Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1877, p. 1

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re~m, -:xI 0', 4n»t, ME TS.-VO1L. XXLse haristte rateof8 a'4M gb b wdonrsotsmade ifà amadrtm VOL T~O AS Do hoeaXX I r_ _ _ _ _ _ _ W M TUEa i=7 oORE eMenturla, PIAXw.te4geO aues0 sl Ia fre osion A h n gla, wuIi ?l! ~wf DoMIN O~ fAN81NOldVoOlANDe SI*4Oaw. CrcTn X4tde 4aUI<tdoerand makea have.t enqnpon iDon!t-. 0 YTAR 0 A Y1L'CI' uTÃœl1I .> dNeüB Y» É oeP , l tth e rri Slae i OM [avftb Polltering îJ e tmo du. a s n a g e w it h a n h o n e g i m le" O bo!5Oln A N il agata a a Tu ms,$1,o parBa, the~~~~~~~~~~ro~ OM«tath Munetk yoeth tçt nwl]-Qe THOMAS - D i ntuto fP PU O E D O P O ,B O S S . R T Y Y etn te ce e3ndma boka uIdo, nd oenhtonwITh honor raa Wk nt yb1o a e term. sbrud eenturisthy iop4é lirn 0wttth ooggYod Depatuintala cunaîf n wî ~ i pti~fral.ola ~rtr or ~ * N~ E8, Dit osr hé arth a.an CaraAcknoi an OMINI09 vechildrBah-91n$,for mud f.Ma' B " .-St ra-leoue L W4Z= CnlJours thue, vog arewearot spe o'dthenrare eopportnorb-de. Usuel '" -1 " t R A yi a 1 'l OR Artthe!m olea veeha igh, g. $ner IlI BYi GE onaopetrLTZX038100 LO &fBor IMonîs,&»'Sto ili y flngadauro gverny o nàt e adaiDBt jionmb bîyùae aeJnf 0f.m lhmil Whltby, Sept. 1811,,1818761 J B BI pK LTth, O W Tàl 1th dl ar 0f atn?»fl m a r keL L i t. E D E , I n h l c a d e M i l ,N T R J .a , ae o th g l a r e o n â w e an e i. s d ; l r u n n î y t e u e a z a n i u j d -f 5 fi0,O00feetPna Lumberwelglao»o& DEXtSH AMEEZOAX, îao, muatmanrputheiraeori morninDtitiacor -thek'hi rik nae forrmier, > Me ÂSton , Po&ýAnonbOPIITO R M'j' A w th enlah4oe r., dollar, bu -;uredi, he bpe, hie.al90 ~ ill1.1yn haa ev siteof # u Super M l ar accm adatl n. Ta Of A 8 8 1 r n c e go Co m p-t n y,0 25lauA ti eî n hhe a d. ame wdieuenipoe aud thn w he irig -bau yoei id diu î a u i e s ~ ~ b f~ p o a d u , o nit Ii , - t h b e t e a o n G n u n o li u o a.g mMe w Sii t o v fa h o L a d e ti p a c ul a I a e w th n g A gent.___ON T A R IO___MO T E L .___ m iby" Cî Ril tpO R Al e 8 3 n i v i e t e v a tu y g z o orid ofn o- rg a oftn bi 4 m a fin re his on et i t a e e l t I i o t e ________Sept.________876,_89_Onthe dernav ofq he word e aeuton basenb.,? JA ESRU L15W,0.0: 000 fe faie u t b ,_ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ __Won- e nfrheî at a.iîddunea loka or ft. ."I o n.csfl seof1.loue h HARElW ELLtby. A 88EInc BorTs S, a*n ,101,87 wae 1 [sed dfro nci Olitjonanld i alutth0 eah1 r n litu r engb.pooed M ap e or ailI, luTq sEl y, (}, ATTT O RANE Y ST E , .SOLLI-nt ra t. hA sisu rB ua nac era ve t iaAndgh v ajo , ha m fu i gobonIv h ur b ou de ly to An Cl rs the flaa og d'airehry.W.taeroain.ai, .iniolne ieeI ftr a N.3 PAIE iLT PblieL , ad * B. 4S a asvoOdprfracooato. l, tbx ai afeu h "oaaea' n i .,.ivorooroncetiiehthoad oWhoueathemn Thon best -lm souda Geyusou liquog- ar i vilS-getI gan t'foolla;my res oIa e at:ai e pee*.w oIhewto ncnoroh n ____________donc,______orte___Roal FTAiTg iardset *eRif heds-_w7C,.e Dat u -hritbt ood b JAM S EI II IGID N, Ailfvlci w11lu sISCigarorega < oatrndeI L . Billard ecul.'BafcnrrenRt Devai3.Andth e gtofhe avan, a vaplay fo su, -IIWIs do nok o rw-a futury ae h>a1napye Oonv, Agent, ~ASS TSflhftby69 . A A Mu is n-Womanî1ý. Him te i save mia nd Th a ér thge e aonh o ett i oui;h caioCL b onu fî rui e a.tB . F A R E W E L L ,rL .gL . B .,i c o , h o n o nTl o v e , T o n n a d ilo wpdd 1 h . v o r d e . - E g e r . w o u i S 1 B u tt1 ýf o r e g o 1 h . p i a l e u r T 'ù - >ît, le_ý" È oa h hd aorhiae nth sn o vet. a'fouisdaoraa ~ a T T OetNwE YhAT. bAW ,ldSO LI C IT O R D n n o K EM L , W I B T_ . - b y eaverca n ô tfe U . w H o bëe ; e e fe u .hr, 1 ARISTBR & AT A , LCTO R IN AT- R1 eie ELÂ Th a nr the rain, ad as Ihat ont bth AU is ne bis busonces ie Chancery, Conv suve ,lhn aiee eaat Wisudï rang forenem is.caveD 1a427echo Aaantharraho w rankm esaslaeeem epm Tîevb iob prmvanteeàhnel anc Pble, C&n.ayanceO grc Sl. SCIENCE1Q2' D ES.M K NG haenaiyAtgentarsavtdnânl omug oler u lm aîliue ite ooke Mr ery on, vit h t or ig blvoeitrfrnettrto er fll idrdhl ihiebude eue Sreét Oshaa. . mb th bea ofoder fr th accoimo4. j o in lm. a BBkd thiChaesa.meuld ut idanthe Icreae md lmlteaaaxansleCes 3.hMAioRauuiv-oQloves ber, aud-hfaceong Frankbarlm oe b. -saiSei'Yeüi"T CHoRLESC.e vail, suoRANG "X e>erlhingly.eolieve nktayn-. eyeand o epinio, thét-i iîrbcoieraôî Do.1t,17.lion fesaTiiCoBarhcluth hnS.' loph.hllYourn e s flusbeyurd le T habri,"vs0i0îeysiSaro e -,oanal;Btbvi fuuJgn .sl la B AIIIUST AT;, A ,TSOLICITORW INDI"A oivenéy WAIS & gars. rafda IlquCanninSgci d--je TîkeoffNbidSas e fewtO theflhincgî h e ancos0i tonabBrook0.teO, TH .ADIES.cTYLORr& Mo ard eep I s u . ls freshuse uontio " ura it etora vase ndna vsi t cf rémoi e .Aicoad o ' SOlIOll aSIai"cA The560ndie esh.d ro orni nS oodism cidnomtin ed opporlunattoitouareanrombi. âzp av ma putllooks nlaé, froc ~lree hity, Otara. itiout haue c I~tbhanré antoeuî, ng. elvein e ,t l-i pour owr .Vé e rsithé tche Iat nba ue t 1 1w8uoursa BOhsncerYCODVeeaucse.&boy&OsveeîlSCIouCEooP DI .EiieMÀvy ou 1h. lilllw votaof conscience. beIidiaialuim.anaver yon.sluokedatleofoTarions onethéfGiand Duule Ai eu3SretP.taw. TL OR ff the ccmmod. T.do'oThevIiuoval botbra'si,,c oai t ud bur i rd as ai G . (]. 4mirasiLL . , CORNWAL IS SEa=e.the L* verSae don of o til ýTh B ar, w ich hé nvouldbabavéenbaSy ail thét.iteînatni Pansal, vth reaInsrucionhaé1band.TaantT.ur Sf am.fusheddou, anu uat Ba psud n.îter oubn shvet. nomnhna yiluton o tbepou. leanura"hlmo butebeing Geo. srauce.Train, lue ARRISTER, TOTE;EY-TghAWsudSTe&éBédOhieR CiAectiaua. H o re t. porae wanS asigt efnn f * * 'r * * Storn hary W IsovncT. n ng i T , . tcearosail epi na !a onn u llemrI ng. A cc~ * Â Agente antPubLibéraiondàce eutaetaDominan. rooDresudshén hitbrawrd nkoned vifaheo forerlu fs fatalmcmrseal- er1 rvInaprrataeaduhoeoa ual f n fran meénio biska dience f 151. H e ba 001. 0.p .ece Aeus .traghnîtii aîld hariug atne bevéan lmcansthéeubcec WlocBocl oé htby, Onta rio. ce, th ta nge ofP G R RORBO Fr ik wifnaiAéut ts naugnoh omory fou. "S oundl abut t euougb; but oliroant Vn'ung wguî ashieal Roînrq~Fo sae, & fre intrutios, - ité fToot. etawion lrganpandaifo AetWhty.w i nd ancn f entuc udsonv. An er qit lia mauu..H aSbeuacosphéoaartiims A. G.Duaoie c ILaars»)L~a uApni h 187.17j o doonshail ha ahut Lacet adan bttr irhao commercIalood &roMvaal.)r11.STabaIN TaYR su'plieS I hLtb, Lm ie auid nu maise hotaber, d. huiseLou vass blier oig 1So fo, gi8.maur ARRISTE1I8.ATTORNEAYT TOLRN. G Y O UxN G R8 M lrT BetbaudhqIL V____.___-. nvo, nd ovil sti direalhlmionsorSeoe hpfelSlic noe Ith tut Hn hotavvig aiagnaiba avey nSaréidnte!14dffret a»f.H J3 jar~i le dressa uS lagau e. cnueoha baS beaneava#50om hie na B itor Notry PblieConvyancr, c. W13 T-By 000 Expriencd Agnts hrouhout jýe alle ber ainagaurier gane us tsudlteacbora, pat In at. Ofie.....,roncStreetSsurahcefPotficeg A getsB.-Llvcrya iduemnt tCDmiioring vndthn isit w ake d ih tefv nisfalctreW erbe tegeac Whitby, Aille.18, 1874. The aNéith rnvomoli question s fr. EC.rten:u youthful look"a dhan manghtlgefuse facegura vaepbrneronS despendaulits ute ayistbMa allSN& trT, nte n - as lar bamergeouitlb.fr Aent wit d acarcanomoteryerdau te, trymsey, as ge veflo lierp miS. i (G.LAIsîssocmmriax, eler.TalewH u.ledWà.y ipi 1th 7. 7noiîT ArE. Rae-r. e ue i lhg es a unlier ___ df vîti canneoro nd Ir Cort STErSéat, W A T R .Y N MTarut. SSYE O' . ttchdardsu7 Lmbrdt.sdCrsLadu halv plo a niavinc b 5 athrrssn eral wlimes. n eso. etban a1qor hewol wunderetl hihoorbe ytthy ondonyoussateheAut. hot ]LIONAs 11UNTON, MARRIAGE LICENS£S A E5TAELSTEDNG R 1782. Fauuy St. MaUr?2 bal vo watch b- ha. sunlwec hehdcuea, la:nih -CL R AN B A RE ,G IL L E S P IE , O F F Â T aide fha sm, restîéSasand iserable, lb. recen îîy, sd vw r ypunv s uu h Lo ui V ano n u co e t. a v an ig t i er o! u tt ab o l o ,- TIIOMAS 5IUPIT N, MAR CE HOUET & 0., F0uv br sd lles o se hen lneu ualon RiAGEe1 L NS Aetsfr aadbe ar ndteS, kad e'T ose ère mine," obn si, bn uv vs ,fluer'mm anSdrani y i gl it gis iia Rysor s ai velltl aiypunc. Snc i fre athro ésaS i tra n i 'c ac- W H I T -B Y , O N T A R I O . .* W . T Y R E , m lt e n o t iib igh t an S v os day 1Ie v 'Un'B IR. JaS btarti aaIDIa'bcaloxursindbatfl godnfinir saSorie R. . ITr<,~ M E.- ST]3LSH D N CeANAi lSco pîinng.ceseti7 ornhead ao! bbc sûfferen. th e a etmaruan joinsd hem; ha moka covcrpCesetint vharoaa héo once payoholo. S cI!JnouON TO THE COUNTY GAOLE NEY TO RO1ITB SA3IRE NCNA nthe ttemhref L O E O L E N D , M T B N R O R E T R A n 1 8Y -v n z s l a nSa a m I e S , t h é nla n i n s . u i c b a u gl etu a l o a l h o é u h a d o ~ u i y BA la 180reetlimtaS li buliîy ai "No rai for thea but yng, saoe hh mbi a n sd onu a. H ie ulgze imanc ra onFrmad ouPrprta TY ROSAUl the Stockholders, and large Réserva Like vavea viose arite is pat." long trolls about lienr bm t anhaa lonierohi ed ,n ~ yrn trét iiby o Fri udTou >rprt, I VHTB OtSE Fnd.Modarate rate premium. Wlia a sermon j lu is, nthhe éesaiockafty, a i ni D r. W . J. iH IJlN O3. L O W -B A T E 8 D U N D A S .ST ., W IIIT B Y . -C. N O U R SE , ler I S u i e i v i bandeS 1é S e r "Y ou thi uh il etl d a ni 2" e nd < l h m Pa i r, a S su Il ee s l aI ov I a n b y I A g e n t , W it b y . dîo v o n a n k ul, e r o h1 ,8on b e rc oli O y l ' I î - N e x t S u r t a C lE sO N îC L E O f f e . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -b e r ta k w i i y , d r i g l l ofti 1 l by ' s i l s u (WEST Or POBT OM dE.) Whiby, APril 17th, 1877. ardly de nebe hi po e- b lckdi wa ih a iudr 0 neet17 bad, otwardly calr, mv iekig, Il ain ue mI Kl, ual fingr. * aetpi5 anuuusiual héfu(xhnri r~Ualduc,.a Mn LwisHouk'. a Inérst. * OBBPH A. BANDEI, PPRpB2'vol?, JMpEnIAL LOAN AND V ouieS by sucli ra E l-u iat ba For furthr particulara '0-thatINaneapiuthnnaryoaheorbîtoniel lurAtii. vend. I bave B R N F E D 0 . a .M E N T C O M P ! Y.like th é sream anf d up, i b t " 0 stung m e o the é nt u m o S h é cries s d a i a s v u e g t a s rajb d as o i h l o l npl e uit l emovethie bannier, il cau neyer be cou-me. hit gl7tring, enrage, cruel Inp t.oi 0awaastl e o iin ecpln u m eibl Y ROCI N F EL, l&C', Aply e... Tia an as eene u tlY bft l A IT Lrella agau. "î ye ulli n.lua DHY8CIAN hUR EONCcc. Duflu, JOH FAR UHARON - J3éa~~i LiquorosudanS Cî, 60ans; lie dos nt rend, aie Can alwrie;ulia twbutte îh"al li ennoes, t Mr a urrldwb ie aen hontoitm aoi a s. Cneek. ~~~freh Lger Beo. Good abln n s. iij.,cIpri aldugTnut.aî n oîf rit e n y2 - * * ea--Ec, kd onth tWhiellbyofler.oec yad;aieSiv yard;i attentivels ue( oshouh fied, iltieraar,.utm Wm N UR EN A gut Ul, 87, 446 m eilBImig, oot. poe of e ans a n a di he lnougbe rcnt ;s the IT LLa DN, lNa. K ING R uauiiu.uOMERIsué R OTEL, P ESIDE T : ANKERs : uie.Every boeithaer e a 501erpausS foreélhrepliSe ilyvy u bylav a.na al.vnd svla i.o ,,y , a . . . . p- uaiw , O ntario. MON. A EX-CAMPBELL, 8R YAL ANA AN BANK on lem ae n nw e r 9 ,0m iy tbei. r ow H a s a e ih rs i e ue s d is go d es l ai ré el r r-Ll lT B -G. D'Arcy Boulton. Position. S e tries ura - b p a ot T h y d I éd hlm au aifmyIof airuarekind He WHT Y N A Ifr e oce, rest, peacé. Wiat ovéSthé pon souselose grlugyluriefon ngcl eai i i h (J RD W ITI , O TA IORIOiT OiT.M ONEY TO Improréd Farma, é,,0detiitu lis-ayons Sho ils-ir OE OLOAN On vilSin. rllléaly beororleu,, nnninebeitiueadrrant iaf aSGblerof bair lres; pt ivrEu TOEM*ieIOATE'luE EOPLE DR.HO AR, mpnlrs Dîlrsnu MnnacirreaiaiJAMES DEWAR'r - I'IPIEO.aI Low lites oai laes-est. .rpiytasbr îar tsQdsu eema 11é itî éseee batfrtuadeteaie. hby11. e aBiodheteM.e.Veuo, n s h ss-ckfo iepneieuy.H P Dsiî U . Srigeo Acur, I&-c., CccDalersind Mnuauea 01 ai accem odatlanTî-î2C. NOUCRSE, Appraiser, fille it 1 "Gir. me hack, 0oh1 f Ile ', ii sié redorer ?" orcl o nih n ncflae¶mletéaîhyp. i i alod ______accommogdation10"Wé must almnoat wishah lieewi 1rmnaivaudephéalholi udpitgbleuttvs PhsiapurenAcouhe,&-',&Clns f i*2 htby, Ont. hack," silo crias, "the cairn saduesa iii 1 Robent Vano slirfiu sd a bsl nantn b Whltby, Sept. 801h, 1874. 4 E HR AD ~ JNYT ED OR TO wlîich, bhîrée monthe ago, I was lw n'ariîp. "Prépare yaurtiflf. ShotuS EE HRAD FNI0,jjNYT ED . B. XERTLAND, Manager, Tarante. gathering comfos-t. btempest l;vy reoer"manfiec - - - tetpeel îsd . St. Maur id , very gcvel haire I r ) B . R A M SA , M . D ., L . M . E D I N . O s a i d l S f o r R i d e s , a k , a n S L a t e r , T i e u n d n s i u e d u m u n t c f M n - p r i i S t 1 7 7 .1 7 i g b t cm e s e , y a g o e - n o e n d,1 "i o n e s s n . H e r m i n b as-e d 1 £ ar , o n e r t , M . V a n i e n e r g n , t h d l i s y0 8 , 0 , n , b y a m X1O T.Leahhier eretched. eyho e nS poz F ras7an uoprt y, M n-a igsui lnetu épao bll aen"aIert8t7isane.rakcfntue Grudusata (wlthhhonore) of thé Unlrorslîy of O eLn pnFarioU wil____________t_-_no_______and_ uo 'iraoGoS-gréaoI GoS an are . thé ldrgirl, aot sék F-n ealyi Qneen's <olie go, Cauada; PliilînSaphia ta, BELTING MADE TO ORDER ON unusually Loy ia teès aiinterait.HEONTAR10 FÂRMERS' MUTUAL aahlihen weék lu aSSeS te bbchenrde '*- 11nstod1Ye aen getn.N Unir, ai Medicine and Susgry; Arîcrlan SOTNTIELisage, audeancli minute ilu marlieS lu- Lo n a c r p i nuus 'as i a . Ta . in aa net? Y en are ual sure Y" Eg t e l iang i fa n v ug a i, W ie H u e lUnIr. of Penusylvanla; B lidleC olloe fSOTNOIEeowr.bacflfac nhlm at gs crai.Hr i a " n o Pet é anr. and cotianS. AfC-or- -. ay-182.Sa-ral Improrad Farims unS Wild Lande INSURANCE COMPANY. de"ble blaws ou thé aec ae nd bi tske, aimitcran.Hn m ias a lporemmee ivu euogtmbti ob.I sla ofte nn.ivnofa an Li<autist fl.atCr- 22172.forsanle chéap. lfor man tuai n t.Mau. ers n xit iabl îan"bbt shapse.Roathdl , sa'pohtli lie o n or f o r bh e C o u n u l af O n t a r i o . O i j e - N A r O N E Y TTLO N ie M'T g e u u - o a h r a - h o a l u t u I e p é a m n t t e g r a l î e s tiàu esnl e p l t f rwA" i -7 fli-rn r'il-blventéz OuhI tale upiorte Msé. tndngo JuFORBES Cc UDGEuChM 9 AJ3ut 29 Bc aueel-and Fs-suitE erto's ce I do ua pasdoive." - dent vlts o!ieSabso DIptc io aedl pr.,nSh oafsnon o u xcti hty e.2t,17.ELRI fÉ er aYlias-;dbitte I n a ho, hut vejs. L paMET.-uA Wnsil orao.;r ieh otnelreitl nuinàsST. WluTa. ORH, . 'vas as v"'asva- LAW ER ieul Wlty. voco" nmeed if e "en aaume e u on;éa tr.." aieves philr a! h e ensa n Isl v oish i ug oh , m ___ Junir Judga- ce Fuiher a or h. epoe o! bi Il01CBDiamnonda and Preclous Ston7es, ---- ____ is dog-'hbecaue oui intimacy lu end. vîew muet ho, short for your vietim Pr-ofesser Pulmn iea-iéSi P c Raunfuctu« ME CA TIEsil-es-ngge enaiaedIleda me. T t sounda vall, dos t Wadsville Io muh gaivl n-s n ra eool.fl ec. h ~AIR D>RESSING AND SHJAVING Mauatrro- an tre p oÏotn ii Dterubv ie oaccm tyn ihS ..Saloon, BracitSt., NWilby. JÊO -@.MASONICO , bF wLL WSolumesUANE OMAN Rfeynoyldsi ie osnmacaded deeIlovesa or.tu a wi)FLOWth diidain-conta, cOuiempl, fiashlag plete lu al l it oue.Ryod aelv t i ao agbngil.Hésae-d ih, ug FIRE NSURACE COPANY fearullyfrom er wou fac. coua aceptay0- Beanduieenu as"m 2"dThlmekvihrty heaovas Tm NGTo YIJS :fwa iesendte ate ea* slgiî ! sdlcaso-S"hcnt. JOhN ~~~VOLFIrJN4)EN, KNIGHTS' cf PYANDALL IfIASan -eliile, chrImasumodés-a, prompt yüpea ods.. hI ati rot take théemlui." Ah!iis o me ient ep ki eav ed itl ylîdefIing. "Pm Sls- bal l "Whfraethntesea OPN OJ11L EERTI Astlmn fcam."We paen l fot," suienes;rpéat "O!ve édoc î mWil ell u" é'd et Stlpe.A50h tbpudoc"cniuaIe A. B 011s G an t Ie t C E rleIIa rk I a. P P L T R E E S , ýsoc iey eg a l , Jew olis, & , & c.i î da e O .I L n. We palaS fos-I a d E uvme a p s b Vb tv i yel o ;u i g af Jonathban Wul1euen, DunaSt., Whitlb. A I1;(J 1, T75,000, 1, IN-oST - . ORNO.- tbJune , 2fcamraI I sd i>' poas lng- the, sy e cula -AT 'THE- ' 28 Wîib>',et allibut Ibave comeqad o yen ourFauy'e uncausclouslilpa have hîseulBapiéa ShinaSasiea~nS~L~c~aSlejit d , L 'c s l b c ;~ C o ll A s A C K , l~M a Y 2 2 n d , 18 7 7 . 2M . m u t b a s- m e p n l u e u îy . I d c u t i n .u - r e e a l e S a lm e t t h e v io l é t e n , b a v é C O r e hr v b s e n p n i p o u r c s a -. b e d u I h w b y t . e t n e m e * îp - ------- ~~-~----- IL WILCOX, tend ho offén auy expîuuatiou t I confis-meS vhat I suspectéS aud dread- nia g alicence a81aÉhdte rfsa TL5TTE-iuin35 NAti x MB MIIRCHA, CRETR H 0 M E N UR SER < LU BR! UMER W V vl do sO. A union belvoen us ii e You haro, viti epacieusvWors-densd hi dsugiîrlhlevlaeot.ai, utIp-vSha a b L udb J<ner, Green Street, WiiitbY. A Prom t ta tofns-yeuasodiage, embraclag ai £ME !LMBR 1 CEN8ED AUTOE impossibl ; my family opposeit. TeManSntions,, forcead dWhoaedUe, pour Fio-éneé, andliSlbcameyp-eupeneinaleva.Teputsa l a s g a q u i u î l y o f a l k i n d s e n i l u m b r c n - t h e b ea t V a r i a b e s . J I l N S O N . g v e b e m n p , a n S t e b a n o n o c i l ' l n o t h v o n i e n e n d a i s -af f t a l r v i l b h a eh eb i p a i g î l y î c o d m e e c e e a u e I v s 5 1 aE T . W L O ,C O H O X Y O 1 T M , A D R v é h e po u a n sa a d o ro c e y t e n s -sf a lite h oe v r a i a c- f or m w e b ' ha clg y n cf b î pl e, m b a h u g o , b t l s- a a w e s aS C. .., ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~&I arn Young. I hae M >' vnye maite d, eyr sagt o- via balieved la blesig (w ih vsti ees !cen e aî1igle prsnnwovr a RaoaS, -»t Office, Whihby. p ov pleaures nS vsstAhanh vas-6DciYluapite o jd n nice oî e oe'oni nilna e etnsvh e rspmr5a o TO N HPCLEIIIC (at Whiby), B T IR S O .les aSuvéaeu r vto 1 ut5enS-e ofd b e îai e8. Yt. oosr a -ay va vs gepïs n th s a b y y a , m y v io l é life va s ilu h is eff e sed b e r p a ns- life - r o se n te a b e r e u io n . n v h m a o t < al1.n20e10u d f e h. o n e n l ' o n w ' m 'I ovOiRsipi Hso ada ag upya i îcae gvlifOen np fo th liera pbarn Bas-n LumberBas, and sîl uacaisaay peine. geam on n all des for mp récitléseS evation. brfaute, lber hiator>'; e.laid via mouru <lie is !'ii w ré db al lll.da !uynaa4 ps B3E NCIL, Tichaes-ks - erbeg lueéta natif>' the Building Luintes. Fendu5g,avu Timbare al uiercie- a etaldat yso seyo h btce upuaîelvbtdnIdsiébsnîn-e tejralnIbSage pceer GO N V E Y A N C IN G A N D O RN E R . l uabita ts ai th é T ow n f W h t y sd a d Sca t in2g, a large q a ul y nbapnou h a vi o nd, la fu tr e b sie sot a îiom an S I npnat ial n o v e mfa rotu e fl o o t ; s hege l pn ou fr u r h l a - ubjeo to fi e a la ni yD r n g h o g î a s vé S cI t e. i u s u - ep I vicniîy, Laia asSersIoasau 1111 tndad vallim e tai bulases ctAnbiaeaMymfuue.Il ld na ctbéaI f er bah ors, hen Sevyaite e e on aleîa ia att i o! ubtfilh re acltécsinaaaîleJug' hre blo AL INSUUANCE AGENT, itLé p sargellu aIshforLngille. nS. Bai whllA, in ta S my m Bnfouala t B U T H E R S . D o o r s , S a b s and B in a w a y a n e n e v o rv r e u u v lin g te lo v éL I m e1 -v " l u i h e I o t o i a o d v f , a t n l v n u i u > o î . e T ow n H all, C aum btu, au M u days an S lu C r sb y's Stoer, D u das St , (opposite w itc reful attention a bu ine ssg, tho give â d néurn ta vliaî ou o s-, u d ou y l vere n i t li-F" , r i - 's o e?- s ie lus s.- " n'y Iv u Sa s vi ti b r i l r l o i a t s u l a a Frieays, ton Township busiiness. ofiIce ilaY'î Hls,) wvie- ho vilî iteepconîlanl>' iby, May 7h, 1877. IY-.20 satisfaction ta ai vbo May tavr me wibi amou fos-gal me." ee tiwC of.U Yncallbr DT TI!sR beurs, 9 aanSm. taovly. li.eouneavlia speaitanlut'bar oatus-al Salesnoi rinectl'lc..,' owlyc Iike-ones-housettu papas-sr58alb ililequit. sncceasgmîlly. Balaliel&. - Mara 27tb, 1877. 14 'BEFLABEAMUTTON,&c. _T0BAD DELLING eoS ire, ai change. eakNte unh lea shab ad, en va wn ian heurt does-rted.siid Blute déeentioing A__ _ _ _ L A MBso i i t e , V E A L ,3 0 B i l l S a P l Y n b n ," W h Y a v e y e n n e t t a i S m e I i s h - a b a n d o n e d l e s - i o n t p o v o a at i e , a wo g l i s t r a m p a o i u - o s o _ - o n i I a l l e h n s o a l e W ELLE .Jg ('OOPER, WibSéI iA. PRIZ'GLE> Jr. riic0 AEYIrI 5 amants can ha MaSode e &sa&.,fre? hybaeI vaited lu tus dine vihontcoampundliou. Ail a woan'a lumnning boy 10 dem lhhm eot~~vn .BLAOK MITÏI - - JT<OU HAM, 877. 7 - NCLE ofice.Whitb', Obe~-~>~etstpensoail IisLvrtOffivce.? Yoniins-t!sncbeemenéIrIte liesnmffe.llliI hei obsevatios tin fus-courevorîSare itgaïl;Ho vnl onbu fn BASMT,--BOGAAt Liverpaal Manhet, a New Store anS O111ce Prince Albert, auditt hoStnad-migulihar, giren me ah once lie mer- lions, Suaclifrlreleus passibiitiés i What rince lbem liaI h ra oye elbwh ivne uks ai.un (Succeesor ta Thomite MISdaîgli,) TRHE n EST Dweébilg, Iveli Atted up anS vlbh eary Office, Port Pos-ny ciful dsggsr.stroito, sud net hav ro soh-as-o hlep? Yen can'tsac hem, touci is-amps are profoinal irs c 9 lasuedle éia éeia H anse soe ng muS a l in ds Tgn s- i O S M D C I E . uc ar y c aainznd atioLan W. M LW L C O X , n m e o u t eli e es. " h b ai- î e y d S ah iâ t e n fo ro.,"casion ali nl ian e > i u h b t b m i ea o e o b S aan 8 . w r .q n e a p t -P r in c e A lb e r t, S e p t, 2 4 th , 1 8 7 2 . 9 0 " H s S , I c m e b o e r . a h fi r h ue res - v" D n ' h y o u e l l e l a t I dl v , a " h e a e a i o - n m a g o o o b t e n u , l a s j u n e 0 c u vas-k. Ip2 H RSMM DncN SJ . H . M OLELLAN. étioyrîatpe ar e re t cfycean ha ve hefi n hLsaog.vî a o iepae n i Mrh26th, 1877. -4caîlid bave spokon aI il. I ha coal "Yon love Fr-ank Egerlon 00 fnuy fev Says or long 1esuno-leS-- T .OELAléecitin f h ot ooMei MMNFOR ED TR.Me a Migbty effort-but I diS net thint anS anSe ht e ae oromt fa he, n a FILaînés itept caanmllyon banSdenarsle at lTJ. 1iINMÂl, , D - i an owouldhue 't i;semuch ai efor aytig e---. viato Woart n ouqellIebstts A Tk D viion CoR t, Tp Yr, Vth e chargLie r ba'îrîc. W $ OS IH A W A ,CH ARLES PEN N YLEGION Yenulo ak iI." . 1 "Judge by M y future life if I love Who o-lhonow, u S wit pa é soho i i o-dab h nte c pi n h 5 - okDvso orT,0lrk -,N hrefravn.Bege anlf ii rad n"usoea5 mI hdnol thoîgittheoamin -baS ber-or. nol. I vas happies- in thoue holieokén n lto. ll upo.d~ su NtRAY Veeiay Sren he snov p b roananeS heomeeupply aSbita-h.o tn ie, Fanel woder a ainIa rs a- oh.,n tlnpoo-pann i usi on !cntc iih. eto sa NI VeerihtooSurelu, lati,"lanopait. r f é v wed t a uk s h a n I e e r a r a s o a h b e b c t r em p a ha v e a , g e rae d ~ a l n , o s S i i a n v l s e o f ; o c &0, Ateni, Coauy Cuas-i. iI1 h a Amsutrnga Imoel, W bllb, vu-y oraaFeao h B O 't uo.uy, tO Seo îOu 0. i tihefol. ai-uio vss a rem ré> asanpato téSaa.pltî' eseBut, m s-t, moa o Alis-m S'~t.LuS 1172 86Tuoda', ram1 t 4e'eacî, . i.e-Ithe lot living pricea W aeatigaplay- vercruel o u. th'ng vaW a nsi rtn. I le mon for H v'aGTi" - - . -A p ril 2 5 1 8 7 7 . l u - C r , ,' t . M e . T o u a r e h atin g m e- r y i g lb e r s ik % te h a n fo r m id e la I I h a v e -sy t a e g o Iian.PET, aePeBauSOt, POathe Stiegofy attv acimant. As aivaeétvugnabed-la aI Cudoxe sDEPARTXUET, $TAGE BME o fa outdyur snA o s-ihew'oX gaI --o d 1 ETWEEN -ILtatoua,-eta bsiax ave so 1w bd e oniS ni faili nte a!sberctoie tr. the99p ou cmn, MadBave i o e-eaillm aiieRiv>,bn lsJmga (ILOTIIES CLEANJI]>AND> IF FADED Ottîwa, Jima 411,, 1877. aethiMe fILS forCarh. you-tbeiho yen-liaIveaie fis-gaI ahfisel ailaliaI In My lveIourself amd everbat aiuig1 o sa a~e»rfnnia %.Jb-aught le lutirnaueturel ecoaur - AUTiiOIIZE]> DISCOUNT ON AhAh'Dmllo Pou &S FOSHAWseAf.iyperii 1nsî,ou -o s, eeig fos-wtst s-dtn- &Ilohes-,I lie Ban Veates-s, iid loven, &Ccc- leanail and LA ýManlaB n ocicésunutil insther vo. TWICE A DAY i1 CAtsbhe BOok RtdoEos-, Dn ooSor 1 mYSéé LIs I8tp in poure deis. owaa ns-Paldraaun Ss t no in rien4-abm neet i amstll ed%'eubany clous-, Ahias-des-a hit viti W P, te, 7 par cent. '- s- lc, ,, oot udasStreet' t e ni eal couid thi"- uae Turclban nmfryu IJOk, V cii rWit evassh.'iaait8.90 a, m., n 1, p. m. hî>. - hnorale,- Th tet isunitnel aven -) onitr7ara!le elle trc aIm '. u u e îî u é bl l y , o o u n b y J . J O HI N S O N , h n o a b e . 'T e'e s s u d vd, o v . a n ia s M e . , I t v u f o r l e e p n l t r é , a n p n c n - o h u i s p y s d s v r l a l e a i s i sail; will be prampîly sttendeS ta, (21.1>'LaésWib a 080 ,m2 ~1_t, IR'.PENN EGOy, vhlmif-ohae obss-ugh o o a 21-tf - 1Cstm. LevsWhtyet1,0,a .,ad4.80, MWh-Ibae b tt, > e ea ade _ r han weliî os0-lhls-t ' U'obl» Cauîmsalour su uecom. ni. WhJdouta ach vep.En&Stle ganme; yau or. deshroying neeIat po Yu de ste Dow -tuwolepoprcude i.tu w' W id e i y c aulp)se t a* el t h e hl e l isetls ,. p u b l ceb t vri v eo u l iit a d wa. Ps-lvate funels ta land on ced mengage nsdne va r4r ilI Iayo aSo l hudon n~ --- ---j lees te ,luco n a of 05410au ifupw *rd . là- A u Ã" T IO N E E R , & o ., & c the b9t ouO*n " lli O hW*, sa Scna C o t ~ n arE s C e tre là a ail - - - tas-at>' s- cnt, ell - ~ ~ B v iuu i hWbhy the Town f W tby. Par pceand ternae Y P7- In l San uivsion jI sou and Po ut W t h' j * 3(. ILT MP<j e d, n Ot - Mo' oasAemasr i anSyPorery va, ad*lt'o'ugb- alily <q.-. P or P.o R.~R~84 ma iib.>M.WI-TO Vsb>' Iti, WhIbp And- Gênerail Cmoit Ion Ao, ?o4>0# '* * O ~ -- - gatoi and va' tlac gl$, ý ~ Vil~Wh u ê fo w~ga 120 - - a dopera'- @ - »n iiug othe~a~m oleranl.x hmuVh., sue- in ig n HS&î nw44gn. oo theeIbgevsaipoude. ah sc 0,ibd rnahbyre~w e S én en envilh1li 49 Olhe b x vas tht masteth len vileaufcegfh ei~lormni~ of pn ie L nw o mnI unsvibhohiwutnieloufouui aex illukod.4h. uuieacc o y <bey the S filw ma ~stoppce4 . ah svoe o du.lmbibeelwncagea waaunuaolrnoua. - m kaneo! ithangoera thao tt baSbig alasenene th thnu lIp as t aii 6 abioo enoil in lb. onmes <ati Jar toulS liaS raod on o!au ia six ve latrut fEnlyand vauly b. la Lk ho a- moue>', é W b h e ai, he ee 1% lopd la rallrodaaS,,Wesernen *ipt.hps buldi:o-e rie.Exonsionu egaimatliais- ales-e.t s h. prea-a vWl te mabed -8 .tanvtonsandth 'oe -neshe bhe!Egnd rane S Ghihe-m' t h aista ont, anmd viii b e ined fs-anotbis blgh hanseTaSoît viaing hotle anS conlud te biedea yaknlb Td u sa o! ic Waîch "S to ng - 'r If y 0 vn Ht e utnluhed, ou t.e tependuo gnalie tndesfmeBouto&n * oe puf elav.men, wtst lii pou gofinSta our atech ysmine mringuyi gostoon ears go Scopalubakeîî lta h 9.allre, vlt vs appr city .be1 -ehf setin ofs suxîû.c ail oesa.glCýana iarvé 1-iàSi one ye, laewngan lwoule bio be-as-k, aid acc hasi piksnbison oe ei oein up itha ano!Weernsà. AU rund " an nktorllIsee! or hia rle hu Smbls- sves-s.1t, aité a Sol' braaifa'Sî, ýa a i o1Io anor pic in bil be aashb. ia playing.ah- aics-aerYin a pze ogeLiylbo cen pnices t tvh Ibis ksof vork. Béé bFiueasy il is b. ishazké, anela whatoul a vendes-foi iu l e ta undhi@ Tiah past eom o-vju aro and ittlimedrknliaI xiib bve au.rlie 15 o-aided elades b in lipinSth u er Causeyolut.he rigt apeopaing IfmYUg l vhe elatn sug, amit. adwý y someîiingabout "Ii vaîchieu yaWâichs alaaning" * n a"unWhp "pezepn , hv -awas len nIttin st tauhe ugot!" --o aâr'e' "Atre i, I e., ien ae ighlpnon cfà- j1r Seci»n lefIaon 1 is c acité,a lernsit int o! Pep.kndicular lebteo The-orc vacrateg" acantl exaahly;. ooe of have t takit aýpaul; orné iiirs îAb oundasudekn" eanitirnah. iii *o 'nSpan vaýjttch la sg ee a iong ith idyoesulev or C<b5 bale aS-ols~.' orakinfai n allaed b reerpour ngiS limais s if Ihal Pae alano jak athéw ot puphodysa piesenctoe, anS haido lict soluly aI night liaI y auton. Centaýre puth il labinxl oam eo ' - hon eu gelta s- o e aaen Atdeîhaibe cand .Ii Theinarta awopa cou ae se achumalitein anS ase-freS liaI - - un o vlaa ii' cL nsdmi<l ho bas golb ne to-mes-nov, bol liaI le ile c. akriit att t.regulabe lie lino and, ft e , agoing ail r. ll ;"seou ire Il farn aotelienwee<, fnal ou ré the bruant llnue.lper >againlala - ' Mr baud, anS nov caomes lb.edmotou- 'Il wil beho Ielve dea-O'm. rvaîlve dollarsa i Wbp, vat in won. r mités il cost go lunci 2" !ien camas the vatehrnakeu'u oppo.- lit7. Sriligmasos-t of pitying saule '0 or ignorane, -ho proceds te, Z ain ahlié !llovlag ineid muner -Tbocula of! li napning vas )ken, sud thelfem ewîcrok. 80 litiéstheubourand uerbal. 06 1.11 serasthe flp-vb.ol and, iàp- IOfflihuern n ahbo th <uedjust.- -aPsing. Tien Ihadtpinsngw 1 fie do wu the Ocüts.umoromont-- ere it mûrs avenîthe upper ro o<b.h tOn, YoU1unmw Tibýen' o ileS lie uwlarers, anS b * hed 'the-aoercu ugu, and ebeaned lnu on bntlreiu hoylde- anSthe Wh le o! the Véxcnin bIe. n'Iee andt mot il the cntnt, fîieUlý9 tme. canton, vbich appeau ho hAiS mno1r ivomenla5' thaï a locomnotivo, mc- urdiDgtoi e vabohl'ertg descep- 1, oiýup»aplâolvelve &lul ste. tepuice usn't double th- Ounnl. Wbt"iiexahanga makg, "a e h ses o! drunhenn es ?" Wel, va u'î wur for aSU 0f thieni,but wve bolirv. e.> causes a gre&týdea1 of it. r, 8 rcsolataly satko -vil ,As out'M largola drunk sa auy. g vNo now o1 slliongh a juaLolÃ"us lnm u o varlios drinks vllae a. o rntterù if a man f'li LS b Mien James Boavel boit Dr. !olm, t. bis fatber'g boum i e L a lnS, i Auohilft ermarkéd <bat iJernie brout auodd kind of a chiel ivi Sd lnmlnary o! ans- bomlsphr- 0 a cônateilallon, es., " Utiaoet Great Beu,-1 suppose,-' said the' iu selS nov IlaI Prinace Biusniark tu to'mais-yKing4&Iyjbonof pi2 10 Prlaooea Vicooia o ofEa iL"t Oo -94 -

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