Whitby Chronicle, 6 Sep 1877, p. 2

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TRE ILINCOLN ELm the disappearance cf oubpS -ed LincOC eleèty tlo ion ca MutinY has;been aa completion Of the Gri, Am»T TO BLOW Aàfouddà«àr&Y attem- &Y luight to blo, fou'ndry, at cobci Was on-, hij gone UP stAirè an exi Wlùoh bléiW the end oi but dîd nothurt the -j î Which evidently as dastaraly act'-as the thrown loosel, bitwet TIÏO'fo=dry ésugbt fi, eere extinguisbod by though mot until au 1 beeù.given ahd the fir but. Moticeg 0 Bi and Dealhg chàrgd 5ý DEATI DAvIsox.-,&t-,Wl &lina Berdis, infant as Davisons âged-G month SAD.LER.!ýÀt -Éis rî il, the 6th concessiol onfflat 23rd, 1877 Aged 69 yeam. STARR--.At Whitby c Mr. Ilutton Stair, ,, D ' was au Old a ent of - Whitby, 1 reo ted bY RU who, kne MAI plour, per brl....- F&Il ýprin« whest ........ Duleyp ..... Ï.- ..... .................... Oats ... ................. CUM2 .... -Ray potatoe,5 .... .Um ................... Butter.. , » ' - * * * 7 * * - *** '- -* ........ 2 W ood .............. ..... w ool., ...... 1 ........... Ifeef hind qrarter ........ ý?Ëeef: fore quarter ........ Sheepskini, .... ......... Pork, ............ ajugwo au àuxeuz,-À' 1 j i w44 ment et tel, Oc The Fan of An interestir failing of , , Savoy, causing ing Vikages. liai the CUM'er d, The plienomenc Il as inst effect onze is tbat of twenty days, i, Out dismember Ming, * ht an belo*, !Ki it, 8tuDe,_extingel tant thunder, aý hozizon with a t dust. "The enti the s'ope forma Motres brond in, 'base «he'Rlope b this iscoMposei close together, 1 and it is unitei Incuntain ouly b, or.50 metres twC! Sured and 131hake, C)OC]lr la8tiýfp onlj zninute at ont; recommences, .., bours. Bloch of- COme %laced traverse thé 1 w' in thirtY seconds Metregat a tîn*, ed to pieces in th, or launeh théir into th Opposite 919an pries as thistles., One su( qtrike -a - fine the brid Letwel trece, %vas not rim tbrown, but was . iiRÏ-L-), trunk and ed du the air liki Itocks are huirled f into fragments thai the Valley like swal then follow gh- OWe and one 1 s0und of thousandg PaEs-- M .. Berard r, the rock (2,460 met the aides or the " tur-a a]-ng it, Gîtai the .8terriryine Ida co.victic menon îS inexplical neual re-asons tllàt 1 lli&&Urb-ances, suce Water, or zneItingo strata in motion ?nC Of the alope explaii, is that some-gegi 1 1 1 01 wbieh t,4e-COMITPý, liquely to the- ami, and n'Most paraliel TRE Pliiiadelpllia, - GUS Lansing, suppoi Ing Charlie ROSE Ani W&S met by ýÈ0 li dopot. The bby eloý ýicLure or chàr1le Bo o,ýer his eye. Mr. Ji the - boy yeti btit says hie son's. 00 . . le' " . ' . _r .. -- rý. 004, obounaw M 1116 41ok 2,l40 ai' the Town lui], "JUS roooption At Unanime Long, ])eV. ýmàïd Goal &ock-Uwuý,&,Pow dàî Berwick, Windsor, Truro, ul John The cies, of lait meeting réagi! and &P. the n6rtb"1ý .,Ymmýto Reni-B. Rowall, "doqd«ry, et. John, &c., was of the Trank cira th# t evnlng wIth ntant to h 1 1 __ ilo of aie, fouowîngàý;ê ware Mora 0 "cicotinartyjgtndo and ilis addnoug sud gaz; prov = b türibg âme. weri leu bek tu' him grevions Wily hm=, Thë àizlbed' Piernie and Conviuoing né ta ,-,ttme aor»:Fàir--Rty Toronbo: dddisabng*Àheeoplo of the lalge im. prieoner Was arraigned and tried-before WMàm Abbott, marchant, - ý = la, the report of. page th 0 Offl eV@ ovil thé Committée on TOwùý. PXO lor iwh re Ë#égiieblé Fairbanks. &dons iph là utàompulonojoumals Mn honor Judge Burnham on Tuelday douce ta the affect that ho loft brongh. oommendàýr ment ai the The P&Îisàiaislý 'raedj go fùdtiotriouigly obriven ta fojrig.,. «Myý J Ir.* ebondry Btpék for S&U-J, ]K. acn*nt morning and sentancod ta six menthe ' Tïrnovf4 te. orouto, At à quarter Of -h us Mèh - AU Ai 80 »Ys th t r r. 0. 0) 1 ton, #141.7. nopo 4ut Me, le Strattord àoaSn. âkhArd labour in the Con" prison. O'clock, Ou th$ idght 01 the adopted. I reg»jý Gludhu" Parm and other property BÙt this litri CitiiJui làM thore W&A thon -à HÉht Ablord- light fmquiativ lir. J. E. Farewell, Connty Ciowù At. in M&JO7 OWX. riàdeida 1 10r SAU-Batate John Dowo J'roves a bift guide, wu have it, la Place, and th" ho MW oome __ àw Blow th Curo'of Brm&àitio- POM terney prosecuted. 0130 standhig jet Dr. FarriWo gable, introduom a law, divilà. ovon"f ha h" cléir0d the -pu#, would 00 'con foldepudent, riuble-authority On the The cau piemablad 80mo novl Coorge Pho he&rdanlu log the town Intel five poikg, «ib-divi. bave, gdQtléiý opot thitinet«d of ' siong for p'àrlfazi2entii7 -fi bains au Ovation or 'Mpliestea ýdofiwý. ýý > chant A% réaturgeoi; Mr. c4awell Wou a paulien. rad at Brougham on the night th 'la &Dy vray fwtorfng Io 28th ; oad - on Major ta ,,a wehat jt POUiug Jub-divWm No. ipurpose4'- thé hio popliety g« with bila prisouer on the oveming thst part O,ý the ail *M hava týýëimr AUCTION $Ariza. au ne flOM theïrP 'tion 7Zký important > piret Minister, Mr. McXýeUXW0 sa eau %vu* wigneu wu in boa Whou ho of Duhdan At Pap« sale of villuable 17arm ont seing Il Th"&&$ CM op. board the no and West et Brook atfflt4; No, 2, au 192 gant' Thré houri laid Main se ; wont ta bed lot ton north of Dandau otreet, @ub of Brook- MOPOudente of a war car. loot, Millic scres, boing lot N'o, 5, in, thé 899 PO@ftfioats, ception in the Maritime provinces Wou ýthe passagé dividing them. faute$ te eloien c'elock, the noise bain the London -TùneîhâVý about thirt cou- 01 Pickering, on Tuesdav,> a gravious disappointEunt, and ici, at N-- 8, -11 the Centre Ward west of See»dto-ýIrt isjlnmla > AIl Je tue 18111 Tho primeur, who appeand to be andoi botween eleven And twalye ; Brook, stroet quiet ai t a 1 ad of thGiý Of BOPt. 1877,-tho roporty 01 the lut$ ai, what ha expect-ed, and PUYUS, t 0 Baumu fortes net Gao. Dey-L. Place«, sulils msoufst, W in nome the inffùÀno4 01 Hquar and oléépin 9*t up, gaw,â ligbt nt ma by bemv 99 Wu - joies, and wia ut .1 Brook »tract ;,Nu, 5, the ; No. 'il &Il the Contre "O'ug gafficiOnt for au attack. Recontly bo those VI hors the Gov. momed bY the oménotor to show. bii Aoked kWor to go with mm, ta -1 0" South wua. the reinforcoments to S.Ivi bo oppose sai of Parm Stock, Implami t bava ln* such a lâvàh .. à - whst Dolie wu abouti major utî. &0., arnoec cket, ho appeare to bc put- The by-law wait raid ý'the - neilessary the Turks neo«oitst,«l the avacuation up ý and w. the Pr 81 of Mi.. Joseph Remblaye Ptuditure 01 publî ont si went with witaug,'Bnd uw'tbo two awa" of paiï;ï - lof &au" hy 18,0W Boum Iléon 4npai MOUVI whst the Wtli disturblédi using bad lauguqe'40 and, bouide.>,*e fonce., ýýa=eê ma ninas, Who On Ibbl>eQ. la the Obth Con. of soât Premier bid aright to expooL Witnm, would Woll MY, thot It, was A» wàir&' =#"a nt Corsibla to combine' with the or estâte h WbitlW, on Thurolbyp Sept ôtâ, 1877, thotuande ýware -Wi»» the Official. The oonductor passea on. 'the - IAmit3ý l'q -L. Fairbanks Auoticaper, ..,Pýcbad 40 sive hi 86motwency minute; &Niwwdo, Mo. twenbY minutes put 4 eleven )£ri ffàuum broniht ln jhe Os-- ]Pààhs win bc on. Udéficir low huadred people m Iciock. ý ý - 1 1 ert of the COMMut« OU sixth ra. dongered, Am Pleýha wM ba throstenad bohalf tend ouly Culiongh roused himielf tipi, put bis samuoi wabb's toutimmy ivent ta ators recommendin - . Pire and bomi the reor. I Avait ilýy.j iarma)ootocofk'i mitpoorbea ar;nght atýdhopa' bum@cl O'ngg-&nd- thora wu nOiellOr 81P band into &;hip pooket in bis glab=ent of the The Aetio newo lm oonoioftg. The ." MY si gon lot No. 10,-Broken of glad 40,0m» nor enthnglutlo do. thora wu a . Patte, show -that, bheý Oddf#UOW$ OOMMMO#d A000114t Of Jao. Blow .01 rel p - -08. Baport Turks élaini *et Malikoff lu rotreslfing, know yoni Front Plcï8rlýg, bu Thimday, Sept. 119ah, ý and a port and cloging ab ton minntes ta alften, and adoptea. but the'B" u gay ho je gdvgnaigi. of other Pr IDIÙ, 1877-L, Fairbanks Auctioneer. MOUstration ýt0 obeer him on bis Way. Caldwell 1 thât the loage Wou dismissea about OUTTING 'ralonze. The BU'UiÏng, however, admit thaï tlià Our ý féllow, Sale 01 parmi 14rSf ào's on pridayo Ello arrivil 1ýéq rogaraea with indiffer, the ah folt a ' stingin« O@ràât4on *Oro» aleven O'c1Oalý and that James 90910 Mr. DeverM secondo& by Turke.oiptuiecltlio:,hiightg oilLiznti. Riagdom, sa t, 14th l87!ýýO ho once, and with the excgpgion of ths few Pa Oulacro; The car Wall fa" of he te rèmàtU nome Minutes SfWrw'aidu 'brought up a r' Mr, Long, 1 e althongh thé at4mpt to t= the M n 24, in t soeugerop and thora was an immedi. to -put OP the regalis. ouclationo recommending Ëc eau. Pkkaring-L. Fairbanks, Government hangars-on Who husaod abc rush ta get out of the way 01 furth. payment of-sq bu JJ30. Macdonqu' foi ýunel4u leit'wâo ý0pnl»d.,' The enÈà - geuerous, à Aucuonger. BObOrt J0108ton owore thaï; ha saw outting bhiotles la the contre ward. monte 911, go- would rend about him-much te hi Burke-at Broufham on the night Of the sud. 28ili., show RIO ci thrae -The members Of the COUDoil objocted to bhat the Turfu are operating on Bussisa made 61 on OWD &Iànoy. or misolàf' on ezam'ost'on 't was 27th Julyr an that Burke asid ha had earth thst ùoelo of land, the anco, If the truth bc tala the raception the resolution, As the acSant obould bc grqP"d. If th 0 ýerty, of thofate Jolin Dow, on met 1 wjth from thé fow bundred 'People f0und thst the bail passed, acrooo CAld, stopped at UoPbqpWnts the night be. 0 Bugulu Advence eau 90updAY,' Oct- lot., 1877, si Rav's well'O bock outering atone shoulder of fore, and that witnou Psid frOm tho Contre Word anDropri. be stoppea for a film, week» it @ras for qf the VeOPý hotel, town 01 Whi who dia put in appgar&noo Wall cela hie co&t and and Burke went ation, The resolution. wag W earawn, thé year. in want. P, lý tby, ab tw3 o1ci0à, p6oeing out et thé' other, to woofflâge . y 1 1 bs#e ai .-L. r, àtirbatà., Auctionuer. and chaulons la the extreme. That Barkelis wordtobeto 'Woiltlonweg'sng a& - The coramittee to whom petitions, TRIO BATME ON TB% &ON* prose The Itsviug a okli-Nuand torons the back. wore- &0., Lad ben ,,forrd ta at the lest nt sui n2eetIngý Addressod by hîm wëro fail, Rio Bocage wu MIMUlois. ',you are gain& te thireub for mopher. meeting, aaked lor A correspondent with the Turklah of woodsto SAUS 1 ores and'& bitter foretaité of tue«Ii. Thé 4 they P further time ta AUCTION 8000, 1 stayed thora lut night an arf7 talogmpbo a description of Thun. Ilkeyioe sui 0" Irae- Arrombud bY à dOtudyO on tOld me go." Burke woreï a straw bat. or, day a 2ýb»tîlé. ý1 larly Ji the morning - Tho Cdil Wall Pr Dg popularity of the Governmont. la &U13011 &dJdiurnèd ai a quarter past 'ftbaji - Paoli&' advacmd froin Adakoi, iated, *th-iotîqro -bill will at. board the train ; ohlèl Suâtable B Mri. Àun Underhill, testifieil that tract attentfolï, and ýwilI bc likoly ta ý,Prinoo E4ward loland nt the promeut Was tole,7rapLOa for 17an Whou Burke -graine to théir bouge on aine. né John ýO bring, down the tb»e brigaaeo4,two further"polw Attract Purebâters, Tu£ almoxici.8 tîme, publie illentimatit la unanimons in handéV26 ai Friday, nocui ha gala, in »ply bol ber oquadi-ono.,.Of the Whitby Station; the husbandi thst lis came from Mophher. countyjýdges crim" court, OaÏ44,,'aýd ýa bripde or, Offille 14 JUst thé plume ai whioh to 8 condamnation of Mr. ad. prioonorw,4 ét remoyedtried and mont. sono. ildant2y. ta &Màüd ti miniatration. 90 etrongly fa this the Mahomet AU and Prince ilsimau , tolik tiou ci cane ouoh bille printai, &nd Il jeu W ut enced Within twenty-four bourg mu Bobert Underbill reposted his otite. sept, 4t1s. Postillon On a high bill north of Béal. John, ta roi à au thai of the'$'% »?rO»ntàtivOi sont above narrate Begina V8. Art lInmeus4e-orowa prenant ta bide put ' a. MaCullnugh,,# own ment before the coroner. This classa Osboi-ne.-Thé prhonerl k0y. The Bugmý,batterles bobina bumingosi au Advertisoment iii the payer, It by the Island to ý4 Dominion Paras. amonnt of bitumait in thst ho waa ré. the cm foi thé crown. wu armigned for obtaining au Order Sadana opemed firë nt ninq 0,0100k. lion thergof, Pays te Odverti" in Tai CanoxioLu ment, gve Are outand out opposition. turning home &OUI oatwo" ,.to Gien. Fer the doience, Mr. Smith canea- for Payaient front the Coua,ý, Judgo, BoMil entered thO barning village Of and replach for le ranches- ail clause of ro&d#ro, 1 iota, and 9110 Bizth, Although bis course gany, whera bis Ellen McPherson (Fistor of the pris. an" payment on @nid order 0 $4 from Sadans by 11:80, The rotresting ans. by thsý lire, NO parents roulas ; *si filer John MoPherson) sala 1 remuai- the county tressurer, 60 j crown wit. dans, bot prouod, made à vigorous etreett, to a, palper pripteil in the couaty apprcsoh@e id net goemphttically pronouwed, eau lie vrai borti la canada and bad beau berthe night of the 26th July ; Wall nous, upon f" prêtenoés. Re pissa. stand at Vaisseau. Sabitpà" crsatý sessoro of Ti kilt the larga circulation of ,Vvu ne long« be-regarded as à supporter of two year@.sw&%y in the Statouo sud that dieu suffering from ingamtaa r& Tus tien of the @a Dot gtWtY, Md th* trial Wou, fixed 641 a diversion 4y attacking-liddarkoL tazablo the gentlemen lu power At ()tt,%Wa, se ta the obooting, it W04 &ltbéother lm aye and was lKing on a louage in the for Tuesday nezt. The BuffAiAns tlien turned a ý battM on and te, provi And wu are further assured, that giving occident ; thsb kitohen. My rotber John came in a the advanoing Turks and z . biau bis revolver hâla félien bw minutes before eïeven te -Desth of M. Thiers. but they opeand 0, monte, and l Miniaterialiste Halifax, (Whieh je givîuj; down botwoeu the lining of bis pente hot niqht ; - loft of' the but ta the ri t ana potroleum lem woond up thà elock botween à quarter village. -The engagement articles. with the bOlleflé of a strong doubt) and tbat it want offwhflg ho wu ohift.. and twenty minute The d0sth of «-Proside homme gaulerai, extending fifteen mnes. ie#ronetlt 8 past ton ; board ut Thiers, the town a, Neva ScOtia would net ratura more Ing it in Order ta lie down more ai hie bim came in ; the clock &truck eleven one of the foremoot mon in France for Tho beavy and Continued fire of the calamity hm thon fivo Goverument OUPPOrters ware -esse on the geat, sud ho admi alter lie came in. Bo broucht nome nearly hâlf 6-conturY, Io annonnoed. dkirmishers vu hoard along the ridges faith in the 1 ONLY si JO PE'R ANNUM. an eloction to lake place. to.morrow. bled thât grocories from the storo &ad laid thom He died ouddeuly, on eunasy, At St. from Bâgolien ta Sadam. By four Itg Inhýïitsl1 bobadbeais drinkfng. Frighbouad At Onthokitchen table. Wituess gotup Germ4ic. M. Thiers was born et Unir. Karuoan Wols in dames, thé laussiano No, à1r. Boawn, Mr. MOROuzie got , prising of th Whltby, Thlinsday, Sq' t. CI, -1877. no ovarion hi the Maritîme wkst hâd beau donc, lie gays, ha te get a drink of water ; want to hèr oeillex in 1797, and won therofore in gave way, and the Turks redoubled the thié la shoer provinces. throw the Pisto, ont of -the window. brother's room te Boa il Le hua got a bis 80th year, Re wrote the 4Ristory enargy of the attack. At-dve the tiens aire4d. fipoli lotter for ber, searched hie pocket te Of the French Revolution," and aloo enomy scampered out of 11aldarkoi, tien, and IJ. tioal peties Withont distinction" The ball was found bensath Jýq COnâetvalive Demonstration at whit- dia net iltinite in extondi Boat. sec ; lie was then in boàý with somer. the "History of the Conoulate and the and horses trottod up to take the galle distant day i lig ta bila a- His honor la soutencing the risoner vill (the prisoner.) Got no letter. Empire.,, out et the bAtt The Turkloh bat- deatractible by, right cordial weloomo.,, Solf.rrjopeeting Z' _077- Conservatives ceuld not decently do 00 cOmInODWI uPOn the dangero prao. Wituesa fizeil the night because Plie tory fired as the gans were taken off, more imposi tice of carrying lire arme '1ýthA bail afterwarde board what happen d DzATn op BRIGnAx Youzio.-Brig. and 0 0 9= was struok: with the lut and comme, The 01 Sonth fromtho tact that the Premiercame contrfiry ta -law about Mrs. Bennett, and go came shell. "The Turks cheered and daobea and ibg peopl, Ontario enti)unc - re tboir intention ta do Bo in this country# think it was the night John was at(t) ublatIn RYOOUDIegavdeigeaseon Weanegasy 29th through the blazmg village, and Of 'uuanget tlem on a Polt'OAI rai68iOD, and dwolt strongly-upon the venteon wives and Y fortunésand enormity Brougham. Hor brothey brought Over sixty cbüdren, with a boat of moyè ta the loft te PAPASLoi, The B aws a grand pic-nio cathorjug nt Wnil the wrong-doings Of tbe Govern. Of firing a loadod revolver in boulé no grocaries Mince. Itemembers remota descendants ta mourn bis logg. CAMPB hastilY cleared ont L'861611 ýV1)1LbYî On Mouday, l7th lust. North ment hava beau go monsbrous as te barn carfuil of people. a railway the next morning ; the b wero -uD Rio fanerai took eovering the re two gong bave reforred place, nt Doon last 1 treat. The Turks and able- that th, ODbQrIO and West Durham win aime former friende into the repetted the before five o'clock ta w001l, SundRY nt the Mormon Tabernacle, nt FjgyPt'sng st'l' scamPOrâd Over the agriculture & Poin in the -damonotration, which je ex. sont oppononts. The po ý t bitter$$' Of Pro- Psicial Position la whîch the Young vin waa raking up barley; ber bro- Salt Lake City. it la expectea th& ground in fine style. The Rusoi&no bad to bc an sÎtion in which Man hall placed himoeif, no doubt esug. the" wera now in full rêtrest in every direc. the month of Pocted-to bc tlle largeat Of the kind Mr. Mackenzie icund himoelf ,do r took the borsesout, and brought the question of succesxion wili Ouly be aver belli In Vils or the neighbourin the Boa" wu wn by ad bY Oither stupidity or excitemont thom ici st brenkfus . Thora are two sottled at the Church Conference in tien, and by sunset the Turks hall ad for angthe ý 9 me 'or 00muJiBOOratlOn. from drink, ana hapeci that nt the ex. outrance gates, both are sometimeil October. proved, for the second' time t ouly te the . clwbl colinties. Sir Julia A. Macdonala wili Everywhore therO wils-tha evidence of pi us0d. Saw nothing of Burke about the capable of meeting -the Ituu v no ration of là torm in the Central pris. ians in thp duties, havini bu prosont on the occasion sud recoive ch' place next morning; bave net soen Bronchitië. open, but aise of drivinfr tilleul from your desire ta auged OPiniOus and wholesale doser. on, wbre lie would have time toreflect him there lately at &Il 1 did notssee etrongly entrenchea positions. In ton 't'l'ttljre8O, atla illvitafions have Leen tien Of su'Prorters. Ira muet hav MY The addresl eXtolidetl ta thé ether proullnent go . 0 fait uPon hie ovil courses, ho would came bruther take him ont any breakfast. From John Flagg, Esq., of Bonning- doyo the Bussions bave logt th 1 Ou& a botter member of soc Crosé-examined by Mr. Farewell, ton, N. H. ficent double positions of Loin and Kara Ksy, of- Char tl(ý,rilon of t'ho Party whoso Dames ap. ýV4o Io me; wae Io luy beartll- - culloughis a tail iety. Me. Attorney. How late were yon .' Thrse ycars since I was very much Lem- It à lm Ossible tO tell the force Plewwelaug, j follow ci about 20 Conut night 2 11 7 on thA louage reducoét with a dreadful cough. which the R ssinnO ad engaged, nor can pear on the programme. Most, if Dot was MUCII More likolY the burien of Yeais of algo, and UP tbayt A3 u e IL11 of 1 ara à stables thst bis people and dia net sloop much that ai^rybt ; it resuited in Bronéhitio, aflocting me Bo their losses yet te eatimated. They Funeral thela wl" dOubtt@d$ bc Promeut. Mr. Mackenzie's rOfrain on hie rat liv n'car Alexandrin, iffleuggrry. would be twà O'clock before J gle severaly as ta render it difficiflt ta are PrObftblY notheavy, except atouind Mr, XSJOOU, thO mouiller for Terre. te the capital than any jubilation over - any. It wasa prettywarm ovell* Pt opeak in au auglible voice, Ta tlli8 vols Raraasan. THE DIRECTIOi ýth0 Province Of QUabec§ bis trip eastward. T,14yxsorviNG Dày.-Prom the fiatis. Before Iying down élo8e4 the (1010139.r; added severo night aweats, and I was illE BATTLE OP KARASASSINKoy. ýliarus with Mr. Langevin the leader. OPened the door while oitting on the tearful of going into a decliro. After The uumbered three thons. D - factory replies received train the ]Pro- atoop for some timo, when 1 got UP tO recourse to Varicýg ren)edies to no pur. A Salt ùke ahip ci the Consorvative parby-in that Presurnptions in Favor of an Zarly micro of the Baverai Provinces thora is Province, Ho Io One 1 get the water. %Veà out and in several 0909 1 made use of DR.R WISTAB'S and, protected by rifle pits, and h&d ter, oral of Brighai of the foroujogt Dissolution. accordance e now "ttIO dOubt thut rDhuz9daY. Nov- times, alter rny brother got home. guns- At 18ast twentY-thonund Turks la illuil in the Roinsa of Co Bat ALSAX OP WMD CHERRY, a few bottles advanced to the attack, who- at firet dons given by Minons, and ember 22ud, will bc protiaimed a dey ont therc; hall or threc quaeers of au of whicli fally restored me ta heaith. were scattered by the Ruggi&ng, and thi, ANTÉ-XC 010(illont speaker, la Eugli&ll as woll The Itioli Canadiau,- disoussing the of goueral thankogiving. heur. Left the door open after coming since that time i ]lave lied e8verAl attempt ta crops the valley of the Loin He desired, 'tg in bis nativû tangue. Ha ropre. Probable carlY dissolution Of P,,Iia- in the riret time. My fatber and James gevere attacks of congh, but th.% BALsAw waE, apprrgently abandoned. Suddeuly clean andkept Rnlltd thO conuty, and rosides, wo be. tuent, and ail affllât te the country, A L,&Rap, DAY's TiiansiErNol-ýir Somerville wArc the ouly allier pergons bas always remOvad thOm- I AlwaYs the Turks appoitrefi on ail sidet., and that thé cýlbn in the lionse that night; my mothgr keep it -by me lieft, la the littie town, whore the warns itil ruaders that the present luil iB James Shophard, threulied for Mr. Geo. angt aboula net know after a hot tire of ten millutest occupied canopy toýý gi r1lornber fur solitli Ontario wak; born. Ominous of action, Ta fllew that the Laing, one day last week eight hundred w3d net ab haine. Rad no light burn. how ta do without it.11 file ppsition hala by the Russ* bis betihno; able i ing Whou my brotber came borne ; Sold by all The *ondd were carried t ad ; lie Mr. Mftsiion't, -prose nce is-althýugh prostimptions. favor bila conclusion of ftnd:flfty bualiels of Barley, and two net light one afterwards; dia net speak druggistq. . Oýtb8 rearl dressed lu llis récontest beforo the winter, linnared-bualiels of oats, lu nine houri. ta bira when i went into bis room and acon a Russian retreat was una. females of bis "liq Party, féaltY la Undoubte(I-more Dur Con- voidablf, Who eau boat it 2 don't know how ho was dressed. Am Ontario Rifle Association. 1.' At two o'clock a pause came wear st hie Iùý OutýQfPûrRonélI compliment ta M,. tOMI)OI-arY Citee the following conqider- agira I wont ta the right pockets of hie in the fiýing, ana the laussians were re- - Gibbs on the pre8ont occasion than atfous : The matelle inforeedi After two houri' obstinate they bave it, i ATTEMPTED RAPE.-A Man nanied clothes ta get the letter. The clothes urday witil a were concladed on Sat- flglitiug; crape ; that t 111 auY ilestre un hie part ta atteu Thirty oda luýý_ e n tho floor, picked lip the coat, Russians suddenly reLreat. a mbor8 of Parliament Albert Davey le now in Lindsay jail, ' re 0 ad beforel the overwholming, 8inging and ani a POlitical demonstration in the pro. holding thoir Scats by the title under it was on the end of the boa. Tbere THE BMALL-BORF - MATCH. numbers, charged with committing an indecent w rnaking a stand at the vIllags of Kara- de&ed ta êPen "vince of Ontario. But, sud wo are tallit, the facto in such case will, we , as liglit enongli for me ta sec the The prize winners at the 80o and hassankoy, whici, at ai% otelock wal, in ut liberty to do way roasonably expect, bc- placej at 0189au otbe6. One gate only la used oral _ carried Du abiel it ana attempting rape on a Young Ci n. 900 yards ranges were as follows flames. The Thirteenth Corps came glad or it, the POOPI, Of this Section alleu 'a the fOrm 01 speoifio proof. girl named Alice Timmins, of 0 arily for 9, toam or buggy-that gate Lieut..Adam, Hamilton, 64. 0 un over the bills, and took a reserve posi. ]'or Of the Priv 4)1 P « fronts ou the concessio lino, the other B. R. Reene, New York, 63. tion in readiness for the threatened the bill es8t of t Ahü COtlutiY Will have au ppr- Pctitions to Parliament, Or memOrials The prisoner le a marriea man witl, a gate orens into the orchard. Dia net posited. in té ci kluity of -judging; ýaa- fornainif an to the Governor Generai, sustained by family. J. Magon, Hamilton, 6"). confliot in the morning. It la oetiuiat. opinion of the mannek of Mankuown laffldsy'tB WaY 118 cOuntell on in refer- l'car My brotLer drive in, beard him W. M. Farrow, New York, 62. ed that the odds against the Russians with èlabo and E Ai the gre 'once ta cach of the Parlianientary job- STREET CORNER LoAFzN(i says the 901ne 11P the stops. Snpposed ho came Lt-Col. Gibson, Hamilton, 61. were Pix ta one. The Russiau Jose wa and thora ho dg 1 . ut, Ultraniontane champion bers ; and if this Parliament meet, wili. In bY the usual Rate that niLtht. Dnn'f. - INIr. Pattie. Metrûnn1,f.,,ý ém ih. - - - - . . - - - j-, - . . - - - - 1 aiâte - -_ ---- ý jvguuovt Montreal now if a diente, ?peu Contre y es ta Monjou ; corýbaday; li nhaviD,."l 8vacnated BruekOuOmOuPRiealdch'bYwht!]Olhe bteamvOPIbOesO'nfoluaDiddatic lie solfiob Grabb AÇOID ýXTF.-Uro, Jas. Il. Gerrie, 'vas solution in ta take nia liot The Encaped Convert Girl- n"is The insurrection in the in- bc occasion and pnbIJc/AffAir8ý by t Oris, ke jooVdllrely hart, lut Monday aiter un «. matters in th IVa - place. ior, a sot say na ta Sunday ; don't remerriber as ter lx thouRht dangerous lie tul ýiss beau suppressed, and Orson ý1ydO close( now ruling the 'Colititrx.. % ta Friày or Baturday luights. Dont The search for the youngr and unfor- a région have once more procession thch foi noon, by a horse bolonging ta Mr. Will- know whether Sornerville was in these tanate Boîsten girl Who escaped lialf- An 111-used 1rishman. as1surned thoir, normal condition, the cemetery, hi cox. In gotting ont of the buggy, Mes. niglita ; was net positive, think lie was. clad and by nigLt from a Sorel couvent, 4,OW persans bain Toronto& Ottawn Railway.,, some strange adventures Gerrie's foot got entangled in ithe reine The Stratforil Times, dilatiug on the Mrs. Major guve avidence in carrob- bas ievealed DRowNpi).-On Weduescloy last, Mr. uncovered heads. -At a public meeting -heid nt ouawa and alle was thrown under the fect of 0 of ber husband at the througli Which she lu ber delirium paso. wrongs of rrofessor O'Donôghue, Sivas . ration of that cd :-Chief %Vellbrenner was net long Robert Ben8on, Who lived At Indian the grave wero brié an ta MePherson lesving- their Point, went acroso BaIsain Lake ta the & hYmu and PraYOI laqt- weak, à résolution Was adopted the IlOrGO, Whieh plunging, kicked lier expression tothe tollowing sentiments 1pnIaqouélrtIt a quarter past ton, and that, in Icarning that au English woman, Somierville elligre ta get bis brother-in- 13RIGHAM'a ettlling on the 0itý connoil ta oubinit a on the forellead. The sains horse, which do crédit ta the basa, and bout as far as abc coula sec, lie went alone. Irellnly clad, had been seen voyaging 1 Mr. Robert Masan, ta come and stood by the grave Ly-laýV, for $200,000 ta thé râtepayers, while Misa Willcox was driving in the of the miter The cou woo furtlier oalv à stick for a paddle. SÉe asked belp him At saine work, and juit as it on the arm. of A adjournea tO upon the river in a frail canoa, baviug aw, te Aia the constriletion of tlio'râflway. moming bocatue restive and frightened Below we publiait a letter from, Pro. 19aturd6y mOrning. for.«antl obtained-fond ; thewpushed ber r was gotting dusk the two men loft fo The spectators wE No doubt in exprossed of its carrying. _. the young lady who injurod ber ankle feosor W. B. O'Donoghue, au innocent Saturday, Sept. lot. toqlioli craft ont into the etream, and the Point.. There being a high wind nt the tomb, after whi, in jumping from the buggy. Irishman ta whom the Dominion Gov- Before the saine magistrates the ficateil away Queboewards. The aver. the time the laits was ver;r rough, and 80aled- Anothe r Change In the Cabinet--id. ernment in their bigotry and diabouesty, further bearing of the case Wu ' thoy liait net Sono much. more thon Fatal B: re âge lèronch Oanftdian habitant is pro. bnH,,àinge when the canoe, which was Cauchon ,Elcvated.pi VALUABLE PROPERTYFOR SALE.-The bavorefusedtogrant au amnesty for aumed. foundly convinced - that whatever in oibirchbarkupset, and bath of them splendid Glendheu farm and promises, rtioipation in the troubles in the Mr. Burke, marchent, At Brougham, béat, or, at lout, izood enough, and were thrown into the lake ; but, they A STEAU TIMEi The Oitawa' Correspondent of the the prope itptha *West, although all the other was examined and testified ta the therefore lit is net surprising that durmig got bold of the canne and commenced WREC rty of the late John Dow, Esq., rabais have been granitait a full pardon. purohase of groceries at bis store on the poor girl'a croise she wu eyery" ta propel it in the best wày they coula Mail niâtes tbat Mr. Cauchon bon- in-offered for sale, and aise aeveral other There is net the olîghtést excuse for the night of the 20th July, by John where received amicably, fed, and sent A frightful emploi becný appàluted tîeut-GoyornOr te lots of valuable lands, belonging ta the making au outlaw of Mr. O'Donoghne, MoPherson. upon lier y withont, apparently, a towards the shore they liait sa lâtely Manito , ba to oucceed Lient-Governor estate, as will bc deen by announoement otber than that lie is au Irish Catholie, On the Magistrates retiring ta cou- oupporitionw'lbeing entertained that it exertions, srrived within #fty roda of it, Peteroville, audsori loft. Raving, after long continned fr'ghtfal résulta ta 1 Morris. Mr. Laurier wili bc oftergil in 0 and tbat bis large landed estâtes in aider their decision-Mr. Phillips de- was ont of the common for a pretty and others, occifrred on the vacant portfolio. - ther columns.7 Manitoba have been taken possession clined ta take part in rend -ring judg- dèlieste girl of seventean ta go half clad Bengon who was anexcellent swimmer, John Nichole, 2nd c e said they were etting along tooslowly BOOTS.tND SHOES FOR TRE FALL.- of by certain Grit politicians, whose ment, leaving the case in the bande paddling avez the face of the Dominion 1 0 minoter, Saturday a SP,£CIMÀN'fi ROYAL STAR CO only chance for holaing themeelves in of Dr. Gunn and Mr. Willcox Who with a stick. A fisbormau of Mukin- ta sait 'tin au that lie Would wlin Mr. Morden bail jus UWNA- Large arrivais at the establishments of keeping this unfortunate man ont of diernissed the case againtzt Somerville, ange, whom the detectilve let go of the canas and struck holdly t'r"h' g machn' ôverbauIedý th, mot of the way. go accordingly n TiObi.-During the paet week, a great the Domiiiion-banialiing him, frolm bis and Who was accordingly ilisoliarged told thst ho had seau ,ber painfully . boiler suddenly - ci trest bas bec Mr. Burns and Mr. Sauûders. Piret home and friends-branding him as a froui custody, making ber way down Stream, 60 ex- ont, but had not Sans very fer when, complété wreck of a ri furnIlhed Our ther-tre- clano work at bath places and At the goins citizous, at IKOI)kiuo Il murderer, and making him an outlaw hausted and drowey thât at eveiy stroke bon' eama cause that will, bc never At the moment of all- Mr.- lowest living cash prices. $ t kuown, ho salait ta, " no more. Spackman'a nopal Star Combinatioa although bc bas never beau chargea in Seed %ivheat. abc well-nigh fell over in the canas, bu Morden and bis b !4ýr for Our courts with committing any crime, it did net occurio Iiim ta interfère or When ho loft the canon it turned oAér nartsorn, and thrae troupe playing thora during the week. COMRTT's Pot .-Applicafiona nor is there the alightest evideDce that MEETING OF FAIIMERS AT OSEAWA. auquire. A little below Maskionge two or three times with Masan, who, Murray, Clarke, and The troupe played Weil, Miss Sophie eutrance to,. those beautifril pic-nio ho bas ever serionply violated the law hey fonud the canon drawn up-ou thé howeve, managea ta rotain hie hold of ing the tbreshor, and Miles, "the atnr," WiGning goltlen opin. gronnas Will in future have ta bc made of the land. We do net wish ta curry A meeting of farmelra ta consider the t it, and hie brother Alfred, Who from shore, and following the balf-naked tained aurions injur Richard Snow. Mr favôur with any creed or clacas for the subject of whcat e.owing Was hala at the house, which wre near - the shore, both le Ions in everY Part, and -boing weli eue. ta the lcâêee, Mr saké of securing votes for our political Oshawh On Snturdýay. I& was attendèd girl'a trail along the highway from cither saw him or baud hie mes, e4me brokon, the taine Montreal ta Three Bivers, rejovered shattered ta fragmoi a by Mr. Stimbiock and ifi Saow will supply all roquisitee. [Seo by the represontive farmcra &%na millers hor at Rivier down and helped him Co land. Banian, si friends, but if there is an Irialiý2an in a du Loup. She was mis- aloo broken, and ho Neville. The troupe jutend ré adver iseniont.] the broad Dominion who will support of Darliagion and Whitby Townships. frably clad, v base body wae farina about 8 o'clock - - roàulting iù M turning liast Whit vearing only au old black W sra of jumo to Whitby' ih a ahort time And we bc. by' VrfLe a leàves a widow and oue child Il the prosent Governmont after tboir cou. Mr. Lieli, Beeve of 1 rkirt, a pair of coarse alices, a tattered nert mornipg, was apput ?à yei olock Mur ope* thom the good lionne, Whi DoxàION NVtniiwoxs. - Masan. duct in this matter, we eau culy say in the chair. The opinion was genc.ral- bat, a niglit gown, and a tom shawl seol ta ti h CIL thoir La ly expr;,roril that Fife wheat. as -a Fmed bereft-of thpir natural protector.-Feit- 'rang acting !0 yvell deserves. weà and POWCIL advise arrivals of the Irish character bu sunk lower thau had become exhanstea in tbis section wrapped nroand ber aboulderg. Elbe $Ion Falls Gazette. torn train him, but ........... ............. falletock and inviwýân inspection of that of any other nationality. We of the country, the farmen coinoiding was Weil uigh famirlied, suit in a la- broken. Ile, wae se shall do all in our humble power ta as- ritable stat(y of nervous prostration, Ilartson wag scalded, AT 011. 900d'a. sist Mr. O'Donoghue in aininff bis with the millers in this opinion. The me DANGER IN TIM MOUTII. - Many 200DZ KàLL.-Mr, John Me disonsqionçras net concluded, and the people while usivg a land pencil in tent, principally abc rights and vindièatiug hitnself before TuE WAiits , fualeza 0.&sE-Tim 1 chest and and face. luccéesfally passed, the exai2jý&tion et, ""Il.-Mr. J. g. B, -vaut, B. A., bis fallow-countrymen, and in doing se mfeting was adjourned until Priday. Verdict.-Tbe inquest on the body of wifting have a habit of pubticer Sb(" in front of the 'eng emati,,' for this it ie net necosaary that we aboula be M J Smith, of Wales, Who Was f whose injuries Were a the 17tà inst., when it will assemble in lu in thoir. menthe aftier writing D#Jioode l'a", :te£ Attorney and Pold'Modalist in Mat4 or a entholle. It * the gains plau. A large varièty or ri* ohn Words, under the impreseion, par year in Toronto University gt.4 for etther un Iriahman le Unite 1 bot whils aïdeep iu ber bAd on the nature. Large partie 3"Tiebor. Mr. MOGIIIivray etood a fearfal thiriR ta thick that in this free âraità, , both of Canada a.d hapo, that lit mokas the chirograrby Borne time, à pupil and teacher 1. 'ho ýs 28ril inst., was brought ta a close on look plainer and blacker. It is Weli, te tÉàtt wore tbrown inÎ6 tbq acchd 1ný the Attorneys emamination Whitby Righ SýbOO!, lias beeý a ý * the next mertitg a larger exhibit is ex- et ta such persona that êvery time countrv a Government have longuet! grawth, was exhibitea, and at ýafurdâýv. The jury returned the follow- yonng men namefl menu si ý list of ýtwenty candidates. >cd Assistant Manier in the cliutýn ý ý,*oted thom in despoi!4g thq home of pectea. they touch the peicg ta theïr touguee 0 2tou a ,sted cru !Il î 1Oïý ppoint- ohemeilves With a clique of robbers, and inir verdict :-"That Maria Lewis, wife flugge ne on the forebead, a ý t ýM&J ii# whoWoourse bas beau -very crédit. Uigh SchoôL qe- a - * g ' - - 1, of John 8mitfi,ý41iJ eorne ta hfr death tbAy serousty end ngeri'theïr hoalth. the hip. Their injurii ,bleibo'hàving lnvaràbly pa@sedtbéý be , Dd Sir in î; el ,man, Sud ri frote on Thuraday the 23rd day of Aùfflt, a of a edm#-arativoly rdâl 11wl" t au ond.,, BoTil Ris La NE an , 4 1 M, of son' Caspishavecoeured wbera the systent _yè -0. 1877, from thé effect of a pistol abat 'Me,,Onee wu'ýAIM bas b"D fin badly poienneil that Pamy- beau à uîè only 9,ýyeè ma fi at the banda of ber biLsb»d, Johw have resulted front; - milk", about sixt Odd Cum""J' Of ed à on the morning of the oisme ais and death prao hm-*-oo 7 =Pl@$@ stock -fyerY- of hio, bàrný W" go -the fipkulon Wibl due y yean* t do" on bawylesivé. ýTb8 111=911 . M nR sud confined in the WMÉAlez Riân" wUë'ý17 Ma VIS] douce in before ly amorteds as to the future oftlie trada; oiàuýee"4 Who re them with llie,,- prodicted most amafol iémIto. the etatoinent thst eleýyfliing W&J go- ýThoiê views 1l'irlyroprosentAbeý,toiior ing well. It was also understood tbat of. Informaition, froin dzy géode mon. , -notice would ho given te thera if th, 'Several whýoleàale ýgrqcer# of higb Turkish advanee aboula prove etron, standing gave thoir exponouce that the enough to force a retreat on the Itus. tenaency of values dowü*àrd which etano. As séon às the obella begau to haïl 00ourred in soveral of the leadin howl throngh the istreete there Wu à linos 01 their departnients boa Curtailei oeat movement in retreat of Bulpr- thoir prgflto considerably this year, but ians, with thoir families and go0sý 1 thst tbelosses frein faiiurei are nothw The, Russians, however, drove theut ing comýired te what they weri lut back ineo tic City st the point of the Jear, And1hât lfýthe amouub of blàineu bayonét igniniind again, not"ehcogi,, transacto'd up te the 1 pros . ont did net te be enimmbeýed in retrest by gueh more thau equal thst of thé proviens tous. Only forty minutes befors th, seasen the chances were that; the clos. Turkiab ékfi=fsheri5 entered the etreet, ing of the fall tride of 1810- *oùld fer wore t_40 Rueilfan sentinels removea, no excoed that of its prodecessor, bath in tbat the Bulg4riano oàuld>' leave, -the ment of bu m'es@ and gopterAl prosperW -torwa. Ilenensuedafe&rM&tanipede of the. trade. of the frightened crown. '.1 an ý the - - conversationg with'th*o ather ma. and AU the folly of the proviens vos chante wers excoeilingl encoiraging, made the collapse £rom hope te terror and conclusivaly provoil ýt At à de" d more complote, The -mm Of il Si Y= Improvement in the trade as nov an waggots with men,_ýwomen, ana éfi]U acenmpUshod fact ; thst an exoeis of rois; choksa the n&rrowý pan which -business over last ysarla transactions lëado&ëm- Eàki $sgbra n«th te the bad been experienced, whieh was Con. Raeianlik-YaUey and thon the Térkish ducted upon saler pricolplez ; thât col. ortfilery, ineranUâ the élevation of it, lections wore improving, ordersliwreà& Rungo andi firing over du town with ing, and the outlook of traits generally desdlyaccamy, dropped Its obells jute vez cheeri the writhlàg Mous lu the,ýpas8., The ext in Orter came the' tale which, Bulq" g volunteors, who -were fight.- boat and ohoe manufacturera bail to Ing in Une outoide, had - orders 1 te de: - tell, and they wore net one whis bahind ând the town, and never rueiveil au their lesther confrores in the glowing instructions te ' desist. , Bo they - feý and hopeful tonor of the communica. back upon the town, fighting and eon-ý tions. The;Lfodud thoit moire depend. finued otubbonfly te light inUe atreeto once Coula placed upon the strictly inflicting serions loue; on the, îýz7 conomative business which retail man, çavance, recoiving and "king no op. wore enerally pursaing, and thaï; goods portunity te squender. wore eaving their stores with the con- As the Turkish troops approscheil fideît feeling that they would ho paid the City' the ý Moslem inïabitante began for, whieh was naying a grest deal to issue forth from their 4ulm« Places. more thau they Coula et this time Sut They hardly panaçd, however, tg. Iz greet the trozO Who had delWered them. In, The bankers strongly endorseil AU fact, ho re the troops h" fairly, enter that bu been advanced respecting à ed the pIue the X0810M Cifizens aecided turn of the tide of commercial brought ont axes and begm to bn&k affaire toward botter and more prosper. - in the deors of ail Bulgàrisn bouses. )us timeo, They> " gave it te ho New wu the opporkinity ta saqfy inderatood that they likewise would the covetiffl of yen». New was the ;con bave au important voice in the time te revel in j4ches of the prend old natter, that theïr wares . were nt ý lut pst ricians. Thora was no order to_ ,eg' ing to, ho vendable, and that legs lèonad. It wu _ as, if - the un or- cko which were et ipreoent superflu. standing wu géneral by an intuition. Ss would in all probabilitv ho con. 3u4MÉans had played, thoir hsha iiderably roduced bv the time people and lost, and the instant this W&S evi. tad got through thoir Wl trading.- dent the Moolema had--their turu.- It T took hardly ton minutes te break into Fatal Fire in New York. q thadla for t e loors oý 100 - bouses. A rush wu ýhe residences of theriebest«' Ilale'i; large piano &cbory ou westi ýabébsbwhich were clesred ont before "irly-fitth street, New York, was en. the rit la undertook: the system. l y d..troyed by fire on Mo ' nflay atic, spoliatif'n of overy .-bouse iorning. A man jumped from tho that followed. Thora wu a continuono fût etory window and was killed. Ton ana rapid fire of mus1cetry on 811 ersons perished. The fismes extend. aver the city at the saine limine Ite 1 to the eonth side of tho street, de. Turks pay that -t4o Bulgarians &ed -roying Connolly's lÎarrel fhotory, Gra. from. bouses and Ichurches, npon the ýw sud Coâ riJk fûtory, and geveral troops. There are' no Bulgarians left ffles adjoining on the south; Aise te tell their aide of the storv. ý An Bul- ralker a charcoal factory, north of men Beemed to bc killeil à sight, as if hirty-fifth sireet; a-block of frame by arraugemnnt. Women and children >uses on TeutIt-aveune', botween Thir. were as a general thing. But -:flfti, ana Thirty-e.xtli streets. the h= Pillage, and the £;!ýg'and TheýEvcning Telegram'8 report of the ehricks and the Aficuis continua o :Ers at Bale's piano factory says :_ all night, and great diptricts of the City 1 band were at work wlien the fire weré burning, as if -all the borrors ware brted, and a large nuLnber must be not enough. At dayligbt Sulientan )re or less injurcd. Two bodies have PaAha ordored ali Noslema and Jewoi6- en recovered. The wiveti and fami. whom the Turks protect aft if they B of the workmen an aobbing and were thoir own people-to leave- the Iling about the ruine now. Thpre-is places aince bis contemplated opera. pope that a single 'Vestige of the tions dia net inolude suy such thingns Jre block bounded Ly Thirty-fin the defence of Eski Sagbra. - Bo the 1 Thirty-eizth streets and Tenth and Turks Icaded up their loot and their wenth avenues will be loft. The wornen and children ou waggons, and zol-house on Thirty-fifth etreet je went to the Debrest railway statiov'f riolitihed, and the tenement bouses followécl by what seemed, an endle6s four sides of the block Are in ruina. train of Bulgarian women and childfen 3 parks fired the Gospel Tout on who bail lost AIE. These coula ses, in ýrý-fourth street, and it wu con. the Turkish waggons gonds stolon from 3eà. - their homes, but they'might not, dan 'ho factory was au eiglit-etory bnild- uk for them_. ti ski Saghra wu left te , and theflames sprend wlth extra. the llu*o, and in its streetsand in the inary rapidity. The firemen Coula surrounding villages the' rattle of rifles bâbly have preventeil the flames were constant for 'three or four dayo. . in but for the icadequatewater Thora seemed te be a _purpôse -to kill Pl - efore noon the fire was under every Bulgarian male over ton Y(lars of ý 1, although etill bui;iiný, fiercely. age. The fair city, set on a hili, used lowest estimated losa je 0a million. to look out over a plain-which teamed rumours of legs of life are conflict. with a busy pouantry !ný-fsrtiJc field1ï, Edward Packmaeter je fatally in- Now _. from the searèd and bliiitersd bill, d by jumping from a winaow, and you look over the plain, sud its forty, other4 are ileriously hurt. eue villages rire blackened * ash-henps, foul tan died during the fire, but wheth. froin the band of death. 1 fittempting te escape froin the ling or Ircm, excitein e*nt je not - The MaCs apecial correspondent at ýd. It is believed thst ftoui twe ty Ottawa, under date of the 4th just., értY workmen porishod in Ithe gays *, Ominionq rumors are in.cirews. > factory, but this is more supposi. tion to-daY with reforenéïé tô a tbreâtm There is no doubt that from clied general aloction.- Thora are aux- ty-11ve te thirty girls employed in 0119 facoE in the- varions Departments. yper stories of ILaIels factory p9r. and Ministero are *a tl evi en y in trepid> tien. Mr. Cauchon bu Feen settled with. for the time beini, And gces short. KA or VouxTAm, by Dr. Burney IY to Manitoba, but the moit serions shOuld SeU of itsolf a round thons- diM- OultY is more "midoumnter rjad. Df the 'Portniyhtly Review,' !Or ' neiss On the Part of Mr. Blake. Ile et, for 1.9 not this the very question bas brO 01, out in Another direction. GING IN jAjjý on the 6Y attacked a Heleva morning ' p-,irýtg"of25"' h 5th inst, tbe pri8oner McDonald y jen wbile Campea. AU escap- 1 the Other six lubes towhich ed butëoin.e. man, namd ghively, was 8012tenced. The moitary oic,%toi ýaptr d gr Mud GeýserI and is bela a and this W&B much more se. by tbern aff a guide. Hio Comygde, tu hat usod au the -firat;acoag- piiamied Harrison, was k'üled. Many d the Cries Of the unbappy ;pectort; M r0aming througli the were most pitifal. The punloh. and arer in great danger.- 0ývever' bati hsd à go FýII8 le en od effect tertaineil for about thirty M60ner, Who DOW reauzes the minora at Clarks Smolting Works. Y Of " tran8Rressions and ex- INTXRMFTAýIOX op determinat;O Tm n to pend bis TREAM-Judge Jackson, of covingtau, ,[le rays the punishmént sever'e KY-9 lu trYiDg the Caso of Hawes, the 18 nothing in romparison with defaufting Trc-asurer of thst City, who iliation it briliza.. His teýý of hftd ben extradited from, Can'ada oq the ment in the irtil expired on charge Of of forgery, and acquitteil, de- and it la Cxprcu ýd that hewiU cideil thst -the Iprisoner could not be rernovecl to tile, Central Prison tilerl on an additional charge ci embez- will 6 ond the remainder of zleluen ý dieýliargEd and L. 8pf CQ in lâte sentence. given tti but ýmustý be iný6 tà returu té -,Canada. De posi. Commented-arvérely on the Améri- LEGED.-The man Quion who eau IntPrpretation Of the ]Kltrâdition »d enudemned. the attitude of F beien on trial at.Montre;l for tTbreeIIUITýited' States diplomatie Offleijis èr, of Hackétt, was dbelj&riïed, 1, the Wiilolo'w, catie. Th prisoner "ce Dot beiüg enficient to wàr. started finniediately for Caneda. nviction. a Tiap, Co"Tiva Tai»,ý.-Tl,. C ... da ýx-PargrDUNT OF 1U. S.-Gen Gairette ! - Containa an annonuceinent that aprosenteti with thtfreedo .. ameùdMAotrfiipectiu« the Coast- of Edinburgh. UIR trade ' - of cans'es will comp into IIIIERY Coxuluwrr.-Tho evi. WLCt oü the 15tb ù" ampport of the Britigh c8ae Q'IPen Victoria's maidA of hovor re-

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