Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1877, p. 2

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1rNot ePas eb uin Tow i Agent dam hMiliar & 00.,~J AtUOTION BALES8 À 'vli prlnied, agttrctve bu teeét atteni sud at wil W'ý attia purchadire. Tup Cm 'OMO@c la j[oui tihe place Artwig #eelabille prlnted. Ana if g un Immense arowd prssent te *là.advrtilamenî la thée Pal Payé te '-tivertiue ln Tira Gim -(or It raliw n ailfla es adi paper pulûtetinlathée county &Pl haifthéie'large elrauiletlon4 ONLY Sije PER ANb Whltby, Thursday, Augt. 23, A Geuseral Electlea Foreshadi - That a ganéral élection will take place beoe anetisor sesi P arlaument, we hava hlaI, ta face Ssertdans anta ergume -tise 4citrary, ae a necaslty politisi Position. Little, Lo lib en salit ef Jets on tise 0 Wlthaut reaapltuiating ail lieretotore givèn for tisae pili presseti, we siinpiy adtit j v adhéara teo oîr belle£. Diactutal prebabllitles, tise London- Prao of Tnesday lest esys. Tise Ontario Legilature wili early la tise comng winter, an iîaving gaýtbCrongh itis business solution will bc isatinl order t1h lîremiers who lient lu couples m tA b trender Bsre mmtuel ance. If il be objectedti t thie tIse Grils would neyer se fer tîteir praîcutions sastermaki Ation ofenetue gaverunent -subie ta tise othor, eue noeetiouly r. thut as' lîîy linvo beau tound fai iu thar niellera 50 are tisey liki lein lu Iis ons nono. Mr. Mews netlisitatei te ppear ou the faim -witis Mi. Maekeuzicend bi Me governineul, thoigis tise %Ise tte déclatre tlîtila more he pelitical snacoulti uat be toîti tisai et the monîners oetoeue -Oo tuant in any wusy intcrfeîriug wit] affaira of the othier, But ah pi -et adlsering to tisat "principle"l ihîowilte tlhe dogs long ago. 'Mr. Mackenzie wanteil ta appol vainator te etimats thé priaitofai landes up tise Kamniistiquia river, did lie consuil iu regard to, il but Parpie, oethte Ontario' Governu wile h li îlisaît selctati our te' tawusman, Mr. lit. Raid, A simuilsi oslion. Tise tut le, that lu tlie S tlah strugîuie tisat la gaini tfortthe releution eofice, in le d ex1edlietst te unité tise forces as onypassible hope of succcss Yi le a groel miste ke. By uuIl'ing farces they do but sîsaîider sud i tlinîselven tcspè,usîbie for oaIsut) usi%îeeds, sud thus ilsap spen outhar a loutd tnder whicis tiey iiiovltitbly onk. Butwih t itis iva tint friands lu tiseNWîst ta bec arI >Js, tise âisnst ecrtaiaty that a duali tion wlll taes place tuiring Jani iext anti te bu prepared for il.1 noue tee soon, thareo fortai te hoc taken lu relation te choies af candidates. Of courme,j net manat by Ibis tisaI during liraient bnsy sud Important oesseu conventions sonula ba held. -After ro-vincial Pair, wiscu tis ara werk will be msotly doue, wililiec t onougis toi tisaI But tIsai the ma .shoulîtioecupy te saine. exteut tiseuglits eft tîose wîîo keneralJy1 16 ai uds metters, lu order tisaI friands et good gaverumaut andi rati al' liberty may net b. tlion ai s die vautaga whau tIhe important lay rives. Tise tact thaItIhe country largýe inlieartily sick et tise iypocrii sud iîfoît.oomîngs ot tise preseut 0 tirumeat la tee patent te need ' illustration. But lu order ta, carry, tisaI feeling aàtishe polis earuest con nation, sud effective' association liba0eary. Il May lbe laken sascerf, went earetnlly avar tht,-'liste et ig] cru ta tIse petitiors fur rellioviil ai counier.peotitiuu, anti liard thle 'Ov dîuae ic a large nnutbcret of ernoi pissent rePî-eseutiug bath ides. Tl ,nspeetcr ' oil xpyeosing neo plii Limsit was qVite open lu col diemning tise prescrit postal,,bllaal, ingS ns lucouenaninluize autiaa polulmenti, anti net effordlng suffie ()nt publie aOccomnidatlon.ý Tho rE suit et1lite report te anxionsiy-aWite Dases.-On rldty, lOt isut., a onO pllmentsry napper anti attirais wî proiouled Mr. J. D. Raunter, statiol agent, et Port Ferry, anti Mr. B. E Ma0aw# couductor, On tise Whitby Part Ferry & Linsay Usllwîy, an tis occasion ort tisir removai frein Foi Perry t iidseY. -A unobar oet-For Ferry'$ m~ont Promiaent eltîzeas At tentiedth ie sUPPer, Who ipoka lu ver igi aannsopllmentary teris eofthi 91a8t4 Of tha aveulug. Mi. Hanta, was preatea i wth a golti cisalu valuai nt $80, sud Mi.mocOaw wilh iwi silver pises atPftisa smavaine, TRE A OzNDA eQL ouu.tpub. llsbpd by IAu sMnesr & Ce., et 11 Welllngton Street Torenty, centaine- s large amuiofe vainable informzation, lnteresting to teachere. Specin c opIez,willU onappIJlton, li mailed fi» b eny escler or trustesie ba 99tAJl'sadyséea n e.0ba 4uJged la Iiy'-rCitizaen#. Thsebeu ath e i. ppr&heisioea sud '4ii. uefof-96it f7 * ar ie a thie muîdaraus issatileIa oftsh,. iae bs - rmh. daIjocunuzai a9iaiqeseu5ir i ou , et To'vnàhip Do 0 l d ay- el'hà areport 'il be feunti enlblighei until a greater riam bai&teer uy udn éb .dsh eJsawsu -Powe-rons bave basa au- yemsre bsée "v'aeelipseti frôm bIiàir M' s" 'vas iwueontbmmei t- rntetisuAnre nov ictigatinlaWiîby 8settlemeuir, 'ven, li .oasquence MOf 9gbni gonfiurday l .ù ý -The sàol. Tley, are James MePiSanenanti Sing clearet, if beceme neôssry-fn preceetiilge esresuenr t tlwo o'- tus-TisOmasBurke. On@t. f isit,,James Oroid eras apermannt lnoon thae ok .Mh r àkr ut tras lino--tisaIsuais linaosopulti le cooner. The .,by Dr. oTees', e à Ce. MaFenen, vas examinodtibeth ie eababeia4, 'Lan bise a.Tis ten ofg g lotsi r. cs'ns.-itOvidence l10 giVan Inlise ÀAsant iapillien t1th mbis a l *C dtei ais nstesas ju~rn. ps'oeed 4 gn, 'Burk e ïs oisias a tiolliil oetowvfnhp f , P DolaiuMeisrSmeo. Bo- itusass Tise arrent vAn made , e a.9,Cu tn .Cn4, Widreti Blandia, Casper Wilson, - on-iiti au Act respeetln ise théasvey et COaFU lP , Max. Rbertson. apon information, nnbeeqnently laid- be. landeinlaU. Cauaa,for thlis oe of Tiis iin, G '.Crvsn 10Mtre Otis aaes' 8aiJ!ounby stisvay.havlng bise'saiti lina eabliae niteru i*.V nohas, G. D'. Mabisav, - n Au slsepi 'Vas mate hy Joli < thL. autiorlty cf bise Clpmmaehner ot John i»el, Jail a llus, ' Co et.ou Creva Lande, Whoue, oublia complellis a gBboît Jackson, sunBad. ileIA.-n fthîe 'vlbesoeqst binquasi eft sais i nrvay, Ite uras 'ont tisaitis 'hBlnd Ilkiyw lacse tse haads'Of Mn'seantt, owr of lot Aba bat! Ponsession 614 Ms'. J. E]. Pa 'y-UCetfty Crira' BR MIX U. John Cevia'. evilence vili nCAMc sslasinbreati, tisefauitlongUi etsalisiAttorney, wvan'aaantiae, as 'van ehs te gait Iy &at lei! s'opualin esa a dal loi, 'v4ch h9 licllsntier tise said!uoDeelv _', tTrntsn 'au vint motral Younig matn la the ooasmsuuty 'm a theap- 16,8 Via., lt. Owàta ~re- tlevaby thse Gav.ramsat. $ubpoen»n lit, put visicishoLa reoidies. Tise sîcitement over coethebisal« ôr rdvitatlhadi been serveti Oit amoo SoInhFIlil, pu. Jt tis eacanonfinuan--lhsee ling boing action inay tise musalpity baSa, Jamais McFhas.sn, James ansi Joi MOILintense ta have tnlljastioe meteut taeuiapplisd taendr ee. tl fCap. Coea, A. Hails ansinosse Otonam, 'vis ora. NO th is oereanîn feunti guilty ofe tsre- 98, cen. flaI. lu. Canusa? 'vainlataleadace ta givea vidence. puescessCity. ' 2nti. Aaid-lnabaivean r antiPoF he f &t wyusescalot! va- of Tuof en eati es' e greaer'ofniobEr James BomerilllasYoung fallc'v ef Dunkin le Toronto. o arL is 0 b~oure o libiis lin. astabuiise ati sngla 2 &bo-s 21 au 22, visaWarka s ls iret tILOit F TE PLL. retls et sel. ittA r Wd"vonu heman-AItU. D. MPron'owt*n tise CLS PTIEPL. moveaioui bis sc - 7tis oaL,, Pickering, gashort distance et R e asanho powr a-a' se7Norths eut West ei tise nscaofettise out- k. Tue poiiing on tlua Dunkia bil " t' &âm- rae Sora andi examnai bte closati (te day), Wetiarstay. Na voe s-!.Tise itoancil oetotwnsip Do, S Coe- , wîtustatei. I byie e insiru o-peig p'v akn orking ints-r. MePisrsoe n hee M' having- been ciel for hait an heur. filu publie iravel the sida-lins 1b . fte, anti five monilis. I aloep vils Th ise11la detatet by a majeulty eftwiven lote G anti H, proceirnina sur. Jack: bin hotbits ara not extra staaiy; 17.1152. FollWvng are tisa figures- vay, visen il senasest"al &$t h a ie ho goeasont ]Rta st nigisî soe imes; 17. yoga ................2948 avuer et alt lots, fer more tisa ton ha uses tbacc-clie's; I havae san Nays,.... $.............. 4w5, years,. have beau la possession et eue Lias smoke, but veny soldai. John owed.- rat eneis et saisi rond alevaneoteshie Mopisernon .ganaraily drives vison Mtajoriîy agalusl .......1152 tuli lenglis et fLir lets renpectlvaly. haiig;b tk' i Iliksly Cnuervaîivplc.nucs. WiaI siépa, if any, may tise counil gasiitn; alae9al 1 ieytaka te recever. g5OmBlisand siesa l;7 isio of -Conervtiv Picnie.I1don'$ knov V>wvmeny tise g - in the oronto.Julyv177. sioLd éa i vshlhm. The llaaesi luths - - - Tenante, JulPartyyld 1877Il-lime I have kuova hlm te coule home1 cul$ a te Ts*iea ose-iiepryieli Ts eaigare aur opinions On tleise botvaon 10 sud Il o'cleak ; nevar1 et tise pic-niai iltlise undermeaticueti plaais nasîota u lie Attorney. kuav hlm tu lia oui as litf ad 12. >wcvar, on tise dates asmat- onein ayoar latter oethtietMtisut.: Lutsammer hliaeanout as labo as suboct Coour. Agut 2tus. isI. Tise aver et let B hasno lo-Can't apy svhatier hlie a rmus Boot. : pte'a!s' h. riglit te raaovar Lis toutrôdof t 'icoaieut as laise aîwove lat mentis. Ou rsos Napanas, Bepiemban flth. tise ewnau of lot beenau lalasipsea&. night tisa dock siniseS eleveis mter Lai O ex- Lindsy, Baptamber 121h. sica for more lisa iton yair. Tise came lnatisava tis a Jeat bou luti -ahI Navasarisot, September 14tis muniaipaliiy Sas aethlng te do 'is mentis. 1H aimglt have came lu bates- i ré t(is% uaiBpeba'iii i adc aquetionvhena applat! ta untiai visnî1 vans aleep, but I oanl say. nPes Barrie, Septamburlois. Cen. Stat. U. C., Cep. -9i3, Sec. 11, but Ha 'vas dava lu Brougham ltae ni g st Sir John Madonalti, Hon. T. N. should pioceoti as if Iliers 'vas ne suaisofettie outrasge, Tlinr.tsy, 261h Jury; Oubisant oten romnan meolirsquestion initisa cana. This affect isn'vas sleeping 'stis hlm tisaI nigit; tises 1 mueo ibanlterpoien ebr tissltée, ornéthes-monuments, wviicl ock stuuick elevensItar Le came la.I td tisaiet tisa Liberal.Couaervativae Party viii are placet under the Act,-mark tise I rernambas' usai parliaular aiglt ha- a dis-.ha-ps-sent. DeLailsll bci h givanmastlune bounda.tiea'e thtie lots, but have causa I iseard tisern isikagasout il et tise tealise psa.nic in this cauuîy. no tuuthan Saning on question et aftaivaits. board tise beys talkin~ 111y le eurhi. -aboutilb; va vaeS-sitting ou a boar e6ssst- i FouNity Pic-Nic, iselàiai Cor- 2nd. Possession of upvaitseoftotn tance, ant iei naine vas rungistp bafllents on u-- na at,'a alYfars'o! Pas-t et a publie rendtdéctee nabout. lHave beaunacuaiateid vithC bele bt, Pont n Thuoda lt, as OUgîve te,>eran hlaving SUCS pesies- tisa daceasati oman about à yesu; ea - fle atteudet. Aillise viven ind daugistera sinetie sta ft, wvisoeailappeaus neveu iboard anytising againat berasa rviauit anti sasateesrts ofet isfoutrynen Sp- tIsaI part of e loi, tismongis aistakie o cacter. Migisi have lisait! John ,maril poaredt ta le prasent, anti tis pply of sns-vay, has liaun usati as a publiecs-est MePherson mention ber nama ; lie ci ýitlcs foriigapoîa ame nxlas-ls maorc tisan nyaars, theia erau 'vas gaing vitis heu eislr-"noparking" ai oly o god hing prvidd ahostinehu t ise lina beiug establithed, la net au- -tsat's h isehacama te spaak-ot hor. in at bsas ahi.. Tisera wus aise quile a lage tiIaoasm Psesobeoiepr-Nvu ard John MePisarean say ha w jul i spni g Oflingenvitait guente. Then. lion af tisa raid wvidi, Sut fth Ie lied beau te see Mus. Bannait, ta My ai Gilsl sic et Calvcily's baud sut dancing an- lapaseofetlime, vouiti beloug ta hlm. Suevietige. Tisera arae S a 13Ssud a T, ibu il Intlieseat isi a-a él tiser vorsi, tishe pneeoft ure bars bia i orse tisaI ha duivean; Ze muaitfil than quoltiug, uacing, boatiug and thler Lidrgis. avacagiswtsahe ho in tisaf.panlre;a Bs-t. Fossession tsy a privateis uei- wtnste a- soae h've ht hsei ivaru- arnusamants. Mu. anti Mus. Brown vicluai aI parI et a roat eliovance, fte s- itoa atlas-oLe am fLam iadhojs th flite tee au activa part lu tise pro- moestissu tan yaars, tees net etItls vsdv aBogi.Ht aat atoce e-ure o h wmuws a 3 van ceodings of tueoday, ant inluat!. -suahisnn laossession a 10 il il, eonl kedon e wouuar nqiaisatCc deatîeir emplayaes ant inied îet .et pokno sthepg tait lmitI tisose Tisé annuel lontJiy pie-uic has grovuCo, lvlli btue aii i s topped about tva minutas aLler isear- b, 'vIse mbt a popular "iuatiîntion" etoIsthev awxceptions la the case, oh intaucy, îgi vsnIvu f;le abgy i t Mr.John MaPharsou keape Company 'vitis i net tawn. tkd.uy tise Churchlsilandi Cevia boys ; tisy lis Dîîoa-. Yoî uIara innhofis e asaine dIsesacter as M, for - a CHUnaiCR oseCFRa AT BseoULN.-A MavAT, McLzLTJAN & Da'NEY. lmsit. ho nov, concert lialditutIe Masoaie Haln YEOMAN GiBsoN, EsQ., Toa1"Mr. Farewll.-Wenî eut c- ca q on Branklu, lu aid af tilesa .Tos Wauder- Co. Ontario, Wliitliy. casiaually vils John Meliseran ; vas Co toiet Thmaown w- tev itl i letaBroughasm lest. ansliet s iechus-cIiougan tond, Wednetey avan- CsisAu'anE xcuastox -Wiiby ta night aller lise autrafs j gelhome Se- Se, 'et t ing 151h inst,, pravat veuy nuéccsaful. Lindisay niSuuge an tint tis een 10 anti Il e'clack, dit! net pans St tbia, Tise pauformnere ail acquittedti 11m- auspices ofetlise lnde anti teaciesareohf!y Benlialt's plae ging, er retura. Tl nAke EJIVes lu a Mnuit teditable mannes-. tisa Wiitby MethistCisurcis Santay îuig home; arn not sures visaI qu Amonst hemwereProessr ad Soioo, pr Whtby Pot. trry& Dghtitvas 1thiuS Ih wus tisaBat- e t lesnh Amne Ius'oePofsa-st ihob ja iiby ot di- I after ; ht tise glg. Rad vai SMs-s. Witie, and Mr. Cuiletc, et Wiit- Lintsay laib'vay teaLinsta niSybs o on cet iehekmtsd litair by, Miss Blow§ Miss Joisu or ~t Steamer te Sturgeous Point. Fretu iw u.ebop tisa day Mue. Bennett diei. sini nini Peîry; Pr-of. ausdIMr@. Wyatt, Mri.ly te Sturgeon Point anti lack onuy _nSu e- phe-sou ta e Sarut ail ulit aJ allec- Balfoiur, M.BlsadU.Rbrs n olr ri lcl Ldféeton la-o occaions-tise pie-uic ut Mas-k- net Iuary bi an u rlbîi ri vi iia ~a aisin, anti-tise Oratgens aexcusion. Bs- It ts and Ms-. liens-y Biakaîl sud taugister, stations on tise ioule ; tare n propos-- wilnesa bat licen away ail aigisi. li saps 'viserenîlereti severilins pieces ou tise tienally cesp. [Sec pestera.] bas-t MoPiersotx's un mmnîsonet ait tis piano eut tinte. Tisea rectos-, Bey. Ms-, laconcalon vuthaheoutrage@;isearduti i it la Forster, presitesi aI tisaeotauinut "Tua SnOUrrVrasE LiBEffl," iliste Jim Cowie's name meutionet, anti sol tise nama of a nov piper poblisati iii tisat neyerai l lir-a feilo'v lu Uxbuidge a ci any ASSAUbuED AND Roisaso- nu Tnîysr. 'Village. Ila vrynnê&î,, gel U,- asmniinet. RHas-thtis e ase dt lishe - ..nd.....enth.e. Ilte veryin ues - vent RUu'rîANS.-A min namot Williams. is innensseedas indepandant lu politica. tion vas awske WhounJius McPison ColG imie isile travelling along tise ronti nea- Mu. Horne toumaliy of tsllt arkisam came in. Asisot iia iaI as no e s JI %har Ceitae-, va assanliti anti robbe.l eonomiat is lise pabliees. lu Brocoglsam, ant Inl a few minutes ass tih 0bàgagotrms usqetyboas-t the cdock sIise eleven. Jim iv, ioadbysgn utrap.Bniqun' "Tgz WaOeZVaLE Ai)VOCATa" h e o u oea aligisI pais-oetpants andi veat, anti De lise -Constable Mfata, et Os-huia, vhila ai.absvmtmevoasle aickoftise vrkn et t am -- f - ouong tie b'usuce.Geuman vewr. -X 1mev as te Frite7 -Os' We-ne-sday, tise agrat m.i -Parente, veroiig neyaovli iabagua oeil- dybafoua sut! allai, au any ailer days tatie at. toacisas, ant i ltentiing modal neheol asyols Aor wit cnit-ahlbaped.S E on~ ItudOtaîsiObl igve bim a dall. yby t honsa fpular vs-tleors, Watr'vA Jhapp:net vrS 'vere yen at o ov for - ---- «*- oisnt na ameslie, actiors, oet taay ? Wiiness -aller a long akte vl Miss SitýoNi3, whose cent appears "Raady-Monoy Moriiboy" antil"Tise pause-I tian'l mimd. lu go 'it ln allias colurnus, lias carlifiestes ofh Gion 3uiteufly." Ms-. Wiîî ikes sente Te Merslips, a jurr-I don'% miut! sm,i VOYLie gfltacigi tepbi frein Walcesosine anterîaliniug cern- 'vietheci Ja. MaFisauîou vas et ihome s-est. laG va- ucaîs ecs uts ulaMonts ou tise naos I"veutiolen," ail day tist aI y aciet as-81101 s~n ot Oshsawa, Ceons-rg, anti Bigli. ic George Eliot givais te tise ieroine To anatiser niasr--Don't Sno'v bow a e n to;elegives linstuction atter the o lDnel rna-tracing it te It remaemben te beau MoPses-son 'vils i otisdothetIcPublic scîsoolsar heu Ga-aulian," meiuing "'viita linon," eemiughioma an the particulai nightl lid rocmilendtios a toaccompuaniati 'itisa s sindtuiaacin question sud te heer tisa dock eunS. a-eue 0s cmusut!îion a to anti sketch o eta yWeisS Sereins of tise ing, andtti et b nembes- about sny home 'he standing araetftise vas-y iighant cher. - nae. Thoen tisera is e smreviats long aller night, onrs teauy otiser tinso. Cevie 0 cI1 r but excellant nhtios-y , "Toms Cisser'a Te anotier Jtiror-Dou't kiaw Loy cail hl Romances, by Miss O ; -a lit ii - h i oigteBoga adti Wý REV Tecoui; ra sTais bave pris. pleasent gossip aven"*1SOnie'Oit! Play. fei-ug lacis va teok tIse werslandtihie unale vsi-vlet tisueugiseut tise Province turing 13111s" by "li. E.-W. S. ;" a papes- an engest rad. hoha ,P-th pst ee. eeptc -"Chsarles Kingsley anti lies cisool," by Questions 'voie put by Ms-. Matiscys Joli p- isapat wek.DeIseties record lofg Mn. E. L. Bdrlingame; anti vo ar s- niMs-. Ceviret, vituain ens'vssiug by tui i- ef liteandsud îjusle ndutli-hadestruction glai te nota the nams et Constance vanj vagueiy. . ceaniel 0- aI a canîudes-abîe amouit properîy Feuimore Wealson among tise ceutiis. -Thle vituneovan fotusler examinat asa in tise tdby liglulng. Theisa nalsi sjBomne tors te tisa psetry. The are as-a euhtaeviliser Leolied auy conversation tance plice..s eva-lieroisspptuatveiflt!der ew'ilS MoPlierson sinca iseing nes-vatihave depsîlmanta. 'iltisahesuipoans Ihat day, bs uwea, eleven PM NG-. P-.'CE.T.e..rme as'vais hie evidenas altogatiser,beiug ne youug Fa ENhe lolirwt PihIe...ont for rao. HAasaa'a MAGAzINE, Beptember. A uusatistacîory sud relnctautly givea as vils f] 2- ad ise"Ma-ryeahar on fo pu- emarissbly got norias et papera te con- te cen taioramonetince tram the Canaly coneltl a tics laI Thsusaday evening. Tlîoy led Attorney.M- nra )I h e oe-taineti in Ibis nurnisr. 0f vebueble Te rmnImunI Bey, Caor t h~ ~~~n lieuvleao,'hiel tliougîhaioviar illustrstet! contibutions thiseonee an Corones-, tisaitisaeaviteucaetoftisheltt Ytis fateoitveSemuS aratin. Fsinca Ed'vaîd Island! sud Meuna I vtuas is given in a ment unsatiefac-a. siet leBsta ouises- by Du. Draper on tiser- tory maunler. isar, th ~~~~~~~~~~î ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h FAACoIETA 5l'v.nmitlras iîsrib s.Hlnrouer-Ha tiens nel ilpeair heu t PTLd ACIEN Asft S Cou 110mtâandn itis YMrg- elentte liea tilsintereste i tus, anyvay. felks w 't rda ferucon, lot i mt., tiedsetie llnt onhe aDmasse and rtus- Joisn MaFlerson, over ansd examin- drink sottM.Wt aie iaMso ite fetfTilan." "Tise Lsdiag cfa yh ooesi- mi h ih Bo fM-WmiProftMso Sip" te falîy describet viltis th e t tb iacrur ait!-ansla Le iliu y vrisi, 'as kieket liy alias-sa, tise Isnju. dtuinge, anti Mi. Etivard Hoviant in hsabi t of -iving ont ai nigîl, sema-e ll ie las rannitlng lu teats. "A Riliroad slad "bring rmiet timei. Arugencrally hSeaaboul bat! los-Jos la vtv th ot igson iciet ettime-isalt.pasl Ion, or aIes-au a'eiock tienS.- ~~~,a.~.iusundrstemi iete t-ore a nti uiuiural e ofillatesî, unlesathrise nsonsatbing haie ti bitsai Sarins vea aga Auisbinset o d rs lu cenneotionviitictherailroat. Waouon.Tise latcat this ammes - -home, Ly0 l, vagtacntnnt ii-Lois "Gsap tClsielSco ns"tslu-al nighi. Was oct tva tes-soni LYU019 Oing e, cntils- Ated. Iofl eaas aelaolotis 'vos-k nigîlt ts ummer. Gaaarally drive, pet lbd placet! hie resignation iii lise an ta et scles bIeaamntiin eigtoue ai Tise iesibey, James Someuville. o'cloeis Du.Con-o, lseDelegate Apostelie, Fhillipa Aaadnmy, Andoves-, Mansacisu. eap u e iels ieIvssm visefes-varsiet i t teRama. Bote; Piuîips Ezetes- Academy, un ont ahl nigisî was ta tise Mânkhar n luea Nov Hampasire; sodt!hie Atama Aca- -ne The Isteet ince thial-can rode wl b C5IcKa....Thnintay antiFriday, ,8 tamy, et Quiney, Messaeosetta. T- sarting isaouit titie rilo.s-a'vlià i ad 24, lise Whltliy club igo ta Toronta as-iales ai enpeolal inlereet are contul-i tuoet n vashouietnotilir outtk e S OUI îLe-o e py mtehs 'ilStis Caatati: "Tom Moore in Americe," by Bena- 1 thee t Ply atoes ithth Cale soin J.Lsiug, anti ,Wait,3 tram mot- aftas-2'cloak. .Suuetimes n'!rin alu ieS tan ant Terante clubs. On Tliureîy'ley' pen,"by Park.Beiijamià,jr. The gig, anti sometlnses la a buggy. Kiss' affair; ilSey Pay Carloto , Frits7 Touata- ees usraplptPPs' re Mme. Bannatabout a yeai. Bshe gaing ik A tog emwilpoabyg e ; novas- vistet viînes ath libis"houge ; 'ituass A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~P ntogbs i ipo a l eu. ftld"qd u t oIrylhe Msgazs -Te en ile Knllia aud thesitet hou use PAiIE'AND> Ltss'M~G ~ t~1~patsa ime vhluns - l W44e8is c 1n Tise. fmer'~~ ÃŽ,- - t ftev4t g r; -' ÃŽIâemet PU9~ -Yi1 tue "14a bosadth îlcoo ek le e g.lttlag m b bt!.Was n tBosug A'aia an suate nigslon'l lemi bar belpg deie vekagii. Ba ni nigislm 1usCowi u evnwiu vt Miglit ho di ooeiôk valu stey homo. Went àe it n thie es CLanonutise lova line, eut! by Wh, vala anthe Broekrad te Brangho Gai bisera allr -dis-S; got boi.e Ilevan e'olock; &oave eutsud no Sy tise 711, and i ugisI staigisi - Le Was ni efion ont vilhs omfrl 'vas net atI ttisa bx or af'tervs aine.; oseoimes veaurs ai, yt semnetlmgiea cap, ou a-a Lai . 'veau, a st a cap somotite Frenibl. th 1e t O >tise report etah saa&it on tîlyt voman anti Sund aIgLi, Our eex it vaak, Lea x drivait Ilany olier persan; hidi1 beau ont -eiL Boeoiue sine@. ]I ue al pa s oun4s aveuing On i sixti coucemiion linao'vesl oftBroughi nt &Hi. mate calientthlie leva lina Feoucisr'e,i et Baîtord, tidti alstop Whltavtla seteppadt! tamss Mr. B. Grieen, at Grenvot!. Hearti soyal usias nenoet! la conneatlen 'v tisa outrage baneofet irteen. Tht vais lis HegleSboya, Fuaal, t] Clovien, msaif,9 James Btas'ey, Bnr aud Jain Burton. Nono sft liemi've sulimal 'vilS Ms-n. Bennett, bLet wj usai knev. Heardtlheu spaisen liglily"t'v or three yeara ago, Sae s'itno van acqaiataiitis St Was ette lisse -ueslest baIl, tb sotlaitely. HMt vliitd ber Sou tits ptiar men vise îLes-oras partT thera. Sonisivible anti job Cowie vers tisera. Nevar heard hi susisant vas isolons o etrs. Bsea aetod in a free vay toaaits vils To Mu. Faroveli-Firat boendioaI l ocIrage on Mrs Bannett ou tha $unau e'ening mantionat!. Wm. Hanse gai iformation; isaidt! isirteenofn et l veut tisueugs Broughsam up ihat wva sut vaessuppesadtite betise aras 'La re vaissnumber et naincesmoi. âoued._ Thomas Major- toit 'vituai [aogIe anti Freaeseeout. Doi nov Ihat I eiculatedti tIs cs- i tIf tisaiallas - voeeont. Lis-eiy utl os' it; dit mention tisaI Stoey an, ns-Se voie bhimat!. Den'I knov ts ,ovié lielpoiluse te, cireulate li ou- 'Was net ounltce s-estleatini irIsh fs-rn Bennett's ou tise Souda, wfleo- sItar the outrage. Tise Sui ly baes-a tise 26th vas ai Bteuffvihll vith William Tracy and John Covia id tva hersas; loft Tsacey il Wns Eiler'e, andti il anud Ca tie ceus =6mog gthar. Atter laaving Trace use up tise 711 andi home. Joli uvwis came home vils viluese an Ipadto nuhilcs. Heerti BannaI biss 'an vorking at Goodwood, ditin'i Dowv as te isis oming homne. Ou the snursday %vas drswiug bsnley aii day; nit aboult aiS, antontIenat ouitas6 dis-ve; vas drogatnth a ie pinta and et (plaid!) vituns thon vcfrs, and un't Snov 'vietser lied ou s cent or a neck jacket. - lit net se@ Cowie tisa Iy bef'are starfilig. 3smes Govie tit it go vils 'vituess. Sav hlm at rougisan; came -hiome nions. Cea-le td a n*i ofai s nu. Left Brugisam ;fitteen minutes paat ten o'elock. ârtati tramx Thomas Majoî's, vas ber ; Covie lat beoea iiuen ; baal cap os- mtrav lbaI an tisIevaning- M't remember viic. Dou'I knov >w Covia 'vasdussset!-din't ses )wia tlîat night agin. Thse distance ne vas tvaemilan an t lli-qnart- B. BlepI vithSonBeaville, Se vas aise vison vitussa cime home. )n'I rernembe- vhat lime I carne ne th iseugs. before, or theisait ss-, or 'visaîhr I vaa oit oezviai ne I veut ta lied. Witnmss enult t ell as tte saWoslnas!i& Sétoisosr dnastay aftes, bnutviseufise liae tha outrage gdst oti, isaî! Opred ih tisat liavas et Saisi a 1151niglit ai lime statet!. Jita Gregg to-lt senss that Le vas saispectot ; tisaI in Benett sait! thit Jack evia 1Moeson vere inepeeteti. Rat tsiS 'vith Somneulle about the mal- Auy ouaneaning tisaIviluens ou Bentt'saida lins ou thLsBus4. r îstora, ou aftaitle Thurnt!iy et outrage, vouitibcSe snga lia. ktise sida lina veut aI J3rangissm, retainevthe ain ea y. Boul ses-ville a thie biacksniîi'e siso day et Mus. Bennott's tests for a plé for a gale ; lievastovu only t. Witnass dit! net meai any son ou tise rond ountisenigist lu stien ; heasti ne tonapas ,ng. s- a ia haLome aou Tisraay niglil 't citcis anestisherosa thal n* tt ea ne journey ta Cewia'nIlt n glit tact. Dit! net kitov tes' 'hom ,n lut mentis. Geuerally go vils g MoePason. Was icquaintot 0 'lie JaeaMra. Bennett.VDesual t des--leu oharaclor vas geat. 05. a liai acting ronghly. Ébe motet ose vilsvilnses -Sn Les- tisa lias ta-e montisa ago,,and Sha 1 ituesa te stop aUu lgh ist lis ;ai hou min a-ai avay. Heai d, tsanti vas jeaiens et heu ; knev B riso vaut le tise Place ; as' lias-T 'vitkey. Wun lieue an îLe 1) ot tisa 201h Juiy, siept vilS Lia or; lied Sentirawlug in barley ses tisaI day sut! gel home about wa Rarnambes-e ttie Sundey ho. hl ae outrage, vaut' te aiuroislthon anti came tiovu vus John Pst anti JohnBurton ta Brougisam ; 16MO belveon ten aud elaven th k. Rade wiii Ms-. MoPisainen & imas in i buggy, mut! nemehimas in iig; ot emniSersn hast et 11th hics. Hs4 b'pe alBennaîî'a W, JoPliersen, but Ï61 Ihins ummer. ai àfPhren-neyeraIiman nunca b tIage;taîket! ovai tise subjeofa hie"; tisa7thouglti hLard ;heaudt t ses-es-aipersans vera to ho isaule. up for- i-' vas thatbS evu o nDainevas -m1entionati. te: ae unes tebacco, asmoana utIl 'vos-e a strav bat iii'lise sam.- wj sat! ne ides of gulty rts-lin' in r. FereilU-Doat tibnkMàr&. bi tes- caeraS' et, b@àinssof bn le tisa quit. an otf n the figisi- nigisl eouet. lest liae hans, s-anti Tis bt- s~uil riem Bai- anti ant ,by te: >Vai WUIAOr examiat ait onge b La n . P a r e ' J , h l a e t s é l aI ltima le allierànl. 4 E'vas Duts pos tva, however,as bais )Me. ca$inlaanglgee, M)li p0. ata aouat eWediw [ t ts Beveraw'itnassas baing b aver la appeair. tise Latent ;WAu Neye. mot Tisera are no roenet reports oft nat lnx. Movemente tesr a great expi Did battis are golng on, on Suntiay1 lise thse Tunrku 'ere driven tram thise 1m trenahm«ealaitishe point efthie bAyg e t Thee Basshens titinot ailemapitat ai tare'iheir eondi lias et tetanos, J. retireel te their for~mer position. Brai attiais 'as a teint ta caver àa tai 11th movement TiseEncadsas lest 84 ors t ainti 78 weundsd. Tise Tari. lie 150 killeti. rk, Tise Turktel army iu Bulgarie Ore rasalvatoi effar battiele iLhe Rue 'il- 'viseare commantiet by tise Gi et ofDuka Nichoas. 210,000 mean'vili Ore getiser lie engagat. ir. A correspondent ai Vienne, telegui but tisatinfaormation Las beau raelevei ose tisaI eiîy tram a raliahie sourca ,a Sulaiman Pub&sauLasscceetat inuea su mng a jonction witli Mahomret ARl aur tween TJ'ursarara anai Babrova. Ld lîaces theRauieusinlafacs ot an, Me. formidable Turish.ali my, sud the rentier tise ntmoet exertions, neasi IsY on their part le praveut lise Turks I ie jsopardizsng tise visaisposition la;1 ni gaie. sy, Tisa Turs aa are very active,i il. are sIuiining every narve te bo ahi M- coes uaesmfully vilitiste lameg j is 'vell eppeiuted Bussien fore 'viiel W& epposedt t lssa. Tisey have har k- np elmosi iliair lasi min, anti havae i dandly matie op lieir minais te nt ti aerything on thise of e a battis. be Tan FPoîancair.DEsTaINTOP G.UIÂDÂ g Goldid'laSmith is 'ila reply ay Sir *Fraucise ineke. Toron 1- B aiLord B rotlie rs. [l h tel only nacaeauy ;7te mention I] 3;tise essay of Mr, Smitissud lise crm t. iug raply af SW Frauce sHinaka are r ie produca4 lu pambisiat foims, as abc ?Y -Mail in Tise pamphlet shouliti linlathelia la af eveuy Canadien. id a--'n ýt Frein a Physicien. Grest Bondi, Fa., Nov. 22, 1875 Messis. Beths W.Fe've & Bons, Bois )r Gentlemen-Fou aearly two yei ýdmy 'vite 'as iroubl iet va elong di aculty. Aller entiuring tise triai aftmu Lt medicine, sle was parga dset t use IC WxSvMs's BA,AMr OPWILD Carai -Aller ueiug two, bailles eeoxperians great relief, aud afeellaaie isat takeni ebattien ehee'vas freat of eu cangs. awil lieesue cemmend Dta. WîsTAI BALSAX OP' WM iLt> EcaY. a ~J. T. PAYNE, M. D. 50 conte andi $1 a baIlle. Solil byi druggints. Lord IMffeeln'a Tuur BPLENDID RECEPTION M iTUE AIIl a ~ PO>VINCE.* - WîNNîS.aEO 'Ang. 18.-Lord Duffari elaidthlie corner atone et Bt. John's Ct tlege ladies, ocisool on Tnestiay mornin M b u tise evaulag lis attendeth ie citizen 1bell. Ha[e'vas escoriti te tise hail bv rfiramau's teuctiligisi processions, Tt irooni 'van nplondidiy tiseriteti ai a, super su ppr pepareti. Na listes hundreTi 'ers pueent. On Wei neaday a visit 'vas madt th ie pelitei liorty, sud Hie Excallancy reaesved a atidiasi hem tise ettiers of Bechwaoî Lord anti Lady luferu, LadY Hale] Blackwoati, anti Mue. LitIbetoa rode i a Raed Rivai carl drawa by 80 axes, Tisey passat under an arch bult t shaaven aof wissa. To-ifiourow 1hi Vice-regalpat will viait Selkirk, ani a lare nomcb ai f excuioxiainte accoua panieti hy a rnulilary baud ara going bi ,jiteamer. In tise aftrneen tise Vice-rt gai party yull vieil lis. Indiens ait Sf eeleun, 'vis have lisa assambling froit al part. ______ Orgnnized Forger1. àPB 1N5OtALA N D'AiO YOImrIC At Chicago, eia A. Gaeuna', E. T. Heniterean, anud - B. B. Wsston have lissa arrestetil ýWNew York decectives for targery off a'stapendoas scale. >Tht priseners are members et e large gang operating iliroagheut tise country,.liav- deg mai$400,000 tise past year by uîsgbank cheques anti forgeries. t- t!. JACORBRUAN, uts ChiaI Constable. Whitby, Ang. 41h, 1877. 'Concil lu commîttea ofthtisa visai Mar. Hopinin theliachair. Mu. 1Io'v etated ha hat mata ln. en. qines anti onudt aerougis estiraf ýas il vouiti cot aboist 60 te p ut the. ps-t if*saut lack-up iu auytising like repair Ch Tie Town couiti gel na muais moes Da- couveianti'y siluateti, containing roansý n.- fou botis mal. aua femele pisouers for oed about $85 per annon. Ha was in ffi nx vas- of r etig tisa pro mises up town Ibut oniti raommnti otilg. - Tise Msyor anti Mr. Long bath -spoke lavorably af renting a klth-up su a tue central part af tise to-an. Tisa Mayar spokie la stroug condemnatoiy tarms of presaut lack-up, siatiug tisaI in vas au unfil place te put a isuman baing. Thie malter siseulti ual Se pruag upoî the> coanefl, but lime given tise mern bers te think abeut il. lun On motion afthie Mayor secandati by ,Il- Mu. Ferguson, tisa report ofthtis Chiai 1. Constable, 'as retrreti back teit M' cô am mitte a a u T o 'vn Fr ap er y t e rapart la deflniteiy.visai course they vosiltiadi. he vise-tise couicei te pauue. li Thie commutete o rse, reprted SAdtie by the council. D. iaposme os' PETITIONS AND) commun- in tIATIONI. blyMs. MaMilln, oeaantddhy Mr. SLong, moveti theltishe patitians cf SMesers Hebeon, Green, andtihis Speitions cempliing et nuisances Se Of referredt th ie cemmittees oftis vani. aesoe wrts l i sicis ana tiey eccur, id tIsai aI communiation uaefering ta llampa ha retans'ed tb tisa Fluaanti 'y Wahau conmmtes anti tisapétition of 0'Jas. Wallace, ta tie gnral commiteea t.on streets anti siapuovernenia, tisaitisae avarions committees ha instuteti to attend to this meiter at once sud re- paritaittise naît meeting ofthtie canneil. Carried. Mi. Ormiston breaghin tulisereport et tise committe. aon relief, recemmanti- îngpayment oattise caunts et, Wm. le Tillbryiag the lais Mr. Nauvilla, #88 i Chas. Pannylein #88; F. Smih 82. e R port ad o apsi1 A A Misuav 'Mu. DevenUl, secoutiet by Mu. Me- Milleu, moves tisat tise mambors etftisa centre 'vend, tise chairman of lise gon- o ral commitîca au strets anti improv- * usnts, anti Mr. Hopkins, ho a cotu. miltea te censitsu tise advlsabiity aI -costrcting a main sewer ta drain tie town attti ta report et tIe nat meeting rtise rouie anti probabla cant. That tisa comnilitea be empavas-at toeamploy an * nginear te maka a anrvay t a ceaI ual toe xoeed'850.- Mr. Ferguon abjecteti. Tise tevu vasnnaI lu a position te bildt ts Baer * au ijs 'o l e t L o in g m on ey aw ay . MuDvrll rapliati, tisai saeuer ou latarttie to'vn must denstunet a main newr,, anti tis acuoer tie botter. Tia final hng to be dons 'as la employ au angincean d hava lavais taken. Mu. Mo.Mils enit 11 lk. ta carry on lie ie'vn toi nthing, but lb canot ho dans. Tisapissant eystom et drainage lu tisa tovu a Mst impArfCi anti muet lie remedieti. It 'vas a gigantie achaene perasepete bud tiesa a'er,-teban. urls 'ouaipnbaby have te b eenetie -bal ha-saw na aises' vay et geltiag ut efthtie difficaty. -Hae'as in avor et isavlng s praper survey made at pie. sunt. Mu.- wiaka vas la laves- of aconomy, balie iJit a believa in big "penny 'isa anti punti folisi." A pîtper estimataeofthtie cent ofthtis drain coul, oey lie mae bylavug a unsey lalcars. A m ain s at w i lviihav a tob cha builtinla tisa tevn, h ivenit cent parisape810i,000t ër more. Hea itint tisk $50 te large a ura ta li app opriteti for tisa 1 snrvey.0 Mr. Blaow consideradthtie building et tis e a-r, w ulti be a very esav y un- deraking, but il muet bce dou. Ties-s 'vas neo oher Possible vay. ot drriniu tisa lavu. He titi net sel s ov a dom mitaS coulti ronentas-oorreet ant iIl report on -tie buil ing eft hî ee a' e , c 'vitioul tisa aid et au auginear. Filty f dollar.te 'nt an extravagant arountP for tise Strvey. .Mu. Fargneon ilsought tise cemmitteae baad beau choge n la aMet Sunaut manuer. To stant off 'vthtise Caninea Ward commities auutti nchaos. onlyP oue Irons aaq of-thé sersavrds. M'. Leqg- bppoed tie reanothelis. Mm f the Centre Wird cmmttest lied been ahopý w1s 'v aouse . it. 1M 66tbe yard'oetc $'vn' HoeUit 'viii- -"-in.5Aà1A t roken. Oaa e lisesa'v-log drivera riso 'as on tise boom aitisae lime anti aring s etra'v Uta, Lad tise usatomn Il te places vus halatons batteriug ou tes hast. Min7 efthlie etosies whiea ,iieat np ilthe camup aler tliiesm 'as aveu measurati an incli anti a hait n diarnetar. , The ollier taumeun lu ;at sactien &an had conniderabl, lmage donc te thelu. cropi. But noue sifereti as mach a Beriign. Tho .torm cama tram lise uostisest anti '88 travelling sautliveai. A portion- r it aisa viniteti Wasmealh vfiage. )raking e 1ev panas.-a! glass in somef >thie liomnes. Becon TsÀO4zRB.-Ts0 Jne entm- sur o! lise JOgFalof Rdzcaiesscon ae sa 0 dal eirdeiierlng tisa surd cian9iein u good pointi06 ho li v es thaji abli&y anti have nMd elxesnlence, aud yel f1 6eto pasI se,~xiniatÃ"u aieeent i&,.Mar, "XSmblM55, cas-sai imprave. el . W a l e tify ng tie s auts Inspeetar, canin,~ ea tain -i ient A ilP. idne anud balLer par tL. s a~ isi is a a de in g à Th-lr nore,th Gakng ltisB&d lise -varions sticetn suad vardi ald6 ti crédit es follcv Ià-Break itraeî 4288 ; ' Donda. itOOt, #400 ; Bas' liai 8109 ; Noth Wad, 890; SentsW;cd 860; Contre Wad, 015 tiua iino incluta amate eute toe pait leo lmser sut! naïf . TO" N PFET. Mu. BeloirangisiDp tîL e npeut o tise cemmille cn ten prerty uacamà maudiag payasant of bise accoanta et, A EBUis #120, Jua. Hopper $8, Himiltos à Ce. 0126, Tiseommittes mine lais bafoua bise counoil the reportoattse cuRaIECONsTÂDLZ On rua aeozc.Up. ThiI l ataian incenvéent tistane. frein tise business part àf tise tovn, visera large aumbers et people are te Sa founi anti'visas-aarrenta ara mesi frequeully mata, issace considorale doley tesus-aolveti la the censeyanae of prisoeas or luamps,' anti il frcqnanily or. thalt uring ssobedéayé atLas- chargeai vols offaucai maS.a liseir es. ý'%&ttha laek.up itls aîts ost an- fit p lace la vîlcs te datais prisonare, elilie criminels as' otis, itSeing a anialI apas-rneut about 12 IL. by 10 euigin.ally lutendat tor s bateliers stail, viisaut proper ventilation. TisaItha re te ne apartmeut foutemale priseners. Tisati hte inseonra, tise inaiti alii isasing beau Slcetdevis Sby a prison. os- soma e eeince. Tisai tLe numbe-of et asons coufinet Ilierein, turing thea menuisof etDcan. bas-, Jaunes-y, anti Feliurairy lael van 270, in sente instances as maisy as 6, 8, anti 10 perons ave en loed p tas- -ise aiglit ant inue instance an mîny ca 12. TisaItishe foui air nacaos' riyneatet by s0 many boes in l seamial qsue ias beau vary offensive te tia parties ceufisat, anti Las beau bIb lt limes ail o'er lise building. Tist your chief constable lis ueceiv- cd instruetions frointise Shéeriff tisai no trisoners 'viii ies-estter ha reaelvat inl tha County jail Ionrsate Seeping niss they shahl have beau, folly cammuttat. e' COnUÉ09 ha lo infd n t he chair- men of bLair Verions cammittese. Thisa otion-wu aslst, ol ene Long, ana MoMillan votingYc-ya. NOTION 0F ET-LAW. &t Mr. Blow gava natiaiàt tist ha 'would ec ai the nexi meeting 'ot tis ecdiluala. 4, traduite a by.lew for tL. division efthile 00 town lie opeiling sub-divWuous tor par- tliamantaryprps. 'rM%. Wcks calladth ie attention of tise Cliaien aoftiseCentre -Ward cern- mtétitiste sldewaik on Centre streel. ) t wu n as uaVary* nsaeecandtiin. Mr. Daverilî replieti ho a wenqpte *wlling tefixîtheasidewaik, but lieep u preprietions wuasail spaut. Ha wenl a i skeîîsccuncil te grant Lima fiutiser ~heuMaorsaithe tisadewalka la tise elOwnmustai .kaplAn agooti uiaiset 1,epairwisetlier he approprlians 'vasi ai w pent or not. Onr motion et Mr. Fergneon tLe cana- cil atijouineti. Pickering Councl. Tise conail met pursueut ta atijura. ment, ai Brougisam, on Bataray lait. rThe meeting 'vas hela inl, Bannetis liotel, tisa preceadingsataithée-laquesi, as to tise canscf Mis. Ellen' Bennetts deatis, being carristi on la in=te 'Town halL] Proent-T. P. White, reeva ; B. J. Green, let tiepnty-reeve; S. Mfackria, 2ud tieputy.reeve ; F. J. Hoovar, Sud deputy-reeve, anai concillor josepli Monkhiouse. PETITIONs, Ad. 0f B. fluntiug and tillera, piaying aid fer Mua. Beaumont, an indigent. COLLEOTOR. 0f Aston Siserrard. taor the office et collectai.1 01 Davidi Brawn, for thes, se office.1 0f F. Larkiu, toi tise office. 1 A by-law 'vas introtiacet, setlling tisa salary et collecter ai $120-a blaak 1 beiug laft for tisa noms. Tise bleuis4 'via fillet inl, ln committea efttie 'vhole,c wi tiste narne et Davidi Brown, anti1 tisa by-Ia iw passed ila lise hape.1 Mi. Mackie, in the finit place, movedx tise aneetMr. Sherrard, but tisai ofç Mr. Birown 'vas Pubstituteti an the vota. ÂCCOoUSTS. 0f James Taylor, for geads fnrnaled, $20, and et W. H. Higgins, fur priât- ing. Resolution directing tisaiail aceounte racaiveti be heid over until sufficieul t taxas coileclti te psy ta lame. î Mas. BEAnKONT. 50 cents, par weak, ordaret for lier nuppaorI np to Sîsi Deoamber.1 CULVET. Resolutien eppointing S. J. Greén cousmissionar t lait the fixing ufap t culveri betwen the tits and Bsuis con- j cessions, tise saea vlg been 'vasisetib- away. ai 8200 anivABD I1 Rasaluin offariag $200 rewarti for T tisa appuahennion andi conviction cf tisete ÊLBy-law introduced and pasad, - a- seaing sohool sections Ba foflewe:- Section 11...............850 .67 ..........82 5 41 17.............. 825 t do ............... 5 0 96 80............. 50 9 Co n il adj urne t. Sbocking Exposure!1 ALMS HOUSES DEN$ 0F INFAMY. Baltimore, Md., Aug. 19-Tlie offi- ciai report oet ýaa investigation of the charitable institnitions -in the State dia- closes a ehoceking. condition of affaira. FMye luudrad insane and idiotie people are autirely uncared for. Borne of the country aime bauges are dlsgnaing dans of iti and prostitution, sickeuiug te conteniplate. In the Alegaay county alma houae tLe nanad ineaili ara indeiserlinate. ly aaociated, withont regard of gaz. An epileptio coloreit girl hua ilres ouil. dred, two bora in thse aima Lous. Ia tLe Aunes Arundel conaty alme housethse white lnmtes Iiin a unrs. stricted coneubiaàge, on$,inane voman haviug had thrae illagitimte ohiltirea in the aima hou". The Boltimore couinty alma house in tearfally everarowded, thse incletes sleepingim the bath-rooms and water closeta. The Caroline oounty almehonse je a mockery of charity sud a nursery of poîjixtion. Ona woinain bore two andt another v.ix chiîdren in tihe institution. Tisa colored departinen t is worae than a1 pig alys.1 In one amail room ware five womeën,0 two childran, neyerlsai ansd doge, andt allier living thinga.9 Iu the Cecilceonly almahouso the sexes se casiiy asingie tisaI Baevera i 111e gitimate haChas occurad. Ona idiotie white women, herself bora in the almas. house, gave birtis te six children. The Wfaahington couaty ainishousee te a cominon nuisance, more shockiug 'n revo tiug " t a t i aoters. Tuhe ex osua wl probably ause a State et Trade in England. Statistios show that ganerai trade in Great Britain during the lirai six montha of the present year lies ir.prev. eti, and that tise depression, whieis lid alraady lasteti since tise apriàg et 1875, lias continued te the falleut extent. 0f ail the trades perbaps the engineering sud machiniel hava nuffered moesthan otherp from the prenant war. R ussa, one of England'a bent cusiemers, buias constant drain of lier resources te keep up with the expenses ofthtie carnpAign, anti aven in the districts ramovoti from tie seat of war it appears useful indus- tries anti uanufacteries in-tisat country have beens topped, owiug te tise decreas. cd dernanti frous ailclasses aof ur- clissera. Tise dermand for shipping, wics ias expeoted, tram thse war, lias flot arm'en ânt inatise docks belL et Lon- don sud Liverpool tkItra lastiÛR thse long erray et ldla steatnshipa whick 'lias been sean now for nes.rly tise years. Prices aof plates anti besis Laving failen considerabiy mince Jannary, contracte for new iran slips eau be made ai pro- pertienately lower rates. HZtvv SUR x BsurAT MOaTRAxÂx-. A daring robbery et stika lab b an- earthed in Montreai. T wo efthe eui- ployeceileofS. J. Claxton & Co., aio49 wlth e prote ba ts. ave beaun 'o %temaiai a -igofailks tram Warhiorsaue beinu ianded st Que- mianreside th te ll agete sus- fge Journal. [Iov re MAE GavaTuam -aA'D 1N WELL DURIWG, ran Dui, Heu PATaEBR.-Giva thon- Ivica or t iceo veek eue tableapeanfol of contion 'toc mixedt! vil a litle saIt in about mln oI dr-y corumeaI. I have ùis-st us- aboeut eixstraSs, ant i fa t ta will psy oua -lintreti.foit. Tisa se vill drink mrnse, eat mûcs ballai, 1segin m-si-o ceuenîtid. Il 'vli psy -ry farmrnntl try il. f eanD Durraan<'s PoPULmAnRITy-Tba don. World gayastisst Ls-si Duffemia 50e niasl papales- nii dactive, (love- 'General Canada Laslad tfs- yeti$. IL tise Ganstians aisoosa tta s o tisa Dominoioumunb au iclive naros>' a-I Duffarin 'venît ho Un- Muuey cisasen t ia King. Ln affidavit uecautiy <sulimilteila in sklyu court raistus :-And ta- ste furtier gays atisatse dtatants wpaistoi anti throatenati depenesil tI ha te id net ait once bave th@ nase,Le, the sa:it detentanl, 'vosis w Sim te heu, vhiah depanaut s-ail>' i tis seaitdaMoant w'vuit Las-e tLe d lia, tisasait tepeonnt, net L an ho i-wu commandI." %èe elevatar ofJohnMDugmll et Mailtrel, 'vAn detmoî4 4Yb>',4a OEBMANY A-YD üd ta em againet France 1 tion on the si FiaE ATGUI 8tore and conte: Guelph, w@ee( Monday.-Los Ottawa real insi Poni 20 to 331' PE ira re Dr 1- 4c"f 1 9- 'y rt ant egnebraiecfùnaera ta pub. lais oisf unat.sara. - But tise aui. in pa te estorytjebhel tisa Premier. issbeau travelling ail - hrungistisa Maritime Prov-inoces,ual only la an officil car, but by special trains, attse cnt cietsaoutry. Noe e onit! -tliaS et f[nting fat withl this but fou lie miserable attampîta tomaS. polilical capital aotntLis ioedrefusai of s smple'-csut fconntesym is te oIon Case. Il i te old ates-yofet tiniug il à guet su! avaowingeacamaI. On ties.se suobjeattlse Balleville Ireellsgnersys:Acrrespondent heom bise es-Provinces vultes us la réference te tisa aboya a toilcvn : "visc lsang an the spot may Sa relieti ann 6 0usd :.---"Tie ali ar agrapi I clip tramlise Queliso Ghronicle, vLioh.- app.eaute me striage lan con. Premie, Han.- A. Macenzie, vas luaelliugln bisa-Maritime- Provinces; tsa tactset sof-iaa, tha vLean a Cainpbeoion, 1 met 1fr. Brytges ou lis vay nP- te méat M. Maakenzie, la lis palace car. Thfisetactof hie coin- ing frein Moncon l i hi palace car tas- tise spécial pus-pesaeto meeting Ms-. Mackenzie I have fs-cm noubte! auhisut>. AU ilireugs ILsProvince et New Brunsick anti "Nova Selis Mu. 'Mackeanzie buas-ilati liy apecial- traina lu Mu. Biytgespalacecar. Tisi .1mev sas aclt, foi I inot.hiastravell- in in tiaI manr ayseit ai Trura;, ant I1n nam ined, aliheugit I tiinol sea hMm myselt, thet lie Iravelle! in îLe sama' vaY iuoine Etvar Ilandi. That isa traveileti visn 0onth"a Islandi Sy spéaltrain I hava -ne toaSt, feu my infos-mation outhe taat la latispatable. Iu s-lwof a!the a aliea ragraph I thongist suais information 'veult Se et ses-vice,a i vas ieti to e babysthat hie meeliinlutisaProvinces wvealor s tse oeseetfiascerting 'viai isoît ha 4tupeu -tisa Puas-lacesnsauliaw ativise a dintion."l Nov tisa countiywovealikcete isuov, visatsronlise spécial bainsvwits Palace Canasvas-a ai îLe axpaiaetoftisa country ou et Ms-. Mackenziea? lad Mu.Me- keu-zia vinitedthes Maritime Provinces nponbusiness couneetedt! histse Do- minion. spacial trains anti PalaceoGars- wonitib ha aIligisi; butîhi lecemes au- olluor tising vissa t1wa visit ja mate foi palitlaal purpoes. Tise engins have Atiempte t tmaSs a lUtIle 1cisp, ex. seediu-gly aheap, capital ont of s refus- -ai ofltseP-amie- te ride 50 flés upon a s'aitay vlliseul puying for th. pris-i. lege. Nov laiet ta tllus Lev muais sisese spécial trains cent, and bo'v mucs tho contry Las palid fou is lu leta- tetienaeeriug trip o etsFPrmier.- T'he Landanu "Tinias" on tisa Fisery Commissien. -Tise Louton 2'imes.a le utisy adi- anal o ouhe F'isLaryCoamtissdon, Baya:s Noseoear di thtia Cmminnioners begin. business tisan tisa conviction araa tI anoelaCommission -anti anotser ts-eaty toulti Se neceasaîy te saIlle tse disputa. This vonît lie elvery limeand lapa. Leut conclusion afI ila bours. The sotieoetdealing vilStisaheCanadien ciis alveya aseinatiexceatiingly in- ns-saent, las-olving as it titi continu. lly racuruing tisputes. ît vas aUrget ni su excuse ton ths treity tisai ne tiser tes-ma vois abtainaSie. Il voulia a4ve 'beaellas'tter Lava Latine Wûhls àgten Trealy tisan telias-e falledt! t ?rvite tor îLe e;ttlemaut o! tisé tiffi. ,lity. Il a wuloteaa ttarenieseaill ?onte la dispute, but therse s as ucs n dispute as aver. It te a question et emmauciai policy, on vLicl îLe Timcg s-enunes ne opinion, visathe tise sunatiins voulti noete 'isoain lapeu- nitlmg the fiarmenetansy ntiouaiy o came la eut Suy liait andl ice freel>'. isse us mhono question îL>he tse iglto te xcinte les-aigu iaboumen if hey chaos. antan lise Convention of .18. If lie Wshington Triy gave uier riglita etfrenorting ta Canadien vatar, il SHOWSevs tiscompenstion eay ie- raquinati for tse concession. 18a rtssaaseas noe aa y onttetftisa imerous tifficuities. Tisa Seat course, is-hiapa, veuld belafor tise ive Go-err aenti te coern te a pueliminauy agne- oent te gis-atse Cemminssioer paver tadcide tisa visla ofthe-ecaes Jaid 'tara them, giviug suais-an suJargati tes-prelationte tisa clauses oethe 'eaty a veui -dte substantiel justice Ivween the disputante. lIN Tua JAva - Oen As Ax.rGAreat.- îa Nov OnlaunDemecrat ofthîe àis. ineya:-'eAÃŽLiSe Chailse, la se Farisis of Colossiens, a 1ev tays tase àasealexoiting scabe 'vas ituesa 1Sy a numbor ecuole on tha shsore. Soma teu to the 0. meel Pei eomcrioî aronnd t] up till ah a cou=a fromiEe trunke bo been sent algo Pei, --ahortl.y bg for the e was seoin lier lnggs checked t] started at then neitl ens -have 1 There, is n gene off ai -tiIl yesterê ens retur fond thi quite -a lot left a lette ~r tention, of Mr. Steve! wife bas ralier Ca bas gone -t Toronto, fc disturbed 1 Li lavery 1 ever bring . foohali act, patliy je te] Hoaoas dreadfnl ef) ernlndjà is as follows. ilhe workcin, ~ortion of e ja tis i great bnlk( ed;-their ri covered wil * tion,'deseni marks are el erintendent, reports that roailsresern battlefield,j dying., If t by a local o -ngry times, the works a eevere ja tÊ flouecould and lorie-the ioWiflgre t PrEPs As,.ocj Alercury. non, of the!1 Pret;jdent--.: Lord -Beaca W. l. Climi, 'A&siàtantTr, W6odstock, mittee Thie President, E J. C. Traye, Jackson,, N Somerville, 1 Creigliton, M Antitors--C. bon. TuaciuA Sistova despE eiglit thousaR Logeas iu Sel% respoudent te lows r-Civil beixig camedJ ZaKglrà.; Ail population ha by the- Turk Lias heeh lira -mlissîonàzier-s Turkish fiand they possessed £irxnd by con ý muale Bulgari eitlier a spy ci brunar te ci Tbere !a enly, there are sixte Thre wounded perildnlg froir SEIL.&LTIOI says:,"Abouýt ulation growir war waa Iliat ionths ago a i chnsed 750,000 month snceeea declinecl on a bashel, and in declino a-6Fýaï July the prroeln veastiil furilit and- the past ave aaos

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