. C GARS manufsetured iram boit 1Havana Tobeoco. The celbraed IlS.']." Cigare.Hotel-keapers sud Dealers yl Su 10their advautige 10'giva them a 'Whtby, Feb: 7th, 1877. iy-7 yx7EOMAN. GIBBON, General Comiat8t on Merchant and Produce. Dealer, Agent for Ixi'znuLn sd COXunCIÀL Ux- iox Pire InmursuCo Ccepsnies. RATES 0F 'INSURA NGE LOW 1 Aiso Agent far the Lesuo niudCsAMuna Loà.x Alm AcamierCoxm.Ânv. Mousy loa- ed 'ou resi -astate, payable boni Two ta Twelvo years, and in mmmi 1suit parties. te, Interest low sud ne commission chaxged. Mortgage bought. W. J. GIBBONx, china raos tors, Whiitby, Match Mil1876. 12 IBEOUGHAM CABRIAGE WORRS. t SWE-BB - Reopectully inform e spatrons sud thei ,-Public lmiha he pchaed th.elRght fer - Pckeringbo Manufacture Conboy's Patent Seat for ÉUGGIZS, CUTTERS &c. Anl parties will do wvo s e ont Buggies O.Mi Cuiterabefore givii Iheir orders else- whlyre BrnhnJuly ith, 187. lrS A vnw IBSnIABLEH 1OUSES FOR town-and Park Lots FO B SALE. Enquire of-~ GBO. T. HALL, Land and Cotmlsalcugent. 8-tf - rook-st., Wbiby.- THOS. pE]ATE, (I court B1 from 9 ta RM3à P HYSIC cri wm. 51< Physicisu, Wbîtby, Se R OBT-1 Graduste (%q Qucen' CÉ Unir, ai ME uxiv. ai Pcý Penusylvan oCner for,-th( Coldwater S Augnit 24t11 ( I ica bouts 1.80 le 6, P.1 and Gilbert a@scheap ecati best. Teeth Teeth extraci local sueeti sunanw bloc R inmg Street,i THO, BUILDEB L;9-AU orc T-iAIR DI JU. -aoon, ofJeut=il large quaal.,tî stazully an bal COMMISTIOI A L INC The Clprk Town Haull,- Friclays, for liants, O a. M. 1 Matých L7th,- WILJ work. E. 0ou Olferk DIi/e ýCiAherlytipI * rv 'm,

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