Whitby Chronicle, 23 Aug 1877, p. 3

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vei, the cIr wonbd have la tultheordlàary train, or woulul have pali hie r.ha biect in î an oral. 7f(isod, howovor, leana_ -IIses li. sory gOOs-he teo Pa>'for it. As lbe îIgus' car l e totfor sale, il) lsavelled wIb ihiie Owaiary Peo 7rcar, t out of th. aiffair. Il rwretCe En obbîry te LZ ",f21lirat instance, seofnmzrS.ta pub. rwarde. But tîe ames. atr is Ibat tb, Preinlor 'el,,.alunat tirouihlb rinces,1 fnot oiily in an by epecial trains, et tllo lur. No 0110-Wouaid wilht w th ilebut for -ttpt teunako pohtical laie ruile refusai cf a artOEiy ltüthai-other cage. y Uf strainiing at a gus a carnet. subjeet lire Belleville &YS '--A. crresgfondent i1rovinees arilas Uninl cbV auiasaifoltows : ho. mlit nIa> bu rolied -"Th aubovi parsgraph co nietrauge in cion. A. Mackeînzie, was Maritime Province . OhI are, tuat wliot at 1 met M r,. e7dg6saon it Mr-, Man ene, lu The faot ol bis con- nu in ile; palace car for pTose Of meeting Mr. ave frtam ndoubted Itrarigla 1h. Province LoA aud Nova Sctas- travebteti b>'5POcial lIges' palace car. This for1 Inot hlm Irai-elh. er rnysetf sAt Truro ,; 1<, althouglh I dlii not liaI hoetraa'etled uin tlît4 rince Edward Iand, when on thp Zalgnul b> vO ne danlil, for na> 0. fal la udaispntable, w abeve Iargrapb I mutation woUid bo of, lodtu behlio e"that lits 'roimes werebohi for crtalming what bold Provinces - ii OI h. 'y wouIld liko tb know, lcl trains wltbe-Palace ixense.of the country' le 2 Iad Mr. mac. Maritime Provincos necled witb the JDo. mi anti Palace Cari ;but tt becames au. the. vi-fit launadaelor- i. Tihe organe liaie C a ituila cbeap, -Oz. a tlont cfa refus. td'rido 50 )miles upon pryiuig fur the, pri-I. Bln tltinu haw munIr s ent, tend liow nuuo std for Ibis las t - l nescr ce lue ler>' misasion. tosin m,.tegttiy eBdl. Cornuulisionars agn contviction aronsothat nru a4u oterireanty 'te etîlmLime dispute. vYY lame) and imnp o. fîe t abuours. The wthg the Caciidiant eiod ecaiiugby in. ug as à (d4aicontinuu- tes. IL was urgeai the Ireaty tIlialCO ltaiabto. Il WOILrIC b ave lied ne Waah. L t bai-e fiedla lament of lbe difi. ndedte horemovi ail ut ltr.e sas ennob IL le e questiouu of iii wliich Oihe Times iun, wtietliOr theo il net wisoby in per. en of an>' nationallî>' bail ant ile. fréeety. <iion î bave lthe ermol,% the. Convention of ington Treaty gave irtlng ta Canaelîau tbl compensation -r thme conceion.a clsar wmýy ont ofthue s. TIco lest course, (lino dncgts nJ eftole theoem und ragatias, Ltha Division Sous cf î1c.A Certain hoi village le ens- lu tue ismectifor Ity ,party. Uic- ws Tuînrti AND >'rtn, Di)a, IHor itwicui or thirioî fu] ef condition àlte sait la abouIt I. Iliai-e trieti rend1 1 flnd tuat dreu-fld. The ut tuttcti botter, c eu.IL wilitpis> IPUI,AIITY.-,The ýt Lent Difrifenl 1activao over- m imai for yeard coso ta trunS- ite u eoctia'i U. would beun-- m-t King. srabiniltedli c EljmeltfrmSt 'hois.Câai àc aIlelà faZn, n'oTET O 'w[TE IUNI or?7 mR The following IeUteruo± à 141TUAL FIUNV. Dove p~ineeTbuscly litlb. cf OhN~> LIVIEPOOL, Aug. ;51ud Turas lst, llego5sorJON 5 EEs q., th ue good town of fSt. Th0omfo vbeau CndaGyrnen grestly exercisecl voiAt,5>eloprnut of Cadaovm etg Sr5ther eztraoriii charater-tbe DEAn iiW bave reoi a ti p e~0rd beîng theovifé 6f munication frein the Fr1% partiSevoert our aiotradated the 811< August, inj sud ]U»s. edeo.The Iournal letter freiineusettîng fort, ý#Y ghtPedlto it m ved-frjo iortei:.of catîle frOrn Canada sud Olfýchild, and haiiecio (iurcnnndtos0 h bF(,n keeptîng a boarcing bouse at mitIce Onthie cattie plague st Leiidy's Lana, or rather bis wdle ban. 1vi repîort of th- Cecnnite Jus on voction ise cently hin ini appear le recoommend th, e: the direction of galting up railway cx- almjillSfroi Canada. cursionB. Ho e pfer morne time peet This will bie eatisa tp., rcsdedmaatyahul.I.Thjomas, and fDtOeeged iiIho mtn su n liait mada the bouse of Mr Stevens bis Canada, an a eg thai pncipal bouse of cai. Mrs. Stevens, Make iL kecwn. wbo le the motber cf Ibree children, je \'ourq trut3, a huloin (lane abolit 83 years of aga iN AN,&MNC while Penieton je abcîît40,' tait, anti Milgig rDirccltorsflernin as soute people would thixîk, rpLtils-r (To (le ecitloro liandsorne, aend bis nianor is a Very St o-f the G I plaOsilei. Tue bupiness of Mlr. Y ,-3> ef ecoe Elqoefreqt ently laites hlm to hie Ilwîtt observethuai Iwo ofta Unitedl States, for bu deats îargaîy in LaPeje Of Englaiîd, London1 fruit as Weil as iu coufectionfiiy, so-that 01,0on Daily Tclegraplh, cal Peudieten lits hait ample opportuni. atnivontieaufithUiVl jef a tics of iulproving im uipJanitanàcciwithlivOctl, adt îal tsal cottatuatonto the Bri MNrs. Stevens, Tijim lule 5ilifi5to bave lias eau cp esdtv, ilî n. lu eodil lclassefentebg jured lîuiaiîd îiaviug flot tiZf ligillecst lowesttha Ihesba the ipi 6tiNpiciou o(f wiat amtaking P<" etin, awI he dteli, alîlinuigli lucre woea otiern wticee su» rueie ,qek ihfeln, piciolis blaed hen tliorouiglîly rarnusî ilritisue nw trado bail Qu lîrepday lîisi, bcing thi î civi îioî( o ptried up whaî wouîd have1 (la, M. ttouiilef ton t goilPrîc-0Ocf beef ? 13Y special le laMr ie W118kit tOW)U e go t> cr1e(i f our prize Canadien ai( lOrs. S. lu Port Stînley, wliero e te w a xl ieandtheo'PincyandhuîPr seemeId tu enjoy thenucelveR togeilier taes antiatespecyal u Mr MOr. Strvene saited [rom tfie Port in tIre Sînil waltesert o]s ra evauiu", And lite wife roturned od town. Snti htvrc ra Sern$lima afler ber retumu, se went ryîay lia ign raut cf iîî regard teutleC- 8. B. SFtation, apparcntytue doîîbî tuai ave eauo nw mai i Penilieten, W110llîad gene ôn thIe sloub xv eu oui' ai excuirsion te Sarnia.u hie fellewu-ig AB (11)0 aU<tsacaIlle aftcr tr wornng ltndet.o ket lipgig, 8000miles in Rs good a cota< mriog Pdetsopand ake tiieging. cns freil n uy parI cf the a 111) nd Ib hep, ad aftrnn. e eeu t arejoica thet iti lego. And no riptil ecrty ale neu. ha La ua position rnay ha brougbt a eomparativaly early heur, retiredIlataebiegrnlado frei th sbp. 3slra bisa cupl cfEuglaud, it iis desîined to flOu:ý truDlks belouging tu Mrs. Stevêns bail fleic n auuatrn »icou sent.te fie C. S. IL tationi wbere atrn entres i afn sisPeudîaton ' se ppiliod witta beef. carcprcbabliat ibis .vill ghortiy tiefOre flic 4.20 p. ni. train Id t]act commrunication on thie fer lîo caot. A lady, thlctIly coUsit, Yîîu hv cctiillaw avas acon PI t spulile n. tillîe îl veacîepilida lir liggageA, a.libbora !1u addr,,,9, ri'ilitting flicaGlobe o te voul chékedtliýot,,l t jLjtj-j jýjctran sieeccîfuran ad Wice, aud tha lii citîced atiîoîh Lttd.Tatifi (c ir Canadien fermeris wlo re tarted atlicenoaiicTaaîîlCfici' Gli' will cOntinîle improvien vuesliav-ebeae con anu-vvrl, ntowu. enin'i unIenuEngliiibuyil Ther lano 10 11) tbi tu eineaniongst ttien andi tel Thor le n îoîîlî tjat.lVymuest lave stock aîda,ý- tîcnev. ge'ne off ai thonaflima. lu was iet un _ lasev* tilt yeaecrîlay nunh-niag Iliat IlOr. 81ev. 1 un witli respect, eVus relnrned froin, Clevelanu.Il. c GAIiIETT F. FIIANrL,1 fonna] thaI ]ie iwifo hlaitcarricd ofi Barre wford, Lancîiituire, quule a lut Of vaiiuallnec.kShuc lifdad o Tliursday, An. !).li, 1877. lofI a latter statiug tit,£aI eel110l-i L lnlion cf ai-ir retutnriig te li-m. L3iî Tirre Cnops i-e Iix.-Thse b- r. Stavons ili slow tu bliv hae lat Ilie i'iiltiril fGazette cone lp lfirves elfe lias gcine with P1 euclleton. Ilele-clu lu inalparte cof the United rather linge te the irnîreseieîîluhlt shîýiîî de. Tii-n aili lie noeaxeept lias gene 0to livo wihîîli er rioîîer il tuheasuc.cessionilu c înfentel s Tornitofor their pIrert, ife liasnfot fîceîî !i(IY eaperience4l. The wlieatc î1isfîîrled lacNgiîîùceî--sa-lircl ui ie irae. Gat l1i e ry Iltt t tflickhit cPi- ccnill iliiir icit F-icitiPe bcit grain ove"ar lîrg lerseal' f îeoi-h l futadiy Of tiii- yeui-. On 1 hvler baud foolisti net asniii nepenîcîl. l Hîc. yMcu-greal vî-an for graziers and dairy îîatlîy je lait for flint. vune; al kinde of cattle arecfnil alinudaxît. Peladte, ence pret, IIîiea <i. >error îIN îîATi are 110e tiireatcuad witlhis-e dreaif'lnt fleclsOf c famn e iA outhîi cyt-î-îîp icauî~,t arn India fa îtescritîîd by a e c, Ifouicut î eîi Iiv .0.-A o as folloave. A faw nontho cge. lii payr, Roric, U~iî ciîiy wlîcvas i ftue workiug gangs Cearitîncd ailfitir ro. Viticîil t10 lii- aililicgof a nûiý portion ef selîwart ulmoted, one t ehc -cln ck.tru tint filîle icleit) 01M r dic, cRe. Tluî. Iccryc riclw ni a1 iue great blth of pecjlt r evc'unii- yaiîîi i-co i ticibad a if ru; iuirns sticl cuit1, fIlim ikin s ni i i, i nI of tthiiusa. ceverse] with iliriy ioik- ti>'in a. t'on, (uîeecnlîuc9il, tihie Imiâii anîjiîî cl is' . n.~Li-STeCî.-.Tliî niîîrke are i Iîe1jot lnîicicurst. ' 1( i ll naîtlîtbissucd ij hlice ljriniih Go elrilite'IuilftîiruofIrelef- olirtieai ieen4i iol ni m iii, îrobibiiting fi(,inîpOrtatir reýportflitla i3 rni. Y ve ovi oînaf lies ate osntajl eCnui roneds eeltt dîAtî]]ifinîioIh triCiilstiii bat tieti-lIitheruiifiers c'f delanuid Iflie ieuiii ~iiiei llitti r±ýNitj-i5 f ils, Mai bye t occel Outireiik ofc lîîîira in ouoîîîl Lî<'ath r lriies, tht-y ceonlît i;Lve fiait [rouile hcuti O cifele ch.l flic MworkH R141ît,,er reiîîrieci ; lit i- suCVLea lii iiîîc pressureic forn ciii Ii l iti. E A I l nud ithîo tlii jay <-%C ohc c.igi iiOnii>iilci-,I.lgWcaîei lawing'iro fileic. pc- l 'i ilt ii jl Th liliii(rit il ii lii l iij ucc .Ali-tfi, tif.the-elVi11i-1i;if te-fi-U..11P W. l. Iiîîiu, Bîin uiviic >S"~ut-~u..i Pl r î iil. .......... ....... i Jii lis n, Ncw mî eks Er t ai ul ... .. ........... ec ii 40r; ý T COOKÇ STOVES, &C., &C. ,TOVE & D V ftIJ S E M E NJTS DR< VM. RAH 5 PECIFJO EDICINE." T I S E . M N i S . >T h e G r a t 77Bo ri'-s 0 bilitsud ovINT E[ 4TT, ueB os orowrk of lb. bran d < 5.~iLi voue systein, îe perfeatl 'harmlese, sets ikemagie andbas beau xtensively used INIT STHTE ATTE3NTION' 0F for o r il rty yea re With gre t s c e s ie" Price, 81 er pakae, or sxpcae ça., WInd - TEA HERS, STIJDENTSP EN S &GU DJ N p ao rp hacw-c h w o e s ir e to sena ires by mailta ever> oe. Addres, Ys x -e T  III--r R-eem A.--- W X R Y & C . c r, O nh rlo, C miiV É R Y5.IiI. I RiI î 5F IJJa . '.0J LcEi 9&'______________ ndCOMLEE-STOC 0f CHROOL and And a.u od bai l Driucani s s lu N hby, COLLEGE TET BOOKS, Siates, Pelle, Pen dils, Draw ùr P r, Post Pa rs S TOVEs, INRPooL MARIKET1 Foolscaps, Crayons, - and other Sohol I{at ial 8 A I?1L Y! Agent for Adanli MÜuer & Co., thepu *shers of KIrk- ld & MeLIellan's Arithmnetio, Kirkland's Statics, ]3lamblin Smith's Algebra, Arithme- Iamn prepered ta 'sY Curront Pnicee for MIl tiC Geoe kiurds of GanaU.e atm y Steara Ela- Gran elveedrY, Statics and Hydrostaties, Filemings AnalIysi,, Mason's Euglieli Grammar, i-mIen, Frenbrnan's 11ey. Potts' .Eucid, T1fe, Canada &hlool Journal, anld other leadùtg educationalwrs SALT, PLASTER, Intending studezxts at the Model Shool wilfinda foUl imj]e of alkg or te s e. SWATERLIME, &û., W» A liberal discount to teachers. Catalognes free on applicittionl. FOR SALE 1 J- H. McOLELL4N. Liverpool Market, 301>' 261b, 1877. 12 J-S.RO ERSO -~ A u g u t 2 8 M r, 1 8 7 7 .B R O R E T W I B . IPES ÂND TINWAREI F J MKs-RAEOTO RENT. ________________BY For sae or to euh, Golden Grae i-n OSS & MACNACHETAN . N WTH IG PROiTS! allen, baiag Lot 5o4 li the 4tb Con. of BROOKSTRET, WHTBY'Pickering, wltb gnal freine bouse, now BROCH STREE , WHI .BY- arn, shd, &., avhb tone- founaliens D O W I H B G P R F T under thein. Tbers e oi living streain mn.o ni, hrOngb the fsm. For furtiier par. 3 Y 11 HA RM CY. iore ALEX. McLABEN, On tho promises eayP yadS al roi vs-C - 00 - Pickering, juiy 24, 1877 hf-Ilei adBg poi 1PARci eWrLL IUTLDGE =01 PSlchrefn s mt l aausten riletes f euiro. im raise.1h !ontinues for August to take off 10 per cent; sells for DaVl t bdeF Cash and Pxoduce only ; seils as cheap as any house in Canada; believes that trade was driven away from Wkitby for want of a bonafide WALZ'S LAGER CHEAP CASH DRY G00D5 STORE. 1hae- e - ea frin L r r GR( WHITID JUST RECEIVED 85 Pair Vaises and Toi/et Sets, in the latest styles. The Largest aun'd Best Selec- tion ever in Whitby. îl As we imported the above, we eau offer them very low. For Dyspepsia, Sick' HIeadache, Loss of Appetite, TN BOTTLES AT 25 CENTS, GILES' LINIMENT IODIDE OP AMMONIA. Wliîiby, Augut 151h, 1877. &DVES. W.MB.TSM THE& LD'ERTSEMNTSTUEBes Shoi R EW A R D!1 CANADIAN AIR GAS I J A 'r. a 1-:00:- f S onlir mp e ile 2h1îofTUe CaniaieniGea achine is an euto lUe a-hwell1Zn.1eh ems 3euMinitesamaeiigappraus. Ilt(e desi- ls N aa ici~ ~ ~~~o intstbCncsine d as . mantj aUich fLctena a aa s forciti>leietiC, luhe aI- heteis, churcbes,' Walliage, or bulinso eulil pesa c i vie, jtri y kni elutt atecu Ir>' , ru nv for wb' 'n tUerec t ceahe anse Tile,.±Ic.aI W a ehut i -oled nti caueg er i1> enpplied avitU a sale andi ihedp pasginoftt il of he CL orporation cf the TUose machinesare simpntle of eeru-c. IP 0F PICKERING, rnoiokilî ta Mange, ans matie iii a subtatu. Oshawa, - Fr luit and tiurablea mannier. TUe>' eccor'> uureeunt tUe gravit>' cf sncb Uittie epace, are eet up et emell axpenc r' ite e aweti t 2i0 eraci/ are auual>' atipteul hem- iigting tn C rijr i e ne cv-fil aeti te rt mph i-e argiet iu , ftrta>, public building, or ttce 'i-tien efthbupereoai or pilboil, scicIalst /hwetiing, are no nai- or"unîniced and oharaeer tl aitting sncb outrage. eiùi, but hie beau in cnnstant anti suc- oTowsn Hll, Broughanu, tUla ci-ce'fun 0lne luarte o h e couniry', bath uguet, 1877. ariutnnenh nuauer for ycans. Dr tBEATON, The gg ae ba hse inactinaCIi p CIank. ugicehy ¶inawn as eantuureîaed air gag, îuaîng TRUMAN . W ITE tîramnon air inupre aIe h gasollue. t - bans witb a rich rnight Se, futî>' equal Racaui uf iclu-itng. thît preetucaej t>'ceat geg, iscondctee OR SALE ! hrogh pipe.as ndhrn..enial tixtures, FORSAL wth heseme con'.-nience anti safet>'. Ne IX TElin b isused ilu tIe procees of manufactuire, i-nu buildings lighcti t--ît are mereh t ip of Somerv/ilhuhca a a sd 'li-ca tthis as for ligUt, equai ta 0F VITOBI. cci hhuaud tauct eô coul gis, varicesfroni- OF ICT RI . oiedolaranditcy cents te tave doulrs, bcî-ig eabout tune-baîf tUe price eh real gao. i 19lande imu tIc-ici wuîlucip cf Tue imae ial fron anicU geas lmahoehi> ui>'t of Victoria, aeeoffrr/h ur machina (s lineavu commenrcialiy as giteolino, e ligbt, volatile oh petroleum. hf Luit 5, liciii-the .1il rouvi-a. Esimetes pli-en for lighîing and eti ei-l ti llc icr e. l ir are8 buildlings. nih. A iit-vec-fccilcccg mini-m Ilath, e rCoes u p G dn oni ahii is a cuill tmite, nearmitin W uet r Cinee, GsP xur s, r/ein-c icoîl ruait.Tue luropL-mty la Bronz s tbinHsGaFxuc, jti-ou ierailway statien on r n /h ndCrystel, etc. ilway, n miles tram tUa SCOTT & PHILLIPS, - - aOucrt. cocstn -rtaigSole Manufactura - r - - - 7lc lau/hi ele etinîbaref Pilumeci Oas eu/h SteecceFilIons,GE atut of vuluabte ce/han. A 158 York Street, Taronto. AN ~ 'c aîîîcn ofatcen nonstlirouge Anigust 8th 87 ia ANI3E ' is bat oiie-en/h.e-heif milces t,177 f talion cii lhs Victoria Rall- Dc'r aiinEu t i> mro u e/ h le e t le . F A R M F O R S A L E 1 o k a r s e q t (naviinwdU pDanielnt>'. 'TUe aulscnibar efiers Uc henni for sale, 5. The y and Sale, sppow tepe- sîtRiitut/ 2 rifles nom-h ch Osheawa, cenlain. Ral, apl o- iig 58ï acres. Fer terme, A-c., applt>tan nin y Ontai-o, r te JOHN COOPER., h5 - Of P, H1ATCH & 1111., Whiîb.VtWitby . Mlle lcn>'oncescf t Ua evrs -351 Jet>' 181U, 1877. e t futy poi avrs tf-lt6 E adi s'C llo e. HOTOGRAPH ROOMS, WHITBY. oui>' nes f bii ucli>'b li-en tUat tUe hourtb Apprentices VVanted. T ri ee ing ef the S are o tters f dia?' Celtae, avilI be bei/h Yung o f good cracter and ability 8 Fl-' oleeBuildings, o h ht er hePoorpi xýalconflueh lu mi enh hu e le, inla short hume, la imake a5 os fWI t7z Septmber, '7, geetiing, aWilIappl>' te-- 0 Dn fWl 'clock, 1t). or., A. BARRETT, ifatdtngDiacor, rchPhtgraph Reourri, Witby. 6Stupendou i;nso as me>' lebrouglit OpoiaOtreBu.an imitation cf avii eareholel thsaid asi. WLiiIy, AAu gnit515h, 8 77. lin -c4i br em nH y, 20t Aug. 1877. TOU ES FOR SALE isi JOHN 1110E Two Beur-caut on Byrn n treet, nemur Forest Homes et an Exoti, aceayPair GrouIec Fer particuls- appiy tc.. A avoriti ef Lilliputien Equucu JAMES LAWRIE, al n aef 7d18'oII g. Agot Pbat Hamilten & ce. ah.sde fi Wib Agq t,1877. erde c AR for L877-78. _* RMLLE. E uer h ho N em ia)r 1 t - A 0 R D -r Engage d asa y f 81,000 pari -c l4ih t a Auriu r h . c' w i- ote 4-herse Hon/hîs anh Pnci t. Api 1',13.Tet -eebrlf~eiutt > ol. $OOl0avl rc ci 9 he bi-nso yneofhbscnaio fu- he ciiccnoii-. Tcnihe p use tyi ef derunhe0te0 iKR lAS F 5H00 -to al uuphl, re n/an nu age en Oi ~ . r i t ucl, em tei> i Jut d uu10, eta ilnnc f Oe Ia aue tuiî. gsTh ams yr/ pne exWb tenti ciet o ne atou-Dobî RR ea ocam- lie h/h M e/it cuMla fr iuy MA BYRNElls ido , 20 B E AtUe ScIulorteii second suerai i s p. y w a acc osudu t i remt e th ee O riefy n tai ee u iai , Mitc eh1 isi regr te iorr uic i e asllb cecte/han/h opet eadug a s alieeuhinai an g11 Srehc ýsMri tlwear fou/ i ull. it>', A nue t nageU, 1877. a.8iertho Dbeh UGr lun/ho, an ic mian CMETIN aehsA Nd ToE Il aoictd eqkande -se itAnduaianeof.5B Adran/ tnnnk, eeivcM YNE 0 fBE J Govcoupon -eketsais;uthe au ail01RiGcEa0 J. ol ïs i E. A N EBS .I A e d n r srent. App i> on El t t att e p c io . Iti 187. -iAFi T 1cu a>', a dan ti atu rrds' the ganopp ui tyteateî Iee 1 e ondi lene t Auut t cp1877. lt,8te tc GRLnd Boan h c ieS. RandNSON -iouslADbeSioulyO csin the caSEon Ace.,i AOR N T AND aN/PISSING ý Soin, fi>'eunu. Weeilawtp. l'" etrn ttepi iu' orD PAp. 1 RAIL' WA Y. 1) at ilraiw Jo/ buli. HESN 1Ago eERaseBYn. G l nso ita hepvlius ti 18ng-. c, hSurancbhr hie Copan>' i-fil tb/h ptuiyt atn heo tp îî uustadceornebe Bildst, av .GRND 5EFO ACI - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ MS R ± nprurBu uligOBeINtONC %luiaret 011 u it c OHS Z es OTOESROs NTUaCl eAND nteoIn C1 -l -ly oni cl Weît il uit !ehuuhIuunanh 1 a tth e Ar, l ee Diretrs frthe CL r e i .E sterni c LNs î g y e c en h d s p o a o a >' tl m-R . CICATE ~ ~ Srbii l e rs aim>'te tCo paneug bt e h ele Cuc & FldFae' S.Jla Ze 0tet.MNîrEai. ret nDtCiyo DIETVEt, FLUIDidPote o rater>' iti ohGr. .Ia Spe icdBn, $L M'rolon)]ié,grel 700th poz aof rncevnArprlt. F th ritL1NohertiisTnpr ime treumt atAeoen ofavii osi-f81or uC.Wet . buQ cet oluton nd i auti- et cu r aelst r Reutosio te nI aluene, caerde- liig ee'ivFand is ovef m le .A E i ou, fac. A en Heurie s Th t osna ta ees1 osD- ci ("I MMENCING ON MONDAY, Ma>' 7ib ~.)77, and unhil further notice, treinscavil LEAVE PORT HIOPE for Lindsay, Peter- bore', Laeteli, and itheuniiete peons, et 6130 a. i., 10 s. in., andi 4.10 p.in, and for the Gaingian Bs>', Wau- liushene, and i utenuedjsea pointu, ah 10 a. n . Traiesmm-ria'e as follows r PROM Lindsay, Palertuoro', and Lahtefiele], et 8 a. nu., 12.810 p. m., andi 6.515 p. Mn., atd freinthie Georgian Bey, Waubau- ahane, anid intermetiiete peints, et 6.811 p. For furtlirperticulars sea Pocitet Time Carde, te i be d et ail Stations. H. G. TAYLOR, A. HUGEL, Superintaudent. Preaideut. an, Pot tUslpu eo: fie fo r suilu Othen tut cria tefore lhs saiti SU i a ing eue>' Date/het Whitb- lih 85-2lu ckOtafOL a>' ir- CALENDi ie 'At Tenu,Saceu -en- i-11iit Orli-Oii 1 j hol ohf ifty -a/huit Ioh application nutil e TIi0PîOreucuc G6 r- i 17 - iUrlcuucy lice ciCiistiui Tii-tii-y eFull luaticlece i tUdl eul>,ioon, physi Y -i-pi-nrei-tci., ceii Il Catli-udîun, juetisie al horwanite/ on applica e tcs Visitae, t>' G c-nf uniIfCit at oa-1 CHOICE FAIM $12,u500 TIdI] jicu'al i-ulivati-il. ccîtcccc/h B;ot liil>',B miles tm-em Toronto;i Sssion nemt fatî. Gi, 81E Auguist dOthu, 1877. P HO0S F CERTIF 1 su-lu i-llarge q1uiO ril iîuvariaiy Lban th; facion. Sevenai Psi !c,t n-ah hcnalh tramils n JIE S GO CLDE 175 St. Lai-cenc irepaca/h la the hi- LVANS, M7 STRAYED ORiT A mnedium size/ uil( yrmne oie, ratber sali nod, e littie cwite un/hi wuhite haire intenaper3ed haa'icg c knewta/hge of thesasu/ animal, arei ed to notit>' the officea undersigneti. 141h 4atgst, »77. tiie Proprietor. -- W . TÉ,U~ 811-Geawo cDMINISTRATO'g' NOTICE,, TjHE M REDITORS ,-o1i eOW RM lema, deco A i 'tdied on or abonîlbs thircath nîl a ry .Di7~sd s aIliers are hore zniiied to Senad do a tacertcfetbofr lime agutinet lb.ee- lete of, lbesald Rob s thews-oýn tte e uuiersiged tthe Sotos ocJai sI nat scAdmuieîm-%ioe, villi the WiUl atid/0edcil auinexa f said docaea Sle Tcwnf Wbitb10at id Ceanty, on or.befel.1 h FRT DAY OP-CToB ,3 f at the e alrsiennicfwbicb ltime thi aunislra -Winiprceeilte ulistrribute ' assoeo b isj docesd amongst t parties ont!hIcd t1ehLa *prgadad ho thièceims cf awwli e aSaIdaîml ar tom elaal thon have nol and;sathebasaiti administrato wlot 1be-> bafor. liii- ass so distniid, er suyqart themeof, to any person et0vos cnta bS~han mot beave liednotice eth thime et euoh distri- tiution. - 'o TUtu riette is ,tvoui un thfle Statute 29 Viheni-%. cllaptlr 28, section 27. ", The arg tusanttiesof vortLa eo ciU.eîaUu L i a"('.Sent-out o Economical and 'shrewd housekeepers find the Chea1î Store as surely as water runs down bill. Somne ont anti ont barga-mui offered. We are pre- paring for Stock-taking, and offer remnants, and to clear out pieces unisal owpie D VER FISEMENTS. WORTH KNOWING! w i, 'heDominion -00 DOZEN YER IOn ,aErth Save Itself We have received a Car L-oad of Prime ý1a .Plgmies yield the road. li the White OÙ, only 30 cents liperial E mp~ rilliant Success ever w-on!Galnor4glnsj5eash iday, A uist, 24th, 1877. aln r4galn 1 ah )ecial riTrains. Ha ore respectability ;LONDON HaI SIHyFrsIaeSyte,&. c ~lcc fiF ii trlu c icc~ &-csTt Ys qu24y f nt ais, &o 'TLODOLe8 ad, &c., Glas, cytrihes, &C., c-e Partieal Perormng lehans. .are Oeuesef' cl amidendxachly asLarge etiociitUe DUo, Loclis your ttsa, Hnn 10111 ,ducated Hyneas, 6 gm-ave-robbîng monsters ai-ar perfornul -Importera uf Enuglieli anad Arican 1Hardware, Brock-St., W'hilby. 4dAmerican Panthers, 6 o~ li teRiver Rie Grande. /X T - r 1 J T c 1 ' IR fan ,Flerocious Lio e< -- 8 VW . J:. H CKG o. Bea4ý Bi  and Reptilts. 50 -ARE OFFERING- 1 Chu s Deftly G-ilded, 6 ceh oenno 0 produceti in a aviole yoarà. GIREAT BAIRGAINS IN 1P-RINTS %mous B selam Donkey Teams AT 5, 7,10, AN D 13 019. PER YARD. de Of/he Birda andoweti witb speech pcoser. as hequ ad Gras iaand more vain. AILSO 'IN DIRE 85 GOOI)S of Atlanice conibineti. at 5, 10, 15 and 20ets.-.-worth double themoney. ELISE DOCKRILL,A Lag Aso met f Ge s, aveuli in gaih. Un/hisputeti uEnipreissef lUe 4 ena A L r eA"o t i n uRiding bas chattengati tUe admiraation qf thaiae wnd I b sld5ha li e nl an >' m a n a g er i- b e al n im e er q u l. 'e Y o u t h s , a n d B o y s ' F e t I la t s , w n î oh , w x l s l d e e p STUD 0F 7 Tl7HKO-EIIVAN IHORSES. fo ï weel>, tUe gnicat Caltic Hutanoit au/h Erin' pkingCo))i a Cs rice Leupoq, leh b>'tUe Culifannia WonEaen, Fred O'Brien, tis / H flth. vElicpbante is aqual teae distauce of 2.5 hocues, piacoteA L A D SEdl RE T C IIE XI 3T R T IF UL HORSES. 20 roeyUOR îfuytkn 'AGItANT is a Satunnalie ohfSledeu, al10tlUshe Ze-Gocr Sok heptfulassoi'ted. Produce w I c r e m in g lentih a g e 0 F MUSIC. Bcauue oh thae varwUelrning\ppr. VW. J. 'bI K - (&bC o, graal outua>' ettonhiig ils transportatioandn/hdat ex. Boi,- l langer hoccos on citici i-haro tUe opulation leisl>' M.cMil1n' l uc kBrook-st., Wlitb-. ut excoriions anh reguitains-elo -rictearrange am- ne of exhbition, et greetly neducedtes olc aroý,a S ,stations, waih iavli entîlle tUe porchaser taetai Ucpe a/h tbctiis avili eh-rIche alldifficruit>' enh pi-e aIl aeid/oue exhibtions. ES atland7IOp cc Do -se n one heur o r I GG )D Uhitilran untiar 9 Ressiet/h dCuebion-O de scats for 7,000~-- - - A LARGE AND 011010E LOT 0F JAM31ES ON. CLOTIIS AND TWEEDS, 1.~ e a.;M lo' JUST TO 11Ai!ýD, AT lraft, 00cts. per g.alIon ; Puire é >R O O N Sd,5 pegl elT Water -Suilablo for Spriug Wear, aud et 'pricas te suit the tilnes. rSoa Iete N AS Er Aise, the Lergcst and best sciecticu cof Hala te ho found lin Town. a, Meilcc, Margaux. 12ýa Ordinaire Chenet, ffl- Don't f811 ho sec thani hefoe purcbasiug elséieari. .5 P R CA E Wbithy,Marcb 241h, 1877. N EG AR: nIite IIVine, Cryoiai Pihkhinlg, &o., &c. -E ..R R Y I >E R iC. Tonguos, Beef Heam, Driod Beaf, &o-. - LO.UUR: et Meal, Cern Moai, SpUit Peau, P. Bare>', , rhnurg Meal, Finnan Hladdie, Bloater, Au 1ciy Ou ýP: :4.e fo an i onge Strieet, Jll'Bt Ioor [rom King Street, Tom~nto, MANýUFACTURER AND IMPORTER O>' i BodÉers' Coller>', Cornios, Hrudware, Ceai esi 5md ogIP) esche; M£thug Bis-do, pur- I ~ ~ t aesffyt# s7idree. - Gî Cty.', f ,Balise,1 eicdeavouJOR teeupl a atil behwt gi- ahisec TH tE toowoptot 1hBe. VfIL ALWAYS -BE FOUND AT - THJE IIITBY IJOUSE, J. A. ]iANDELL hsa iiho solo Agent fer Walz's Laper Bacc fer tha County7 uf A FINE ARITICLE OF' PURE Cf>ElI. F OR SALE CEEAr A Brick Cottage near Buiness Centima lu the Town oet WbltbylFor ican em MB. Wum.TIiloMp5Oç, W ibFety. i0tr, 18763. W VA NT EDI A geet imunat girl te do geisanal house- work for a fseniy et tv- e ierauca re- quinei. Appiy at THE CHRONICLE OFFICE Whitýi- loi> 24, 1877. 17 0 _&ADE?;_m s -FOR SALE, lx iitea. Ticat bi'anhjful anti ave!] knoan 70 Acres of tue South baleof Lot 1,e. 7, and the- iiuth blu-f ef Loe No. 8, in tUe 7tb Con. cf hlic Toc-nisbcp otf hlutk. on the'eeeutchall' ef No. 8 thene (e about 20 acres of beautttui Uert1wa-uou nh, neyer Peil ; andt iiNio. 7 about 2 acres et geoil ceihan; Iluenes a gesd Dcreljjlin-1oee Barns, Shlia Stables, A&c., a7se nihir-il.Tbis arai is1 beunîlfuI>'sihuateil, I mlesifrmc Sunder- lanîl, a rtitioiu ou hua T. &- N. I. B., v-evluc-- thunre s a gi-eut market lîf ci uuilc- frouu vniiontou, iicutîuiuttto 4eUc-ocl idi ucurîce. Thii4tanin i iii the iig)ieit stuti cfJrccltiateion, aîand wIl athrel. Tuie situation il ecautiful, aiffh armirei by cuIt liasenob>'. TITLE INDISPUTABLE. For terme ail penhiccilers apuly tu thie proprichor, on thce preers.s. MICHAEL KEENAN. Juue-22, 1877. t-7 SINGER J ATTACHMENTS, NE EDLES, THREAD, &c., FISHINci TACKLE, RODS, ETC, -CALL ON- L.. FA IR BA N.KS Sewing Machine Emporium, BROCK-S T,, - WHITBY, LI VERPOOL, LONDONDERRY, GLASGOW, ALLA NLINE 0F ROYAL MAIL STEAMSAIpS. Every Satulrday from Quebec- on arnivar of tha train leaving Toronto at È.317 a. un.ci-en>' Fi/a>'. L--Bitea av as loi- as b>' an>' olisr finst-claaa hunes - Penvian .................uiat iltU. poyccuian ..............ugut 111h. CSarcean.............AupAuet 25tL. .crcssin.....t....aember Jet. Stecraga pasengrsa foriardet teLan- den/herny, iPelfeet, Glasgow, Qiieenstavn sud Londonn et semae rate as te Livierpool. Pa-lies aviihing 10 slndothoiumfriande cen ebtain tickcts et locu rites. F or tickets anti furiben infemmnatien apply ta- GEO. YMME. Exp. anh Tel. Office, WLithy. Wltitby, Jul>' lStlm, 1870. t-23 NO TICE! Cecrarc- e-OP.rONTARIO, c S erat>' pi-eu n -T .LtUai the COURT 0F ASSIZE, Nsia Pruis, Oyen aiTermiunr,'àti General Gao]eel le', avili be holhan lu anti for ltâe F YOL WANT TO BU-Y ON Monday, Septernibeî' lth, 187 et the heur ofh12 o'cIock uo<en, eofs'lI.lch Coroers, Jîtices of theo Peaca, antiý cihere concerne/h aili taies utetico mina gc NELSON-G. flYNOLI)S --Sherif, Courut>' Oilan olieniff'e office, Wluilby, 4.ug, PI, 1877. k7( c unnr (e croavddwitlî- Ini t iccv. __ c tueuctifluitlcv.ewhsiuicoee rîci, - geriîicco f ciitenaria] nutnihio i oeWiinhoplace , ciii ci c i-i>-c-til.îîilii-ation tif the fi thueeare ixteoe ttioli.oaucl trocpq tlucre. ri -lc-ieqtof i-l-..-iucî(dCiii-a, Milr. Ep. Tics wotiudel, Fcuit, antl 1fugitives aa tce n biiuicireakfas-t tablai anth perisiing fronu tîîù-st. -delto.y suvonccl be-,v-i-aý, whichira ly lice jUiii-icis ise i11cfoftutU articles of di f3prCUIATION IN OATS.-An oxehaunge that a canishtctionu may lie greduelly lii> enys : "About the inest disastrous spec iip until eîrong enougli te reejet every tl ltuihln grewing ouý cf the Funupean îicucy ticdisecuse. liîndrcuIisu fetttsmel 1aR-ar fa ua iente. About flire licýetrceci- ituing aroînne afreaîly to attac unentiica go a clique lu New York ji ii-t*lii-revor ic-r i.i ca %iiakliciit. Ve in fil. î-cipc 11c:-!1y i faîlel sitf by keeping oui c-lascd 7,50,U0 utîobîei, andl On tue rst cm-Ive ci -l!foi ii- ai tinpue iciid and uîcîînitlc snceccing thtepIeculahtion, pie 11iP-klio ii-1clii-iltulinu..-ie)iilS--- l(elitid ocrilcii cvel-eeof.7Ic. on tfin-le oii/i Sl ',y1 e icni-,cii blcshl, I:and ii lic seondi:loih ~the.J-c lîc iiii îihc(i -14, tc. il e Il- Sic-et, undî 17 a'i-cliiiu-tt-rhle pcf -it ue idnn it r, tld ic-t tlýi Jîto li îîifhic cauleaijliFor the Old and Young. Lel liiv- il ! OMS (ic i o--lni--)Oc a bîîiîel. tnî1lise it. Nor is Ilue bliiiliî iJ.iaroinutîS.yet ncc-ite \"Wodr, Irproed !;air Rcsterative ici, iiî i:b a (fcin ei-%,/ crîp, lithe ii i..cO ic ci -ciii i ri lici e itiiai. Thi tiliet i-ieft iv-r imuid cdzll nI t ilcrk-i i li v. iOi-i. iig-ciil-toniei- ritnî- iicijc lilt tlu ve liii 11. 'hue i uncic ci i-l OLi A(-ci(. tlo'f'iy, iccîcur an loss oficiir;,lierti--ri-, cifoi. eh, gi-ci-i igcir cii iceulcci lI tîliiiîc: 51 e ((i cii il.. i acir; i -tcmi-, ciii- ici îî-îccc cic-V (iC ioiglnit-r-n n it fi-iir-tncc-, an-I l lji i. lc- cculccîciou w iil en111t Il)titi ab n iiiýr i aic. Titie cii-i lv dilî- tcse. Nj cilu- ficoducaies îci i-iltPIbe C al ry le cn to ii i l cc wîcciiui--ue î ýtii -i. Tri- lu, icil for A nd'i; lapne. nîîcilci- Tn piiciIir lciiciilcanîl dont li fi' v-it/i i,i îi- ,. -huitby ail Silinnlîj-.-....A auilcin iici;iJi1f[tý f . cicci i-ch i -li cccl i icc i i-i -turri iliillrIlitnigci-, ofirilncio. iiîwill ilii ru- iciv. vCA.- &, C.,Cliiii-ag ci-cSci î1 il ;tuce , nt he uiî-ard it iv1i.i of'iilic-i ne- S-i i foiî :lie Uiittl St.ttI uaic] Ccicacîii 0ui 3 Due IIlluci-s tric, e-îlc-oi-î iicc,- 6I[,y &Ct PIiu itn, muîn( lrcwIYm d.iil>i-ci A DiicliS ci:tc.-.--il Incie, ime ci iiiécul ii (c - i:ci;ci NEW AUVLRTISEMFNTS. t'eciccic Ciluit le ofii ilit), i li t-c-(olu ducleici.j ti'il(Ou Ii- cccintii-s "for ceven U yecci-afor i-"ltht e. IM îî ftl)tuc;i& Y PWOO MANI-. Tiw IDTAN Lit, - T -ACTUMI UCiuMt.NY, cLi>îîiînd). j iciuw Chi iil iîiî i I -1.cc ce i e ii-ii lii j, -- c i î-îi- iu- i st -kiacl ia it ruîtîlii.Ilcy ci ci cc)- il-i i-il Mi i g c i ic Si0 ili i -n icIthe iy cicil c- Will .Iii li i ci lviii- lij-c-i- thl iii m ii ii) ('>) cll' lii, i 1iccic i-iii iii. - je (re mi -i-c fc i f iiiij cics, I.iiiiii, Iîîîc ivu-r. l ci cl ci-c-i - c 1!15w î. I/ l iici~J / 1877, taI ui- mi in- ic jii le I:i4 iiî l filic ;1c7 cccliii k, . ili. îîîîutî-r ntiliiiclî i -it sil ce cou-I-ii i. I )(iD ii, Mccingi-r. i-I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 1 14î lin-iiîg Wil3 .tc. 77. lin-35 .:g iiieilcicef î-p n-J e g). uitlla. lcîicciui. ac cei. Oliiaal c ofbri-k "()ui lc iii iIc -i ue freîîîuenr, tee Cîc ti iiigeon l>riiu itri-et, wccilil ci t i nuei i Cl0I 1r > li lut uuie h--Icq. ii-ii-y î-ceî- a, u o m- iuoc ici u i (ii îi cf the r ti.. 1cr . . aV' l-ii JuuI- Ai-Guc-ici.-Tue hardlwar-e Oir. iaici on alîîi ,ccîcciitotf %chu- e lc cliii istiut.--lîl, iii . llt eilnaul j " iceic ii iý foii lu -tic) sono- tlcue iluiCali- ( ut 1 Pli. n-r- -tr oyi let i i uri- ou fmli c h ic îîc Iîî-- iii iciin uccii- iii.4 effpr euf i.Jlîx. nnn00e J. V. HAM, W'lli3-, J di 2, 187é.ail oitn n eun-tal Raie licc; i11fclh'u in va lne1 --- - - - - -- -- Jriui20) Ici 3*;1 jir cciii iuring ithe pu>c: i 11M - Ef. S irnrr.o n s iigutuuu, ci.Gu'e Vcliri.eiY, SEPTEMBER 1 lie. . J O Clievea i epka aofIc], fuirthue reuien n .-0 P. Jot .ai n.a sia iff ioke of NW tdeannom-lb cf Dr. -eocds.e. -lnra' n1 .Wlim e-ngle muev-r ly Ie a Muee8lessons gi-en. and pupiis nded H. ý. Wllims ap un vorby he tjkltir remideoce if deetred. lare ni M>înkhaure anti kiliek - Whitby, Aug. 91, 1877.liU- e d 1 -- - - - UMU £ EJIEUI D eavOur to supply au article Whieh wijl give satisfaction to thoze Who patrcMiz, him. r.r il MI .a. E & :Li -n Baxter's :m . --p 1-,;,> ru -- B41 Co. SURPRISES ALL OUR Mandrake Bitters ..d )i W. B. SMITH &

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